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Forwards Final Plan for NRC Response to Incidents Involving Nuclear Matl in Unauthorized Places
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/28/1985
From: Jennifer Davis
To: Grace J, James Keppler, Murley T
Shared Package
ML20141E085 List:
NUDOCS 8604080479
Download: ML20141E100 (22)



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MEMORANDUM FOR: Thomas E. Murley, Regional Administrator, Region 1 J. Nelson Grace, Regional Administrator, Region II James G. Keppler, Regional Administrator, Region III Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV

John B. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region V James M. Taylor, Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Guy H. Cunningham, Executive Legal Director Office of the Executive Legal Director Joseph J. Fouchard, Director Office of Public Affairs G. Wayne Kerr, Director *r'u -

Office of State Programsibh 4 James R. Shea, Director Office of International Programs FROM: John G. Davis, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards J


NRC RESPONSE PLAN FOR INCIDENTS INVOLVING NUCLEAR MATERIAL IN UNAUTHORIZED PLACES Enclosed is the final plan for Nuclear Regulatory Commission response to incidents involving nuclear material in unauthorized places.

Cor:r.ents were solicited on a draft of the final plan from all 50 States and from the affected NRC Offices. All comments have been acccr:inodated.

This enemorandum is to inform you that the enclosed paper is now in effect.

Additional copies of the plan may be ,obtained upon request to W. T. Crow, telephone (FTS) 427-4100.

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n . /"

Jo .' is, irector Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards


As stated cc: W. J. Dircks, ED0 C. J. Heltemes, AE0D B604080479 860403 PDR STPRO ESG Q

NRC RESPONSE PLAN FOR INCIDENTS INVOLVING NUCLEAR MATERIAL IN UNAUTHORIZED PLACES The purpose of this document is to set forth the actions to be taken by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) when nuclear material is found to be widespread (that is, involving several States or a wide region) in places not authorized by a general or specific license issued hy the NRC or an Agreement State or by the conditions under which a material is exempt from licensing. The plan is necessary to ensure that appropriate and timely steps are taken to protect health, to minimize danger to property, and to alleviate public concern about the event. The plan covers all hyproduct, source, and special nuclear material (" radioactive material") regulated by the NRC and by Agreement States. However, the scope of the plan is limited in several ways. First, it excludes nuclear naterial at an operating nuclear reactor.

Second, it is limited to incidents that are of more than local concern but that do not require an emergency response. That is, these incidents fall below the threshold calling for application of NRC Manual Chapter 0502, the NRC Incident Response Plan, and supplementing documents. And third, the ,

scope excludes those incidents that are quite limited in extent and that are ,f routinely handled by an NRC Regional Office or by an Agreenent State. Most contamination incidents fall in this latter category. However, the NRC response to any incident that could generate broad public concern should be coordinated by NRC Headquarters.

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For those events that fall within the scope of the plan as just delineated, experience indicates that the NRC is normally viewed as the primary.

Federal agency responsible for responding to the events. In such instances, the NRC staff assumes responsibility for response coordination and infor-mation exchange. Regulatory activities are shared by Regional Offices (in non-Agreement States) and by Agreement States within their own jurisdictions.

NRC responsibility for managing a materials incident that falls within the scope of this plan and for coordination at the NRC Headquarters level resides with the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (WSS). 255, in its role as manager of the materials program area, has the agency lead for developing policy guidance and providi,ng technical support'related to management of the incident.

HMSS will coordinate NRC actions and will be the point of contact through which information flows at NRC Headquarters after the initial report is received.

NMSS will maintain a record of NRC actions and provide periodic information related to incident status and recovery actions to other NRC Offices and to the Executive Director for Operations as might be appropriate. MSS will seek assistance from other NRC Headquarters Offices as appropriate. 255 will also coordinate with other Federal agencies at the Washington headquarters level, using the NRC Operations Center for routine notifications and requests for assistance from the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE). In this connection, MSS will keep the Operations Center informed of the status of this type of incident and the designated contacts. The Director, Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, is designated by the Director of HMSS to be the NMSS point of contact for ensuring that NRC actions are timely and appropriately taken.


