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IE Inspec Rept 99900283/78-01 on 780724-27 During Which Six Items of Noncompliance Were Noted:Checklists Not Initialed, QC Regs for Supplier Spec Not Found,Purchase Orders Not Screened,Reels Not Tested,Drawings Unsigned & Scn Not Issued
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/25/1978
From: Foster W, Hunnicutt D
Shared Package
ML20064H545 List:
REF-QA-99900283 NUDOCS 7812210024
Download: ML20147E253 (10)




U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION l OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT REGION IV Report No. 99900283/78-01 Program No. 44075 Company: Boston Insulated Wire and Cable Company 65 Bay Street Boston, Massachusetts 02125 Inspection Conducted: July 24-27, 1978 Inspector: <M/ f -d fdr/,7 W. E. Foster, Contractor Inspector, Date Vendor Inspection Branch Approved by: M / Date


D. M. Hunnicutt, Chief, ComponentsSection II, Vendor Inspection Branch Summary:

Inspection on July 24-27,1978(99900283/78-01)

Areas Inspected: Action on previously identified inspection findings.

Implementation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B criteria, and applicable codes and standards; including procurement document control; instructions, procedures, and drawings; and document control. The inspection involved twenty-six and one-half (26.5) inspector hours on site.

Results: In the four (4) areas inspected, the following deviations and unresolved items were identified:

Deviations: Action on previously identified Inspection Findings - one

[lTitem had not been corrected as indicated in your corrective action response letter (Enclosure, Item A.), and an additional deviation was identified (Enclosure, Item B.); Procurement Document Control - system and practices were not consistent with Criterion IV of Appendix B to 4 10 CFR 50 and Section 5. of ANSI N45.2-1971 (Enclosure, Item C.);

Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings . practices were not consistent with Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 (Enclosure, Item D.); j l

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Document Control - system and practices were not consistent with Criterion VI of' Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 and Section 7. of ANSI N45.2-1971 (Enclosure, Items E. and F.).

Unresolved Items: Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings - disagreement regarding the production ticket (Details.Section, paragraph D.3.b.); Document <

Control - conflict between the Quality Control Manual and Design Control Procedure regarding change documents (Details Section, paragraph E.3.b.).



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DETAILS SECTION A. Persons Contacted K. Berube, Purchasing Agent J. Boger, Foreman - Testing / Finishing / Cable Inspection P. Campbell, Manager - Customer Services W. Canty, Coordinator - Production Control

  • J. Jeanmonod, Manager - Engineering Operations R. Lantz, Engineer - Standards F. Lydon, Inspector - Incoming /0utgoing
  • J. Rath, Vice President
  • A. Sutkus, Manager - Quality Control E. Vangenewitt, Foreman - Cabling and Order Cutting
  • Attended Exit Meeting.

B. Action on Previous Inspection Findings

1. (0 pen) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): Review of selected Spec Incoming Order Checklists revealed that Quality Control personnel

, had not initialed the document. (SeeEnclosure,ItemA.).

2. (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): The inspector verified paragraph 1.0 of the . . . Material Traceability Procedure had been revised to delete the requirement of separate reports from other departments.
3. (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): Review of the Shop Floor Material Traceability Procedure revealed the procedure had been revised. However, paragraph 5.1 requires critical materials be purchased under BIW quality Control Requirements for Suppliers Specification QCS-100, which could not be found. (See Enclosure, ItemB.).
4. (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): The inspector verified In-Process Inspection Instruction Number Ten (10) had been revised to indicate QC spot check of production tests.
5. (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): The inspector verified paragraph 14.1 of the Quality Control Manual had been revised to indicate specified tests and test points are listed on Manufacturing Specifications.
6. (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 77-01): Resumption of the Production Defect Report did not occur on the date shown in g-~- --- = v - =

Boston ' Insulated Wire letter dated July ~ 18,1977. The inspector was informed that new Electronic Data Processing equipment, de-bugging, change-over and urgent programing caused the delay.

