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Vols 1-3 to Preoperational Assessment of Water Quality & Biological Resources of Guntersville Reservoir in Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant,1974-1984
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Site: Bellefonte  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 10/31/1985
From: Barr W, Craven T, Wade D
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ML20138A615 List:
NUDOCS 8512120077
Download: ML20141A538 (486)


{{#Wiki_filter:, , I I TEhNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development Division of Air and Water Resources I I I PREOPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF WATER QUALITY AND BIOLOGICAL I RESOURCES OF GUNTERSVILLE RESERVOIR IN THE VICINITY OF BELLEFONTE NUCLEAR PLANT, 1974 THROUGH 1984 I I I I E I I I 1 October 1985 I I B512120077 851203 PDR ADOCK 0500 8 m  !

l I TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development Division of Air and Water Resources I I I I PREOPERATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF WATER QUALITY AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES OF GUNTERSVILLE RESERVOIR IN THE VICINITY OF BELLEFONTE NUCLEAR PLANT, 1974 THROUGH 1984 I Report Coordinator Donald C. Wade Authors William C. Barr Thomas M. Craven Ronald W. Pasch Michael L. Poe S. Berry Stalcup, Jr. Kenneth J. Tennessen Donald C. Wade Robert Wallus David H. Webb Sara L. West William B. Wrenn I October 1985 TVA/0NRED/WRF-86/1 I l

II I PREFACE ) I l By nature of the large amount of information contained in this report (approximately nine years of data collected monthly), several adjustments were l required to limit size of this document. Large data summaries listing either E individual sample values and/or sample statistics are not included. However, these may be purchased at reproduction costs or examined at the Fisheries and g Aquatic Ecology Branch's (FAEB) office located at the Summer Place Building, 3 Knoxville Tennessee. Organizational 1y, materials contained in this report have been grouped into three volumes: Volume I: Text and Figures (figures following each g chapter) 3 Volume II: Tabular data sumnaries Volume III: Appendices (limited to tabular presentations of important data too extensive or inclusive for volume II) Only limited copies of volume III were made to limit costs. Additional copies may also be purchased at reproduction costs or examined at FAEB offices either E in Knoxville, Tennessee (Sununer Place Building) or Muscle Shoals, Alabama E (E & D Building). I I I I I I 11 1

(- , I Abstract Baseline aquatic conditions in the vicinity of TVA's Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN) are described for the period 1974 through 1984 with regard to spatial, seasonal, and temporal observations. Results fror.all I instream preoperational monitoring activities are presented. Included are assessments of physical reservoir data, water quality data, and descriptions of aquatic flora (phytoplankton, periphyton, aquatic macrophytes) and fauna (zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, planktonic, juvenile and adult fish). Spatial analyses indicated greater abundance of planktonic organisms from habitat along the left descending overbanks than in the I-mainstream river channel. An opposite trend was indicated for periphyton. Phytoplankton abundance and relative amounts of blue-green algae were greatest at overbank and channel stations downstream of BLN. I Greatest zooplankton abundance (both habitats) occurred opposite the BLN site with significantly fewer organisms at the upstream control station. Ichthyoplankton data identified the Tennessee River upstream of BLN as an important spawning area for Polyodon spathula (paddlefish) and I Stizostedion canadense (sauger). High densities cf freshwater drum eggs were also observed in the vicinity of BLN and upstream. Consistent spatial trends were not observed for aquatic macrophytes and most fish I species. Temporal analyses identified several trends indicating substantial change over the 10-year monitoring period. Several water I quality parameters (BOD, TOC, Org-N) began to increase during 1982 and 1983. Aquatic macrophytes 6pproximately doubled after 1979 with a new pervasive species, Hydrilla verticillata, occurring for the first time in 1982. Periphyton changes included increasingly greater relative amounts I of chlorophytes over the study period in addition to a general increase in phaeophytin a and autotrophic inder values, indicating a shift toward more heterotrophic growth. Macroinvertebrate taxa and abundance increased throughout the study period, with a change in dominant genera observed in 1982. Number or biomass of one or more size classes for 8 of 11 dominant fish species collected in rotenone eurveys showed significant decreasing trends over the period 1974-1983. Gill netting also I' identified a decline in white bass populations during the last three yea'rs of data collection. Abundance trends for several conusunities (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and periphyton) wre more cyclic than linear, indicating that monitoring activitios may have observed close to a full range of conditions occurring in the vicinity of BLN under normal flow and climatic conditions. 6 t j 1 111 I

r T I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 11 Preface ............................... iii Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . ...

                      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . . ...                                vi List of Tables .

List of Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ... III I 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. ... .... Purpose and Objectives 3 1.1 . . . .. . ... ..... .... Description of Study Area . . . .... . ... . . . ... 3 1.2 Sununary of Aquatic Monitoring and Reporting . ... . ... 4 1.3 Plant Description . . . . . . .. . .. . .... . . .. . 6 1.4 2.0 Physical Reservoir Conditions in the Vicinity of BLN . . . . . . 10 2.1 Flow Patternd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... 11 2.2 Temperature and Mixing . . . . . .. . . . .... . .. . 12 2.3 Monthly Flows and Temperatures During Monitoring Activities . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . 12 3.0 Factors Affecting Water Qualir and Biological Conditions .. . 59 3.1 Moccasin Bend Sewage Treatment Plant . . .. .. . . .. . 60 3.2 Widows Creek Steam Plant . . .. . .. . ... . . ... . 62 3 3.3 Aquatic Macrophyte Control .. .. . . . . .... . .. . 64 E 3.4 Larvicide Treatments . . . . . ... . . ... .. .... 66 3.5 Sand and Gravel Dredging . . . ... . . .. ... .... 68 4.0 Instream Water Quality . . . . . . . .. . . . .... ..... 88 4.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . ... . . ..... .... 88 4.2 Results and Discussion . . . .... . . .. ... ... . 91 , 4.3 Summary and Conclusions . . . .. .... .. . . . ... . 98 5.0 Plankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . . 112 5.1 Materials and Methods . . . 112 I 5.1.1 Phytoplankton . . . ... .... ..... .... 112 5.1.2 Zooplankton . . . . .. . .... .. .. ... .. 121 123 m 5.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . .... ..... 5.2.1 Phytoplankton . . . . .. . . .. .. . ..... . 123 5.2.2 Zooplankton . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . 140 iv I

I I Table of Contents (Continued) Page I 5.3 Sununary and Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 185 5.3.1 Phytoplankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5.3.2 Zooplankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0 Periphyton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 236 236 6.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 6.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 6.3 Sununary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 7.0 Benthic Macroinvertebrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 7.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3 Sumnary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 337 344 8.04 Aquatic Macrophytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 370 370 8.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 8.2 Results and Discussion . 8.3 Sununary and Conclusions . 372 376 397 9.0 Fish . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 9.1.1 Fish Eggs and Larvae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 9.1.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 9.2 Results and Discussion . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 9.2.1 Fish Eggs and Larvae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 410 9.2.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 9.3 Sunnary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 9.3.1 Fish Eggs and Larvae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 9.3.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 10.0 Sununary and Conclusions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 References . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 I Tables . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendices . ... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume II Volume III I I y I . .

r 3 I LIST OF TABLES Introduction Table 1-1. Morphometric Characteristics of Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Table 1-2. Written Assessments of Aquatic Conditions in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Physical Reservoir Conditions i Table 2-1. Average Monthly Discharges (cfs) at Nickajack and Guntersville Dams, 1974-79, 1982-83. 7 I Table 2-2. Estimated Occurrence and Duration of River Flows At Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Less Than 0 cfs From 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Table 2-3. Monthly Average Maximum and Minimum Water Temperatures At BLN 1974-79, 1982-83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Factors Affecting Water Quality and Biological Conditions Table 3-1. Quality of Water Entering Guntersville Reservoir (Nickajack Tailrace, TRM 424.68) During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974 Through 1982 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Table 3-2. Results of One-Way ANOVA Comparing Yearly (Feb.-Oct.) Differences in Selected Water Quality Data Collected from Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68), Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 3-3. Significant Difference (a = 0.05) Among Years Based Upon Total Alkalinity (mg CACO 3 /L) as Ranked by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 3-4. Results of Regression Analysis for Selected Water l Quality Data Indicating Change in Parameter Values 3 Over Time, 1974-1983, Nickajack Tailrace, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 3-5. Daily Maximum Temperatures Upstream and in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant During July and August, 1977 and 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 vi y

r , I LIST OF TABLES i (Continund) Pafd Table 3-6. Herbicide Treatments on Guntersville Reservoir from TRM 385.8 to 391.5 Including Jones Creek from 1974 to 1983 . . . . . . . . ................ 20 , i Table 3-7. Gallons of Herbicides and Acreages Treated during 1974 to 1983 Along Guntersville Reservoir from TRn 385.8 to I 391.5 Including Jones Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sununary of Mosquito Larvicide Applications, Guntersville 23 Table 3-8. Reservoir, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1975-1984 . . . . . 24 Instream Water Quality Table 4-1. Sununary of Preoperational Water Quality Monitoring Program (Nonradiological) - Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . 26 I Table 4-2. Water Quality Data Collected to Support Biological Investigations Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983 . . ................ 29 Table 4-3. Significant Results* of One-Way ANOVA Comparing Differences According to Depth in Water Quality Data Collected Between 1974-1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . ................ 39 I Table 4-4. Significant Difference * (a = 0.05) With Depth as Ranked by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, Water Quality Data, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . ................ 40 Table 4-5. Significant Results* of One-Way ANOVA Comparing  ! Differences According to Year in Water Quality Data I Collected Between 1974-1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . ................ 41 , l I Table 4-6. Significant Difference * (s = 0.05) Among Years as Ranked by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test, Water Quality Data, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville l l I Reservoir, 1973-1983 . . ................ 43 Table 4-7. Significant Results* of Regression Analysis for Selected Water Quality Data Indicating Change in I Parameter Values Over Time Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir (1974-1983) . . . . . . . . . . . 52 1 i I vil , I I  ! 1

r m I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Page Plankton (Phytoplankton) Table 5-1. Phytoplankton Genera Collected During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . ................ 54 Table 5-2. Similarity of Phytoplankton Community Structure During l Preoperational Monitoring (1974-1983), Based on 5 Sorensen's Quotient of Similarity and Percent Similarity, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . ................ 56 Table 5-3. Dive 9sity Inder Values (DBAR) for Phytoplankton Communities (Depths Combined) During Preoperational Monitoring (1974), Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . . . . 72 Table 5-4. Percentage Composition of Phytoplankton Groups During l Preoperational Monitoring (1974-1983), Bellefonte B Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . 80 Table 5-5. Dominant Phytoplankton Genera Collected at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant During Preoperational Monitoring, Guntersvilla Reservoir, 1974-1983 ........... 89 Table 5-6. Results of Five-Way ANOVA on Preoperational Phyto-plankton Percentage Composition Data (Arcsine Square Root Transformed) for Mainstream Channel Stations at l Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1983 . . . . . . . . . . 99 m Table 5-7. Sumary of Five-Way ANOVA for Mainstream Channel Phyto- g pinnkton Percentage Compositior, of Major Groups Showing g Untransformed and Arcsine Square Root Transformed Means - and Ranks for Each Significant F Test (Table 5-5)*, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1983 . . . . . . . . . . 100 Table 5-8. Results of Four-Way ANOVA on Phytoplankton Preopera-tional Abundance Data (Log Transformed) for Mainstream Channel Stations at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1983. 129 Table 5-9. Sumary of Four-Way ANOVA For Mainstream Channel Phyto- E plankton Abundance Showing Log Transformed Means and g Ranks for Each Significant F Test (Table 5-7), - Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-l'd3 . . . . . . . . . . 130 l vili I

r 1 l l I LIST OF TABLES l (Continued) Para I Table 5-10. Results of Four-Way ANOVA on Preoperational Phytoplank-ton Abundance Data (Log Transformed) for Left Overbank Stations at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1979-1983 . . . . 138 Table 5-11. Summary of Four-Way ANOVA for Left Overbank Phytoplank-ton Abundance Showing Log Transformed Means and Ranks I for Each Significant F Test (Table 5-9), Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1979-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Table 5-12. Results of Four-Way ANOVA on Preoperational Phytoplank-ton Abundance Data (Log Transformed) for Chennel and Lef t Overbank Habitats

  • at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1982 and 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Table 5-13. Sununary of Four-Way ANOVA for Channel and Lef t Overbank Phytoplankton Abundance Showing Log Transformed Means and Ranks for Each Significant F Test (Table 5-11),

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1982 and 1933 . . . . . . . . 147 I Table 5-14. Results of Regression Analysis

  • for Phytoplankton Abundance of Dominant Groups Indicating Change Over Time, 1974-1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Table 5-15. Average Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Biomass (mg/m8) from Mainstream Channel and Left Overbank Habitats of I Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefcnte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 I Table 5-16. Chlorophyll A/Phaeophytin A Relationships by Depth at Mainstream Channel Stations near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1982 and 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Table 5-17. Chlorophyll A/Phaeophytin A Relationships by Depth at Left Overbank Stations near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1982 and 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 Tabl.e 5-18. Hourly and Daily Carbon Assimilation Rates at each Sample Location During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir.

I- 1974-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Table 5-19. Light Penetration and Secchi Disc Data for Channel Stations, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville j Roservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 II l I

I LIST OF TABLES (Coatinued) Table 5-20. Light Penetration and Secchi Disc Data for Overbank Stations, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1982 and 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 j Plankton (Zooplankton) Table 5-21. Mean Monthly Zooplankton Densities by Taxonomic Group at Channel and Overbank Stations for the Years 1974 Through 1979 and 1982 Through 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . 193 l Table 5-22. Percentage Composition by Month for Zooplankton Taxo-nomic Groups at Channel and Overbank Stations, 1974 Through 1979 and 1982 Through 1983 Bellefonte Nuclear g ' Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 E' Table 5-23. Frequency of Occurrence of Dominant (D) and Sub-dominant (S) Taxa in Zooplankton Samples Collected from Channel ' and Overbank Stations: 1974 Through 1979 and 1982 Through 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . . . . . . . 219 Table 5-24 Monthly Zooplankton Diversity Indices and Number of I, Taxa at Channel and Overbank Stations During Each Year of the Period 1974 Through 1979 and 1982 Through 1983, B Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . 223 E' Table 5-25. One-Way Analysis of Variance and Student, Newman, Keuls l Multiple Range Tests Showing Channel and Overbank Stations Which had Significant Differences in Zooplank- [ ton Densities During the Period 1974-1979 and 1982-1983, l Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Table 5-26. Sorenson's Quetient of Similarity (SQS) Between Channel ~ and Overbank Station, Based on the Presence of Zooplankton Tara, Each Month for the Years 1974-1979 and 1982-1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . . . . . . 238 Table 5-27. Percentage Similarity (PS) of the Zooplankton, Based on l, Abundance of Individuals by Taxon at Each Station by M Month for Channel and Overbank Stations, for the Years 1974-1979 and 1982-1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . 241 g g. Periphyton Table 6-1. Number of Periphyton Taxa Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Hvaltoring, 1974-1983 . . . . . . 245 A E



E r I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 6-2. Dominant Periphyton Genera Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant During Preoperational Monitoring, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . . . 254 Table 6-3. Similarity of Periphyton Community Structure During Prooperational Monitoring (1974-1983), Based on Sorensen's Quotient of Similarity and Percent Similarity Inder, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . .. ... . .. . . . . . . . 260 Table 6-4. Diversity Index Values (ii) for Periphyton Communities During Preoperational Monitoring (1974-1983), Guntersville Reservoir, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . . . . 267 Table 6-5. Percentage Composition of Periphyton Groups During I Preoperational Monitoring Periods (1974-1963) Guntersville Reservoir, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant . .. . 274 Table 6-6. Results of Two-Way Analysis of Variance, Subsequent One-Way Analyses of Variance and Student-Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test on Periphyton Abundance Data Pooled by Combining Years of Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . . . . . . ... .......... . . . 281 Table 6-7. Results of Two-Way Analysis of Variance, Subsequent I ' One-Way Analysis of Variance, and Student-Newman-Kouls Multiple Range Test on Periphyton Aburdance Data Pooled by Combining Stations, Preoperational Monitoring, I Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Table 6-8. Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance and Student-I, Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test on Periphyton Densities During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear

 .               Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . ... . . .                              . 286 Table 6-9. Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance and Student-Newman-Keuls Multiple Range Test on Periphyton Autotrophic. Indices (AI), Corrected Chlorophyll a
    .            Concentrations (CA), and Ash-Free Dry Weights (AFDW)

During Preoperational Monitoring, Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 . . ... . .. . .. ... . . . . 289 xi I

r I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) em I Benthic Macroinvertebrates Table 7-1. List of Macroinvertebrate Taxa Collected at Three Channel and Four Overbank Stations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1979, 1982-1983. Numbers are Years in Which Taxon was Collected in Ponar Grab Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Table 7-2. List of Macroinvertebrate Taxa Collected by Artificial Substrates at Three Channel Stations near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974 Through 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 Table 7-3. Taxa Recorded Exclusively From Channel or Overbank Habitat in Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974 l Through 1980 and 1982 Through 1983* . . . . . . . . . 305 E Table 7-4. Number of Taxa Collected Monthly by Ponar Grab from 1974 to 1983 at Three Channel Stations . . . . . . . . . 306 Table 7-5. Monthly Diversity Indez Values for Channel Stations at Tennessee River Miles 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8 from 1974 through 1983. Based on Ponar Samples . . . . . . . . . 307 Table 7-6. Results of Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity Analysis l Based on Combined Yearly Data From Ponar Grab Samples E at Three Channel Stations Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Numbers are Percent Similarity Based on Presence or Absence of Taxa . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . 309 Table 7-7. Dominant Macroinvertebrate Taxa at Three Channel Stations Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1979, 1982-1983, Based on Ponar Samples . . . . . .. . . . . 311 Table 7-8. Dominant Taxa Collected by Artificial Substrate Samples E at Three Channel Stations Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, ,3 1974 Through 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Table 7-9. Diversity Inder Values for Data Combined Over Months at Four Overbank Stations . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 319 Table 7-10. Results of Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity Analysis Based on Combined Yearly Data from Ponar Grab Samples at Four Overbank Stations Near B 11efonte Nuclear Plant. Numbers are Parcent Similarity Based on Presence or Absence of Taxa . . . . . . . . .. . . . 320 zil I I

I I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) I Page I ' Table 7-11. Dominant Taxa at Four Overbank Stations Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1978-1979, 1982-1983, Based on Ponar Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Aquatic Macrophytes-Table 8-1. Sampling Locations for Aquatic Macrophytes in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Table 8-2. Acreages of Aquatic Macrophytes on Guntersville Reservoir and in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1976 to 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Table 8-3. Acreages of Aquatic Macrophytes by Species on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1978 to 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Table 8-4. Results of Two-Way Analysis of Variance for Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes, 1982 and 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . . 328 I Tablo 8-5. Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance and Duncan's Multiple Range Test (by Months) for Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes, 1982 and 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 I Table 8-6. Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance and Duncan's Multiple Range Test (by Stations) for Standing Crop of I Aquatic Macrophytes, 1982 and 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Table 8-7. Results of Regression Analysis

  • for Aquatic Macrophyte i Standing Crop Indicating Change Over Time, 1974 Through 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir . 332 Fish Table 9-1. Characteristics of Rotenone Sites in Guntersville I Reservoir, 1971 Through 1983 (Guntersville Dam Located at TRM 349, and Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Located at TRM 391.5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Table 9-2. Size Classes (Total Length, Millimeters)* of Fish Species in Rotenone Surveys on Guntersville Reservoir, 1971 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 zili

r m E LIST OF TABLES (Continuad) een I Table 9-3. Sample Period, Dates, Number of Samples, and Mean Temperatures for Larval Fish Collections Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . . . 338 (Fish Eggs and Larvae) Table 9-4. List of Scientific and Ccmmon Names for Fish Eggs and Larvae Collected Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Table 9-5. List of Taxa, Total Number Collected, and Relative Abundance (= Percent Composition) Fish Eggs and Larvae Collected Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site, 1977-1983. All Samples During the Period 1978 Through 1983 are from the Plant Transect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Table 9-6. Seasonal and Peak Densities (Total Eggs or Larvae / 1,000 m8) of Ichthyoplankton Collected Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . 343 Table 9-7. Day and Night Seasonal Densities (Number per 1,000 m*) of Salected Fish Eggs and Larvae Collected Near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . 344 Table 9-8. Horizontal Distribution of Selected Fish Eggs and Larvae Expressed as Total Seasonal Densities (Eggs or I Larvae /1,000 m8) from Stations on Either Side of Bellefonte Island in the Bellefonte Plant Transect, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 Table 9-9. Spatial Distribution of Selected Fish Eggs and Larvae Expressed as Total Seasonal Densities (Eggs or Larvae / 1,000 m ) from Stations on Either Side of Bellefonte Island in the Bellefonte Plant Transect, 1977-1983 . . . 346 Table 9-10. Seasonal Densities of Drum Eggs (Eggs /1,000 m8) Estimated from Ichthyoplankton Collections Made in 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site 5 3 and Widows Creek Steam Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Table 9-11. Yearly Seasonal Densities (Larvae /1,'300 ma ' or Ictiobine Larvae Collected Near tra Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site Compared with Average daily Discharges (Cubic Feet Per Second) from Nickajack Dam During Ictiobine Spans of Occurrence, 1977-1983 . . . . . . . . 348 ziv i

I LIST OF TABLES (Contin'iod) I Table 9-12. Total Numbers of Channel and Blue Catfish Larvae Collected in Day and Night Collections Near the

     '       Bellefonte Nuclear Site, 1977-1983 .                      . ... . . . . .               . 349 Table 9-13. Length Distributions of all Sauger Larvae Collected Near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site, 1976-1983                                 . .  . 350 I Table 9-14. Annual Day and Night Catches of Sauger Larvae from the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Site, 1977-1983 .                         . . . . . .         . 351 (Juvenile and Adult Fish)

Table 9-15. List of Fish Species Collected in Cove Rotenone Samples I During Preoperational Fisheries Monitoring for Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1971 Through 1983 . 352 I Table 9-16. Species Composition of Cove Populations, Guntersville Reservoir 1983, Determined by Rotenone Samples (3) . . . 354 Table 9-17. Number of Samples and Mean Annual Standing Stock (no./ha and kg/ha) of all Young, Intermediate, and Harvestable Size Fish Collected in Cove Rotenone I Samples from Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . .... . . . . . 355 I Table 9-18. Mean Annual Standing Stock (no./ha and kg/ha) of Game, Conunercial, and Prey Fish Collected in Cove Rotenone Samples from Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . 356 Table 9-19. List of Important Species Collected in Cove Rotenone Samples From Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983* . .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .... . . . . 357 Table 9-20. Linear Regression Analyses of Numbers /ha and kg/ha by Size Group for Important Fish Species Collected in I Cove Rotenone Samples from Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . .. ... ....... . . . . 358 Table 9-21. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group I of Spotted Gar in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . .. . ...... . . . . 359 I Table 9-22. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Gizzard Shad in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . .. ....... . . 360 xv I

e , I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) P_afd I Table 9-23. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Threadfin Shad in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Table 9-24. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group " of Bullhead Minnow in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Table 9-25. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Channel Catfish in Cove Rotonone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 Table 9-26. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Por Hectare of Each Size Group of Warmouth in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Table 9-27. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group g of Bluegill in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville 3 Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Table 9-28. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Longear Sunfish in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Table 9-29. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Redear Sunfish in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367 Table 9-30. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per He ara of Each Size Group of Largemouth Bass in Cove Rotenone Samples, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Table 9-31. Numbers and Biomass (kg) Per Hectare of Each Size Group of Freshwater Drum in Ccre Rotenone Samples, Guntersville l Reservoir, 1974 Through 1983 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 m Table 9-32. Number of Fish, Occur enen;, and Relative Abundance in g Gill Not Samples From ountersville Reservoir Near g Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Spring 1981 Through Winter 1984 . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Table 9-33, Ranking by c/f of Important Specie:. from Gill Notting i on Guntersville Reservoir near B 11efonte Nuclear Plant, 1981-1984 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 zvi I I

I LIST OF TABLES (Continued) I Page I Table 9-34. Sumnary of Three-way Multivariate Analysis of Variance Testing Influences of Year, Station, Quarter, and I ' Variablo Interactions on c/f of Combined Important Species Captured in Experimontal Gill Nets in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981-1984. . . . . 372 Table 9-35. Summary of Three-Way Univariate Analyses of Variance Testing for Effects of Year, Station, Quarter and Variable Interactions on c/f of Important Species Taken I in Experimental Gill Nets Set in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1981-1984 . . . . . . 373 Table 9-36. Mean Quarterly c/f of Important Species Taken by Gill I Netting in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981-1984. Values are Antilogs-1 of loF10 (c/f + 1) Transformed Data . .. ..... .. . 374 Table 9-37. Sumnary of Two-Way ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Testing for Effects of Station by Quarter on c/f of Spotted and Longnose Gar Captured by Gill Netting in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981-1984 ....... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 Table 9-38. Summary of Two-Way ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Testing for Effects of Year for Each Quarter on Those Species Showing Significant Year Effects in Three-Way ANOVA. Fish were Captured by Gill Netting in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 Through 1984 . . . . ... .... . .. . . . . 376 Table 9-39. Total Catch, Occurerence, and Relative Abundance of Fish in Electrofishing Samples from Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 through 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Table 9-40. List of Important Species, Ranked by c/f, in Electro-I fishing Samples from Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 through 1984 .. .. . . 379 I Table 9-41. Summary of Three-Way Multivariate Analysis of Variance Testing Influence of Year, Station, Quarter, and Variable Interactions on c/f of Combined Important I Species from Electrofishing in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981.Through 1984 . . . . 380 xvii I

E LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Page Table 9-42. Sunnary of Three-Way Univariate ANOVA Testing of Effects of Year, Station, Quarter, and Interactions of Variables on c/f of each Important Species Taken by a Electrofishing from Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 Through 1984. . . . . . . 381 g Table 9-43. Mean Quarterly c/f for Species Important in Electro- l fishing in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte W NLclear Plant, 1981 Through 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Table 9-44. Mean Quarterly c/f by Year for Species Important in Electrofishing in Guntersville Reservoir Near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 Through 1984 . 383 I Table 9-45. Mean Yearly c/f and Duncan's Multiple RanSe Testing for Species Important in Electrofishing in Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, March 1981 l through February 1984. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 m Table 9-46. Mean Quarterly c/f for Emerald Shiner and Gizzard Shad g at Electrofishing Stations in Guntersville Reservoir g near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. March 1981 Through February 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 385 Table 9-47. Number and c/f of Emerald Shiner in Electrofishing Samples in which this Species was Exceptionally Abundant. Samples were Collected from Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from March E 3 1981 through February 1984 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 Table 9-48. Comparison of Observed and Expected Frequencies of Number of Fish Per Electrofishing Run in Guntersville Reservoir near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1981 Through 1984. Expected Frequency Follows a Poison Distribution. 387 I I I xylii I

                                              - ,                      r e


                                        %   4 Appendix A. Water Quality Critetia and^ Analytical Detection Limits

Appendix B. Statistic 21SummaryofWaterQuality'Daca,BellefonteNuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir', 1973-1 M). .y Appendix C. Statistical Sunenary of Sediment Trace M als (Dry Weight, I mg/kg), ballefonto Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1975-1976 Appendix D. Mean Phytoplankton Densities (No. .< 100)/L at Each Sampling Station (Depths Combinedh During Preopetstional Monitoring, I Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983 I Appendix E. Mesn Monthly Zooplankton Densities (Nuhibers/m8) by Taxon at Each Sampje Station During the Years 198 Through 1979 and 1982 Through 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir , Appendix F. Mean Periphytoh Densities (No./Cm2 ) at Each Sample Station During Preoperational Monitoring (1974-1983), Bellefonte I Appendix G. Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir Individual Sample Values for Concentrations of Chlorophylls I a, b, and c Ash-Free Organic Weights, Corrected Chlorophyll a Concentrations Autotrophic Tertices, and Pheophytin Indices During Prooperational Monuoring',(1974-1983), Bellefonte I Appendix H. Nuclear Plant, Guntersvillo Resereoir Mean Values for Au'totrophic Indices, Ach-Free Dry Weights, Corrected Chlorophyll a Concentrations, and.Pheophytin . I - Indices During Preoperational Monitoring (19.14-1983), Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersvilla Reseiroir. I Appendix I. Mean Number Per Hectare ot'.Each Fish Species'Coljected in, Cove Rotenone Samples from Guntersville Reseivoir, 1971 Through 1983 (tlumber<of Samples at Each Locadon in Parenthesis) . I Appendix J. Mean Biomass (kg/ha) of Each Fish Speci e Collected in~ Cove Rotenone Samples from Gunters@ ife Reservoir, 1971 Through 1983 (Number of Samples at Each Location in Parenthesis)



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In May 1973 the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) filed with the Atomic Energy Conunission (AEC), now the Nuclear Regulatory Comrnission (NRC), an application to construct the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN) in Jackson County, Alabama. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. sections 4331 et seq), TVA prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Statement which was sent to the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ), State of Alabama and Federal agencies, and made available to the public in March 1973. TVA's Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was sent to the CEQ and made available to the public'May 24, 1974. The FEIS for the BLN, units 1 and 2, served as the licens'ing document. Construction permits for the facility were issued b'y the AEC and received by TVA on December 24, 1974. In February 1974, a combined preoperational/ construction effects monitoring program was initiated in Guntersville Reservoir for the BLN. On August 15, 1975, detailed procedures were finalized and distributed: Nonradiological Environmental Monitoring Procedures for the Water Quality and Ecology Branch Responsibilities at the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Larval fish sampling also was begun in 1974 to assess entrainment potential for the BLN ERCW intake and cove rotenone sampling began in 1974 to provide long-term baseline data on fishstocks near BLN. On April 28, 1980, TVA submitted its construction assessment report (TVA 1980a) to the Alabama Water Improvement Conunission (AVIC), now the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM), along with a recommendation to discontinue instream construction effects monitoring. I AWIC concurred with this reconenendation on October 9,1980, and the I . 1

y construction assessment phase of the instream monitoring program was terminated. Persuant to requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit (AL0024635) for BLN, issued by the AWIC, TVA submitted a preoperational monitoring study plan on June 3, 1980. This plan as ammended on February 5 and November 17, 1981, continued the revised Water Quality and Ecology Branch's procedures and also included fishery components for monitoring preoperational conditions in the vicinity of the plant. 1 In October 1980, TVA ccenpleted its first written preoperational assessment which evaluated water quality and non-fish (phytoplankton, periphyton, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic macrophytes) data collected during the period I??4 through 1979. On June 9, 1982, TVA I submitted a report entitled " Predicted Effects for Mixed Temperatures Exceeding 30*C (86*F) in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama, in the Vicinity of the Diffuser Discharge, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (TVA 1982a)." This predictive assessment which utilized data collected from Guntersville Reservoir, observations from other studies, and results from the Browns Ferry Biothermal Research Facility, was uritten to satisfy requirements, , contained in Part III.J. of the BLN NPDES pcmit. s The present preoperational assessment of all instream witer quality and biological data collected at BLN from February 1974 through February 1984 does not completely satisfy NPDES reporting commitments for preoperational monitoring at BLN. Fuel loading for units 1 (July 1993) and 2 (July 1995) has been extended perhaps beyond_the usefulness of these data for making accurate assessments of operational conditions. Therefore, additional update preoperational .onitoring will be required t for at least two years immediately before fuel loading of unit 1. i ' E 2

                                                                      ' a

1.1 Purpose and Objective The purpose of preoperational studies is to establish an aquatic baseline (fisheries, limnology, water quality) for subsequent operational

       < evaluation of aquatic impacts. When operational studies are completed, l        results of preoperational studies allow evaluation of project impacts and provide protection from liability for existing aquatic conditions.
                ' '" More specifically the objective of preoperational monitoring is to describe both spatially and temporally the biological /limnological/

water quality variability existing in the vicinity of BLN, including a I baseline description of habitat diversity, trends, pre-existing reservoir conditions, and cause/effect relationships between biological communities and environmental factors. Descriptions contained in this report regarding data from 1974 through 1984 will be re-evaluated and supplemented in a final preoperational report following additional data collection preceeding fuel loading of unit 1. I 1.2 Description of Study Area BLN is located on a peninsula formed by the Town Creek embayment


on the western shore of Guntersville Reservoir at Tennessee River Mile (TRM)i391.5 (figure 1-1), and about 11.3 km (7 mi) northeast of Scottsboro in Jackson County, Alabama. A low-lying floodplain between the BLN site and the old river channel and along the shore of the reservoir opposite the site was flooded by impoundment of Guntersville Reservoir in 1939. These areas now exist as backwater sloughs and embayments which are protected to a degree from wave and current action of the main river by strip islands and bars formed by higher portions of the old river bank. Four large tributary creeks which enter Guatersville

   )                       +


( I Reservoir upstream of BLN (Town Creek - TRM 393.4R; Mud Creek - TRM 394.3R; Raccoon Creek - TRM 393.9L; and Crow Creek - TRM 401.4R) also provide extensive shallow backwater habitats as does Jones Creek which enters Guntersville Reservoir downstream of BLN at TRM 388.1L. Drainage area of the Tennessee River upstream of BLN is 60,451 km2 (23,340 mia). At Nickajack Dam, 53.1 km (33 mi) upstream, the drainage area is 55,643 km 2 (21,870 mi2), and at Guntersville Dam, 69.2 ha (43 mi) downstream, the drainage area is 63,326 km 2 (24,450 m12). Other morphometric features are summarized in table 1-1. I 1.3 Summary of Aquatic Monitoring and Reporting Several aquatic studies have been condacted on Guntersville Reservoir, including those relating to BLN. In 1973-1975 (TVA 1978a) and 1978-1979 (TVA 1981), 316(a and b) studies were made in the vicinity of TVA's Widows Creek Steam Plant (TRM 407.5) to evaluate entrainment and impacts of the thermal discharge. An assessment of Guntersville Reservoir trophic status and assimilative capacity (TVA 1982b) was made in support of the proposed Murphy Hill Coal Gasification Project (TRM 368.5). A preoperational monitoring progru involving water quality, fisheries, phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrobenthos, aquatic macrophytes, and periphyton also was conducted at the Murphy Hill site during 1981 and 1982 (TVA 1983a). In 1974 a combined preoperational/ construction effects monitoring program was initiated at BLN. This program incorporated water quality (quarterly), biological (monthly), and those water quality parameters which specifically support biolor* cal monitoring (monthly). l Biological and support water quality samples were collected February I 4 I

lI l through October. The fish conununity was not expected to be substantially harmed by construction; therefore, broad-spectrum fish studies were not implemented in 1974. Larval fish sampling was implemented in 1974 to address entrainment potential and intake design for the B W facility. I l \ ( Initially, sampling of biological communities was conducted in the mainstream channel and right downstream overbank habitats until 1978, when a' change in design for the B W diffuser redirected the plant effluent from the right (or B W) side of the river to the opposite shore. Additional preoperational sampling stations were established along the opposite shore effective March 15, 1978. Right overbank stations downstream of BLN and in Town Creek (upstream) were retained to monitdr construction effects until 1980 when AWIC allowed TVA to discontinue instream contruction effects monitoring. Several delays in the construction schedule and fuel load date I for unit I contributed to changes in the monitoring schedule at BLN. Effective February 12, 1979, sampling was reduced at several mainstream channel stations where a 1sege data base existed. All sampling was suspended after the October 1979 survey. Water quality and biological monitoring was reinstated in February 1982 and continued through October 1983. A full scale fisheries preoperational monitoring program was initiated March 1981 and continued without a break through February 1984. A data base for cove rotenone sampling was collected somewhat sporadically dating back to 1949. Intensity of cove rotenone sampling improved over the years such that data collected since 1971 are sufficient for inclusion into this report. A listing of various written aquatic assessments relating to Guntersville Reservoir is provided in table 1-2.  ! B , 5 1

r I 1.4 Plant Description Bl.N is a two-unit plant with the nuclear steam supply systems designed and supplied by Babcock and Wilcox. Each of the two presstirized water reactors is rated at 3600 MW core thermal power. The station operating life is expecting to be 40 years. Waste heat will be dissipated by natural draft cooling towers (one/ unit) together with the main condenser and circulating system. The essential raw cooling water (ERCW) pumps are the largest pumps which take suction from the river. They provide cooling water to safety-related plant components and supply the raw cooling water system pumps. Eight verticle turbine pumping units are located in the intake pumping station. These pumping units are completely redundant and normally only four will be operating with the remaining four on standby for emergency use. Flow rates for these pumps will vary with demand; however, under normal conditions, each of the four operating pumps will provide 1.1 m 2 /sec (37.9 cfs) or less, for a total of 4.2 m8/sec (151.5 cfs) for the plant. The intake channel which connects the intake structure to the reservoir has a 7.6 meter wide (25 ft) tronen excavated below the surface of the rock to connect to the original river channel, such that the intake will withdraw approximately 85 percent of its demand from the main river channel (and approximately 15 percent from the upstroam overbank habitat). The intake pumping station is located approximately 365.8 m (1200 ft) from the existing shoreline. A floating trash boom will be located at the shoreline to protect the intake rhannel and pumping station from floating debris. Maximum crost sectional water velocity within the intake channel will be about 0.02 m/sec (0.06 ft/sec) for a water surface elevation of 593, minimum normal pool. G

1 I l The intake pumping station has four openings slightly over three meters (10 ft) wide and approximately 11 meters (36 ft) high. Maximum l water velocity less than 0.03 m/sec (0.10 ft/sec) through each opening at maximum normal pool elevation of 595. The openings are E followed by 2.7 meter-wide (9 ft) vertical traveling screens which have 0.9 cni (3/8 in) opening mesh. Maximum average velocity through clean screens is estimated to be 0.07 m/sec (0.24 ft/sec) at maximum normal pool elevation of 595. Screen backwash water will be returned to Guntersville Reservoir via a concrete sluice. The primary purpose of the Bl.N discharge system is to disperse cooling tower blowdown into the receiving water to limit concentration of dissolved solids in the heat rejection system. Normal discharge from the natural draft towers will be directed into Guntersville Reservoir through a diffuser at a rate of about 1.4 m8/sec (50 cfs). The maximum blowdown rate (4.2 m*/see or 150 cfs) would occur when both units are down and neither cooling tower is operating. Maximum blowdown temperature is expected to be 35'C (95'F). An oblique multiport diffuser was designed to achieve adequate mixing of the discharge during low and reverse river flow. Positioning of two diffuser sections 22.9 m and 13.7 m long at an angle to the shoreline will remove the heated effluent from the vicinity of the diffuser and direct it toward the opposite shore. Potential impacts to the aquatic ecosystem in Guntersville Reservoir would occur primarily through the intake and heat dissipation systems. Intake impacts would involve entrainment of reservoir plankton including phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish eggs, and larval fish in addition to impingement of larger fish upon the intake pump screens. The I 7

l 1' heat dissipation system's potential for impacts would be through the thermal / chemical discharge of blowdown into the river. Bottom scouring is not expected to be a significant factor because of the design of the multiport diffuser pipes. I; I. I I I' I I I I I I I I 8 I 5

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l I' 2.0 PHYSICAL RESERVOIR CONDITIONS IN THE VICINITY OF BLN I Physical conditions within and affecting Guntersville Reservoir Ii play an important role in determining its biological potential. Many physical factors have been shown to influence aquatic ecosystems, including light and/or temperature (Ward and Karaki 1973; Kimmel and Lind 1972; Lund 1965; Mackenthun 1968; Moed and Hoogveld 1982); day-length and rainfall (Lund 1965); river flow (Pennak 1946); water retention (or replacement) times (Hynes 1969; Wrobel and Bombowna 1976); reservoir depth, basin contour, surface area, and surface winds (Mackenthun 1968), and basin geology (Wade, et al. 1981). Degree of influence exerted by a single factor is many times uncertain because of the large number of factors involved, their interrelation with one another, the rapidity with which the environment changes, and the diversity of aquatic organisms themselves. It was beyond the scope of this project to decribe a large number of factors known to regulate reservoir conditions. However, several major factors and conditions are described in this chapter (especially as they relate to times on or just before collection of biological samples) which are considered important to a flow-through I water body such as Guntersville Reservoir. These include: (1) flow patterns in the vicinity of the BLN site,,(2) temperature and mixing, (3) monthly flows and temperatures during monitoring activities, (4) discharge from upstream and downstream dams, (5) solar radiation, (6) travel times for water masses, and (7) rainfell events. These factors are characterized by seasonal and annual trends. 10 I

I I 2.1 Flow Patterns Flcw past the BLN site is controlled by operation of Nickajack Dam (TRM 425.0), upstream of the BLN site, and Cuntersville Dam (TRM 407.6), downstream. Past studies have shown the highly variable nature of flow at '.he BLN site. Figure 2-1 illustrates the flow regime at BLN for typical operation of Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Dem. Nickajack consists of four hydropower units which discharge approximately 1,246 m8 /sec (44,000 cfs) when all are operating; Guntersville also has four units which discharge approximately 1,416 m8/sec (50,000 cfs) total. Both dams have a much higher spill capacity for flood control. The maximum discharge at each dam since closure was in March 1973 at peak rates'of 7,142 m /sec 8 (252,200 cfs) at Nickajack Dam and 8,897 m /sec a (314,200 cfs) at Guntersville Dam. Upstream of the BLN site, Guntersville Reservoir is contained mainly within the original river channel. Immediately upstream of the site is Bellefonte Island (approximately TRM 392.3 to 394.7) which divides the reservoir longitudinally. Also immediately upstream of the BLN site, the reservoir begins to widen beyond the original channel into relatively shallow backwater and overbank areas. These areas are a protected from wind and current action by a chain of strip islands and bars. These strips extend from above BLN to approximately TRM 385.0, and are broken periodically, which allows some exchange between the overbank areas.and the main channel. These overbank areas are significant in considering biological response, offering plankton source areas and fish habitat which are different from that of the main channel. Exchanges between the overbank areas and the main channel are most significant during periods of rapid water surface elevation change. 11

I. 2.2 Temperature and Mixing Previous studies have indicated that temperatures at the BLN site are primarily affected by releases from Nickajack Dam. There is generally a lack of stratification, indicating a fully mixed flow-through reservoir with short detention times. Effects from Widows Creek Steam Plant (WCF) on temperatures at the BLN site are negligible during moderate to high flows. During low flows, the thermal discharge from WCF mixes in a surface layer 1.5 to 3 m (5 to 10 feet) deep, across the width of the reservoir. The effects of this thermal discharge during low flows are difficult to differentiate from solar heating of the surface layer (TVA, 1982). 2.3 Monthly Flows and Temperatures During Monitoring Activities Maximum average daily flows during the period of monitoring were on the order of 4,248 m 8/sec (150,000 cfs) and 5,663 m8/sec (200,000 cfs) at Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Dam, respectively. These higher flows occurred generally during late winter and spring. Plankton samples were taken during periods of high average daily flow in 1974, 1975, and Minimum average daily flows during the monitoring period were on the order of 283 m8/sec (10,000 cfs) or less. These generally occurred in late summer. Plankton samples were taken during low flow in 1975, 1976, 1978, 1982, and 1983. Average daily flows with sample date indicators are displayed in figures 2-2 through 2-9. Monthly average discharges for Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Dam are shown in table 2-1, along with yearly averages, for the period of monitoring (including 12 I 5

I I non-sample months). Estimated occurrence and duration or river flows less than 0 are shown in table 2-2. Average dam discharges for the entire monitoring period at Nickajack Dam and Guntersville Dam were 1,141 m 8 / sed (40,300 cfs) and 1,368 m*/sec (48,300 cfs), respectively. 5 Travel times within Guntersville Reservoir are governed by the operation of Nickajack and Guntersville Dams. Travel times for the Nickajack to BLN and BLN to Comer Bridge reaches were calculated for each sample date. Travel time from Nickajack to BLN ranged from 21 hours to 5.1 days. Travel time from BLN to Comer Bridge, which is approximately the end of the strip islands, ranged from seven hours to 2.1 days. Daily average flows on plankton sample dates and for the five days prior to samples, and travel time on the same date, are shown in figures 2-10 through 2-45. Temperatures on the plankton sample date and the five days prior are also in figures 2-10 through 2-45. Table 2-3 shows the monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures for the monitored period. During this time, average temperatures ranged from a low of 5.6*C (42*F) I to a high of 30.6*C (87'F). The adjusted temperatures should be used with some caution in this analysis, but should adequately display annual and seasonal trends. !I .

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l o l Flow AT BELLEFoNTE PLANT slTE b b b w io e ::, I I v  : v 80 9 3 - E. ui 2 os'$ l E io l 3 j oy 5o - - - l

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Figure 2-1. Typical Tennessee River Flows in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reser.oir, Alabama. 14 I I

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    ?                    i 20    -


        .7 I      .e
                                                                          '    0 S                                                             ,

f . p

             -                                             l   !                                     '

k* .4 l> f I a' .3 yh


5 - a2 - r i . l dI A,he n l i 1 i

             ;     ;1           h           "

I i, 0 ' ' ' ' I JAN WSDB 6/20/85 FEB WR APR MAY JUN 1974 JUL AUC SEP OCT NOV DEC I Figure 2-2 . Daily average flows & temperatures near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Guntersville Reservoir, 1974. 15 E

I 200 -

                                           ,,                                                                                             ,c ,,cx 8;                                                                                  --- CUNTUtSVluf
                                          ,;       ,n                                                             e PLANKTON SWPLE DATES a 150    -                                   i Ts                                         \'; l \

8 - is 's s O. 100 - s' ', ' ,8' i

          '           '     i                            '
  .       i i    ,',,
                 ,               'm,    '

9 'i/ ei (6 f,, , ,, \' s.s ' " ';

   50                               '                         -

i e' fi p a ,'; ,,s

                                                                                                                          #~           '       '


  $ 20     -

i 10 - 0 ' 1 --

                .MN       FEB             MAR                 APR        MAY         JUN         JUL       AUC      SEP          OCT       NOV    DEC SOLAR RADMTION
       .6  -


       .5  -

f .4 - h' I \4 g E g 1 a? 3 - t 1 3., 5 i f I

   ? If]\bt. '                                                                                                                            ((\"

s .