The Office of Inspection and Enforcement (IE) is responsible for transmitting initial reports of contamination incidents received from the NRC Regional Offices or through the NRC Operations Center. The resources of the NRC Operations Center will be used to:

,o Make initial and followup notifications within the NRC and to other federal and state agencies, in coordination with NMSS; o Maintain cognizance of the incident; o Prepare to escalate the NRC response if required; and o Request, in coordination with MSS,. and monitor assistance from DOE.

IE, in coordination with NMSS, will use its legal authority, as appropriate, with respect to the possession and use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear material .

Regional Offices have the primary role in effecting NRC's actions in accordance with the policy guidance and technical support of NMSS. To this end, the Regional Offices collect information, make special inspections, take needed i

enforcement actions, and ensure proper disposal of radioactive material in non-Agreement States. They also work with individual States as necessary, using State and Governmental Affairs staff. Regional Offices shall inform l

IE of their use of inspection resources for these actions.

Information flow to NRC Headquarters shall be through the HMSS-designated I

coordinating official. Direction to NRC Regional Offices concerning NRC actions shall also be through this official. Where appropriate, NRC-l originated comunications with other government agencies, which are normally

handled by the NRC Operations Center, will be coordinated with the NMSS-designated official. All NRC Headquarters and Regional Offices are responsible for keeping NMSS currently inforned of all developments related to a contamination incident.

  • The Office of International Programs (IP) is designated as the lead NRC Office for needed coordination with other countries and the Department of State. IP will coordinate its actions'with NMSS. -

The Office of State Programs (SP) will assist in providing advisory information to State governments and, in coordination with NHSS, will coordinate the response with regard to State governments.

The Office of Public Affairs (PA) will assist in the preparation of any NRC public releases from NRC Headquarters and will be the main point of contact with the news media concerning all matters related to the incident at NRC Headquarters. A similar function will be performed by the Public Affairs officers assigned to NRC Regional Offices for news releases and media inquiries related to actions of the Regional Office. PA staff may draw 1

on the technical staff as it deems appropriate to develop information and respond to inquiries.

The goal of the NRC in responding to a radiological incident is to ensure that timely and appropriate actions are taken to provide needed protection against radiation hazards and to alleviate public concern about the event.




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Tasks that are to be carried out by the various NRC Offices are listed in the attached staff guidance. These tasks are not strictly chronological; actions taken in one task may well overlap actions in previous or subsequent tasks. ,

Roles of other Federal agencies in responding to incidents involving radioactive material in unexpected places are briefly summarized in an Appendix. .-

Abbreviations used in the following staff guidance are defined as follows:

l AEOD - Office of the Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data AMS - Aerial Measuring System DOE - U. S. Departnent of Energy FEMA - U. S. Federal Emergency Management Agency EPA - U. S. Environmental . Protection Agency HHS - U. S. Department of Health and Human Services HQ - NRC Headquarters IE - Office of Inspection and Enforcement IE:D/DEPER - Director, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response, Office of Inspection and Enforcement

, IE:D/DQASIP - Director, Division of Quality Assurance, Safeguards, and Inspection Programs, Office of Inspection and Enforcerent IE:ES - Inspection Staff, Office of Inspection and Enforcement IE:IRB - Incident Response Branch, Division of Emergency Preparedness and Engineering Response. Office of Inspection and Enforcement IE:SMPB - Safeguards and Materials Branch, Division of Quality Assurance, Safeguards, and Inspection Prograns, Office of Inspection and Enforcement IP - Office of International Progrars NMSS:FC - Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l PA - Office of Public Affairs l RES - Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research SP - Office of State Programs USDA - U. S. Department of Agriculture l

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Factors to Consider:

o Credibility of source (s) of information.

o Type (s) of material (s) with which radioactivity is associated.

o Preliminary estimate of significan'ce of detected radioactivity:

- Kinds and amounts of radioactive nuclides (tentative);

- Kinds and numbers of radioactive materials or products (tentative);

- Distribution of radioactive materials or products.

o Likelihood that the radioactive material is subject to NRC or Agreement 1

l State jurisdiction under the Atomic Energy Act.

o Nature of health hazard (based on initial information).

o Possible involvement of foreign governments. ,

Actions: Action taken by:

o Inform HQ Operations Center of facts known and Cognizant NRC official or source of information. Regional Duty Officer.

o Inform NMSS:FC of facts and source of informa- HQ Operations Center.

l ti on.

o Ascertain whether or not the incident HQ Duty Officer; Regional constitutes an emergency in accordance with Administrator and/or the procedures in NUREG-0845. (If a decision Executive Team member.

1 is made for the NRC to enter " Standby Mode,"

! this plan does not apply.)

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7-o Proceed to handle problem in customary e.nnner Regional Office or unless and until problem is determined to Agreement State where occur widely or could generate broad public problem is disco <ered.

concern. (If no such determination is made, this plan does not apply.)

o Ascertain if HQ coordination is required MSS:FC.

because of occurrence in more than one Region or broad public concern.

o Designate an NMSS coordinator for technical MSS:FC.

support and policy advice and who maintains records of NRC assessment and response actions.


involvement, facts 'known, and source of information.

o Issue Preliminary Notification (PNO), if Regional Office where appropriate. problem is discovered or NRC-HQ.

o Use the facilities of the NRC Operations Center to notify:

! - NRC Regional Offices, SP, IP, and PA. IE:IRB.

- NRC Comissioners. IE:IRB.

- DOE, FEMA. EPA, HHS, and any other Federal IE:IRB.

l agency having jurisdictional interest.


- Officials of State governments. Regional Offices in coordi-l nation with SP as needed. ,


- Foreign governments (if any are involved) IP.

j and Department of State concurrently.

rrr ese . . .. e es e o e = w ass == .e e . e m .

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Task No. 2 -- ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING OF PROBLEM Factors to Consider:

o Availability of radiation monitoring resources near scene of incident (State Bureau of Radiological Health. DOE Radiological Assistance Team, NRC Resident Inspector, hospital, local civil defense office, NRC Regions, or university with radiation protection technicians, etc.).

o Levels of radiation and radioactive contamina'tton, and whether uniformly .

distributed or in " hot" spots.

o Location and/or dispersion of radioactivity: on specific products, on persons, along highway, in public buildings, in private homes, etc.

Action taken by:


o Determine kind and amount of radiological Appropriate Regional monitoring data needed to understand the Office (s) and problem. Agreement States, if any, in consultation with NMSS:FC.

o Ensure that complete and accurate radiological Appropriate Regional monitoring data are obtained and are Office (s) and properly evaluated. Agreement States.

o Identify origin of radioactive source, if Appropriate Regional possible. Office (s).

o Ascertain manufacturer and distributor (s) Appropriate Regional of radioactive manufactured products. Office (s).

Identify specific radioactive nuclide(s). Appropriate Regional o

Office (s).

o Keep NMSS:FC informed.

Appropriate Regional Office (s).


o If nuclide(s) is/are not byproduct, NMSS:FC in coordination .

source, or special nuclear material, .with Regional Office (s) identify agency having jurisdiction. SP, IE:IRB, and ELD.

t .

o Notify agency having jurisdiction and offer SP if a state or IE:IRB NRC assistance. if. another Federal a gency .

o Inform IE of inspection findings. -

Appropriate Regional Of fice(s ).

o Maintain information flow between NRC NMSS:FC.

Headquarters and Regional Offices, and with other participating NRC Offices. (Provide periodic status reports to all NRC participating Offices -- daily at first.)


Task No. 3 -- FETERMINE SCOPE OF PROBLEM Factors to Consider:

o Known paths of identified radioactivity.

o Possible other paths from same origin.

o Possibility of other origins.

o Possible need for Aerial Measuring System (AMS) overflights.

o Possible need for assistance from States, DOE, EPA, HHS, and USDA.