The inspector verified monthly issuance of the report beginning January 1, .1978.

7. (Closed). Deviation (Report No. 77-01): The inspector verified the Bill of Material is now incorporated in the Manufacturing Specification.

C. Procurement Document Control

1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that:
a. Measures had been established and documented to assure that applicable regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary to assure adequate quality had been included or referenced in the doccents for procurement of items and services.

, b. Changes in procurement documents had been subjected to the same degree of control utilized in origination.

c. Procurement documents required contractors to provide a quality assurance program consistent with the pertinent requirements of ANSI N45.2-1971, as necessary.
d. Procurement documents included provisions for the following, as applicable:

(1) Supplier Quality Assurance Program, (2) Basic Technical Requirements, (3) Source Inspection and Audit, (4) Documentat-lon Requirements, (5) Lower Tier Procurements.

2. Methods of Accomplishment The preceding objectives were accomplished by:

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a. Review of the following customer orders and attendant documents to verify that procurement document control had been invoked:

(1) Bechtel Power Corporation Purchase Order Number 10466-E-062-5, Revisions 0, 1, and 2,~ dated April 28, 1976, February 28, 1977, and March 15, 1977, respec- '


(2) Westinghouse Electric Corporation Purchase Order Number 95N-01940.

(3) South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Purchase Order Number SN-10184-SR, dated April 8,1976.

b. Review of selected, released purchase orders to verify:

(1) Suppliers had been required to provide a quality assur-ance program consistent with the pertinent require-ments of ANSI N45.2-1971, and (2) Provisions existed for a Quality Assurance Program, Basic Technical Requirements, Source Inspection and Audit, Documentation Requirements and Lower Tier Procurements.

c. Review of Section IV, Revision 0, dated January 3,1977, of the_ Quality- Control Manual to verify measures had been established and documented to assure applicable regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements necessary for adequate quality had been included in procurement documents.
3. Findings
a. Deviation See Enclosure, Item C.
b. Unresolved Items None.


c. Comments Review of Specification Number 10466-QA-1, Revision 4, dated October 15, 1975, of Bechtel Power Corporation's Purchase Order Number 10466-E-062-5 reveals the following:

"The . . . Quality Assurance Program is governed by AEC Regulation 10 CFR, Part 50, Appendix B . . . To satisfy this requirement, the supplier shall maintain a Quality Assurance Program that conforms to the provisions of AflSI N45.2-1971 . . . . The Quality Assurance Program shall include the following applicable elements described in Sections 2 through 19 of ANSI N45.2." Paragraph 5.4 states,

" Procurement Document Control (Refer to N45.2, Section 5.)."

Further, paragraph A.1 of the Quality Control Manual states in part, "The Quality Assurance Program described in this manual is designed to meet the requirements of NRC 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, ANSI N45.2 . . . ."

D. Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings

1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that:
a. Activities affecting quality had been prescribed by docu-mented instructions, procedures, or drawings.
b. Tasks had been accomplished in accordance with those instructions, procedures, or drawings.
c. Quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria had been included in the intructions, procedures, or drawings to indicate important activities had been satisfactorily accomplished.
2. Methods of Accomplishment The preceding objectives were accomplished by:
a. Review of the following customer orders and attendant doc-uments to verify that instructions, procedures, and drawings had been invoked:

(1) Bechtel Power Corporation Purchase Order Number 10466-E-062-5, navisions 0,1, and 2, dated April 28, '

1976, February 28, 1977, and March 15, 1977, respect- '


(2) Westinghouse Electric Corporation Purchase Order Number 95N-01940.

