ML20151N088 | |
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Issue date: | 06/29/1988 |
From: | Grimsley D NRC |
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ML20151N092 | List: |
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FOIA-87-836, REF-QA-99900403 NUDOCS 8808080110 | |
Download: ML20151N088 (5) | |
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INFORMATION ACT (FOIA) REQUEST g g g jggg DocatY Nuvesa S. s somene.
EtoutsTia YU PART l.-RECORDS RELEASED OR NOT OCATf D ISee checked boness No agency recorm sucect to the roovest have been located No addetoral age-o scords subrect to the request have been located Agency records n,cw to the request that are centWed e Appenda 1717 H Street N4 WasNngton. DC b a-s s*eev available for pu%c rupecton and cocveg m the NRC Pubi< Oocu er. a:cm.
Agency *ece*:s S.;*:* :o the erequ st thM are centif ed e Accend i _ _ ._ h _._ r* :e g M9 avalaue for NNic snscede 4%veg m NRC PwN.; . ( . e" Room. 171' - 5 w N W . Washing'on. DC. o a foider under this FO! A numte a : re: .we. eame T*e corper er. .e > cm of the proposans! tsat you ag eed to accept m a te e:* s-e : av
- 4* a memter of rny staH q novg te ; maje avadade for pubM -5;e r c-and corng at t** Na; pu%c Documeet Room.17t? H Street. NA W asNeg'ca . DC . s :ce' under tNs FotA nur'ter aM 'cowes e' rame Enclosed e c'or s*;oe on ho* vou may obtan access to and the cha ges for cocyeg 'eco a t,.med in the NRC Pubhc Document Room 17t7 H $?reet. N W . Washcfce DC Agency recoros s. cwt to the request a o enclosed Ary apphcab6e charge for coces of tN *ecc<cs prov4ed and payment procedures se noted in the comments sence Recoros sub,ect m the 'equest have been re' erred to anot*er Federal agencytest for reve arc o. rect resoorse to you, in vea of NRC s esovnse to thrs request no further acte e being tamen on appeal e=e ta'ec PART 11 A-tNFORMATION WTTHHELD EDOM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Certae eformate r the roovested records e t+ng ethheld from pubhc deciosu e rpursve r c **e FOI A esemptoas descobed m and for tAe reasons stated in Paat t sec -
tes 8. C. and : Am re+ eased portons of the documents for *Nch only can of t*e eco-- s teng ethheid are being made avadable for pu%c especte and cop.rq r X the NRC Publ.c *ocur ent Room.1717 H Street. N W.. Washersgton. DC m a fonder unde to 501A number and reovester name, Cor'nrnents pay 68060303l0800629 PDR BAUMAn3 '03b PDR Src Arvar E goa Ws CA - a a sa .e8conos . e
_l NIC FORM 4M *e" An
FhEEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT RESPONSE FOf A NUMBER'Si [d 8*kY'"h3h OATE EN 2 912 DART 11 B-GPPLICC8LE FOIA EXEMPTIONS Records subtect to the request that are descr' tag e t%e enclosed Appendices _._ are being wtweed in their entirety or in part under FOI A Exemptions and for the reasons set forth beca wsvant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) and 10 CFR 9 Sra) of NRC Regutavs
- 1. The ethbeid irdormaton
- Propedy classAed pewt to Esecutive Order 123M (EXEMPTION 1)
- 2. The mthbeid informatori relates soiety to the ir a. a oersonnel rules and procedures of NRC. 4EXEMPflON 2s
- 3. The uthheld informaton is specifica8v esempiet av pubhc declosure by statute indcated 4 EXEMPTION 3 Secten 141145 of the Atomic Ereegy Act .mcr : rom &ts the dsclosu e of Restncted Data or Forrnerty Restated Dra 42 U S C 21612t65L r
Section 147 of the Atom c ( Act **.c' /
- MS the d4closu er of Unctass4 fed Sa'eguards IMormat or N. U S 2*"
4 The ethheid eMormaton is a trade sec*et or c*.mr' or francel information that is bemg w-thmeK1 for the 'easorw n : a*** tExtvPTION di The informaton a'ed to to confoer .as Nuess (propretaryl mformation.
The irformation e cons dered to be propnetr, cPaton pursuant to 10 CcR 2.790tctHt).
