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Final Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Partially Withheld App L Documents Which Are Being Made Available in Pdr.Encl App K Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/30/1991
From: Grimsley D
To: Zack C
Shared Package
ML20141M494 List:
FOIA-91-187 NUDOCS 9208310234
Download: ML20141M492 (4)


um m. . ~ .m o w . .. s v . , , .r FOIA - . tu 4,,,,,s s* t

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l i h. ., a6 J' ,- k o, , RESP 0f E TO FREEDOM OF Y1 m Il-on

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.ct Vt uA m t h Chriblihe la(L PAH11.. AGI NC Y fit COHD5 Hi L i Asi D DH NOT LUC A1 L D . 9- e e i! .

  • i-N o ap M y vet a js 5 A.y.; l l a tw r e%m l heir !.eto h e. m ?

Nt< 4 r F i ir W 4 y f er ur t*$ Wt i;* < 1 t r.,ef 9 Mt'udlatni e a ' ." ?

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heumted reconis ave svar aNe t' r ovfi oorlN r W bc 0 stM aN ia- 9e Co ne^ts ont on Apot y on om shee t to thr reapp that s'e Mento c1 m Apped s 'es . _ _ _ _ _ _ . , ao a sh a# At lu L AN mu.e t v and c op,og at t' e NBC P et.M Dw oment coam 2120 L Si ect. N W , unopon M Ay nc y in art? sut ots 1 to the rewest it at ere ident Aed m Apperd u tco ____ __. ____ ve ten;, " sie so yh, f or tw ' .pu t,oo ano < op ymq 5 pi the bhc Puh c Do( u'wnt Doort .'120 L '..t'cet N W , W Angton DC. m a fW t S It r tM t OI A nun >t er.

The nonprunnet r y vemvo of the oropou"sl t%t you ereed to a N t m , ti+pho ie c ma% hon we a men't e' of rny s'af f a now i+eng mwk o.adaNe f or put ht capor t.on and (opving e the ?$C Puta Dot u" r"t boo" 2120L Enee' N W . W eshmg't DC, m a f oW under this i Of A rwP.

Av nt y ret O'Ji subg i f u 14 request 1%! UP Ule' t Ae1 m Append n W  % tie m* n f ed 4 *! u.pd #1 tM N h C L ot # PutJ r Do ument Hoom , der ehed m the Com+en's sect on i nc ioned 6 intorn.shnh on hoa you 'r e y otda o at i ew in and Ibe t'a' f s f W t w vm) ret ofos 10t ved et t he hHC Pvt.iht Dx ceet ho; n 2)? ! L hreet, N W . Wuhagion DC Ayoq ret rodg sutyn t to the rem. "M arr eN +d

[A@end1x K, and rel eatable pr t ions nf &pondix.1Agynu._

Hn ords sa!get t to the rewest hne h", te d to anot hs f cov a. icy ' y hes) f or reven e idarti moons

  • to y ou dl# eIIC l O 5ed. )

X l ees 4 % % A t,e t a re t. , the N k C f or te n t ot oh ng i ,._ _._ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . .

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)( You wcl ret r<e a ufund ha' , the N EC m the amo. of M $ d 9 M In va s of N kC s moo"w to tM requeo. no f urther eriion a t enu t o e o on as .4 # M t" d at ri _ __ _ .._.__ . _ _ . . No . . _ _ . . _ . _ . -

P AH f tl. A-INI ohm A T ION WIT HHi L O f HOM PUBLIC DISCLO5UHL Certam irtra.aten in the rewested rM ords is t+mp n uhN id trc m puuhr disi esu e pu r Svant to t M e n emptons desc nbed ici and fc>r it e awr4 l' e t e t t in ISrt lt, E, C, pnd D. A% fW18'd POf'6 Cent Of thf d 3C ums- F1 t l I D' W hlCh OhI( TadM Of (* P tt( Grd if tiem) M hheki ve be d (, made 3,pdd!de IDF DOht

{ insputbn end t opymg m tb Nhc Pst hc Docun4nt Hmm. 2 t 20 L Litect, N W . Anhn;r en. DC in a f oHe u der n tM F O f A nebe r CO W INTS The fees to prcoss your rcquest i ul $810.39. Nu will receive a ref und in trm arunt of $192.00.