                                                                                                                                                      ,   g 0                                                                                    '       '                     '

JAN FT.B MAR APR EY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1975 WSDB 6/20/85 Figure 2-3 . Daily average flows (, temperature near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Guntersville Reservoir,1975 l 16 I l 5

I 200 - recxuAcx ___. cowrERsa u o PMNKTON SAMPLE DATES y 150 - o 8 o 100 - l s i i s. ,

                     ,                                                  a 50                 .i, ' '; .' i 2 i            e' l      ,,'P,,
                                                                           . .'i .,       ..,g                ,




      .7 I      .e  -

Sour RADun0N e PuNKTON SAF.E QATES s - 8 k I)4 y . 1 4

                                                        '                                                              f ll                        p l

0 I JM WSCO 6/20/85 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 1976 JUL AUG SEP OCf NOV OEC Figure 2-4 . Daily average flows r, temperatures near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir,1976. I 1? E


                                                                                                                ---. GUNTERSVILLE l

g I' O Pl#4KTON WPli DATES 150 - o E s O " 100 - e l i e n [g

,                           'I     N ',                                                                                       ft
  • l ', .; ' i i,-
                                                    ' ,.              l ,'     ,
                                                                                 ,   'i   ,

I a i i f I I 1 ' ' ' M RB MAR APR mY JUN JUL AUC SEP OCT NW DEC 50

                                                                                                         -- WATER TEMP (AN) 9 PLANKTON SAMPLE DATES 40   -

o 30 ~ gY M T)i

<                                                                                                                                                      m
$ 20     -
$   10   -


                                     ' -'                         1        -'           '-*              --' - -          '            '       ---


                                                                                                            -~ SotAR RADLATION
     .6  -


     '   ~

t v

                                         ~         t@1         y par                                                                         I 6b.

i 1 t c



                          /l,,                                                                 '   I b

[g o; g 82 ~ i t, dl > I i r 3 3 1 I 4 J]I { JAN FED MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NW DEC 1977 WSDB 6/20/85 Figure 2-5 . Daily average flows r, near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1977. 18 I I


                                                                                                                                      .__. CUNTE SVU E
                                                                                                                           . PLANKTON SAMPLE MTES I ,, 150 E

8 I o too n' i I 50 ', .y


i i,',.

                                                                                                             , ,4#
                                                                                                                                                           -h       !

o ' ' ' '

                                                                   ,        ,,        my   a         R          AUG         SEP         OCT     NOV      DEC I

so i

                                                                                                                                 --- SURFACE (5 FT)

I *

                                                                                                                           .                =&"1 I  P y sa    -

i2 I h n. 20 - 3

  " 10    -

g g i e f f I I ' ' s FEB WR APR MY JUN R AUG SEP Oct NOV DEC

       .7 g          .

soun meATxW

       .5 -

I 4 - ( ,

       .2   i      j                                                                                                                                     \

[ (4 ik, ) , , , , , . . > I M FEB WR APR my JUN jut. AUG SEP OCT NW DEC 1978 WSDB 6/20/85 Figure 2-6 . Daily average flows r, temperatures near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, I Guntersville Reservoir, 1978. 13 I .


  *     ~

ri NiCxwcx E ii ___. GUNTERSVR E E ll 9 PLANKTON SAMPLI DATES y 150 i g u i 5 0 ' i f

  • '*1,,,I', 't 'i l,'
                                                                                      },% ,
                                                                                                                     '                       z                  l's,      ,,

l 3E I,'l i i r i 'i , i s ', O ' i t ' e' \ s, d 50 ' r, i i s'i,  % h, ,

                                                                                                                        ' ,, , ,, ,,,,,,           t,                                -
                                                                  >r        ~                   -


                                                                                                                                            ---- SURFACE ($ FT)

BOTTOM (16 FT) 40 - e PLANKTON SAMPU: MTES P E g 30 - 3 E

<                                                                                                                                                                                      a
$ 20     -


     .7 SOLAR RADWDON                    ga
     .6  -


     .5  -
     .4  -

f1 j l

 *                                    ,l 8

a' - s '

                                                                                                                                     <l       H+M                                      l I                                                                                                         I 1 !        j;
 @ .2                                                                             ll                                                                                           3

g (

              ,;4 JAN FEB
                             ,6 MAR APR MAY JUN

( n t_ , ,

                                                                                                                                                                                 )i    l JUL             AUG      SEP           OCT        NOV              DEC   3 1979                                                                               g WSDB 6/20/85 Figure 2-7 . Daily average flows & temperatures near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1979 20 I


I I 200 -

                                                                                                                           .. . CUNTUtSVt1E e PLANKTON SAMPLE MTES m
   ,g 150 J;-

a l; f li I i tm f$, i' i,

                            \,        , ,n\

R n, ,,

                                                                                                                                                             ,[i. .

4 9 ta. 50 " i N ,L i, ri . A

                   .MN          FEB             MAR          APR    MAY     JUN       JUL            AUC           SEP        OCT          NOV               DEC 50 I

WATER TEMP (#11) e PtANKTON SAMPLE DATES 40 - I P g 30 - i2 h 20 - I

    " to                                                  '0'
                   .MN          FEB             MAR         APR     MAY     JUN       JUL            AUC           SEP        OCT          NOV ' DEC
         .7 I       .e -


         .+ - ,

i b I [ l h/ g .3 - i b f l 81 ,'

         .1 r

O ' l I JAN WSDB 6/20/85 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 1982 JUL AUC SEP OCT NW DEC l Figure 2-8 . Daily average flows & temperatures near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1982. I 21 'I . .

                                 .            -                           s       -       - - - -                              --           . - , - - -             - - . ,

I 200 -

                                                                                               . PuNe w .? = =


                                             ;                 h,                                                              ;            l, 8                                             ::                .  :

C., 100 - i s, l il,!

                                                                                                                                       '    E g        >           1, 9                           :

l,  ?\ .' E 50  !'I'~ ~ s  ; s .,o r a JAN FEB MAR APR bMY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC WATER TEMP (MM) 3 o PLANKTON SAMPLI MTES g a 20 - 10 - O

                                                                    '8                                                               I I


     .7                                                                                                                                     "


     .6 -


 .5                                               e fl (r t ..

p\ 1 a, Ig I d' ~ ( l l 5 (kf) l - f !f

 @.2    3g 0        y     I, j,                 l i

j ( sai s

                         ;-    i   n,                                                                                                                                      o                                                                                '

E BLN to Comer Bridge: 2 BLN to Comer Brfdge: 6-- s I 7 Hours 13 Hours I .

                                                  ------ anrUt 7thr
                                                                                                                                     - ICUt fur ll     ,-       -
                                                                                ,u      .                                                                    .

an . u . lg ,, _ -

                                                                        .       3 ,,   -

I , - _ -

            ,,           j,       - ;_ - .. ;       ._;                   ,

g_-;._; . I m i tJ 2;

                   ---                                                        a i t.s 3

3 3 I

  • a

_s -

                                    ,       e                                       e                                                                       -

1 I ,, s 1


I 5

          ,;             j, x

FEB 1974 e~~;_ g_ ._; - . WAR 1974 WSDB 8/30/85 I Figure 2-10 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Feb. 4 and Har. 5, 1974 for Preoperational Honitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I n

I 150 "

                                                                    -- MN -                        130      -

_.- um

                                                                - -- - swuswa                                                                                     --- m b
    .       t                                                                                    ,

t t o*If o 8 too F 2 l 2 , e I e y so g - - - - - - - , - - - . _ - - - - - e **



           !                                                                                               ---.s._~...-=~-                                                                           3
        .L .

28 29 30 31 t 2 2 J 4 3 7 Nickajack to Ocucfonte: Nickajack to Oci!cfonte: U g E 1.4 Days E 1.9 Days l- p j B3J to Comer Bridge: L' BUJ to Comer Brfdge: l 12 Hours 17 Hours so - - . - - .

                                                                  -- - wts me                                                                                          .

u - u . P P E W a ,, . g,  ;.__.._.___ 5 ~~~ p . _. _ _ . . . _ . - a , G i. - g ,. .

                                          . ; . - ._ _j,            .

2 -- - E ' 1Nm + n * *J' _ i.: { '2 i t g ',' 1 .s i N j E 2 j i a, af J * ,, J - g

                                         '                 ^                         - - -                                                                                -

p S $; ..

         ,,- . -; --.-; -. - ;, . - . - - . . ,                                                     , L . 7, . _._ . _..
                                                                                                       ,                                         . _. g..y_     /              ..,

APR 1974 ygy ggy4 WSD0 8/30/85 Figure 2-11 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampelng on April 2 and May 7, 1974 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I u I

I r I is. . _ -i- .

                                                                    ... au comm in
                                                                                                                                                                     ---asnum m I H too 8

2 ios . - a I gso*-.__.. . .- y se - og

                                         ;                   . e        .
                                                                                                  ,        e,,-             y
  • y -- *- f - -l-- ,

Nickajack to Be!!afonte: Nickojack to Be:!cfonte:


E 1.5 Days E 1.9 Days A P l > E 804 to Comer Oddge: BtJJ to Comer Oddge: E s e-

                                                                                      - e.                                                                                          ~             1 l                                                              14 Hours                                                                                            18 Hours l             -.                                                      . . - . . .                            . - - . _ _ _ .         .. _ _.... - ._ _ .                              .-
                                                                      --- een vue                            ,                                                        - man me 7

u . . u , E Y



1. . . . .

g . . I ,

                       ._.4 .. _ ,., _ ._..;_._ . _ ;._ ..___,                                           ,,,

I A J 8

                  - eaua .aw ai ta 3
                                                                                                                  - mun 5  i i  .                                                                                  .
                                                                                                       . i .


                                             ~.                     ,      /                                 ;

I .,- . _4._ _. . g _ _.._._ ;._ _. _.. g _.___, ,,,-. g -

                                                                                                                                       .g__.__ _4                                ;

JUN 1974 JUL 1974 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-12 . Conditions prior to Plankton Samplirg on June 3 and July 2,1974 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I 25 E

I iw _..m.m iso . _ .m.m .

                                                                             -- . auscuma                                                                                               - . emnamur 5   ice     -

8 2 !wo i i gu ------~~ - gz .

                                                                                                                                        ~~_ . s ~
                                                    ~~.-----                                                              .

e_ - g g _. . __ _ _ g.

                                                                                                                                    , _ .j,_ _ .__ g _ . _. . .g._                           _ u . -

Nickojeck to Bellefonte: NickoJock to Deuefonte:

  • n
  • e E 1.9 Days E 1.6 Days u'

L- p

       }                                                                                                            3 E                                            3LN to Comer Bridgo:                                           2                                     OLN to Comer Bridge:                                                    E
                                                                                               -n                                                                                                   -w 18 Hours                                                                                                    15 Hours g

y" " p" :. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hi y Ew a an . - g, , g, e .. i, . _ E i ,

          .,                         ;._ __ . _ 3 . . . . _p .. . . p , __                                            , _ . . .                      . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . _

t g>--..---- . . - . - - - - - - - . . . - - - - - - I -e sam wu-- ew E 5

  • ww a ._.. u.u. ,

3 is sa . i , i . . E g


J ( _ p A . af , W n E o

         .,__ q ..._;                                           -
                                                                           ;--_.             ;             ,          ,, . . _ . . _ . . _p . . .. . . t . ._ . __9_ . _                                      ,

AUG 1974 $[P 1974 WS00 8/30/85 Figure 2-13 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Aug. 6 and Sep. 4, 1974 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 2G I I l

I I tu .

                                                 --- emnumiuz iso     -
                                                                                                                ---o m
                                                                                                                         - mwm -

f  ; I g. io .


[ ico i n . gu . .

                   ;,-                                       ~..#

e,--  ; 4 g- - 4  ; , e,, - -- - - - 3, Nickojack to Bellefonte: Nickojack to Be!!afonte: e > .  % e . E 1.7 Days E 22 Hours F p 3 3 E 6-BLN to Comer Bridge: BLN to Comer Brfdge: I


16 Houm 8 Houm a: -- 30 . J' L e i, - 'l .h.--;_--;_.--  ; = -_ __ -4 4 4 ._g_.__.q , I I I a .

                     -     u.     ,

s _.,,,,u . in . 12 . I k k t .

g. . .
           .;,I' Y .        ,,-
                                                                    ,           .,,       - ;_. y,_ -        ;_. _;                  -

OCT 1974 Ftg 1975 t WSDB 8/30/85 I Figure 2-14 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Nov. 1, 1974 and Feb. 19, 1975 for Preoperational Monitoring of dellefonte Nuclear Plant. lI



iso -

                                                          .seo m m -                        iso )                                                              wxuwa                                E
                                                    . . ournamu                                                                                       --

a-E { ion

                                                                              ~ '

j . . . _ _ _ . . _ . io. . . _ . _ . . . . _ . . i . i - so . se .,________,,.____.. j ,

      ,,,_ ;              .. ;                  ,y_ _g._ J,                                   , ,, _ . .
                                                                                                               ,,  .._.2,.,.; . . _;._ ._ ;_ - _,

Nickajack to Be!!efonto: Nickajack to Bellsfonte:

  • m
  • e o E 22 Hours E 1.9 Days r I:

o 3 e BLN to Comer Bddge: h O!N to Comer Bddge:


7 Hours 18 Hours uk u . .


P ' P w Iap .

5. m .

fg _, , is .

i. . .
                                                                                                                 ,     ..._a,                 ...
4. ... . ,a . _

e wnu .w a '

              - mun ennon                                                                a        '

___ nu . anu, , lJf - iJ . . I k "9 i . - 1s 1

)     a    .

q 4 " e

                 ^ f- - +---

g ^

                                                            -g                  ,             e    - -        . a __ . _ a.                . . _ a.         . a . .._ u WAR 1975                                                                                           APR 1973 W500 8/30/85 Figure 2-15 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampilng on Mar. 26 and Apr. 22, 1975 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte lluclear Plant.

28 I I

I I .. . _ _._ . I I see . . iso - . i I g. ----. -

                       ~ ,,,__ _______________ .

so .________ _,,,,_r._:=

         .    .__ y_ g_ . .._. __ m . _. g          ;_           ,
                                                                                      ._ - y . 4           . g _.. . . - .4 -- _ . - _
,                            Nickajeck to Beuefonte:                                              Nickojeck to Beuefonte:

g - g E 2.2 Days E 1.8 Days A P I o BW to Comer Bridge: H BW to Comer Brfdge: 20 Hours 16 Hours I - I as . Y 3g . I

        ..  .                                                   . 9 ,.     .                                                         .


           ,_._ . g _ .- -_; m, .                 4 _ . -. __ .,           , ,,___ . _. . ;, _ .    .g__      _g ._ _ _g__. . . _,

S 3 a . .

                      .u                                                            .u
                - -u          ,                                      s                 .,

tJ - - tJ - . I . g 1 1

                                                                      . t   .                                                         .

p I

    )                                                                                                                                       :

J - 2 I e,- -g- g

                          . -;                ;            ,         e,              e, -              _ __g _ . . __; . . . - __

WAY 1975 JUN 1975 . WSDB 8/30/85 t Figure 2-16 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on May 28 and June 23, 1975 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.



1 I iso - _ -. . ise . - - - . m

                                              --- anmnma                                                                 --- munnmu l

t ion - - 1 ion - -


g 80t_ -~~. , so

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                              ~ ~ ~h           .
                                                 -P,,       "
                         ,4,_ ._ _4._  - gq                                            e         -. g_ .. 4.. . .- g_..-.        g- _ . g NickoJock to Bellefonte:                                                    Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

g  :- g  :- E 1.5 Days E 1.8 Days P P e e

      $                         BW to Comer Oddge:                                  $                       DW to Comer Bddge:

s s .

                                                            -o-                                                                    ->

14 Hours 17 Hours 3 38 " 'd p _ _ _ . _ if = En - . m . h - E B,. . . 9 ,. . . m

                                                                                                   ; . _3. .           3 .- -._._ ;_ . _,,              g 2                                                                             3 e menu.                                                                    e nenu.

E ' - saun newww a - sounnema i s.e - . u . - 5 '

  *                                         ,                                 r, i

i- - l

>                                                                           )
       .s    .                                                        .                   .                                                   .

N-e,,  ; 3 ._; . . --g_. _ _ _, ,

                                                                                        ,,_ _ g.           ___4_

_._g_ _. ; . WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-17 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on July 22 and Aug. 26, 1975 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. l JO I I

I ' I . .

                                                                                      -- . SMuteWut
                                                                                                                                                                                --- SafWtsfuK 100     =

rh-~,' g ne -

                                                                                                                                ,                              .-d 
                .,,_ r,,_, ._ q,                                                            .
                                                                                                                                                          , , . . . ,,..._ p .._.y.

N!ckojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojack to Be!!afonte: i E 1.7 Days E 2.0 Dcys i t P P g BW to Comer Bridge: f BW to Comer Bridge: I 15 Hours 19 Hours se p - 30 - k. FM -  % .m_ . p ,8 - p gg . I .,L ,. r-; ~i .,,- - ..-. - y. - . -: r ,, I . gie

                                                                                                                 .'...e=__          .

g I l I 3 1 . 1Je -m =

  • 1.s .

I 1B .9 1Is 3, 33 g ,gy gg 9, g, SEP 1975 gg g OCT 1975 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-18 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Sep. 23 and Oct. 22, 1975 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.


01 5I1 1

I iso . _- ,m - . iso - _ . . - . am

                                                -- . ouimieus                                                             --- auwmem                        g a                                                                  e t       too    -                                              -

t ico . - i i ur - u ,

                 -----%-                     - - - - - - -y                    e~~,q                        ....                   -
             'si                                                                                               "
                                                                                                                                               ^ 'is

E [s s's O is 'oi "~ib --' " ~~li E---^- E Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickajack to Bellefonte: 3 5 E 1.7 Days E 1.6 Days P P o o

            $                      BLN to Comer Bridge:                   $                               BLN to Comer Bridge:

n 4 15 Hours 15 Hours a m - u - . u - . P P W Em . . m - . l ~

        @io      -

Se . .

             ,, ,--. _;_ . 3._               ,r.       ;
                                                                                                 ;_ ._ . ;,. . .__;_- _p ._                           ,,    g 2                                                             a j

9 IW8 R&L 1p 4 assets 1 - E ' - scun u m w 3 ' -saun suceman i tJ - - M im . 3 3 E

        %                                                              t 3          -                                               -         i     .                                                                     -

E E ' 1 ) J - - J - .


_1 -

             'si                                                                                 E'-'
                           ^                                                                ^                       ^                          ^

[4 is [a b is 't e zi E ' "s3 a. i FEB 1978 WAR 1976 i WSDB 8/30/85 I 1 Figure 2-19 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Feb. 18 and Mar. 24, 1976 3' for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. E n I. I; .

I I . .

                                                 - . ne a
                                                                                                                                                                    - masseaux I     $ g.g k.

sn . -

s. .

w--------_----________: .



                *                      "           ^                                                                                                   '   ~   '
i. [r t. [. m n 'u [. is s. [r i.

Nickojeck to Be!!afonte: NickoJock to Bellefonte: I 8 E 3.2 Days


E 1.9 Days


A P I - BLN to Comer Bridge: BLN to Comer Bridge: 1.3 Days 18 Hours

  • m .

m . . m . i m I Sw . w . . I .

                                                                                                                                                                        ,r .    ,.

l I E u 3 em

                   ' - .useu.

sua E 3 e me u.

                                                                                                                                     - _ .sua n.mnsa u    .                                          .

I =

                                                                                                                            .    'd                                             -

J . . J . . I

i. tr t. s. m si .u s. a w it w APR 1974 idAy 1973 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-20 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Apr. 21 and Har. 18, 1976 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

I u y

I no . mcm iso -

                                                                                                                                     - . raciaca -
                                                 . . . -                                                                         . . . muna e                                                                           a t                                                                           t
   , ico      .                                                         -

o too 8

                                                                          . 8 i                                                                           i o z'                                                                        o u d          -_--=,<.-       ~
                                                              -- ----          d a           t-~._,.-..x-_1-_.

o .--.x.-.- t..-+u.-..---.- 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 17 18 18 20 21 Nickcjeck to Oc!!cfonte: Nickajack to BeI!efonte: E E l E F 2.0 Days F 1.8 Days r- p N $ E BLN to Comer Bridge: E BLN to Comer Bridge: W t- >-- 19 Hours 16 Hours g

                                                  - == w                                                                           - um w y

y" =- - -


W W En - - Ew . 2 a M 2 r

      % to    -

10 - - g.__.._ , . _ . _ _ _._. . ._._ . , _ _ . . , _ _ _ . 2, _ . . 2 _ _ _ _ _- E

                - soun ==                                                       a
                                                                                             .wu                                                            E i

i s.s

                                                                                            - soun ww                                                       3 2 12     .

4 3 3 li 15 E 3 i . - 3 i . . 3 E a E N N x

                                                  -m                                                 - - -                                               ^

sn .n a

                                   .x         .

u , - . . _ _ _ 18 le 20 21 22 13 18 17 18 18 20 21 JUN 1976 JUL 1976 WSDB 8/30/85 1 1 Figure 2-21 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on June 23 and July 21, 1976 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 04 I I

t l I iso - _ _- isa h ._. ._ .

                                                                            -- curauima                                                                      - - cu,cusvuz                  i l


    , too      -
                                                                                                        ,ico                                                                                ,

I 8 8 I i i

 'I @ 50
                                                                                                        @ 50
                                           ^Wx ~ , w ,-/ , e ~ ~ ~ , ,
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p. ' ~~ ,~ ._~. ,



o y . 1,- . . _ _s,- . -. . . -_ . -.-f og . . . j( . . Nickojeck to Be!!cfonte: Nickajack to Bellefonte:

                                                                                                +                                                                              =

E E 1.7 Days I P E o 1.8 Dcys P E o BLR to Comer Bridge: h BLN to Comer Bridge: $ s t-16 Hours 16 Hours I .a - - - . . _ - _ . -. - .. .._

                                                                                                              .a                             .-


                                                                             --- WATUt 7tw                                                                      - WATUt TD4P 1

p' 3 p'3 - I

       =                                                                                                  =

Em - - En - a a e r2 3 p iO ' g=' iO - - I

               ,,                            .. 4 g..                  g.     .               .
                                                                                                                    .__ . _l, .          .
                                                                                                                                            .g.       . . _g__ _. . _ g____ . _ ___,,

a _.__ . . . _ . _ . . _ _ . . _ . 2 _ _ . _ _ _ . E - scun wwm E - soun w w m i i.s -

                                                                                                      ]       i.s F                                                                  -

t k

                  -                                                                                             i 3     i 3

I E N r

                         - -                          ~~.                                    ,,

N x E

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I 8

             , L _ . _ __g_                . . .__ g._. m . . .g_ _

AUG 1976 _._t,

                                                                                                 ,J       *
                                                                                                                ,        ...1        _... _ .

p_. _ .. . . SEP 1976 1 1 WSDB 8/30/85 I Figure 2-22 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampilng on Aug. 17 and Sep. 15, 1976 for Preoperational Honitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I i s e 35 l i

I 150 -

                                                  - seC3 WACK -            ISO     -
                                                                                                                            - McKMACK -
                                                -- . cuimasms                                                             --- cuimasms 2

soo - -

                                                                       ;soa        -                                                        -

8 8 i i gu a m . - _,, s ---- --~~~--' , , _ _ _ _ _____________. 0 0 m iS 18 17 18 19 20 to 11 12 13 to 15 Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: ei

                                                              '             up v                                                                     v E                                    1.6 Days                         E                                         1.5 Doys p                                                                    p v                                                                    e E                         BLN to Comer Bridge:                       E                                BLN to Comer Bridge:

s s n -+ 15 Hours 15 Hours 5 so so

                                                  - WATUI ft3dP                                                             - tuAftJt flas*

M - - M - E E g" 2a i' M - - E t 2 2

     $ 10      -                                                  -

g to - - 0 e , 13 14 17 18 le to to 11 12 13 to 15 5 I  ! 2 2

                      .wu                                                                      .wu E               - sam wuna,.                                        E                - sam muro, su          -                                                 -       'a ,       .                                                         .

G ! 5 5 , ,t -

                                                                        ,       t E                                                                   E 1                                                                   )

ga - - ga . - ( 3 n + 3 8 N y'



                                                                                     - _ .            u.-...-..,



o . tS 14 17 18 19 20 to il 12 83 to 15 OCT 1976 FEB 1977 WSDB 8/30/85 l Figure 2-23 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampilng on Oct. 20, 1976 and Feb. 15, E 1977 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. E OG I

I I . .

                                              --- annumma

{ ~',,, I

                                    , .                                                                              i ico      .                ,
                                ,                            ,,,-                                                    , too      -

o. 8 i gu .-  % i I ga. --- -------- - .. i I It 12 tJ to 13 18 to 13 14 17 18 18 Nickojack to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

          .a                                                                                                             e.i E                                1.2 Days                                                                       E                                1,5 Days 1:                                                                                                              P e

l > E BLN to Comer Bridge: o

                                                                                                                         >                                                          \

s s E BLN to Comer Bridge: l

                                                           --o.                                                                                                         -*-

' l 11 Hours 14 Hours I e

                                               - mum nw
                                                                                                                              ,                                - amme me-m     .
3. .

P P W W l" " l" l r a.. .

                                                                .                                                     1,.     .

l l u ' i, is e i. i. i. '. .. i. ,, i.- i. 1 u , s E 3 e== u. .

                                        - saun new              -

E - asua nenisie hu . f ta - t i . tJ -

           'd                                                   '

J . J -

                                                                                                                                                           \               _

I 11 It 13

                                                                                                                          ,                .       .                a to         13         te                                                          i+            13      ge      gy        g,       q, WAR 1977                                                                                                       APR 1977 WSDB 8/30/C,5 Figure 2-24 . Conditions prior,to Plankton Sampling on Mar. 16 and Apr. 19, 1977 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

I 37

iso - _~.i~ - iso -

                                       - _ . mann,4a                                                       _ _ . ourmman
m. a t T.
   , ion     -                                               -
                                                                 , ion     -                                             -

8 8 i i 9n 0u . - u i, is is u is 2s a p 2a a so Nickojock to Be!!efonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: E E E 1.9 Days E 2.2 Days P P e c 2 BLN to Comer Bddge: E BUJ to Comer Bddge: s F 18 Hours 21 Hours

         =                                                             =

30 - . 30 N "

                                                                                                                   'N P                                                             P W                                                             W an       -                                              -

En - 3 & W r

     $ le    -                                               -     3 p   io  -
          'o                        a                                   *
i. is u a u u u a a se 2 3 E

e amau.

                - souanewo.                                       E
                                                                                 . nimu-
                                                                             - soun ne w o.

E i i_s 3

             -                                               -    iis      -

5 3 k 8 5 i - - i - - 5 E E N N x & 3 .s a u

i. is u u u 3

a u V. . 2, v u a n u WAY 1977 JUN 1977 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-25 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on May 18 and June 30, 1977 3 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. E l J8

I iso -- -

                                         --- cuimimuz iso   -
                                                                                                                                        - e-= w-
                                                                                                                                      --- ownus=2x
   $ iso I   8 2
                                                             $ iso 8

2 i i an . . qm . - d ___ - C

                                    -. . x ----~~-                                                                                        g-W .______---- ...


i.  :.  :.  ;,  :. ,.

ii  :. -s-- :. i  :. i. Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojack to Bel!cfonte: I :E 2.2 Days E 2.0 Days z A P I 2 c BLN to Comer Bridge: o s 2 BLN to Comer Bridge: I' s I 21 Hours W 18 Hours

        =                                                        =
                                          - mrm me.                                                                                    - mim m, 30  -

30 P P W W Ew an I a a e r Gi. .

                                                       -      p i.    .
l. 33 it if is te si it 13 1. is is I 3 3

e =seau.

              - sava mowne                                    E 1
                                                                          . mesiu.
                                                                        -soun mawn.

g i.s u - t

  • t i - .

i - I J  % - gJ - I i+ is is it si is se is u 3. u in JUL 1977 AUG 1977 WSDB 8/30/85 I Figure 2-26 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on July 19 and Aug. 16, 1977 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I I

I ssa . _m -

                                                                   .u     -                                 _ -,- -
                                           --- m                                                         - . Esm)tsvus, e                                                              a T.                                                            T.

too - -

                                                               , t oo     -

I 8 i i gw w

               - - - - - , ,                                   gm         -                                                 -
                               -----------------            -  w                  --____--_- --------------.
         .        .___1._.
                       .       ,,      ,,       ,,          ,.         .           .  ..__.,i,  ..__4._
                                                                                                      ,     .__i.__-.___

g Nickojeck to Bettefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: H M

      &                                                             Q E                                2.1 Days                     E                                  1.7 Days i:                                                            1-e                                                             o E                      BLN to Comer Bridge:                   h                     BLN to Comer Bridge:

s s 19 Hours 17 Hours

                                            ---                                                            ---                3 u                                                             u

__ / - P -- p w - w 5 *

   -u a

Eu - - a r r a w ie - die - 9 18 11 13 13 14 18 le 17 1 19 2e 2  : E

                 * ==au-
               - soun noce.                                     E
                                                                              . =wau.
                                                                            - soua noma,e I
  $                                                                                                                           5
                                                                $ 12     -

33 5 i - k E 3 E H 3 3 E D 1 g4 . - g4 . e is si u . . . . is 3. se ir se se a SEP 1977 OCT 1977 WSDB 8/30/85  ; Figure 2-27 . Conditions prior to Plankton Samplir.g on Sep. 14 and Oct. 20, 1977 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. l I 40 II

1 I e

                                            . _ . amomuz a
                                                                                                                --- annumus t                                                             t i        -                                             -                 -
                                                                   , im                                                                 -

bn 8 D, I se % o so . - 1 x ,,,_____- d N i

                           '-                              ~
            't?           ta    SI       do         di         22            2                  22   ds      $+         u               as Nickojeck to Bellefonte:                                             Nickojeck to Bellefonte:


          ,,                                             >               ,,                                                     e o                                                              e E                              2.3 Days                       E                                    3.0 Days 1:

I I: e v

          $                   BLN to Comer Bridge:                      $                          BLN to Comer Bridge:

i- s d 22 Hours 1.3 Days e . _ _ .m-x x _ _ .=.=orna, M - m - 4 4 Rw - an I a a ___ _______ 2

  • g is
                                                                    $ to I         ,

17 18 18 to 21 22 21 22 23 to 28 20 I E I IJ 2 e mesmu.

               ' - saua no mme I

E tJ 2 e neemu.

                                                                                   - asua mmmos, l   5 3

E k i . 5 3 k i . E D i g4 - gJ . I 87 . 18 19 20 21 22 2 22 9 tap to as WAR 1978 APR 1978 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-28 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Har. 22 and Apr. 26, 1978 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I I 41

iso . _ .~ . isa - .= ~ a ia m -

                                             -- . cummma                                                                ---emmm u a                                                                      =

t - -

   , im                                                                   , im 8

8 i i g so : ., g se - -

                              .: N .._ --
-___.---- ~
                                                                                                  -         w --
            ,,         ,        ,. _. t._           ..          ,7             o. .-          ,7         ..      .a.          .'.              ,,

Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojack to Bellefonte:

                                                                 =                                                                        a M                                                                     M e                                                                     o E                               2.6 Days                              E                                    2.6 Days A                                                                     P c                                                                     c E                   BLN to Comer Bridge:                              2                         BLN to Comer fin.. __ age; e                                                                     H 1.1 Days                                                                   1.1 Days
                                                   - -m
                                                   -- . amu
                                                                                                                              -- . oomm I

u - . m . P P y y _ _ ._ _ ww en - - - - E. so E. u 2 - r r 2 g is - - te - - 12 13 16 13 18 17 le 17 18 13 to it t  : e orna. e mona. ' E * - soun mowne ' E - scun namou  ! i ts - . E sa - - l 3 3 l t b I 3 iu . , - 3 E E N N ' b b i

       .J       -                                                   -

gJ - l 3 'N 3 R R 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 17 18 19 28 21 MAY 1978 JUN 1978 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-29 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on May 17 and June 21, 1978 g for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 3 42 I l 1

I e uo - - -wa - -

                                                      ---anseen e

iso - -- -

                                                                                                                    --- oumsmus I  %

k iso - - k-too - - so - - so -

                                                                                                      ,, e                    N e,,- .       ; .- -g ---4-4                        ;       -

o,, -j-- - ,p --- g - --j ,, Nickojeck to Be!!efonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: I E E 2.2 Days E 1.7 Days A P I s 7

         $                         BLN to Comer Bridge:


                                                                                    $                   BLN to Comer Bridge:

21 Hours 17 Hours I *

  • 33 . -

30 - p _ p r r am - Em I a a r G. - -

i. .

u a o i. - - tm. 'r-i a ae i, i, I E is 1

  • meau.
               ' - soun nmon     w E

ia 3

  • assau.
                                                                                         ' - soun memon I    =

i - -


i - J g2 - . I g lb JAL sh- s - a aL e a a .=g a

                         ~                                                                                                  n u          i+                          u         ir           i.          in         u       i. i,        ie         .

JUL 1978 AUG 1978 WSD9 8/30/85 Figure 2-30 . conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on July 18 and Aug. 17, 1978 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 43 lI I

l iso - _ . . . - . - . iso - _- _ _ j

                                               -..monvena                                                         -- . a.ayrna t           -                                                    -

t 1

  ,too                                                                , ico E

8 i i gu . - gu . - p -- - - .. _ E 13 1. 17 1. 18 20 12 13 16 13 1. 17 Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickajack to Bellefonte: E E E 1.6 Days E 3.0 Days A p


2 BLN to Comer Bridge: $ BLN to Comer Bddge: s s 15 Hours 1.2 Days E E

                                                        --. _ . =                                                     --._
3. - -

30 - - P _ _______.- e W W a= - .

a. ': - - - - - _.

a a r r a

e. . _ .. . .


          %                        ir       i.             J. - .             ',r - - -i3 --           i .  -i.      -tr -            i, 2                                                                   3
                    .-                                                                    .-                                             E a


                   - - -                                                s            - - -                                               g
                 -                                                 .        i.e   .

t = .


t- . a g i i ft gJ - . gJ - 4

          %             i.         i,       i.             i.       .         %                 ,Y --i.        ..        t.      -- i ,

SEP 1978 OCT 1978 l WSDB 8/30/85 5 Figure 2-31 . Conditions prior to Plankton Samp'eng on Sep. 20 and Oct. 17, 1978 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 44 I: I

100 -

     @ 100                                                      H i        .                                            .        . ._______________.---.____------

8 ________________ --_________.

           '.            ir    i.
i. -
                                                           .i        'n             u       a       =       =           n Nickojeck to Be;lefonte:                                    Nickojeck to Bellefonte:
                                                       =                                                              \

E 1.8 Days E 1.6 Days P P I s o

          $                  BLN to Comer Bridge:

o Bl.N to Comer Bridge:

                                                   ---->                                                        ---*=

17 Hours 14 Hours I = a

                                             . .e.mmes
                                                    .n.,                                                  . _ .s.urnes.

n. m . . m . P P W am . . m . . 3 & E r 9 ,. . . g,. . I , to 17 18 18 99 21 21 23 to M M 17 I E 2 s2

  • mesiu.
                  - asua mamme I

3 e2 . e asesmu.

                                                                            - saun n,s. men
       %                                                         k i   .                                              .

gJ . . J . . N. # I , i. ,, s. .. . ,, . . . . . FEB 1973 WAR 1973 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-32 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Feb. 21 and Mar. 27, 1979 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. I

I i,. . __ _._ . i,. . ___.m .

                                        .. -                                                                       _. -                            g g          ___        ,,,,,                                          g too    -                                                 .
                                                                       , son     -                                                      -

I ,,' , 8 k "- k" \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _gf g

         '3i        e      -t         '

ir -A i.

i. e e e '- e 2.

Nickojeck to Belletonte: Nickojack to Bellefonte:

       ,,                                                   1-              ,,                                            -~

o o E 1.7 Days E 1.2 Days P A

       -                                                                   --                                                                      E F

h BLN to Comer Bridge: H h BLN to Comer Bridge: E

                                                       - *-                                                                      --+-

16 Hours 11 Hours se .o _-amx - unaux ammi - _ . eamm m . - n . P P W W En - - am - 3 a r r gi. - . g,. . u i+ is se u is i. se u u u .

a e a=au. e meesu.

E ~ - soua naam 3 - saun nann s.s - - u - . i - - 5 i . l g 3 s * , k gJ - - gJ . .

             /      '.         .      .            .

h u i. is is u is se w u  : u 3. APR 1979 WAY 1979 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-33 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Apr. 18 and May 24, 1979 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 4G I i

I l . . _-- .

                                             - .mammmus
                                                                                                             --- sumemus i
  $i.e                                                              $ o.

i l gso . so

_ - ___ s --
                  *-- ,Js ' '                                                *             '              '          '

e, , te ir ~~~^~i~^ t u tt ts 't +- Is ts u Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: E E E 1.9 Days E 1.6 Days A P e e h BLN to Comer Bridge: $ BLN to Comer Bridge: s s

                                                          --*-                                                          +

l- 18 Hours 14 Hours es .e ec _ e _.m.s.ense m . . m . . P P W W am . . am . . i t' k'

8. . . 3,e . .

l , i+ u a u a a u u

1. u is u I 3
  • meau.
  • nesmu.

I - saun mamme a -asun me-se tJ . . sa . . k k i i . I .s , . . . . tav , . . . .

i. u is u is a u u i. u a -u JUN 1979 JUL 1979 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-34 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on June 19 and July 17, 1979 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.



1 l

                                        . . . aanaeus                                                 ... anmn.,mu a                                                           e t

tw - - 1 i - - i gu -

                              -----      .....-. ..:                u     -                                                 -


i. i. m n n u i. i. i, i. i. 3.

Nickojack to Bellefonte: Nickajack to Be!!efonte:

e. - - .

w E 1.5 Days E 1.9 Days 1: 5: To

                                                                  }                                                             l s

h BW to Comer Bridgo: s E BW to Comer Bridge: E

                                                    - *.                                                             ~

14 Hours 18 Hours

       =,                                                           =
                                              - an. mas                                                      - - mnemes u    .

P P r w - En . - am . a a r r D.. . G. - .

        '.        i.       =        n            u         u         '.          ~
i. -1, -
i. l. - .

i em . emu. E * - snmu. ua mounan E - .aun new me u - - u - -

   %                                                           k i  .                                               .             -

t i . 2 - g .s - . AUG 1979


a N .. ,, SEP 1979 w WSDB 8/30/85 j Figure 2-35 . Conditions prior to Plankton on Aug. 23 and Sep. 20, 1979 l for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. l l

48 I

i l

in . _ - . - - . iso . -- .

                                            - - ouwmeau                                                    ---o -

{ { I

              .                                             .       i       :                                  - -       --.
    $ so.                                                       $ce

_ --- --------- - ; ** ' ~

                        ;,      ;,                         -4                                   e - -;
                                                    ,r                  .

g . . . . Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

                                                          >                                                           ---+

3 E 1.5 Days

E 22 Hours P 1:

o e

         $                    Bl.N to Comer Bridge:                   $                       Bl.N to Comer Bridge:
                                                       -                                                                 +

14 Hours 8 Hours I e

                                                  - asnac w
                                                                                                              - maswa u   .                                             .

m . . W W Bm - Bn I

      $                                                           I S.

8,. . . e t a--- . . m at 22 u s+ _w . . e i e e 1 3

                    * *enu.                                                        , menu.

E . - asua mounme 3 - asun sw unes t.s - . i.s . . k y . t, . . e E n

     )E 4    .                                             .

2 . .

      =                                                           A       ,.

I m as 3: u 3+ ns . . . , . . OCT 1979 FE8 1982 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-36 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Oct. 25, 1979 and Feb.9, 1982 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 49 i

I __. - ___ m s i8 ..

g. .


              -__..- # ~                            .               .                                                 -
                     ;     ;       ;         ;      ..            'r-- i              ;       ;           ;      ',

Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: E I , E 1.2 Days E 2.4 Days P P o

       $                 BLN to Comer Bddge:                    u                  BLN to Comer Bddge:

s s 10 Hours 1.0 Day

  • E
                                       -                                                             - . - .               E P                                                        P w                                                        w Rs      .

Ew . . a - l_ ,. v

                                                                                              \                       .
          .          .     ,       .         .       ..           '.      ~

e n au. e. E - nemum E - e.enu. ua newm. s . .

k. . .


   >                                                       1                                                        e ga       .                                        .

a . .

        /.           .     .

MAR 1982 APR 1982 l WSDB 8/30/85 5 Figure 2-37 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Nar.10 and Apr. 7,1982 g for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. m 1 i l 50 l I

I ,s. .

                                         . . escuous
                                                                                                 ---monum a I                                                      I I  $,

i . .

                                                          $n i       .                                        .

as . . so . .

                                                                          - _,_____ ___          s .._----,

m a i 3 a e a e a e r a Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojack to Be!!afonte: 3 g E 5.1 Days s 2.9 Days P P E h BLN to Comer Bridge: i BLN to Comer Bridge: n h


I 2.1 Days 1.1 Days z a = st . m . P P tl Bu - m . . E t' g ,. . .

i. . .


           'm         le     i       a         a        .        's            i      $       $        r         e I   E is 2

e esau.

              ' - som onww a

sa 3 e nesnu.

                                                                        - saun essass t                                                      k i  .

i . 1 1 f* . . . . . m a i a e a . a e r e E WAY 1982 JUN 1982 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-38 . conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on May 4 and June 8, 1982 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. > 51 (


                                          . . . euw au                                                 . . . amnmus ges     .                                           -

iOO - -

   !                                                            k i

gu . m . V,___._______.

               ^                                                                  *_
                                                  - 9 t         3      J       .         8           8          J8          31        1      3         3          4 Nickojeck to Bellefonte:                                     Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

5 E 2.0 Days E 1.5 Days A P T 'O l

          $                  BLN to Comer Bridge:                    k                    BLN to Comer Bridge:               5
         >_                                                         s
                                                    -w                                                            - *.

20 Hours 13 Hours e e 39 - 38 - P P W W R. . . Em . 2 a ie . . ie . . I 3 3 e asau. e assau. E E - saua new E '

                                                                             - saun msnmu                                    g sa    .                                                    ,a    .                                             .
     ,                                                           ,                                                           a io                                                         i   .                                             .

3 la la- v. JUL 1982 AUG 1M2 l W WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-39 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on July 6 and Aug. 4, 1982 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. l 52 I


                    ,                                             . . e,ans,ua                                                                                              --auwesta m g      .                                                                                                             .

l - -

a. . . .e . -

g . .  ; .  ; . ,. i. i. i, i. ,, Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: z a

E 2.2 Days E

E 3.0 Days P P I 7 s k Bill to Comer Bidge: s 3 k BLN to Comer Bridge: 22 Hours 1.2 Days a w l P u . P m . . w . .


l 1,. . l.. . . 3 . . . 7 . 1. t. 1. 1, t. g. I , 3 e 3 em u. 1A - tJ . . I k i . .

k. . .

d I ..

         .a            .        .                              .                                                  r           .          i.          i.         i.      i,         i.        i. i SEP 1982                                                                                                                        OCT 1982 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-40 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Sep. 8 and Oct. 19, 1982 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

I 53

I 138 -

                                               - samNast -           tu   -
                                                                                                                   - lemIAmf3C -
                                             ---mswamus                                                         --- anwanau
'n  i      .                                               .

iso . - I I Es. q ------- ~,

                                               ,, ---- .              se      -----

lc -tr--i. m, Nickojeck to Bellefonte: Nickojeck to Be!!afonte: E E E 1.5 Days E 2.0 Days I: 1:

     }                                                               }

E BLN to Comer Bridge: BLN to Comer Bridge: s2 E e-13 Hours 19 Hours e a m . . m . P P W W En . . am . . 2 a

                                                                          ~                                                  -

is . . is . . 18 18 SS 21 st 23 le 11 11 u to 18 a '. -* saun menu ,m m s. E E

                                                                               - eeaun amenu noi 3

J - n J . 1 * - t - - 1 1 a> . . ga 3 N 3 - N

       ,si             u a

st 32 :s is n is u i+ sa FEB 1983 MAR 1983 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-41 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sar,iling on Feb. 23 and Mar 15, 1983 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. ' 54 I

I I i . 7's i . ___ .

     $             ,N,                                       i I      i     .

N N,,

                                                             , ion I        88  -

So -


li ~ ^-~t

                                  ^                                                             ^
           's          e      in      A        0         u           n                     i.      [.        u Nickojeck to Bellefonte:                                    Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

I , E 1.4 Days


E 1.9 Days


I: 1: E w 2 BLN to Comer Bridge: h BLN to Comer Bridge: 12 Houm 18 Houm I e

                                          - usui me u     --
                                                                                                       - innnm, p"r m    -

p W W - E= . au .


I & W 8,. . W 8,. . . I '. . i. is u o ',i o i. ,, ,, ,, a I. * = au. .u 3 - .=ami moenn 3 - mua mam.,

  • is . .

is . . I - t . D

                                                              $. 3   .                                                      .

1 * ' \ <,

                                                                       /                                        /


             .         .      is      si       n         u                        u        3.      u         u                ir APR t983                                                     34Ay 3383 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-42 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Apr. 13 and May 17, 1983 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

I 55


                                                --* S40WW418                                                                        . gangggig
  • e I '

300 - . - .

    $                                                                       h 300 g                                                                        .
    @" :                                         p ! ______

_, _c g ._

                 ~ ,,_ h,                                                                               ~'- % ,                      f-                  '

e,, ,4, -

                                  ,tg -.- ,, .
                                                    . 4-
                                                                                   ,      _      s.
                                                                                                    -4.___ _

_4__ .., Nickojock to Dellefonte: Nickojeck to Bellefonte: I E Q P E 1.5 Ocys y.-- 1.4 Ocys u BLN to Comer Bridge: u BUJ to Comer Bridge: H F

                                                          ---o-                                                                           .--*-

15 Hours 13 Hours g m .

                                                                  .              m              r * ^^'                                             ;

Em . m . . 2 .=


li. .

