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Forwards 1987 Annual Drill & Exercise Rept.Rept Covers All NUREG-0654,Section N Required Drills,As Well as Annual Graded Exercise
Person / Time
Site: Rancho Seco
Issue date: 03/03/1988
From: Croley B
To: Fish R
RTR-NUREG-0654, RTR-NUREG-654 AGM-TA-88-067, AGM-TA-88-67, NUDOCS 8805180214
Download: ML20154C536 (47)



4.M -

4 ksuun n9Fo SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT D P. O. Box 15830, Sacramento CE0' 8'd1830, (916) 452 3211 5

AN ELECTRIC SYSTEM SERVING THE HEART F CAllFORb'lA MAR 031938 M 'J.3 -h 'A @ 2l' AGM/TA 88-067 Ray Fish, Chief Emergency Preparedness Section Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region V 1450 Maria Lane Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 DOCKET N0. 50-312 RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION LICENSE NO. DPR-54 1987 ANNUAL DRILL AND EXERCISE REPORT

Dear Mr. Fish:

I have attached a copy of the 1987 Annual Drill and Exercise Report. This report covers all NUREG 0654, Section N required drills, as well as the Annual Graded Exercise.

Please contact me if you have any questions. Members of your staff who require additional information or clarification may contact Jim Price at extension 4889.

Sincerely, B. G. Croley, Act Mg ,

Assistant General Manager, Technical and Administrative Services


1987 Annual Drill and Exercise Report l

l 6


ff es 8805180214 880303 PDR ADOCK 05000312 R DCD RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION O 1444o Twin Cities Road, Herald CA 95638-9799;(209) 333 2935 m ~ - -


. A O



May 7 Semi-annual HP Drill -

21 Annual Medical Drill  !

June 16 UDAC Drill August 6 TSC Mini Drill 18 Control Room Mini Drill '

t 25 Control Room Mini Drill t

Sept 11 EBS Warmup Drill  !

16 4

EBS Drill (FEMA evaluated) 29 Control Room Mini Drill Oct 6 TSC Mini Drill i i

Control Hoom Mini Drill '

8 EOF Mini Drill 13 TSC Mini Drill l Control Room Mini Drill I i 14 i UDAC Drill E0F Mini Drill -

16 Dress Rehearsal 1 1

20 TSC Mini Drill

, 21 $0F Mini Drill l 27 TSC Mini Drill Control Room Mini Drill 28 E0F Mini Drill '

30 Dress Rehearsal 2 ,

Nov 3 TSC/ EOF. Mini Drill l

4 Annual' Exercise Dec l 16 Annual Radiological Drill .

Dec 19 Annual Fire Drill l

,, 9 4

ATTACHMENT 2 G0AL ACHIEVEMENTS - 1987 DRILLS AND EXERCISES DRILL / EXERCISE ACTIVITY: HP Drill OBJECTIVES SATISFIED: All DEFICIENCICS: None DRILL / EXERCISE ACTIVITY: Annual Medical Drill OBJECTIVES SATISFIED: See EP 87-0730 DEFICIENCIES: Onsite medical response inadequate, a remedial drill was recommended and subsequently conducted during the first 1987 Dress Rehearsal.

DRILL / EXERCISE ACTIVITY: Emergency Broadcast System Warmup Drill






DRILL / EXERCISE. ACTIVITY: Dress Rehearsals ( I and 2)






( 1987 - OPEN ITEMS SOURCE: HP Drill (May 7. 19871 Observation: Drill preparatibn inadequate.

Recommendation: Include in Drills and Exercise Manual-implementation schedules and required approvals for all drills.

Resolution: Emere acy Preparedness to complete the Drills and Exercise Manual by March 15, 1988. (HP-87-1)

Observation: Minimize drill impact on Operations.

Recommendation: Add a precaution in the in Drills and Exercise Manual to include Plant and Operations Management in planning for all drills which may impact the Control Room or Operati,ns personnel. Include Drill Schedule in Plant Schedule.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to complete above recommendation by March 15, 1988. (HP-87-2)

Provide EP Dill schedule input to Plant Scheduling group by February 1, 1988. (HP 3)

Observation: The Drill scenario was weak, did not provide sufficient data and too much simulation wss usea including lack of available lines with I Controllers playing roles on appropriate phones.

Recommendation: Take steps to provide all needed data, l minimize simulation and nave knowledgeable '

controllers on phones. j Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to develop scenarios and drill packages in accordance with the revised drill / exercise manual . Manual to be completed by March 15, 1988.


Observation: UDAC/TSC ringdown did not work.

Recommendation: Repair the

( UDAC/TSC failure rate of this phone.

ringdown and . track l




( Resolution: Emergency surveillance Preparedness to establish for phone checks and maintain a

records of deficiencies so patterns can be identified. Include in Surveillance EPIP by April 15, 1988 *(HP'87-5)

Information Management Services has repaired the UDAC/TSC ringdown and operation was demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This portion of the item is closed.

Observation: Communications did not ine oe "This L a drill" Recommendation: Emphasize use of "This i' s Drill" Resolution: Include in Player Train; g Lesson Plans, and in the Drill / Exercise nnual by March 15, 1988. (HP-87-6)

. Observation: RAC/ Staff had a problem ce ' i 1

c. .i t type. There is a need for mo.c


( Inelude accident appropriate EPIPs.

identification Emphasize accident identification in ERO in Training.

Include accident identification in UDAC Training Lesson Plans.

Resolution: Hands on Dose assessment training will occur quarterly through the Mini Drill Program.

(HP-87-7) 8y April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to review accident identification in EPIP 5450 and 5460, revise procedures as required. (HP-87-8)

Emphasize accident identification in RAC/ Staff Training following above EPIP rev.


Include accident identification in UDAC Training 1.esson Plans by June 1, 1988. (HP-87-10)

Observation: Field .Toams need smaller, plastic covered route / area maps.

Recommendation: After the field monitoring maps are updated reduced

( provide versions, plastic, in the offsite monitoring kits.

covered with l



Communicators during turnover. '

J (HP-87-23)

Observation: Emergency Locker equipment.for the T&R OSC is difficult to move to the OSC area.

Recommendation: Evaluate using a movable container / locker or move the current Emergency Locker into the i

OSC area.

Resolution: By February 1, 1988 Emergency Preparedness to evaluate the use of a movable container / locker or move the current i Emergency Locker into the OSC area. (HP  :


(  !

t Observation: Someone from the Mechanical Group needs to be incorporated into scenario development to ,

providt more realism for repair teams and physical plant conditions, d

Recommendation: Form a Drills Group with expartise 4 in the areas of: Operations; EP; RP; Chemistry; Fire Protection; Computer Systems and Software; Security; and, Plant Maintenance.