(3) South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Purchase Order Number SN-10184-SR, dated April 8,1976.

b. Review of Section V, Revision 0, dated January 3,1977, of the Quality Control Manual to verify the subject' had been addressed,
c. Review of selected Production Test Records, Manufacturing Specifications, and drawings to verify inclusion of quan-titative or qualitative acceptance criteria.
d. Review of the following documents and observation of related tasks to verify accomplishment in accordance with them:

Quality Control Procedures Numbers Two (2), Revision 1, dated October 3,1977, entitled, " . . . Cabling Operation";

Five (5), Revision 1, dated October 3,1977, entitled

. . . Insulating Operation"; and Two (2), Revision 1, dated October 21, 1977, entitled, " Final Inspection Policy."

3. Findings
a. Deviation See Enclosure, Item D.
b. Unresolved Iten Numerous Quality Control Procedures require Quality control stamping of the production ticket. There was disagreement among contractor personnel regarding the specific document.

As a result, the inspector was unable to evaluate this aspect.

The contractor needs to be more definite in identifying the production ticket.

E. Document Control

1. Obj ectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that:

i l

a. Measures had.been established to control the issuance of documents, such as instructions, procedures, and drawings, including changes thereto, which prescribed all activities affecting quality.
b. Established measures:

(1) Assured that documents, including changes, are reviewed for adequacy and approved for release by authorized personnel, (2) Assured that documents, including changes, are distrib-uted to and used at the location where the prescribed activity is performed,

c. Changes to documents had been reviewed and approved by the same organizations that performed the original review and approval or another designated responsible organization.
2. Methods of Accomplishment The preceding objectives were accomplished by:
a. Review of the following customer orders and attendant doc-uments to verify that document control had been invoked:

(1) Bechtel Power Corporation Purchase Order Number 10466-E-062-5, Revisions 0, 1, and 2, dated April 28, 1976, February 28, 1977, and March 15, 1977, respec-tively.

(2) Westinghouse Electric Corporation Purchase Order Number 95N-01940.

(3) South Carolina Electric and Gas Company Purchase Order Number SN-10184-SR, dated = April 8,1976.

b. Review of the following documents to verify measures had been established and documented to control the issuance of documents:

(1) Sections III and VI (both are Revision 0, dated January 3,1977; sheet 2 of the latter is Revision 1, dated February 28,1977), of the Quality Control Manual and (2) Design Control Procedure No. 1, dated December 7, 1973.


3. Findings
a. Deviations (1) See Enclosure, Item E.

(2) See Enclosure, Item F.

b. Unresolved Item _

Paragraph 6.4 of the Quality Control Manual indicates all authorized changes will be by "use of the Specification Change Notice (SCN) only" while the Design Control Procedure No.1, dated December 7,1973, includes provisions for use of a Temporary Change Notice.

The contractor needs to align these documents. ,

c. Comments Review of Specification Number 10466-QA-1, Revision 4, dated October 15, 1975, of Bechtel Power Corporation's Purchase

. Order Number 10466-E-062-5 reveals the following:

"The . . . Quality Assurance Program is governed by AEC  !

Regulation 10 CFR, Part 50, Appendix B . . . . To satisfy this requirement, the Supplier shall maintain a Quality Assurance Program that c::nforms to the provisions of ANSI N45.2-1971 . . . .- The Quality Assurance Program shall include the following applicable elements described in Sections 2 through 19 of ANSI N45.2." Paragra

" Document Control (Refer to N45.2, Section "7.)ph 5.6 states,.

Further, paragraph A.1 of the Quality Control Manual states in part, "The Quality Assurance Program described in this manual is designed to meet the requirements of NRC 10 CFR E0, Appendix B, ANSI N45.2 . . . ."

F. Exit Interview

1. The inspector met with management representatives denoted in ,

paragraph A. at the conclusion of the inspection on July 27, 1978. I

2. The following subjects were discussed:
a. Areas inspected.
b. Deviations identified.

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c. - Unresolved items identified.
d. Contractor response to the report.

The contractor was requested to structure his response under headings of corrective action, preventive measures, and dates

.for each deviation.

3. Management coments were related generally to clarification of

'the findings.

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