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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 880715
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/21/1988
From: Rehm T
WIR-880715, NUDOCS 8807280407
Download: ML20151G521 (25)



% c y p t.

July 21, 1988 For: The Comissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JULY 15, 1988 A sumary of key events is included as a convenience to those Comissioners who may prefer a condsnsed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B*

Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data (CRGR Activities) E Governmental & Public Affairs F General Counsel G*

Personnel H q Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J*

Enforcement K*

Consolidation L*

Regional Offices M Executive Director for Operations N*

Items Addressed by the Comission 0 Meeting Notices P Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for Q external distribution) l

  • No input this week. p

/ f T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations


T. A. Rehm. ED0 , fgff 492--7781 . I 8807280407 080721 PDR COMMS NRCC l/l l WEEKLYINFOREPT PDC l



l Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E) i On July 7,1988, NRC staff met with representatives of Baltimore Gas & Electric ,

Company (BG&E). BG&E plans to submit a license application under 10 CFR Part 72 for dry spent fuel storage at its Calvert Cliffs plant Site in January 1989.

BG8E expects to announce selection of a vendor design September 1, 1988, and plans to meet again with NRC staff later that month with its selected vendor.

Award-Winning Paper Based on NRC-Sponsored Research The American Society of Civil Engineers has announced the selection of Dr. Reich, Dr. Hwang, Dr. Ellingwood, and Dr. Shinozuke as recipients of the ASCE Structural Division 1988 Moisseiff Award for their paper "Probability-Based Design Criteria for Nuclear Plant Structures." This award is given to an important paper published by the ASCE dealing with the broad field of structural design, including applied mechanics as well as the theoretical analysis, or constructive improvement, of engineering structures of any structural material. The paper, which sumarized the development of reliability analysis methods and probability-based design criteria for concrete containments and shear wall structures, is based in part on a multi-year research program supported by the NRC, and is one of the products of that research. The recognition accorded this paper demonstrates that NRC-sponsored research contributes to advancing the state-of-art in disciplines which have broad application and interest, not limited to nuclear power.

Public Workshop for NRC Rulemaking on Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants In response to the Comission's direction, the staff conducted a public workshop to solicit early input in the fonnulation of a rule on maintenance of nuclear power plants. The workshop was held July 11-13, 1988 at the Mayflower Hotel and was attended by aobut 80 organizations including 46 utilities. The utilities were represented mostly'by plant maintenance superintendents and supervisors. Various rulemaking options including a preferred option were discussed at the workshop. The staff received valuable coments and input from over 300 participants at the workshop.

Visit to Maine to Discuss Agreement State Program On July 12-13, 1988, Kathleen N. Schneider, State, Local and Indian Tribe Programs, and John McGrath, Region I, met with representatives of Maine's Division of Health Engineering to discuss the preliminary draft Agreement State package that had been submitted to the NRC for review. Discussions were also held with the Department of Environmental Protection on the afternoon of July 12, 1988, to discuss their intera'ction with the Division of Health Engineering in the low-level waste area. The State of Maine is pursuing an agreement for byproduct, source, and special nuclear material and at the present is not planning to seek low-level waste disposal authority.

p OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS - 1988 For 5-Day Period of July 8, 1988 - July 14, 1988 Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Received This Week 10 0 Completed This Week 17 1 l I

Carryovers From 1987 157 33 Received In 1988 369 37 Granted In 1988 288 14 Denied In 1988 131 34 Pending 107 22 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Patrick Small, Requests a copy of Form NRC 473.

F01 Services, Inc.


Marvin Resnikoff, Requests copies of (1) NRC's response to Michigan's Radioactive request about disposal of waste at existing plants, Waste Campaign (2) NRC's coninents on DOE's Dry Cask Storage Study, (88-361) (3) list of recipients of comments on the report Living Without Landfills, and (4) all records related to item 3 above.

Susan Harlow, Requests a copy of the April 7, 1988 memorandum from

,, Rutland Herald L. E. Phillips to M. A. Ring regarding the LaSalle (88-362) nuclear power plant.