                                                                                 ..    .                                                                     a g

is er is se m si .,e ,, ,, ,, m ., a e meseu. o assmu. I ,

                 - anun sowisu                                     '

E - asun memnon sa - . i.s . i - . . . 4

                                                                            $.   .s s

e ,- u

                                  .       a         . _.

a i

                                                                                  ,at 3

is is se si se n w a se JUN 1983 Ju,1933 WSDB 8/30/85 ;_ ~ Figure 2-43 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampilnf bri" June si and July 26, 1983 for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nucit ar Plant. l a se l . l l 6 ..

l I l iso . -.- . is. . E ---a.mnseu . -- anneaux j I !o. t . .

                                                                !e i        .                                             .

se . . so .

                                                                                   ~~-----------         -
            's          a        h      e        e          to                      ts       i,       s         s's      se Nickojeck to Bellefonte:                                     Nickojeck to Bellefonte:

3 E E 1.5 Days E 2.7 Days P P I 7 k Bl.N to Comer Bridge: 7 h BLN to Comer Bridge: 14 Hours 1.1 Days I . A 38 - 'N as . . P P - W W Em an . 3 E 59 .

                                                           .        g3   .                                              .

E .

              .         .       .       .        .         i.

I 3 tJ - e asau.

               , - saun n e man E


                                                                               . n      u.

suun neman l = g: -

                                                                . i   .

1a e ia m - n a e e . ,, e.i 3. ,, ,, ,, , AUG 1983 i SEP 1983 WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-44 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sampling on Aug. 10 and Sep. 20 1983 I for Preoperational Monitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. lI


I g i,oe . - E a. g . .

                               % _ _ _ _ _ __ _. c                                       I e       a       e           e I

Nickojeck to Bellefonte: E 3.2 Days l~ , T h BLN to Comer Bridge: s . 1.3 Days a .

                                             - muni me                                          !

30 . [. t E g.. . . E

                          .      i,      e            e     ..

l i e ==au. I '

              - saun sunnen f

i i

                                                                         <                    s J  .                                           O     ,      ,


        ...               ;.     .       .           e WSDB 8/30/85 Figure 2-45 . Conditions prior to Plankton Sv,pling on Oct. 24, 1983 for Preoperational Honitoring of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

g! E I. l 58 l .

I i 3.0; FACTORS AFFECTING WATER QUALITY AND BIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS A preoperational baseline assessment must consider events occurring within the reservoir with potential for influencing the data base. Several events occurred during the 1974-1984 period of data collection which had potential for altering conditions in the vicinity of BLN. Some of these events are continuing and may become a factor in future BLN assessments. These events included the following. 3 ~

1. , Upgrading of sewage treatment at the Moccasin Bend plant'in

( t Chattanooga, Tennessee, which resulted in partial and total by-pass of sewage wastes into Nickajack Reservoir upstream of , BLN from January 29, 1982 to April 15, 1983.

2. Operation of Widows Creek Steam Plant and the discharge of I condenser cooling water into Guntersville Reservoir 7 approximately 24.9 km (15.5 miles) upstream of BLN (continuing).

l j 3. Herbicide treatments of aquatic habitats in Guntersville Reservoir and the insnediate vicinity of BLN to reduce growth of l s' a aquatic macrophyte species (continuing).

              )               4.      l Pesticide treatments of aquatic habitats in the vicinity of BLN l
   /-                           ,

to reduce mosquito infestations, but also having potential of affecting other aquatic lasect species (continuing).

5. Operation of a conenercial gravel and sand dredge in the immediate vicinity of BLN and downstream in Guntersville Reservoir (continuing).

I I . I

l Il l 3.1 Moccasin Bend Sewage Treatment Plant I I It was necessary to reduce treatment of sewage wastes from the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, in order to upgrade the Moccasin Bend Sewage Treatment facility. On January 29, 1982, aeration systems at the plant were suspended. During renovation, the main pump station into the Moccasin Bend Plant was shut down, resulting in a total by-pass of the treatment facility for seven days, beginning March 8, 1983 and ending March 15, 1983. Reduced waste treatment continued until manual operation of the secondary treatment facility on April 15, 1983. Prior to renovation, the Moccasin Bend Plant discharged 151,400 m*/ day (40 mgd) of treated effluent to the upper end of Nickajeck Reservoir which extends from Chickamauga Dam (TRM 471.0) downstream to I TRM 424.7. One result of renovation increased the capacity of the facility which is now capable of discharging up to 302,800 m8/ day (80 mgd) of treated effluent. Overall result should be a marked improvement in quality of discharges entering Nickajack Reservoir from the city of Chattanooga. I Preliminary estimates had indicated an extremely low assimilative capacity for the Nickajack hc .,,,rvoir and indicated that the Chattanooga plant would require additional treatment beyond secondary. However, an assimilative capacity study (Clark 1975) showed reareation within the reservoir is much higher than prea'icted and deemed secondary treatment sufficient to protect water quality within the reservoir. It was also felt that wastes by-passed during renovation would be assimilated within the reservoir with no significant change in nutrients or oxygen consuming wastes discharged into "pper Guntersville Reservoir. 60 I I

I Therefore, by-pass operations were not expected to have a measurable impact upon the Guntersville biological co munities monitored during this preoperational period. To evaluate this prediction, selected water quality parameters were et,11ected in Nickajack tallrace (upper Guntersville Reservoir) in conjunction with regularly scheduled sampling at BLN during 1982 and 7983. The additional samples which were collected monthly (February through October) intensified data collection from Nickajack tallrace waters (only limited sampling had occurred previously). Parameters evaluated included temperature, DO, pH, alkalinity, total-P, organic-N, NH and E -N, "" 3 4 NO2* 3 5'

  • data were available only for 1982 and 1983. Data were reported to correspond as closely as possible with data collected from BLN from 1974 through 1983 (table 3-1).

A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if the period of by-pass (1982 and part of 1983) affected quality of water entering Guntersville Reservoir (table 3-2). If a significant difference among treatments (years) was demonstrated, yearly means were ordered and ranked (Duncan's New Multiple Range Test) to determine if values for 1982 and/or 1983 were different from previous years (table 3-3). A significant difference among years was demonstrated only for total alkalinity (a = 0.05). Alkalinity for 1982 was higher than other years, but not significantly different from 1978. Alkalinity in 1983 was lower than other years, but not different from 1974, 1975, 1976, and i 1977. Failure to clearly separate alkalinity for 1982 or 1983 from other 1 years or demonstrate differences amoDE yearly means for other parameters I 61 J

I indicates that water entering Guntersville Reservoir during by-pass at Moccasin Bend Sewage Treatment Plant was unaffected for those parameters tested and should not have affected the data base collected at BIA. Nickajack tallrace data also were evaluated to look for any significant trenris during the years of preoperational monitoring at BLN. Scatter plots and a regression line were developed for each parameter (figures 3-1 through 3-14). Trend lines were not drawn for SOC and ortho-P (figures 3-13 and 3-14) because only two years of data were collected for those parameters. Regression analysis (table 3-4) identified a significant increase (a = 0.05) in total-P (figure 3-1) and a highly significant decrease (a = 0.01) inn 0gNO-N(figure 3 3-2) and summer (June-September) DO concentrations (figure 3-3). In addition to determining significant trends in waters entering Guntersville Reservoir, these data also will serve to evaluate changes in water quality in the upstream portion of the reservoir (between Nickajack Dam and SLN). Data from Nickajack tallrace for 1974-1979 were chosen to correspond as closely as possible to sampling dates at BLN and data for I 1982 and 1983 corresponded exactly to BLN sampling (were collected the j same day). 3.2 Widows Creek Steam Plant Widows Creek Steam Plant (WCF), located approximately 24.9 km (15.5 mi) upstream of BLN, is rated at 5,350 MV and at full capacity discharges cooling water at a rate of 69 m8/sec (2,437 cfs) with_a maximum temperature rise of 8.3*C (14.9'F). An alternate thermal limitation of 38.9'C (102*F) (daily maximuri was established for this discharge based upon a successful 316(a) demonstration. During sumner, ! I~ 62 ! I

I water travel time from WCF to BLN averages about two days, but annually can vary from under one day to over five days. During this time heat exchange with the atmosphere can remove excess heat from the river. During a hot month (August 1978 was selected for use in a modeling study), it was estimated that the average temperature rise of 0.33*C at WCF decayed to 0.27'C at BLN. The 0.33*C rise at WCF represents the difference between average temperatures recorded at the intake and downstream of the discharge at WCF. Temperatures at WCF intake normally approach and sometime exceed Alabama's 30*C upper limit during sununer. Effects of WCF discharges are to increase downstream temperatures slightly, causing exceedance of 30*C to occur more frequently, and prolonging duration of these exceedances (TVA 1982). A comparison of maximum temperatures at WCF intake and the BLN site (TRM 391.3) during July and August 1977 and 1980 is provided in table 3-5. Water temperatures upstream of BLN are affected primarily by releases from the upstream dam. Water temperature profiles in fall and winter are nearly uniform, indicating that Guntersville Reservoir is primarily a flow-through system. Water temperature surveys of the WCF discharge conducted August 1967 indicate that, for periods of moderate to high river flow, the WCF thermal discharge would have a negligible effect on water temperatures at BLN (TVA, 1974). However, for periods of extended low river flows, WCF discharges mix in a surface layer 1.5-3.0 meters deep and across the width of the reservoir within one mile of the plant (WCF) (Waldrop et al. 1975). When stratified conditions develop in the reservoir due to solar heating during low flow conditions, it is difficult to differentiate between WCF-induced and naturally-induced I I G3

I temperature increases downstream of WCF. Typical seasonal profiles of water temperature in Guntersville are provided in figure 3-15. Since suspension of monitoring at BLN in 1984, power generation at WCF has been reduced. Effect of WCF on preoperational monitoring data from 1974-1984 has been minor and should not constitute a significant influence (due to decreased generation load) during the scheduled year of monitoring prior to fuel loading of unit 1. 3.3 Aquatic Macrophyte Control I Submersed aquatic macrophytes have created conflicts with reservoir use since the 1960's when Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) became widespread in several TVA mainstream reservoirs. Eurasian watermilfoil is the dominant species on Guntersville Reservoir; however, several other species such as spinyloaf nalad (Najas minor All.), southern naiad (N. guadalupensis [Spreng.) Magnus), American pondweed (Potamogeton nodosus Poir.), coontall (Ceratophyllum demersum L.), narrow-leaved pondweed (P. pusillus L.) and muskgrass (Chara spp.) have caused problems in some areas. A particularly noxious species, hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata [L.f.] Ro3 1w), was discovered on Guntersville Reservoir in 1982 and is expected to cause major problems within the decade. Guntersville Reservoir is the most severely infested reservoir in the TVA system. Since 1980 from 15 to 21 percent of the surface area of Guntersville Reservoir has been infested with aquatic macrophytes (Burns et al., 1984). In an effort to reduce reservoir-use conflicts, aquatic macrophytes around high-priority ar as receive herbicide treatment at varying intervals during the growing seasons. High-priority G4 I I

I treatment areas are reservoir sites that receive the greatest social and

   . economic benefits following treatment and generally include (1) high-use recreation and public access sites, (2) reservoir areas adjacent to lakeside residences, resorts, camps, and recreational marinas, (3) water intakes around TVA power facilities and industrial sites, (4) small expanding colonies of noxious weeds such as :ydellla, and (5) colonies of dense weeds that support mosquito populations that show tolerance to conventional mosquito larvicides.

All herbicide treatments in the study area from the period 1974 I to 1983 have been confined to TRM 335.8 to 391.5 including Jones Creek embayment. No herbicide treatments occurred in the area from TRM 395 to TRM 397 including Raccoon Creek embayment. The areas receiving herbicide treatment from 1974 to 1983 are shown in figures 3-16 through 3-25. Several of the areas received more than one treatment per growing season. The dates of treatment, area treated, herbicide, gallons applied, and acreage treated are listed in table 3-6. l Four herbicides (2,4-D, diquat, Cutrine#, endothall) have been used to control aquatic macrophytes and are listed in table 3-7. All are approved for aquatic use and were applied at label rates. Of the four l herbicides, 2,4-D has the longest history of use in the Tennessee Valley and specifically controls Eurasian watermilfoil. By the late 1970's severa,1 other species of submersed macrophytes caused problems in priority areas, resulting in using other herbicides in the aquatic weed control program. Cutrine# with algicide / herbicide properties and diquat have been used on a limited scale. Endothall, in conjunction with 2,4-D, are the primary herbicides currently used in TVA's aquatic plant management program. I

                                                                                              . 65

1 I I In most instances, herbicides were applied with a conventional flat-bottomed boat powered by an outboard motor or more recently with l airboats using a spray system with subsurface injection. An exception was a helicopter treatment of approximately 80 acres in Sublett Ferry Slough (TRM 389.1R to TRM 390.1R) in September 1982. This treatment was made in an effort to eradicate a large hydrilla colony that would have served as a propagule source for downstream spread of this noxious weed. For the most part, herbicide treatments have not occurred at stations sampled during preoperational monitoring at BLN. Left overbank stations at TRM's 386.4 and 391.9 may have been impacted in 1974 (figure 3-16); however, sampling at these locations was not begun until 1978. Treatment of areas near the sampling station at TRM 386.4 in 1978 and especially 1979 (figures 3-20 and 3-21) may have impacted that sampling location; however, records do not indicate that the exact point of sampling was treated. Treatments in Sublett Ferry (1982, figure 3-24) impacted one of several stations sampled to evaluate baseline aquatic macrophyte colonization in the vicinity of BLN. I 3.4 Larvicide Treatments I Several complaints were registered concerning severe mosquito annoyance to construction workers at the site during the summer of 1975. A survey revealed that most of the mosquito breeding at that time was occurring in a construction holding pond. The pond was treated with 30 pounds of 1 percent Dursban granular larvicide at the rate of 0.05 pound active ingredient per acre. Malathion insecticide was also applied as an ! adulticide to those areas (22.8 acres) of t'.e construction site where adult mosquitoes were causing annoyance. Adult mosquitoes again became l



I annoying in late July. An inspection revealed significant number of Anopheles quadelmaculatus larvae in an extensive band of uncontrolled Eurasian watermilfoil in Guntersville Reservoir in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. Adult mosquito counts were also unusually high I at inder stations located in this vicinity. It was recommended that the area be included in the operational larvicide program. No treatments were made until reviews were completed and approvals were granted by TVA technical staff responsible for the site monitoring zone. Abate, which was the routine mosquito larwicide used, can produce mortality in Chironomus, which is one of the dominant macrobenthic organisms in the vicinity of the site. However, under actual field conditions, this effect' should be minor since Abate was applied only to the water surface and not bottom sediments, the habitat of benthic organisms. Abate degrades so rapidly in water, that is is unlikely that sufficient amounts of toxicant would remain long enough to significantly impact sediment inhabitating organisms. Beginning with July 1975, Abate larvicide was applied by helicopter at the rates of 0.004 and 0.012 pound active ingredient per acre to mats of aquatic plants, predominately Eurasian watermilfoil in the vicinity of the Bellefonte site. Due to the development of mosquito resistance to Abate, it was replaced with Altosid SR-100 (methoprene) as the routine laevicide used in the spring of 1983. Methoprene is an insect growth regulator that produces morphogenetic effects on mosquitoes rather than direct toxic effects as do conventional insecticides. Methoprene is very specific for mosquito larvae. Methoprene was applied by helicopter at the rate of four fluid ounces.of 0.025 pound active I G7

r I ingredient per acre. A summary of larvicide treatments (1975-1984) is given in table 3-8. Observations made in the vicinity of field bioassay sites on Guntersville Reservoir have indicated no acute mortality of nontarget arthropods by Abate or methoprene insecticide applications. In addition, analysis of Abate water samples collected from bloassay sites on Guntersville Reservoir indicated that insecticide concentrations were below detectable levels for laboratory equipment (0.1 parts per billion) four hours after treatment. Therefore, it apposts that larvicide applications had no major impact on preoperational results collected for Bl.N . I 3.5 Sand and Gravel Dredging Throughout much of the preoperational monitoring period, a commercial sand and gravel company which operates out of Chattanooga, Tennessee, has been dredging the main river channel in the vicinity of BLN sampling stations. The BLN construction assessment evaluation (TVA, 1980) identified a change in sediment composition and benthic macroinvertebrates at the downstream chani.e1 station. This change was attributed to the sand and gravel dredge which had operated in the immediate vicinity of the BLN station for 83 days before initiation of the 1978 year of sample collections. Impacts of dredging which included significant increases in the relative amounts of silt and clay and macroinvertebrate abundance (011gochaeta, Corbicula manilensis, Hexagenia, Chironomidae) are not considered to have been deleterous, although the data base for preoperational r ;nitoring at that station was I I G8 I I

I substantially altered. Dredging logs supplied by the sand and gravel company do not indicate any direct impact to other preoperational monitoring stations. However, sand and gravel dredging has occurred upstream of the monitoring station immediately downstream of the BLN diffuser for a total of 40 days during 1975. Impacts from this dredging were not observed in the TVA construction assessment report. I I I I I I - I I , I I I I I 69 I


             .30 I

i _j .08 +


O E .06 ++

                           +       + + +                                                   +
             .04    ++ + + + + + ++                                                + * ++ +
                                  ++ ++ + + + ++                                     +      M   +
             .02  - ++ ++ ++                                                                   +         E t974 , 575 , 1976 ,1977 , t973 , 1979 ,1960 , 19 84 , f982 i1985               .
  • S E  % 0 E C  % E E 1974-1983 Figure 3-1. ' Total-P Concentrat ions of Wa te rs Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tallrace (TRM 424.68).


                           +                                                        BY-PASS
                  .                                .                               .                     g
             .50  -         +
                     +              +                                                +


   -J        .40        '+*          *
   \                                          +

U .35 - E '+ ,+

             .30  - '+          +,       +                                                 ++
                                 +,                  **
             .25                      + +,+                                           +,
                                                +                                         +     ,
             .20  -
                                                                                       +       *'
             .13  -

E e74 . 1978 i 19 79 i1977 i 1979 i 1979 i 19 90 i f94 0 , 19 82 . 1943 _i

  • 2  % $ 7  % G  % 6 E 1974-198.a Figure 3-2. NO 2 + NO3 -N Concentrations of Waters Entering

! Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68). 70 I


B.0 I 7.5 7.0

                              - +          +
  • ev-nse I
                                                    +                       *
                                              .                                              +,

6.0 -


J + ,+ + + I

             \        5.5                                 **                                                            '

O g + 5.0 - I 4.5 - 4.0 -


3.5 - iere , vers , iere , ren , rets , een , seeo , se , see ,ises , s t 0 $ 0 R E E I 1974-1983 Figure 3-3. I Summer DO Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace * (TJO! 424.68) . I NICKRJACK TRILRRCE TOTRL RLKRLINITY 69.0 -

p. ,,,

65.0 - + I 62.0


55.0 + + + 56.0 -


O * ** * ** * * ~ 53.0 ++ + + U + +* + j 50.0 m*


47.0 + + g , , E 44,0 - 41.0 + + 30.0

                                       ...r.                                             . . .. . , i; . . ,


                                ..,+              r. ,, n       ,,,r.   . i.r . ,    e.

5  : 0 $ 0  ; a l l 1974-1983 Figure 3-4. Total Alkalinity of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68). I 71

                                                                                                  --             ---y--     - - q-w- -.-


                                                     ++        +                                 ++      +

27.0 + + l + ++

                          +         +       ++      +        ++          +
                                 +                     +                                                  +

24.0 ++ ++ ++ +

                        +                                                 +
                                +                                     +                             +

U. 21.0 +

                                                                 +                                      + +

m 18.0 + +

                                                           +                                   +

y u .


E 15.0 -+ + 0 + ,

                              +                                                               +

u 12.0 . 0 . . .


9.0 + + +


6.0 - +

                                                +        ,                                  +
r. , i.r. , .r . , i.n , i.n , i. r. i..a , i..i , i.. : , . . . ,

2  %  % 0  % R 1974-1983 Figure 3-5. Temperature of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tallrace (TRM 424.68). I NICKRJRCE TRILRACE TEMP (JUN-SEP) 30.0 3

                                                                                              . .v-ms.

29.0 + 29.0 ++ ,  %. + 27.0 + + 26.0 - + + ++ + ++ -- ^ + ++ - U 25.0 - + + + u 24.0 - ++ ++ +* + u 23.0 - + + g 22.0 - R 21.0 20.0 - 19.0

            ,19.0     -                                                                                              E i.r. , im , i. r. . .n , i.r . , i.r. ,                    e , e..    , .. , . . . ,         g
  • 2  ;  ;
                                                 %        %         0                0       %                 R l                                                         19 7 4 - t 9 'J 3 Figure 3-6.         Summer Temperatures of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tallrace (TRM 424.68).

72 I I j

i l NICKRJRCK TRILRRCE PH 9.0 - SY-Pass 8.5 B.O -

                                                                                           +             +*

W , +

                                                                                                                                          ,   +
  • 7.5 - ** * + *
                                                                                                       +                                                        +
                                                                                                                                             +                +

m i'** . . . + . . .. . 7.0 - 6.5 D


I y G.D g + 5.5 5.0 4.5

!                                                       1974            i    197S ,1976 ,1977 , 1970 ,1979 , tego , ggel i f982 i 19tb                                                                                  I G                 m                 a        h       @              ,          m  n         -             O
                                                                                         -        ~       n        m,   w           w  ~         e             e 1974-1983 i

pil of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir,


Figure 3-7. i i Nickajack Tallrace (TIO1 424. 68) . t t NICKRJACK TRILRRCE ORGRNIC-N 75 . . , , , , ! 70 I .55

                                                 .50    -

I .J I 45 40

                                                 .35 I
                                                 .30                                                                                           +
                                                 .25    -                                                                                    +
                                                 .20                                                                                                 *
                                                                                                  +                                               +            +
                                                               +                         *
 ,                                               .15                                            ,. -              ,*                                     , +

l 3l .10

                                                 .05    - +

p+ #+

                                                                                                    + *

1974 i t975 le ft i1977 . t97e , tgip_ a 1990 i 1991 i198WO O m o A w n,

                                                                                                                            ,        m   n                       n I
                                                                                           -        a       n              n         e  ~                        .

1974-!903 I l

!                        Figure 3-8.                 Organic-N Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersvii.le Reservoir, Nickajack Ta11 race I                                                 (TIO1 424.68) .

I 73 i i i

NICKRJRCK TRILRRCE TOC 18.0 - 10.0 - 9.0 , 8.0 - un 7.0 - d N 6.0 -

                                                                                                     .                         E 5.0     -

4.0 - 3.0


2.0 .+ +

                                                ..     +

1.0 - or. . ,m . nr. . i.n . r. . mr. . i o im .mu .mn .

                        =                =       2                     0       ;     O            %        ;;        E I

1974-1983 Figure 3-9. Total Organic Carbon Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tallrace (TRM 424.68). ) i NICKRJRCE TRILRACE BOD 5 r.e 6.5 . G.0 sy.* ass _ 5.5 5.0 - g ' 4.s J 4.0 g y 3.s E z s.O . 2.3 ,

                                                                 *                                        +    .

z.0 . .. . . i.s . . i.0 .+ +... + ++.+. E nr. . n . ..n . n . n ,i.e. .i..o . .n , i.n . g,

                                             "                                   ;        ;          R         ;          E
                                                     !      %      M     i I                                                                  1974-1903 I

Figure -10. BOD (five day) of Watern Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68). 74 I

I NICKRJRCK TRILRRCE DO 14.0 e BY-P4 8 9 . I 12.o - 11.0 +

                                        +                +

10.0 +

  • 9.0 -* * + +

I 9.0 + +* +

               %                                                                                +
                                  + + +                   +

o 7.0 + + -- 2 +

                                                     .,      , , ,               +++                                              g          ,.
                                    +                      ++            ,,        ++        ++                                       +

5.0 -

                                                                          +         +                                                +        +
                                                                            +         +                                                           +
                                                                                                                                       *       +

4.0 - 1974 , 1975 , IS76 ,1977 ,1978 , 1979 ,1990 , 1981 ,19e2 , 1983 .

                                                      !        %            %          0       %          G                  %         E           E 1974-1983 Figure 3-11. DO Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace I                                     (TRM 424.68).


                                       +                                       +                                                . 8PP4L
                      .14     -       +
                      .12                                     ++ ++                                                                +
                      .l0     -+              +         + +                                                                                  +

'I j + + ++

   \                  .Os          ++             +,            -
                                                                                    +                                             +         +

0 I

  • I _


                      .Os            +             ++++           +                                                                              ++
                               +                                        +              +                                               ++ +
                      .04      -+                                            +                                                          +            +

I .02 -

                                                 + +
                                 #974 ,stre ,ste ,i9tr ,i9te ,i979 ,i9eo ,itei , wer , me3

I *

  • 2 2
                                                                  %            %         0        %           C                          E             E 1974-1983 Figure 3-12. Nil 3 & Nily-N Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68).

. 75



5.0 4.8 I E J E, 3.. . 3 m . .. .


2.0 - s.e -

                     ., . . i., . . .. . . i .n . . .. . i .  ..o . ie . i . mu . in. .
  • a 2 = 0  ; 0 =  ; E I

1974-1983 Figure 3-13. SOC Concentrations of Waters Entering Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Tailrace (TRM 424.68) . , I NICKRJRCK TRILRR'CE ORTHO-P

             .es     -
             .05 j        .04      -

N O ++++

    ;c        .e3     -


                         ... .i... .,,,. i.. .i... . ... .i... ... .i... ..., .                      g
                     -        -     =     =       =      ,   ;      =       =           ;        =

f 1974-198' Figure 3-14. Ortho-P Concentrations of Waters Entering l Guntersville Reservoir, Nickajack Reservoir 15 (TRM 424.68). 1 7G I I

I I -

      ' 600 2

9 590 V- w -

                                       , ,, :s Ns>,y  '

600 590 82

                                                                                   - ,. ~7 -
                                                                                                    ,- - ,, ,/

H - L 73 { 7 I 81 F 80 9 w d $ 70 - d 7lor7, l A 570 - ) J' I 560 - 560 - 4 - g550 - 550 - AUGUST 31,1963 M AY 19,1963


li 'Iilili1ililil n . li ililili! i I i l it I m m . . . m m e . d E g w E m d 5 a w 8 5 gs as v 5 6 m I _ 52 e

                                         "i d

m 8 5 5 g a 4 m 's a 0 $o 600 m

                                                                          $8 y

e e

                                                                                                  ,    E 8

a 4 *3 a ea o M4 I

      **                                 C 600  -

h $ o z o o

                                                                                                .u 9   i-        W M
                                                                                                                  *   = "I I
      $ 590     -

590 -

                                                                                  \                             l
   'H            .                                                     -                                        l N 580                                                       580 -

( [ 56"F 43oF d $70 -  %

                                                        /         570  -             \                   g4 g       8 g          .                                                     .

W 560 - j 560 - g I 4 w 540 r [ i NOVEMBER 26,1963 IiII IiliIiliIi 540 [ li FEBRUARY 17,1964 iIiiili! i! i I i i i I 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 TENNESSEE RIVER MILE 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 TENNESSEE RIVER MILE I Figure 3-15. Seasonal Water Teciperature Profile in Guntersville Reservoir, Tennessee River, Alabama. I I I I l 77

I' I BLN 4 I' A a I h Flow l N ' I I 9 A SAMPLING STATION 389 I A M JONES EEK G l ,387 I ( s - i I Scale 1 Mile l I Figure 3-16. Areas Beceiving Herbicide Trentmenta on Guntersville Reservoir from TEM 385.8 to 391.5 in 197' l 78 g I g l _ _ _

I I BLN I A I 3? A Flow I N I A SAMPLING STATION 9 h'! 389 I ^ I A g A= JONES CREEK I 387 I ~ I h

  • A Sc ale - 1 Mile I

I Figure 3-17. Arena Iteceiving lierbicide Treatmento on Guntersville Itenervoir from TI4! 385.8 to 391.5 in 1975 79

1 i I BLN

  • i A

l 391 5 E A Flow N  ! I A SAMPLING STATION 389 I



                     ,387 I

A Scale -1 Mile l I Flmire 3-18, Arena lieceivitig !!crtileide Treatmenta on Guntereville l<ece:'voir i from TUM 389,8 to 391.5 in J' ,, 80

I I BLN , I A 391 I

  • A g Flow I N
                                                                                                 /'y l         .



I d " e A of Scale - 1 Mile I Figure 3-19. Areac Heceiving !!erbicide Treatme nts on Gunteraville Benervoir from tid! 385.8 to 391.5 in 1977. 81

I BLN , i A 391 l, A Flow l-N i 9 I'V a A SAMPLING STATION 389 I



                     ,387 I

s - i I Scale 1 Mile I Figure 3-20. Arcac Receiving Herbicide Treatments on Guntersville Reservoir from TR!4 385.8 to 391.5 in 1978. l I

I I I *N

                                                                  /      .

I i A l 3? A Flow I N I I" y 9 i SAMPLING STATION 389 I i g A JONES CREEK

                       ,387 I

I ,. Scale - 1 Mile I Figure 3-21. Areas Receiving Herbicide Treatmentt on Guntersville Reservoir from TRM 385.8 to 3915 in 1979 83

1 I' BLN. , , 4 f ^

                                                                                   ,391           _,.

w I

                                                                 \y(j t


                                                               .                                                      t jf .
                                               //AJONES CREEK                                    /                                      l
                              /,_    A i

i O s l

                     ,387                                                     /

A ' 1 w, a a a Sc ale - 1 Mile b Figure 3-22. Arana Beceivit!g lierbicidu Treatmenta on Guntersvill e Reservel , - - from TIst 385.8 to 3915 in 19dn, *

                                         ^                         "
                                               ,84                                  ~

l l

          ;,                                                                                   1 i

l g: I etN / - i < A 1 3 91 t.) , A 1 l Flow i N ' i A S AMPLING STATION

                                                                    /"v 389 I                                                         ^



I 387

    .I I       s        -

i Sc ale - 1 Mile i I Figure 3-23. Areas Ecceiving Herbicide Treatmento on Guntersville Reservoir from Tre4 385.8 to 3915 in 1981. 85 I i i


  • s 3? A I Flow l


                                     .<rr _                                               i
                      /,387                                                             '

A i' Scale - 1 Mile l '


Figure 3-24. Areas Receiving lierbicide Treatments on Guntersville Reservoir I from TRM 385.8 to 391.5 in 1982. 8G I

I I I BLN " I A i I,. / 3 91 g Flow I N i . 9

                                                                    /"v A SAMPLING    STATION 389 I        ,


                                        ,387 I
             ,                                                                                      I t

A Scale 1 Mile . I ',  ! I Figure 3-25. 1 Arcac Eeceiving I!erbicide Treatments on Guntersville Feservoir from TRM 385.8 to 391.5 in 1983 i lf 1 .

I 4.0 INSTREAM WATER QUALITY The Tennessee River in the vicinity of BLN is an " effluent limited" stream. An effluent limited stream is one where stream standards are met by requiring normal levels of wastewater treatment (i.e., secondary treatment for municipalities and best practicable treatment for industries). From TRM 382.4 (Roseberry Creek) to TRM 416.5 (Alabsma-Tennessee State line), the Tennessee Rivor is classified by the State of Alabama as suitable for public water supply, swinraing, and other whole body water contact sports, and fish and wildlife. However, that portion of Guntersville Lake in the inanediate vicinity of the sewage discharge from the city of Bridgeport, TRM 412.9, is not considered suitable for use as a source of public water supply nor for swimming and other whole body water contact sports. 4.1 Materials and Methods Field Procedures--Since the inception of the BLN nonradiological, preoperational water quality monitoring program in 1974, samples have been collected and analyzed in accordance with established TVA and EPA procedures (TVA 1980b, 1983b; EPA 1982; EPA 40 CFR 13bs. Two components of this program evaluated water quality data: (1) to support biological investi-gations (monthly) and (2) to provide baseline descriptions of a more comprehensive list of parameters (quarterly). Samples used for the biological evaluation were collected at TRMs 388.0 and 391.2 (1974-1978, 1982-1983); TRM 396.8 (1974-1979, 1982-1983); and TRMs 386.4, 388.4, and 391.1 (1978-1979, 1982-1983), as shown in figuer. 4-1. These samples were analyzed for the following parameters: ter jrature, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, conductivity, turbidity, IOC, BOD, organic nitrogen, nitrate ! I 88 l

I plus nitrite nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, and total and dissolved phosphorous. The more extensive list of quarterly parameters for the water quality evaluation is shown in appendix A. Table 4-1 summarizes the entire 1 water quality monitoring program. The nonradiological, preoperational water quality monitoring program for BLN was begun in February 1974 with the exception of one set of data collected in December 1983, at TRMs 388.0 and 391.2. Water quality monitoring surveys were performed on a quarterly (February, May, August, and October) frequency at six locations at which a rather comprehensive list of physical and chemical measurements were made. Supplemental measurements for temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and alkalinity were also made at these six locations in March, April, June, July, and September. In May 1975 the Bl.N preoperational monitoring program was largely revised. Sampling was discontinued at one of the six locations (Mud Creek), and monitoring activities were expanded at the remaining five locations. The list of water quality parameters collected on a quarterly frequency remained the same; however, additional physical-chemical measurements, including nutrients, were made on monthly (March, April, June, July, and September) surveys. In addition, Ekman dredge sediment samples for chemical analysis of metals were collected in August 1975 and August 1976 at five locations. In March 1978 four additional locations were established along the left overbank (looking downstream) to help evaluate impacts of the thermal and chemical plume from plant blowdown. These four nw locations were monitored on a monthly froquency (February through October) for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and nutrients. I 89 , I

Collection of water quality samples at four of the original five locations was discontinuod at the end of 1918. At the fifth orir.inal location (TRM 396.8), physical-chemical measurements were reduced to monthly surveys for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and nutrients in 1979. All monitoring was discontinued in October 1979. The BLN nonradiological, preoperational water quality monitoring program was reinstated in 1982 at eight of the previous nine locations, with sampling eliminated at TRM 391.6. Details relating to the physical-chemical measurements made at each location and the frequency of each sampling survey can be found in table 4-1. Monitoring was again stopped in February 1984 due to the construction schedule slippage. Laboratory--All analytical and sample preservation methods used for chemical water quality characterizations (TVA NRS 1980; EPA 1980; TVA NR OPS 1983;) are approved by EPA Data Analysis--All water quality data are entered into the EPA water quality data Storage and Retrieval (STORET) system and are available from TVA's Data Services Branch, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Data contained in STORET has been amended to reflect any changes in sampling or analytical procedures which have occurred during the ampling period. Data reduction and statistical evaluation procedures used standard statistical routines available through the STORET system. Data collected specifically to support the biological evaluation was averaged by month and the monthly averages were plotted against time. Both the biological support data and the other = water quality data were compared to the criteria and standards listed in appendir A. All data collected during the prec,erational monitoring period was used for the water quality analysis. A one-way Analysis of Variance Test i 90 I' I

(ANOVA) (SAS 1982) was used to determine significant differences with regard to depth and year for water quality parameters collected at each station, l Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (SAS 1982) was used to separate significently different (a=0.05) depths and years. A linear regression analysis (SAS 1982) was run on the parameters which had significant differences among years to identify linear trends (significant change over time). 4.2 Results and Discussion All water samples collected between 1974 and 1983 for both the biological support and the more comprehensive water quality data are identified in table 4-1. For purposes of this report, the data used for biological support has been evaluated separately, and also included in the more comprehensive statistical evaluation of the entire data base. Biological Support Water Quality Data--The data base used to support biological evaluations contained data which was averaged for specific river miles without consideration of depth (table 4-2). Biological support data was compared against the criteria concentrations listed in appendix A. The few exceedances which were found were identified by asterisks in table 4-2. Values for pH, organic nitrogen, TOC, and BOD were higher during the 1982-1983 sampling period than they were during the 1974-1979 sampling period, (figures 4-2 through 4-13). Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen--Individual temperature values rarely exceeded the State of Alabama criterion of 30*C, but values between 28*C and 30*C occurred frequently throughout the sumner. A temperature of 31.7*C was recorded at TRM 391.6 in May 1975. A mean temperature (table 4-2) of 30.3*C was recorded at TRM 386.4 in August 1983. Weak thermal 1 l l 91 lI l

I stratification was occasionally observed in late summer when river flow was low. Dissolved oxygen concentrations below 5 mg/L were measured at six out of seven stations during August, 1982 and July, 1983, as noted in table 4-2. Lowest average DO concentrations measured during the study occurred in July 1977 at TRMs 391.2 (2.3 mg/L) and 396.8 (3.3 mg/L). Average DO concentrations represented data collected at all depths. Since the 5 mg/L minimum DO criteria applies to measurements collected at a water depth of five feet, only a few samples related directly to the five-foot depth minimum criteria. DO values from the five-foot depth which were below the minimum criteria were measured in the summer of 1975 (TRM 391.2, 4.6 mg/1), 1976 (TRM 396.8, 4.9 mg/11, 1977 (TRM 396.8; 4.0, 4.2, and 4.9 mg/1; TRM 391.2; 2.6 and 3.1 mg/1), 1978 (TRM 386.4, 4.6 mg/1), 1982 (TRM 389.8, 4.5 mg/1; TRM 391.1, 3.6 mg/1, TRM 388.4, 4.1 mg/1; TRM 391.2, 3.7 ag/1) and in 1983 (TRM 396.8, 3.6 mg/1; 391.2, 3.3 mg/1). DO values greater than 10 mg/l usually occurred during February and March, pH--An average pH value greater than 8.5 occurred once (TRM 388.4, 10/78) and individual values ranged between 5.9-8.9. Values lower than the EPA aquatic life criteria of 6.5 were recotued at TRM 388.0 (12 samples). TRM 391.2 (10 samples) and 396.8 (18 samples). The highest averages occurred at stations TRM 388.4 and 386.4 for the 1978-1979 and 1982-1983 sampling periods. . Alkalinity and Conductivity--Total alkalinity ranged from 14 to 69 mg/l as CACO ' 3

                    " "" ""      "E   *   "   "        "     *
  • capacity. No phenolg,hthaline alkalinity was measured. Average conductivity ranged between 130 and 200 pahos/cm 93 perc<.at of the time, which is typical for Tennessee River water.

n I

Turbidity--Turbidity was only measured in the 1982-1983 sampling program, for stations 386.4, 388.4 and 391.1, but was measured during all years for stations 388.0, 391.2 and 396.8. None of the values measured were exceedingly high, but the higher values (20-34 JTU) were usually measured in the~ spring while the lower values (2-8 JTU) were measured in the late sumner. This reflects the effect of spring runoff. TRM 391.1 had higher peak turbidities than other overbank stations. TOC and BOD S

                                          --Approximately 73 percent of the total organic carbon (TOC) values measured frun 1974-1979 were below 3 mg/1, whereas 75 percent of the TOC values measured in 1982 and 1983 were between 3 and 6 mg/1, indicating an increase over time.                               BOD             "**

S '* "

  • E 1982-l'983 than in the samples collected between 1974-1979. All stations had BOD "E "" * *" **
  • S ** "** *

beginning in 1979 (figure 4-8) such that 1982 and 1983 concentrations were greater than during earlier years. BOD $ concenkadons also hereasd at all mainstream channel stations during 1982 and 1983 (figure 4-9). Since similar trends were not observed for waters entering Guntersville Reservoir through Nickajack Dam (section 3.1), increases of these parameters likely were related to changes occurring within Guntersville Reservoir. These changes ai7arently were related to low DO concentrations (<S mg/L) which occurred at almost all stations in August 1982 and July 1983. Phospliorous & Nitrogen--Total and dissolved phosphorous concentrations as well as organic nitrogen, nitrate + nitrite nitrogen and annonia nitrogen concentrations were also determined for use in the biological support information. Neither phosphorous nor nitrcgen concentrations were low enough to be limiting factors to aquatic life. Total phosphorous concentrations were between 0.02 to 0.06 mg/l and I n g

1 l dissolved phosphorous ranged from 0.01 to 0.03 mg/l (values of dissolved phosphorous which were greater than the total phosphorous were not considered since these values were probably due to contamination of the sample). Both total and dissolved phosphorous values remained constant throughout the sampling period. Average organic nitrogen concentrations ranged from 0.04 to 0.74 mg/1. All values over 0.30 mg/l occurred in i 1982-1983. Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen concentrations were consistently higher in the spring (up to 0.88 mg/1) and were depleted in the summer (down to 0.01 mg/1). The highly significant decreasing trend in NO + N0 data for waters downstream of Nickajack Dam (section 3.1) was not apparent in the vicinity of BLN. Ammonia nitrogen values consistently averaged below 0.2 mg/l for the samples collected between 1974-1979. Concentrations as high as 0.58 mg/l were measured in 1982 (TRM 396.8), but this was below the maximum allowed concentration for anunonia based on temperature and pfl. Trace Metals and Other Water Quality Data--The mean values for the trace metals measured at TRMs 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8 (appendix B) were compared to the average water quality criteria listed in appendix A. Copper, total iron, total manganese, lead, and mercury average concentra-tions for the entire sampling period exceeded the water quality criteria, but these concentrations are, however, typical of the Tennessee River in the site vicinity and have been observed in other studies (TVA 1979; TVA 1983). Exceedances of the copper and total iron criteria occurred frequently at all stations. Copper concentrations averaged between 30-34 pg/l which was approximately four times the 7.4 pg/l criterior for aquatic life. Most samples contained copper in concentrations . Dove tha detectica 31mit. The Secondary Drinking Water Standard for total iron is 300 pg/l and the I u g

I average concentrations of iron ranged from 425 to 467 pg/1. However, those concontrations were well below the aquatic life criterion for iron of 1000 of pg/L. Average mercury and total manganese concentrations Were close to the criteria. Total manganese concentrations averaged from 55-59 vg/l which was relatively close to the 50pg/1. Mercury, which has a 0.2 pg/l criteria, averaged between 0.2-0.4 ug/1. Lead concentrations were higher than the average criteria of 1.4 ug/1. Average values for lead were between 12 and 13 ug/1. Many of the lead values were below the detection limit. The average values of 12 and 13 ug/l were worst case and assumed that all values recorded below the detection limit equaled the detection limit. When these values were assumed to be zero in order to repreaent the best conditions, the mean values ranged from 4 to 6 pg/1, which was still above the criteria. All individual analyses were compared against the maximum allowable aquatic life criteria. Concentrations of most parameters were below the maximum criteria. The only parameters which had measured concentrations exceeding the maximum criteria at all stations were lead and copper. Only a few values recorded for lead exceeded the maximum criteria of 36.6 pg/1, but at least 70 percent of the copper values exceeded the average criteria of 10.8 pg/1. Chromium data at TRM 388.0 and 391.2 exceeded the maximum criteria (11 pg/1) once and twice, respectively. The maximum criteria of 2,.8 pg/l for cadmium was exceeded once at TRM 391.2 and twice at TRM 396.8. The maximum criteria for zine (228 pg/1) was exceeded once at. 391.2, and the maximum criteria of 1.1 pg/l for mercury was exceeded once at TRM 396.2. All of these exceedances are marked with an asterisk in appendix B. I I 95

l The sediment trace metals data are summarized in appendix C for TRM's 388.0, 391.2, 391.6 and 396.8. Since no State or EPA criteria have been established for sediment trace metals, concentrations of these metals from a 1982 survey of TVA reservoir forebay sediments were used for comparison purposes. The average sediment concentration listed in appendix C as the " typical value" was the mean of the 1982 values collected in Wheeler, Guntersville and Nickajack reservoir forebays. Average concentrations of As, A1, Cd, Ni, and Hg were somewhat higher than the typical value in all cases except As at TRM 391.2 and Hg at TRM 391.6. Mean concentrations of the other metals were lass than the measured in the 1982 The first ANOVA was run at each station to identify significant differences in measurements with water depth (table 4-3). The only parameters which were statistically different were TOC (TRM 396.8), TDS (TRM 388.0), and organic nitrogen (TRM 388.0). Table 4-4 shows the yearly means for these parameters which were ordered and ranked by depth using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test. No clear differentiation of depths was obvious. Separation of TDS data at 15 feet should be discounted because of the extreme unbalance (1 sample vs. 29 and 53 samples) in the analysis. The data collected at all depths were combined for the ANOVA comparing differences among years, since there were essentially no variations with depth. Significant results of this ANOVA (table 4-5) were I ordered and ranked (table 4-6) showing the data grouped according to the differences in the means. Changes in the analytical detection limit affected the results of some parameters. Bery.'.lium, nickel, and titanium appeared to have decreased over time, but J actuality they had lower limits of detection in 1982-1983, so the Duncan Test was not valid for those 3G I

parameters. Even though there were significant differences between the yearly data collected for SO , flouride, dissolved oxygen, pH, selenium, dissolved phosphorous, and conductivity, these differences showed no consistent pattern. An example would be 0.0 There was no chronological 4 order'to the data when listed from high values to low values, and the highest value for SO4at TRM 391.2 occurred in 1982, but occurred in 1973 at TRM 388.0 and 396.8. j Many differences were observed between the data collected during the 1982-1983 sampling period and the previously collected data. BOD, TOC I and organic nitrogen were significantly higher in 1982-1983 than in , 1974-1979, whereas chromium, dissolved silica, and barium were lower in 1982-1983 than in 1974-1979. C0D and total phosphorous were high in 1973 and 1983, with low values during the middle of the sampling period. A third ANOVA was run for the mid-channel stations (TRMs 388.0, I I 391.2, 396.8) to evaluate changes occurring from station to station. No significant differences were present. Linear regression analysie (table 4-7) showed that values recorded for four parameters (Dissolved Si, T1, Be, and As) had decreasing patterns at TRM 396.8, 388.0, and 391.2. High R-Squared values in combination with high F-values indicate that a linear regression accurately represented the data. The R-Squared values for titanium ranged from 0.56 to 0.58 which means that at least 56 percent of the titanium data were represented by a linear regression with a slope ranging between -0.26 to -0.30. The regression for beryllium data showbd,a slope of -0.003 for up to 69 percent of the data. Between 57 percent and 77 percent of the data, based on-R-Squared values, for D SI and AS fit regression lines with each having a slope of -0.001. Parameters which showed increasing regressions were TOC, I I  : 97


. ,. e,ganic .. eoo. Coo. .n     1 <re. 39e.8 n rec, .. Co o. ane eoo <18.

g 388); and C12 (TR 391.2). Organic nitrogen, TOC, and BOD values were larger in 1982-1983 than in 1974-1978 but the increase could not significantly be represented by a linear pattern, as shown by low R-Squared values in table 4-7. However, the increase over time for these parameters (figures 4-8, 4-9, and 4-11) was real and appeared better suited to some standard curvilinear model; i.e. exponential, y - ae *. 4.3 Summary & Conclusions I Few parameters changed significantly during the sampling period, which would indicate that the study area is relatively stable. Differences which were observed were generally between the data collected during the 1974-1979 sampling period and data collected during the 1982-1983 study. Of particular interest was the increase in BOD, TOC and Organic Nitrogen in 1982-1983. It also should be noted that the D0 occasionally dropped below 5.0 mg/l during the sumner months. Other changes in the data during the sampling period were either not statistically significant or were one time occurrences. The comparison to the water quality criteria showed that copper and lead concentrations frequently exceeded the average criteria, and lead also exceeded the maximum criteria at all mid-channel sampling stations. I I 98 I

MU l M M M M M M m I i

                                                                                       /                                T a
  • C . .

l . 391.2 channel . E I dQ s TC mile 0.2 . 1 e , ranns can ch~, g 8h

  • Y Mod Creek 388.0 channel 391.6 7
o right overbank -( = mile 0.2 Q
                       '393       .                   k .. M                  ,

d#4 *% ,. e cc% 2 o, *7 2 +

                                                                                            ~ ~ '"~
                                                                                                                 . , , ,                  396.8 c~

N_ .* j

                --    __--      -d ' i )           s t_         -

386.4 389.9 391.1 left overbank Icft overbank 388.4 left overbank w coon ("

                                                     )         IefL overbank

[ ll;Il ones Creek N e Indicates Station Location Figure. 4-1 Water Quality Sampling Locations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant for the Preoperational. Monitoring Program (1974-1983), Guntersville Reservoir.

