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Weekly Info Rept for Week Ending 781103
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/07/1978
From: Rehm T
WIR-781103, NUDOCS 7811150023
Download: ML20148H848 (26)


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November 7, 1978 For: The Commissioners .

From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant to the Executive Director for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 3,1978 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Commissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report Contents Enclosure Administration A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Standards Development C l

Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D Inspection and Enforcement E Nr . lear Regulatory Research F Executive Legal Director G**

International Programs H State Programs I Manager,ent and Program Analysis J Controller K**

Calendar of Significant Events L Items approved by the Commission M*

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A.  :

T. A. Pehm Assistant to the 49-277El Executive Director for Operations

' Deleted frc Comissioners' and PDR copy.

    • NO entry this week.

781115 00 2 3

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Week Ending November 3,1978

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Sterling "~~



The Appeal Board 'affirned the Licensing Board Initial Decision on all issues except need for power and radon.

Arkansas 1 An Order was issued to Arkansas Power and Light Company confirming their proposal for modifications to the electrical power system.

Farley 1 On October 26 Alabama Power Company was granted permission to return to power.

Federal Regulations Concernino Seismic and Geologic Criteria G. Robbins (SD) presented a speech comparing the seismic and geologic aspects of Federal agencies' regulations and guidelines for critical structures at a symposium at the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting.

Proposed Rule on 10 CFR Part 61 A proposed rule on Management and Disposal of Low-Level Wastes by Shallow Land Burial and Alternative Disposal Method was issued for comment.

Environmental Effects of the Uranium Fuel Cycle The hearing board on the Environmental Effects of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, Back End recorrended adoption of Table S-3 as modified and recommended by the staff as the final rule: ELD is preparing response.

Use of Military Airfields for Transhioments of SSNM The final study on the feasibility of using military airfields for '

transhipments of NRC licensed SSNM is being forwarded to the Commission.

LOFT The first nuclear loss-of-coolant experiment is expected - 3s. cur between December 10 to 20,1978.


' Deleted from PDR copy.

0FFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Week Ending November 3,1978 _

l ADMINISTRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF 'INFORMATION ACT STATUS OF REQUESTS Initial Appeal of Request Initial Decision Received 333 35 Granted 221 9 Denied 59 15 Pending 53 11 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Anthony Z. Roisman, Requests documents related to the amendments to Natural Resources 10 CFR Part 21 published on October 19, 1978.

Defense Council, Inc.


Anthony Z. Roisman, Requests a copy of all connunications between the Natural Resources Commission and regulatory staff from 1/1/70 to the Defense Council, Inc. present relating to the environmental effects of the (78-295) uranium fuel cycle and whether there is a safe method of disposal of nuclear wastes. .

Luke Fontana, Requests a copy of the Staff's Safety Evaluation Attorney at Law Report and the Final Safety Analysis Report related (78-296) to the Waterford plant.

Meg Simonds, Requests a copy of all files indexed or maintained Abalone Alliance under the name ' Abalone Alliance' .


B. Z. Karachiwala, Requests copies of all licenses and support Iowa Department of documentation for the Wellman Dynamics Corporation, Environmental Quality formerly the Ma Cannalloy Division of Hills-McCanna (78-298) Compa ny.

Ralph Kegel, Requests documents and information regarding the Community Action design and manufacture of the " safe ends" currently Research Group being replaced at the Duane Arnold Energy Center.


CONTACT: J. M. Felton 492-7211 ENCLOSURE A

ficeived, Cont'd Ralp;; Brittelli, Requests a copy of proposals of the top three Nuclear Assurance finalists in response to RFP RS-0SD-78-013, Corporation a breakdown of points received by the top three (78-300) during the evaluation, and the complete NRC evaluation.  ;

Gerald J. Zulli, Requests a list of personnel at NRC's Region I Pilot Life Insurance office, including name, grade, occupation and Company salary.


Lynn Connor, Requests all regional annual reports from 1971 Doc-Search Associates to the present concerning NRC employee radiation (78-302) exposure as required by AECM 0525.

James M. Cubie, APPEAL TO THE EDO for access to two documents Union of Concerned relating to the evaluation of operating reactor -

Scientists licensees.