Kenneth Mokoena, Referral from DOS of records relating to a request The National for records concerning proposed rules governing Security Archive uranium imports.


Kenneth Mokoena, Referral from DOS relating to a request for The National records concerning the processing of specified Security Archive applications for import licenses of uranium from South (88-364) Africa.


Received, Cont'd Jonathan Goldman, Requests a listing of licensees authorized to use National four specified radioactive materials.

Diagnostics (88-365)

Paul Michael, Requests a copy of contract No. NRC-30-86-360.

Federal Marketing Associates (88-366)

Linda Bauman, Requests records related to the termination of a named Government individual at the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

Accountability Project (88-367)

Alan Barak, Requests a copy of NRC's response to F01A-88-269.

State of Michigan (88-368)

Michael Armendaris, Requests a copy of contract No NRC-33-84-408.

Market Growth, Inc.


Granted Donna Sorgi, In response to a request for copies of records prepared Commcawealth of by or for NUMARC, made available 36 records. Informed Massachusetts the requester that additional records subject to this (87-652) request are already available at the PDR.

Andrew Burrows, In response to a request for records, particularly from Natural Resources 1950 to 1965, pertaining to (1) Norway's nuclear

- Defense Council exports, export policies, or attitude toward nuclear (88-340) weapons and nuclear weapon proliferation, and (2) Israel's nuclear imports, made available 27 records. Informed the requester that the staff located no NRC records subject to item 2 of his request.

Judith Weintraub, In response to a request for a list of current NRC Meridian Research, contracts, made available one record.



(An individual In response to a referral from the FBI of one record requesting concerning the requester, made available the record, information about himself)



~ ~ '

p s

Granted, Cont'd

- Patrick Small, In response to a reauest for a copy of NRC Form 473, F01 Services, Inc. (Diagnostic Misadministration Report Form), made (88-360) available a copy of the requested record.

Kenneth Mokoena, In response to a referral from DOS of records regarding The National- proposed rules governing uranium imports, informed Security Archive the requester that the three referred records are (88-363) already available at the PDR.

Kenneth Mokoena, In response to a referral from DOS of records regarding The National the processing of specified applications for import Security Archive licenses of uranium from South Africa, informed the (88-364) requester that the 22 referred records are already available at the PDR.

Paul Michael, In response to a request for a copy of contract No.

Federal Marketing NRC-33-86-360, infonned the requester that this record Associates is already available at the PDR.


Alan Barak, In response to a request for a copy of NRC's respon=e to State c' Michigan FOIA-88-269 from H. Richard Chambers of Consumers Power, (88-468) made available a copy of the requested record.

Michael Armendaris, In response to a request for a copy of contract No.

Market Growth, Inc. NRC-33-84-408, informed the requester that this record (88-369) is already available at the PDR.

Denied .

Bruce Maxwell, In response to a request for records pertaining to a WTOL-TV Toledo valve problem in 1987 at the Perry nuclear power plant, (88-165) made available 203 records. Informed the requester that additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied one record in its entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Joseph Felton, In response to a request for two categories of records Nuclear Licensing regarding Management Team Assessments and records related to the April 14, 1988 meeting on gemstones licensing, Rep (orts88-249) made available two records. Denied portions of five records, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. Denied portions of one record, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

JULY 3 , 1988 ENCLOSURE A t _ , _ _

Denied, Cont'd Joseph Felton, In response to a request for records of the HMSS/ EPA Nuclear Licensing May 3, 1988 Interface Council Meeting, made available Reports three records. Denied two records in their entirety, (88-311) disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Bashir Pothiawala, In response to a request for copies of the license Columbus Hospital application and records of the Presbyterian University (88-336) Hospital for the Gamma Knife manufactured by Elekta Company of Sweden, made available 11 records. Denied portions of three records, disclosure of which would result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

David Real, In response to a request for a copy of the OIA The Dallas Morning investigation into allegations of Region IV misconduct News at Fort St. Vrain, denied OIA records in their entirety.