The informaton was submmed ard 'ececred r cedcence from a foresn source pursuant to to CFR 2 790'd 21 5 The withbeid ie.formaton cor'ests of inte,gn. y r*'sagency records that s<o not avadable through d scovm brog ir.4aton Osclosor e of predoc s.onal mformaten would tend to inhbt the open and frank encha ge :# ocas essental to the dobberswe process Where records s'e mthred e their er%rety, the facts are meatncab*y intertened eth the predecscoalirbeaton % arso are no reasonably segregab8e f actual portons because tra re' ease of the facts would permet an indwoct movery into the preoeceenal process ro ** Nency. (EXEMPTION 51
- 6. The ethbem eformaten e eneaed from pubac sm**ure bwause rts desciosure would result e a clearty unwa ranted rvason of gersc,nal pnvecy (EXEMPTION 6)
- 7. The mthheld informaton conssts of mstgat:r, ecords comoded for law eeforcement pu poses and a being ethhe'd ry *e reasontsi ed<sted. IE)(EMPTION 71 0.sclosure woun d eter*e e eth an enforcer art croceedeg because et could reveal the scope. directon, and focus of ertremt efforts. and thus coulo poss>biy anew them to take acten to theid :c'am wrongdoeg or a volation of NRC requerements from evestigatcrs EXEVPTION 7( AH Osetosur e would ccristitute an un,.ortanted rvason of personal pnvacy (EXEMPTION 7tCH The information corests of rees of edevvLas at ot'er mformaton the d4sclosure of wNch would reveal centste cd coe'4ential sources IEXEMeTION 7100 i
PART 11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS l Purwant to 10 CFR 9 9 and 'or 915 of the U S Nuctee' **gurory Comrasson regulatons. et has been dete mined that t** cfor*ratcr -*d e ese~ct f rom producton or osclosu e. r I and that its producton or d<sclosur e a :ortary to ee :scA ete'est The persoes respons@e for the densi are those #ca's ce~_*ec be4ow as demymg o+fecia's aN5 the Director, (
O,vs.on of Rules and Recoros. O*6ce of Adrnanstrato 'ce aey der +s that reay be appea>ed to the Eiec6tne Diree y for Oce stees Eooi OEMING OFFICIAL ,
' $$* b l
I PART 110- APPEAL RIGHTS The denial by eaca denrng official eerded e Prt II.C may be appeated to the Appenate Officialidentled in mat section. Any such appeal must be in writeg and must be rnade withan E orys of focact of tNs response. Appeals must be addressed as appropriate to the E2ecutive Director for Operations of to the Secretary of the Cormesson. U S. Nuc$na Regulatory Commission, WasNngton, DC 20555, and should c4er'y state on the envelops and in the letter that et is an "Aepeal from an INte TOLA Dnse "
- 1. 10/21/83 Ltr from V. Popapovs to G.E. referencing inspection, w/ enclosures: Notice of nonconformance, and Inspection Report. (43 pages). Accession No. 8311150397.
- 2. 11/17/83 Ltr to L. S. Bohl to V. PopapoVs, referencing inspectie."
report. (6 pages). Accession No. 8402140212.
- 3. 4/30/84 Ltr from U. Potapovs to G.E. referencing inspection. (2 pages) Accession No. 8405220326.
- 4. Undated Appendix A, Noel of Nonconformances, (1 page). Accession No. 8405220331.
- 5. 4/16/84 Inspcction Report, 3/12-16/84,99900403/84-01.(21pages)
Accession No. 8405220339.
l l
I i
- 1. 12/16/83 Ltr from W. Potapovs to G.E. referencing response to 10/21/83 letter. (1 page)
- 2. 1/13/33 Ltr fron L. S. Bohl to V. Potapovs, respcnse to 12/16/83 letter which requested information. (1 page)
- 3. 1/1E/84 Ltr to V. Potapovs to S. Milan, transmitting reports. (1 page)
- 4. Undated Various Forms. (13 pages)
- 5. 11/20/86 ED0 Principal correspondence cor. trol, w/ attached letter dated 11/20/86 from Dennis Eckart to Chairman Zech. (3 pages)
- 6. 12/1L/86 Ltr from Chairman Zech to Senator Glen, responding to concernofallegations.(3pages)
- 7. 12/24/86 Ltr from Chairman Zech to Governor R. Celeste in response to 12/2/86 letter. (2 pages)
- 8. 12/24/86 Ltr from Chairman Zech to Edward Markey, D. Eckart in response to letter dayed 11/20/86, w/ attached 12/22/86 letterfromJ.TaylortoBillieGarde.(6pages)
- 9. 4/28/87 Handwritten note. (1 page)
- 10. 5/4/87 Handwritten note. (1 page) 11, 1/2/88 Memo from D. Murphy to R. Marsh, subject: Request for Investigation of GE (NEB 0) Corp. regarding the Alleged Violations of 10 CFR Part 21. (1 page), i 1
- 12. 2/1/88 Memo from R. Marsh to D. Murphy, subject: Request for Investigation of G.E. (NEB 0) Corp., re Violations of 10 CFR Part 21. (1 page)garing the Alleged l
Re: FOIA-87-836 APPENDIX E ,
- 1. 11/16/87 Memo from V. Stello to B.-Hayes, subject: Request for Investigation. (20 pages) Exemption 6.