(A) w wr

         ,e                                                                                .m a.                                   ,e                           i.ver,.,, ,,
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i g (!!) o . O e } inm,w g, ' , 0,.T' e ,,,,,,y i-=.. , ,

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                                                                                                                                                                                                    \           ;                                                                       . .
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 \, :; ,

t ,! I  : i

                                                                                                                                       , , .      s      , ,.                     . ,      ., .,           ,

Figure 4-2. Mean Monthly Temperatures at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations

 ;                                                                               in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.

1 I I

M M W M M M M M W .m M m n (A)

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                                                                                            "f.                                                        j                                       - s/                 ,j:
s. - '* .-

s .- \., }~

                                                                                                                                                          ,                                                                  j I

l rignre 4 't. Mean Monthly Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983. l l l

(A) l ,- . . .J

                                                                                                                       . i;-                                                     l.-

L' y l.- l}.jt [* -

                                                                                                                                                                                                            - {..! .y                          j[           1 d-f')J                            y,!-
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g ~ " ' ' '~'-'"* i (

f. j . .

c .....  ; ... n *+ ) .1- \j l i1 .\ \ g\. .).b.

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I  !.  !, !, 1 .I .I i, .1 .I I  : : : ! I, I, I. I .I I, I. .I !. !. !, !, !. !.  !. I. . .I .I I, .I .I  !, !,  !. !. . . , , . Figure 4-4. Mean Monthly pH Values at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Guntersville Reservoir. 1973-1983. E M g g

mas uma e uma e ami e e amm - mas (A)

                                           "a,." ".""                                   TA.",;:';"                               i.ia,;:T'
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: :: :: :: :I H (B) e
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                                                                                                              .                                           .p

{w {w { 3. .

                   . ..                                                 i.                                      i.
                                             **                                           n..                                       n..

Figure 4-5. Mean Monthly Concentrations of Total Alkalinity (mg/L as Ca@3) at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.

(A) r.. .

                                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                                                            l
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                                                                                                                    , , . s . , e                              . . <



Figure 4-6. Mean Monthly Conductivity levels at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983. M M M M M M M m m g g g g

( s (A) ., ., , s ,

                                                                                                                                                              ,,,,,,,,                                                                                                              'P' 'A
  • Tepe
  • Pet F .

Tub tere.e@l'T Fe9 ?re 33 p 14 15 E M S f

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G . 4 * \ L ".

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g*\ *

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i i ' 1 ,. \' i q .e s )n. j::j9 . h. 1,? 4

                                                                                                                                     **W.            : vi h

! te . 8 Jdlv h. V."i\ , 1.N .r. , e e t f f 9 9 8 8 8 I e e 8 f f f e 9 9 0 t 9 9 9 6 I e e e e 9 9 9 1 9 e 9 9 i 9 0 0 9 9 t 9 t 3 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 8 0 0 e' 0 S S 9 0 0 0 8 0 F 0 F 9 e 0 0 0 0 8 7 7 s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .a    s      #        i       r    e e

e e e e e j 7 F F F F F F F G 9 e e e F F e a e s e F F F F 7 e 9 e s a 3

  • r s . c. s e 9 t F a s e s a F G e e 9 a s e
                                                                                                                                                           .e                                                                                                                                                                l l

H (B) c og. se, op g RfP901FF 94 etf e Fmp-30s.4 M9 y, p og, ,

                     .                                                                                   ,,.                            v ~s.F. .F.                                                                            ,,,                                                                      ..         g a                                                                                                                                                                                                             .                                                                           1          .

e . . t 0 / 4 4 4 I8 L PG - t roe 'l ee. i ...



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t 8 I I I O 9 0 8 9 9 9 9 0 t I e I 6 9 9 9 8 I I 8 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 t t t t t O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 e G 9 9 9 9 9 9 G 9 e e e e .e 9 9 9 - 9 1 S 9 9 e e F S 9 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 * *

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m. .. . . , .

Finiare 4-7. Mean Monthly Turbidity levels at Mainstream Channel (A) and overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plante Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.

(A) Y1. 16 O*'/I*'qC \ em C.r*9% I

                                                       #                                                                            I g                                 10'1 f*Cir8C.N twe*= ?*

g tryteTm.310 C.^.a#rC V, M , k 4 g 4 # ti & .-  ; L ,

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t 3 w s. t # 9 . 3 3 e s . , . . we e. t , 3 e 2 3 . E a

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O o (B)

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S . *


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . . , i .

w n .. , , . . I i.. ire 4-R.

                                                                  .                         Mean Monthly Concentrations of Total Organic Carbon at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plnat, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.


M M M M M M M M M M M M W M M M M (A)

                                                                                                                                   =                                                                 . . , , . .
n. ,->...,

t e. t e-s p

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i l ! I :

                                           ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !                                                                            ,r. .                                                                         ..

Finiere 4-9. Mean Monthly Concentrations of BOD 5 at mainstream channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.


                                                                  ,                      TO:s,,qu1t0US                       It

U4ve~I9N,s. ., M e. e 0 .. e e e" fct.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *F.r,* F US ee                                                             (...                                                                   t  e-
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e, e, e, e, e, e, e, 0 0 0 e e e, e, 8, 8, e, e, e, e, e e 8 0 e a, e, e, 8, e, e, e, e, e e e e S e e e e e e 4 e e e e e e e e 3 3 8 8 e , e e e t 2 3 e 3 3 4 e e , e e e t , 3 e , T 9 5 e , e e e a 2 3 e Mme vt at tf at (B) s O e.e ee: ee g a e == nee aus e == %. ffet=3ee. e le*190. 9 e G 4 nelano ,,,u,e..w+ e

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ee - 8 9 0 t O 9 9 9 8 4 5 0 1 5 0 0 0 i l B 0 $ t I f 9 I 9 0 0 e , t 0, e, e, e, e, e, e, e e e e e e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e e e 8 0 e, e, e e, I e, I I I 3 6 e e e

                                                                       .,                                               e   e                                                       e         e    e   e                       ,                  e,         e,         e,     .e  .e        ,e     ,e a 3    . e      e       ,    e      .  .e e. 3   e.               3   e   s   e           0     e    e      e.  > >     e            , , . .              8         , . . . .                          7 e

, wee .c .. , , , . I i rigure 4-10 Mean Monthly Concentrations of Total Phosphorous at Mainstream Channel ( A) and Overbank

(B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983.

1 m m m m M M M M m W m m M m m m

 "   "              "        W          M     M                  M                    M             M      M                         m  e                       m   a          e           e             e      e             g (A)
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1 ~ 'A ;., lij .,~, l'... k., . , 1,, .. 1 H (B) o ... o ....

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a  : : : :  :  ::::  : : : :

: : : : i : :::::: . . .

Figtire 4-11. Mean Monthly Concentrations of Organic Nitrogen at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983. I



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                ; ;       ! ! ! : : : ; ; ;                                                                       i ! ! ! ! !                                                                               .,

na n Figure 4-12. Mean Monthly Concentrations of NH3 + NH4-N at Mainstream Channel (A) and Overbank (B) Stations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Guntersville Reservoir. 1973-1983. E E E M M M M M M M M m m m a e

M M M W W W W M M M M M M M M M M M W (A)

                                 ...                                                          tme tyg 3 Ta&188 ft gg
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(. "~ L A.;wss A A . L.ei gs..x.

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m i.N. bA,4.iA .

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u- , , , , t> 338 . t

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P H ( l C

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1.A \,\r .... 3Q. , A, y ^s

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                     ; ; 1 1 1 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! !                                    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A                         A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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na na na Figure 4-13. Mean Monthly Concentrations of NO2 + NO3-N at Mainstream channel (A) and Overbank. (B) Stations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1973-1983. L___-______-______-_-_-_________-_-_--__--___ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

                                                     ,                                           1 Il 5.0 PLANKTON                                                  <



This chapter evaluates both phytoplankton and zooplankton components of the plankton ity in the vicinity of BLN. An , evaluation of ichthyoplankton (larval fish and eggs)-la included in Chapter 9.0. 5.1 Materials and Methods - 5.1.1 Phytoplankton s Field--Preoperational phrtuplankton studies were conducted 1974 through 1979, 1982, and 1983. Samples were collected conthly, February through October, except in 1978 when February. samples were not - I collected. In March 1978, phytoplankton monitoring was expanded beyond the main river channel to inc1':de the descending Jeft overbank habitat because it was felt that this stea c.21d be exposed to the thermall chemical plume from BLN under low-flow and reverse-flow conditions. Mainstream (channel) stations were located at TRMs 388.0, 391.7, and - 396.8 (figure 5-1). Lef t overbank stations were located on thL E n .. ,l shoreward side of the narrow strip islanus which separate channol and overbank habitats at TP.Ms 386.4. 388.4, and 391.1. 9ampling was t suspended in 1979 at TRMs 388.0 and 391.2, yet reinstated in February , 1982. $


Phytoplanktonmeasuh0centsiceludedinthepreoperutiona). study were organism abur. dance, phytopigment concentrations (chlorophyll) or biomass, and pritaary productivity (carbon-14) < An 8-L nonmetallic Van


Dorn water sampler was used to collect su'ticient water for all three . -- I i


l 112 I s

l l phytoplankton parameters--100 m1 for each enumeration sample; 500 ml for each phytopigment sample; and 125 m1 for each primary productivity samp16. Two replicate samples for each phytoplankton parameter t#ere collected from 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 m at mainstream channel stations I and O'.3 and 1.0 m at left overbank stations. Samples for determination of organism abundance (enumeration) were preserved inusediately after collection with 2 al of 37 percent formalin from 1974 through 1978 and N3 (Meyer 1970 duc hg 1982 and 1983.' Phytopigment samples were processed in the field by filtering 500 ml of river water through cellulose ester filter pads in 1974 and through glass fiber filter pads after 1974. From 1974-1977, each filter was fb1ded, enclosed by an absorbant pad, and placed within a light-ercluding field dessicator which was kept chilled in a chest of ice. During 1978 filters were stored within the field dessicator on dry ice. During 1982 and 1983, 1 al of magnesium carbonate suspension was added as th,e sample was filtered and each filter pad was placed in 5.0 ml of 90 percent buffered acetone. Samples were inusediately placed on dry ice in a light-excluding container and stored frozen until laboratory analysis. I Primary productivity samples were spiked with 1 al of approxi- I mately 2pci sodium bicarbonate radioisotope (C-14) in pyrer (125 ml) bottles, attached to metered nylon lines, and suspended from a conunon j incubation site (TRM 386.0) at their respective collection depths. A dark bottle (light excluding) was attached to compensate for nonphotosynthetic assimilation of the labeled sodium bicarbonate. Following an approximately three-hour incubation period, 125 al of the I I

,                                        .m

I' sample was filtered through a 0.45 pm membrane filter and rinsed with 0.1N hcl and water. Through 1982 filters were glued to stainless steel planchets, and during 1983 filters were placed in scintillation vials and returned to the laboratory. In support of the primary productivity studies, daily solar radiation energy was measured from sunrise to sunset on each sampling date at the BLN meteorological station. Beginning in 1975, light penetration into the water column was measured at each station for depths corresponding to sample collections. On April 13, 1983,; primary productivity samples were lost from the incubation site. These samples were recollected on April 25, 1983. Selected water quality samples also were measured from each phytoplankton station to provide supportive information for, interpreting results. These data are described in Chapter 4.0 as Biofogical Cupport parameters. Laboratory--Each abundance sample was agitated, a 15 ml aliquot removed, placed in a counting chamber, and allowed to settle for a minimum of 12 hours. Algal cells were enumerated at the enus' level using an inverted microscope (320X). Reterences and publications used in identification varied for individual algal groups. Sometimes several

references were utilized to identify genera within an algal group, but usually a single reference comprised the major taronhmic authority.

Major (z) and infrequently used (/) references were as follows. l I I 114 I I

   .                    s Algal Group Reference                          Chlo Chry Cyano Crypto Eugleno Pyrro Cocke'(1967)                                      x Desikachary (1959)                                /

Drouet (1973) I Drouet & Daily (1973) x Forest (1954) / / / x / Hustellt (1930) x

               ,          Patrick & Reimer (1966)                     x Ii                      Prescott (1964)                      x                    x      x      x Tiffcny & Britton (1971)             /     /                     /      /

Whitford & Schumacher (1969) / I E From 1974 through 1978, chlorophyll was extracted by steeping the algae-laden filters in 90 percent acetone for 24 hours in the dark at I, 4*C. Wlan glass fiber filters were used (after 1974), samples were , _I, filtered again innaediately preceeding spectrophotometric analysis. When usini;6 cellulose ester filters (1974), samples were centrifused before

                   ,      analysis. During 1982 and 1983, samples were allowed to reach room 1
                 - I temperature, ground with a glass rod, and subjected to ultrasonic

[.vibrationstorupturealgalcellwallsandenhancetheextraction process. Samples then were clarified by centrifugation and analyzed spectrophotometrically. In 1974, optical densities at 750, 663, 645,,and 630 nm were determined and substituted into the UNESCO (1966) equations to calculate chlorophyll a, b, and c concentrations. Beginning in 1975 N the Jeffrey-Humphrey (1975) equations were used to determine chlorophyll n i ! 115 '

l 1! concentrations. The new equations required that optical densities be determined at 750, 664, 647, and 630 nm. Beginning in 1978 each sample was acidified with two drops of 0.IN hcl after determining initial optical density values, allowed to steep for one minute, and then reread i at 750 and 664 nm. These values were used to correct chlorophyll a concentrations for phaeophytin, determine phaeophytin concentrations (Lorezen, 1967), and calculate phaeophytin index values (ratio of chlorophyll a_ to phaeophytin a) according to Weber (1973). C-14 activity (primary productivity samples) was determined from 1974 through 1978 and 1982 by using a thin window, low-background, gas-flow propertional counter with a counting efficiency of approximately 10 percent. In 1983 activity was determined by using liquid scintillation counting techniques, which produced a higher counting efficiency (approximately 50 percent). Using the conversions of Saunders, et al. (1962), total inorganic carbon available at each station was determined by using pH, temperature, and alkalinity values. Mean Carbon-14 activity incorporated into algal cells from light bottles minus that absorbed by materials from dark bottles resulted in estimates of net photosynthetic activity. Date Analyses--Data analyses addressed four related areas of assessment used to evaluate the phytoplankton consnunity. Specific analytical approaches are summarized below for each type assessment. I I I I l 11G l I


1. Comununity Structure Analysis of numerically important genera (>10 percent total abundance)

I Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity (SQS) Pielou's Percentage Similarity (PS) Diversity (d) Percentage composition by station I Percentage composition by habitat (stations averaged), presented as figures Listing of dominant genera I Five-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) of percentage composition data for the mainstream channel habitat (main effects = group, station, depth, month, and year) I 2. Abundance Four-way ANOVA for channel stations (station, depth, month, year) I Four-way ANOVA for overbank stations (station, depth, month, year) Four-way ANOVA for channel and overbank (habitat, depth, month, year) I Regression analysis of abundance over time (total phytoplankton and each of the three dominant groups). Also presented as figures.

3. Biomass Estimates (Chlorophyll)

Presentation of phytopigment concentrations (chlorophyll a, b, and I C) Graphical presentation of chlorophyll a by station, month, and year I Chlorophyll a/Phaeophyton a relationship

4. Primary Productivity Graphical presentation of productivity (mg C/m2/ day) by station month, and year Graphical presentation of productivity (mg C/m2/ day) plotted I over time.

In addition to the above, solar radiation for each day of sample collection and light penetration into the water column at each station was provided to supplement understanding of consnunity observations. Similarity of algal' communities between stations was determined using a two-step approach. Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity. SQS (McCain 1975), was calculated to determine similarity based solely on presence / absence of genera (qualitative dimension of conununity structure). A I 117

I percentage similarity (PS) index (Pielou 1975) was calculated to l determine similarities based on both qualitative and quantitative dimensions of community structure. In both cases, values of 70 percent or greater were assumed to indicate similarity. SQS was calculated as follows. SQS = 2S/(x+y) + 100 Where, x = number of taxa at station x; y = number of taxa at station y; s = number of taxa in common between stations l x and y W PS index was calculated as follows. PS=200((,3 min (Pgg, Pgy) Where, Pig and Pgy are the quantities of genus i at stations x and y as proportions of the quantities of all s genera at the two stations combined. Phytoplankton consnunity structure also was analyzed using a diversity inder applying the following formula (Patten 1962). d = -Es (ni/ n) log, (ni/n) Where, s = number of genera; ng = number of individuals belonging to the 1" l genus; n = total number or organisms Diversity index was used only as a reference to evaluate change. Pie graphs were developed for each month sampled and combined into a figure for each year to illustrate change in channel and overbank community structure (succession) for the three major phytoplankton groups (Chrysophyta, Cyanophyta, and Chlorophyta) and for Euglenophyta, Pyrrophyta, and Cryptophyta combined as an unlebeled percentage. An average of the three channel and three over.ank stations was used to construct these figures for each respective habitat type. 118, I I

Percentage composition data, transformed using the Arcsine Square Root transformation (reported in radians), were used in a five-way

 .g M   ANOVA ~ to evaluate differences in conununity structure (phytoplankton group) among channel stations, years, months, and depths. The data base for phytoplankton abundance was los transformed (base 10) and utilized to characterize abundance with regard to station, year, month, depth, and habitat (i.e., channel vs. overbank),     Since it was not known how phytoplankton abundance would vary with regard to habitat, station, year, month, and depth (or any combination of these parameters), data were I   organized in four-way ANOVA layouts for a fixed effect cross-over        -

design. Three layouts were planned, i.e., (1) channel stations only, (2) overbank stations only, and (3) combined channel versus combined overbank stations. Unfortunately, each data set evaluated by the multi-way ANOVA layouts for both cocununity structure (five-way) and abundance (four-way) was incomplete or statistically unbalanced. Specifically, information with regard to month, year, station, and depth was totally lacking, at worst, or only single observations were missing. Analysis of linear models that are unbalanced are very compler and little understood. Therefore, computer software programs usually do not handle unbalanced data sets at all beyond a two-way layout. Fortunately, the BLN data sets I could,be balanced in some fashion. Specifically for channel analyses, the dpta set was balanced over six of the uoven years (excluding 1978 - February missing), for all three stations, for all four depths, for all  ; I nine months, and using single replication for each treatment combination (where two replicates were available, the first was selected for the analysis). For the overbank analysis, the data set was balanced over 113 '

I three of the four years (excluding 1978) for all three river miles, for both depths, for eight months (excluding February), and using two  ; replications for each treatment combination. Variance ratios were calculated as follows for the four-way and five-way ANOVAs which had only one replicate for treatment combinations (channel habitat). The residual term used to determine variance ratios for the main effects and primary interactions consisted of the mean square of the combined (summed) four-way and three-way (or five- and four-way) terms. The residual mean square used to determine F-statistics for the secondary interactions consisted of the mean square of the four-way (or five-way) term. Significance of the tests was determined by probabilities exceeding the F-statistic at the 0.005 level to lessen I chances of making & type I error. The Least Significance Difference (LSD) Test at the 99 percent significance level was used to locate differences between means for each significant F-test. Regression analysis (Snedecor and Cochran 1967) was run on data from each station to evaluate the relationships of phytoplankton abundance (total and major groups) and primary productivity with time. These data also were plotted for the tot 1 sampling period to enhance interpretation of regression results and to visualize short-term (yearly) periodicity. Chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a relationships, including phaeophytin index values, were calculated according to Weber (1973). l Inder values should vary between 1.0 (indicating no chlorophyll a) and 1.7 (indicating no pheophytin a); however, values less than 1.0 and greater than 1.7 occasionally occur and atsuld be interpreted cautiously. 120 I I

I Total carbon assimilated by algal cells were expressed as milligrams carbon per cubic meter per hour (mg C/m8/ hour). These values, averaged for depth intervals, multiplied by the respective depth interval, sununed, and proportioned to daily solar radiation energy were used to represent total daily productivity that occurred in a water columh with a surface area of 1 m2 and to the lowest depth of incubation, which was 5 m at the channel stations and 1 m at the overbank stations (mg C/m2/ day). I 5.1.2 Zooplankton Field--Two-replicate zooplankton samples were collected monthly, February through October, at channel stations located at TRM 388.0 l (station 1 downstream from BLN), TRM 391.2 (station 2 at BLN site) and l TRM 396.8 (station 3 upstream from BLN) during the period 1974- 1977 l 5 (figure 5-1). Beginning in March 1978 (no February samples were colle.cted) two-replicate samples were collected at the channel stations and also at three left overbank stations. These were TRM 386.4 (sta-tion 4) located behind a strip island on the left side of the reservoir in an area increasingly affected by American Lotus (Nelumbo sp.), TRM 388.4 (station 5) behind a strip island barrier and in the mouth of Jones, Creek, and TRM 391.1 (station 6) directly across from BLN and also behinsi a land barrier (figure 5-1). Two replicates per month were col-1ected at only one channel station (station 3, TRM 396.8) and at the three overbank stations from February through October of 1979. No zoo-plankton samples were collected in 1980 and 1981; however, monthly sampling (February-October) at all six stations was reinstated in 1982 and continued through 1983. I 121

I Zooplankton samples were collected by a 50 cm-diameter net (80 pm mesh) equipped with a digital flowmeter suspended in the throat and with an opening device. The not was lowered to the bottom in a closed position, opened, and pulled to the surface (Dycus and Wade 1977). Samples were preserved with formalin immediately after collection. Labaratory--Samples were diluted or concentrated, depending upon the abundance of detritus and organisma. Four 1-m1 subsamples were removed from the magnetically stirred sample using a 1-m1 Hensen-Stempel pipette, and each subsample was placed in a Sedgwick Rafter cell. Organisms were enumerated at the Iowast practical taxonomic level, usually species, on a compound microscope at 35X or 50X. After subsample enumeration, the remainder of the sample was scanned under a dissecting microscope for additional taxa not encountered in subsampling. Resultant counts were extrapolated to numbers per cubic meter. A variety of references and publications was used in making zooplankton identifications. Major (x) and infrequently used (/) references were as follows: Zooplankton Group Reference Rotifera Cladocera Copepoda Ahlstrom (1940) z Ahlstrom (1943) x Borutskii (1964) / Brooks (1957) x Brooks (1959) x Deevey and Deevey (1971) / Donner (1956) / Edmonson (1959) x l Goulden (1968) x l Harring and Myers (1926) x Pennak (1978) / / / Ruttner-Kolisko (1974) x Wilson and Yeatman (1959) x 122 I

I Data Analyses--Sampling and processing variability of total community and group densities was estimated by calculating the coeffi-cient of variation for each set of duplicate samples. Coefficients less than 40 percent were considered indicative of adequate sample replica-bility. Coefficients of variation greater than 40 percent indicated larger than desirable variability among replicate samples. Total and group abundance data were transformed (log 10) and tested for statistical differences among stations for each sample date and for each sample year using a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). I The Student, Newinan, Keuls Multiple Range Test (SNK) was applied to data sets which were significantly different as shown by the ANOVA. All tests were evaluated at the 0.05 level of probability. Rotifera and adult members of the Copepoda and Cladocera were used to determine the number of taxa in each sample. Zooplankton com-munity structure was analyzed using the diversity inder (inunature forms excluded), SQS, and PS with analyses based primarily on species. 5.2 Results and Discussion 5.2.1 Phytoplankton i Phytoplankton dynamics respond rapidly to changing environmental conditions and are capable of demonstrating impressive variations in abundance and/or physiological state within a very short period of time, i.e., a week or even days (Wade 1984). Therefore, discupsion of observations made on any particular monthly survey has only limited value in describing baseline conditions, because those observations may not be truly representative of even that month. Phytoplankton data, therefore, are best discussed with regard to yearly I m

I patterns (approximately nine months / year), repeated from year to year, or otherwise stated, with regard to short-term (yearly) and long-torm (the entire 1974-1983 study period) periodicity. That is not to say that monthly observations are unimportant because information regarding community cause/ response mechanisms can be gained by evaluating phytoplankton and conditions measured just prior to each sampling period (presented in Chapters 2.0 and 4.0). Presentation and discussion of phytoplankton results will follow analytical approaches sumarized in the Materials and Methods section, i.e. , conununity structure, abundance, biomass, and productivity. Although discussion will follow short and long-term periodicity, data are presented in tables and figures to allow examination of individual sample dates which can be compared with the presentation of physical factors and water quality parameters in Chapters 2.0 and 4.0, respectively. Comunity Structure--During preoperational monitoring,137 phytoplankton genera were identified from the channel and overbank habitats in the vicinity of BLN (table 5-1). Taxonomic distribution of these genera were as follows. Group No. Genera Chlorophyta 66 Chrysophyta 35 Cryptophyta 3 Cyanophyta 25 Euglenophyta 4 g Pyrrophyta 4 5 Several genera were unique to channel (13 genera) or overbank (8 genera) habitats: , I i o I

I Group Channel Overbank Chlorophyta Cladophora Hyalotheca I Microspora Lobomonas 1 Palme11ococcus Nephrocytiun Stigeoclonium Netrium Tetraspora Ulothrix Chrysophyta Calonels Amphiprora Tabe11 aria Cyanophyta Arthrospira Calothrix Phormidium Coccochloris Plectonoma Coelosphaerium Rhabdoderna Spirulina Twenty-two of the 137 genera accounted for 90 percent of total phytoplankton abundance during one or more collection periods. These genera, therefore, comprised the numerically important or dominant segment of the phytoplankton consnunity: Chlorophyta Ankistrodesmus (overbank only) Dactylococcus Carteria (overbank only) Eudorina (overbank only) Chlamydomonas I Chlore11a Chlorococcum Micractinium Pandorina (overbank only) Scenedessus Chrysophyta Asterionella Melosira Chaetoceros Stephanodiscus I Cyclotella (overbank only) Synedra Cyanophyta Anabaenopsis (overbank only) Dactylococcopsis Anacystis Merismopedia Chroococcus Oscillatoria Abundance of each genus by location and collection period is provided in appendix D. I I


I Comparison of the three channel stations showed a high degree of similarity from 1974-1982 based upon genera presence / absence (SQS) (84 percent of all possible channel comparisons were .timilar, table 5-2). However, less than one half (48 percent) of possible comparisons were sitnilar in 1983. Community similarity of channel stations was lower than SQS comparisons when based upon both genera presence / absence and abundance (PS), with 52 percent of the possible combinations similar, 1974-1983. Similarity of channel stations based upon PS showed a declining trend over the study period with 70 percent of all possible comparisons similar in 1974 and 33 percent similar in 1983. These data are sunnarized by year as follows. SQS PS No. Comparisons No. Comparisons Year Similar/Possible 1 Similar/Possible  % 1974 24/27 89 19/27 70 1975 22/27 81 16/27 59 1976 22/27 81 16/27 59 1977 22/27 81 16/27 59 1978 21/24 88 9/24 38 1982 23/27 85 12/27 44 1983 13/27 48 9/27 33 Overall 147/186 75 97/186 52 Lowest degree of similarity (PS) normally occurred in late summer (August i through October). l l Over one half (66 percent) of all possible comparisons of I l overbank stations based upon SQS were similar (table 5-2). Number of similar comparisons in 1982 (56 percent) was less than calculated for the mainstream channel habitat (85 percent) for the same year. Similarity among overbank stations was expected to b less than similarity among channel stations because overbank stations are flow isolated and subject I l 12G I I

I to developing their own unique communities. Flow isolation was also a factor in PS comparisons of overbank stations where only 26 percent of all possible comparisons were similar. These data are sununarized belott. l - Overbank l e No. Comparisons SQS PS No. Comparisons Year Similar/Possible J Similar/Possible 3 1978 20/24 83 5/24 21 1979 20/27 74 6/27 22 1982 15/27 56 9/27 33 1983 14/27 52 7/27 26 Overall 69/105 66 27/105 26 I Like channel stations, lowest similarity (PS) normally occurred in late summer. A large number of comparisons was possible between channel and overbank stations (table 5-2). Channel and overbank comparisons were similar 58 percent of the time based upon SQS and only 20 percent of the time based upon PS. PS comparisons between channel (TRM 396.8) and overbank stations were especially low in 1979 when every comparison was less than 70 percent. These data are sununarized as follows. Channel vs. 0.verbank SOS PS No. Comparisons No. Comparisons Year Similar/Possible  % Similar/Possible  % I 1978 1979 1982 52/72 13/27 54/81 72 48 67 8/72 0/27 21/81 11 0 26 1983 32/81 40 23/81 28 Overall 151/261 58 52/261 20 I 12'7

I Similarity between channel and overbank stations would be expected to occur sporadically and usually when reservoir operations were of a nature to mix flow between the two habitats. On some occasions it appeared (based upon PS data) that the overbank station at TRM 386.4 was more isolated from channel waters than overbank TRMs 388.4 and 391.1 (see table 5-2, 1982, June, August, and October). On other occasions overbank station TRM 391.1 appeared more isolated from channel waters than TRMs 388.4 and 386.4 11978, March, September, and October). Diversity inder values for mainstream channel phytoplankton (depths combined) ranged from 0.60 in April 1976 to 4.00 in September 1975 and March 1979 (table 5-3). Range of overbank diversity was from 1.32 in October 1982 to 4.62 in August 1983 (overbank samples were not collected 1974-1977). Lowest diversity occurred early or late in the year while greatest diversity normally occurred during the summer. Diversity was especially low during 1976 and 1977. Overbank diversity values were as high or usually higher than those in the channel. Greatest number of genera occurred for channel (62) and overbank (71) during 1978. Those data are summarized as follows. Channel Overbank Range Range No. No. Year Genera Diversity (months) Genera Diversity (months) 1974 13-34 2.44-3.80 (May/Apr) 1975 17-44 (Feb/Sep) l 2.03-4.00 - - - E 1976 19-50 0.60-3.83 (Apr/Sep) - - - 1977 16-59 0.70-3.55 (Mar /Sep) - - - g 1978 1979 18-62 22-44 2.14-3.84 (Jul/Jul) 14-71 2.14-4.39 (May/Aug) g 2.26-4.00 (Feb/ Mar) 10-55 1.83-4.46 (Feb/Sep) 1982 16-55 1.31-3.81 (Oct/ Ape) 12-67 1.32-3.61 (Oct/ Mar) 1983 10-30 1.16-3.07 (Apr/May) 9-55 1.33-4.62 (Oct/Aug) ' 128 I

I Phytoplankton community structure and monthly succen ion of the three dominant phytoplankton groups (Chrysophyta, Chlorophyta, and Cyanophyta) are illustrated for channel stations in figures 5-2 through 5-9 for sampling years 1974 through 1983. These percentage composition data represent average abundance of all three channel stations. These data are further defined by sampling location in table 5-4. Data were fairly consistent for all stations through 1979. In 1982 and especially 1983, sporadic occurrence of Cyanophyta at one or two (but not all) stations introduced a greater degree of variability within the data shown I in figures 5-8 and 5-9 than was found in previous years. l In 1974 Chrysophyta dominated the mainstream channel phytoplankton assemblage every month except August and September, when l l Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta became co-dominants (figure 5-2). Melosira was the dominant genus every month, accounting for 21-53 percent of the total phytoplankton abundance (table 5-5). Cyanophyta comprised only 4-20 percent of the assemblage. Beginning in 1975 and contitiuing through 1978, Chrysophyta was again dominant early in the year (February-May). But in June, Cyanophyta became the dominant phytoplankton group, prevailing for the remainder of each sampling year. Cyanophyta comprised especially large segments of the total assemblage in 1975 (77 percent, August); 1976 (81 percent, August); 1977 (83 percent, July; 76 percent, September; and 73 percent, October); and 1978 (77 percent, August). Dominant Cyanophyta genera were Anacystis and Merismopedia which . comprised up to 69 percent of the total assemblage (i.e., September 1978, TRM 391.1) (table 5-5). Beginning in 1979 and continuing through 1983, Cyanophyta dominance became more sporadic during each year (figures 5-7 through 5-9). E I 120

I' In 1979 Cyanophyta was dominant in February (52 percent) and September (51 percent) (Anacystis). Chlorophyta and/or Chrysophyta were dominant the remaining months. By 1983, Chrysophyta had again become the dominant phytoplankton group, except for March when Cyanophyta (Oscillatoria) was dominant (50 percent). Also, by 1983 Oscillatoria had become the most important Cyanophyta genus, although its occurrence (dominance) was variable throughout the study reach. Years 1982 and 1983 were different from other years in that Cyanophyta was not represented in the phytoplankton assemblage during October, Chlorophyta comprised over 50 percent of phytoplankton abundance during June and July 1979. Patterns of algal succession on the left overbank (figures 5-10 through 5-13) were similar to the mainstream channel, except (1) I Cyanophyta dominance began one month earlier on the overbank (June) than in the channel (July) in 1978; (2) the large percentage of Cyanophyta (Anacystis) in the channel during February 1979 did not occur on the; overbank; and (3) Cyanophyta dominance was greater on the overbank during i July-October 1979; June, August, and October 1982; and August 1983. Both I habitats were totally lacking in Cyanophyta during October 1983. The greatest amount of phytopla..s. ton data is from the four depths and three stations in the mainstream channel. The five-way ANOVA sumarizing phytoplankton groups, stations, depths, months, and years (table 5-6) identified highly significant (a = 0.005) main effects and interactions involving percentage composition of phytoplankton groups. All years, months, stations, and depths considered, Chrysophyta comprised l significantly greater proportions of the assetblage (mean 52.7 percent) than Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta which war, alike (table 5-7, comparison i I). However, station and group showed significant interaction (table idO I I

I , I 5-6) such that, when analyzed separately by station, differences were observed for subdominant groups (table 5-7, comparison II). Chlorophyta and Cyanophyta comprised similar segments of the assemblage at TRM 396.8 (upstream of BLN) but were significantly different at TRM 391.2 (Chlorophyta greater than Cyanophyta) and TRM 388.0 (Cyanophyta greater than Chlorophyta) downstream of BLN. This indicates an overall downstream increase in relative abundance of Cyanophyta. Further analysis of significant interactions (comparison III) indicated Chlorophyta comprised a greater amount of the phytoplankton assemblage in 1974 (29.8 percent) than in other years. Similarly, greater relative amounts of Chrysophyta (66.8 percent) occurred in 1983, Cyanophyta (32.0 percent) in 1977, and Euglenophyta in 1974 (2.0 percent) and 1975 (1.1 percent). Months with greatest group abundance (comparison IV) were June, July, and September for Chlorophyta; February through April for Chrysophyta; and July and August for Cyanophyta. Comparisons (V-IX of table 5-7) illustrating ranked means for various other interactions are provided to further refine analysis of group percentage composition data; but are not discussed individually because of the level of detail they present. It is worth noting that analysis of groups by year and depth (comparison VIII) indicated that percentage composition was usually alike at all depths. Two well defined exceptions in 1983 occurred when significantly smaller proportions of Chrysophyta occurred at the 0.3 m depth which also contained relatively more Cyanophyta than other depths. Proportionally more Cyanophyta also occurred at 0.3 meters I than at 5.0 meters in 1982.

        ;   Abundance--Total phytoplankton abundance in the mainstream channel exhibited significant differences (table 5-8) for all main I        .

I effects (station, year, month, and depth). Significant interactions also occurred between station and month, year and month, and station, year and month. TRM 388.0 (farthest downstream of BLN) contained significantly (a = 0.001) more phytoplankton cells (376 x IO: cells /L) than either TRM 391.2 (immediately downstream of BLN) and TRM 396.8 (upstream) which I were similar (330 x 108 and 305 x 105 cells /L, respectively) (table 5-9). Total abundance was greater in 1976 (781 x 105 cells /L) and 1977 (770 x 103 cells /L) than other years (1978 not included in the four-way ANOVA). Abundance in 1983 (94 x 108 cells /L) was significantly lower than any other year. Combining all years, July had more phytoplankton (351 x 10* cells /L) than other months; October had fewer cells (101 x 108 cells /L) than other months. Significantly more phytoplankton were collected at the 0.3 and 1.0 m depths than at 3.0 and 5.0 meters (table 5-8, comparison IV). Significant interaction between station and month (comparison V) identified more phytoplankton during June and July at TRM 388.0, July at TRM 391.2, and July and February at TRM 396.8. Abundance in February was high in 1976 and 1977 (comparison VII) at all three channel stations (79-90 percent Chrysophyta). A similar analysis for overbank stations (1979-1983) also demonstrated highly significant differences for main effects (table 5-10). TRM 386.4 had more phytoplankton (663 x 108 cells /L) than TRM 388.4 (601 x 103 cells /L), which was in turn greater than TRM 391.1 (383 x 103 cells /L) (table 5-11, comparison I). Differences were also found among years, ranging from 862 x 108 cells /L in 1982 to 285 x 108 cells /L in 1983. More phytoplankton cells occurred on the left overbank in August (2,480 x l'es/L) than any other month (February I 102 I

I I excluded from the analysis). Cell numbers were lower in October (128 x 103/L) than other months. Significantly more phytoplankton also occurred at the 0.3 m depth than at 1.0 m. Interaction between stations and years (table 5-11, comparison V) indicated abundance at TRM 388.4 was not significantly different

   'during 1979 and 1982.                                                    Plankton abundance was greatest at TRM 386.4 in 1982 and at TRM 391.1 in 1979. Abundance was lowest at all stations during'1983. Also more phytoplankton were collected at the 0.3 m depth than at 1.0 m.

August had significantly more phytoplankton (comparison VI) than other months at TRM's 386.4 and 391.1. Abundance in June, July, and August'were similar at TRM 388.4 and higher than other months. Abundance data,, stratified by year and month (comparison VII) indicated more phytoplankton in June and July during 1979, July and August during 1982, and August during 1983 than other months. Greatest phytoplankton abundance in overbank habitat was 56,676 x 10" cells /L at TRM 386.4 in August 1982 (comparison VIII). l $ W Channel and overbank phytoplankton abundance was compared by habitat (combining stations) for 1982 and 1983 only because of unbalance in 1978 and 1979 data sets (refer to Data Analysis section of Materials and Methods). All main effects (habitat, year, month, and depth) showed significant differences (table 5-12), Interaction also occurred between habitat and year, habitat and month, year ar.d month, and habitat, year, and month. Abundance on the left overbank was significantly greater than in the channel (table 5-13). Other significant differences (combined , habitats) included greater abundance in 1982 compared with 1983, more I g m

I phytoplankton at 0.3 m than at 1.0 m, and greater abundance during June, July, and August than other months. Abundance of phytoplankton by group is shown in figures 5-14 through 5-21 for each year of sampling, including 1978 which was omitted from the ANOVA procedures. Compared to other years, 1978 (figure 5-18) was very productive in terms of overbank phytoplankton abundance. Cyanophyta dominated the 1978 phytoplankton assemblage from June through September, with a maximum of 27 x 106 Cyanophyte cells /L recorded in September at TRM 391.1. Very high abundance of Cyanophyta also occurred in 1982 (figure 5-20) at TRM 386.4 in June (15 x 10' cells /L) and August (47 x 105 cells /L). Maximum yearly abundance occurred mid-year in 1974 and 1975 (figures 5-14, 5-15), early in the year in 1976 (figure 5-16), early and again in mid-year in 1977 (figure 5-17), and mid-year from 1978-1983 (figures 5-18 through 5-21). Large abundances early in some years resulted from Chrysophyta production, while mid-year abundance resulted from large numbers of Cyanophyta, except in 1974 when Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta were dominant. Abundance was very low during 1983, except for June and August (figure 5-21). Temporal trends for total phytoplankton (figures 5-22 and 5-23), I Chrysophyta (figures 5-24 and 5-25), Cyanophyta (figures 5-26 and 5-27), and Chlorophyta (figures 5-28 and 5-29) indicated both long-term and short-term periodicity. Abundance in the mainstream channel during the approximate 10-year monitoring period indicated a cyclic pattern: beginning low in 1974, increasing through 1977, and declining during 1982 and 1983 to abundance levels at or below those measured in 1974. I'ost of these data did not fit the regression model, y a + bx, indicating no I 104 I

I linear increase or decrease over time (table 5-14). Only Cyanophyta I (which accounted for much of the 1975-1977 abundance increase and then l declined to zero levels of abundance in late 1982 and several months in 1983) showed a significant decrease in abundance over the study period. This decline was significant at TRM's 396.8 and 391.2, but not at TRM 388.0. Overbank abundance also declined from 1978 through 1983. Since the ov'erbank was not sampled during early years of the study which represented increasing (channel) abundance, overbank trends adhered better to the regression model. The only overbank station which did not demonstrate a significant decrease over time was TRM 384.6 (table 5-14). A large degree of short-term (yearly) periodicity in 1982 and 1983 at this station (figures 5-23, 5-25, 5-27, and 5-29) prevented the decrease. Short-term periodicity usually coincided with annual temperature curves (Chapter 2.0), with low abundance in February, increasing abundance during warmest months, and declining abundance in October. Exceptions occurred in 1976 and 1977 when February abundance was highest (>80 percent Chrysophyta). These two years did not have the high January and February reservoir flows demonstrated for other years (figures 2-2 through 2-9). Therefore short-term periodicity appeared related to temperature and flow. Chlorophyll Biomass--Because of changes in field and laboratory techniques, chlorophyll data were not comparable over time. Within years I these data were variable in regard to monthly biomass production (table 5-15). Minimum and maximum mean values for channel and overbank habitats are sumarized below for the 'hree major phytopigments. I 135

I Channel Year Chi a (Months) Ch1 b (Months) __ Chi c (Months) 1974 1.07- 3.52 (Apr/Jun) 0.00-1.37 (Apr/Jun) 0.04-4.89 (Apr/Jun) 1975 0.09- 2.42 (Oct/Feb) 0.05-2.63 (May/Jul) 1.05-6.23 (Feb/Jul) 1976 1.15- 6.10 (Mar /Feb) 0.00-2.66 ( * /Aug) 0.37-6.89 (Mar /Feb) 1977t 6.83-13.64 (Mar /Feb) 0.00-0.00 (Mar /Feb) '0.11-2.88 (Mar /Feb) 1978t 4.47- 5.74 (Oct/Jul) 3.49-5.07 (Jul/Sep) 3.86-6.50 (Jul/Oct} 1982 0.99- 3.39 (Oct/May) 0.34-2.88 (Oct/Aug) 0.48-4.34 (Oct/Aug) 1983 1.04- 2.43 (Aug/Sep) 0.06-0.59 (Aug/Sep) 0.12-1.12 (Aug/Sep) Overbank Year Chi a (Months) Ch1 b (Months) _ Chi e (Months) 1982 2.91- 8.12 (Feb/May) 0.28-2.86 (Oct/Sep) 2.19-4.29 (Feb/Sep) 1983 1.89-12.46 (Oct/Jun) 0.23-0.87 (Oct/Aug) 0.42-1.33 (Jul/Jun) Chlorophyll a is the primary photosynthetic pigment for all phytoplank-ton; chlorophyll b is associated only with Chlorophyta and Euglenophyta; and chlorophyll e is found in Chrysophyta and Cryptophyta (Chang and Rossman 1982). Pigment extraction has been shown to be more difficult for Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta (Marker 1972) than other phytoplankton groups. Throughout the BLN preoperational study, months with maximum chlorophyll a., b, and c concentrations showed only occasional agreement with maximum abundanca peaks for phytoplankton groups during each year. Maximum channel chlorophyll a during the study occurred the first two months sampled in 1977 and the last four months of 1978 (figure 5-30). Relative concentration of chlorophyll a in figure 5-30 shows good agreement with total phytoplankton abundance for each year (ref. table I 5-9, comparison II).