(88-346) disclosure of which could reasonably be expected to interfere with an e.;forcement proceeding.

Joseph Felton, In response to a request for records of meetings held Nuclear Licensing on June 7, 1988 and June 16, 1988 between NMSS staff Reports and GA0 and ASNT representatives, made available one (88-350) record. Denied one record in its entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

Lynn Connor, In response tu a request for a copy of the May 5,1988 Doc-Search draft Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Associates Civil Penalty Against TVA, denied this record in its (88-358) entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process.

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l JULY 15, 1988 ENCLOSURE A l






The contractor shall provide the necessary personnel to perforta data entry, editing and reporting activiths relating to various systems for which the NRC Region IV office is operationally responsible.

Period of Performance: 2 Years Sponsor: Region IV Status: RFP issued on July 11, 1988. Proposals due August 12, 1988.



"Structure Damping Research Program"


Assess appropriateness of structural damping values used for design of nuclear power plants or evaluation of existing plants.

Period of Performance: 2 years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: The competitive range has been established on July 14, 1988.

RFP No.: NMS-69-001


"Technical Assistance to Strengthen IAEA

-- Safeguards"


The contractor shall investigate and systematically document the feasibility of better attaining IAEA's timeliness and sensitivity goals for detecting abrupt and protracted diversions at large reprocessing ,

facilities through the use of a running book inventory (RBI) approach to augment conventional material accountancy.

Period of Performance: One year with one-year option Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status: The competitive range has been established on July 7, 1988. Negotiations are scheduled for the week of August 22, 1988.


i OFFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS ItemsofIntereg Week Ending July 15, 1988 SAFEGUARDS Domestic Revision of NRC Form 327 The MC&A and Physical Security Section of SGLB is develosing a proposal for the revision and modification of HRC Form 327, used by tie major fuel cycle facilities to report the results of physical inventories. The revision is needed to reflect new terminology and requirements imposed by 10 CFR 74.31 and 74.51, and also to provide clarification relative to certain entries required by the form.

Design Basis Threat Review The current Design Basis Threat Environment review has been completed by the staff. The results of this review will be forwarded to the Comission shortly.

Transportation Meeting with GA Technologies on GA-4 and GA-9 Shipping Casks The Transportation Branch met with GA Technologies (GA) and DOE on July 12, 1988, to discuss plans for two new spent fuel shipping casks. The two casks, the GA-4 and the GA-9, are being designed under contract with DOE as legal weight truck casks for NWPA shipments. GA is planning to conduct a series of materials and engineering tests to aid in the design of the cask's impact liniters and neutron shield. Also discussed was the possibility of using a full scale model in cask certification testing. An application for NRC certification is expected about April 1990.

TRUPACT II Shipping Container Tests Initial full scale testing of the TRUPACT 11 shipping sontainer began on July 8, 1988. The test program will consist of a series of drop, puncture and fire tests on two full scale TRUPACT 11 containers. The first major test was a thirty foot side drop which was conducted on July 9. This is to be followed by two other thirty foot drop tests in different orientations, puncture tests and a fire test. The schedule for testing the second TRUPACT 11 container has not been finalized. An application will not be submitted to the NRC until tests on both TRUPACT II units have been completed.


2 INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL NUCLEAR SAFETY Fuel Cycle Safety Babcock & Wilco: (B&W)

On July 6,1988, NRC staff met with representatives of B&W Fuel Company, which is jointly owned by Babcock & Wilcox and a consortium of French companics. B&W Fuel Company plans to submit a topical report for a concrete spent fuel storage cask design. Design requirements were discussed.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BG&E)

On July 7, 1988, NRC staff met with representativas of Baltimore Gas & Electric Company (BG8E). BG&E plans to submit a license application under 10 CFR Part 72 for dry spent fuel storage at its Calvert Cliffs plant site in January 1989.

BG&E expects to announce selection of a vendor design September 1,1988, and plans to meet again with NRC staff later that month with its selected vendor.