mv g(ivet.ww em it %_ um _s o9e e s t vom uowes enounoma ws 7208310234 911230 PDR FOIA .OR IACK91-1b, er '

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f ea s.s mi - i s R$3PONSE TO " i INFORMATION AC sl>EDOM OF FOIA -


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. . _ - . . _ . jA,_h..y APPtt,C,ABL) EMPilON$ . _ _

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N et.urdl 6ubMt to the request . hat see desfibed in the eretosed Appendiales) I are t.ein2 w,thheld m theif entirety of m g,ar1 under the i Exempton Nols) seid for tu reasoW given L&ow pursuant to $ U S C. */.mb) ar.d 10 CF R 91Fa; of N AC re#stions

1. The methheld v tu-meten to peepe-riv Cast hed puesvant 'o taecutwe Order. ItsempSon 11

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2. T he mtht+1d mformahon 'eistet soWy to t'* arsteenal peetonnel eviet and roceda et c.f Nhc (t nempt ctn 7)

- _ ,_.4.- _ ..

J The mitAeld infotern.n es t,pecehc aNy esempted hum puble e scioture tiy statute end4sted ((sernpteon 3). _ _ _ _ . _ _ ~ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,. _ _._ _ __ ,._. _ . _ _ . _i y

.___4 let ' ens 141145 ef the Atumet (neigy Act, n'uch prchituts the dylosure of Resint-ted Data of f orme*ir Firstoned Da ts 84? U.$ C. 21612160 4, g.

-e4 - , . _ - - _ - . _ _ _ . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . ,

ip becten 147 Di the Atomac Ittgy Act. which proheits .

uvet of Uriclasofied Latep.sards informsuon (47 U $ C. 2167L



The mt'Asid enformation as a trade tepet or comtneeteal o# fmanoal info +

  1. mahon that as teng mthheid foe the aestanto 6nd,cated. ((aempt6on 4)- _ - _ _

4 The info #mation is tontadeerd to te conhdential businest lpropr+1ery) ente etion pl The (formateun #6 (tent dered to be geonetary mfomation puttusent to 10 C f ft 2 7580ldit1i

1. - 3 I. M The ef 9, mat 4un was tutumtled and set eived th (tmbdence pursuant it,10 CF R 2 79%d@

._.6. The withheid mformat,on corwes et eraerecc, e . . =ges, settwas that see not a,ac ave % gb d+co.e,v owng htigstem (I mempt.on 61. Apphcable Privdege Det.te'ative Pmtess Discoeure of psedec+rinal miorenet on woul ? .cnd to mhetat the opc** antf frant eet haNe of dess e*ntial to the dehbce ntive petg ett Where totc#s see wet'. held in their entiset t, l'ie f acts s e mentnc Av necitamed mth the p<edet es.onai mtprt.anors These W se no eester.avy leyegat# f actus' pr t4 4's bec ause fne release of the f ac ts would peem.'t an indern t muuer, oito the p<eceonetmat ven ess of the e,senc y Anome, wwh p*oduc t pnsepe (Det uments treva ce by an amoney m < wtonpf at e oi huv s , chent povrage, (CoM. commumcations tremeen en anw r ey and ha'het chent i.. _ _ , _ . - - - -

b The withhe8d Armaten es enemned from pubut d.sticwe knavne es dwesat nodd ses# m a tes% una avneo in es vors to !+86er=ai tuec y (C ummpbon 6}

7. The mthheld er40rmatspri Cunests of venads c ompowt tw law enf ort ement porteses and 4 being erth'.ed for the seasnew md t ated IE nempiion 71 Distic4wre covid ressenat.Jy tie aspened to mterfore with an enfurcen+nt sworte+ng because it covkt rev eal the st ce.dotruoN and f ocus of 1forcement efforts. and thus cou nct ruus bfy allow reup. cots to taae atuon to sh eld potent.a' meongioeng or a viotanon of NRC requa ements item mvestigators (E 7 ( AD _ ,_

A 3 D sclosutt would (oristetute en une anented mvauon of g+,soria. pnvacy ([nempoon 7(Ch 1he mf ormanon cr ns sts et erames et snow ova's and othe mkomate the +se own rd nN