Resolution: By February 1, 1988, hold first meeting of the Scenario Review Group. (HP-87-25)

By March 15, 1988, incorporate a Drills and Exercise Group Charter into the Drills and

! Exercise Manual. (HP-87-26) i


( SOURCE: Annual Medical Drill (May 21. 1987),

The Medical Drill was conducted prior to formalizing critique data; therefore, the following recommendations are not associated with Gbservations. See EP 87-0730 for details on the following recommendations.

Upgrade the first aid / medical kits.

Resolution: By January 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to upgrade the first aid / medical kits. (MD-87-1) r n

Recommendation: Ensure that at least one person trained in advanced first aid or better (sic) be on site at all times.

Resolution: This item has been closed by the NRC.

1 Recommendation: Evaluate the need for and, if required, provide additional portable radios for use by medical and/or Security personnel. 1 j

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to

'. evaluate Medical and/or Security- needs for  ;

portable' radios, j (MD-87-2)

I Recommendation: Change procedures for drill planning to assure .that locations are free from drill congestion. l t

Resolution: By .May 1, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to incorporate a note regarding use of drill locations that are free of congestion in the t Drills and Exercise Manual. (HD-87-3) i l

t Recommendation: Improve medical evaluation forms... to evaluate drill play.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness and Sa fety . to incorporate "Evaluation Criteria" i forms (MD-87-4) into the Drills and Exercise Manual.

b 1

4 4


( Recommendation: Instruct onsite Security personnel to permit all onsite and offsite medical personnel leaving Rancho Seco with injured individuals to keep their personal dosimetry.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness, Rad Protection, and Security to evaluate methods to allow medical personnel to leave the site with personnel dosimetry. (MD-87-5) i Recommendation: Train RP Techs in the use of tags for contaminated injured individuals.

Resolution: This recommendation to be an objective of a quarterly Medical Drill to be conducted during 1988. (MD-87-6) 1 Recommendation: Adopt the REAC-TS methodology of instruction for training personnel to handle radiological medical emergencies.  :

Resolution: By Janua ry 0 28, 1988, Emergency Preparedness and Safety are to meet to evaluate the adoption of the

( methodology of 1

REAC-TS i instruction for training personnel to handle radiological medical emergencies and provide a plan of action. This activity should be coordinated with the Nuclear Training .

i Department. (MD-87-7)

Recommendation: Offsite medical personnel should leave the outermost layer of plastic gloves (if worn) with RP personnel at Rancho Seco.

Resolution: By . March 1, 1988, Rad Protection (RP) to a

review current Rad Protection procedures to dets mine if offsite medical personnel should leave 'he outermost layer of plastic gloves (if worn). Provide report to EP by March 15, 1988.


Recommendation: Replace the outdated Sutter General Hospital map in the District Emergency Plan with a new one. .

Resolution: By January 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to replace the outdated Sutter General

( Hospital map in the District Emergency Plan with a new one. (HD-87 9)

  • i i, l

,.. 3 J



( Recommendation: Correct eliminate the onsite telephone routing and system line-availability to problems.

5 Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Plant Telephone to I evaluate system how to "Correct the onsite telephone -

to eliminate routing and line-availability problems." and provide EP with a plan of action. (MD-87-10) '

Recommendation: Utilize the Scenario Review Group for all future NUREG 0654, Section N drills and Exercises.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to i

incorporate the use of the SRG for future drills and Exercises into the Drill and Exercise Manual. (MD-87-ll)


Train the Emergency Team to brief the arriving offsite emergency medical personnel on the medical and radiological status of the ,

injured individuals.

L Resolution:

( This itemthe during is closed based on actions observed remedial medical drill October 16, 1987. held i f

Recommendation: Onsite Security should assign a guard with a two-way portable radio to accompany arriving offsite emergency medical crew. each 1 i

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Security to evaluate the assignment of a guard with a two-way portable radio to accompany each arriving offsite emergency medical crew. (MD-87-12) '

Recommendation: )

The TSC should have the next highest priority i after the Control Room on the plant page.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Plant Telephone evaluate to i

having the TSC being given next priority af ter the Control Room for the page.

i (MD-87-13) 1 i

Recommendation: Coordinate the color of material used by SMUD

( and the two offsite radiological hospitals emergency to control the spread contamination. of l I

1 I

--- --- . - , . _ - . - - - - - - _ , - - - - - . ,. ., ,-.--_,,nn, n .r - ,.

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 10 f Resolution: By February 15, 1988 Emergency Preparedness to coordinate this recommendation between the District and the two Hospitals and provide a completion date. (HD-87-14)

Recommendation: Schedule all drills through the plant scheduling group to assure that any impact is 4

evaluated and considered.

Resolution: By March 1, 1988, add the requirement to the Drill and Exercise Manual to use the plant schedule for drills and exercises. (MD-87-15)

Recommendation: At Sutter General Hospital:

Erect a poster in the Emergency Room outlining the ~ proper steps to dress up and dress out of Anti-Contamination clothing.

] ,

Train Emergency Room personnel on


dressing up and dressing out of Anti- ,

Contamination clothing on a quarterly basis.

(' Recommendation: At UCD Medical Center: '

Ensure Step-off pads face inward from the clean area such that ,

readable by personnel emerging text from a is 1

contaminated area.

Train Emergency Room personnel on dressing up and dressing out of Anti-Contamination clothing on an

, annual basis.

Instruct the hospital trauma team to l meet Life Flight at the helipad.

Resolution: By February 15, 1987, EP to provide a plan of action to address this recommendations. (MD-87-16)

See EP 87-0730 for Drill Manual suggestions.


4 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 11 C SOURCE: Emeroency Broadcast System Warmuo Drill (Seotember 11.


Observation: With SMUD Security not participating, badging of emergency responders was confused and took too long.

Recommendation: For times when Security does not play have a Controller provide badges to ERO members at the entrance to the E0F.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988 Emergency Preparedness to add this recommendation to the Drills and Exercise Manual.


Observation: The Public Address System has excessive feedback.

Recommendation: Repair or replace the system.

Resolution: The Public Address System was worked on and operated satisfactorily during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: There were not enough chairs in the EOF.

Recommendation: Procure 20 additional chairs and place in the EOF.

Resolution: The additional chairs were procured and were in place for use during the 1987 Exercise. Annual This item is closed.

Observation: Assignment problems existed with who was responsible for changing the Emergency Action Level (EAL) boards.