Granted Maggi Elliott, In response to a request for a copy of the technical Donovan, Hamester, proposal submitted by Teknekron in response to and Rattien, Inc. RFP RS-NRR-78-176, made available a copy of the (78-254) document in the PDR.

Lance C. Johnson, In response to a request for access to documents THE DAY responding to a memo from E. J. Brunner dated (78-259) 6/30/78 to the staff requesting evaluation of the licensee's performance on Millstone Point 1 and 2, informed the requester the NRC has located no documents.

Diane Corby, In response to a request for the technical Danes & Moore proposal submitted by Rondout Associates in (78-275) response to RFP RS-NRR-78-154, made available a copy of the proposal.

(An individual requesting In response to a request for all information in the information about himself) NRC's possession about himself, informed him that (78-276) the NRC has no information about him in its personnel, security, or radiation exposure records. '


Granted, Cont'd Deborah C. Wyatt, In response to a request for documents relating to Lowe & Gordon any plans by Appalachian Power Company or American (78-277) Electric Power Company to build nuclear power plants during the next 15 years in Virginia or West Virginia, made available to the requester two documents.

Carolyn A. Taylor, In response to a request for a copy of the front ADP Network Services page and the scope of work of Contract NRC-10-78-598 Inc. which was awarded to Automated Correspondence (78-280) Systems, Inc., informed the requester the information is available in the PDR.

Carolyn A. Taylcr, In response to a request for the and the ADP Network Services scope of work of Contract NRC-02-78-083, informed Inc. the requester the information is available in the (78-282) PDR.

Margaret R. Ryniker, In response to a request for a copy of Topical (78-284) Report EI/NNI-77-7-NP by Newport News Industrial Corporation, made available a copy of the report.

( An individual requasting In response to a request for all data in NRC files information about h.Jself) pertaining to him, informed the requester the NRC (78-291) has no information about him in its personnel, security, or radiation exposure records.

Denied Thomas B. Cochran, In response to a request for all information Natural Resources related to comparisons of EURATOM and IAEA Defense Council, Inc. safeguards, including the NMSS staff response to (78-266) a request from Commissioner Bradford for such a comparison, denied portions of two documents, one of which is classified, and the other containing advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. The non-evempt portions of the documents were made available in the PDR.



1. RFP RS-0IE-79-253 Title - Independent Assessment: Destructive Testing and Analysis Description - This technical assistance is required by the Office of Inspection and Enforcement to provide independent assessments, including destructive testing and analysis of samples from licensees' facilities which will serve as independent measurements and verifications that reactor construction and vendor materials and work-manship meet prescribed codes, standards and speci-fications in the mechanical, chemical, concrete, and electrical areas.

Period of Performance - Two years Sponsor - Office of Inspection and Enforcement Status - Solicitation being developed.

2. RFP RS-NMS-79-023 Title - A Study of Institutional Arrangements in Low-Level Waste (LLW) Management Description - The contractor shall first define alternative organizational roles and institutional arrangements in LLW Management. Next, a method to evaluate alternative arrangements in LLW Management shall be developed. Following this , the contractor shall evaluate alternative arrangements, and conduct work-shops for the purpose of reviewing and inputting into the ongoing work. When the NRC selects the arrangement to be considered in detail, the contractor shall conduct an analysis to identify actions and procedures which the NRC and other organizations will be required to take to execute the designated arrangements.

Period of Perforr,ance - Nine months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Panel meeting held October 23, 1978 to develop Request for Proposal.


3. RFP RS-NMS-79-025 Title - Radioactive Waste Disposal Classification System Applications, Regulatory Guides, and EIS Description - The contractor shall first review the Waste Classification System, identifying gaps and/or deficiencies, needed changes, refinements, etc.

to the waste classification methodology and data base. The contractor shall then classify wastes by source and prepare a DEIS and FEIS to guide and support development of a proposed waste classification regul ati on . The contractor shall be prepared to prepare


for and participate in public hearings to support the work perfonned.

Period of Performance - Twenty-four months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Panel meeting held October 27, 1978 to develop Request for Proposal.