4 l
l 1-1
, s GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT MityNEST OFFICE 104 East Wisconsin Avenue Appleton. Wisconsin 54911 (414) 730 8533 December 8, 1987 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST FREEDOM OF INFORMATIOM Director ACT REQUESI Office of Administration y
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission k /g /2./f,.f 7 Washington, D.C. 20210 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA, 5 U.S.C. 552,) the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries, logs, calenders, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, and any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with NRC Inspection Report No. 99900403/87-03, October 20, 1987, which has recently been released to the public.
This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in the NRC offical, "working" investigative or other. files, or at any other location, including private residences.
If ant records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, supra, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed af ter this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in coni ection with and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).
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', , o GAP requests that fees be waived, because "finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public, "5 U.S.C.
552 (a) (4) (a). GAP is a non profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability. Through it Enviromental Whistlablower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups and intervenors in the concern for safety at nuclear power plants.
We are requesting this information as part of an ongoing monitoring prcject of the NRC's efforts to protect public health and safety at and near nuclear processing plants and radioactive waste facilities.
For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld. This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert, denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).
We look forward to your response to this request within ten (10) working days.
Sincerely, temmy Linda Bauman FOIA Coordinator Midwest Office
l DEC 161983 Doc'xet No. 99900403/83-03 -
. 1 l
General Electric Nuclear Energy Businets Operations ATTN: Mr, W. H. Bru;;eman Vice President and General Manager -
i 175 Curtner Avenue San Jose, CA 95125 l l
Thank you for your letter of November 17, 1983, in response to our letter dated October 21, 1983. As a result of our review, we find that additional l infonnation is needed. Specifically, you failed to discuss the generic corrective actions and preventive measures that will be or have been taken with respect to Nonconformance B.2; e.g., what other purchases similar to the purchase rade from Rosemount may have similar problems.
The response to Nonconformances B.3 and B.4 implies that these two findings were in error. During a future inspection, the basis for the findings will be reviewed and the response will be reevaluated at .
that time, l
With respect to Nonconformances B.1, 8.5, B.6, and B.7, your response '
has been evaluated and we have no further questions at this time. We will review your corrective actions and preventive measures during a future inspection.
Please provide additional informatia:t for Nonconformance 5.2 within 25 days from the date of this letter.
Sincerely, Uldis Potapovs. Chief Vendo.' Program Branch ,
1 FeI$ 9 7-f3 6 D/I h
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assaan atacraic coupAuv. irs cumisen Avs.. s4N sest cAUFCANIA W25 sanu.rv 6, insa united Stat.s a. uistory co. mission JAN l 3 584 Region IV vendor ,*rogree Branch e n Ryan niara Driv., Suit. icoe Arlington, Texas 76011 I
Attention: Uldis Potapovs, Chief Vendor program Branch
1 NRC Letter . Docket No. 99900403 33 03 . December 16, 1983
- 2. Letter, L. S. Bohl to U. potapovs, same s u bj ec t , dated November 17, 1983 -
Dear Mr. Potspovs.
This letter is in response to your Oecember 16, 1983, letter in which ye requested additional Information relative to our response to Noncon f ormance 8.2. Mr. Bruggeman has requested tnet I respond to your letter in h s behelf. l to provide further assurance that purchases similar to the purchase free Rosemount do not have slaller problems, the Quality Assurance ets Rollability Operation vill participate in an Independent review of a repre.
sentative sample of similar purchases. I this review will be completed by February 3, 1983, and the results of fn s review elll ta available for Inspection at San Jose.
. A *
' ' 4. w 'OW-s. G L[.S. Bohl, Manager Quailty Assurance & Reliability Operati:a Mall Code 310 LS8/km
- Ya"e'"" Fou - tt-t3G JJ Fou L.W. s- -- - -. . . . __. .- ._-- .- - - .