Monitored Retrievable Storage NRC staff met with the Department of Energy (DOE) staff to discuss the development of an interagenc,v procedural agreement setting forth guidelines for interaction between the two agencies prior to the receipt of an application for a monitored retrievable storage facility. A draft agreement will be prepared for review by the Office of the General Counsel and other staff offices.

Sequoyah Fuels Corporation (SFC)

On July 7,1988, staff from NMSS Fuel Cycle Safety Branch and a representative from the Office of General Counsel (OGC) met with repre,entatives of the Winthsop and Stinson (W&S) Law firm. The attendees from W&S were acting in the interest of its client, General Atomics, in obtaining NRC's suggestions regarding the

  • content of an application to amend the license and request NRC consent to transfer of evnership in accordance with 10 CFR 40.46. W&S requested a second meeting prior to submittal of the amendment application, which is tentatively planned for Augurt 1988.


- 3 L0\l-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT Low-Level Waste Inspection of Battelle Columbus Labs On July 19, 1988, an inspection of Battelle Columbus Laboratories radwaste processing facilities will be conducted. This inspection will examine the procedures used by Battelle for characterizing and classifying irradiated hardware in response to questions raised by the State of South Carolina. As the agreerient state authority, South Carolina inspects packages sent to the Earnwell Disposal Site. Results of this inspection will be useful in developing further guidance on acceptable waste classification methods for reactor core hardware components.

Meeting With South Dakota Secretary of Water and Natural Resources On July 12, 1988, representatives of HMSS, OGC and GPA met with John J. Smith, Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Water and Natural Resources. Mr. Smith discussed South Dakota's proposal to dispose of approximately ?70,000 tons of sewage ash at TVA's Edgemont site, an NRC licensed mill in the process of being decomissioned. NRC staff told Mr. Smith that a response to his request was being finalized and that it would state that in order for I;RC to consider such a proposal, the request must come from our licensee, TVA.


OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending July 15, 1988 Award-Winning Paper Based on NRC-Sponsored Research The American Society of Civil Engineers has announced the selection of Dr. Reich, Dr. Hwang, Dr. Ellingwood, and Dr. Shinozuke as recipients of the ASCE Structural Division 1988 Moisseiff Award for their paper "Probability-Based Design Criteria for Nuclear Plant Structures." This award is given to an important paper published by the ASCE dealing with the broad field of structural design, including applied mechanics as well_as the theoretical analysis, or constructive improvement, of engineering structures of any structural material. The paper, which sumarized the development of reliability analysis methods and probability-based design criteria for concrete containments and shear wall structures, is based in part on a multi-year research program supported by the NRC, and is one of the products of that research. The recognition accorded this paper demonstrates that NRC-sponsored research contributes to advancing the state-of-art in disciplines which have broad application and interest, not limited to nuclear power.

Public Workshop for NRC Rulemaking on Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants In response to the Comission's direction, the staff conducted a public workshop to solicit early input in the fonnulation of a rule on maintenance of nuclear power plants. The workshop was held July 11-13, 1988 at the Mayflower Hotel and was attended by aobut 80 organizations including 46 utilities. The utilities were represented mostly by plant maintenance superintendents and supervisors. Various rulemaking options including a

-- preferred option were discussed at the workshop. The staff received valuable comments and input from over 300 participants at the workshop.

Recently Issued Publication R. G.1.100, Rev. 2 "Seismic Qualification of Electric and Mechanical Equipment for Nuclear Power Plants," Task EE 108-5.


S. Aggarwal (301) 492-3829 JULY 15, 1988' ENCLOSURE D

1 Items of Interest Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Week Ending July 15, 1988 Incident Response On July 11, IRB staff members attended a meeting of the Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (FRPCC) to discuss, among other things, consistency of the Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP) with the National System for Emergency Coordination (NSEC). FEMA representatives indicate a potential problem with planning responsibility based on Mr. Meese's January 19, 1988 memo for the Domestic Policy Council.

On July 11, IRB staff provided a tour and briefing of the Operations Center to officials of the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency.

On July 13, IRB staff met with NMSS to discuss Lessons Learned from the NFS-Erwin exercise. The discussion revolved around ways to improve the response to material events.