Action taken by:


o Solicit data from involved manufacturer Appropriate Regional and/or distributor when applicable. Offices, or IP if foreign involvement.

o Request assistance from or offer assistance Regional Offices in to States in making contacts with coordination with SP.

manufacturers and distributors.

o Request assistance from foreign governments IP. -

if inport-export problem.

o If appropriate, recommend to Agreement State Regional offices in that it requests AMS overflights. (IE:IRB coordination with '

should make the request in non-Agreement NKSS, IE, and SP.

States, using the facilities of the NRC Operations Center.) ,-

o Request participation by other Federal IE:IRB in coordination agencies, as appropriate, using the with NMSS:FC and IE:SMPB.

facilities of the NRC Operations Center.

o Inform other appropriate Federal agencies IE:IRB.

of understanding of the status of the incident, with periodic followup.

o Provide periodic status reports to all NMSS:FC.

participating NRC Offices.

Task No. 4 -- ESTABLISH DEGREF. OF HEALTH HAZARD Factors to Consider:

1 o Possible doses to persons from direct radiation.

o Pathway (s) for ingestion or inhalation by persons and possible doses from bodily intake of contaminated articles.

o Nature of population at risk: groups of individuals, number of individuals.

o Total population doses taking into account extent of radioactivity in unrestricted areas.


11 Actions: Action taken by:

o Make pre 11rdnary assessment of hazards NMSS:FC in coordination with and needed response actions. IE:SMPB and Regional Offices.

o Designate technical groups to continue NMSS:FC.

assessment of hazards as additional information is received.

o Develop recomendations for modification NMSS:FC.

of NRC response actions as needed.

o Provide periodic status reports to all. NMSS:FC.

participating NRC Offices.

o Keep States fully informed. Regional Offices.

Task No.5 -- KEEP PUBLIC INFORMED Factors to consider:

o Extent of public risk.

o Extent of public interest.

l l

o Need for action (s) (if any) to be' taken by members of the public.

o Confidence in validity of information reported to NRC.

o Measures that have been taken to protect the public (e.g., health physics and medical services that have been made available to the public).

o Coordination of information among the NRC Offices, Federal agencies, and state and local agencies.

o Assurance of correctness of information provided to the news media and the public.


! o Attributing credit for actions taken by other Federal agencies and by state and local authorities.

l l

Actions: Action taken by:

o Issue public announcements when PA (in coordination approp riate. with NMSS:FC).

o Answer media inquiries from news media PA (in coordination with reporters and other members of the NMSS:FC, IE:SMPB, SP, public. and Regional Offices,

_ or other Offices in.

coordination with PA).

o Inform persons who possess radioactive Regional Office (s) in material of the degree of health coordination with hazard and actions believed appropriate NMSS:FC and IE:SMPB.

to limit individual exposures.

o Keep States fully informed of NRC public Regional Offices.



o Organization (s) or person (s) having control of locations or articles where radioactivity has been detected.

o Step (s) necessary to prevent the source of radioactivity from continuing i

to be a problem.

( Actions Action taken by:

o Obtain commitments, where appropriate, Regional Offices in from persons possessing radioactive coordination with materials to stop their distribution. IE and SP.


  • ~ ~ .1 ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- 13 o Determine if situation warrants issuance of IE:ES in coordination with ,

orders. PMSS:FC, lE:SMPB, Regional Offices, and SP.

o Issue orders if situation warrants. IE:ES with assistance from ELD.

o Inspect to ensure proscribed radioactive Regional Offices, materials are no longer being distributed.


o Possible connonality of activities: other products, other manufacturers, other distributors.

Actions: Action taken by:

o Request information from coganies Regional Office (s) in (and possibly trade associations) coordination with SP, involved in similar activities. IE:SMPB, and'NMSS:FC.

o Request information, where appropriate. Regional Of fices in from manufacturers / distributors engaged coordination with I

in same or similar activities as that IE:SMPB, NMSS:FC, and SP.

f which produced the contamination or l

l distributed the radioactive or contaminated products.

