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Extends Invitation to Attend Next Meeting of Iscors Sewage Subcommittee to Be Held on 981013 at DOE in Washington,Dc. Purpose of Meeting Is to Discuss Progress on Sewage Sludge/ Ash Survey.Agenda & Summary of Last Meeting Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/16/1998
From: Anthony Huffert
Shared Package
ML20153B879 List:
REF-WM-1 NUDOCS 9809230278
Download: ML20153B887 (7)


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September 16, 1998 l^.

Dear Members of the ISCORS Sewage Subcommittee:

You are inv'ited to attend the next meeting of the ISCORS Sewage Subcommittee to be held on October 13. 1998, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The meeting will be l held at the U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue. Washington, 1 0.C., in Room SA-092. Please contact James Bachmaier at (202) 586-0341, if  !

. you have questions about the meeting-location. If you plan to participate by telephone conference call, the bridge number for this subcommitua meeting will be the same as the one used previously, which is (334) 270-3461.

The purpose of this subcommittee meeting is to discuss progress on the sewage '

sludge / ash survey and the guidance document for POTW operators. An agenda and the summary of the last subcommittee meeting are enclosed.

I look forward to meeting with you on October 13. If you have any questions regarding the meeting agenda, please call me at (301) 415-6416 or Bob Bastian at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency at (202) 260-7378.


[ original signed by:]

Anthony M. Huffert, Senior Health Physicist '

l Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management 0'fice of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


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9909230278 990917 l PDR WASTE WPt-1 PDR _




Summary of ORISE and NAREL work on 9 test site report (Mo. Abramson. Condra. Saunders)

Public Report on Survey Design and Test Site Results (Sobel)

Reference Radionuclide Document (Setlow)

Letters to POTW Test Sites (Sobel)

List:of POTWs for Full Survey (Bastian) 0 APP Status (Wisdom and Setlow) l i

BREAK (10:30 am to 10:45 am) j l

LETTERS TO STATES (10:45 am to 11:00 am)


-c-DOSE 110DELING WORKING GROUP (11:30 am to 11:45 am)

FUTURE ACTIONS (11:45 am to noon)

Summary of action items Schedule next subcommittee meeting ENCLOSURE 1 l


r DISCLAIMER These ISCORS subcommittee meeting summaries result from interagency I discussions. The Sewage Subcommittee is composed of representatives from I the Environmental Protection Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "

Department of Defense Department of Energy. the State of New Jersey, and two Publicly Owned Treatment Works. The subcommittee meeting summaries have not been approved by the respective agencies and organizations and do i not represent the official position of any participating agency or I organization at this time.



I l

Date: September 8, 1998 l l

Time: 9:00 am to noon Location: U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC Attendees: NRC: Lee Abramson, Tony Huffert, Tin Mo, Bob Nelson, George Powers, Phyllis Sobel l EPA: Bob Bastian, Jim Cumberland, Alan Rubin, Loren Setlow, l Behram Shroff l DOE: Jim Bachmaier ORISE: Dale Condra NAREL: David Saunders. Scott Telofski, Mary Wisdom OTHER: Tom Lenhart/ NE Ohio Regional Sewer Dist, Cleveland. OH Jill Lipoti/ State of New Jersey DEP Ray Kearney/ Bureau of Sanitation, Los Angeles, CA

~ Agenda: Sewage sursey Guidance document Summary:

The meeting started with a discussion of the draft laboratory report on the nine POTW test sites. Tony Huffert summarized recent actions of subcommittee preparing sections of the report. In accordance with the agreements reached during the August 25th meeting, th, draft comparison i


I l

4 prepared by Bob Bastian was modified by Tony Huffert and Dale Condra and then sent to members for review on September 4th. The new version contains supplementary text on sample non-homogeneity and the measurement of Ra-226.

Pb-214 and Bi-214 at ORISE and NAREL.

'A new version of the draft lab report was prepared by NAREL and distributed to members for review by S? tember 4th. Tony Huffert discussed his preliminary comments on the new version of the draft lab report and offered to merge portions of the revised comparison with the new version of the draft lab report by COB September 8th, An agreement was reached by members that a limited number of carbon-14 samples should be analyzed during the national survey from samples collected from POTWs that have a high potential of  ;

receiving discharges from sources of medical radionuclides. NAREL agreed to make other modifications to the draft laboratory report that were discussed by members and then send a new version to Loren Setlow before the full ISCORS meeting on September 10th.

