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IE Inspec Rept 99900087/78-02 on 780807-09 During Which Items of Noncompliance Were Found in the Following Area: Special Welding Appl
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/28/1978
From: Kelly W, Whitesell D
Shared Package
ML20147D087 List:
REF-QA-99900087 NUDOCS 7810130248
Download: ML20147D135 (9)


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VENDOR INSPECTION REPORT U. S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT REGION IV Report No. 99900087/78-02 Program No. 44060 Company: Walworth Company Aloyco Plant 1400 Elizabeth Avenue Linden, New Jersey 07036 Inspection Conducted: August 7-9, 1978 Inspectors: , . ,_ #V sf, ,f /f W. D. Kelley, Cdntractor Jhspector Dge '

Vendor Inspection Branct (/


Approved V 3 f)8/Ed'ff8 D. E. Whitesell, Chief, Components Date Section I, Vendor Inspection Branch Summary Inspection on August 7-9,1978(99900087/78-02)


Areas Inspected: Implementation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B and applicable codes and standards including, design document control; evaluation of suppliers performance; special welding applications; manufacturing process control during machining; testing of completed products; audits; and corrective action concerning previously identified items. The inspection involved twenty (20) inspector hours on site by one (1) NRC inspector.

Results: In the six (6) areas inspected, no apparent deviations or unresolved items were identified in five (5) areas. The following was identified in the remaining one (1) area.

Deviations: Special Welding Applications. (Details Section, paragraph P.3.a.)

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DETAILS SECTION I (Prepared by W. D. Kelley)

A. Persons Contacted, Walworth Company - Corporate Engineering (WC-C)

  • W. Hopp, Vice President, Engineering
  • R. O. Hunt, Director of Quality Assurance Walworth Company - Aloyco Plant (WC-A)
  • F. V. Cielo, Quality Assurance Engineer
  • J. W. Hawley, Manager, Nuclear Engineering
  • B. A. Kasten, Nuclear Engineer
  • A. A. Obeid, Plant Manager
  • F. A. Truppo, Manager, Quality Assurance
  • Denotes those persons who attended the Exit Interview. (See paragraph I.)

B. Previously Identified Items (Closed) Deviation (Report No. 78-01): Welding Procedure No. AWP-3, Revision 1, specified a weld reinforcement thickness of 1/8 inch which exceeded the 3/32 inch thickness established by the table in NB 4426.1, for materials with thickness of 3/16 inch to one (1) inch inclusive.

The inspector verified the procedure nad been revised to require

. . 3/32" maximum 1" to 2" inclusive nominal thickness at the weld."

(0 pen) Deviation (Report No. 78-01): WC-A Engineering Instruction Notice dated April 22, 1977, was not implemented and hardware was being machined without the 3/16 inch radius on the I. D. of the backfacing.

The inspector verified that all drawings had been revised to require a 3/16 inch minimum radius however a finite analysis had not been i

completed and checked. The analysis will be made available to l

the inspector on a subsequent inspection.

(Cpen) Unresolved Item (Report No. 78-01): The procedure qualifica-tion record for WC-A welding procedure AWP-6, Revision 3, does not indicate the specific gas flow rate used for the different cup sizes in performing the procedure qualification, and WC-A did not have records available to resolve this matter.

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I C. Design Document Control

1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to ascertain whether procedures had been developed and properly implemented to control the review, approval, release and issuance, of design documents in a manner consistent with NRC rules and regulations, ASME Code requirements and the vendor's QA program commitments.
2. Method of Accomplishment The objectives of this area of the inspection were accomplished by: ,
a. Review of the ASME accepted Quality Assurance Manual, Revision 4:

(1) Section'A-6, Procedures Control and Revision, (2) Section A-18, Documentation, and i (3) Section A-9, Design Control to verify the vendor had established procedures to prescribe a system for design document control.

b. Reviewed these selective documents:

(1) Nuclear Engineering Instructions Form NE-2, and (2) Nuclear Engineering Instructions Form NE-3 to verify they had been prepared hy the designated authority, approved by management, and reviewed hy QA.

c. Review the selective sections of the ASME accepted Quality Assurance Manual listed in paragraph a. above to verify they provided for identification of personnel responsible for preparing, reviewing, approvieg, and issuing design doc-uments; review and approval of significant changes by the same organizational personnel; delineation of types of minor changes to design documents that do not require review and approval. >


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d. Review of these selective documents:

(1) QC - 161, Revision January 19, 1976, Documentati0n  !

Check List, and (2) Nuclear Engineering Instructions Forms NE-2 and NE-3 to verify the distribution lists are current and that the proper documents are identified, accessible, and being used.

e. Interviewed personnel to verify they were knowledgeable in the procedures applicable to design document control.
3. Findings Within this area of the inspection no deviations or unresolved items were identified.

D. Evaluation of Supplier Performance

1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that procedures had been prepared and approved hy the vendor to prescribe a system for evaluation of supplier performance which is consistent with the commitments of the Quality Assurance Program; also, verify that the evaluation of supplier performance procedures is being properly and effectively implemented hy the vendor.
2. Method of Accomplishment l The objective of this area of the inspection was accomplished by:
a. Review of the ASME accepted Quality Assurance Manual, Revision 4, Section A-12, Control of Purchased Materials, Parts and Service to verify the vendor had established procedures for effective evaluation of suppliers.
b. Review of WC Corporate Quality Instruction CQI-1, Revision 0, Instruction for Conduct of Vendor Quality Survey and Audits to verify a procedure for evaluation of supplier's perfor-mance had been prepared by designated authority, approved by management, and reviewed hy the QA functions. ,

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c. Review of six (6) sets of documents applicable to three (3) suppliers to verify the procedures and necessary procurement documents were available to the person responsible for performing the quality affected activity, and the supplier ,

procedures were properly implemented.

d. Interviews with personnel to verify they were knowledgeable '

i in the procedures applicable to evaluation of suppliers performance.