Task No. 8 -- ENSURE CONTROL / RECOVERY / SAFE DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Factors to Consider: e o Exposure potential.

o Cost / benefit igacts in making any changes in the use of radioactive materials.

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o Degree of radiation hazard.

o Keeping public and recovery worker exposure as low as reasonably achievable, o Alternative methods of decontaminating property and disposing of radtoactive and contaminated materials and waste.

Actions: Action taken by:

o Determine what is needed in way of control. NMSS:FC in coordination with Regional Offices.

o Develop and issue guidancer on recommended MtSS:FC.

course of action.

o Obtain commitments from distributors of Agreement States or radioactive or contaminated products to Regional Offices in recall them, where appropriate, in a coordination with SP, time frame connensurate with the degree and IP if foreign -

of public hazard. distribution is involved.

o Determine if situation warrants issuance of IE:ES in coordination with orders. NHSS:FC, IE:SMPB, Regional Offices, and SP.

o Issue orders if situation warrants. IE:ES with assistance from ELD.

o Ensure proper disposal of radioactive material. Agreement States or Regional Offices in coordination with NMSS:FC, IE:SMPB, and SP.

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Factors to Consider: i


o Possibility of generic implications.

o Need to prevent recurrence. ,

o, Possible need for new rulemaking.

Actions: Action taken by:

o~ Gather all pertinent and contributory infor- Regional Office (s),

mation and forward to NMSS:FC for analysis. IE, SP, and IP.

(If the involved radioactive material originated in an Agreement State, that state should be contacted by the Regional Office ,

for appropriate information.)

o Inspect for conpliance with NRC regulations Regional Office (s)'in in non-Agreement States. coordination with IE (and IP if foreign involvement).

o Take enforcement actions where appropriate. Regional Office (s) in coordination with IE.

o Analyze all data and information relative to MSS:FC.

the event for significance, generic impli-cations, and possibilities for improved procedures. Keep AE00 informed.

o Determine whether changes in license MSS:FC in coordination conditions would result in necessary with Regional Office.

degree of control.

o Determine any needed change in NRC regulations NMSS:FC in coordination and recommend, for consideration by with IE:SMPB, ELD, Agreement States, any needed changes in .and SP.

State regulations.


Task No.10 -- CLOSE OUT NRC RESPONSE Factors to Consider:

o Opportunity for improving the regulatory process.

o Value of documented case study.

o Assurance against recurrence of similar incidents, o Extent to which this plan helped or hindered the response.

Actions: Action taken by:

o Documentation of NRC analysis and findings. NMSS:FC in coordination with Regional Offices, AE00, and IE; also in coordination with SP if state involvement and with IP if foreign involvement, o Report to Comission. l#4SS:FC in coordination with l

other NRC Offices and Regions, as appropriate.

o Prepare changes to NRC Nanual Chapter and IE and RES, respectively, in 1

regulations, if needed. coordination with NMSS:FC.

o Prepare changes to this plan, if needed. HMSS:FC in coordination with  ;

cther NRC Offices. .

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Area of Interest - The EPA is primarily congerned with the safety of the public drinking water supplies in states that have not accepted primary responsibility under the Safe Drinking Water Act or when EPA concludes that states have not taken the necessary actions. The EPA also conducts environmental monitoring and consequence assessments when requested by a state or on its own initiative.

Agency Role - In any incident of radioactive material in unrestricted areas, the EPA would, upon request, assist states in environmental and water supply monitoring and consequence assessment. The EPA has two laboratories, one in Alabana and one in Nevada, that can be used to assist the NRC, if needed, in ,

performing radiological analyses of collected samples.

Contacts - The initial notification by the NRC Operations Center would be to:

Office of Radiation Protection Analysis and Support Division NRC Regional Offices should request assistance as needed from the appropriate EPA Regional Offices.