4. RFP RS-NMS-79-026 Title - Preparation of an EIS to Guide and Support Development of a Regulation for Management and Disposal of Low-Level Waste (LLW)

Description - The contractor shall first review the existing information on the management and disposal of LLW, assess the alterna-tives, and develop a methodology and schedule for the preparation of a DEIS. The contractor shall then prepare both the DEIS and the FEIS and be prepared to support the same with public testimony.

Period of Performance - Thirty-three months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Panel meeting held October 27, 1978 to develop Request for Proposal.

5. RFP RS-NMS-79-029 (Formerly 78-065)

Title - Synthesis for Physical Security and Material Control and Accounting Assessment Results Description - Develop methods for combining observations of MC&A Assessment Team members, develop a method for synthesizing the results- of the Physical Security and MCLA assessments, and develop a draft handbook that explains the rethodology for deriving the measures of effectiveness and synthesizing them into the final statement of adequacy.

Period of Perfornance - Ten months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - A panel meeting to finalize the draft Request for Proposal documents was held on October 30, 1978.


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1. RFP RS-NMS-78-058 Title - Safeguards for High-Level Waste Repositories Description - Provide to the NRC a technical basis for determination of safeguards requirements for geologic repositories for high-level waste.

Period of Performance - Sixteen months Sponsor - Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Status - Negotiations are scheduled to take place the week of October 30-November 3,1978.

2. RFP RS-SEC-78-467 Title - PDR Micrographic Storage and Retrieval System Description - Will provide for the automated storage and retrieval of the PDR's microformed documents.

Period of Performance - Twelve months Sponsor - Office of the Secretary j Status - Bert and Final offers are due November 13, 1978.

1 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Contract No. NRC-02-77-185 Contractor - Science Applications, Inc.

Title - Analysis of Small Group Encounter Experience Follow-up to item reported during the weeks of May 26, 1978 and July 21, 1978:

The contractor was previously reported as being negligent in requesting the Contracting Officer's approval of a subcontract to perform part of the effort under the contract. The contractor has now submitted the request for approval with supporting data, and, after careful review, the Contracting Officer ratified the Fixed-Price subcontract with the EDM Corporation in accordance with the " Subcontracts" clause of the General Provisions of the contract.

Freviously, there was also disagreement between the contractor and the SRC as to whether the contractor was required to deliver the action description reports of the small group encounters used in the analysis.

The contractor has now agreed to deliver the reports. A supplemental agreement to the contract was executed by both parties which provided for the contractor to perform additional work under the contract at no cost to the Government. The reports were delivered to the NRC on October 15, 1978, and are currently undergoing review.


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Contract No. NRC-05-78-303 Contractor - Watkins-Burdette Motor Company, Inc.

Title - Motorized Vans As previously reported in the August 9,1978 report, the Contractor informed the NRC that he was unable to deliver the two vans for OIE Region II in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract because his subcontractor had filed bankruptcy and was no longer in .

production. The Contractor therefore proposed to utilize another sub-contractor, Boyertown, who had previously submitted a technically acceptable proposal under Solicitation No. RS-01E-78-303. This change would require an extension in the delivery schedule and a change in the specifications. The delivery schedule was changed from August 30, 1978 for the first unit, and September 30, 1978 for the second unit, g December 30, 1978, for both units, As consideration for these changes, the Contractor proposed to furnish and install, at no additional cost to the NRC, two steel runners to the main frames of the vans. These runners are estimated to cost approximately $1,000. The above changes were reviewed by OIE Region 11 and determined to be acceptable. Modification No.1 incorporating the above changes was fully executed on November 2, -



DIVISION OF SECURITY ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 3,1978 On October 31, 1978, Division of Security Representatives attended a Civil Service Commission sponsored one day

" Symposium on Federal Security Requirements and the Privacy A ct . " The symposium was designed to enhance understanding and present additional guidance necessary to institute the computer security program outlined in the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-71, Transmittal Memorandum No.1 of July 27,1978, on the subject of " Security of Federal Automated I nformation Sys tens . "

NRC Manual Chapter 2101, Part XV, " Control of Foreign Intelligence,"

approved September 13, 1978, was published and distributed during the week beginning October 30, 1978. This issuance reflects changes to t"e Warning Notice marking required by Executive Order 12055 and will therefore not be reissued on or after December 1,1978.