During the week of July 11-15, IRB staff met with the Reactor Safety Assessment System contractor to demonstrate the status and new features of RSAS software to NRC.

Technical Training Center The TTC staff received briefings on severe accidents by personnel from the RES 6nd from the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) during the week of July 4.

Ralph Meyer and Jocelyn Mitchell of RES briefed the TTC staff on severe accident


phenomena and pertinent research results. John Lehner and Trever Pratt of BNL briefed the TTC staff on severe acc 4ent insights and the Severe Accident Insights

- Report (NUREG/CR-5132). These briefings were provided as background information and in support of Severe Accident Overview Seminars planned for the regions and headquarters. The next Severe Accident Overview Seminar will be conducted in Region V in early August.

The TTC has issued a reactor technology task order for the development of operator license examiner techniques training in the areas of the written examination, simulator examination, and walkthrough examination. The TTC PWR Technology Branch Chief met with the contractor and several members of the Operator Licensing Branch, DLPQ, NRR throughout the week of July 4 to further define the scope of work and set initial milestones for task completion. The initial projection is that course materials will be developed by the end of the current fiscal year. It is projected that the first courses of each type will be presented during the first or second quarter of FY 1989.


The TTC will host a dedication of the B&W simulator during a brief ceremony at 10:00 Tuesday, July 19, 1988. Connissioner Rogers plans to participate in the ceremony.

Division of Safety Programs The Director and DSP staff chaired and participated in the Maintenance Rulemaking Workshop sessions in Washington, DC July 11-13, 1988. Discussions held are being reviewed for maintenance PI developmental work.

Preliminary Notifications The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week.

a. PNO-I-88-73, Mountainside Hospital (License No. 29-03297), Contamination of Microwave Oven with Technetium-99M.
b. PNO-II-88-42, Carolina Power & Light Company (Brunswick, Unit 1), Brunswick, Unit 1 Shutdown.
c. PNO-III-88-278, Iowa Electric Light & Power Company (Duane Arnold), FEMA Finds Iowa Emergency Response Plan "Inadequate" - (Second Update).
d. PNO-II-88-61, Edward Hines, Jr., Veterans Administration Medical Center (License No. 12-01087-07), Former VA Physician Enters Guilty Plea to Federal Charges.
e. PHO-III-88-62, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation (Kewaunee, Docket No.

50-305 and Wisconsin Electric Power Company (Point Beach, Docket No.

50-301 , Bomb Hoax.

f. PN0-III-88-63. Toledo Hospital (License No. 34-01710-05), Radiation Therapy Misadministration.
g. PNO-V-88-47, Southern California Edison (Songs Unit 3), Cavitation of a Shutdown Cooling Pump.


ITEMS OF INTEREST OFFICE OF GOVERNMENTAL AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS WEEK ENDING JULY 15, 1988 INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Foreign Visitors On Monday NRC Chairman Lando Zech and Dr. S. Yona Ettinger, Director General of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC), signed a renewal of the NRC-IAEC bilateral arrangement for the Exchange of Technical Information and Cooperation in Nuclear Safety Matters. This was the second such renewal and extends the arrangement for a five-year term.

Also during his visit to NRC, Dr. Ettinger toured the Operations Center and met with Commissioner Rogers and GPA Director Harold Denton.

On Wednesday Dr. Walter Binner, Director of the Austrian Research Center, discussed plans to use NRC's source term codes with data from East Bloc reactors with GPA and RES staff members.

STATE, LOCAL AND INDIAN TRIBE PROGRAMS Meeting with Iowa State Officials Roland Lickus, Chief, Region III State and Government Affairs, met with John Eure, the newly-appointed State Liaison Officer (SLO), and other State officials on July 13, 1988, in Des Moines, Iowa. Discussions focused on the SLO program and other issues of interest to the State, including the Comission policy on cooperation with States, emergency planning, and low-level radioactive waste disposal.