  • March, April, June t1977: February and March only; 1978: July-October only E

l tac

I Chlorophyll a concentrations on the left overbank during 1982 and 1983 (figure 5-31) were much greater than corresponding channel amounts. The large amount of within-month variability among overbank stations (flow isolated) showed good agreement with abundance data (compare figure 5-31 with figures 5-20 and 5-21). The maximum single-sample chlorophyll a concentration measured during the study (channel and overbank) was 23.40 mg/m8 at TRM 391.1 in June 1983. Maximum single-sample values recorded each year are summarized as follows. I Channel Overbank I Year Ch1 a (mg/m8) TRM Month Chi a (mg/m*) TRM Month 1974 6.47 396.8 Aug - - - 1975 3.92 391.2 Feb - - - 1976 11.53 388.0 Sep - - - 1977 16.22 388.0 Feb - I 1978 10.21 396.8 Jul - - - 1982 6.54 391.2 May 15.23 386.4 Jul 1983 3.58 388.0 Sep 23.40 391.1 Jun I While some of the above maximum concentrations were within the 10-30 W mg/m8 range indicating potentially eutrophic conditions (Vincent 1981), mean concentrations (table 5-15) normally were much lower. Chlorophyll a concentrations measured in the vicinity of BLN during 1982 were also lower than concentrations measured during the same period in Wilson Reservoir, although large weekly variations in Wilson Reservoir occurred (Wade 1984). Maximum mean chlorophyll a concentration in Wilson Reservoir was 81.24 mg/m8 on April 17, 1982. Differences in habitat and water retention time between the BLN site on Guntersville Reservoir I I 137 I

i 1 and Wilson Reservoir (forebay area) likely accounted for the lower I concentrations at BLN. Relationship between chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a (degradation product of chlorophyll a) is expressed as a phaeophytin index (PI) value which indicates physiological state of the community. PI values close to 1.7 indicate algal populations consisting of mostly intact, nondecaying organisms (Weber 1973). Except for only an occasional high PI value, relatively large amounts of phaeophytin a (PI

 <1.60) were present at all stations and depths (channel and overbank) the first eight months of 1982 (tables 5-16 and 5-17).      By contrast, October 1982 and several months in 1983 (February, March, April, and August) had at least 50 percent of their PI values equal to or greater than 1.60,        I indicating healthy, viable phytoplankton populations.      However, 100 percent of the PI values during June and September 1983 were low.

Primary Productivity--Productivity data were expressed as mg C/m*/ hour, and mg C/m2/ hour, and mg C/m2/ day (table 5-18). The most meaningful expression of these data in regard to productivity of Guntersville Reservoir in the vicinity of BLN is in terms of the amount of carbon incorporated into the phytopla..i. ton under a square meter (five meteer. deep) for an entire day. This expression not only considers 1 amounts of light available during sample incubation and for the day, but also integrates depths within the opphotic zone, defined as the depth to which 1 percent of surface light penetrates (Jasper, et al. 1983). Daily productivity depends largely upon abundance and physiological state of the phytoplankton during sampling. In turn, abundance and physiological stato depends largely upon temperature, l 1 IJ8 I

I nutrients, rainfall, flow, and especially upon the quantity and quality of light present on and several days before sampling. Because of the complex interactions of these factors, explanation of variability in productivity among months and years (figures 5-32 and 5-33) is uncertain. liowever, periods of reduced and/or variable solar radiation on and especially several days before sampling (figures 2-2 through 2-9) appeat important in reducing phytoplankton productivity. Variability within a sampling period was related to total abundance of algal cells. Productivity ranged from 7-2,930 mg C/m2/ day in the channel and 7-3,231 mg C/m2/ day on the left overbank for the period 1974-1982 (table 5-18). Maximum productivity from both habitats occurred in July 1982. Significant questions regarding validity of 1983 results prevented discussion of that year's productivity estimates. Because relative amounts of solar radiation were similar during most surveys in 1982 and 1983 (figures 5-34 and 5-35), analytical problems regarding liquid scint}11ation counting are suspected. Phytoplankton productivity demonstrated considerable short-term periodicity (figure 5-36). Productivity usually was very low during l winter and autumn months and high during late spring and early sununer. lI There were no apparent long-term changes from 1974 through 1978. An overall increase may be indicated, based upon 1982 monthly (June-October) productivity estimates which were much greater than corresponding monthly estimates for the period 1974-1978. Overbank productivity was also very high in 1982, especially at TRM 386.4 (figure 5-37). Productivity in the channel was much greater at the 0.3 and 1.0 m depths than at 3.0 and 5.0 m depths (table 5-18). Overbank I I l

productivity was occasionally higher at the 1.0 m,(bo;Jom) depth than near the surface (i.e., May 1982). Depth differences in productivity are best evaluated by comparing light penetration dat a shown in tables 5-10 and 5-20 for channel and overbant stations, respectively. I 5.2.2 Zooplankton In Guntersville Retervoir, zooplankton are represented predomi-


nantly by two phyla: Rotifers (Rotatoria) and Arthropods (Cla4?cera and Copepoda). These organisms 9c9 sutject to reservoir currents, hence are_ not randomly distributed in the system but discontinuous (i.e., patchy) in their occurrence. This patchint as is further compoimded by vertical migrations in response to diel changes in light intensity. .')ensity and distribution of zooplankton in the vicinity of BLN are affected by water movement, season, localized habitat corditions, and the incidence of spates. These and other more subtle factacs acting in concert produce an assemblage which in the short term i< 1 year) isinherenthyvariableboth temporally and spatially. However, when several years of data are analyzed, either concurrently or year by year, trends in zooplankton community structure become more apperant. >This section addresses temporal and spatial changes lu the Jooplankton nssemblage, based'un approximately 300 two-replicats, samples, in Guntarsville Reservoir near Bl.N . Results for Each Sample Year--Sampibs were ecJ1ected from l 3 February through October to represent the biologically active period tv6 each year. Because of the inherent instabill'.y among f.pths, year became the first level of comparison with nign!f8 ant meaning. Important yearly i i s. x I


l ' 110 ' ' lt.

I observations, therefore, are described first, before evaluating overall trends representing the entire preoperational study period. 1974--During 1974 zooplankton collections were generally,domi-nated by cladocerans at the three channel stations although rotifers were I frequently dominant during the first part of the year (tabic 5-21) (there were no overbank stations prior to 1978). Abundances by month were consistently low, less than 8.5 x 108/m 8 , at all stations except during May when total abundance ranged between 63.1 x 10s (station 1)- and 122.1 x 108/m8 (station 2) (table 5-21). The May assemblage was predominantly Bosmina longirostris (a cladoceran)~which comprised more than 50 percent of total numbers (table 5-22). The rotifer, conochilus unicornis was the second most prevalent taxon making up 12 to 20 percent of numbers collected. These two taxa were responsible for the significant increase in zooplankton densities shown in figure 5-38. The entire study series (1974-1983) showed the cladoceran B. longirostris is typically becoming the dominant taxon in late spring (Apell-May) and generally dominant or subdominant until the end of the sample year in Octobe'. Such was the case in 1974, when longirostris B_. was either first or second it abundance in 63 percent of all samples col-1ected from the mair-tream channel near BLN (table 5-23). The reason for the single prolific . ample period (May) is unclear, however such a pheno-menon was documented during other years in this study (see for example February 1977, all stations, and station 2 in 1978) (table 5-21) and other studies on upper Guntersville Reservoir (TVA 1978, 1979). A particular note of interest is that beginning in July and con-tinuing to the end of the year, Leptodora kindtil was mo:t numerous at I I 141

I ono alto and second in eight othors. Generally, this particular i cladoceran was only sparsely present relative to other zooplankton l species and, with the exception of three samples in September and October 1975, ranked lower than tenth in abundance in all samples collected in the period 1975-1983. The population expansion of this relatively minor species (i.e. , generally present in mid to late sumer but in small numbers) suggests a syndrome of favorable conditions which occurre4 in 1974 or earlier and may have carried over into 1975. However, population levels of L. kindtil since that time indicated proper conditions have not reoccurred. The fact that L. kindtil (1) was the sub-dominant taxon at all stations in August 1974; (2) was either dominant or sub-dominant at two of three stations during July, September, and October 1974 (appendix B); and (3) was collected regularly leads to the inference: L. kindtil responded in 1974 to hydrologic and physicochemical factors which were not duplicated in the remaining sample years. The early portion of 1974 was dominated by larval copepods (nauplii) with rotifers sub-dominant. While this larval group tended to dominate the spring period, identifiable copepods (copopedids and adults) were quite sparse at all stations and, nauplii included, exceeded 1,000/m8 only during February and May (appendix E). This suggests copepods, and for that matter cladocerans and rotifers, shifted from a

" maintenance" level to the relatively high _"sumer" productivity level  I during May 1974 but did not continue the seasonal expansion of numbers into the summer.

I I 142 '

I l The three channel stations were analyzed via one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) by groups within months and by total zooplankton density at each station to determina whether the samples were drawn from a common assemblage. Of the 36 ANOVA's, 31 did not show enough difference to permit rejection of the null hypothesis at the a = 0.05 level. Station mean


densities of the five ANOVA which were significantly different at the a = Ot05 level were further compared using the Student, Newman, Keuls (SNK) Multiple }tange Test (table 5-25). While no clear pattern of differences was established, station 1 (downstream from BLN) generally had 2 fewer' organisms than station 3 (upstream) and station 2 at the plant (table 5-21). i With the exception of May, the 1974 zooplankton assemblage in the '1 vicinity of BLN showed little variation among stations with respect to species composition and abundance. The month of May was characterized by large increaces in Cladocera (B. longirostris) and rotifers (C_. unicornis), which masked conconnitant increases in larval copepods. During the latter part of the sample year L. kindtil (Cladocera) showed an increase in abundance, relative to the remainder of the assemblage, of a magnitude not observed during other sample years. The channel assemblage of zooplankton near BLN had nine taxa as dominant or sub-dominant during 1974 (table 5-23). Of these two tara were cladocerans (B. longirostris and L. kindtil), one copepod " taxon" (naupii larvae), and the remainder rotifers (table 5-23). Neither number of taxa nor diversity inder values (table 5-24) showed a clear advantage of one channel station over the others. Number of taxa was lowest (14) at I station 3 (TRM 396.8) in March and highest (35) at station 1 (TRM 388.0) in I w

I May; however, the average number of taxa collected each month was 22 (range 14 35) and was similar for each station (table 5-24). Diversity values ranged between 0.98 (station 3, October) and 3.54 (station 7, TRM 391.2, July) with a 1974 median diversity index of 2.60. The only time all diversity indices were over 3.0 was during April when diversity index values of 3.41, 3.19, and 3.44 were recorded at stations 1, 2, and 3, respectively (table 5-24). Based on the criterion that Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity (SQS) values > 70 indicate similarity, comparable taxa were present in 25 of 27 comparisons (table 5-26). In the two instances when the SQS values were less than 70 (stations 1-2, SQS = 65. February; and stations 2-3, SQS = 68, October) they were not greatly divergent from the standard. This test is a qualitative comparison and does not include organism abundance as does the Percentage Similarity (PS) coefficient proposed by Pielou (1976). Percentage Similarity ccmpares densities of each taxon at two locations providing a dimension not included in SQS. Sixty-three percent of the PS comparisons (17 of 27) were above the 70 percent criterion and were considered similar (table 5-27). 1975--The zooplankton assemblat,e present at Bl.N channel sta-tions in 1975 resembled that of 1974 in community composition by monthly interval; however, total density was reduced by about an order of magni-tude in 1975 (figure 5-39). The May samples showed highest densities ranging from 7.0 x 108/m3 to 8.2 x los/m* (table 5-21) with B. longirostris (Cladocera) as the dominant taxon (table 5-23). The rotifer, Synchaeta sp., was second in abundance and together with other rotifers made this taxonomic group dominar. in this month. I 144 I


E _ E The cycIle change in abundance of zooplankton by group was _


similar to that observed in 1974 (table 5-22). Copepods (primarily g m m nauplii) dominated February, March, and April, with rotifers (SyMhaete sp. and Koste11a sp.) occupying the sub-dominant positions (table 5-23).  != Beginding in May, B. longirostris was either dominant or sub-dominant [ [ throughout the remainder of the sample year. Community structure, based

                                                                                   'r on dominant and sub-dominant taza, showed 1975 was remarkably similar to   y f

1974 at all stations (table 5-23). [ The cladoceran, L. kindtil, once again increased in relative I abundance during the latter part of the year. This species was second in I E abundance at station 2 and third at station 3 in September. It was [. 3 -g fourth in abundance at station 3 in October and in all cases comprised, --e 7 percent or more of total zooplankton density. $ m_ The channel assemblage of zooplankton near Bl.N was composed f mainly of eight taxa during 1975 (table 5-23). The 1975 sample year was ' consistent among stations with respect to numbers of taxa present and i diversity. Number of taxa was lowest (8) at station 1 during February ( with the next lowest values (11 and 13) at station 2 and 3, respectively, 7 also during February. The greatest number of taxa (32) was collected $ k during August at station 2, while the average number of taxa per sample L 7 I was 21 (range 8-32) and was similar for each station. Diversity inder values ranged between 0.98 (station 1, August) and 3.35 at the same loca-h tion (station 1) during the following month (September) (table 5-24). E SQS and PS showed 21 (SQS) (table 5-26) and 15 (PS) ( (table 5-27) instances in 27 possible combinntions.where the stations had { comparable community structure. The PS values showed lowest degree of s I Y - N

I 1,45 J



I comparability among all stations during June, ranging from 34 to 50 percent. In 28 of 36 one-way ANOVA, the hypothesis of no difference was accepted at the a 0.05 level. Station means of the eight ANOVA which were significantly different were examined by SNK (tsble 5-25). While station 2 was median in abundance, stations 1 and 3 showed no pattern. The trend of station I having the lowest density observed in 1974 did not occur in 1975. Generally, the zooplankton assemblage at the three channel sta-tions near BLN showed little difference with respect to species composi-tion and abundance. Although the entire sample year was relatively light with respect to total densities and densities within groups (table 5-21), the frequency of occurrence of dominant and sub-dominate taxa (table 5-23) suggests a normal, albeit relatively sparse, convounity. The cladoceran, L. kindtii, comprised a large portion of the late summer / early fall assemblage but not to the degree observed in 1974. This sug-gests that those factors which elicited large numbers of this species in 1974 were diminished in 1975. 1976--February of 1976 showed ca assemblage dominated by roti-fers with Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp. being the dominant and sub-dominant taxa, respectively, at each of the three channel stations. Copepods (primarily nauplii) comprised the second most prevalent group, I while cladocerans were present at a " maintenance" level (< 1,000/m8) (table 5-21). Overall densities were drastically reduced in March (from about 48.0 x 10afes to near 4.0 x 108/m8). Rotifers (primarily l Keratella sp.) were again dominant at stat'ons 1 and 2 (appendix E), and l 146

I copepods (nauplii) continued as the sub-dominant category. At the up stream station (3) the dominant and sub-dominant roles were reversed for nauplii and Keratella sp. During April overall zooplankton densities increased to levels I intermediate between February and March; however, conununity structure changed (figure 5-40). The cladoceran, B. longirostris, dominated the group'and the assemblage at all stations, while rotifers were subdominant (Synchaeta sp. at stations 1 and 3, and Keratella sp. at station 2) (appendix E). In May overall numbers dropped again to near 9.0 x 108/m8 with rotifers (Keratella sp. dominant and Synchaeta sub-dominant) comprising more than 70 percent of the assemblage (table 5-22). In June B. longirostris once more became the dorninant zooplank-ter at all channel stations and continued as the most prevalent forrn throughout the remainder of 1976. This single taxon dominance coupled with strong rotifer representation by two taxa (Keratella sp. and Synchaeta sp.) was evidenced by the occurrence of only six taxa as either first or second in abundance in the 1976 channel at stations at BLN (table 5-23). Overall densities by taxonomic group were quite low in the latter part of th year, suggesting only maintenance levels of zooplank-ton production (table 5-21). This was particularly evident in August and Octobe,r.

         ,   The 1976 assemblage was characterized by the presence of more taxa per sample (average 29, range 18-41) than were recorded in the pre-vious years. Neither number of taxa nor diversity values showed a clear pattern for any particular channel station. Numbers of taxa were lowest I

I . 147

I (18) at station 1 (October) and station 3 (August), whereas station 2 had the greatest number (41) in June of 1976 (table 5-24). Diversity indices were less than 2.0 in February, Apell, and September and were greater than 3.0 only during June (station 3) (table 5-24). Relatively low div-ersity inder values in February and April, the two months of highest total densities, were due to samples being almost totally dominated by one or two taxa. Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp. comprised approximately 70 percent of total density at all stalons in February, while B. longirostris made up 53-64 percent of the total assemblage in April (appendix E). E In 32 of 40 one-way ANOVA tests, there were no significant differences (a = 0.05 level) among stations. Station mean densities of the eight ANOVA which were significartly different showed no clear pat-teen of abundances; however, station I was generally in the median posi-tion of the three channel areas (table 5-25). The 1976 assemblage showed more variability of composition based on SQS indices than was indicated by the PS index of similarity. Nine of 27 SQS values were less than the 70 percent level, with the low-est degree of similarity occurring late ;a the year (table 5-26). The Percent Similarity (PS) index based on both numbers of taxa present and their relative abundance showed 22 of 27 comparisons (81 percent) were similar (table 5-27). In summary, the 1976 zooplankton assemblage near Bl.N was domi-nated in the late winter and early spring by rotifers (primarily Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp.); however, th9 cladoceran, B,. longirostris, became the most prevalen* form in April. With the 148 l I

exception of May, when the rotifers again dominated the assemblage, B. longirostris dominated the remainder of the sample year at all sites. While each of the three channel stations was specifically identified by one or more of the analyses as different, there was no clear pattern of differentation. The three channel sample stations showed more similari-ties than differences throughout 1976. 1977--Greatest overall densities in 1977 occurred in February and March (figure 5-41), but varied considerably between the two months at station 1 (February total density = 86.6 x 108/m a; March density = 32.6 x 103/m8). The February assemblage was dominated by rotifers with Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp. being either dominant or subdominant at each channel station and comprising more than 75 percent of the zoo-plankton assemblage (table 5-21). March was also dominated by rotifers (table 5-22), however, a new genus, polyarthra sp., was sub-dominant (stations 2 and 3) for the first time (appendix E). I During April plankton densities decreased to less than 3.7 x 108/m8 at all stations (table 5-21) and were dominated by rotifers; however, cladocerans and copepods increased in relative abundance (table 5-22). This was due to drastic reduction in numbers of rotifers (table 5-21). Beginning in June and continuing through the remainder of 1977, the assemblage was dominated by nauplii, B. longirostris, Brachionus angularis, and Synchaeta sp. Brachionus angularis, a rotifer, comprised from 18 to 41 percent ot' the total assemblage during June. This was the first appearance of this species as either a dominant or sub-dominant in BLN samples. After early (February, March) peaks, zoo-I

A I plankton densities were moderate during the late spring and summer, and then dropped to low levels in October (table 5-21). The zooplankton assemblage was characterized by an average of 31 taxa (range 17-45) per sample and had no diversity index values which were less than 1 JJ (table 5-24). Diversity indices were less than 2.0 en only six occasions during 1977. These lower values were due to the assemblage being dominated to a large extent by one or two taxa (Keratella sp. and Synchaeta sp. in February, and B_. longirostris in May and August. Numbers of taxa were lowest (17) at station 3 in April and highest (42) at station 2 in September. Station 3 generally ha'd fewer taxa than either stations 1 or 2 (table 5-24). One-way ANOVA within months by taxonomic groups and total zoo-plankton densities at each station showed 10 of 36 instances when the null hypothesis (no difference among stations) was refuted at the a = 0.05 level. Station mean densities of those ANOVA which were signifi-cantly different showed no clear pattern of station differences was demonstrated (table 5-25). The overall trend was station 3 < sta-tion 2 < station 1. The 1977 zooplankton assemblagt, showed considerably more varia-bility of composition based on PS than were indicated by SQS values. Four of 27 SQS values were less than the 70 percent similarity level, with station 3 being different than station 1 in April and all stations I being different in October (table 5-26). This relatively high level of similarity using SQS was not supported by PS indices where all compari-sons during May, June, September, and October were less than 70 percent (table 5-27). Station 3 was involved in 7: of 16 instances where 1977 PS 1S0 I I

                                                                                             . . .       .. .. _     _ _ _    . .  - . .    . . . . .- .,  . . - - ,~          , . . - . , --

n - values were less than 70 percent, suggesting the community composition of this station was different during this sample year. The 1977 zooplankton assemblage near Bl.N was dominated by rela- - = tively large numbers of rotifers (Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp.) in

                                                                                                                                                                                              ':33 February and March, which persisted, at reduced densities, into May.

Nauplii were moderately abundant (= 6-8 x 108/m8) in February and E March and at lower densities during the remainder of the sample year; however, copepod adults did not comprise a large portion of the assem- _- blage. Only one species, Diaptomus reighardi, was present at more than l 250 individuals per cubic meter (251/m a at station 3 in July) (appen-7


dix B). These observations were consistent with zooplankton samples g c

   ;-                            collected in 1974, 1975, and 1976 (appendix E).                                                                                                               -[

f g Only six taxonomic forms including nauplii occurred as either y le y dominant or sub-dominant in 1977 (table 5-23), and two of these, > 7 35 Polyarthra sp. and Brachionus angularis had not previously occurred as a dominant form. In general, the three channel stations were not statis- 5 tically different during 1977; however station 3 had lower diversity 7 indices, lower PS values and fewer taxa than either stations 1 or 2.

                                                                                                                                                                                               -a i

, 1978--Beginning in March, three new sample sites--all in over-bank areas--were added to the sample regime at BLN (figure 5-1). These new stations differed considerably from channel stations both hydrolo- y B gically and biologically. In this report they will be discussed separately and then compared to describe those factors unique to either _ system. -


w The March 1978, zooplankton assemblage at channel stations near ] g BLN was dominated by rotifers and copepods (figure 5-42). Rotifers were 9 E W E a e gg - 151 E L u = f __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _


I! dominant with Synchaeta sp. being the major taxon and copepods (nauplii) the second most numerous group at each station. Cladocera were present at maintenance levels (< 0.7 x 108/m8) during this sample month (table 5-21). This changed considerably during April when B. longiro-stris dominated the assemblage at all stations, comprising 65 percent or more of total densities with nauplii second in abundance (table 5-22). In May, nauplii were dominant at stations 1 and 3, while Asplanchna sp. (rotifer) was most numerous at station 2 (appendix E). Sub-dominant taxa in May were conochilus unicornis (rotifer) at station 1, Synchaeta sp. at station 2 and B. longirostris at station 3. Percentage composition (table 5-22) and presence absence data (appendix E) suggested an equitable distribution of numbers among taxa. This was supported by the fact that five forms were either dominant or subdominant among the three stations (table 5-23). Beginning in June and continuing throughout the remainder of 1978, channel stations were dominated by either B. longirostris, Synchaeta sp., Brachionus angularis er nauplii (appendix E) with one exception. At station 3 in September, the cladoceran Alone11a sp. com-prised 50 percent of the total assemblage (table 5-22); however, total densities were quite low at the time (1.9 x 108/m8 at station 3). This was the first appearance of the taxon in the BLN zooplankton assem- , blage. Alone11a sp. was identified at station 6 (overbank) in September of 1978 and again at station 5 (overbank) in 1979 (appendix E). The fact j that this organism was collected in significant numbers (> 300/m8) only in September 1978 (the 1979 sample had only 33 specimens) suggested it was rare and that proper conditions for a celerated production occurred 152

only in autum 1978. This is not an unlikely phenomena for several of the Chydorinae, including this genus (Pennak 1978). Population densities were moderate during the period March through August except at station 2 in June when rotifer density, especi-I ally, Brachionus sp., was very high (figure 5-42). B. angularis, the dominant species was represented by 140.3 x 108/m8 individuals at this s'tation (appendix E), with overall rotifer densities exceeding 285.4 x 108/m8 (figure 5-42). While B_. angularis frequently was the , most numerous species at channel stations, this density was the highest 'I of any channel station during the entire preoperational sampling period. September and October samples were relatively sparse (table 5-21) when-compared with densities during the earlier part of the year. Total den-l sities ranged between 1.4 x 10s/m8 at station 2 in September and 5.2 x 108/m3 at the same location station in October. 1 W The 1978 channel assemblage had the highest average number of taxa for any channel series during all yeara of preoperational sampling (32 taxa per sample, range 21-41). Numbers of taxa were lowest (21) at station 3 in April and highest (41) at stations 1 and 2 during August (table 5-24). The station trend with respect to numbers of taxa per sample was station 3 < station 1 < station 2. While diversity indices showed no pattern among channel stations, the lowest diversity index value (0.96) occurred at station 3 in April, also the site of fewest taxa per sample in 1978 (table 5-24). Seasonally the lowest diversity indices (< 2.0) were in March and April (all stations) and in September . (station 1) and October (station 2); otherwise all diversity indices were gre.ter man 2.0 mab1e ,-2.). g I

   ,                                               1sa 1   - --

One-way ANOVA showed no si;nificant differences among stations in 23 of 32 tests. Station mean densities of the nine ANOVA which were , significantly different were subsequently analyzed using SNE tests (table 5-25). Taxonomic groups were quite variable, and although the stations were significantly different, no station pattern could be dis-cerned. When all groups were combined, station 3 had fewer organisms than either of the others but was significantly lower (P > 0.001) only in May (table 5-25). Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity showed station 3 to be dif-ferent from station 1 in May and different from stations 1 and 2 in September; otherwise based on taxa present, the stations were similar at the SQS - 70 percent level or better (table 5-26). However, PS indicated few similarities; March, April, and October were similar (PS > 70 per-cent) at all stations, stations 3 and I were similar in June, and sta-tions 1 and 2 in July (table 5-27). All others were different and sta-tion 2 was extremely poor (8-10 percent) in June. This occurred because of the very large numbers of rotifers (figure 5-42) at station 2. The 1978 channel zooplankton stations were moderately produc-tive and, except for two anomalies, were consistent with previous years. The anomalies were the peak abundance of rotifers, primarily B_. angularis, duriag June (station 2) and the occurrence of the clado-ceran genus Alone11a sp. as the dominant taxon at station 3 in September. These were first occurrences for both events during channel zooplankton sampling at BLN. Overbank stations had a different community structure and were much more productive than BLN channel sta' ions (figure 5-42). There were I 154

nine taxonomic forms which were either dominant or sub-dominant at over-bank stations, while only six forms were so designated at the channel stations (table 5-23). Generally, overbank stations had much larger populations than their channel counterparts during each sample period (table 5-21). The exceptions were during March (no difference, sta-tions 4 and 5), May (stations 5 and 6 less than station 1) and October (station 4 similar to stations 1, 2, and 3) (table 5-21). In June, sta-tion 2 densities were much higher than any other site. Overall differ-ences in community structure were evident in that B_. longirostris was dominant only twice (station 5, August and station 4, September) in over-bank stations, whereas in 1978 it dominated channel samples 14 times (appendix E). In March the overbank samples were similar to channel collec-tions with respect to both dominant forms (Synchaeta sp. and nauplii) and density (range 10.0 x 10s/m8--station 3 to 15.6 x 108/ms --station 6). In April rotifers (Asplanchna sp. and Synchaeta sp.) dominated the overbank assemblage and production was much higher than that observed in the channel (appendix E). This was not due to an absence of Cladocera (they were still present in numbers comparable to channel stations) rather it represents an expansion of rotifers (table 5-21). Copepod density was relatively low (2.2 x 108/m8 to 26.0 x 108/m8) but consistent throughout the year. The one exception was station 4 (0.2 x 108/m8) in September when only maintanence levels were o,bserved (table 5-21). As was the case in earlier years, copepod numbers were primarily larval (nauplii) and could not be identified to either genus or species. 155. i 1

I Figure 5-42 shows rotifers dominated the overbank zooplankton assemblage near BLN. Beginning early in the year dominance by Synchaeta sp. augmented by Asplanchna sp. in April, a relatively consistent pattern of rotifer domination of 1978 overbank stations was apparent (appendix E). As the year progressed, these taxa were supplanted by the genus Brachionus (B. angularis and B. budapestinensis) along with the genus Conochilus (C. unicornis and C. hippocrepis) until late summer when Conochilus sp. (predominately C. unicornis) dominated the overbank assemblage (appen- dix B). At irregular intervals, other rotifer taxa were either dominant or sub-dominant for one sample period at one station. These included: Platvias patulus (22 percent, Station 5) and Hexarthra sp. (16 percent, station 6) both in July (appendix E). One-way ANOVA identified significant differences in 18 of 32 overbank tests at a = 0.05. SNK Multiple Range Tests showed station 5 had fewer organisms than stations 4 and 6 and station 6 was the overbank location with the greatest overall zooplankton densities (table 5-25). Station 4 was quite variable, but was usually median particularly during March, June, and August. For one analysis (September, copepods) ANOVA was significant (F = 11.25, P > F = 0.00, and subsequent SNK test was not. This statistical anomaly occurs because the SNK test is an a posteriori test of differences which appear to be contributing to the significance of the ANOVA. When the decision is near the borderline for I a given probability level, an a priori test is more sensitive and in this case probably would have shown September copepods to be significantly different. The less sensitive a posteriori tost (SNK) did not; however, I



I when SNK shows significant differences among stations, one can ba sure _a priori tests would also have been significant (Sokol and Rohlf 1969). The 1978 overbank assemblage had an average number of taxa per sample of 34 (range 25-43) and had only one sample (April, station 6) I with a diversity inder less than 1.0 (table 5-24). Diversities less than 2.0 occurred during March (station 4) and October (station 6) and all others ranged between diversity index = 2.12 (station 4, September) and 4.05 (station 5, August). Results of SQS and PS comparisons of community similarity very graphically demonstrate the effects of abundance (PS) versus species presence-absence (SQS) on the respective indices. Five of 24 SQS values were less than 70 percent suggesting considerable similarity among overbank stations (table 5-26). When abundance was included (PS) only 2 of 24 similarity indices were greater than 70 percent (table 5-27). In all other cases, PS indices were less than 70 percent and in one instance dropped to only 5 percent similarity (stations 4 and 6 in September). These low PS values were due to the diversity of taxa present and the variability of abundance among taxa and among stations (appendix E). When channel and overbank stations were compared, several differences became apparent. For example all the dominant and sub-dominant taxa found at channel stations were also found at overbank stations but not vice-versa (table 5-23). This coupled with more taxa per sample in overbank stations (34, range 25-43) than in channel stations (32, range 21-41) suggested some stimulating factor at overbank stations that was either missing or the channel area. Two possibilities were (1) the reduction in overbank flow [because overbank l 9 157

I areas are behind strip (barrier) islands, which allow litited exchange of water between the two areas but ameliorates wind and current action] and (2) solar heating of the more shallow backwater areas, especially in the early spring. Both those parameters are discussed in sections 2.1 and I I 2.2 of this report. Reduced current with associated increased water residence time at the shallow overbank stations probably accounted for , the overall greater production in overbank areas when compared to channel areas (figure 5-42). Also, because overbank stations would be flow isolated (each developing a more resident, unique assemblago than channel consnunities), larger differences among overbank stations were possible. Analysis of variance and subsequent SNK tests showed the channel stations had fewer organisms (by taxonomic group and by total I density) than did the overbank stations. The density array by station was structured 3<1<2<5<4<6 with stations 3, 1, and 2 being different from the remaining stations at a significance level of 0.0001. This coupled with differences in species composition and species dominance indicated aspects of the zooplankton community that can not be I measured by examining only one of the habitat types. 1979--The 1979 main channel senes of zooplankton samples was discontinued except for one station (station 3, TRM 396.8) which was retained for comparative purposes. Because only one channel station was examined it will be considered along with the overbank stations instead of being analyzed separately. During February, March, and April the zooplankton assemblage was dominated by Rotifera and/or Copepoda, with mean monthly densities ranging between 42.2 x 108/m* at station (channel) in February and I 158 I l l


/ 1.2 x 108/m8 at the same station in April (table 5-21). Rotifers and copepods comprised from 84 percent to 98 percent of the assemblage during the same period (table 5-22). Dominant taxonomic forms at all stations during the first three months of 1979 were either Synchaeta sp. or l nauplii (table 5-23). The four dominant or sub-dominant forms observed at the channel station (number 3) were included among the twelve forms  ! which were most numerous at the three overbank stations (table 5-23). In February, zooplankton production was moderate with total densities ranging between 23.0 x 108/m 8 and 42.2 x 10s/m8 and ' were dominated by Synchaeta sp., except at station 6, where nauplii were comprised more than 50 percent of the assemblage (table 5-22). Although the dominant taxa remained the same, densities dropped appreciably during March and April at both channel and overbank sites (table 5-21). The channel station had more individuals than overbank areas only once--February. Throughout the remainder of the sample year overbank stations were several times more productive than the channel stations. Except for June, nauplii (young copepoda) were either the dominant or sub-dominant at one or more sample sites during the entire sample year (appendix E). This indicates continued copepod reproduction although mature copepod domination of the assemblage was rare (table 5-23). Total densities varied between moderate and maintainence levels throughout most of the sample year. The exception was station 6 during June,-July and August when densities, relative to the remainder of the year,iwere quite high (figure 5-43), being 123.4 x 108/m8, 124.2 x 108/m8 and 167.6 x 10s/m8, respectively, for the three periods. In each instance of high zooplankton densities, Rotifera were predominant lE I E  ! l l 159 l

7 I l (table 5-22). Asplanchna sp., and Brachionus angularis dominated the g , gi ' June sample at station 6; however these two taxa only comprised 40 percent the rotifer population. This suggests several other rotifer species were well represented in the sample and the diversity inder supports this (table 5-24, diversity index = 3.51). During July at station 6 rotifers were represented by the family Conochiloidae (primarily Conochilus unicornis) which comprised over half the rotifer density of 107.4 x 108/mS . The conochilus sp. population peaked in August at station 6 (appendix E), when the group made up 80 percent of the total rotifers (table 5-22) and accounted for 121.2 x 108/m 8 of 167.6 x 108/m* total zooplankton at the site. In spite of large densities in February at station 3 (channel), numerical abundance of zooplankton in 1979 was clearly greater in all overbank stations than at channel stations. Based on mean densities over the year by station the trend was station 3 < 4 - 5 << 6. The 1979 overbank assemblage had fewer taxa per sample than observed in 1978 (1978; 34 taxa, range 25-43 versus 1979; 32 taxa, range 19-41), while station 3 (channel) showed an average of 29 taxa (range 23-35) (table 5-24). Diversity indices were generally good with a median of 2.88 and a range of 1.03 to 4.14 at overbank stations and a

 . median of 2.32 (range 1.01-2.77) at the single channel station. There were no diversity index values less than 1.0; however, lower diversities tended to occur either early (February and March) or late (September and i   October) in the sample year (table 5-24).

One-way analysis of variance (overbat.k stations only) showed 24 1 , of 36 ANOVA significantly different at the 2 = 0.05 level. However SNK I 160

l 1 l Multiple Range Tests showed only 22 of the 24 ANOVAS to be significantly different based on the conservative a posteriori determination (table 5-25). ANOVA for June showed Clodocera (F = 9.99, P > F = 0.05) and, Rotifera for all of 1979 (F = 3.54, P > F = 0.045) to be different, however their densities did not permit separation of distinct stations using SNK. Based on the SNK tests which were significant, the overall pattern of difference was 4 < 5 < 6 and was generally consistent throughout the sample year (table 5-25). Results of SQS and PS comparisons showed a series of highly variable sample stations (table 5-26 and table 5-27). In 1979, 15 of 27 SQS comparisons involving overbank stations showed values 2 70 percent whereas in only 5 of 27 tests was the channel station (3) similar to overbank stations at the SQS 2 70 percent level (table 5-26). In June SQS levels for all station comparisons were equal to or greater than 70 percent indicating a well mixed assemblage throughout the reservoir in the vicinity of BLN (table 5-26). When numerical abundance was incorp-orated into the test (PS) it was apparent that little overall similarity existed (table 5-27). In only seven of fifty-four instances were PS values 2 70 percent. In 26 of 27 possible PS station comparisons, station 6 was less than the preferred percentage similarity of 70 per-cent, indicating this station was distinctly different from the others. In summary, the 1979 overbank zooplankton assemblage near BLN showed considerable variability with respect to both taxonomic structure l and relative abundance. While stations 4 and 5 were not significantly different when overall plankton densities were considered, 8 of 15 SNK tests showed station 4 to have fewer organisms per taxonomic group than lI 161

I . other sites (table 5-25). Station 6 had 11 occasions when taxonomic groups were significantly more numerous than stations 4 and 5. Based on these 1979 results the overbank assemblage in the vicinity of BLN should be ranked 4 < 5 < 6. When the channel station was compared with overbank stations there was little evidence the two areas were similar. With the exception of February, total density at the channel station was several times less than at overbank stations during the same period. When station 3 was compared with data from all three channel stations during previous years, the average number of taxa per sample in 1979 (29, range 23-35) was equal to the median value for the years 1974-1978. Only in 1975 were mean zooplankton densities in channel stations consistently lower than those observed at station 3 in 1979. This sug-gests station 3, the most upstream site (TRM 396.8) may not have been the most appropriate site for relating previous channel samples to the 1979 group. 1982--After a hiatus of two years, zooplankton sampling was resumed at channel and overbank stations in February 1982. Zoopl ankton densities were moderate (< 16.0 x 108/m8; co maintainence level (< 2.0 x 108/m8) at channel stations throughout the sample year (table 5-21), and during February and March, populations were dominated by Copepoda (nauplii) and Rotifera (Synchaeta sp.) (appendix E). In April, B. longirostris, nauplii, Asplanchna sp., Synchaeta sp., and Brachionus calyciflorus became a significant part of the zooplankton l assemblage (appendix E) but varied from station to station with rea.ard to l 162 I l

I dominant and sub-dominant forms. April was the last time, except sta-tion 2 in' July, that rotifers comprised more than 10 percent of the channel zooplankton assemblage in 1982 (table 5-22). In May the assem-blage'was almost completely dominated by Cladocera (Bosmina longirostris) (table 5-22 and appendix E). In June the entire channel assemblage was dominated by copepods (table 5-22). These were either larval (nauplii) or sub-adult (calanoid) forms and at no time were enough adults present to materially affect the mature zooplankton assemblage (appendix E). Beginning in July and continuing through October the channel zooplankton assemblage was dominated by the cladoceran, B. longirostris. With the exception of station 2 (July), when the rotifer conochiloides sp. was II second in abundance, the second most prevalent form was copepod nauplii (immatures, station 3 July) (appendix E). The 1982 sample year showed more variety among channel station dominant taxa than previous years with nine forms being either dominant or sub-dominant at some period (table 5-23). However, as in the past three forms: Cladocera, B. longirostris; Copepoda, nauplii; and Roti-fera, Synchaeta sp., were the primary constituients of the channel group (table 5-23). Samples in 1982 had an average of 20 taxa (range 9-31) per two-replicate sample (table 5-24). This was equal to the lowest number of taxa found in previous years (20, range 8-32, 1975). Conununity diversity (diversity index) values were relatively low with six instances when diversity inder was less than 1.0 and only 4 diversity index values > 3.0 (table 5-24). Those diversity indices less than 1.0 occurred when a single taxon (in all cases B. longirostris) made I


I up more than two-thirds the total assemblage at a given station (appendix E). In 1975, 96 percent of the two-replicate samples had a CV < 40 percent indicating consistent sampling within the same zooplankton community. In 1982 only 76 percent of the CV's were equel to or less than 40 percent, suggesting considerably more variability among rep 11-cates. Except for February, Guntersville Reservoir flow regimes were generally lower than normal and should not have affected replicapability (figures 2-36 through 2-40). At present there are no obvious reasons why coefficients of variation were high in 1982. One-way ANOVA used to test for differences in zooplankton abun-dance (either by taxonomic group or total density) at channel stations showed 14 of 36 instances when the hypothesis of no difference in mean density was rejected at the a = 0.05 level. When these significantly different ANOVA were treated by SNK analysis 13 continued to be different (table 5-25). Although there were exceptions, the general trend among channel stations was 1 < 2 < 3 with respect to zooplankton densities. The 1982 channel assemblage showed considerable variability of composition based on SQS and PS indices. In 15 of 27 SQS tests the zoo-

plankton community did not achieve the 70 percent similarity index expected for samples taken from similar assemblages (table 5-26). In February, N eh, and October all comparisons among stations showed dif-ferences. During July and August, all channel stations were similar at i the SQS > 70 percent (table 5-26). This mid-summer congruence between

( stations as evaluated by SQS did not persist when percentage similarity 1G4 I

I (PS) determinations were made (table 5-27). In July the channel assem-blage was noarly at 70 percent similarity levol (stations 1 and 2 wore 68 percent PS and the others t 70 percent PS); otherwise PS indicos showed a taxon / abundance similarity that was 2 70 percent just five times for the year (table 5-27). This degree of dissimilarity was unu- sual in channel stations where hydrologic conditions tend to be more con- slotent than in overbank areas. The relatively high taxonomic and abun- dance variability may have been the result of those factors which lead to high coefficients of variation between replicates. In 1982, overbank stations were generally more productive than channel areas (table 5-21); however, community structure between channel and overbank stations did not vary as much as in prior years. Percentage composition by taxonomic group showed differences at stations 5 and 6 in May, and station 4 in June when rotifer abundance was greater than at other. locations (table 5-22). Rotifers continued to dominate at sta-tion 4 throughout the remainder of the year (figure 4-44); however, at other overbank stations there was a more equitable mix of major groups (table 5-22). There were twelve taxonomic forms which were either domi-nant or sub-dominant at overbank stations in 1983 (table 5-23). One rotifer, Brachionus caudatus, was second in abundance at station 4 in August. While this species occured routinely as e part of the rotifer assemblage, this is,the only time during these studies that it was numer-ous enough (16.8 x 108/m a

                              ) to be classified as sub-dominant (appen-dix E).

Zooplankton densities in overbank areas were_ generally moderate I throughout the year except at station 4 during August, September and I 165'

I October (table 5-21 and appendix E). Beginning in August, rotifer and copepod (nauplii) densities at station 4 were several times greater than observed at other stations (figure 5-44). While stations 5 and 6 showed the cladoceran, B. longirostris and nauplit as the dominant forms during August, September, and October, as did the channel stations, the assem-blage at station 4 was quite different (appendix E). Seven rotifer taxa at station 4 were more abundant than B. longirostris, suggesting some factor, not present at other stations, was promoting rotifer production at this site. This high rotifer production relative to other overbank stations continued at station 4 during the remainder of the sample year (table 5-21, figure 5-44). Average number of taxa per sample in overbank stations was the same as at channel stations (20, range 9-32). This was quite low com-pared to 1978 (34 taxa, range 25-43) and 1979 (32 taxa, range 19-41). Because no samples were taken during 1980-1981, it was not possible to determine whether this represented a natural fluctuation (see 1975 data) or an aberation related to sampling. Three diversity values were less than 1.0 in 1982 (table 5-24), compared with only one value less than 1.0 (1978, station 6, April) at overbank stai. tons in 1978 and 1979 combined (table 5-24). In 12 of 36 one-way ANOVA either group or total density was significantly different (a = 0.05) among overbank stations. When these 12 were subjected to SNK Multiple Range Tests all were significantly dif-ferent. Only Cladocera was not significantly different among overbank stations throughout the sample year (table 5 '5). When total densities were tested over all months in 1982, resu'es were significantly different I 166 I I

I among the P > F = 0.0009 level. The SNK array was stations 6 < 5 < 4 (table 5-25). This was not unexpected in view of the dis- parity of zooplankton densities at the three stations (figure 5-44). Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity showed the overbank stations were similar at the 70 percent level in May and July of 1983 (table 5-26). No station comparisons met the criterion of 70 percent similarity (SQS) during March, September, and October. One or more sta-tion pairs were similar during February, April, June, and August, but no discernible pattern was evident (table 5-26). Generally overbank sta-tions were similar to channel stations in that the greatest degree of congruence based on SQS occurred May through August of 1983. Only 7 of of 36 percentage similarily (PS) values were above 70 percent and these showed no meaningful pattern (table 5-27). The fact that September and October of 1982 had only two instances (SQS, channel, stations 2-3 and I PS, channel, stations 1-2) among 24 comparisons where channel similarity indices were > 70 percent and none for overbank stations, confirms con-siderable aberation in taxonomic structure of the zooplankton community near BLN (table 5-26 and table 5-27). When channel and overbank stations were compared, their overall similarities were greater than their differences. Synchaeta sp. and nauplii dominated the assemblage in both areas during February, March, and April (appendix E). May and June patterns of dominance showed Bosmina longirostris and nauplii, respectively, at all stations. How-  ! I ever, in July and August, Cladocera were most prevalent at channel sta-tions, whereas rotifers dominated the overbank areas (table 5-22). This I trend persisted throughout the. remainder of the sample year at channel ' l 167 l

                                                                                      *3i N
                                                              ,              1 stations and at overbank r.ction 4. Overbank stations 5 and 6 were gen-erally similar to each other Iarticularly with respect to dominant or sub-dominant taxa 18. longirostris or nauptii) during the period July'               ,

through October 1982. An analysis of var 13nce on total densities over all months by

                                                                                                     'E 5 station (stations were not rwated by channel and overbank treatments) was significantly different at the 0.0001 legal.        GNK tes(s of mean                                 '

zooplankton densities by station showed_2 < 1 < 6 < 5 1.3_ < 4 with , n . ( ( station 4 being different because of thI hir,N s rotifer dt.nsities during g August September, and October of 1982. - E 1983 --The 1983 chtnnel zooplankto'n assemblagt in the vicinity of BLN was charactrized by low densities in Febr'uary, March,pnd April at all stations (table 5-21). ,Densit les,- increased by an crder of magnitude E 3 in May (table 5-21) and shifted from rotifer domination to a system that was comprised primarily of Cin<locera (table 5-22). TheshNiinper- E t centage was due to an increase in B. longirostric at all steatons with no concommitant change in copepod or, rotifer numbers (table.5-21). Total , zooplankton densities dropped back yo maintenance levels'dt all stat' ions in June and remained low until Cr.tober w;.wa once agkih Cladocet a (B. longirostris) densities increased (table 5-21, figure 5-45). ' l .N l Taxonomically the 1903 channel stations followed the trend that a i was shown in earlier sample years,-with' rotifers (usually Synchaata sp.) .