Recommendation: Assign responsibility for changing all EAL boards in the E0F to the Plant Status Clerk. ,

1 Resolution: I By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate EPIPs to clearly assign responsibility to the Plant {

Status Clerk for changing the EAL status boards. (EBS-WU-87-2) b e

..- o ATTACHMENT 3 Page 12 i

( Observation: There were insufficient Emergency Manager Recorder.

runners and no Recommendation: Assign additional runners and an Emergency >

Manager Recorder for the September 16, 1987 '


Resolution: Additional runners and an Emergency Manager Recorders was assigned to respond during the  ;

September 16, 1987, EBS Drill. This item is 1 closed.

Observation: There is some confusion as to who (Utility or  !

Counties) is responsible for releasing hard i data on radiological conditions to the media.

Recommendation: Determine who is responsible for releasing hard data on radiological conditions to the media.

Resolution: During a Tri-County Planning meeting it was determined that the utility is responsible for releasing hard data on radiological conditions to the media. This item is ,

{ closed.

Observation: County Decision Makers were unable to conference the initial EOF briefings because i batteries in some of the communication '

equipment were dead.

Recommendation: Add all emergency response equipment that use batteries to the surveillance program to insure periodic change out of the batteries.  :

Resolution: Identify battery powered equipment and add i this information to the Surveillance program by April 15, 1988.


Observation: Several emergency responders were unfamiliar with the communication equipment.

Recommendation: Resolve for 1987 drills.


Resolution: Communications training was provided all ERO Members during the Mini-Drill conducted

( during October, 1987. The effectiveness of this training was demonstrated during 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.


.l f


( Observation: Problems with the telecopy equipment slowed information transfer between facilities.

Recommendation: The equipment manufacturer should provide a representative to be in the E0F to resolve telecopy problems during the September 16, 1987 EBS drill.

y Resolution: Additional training was provided to the ,

Telecopy Operators and the effectiveness of this training was demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: Some participants were unable to hear what was being said at the EOF briefing.

Recommendation: A microphone system should be installed in the E0F conference room.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to procure a portable microphone system for use in the EOF Briefing room. (EBS-WU-87-4)

Observation: The County Decision Makers

( understand the were unable information being verbally to communicated to them due to the complexity of some of that information.

Recommendation: Provide County Decision Makers with hard copy '

of the Emergency Manger's initial statement on plant status, a black and white schematic of the plant with appropriate references, a map showing wind direction and a UDAC briefing form detailing appropriate plume information.

Resolution: This recommendation was completed


and demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed.

Observation: There is no plant schematic in 1

the E0F I conference room to aid briefing participants I to visually understand what is taking place to the various plant systems as it relates to the emergency. s

' i Recommendation: Provide a plant schematic in the E0F 1

1 7 conference room, l

, ( j

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 14 Resolution: A plant schematic has been place in the EOF C conference room. The schematic was used during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: News releases take one hour to get out of the E0F and over to the ENC. .

Recommendation: Provide the Nuclear Public Information Coordinator with a word processor to enable faster processing of information.

Resolution: A Toshiba T-1100 was procured for use by the Nuclear Public Information Coordinator. Use of the word processor was demoristrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: Sacramento County has insufficient in-baskets to sort information.

Recommendation: Supply each County with 4 high in-baskets for sorting information as it is received.

( Resolution: The in-baskets were procured and placed into the county work areas. Use of these basket's were demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: Amador and Sacramento Counties received multiple copies of the same telecopy as well as multiple copies of their telecopies.

outgoing Recommendation: Identify incoming versus outgoing telecopies in some manner to insure only one copy reaches each location.

Resolution: The 1987 Annual Exercise demonstrated that this observation was no longer valid. This item is closed.

.. . )

e, ,


{ SOURCE: Emeroency Broadcast System Orill fSEPTEMBER 16. 1987)

Observation: EOF Access Badges do.not reflect all current ERO titles.

Recommendation: Have EOF Access Badges updated to current EOF ERO titles.

Resolution: All EOF Access Badges have been updated and utilized during .the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed.

Observation: The EOF Access Badge Rack is not organized and as a result access to the E0F is slowed.

Recommendation: By March 15, 1988, design, build, and install a permanent badge rack for the E0F.

Resolution: Security determined that the existing badge rack once reorganized would speed EOF access considerably. The effectiveness of the reorganized badge rack demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

C Observation: County Decision Makers were unable to conference the initial E0F briefing.

Recommendation: Initiate a study to determine problems with l

the conference call switch gear equipment and i repair as necessary.

Resolution: Equipment problems with the switch gear has been resolved and the corrected deficiencies demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

Thi.s item is closed. 1 I

1 Observation: The E0F PA system feedback problem i

has improved since the September 11, 1987 drill i l

observation still was made. The reduced feedback is l needed atodistraction and additional work is further reduce feedback. or eliminate the i

Recommendation: Initiate a study to determine problems with the current paging system and provide recommendations to the EPC.


t I *1 l


( Resolution: Additional work on the PA system eliminated the feedback problem has as demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed. ,

Observation: There were problems in the -telecopy process in that a telecopy package was sent to the San Joaquin (sic) E0F but not received.

Recommendation: Initiate additional telecopy tests to insure integrity of the telecopy process and write,

' issue and train the telecopier operators on their new procedures.

Resolution: Additional tests involving the telecopy 3 equipment were conducted and the effectiveness of telecopy operation was demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed.

Observation: A clock in the county area of the EOF was out of synchronization with the other clocks in the EOF.

Recommendation: Procure 11 digital clocks and 4 event clocks for use in place of the existing clocks in .

the Emergency Response Facilities.

Resolution: The digital clocks have been procured and placed in the appropriate Emergency Response Facilities. The clockt were used during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observations: observers became Drill play.

involved with drill 3


Drill observers observer should receive instruction on responsibilities during drill or exercise execcise.

play prior to observing a drill or Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to add instructions in the Drills and Exercise Manual on observer responsibilities during a drill or exercise.-(EBS-87-1)


( San Joaquin dispatched E0C more than the agreed upon number of field teams.



( Recommendation: All County / State / Federal involvement shall be documented in writing at least 30 days in advance of the drill / exercise to avoid creating a possible ' conflict in the control of drill play.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to add a-requirement to the Dri,lls and Exercise Manual that all Count,v/ State / Federal involvement shall be documented in writing at least 30 days in advance of the drill / exercise.

(EBS-87-2)  !

Observation: The companion VNS speaker for the San Joaquin PIO did not operate properly.

Recommendation: Replace the speaker, Resolution: The VHS speaker was repaired during the 1987 Annual Exercise.and This utilized -

is closed.

item a t Observation: The same level of plant condition information 4

( that had been transmitted to the County E0Cs .