Visit to Maine to Discuss Agreement State Program On July 12-13, 1988 Kathleen N. Schneider, State, Local and Indian Tribe

- Programs, and John McGrath, Region I, met with representatives of Maine's Division of Health Engineering to discuss the preliminary draft Agreement State package that had been submitted to the NRC for review. Discussions were also held with the Department of Environmental Protection on the afternoon of July 12, 1988, to discuss their interaction with the Division of Health Engineering in the low-level waste area. The State of Maine is pursuing an agreement for byproduct, source, and special nuclear material and at the present is not planning to seek low-level waste disposal authority.


OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending July 15, 1988 Meeting for Co-Op Students Headquarters Cooperative Education students (Co-Ops) met with their OP coordinator and personnel staff on July 12, 1988 to discuss and make recomendations for the program. Their major concerns were rotational assignments and finding adequate housing. OP is working on these recomendations and action will follow.

A trip is scheduled for July 21, 1988 to Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant for co-ops and technical interns who have not had previous opportunities to visit a plant.

Pilot Course for Secretaries On July 12, 1988 through July 15, 1988, OP's Training, Benefits and Employee Assistance group piloted a four-day, in-house course on Secretarial Office Procedures, taught by Mary Harris, Office of Personnel Management instructor.

Fif teen NRC secretaries attended the course.

Arrivals and Departures Region I hired three new employees this week: Christopher Miller and Daniel Moy, Reactor Engineers, and Jennifer Milier, Travel Clerk. Region II brought two part-time employees on board: Kenneth Hendricks, Budget Clerk and Marva Smith, Receptionist. Headquarters hired: Glenna Garner, Lexicography Specialist, for SECY; Caroline Bezik and Lucky Lamberth, Secretaries, for NRR and NMSS, respectively.

Headquarters lost four support staff employees: Donna M. Smith and Florence Toyika, Secretaries in RES; Sonja Wingfield, Secretary for OGC and Shiela Gindes, Senior Staff Assistant, GPA. Region II Personnel Assistant Elizabeth

-- Farmer also left.

Peggy Brown, secretary in 0GC, died July 10, 1988 as a result of an automobile accident.



1. On July 13 the Regional Administrator' was in Headquarters to meet with the EDO and to attend a Comission Meeting on Operating Reactors and Fuel Facilities. On July 14, he and others met in Headquarters with CP&L to discuss the shutdown of Brunswick 1 to perform modifications to the HPCI injection valve.

44 JULY 15, 1988' ENCLOSURE M

Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending July 15, 1988

1. Everest Minerals Corporation An enforcement conference was held on July 12, 1988, at the Uranium Recovery Field Office, Denver, Colorado, with Region IV management and Everest Minerals Corporation management to discuss apparent violations at the Highlands Uranium Mine site near Glenrock, Wyoming. The Director, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards, Region IV, and the Enforcement Officer also participated in these discussions with the Uranium Recovery Field Office Director and staff.
2. Radiation Therapy Service, Inc.

A management meeting was held in the Region IV office on July 13, 1988, between representatives of Radiation Therapy Service, Inc. of Fort Worth, Texas, and Region IV staff to discuss the findings of the NRC inspection conducted on April 4, 1988, and the licensee's response to the Notice of Violation. Issues discussed included supervision of technicians performing routine maintenance on cobalt teletherapy units and use of extremity dosimetry.

3. Omaha Public Power District On July 14, 1988, Omaha Public Power District management met with the Director, Division of Reactor Safety, and other Region IV management to discuss Fort Calhoun Station Licensed Operator Requalification Training and lessons learned during the current training cycle.


ITEMS ADDRESSED BY THE COMMISSION - WEEK ENDING JULY 15, 1988 A. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON PROPOSED RULE ON EARLY SITE PERMITS; STANDARD ESIGN CERTIFICATION; AND COMBINED LICENSES FOR NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS, 10:00 A.M., MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1988, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, ONE WHITE FLINT NORTH, ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE) - SECY to W. Parler, GC and V. Stello, Jr., EDO dated 7/12/88 The Commission was briefed by the General Counsel and the Executive Director for Operations on a proposed rule (10 CFR Part 52) to modify the Commission's administrative procedures for licensing nuclear power plants.

