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Requests Four Extra Copies of Any INPO Ser,Soer & Special Rept for Distribution to Members at Official Duty Stations. Michelson Requests to Backfit 1 Yr Worth of INPO Repts
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/14/1985
From: Fraley R
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
To: Heltemes C
Shared Package
ML20154J166 List:
ACRS-2339, NUDOCS 8603100503
Download: ML20154J191 (1)


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March 14, 1985 N

MEMORANDUM FOR: C. J. Heltemes, Director

Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data FROM: Raymond F. Fraley, Executive Director Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards


DISTRIBUTION OF INPO REPORTS TO ACRS Some Committee members are having difficulty finding the time to review the set of INPO documents maintained at the ACRS office and four members of the Committee have requested that they be provided a set at their official duty station. I would like to receive four extra copies of INPO SERs, 50ERs, and Special Reports to be distributed to these members. We will continue to keep one copy of these reports on file at the ACRS office for use by the other members. The sets provided to the member requestors will be handled in a manner consistent with the INPO-NRC agreements for protecting these documents. In addition Mr.

Michelson would like to be "backfit" for one year's worth of these INPO reports.

I would appreciate you sending the Canmittee five copies of INPO SERs, SOERs, and Special Reports, instead of the current single copy. We will then make the necessary distribution for those members who would like to receive these documents. Thank you for your help in this matter, cc: ACRS Members:

C. Michelson D. Okrent D. Ward C. Wylie e

G B603100503 850910 PDR ACRS 2339 PDR ATTACHMENT F

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s . May 13,1985 s

The Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino Chairran U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Dr. Palladino:


NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES STUDY OF HUMAN FACTORS RESEARCH NEEDS IN NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH During its 301st meeting, May 9-11, 1985, the Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards discussed a proposal from the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to conduct a study on human factors research needs in nuclear regulatory research. The study, under auspices of the National Research Council's Comission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, would cost 5132,300 and be carried out over an eighteen-month period. The proposal is described in the attached letter from Phillip M. Snith of the National Academy of Sciences to William Forehand of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, dated April 15, 1985. We under-stand that there has not yet been a decision within the NRC to proceed with the proposed study.

The ACRS believes there is a clear need for human factors research and has previously expressed support for an NRC-sponsored program. In particular, in our recent report to the Congress, we disagreed strongly with the proposal to discontinue NRC research in this vital area after FY 1985. We recognize that technical and institutional problems have hindered the Staff in developing a viable research program. But, while there has not always been agreement on the orientation of past NRC human factors research, there is general igreement that problems in human performance are a major contributor to risk from nuclear power plants.

We believe the field of human factors engineering can make an important contribution to development of effective measures to reduce this risk.

However, research to interface this emerging field of technology with the issues of nuclear power is needed now to fully develop the potential benefits in the near term. An effective discussion of the types of research that can be useful is given in a publication of the National Academy Press, 1983, "Research Needs for Human Factors." We commend it to you as background information.

Given the need for human factors research for improvements in nuclear power safety, but recognizing the institutional difficulties inherent in initiating an effective program in an unfamiliar-field, we believe the proposed NAS study can be effective in bridging the gap by providing

- valuable expert guidance. Therefore, we not only recommend that the WWYN / f* ATTACHMENT H

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Honorable Nunzio J. Palladino May 13,1985 Commission accept the proposal and make available the necessary re-sources, but recomend that it also request an acceleration of the study schedule to makb s

the results available to the NRC Staff for planning an FY-87 program. .


. Qa.

David A. Ward Chairman


Letter from Philip M. Smith, National Academy of Sciences, to Mr. William Forehand, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research dated 4/15/85 enclosing NAS Proposal No.85-182 for a Study of Human Factors Research Needs in Nuclear Regulatory Research 9 -

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