ENCLOSURE A w = = = = = _= : - = -. -

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NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION Fort St. Vrain A public meeting was held on the evening of November 3 and all day on November 4 in Denver, Colorado for the purpose of discussing the oscil-lation problem and full power operation.

Sterling On October 19, 1978, the Appeal Board issued a Decision which affirmed the Licensing Board Initial Decision on all issues except need for power and radon. The Appeal Board retained jurisdiction on these two matters.

Arkansas Nuclear One - Unit No.1 An Order was issued to Arkansas Power and Light Company (AP&L) for ANO-1 which confimed th6ir proposal for modifications to the electrical power system no later than October 31, 1978, to correct a design deficiency and allows ANO-1 to continue operation until the modifications are made.

Farley 1 On October 26, 1978, Alabama Power Company (APC) was granted permission to return to power with a slightly degraded high efficiency" particulate air (HEPA) filter in one of two independent trains of the Penetration Room Filtration System. The filters had been tested in September 1978.

An APC audit of the results of those tests on October 26, 1978 determined that the Train B HEPA filter assembly had a measured efficiency of 99.93% whereas 99.95% was called for by the license.

The licensee has already taken steps to raise the efficiency of this filter assembly and will perform the necessary testing to show conformance with license requirements by November 1,1978.

Since the NRC original safety evaluation of these HEPA filters was based on maintaining a 99.005 efficiency and since both Train A and B HEPA filter assemblies were demonstrated by test in September 1978 to be staying well above that level, we concluded that the plant could be safely returned to power without waiting for confimation that this slightly degraded filter has had its efficiency improved 0.02%.


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Davis Besse Unit i Two concerns were raised by the NRC staff on 10-27-78 regarding the adequacy of the Davis Besse 1 offsite power supply. The first was whether the Davis Besse 1 offsite power capacity was sufficient to per-mit safe simultaneous loading of all safety loads on the offsite power l source followina a loss-of-coolant accident signal. The licensee advised us that the offsite power system is of sufficient capacity to power the ..

engineered safety feature (ESF) loads on demand without the need for sequenced loading of ESF loads or manual shedding of non-essential loads.

l The sedond concern was whether the offsite power desian met GDC 17 for

, the operational case following a LOCA signal, where the plant switched l

safety loads from the unit auxiliary transformer to the diesel-generator instead of automatic transfer to the offsite power source (startup trans-formers 1 or 2). This matter has been under review by I&E for about a month.

We concluded that prior to the licensee's planned modifications tn provide automatic transfer to the offsite power source following a LOCA signal, the plant could meet GDC 17 by operating connected to the startup transformers 1 and 2 instead of the unit auxiliary transformer.

However, this proposed alignment would by-pass the offsite power under-frequency protection provided by the licensee through the normal station generator reserve transformer.

- The licensee indicated that this modification would include underfrequency trip when the plant is connected to startup transforners 1 and 2 and would be operating at a low power level (about 7%) during natural circulation tests.

We conclude that the Davis Besse plant can continue to safely operate on an interim basis below 25% power until the licensee's temporary modifi-cations and procedures have been reviewed and approved by the NRC staff.

Davis Besse Unit 1 - Desian Conformance with GDC-17 Pursuant to telephone conferences between the Toledo Edison Company (licensee) and the NRC staff on October 27-28, 1978, I&E (Region 3) issued an Irmediate Action Letter to the licensee on October 31, 1978 regarding plant compliance with GDC-17. The following actions have been completed:

1. Since October 27, 1978 the plant has been and will continue to power auxiliary loads from offsite power by way of the two ENCLOSURE B

- 3 -

station startup transfomers which complies with GDC-17.

(This mode of operation will continue until such time that the licensee may decide to implement and make the necessary modifications for allowing the plant to meet GDC-17 with the I

station auxiliaries on the plant auxiliary transformer).