                                                                \Q .

and copepods (nauplii) dominating the spring assemblage-(appendix E). In l Februaryadifferentrotifer(Epiphanesmacrourasswasthegominantat station 1 and was sub-dominant at station 2. This species had previously i occurred in the zooplankton assemblage; h<iever its numbers were usually ' g '. 1 ' l N $ 1G8 d

less than 100/m8, whereas in February, E. macroura der.sity was approxi-mately 1.2 x 10 /m8 at stations 1 and 2 (appendix E). Beginning in May, Cladocera dominated the channel assemblar; and, with nauplii, remained most numerous throughout the sc ;,ie year except at station 1 in September when rotifers comprised 31 percent of the community (table 5-22). The sample year had nine taxonomic forms which, at one or more times, were either first or second in abundance , (table 5-23). Three taxa were reported as either dominant or subdominate for the first time at channel stations. They were: Epiphanes macroura, I a rotifer; Diaptomus roighhardi, a copepod; and Diphanosoma leuchtenbergianum, a cladoceran. However, D. leuchtenbergianum was second in abundance at overbank station 4 in August 1979. The remaininr, dominant forms have occurred regularly throughout the sample series and constitute a normal channel assemblage in the area. Fewer taxa were eclle,cted during 1983 thar, in any previous year (average number of taxa m 16, range 9-24), and overall replicate variability as measured by coeffi-cient of variation (CV) was poor. Only 70 percent of replicates had CV

           $ 40, whereas the CV was less than 40 in more than 89 percent of samples taken during 1974 through 1979. It is not known whether the fewer taxa I   collected in 1983 are due to variability in sampling or to some differ-ence in the zooplankton assemblage evidenced during 1983, and to some degre.e in 1982.

The channel assemblage had eight community diversity indices less than 1.0. These occurred primarily during May (stations 1 and 2),

   ,       September (stations 2 and 3) and October (all channel stations)

(table 5-24). Diversities ranged between 0.14 (rtation 2 in October)'and ! 163 l

I 3.36 (station 2 in July). In all instances where diversity' values were loss than 1.0 the assemblage was dominated by one spectos (B. Jongirostris) which made up more than 85 percet.t; of total zooplankton i density (appendix E). One-way ANOVA used to test for differences in zooplankton densities showed 5 of 36 tests where the hypothesis of no difference in mean density among channel station was rejected. When these were examinod by SNK, four of the five ANOVA showed significant station differences based on this a_ posteriori test (table 5-25). Although no clear pattern was evidenced for stations I and 2, station 3,had the few-est individuals. Station ranking by abundance was station 3 < 1 < 2. Like the 1982 assembla6e,; zooplankton in 1983 showed con-i I siderable variation between stations based on SQS and PS values. In 16 of 27 SQS comparisons between channel stations the similarity quotient was less than the preferred criterion of 70 percent similarity (table 5-26). In two months (April and June) all channel station com-parisons either met or exceeded the 70 percent criterion, and in two I< months (September and October) all stations comparisons were Issa than ' 70 percent (table 5-26). Stations 1 and a showed the greatest-degree of ' similarity, especially during the first half of the sample year, whereas . stations 1 and 2 differed in taxonomic similarity in 7 of 9 months sampled (table 5-26). When adjusted for abundance (i.e., Percentage I Similarity), PS comparisons showed 15 of 27 instances when station com-parisons were less than 70 percent (table 5-27). In only one month (March) was there a 70 percent congruence amo,g all channel sites. The PS values showed station 1 versus station / to have the highest degree of l l 170 2 I I s

similarity (S of 9 months), whereas this pairing showed the best almi-larity using SQS index. This suggests that while the two stations were quite-dissimilar taxonomically, abundances of taxa in common were rela-tively similar. Both SQS and PS tests are in agreement with the infer-sence that a low degree of similarity with respect to both taxonomic structure and relative abundance within taxa was evidenced among channel zooplankton assemblages near BLN in 1983. Relatively low similarities were expected in areas where flow is slight (e.g., overbanks), thus allowing one or a few taxa to expand their numbers and produce a " patch" that would not resemble neighboring L'< patches. Conversely in sample areas of moderate discharge effect (e.g., channel), one expects the assemblage to be relatively well mixed hence have a good degree of similarity. Discharges at Nickajack Dam (upstream) and Guntersville Dam (downstream) in 1983 (table 2-1) do not suggest long ' EN periods of little or no flow in the vicinity of BLN. Relatively low

.,I densities and reduced numbers of taxa were documented in 1974 and 1975 so

( this may be a periodic cycle in the zooplankton community. In 1983, as was the case in prior years, the overbank assem-blage indicated more production than in channel areas (table 5-21). Based on group composition, overbank arpes were similar to the main I g channel with rotifers and copepods dominating the assemblage early in the year (February, March, and Apell) and Cladocera at the end of the sample L' year (September and October) (table 5-22). Contrary to channel stations, rotifers continued to dcminante the overbank assemblage throughout the sumner except for July (very low abundance at all stations) when copepods I I . 171

I (naup111) comprised 87 percent, 57 percent, and 78 percent of the zoo-plankton at stations 4, 5, and 6, respectively (table 5 -22) . Gonorally, zooplankton densities at overbank stations were approximately five times greater than at channel stations. Stations 4, 5, and 6 had 13 taxonomic forms which were either dominant or sub-dominant one or more times during the year (table 5-23), with three taxa classified as first or second in abundance for the first time in the monitoring period. They were: Bosminopsis sp. (Cladocera--station 4, September), and the rotifers Monostyla sp. (station 5, July) and Trichotria sp. (station 5, February) (table 5-23). In each instance overall densitites were low ($ 2.7 x 108/m8), therefore these may be instances when relatively minor but consistently present taxa became dominant due to absence of a more normal assemblage (appendix E). Densities wore quite vari..%1e among overbank stations and throughout the sample year (figure 5-45). June samples had the highest overall densities, as well as the highest individual station value (station 6), while July samples yielded the least overall numbers of any sample month in 1983. Synchaeta sp. (231.7 x 108/m8) accounted for more than 69 percent of total plankton aoundance (334.4 x 108/m8) at station 6 in June (appendix E). Further evidence of overbank density variability in 1983 occurred in March when station 6 had the lowest total zooplankton density (0.47 x 108/m8 ) of any overbank sample. This I nadir was surpassed by only one other sample (station 3, October 1977, total density = 0.4 x 10a/m8 ) during the entire investigation. Average number of taxa per sample in overbank stations was the lowest reported for the four years (19, r.nge 8-31). In previous sample I I 172 I

I years, the trend had been for overbank and channel samples to have about the same average number of taxa per sample within a particu?.ar year. However the average number of taxa varied considerably from year to year. Although overank stations were not sampled in 1974 and 1975, the taxonomic composition of channel stations was comparable to 1982-1983 (table 5-24). This cyclic trend should be considered when zooplankton sampling is resumed at BLN. Very low diversity indices (diversity index < 0.25) were observed in October at all overbank stations (table 5-24). These I occurred because the cladoceran B. longirostris made up 88 percent to - 94 percent of total zooplankton density (total density range 15.4 x 108/m3 to 23.4 x 108/m8) at overbank stations (tables 5-22 and appendix E). Diversity indices ranged between 0.18 (station 6, October) and 3.95 (station 6, March) with 17 of 27 diversity indices greater than 2.0 (table 5-24). One-way analysis of variance showed 9 of 36 instances when the null hypothesis (i.e., no difference among stations) was rejected (table 5-25). When these were tested by SNK all were significant (table 5-25). Station 4 as generally had significantly greater abun-dances than either stations 5 or 6; however, no consistent pattern was established because of replicate variability. Rotifers in June were not significantly different at station 6 (density = 289.5 x 108/m8) from other overbank stations because of high coefficients of variation (CV) at station 4 (CV = 136) and station 6 (CV = 61). If replicates within sam-ples had been in the preferred range of CV <40, station 6 would have been significantly different from stations 4 and 5. I I 17;t t

I Based on the 70 percent SQS criterion, only in June were assem-blages comparable at all sites (table 5-26). In total, only 9 of 27 com-parisons met the 70 percent criterion (table 5-26). PS indices also showed a poor degree of similarity. When zooplankton densities were included in the analysis, stations 5 and 6 were similar at the PS 2 70 percent level in May and all three overbank stations were similar in October (table 5-27). The October sample series was totally dominated (2 88 percent of total numbers) by B. longirostris at each station, therefore high PS similarities were expected. Otherwise, 23 of 27 PS simmilarity tests showed the assemblages to be different among stations (table 5-21). In 1983 the zooplankton assemblage near BLN was characterized by extremes at both channel and overbank stations. For example, sta-tion 6 had the greatest (334.4 x 108/m8, June) and least (0.5 x 108/m8, March) overbank zooplankton density estimates of thr, entire investigation (appendix E). Also community similarity based on SQS and PS indicators showed both channel and overbank sites to be only occasionally similar to each other. When SQS values for channel stations in 1983 were compared with those from IS,d, only 11 of 27 stations were comparable in 1983, whereas in 1975, 21 of 27 comparisons were similar at the 70 percent level or greater (table 5-26). Though different in degree of station similarity, the two years were similar with respect to average number of taxa per sample, total zooplankton densities, species diver-sity, and numbers of dominant and sub-dominant forms. They were also similar in that the early part of both sample years (February-May) was l dominated by rotifers (primarily Synchaet sp.) and immature copepods 174 I

I (nauplii) with B. longirostris increasing in density in early summer (May-June) and dominating the assemblage during the remainder of the sam-ple year. SQS and PS values in 1983 seem to be due to station differ-ences with respect to less abundant taxa and to inconsistencies among replicates. Because of these inconsistencies and the lack of zooplankton samples in 1980-1981, it is possible to hypothecize (conjecture) but not demonstrate a relatively long-term periodicity (ca. 7-8 years) of cycli-cal zooplankton production in Guntersville Reservoir in the vicinity of BLN. Other investigations in the reservoir have shown similar phenomena I (TVA 1983a). Seasonal Variations in Zooplankton Assemblages--Figures 5-38 through 5-45 demonstrate temporal and numerical instability of the zoo-plankton assemblage. However, in spite of these fluctuations.certain seasonal trends were established over the span of the investigation. I certain taxonomic forms were ubiquitous in their occurrence throughout the sample year (B. longirostris, nauplii, Synchaeta sp. and except for August of some years, Keratella sp.) as either dominant or I sub-dominantinabundanceatchanneland/orod$oanksites. However the periods of dominance and the number of dominant taxa varied with season. In the period February-April rotifers (Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp.) l were generally the most prevalent taxa with immature copepods (nauplii) i second in abundance (table 5-22 and appendix E). Numbers of taxa were also reduced in the overwintering populations in both channel (average number of taxa = 21, range 8-35) and overbank (average number of taxa = 22, range 11-41)' stations during February-April when compared to , 1 annual averages of 25 tara, range 9-45.(channel) and 26 tara, range 8-43 I g as

I (overbank). This was particularly evident in February (table 5-24) when overwintering forms were either rarely present in the water column or still in the " resting" ogg stage and thus were missing from the samples. However when conditions were favorable for a group (e.g., rotifers in February and March, 1976) they produced considerable densities (~ 48 x 103/m8 ) early in the sample year (table 5-21), The two dominant taxa during this expansion were Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp. (appendix E). While these two taxa established the pattern for the early season, other rotifers on occasion contributed significantly to early season zooplankton densities. Two taxa, one in channel samples (Epiphanes macroura) and a second in overbank samples (Trichotria sp.), showed early season cycles of abundance in 1983. I Although rotifers usually continued to dominate the assemblage in April, Cladocera (B. longirostris) typically began their increasing in density and by May were co-dominant with larval copepods (nauplii) as the most numerous forms; especially in channel areas. Even with these sample sites (channel) being generally dominated by nauplit and B_. longirostris, I the summer zooplankton assemblage cotild best be characterized as diverse with respect to abundance of taxa and cowuunity dominance (appendix E), Channel stations had one unique sub-dominant taxon among summer zooplank-ton, the copepod, Diaptomus reighardi (July, station 1). This was one of only two instances when mature copepods were either dominant or sub-dominant in a sample (appendix E). Overbank stations in summer had five taxa occurring as dominant forms in the area (overbank) and season (May-July). They were all rotifers and included, Brachionus quadridentatus, E I 17G I

I Conochilus hippocrepis, Hexarthra sp., Monostyla sp., and Platylas patulus (table 5-23). Beginning in May and continuing through August several tata of Conochilidge were at peak production in the reservoir near BLN. While both channel and overbank stations had substantial numbers of these organisms they were generally more prevalent in overbank areas (table 5-23) where they were occasionally either dominant or second in abundance throughout the remainder of the sample year (September-October). This trend was not observed at channel stations. I The genus Brachionus, another rotifer, began to dominate the assemblage during June of most sample years and was a major part of the comunity throughout the remainder of the year. There were five species (g. angularis, R. budapestinensis, B. calyciflorus, B. caudatus, and R. quadridentatus) which were either dominant or sub-dominant at one or more stations. Although some taxa were quite abundant at both channel and overbank sites (e.g., B_. angularis), when weighted by years sampled, representatives of the genus Brachionus were more than twice as prevalent at overbank stations than in channel areas (table 5-23). The months of August through October, particularly October, were characterized by a diminished number of taxa collected, as well as a general reduction in productivity, (table 5-24 and figures 5-38 through 5-45). Two taxa were unique to channel stations as dominant (Alonella_ sp.) and sub-dominant (Diaptomus pallidus) during this season. Docu-mentation of the copepod D. pallidus as sub-dominant (August, station 3) represented the second time during this entire investigation that a mature copepod contributed significantly to the community assemblage. As 177

I a group, the copepods, were always well represented by nauplii (larval forms) in these investigations but were sparsely present as mature ' adults (<7 percent overall) in the assemblage. At present, it is not known whether this was due to cropping of the larger organisms by predators or to adults being poorly sampled because of their proximity to the sub-strate during daylight hours or if this is the natural population dynamics of this reservoir. Pennak (1978) notes tnat copepods frequently migrate much further than other plankters, moving vertically through depths ranging from 10 to 15 meters, whereas rotifers only range between one and five meters. In Guntersville Reservoir vertical migratory ranges of 15 meters or less would place most calenoid and cyclopold forms near the substrate, and thus easily missed during sampling. Another factor which must be considered is that while harpacticold copepods have a free-swimming larval form, adults are generally substrate (detritus) dwellers, hence not cubject to samples extracted from the water column (see section 5.1.2). Occasionally a taxon dominated the late summer /early fall assemblage during one year, but not be evident in ensuing years. This was demonstrated by the clailoceran, Leptodora kindtil in 1974 (appen-dix B). This large (ca. 1 cm length) predaceous species was generally present in summer and autumn assemblages at both channel and overbank stations, but was abundant only in 1974. The presence of this particular species as a dominant form within the 1974 assemblages demonstrated the variety of taxa, which given the proper conditions can change the zoo-plankton community composition in the vicinity of BLN. However, these I I 178 I

I fluctuations were usually transitory, with the autumnal channel assem-blage being composed primarily of B. longirostris, nauplii, and several rotifers (Synchaeta, sp. an B. angularis). The same general pattern (B. longirostris and nauplit codomi-nant,' supported by several species of rotifers) was evident in overbank areas. However, in overbank samples the rotifer group was composed of four species within the genus Brachionus and three in the family Conochiloidae which were rarely abundant at channel stations. Synchaeta sp., regularly a part of the dominant fauna at channel stations, was not


included as a dominant taxon in any of the autumnal (August-October) overbank samples in this investigation. In summary zooplankton assemblages near BLN were dominated by l four taxonomic forms which persisted throughout the sample year. They were Bosmina longirostris (Cladocera), nauplii (larval copepods) and two rotifers (Synchaeta sp. and Keratella sp.). In the early part of the year (February-April) rotifers and nauplit dominated both channel and overbank areas. In mid-season (May July) Cladocera became dominant, especially in channel areas, with rotifers and nauplit sub-dominant. Variety was provided by different species of rotifers in both channel and overbank areas when Asplanchna sp., Brachionus angularis and Conochilus unicornis begin to increase in density in May-June and continued through the rest of,the year. Overbank stations had more variety of taxa (especially species of Brachionus and Conochilus) than were found in the channel. Zooplankton diversity and density was generally highest in mid-year. The fall season was characterized by reduced density overall I I

 ,                                                                          m

__ _ .__1- - - - --- - - - - - - " ' ' - - ' " ' " ' '

I, and a shift toward rotifer domination in channel stations. Synchaeta sp. rarely dominated the late season samples at overbank sites. On a year-by-year basis, channel stations were least productive and had fewest average taxa per sample in 1975. Both total densities and number of taxa per sample increased through 1978 and then decreased to 1982. In 1983, average number of taxa per sample improved slightly; how-ever total densities continued to be depressed. In 1978, the first year of overbank sampling total densities and average number of zooplankton taxa per sample were the highest recorded for the study. Both parameters then declined with lowest over-bank densities occurring in 1982 and fewest average taxa per sample in 1983. Although overbank stations were more productivo, they generally followed the trend established by channel stations in regard to yearly changes in abundance and numbers of taxa per sample. Spatial Variations in Zooplankton Assemblages--Overall station diffferences within channel and overbank areas were few in number yet differences between channel and overbank areas were great. In this sec- I tion, channel station variations are examined first, then overbank areas, and finally the two groups will be compa.ed. Channel station 3 (TRM 396.8) is intended to be the upstream

 " control" when Bl.N begins operating. It was found to be generally the poorest of the three channel stations. Although few analyses showed         I significance at the 0.05 level, this station was consistently lowest in average number of taxa per sample (24, range 9-38), had peorest diversity, was low in low total density (10.6 x 108/m*) except for 1983, and was represented by the fewest d ainant taxa (12) of any channel I

180 I I

I station. While these trends were not statistically significant they were documented in this preoperational report. They also show the need for another " control" station closor to the BLN site than station 3 which is over five miles upstream from BLN. Channel station 2 (TRM 391.2) was the richest of the channel sites. Located at the BLN diffuser area, station 2 had an average number of taxa of 25 (range 10-45), good species diversity, and the highest total density (16.2 x 108/m8) of channel stations. Fourteen taxon- ] omic forms were either dominant or subdominant during one or more of the sample years. Channel station 1 (TRM 388.0) results were generally between those*of the other two sites with respect to most of the measured para-meters. Total density (10.7 x 108/m8) was comparable to station 3; community diversity was good, and like station 2, had an average number of taxa per sample of 25 (range 8-42). In one category, number of taxa present as either dominant or sub-dominant, station 1 was clearly highest with 17 taxonomic forms. This was the largest number reported for this parameter at either channel and overbank stations, and implies a greater dive: sity of fauna and habitat than observed eleswhere in this study. Based on the entire series of zooplankton studies no clear pattern of statistically significant differences could be established among channel stations near BLN; however, the stations were generally ranked station 3 < station 1 < station 2. Overbank stations were located at TRM 386.4 (station 4), TRM 388.4 (station 5), and TRM 391.1. All overbank stations were gener-ally more productive than were channel stations. This was due in part to I 181

I the reduced current behind the barrier islands which limited flushing of plankters from the environs. Overbank station 4 was the most downstream of the three sites and like cha nel station 3 (also downstream), had a relatively high num-ber of taxa present as dominant or sub-dominant (15) components of the overbank assemblage. In part this may have been due to an influx of zoo-plankton from the Jones Creek embayment (TkM 388.0) which is along the left shore (facing downstream) with a portion of its flow remaining behind a continuous barrier island to a point downstream from station 4. Average number of taxa per sample for station 4 was 26 (range 10-41), cc.mmunity diversity was approximately equivalent to that observed for channel station 2, and_ total density (36.1 x 103/m8) was the median for three overbank stations. Overbank station 5 (TRM 388.4) was located behind a barrier island just upstream from the month of Jones Crook (TRM 388.0). During the perod 1978-1983 this site was subjected to considerable encroachment from aquatic macrophytes. This may explain the fact that, although not statistically significant, station 5 was generally the peorest overbank station sampled. Total density was 21.9 x 10s/m8 less than half that of station 6, the most productive site. Average number of taxa per sample (27 range 10-43) and community diversity were the highest obser-ved; however, only eleven taxonomic forms were listed as dominant or sub-dominant in abundance. This was the fewest representatives for this category in either channel or overbank stations. Figures 5-42 through 5-45 show station 5 to have the fewest organirms in 15 of 35 monthly com-parisons among overbank stations. l l l 182 I

I Overbank station 6 (TRM 391.1) had the highest average total


density (53.4 x 10s/m8) of any sample site studied. SQS snd PS indic'es throughout the study showed station 6 to be frequently dissimilar to other stations (table 5-26 and table 5-27). Community diversity war, I goed,'second only to station 5, and 12 taxonomic forms were either dominant or sub-dominant during the study. In spite of, or perhaps because of its high productivity, station u had fewer average taxa per sample (25 range 8-42) than other overbank stations. This may have occurred when large numbers of one or two taxa utilized habitat which I might have otherwise been occupied by other species. When all overbaak station parameters were considered in con-cert, station 5 ranked less than station 4 which rankea less than station 6. When dominant and sub-dominant taxa at channel and overbank stations were combined by samplo type and compared, there were five ubiquitous taxonomic forms (Bosmina longirostris, nauplii, Asplanchna sp., Brachionus ansularis, and Synchaeta sp.) (table 5-23). Total num-bees of abundant taxa showed 20 taxa plus naup111 in che.r.ael areas and 21 taxa plus nauplii at overbank stations. Overbank stations had more unique (i.e., occurred only in one sample type) taxa (8) than channel stations (6). Zooplankton diversity indices and average number of taxa per samp1w consistently showed the overbant stations to be slighlty more diverse with have more species than channel stations. None of these differences ware statistically significant, although they were consis-tent. Diversity measures showed station 3 ~_ station 1 < station 4 ~ 18.t I

I station 2 < station 6 < station 5 while ranking by average taxa per sample provided an array of station 3 < station 1 ~ station 2 ~ sta-tion 6 < station 4 < station 5. During the three sample year period (1978, 1982, and 1983) when both channel and overbank stations densities were tested using ANOVA and SNK (table 5-25) certain pattorns became evident. Channel stations ranked station 3 < station 1 < station 2 in 1978 and 1983 and station 1 < station 2 < station 3 in 1982. Overbank stations during the same period showed station 5 < station 4 < station 6 (1978, 1983) and station 6 < station 5 < station 4 in 1982. However, when all six stations were examined simultaneously the very high zooplankton densities at station 6 (1978, 1979, 1983) and station 4 (1978, 1982) affected the analysis such that station 3 < station 1 < station 2 < station 5 < station 4 < station 6, with channel stations at the low end of the array and overbank stations at the high end. These observations suggested that, while channel and overbank sample sites shared the same zooplankton species mix, habitats differed such that communities were somewhat different. Also, within sample areas there existed a trend which although not statistically significant, consistently showed the upstream control station (station 3) to be lecs productive than other channel stations. Overbank stations showed a similar trend with station 5 being the least productive site. The two most productive sites (station 2, channel at TRM 391.2 and station 6, overbank at TRM 391.1) were in close proximity to each other and to the diffuser outlet of BLN. 1 I l I 181 I

I S.3 Sumary_and Conclusions 5.3.1 Phytoplar,kton Phytoplankton assemblages of the mainstream channel and left overbank habitats near BLN were diverse, consisting of 137 phytoplankton genera. Most of these genera comprised the groups Chlorophyta (66), Chrysophyta (35), and Cyanophyta (25). Twenty-two genera were important with regard to abundance, representing at least 10 percent of total abundance during one or more collection periods. Comparisons of community structure in the mainstream channel I indicated 79 percent of all possible SQS and 52 percent of PS comparisons were similar. Similarity of overbank phytoplankton communities occurred less frequently with 66 percent of all possible SQS comparisons similar and only 26 percent of possible PS comparisons similar. The low degree of similarity among overbank stations was the result of flow isolation which allowed development of distinct and separate communities, whereas, channel stations were contiguous with regard to flow. Lowest similarity (PS) among both overbank and channel stations occurred in late summer. Comparisons of community structure between channel and overbank stations were usually dissimilar with regard to PS where only 52 of 261 possible comparisons (20 percent) were similar. Phytoplankton diversity was greater on the left overbank (range of d values = 1.32-4.62) than in the mainstream channel (d = 0.60 4.00). Maximum number of genera identified for a single collection date occurred for the overbank (71, September) and channel (62, July) during 1978. Patterns of algal succession changed during the preoperational I study period. Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta dominated the phytoplankton I 185 m

I assemblage every collection period in 1974 and Chrysophyta was again dominant every collection period (except March) in 1983. During 1975-1982 Cyanophyta became the most abundant phytoplankton group, comprising especially large segments of the total assemblage in August 1975 (77 percent), August 1976 (81 percent), and July (83 percent), September (76 percent), and October (73 percent) la 1977. Dominant Cyanophyta genera were Anacystis and Merismopedia during 1975-1982, but changed to Oscillatoria in 1983. The dominant genus occurring most often during the study was a chrysophyte, Melosira. Cyanophyta dominance was usually greater on the overbank habitat than in the river channel. October 1982 end several months in 1983 were unique in that Cyanophyta was not represented in the phytoplankton community. Combining channel pert. age composition data for all years, month, stations, and depths indicated Chrysophyta composed significantly greater proportions of the assemblage than other groups. Stratifying data by station indicated a downstream increase in relative Cyanophyta abundance. Greater relative abundance occurred for Chlorophyta in 1974, Chrysophyta in 1983, Cyanophyta in 1977, and Euglenophyta in 1974 and 1975. Phytoplankton abundance was greater for the overbank habitat than the mainstream channel. The most productive stations with regard to cell numbers were TRM 388.0 in the channel and TRM 386.4 on the left overbank, indicating a downstream increase in phytoplankton abundance. Combining abundance data for years indicated, overall, that July (channel) and August (overbank) had significa,tly more phytoplankton than other months. Lowest abundances occurred in October for both habitats. I 18G

I Greatest phytoplankton abundance measured during the monitoring period exceeded 56 million cells /L at TRM 386.4 in August 1982. Temporal evaluation of phytoplankton indicated a cyc11e abundance pattern for the channel habitat, beginning low in 1974, increasing through 1977, and declining during 1982 and 1983 to abundance levels at or below those measured in 1974. Two overbank stations (TRMs 391.I'and 388.4) exhibited a significant decrease in phytoplankton abundance over time (1978-1983). I Short-term periodicity usually coincided with annual - temperature curves, with low abundance in February which increased during warmest months and declined in October. Exceptions occurred in 1976 and 1977 when large abundance in February appeared related to absence of high January / February reservoir flows demonstrated for other years. Average chlorophyll a_ concentrations normally were below the range indicating potentially outrophic conditions; however, maximum single-sample concentrations occasionally fell within that range. Maximum chlorophyll concentrations on the left overbank were much greater than corresponding channel concentrations. Estimates of phytoplankton community health, based upon relative amounts of phaeophytin a, indicated healthy, viable populations during much of 1983 in contrast to a somewhat less viable assemblage in 1982. Primary productivity data were extremely variable from month-to-month, ranging from 7 to 2,930 mg C/m2/ day in the channel and 2 7 to 3,231 mg C/m / day on the left overbank. Maximum productivity for both habitats occurred in July 1982. Reduced and/or changing solar i radiation several days before sampling appeared to reduce productivity. I , m

5' Over time, phytoplankton productivity appeared to increase based upon greater photosynthetic activity durin, 1987. e As expected because of decreasing penetration of light into the water column, maximum productivity occurred at the surface and 1-m depths. In summary, phytoplankton data were quite variable within stations, months, and years such that spatial trends were seldom obvious. However, there was a trend indicated for greatest total phytoplankton abundance and Cyanophyta dominance on the left overbank and at downstream sampling locations. I 5.3.2 Zooplankton During the period 1974-1978 channel stations wore remarkably similar with respect to numbers of zooplankton taxa present, species div-ersity, and frequency of occurrence of dominant and sub-dominant taxon-omic forms. However, this overall similarity did not include either total zooplankton densities or densities by species, which showed consid-erable inequality, with no reliable pattern by either station or sample I period. For example, February, and to some extent March were usually periods of reduced abundance, except for l',i/ when the highest production i during the year was in February and March. Similar anomalies occurred frequently, but never predictably, throughout the investigation. Larval copepods (nauplii) were the most consistent component of the zooplankton assemblage, but adult copopods were only rarely (twice) present as a major component of the community. The second most prevalent form was the cladoceran, Bosmina longirostris which generally dominated channel zooplankton from May to the end of t.e sample year. 188 I

Total zooplankton densities and average number of taxa per sample increased at all stations during the period 1974-1978 and then decreased in 1979, 1982, and 1983. Several other parameters examined during the study supported the conjecture that zooplankton in Guntersville had a long-term (~ 7-8 years) cycle of increasing and decreasing numbers. This phenomenon may have been more evident if varia-bility among two-replicate samples collected in 1982-1983 had been less. The high cegree of within sample variability tended to obliterate infer-ences which may have supported the long-term periodicity concept. Within each of the two habitat types sampled, highest overall densities were at channel station 2 and overbank station 6, both located immediately in front'of the plant, while lowest zooplankton numbers at channel stations were at the upstream control (station 3, TRM 396.8) and at overbank station 5 (TRM 388.4). Overbank stations were much more productive than channel sites. This probably resulted from amelioration of river flows due to the presence of barrier islands. Several conclusions can be made from zooplankton data collected during the period 1974-1979 and 1982-1983. These include:

1. Short-term fluctuations (<one year) in the zooplankton assemblage (both in terms of occurrence and relative abundance) occur frequently near BLN.

I 2. Based on the occurrence of tara, the three sample stations in the channel group were more similar than different.

3. Overbank stations showed a greater degree of variability with respect to total density and similarity indices (SQS and PS) than channel stations. This was probably due to a more " patchy" distribution of zooplankton in overbank arear, and less mixing enabling communities to develop in separate overbank areas.
4. Number of taxa present, species diversity, and total zooplankton den-
sities were usually lower at the beginning (February) and end

. (October) of the sample year than in the summer season. 1 I I I 183


5. The most productive channel station (station 2) and overbank station (station 6) are nearest the BLN diffusor, whereas the least produc- g tivo station (station 3) represents the upstream " control" g t

Il 1 i I I I I I' 130

W W M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M l h

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l '

                                                                                                             .                   o.-

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                                                             . \\ g y                :,h
                                                                  .             ..        .   -                      ??   -
                                                                                )       e rp e-.

n:xs e om

                                        * - Plankton Stations FJgure 5-1. . Location .of Plankton Stations for the Preoperational Monitoring Program in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nucicar Plant, Contersville Reservoir.
                                                                                                                                                                                         'I CHANNEL                 -


                                                        ' ct,          ,212                              222                  g. CHLO CHLO
                                                                                          , 3,                                     172                                    h~ 0 2ez              .-*
                                                                           *n                               *n                       .,    WO                     U C, dry 672 CHW 61%

CHRY 77%

                                                                                                                                                       .,   Y J  % ,,p h


                       "                                                                     42%                          40 %
                                                      .A.k 372
                                                                                               .: y ..

CYANO CvAuO, 122 I2% ng*

                                                                                                      .             202
                                                                   'CHRY                                                                                .
                                                                    $tx                                 42%                        383                   CHRY 483 aut                                  AUG                         EEPT                 OCT Figure 5-2.

Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974. g g g g g m e m M M M M*W M E E E

mk m m m m m CHANNEL - 1975 g CHLo cHLo

                -                            02-                              CHLo g
                     .i 7s                          ,ies                -

is es, h9 = l. , - . ,, 's,

                                                                                                                      ,<x w                                cHe                   w                                 ~
                                                                                                         *1 722                             70s                    722 FEB                           MAR                       APR                 MAY                JUN H

c cHoo cuto cyto sax, 422, 4x

                   .                  m               .cymo           -

73 7 m . 'IsY cy.o - isz cymo evmo 3,2 2sz ss* JUL AUG SEPT OCT Figure 5-3. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1975.


  • CYANO 15%CHLO hp 1
                                                                                     "                                                    ~
                                                  )2(g  .                                                    $o                                -

DRY. 94% CHRY CYANO i 81% 79% 75% 42% APR MAY h *- FE8 MAR CHLO CHLO p 27% CHLO CHLO *28% ! @ .: ,9% ,16%

                                                         #                            "*CHRY
                                                                                                               *s i       UANO *      . l          ."
                                                                                                                                    - F 12%                             10%   CYANO                      42%

CYmo 33%* , cHav C7 CYANO 41% 60% JUL AUG SEPT OCT i i Figure 5-4. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel. Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1976. l l M M M M M M m . m m

E . CHANN EL - 1977 , CHLO N g g 262 CHLO CYANO ,2S% CY U .,,

                                                                                                                   *s ONNY
                                    *CHRf 862 983
  • CHay CYANO CHRY 632 612 732 APR MAY JUN


               @                    CHLO                    CHLO                       CHLO                       N i

CA 122 162 ,ies *

                                     .'eHRY               .. ..                           .gg,y                   ..
                                      .**       CYANO *


  • CHRY 52% y 73% 212 32%

oT 6 CY - 76% JUL AUG OCT SEPT Figure 5-5. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1977. - - -


  • I *21 1
                                                                                                            ,23%                            ,163 CYANO         -       is
                                                                                                                *s s                           '*ss          CYANO                  is Ol' 30%

CHRY' 402 412 CHRY. 782 732 APR MAY .JN fed MAR CHLO r CHLO CHLO 141 383 M 163 N WO CYANO, 152 15% 5 ~- - s . '. CHRY



  • CYANO. $7%

CHRY 772 515

                                                                                                                                   . SEPT                                OCT JUL                          AuG         .,
                                                                                                                                                                                     ,/ J

( Figure 5-6. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream " Channel Habicat near

                                                           '                                                                                                                                                                /-

Bellefonte helear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1978. , f/ / < e s r

                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,y i
                                            /                                                                                                                                                     /
                               ,/'                                                                                                                                                           '
                                                                                                                                                   )                                                                            -

f ff *e., '

                                                                                                                         /                                                                              i
                                                                                                                        ,     v          :.                                                             -
           .'/.                                                                   M               M              -

M M- m u

                                                                                                               ',       Y M                :  1 M"r M                                                           -

CHANNEL - 1979 ._ . '" CHLO g m g 38%. 28% CYANO 222 CHLO

                                                                 ,%                             *ss                                                                es
                      *II                        442                      3es                                             CY MAR                                         MAY                                        JUP.

FEB APR N CHLO CHLO 2sz 222 f4 $ +as as "s' CYANO *es is

                        .g                          .                        -      m-24%


                ' CYANO                CYANO 33%                    28%

AUG SEPT OCT JUL Figure 5-7. . Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1979.

CHANNEL - 1982 CHLO CYmo CHLQ Omo CHLO cy g == CHL [g*d.,o 5, 27= -

                                                                                                                            ..O                 2a.            ..=
                                                                                                                                                                                     > >p,.1 =

[ .. s42 atz s22 s7x 55s FEB MAR APR MAY JUN g m CHLO 30* CHLO CHLO 222 23 .' 'E Q

                                         @                .'      .,                         =      .,,                       es                                '

as CYANO s N CHRY 413 CHRY . f 47% ' - 312 CYmo 28% CHRY 412 35% CHRY 782 JUL AUG SEPT OCT Figure 5-8. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near  ! Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1982. , l b


f sum sum sum sua mas

                                                 &                     M    M                      M                                           -     -


                                          ,12%                         4                       .*
                                                                        .%.                           ag                .                   ..

CHftY "CHW 45% CHRY 'm CHW 821 81% St3 61% MAR APR MAY JUN FEB CYANO CHLO M CHLO 82* CHLO 3gg g g4g 282 15% g C#ANO 40% *ei CYANO *,, 22%

                                         *CHW                       CHRY           CHRY                          CHftY 46%                       49%             77%                          642 1

JUL SEPT OCT AUG Figure 5-9. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Mainstream Channel Habitat near

;                                                Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1983.

1 1

OVER8ANK - 1978 oe ow Omo 3gE CYmo 27%

  • 10%,
                                                                                                                                   *                        "                    "                 m 11%  CYmo                          -
                                                                                                                                     * ,s   32                                                     ogr, CYM O, CHRY,                                                                  48%      28%

86% CHRY 'CHRY 56% $2% MAR APR MAY ggy

                                                                                              .FE8 ou                   o*o                           cuto M                           ou                                            -                         2ez O                             ,5s                   35%.

a 22 es CYMO m c,mo og,, - oo c,,, JW' 373 522 502 JUL AUG SEPT OCT Figure 5-10. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Lef t Overbank Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1978.

M M M OVERB ANK - 1979

                                                                         %   MO CTANO            CHLO                   CHLO           m
                                                                                                                            '             .'*                    282              48 2 15%

UANO, cHei ,, CrAnO CunY 385 as 7sz sax FEB MAR APR MAY JUN (gg CEO CHLO CHLO h3 3sx, ,33x 333 ,six CHer Cury 152 i.x 193 CYApeO 31%

  • 49%
                                                                                                                                                        "I 47%

JUL AUG SEPT OCT Figure 5-11. Monthly Succession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Lef t Overbank Habitat near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1979. l


  • 23, ,23% 102, ,20% 352,
                           * ,a                               *,s                        *88   CYANO        ..
                                                                                                                   '8 9%                                   '03 CY W
  • 772 CHRY CHRY CHyy CHW SIS 74% 68% $62 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN N 0 CHLO CHLO O N 252 282 4

f32 N - ,1

                            *.             CHLO                                           *is                       ar
              . \. ' . -                    13%


                                                                         *Z 47                     30%                               OM                         CHW  CYANO 812                        332    452 JUL                  .               AUG                         SEPT                     OCT Figure 5-12.                Monthly !;uccession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Left Overbank Habitat near Bellefont.e Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1982.



  • N
  • 02 152 ,211 132 ~-
  • 5X CYANO gy g
                                                         ,s i                                             a                      .,,       413                    28%
                                                                                                                                                                    *         *e CHRY                                                  cay                                                                     CHRY Si=                                                  51.                                                                     .5, MAR                    APR                           MAY                JUN FEB i


  • U. 23 in Q

x .,

                                                     *CHRY                            pgg                       gg                           CMgy 48 2                                                        71%                         81%

53% AUG SEPT CCT JUL Figure 5-13. Monthly !;uccession of Major Phytoplankton Groups from the Lef t Overbank Habitat near Bellefont:e Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1983.

i YEAQ-1974 16 - 14 - , 12 - c O st a

  • 8 -

. d i o 6 - NI 0 4 4 - 2-0

                                                                      "-" """ E8E "EE                             EN8 EN" --- ---

A 0 C A $ C A 0 C A B C A B C A B C A 9 C A 3 A S C RIV Milt 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iO MONTM LEGEND: OROUP '.v.9.' CMLOROPMTTA i iCMRYPTOPMYTA N CNRYSOPMYTA M CTA40PMYTA sssa tuGLENOPHYTA kssw PYRROPHY1A nov vite a-ses.O S-ses.: C-ses.s 0-ses.4 t-see.4 r-asi.: Figure 5-14. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir February through October, 1974. M M M M M

w r W l M M M M - M M M M m YEARe1978 16 - l


l 14 - 12 - O


N 8 - d - o < 6 - O * (11 4 - 2-O " " " " " " EE E" - - --" A B C A B C A B C A B C A $ C A O C A B C A 8 C A B C ESV MILE l 2 J e 3 4 7 8 9 iO WOMTM LEGENO: GROUP '. * . * . * .


Figure 5-15. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, 1975. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ____ _ ]

YtAR.1s70 ts -

4 -

li 2 - O


a N e - d e - N o L*) 4 - 2 - s Is l s o nrm R A ec A ec A ec A ec A ec A ec A ec A ec A ec Rev vetc

a 4 s e 7 e e 30 uomen LCCENDr GROUP DDDUQ CMLOROPHYTA CHRYPTOPHYTA .swww eMRf50PHvtA M CYAMOPHYTA 'sssa tuGLENOPHTTA kssw PYRAOPHffA eiv vit s. set.: c.sse.e r.sse.

Figure 5-16. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel Station near ' Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, 1976.

m M M M M M M M YtA.el.77 16 _ 14 _ 12 _ O

                                                         - 10 _

w ob

  • 8 -

l d O 6 .


l M~ l C 4 ,  ! , M l 1 l l 2 _ $ l


o_ _ _ _ ,.

                                                                                                   ---               Em             ==-        NN          ME A   .C     A 9 C             A . C  A . C   A . C     A B C  A 9 C    A B C       A B C    RIV MILE j                                                                           3         J                 A      3       .        7       .       9            20    'J.' W T M LEGE40   OROUP               ##.w           CMLoROPHYTA        a      iCHRYPTOPHYTA           mw CMRYSOPHYTA
'                                                                                 m CvA=0Pnv1A                         ssss Eucttw0rnv1A         e Pvna0env1A i


                                                                       .1.              A.        .... ....... C-3.... o.s...A    c.s...A       r.>.i.,

! Ill u Figure 5-17. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel Station near l Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, 1977. l i

vtoR-ss7s is 14 - l l l

                                                                                                                                      !                                                    27 4 a to 12 -                                                                                                                                    l        )

l l e l l 0 l \ l ' ls


l l l

  • l '


                                                                                                                                       \            ,
       .a                                                                                            l                                  l           l         l l
       '     e -                                                                                            h                           !           !

l 0 \ l \ l l l l d

                                        .                                                      i l

6 l l l N \ sl l , o l i' \ \ 1 CD l l l \ , l l l 4 - 'l l , l l l l, l 1 l ,M l M i

                                                                                                                                                                                     ' M l

l l l l ' lM ' N i i i M N l M M M i S l l M 2 - M M N i M i M i MM MMM l N N l >M MM 9 9 NNM l MMM M N --w 'M d M M 1 E '

                                                                                                                     ,,                               M NNN                         NM 0

ASCOEF ASC0(F ASCOEF ABCDEF ASC0tf AOCDCF ABCD(F ABCDEF Alv McLC 3 e a e 7 e e to uC=Tn LEGCNDt GROUP- '.*.'.*.* CHLOROPHYTA a a CHRYPTOPMYTA M CHRTSOPHYTA M CYANoPMYTA ##sd EUOLENOPHY1A kssw PVRROPHYTA Rev uilt A-ses.O e-se s .. C-ase.e 0-sas.* t-ses.* r-ass.: Figure 5-18. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel and Left Overbank Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, March through October, 1978. l m m m m m m m m

M M M M M M M M M M M M YEARei.7. 16 _ 14 . 12 - O

                                                          - 10   -

w 4 N

                                                             .8  -

d 6 M o G 4 - 4 f l~ o. i .....L..a ! a l l d l l.. ... C D E F C D E F C D E F C D E F C D E rC D E F C 0 t F C D E rC 0 t r L. Rsv .ILE

                                                                        ..       .            .        .          .         Y      .        .         ..   . O n i ,,



1 ! .. .itt A-3.... ....... e. .... ....... E-3.... r-3. .. Figure 5-19. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel and Left 07erbank Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, j 1979. 4 j

YCOReitet 16 -

15-2 x 10 6 s 47 4 x 10 t

14 - ,

                                                                                                               ,                              lN l

12 - l l l 0 \

                                           - to -                                                                i l
                                                     <                                                          i

l l N

8 - l N

d l 6 - l N M l ) P ll 4 i O 4 - l , W g l

                                                                                                                                           &lL 2-l                             1 i           :


                                                                                                                                 .. )!

ABC0tf ASCOEF ASCOtF ASCOEF Rev WILE I 2 3 4 S e 7 e 9 to uowTM Ltotm0: OROUP D0000 C M L O R O P M Y T A a iCHRYP10PHY1A M .CHRYSOPHY1A M CYANOPHTTA 17"7771 tuGLEN0PMvfA M .PYRROPHYTA new wilt s.ssi.: C. sos.s 0-ses.e t-ses.4 F=sRs.: Figure 5-20. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel and Left Overbank Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, 1982. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

W M M M M m . YCa2e1983 16 - 14 . [ l 12 - l l 0

                                     $ to -                                                                                      1 l

l l _J l 8 -

                                     $                                                                                             l  7 d                                                                                              l U                                                                                              '

6 - i N  ! H 4 - l M M  : l 2 - l M  : M  :

                                                                                           ""    h           '


                                                                            - CYANOPMYTA               'ssse EUOLENOPHYTA                 kssw PYRROPMYTA l

l 4 niv mitt A-see.0 e set.: C. sos.e 0.see.e t-ase.e r sei.I Figure 5-21. Abundance of Phytoplankton by Group for each Mainstream Channel and Left Overbank i Station near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, February through October, 1983. l --


                                                                                                                                                                          8 F . ..           ,
                                                                                                                                                                          '"'I F...


                                                                                                                                                                          ....                   )


                                                                             ....                  ,,         g                    3 3
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3 1.1 ; . '{l ' i hfg  :': j i"

                                                                                                                = = :
                                                                                                                                      ,;                                  -.. = ==.==:                             ,-

3g74.g3g3 1974-1983 n P N TOTRL PHYTOPLANKTOM - TRet 3S6.6 P. 3

                                                                                                                    ,                           y   ;. .    . .


                                                                                                                                                           .; i                     _
                                                                                                                       ...,                ..     .         j.

8 s . .. .f !Y I .l1 j\ - \ j,'. a ..n j1 \

                                                                                                                                          .1-.- '. .V            R.             y t. s
                                                                                                                       ....             r    .I
                                                                                                                       ...F t                                                            .}

i,.. . . . ,. . . .

                                                                                                                                                                                . i
                                                                                                                           .     -            : : : : : : : a ;

1S74-1SG3 Figure 5-22. Total Phytoplankton Abundance at Mainstream Channel Stations During Preoperatioral 9'nitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. l 1


  • F.*>
                                                                                                                                                           .                                F . 05
                                                                                                                                                                                            ....                                 .*y                         *
                                                                                                                                                    - .                             e       ..,,                                           .

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              *j i                              l                         g s                       ,

o  ; - o s.n o s.n j s "' . y.. s s s... .. . y .... t

                                                                                         *.se                                                               .                                                                                                             .

4.47 goe gyg opg off _5999 , WPS ,8889 . '8 88 8888 . ###

                                                                                                  ..,e       .e,, _ m.e ..,,.e               . e . ma ,                                                                                                                     .
                                                                                              .,.      . .Pe
                                                                                                                                             *                *                          " " * , -          , ,    ' ," ,* ,* ,,  ' *, *     , -                   g
                                                                                           . = =       ; = ; 3                   ll' :               8 1974-1993 P

M TOTAL PHYTOPLAN< TON - TRM 391.1 7.35 . .

  • s ..n , ,

s . .. g f-g .... . \. .. . s.n a s.. V} . , ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                  g e se a is
                                                                                                                                              - -              : : : : : : * ! E 974-1983 Figure 5-23.                          Totai Phytoplankton Abundance at Left Overbank Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville
                                                                                                       ' Reservoir, 1974 through 1983.