3. Findings Within this area of the inspection no deviations or unresolved items were identified.

E. Audits ,


1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that procedures had been prepared and approved by the vendor that prescribed a system for auditing which is consistent with the commitments of the ASME eccepted Quality Assurance Manual. Also, verify that these audit procedure were being properly and effectively implemented by the vendor, y
2. Method of ~ Accomplishment The objectives of this area of the inspections were accomplished by:


a. Review of the ASME accepted Quality Assurance Manual,.

Revision 4, (1) Section.7, Training; and (2) Section 22, i

Audit, to verify that procedures had been established to l prescribe a system for auditing. 4

b. Review of selective audit reports to verify that they had been prepared by the designated authority, approved by management, and reviewed by quality assurance.
c. Review of selective audit reports i.o verify that they I identify the organizations responsibility, establish audit  !

personnel qualifications and training, and the audits are performed by these personnel, and establish the essential '

elements' of the audit system. -

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d. Review of the audit schedule to assure the audits of quality '

activities during design, procurement and manufacture are planned, documented and conducted in a manner that assures 4 coverage of all aspects of the quality assurance program.  ;

e. Review of selective audit reports to verify they identify the written plan, team selection, team orientation, audit notification, pre-audit conference, audit performance, and .  !

post-audit conference.

f. Review of selective audit reports to verify distribution to management and the audit organization and follow up regarding corrective action. .
g. Review of selective internal and external audit reports to verify the applicable procedures were available to the audit team personnel and the audit procedures were properly and effectively implemented.
3. Findings .i Within this area of the inspection no deviations or unresolved items were identified.  :

F. Special Welding Applications

1. Objectives

. The objective of this area of the inspection was to verify that special welding specifications-(cladding, hard surfacing, seal welding and weld repair without postweld heat treatment) conform '

with the additional requirements established by ASME Code, Sections III and IX, NRC regulations and the vendor's QA program.

2. Method ~ of Accomplishment The objective of this area of the inspection was accomplished by:
a. Review of the ASME accepted Quality Assurar.ce Manual, Revision 4:

(1) Section A-15 Welding Quality Assurance, and (2) Section A-17, Calibration and Control of Measurement and Test-Equipment

to verify the vendor had established procedures to pre-scribe a system for development and qualifying special i

welding specifications and qualifying welders and/or machine l


b. Review of these selective WC-A documents:

(1) AWP-34, Revision 3, Automatic Plasma Arc-Welding (PAW)

Procedure, CoCr-A Hard Surfacing, Group P-Number 8 Gr. 1 Materials, and (2) f.WP-24, Revision 5, Manual Tungsten Inert Gas (GTAW)

Arc Welding Procedure CoCr-A Hard Surfacing, Group P-Number 8 Material Group 1 to verify that the special requirements governing hard surfacing procedures and performance qualification imposed by ASME Code regarding test sample size, and special essential variables are satisfied.

c. Interviews with personnel to verify that they are knowledgeable in the procedures applicable to special welding applications.
3. Findings
a. Deviations See Enclosure, Item A.
b. Within this area of the inspection no unresolved items were identified.

G. Manufacturing Process Control - Machining

1. Objectives l The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that the machining operations were performed under a controlled system of manufacturing which meets the ASME Code requirements, NRC

, regulations, and contract requirements, and is effective in assuring product quality.

2. Method of Accomplishment The objectives of this area of the inspection were accomplished by:
a. Review of the ASME accepted Quality Assurance Manual, ')

Revision 4: q l

(1) Section A-10, Quality Planning, j (2) Section A-13, Material Identification and Control, and (3) Section A-14, Process Control )

to verify that procedures had been established to prescribe a control system of operation.


b. Review of the Aloyco Quality Sheets (AQS) to verify that they had been prepared by the designated authority approved by management, and reviewed by QA. l I
c. Review of the Aloyco Quality Sheets (AQS) to verify that they provide drawing / document control at the .; hop, part identifica-tion and traceability, in process and final inspection, identi-fication and removal of defective items, resolving nonconforming items, and gages and measuring devices are under a cal-ibration system.
d. Examine representative samples of finished machined parts and verified they were properly identified and confonned to specifications and drawings.
e. Examined these selective documents:

I (1) Drawings, and (2) Aloyco Quality Sheets to verify compliance with applicable documentation require-ments.

3. Findings l

Within this area of the inspection no deviations or unresolved items were identified.

H. Testing of Completed products

1. Objectives The objectives of this area of the inspection were to verify that products are assembled in accordance with approved procedures

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and drawings, all material complied with the specifications, and the functional test of the products were performed.


2. Method of Accomplishment The objectives of this area of the inspection were accomplished by: {


a. Review of test documentation to verify that:

(1) Test procedures and/or instructions were available at the test station and had been approved by engineering and quality assurance.

(2) The test had been performed in accordance with the '

procedures and/or instructions.

(3) Changes made to test procedure had been approved by engineering and quality assurance and they had been followed. l (4) The test data was documented and dispositioned in accord-ance with the procedure and/or instructions.

(5) The limits of acceptability of test results had been established and were being used for rejection or acceptance of the product.

b. Review of test instrumentation used to verify that they were as specified by the procedure and/or instruction and were in calibration.
3. Findings Within this area of the inspection no deviations or unresolved items were identified.

I. Exit Interview l The inspector met with management representatives (denoted in para-I graph A.) at the conclusion of the inspection on August 9,1978. The management representative acknowledged the statements by the inspector concerning the one deviation and that no unresolved item was identified this inspection.

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