ML20148P143 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Sundesert |
Issue date: | 11/17/1978 |
From: | Licitra E Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
NUDOCS 7811280128 | |
Download: ML20148P143 (2) | |
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NOV ' 7 1978 -
Docket Nos. 50-582 9 and 50-583 I MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution FROM:
Emanuel A. Licitra, Project Manager, Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3, Division of Project Management
PROJECT CRITIQUE FOR THE RADIOLOGICAL REVIEW 0F THE CONSTRUCTf0N PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE SUNDESERT NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 In accordance with PM Operating Procedure 220, " Preparation of Project Critiques", dated June 6,1977, the following critique has been prepared for the NRC review of the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR) for the Sundesert application.
The Sundesert application, which was submitted by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company, is for a custom two-unit plant to be located in Riverside County, California. Each unit will utilize a three-loop Westinghouse nuclear steam supply system rated at 2785 thermal megawatts with a net electrical output of about 950 megawatts. The application and the Envir-onmental Report were docketed on April 12, 1977 and the PSAR was docketed on April 26, 1977.
During the course of our review, the applicant advised us by letter, dated May 8,1978, that work on the Sundesert facility was being suspended because of actions taken by the State of California, and requested us to complete our review of the PSAR to the extent possible. As a result of the announced suspension, our radiological review was terminated and the status of the review was documented in an interim Safety Evaluation Repcrt (SER) issued l
on October 16, 1978.
Therefore, this critique has been prepared for the following two phases of PM Operating Procedure 220; PSAR Docketed Through Issuance of Formal Staff Positions (Phase 1) and Formal Staff Positions Issued to Applicant Through SER issued (modified Phase 2).
PHASE 1 7pO PSAR DOCKETED (MILESTONE 01-6) THROUGH ISSUANCE vgB1L1 0F FORMAL STAFF POSITIONS (MILESTONE 14) s 7.2 months Original Targeted Span 7.3 months Actual Span 0.1 month Magnitude of Slip
__ - ___ __ _ NOV lI NO Phase 1 of the PSAR review (issuance of staff positions) was completed essentially on schedule. Although the issuance of first round questions (Milestone 08) was completed one week later than the original target date, this delay was essentially recovered by issuing the staff positions within one working day of the target date.
THROUGH SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT ISSUED (MILESTONE 25) 6.4 months Original Targeted Span 10.4 months Actual Span 4.0 months Magnitude of Slip The primary reason for the four month delay in issuing the SER was a result of the applicant's announced suspension of work on Sundesert. Because of the announced suspension, NRC management modified work schedules to give active cases higher priority than Sundesert. This resulted in delays in receiving SER inputs from most review branches.
For six of the branches, the delays were two months or more. For one branch, the delay was six months. The delay was minimized by preparing a draft SER for management review af ter receiving a preliminary draft of the last SER input. The final input was received before management review was completed.
G OL h:-
Emanuel Licitra, Project Manager Light Water Reactors Branch No. 3 Division of Project Management