4 was not received in the field Command Post. ' l Recommendation: Provide a large Plant Schematic for each of the County Field Command Posts for use in 1


j following the telephone briefing being provided on plant conditions by the E0Cs.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness is provide a large  !

Plant Schematic for each of the County Field a.

Command Posts by March 15, 1988. (EBS-87-3) 1 3

i Observation: Magic Markers were used on status boards.

  • These pens will not erase when making status  !

board changes.

Recommendation: Remove all flow pens / markers in the E0F and '

4 replace with Dry Markers.

! Resolution:

4 Flow pens have been replaced with Dry Markers i and the Dry Markers were used during the 1987 4 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

L l l

I T l

i l

' t


{ Observation: Radio transmission problems were experienced between the Radiation Monitoring Coordinator in UDAC and the San Joaquin Field Command Post. t Recommendation: Investigate and fix as necessary.

Resolution: This item was closed based on a memo from Jim Thronhill to Gary Hodges on "RADIO TRANSMISSIONS PROBLEMS WITH UDAC AND SAN JOAQUIN FIELD COMMAND POST", dated October 15, 1987.

Observation: The District PIO called a telephone conference with the County PI0s at a time when the Counties were writing EBS messages.

Recommendation: San Joaquin recommends that District PIO Personnel should be made aware of the Possible conflicts of scheduling conference calls during periods of high work activity in the County PIDs. These conference calls should be scheduled through the County Liaisons in the E0F, I

( Resolution: Tri-County Planning Team to resolve this itep .

and provide guidance to county staff's as required. (EBS-87-4)

Observation: Press releases were slo,w in being generated.

4 i

Recommendation: A Toshiba T-1100 Computer (630 k. 2 floppies, internal modem), Frar swork II be provided the i PIO for use in developing the press releases.

Resolution: A Toshiba T-1100 was procured for use by the '

Nuclear Public Information Coordinator. Use of thethe1987 word processor was demonstrated during -

Annual Exercise. This item is  !

closed. ,

J Observation: A news release was mistakenly included in the l

County Decision Maker Packet and therefore '

the PIO did not receive it in a timely j manner, a


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( Recommendation: Only the UDAC Schematic, the Briefing Form, Plant Status Emergency Manager Briefing 3

Notes and a Plume Map should be included in the Decision Haker Packets. All individual Packets should be sent to the appropriate i

standard distribution list.

Resolution: Instruction was provided t.o the Telecopy Operators and the effectiveness of this training was demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

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( SOURCE: Dress Rehearsals '

Observation: Personnel in the TSC exhibited a lack of I understanding on how the ROLM phone is used. l Recommendation: Provide additional training to all ERO t members in the next Hands-On training.

Resolution: This training was provided during the October i Mini-Drills and the effectiveness of this  !

training was demonstrated during the 1987 l

Annual Exercise. This item is closed, i

Observation: There appears to be an insufficient number of telephones available in the TSC (Administrative Coordinator, EC).

Recommendation: Discuss the telephone needs with TSC responders and make recommendations to EP Management on communications upgrades.

Resolution: Additional telephones sufficient to meet TSC needs were installed and tested during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed, t

( Observation: .

There is no identified interface with the NRC responding to the TSC during facility activation.

Recommendation: Identify the Technical Implementation Coordinator as the pofnt of contact for NRC interface. Tha Technical laplementation Coordinator should, upon notification of NRC v Incident Response Team activation, notify the OSC to send a licensed Reactor Operator to the TSC to perform the function of t NRC interface.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to revise procedures by April 15, 1988 to identify the Technical ,

i Implementation Coordinator as the point of contact for NRC interface, and that the J Technical Implementation Coordinator should, i upon notification of NRC Incident Response Team activation, n o t i fy the OSC to send a l licensed Reactor Operator to the TSC to l

perform the function of NRC interface. (DR-87-1) 4 l l l


4 g i

l ATTACHMENT 3 Page 21 '


1 Observation: The NRC work area in the TSC is cluttered and ill prepared as NRC work space. i Recommendation: Dedicate this area for use durin Emergency  :

1 Facility Response activation only.g l Resolution: AGM, Nuclear Power Production and AGH,  !

Technical and Administrative Services to dedicate  !

this space as a sole use  ;

EP/ emergency response facility by January 15,  !

1988. '

(DR-87-2) i I

t Observation: There were no steam tables available for use in the TSC.  !

i Recommendation:

4 Have ERO members determine materials and l equipment required to more effectively operate the TSC. ,

Resolution: This recommendation was addressed during the October 1987 Mini-Drills and tested during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is l

1 closed. t


Observation: Emergency Logs were not available I

t 'o emergency responders.  ;


' Provide Emergency Logs in each on the TSC Emergency Baskets.

Resolution: Emergency Logs were provi: led in all t

! TSC Emergency Baskets. This item was  !

demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

4 This item is closed.


, Observation: The Fire Brigade was dispatched from the Control Room without RPT coverage.

Recommendation: No Emergency, Response or Fire. Brigade Teams j

should be dispatched without Rad Protection coverage, i

Resolution: By April IS, 1988, revise appropriate

! procedures to require that no Emergency, i' Response or Fire Brigade Teams should be dispatched without Rad Protection coverage.


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) ATTACHMENT 3 Page 22

( Observation: Contamination control in the TSC, was implemented until late into thii drill.

not Recommendation: Instruction be provideo to Rad Protecticn at  :

a the TSC on the importare of establishing radiological controls and periodically  ;

verifying the radiological status of the TSC. '

i Rer.olution: By April 15, 1988 revise 'the appropriate procedures to provide instruction to Rad Protection (at the TSC) on the importance of i establishing radiological controls and periodically verifying the radiological status of the TSC. ,


Observation:  !

] NRC responders were not issued dosimetry upon I

' arrival at the TSC.


Recommendation. All Emergency Responders should be issued '

dosimetry upon arrival at the TSC.  !

i Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate procedures to require that all Emergency f Responders are issued dosimetry as they l ( arrive at the TSC. (DR-87-5) i ,

i Observation: The Site Survey Map was not used to plot the release and assist TSC responders on the rad l conditions impacting personnel onsite.

i Recommendation: The Rad Protection Logistics Coordinator j

'should periodically update the Site Survey '

j map for use by all TSC responders in planning work activities. i.e. Security requirement adjustments, Administrative Coordinator in j

determining Offsite Logistical Support routes etc.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988 revise appropriate i

i procedures to state that the Rad Protection Logistics Coordinator should periodically I


update the Site Survey map. (DR-87-6) i Observation: Several TSC responders did not seem to take the drill seriously and consequently did not i demonstrate capability.

an effective emergency response i

o, ATTACHMENT 3 Page 23

( Recorrmend a t i o n : Discuss all the ERO members importance of drillsmanship to attending TSC/OSC Hands-On training.