Chairman Zech requested the General Counsel and the staff to keep the Commission informed on this rulemaking effort. He requested periodic updates on significant public comments as they arrive.

The General Counsel requested the Commission paper, SECY-88-169, be converted from an information paper to a notation vote paper. s B. STAFF REQUIREMENTS - BRIEFING ON PROPOSED RULE ON FITNESS FOR DUTY, 2:00 P.M., TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1988, COMMISSIONERS' CONFERENCE ROOM, ONE WHITE FLINT NORTH, ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND (OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTENDANCE)

- SECY to V. Stello dated 7/18/88 The Commission was briefed by the staff on a proposed rule on fitness for duty at nuclear power plants.

The Commission had extensive comments on the staff's proposed rule. Definitive staff directives will be transmitted to the staff in the staff requirements memorandum on SECY-88-129.

While the fitness for duty rule is being prepared, the EDO should ensure that the regional staff's are cognizant that if plant safety is potentially affected because a person is unfit for duty, the Commission has the authority to order remedial actions to correct the potentially unsafe conditions at any time.


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.m July 15,1988 m

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DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 7/18/88 50-369/ McGuire Site Meeting w/ Duke Power Co. to NRC/ Duke Power D. Hood 2:00 370 Cornelius, SC discuss responsibilities of the McGuire Safety Review Group 7/18/88 50-315/ White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Indiana Michigan Power NRC/IMPCo/ J. Stang 10:00 316 Room 14-B-11 Co. and Westinghouse to discuss Westinghouse D.C. Cook thimble tube thinning 7/18/88 50-315/ White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/American Electric NRC/AEP J. Stang 1:00-3:00 316 Room 10-B-13 Power to discuss their Restart

! Test Program for the Steam Generator Repair Project (D.C. Cook) 7/19/88 50-282 White Flint Bldg. To discuss NSP's (licensee's) NRC/ Utility D. Dilanni 9:00 14-B-11 plans for the installation of two additional diesel generators that would provide an alternate

AC power capability to meet NRC's station blackout requirements

! 7/19/88 50-321/ White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Georgia Power Co. to NRC/GPC L. Crocker t

1:00-4:00 366 Room 14-B-9 discuss issues related to i

licensee response to GL 83-28 E


p,* Copies of sununaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) m in the NRC and local public document rooms.

A listing of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-7424.

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7/19/88 50-413/ White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Duke Power Co. to NRC/ Duke Power K. Jabbour 1:00-4:30 414 Room 10-B-11 discuss licensee's Direct Generation Response Spectra and the Snubber Reduction Program for Catawba 1/2 7/19/88 50-244 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Rochester Gas and NRC/RG8E C. Stahle 8:00-2:00 Room 14-B-13 Electric Corp. to discuss l SG sleeving and snubber l replacement program (Ginna) 1 7/20/88 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/BWR Owners Group MSIV NRC/BWROG J. Kudrick 8:30 Room 10-B-11 Leakage Closure Committee 7/20/88 50-302 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Florida Power Corp. NRC/FPC H. Silver 8:30 Rcom 14-B-11 to discuss status / inter-relationships of major tasks and configuration management program (Crystal River 3) 7/21/88 50-219 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/GPUN to discuss NRC/GPUN/ A. Dromerick 1:00-5:00 Room 12-B-9 matters related to RETRAN International Analytical Model and Cycle 12 Technical Services Fuel Reload Analysis (0yster Creek) g; 7/21/88 50-029 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Yankee Atomic NRC/ Yankee Atomic M. Fairtile r>' 7:30-9:30 Room 14-D-10 Electric Co. to discuss c routine monthly scheduling EE and prioritization meeting N5 (Yankee) o

'*/22/88 50-413/ Catawba Site Meeting w/ Duke Power to NRC/ Duke Power K. Jabbour 8:00-4:00 414 Lake Wylie, SC discuss their design of dry storage for spent fuel and tour Catawba site