2. The licensee has completed a safety evaluation under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.59(a) and has detemined that no unreviewed safety question exists when operating on the startup transfonners. The safety evaluation also considered the effect of degraded frequency conditions on the operability of safety-related equipment when operating with the startup transformers.
3. The licensee has developed procedures and implemented controls which specify control room operator and dispatcher actions required in the unlikely event that degraded frequency conditions are experienced on the offsite grid.

I&E (Region 3) inspectors notified us by telephone on November 1,1978 that the above actions and procedures had been verified to be correct and complete. Also, by memorandum dated November 2,1978 to N. C. Mosely, Director, Division of Reactor Operations Inspection, I&E from J. Kepple r, -

Director Region 3, I&E, it was stated that the licensee had complied with all necessary action delineated in the October 31, 1978 Inmediate Action Letter.

Therefore all necessary actions required to verify that Davis-Besse, Unit 1 is in compliance with GDC-17 are complete.


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1. Members of the Offices of Standards Development and Regulatory Research met with EPA staff on November 1 to develop a draft Memorandum of Understanding for conducting Feasibility Planning Studies on the Health Effects of Low-Level Ionizing Radiation.

Agreement was reached on the text of the Memorandum of Understanding. In addition, there was discussion of the scope of work for the feasibility planning studies. The next joint -

meeting of the staffs is scheduled for November 8, at which time -

it is expected that someone from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare will attend and particioate.

2. In response to a request to the Chairman from Robert L. Herbst, Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks, Department

, of the Interior, R. Grill, SD, met with Messrs. Carl Stutzman, .

l Thomas Bond and Wm. Garner of D01 on October 30, 1978, to discuss proposed joint Interior / Commerce regulations implementing the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (FWCA) as required by Executive Order. This Order mandates DOI / DOC have regulations in place by March 1,1979, and requires Federal agencies to submit implementing regulations to DOI / DOC within 60 days thereafter for DOI / DOC approval .

They are pat .:ularly anxious to explore methods of including in our regulations or guides very early mandatory consultation by our applicants with D9I/ DOC.

The next neeting will be scheduled during the week of November 6,1978.

3. G. Robbins presented a speech comparing the seismic and geologic aspects of Federal agencies' regulations and guidelines for critical structures at a symposium at the Geological Society of America annual meeting in -

Toronto, Canaca, on October 26, 1978. The presentation was based on information the staff is assembling in its ongoing reassessment of .,



Appendix A, to 10 CFR Part 100. The information reveals that  ;

Federal agencies use sorewhat different approaches in assessing  ;

a hazardous geologic fault and in deriving seismic impact for l design purposes. Also, agencies are turning to probabilistic analysis and to defining risk in quantitative terms for decision making.

Regulatory Guides to be Issued in the Near Future

1. Ti tle: Operational Inspection and Surveillance of Embankment Retention Systems for Uranium Mill Tailings (Reg. Guide 3.11)

Expected Issuance Date: December 1978


Guidance is provided to applicants for developing ar appropriate operational inspection and surveillance program for uranium mill tailings retention systems.


J. T. Chen 443-5997

2. Ti tle: Nuclear Analysis and Design of Concrete Radiation Shielding for Nuclear Power Plants Expected Issuence Date: January 1979


The guide describes practices for the analysis and desiga of concrete radiation shielding for nuclear power plants that the NRC staff considers to be acceptable for implementing applicable parts of the regulations.


M. R. Fleishmen 443-5921 3.


Preparatior, of Applications for the Use of Gamma Irradiators Expected Issuance Date: January 1979 .

Des criction: Describes the type of information that is needed to evaluate an acplication for a license to use sealed radioactive i cources for the garma irradiation of materials.


J. L. Caplin 443-5970 ENCLOSURE C l J



Standard Format and Content for the Licensee Physical Security Plan for the Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Moderate or Low Strategic Significance Descri ption : This guide describes the information required to be included in the physical security part of an application for a i

license to possess, use, or transport special nuclear material of i

moderate or low strategic significance and suggests a standard format for its presentation.


