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Notice of Receipt of Appl for Facil Oper Lic;Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Facil Oper Lic;Notice of Availability of Environ Rept & Notice of Opportunity for Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Byron, Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1978
From: Varga S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20147D224 List:
NUDOCS 7812190185
Download: ML20147D225 (7)


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) 50-455 (Byron Station, Units 1 and 2 ) 50-456 and Braidwood Station Units ) 50-457 1 and 2) )

NOTICE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATION FOR FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES; NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION OF ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATING LICENSES; NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS; AND NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Com;ssion) has received an application for facility operating licenses from Comonwealto Edison Company (the applicant) which would authorize the applicant to possess, use, and operate the Byron Station, Units 1 and 2, and the Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, four pressurized water nuclear reactors (the facilities) each havirg a core power level of 3411 megawatts thermal with an electrical output of 1120 megawatts electric. The Byron Station is located in Rockvale Township, Ogli.

County, Illinois and Braidwood Station is located in Reed Township, Will Coenty, 1


The applicant has also filed, pursuant to the National Environmental l Pnlicy Act of 1969 and the regulations of the Commission in 10 CFR Part 51, l an Environmental Report for each facility which discusses environmental 1

considerations related to the proposed operation of that facility.

The Environmental Report for the Byron Station is being made available at the local public document room at the Byron Public Library, Third and Washington Streets, Byron, Illinois 61010. The Environmental Report for the Braidwrod Station is being made available at the local public document room at the 7812190Ig5'

Wilmington Township Public Library, 201 South Kankakee Street, Wilmington, Illinois 60481, and the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission, 400 West Madison Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606. Both reports are being made available at the State Clearinghouse, Bureau of the Budget, Lincoln Tower Plaza, 524 S. Second Street, Room 315, Springfield, Illinois 62706.

Af ter the environmental reports have been analyzed by the Commission's staff, draft environmental statements will be prepared. Upon preparation of the draft environmental statements, the Commission will, among other things, cause to be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER, a notice of availability of the draft statements requesting comments from interested persons on the draft statements. The notice will also contain a statement to the effect that aly comments of Federal agencies and State and local officials will be made available when received. The draf t environmental statements will focus only on any matters which differ from those previously discussed in the final environmental statements prepared in connection with the issuance of the con-struction permits. Upon consideration of comments submitted with respect ..o the draf t environmental statements, the Commission's staff will prepare fiial environmental statements, the availability of which will be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.

The Cannission will consider the issuance of facility operating licenses to Consonwealth Edison Company which would authorize the applicant to poss ess, use, and operate the Byron and Braidwood Stations in accordance with the provisions of the licenses and the technical specifications appended thereto, upon: (1) the

completion of a favorable safety evaluation of the application by the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation; (2) the completion of the environmental review required by the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Part 51; (3) the receipt of a report on the applicant's application for facility operating licenses by the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; and (4) a finding by the Commissicn that the application for the facility licenses, as amended, complies with .he requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Connission's regulations in 10 CFR Chapter I. Construction of the facilit4es was authorized by Construction Permits Nos. CPPR-130, CPPR-131, CPPR-132, and CPPR-133, issued by the Atomic Energy Conmission on December 31, 1975.

Construction of the Byron Unit 1 is anticipated to be completed prior to 1

June 1,1982; Byron Unit 2 prior to November 1,1983; Braidwood Unit 1 prisr to Novenber 1,1982; and Braidwood Unit 2 prior to Noventer 1,1983.

Prior to issuance of any operating licenses, the Commission will insp9ct each facility to determine whether it has been constructed in accordance with the application as amended, and the provisions of the Construction Permit. In addition, the licenses will not be issued until the Commission has made the findings reflecting its review of the application under the Act, which will be set forth in the proposed licenses, and has concluded that the issuance of the licenses will not be inimical to the common defense and security or the health and safety of the public. Upon issuance of the licenses, the applicant will be required to execute an indemnity agreement as required by Section 170 of the Act and 10 CFR Part 140 of the Commissionf.s regulations.

