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Forwards Appl by Mitsui & Co to Export U-235 to Japan. Requests Comments for Staff Analysis
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/14/1978
From: James Shea
SECY-78-655, NUDOCS 7812210539
Download: ML20147F582 (5)


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"'%.11>;g For: The Commissioners From: James R. Shea, Director Office of International Programs p Thru: Executive Director for ^ - t4cns t/M'



Purcose: To info- of the receiot of a lic-Discussion: mation of the Commission are

, on for a license for which ill ultimately be necessary.

. .pplication have been placed in the

. ament Room.

Conmiss.oners are requested to advise the staff of any particular issues or information which they can identify at this stage and which tney wish included in the staff's analysis.

.  % ' ~ ~ ~.. . .w


James R. Shea, Director

.- Office of Internationai rrocrams


Application dated 11/28/78 (XSNM01426 - Initial Core for Fukushima 2-1, Japan)


G.G. Opiinger (492-7866) Commissioners J.Dunn Lee (492-7984) Commission Staff Offices Exec. Dir. for Opers.

Secretariat 7 812 210 5 3C< ACRS



//J 00 3 S f Corefully Read instruerunns on l'ack

i. D A TE or A >Puc ATioN 2 A PPLiC AN T s a Er ERENC E Ho-Nmr un b r r 28, 1978 " 3 CoVN TRY Cr VL TlW A TE DES TIN ATION 4 N AWE OF A PPLIC AN T MBK-IIF1-0 Japan Mitsui & Co., 5 ULT iu ATE con $lGNE E IN FOREIGN COUN TRY (U . S . A. ) , Inc. (Nane rvad addressl sTaEET AcoaEss The Tokyo Electric Power Co.,

'200 Park Avenue CiTv, sT A TE. A No : PCoeE No . 1-3 , 1 -Chome , Uchisaiwai-cho Inc.

Chiyoda-ku N e>w Yor k . NY 10017 _Tokvo Japan 6, IN T ER MEQt A T E CON SIGN E E IN FC A EIGN COU N T R Y (6tte namf smd addre8 5. l{ same as ullsonale gunstgner, state "$Wne. ")

7 IF PURCN A $ ER IN FO A EIGN COUNT RY c1 O T H E 8t TNAN UL Tluh TE CCH$\CHE L, GlVE N A ME AND ACORE55 See attached sheet fil same state "S*"*. ")

Same 8.' f a) CU AN TITY TC BE $wtPPEC (See instructnons on backl (b) CoMuccir Y oESCRIPTioN (/nclude cbcmical n*kl fbysical forvT /or speCla!

bwenesuct maternal also spectly asotopec content. of un a devece, "ucles malert'al saerntsly Ortdthe dev>ce, metulacts and model nurruber.)

3,511 Kgs U-235 ,

U-235 contained in 157,382 Kgs-U as 47,495 Kgs-UF6 and 142,103 Kgs-UO2 Nominal enrichment: 2.23 w/o average, 2.55 w/o max 1.55 w/o minimum (c) sH tPPtNG A N D P A Cot lHG PROC EDUR ES (Requsred for spectal rnaclear materi al. See instructuons on back.) '

N/A 97No usE or CouwcotTits CovEPED BY Tw's A PPLIC A TicN:

well be rena'esed, or the nature of the resemeh that wall be performed.)(Dese n6e /wly. statina vest unti 6e proauced <>r (See snstructsons on back for specoat nuclear materua! moradacrtred

) .

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See attached sheet A?JAs muk N i

.10, The arptiennt, and any official cieeviinn this certihente n't is prepared in confermity with Title 10. Code of l'ederal bedall ni the appliesnt Regulations. named Paris 30 inanditem 554.(if certify for bthat this application for source material). or Part 70 (il for special nuclear n.secttal), and Part 71 (fer transport erial, of radioactive matvproduct and that all knowledge andinformation belief. contained herein, including any supplements attached hereto, is iitrue applica andble) correct to th e best of their Mitsui &,Co. (U . S . A . ) , Inc.