J. A. Prell 443-5904 Documents Issued During the Week of October 30 - November 3,1978 NUREG/CR-0215 - Estimates of Potential Radiation Doses from Wristwatches Containing Tritium Gas

[ Reg. Guide 5.52," Standard Format and Content for the Physical Protection Section of a License Application (for Facilities Other Than Nuclear Power Plants"; NUREG-0464, " Site Security Personnel Training Manual; and NUREG-0465, " Transportation Security Personnel Training Manual"] - On July 31, 1978 a notice was issued requesting comments on Chapters 4 and 18 of Reg. Guide 5.52 and NUREGS-0464 and 0465. A subsequent notice (October 31, 1978) was distributed to the Division 5 Regulatory Guide Distribution List indicating that the entire Reg. Guide 5.52 is currently undergoing revision in connection with the recently proposed upgraded physical protection requirements for fuel cycle facilities and transportation and that NUREGS-0464 and 0465 are being revised in view of the extensive comments received.


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Week Endinc November 3,1978 ,

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Prc:csec Rule en 10 CFR Part 61 An Advance Notice of Froposed Rulemaking on 10 CFR Fart ~1 " Management anc Disposai of Low-Level Wastes by Shallow Land Buri- snd Alternative Disposai Methoc", was published in the Federal Recist; an October 2E,1978.

The Notice . requests acvice, cornents anc recommenda cions on the scope of the Environrental -Inpact Statement to support 10 CFR Part 61 and on the alternative dispcsai rethods that will be incorporated into the regulation.

~he comt.ent pe ried expi res Decenber 26, 1978.

Meetinc - Sairburc. Austria c Technical Advisory Group on " Site Selection, Operation and Decommissionin; c f Los and Inte rmecia:e Level Radioactive Waste Suriel Grouncs", is meeting in Salzburo, AustriE , October 20-November 3,1978. Dr. Michael Eell.

Civision of Waste Management, is attending this meeting.

Lewis Committee Report on Reactor Safety Study i'e :ers of the Fuel Cy:ie Division participated in discussions and the drafting cf an NRC statement relatec to the Lewis ComTiittee Report. A pcsition has ceen ceveloped in order to provide a draft to the Commission this week.

E v. ". ronrental Effects of the Ureni um Fuel Cycle r,e i.ea rin; boarc c- me Envi rcnniental Effects of ine Uraniu- Fuel Cycle, Eacs End, Occket No. :P 50-3, has ccnpleted its conclusions and reco nencaticns cc :e ning this rulera cing proceeding.

-ne rect, enca: ices of the hearing board include:

s. ide::icn of Table I-2 as mccified anc recormended by the staff as
e 'inal uie.
. T e acci:ic ci a :r4ef explanatcry narrative.
. c:er :' i:e : ':- ne a:dati g :r:ces:

52~.: ::ar: c: :~_:i n ar d re:c- E-da:it r.s ve re rev .:-e:

e a mee.i-1'

e: een E '_ .5 ;; :. i r : ..'"55.  :: as 2 greed :na: ELD -oi d take the :ead 4. ..
<e: a ' ; a re::.: s e :: :be r ca rd ccnciuc'n; cocu .ent.


Iteas of Interest 2 Action . Plan for Strengthening International Safeauards HMSS representatives participated in a meeting at State on October 24th.,

l to expedite the completion of work plans. NMSS accepted responsibility to develop work plans III.C.1 (which calls for the development of facility design criteria relevant to MC&A and containment and surveillance to facilitate IAEA safeguarding) and III.C.3 (which calls for the U.S. to seek international acceptance and support of such criteria). These work plans had fonnerly been assigned to ACDA. Drafts of Work Plans II.A.5 and V.A.2 (which are to provide assistance to the IAEA's Secretariat in preparing the safeguards technical manual and to encourage the Director General to send to States letters sunmarizing the results of inspections) were reviewed and a revised text agreed upon. Draft work plans III.B.3 (review IAEA's managerent procedures), IV.C.2 (review IAEA employment practices),

and V.B.3 (seek universal compliance with the forthcoming IAEA SSAC guide-lines) were reviewed and suggestions were made for revisions. The next meeting is scheduled for November 8,1978.