                             ..,,                                                                                                                              L 4     .        r
                                                                                                                              ...s                   l                    -

j 1.

                                                                            ]                                                                         !
  • 3>> ,

j [l-3 e .... 2 -

                                            ,      I
                                                                            ;j ,,                                      z                             g                  *g*

3 o . , a e

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                                         -      i                                    .

1 ...s >

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  • o.*'a '
  • 2  : 2 3
                             . . . = 2 : = *
  • R 3 1974-1983 1974-1983 M


6. FS ,
                                                                                                I y             ..

ges g 3.75 ] l*

  • z S.S8 I l ig k*

g. 5.25 g

                                                                                      ,- t                                           t,

. 3 s

                                                                             . . ,s i
                                                                                                         .r,                                  .
                                                                             . 2S er. .**.     .

g r. .orr.=eu ,.. ,. ,, ,, ^

                                                                          ".*'"'*2                          i*3           2 :              ; _*

t974-t983 I Figure 5-24. Abundance of Chrysophyta at Mainstream Channel Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. i l ' S U M M M M M q q q q

(W' l E E E E E E M g i l l l l l CHRYSOPHYTR - TRM 388.4 CHRYSOPHYTR - TRM 306.4

                                                                                          ..M-                ,
               . 75                                                                       ....                                                 .

p . . ..a u, a s

               ....                   1,.               i  .

e o

                                                                                                                                                .t g     ....                    .l.          . ,. . l                         z    $ . >.




                                                                                                                                              ;,h l ,R*        .
~ :

s  :..o::: S .

                                                                                           . 85
                 "                                                                                            -                            - ~s
                                                                                       - - - - = : = --=: : ! !

1974-1963 1974-1983 N P Q CHRYSOPHYTR - TRM 391.1 6.75

                                                 . . s.                   .
                                            ,    ..                        9. .                  .

g i.n 1. , . z s . s. t ... o s.n  !{. o d

                                                 . . ?S V. \ . {


                                                 . 89
                                                              ... .     ,. . . _.           . s
                                              .-=.        =2        : : :          ::: g ;

I974-1983 Figure 5-25. ' Abundance of Chrysophyta at Left Overbank Stations During - Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983.

CYANOPHYTR - TRM 391.2 CYANOPHYTR - TRM 388.0 P S7 p.s7 **8

                                                                         *es                                   P se                  ,

p . e.

                                                                                                                  "                  7
                                ;"                                         .A ~                                              l                         i I s .,f r Q i.ty1. s Tf P a

a z

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                                         -                                                           o o      3 . ..                                                                         3.93 O      3.33                                                                ]

3.38 3.35 l ?P 1.77 8 10

l. BS .59
                                   .59                                                                                  **....e...n..          . .
  • 5 2 2  ; " " * '
  • 2 ::
  • 2 : : y 1974-1983 1974-1983 M

F* O CYANOPHYTA - TRM 396.8 F.s?

7. es
                                                                                                                     .ea                         .

f I . *j . .$, g 8 ..,,

3. s.


n. . 1 .

a . O a.ts e a.M

  • s.>>
                                                                 -.               e : : : : : : = a ;

1974-1983 Figure 5-26. Abundance of Cyanophyta at Mainstream Channel Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. i

E E g g

                              'CYANOPHfTA - TRM 386.4                                                                                   CYANOPHYTR - TRM 398.4            . . .

ama P.87 F.sp " p ee

                                                                     -                                      8 *8                                                 mes                                                                                                                                    b*      

[ {  ;

s.88 s.s. 1,

       ,       s...

g ..n

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                                                                                                                     ....                            f.              .h   .
                                                                                                                                                                            .f .
                                                                   .i                                     d          3 94
                                                                                                                                                     .  .           .g.

o - e . t. 3 i 3 I 30 f.38 I.77 3.77 I 38 8.58

                 .ss                         .==.                                                            ... . . a .     . w** . mve . = . r .
                       ,,,, . ,. .  .,,.   .e..
e. - -  :. = = = = : :  ; -- -  : : : : : : : a ;

IE 8974-1993 1974-1983 P M

 '                t CYANOPHYTR - TRM 391.1 F.47                                                                ass P. ee                                                                   f. ,

                                                       ;          ..s.                                        . .                     j . ].

g ..n -l . Z e.53 g 3.s. t .ss .

                                                      ]           ....

1 j s.te

                                                                              ,e . . e . se,e  ie,,  .ieve .eese   soon eos .

see,s . * *

                                                                                              = = = = : : :.                             _.

1574-1983 i Figure 5-27. Abundance of Cyanophyta at Lef t Overbank Stations During Preoperational i Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. 1 i i


                                             ....                                                                               ..a                      .
$**!*l A d

A 5.Vllb

                                                ' ' , ,'f '  ,* k ,


                                                                                             / ,. ,

z 3...

                                                                                                                                              *li h ib' F                   .I   ., y g     ....                                                                               t-g o     ..                                                                          e      *n S     n...                                                                               ....

i.n .... , i.n ...

                                                                                                                                         .....-1. . ... t u . .... ..... s.. , . . . ,
: : : : : : ? 3
                                                   .- 3 : : : : : : : ! !

I974-1983 1374-t983 ' i N l-* Co CHLOROPHYTR - TRM 39G.B

                                                                                        ..-                                             .r,.
                                                                                        . . a i. s, t, i.,x i    (ft "'d
                                                                                 ,                       ,   i, ,*

s o .. .

                                                                                                              ..,                     tj t .g.p,

., z .6 1 1 o ..a 3 m... i.e. L

                                                                                           ...atF .- u,u.u w.u                - :        va.
                                                                                       . . .   =e          : = ; : : : : g g 1974-1983 Figure 5-28.             Abundance- of Chlorophyta. at Mainstream Channel Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant,                                          Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983.

l l l I


                                                                                                                                    ,j                       ..=

p f}

                                                                                                                                  ' p' i.a                           .g                            .t           ..
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g ..a j t;  ; z

                                                                                                                                                             ..n z   ....

o .. o 3.= S .... 3 .... i.= i.a

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                                                                                                 *74-1983                                                                             1974-1983 pp Fa Q


                                                                                                                   ...e                        .                            .
                                                                                                                                    *  **t              *
  • s..e .{
                                                                                                                                      . .                     .

4j g- , z ...e o s ee 3 a . .e i.n

                                                                                                                     . .e
                                                                                                                              ...,.......*........m.             . . . . . . .
                                                                                                                - . . . = = : : : : : : : : ;

1974-t983 Figure.5-29. Abundance of Chlorophyta at Left Overbank Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983.


               't                                                                                                                                                               B: TRM 3912 C   TRM 396-8 g           "O, 3

o' s% 1983' g981 g9 1B ' g911' N N OCT 976' \ p3G SLP s9 15 ' y 9 M l 591' x pg ! \ 949 fLB Figure 5-30. Phytoplank. ton Biomass (mg Ch1 a/m*) for Mainstream Channel Stations near Bellefonte i Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

E" h  ! I

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1  ::: g 3 l EEE 4 g  :::"


s, s a

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3 4 I5a 't $d es 1 d

- =

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E 5c 1 l m l 5,! Z Y l y_

2 ~-
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5 Sli ga

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33 I



                                                 =     -

l - e e h

 '  l       "
             .: /re w .

c t E  :: g 2 s I e $I

CARBON-14 DATA Dwmet stanows A = TRM 388 0 B = TRM 391-2 h g C : TRM 396 8 8 4 3 t ,e c  !

                                                        , ,' s ,

N  % n g9 83' 39sY 19 76 ' ge1 1' I SEE g g16 ' g g1S ' s )on [ PR gg 1A' g f.B i Figure 5-32. Phytoplankton Productivity (mg C/m2/ Day) for Mainstream Channel Stations near Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

I . s  ! I vv-

                                                         $55 5

a I E!! o "a k g . k 5 I s i e - I 't Ih e-

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a u-s- C 8  % 'e !

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I 0 n= M


tt .E et lu m 8a

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a I I 9 22.1 I -


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4 ,

                                                                                                                              .=                                                  .
                                                                                               - 1                                                       ~1 3w
                                            -" 1 ...                                                          u,                                         -

M j x i . \_  : , Figure 5-34. Total Surface Available Light for Each Day and Approximate Three-Hour Period of Measured Phytoplankton Productivity (Hatched) at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During 1932. M M M M M . M M .

                                                                                                                                                        ,s w '

m W m m m 1983

                                                                                                    - .                                                -            a,.
                                        -       rce                                              
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                                                                                                                  ***** '"'***"                         ., ., = *
                                                                                                                                                         " '        OCT
                                                                                                    "       St p aus i

4 i Figure 5-35. Total Surface Available Light for Each Day and Approximate Three-Hour Period of Measured Phytoplankton Productivity (Hatched) at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During 1983. i i


3. ....
                             ....                                                                              g      ,m g    ....                                                                              s      .

s r r ....

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u 1_!i ..t.** .,,,/*

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                           .==.              :       3 1974-1983 1974-1983 Py
                ?J O

PHYTOPLRNKTON PRODUCTIVITY - TRM 396.8 yeeg g m. . N . E 3 7.. i, . d

                                                               .o in.

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1974-1983 Figure 5-36. Phytoplankton Productivity at Mainstream Channel Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983. E E ' M M M m m g g


                                                                                                .                                 nase sase se.e 3 age arse erse EsH Es90 g         tase g                  anse s          -

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p 3.

: ===' * = ;
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  • 2 :  ? [ E 1974-1983 1974-1983 M

N M PHYTOPLANKTON PRODUCTIVITY - TRM 393.1 m. Sees arse EsH g us. s . E m. is. 3 ma .

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t rse 4o ->

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1974-1983 Figure 5-37. Phytoplankt'on Productivity at Left Overbant Stations During Preoperational Monitoring at , Bellefon.e Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974 through 1983.

TEARele74 utAn Suu 320000 - 200000 - te000e - 560000 - t40000 - 320000 - i I00000 - i N 80000.- N CD l 40000 - . 40000 - 4 200e9 -

                           " "" --          --               "E"     EE"     "E               E""

O A B C A 8 C A B C A B C A B C A B C A 9 C A 0 C A B C Alv WILE 3 e s s 7 e e 10 u0 min LE0rn0: Ga0ur y///// CLA00ctaA i lCOPEPOOA -

                                                                                                . 20117thA asV mitt A=3se.0   soses.s       C=3se.e    0 3es.4    t-see.*   r ass.t Figure 5-38.       Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Group at Three Channel Stations During 1974, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

M - m

M M M M W vtae-sets utan Sus steoes - sooooo - . . . . . . isooos - 1Socco -


14oooo - isoooo - l tococo - soooo - N N g scoco - 4oooo - toooo -

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aec aec aec aec aee aec aec aec aec new uste a J 4 e s 7 e e se monta trotwo: osoup M ctasoctea 1 Icoptrosa M metertaa nov west a.ase.e a=3st.: c.see.e s=3es.4 t=ase.4 r set.: Figure 5-39. Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Group at Three Channel Stations During 1975, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

                                                                                                                                                             .= A

o TEAR =le7e wtAm Suu 220000 - 200000 - l le0000 - ] 9 0000 - I40000 - 120000 - i 800000 - N e0000 - . C O

  • 00000 -

l i l j 40000 - i l ) i l i 1 20000 - l 0 L' l n.s B l l aan an. Bla -__ . __ A 9 C A 9 C A B C A B C A B C A 8C A B C A B C A B C elv ulLE j 2 3 4 S e 7 8 9 10 5041M L t o t te D : OROUP 7///// CLA00CERA I lCOPEPOOA .- A018FERA i i i nov m Lt A.aee.0 s.asi.s C-see.e o-ase.4 t=3ee.4 F=3st.t i Figure 5-40. Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Group at Three Channel Stations During 1976, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. 1 M M M M M l

l M M m YtAR=1e77 WEAN SUM 330000 - . l 200000 - is0000 - as0000 - 840000 - 120000 - 100000 - 80000 - h3 C. H 80000 - l l l l 0 l l l l 40000 - l l l l ' l , l l l l j l I I l l 20000 - 1 ' 0 - Ll ' l

                                                                        .._ .._          Ln. ell;h.-
!                                                     A B C   A 9 C     A 3 C     A B C  A B C A B C     A B C   A 9 C        A 3 C    alv WILE 2       J          4       8       e      7       8        9            to    WONTM LtotuO: onoup          '/////
                                                                       /      CLA00CtnA       i      1CortP00A        '<:.. : . a0tertaA i

4 m:V usLt'A-ass.O e-Jos.: C-see.e 0 ses.4 t-see.4 r ast.: i

 ;                                              Figure 5-41. Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Croup at Three
Channel Stations During 1977, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

1 i 1

YtAR=1974 )

;                                          utaw suu 285,435                             344811 230000 -                                                                                                                                                                               '

soo0eo , I se0000 - l t60000 - 140000 - j 120000 - i 100000 - ! ff ..... - ! 4ecoo - j Ea l l i ABCDEF h_____ ASCOEF 4 ABCDEF LrTe ASCOEF ASCOEF ASCDEF ABCDEF ASCOtF Alv ult! 4 s s  ? e t le mesta 3 i Ltorus: ensur '///// CLApoCrnA

                                                                                                                                           /                          I    IcoptpooA             -

est:FtaA i niv ustt A=3es.e s=3st.3 c=30s.s 3 348.4 t=3ee.4 r=391.1 Figure 5-42. Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Group at Three Channel and Three Overbank Stations During 1978, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. i l M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

E L t u M T V M d O n I I I W a l e n F n a O t 0 a h 0 1 a C t r e

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M 'M M M M M

     --                                   _                      -                _ - . _                                              ~ - - _ _     ._

E E E E E it YEAR =1903 wtan sus 289,339 320000 - 2o0000 - Isocos - 340000 - 140000 - cooo - l' l 100000 - 00000 - l soooo - l u, l 4oo00 - 2oo00 - Ul RQ i i o

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1 i nav ustt A=3se.o s ast.: c=3ss.e e=3es.4 t=3es.4 roast. i Figure 5-45. Zooplankton Densities Per Cubic Meter by Taxonomic Group at Three Channel and Three Overbank Stations During 1983, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. i

6.0 PERIPHYTON 6.1 Materials and Methods 6.1.1 Field Preoperational monitoring of the periphyton conusunity in the vicinity of BLN was conducted from 1974 through 1978 for channel stations TRM 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8 and resumed in 1982 and 1983 with the addition of left (facing downstream) overbank stations TRM 386.4, 388.4, 389.9, and 391.1. Stations on the left overbank below the plant site were added in 1982 because the potential plume exposure from BLN existed in these areas for low or no flow conditions after the diffuser was redesi ned. Five plexiglass plates, having an 1.5 dm a exposed area, were placed in a metal or PVC support rack and suspended 0.5 m from the water surfacs. Two racks were placed at each sampling location throughout the 1974-1983 study period. The plates were collected after being incubated for approximately one month. Upon collection, each plate was placed in an individual plastic bag and labelled. One plate from each rack was I designated for algal enumeration (ID) and the remaining plates were' designated for autotrophic index (AI) analyses. After labelling, all plates were placed on ice, returned to the laboratory, and stored frozen. Artificial substrates for periphyton colonization were placed monthly March through Septembor and retrieved approximately one month l later in Apell through October of each sampling year. High flow conditions, floating debris, or vandalism caused loss of substrates or entire samplers. Listed below are the sampling dates and locations when ! entire samplers for a particular analyses were lost and no data are l I t 20G

I therefore available. In April 1974 both enumeration (ID) and autotrophic index (AI) samples were collected from TRM 388.0, 391.'2, and 396.8 and analyzed but the data were lost. I Date Location (TRM) Analysis June 1974 388.0, 391.2 ID, AI August 1974 396.8 ID, AI September 1974 396.8 ID, AI October 1974 388.0, 391.2, 396.8 ID April 1975 388.0, 391.2, 396.8 ID June 1975 388.0 ID, AI August 1975 388.0 ID, AI April 1976 396.8 ID, AI April 1977 388.0, 391.2 ID, AI September 1977 391.2, 396.8 ID, AI October 1977 391.2 ID, AI May 1978 388.0 ID, AI Apell 1982 386.4 ID, AI June 1982 391.2, 388.4, 391.1 ID~ AI July 1982 391.1 ID, AI September 1982 391.2, 396.8, 386.4, 388.4, 389.9 ID, AI October 1982 391.2, 391.1 ID, AI April 1983 388.0, 396.8, 386.4 ID, AI May 1983 389.9, 391.1 ID, AI l August 1983 386.4 ID, AI I September 1983 388.0, 391.2, 396.4 ID, AI October 1983 386.4, 388.4 ID, AI l 2a7 F 1 b __

6.1.2 Laboratory Enumeration--During the 1974-1978 phase of the study, there were occasions when the prescribed number of plates from each station were not recovered because of vandalism, high flows which tore the plates from the racks, etc. This created situations when there were not enough plates to do both the enumeration and autotrophic indices analyses. Beginning in , 1982, if the prescribed number of plates were not recovered to do both enumeration and autotrophic indices analyses, some plates (one or two) designated for autotrophic indices analyses were taken for enumeration analyses. Plates designated for algal enumeration were thawed for up to one hour and periphyton from a known area was scraped from he plates. If the periphytic growth was, in the opinion of the analyst, moderate to heavy, a small area (usually 25 cm2) was scraped. If the growth was light to moderate, the entire plate was scraped into a beaker containing a small amount of 10 percent formalin.

           'The scraped material was diluted and a subsample withdrawn.

Volumes of the diluted sample and the subsample which would allow expeditious and thorough enumeration, were dependent upon the abundance of I organisms and the quantity of detritus. This subsample was placed in a sedimentation chamber similar to an Uthermohl cylinder and allowed to r,ettle for at least 12 hours. Classification and enumeration were I j conducted at the generic level with an inverted microscope at a j magnification of approximately 320X. References and publications used in l identification varied for individual algal groups. Sometimes several l I 2G8 I

references were utilized to identify genera within an algal group, but usually a single reference comprised the major taxonomic authority. Major (x) and infrequently (/) used references were as follows: Algal Group Reference Chlo Chry Cyano Crypto Eugleno Pyrro Cocke (1967) I Desikachary (1959) / Drouet (1973) x Drouet & Daily (1913) x Forest (1954) / / / x / Hustedt (1930) x Patrick & Reimer (1966) x Prescott (1964) x x x x Tiffany & Britton (1971) / / / / Whitford & Schumacher (1969) / Autotrophic Index--Slides selected for autotrophic indices were thawed and large organisms (chironomids, caddisflies, etc.) were removed and discarded. All periphytic growth was scraped from the slide and placed in 90 percent acetone to extract the phytopigments. The scraped material was placed in up to 50 ml of solvent, homogenized, and steeped for at least 12 hours. After extraction the sample was filtered onto a preweighed filter pad. The chlorophyll concentrations were determined using the filtrate as described below. Biomass estimate was calculated using data from the residue manipulations. The filter with residue was placed in a preweighed I 1 aus H2

l 1 crucible and dried at 105'C for at least 12 hours; incinerated in a muffle furnace at 600 C for 1 hour; cooled in a dessicator; and weighed. This ash-free dry weight provided an estimate of total organic matter or biomass. To estimate phytopigment concentrations, the filtrate was analyzed spectrophotometrically. In 1974, chlorophyll concentrations were originally calculated from the Parsons and Strickland (1963) modification of the Richards and Thompson (1952) equations. From 1975 to 1978 the optical densities were read at 750, 663, 645, and 630 nm. Each sample was then acidified with two drops of 0.1 N HC1, allowed to steep for one minute, then reread at 750 and 663 nm. Chlorophyll a_, b, and c concentrations were originally calculated using the 1966 UNESCO equations for chlorophylls and the Lorenzen (1967) equations for phaeophytin a. However, for this report all values have been recalculated using the Jeffrey-Hu:nphrey (1975) equations. In 1982 and 1983, optical densities of each sample were read at 750, 664, 647, and 630 nm. Again the samples were acidified with two drops of 0.1 N HC1, allowed to steep for one minute, then reread at 750 and 664 nm. Phytopigment concentrations were calculated using the Jeffrey-Humphrey (1975) equations, and phaeophytin a, concentration was calculated again using the Lorenzen (1967) equations. For all samples from 1975 to 1983 the phaeophytin inden valves I were determined (Weber 1973) as shown: l I I 240

1 PI = Chi ab/Ch1 a, where Chi a,= corrected optical density for chlorophyll a after acidification; Chi a = c rrected optical density for chlorophyll a b before acidification. The autotrophic index (AI) value for the sample was calculated according to Weber (1973) as shown: AI = Ash free dry weight /m (mg/m ) Chlorophyll a_ concentration /m2 (mg/m2) 6.1.3 Data Analyses Periphyton enumeration and autotrophic index data for each sampling date were tested for station differences using a one-way Analysis of Variance after the data were transformed (log *

  • E"
  • 10
  • differences among stations, a Student, Newman, Keuls (SNK) Multiple Range Test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969) was applied to the data. However, this was done only for those sampling dates which had replicate samples for every station.

In an effort to look for general trends in the enumeration data, the data were transformed (log 10) and pooled by years and by stations. Two-way analyses of variance were done on these pooled data sets with station and time (both year and month) as the variables. Means were further compared using an SNK multiple range test. Periphyton community structure was analyzed using a diversity index applying the following formula (Patten, 1962): d = -Es (ng /n) logy (n /n) where, s = number of genera; 241

II ng = number of individuals belonging to the IS genus; n = total number of organisms; d = diversity per individual. Similarity of periphytic comunities among stations was determined using a two-step approach. Sorenson's Quotient of Similarity, SQS (McCain, 1975), was calculated to determine similarities based solely on presence / absence of genera (qualitative characteristics of comunity composition). A percentage similarity (PS) index (Pielou, 1975) was calculated, also to determine similarities, based on both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of comunity structure. In both cases, values of 70 percent or greater were assumed to show similarity. SQS was calculated as follows: SQS = 2s/(x + y) . 100 I where, x = number of taxa at station x y = number of taxa at station y a= number of taxa in comon between stations x and y Percentage similarity index was calculated as follows: PS=2001hy min (P IX' iY where, P gg and P gy are the quantities of genus i at l stations X and Y as proportions of the quantities of all s l genera at the two stations combined. If comparisons between two locations provided low SQS and PS values, 1 the comunities were considered different. If SQS was high but PS low' l E l comunities were composed of similar genera but differed either in absolute E cell density or in relative abundance of genera present. When SQS was low and I I

I PS high, comunities were still considered similar because the low SQS probably was related to random occurrence of rare genera which affects SQS much more than PS. If both coefficients were high, communities were similar in generic compositions, relative abundance of genera present, and absolute cell number. Correlation coefficients (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967) were calculated on untransformed data to test for possible relationships between total abundance and selected chemical parameters. I 6.2 Results and Discussion Periphyton is most commonly defined as the community of bacteria, fungi, algae, and animals, as well as organic and inorganic detritus attached to submerged substrata, with the substrata being inorganic, organic, alive or dead (Weitzel 1983). It includes additionally, free living microorganisms which swim or become entangled among the attached forms. However, for this study only the algal portion of that community was considered. Plankton, by its nature, being transported by flow and currents, often does not respond entirely to pertubations in the environment for a considerable distance downstream. Periphyton, on the other hand, being attached can show immediate responses to these perturbations at the source and thus can be useful as an indicator of water quality. Periphyton taxa are somewhat selective to substrate type. Because of this, to avoid introducing the variable of differing substrata in this study, artificial substrates were used to provide uniform substrate type, orientation, and size. I m

I l Community Structure--During the six years of preoperational monitoring, a total of 62 periphyton taxa were found in the vicinity of BLN. These included 26 chlorophytes, 26 chrysophytes, 7 cyanophytes, and 3 euglenophytes (table 6-1). Temporal, spatial, and abundance information on these taxa are presented in Appendix F. Several of these taxa had only single temporal occurrences during the study period and are shown below. Location Division Genus Date C= Channel OB=0verbank Chlorophyta Chlore11a_ APR 78 388.0 C, 396.8 C Chodatula MAY 75 391.2 C, 396.8 C Golenkinia JUN 78 396.8 C Conium APR 78 388.0 C, 391.2 C Pandorina SEP 78 396.8 C Closteridium AUG 83 391.2 C Rhizoclonium SEP 78 396.8 C Tetraedron JUN 78 396.8 C Trochiscia APR 78 388.0 C Chrysophyta Asterionella APR 82 389.9 OB Dichotomococcus MAY 82 388.4 OB Pleurosigma MAY 74 391.2 C Cyanophyta Anabaena OCT 76 388.0 C Euglenophyta Phacus AUG 83 388.4 OB, 389.9 OB Most of these taxa are planktonic forms which probably became entrapped in the filamentous algal periphyton, a conanon phenomenon in habitats similar to those surrounding BLN. I 1 i 244 l

I Additionally, there were a few genera which occurred several times during the study period but only in one habitat type. These are given below. Division Channel Overbank Chlorophyta Carteria Chrysophyta Fragilaria Epithemia Pinnularia Rhiocosphaenia There were 10 genera (table 6-2) which occurred as the single dominant taxa throughout the study period. As the dominant genus, these taxa accounted for 19.8 to 91.9 percent of the total periphyton community in any sample. As the dominant form, these genera individually accounted for over 40 percent of the total abundance in 68.9 percent of the samples. Range of Mean No. of Times as Percentage of Division Genus Dominant /Possible Total Abundance I Chlorophyta Spirogyra 1/141 45.4% Stigeoclonium 46/141 30.8-91.9% Staurastrum 1/141 30.2% Chrysophyta Achnanthes 58/141 19.8-86.3% Cocconels 22/141 28.6-75.0% Gomphonema 4/141 26.6-48.1% Melosira 5/141 20.2-51.1% Navicula 1/141 31.6% Synedra 2/141 24.6-30.8% Cyanophyta Oscillatoria 1/141 32.5% I 245

I! During the period 1974-1978 Achnanthes, a rheophilic chrysophyte, was 1 the dominant genus in 51 percent of the channel samples and Stimeoclonium, a j rheophilic filamentous chlorophyte, was dominant in 21 percent of the samples. This was reversed to some extent during the 1982-1983 study period when Achnanthes was dominant in 28 percent of the samples and Stiteoclonium 48 percent. The total number of taxa by each location over the study period is I shown in figures 6-1 through 6-7. At the channel stations, which were the only ones studied throughout the entire 1974-198? 1.eriod, there was a general increase in the number of taxa from 1974 to 1978 than a decline in 1982-1983 to levels similar to 1974-1975. The minimum number of taxa occurring at any location for a collection period was five taxa. This occurred primarily in 1982 at several locations in June, at TRM 396.8 in August, and at TRM 388.4 in October, as well as TRM 391.2 in June 1983. The maximum number of taxa was found during September 1978 when 24 genera were found at TRM 396.8. The number of taxa at overbant stations varied between 5 at TRM 386.4 and TRM 389.9 in June 1982 to 17 at TRM 389.9 in August 1983. As with the channel stations, June had the lowest number of taxa in both 1982 and 1983. The frequency of similar community structure among channel stations was high (table 6-3) when considering only taxa (SQS) ranging from 68 percent in 1976 to 100 percent in 1974, 1977, and 1983 as shown below. When both taxa and abundance are considered (PS) the frequency of similarity was lover, ranging from 25 percent in 1983 to 88 percent in 1974. There appears to be no periodicity in the similarity of consnunities over time but TRM 396.8 frequently (43 percent in the period 1974-1978 and 75 percent l frequency in 1982-1983 period) is dissimilar to the other channel stations l l 8 l 24G I

I according to the PS. When only taxa are considered (SQS) the frequency of dissimilarity decreases to 15 percent in the 1974-1978 period and 13 percent in the 1982-1983 period. This suggests that the taxa comprising this upper channel station were similar to those of the lower stations, although there are station differences in abundance of those tara. SOS PS Either > 70% Year No./Possible  % No./Possible  % No./Possible  % Channel 1974 8/8 100 7/8 88 8/8 100 1975 8/11 73 5/11 45 8/11 73 1976 13/19 68 11/19 58 16/19 84 1977 13/13 100 6/13 46 13/13 100 1978 18/19 95 11/19 27 18/19 I 95 Channel 1982 9/11 82 3/11 27 9/11 82 1983 12/12 100 3/12 25 12/12 100 Overall 81/93 87 46/93 49 84/93 90 Overbank 1982 13/16 81 5/16 31 14/16 88 1983 19/20 95 4/20 20 19/20 95 Overall 32/36 89 9/36 25 33/36 92 Channel vs Overbank 1982 33/40 83 9/40 23 34/40 85 I 1983 32/36 89 13/36 36 33/36 92 l Overall 65/76 86 22/76 29 67/76 88 I I

I A high percentage of the overbank station comparisons were similar in 1987 and 1983 (81 and 95 porcent, respectively) when genera presence /absenco is considered. The frequency, as with the channel stations, lowers when abundance is also considered and ranges from 20 percent in 1983 to 31 percent in 1982. This again suggests that the taxa in the algal portion of the periphyton conununities were similar but differed in abundance. There were no discernable trends in the overbank community structure similarities over time or by location. When channel community structures were compared with overbank conununity structures, the results were basically the same. The frequoney of similarity based on taxa comparisons were high (83 to 89 percent). When abundance was also considered the frequency again decreamed (23 to 36 percent) I further suggesting a possible difference based only on cellular abundance. Diversity inder values for the channel stations ranged from 0.80 in July 1974 at TRM 388.0 and TRM 391.2 to 2.99 in September 1976 at TRM 391.2 (table 6-4). The diversity index values for overbank stations varied from 0.57 at TRM 391.1 in April 1983 to 3.17 also at TRM 391.1 in April 1982. Diversities at both the channel and overbank stations were usually high in April (occasionally May), decreased to a low in June and then increased again through August or September. In three years (1974, 1976, and 1983), there was a slight decline in the October channel station diversities. The remaining years had October channel station diversities similar to or higher than September. The October decline occurred in both 1982 and 1983 at the overbank stations. Although the range of overbank stations was larger than that of the channel stations, the indices at the overbank stations were similar. Overall diversities were highest during 1976 and lowest in 1974. l 248 I

f 1 'I Percentage composition of the periphyton comunities by the three major groups, chlorophytes, chrysophytes, and cyanophytes, is shown by year in table 6-5. Channel stations were dominated by chrysophytes during 1974-1976 with the exception of TRM 380.0 in September 1974 when the I filamentous green alga, Stigeoclonium comprised 61.9 percent of the total comunity. For this period of almost total chrysophyte dominance, the dominant chrysophyte genera were Cocconsis and Achnanthes. During 1974 and 1975, Cocconsis was frequently (>50 percent of the samples) the dominant chrysophyte, and comprised between 36.2 (September 1975) and 75 I percent (July 1975) of the total comunity. However, during 1976 it was never dominant, giving way to Achnanthes which made up between 26.1 (August) and 72.0 percent (May) of the comunity. Beginning in 1977 and continuing through 1983, the channel stations were dominated by chrysophytes early in the study year (Apell and lI May). Chlorophytes began to dominate some channel stations in June and continued to sporadically dominate or together with the chrysophytes j codominate the channel periphyton comunity through the end of the sample year (October). Frequency of chlorophyte dominance at channel stations ranged from 0 percent in 1976 and 1977 to 46 percont in 1983. Frequency for chrysophyte dominance ranged from 46 percent in 1983 to 100 percent in 1975 and 1976. When chlorophytes dominated the comunity, the dominant genus was Stigeoclonium in all but one set. Only in August 1977 at TRM 396.8 was another chlorophyte, Spirogyra, the prevalent chlorophyte at channel stations. II ,I


r I -

I Tho predominant chrysophyte at channel stations from 1977 to 1983 was usually (71 porcent frequency) Achnanthes. Other chrysophytes, which were infrequently dominant, include Melosira (at all channel statiche on April 1978 and at TRM 396.8 on August 1978), Cocconels (TRM 388.0 oh September and October 1977 and September 1982), Gomphonemn (April 1977 at TRM 396.8, May 1978 at TRM 388.0, and April 1982 at TRM 388.0), and Synedra (April 1982 at TRMs 391.2 and 396.8). Only once during the entire study was bluegreen (cyanophytes) abundance large enough to numerically dominate the periphyton community. This occurred at TRM 391.2 in May 1983 when together Lyngbya and ' Oscillatoria comprised 37 percent of the community. The single numerically dominant genus for this sample however was Stigeoclonium which made up 34.6 percent of the cellular abundance. Overbank stations exhibited similar community percentage composition changes except that chlorophytes were predominant at all overbank stations sampled in April 1983. The frequency of chlorophyte dominance was less (19 percent) in 1982 than in 1983 (39 percent).

Cyanophytes were never the dominant group at overbank stations but tended

, to form a larger portion of the periphyton abundance than at channel stations, particularly in 1983. Cyanophytes occurred in 19 percent of channel station samples in 1982-1983 and 34 percent of overbank station samples. Abundance--Because of the large nt9ber of sample sets with only one replicate, the data were pooled as discussed in section 6.1 to allow some statistical evaluation. Results of the two-way ANOVA's (tables 6-6 and 6-7) indicate there were significant differences in the periphyton I 250 I I ,

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                                                #                               o

I communities studied over the entire preoperational monitoring period . Significant intoractions occurred betwoon year and month as well as station and' month. Over tho entire monitoring period when years are pooled (table 6-6), two channel stations (TRM 388.0 and TRM 396.8) had


significantly higher total and chrysophyte abundances than all other stations. Additionally, the third channel station (TRM 391.2) had significantly higher abundances than the overbank stations but was significantly lower in total and chrysophyte abundances than other channel stations but similar chlorophyte abundances. For the overbank stations TEM 388.4 had significantly lower total, chlorophyte, and chrysophyte abundances than other overbant stations and was lowest overall. The overbant station adjacent to the river channel, TRM 389.9, had significantly greater abundance (total and chrysophyte) the.n overbank stations which were isolated from the channel by strip of islands. I These stations with higher abundances, TRMs 388.0, 396.8, 391.2, and 389.9, are stations which would experience higher flows. This would tend to stimulate rhoophille taxa abundances which is typical for periphyton cocununi ti es . When stations were pooled (table 6-7), total abundance was highest in 1977 and 1978 (1,651-59,110/cm2) and lowest in 1974 (380-3,083/cm 2). This trend was also true for chlorophyte and chrysophyte abundances. Over the entire sampling period, there were increasing significantly different total abundances from 1974 to 1976. The total abundances continued to be significantly higher than preceeding I years in 1977 and 1978. The trend reversed in 1982 and 1983 with total abundances for these years being similar to each other and significantly higher than 1974-1976. I , m

I Throughout the sampling years (when pooled), highest total abundances occurred in June and July (mean abundance 8,043/cm2, lowest mean abundance 45/cm2). As expected, chrysophyte abundances were higher earlier in the year and declined through the end of the sampling year, while chlorophyte densities gended to increase through the year. When stations were compared by months with all years combined, channel stations were higher in total densities than overbank stations and I were usually significantly different from overbank stations. However, except for Apell, May, and July, there were also significant differences among channel stations. Significant differences wore also exhibited among overbant stations. In July there were no overbank samples retrievable and the channel stations exhibited no significant differences. When the stations were combined and months were compared for each  ! year, total abundances were highest in June for 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1982; in April for 1983; in May for 1975; and in July for 1974. Total densities were lowest in September for 1975, 1982, and 1983 and in August for 1974, 1976, and 1978. In Apell for 1977 (when samples from only one station were collected), the mean density ranked lowest (3,978/cm2). However, the lowest single density actually occurred in August 1977 (1,651/cm2 with a range to 4,343/cm2). Table 6-8 presents the results of the one-way ANOVA's and SNK multiple range tests for each month alone when there were sufficient replicates (i.e., 2). With the pooled data described above, no significant differences for total or chlorophyte abundances were found among channel stations in July 1974, 1976-1978 (July 1975 did not have ' Ii I; ) 252 I

I sufficient replicate numbers and no samples were collected in July 1982 and 1983). There was a significant difforonce found in July 1914

  . Chrysophyta abundances when TRM 391.2 was significantly higher than T101 388.0 and TRM 396.8. Additionally, no significant differences for total abundances were found in May 1976-1978 and June 1978.

In 1982 channel stations tended to be higher in abundances than overbant stations but not consistently. However, in 1983 the tendency was reversed with channel station being lower (except August). In June 1983 total abundances at all stations were significantly different. The total densities for major groups by river mile are graphically shown by each sampling date in figures 6-8 through 6-50. Figures 6-51 through 6-57 show total densities for all years at each station for each sampling month. A comparison of mean densities (all stations combined) for totsi numbers, chrysophytes and chlorophytes is I given in figure 6-58 and mean periphyton densities (all years combined) by river mile for total numbers, chrysophytes and chlorophytes is given in figure 6-59. Sevaral of the trends identified through the SNK multiple range tests discussed previously are further illustrated in these figures. Total abundance continually increased from 1974 through 1978 then began to decline in 1982 and 1983 to levels somewhat higher than 1976 (figure 6-58). Beginning in 1976, chlorophytes became an increasing larger part of the periphyton community through 1983, except for a singht decline in 1977. Except for April 1983, the chlorophytes did not start to predominate in the community each year until June. In most of the I I 25;t .I .

I sampling years cyanophytes did not constitute a large portion of the comunun i ty. There was an increase in the proportion of cyanophytes in 1916 and in 1983 when they predominated at TRM 391.2 in May and were present in larger than usual proportions for the entire year. Channel stations usually had higher total abundances than overbank stations (figure 6-59). Chlorophytes constituted a larger portion of the conununity on the overbank stations while chrysophyte constituted a larger portion in channel stations. When abundance data were compared with physical and chemical information (chapters 1.0 and 4.0) several apparent relationships could be seen (see below). There was a general increase in abundance as water temperatures increased. This parallel increase usually continued until the periphyton consnunity had a late sununer decline then increased again. This was true except for 1983 when the abundance in April was highest for the year. Total numbers exhibited a slight inverse relationship with both pH and DO with these parameters increasing as total numbers decreased. These were not consistently strong relationships with pH exhibiting the relationship most strongly in 1974-1976 (correlation coefficients of

-0.33, -0.96, and -0.40, respectively) but DO szhibiting these relationships best in 1976 and 1982 (-0.39 and -0.56, respectively) but having a direct relationship in 1983 (0.62). Parameters which did not exhibit any trends with total abundance Iceluded total organic carbon,         I alkalinity, turbidity, nitrogen (both elemental and NO -NO ) as well as total and dissolved phosphorus. The strongest relationship with I

I I 254 I

I chemical factors existed between total abundance and NH3 -NH 4 wM correlation coefficients varying from 0.22 in 1983 to 0.83 in 1978. There

 . was an inverse relationship in 1982 with a correlation coefficient of

Correlation Coffecients of Total Abundance With Annonia Year TOC Nitrogen Dissolved Oxygen Nitrogen pH I 1974 -0.33 1975 -0.54 -0.14 0.26 0.47 -0.96 1976 0.00 -0.10 -0.39 0.56 -0.40 1977 0.53 -0.71 0.24 0.64 0.44 1978 0.20 -0.39 -0.24 0.83 -0.24 1982 -0.04 0.55 -0.56 -0.68 -0.29 1983 0.11 0.21 0.62 0.22 0.19 I Total abundance also seemed to exhibit relationships with the physical parameter of flow and solar irradiation. Highest total abundances occurred in years of lowest flow and vice versa. As shown below, except for 1976 and 1977 this was true for the mean total abundance and the mean yearly flow. Mean Total Abundance Increasinr. Year 1974 1975 1976 1982 1983 1977 1978 Mean Yearly Flow Decreasinr. Year 1974 1975 1977 1982 1983 1976 1978 In the years 1977 and 1978, there were longer periods of higher solar irradiation (figures 2-5 and 2-6) during the sampling years (March-October) than in other years. These were the two years of highest I I 255

I total abundance for the periphyton conmanities. Since light is necessary for growth of this conununity these periods of higher total amount o'f irradiation and less flow (probably less scouring) may have significantly affected the communities. Autotrophic Indices--Chlorophyll a_ being the primary photosynthetic pigment for green plants is useful as an index of the productivity of the periphyton community. The ratio of ash free dry weight to chlorophyll, i.e., autotrophic index (AI), has been increasingly used to indicate periphyton conununity structure (Weitzel 1979). 1 Additionally, it has been used to indicate changes in the ratio of the ' primary producing portion (autotrophic) to the consuming portion (heterotrophic) of the conununity in response to environmental perturbations. Theoretically, an organic influx to the system, for example, will shif t the consnunity from a producing (autotrophic) phase to a consumptive (heterotrophic) phase, causing an increase in the AI. I, Normal AI values range from 50 to 200 with larger values generally assumed to indicate a decline or poor water quality (Standard Methods, 1985). However, a problem with this index is the presence of nonviable organic material. Large amounts, which may be normal for the consnunity in a particular location or growth habit, will increase the amount of ash-free 1 l dry weight, thereby, greatly increasing the AI value (Grzenda and Brehener I 1960). l Chlorophyll a_ degrades into several by-products, the major one being phaeophytin a. Because phaeophytin a_ absorbs in the same spectral region as chlorophyll a, the concentration of chlorophyll a can be I I, 25G I,l l

1 overestimated, if not corrected for this. Additionally, the ratio of active pigment, chlorophyll a to degradation product, phaeophytin a can be


B useful in assessing the 'iealth of the community. Therefore, bellnning in 1975, the chlorophyll a concentrations were corrected for phaeophytin a and the phaeophytin index was calculated. Also beginning in 1975 the autotrophic indices were calculated using chlorophyll a which had been corrected for the concentration of phaeophytin a. The ash-free dry weight (AFDW) and phytopigment information for individual samples are in Appendix G. Mean values for each sampling location by sampling dates for AFDW, corrected chlorophyll a, AI's and phaeophytin indices are in Appendiz H. Because of the large number of replicate autotrophic samples taken at each sampling site each collection period, unlike the abundance data there were no problems in subjecting the data to one-way ANOVA's and I SNK multiple range tests. Results of these tests are in table 6-9. From 1974 to 1978, 18 out of the 31 (58 percent) sampling dates had no significant difference among channel stations for AI values, two sampilng dates (6 percent) had significant differences among all channel stations and the remainder (36 percent) had two channel stations similar which were significantly different from one other channel station. During the 1982-1983 sampling period, channel and overbank stations were not significantly different on six (50 percent) sampling dates, Apell, June, and September, 1982; May, June, and October 1983. In the remainder of cases when both channel and overbant stations were collected, there were significantly different AI values but there were no consistent trends I II l 257 )

I among stations. There were fewer occasions of similar corrected chlorophyll a (CCA) and ash-free dry weight data for all channel Il stations. Between 1974-1976, 42 percent of the CCA and 35 percent of the AFDW sample sets had no significant differences. As with the AI values. l in 1982-1983 there were no consistent trends for differences among channel and overbank stations. Over the study period, mean corrected chlorophyll a values for I channel stations were lowest in 1982 ranging from 0.6 to 43.9 ag/m8 in October and April, respectively. Highest mean values were found in 1978 when mean corrected chlorophyll a varied from 9.5 to 143.8 ag/m* in May and June, respectively. Mean values for the overbank stations were both lowest and highest in 1983 when concentrations were 1.0 to 89.3 mg/m' in October and April, respectively. Ranges for these and remaining years are shown below. Mean Corrected Chlorophyll a (ag/m a) Channel Overbank Year Range Months Range Months 1974 7.8-150.8 May/Jun 1975 2.3- 63.5 May/Jun 1976 1.5- 51.5 Oct/Aug 1977 20.0-138.5 Apr/Oct 1978 9.5-143.8 May/Jun 1982 0.6- 43.9 Oct/Apr 1.5-55.9 Aug/Apr 1983 1.4- 62.0 Jun/Apr 1.0-89.3 Oct/Apr ) 2 f)8 Ill ll1

I There were no consistent periodic trends by year for the corrected chlorophy)) a data, i.e., no month was consistently highest or lowest. However, May and June were the low and peak, respectively, of chlorophyll a concentrations in 1974, 1975, and 1978 while April was the month of lowest concentration for both channel and overbank stations during 1982 and 1983. Except fcc 1974 when chlorophyll levels were highest and total abundance was lowest these two parameters are in good agreement. As total abundance increases so do the corrected chlorophyll a concentrations. This is also true for the decreases in total abundance. I Mean ash-free dry weights were somewhat more consistent with lowest weights occurring early in the year (April, May, or June) and highest weights occurring later in the year. This was reversed for the overbank stations in 1982. Mean ash-free dry weights for channel stations were lowest in 1974 ranging from a low of 948.6 to e peak of 6,482.9 I ag/m2 in May and June respectively, while 1982 AFDW values were similarly low ranging from 300.2-6,019.6 mg/m8 in April and September, respectively. Mean values for AFDW were highest overall in 1976 ranging from 2,100.4 to 10,525.3 mg/m' in May and June, respectively. There were occurrences of single-sample values higher than these, e.g., mean AFDV of 211,808.2 mg/m2 in August of 1983 at TRM 388.0, Mean AFDW values for overbank stations ranged from 646.4 mg/m' in August 1982 to 22,202.4 mg/m' in May of the same year as shown below. I I I I m

I' Mean Ash-Free Dry Weight (ag/m2) Channel Overbank Year Range Months Range Monthe_ 1974 948.6- 6,482.9 May/Aug 1975 462.3- 7,801.7 Apr/Jun 1976 2,100.4-20,525.3 May/Jun 1977 2.424.5-11,441.8 Jun/Oct 1978 1,532.5-11,824.2 May/Jun 1982 300.2- 6,019.6 Ape /Sep 646.4-22,202.4 Aug/May 1983 554.3-72.855.5 Jun/Aug 1,014.5-10,036.3 Jun/Aug The ratio of the proceeding parameters constitutes the autotrophic index which, as mentioned earlier, varies between 50 and 200 for natural waters with occasional increases due to presence of nonviable organic material. During the study, mean AI values at the channel stations were lowest in 1974 ranging from 27.4 to 123.2 in June and May, respectively as shown below. Mean Autotrophic Indices Channel Overbank Year Range Months Range Months 1974 27.4- 123.2 Jun/May 1975 100.8- 327.4 May/Aug 1976 75.0-1.023.6 Jul/Jun 1977 57.3- 228.3 May/Jul 1978 38.4-1,858.7 Apr/May 1982 84,9- 930.0 Apr/May 131.1-4,286.6 Jun/May l 1983 103.3-4,417.9 Jun/Aug 100.9-6,789.8 Apr/Oct ' I: 260 I! ' 1 l