By January 15, 1979 the applicant may file a request for a bearing wit'i respect to issuance of the facility operating licenses and any person whos7 interest may be affected by this proceeding may file a petition for leave to intervene. Requests for a hearing and petitions for leave to intervene shi.ll be filed in accordance with the Comission's " Rules of Practice for Domestic Licensing Proceedings" in 10 CFR Part 2. If a request for a hearing or petition for leave to intervene is filed by the above date, the Comission or an Atomic Safet" and Licensing Board, designated by the Comission or by the Chairman of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel, will rule on the request and/or petition and the Secretary of the Comission, or designated Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will issue a notice of hearing or an appropriate order.

As required by 10 CFR &2.714, a petition for leave to intervene shall set forth with particularity the interest of the petitioner in the proceeding, and how that interest may be affected by the results of the proceeding. The petition should specifically explain the reasons why intervention should be permitt ad with particular reference to the following factors: (1) the nature of th(

l petitioner's right under the Act to be made a party to the proceeding; (2) the nature and extent of the petitioner's property, financial, or other iteterest in the proceeding; and (3) the possible effect of any order which may be entered in the proceeding on the petitioner's interest. The petition should also identify the specific aspect (s) of the subject matter of the proceeding at to which petitioner wishes to intervene. Any person who has filed a petition for leave to intervene or who has been admitted as a party may amend his :etition, l ,

but such an amended petition must satisfy the specificity requirements described above.

Not later than fif teen (15) days prior to the first prehearing conference scheduled in the proceeding, the petitioner shall file a supplement to the petition to intervene which must include a list of the contentions which are sought to be litigated in the matter, and the bases for each contention set forth with reasonable specificity. A petitioner who fails to file such a supplement which satisfies these requirements with respect to at least one contention will not be permitted to participate as a party.

A request for a hearing or a petition for leave to intervene must be f. led with the Secretary of the Commission, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Docketing and Service Section, or may be delivered to the Conmission's Public Document Room,1717 H Street, N. W.,

Washington, D. C. , by January 15, 1979. A copy of the petition should also be sent to the Executive Legal Director, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C., 20555, and to John W. Rowe, Esq. , Isham, Lincoln and Beale, One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60690, attorney for the applicart.

Any questions or requests for additional information regarding the content of this notice should be addressed to the Chief Hearing Counsel, Office of the Executive Legal Director, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555.

Nontimely filings of petitions for leave to intervene, amended petiticns, supplemental petitions and/or requests for hearing will not be entertaine'd absent a determination by the Commission, the presiding officer, or the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board designated to rule on the petition and/or request, that the petitioner has made a substantial showing of good cause for the g anting

of a late petition and/or request. That determination will be based upon a balancing of the factors specified in 10 CFR @2.714(a)(1)(i)-(v)and


For further details pertinent to the matters under consideration, s3e the application for the f acility operating licenses dated November 30, 1978, and the applicant's Environmental Reports dated November 30s 1978, which are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, 1717 H Street, N. W. , Washington, D. C. , and at the above named local puolic document rooms for Byron and Braidwood. As they become available, the following documents may be inspected at the above locations: (1) the Safety Evaluation Report prepared by the Comnission's staff; (2) the Draf t Environmental Statement; (3) the Final Environmental Statement; (4) the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) on the application for facility operating licenses; (5) the proposed facility operating licenses; and (6) the technical specifications, which will be attached to the proposed facility operating licenses.

Copies of the proposed operating licenses and the ACRS report, whe;i available, may be obtained by request to the Director, Division of Project Management, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. 20555. Copies of the Commission's staff Safety Evaluation Report and Final Environmental Statement, when available, may be purchased at current rates, from the National Technical

Inf ormation Service, Department of Conmerce, 5280 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.



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[lC,t. s (tevenA.(Varga,Ctpf lh Is Light Water Reactors > Branch No. 4 Division of Project Management Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 5th day of December, 1978

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