  • c r et 'emnatm t+ einn tert to mve,i *nt<i.n of
  • )( curedenna' sources. (E semph;,n 7 ID))

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A_C1 tti P,

_ ,__ _ .._P_AM _11 _C - DE_N WvG_O.H_tCI AL. S _ ..- ._ _

PWuent to 10 U R 976(h) and m 915tcl of th* U $ Nucea+ Revutator, Comm1uen <epat nns. it has bee dricem r ed that the u%rmenor, webem a e sempt bom pq, dortta or 04ctonute. and chai .is pwiumon o. dyioswe a wr+sa so the puber soterest The bewn eeuwb'e te tk oma 4 e t%e nH csi vientf ed bem* as oenvy -

othe a4 sna the Drectos p.v sen of f reedom of intwenat on es1 PvRcarons Lewes Of f ce of Adm n snav f o* at:, den.aa that may be aptma;ed to the E necut +e Direco,  !

dco Ope'atens (E DO)

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DENYlNG OFFICIAL liitt Of fICI  : fu conDS DINit D >

_ _ 9 ~1 rector Office of 1

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E Of f tCI AL_

s Bu B. @s Ulytsti9ations_._ _ . . _ _ . _LAppendiLL L_.k. -. _.._d. ._. .._

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. * ' . *'M PART II D- APPE AL NGHTS .

Tt e pen al by each c' of f 4 .) toent-f ed ;ri Pad 11 C may te oppeht to ht e Appenate Of*+as .dert ' ed - e. Any such appea' must be mada in w mn 30 dayt M .  ::t Of thtS telpOnbe. Appears must be aApesied. as spovop*iate to t*e & mecwt;ve D rect - for Operstiert to ite du etarv of the Cows 90% o' to t he inspectu Gencin t) $ %e ea. ,

RegWatory Commnoon. WaWngtors. DC 70565. and snow d cieany state ors thri envetot e anct <n the iette that it is an " Appeal from an in+at FO! A Decision?  !


N rn r N ,


1. 6/7/83 Memo from Ja-v.*a J. Cummings to Cen B. Hayes, subjectt ' Lek Compar., - Alteration of QA Records. (1 paga) 1 l


(^; (~h, U V I


1. 3/1/83 Statement of individual. (8 pages) Portions withheld puravant to Exemptiona 6, 7(C) and 7(D).
2. 3/1/83 Statement of individual. (14 pages)

Portionn withheld pursuant to Exemptions 6 and 7(C).

3. 6/7/83 Letter from NRC t o De p a r '.me. t of Justice. (2 pagec) Portions withheld pursuant to Ext.mptions 6 and 7(C).

. . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ ~ -- - -_._._.-.. --~..-~. ._- _ -_ -..._ _ _-. - -

4(,00 W 12TH et ACE e CHtCA ENSO

  • 312 242 3434  ;

.e. at som . n mt umd . m ue r ea w 6 t,,9 eni c3 . m # cww re u.n . vwe r,m 1-thO CO. ox u cacaw sinu t e cAmucau 4ter . ro m mi m uma pant . emtcrvut n e . oriv w s

April 29, 1991 FREEDOM OF INFORMAi'.CN REQUEST Director, Division of Froodom of Information CERTIFIED / RETURN RECEIPT

& Publication services ERffDOM Or I!iF0E!AT10!!

Office of Administration '


- ath ngton, DC 20555 [OM ~7/ M/[

} '

Dear Sir:

M $f [ -

This is a request under the provisions of the Freedom-of Information Act for background information pertinont to investigations of-the Zack Company done by the U.S.N.R.C.

The investigations in question started in 1982 and were perforir.ed by individuals representing Region 3, Region 4 and the office of Investigations. T'ese n investigations are all now closed issues.

We are requesting all documentary, audio and/or video recordings that were created as a result of these invest jgations and f orm '.he back-up document ation of these-

' investigations.

Please forward all such information to my attention at:

n The Zack Company 4600 W. 12th Pl.

Cicero, IL 60650 Questions can be addressed to me at 312-242-3434.


. ))r t<& N Ra 'nond.J. B 11aga Qua_ity Assurance Manager cc: C.'Zcck File-j -





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