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Annual Rept of Tests & Experiments for 850301-860301
Person / Time
Site: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Issue date: 03/17/1986
From: Harris D, Wicks F
NUDOCS 8603310023
Download: ML20154R490 (1)


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Department of Nuclear Engineering kd

__J Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York 12180 3590 i

March 17, 1986 f

1 Director Division of Reactor Licensing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20545 RE: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Facility License CX-22 Docket 50-225 Annual Report of Tests and Experiments

Dear Ste:

This report of tests and experiments is submitted in accordance with Title 10 of the code of Federal Regulations, Part 50.59, for the period March l

1, 1985 to March 1, 1986.

l l

The fuel plates used comprised a core' loading of 152 MTR tyoe flat


stationary plates and 24 MTR type flat control rod plates.

One stationary l

plate is stored in the fuel vault. All of the fuel plates are leased by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-76ER03457.

Through periods January 1985 to May 1985, and July 1985 to August 1985, the facility was used to conduct a graduate level course on reactor experiments for classes of eight and four RPI students, respectively. Eight RPI students are enrolled in this course.

The reactor is also used for one and two week programs for nuclear utility engineers and a total of 20 individuals from Northeast Utilities, Niagara Mohawk, Texas Utilities, Pennsylvania Power and Light, Power Authority State of New York, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee and Beaver Valley participated during the year.

Routine scheduled maintenance was performed iii June, January, and February. The experiments, operations, and topics covered in association with the use of the facility remain the same as described in previous reports.

All activities and experiments were conducted in accordance with License CX-22.

Sincerely, h u 9r A f..b Dr. Frank Wicks, Supervisor Dr. Donald R. Harris, Director RPI Critical Experiments Facility RPI Critical Experiments Facility L. David Walthousen Laboratory L. David Walthousen Laboratory C/ R.T. Lahey, Jr.

870 R.E. Scammell s603310023 e60317 sJ 'M PDR ADOCK 05000225 R