Resolution: This was completed during subsequent Mini-Drills and verified complete during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed. .

Observation: The Emergency Coordinator went to a Site Area Emergency before conditions warranted it.

Recommendation: Discuss with the EC the benefits that would be derived by declaring a Site Area Emergency can be requested individually without actually making the declaration. (Protective Actions that would be triggered by a Site Area declaration may not be warranted and the NRC may perceive early declara'. ion as being artificial)

Resolution: This was completed during a subsequent Mini-Drill. This item is closed.

Observation: EPIP-5100, Tab 9 was not referenced as ,a .

consideration until late into the scenario.

Recommendation: Develop an Operations Liaison Plant Status sheet form to key review of other Tabs as a result of changing plant conditions.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate procedures to include an Operations Liaison .

Plant Status sheet form to key review of other Tabs as a result of changing plant conditions. (DR-87-7) '

1 Observation: There was a need for: steam tables in the TSC; hand held calculatorst an additional set i

of Operations and Core Damage procedures. Assessment i 1

Recommendation: Procure several sets of steam tables from Training, additional Operations and Core Damage procedures-from Document Control and a number of hand held calculators.



( Resolution: This recommendation was addressed during the October 1987 Mini-Drills and tested during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: No contamination boundary was established until after the entire loadin.g pit area would have became contaminated.


Rad Protection should establish contamination boundaries upon arrival on the scene.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate procedures require to that contamination boundaries be set up upon RP's arrival on the scene. (DR-87-8) f Observation: No general area beta-gamma survey or air particulate samples were taken.

I$k Recommendation: Rad Protection should establish and periodically verify work area radiological conditions Resolution: {

By April 15, 1988, revise procedures appropriat,e .

to require Rad Protection to establish and periodically verify work area radiological conditions. (DR-87-9)

Observation: The Emergency ceam' would have cross-contaminated all emergency medical and radiological scene.

control equipment brought to the Recommendation: Information on proper contamination control should be provided all Emergency, Response, and Fire Brigade Team members.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, procedures revise' appropriate to require that i.n f o rm a t i o n on proper contamination control be provided to the Emergency, Response, and Fire Brigade.


Observation: No radiologi al surveys were documented.


1 l

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 24 l i

( Resolution: This recommendation was addressed during the October 1987 Mini-Drills and tested during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: No contamination boundary was established until after the entire loadin.g pit area would have became contaminated.

Recommendation: Rad Protection should establish contamination boundaries upon arrival on the scene.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise S propriate procedures to require that contamination boundaries be set up upon RP's arrival on the scene. (DR-87-8)

Observation: No general area beta-gamma survey or air particulate samples were taken.

Recommendation: Rad Protection should establish and periodically veri fy work area radiological conditions Resolution: By April 15, 1988, procedures revise appropriat,e .

to require Rad Protection to establish and periodically veri fy work area radiological conditions. (DR-87-9)

Observation: The Emergency team" would have cross-contaminated all emergency medical and radiological control equipment brought to the scene.

Recommendation: I n f.o rm a t i o n on proper contamination control should be provided all Emergency, Response, and Fire Brigade Team members.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise- appropriate procedures to require that i.n fo rma t i o n on proper contamination control be provided to ,

the Emergency, Response, and Fire Brigade. l (DR-87-10)

Observation: No radiological surveys were documented.


. ~ , - - - .


( Recommendation: All surveys taken should be _ documented and provided to the Emergency Coordinator to be used as part of the close out.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to revise appropriate procedures to require that all surveys taken should be documented and provided to the Emergency Coordinator to be used as a part of the close out by April 15, 1988. (DR-87-ll)

Observation: No basic assessment of the victim (airway, breathing, vital signs and C-spine precautions) was done prior to an overall body assessment or secondary survey.

Recommendation: Prioritize assessment in the order. listed above.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988 incorporate requirements for basic assessment of a victim into the appropriate procedures. (DR-87-12)

Observation: Oxygen not started until the patient was ready to '.e transported.

Recommendation: Oxygen should be started for any suspecte'd shock.

if theThis basic would have been determined sooner assessment had taken' place initially.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, indorporate use of oxygen into the appropriate procedures. (DR-87-13)

Observation: Some delay occurred when the patient ready was for transport due to radiological contamination concerns. possible l Recommendation: RPTs responding to medical emergencies should be reminded that radiological concerns should be secondary to medical needs.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate prccedures to remind RPTs that medical concerns take precedence over radiological concerns. (DR-87-14) k

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 26  !

C, Observation: The computer verification process of badge presence for ER0 Support personnel responding to the OSCtowas personnel be not el sufficient to allow those accountabili ty 'proce,imina as part of the ss. t ed Recommendation:

Site personnel be-required to participate in the second Dress Rehearsal to verify computer verification and Accountability.


This was successfully accomplished during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed.


Several were ERO Support permitted personnel had beards and to wear a respirator while demonstrating their ability to respond during this simulated emergency.

Recommendation: All ERO members respirator qualified. should be clean shaven and Resolution: By April 15, 1988 revise appropriate procedures to require that ERO members, who

( may be required to wear qualif ted to do so. (DR-87-15) respirators, are Observation:  !

Equipment of problems, and equipment lockers had a number deteriorated including: rubber gloves which i to the point of  :

during storage; inabpropriate uselessness i procedures I stored in parts; missing the emergency lockers; SCBAs were lead seal on equipment "faked" --not really crimped, box through seal-- inventory simply looped could not be ve ri fied; insufficient Anti-C's and what Anti-C's of all were available there were not enough sizes; insufficient SCBA units, bottles, air sampling equipment and vehicle keys were not available in the Of . radios; Recommendation:

Inventory with the emergency attention lockers in BOTH OSCs to not only the numbers of equipments, Repair but the condition as well.

the SCBAs and provide clear information air bottles and as guidance to the alternate locations as to their use. for Provide Anti-C's in at least X-large sizes to cover the wrong size problem.



( Resolution: By April procedure.

15, 1988, issue the surveillance (DR-87-16)

Observation: Very poor update information to the teams, a no plume location information made available to the teams. They did enter through the plume. No information on access to the area

, i.e. east gate to Tank Farm open, passed on to the teams, b) briefing of the teams delegated downward and generally could have beer more detailed, with more overall information, c) need to have reference material such as prints, tech manuals, etc.

in the facility.