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A-1 .


Area of Interest - Any incident involving loss of control over radioactive material, in order to support efforts to protect the health and safety of the public and individuals.

Agency Role - Assistance is available at the time of a radiological incident to evaluate the hazardous aspects of the situation, to counsel responsible officials at the incident scene, to bri,ng hazardous conditions under control, and to supplement the radiological emergency capabilities of other government and private organizations involved. Aerial monitoring is provided by DOE's Aerial Measuring System, and medical assistance is provided uy DOE's Radiation Emergency Assistance Ceter/fraining Site. Assistance cannot be used for the purpose of protecting private property or as a' substitute for personnel protec-tion that is the responsibility of a specific agency or organf ration. Any person or organization having knowledge of an incident believed to involve ioniting radiation er radioactive material hazardous to health and safety may request DOE assistance by teisphoning the DOE Regional Coordinating Office nearest the incident.

Contacts r The initia'l notification by the NRC Operations Center wouid M to:

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Envirohment,

$afety,afidHealth Office cf Mlear Safety Division of Radiological Controls A-E t


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Area of Interest - Within HHS, the principal emergency response , agencies are the following elements of the Public Health Service (PHS). The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) administers national programs for prevention and i

control of communicable diseases and other preventable conditions. The j Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) manages a variety of i

national health care programs and health resources and training activities.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) ' conduct and support bionedical research. The Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration (ADAMHA) conducts and supports programs to reduce problems caused by drug and alcohol abuse, and to improve sental health. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for the safety and efficacy of drugs and medical devices and .

the safety of cosmetics and processed fo'o ds, including milk and milk products j in interstate commerce.

i Agency Role - The CDC coordinates PHS radiological smergency response and also r

conducts the epidemiolngical assessment of population exposures. The HRSA,


l NIH, ADAMHA, and other PHS components can provide medical, mental health, l laboratory, and sanitary expertise and support for injured and evacuated persons. The FDA conducts sanpling and assessment of contaminated food, milk, and other regylated products and provides radiation expertise as the Department's liaison to WRC and state and federal agencies.

Contacts - The initial notification by the NRC Operations Center would be to:

Food and Drug Administration Center for Devices and Radiological Health Office of Health Physics A-3

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Area of Interest - The USDA is interested in the following:

Assuring the purity and wholesomeness of meat and meat products, poultry and poultry products, eggs and egg products; Disposing of livestock and poultry affected hy radiation; Assisting in minimizing radiation dose through food inspection; Assessing damage and minimizing losses to agricultural resources.

Agency Role - In incidents involving radioa'ctive materials in unrestricted areas, USDA and NRC should consult in order to formulate the most appropriate and timely course of action. USDA has the capability and resources to obtain 9 various agricultural samples, but depends upon DOE and EPA for monitoring and assessment support. The USDA can also provide advice and assistance to state and local officials upon request for agricultural related issues. The USDA has statutory authority to condemn contaminated foods and food products under its jurisdiction.

Contacts - The initial notification by the NRC Operations Center would be to:

Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)

Office of Emergency Planning A-4

j, . _' .'


Area of Interest - The FEMA is responsible for coordination of Federal agency activities in responding to a civil emergency and in assisting states upon request in obtainino resources for emergency purposes. A civil emergency is defined (Executive Order 12148, Sec. 2-203) as any accidental, natural, man-caused, or wartire emergency or threat thereof, which causes or say cause substantial injury or harm to the population or substantial damage to or loss of property. It is highly unlikely that an incident involving radioactive material in unexpected places, as defined in the NRC Plan, would fall within this definition of civil emergency. ,

Agency Role - In any peacetime emergency involving radioactive material, FEMA would provide a focal point for any State request for assistance and would coordinate overall Federal response if more than two other Federal agencies were to respond to meet statutory requirements.

Contacts - The initial notification by the NRC Operations Center would be to:

Emergency Operations Directorate Emergency Information and Coordination Center A-5

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