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7/25/88 50-346 White Flint Bldg. Management Meeting w/ Toledo NRC/TE A. De Agazio 1:00-3:00 Room 10-B-13 Edison (Davis-Besse) 7/27/88 White Flint Bldg. Meeting w/ Westinghouse Owners NRC/WOG/ L. Cunningham I 1:00-5:00 Room 12-B-9 Group to discuss WOG plans to evaluate SGTR - TOP Rupture With Rupture Uncovered l

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DATE NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE APPLICANT NRC CONTACT 7/18/88 OWFN llecting with Northern States DMartin DPartin Power Regarding Pathfinder TJchnson Decommissioning in Sioux Falls South Dakota 7/19/88 NL United Engineers tiecting on LPittiglio LPittiglio Decommissioning GRoles 7/10-20/88 Denver, 00 EPA Workshop on Mixed Waste KDragonette KDragonette Regualtion DOE reps GPA/SLITP reps EPA reps 7/20/88 Columbia, SC Visit Barnwell LLW site HThompson PBell 1: Bell .

7/21/88 Charlotte, NC Visit Catawba Nuclear Power HThompson FBell Plant MBell 7/21-22/EP H Street ACNW JGrimm JGrimm JSurmeier 7/24-27/88 Toronto, Canada LLW Forum Meeting and Visit PLohaus PLohaus to Hydro's Bruce Power Station CWFN 6B11 EPA /NRC Interface Council PBell KDragonette E{7/26/88 Meeting RBernero g;

gg FKnapp ao FCongel DNussbaumer JMakris (EPA) RFonner BShackleford (EPA) KDragonette FGalpin(EPA) GSjoblem FCameron

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_MTE NUMBER LOCATION 5m To discuss the GA0 findings RCunningham, NMSS MLamastra 7/19/88 WFil On the NRC material licensees JHickey, NMSS 10:00 a.m. MLamastra, NHSS licensing programs GA0 reps.

Rockville, MD JPoberts, NMSS JRoberts 7/27/88 Heeting Researchw(ith Electric EPP.I)/ Power Central Reps of EPRI Rm 6-B-13 Research Institute of Electric Reps of CRIEPI Power Industry (CRIEPI)

RE: Spent Fuel Storage Reg.

WFN, Rm. 4B13 Meeting with Transnuclear to JRoberts, MMSS JRoberts 7/28/88 AHanse, Til discuss submittal of revised topical report for the TN-24 dry spent fuel storage cask design Vienna, Austria Advisory Group meeting to JHickey, HMSS JHickey 8/1-5/88 develop guidance on controlling radioactive consurer products (IAEA) 9 P


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7/18/88 USNRC Technical Meeting on KStablein KStablein IWFN Exploratory Shaft Facility l 7/18-19/88 IWFN Meeting between DOE and NRC concerning King exploratory shaft facility location and design.

, 7/25-29/88 WMP0 DHLWil to perform an audit of SML Kennedy, et al

! regarding repository sy ems development data management, conceptual design and system performance assessment 1

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  • 1" July 15, 1988 5! DOCKET APPLICANT /
  • DATE NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES RIV CONTACT 7/18/88 50-313 Region IV Discuss status of licensee improvement AP&L: J.Levine J. Callan 50-368 programs in support of ANO Units 1 & 2. G. Jones, S.Quennoz NRC: R.Bangart, J. Callan, A. Beach, D. Chamberlain 7/18/88 Sioux Falls, Northern States Power, Pathfinder W. Fisher & NMSS reps WFisher SD decommissioning.

7/19/83 Region IV Dept. Army, Army Engineer District, Maj. P. Smith, D. Powers Albuquerque, NM, enforcement conference. J.Jaffee 7/13/88 Region IV Midwest Wireline Logging & Perforating S. Smith D. Powers enforcement conference 7/20/88 Cheyenne, WY Financial Surety meeting w/WY Dept. DEQ: Morley, H. Rose of Environmental Quality, NRC & American ANC: Andrus Nuclear Corp.

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