Visit to Kerr-McGee, Cimarron, Oklahoma Members of the Safeguards licensing staff are visiting the Kerr McGee, Cimarron, Oklahoma facility to discuss the licensees plans for further clean-out of the plutonium facility.

D00 Study on Use of Military Airfields for Transhipments of SSNM A copy of the memorandum from the D00 to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs relative to the feasibility of using military airfields for transhipnents of NRC licensed SSNM has been received in the Division of Safeguards. The final study and associated memoranda are being forwarded to the Commission.

' Deleted from PDR Copy.


0FFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCE"ENT Items of Interest Week Ending November'3, 1978

1. Preliminary Notifications relating to the following actions were dispatched during the past week:
a. PN0-78-181A Good Samaritan Hospital, Mt. Vernon, Illinois -

Misedministration of Ytterbium-169 Chloride Resulting in Possible Brain Dose of 400 Rads - Preliminary dose estimates by the NRC Medical Consultant indicated that the patient may receive about 283 rads to the brain and about 884 rads to the spinal cord. The Consultant believes that these levels will not result in a detectable effect on the phtient's central nervous system. (Closed)

b. PNO '8-183 Cerac, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin - Fire at Cerac, Inc - A Thorium Processor - The licensee reported that a fire in the ventilation-filtration system had occurred on October 30 and hau been extinguished. Surveys indicated no contamination on r ersonnel and none downwind of the facility. Some contamination was found on the facility roof but it was believed to have been there prior to the fire. Surveys indicated that most contamination probably remained on a filter in the filter assembly. (Closed) l c. PH0-78-IS4 Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, Illinois - Lost l Iodine 125 Shipment - On October 26, 1978, a consignee, Moorhead General Hospital, Bastrop, Louisiana, reported to Abbott that a shipment containing two vials of I-125 fibrinogen kits had not been received. Abbott has put a tracer on the package through the carriers of the shipment. Region III (Chicago) is following the tracer effort. (Closed)
d. PNO-78-185 Nuclear Energy Services, Inc. , Conan Inspection Division, Houston, Texas - Overexposure to Right Hand - On October 23, 1978, a radiographer's pocket dosimeter discharged while working with an X-ray nachine. On October 30, the film badge service notified the licensee that the badge indicated a whole body dose of one rem from X rays . On N vember 2, the radiographer complained of extensive pain in the thumb of the right hand. The thumb was swollen and di scol o red . The radiographer had used his right hand to hold a plurb bot to aid in alignment during exposures. The licensee esti-rates that the right hand may have been exposed to several thousand rems of X-ray radiation. Evidence is not conclusive that tF; ex-posure to the hand was caused solely by X rays. Region III (Chicago) is initiating an investigation.


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e. PNS-78-52 United fluclear Corporation - Shipment of SNM in '. ,

Supposedly Empty Container - A shipping container that was supposedly empty was recieved by the United Nuclear Corporation (UNC) Naval Products Division in Mcatville, Connecticut from the UNC Wood River Junction, RI facility on October 21, 1978. When opened on October 25, an 8" X 4" X 1" plastic box was found within the container. An examination of the box disclosed that it contained scrap that included 68 grams of highly enriched .

uraniun. F.egion I (Philadelphia) is investigating t.he matter.

l l (Closed) 1 l


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OFFICE OF NUCLEAR kEGifLATORY RESEARCH kportant Items - Week Ending November 3,1978 LOFT The first nucleer loss-of-coolant experiment, L2-2 is now expected to occur in the December 10 to 20 period.

affecting this schedvie are the approval of the experiment safetyT analysis and the installation of the new gemma densitometers needed to measure cociant density in a radiation environment. Currently, i but wnich proceed. So far,still permits the cartma densitometer inst sys te . has not delEyed work in containment.radiction background frc i l

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I NRC Team Visit to FRG An NRC team, with representatives from IP, NRR, RES and ACRS, returned j from Germany following a week's discussions with various officials of l the FRG concerning pipe cracking at the KRB-1 (Gundrcmmingen) boiling-water l reactor. The team met with representatives of the Federal Ministry '

of the Interior and their technical contractor, the GRS; the Bavarian Ministry of Labor for Land Development and Environment and their technical advisor, the TUV Bavaria; and the utility Kernkrafwerk RWE-Bayernwerk GmbH, and their contractor, the Kraf twerk Union (KWU). Information obtained from this visit was summarized and presented to the Pipe Crack  ;

Study Group on October 31. l Technical Assistance - Cooperation During the week of October 23, 3 examiners from the Brazilian CNEN accompanied NRC examiners while they administered the operator examination test at the D. C. Cook Nuclear Power Plant. NRC has been working closely over the last several months with the CNEN on a number of training and other tasks in preparation for preoperational and startup tests of their first power reactor, the Angra-1 station.