- ,. . . NvCLEAR REGULxTORY COMMISSloh i a REGION IV l I $11 RY AN PLAZ A DRIVE. SUITE 1000 *******-* f 8.,
'S 3 M [8 ARLINGTON. TEX AS 76011 1 g 3 ( ;y,, JANis N / l n-apa g JAN 18 gg4 Sam A. Milam, III P. O. Box 21633 .
San Jose, CA 95151
Dear Mr. Milam:
Plaase find enclosed, the report you provided to the NRC regarding the processing of deferred verifications at General Electric (GE). Our initial inspection has been completed at GE with respect to tnis area; therefore, ;
your report is being returned to you.
Also, enclosed is a copy of the NRC Inspection Report No. 99900403/83-03 issued as a result of our inspection. The area of deferred verifications is discussed in Section E.1 of the report. The lack of control of deferred verification w'as identified as an item of nonconformance.
- Thank you for your concern. .
$.N, \' %y?
Uldis Potapovs, Chief )
Vendor Prograr. Branch ;
- 1. "Deferred Verifications," a report by Sam A. Milam, !!!, dated July 11,1983 (total pages-67)
- 2. NRC Inspection Report No. 99900403/83-03 Foxn 83 G \
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,,,,,,, COMMrftli ON ENERGY AND COMMEACE WASHINGTON, DC 205 t 5 Nov embe r 20, 1986 Mch) - %
64 ML uS N,4 The Bonorable Lando W. . tech, Jr. g, g y Chai rman i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1717 H Street, N. W. r.. Nu pa yi kP4 Washington, D.C. 20555 Q v -<.
C+o m ye-ra% N eAw<.>:( ut L td Dear Chairman Zecht %.fe du m n ef It has c0meregarding has information to the attention allegations of the made Subcommittee by Sam A. that the NRC Mil aa, III, of program deficiencies in the Design control, Quality Assurance /
Quality Control program at the General Electric f acility in San Jose, California. 'Itese allegations are quite serious isince t6ey p6tTnti.11y T5volve a large number of plants and equipment critical to the safe operation of these plants. Adding to the seriousness of these allegations is the f act that the alleger is a {
former engineer at the General Electric f acility who had access to extensive files on the QA/QC program. For all of those reasons, we think it is important that these allegations be investigated by the Commission and reviewed by the Subcommittee.
In order to enable the Subcommittee to understand the l potential import of these allegations in general, and their potential impact on the Perry plant in particular, we request the l following: '
- 1. Please supply the Subcommittee with all the documents provided to the N by Mr. sam A. Milan, III relevant to his~
allegations concerning the General Electric f acility in San Jose, California and any other General Electric f acility.
- 2. Please supply the Subcommittee with any documents the f has prepared during the course of the NRC investigation.
include all Summaries of inVCStigablOns, either written or '
type-written, any analyses of the documents turned over to the Commionion by Mr. Milas, all draf ts of the investigation report, and any other documents prepared or obtained in connection with the investigation.
- 3. Provide the Subcommittee with a list of all the people the staf f has interviewed in connection with the investigation, and the date of each interview.
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The Honorable Lando W. tech, Jr.
Page 2 November 20, 1986
- 4. Please provide the Subcommittee with a list of those plant s that could potentially be af f ected by deficiencies in GE eq ui pm e nt .
In addition, we have r eviewed an october 24, 1986 letter from ,
the staf f of the Government Accountability Project to Harold )
Denton, Director of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. (See enclosure.) '
This letter asks several questions regarding the Commission's adherence to the pending NRC Manual. It disturbs us that this dianual~has' beerF in L inibo f o r such a long period <:2 time. l Mo r eov e r , i t appears the Commission co ald use the non-binding status of the Manual as an excuse for not adhering to its principles. In order to help clarify the situation, we urge you to respond immediately to the GAP letter and address fully the four questions it asks, and uo supply the Subcommittee with a copy of your response.
In order to help the Subcommittee review this material in a !
timely f ashion, please supply this inf ormation to the Subcommittee ,
by December 4,1986. i With best wishes, Sincerely, a
Edward J. Markp De.nis E. ckar Ch ai rm an Y Member of Congress Enclosures
, , - - - - - . - - . . - - - - - - -a.,.-, . , , , - , , . - , . _ , _ , , - . . - - , - -