Regarding the table of reference radionuclide concentrations, a new version was supposed to be sent to members by September 2nd, but unforeseen computer problems delayed issuance until this meeting. Loren Setlow handed members a hard copy of the table and requested that they review it and comment on the range of values contained in the table. Once members submit comments to Loren Setlow, a new version will be merged into the draft lab report. Tom tenhart requested that members consider additional explanatory text in the table that states that the pilot study was designed to include sites that may contain man-made radionuclides. Loren Setlow agreed to modify the text accordingly.

Members discussed the need to include exchanges between laboratories during the national survey. Mary Wisdom stated that the quality assurance procedures at both laboratories are sufficient for the national survey and she did not believe that there were any additional benefits in exchanging samples during the national survey based on the results of the pilot study. NAREL staff recommended that the " Lessons Learned" section of the draft laboratory report include the aforementioned statements.

Following the discussion of the draft lab report and table of reference radionuclide concentration table, members discussed the list of POTWs for the full survey. Phyllis Sobel provided the subcommittee an update of previous work on this task and requested that D0D provide a list of POTWs to the subcommittee. Members agreed that an all-day meeting would be necessary to merge' lists of POTWs in order to develop a final list of candidate POTWs for the national survey. A question arose about limitations on the number of L questionnaires that could be sent out because of statements contained in the l

. . I


1 OMB clearance package. Jill Lipoti asked EPA staff if they would send  !

l- portions of their contractor's (Techlaw) report to the States for their information. Behram Shroff agreed to send this information to the States.

Tony.Huffert updated the subcommittee on NRC staff efforts for issuing a letter requesting Agreement State'(AS;-participation in the sewage survey. i The letter to AS has been reviewed by the cognizant program Offices within NRC  ;

and it is expected that a letter will be signed soon by NRC's Office of State J

Programs. Tony Huffert provided the most recent version of the letter to members for their information and agreed to continue work on a similar letter  !

l that is to be issued to non-AS that will be signed jointly by NRC and EPA. I Bob Bastian agreed to send Tony Huffert a list of water quality program '

directors in non-AS.

Phyllis-Sobel provided members.with a handout dated September 8th, entitled

" Comments on May 1997 POTW Guidance Document." which is attached to this meeting summary; NRC staff plans to send to EPA staff in late October responses to comments on the guidance document that are contained in the AMSA ,

letter. ' Phyllis asked for members to submit other letters or comments they  ;

received on the document to her. Bob ~ Bastian and Phyllis Sobel agreed that  ;

l agency lawyers will need to review a revised version of the document once it

- has been. prepared. Behram Shroff gave to members a copy of an EPA work 4

- assignment for revising the document, which is also attached to this meeting summary. ,

1 .

. \

-The last topic discussed during the meeting was the presentation of the sewage '

subcommittee *s activities to ISCORS on September 10th. Members agreed that the following topics would be presented: (1) the final draft report for the nine test sites: (2) the public report on the nine tests sites: (3) ongoinq efforts for conducting the national' survey (OMB clearance letters to States, schedules): (4) the joint POTW guidance document; and (5) handling of Freedom

- of Information Act requests by the subcommittee.

!^ 1

l. ' Members of the dose.modeling working group a9 reed to meet during the afternoon L . of September 8th at DOE offices. The next meeting of the sewage subcommittee ,

l will be held on October 13th at DOE offices in Washington. DC. At that

' meeting.. members will focus on the draft report on the test sites, the status ,

of the table of reference radionuclide values, the letters to States, and the l POTW guidance document.

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Action Items:

1. Merge portions of the September 4th version of the laboratory comparison that was originally prepared by Bob Bastian with the September 4th version of the draft lab report by COB September 8th (Huffert).
2. Modify the draft laboratory report with recommendations made during the September 8th subcommittee meeting and the information provided in Action Item 1 above. Send a new version of the draft laboratory report to Loren Setlow before the full ISCORS meeting on September 10th (Telofski . Saunders. Wisdom).
3. Review the new version of the draft laboratory report by October 13th (All).
4. Peview the version of the table of reference radionuclide concentrations handed out at the September 8th subcommittee meeting and provide comments to Loren Setlow. (Shroff, Raddatz and Setlow)
5. D0D is to provide a list of POTWs to the subcommittee (Lovett).
6. EPA staff is to send portions of their contractor's (TechLaw) report to the States for their information (Shroff)
7. Issue the letter to AS and continue development of the letter to non-AS (Huffert and O'Brien).
8. EPA to send NRC a list of water quality program directors in non-AS (Bastian).
9. Submit letters or comments on the May 1997 POTW guidance to Phyllis Sobel (':').
10. EPA staff will work on finishing the QAPP for the survey (Wisdom and Setlow)

ATTENDANCE LIST ISCORS Sewage Subcomittee Meeting September 8, 1998 DOE HQ/4E 069 Name Affiliation Teleohone/Email Address

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