Recommendation: Provide current plume / radiological data at each ERF, staging areas off site, and the security gate.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate procedures to require that current plume / radiological data be available at each ERF, staging areas of f site, and the security

( gate. (DR-87-17)

Observation: The OSC Rad Protection players' attitude towards radiological problems and drillsmanship appeared to be poor. Correct frisking procedures, cotetamination control, equipment usage, was n'ot demonstrated. One man was "frisked out" in under 5 seconds on returning from the field, and then wal ked away from the frisking station with one foot

, cover ("bootie") still on his right foot.

Recommendation: ER0 Support personnel should be instructed in the importance of demonstrating correct radiological procedures as part of the drill / exercise play.



By April 15, 1988, EP to incorporate a section into EP Training stressing the importance of demonstrating correct

-radiological procedures in drills / exercises.

(DR-87-18) b Y


.. . 1 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 27

( Resolution: By April procedure.

15, 1988, issue the surveillance (DR-87-16)

Observation: Very poor update information to the teams, a no plume location information made available to the teams. They did enter through the plume. No information on access to the area

, i.e. east gate to Tank Farm open, passed on to the teams, b) briefing of the teams delegated downward and generally could have been more detailed, with more overall information, c) need to have reference material such as prints, tech manuals, etc.

in the facility.

Recommendation: Provide current plume / radiological data at each ERF, staging areas off site, and the security gate.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, revise appropriate procedures to require that current plume / radiological data be available at each ERF, staging areas off site, and the security

( gate. (DR-87-17)

Observation: The OSC Rad Protection players' attitude towards radiological problems and drillsmanship appeared to be poor. Correct frisking procedures, contamination control, equipment usage, was not demonstrated. One man was "frisked out" in under 5 seconds on returning from the field, and then walked away from the frisking station with one foot cover ("bootie") still on his right foot.

Recommendation: ERO Support personnel t hould be instructed in the importance of demonstrating correct radiological procedures as part of the drill / exercise play. .

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, EP to incorporate a section into EP Training stressing the importance of demonstrating correct radiological procedures in drills / exercises.



' o, ATTACHMENT 3 Page 29 l

( Observation: An RPT was not dispatched with the Emergency Team or the Fire Brigade.

Recommendation: All response Teams should include an. RPT prior to being dispatched.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise appropriate procedures to require that all response Teams should include an RPT prior to being dispatched.


Observation: NRC participation at the E0F was not fully understood by District Emergency Response personnel.

Recommendation: Key E0F, TSC, OSC, ENC, UDAC, and Control Room personnel will be invited to attend the NRC briefing on NRC expectations and participation in the November 4, 1987 Exercise.

Resolution: This recommendation iias been met and the NRC

, interface with Utility personnel demonstrated effectively during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

(. This item is closed. .

Observation: Information on Plant Status was not available from the TSC and Control Room in a timely manner to the Plant Status and Technical liaison in the E0F. '

Recommendation: Upon activation of the E0F the Plant Status l and Technical liaison should contact the TSC  !

and request the Operations Liaison to include '

the E0F in teleconferencing the information I flow between the TSC and Control Room. l Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise appropriate procedures to implement the above. (DR-87-22)

Observation: A clear definition of the minimum staff required for E0F activation is not available.

Recommendation: Define the minimum staffing for E0F activation and incorporate into appropriate procedures, i


l ATTACHMENT 3 Page 30

( Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to determine the minimum EOF staffing required for activation and incorporate into appropriate procedures. (DR-DR-23)

Observation: A comment was made that the scenario did not fully exercise'the ERT.

Recommenoation: ERT should be instructed on areas where they where not fully exercised.

Resolution: This was accomplished during a subsequent EOF Mini-Drill. This item is closed.

Observation: E0F briefing schedule was not discussed between the . Emer gency Manager and the UDAC Manager causing the UDAC/E0F Liaison to be late to EOF briefings.

Recommendation: Emergency Manager should announce E0F briefings at least 20 minutes prior to the briefing being conducted and coordinate with UDAC the announcement calling for the E0F briefing in 5 minutes.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise procedures to remind the Emergency Manager to announce EOF briefings at least 20 minutes and again at 5 minutes prior to each briefing. (DR-87-24) t Observation: 'There is no interface identified for f4RC l responders to the E0F i

Recommendation: A second E0F Manager be called in upon the Emergency Manger being notified that the f4RC Incident Response Team has been activated.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise appropriate procedures, to have an individual be called in, upon the Emergency Manger being notified that the f1RC Incident Response Team has been activated, to act as ,

l an interface to the Response Team. (DR-87-25)

I Observation: There was inadequate hardcopy information available to the E0F on Plant Status, and

{ Notifications being made from the TSC. j i


(- Recommendation: A copy of all hardcopy transmissions should be provided to the Plant Status and Technical Support Coordinator, NRC, Engineering Response Team and UDAC.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to incorporate the requirement to provide a copy of all hardcopy transmissions Status and Technical Support to the Plant Coordinator, NRC, Engineering Response Team and UDAC into appropriate procedures. (DR-87-26)

Observation: The UDAC/TSC ringdown phone did not operate.

Recommendation: Repair and test the ringdown phone line.

Resolution: The UDAC ringdown phone was repaired and its operability was demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise. This item is closed.

Observation: Continuous communications were not maintained between UDAC and the RAC in the TSC.


(. Instruct DAC on the clerk and the RAC Communicator importance of maintaining an open -


Resolution: This recommendation was accomp1ished prior to


i i

the 1987 Annual Exercise and the results were demonstrated during the 1987 Annual Exercise.

This item is closed.

Observation: A procedure which details actions of Non-District UDAC within UDAC. staff members is not available Recommendation: Prepare a UDAC Procedure which consolidates all procedures and actions involving all UDAC members.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, conjunction with the UDAC Coordinator in the county / State representative shall prepare a UDAC procedure. (DR-87-27)

Observation: MIDAS meteorology reflected speed and direction.

incorrect wind l

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 32 l

( Recommendation: HIDAS meteorology November 4, 1987.

to be checked prior to Resolution: The MIDAS System was operational during the 1987 Annual Exe'rcise. This item is closed.

Observation: There are no permanent records being kept of the Technical briefings being conducted in the ENC.

Recommendation: Technical briefings should be taped for the permanent record.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to modify appropriate procedures to require that ENC briefing be taped for permanent record.


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l ATTACHMENT 3 Page 33

( SOURCE: 1987 Exercise (NOVEMBER 4. 1987)

Observation: There is not a person designated on the ERO who is s p e c i fi'c a l ly responsible for Reactor-Pl ant Chemistry. Chemistry support was '

obtained through- the ER0 Support Organization, but this would not have been timely had the Chemistry information been more quickly injected into the accident scenario.