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  • k'%/ A g /"9 j U OAECEIVED T.'Mond[n, Vice President and 2.3. NRC General Manager n , ,,,. ,,f , e,,,f,, ,,, n ff, e, ,d ,,,,,5,,,, ,c,<
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Metal Second Dept.

Warning: IB U. S..e.m DE C."Serrio,C 5 M! 6 56 1001; Act of June 25,1948 6 2 Seen. 749:

ment or e mot es it a criminal ellease 'o mok e e willfully false stete.

veresentetion te any departm ent or egency of the United Seo es os to any moetervri=lehin s di ctio n it s i f

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Attached Sheet

6. INTERMEDIATE CONSIGNEE IN FOREIGN COUNTRY kb Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (MITSGI) 90 1-2-1, Ohtemachi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo, JAPAN The Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (SUMITOMO) gypF 11-3, 5-Chome, Shimbashi, Minatoku, Tokyo, JAPAN 87 Japan Nuclear Fuel Co., Ltd. (JNF ) M$SS~

3-1, 2-Chome, Uchikawa, Yokosukashi, Kanagawaken, JAPAN

9. END USE OF COMMODITIES COVERED BY THIS APPLICATION (1) Mitsui will arrange the transportation of the material in Japan, including Import customs clearance, from port of import to SUMITOMO and/or JNF.

(2) SUMITOMO will reconvert the UF6 into UO2, for tne materials exported in the form of UF6.

i (3) JNF will fabricate the U02, reconverted by SUMITOMO or exported from GE in such form, into fuel assemblies.

(4) TEPCO will charge these fuel assemblies into his Fukushima II Unit No. 1 as its Initial Core.

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7t'.EPsoNC IweenTEas AND CXPQRTERS ,, ,,

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(212) 973 4600 2 00 PAR K AVENUE RCA TELEX 232613 wy 2d . NEW YORK. N.Y.10017 TT E(6 2 gia DEC 5 13652 E;;7 0?,T / IMPCF,T AHD INTERN AT'L SFGags November 29, 1978 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commis.c. ion Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguard Agreements and Export Branch Washington, DC 20555 Attention: Mr. Raymond N. Moore


NRC Export License Application for Special Nuclear Material Country: Japan Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Part 110 of Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, we hereby apply for a license to export special nt ;1 ear material in the form of UF6 and UO2 to be shipped to The Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO) . The information related to this application is as follows:

Section 110.31 (a) Applicant: See Form AEC-7, Item 4 (b) Supplier of M3terial:

For UF6 - U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

Washington, DC 20545 For UO2 - General Electric Co. (GE)

Castle Hayne Road Wilmington, NC 28401 (c) Ultimate Consignee: See Form AEC-7, Item 5 (d) Intermediate Consignee: See Form AEC-7, Item 6 (e) Proposed First Shipment: June, 1979 7%)2Ptott>7

(f) Proposed completion of final shipment: July, 1980 (g) Contractual delivery dates: Not established yet (h) Proposed expiration date of E/L: July, 1981 (i) End use of material: See Form AEC-7, Item 9 Section 110.33 (a) Contract Number with DOE: E (4 9-14 ) UFS/JA/ 24 (b) Estimated date of first use in utilization facility:

The materials are intended for use in TEPCO's Fukushima II Unit No. 1 Reactor as its Initial Core in May, 1981, by TEPCO, ultimate consignee.

(c) Chemical and Physical Form: See Form AEC-7, Item 8 (b)

(d) Quantity: See Form AEC-7, Item 8 (a)

(e) Country of Origin:

Not determined yet, but most presumably, the source materials originated from Canada will be processed into special nuclear materials at U.S. DOE enriching facilities.

We trust you find this application satisfactory to permit issuance of the appropriate NRC license.

For f urther information, please call Mr. I. Suzuki, collect at (212) 973-2011.

Very truly yours, MITSUI & CO. (U.S.A.), INC.

l t! - 1 A0 N Y. Monhet:

,)Vice Pres d ent and General Manager Metal Second Department

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