Foreion Reports Tne following reports were received by IP during the week of October 30-Novenber 3. (For further information, contact Ann McLaughlin, Extension 277E8.)

Fror Belcium

1. Special Commission Work Paper Concerning Four Future Nuclear Plants. (In French)
2. Nuclear Plant Safety - Accident Analysis. Selection of Assumptions in the Case of Probabilistic Approach. MUREG 75/087 ENCLOSURE H

__.,.., , _. :._ 7.-

l 1

l 1

from Spain.

1. Evaluation of the Associated Risk of Air Traffic Over the Trillo Nuclear Power Plant Site. (In Spanish) 1 From the U.K.
1. Health and Safety Executive Consultative Document.

Ionizing Radiations.


Ken Cohen of IP and Paul Morrow of NMSS attended a meeting at the State Department on October 27 to discuss with representatives of ACDA, 1 State and DOE, matters relative to the U.S. offer to apply IAEA safeguards I to its peaceful nuclear facilities. In particular, the group focused on the status of the Proposed Rule to implement the US offer (Part 75),

discussed the anticipated sequence of events and confirmed agency responsi-bilities for activities related to the offer. NRC representatives ,

stressed the need for early analysis from other agencies of the public 2 comments on the proposed Part 75.

  • Deleted from PDR copy.


l OFFICE OF STATE PROGRAMS ITEMS OF INTEREST WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 3,1978 Emergency Preparedness Arrangements are being made to assist Louisiana in review and improve-ment of the State Radiological Emergency Response Plan.

The civilian agency exercise REX-78 was completed on October 30 after 15 days of supporting the Defense Department simulated mobilization and initial deployment. NRC will be working with the Federal Preparedness l Agency in critiquing the exercise and in looking for ways that the l lessons learned can be used in strengthening the national emergency j preparedness program. j l


0FFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYSIS Items of Interest Week Ending November 3,1978 Lewis Committee Report-Up Summarized for EDO staff views on Lewis Report. ED0 sent memo to l Commission forwarding the summary.


Differing Professional Opinions j Sent a Commission Information paper that summarizes comments received on survey report on differing opinions. Paper outlines staff plans to develop NRC's proposed policy procedures for  ;

handling differing professional opinions. j Commission Briefing on Differing Professional Opinions at Hearings ,

Briefing package is being circulated to NRC offices for comment.

The Commission briefing, scheduled for November, is prompted  ;

by part of an order relating to the Shearon Harris plant. The i briefing covers the NRC's Open Door Policy with particular emphasis on procedures for handling differing professional opinions in staff testimony at licensing hearings. 1 e  ;




CALENDAR OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS TWO WEEK PERIOD ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 1978 Week of RESAR-414 - PDA is expected to be issued November 5 November 6 58G - SER Supplement to be completec' during this week.

November 14 Palo Verde 4 & 5 - Meeting with applicant to discuss ICSB and RSB areas of concern.

November 15 Sundesert - Site Visit by AAB, HMB and RPM.

Diablo Canyon 1 & 2 - Issue Supplement No. 8 to Safety Evaluation Report in support of Safety Hearings November 16 Annual Reactor Safety Research Meeting with NSSS Vendors, GE, San Jose, Ca. (G. Bennett)

November 17 ANO License amendment to be issued authorizing plant to operate in Mode 2 (startup)

North Anna 1 & 2 - Safety Evaluation regarding increase in storage capacity to be issued.

Ncvember 19-29 IAEA Working Group Meeting - Radiation Measurements (Chairman, C. Serpan)


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