Recommendation: Fully incorporate chemistry into the ERO and establish a relationship between Reactor Engineering and Chemistry in order to broaden the Core Damage Assessment capability. l Resolution. By February 1, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to fully incorporate chemistry into the ER0 and establish a relationship between Reactor Engineering and Chemistry in order to broaden the Core Damage Assessment capability.



( The iodine cartridge from the Aux Building Stack was not collected and analyzed to .

verify that no iodine was released environment above Technical Specifications to the 3.18.1.a and 3.18.1.b.

Recommendation: Upon indication of potential releases, airborne a sample o f' the e f fl uent through the Reactor Building and Aux Building Stscks should be collected and analyzed to verify levels actually released.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise EPIP-5390 to require that indication of potential iodine re l e a s e s u,pon c.

sample of the effluent through the Reactor Building and Aux Building Stacks should be collected and analyzed (include radiciodine) to verify levels actually released. (EX-87-2)

Observation: The Exercise / Drill IDADS screens are not flexible enough to keep players from receiving inconsistent information.


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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 34 Reconmendation: IDADS screens to be used during Drills and C Exercises should be developed with representatives from Operations, Rad Protection, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, and Licensing providing input.

Resolution: By June 1, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to coordinate activ.ities to assure that the IDADS screens used during Drills and Exercises have been developed with representatives from Operations, Rad Protection, Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, and Licensing providing review and input. (EX-87-3)

Observation: TSC/ Control Room lighting and primary telephones are not on diesel backup.


Determine the need the essential electrical power for ERO facilities. Modify electrical system as required.

Resolution: By January 15, 1988, Nuclear Engineering to  :

determine the need for essential electrical power for ERO facilities.

(- By June 15, 1988, Modify electrical system as required. (EX .


Observation: Direction and control for the Fire Brigade was delegated to the Control Room by the Operations Liaison due to the work load in the TSC. This created a problem with the Control Room Staff because they were also overloaded.

Recommendation: A new ERO position should be developed to provide Fire Protection / Fire Fighting technical support to the Control Room (Fire Brigade Leader). This position would best be filled by a member of the Site

Fire Protection Staff.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to coordinate a meeting of Plant Operations, Fire Protection and EP Operations to evaluate adding a new ERO position to provide Fire Protection technical support to the Control Room. Modify procedures and E Plan based on decisions reached in that meeting. (EX-87-5)


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i ATTACHMENT 3 Page 35

( Observation: Radiation during fires Protection in not Technician clearly understood or direction i


Recommendation: Clarify the rote of'the Radiation Protection Technician during fires.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Nuclear Plant Fire l Protection and Radiation Protection to provide recommendations which clarify the role of the Radiation Protection Technician during fires. (EX-87-6)  !

i Observation: Security location / facilities in the E0F are i not suited to support communication needs and l human engineering needs - e.g., separation of work groups, noise level, space limitations. '

Recommendation: Review the Security facilities in the E0F and determine required modifications / improvements and have then made.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness and Security to document the review of the Security facilities in the EOF. (EX-87-7)

Observation: Telecommunication capabilities are not adequate in the CAS and SAS.

Recommendation: Provide additional phone lines in the CAS and i SAS. Provide a dirdct ringdown from the  !

CAS/SAS to the TSC and E0F.

Resolution: By March 1, 1988, I n f o rn.a t i o n Management Services to provide additional telephone lines in the CAS and SAS. Provide a direct ringdown from the CAS/SAS to the TSC and E0F.


Observation: The Onsite Security Coordinator.was inundated with calls and therefore frequently unavailable to the EC to discuss Security concerns.

Recommendation: Study the need for additional Security support in the TSC as well as installing a direct ringdown phone between the TSC, E0F, l

( and NRC Safeguards and Security personnel at Region V and Headquarters.

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j ATTACHMENT 3 Page 36

( Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Security to study the need for additional Security support in the TSC.

Information Management Services will study the need for installing a direct ringdown phone betweed the TSC, EOF, and NRC Safeguards and Security personnel at Region V and Headquarters. (EX-87-9)

Observation: There is no common denominator identifying plant locations.

Recommendation: A map detailing plant locations based on some common frame of reference should be developed.

l Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Rad Protection and Nuclear Maintenance meet and develop a Plant map identifying common points of reference. EP Incorporate into procedures as appropriate.

(EX-87-10) i Observation: ERO personnel. were familiar with recent procedural changes. This familarity was not always evident with all ER0 Support Group i

Personnel.  ;

Recommendation: Additional training should be provided for ERO Support Group Personnel to provide them with updates on procedure changes, and these )

personnel should participate in quarterly ERO drills.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise the EP training program. (EX-87-ll)

Observation: Sequence of E0F briefings was not always consistent not beingand resulted in some information received by all briefing participants.

Recommendation: Revise E0F briefing agenda and additional conduct training to provide consistent usage.

Resolution: By 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise appropriate procedures to provide guidance on the E0F briefing agenda and sequence. (EX-87-12) k l

J 9


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( ' Observation: The Emergency General Manager de-escalated from Emergency to a Site Area Emergency a

without consulting the NRC or State and local authorities.

Recommendation: Emergency procedures covering de-escalation criteria should - be reviewed and revised to ensure all needed input is included in the de-escalation decision making process.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to review and revise the appropriate procedures covering de-escalation criteria to ensure that all needed input is included in the de-escalation decision making process. (EX 13)

Observation: The interface and relationship between UDAC

' and the Emergency Manager is not clear as it pertains to Protective Action Recommendations and EOF briefing sequences.

Recommendation: Revise EPIP-5460 to identify the importance in the Emergency Manager receiving UDAC C Protective Action Recommendations prior to the District making their own PARS.

Resolution: The UDAC Coordinator will work with the UDAC Oversight Committee to prepare a UDAC Charter and UDAC procedures by June 1, 1988. (EX 14)

Observation: The Technical Briefer in the Emergency News Center provided an escalation announcement to the media between news briefings. This should have been the ENC Manager's responsibility. The Technical Briefer became trapped in a media questioning session he has not been trained to handle.

Recommendation: Revise existing procedures Technical to clarify the Briefer's duties and responsibilities.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to revise. appropriate procedures to clarify the Technical Briefer's duties and responsibilities. (EX-87-15)

L f


t ATTACHMENT 3 Page 38

( Observation:

The OSC did not receive an initial conditions

' briefing upon activation of the facility.


Review EPIP-5300 to determine if there= are instructions to provide ERO support personnel with an initial conditions briefing -in the OSC.

Place a ' speaker in the OSC to enable OSC responders to monitor TSC briefings-Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness'to revise appropriate procedures to assure that OSC personnel will be briefed. (EX-87-16)

By February 15, 1988, evaluate the feasibil-ity of wiring the OSCs to receive TSC briefings via a communication system. (EX 17)

Observation: The NRC was not informed to secure radio transmission as a result of the bomb threat.

This was accomplished after they made some initial transmissions. *

{ Recommendation: Review requirement the appropriate that all EPIPs emergency and write a responders coming into a facility receive an initial briefing prior to commencing work. ,

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to review and revise the appropriate procedures to assure that all emergency responders coming into a facility receive an initial l briefing prior to commencing work. (EX-87-18)  ;

Observation: The OSC did not send a person to the Control I Room keys. to get a set of controlled area access Recommendation: 1 OSC Coordinator should be instructed on the location of all controlled area access keys d and how to obtain those keys.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to review procedures to ensure provided to the OSC Coordinator instruction is location and on the responsibility for obtaining controlled access keys, revise procedures as required. (EX-87-19) 1


. ' ' , ~*

ATTACHMENT 3 Page 39 C Observation:

Radiation Protection did not have access to all areas onsite.


RPTs should have unrestricted access to all areas onsite.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, the Manager, Radiation Protection to ini.tiate appropriate paper work to Security authorizing Rad personnel access to all onsite areas.Protection (EX-87-20)

Observation: Tools are not readily available in the T&R OSC.

Recommendation: Determine what tools are required to be located in the OSC. Provide and stock an Emergency Tool Locker in the T&R OSC.

Resolution: By March 15, 1988, Maintenance Department to determine what tools are required to be located in the OSC. Provide and stock an Emergency Tooi Locker in the T&R OSC. (EX 21)

( Observation: There is confusion over the distinction between Accountability and Search and Rescue.

This appeared to be the result of no one person being directly responsible for receiving the accountability reports and implementing the Search and Rescue Procedure.

Recommendation: Designated an individual in the OSC to receive the Accountability reports from Security and to implement the Search and Rescue Procedure.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to review and revise the appropriate procedures to designate an individual in the OSC to receivc the Accountability reports from Security and to implement the Search and Rescue Procedure. (EX-87-22) >

/ *s. ". , '



Observation: There was no copy of EPIP-5640, "0nsite, Out-of-Plant Radiological Monitoring" in the onsite monitorihg kit.

Recommendation: Place a copy of EPIP-5640 in the onsite monitoring kits.

Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to place a copy of EPIP-5640 into the onsite monitoring kits.


Insure this item is place into the emergency equipment surveillance program by April 15, 1987. (RMD-87-2)

Observation: Procedures taken into the field should be encased in plastic to provide weatherization.

Recommendation: Place any procedure to be used in the field in plastic.

. Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness

( to place any procedure field in plastic. (RMD-87-3) to be used in the Observation:

The surface meter) is tooarea to be collected (1 square large to be handled in the field under emergency conditions.

Recommendation: Decrease the size of the sample area to be collected.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to determine the validity of this observation and revise procedures as required. (RMD-87-4)

Observation: A funnel is required to aid in taking water samples without spilling the sample onto the outside of the container.

Recommendation: Place a funnel in the on and off-site sample kits.

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. . , . 1 ATTACHMENT 3 Page 41

( Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to place a funnel into the on and off-site sample kits. (RMD-87-5) Incorporate this into the surveillance procedure by ,

April 15, 1988.'(RMD-87-6)

Observation: The sample kits need to be better organized l

l and'an additional carrying case needs to be provided for samples.  !

Recommendation: Determine a method of improving the organization of the sample kits and provide '

an additional kit for carrying samples once they have been obtained.

l Resolution: By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness and Radiation Protection to agree on a method to organize the emergency sample kits more effectively.

By February 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to procure an additional case to carry samples back from the field.

(RMD-87-7)  ;

( Observation: An inventory list is not available in EPIP-5460. to enable Rad Protection an accurate equipment check prior to leaving for the field.

l Recommendation: Incorporate an inventory list for EPIP-5460 to be used when performing an equipment checks prior to being dispatched into the field.

Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to incorporate an emergency sample kit equipment checklist into EPIP-5460. (RMD-87-8) l l

.g-. .


Observation: There is confusion as to what the RPT is responsible to do fire response not involving a Controlduring Room fire and/or a - fire in a potentially contaminated area.

Recommendation: Emergency Preparedness to revise EPIP-5020, "Fire" to require Radiation Protection support during all fire responses onsite.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to coordinate this revision with Rad Protection and make the necessary revisions in EPIP-5020 by April 15, 1988. (AFD-87-1)

Observation: Rad Protection has had no specialized training in providin radiological support during fire responses.g Recommendation: Provide specialized training I to Rad Protection on monitoring techniques during fires involving potentially contaminated areas.


o Resolution: By April 15, 1988, Emergency Preparedness will and coordinate the Nuclear with Nuclear Fire Protection '

Training Department training be provideo to Rad Protection involving radiological response during fires in potentially contaminated areas. (AFD 2)

Observation: There was not enough SCBA equipment available in the Fire Ready Room. The RPT had to obtain his SCBA from some other location.

Recommendation: Provide at least 2 additional SCBAs for storage in the fire ready room.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to coordinate with Rad Protection and Plant Operations on procuring and storing 2 additional sets of SCBAs in the fire ready room. (AFD-87-3)

Observation: Off-site fire response does not have AFFF foam available for use during class B fires (fuel / lube oil fires).

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ATTACHMENT 3 Page 43 Recommendation:

(~- Store 50 gallons of the foam, available onsite, at the Herald Volunteer presently Fire Department for use when responding to fire calls at Rancho Seco.

be Training should periodically conducted with the Herald Fire Department on the use of AFFF foam.

Resolution: Emergency Preparedness to coordinate- the storage of 50 gallons of AFFF foam at the Herald Volunteer Fire Department with Nuclear Fire Protection. (AFD-87-4)

Emergency Preparedness to coordinate periodic training of the Herald Fire Department as it pertains to the use of AFFF foam. (AFD-87-5)

Observation: Tl' e was insufficient dosimetry available at the East Security gate for all of f-site fire response to be given personnel dosimetry.

Recommendation: Additional dosimetry be stored at the Building PAP for use by off-site emergency response.

Resolution: By April 1,

,, 1988, Emergency Preparedness to -

(- coordinate the procurement with Rad Protection, and Security and storage of pocket dosimeters additional i 87-6) in the PAP Building.(AFD-4

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