I The AI values increased through 1976, declined in 1971 then continuod to rise through the rost of the study period. In 1983 the Al values were highest with mean values ranging from 103.3 to 4,411.9 itt June and August, respectively. Mean values for the overbank stations ranged from 100.9 to 6,789.8 in April ar.d October 1983. At the channel stations AI values were usually highest early in tho yoar (April, May, June) but usually varied thereafter. This was not true for the overbank stations which exhibited no consistent trends. The AI values in 1982 and 1983 are skewed by the presence of a few samples in both years with large amounts of ash-free dry material (which could be nonviable organic material) and somewhat lower chlorophyll a values. This happens at both channel and overbank I stations. Even with these samples removed, however, the AI values generally increased to highest levels in 1982 and 1983. Interestingly, the phaeophytin inder (PI), a ratio of chlorophyll a to phaeophytin a, its major degradation product decreases steadily from 1975 (the first year it was calculated). In 1975 I approximately 94 percent of the samples had PI values greater than or equal to 1.6, usually considered to indicate healthy, rapidly growing algal communities. The mean PI values continually decreased through the years reaching the lowest collective point in 1983 when only 42 percent of the samples had PI greater than or equal to 1.6. This suggest some factor, which was incrassing in strength, may have been stressing the periphytic algal phytopigments throughout the study reach. This is particularly apparent for the 1982-1983 period, when corrected I I I. =

I chlorophyll a concentrations were low and variable among stations and the amount of phaeophytin a was highest in proportion to the active pigment chlorophyll a. The slight increase in BOD, TOC, and nitrogen concentrations between 1978 and 1982-1983 were the only discernable changes in the chemical parameters which could affect growth of the comunity and therefore the PI and AI. Ilowever, increases in nitrogen would tend to stimulate the growth of algae, increasing chlorophyll a concentrations and increasing the PI values. In a carbon-limited system, if present here, the increased levels of organic carbon should have a similar response as nitrogen. If the reservoir system is not carbon-limited, this increase in organic materials could be stimulating the heterotrophic portions of the I periphyton. This in turn would cause increases in the AI values. The cause of this decline in algal " health" and the apparent increase in heterotrophlom in the periphyton conueunity is not discernable. 6.3 Sununary and Conel'isions The periphyton conununity in the vicinity of Bl.N was sampled using artificial substrates during preoperational monitoring from 1974 through 1983. Between 1974 and 1978, only stations in the Tennessee River channel were sampled. TRM 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8. After the plant diffuser was redesigned, the potential for thermal or chemical plume influence on the left overbank was created. Because of this, the sampling protocol included stations on the left overbank, TRM 386.4, 388.4, 389.9, and 391.1 when it resumed in 1982. Samples were analyzed for genera present and I



I I cellular abundance of algal periphyton, as well as periphyton autotrophic indicos, a ratio of ash-free dry material to active (excluding phaeophytin a) chlorophyll a. During the six years of preoperational monitoring a total of 62 periphyton genera were found and included 26 chlorophytes, 26 chrysophytes, 7 cyanophytes, and 3 ouglonophytos. Of the 62 genera found, 14 genera (9 chlorophytes, 3 chrysophytes, 1 cyanophyte, and 1 euglenophyte) occurred only in one collection month. Most of these 14 genera were planktonic forms which had becomo entangled in the filamentous periphytic algae. The periphyton communities throughout the study period had 10 genera which were the dominant tara, accounting for 19.8 to 91.9 percent of the total abundance in any sample. Several were dominant in only one or two sample sets, Spirog ga (1), Staurastrum (1), Navicula (1), Osel11storia (1), and Synodra (2). The chrysophytes Comyhonoma, Molostra, and Cocconois were dominant in 4, 5, and 22 sample sets, respectively. Sti teoclonium, a rhoophille filamentous chlorophyte, was predominant in 46 sample sets and Achnanthe_s, a rhoophilic chrysophyte, was the most numerous genus in 58 sample sets. Of the two latter genera, Achnanthes was predominant in 51 percent of the samples from 1974-1918 and Sth eoclonium in 21 percent. This reversed in 1982 and 1983 when Stlteoclonium was most numerous in 48 percent of the sample sets and Achnanthem in 28 percent. I I I  ; w

I At the channel stations thoro was a general increase in numbers of genera from 1974 to 1978 then a decline in 1982 and 1983 to Icvels similar to 1974-1975. The number of taxa at channel stations ranged from 5 in June and August 1982 at TRM 396.8 and June 1983 at TRM 391.2 to 24 in September 1978 at TRM 396.8. Overbank stations had the minimum number of taxa 5, at TRhs 386.4 and 389.9 in June 1982 and the maximum number, 17, at TRM 389.9 in August 1983. When compared using SQS, the community structure at channel stations was similar in a minimum of 68 percent of the sample sets where corsparisons were possible in 1976 to a maximum of 100 percent of the sample sets in 1971 and 1983. When both taza and abundance were considered (PS), the frequency of similarity was lower ranging from 25 percent in 1983 to 88 percent in 1974. In these comparisons the uppermost channel station. TRM 396.8, was frequently dissimilar to the other channel stations according to the PS index but this was not no when only taxa were considered indicating similar genera, but differing cell abundances. As with channel stations, a high percentage of overbank stations had similar genera composition (81 percent in 1982, 95 percent in 1983) but differint, total abundances. This also held true when channel and overbank consnunity structure was compared again indicating similar tasa but different abundances. Diversities at both channel and overbank stations were usually high in April (occasionally May), decreased to a low in June and then increased again through August or September. Over all stations, the diversities were highest during 1976 and lowest in 1974. The diversity I I I

t. n

I I inder values for channel stations ranged from 0.80 in July 1974 to 2.99 in September 1976 while diversity indes values for overbank stations ranged from 0.57 in April 1983 to 3.17 in April 1987. Channel stations had chrysophytes as the dominant group during 1974-1976, with Cocconels and Achnanthes the predominant forms. Beginning in 1977 and continuing through 1983, chrysophytes dominated early in the year, in June chlorophytes began to dominate at some stations and both groups were intermittently dominant for the remainder of the year. When chrysophytes were dominant, Achnanthes was usually the most predominant diatom, while Stiteoclonium was the predominant chlorophyte taza when chlorophytes were dominant. Only once, May 1983 at TRM 391.2, were bluegroens (cyanophytes) numerically abundant enough to predominate. I However, the dominant taxa for this sample set was Stigeoclonium. Overbank stations exhibited similar percentage composition changes as channel stations except that chlorophytes were predominant at all overbank stations in April 1981 and cyanophytes were never the predominant group. Abundance data were pooled, either by combining years or stations I analyzed statistically and several facts were elucidated. When years were combined, the total abundance at TRM 388.0 and 396.8 were similar and highest, TRM 391.2 had different densities which were somewhat lower. All channel stations had significantly higher abundances than overbank stations with TRM 388.4 having lowest abundances and being significantly different from other overbank stations. Chrysophytes began the saapilng year with high numbers which decreased through the year while the opposite was true for chlorophytes. When stations were combined, total abundances I I g m

I ware highest and were similar in 1977 and 1978, whereas abundances for 1982 and 1983 were similar and significantly lower than 1977-1978. The remaining years 1976, 1975, and 1974 had decreasing ebundances, respectively, and were significantly different. The abundances were usually highest in June and lowest in September or October. Abundance data for each month were also statistically analyzed individually. There were no consistent trends for either overbank or channel stations, except that channot stations were similar each July when sufficient replicates were present to run statistical analyses, July 1974, 1976-1978. Abundance data did not correlate with most of the water chemistry data. There were weak inverse correlations with pH and dissolved oxygen and f airly strong direct correlation with the concentrations of anunonia nitrogen. There were stronger relationships with flow, with highest abundances in years of lowest flow and vice versa. There was also a relatianship with solar irradiation where years of highest total abundances (1977-1978) were also years of longer period of high levels of solar irradiation. Results of one way ANOVA's on the autotrophic indes data showed that the channel stations: (1) were not significantly different in 58 percent of the months, (2) were all significently different in two months (six percent), and (3) in the remainder two stations were similar but different from the third channel station. When channel and overbank stations were compared, 50 percent of the months were not significantly different. The other half of the sample months had varying results, but usually some overbank and some channel stations were stallar. I 2GG I I

I I The corrected chlorophyll a (CCA) was lowest in 1982 samples and highest in 1978 samples for channel stations. Overbank stations had highest and lowest CCA values in 1983. There were no consistent periodic trends for the CCA but this parameter, except for 1974, did exhibit a strong direct relationship with total abundance. The phaeophytin index (PI), the ratio of active chlorophyll a to its degradation product, phaeophytin a, was highest in 1975 indicating healthy algal populations. The PI declined steadily from 1975, the first calculated, to the lowest values for the study in 1983. Ash-free dry weight data did have more consistent trends. Values were usually lowest early in the year (Apell-June) then higher the remainder of the year. The AFDW data for the channel stations was lowest I in 1974 and 1982 and highest in 1976. The overbank stations had both highest and lowest AFDW data in 1982. AI values for the channel stations were lowest in 1974, increased through 1976, declined in 1971 then continued to rise steeply for the remainder of the study. There was no logical correlation of this steep I rise with any chemical data other than noting a general rise in the levels of TOC, organic nitrogen, and BOD which may have given rise to the 5 ircreased AI values. Values for channel station AI's were usually higher early in the year then becano inconristent for the remainder of the year. The AI values for overbank stations were highest and lowest in 1983. Both 1982 and 1983 overbank AI values were generally similar to the channel stations, but exhibited no trends. I I 2G7

I Through the monitoring period, periphyton abundance has exhibited a long term cycle with 1974 as the nadir and 1978 as the peak. Any comparison of abundances in the future with these must consider such apparent cycle. During this time, chlorophytes have occupied increasingly larger portions of the periphyton community and cyanophytes have only rarely been significant. Genera composing the periphyton assemblage at anytime were similar; however, there were differences in the abundances of these genera, usually with channel stations having more dense populations. Trends in chlorophyll levels were usually in good agreement with those of total abundances. However, there was a general increase through the years of phaeophytin a_ levels. Autotrophic indices were very variable for each station through 1977, then began to increase through 1983. Reasons for this increase may be a shift toward more heterotrophic growth because of apparent increases in organic materials (suggested by increases in TOC and BOD ). This too may be part of a reservoir cycle 5 as was suggested for the total abundance. This grossible cyclic nature in the ratio of periphytic autotrophs to heterotrophs should also be considered when future AI values are compared to tl.ese. Overall, the periphyton conesunity is relatively healthy, exhibiting typical densities, taza, and abundances for this portion of the I mainstream Tennessee River system. I I I I m 3

i j M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M t t i l TOTRL NUMBER OF TRXR - TRM 388.0 24 -


j 21 - i i t + l 18 -

                                                                                                                                                        +                         +

g 15 -

                                                                                                                                                          *      +            +

g ++ + , n 12 - + + + l c - + + t + A A C ] + + + Z s - + + + + +

                                                                                                                                  +          +                        +                                                                                 +

, + l G -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              +                            +

l i 3 - f f f f f f I 1 1 1 g 1974 g 1975 y 1976 g 1977 m 1978 G 1979 N 1980 y 1981 m 1982 6 983 a ,

                                                                                                                                        -          N         m         e               m                   N      m            m                            O                           N i

1S24-1S83 Figure 6 -1 Total Nu Wer of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TRM 388.0 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

] , i i

!                                      TOTRL                 NUMBER                       OF                  TRXR    -

TRM 391.2 \' 24 -


) 21 - i t 18 -

                                                     +         +                 ++
                                                                 +                +
                                                      +           +

g 15 -

                                                   +          ++                 +                       +

g + +

                                                    +                                             -H-m    C                   12     -

I M E + + +

         ]                              ++                          +
  • Z s -

6 -

                 -            3   --

9 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 1974 m 1975 e 1976 m 1977 m 1978 O 1979 m 1980 e 1981 m1982 m 1983 0

                                             -            N            m               v                   w     N            m     m                C          N 1974-1983 Figure 6-2 . Total Nu=ber of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TMt 391.2 in ti.e Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.


Egg agg gm g33 ggg ggg ggg TOTAL NUMBER OF TAXA - TRM 356.8 24 - +  ; 1 21 -


18 --

                                              +       +                  ,-


                                             +               +       +

15 + + g -

                                                        +      +

g +  %+ H 2 12 L + + +

  • y 9

[ J

                                           +                     +


  "     Z                                   +                                                                  +

s F

                                 +                                                                +

h -  ?

                                                                                                   +4 3   -

f f f f ' 1 i f I a 1974 m 1975 e 1976 e 1977 m 1978 a 1979 m 1980 r 1981 w 1982 m 1983 Q

                                     -          N        m        e          w     rs   a      m      C         N l

1974-1983 Figure 6-3 Total Nu=ber of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TE 396.8 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

t 4 i TOTRL NUMBER OF- TRXR - TRM 386.4 k l 24 .- i - l i 21 - 1' l 18 - ! g is - ! uj + t - m 12 - 1 N o E + i' l . N 3


Z. 9 -


I E - +


3 - 1 i + 1 1 I g g a 1974 N 1975 or 1976 m 1977 cn 1978 C 1979 N 1980 e 1981 w 1982 cn 1983 Q i

                                                                            -   N           rn              er             w                   N       (D        cn           O          N 1974-1983 Figure 6-4    Total Number of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TP3 386.4 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

M M M M M M m m m

i TOTRL NUMBER OF- TRXR - TRM 388.4 , l i l 24 - I i l 21 - 18 - } l j 15 + g -


i PJ 2 12 -



             ]                                                                                                                                                           + +

Z s - i i l G - +

 ,                                                                                                                                                                           +

i 1 3 - j , , . . , , , e i .i , I j g 1974 1975 1976 1977 m 1978 0 1979 N 1980 , 1981 g 1982 m 1983 g {

                                                                        -                       N           m              v      m             N         m          m         C          N s

I I . 1974-1983 t Figure 6-5 . Total Number of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TRM 388.4 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, ' Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983. i

                                                                                                                                                          . . _ .    -                       --___--__i

TOTAL NUMBER OF TRXR - TRM 389.9 i 24 - I 21 - 18 -


t g 15 -

                                                                                                                                            +                              +

U C 12 -


E , N ] ++ 2 Z e -

                                                                                                                                                        +                ++       '

S -


3 - I t

  • I f f I f f i g 1974 1975 y 1976 g 1977 m 1970 0 1979 N 1980 ,7 1981 m 1982 cn 1983 Q
                                                    -        N             m               *r                       w      N       (D    m                  C                N 1974-1983 Figure 6-6 Total Number of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TRM 389.9 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

a -

m W W W W W m W m m W W W W m TOTRL NUMBER OF TRXR - TRM 391.1 24 - 21 - 18 -


g 15 -


g + + 12 - E M ] + $ Z s -

                                                                                                                                                                      +       +

6 - 3 - 1 I f f f f f f f I a 1974 m 1975 eN 1976 m 1977 m v 1978 Q 1979 N 1980 e 1981 m 1982 m 1983 Q

                                   -                                                                                        M              W    N     O        CD       Q          N 1974-1983 Figure 6-7 . Total Number of Periphyton Taxa Collected at TRM 391.1in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1974 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A P, ' , 'd l' 1 i I NO/SQ CM 3500 4 3000 i 2500 _ ) M

$ 2000 _

i 1500 _ i i 1000 - l 500 - 9 /

                          ,s 0

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1

RIVER MILE Figure 6-8. Periphyton Densities by Pajor Group Collected in May 1974 in the Vicinity of i Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational

a m m m W m m W W W W W m W W W W W

W M M M M M M M m m m g m e e g g g PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1974 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I////A l', '/, '/] l*

                                                                                                    .]          l        l NO/SQ CM l

3000 _ 2500 _ m M

       "                         2000    _

l 1500 _ 1000 - 1 500 -


0 d' 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-9. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1974 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.


                                  /////1              I// i ']           l' '    *l NO/SO CM 3500

! 3000 -



                          ?               's  '

r 6 2500 _


f f ',

                                                     's' N                        /             /,

1 i ,/ c': 2000 _ '/ /'

                                            's       's'


                                         //           .

r, 1500 - 's, /,,

                                              '      ,?
                               ,         's
  • e
                         /                              i 1000    -        /,           's   '      e',
                         /'              '/          /

G 500 -

                               ,         's,        t
                         ,  ,          's,      7h,

0 D ' " O /'/

                                                   / '
388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-10. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in July 1974 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

l , E E E E E E E E E E E E E

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - AUGUST 1974 (NUMBER /SQ CM) l CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I Il///A l/s/ ] l' - I l l NO/SQ CM 3500 3000 . 2500 _ ., M 2000 _

                                        .. 1500             _

1000 _ 500 - 7 s 7/

                                                                     '             "  O' 0
                                                          , ~388.0                   391.2                                             396.8         386.4      388.4   389.9                   391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-11. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1974 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitorjng.

g >

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER 1974 (NUMBER /SO CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A P, 'c 'd I- 1 I , NO/SQ CM 3500 3000 _ 2500 _ n m 2000 _ 1500 _ 1000 - 500 7

                                                              /m 0

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 Figure 6-12. Periphyton Densities by Major Group e e in September 1974 in the Vicinity of el ef te Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational m m M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

um um amm amm um num num uma um e um um num aus PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1975 (NUMBER /SO CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A I6 'c 'd l- 1 I I NO/SQ CM 6000 7/ 5000 _

                                          /,        f,

n 4000 _ C '/,

    ?                         '

6 's'

                        '/             /

6 's' 3000 _ ' /, /, s ,/

                        '/             /,,
                                           '        ,'s
                          /            /

2000 _

                                         ?          '/
                          /            /,

s ,/

                       '/,             /,,

1000 -

                       's,                             '
                                       /'s           /
                          /            /

s / / 0 ' 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 l RIVER MILE l Figure 6-13. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in May 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. l I

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1975 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I///// /i '/ i '/] l* ] N0/SQ CM 6000 5000 _ n g 4000 _ '/, n t,,


3000 _


e / 2000 _ 9, 'e'

                                 's,          /,
                                   '          /'

, 1000 - f


s /

                                  /,          /,

0 O '

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-14. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.



5000 _

i 4000 - n ! CD a i j 3000 _ i 2000 _ 1000 _ _ 7 G

                                ,',         G O    _
                                '-           ,1                   a 388.0       391.2                  396.8        386.4         388.4  389.9       391.1 I                                                                              RIVER MILE Figure 6-15. Periphyton Densities by fiajor Group Collected in July 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.


     .a 3000    _

4 4

2000 .

\ 1000 - i' 7c 0 0

 .                     388.0        391.2       396.8        386.4        388.4      389.9       391.1 I

RIVER MILE Figure 6-16. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M m m W m m


 $       4000      _

3000 _ 2000 _ 1000 - 0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-17 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in September 1975 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. 1 A l l

_ _ . . __ _ . _ - . ---. . .. ~. .. . - - __ . - - PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - APRIL 1976 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A l0 'e, 'd l~ '1 I I i NO/SQ CM 8000

7000 _

! 6000 _ i y 5000 _ ! C 4000 _ 6 l 3000 _ 2000 1 i ! 1000 - 3 i 0 0 " 6 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-18. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in April 1976 in the Vicinity of i Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guatersville Reservoir, During Preopere.tional Monitoring. 1 l 1 - - - - - - - - - - I- __ _

i use amm amm uma em amm mum num num uma um nas num I e ! PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1976 . ! (NUMBER /SQ CM) i i ! CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER t V///A l'/ 'i 9)

                                                                                                                                    \^                l                 l          l NO/SQ CM i          8000 I

l 1 7000 i i ! 6000 ~ \ M i m 5000 ' y - l l 4000 _ l 3000 - i 2000 - , 3

                           /                                /

1000 _

                                               -          '/,
                                               '          /l

0 -

                           /'          "     O        7' 388.0              391.2         396.8              386.4                                                              388.4             389.9       391.1                          l RIVER MILE Figure 6-19.            Periphyton Densities by Majar Group Collected in May 1976 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.                                                                                         ,

t i i _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



[l///} I'/ 'i ? ' l' -l l l 1 f NO/SQ CM ! 8000 i I i i . l 7000 l l i l l l 6000 _ l I

         $          5000         _

cc 4000 _

                                                             -                                  /,                                                                                                      ,

i /' [/' l 3000 _ /


f's />'s-

                                                                                         /, /




                                      /     -                O,                          /,     /                                                                                                       l
                                      /     '                                                                                                                                                           I

1000 '/ f, p O 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 i RIVER MILE Figure 6-20. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1976 in the Vicinity of i Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. E E E E E M M M M M m m m g ,

um um e um um um um um una em um muu em ame PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JULY 1976 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER l I//blb l'si '/] l' l l l i NO/SQ CM 8000 4 7000 l 6000 - i M - I $ 5000 _ l 4000 _ I 3000 _

                                                                      's, 2000                                                       /'


                       -5                                                  -
                                                       ,              '/
\                                                                          '
                              '/                /

I 1000 -

                              ,'           h '-                       '/,

l 7 '

                                                   's                 's
                               '                b             "'


  !                          388.0           391.2                 396.8               386.4           388.4       389.9                                      391.1
 ,                                                                                    RIVER MILE I       Figure 6 -21.             Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in July 1976 in the Vicinity of l                                  Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSIT!ES - AUGUST 1976 (NUMBER /50 CM) l CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER l V///A k, 'C 'd l' I l_ l t NO/SQ CM 8000 l' t , 7000 - i I 6000 _ ., i ! i l $ 5000 _ l 0 l 4000 _ ] 4

l 3000 _

i i l 2000 - l i i i i 1000 - i I 7 i 0 "' -' 4 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1  ! l RIVER TELE I Figure 6-22 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1976 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte R. : lear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. f j i

mm nas em amm amm man ama num ums um um . PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER 1976 r I (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER i i l I////A l's,] l^ '] l l 4 t NO/SQ CM 8000 l j 7000 _ i

6000 _

l  ! n l C 5000 _ t 4000 _ 3000 - 3 2000 _ D s, i 1000 -

                         ,s                                            /                           r 0        'R                                            '                        - '  L--                                                                       ;

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-23. Periphyton Densities by >bjor Group Collected in September 1976 in the Vicinity of  ! Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. i , 1 i

J i PERIPHYTON DENS!T!ES - OCTOBER 1976 l (NUMEER/SC CM) 1 l CHLORO CHRYSO C'YANO OTHER [/////l {', '/, 9j [~ ~} l  ! 1 i NO/SQ CM 8000 i l 7000 - I i 6000 _ N , c 5000 _ N 4000 _ 1 7, r-i 3000 Y, D

                                                                            ^              7' i             's       '                                                                                                                                   \
                                                                        '/                 /
                                                                                            /               /                                                                                                                                            >

2000 -


i '

                                                                           ,               's               /             .

I , s G . 1000 - s '/, s 's, r, i

                                                                          '            rj! O               '

0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RlVER WLE Figure 6-24. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in October 1976 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. l m W W M M M M M M M M M

j amm aus e e amm um num man ums em amm amm ums em I i i1 1 PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - APRIL 1977


CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER )I [//Md I', 9, 9 I' ~l l l j l NO/SQ CM j 18000 16000 i 14000 _ g 12000 _ c 10000 _ 8000 6000 _ 4000 -

                                                                    /j i

2000 _ G C 0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-2 5. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in April 1977 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

t ! PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1977 i' j (NUMBER /SO CM) i CHLORO CHRYSO CYAND OTHER VMA P, '/, 'd L 1 I I NO/SQ CM i ! 18000 i 'l f' 16000 ~ i 14000 _  ! l  ! u 12000 ~ i c e -


10000 _ ,', 7' 1 i 9 i

                                                                                '/                                                                                                      t

! 8000 _



                                                                                     /                                                                                i l                                                                                's' 1                                        '/"                                                                                                                                             i j                      6000        -
                                                                                's,                                                                                                    j
                                              ,              's                 /                                                                                                       \

4000 - '/ / f

                                                                                    /,                                                                                                  ;
                                                               /                                                                                                                       I 2000        -
                                       '/ ,,                     '

f's j

                                                             ,'s                's'                                                                                                    t
                                       '/                    /'      ~'

O i j 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 l RIVER MILE l I Figure 6-26. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in May 1977 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. E E E E E E E E E E E E E E i r i

num uma um um um um um man um aus e mas em e PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1977 (NUMBER /SQ CM) l CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO CTHER Il///A l'i 'i '] Y 'l i l


\ . l NO/SQ CM ! 18000  ! 16000 i I j 14000 _ Ln 1 to 12000 (n


l, l i ! 10000 7 !- / 8000 T /

                               /                              b-           /
                               /                              l
                                                                 /         /e                                                                                               !

6000 / '

                                                              /, ' ,          '

p I p 4000 f, //, p/,,' f ,', /'s j 2000 -//, /' ' f/'s


i /',

                                        '                        ,,',          s 0                                        fl O    '       '

i 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 l RIVER MILE Figure 6-27. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1977 in the Vicinity of

 .                                          Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.



l PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JULY 1977 j (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER i V///b I/i s ] l~ *k I  ! l NO/SQ CM 18000 i l 16000 _ I l i 14000 ~ l ll l . i $ 12000 I l I C l 4 ! 10000 _ l t 1 8000 _ f l ! 6000 _ t  ; i I  ! i i j 4000 - i [ l T r'<  !' i 2000 -

                                                                                               'e l                                                                                                                                 /

l o b[ /'s />' l 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 l 1 RIVER MILE l Figure 6-28. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in July 1977 in the Vicinity of ' { Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.  ; l t m m m m M M M M M M M 1

M M M M M M m M M M M M m PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - AUGUST 1977 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A P, , 'd l- 1 I I NO/SQ CM 18000 16000 _ 14000 _ to 12000 _ 10000 _ 8000 _ 6000 - 4000 - 2000 - a 7 _O d p',_

                               /          VA 1

, 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE. Figure 6-29. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1977 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Rechtvoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER 1977 (NUMBER /SQ CM) l CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A P, 'c 'd I- 1 I I NO/SQ CM 18000 16000 _ 14000 _ y 12000 _ l to en 10000 _ I j 8000 _ 2 6000 _ i


4000 _ 0 1 a ' 2000 -7'4

                            / ,-

0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-30 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in September 1977 in the Vicinity of i Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, i _ __ _______ _ _ _ _ _ - ._ _ -.

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M m PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - OCTOBER 1977 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///) l'i 'i ? l' 'l l l NO/SQ CM 18000 16000 _ 14000 _ 12000 _ m c 10000 _ m


8000 _


6000 _ s 4000 _ '/, p 2000 -

                   /,'                     9 's 7

b'/ A[ h,' 9 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 Rl'/ER MILE Figure 6-31 Periphyton Densitice by Major Group Collected in October 1977 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.


                                                      /               l*       'l         l       l NO/SQ CM 100000 10000     _


                 's                7  '

E '/


0 1000 _ s '/, s 't /

                   /               /,

7', ' 100 _

                                      -       '/
                 ,s             /n/           /
              /, s
                 /              /     '
                                              /'s-10   / ,--                f,',          '/  .

9% 9, 7-f ;: p//s , s 3 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-32. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in April 1978 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M


$                                                   1000                 _
                                                                                                       -       k, f's        's 100                _

e ' ft:'/,

                                                                                                     's      '/,
                                                                                                     's      '/,

10 - ', 's,

                                                                                                     's      '/,
                                                                                                     's      '/,
                                                       ;                                          /'s      //

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-33. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in May 1978 in the Vicinity of Ballefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1978 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///M I', 9, 9] l~' 'l l l NO/SQ CM 100000 7 f '-/ 10000 _? G v/:< y/'ss -;

                ,(                          -

ca / /

                 /               s
                                         /    '

O N 1000 ~ [

                              ///G/      /'/
                                         /    '
              /,/  s jr         /


              / ,'s  ~
                              /k /


                                         />   '-

100 /,G- / '/, ,


9,:C f'(

                              ,   c.
                                         /p 9 ;.

10 'G- 'e pc jc p 9 ;;. 9:<' 1

                     '        9'c.

A ' ' 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-34. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1978 in the vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring,

M M M M M M M M M M M M W W W W M M M PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JULY 1978 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I/////l l', 9, 9] l~ 'I I  ! N0/SQ CM 100000 10000 _ D9 o f f I'/ 1000 / ' '- '

                                                -99.                9           9 g';;

99.' 99, 100 . k, / /

99. 99, 9  ;

99,- p , 9 :-  ; 10 .

                                                                       '/,         -

99, 9;,. p/'s s 3 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-35. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in July 1978 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.


   $                  r 3

1000 7- , f_

                                           -       '/,
                   /', s-           f  '/,         t,
                   /     '          //'
                                    /,           's,
                                         ',     /'s 100   / 


                   /  /
                        ',          /'s
                                    /         /
                                                / 'sG
                   /> - f' ' ' ,


                                         ,    /  '

p /p



                   /'s- p/             s, 9;

b,' 388.0 391.2 39 6.P- '386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 R.VER MILE, Figure 6-36. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1978 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M


                       ,                     ,                                             T///)                I's 9 O]

i I' 'l l l NO/SQ CM

                                             'i00000                                                                                                              ,

10000 _

           <,a 7

7/ o / D '

                                                                            /'G G                                             1000                        '
                                     .s                                        92               pa p;,

p -


100 ..

                                                                                                      -        'e'
                                                                                                /  '

s /- 10 p,/ , f ;.'s 9 ,'; 9 pa. . p 9 ;. 9; 9 9' . p ' 1 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-37 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in September 1978 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.


      ,ggggg 10000     _

cs 7 i N 1000 ,

                ~$- ' G,            70          7  /
                      , 's               /,        /
                   /D               ,//',       /

100 /

                   /  '/  '
                                     /             '/

h., l'e / / 10 ' '


p'. p/ e , a/ 6; b' /, .

                                       /,       h,'

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-38. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in October 1978 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, e e e m M M m m m m m m M M M m m m m

M M M M M M - M M M M M M M M M PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - APRIL 1982 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER II///A l'i '/ '] l' 'l l l NO/SQ CM 5000 _ ~4500 _ 4000


3500 - u , l o N 3000 _ 2500 _ 2000 _

                         -M 7

1500, _' ~- gj ,,




D '

                                                                                                      ,'s Q                              <,
                                                                                           ,i                    -

500 -

                         's                               '
                                                                                         's'          ,
                                                        's/                              '              'A          's/


                         /'               Q            '                            "             W'1             

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-39. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in April 1982 in the Vicinity of . Bellefonte Nuclear Planc, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. JP

                       "                                                      -w      .

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1982 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A [0 'c 'd l' 1 I I NO/SQ CM 5000 4500 _ 4000 _ 3500 _ ca C 3000 _ 2500 _ 7 2000 _


1500 _ / '



                                                                                                                                                                                    's 1000                                                                 '          /',                     /

l 'd

                                                                                                             '/,           /,,         ,'

5 500 -

                                                                                                             '/            /,'         ,/
                                                                                                                                                    'i                's ,          <'

7/ s p / 7/ , / /, {', 7 , s 388'.0' 391.2' 396.8 386.4 388'.4 389.9- 39'1.1- l RIVER MILE Figure 6-40 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in May 1982 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M - M M M M M M M

M M M M m M M M M M M M M M M M M M M PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1982 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I//!// l'i '] l' 'l l l N0/SQ CM 5000 4500 _ 4000 _ 3500 _ o

 "   3000                                                                    7 2500
                                                    /                        /

2000 /l //


1500  !/ 7

                                         's         /                       /

1000 -/ 's

                                                    /                       /


            -/'s-                     /

s' / / /

              /'                      /'s           /
                                                    / /
                                                                            /D 0

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-41. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1982 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - AUGUST 1982 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A l// ']' l' 'b l l NO/SQ CM 5000 4500 _ 4000 _ 3500 _ N 3000 _ 2500 _ 7 2000


p /

                             /                                                   /-

1500 .

               .h /          $


                                                                                 /e, '
                  /          Y//   '
                                                                                 /< /' '

1000 -f /', ' , / / 500 /

                             //                                                    <

O /s 6,: x - 6: 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-42. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1982 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER 1982 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///} I's '//] l~ 'l l l NO/SQ CM 5000 i 4500 _ 4000 _ 3500 _ ca N 3000 _ 2500 _ 2000 _ -l 1500 - 7 1000 -

500 -
                       'f,                                                                      _.

f'/ ,', 0 - 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-43. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in September 1982 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. i

i l. PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - OCTOBER 1982 J (NUMBER /SQ CM) I CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER b  ; i V///A I6 '6 'd l~ ~l i I I NO/SQ CM , 5000 i ! 4500 _ 4000 ~ i ! 3500 _ 1 ) l N 3000 _ l n 1 j 2500 _ i ! 2000 _ I ) 1500 _ i l 1000 _ 500 7 D 7 7 G <' 0 - 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 j RIVER MILE i Figure 6-44. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in October 1982 in the Vicinity of { Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

                                                                 - u- -

um uma um mum um aus uma mer num um um amm aus ums uma num nas mas em PERfPHYTON DENSITIES - APRIL 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V////l k, ' , 'd F 1 I I NO/SO CM 100000 10000 _ 7


7 f / 1000 -

                                   's                                                 '
                                                                          s .

f p/

                                    ;                                       ,      /  -
                                $:                                 pl/  :::'       h:::s
                                /- '

f' 's / <<

                                                                    / s
                                                                               . ll's'

10 - D '


f' , ' k's . f's/ , / 76, /ps s 4

                                /    '
                                                                    //,/s          bl',  -




                                //,                                                               /     -

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6 -45. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in April 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - MAY 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER [1] I/,'/,'/] l l l  ! N0/SQ CM 100000 t 10000 _ j l ca 7 7 - z 7, r, /

  • 1000 '
                                          /         's,       /t,                                /  /
                         's          /G               /                                            /

7c h>c' 7'6 h's' f, / .

                                                   $'ss, t,


                                                                                                   /'s f

100 ,' / . 's ' f /

                      /.  's fD,           /Q                '

j ',,. f*. 9x /: 92, 9: c 10 - 9 / e 'e

                      /, 's          f'Q           /Q              ,-                                ','

f;/. b / v/

                                        /c .
                                        /,     .

v/;' j/? 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6 -46, Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in May 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

W W W M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - JUNE 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I////d l',9,9] l' 'I l l NO/SO CM 100000 10000 _ ca

                                     $           1000                                              _

7 - 0, 6 '0

                                                                                                       /                                                                                   9 100                                  7 ',
                                                                                                       ,.        [D          lp t fr/ ,'       f
                                                                                                                                                      /,D G
                                                                                                                                                                                           's '
                                                                                                                                                                                        /' , '
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D l's '

                                                                         ,o                          99.         pa,         9;          9:-         9a
                                                                                                                                                          'a            pg              /

pa p a' ' , 9; 9:-* / 9a 9;:

                                                                                      ,              M388.0 d

391.2 d?: 396.8 6 386.4 k 388.4 6:?: k ': 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-47. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in June 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitcring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - AUGUST 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER V///A P, , 'd l- 1 I I NO/SQ CM 100000 10000 _ N C) 1000 p/ m 7- 7' 9 100 -


{G, 9 '/ 9

                                                       ~                  f    '


                                                                                          '/  .


                                                                                                        'e '
                   /:'-              9+.

fD l9 x f l9: D 9'D l n f '

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                                     / .-        /a                       /            , /+         /'D 10   -
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f G D,-


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                      , 's   '

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                                                                              /        /',      .D      ,
                                                                                                           's  '

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-48 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in August 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

m M M M M M M M M M M M M M M W W PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER I////2 ', 9, 9] l' 'I l l NO/SQ CM 100000 10000 _ ca [ 1000 _ 7/

                                                                                       's~                    I 100    -

7 's 7's, u n e p

                               ,0    .

1 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-49. Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in September 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring.

PERIPHYTON DENSITIES - OCTOBER 1983 (NUMBER /SQ CM) CHLORO CHRYSO CYANO OTHER Il///A l'i s ] l' *'l I l 100000 10000 _ U e 1000 _ 7 7 f 9

                             ??'s        7'3,                                  9
                                                                                          / 7 100                  f           f;                                      -,          /
               -9            9                                                 9 9


                  $:'c fg,:x 94                                    $h?
                                             's                                              '/,


                  />         9 9,<

9-4;, 6,? @/ 6? e< 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-50 Periphyton Densities by Major Group Collected in October 1983 in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring. M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M

M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M PERIPHYTON TOTAL DENSITIES - APRIL (ALL YEARS) NO/SQ CM 1983 100000 II - - 90000 _ 1982 00000 - G's,'s,} 1978 70000 _ Y////)

$       jg77 60000      _

o M 50000 _ 1976 40000 _ W/////A 1975 30000 _ l 20000 - 1974 ., gt::.g.p.pp; 10000 -

     -:: : O::.CM                 ,         -

e z 0 ------- Yll 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-51 Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of April Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-19fs3

I I N YO a I

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__ N 5 m tt en E O a. b, A n o. v. z , , , , , , , , , Q_ O O O O O O O O O O O ga O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O e O O O C " ~t O O O O O O O O O O 9*N O m O N O m 4 n N -

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                                                                         .m CD s

a 3 g __ - i w a I 320

sum uma amm - em um uma e um e um man amm um num num um num am PERIPHYTON TOTAL DENSITIES - JUNE (ALL YEARS) 1983 100000 I II 90000 _


1982 c - 80000 p _'/, '/, ) _ 1978 70000 /


y 1977 - s.s M 50000 _ [O ' 1976 / W///A 40000 _ [ 1975 30000 _

                                                       ,    /

20000 - 1974 [ g -- -g 10000 - V f 0

                                                      #'         I'  1 388.0   391.2       396.8      386.4     388.4       389.9     391.1 RNER MILE Figure 6-53   Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of June Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.


     !'          II  90000     _

1982 80000 V /, / /, / l - 1978 70000 4 _ o {////) 60000 Pa 1977 - ra


M 50000 _ j 1976 ' 40000 _ - V///////$ 1975 30000 - 20000 - l 1974 /

i 39?it.::1 10000 -

g g

          = - . -

wum va/s, ,,,,, i 0

;                                 '88.0   391.2     396.8       386.4      388.4     389.9       391.1 i

RIVER MILE Figure 6-54. Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of Jt ly Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983. E E E E E E E E E E

e um um em en mm um ami man am as em num num um um um PERIPHYTON TOTAL DENSITIES - AUGUST (ALL YEARS) NO/SQ CM 1983 100000 l' Il 90000 - . 1982 8 ' p,;/,; - 1978 70000 I Y////) \ 60000 1 ca 1977 - ra M 50000 _ . 1976 - 40000 _  ! V///////A i 1975 30000 _ l l 20000 - 1974 i

                                         ~                     '

E!!$U5E!E5EE3! , O / , 0 M' 625252 W / ,(

                                                                                                  'v,' -            '

388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6 55. Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of August Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

PERIPHYTON TOTAL DENSITIES - SEPTEMBER (ALL YEARS) NO/SQ CM 1983 100000 II II 90000 _ 1982 80000 p ,, ,, j _ 1978 70000 _ V////)

 $                     1977
.r-M                  50000   _

1976 40000 _ WW/////) 1975 30000 _ 20000 _ , , 1974



                                                  %(y W/M 74
                                                           ???b 7

0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RIVER MILE Figure 6-56. Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of September Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983. W M M M M M M M M M M M M m m m m M M

em um sum um mas a sum amm uma num use amm uma amm mum ums mas num ame PERIPHYTON TOTAL DENSITIES - OCTOBER (ALL YEARS) N0/SQ CM 1983 100000 II- 90000 ~ 1982 8 00 p ;/,;/,}


1978 70000 _ U '///!) ca 60000 1977 _ M 50000 _ 1976 40000 _ W////A 1975 30000 - 20000 - -

                                        /, / //



j!!5!$!M rj g 0 M V///A M - - - 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 l RIVER MILE Figure 6 -57 Mean Total Periphyton Densities for the Month of October Collected in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.

MEAN PERIPHYTON DENSITIES OVER TIME (ALL STATIONS COMBINED) TOTAL CHLORO CHRYSO M l.....l l l NO/SQ CM 12000 10000 _ c.: 8000 _ 6000 _ 4000 - [ 2000 - _ O _ # ' 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1982 1983 YEARS Figure 6-58. Mean Periphyton Densities by Major Group for Each Year (All Stations Combined) in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983. W W W M M M M M M M M M M m m m W W W



T-  :- -: 0 388.0 391.2 396.8 386.4 388.4 389.9 391.1 RNER MILE Figure 6-59.Mean Periphyton Densities by Major Group at Each River Mile Sampled (All Years Combined) in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir During Preoperational Monitoring, 1974-1983.



4 1 l 1

;                      3680--                                                                                                                                                                       i i

l X - l Ld l a l Z H 2763 - U \ m } I g a_ cc O [E 1840- - F-O F- ._ J E


920-- .




( + + + + . + 1 , + + ++ +

                                                        *         *                                                    "+,
                                           + ++++ ,                    ,                  i                                   +   +   t        t          t               t t          1 i G            1974        1975         7 1976                              1977              CD 1978       1979  N 1980          1981       W 1982        1983    0 'i GJ                                                    7                   N                          U1                    N

! MONTHS I Figure 6-60. Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TRM 388.0 During Preoperational ! Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983. 1 l i l E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E



y .. LJ Q Z SOO- - H U g ._ C .I 1: C Q + i

O 4gg. _

E F- + O + p._ <_

                                                 ++          +

g , E + + + 200< - + j + ++ + +

                                               +              ,                   ++
                             ~                                                                                                                       +
                                                                              +               +    +
                                  + ++                          +               +         +      +
                                    + +

t I f f 1 I I I I Q 1974 N 1975 7 1976 (D 1977 (D 1978 0 1979 N 1980 t 1981 (D 1982 W 1983 I

                                         -              m               m            v               m        N      m      m          Q                   t MONTHS Figure 6-61.            Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at IRM 391.2 During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983.

PERIPHYTON RI VALUES - TRM 396.8 2 0 0 0 <-


1600W X td ,_ Q ! Z H 1200 -t U H 3- .. ca 1 c o o T 800-- , F- ) o + t- + . a --

E 400-- *
                                        +                                                                  +

! . .+ . i

                      -                      +                               +
                                                                     ,                                               ,            i
                                      +         *                                                        *
                                                                  .      . . .n

g i , , , , , , , , ! Q 1974 N 1975 e 1976 a 1977 (D 1978 Q 1979 N 1980 t 1981 LC 1982 CD 1983 O i j - N m e m N m m G N ! MONTH Figure 6-62. Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TRM 396.8 During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983.

W W W W M M M M I l PERIPHYTON RI VALUES - TRM 386.4 2 0 0 0 <-


1600-- X Lil ,_ Q Z H 1200-- U H I - Q. f O 9 Of 800<- 1-- O i- ._ E 400<-

                                                                                                                   ++             + +

1 f I I 1 1 1 I _ f G 1974 N 1975 t 1976 (D 1977 (D 1978 G 1979 N 1980 7 1981 LD 1982 CD 1983

                                    -          N          m          t          (D         N        (D        CD            G MONTH t            Figure 6-63. Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TRM 386.4 During Preoperational l                           Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983.

l L_-_______--__

PERIPHYTON RI VRLUES - TRM 388.4 2000 - 1600-- X L-J ,_ Q Z H 1200 - U H I _ CJ &

c. O N Of 800--

F-O . F- --

                --)                                                                                                                                     +


400 - *

-l +

                                                                                                                                                   +                   +
                                                                                                                                                                   +       +

g I I I I I f i f f f G 1974 m 1975 e 1976 m 1977 (D 1978 Q 1979 m 1980 y 1981 m 1982 CD 1983 Q

                                                                      ~         N          Cf3       T         W          f%        CD         m             Q                 N MONTH Figure 6-64.                                 Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TR?! 388.4 During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983.

l M M M M M M M M


                                                                     '1 6600--                                       -

4 - - 6000 - '

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                                                 .             s

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                                                                                                                                                      '/h i'   5400--                                ,

s . W

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ;                      J Lil     4800-                 -

is * O s s 3 - Z - vi . x> H ' 4200--  !

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O .2400-- s , 7 , f- ,_') i 3; ' t

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t a preOO<- '

                          -ts s                                                              ,                                                  s g~                                                                                                                                 . s
                                                      <                                                                                                          g    f
                           >200                -c 1                                                                                                                                                                      +

t '- j; SOO - 'y - + n "

                                                                                                                                                                                                         +++                   +        +

g .i e , , i i , , ,

                                ,            Q 1974               (U 1975          t 1976             (D 1977        (D 1978            G 1979            ' N 1980             t 1981        (D 1982                   CD      1983
                               %                                  ~                N                  M              7                  W                    N                 m             m                         Q I

MONTH Figure 6-65. Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TRM 389.9 During Preoperational Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983.

l PERIPHYTON RI VALUES - TRM 391.1 8000 - 6400-- t X ! LJ a -

H i 4800 -

l U l u m +

c. 3-1

! O I T 3 2 0 0 <- l g

o 1

V + 9 ._ [ 1600<- i


i . 1 I f f f 1 1 1

                                                                                                                                                   * +*

_ 1 Q 1974 N 1975 e 1976 m 1977 CD 1978 G 1979 N 1980 T 1981 LD 1982 0 1983

                                                        -         N       m       e         m         N          m                      m         o 1

MONTH ! Figure 6-66. Mean Autotrophic Index Values by Collection Dates Collected at TRM 391.1 During Preoperational j Monitoring, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Cuntersville Reservoir, 1974-1983. } i M M M M M M M M M M M M

i 1 . l l l l 7.0 BENTHIC MACH 0INVERTP.BRATES i 7.1 Materials and Methods l Field--Preoperational benthic studios were conducted from 1974 through 1978 and during 1982 and 1983 on a monthly basis from February through October each year. Beginning in March 1978 benthic monitoring was expanded beyond the mainstream channel to include the left overbank habitat because it uns determined that this area could be exposed to the Bl.N thermal / chemical plume under low and reverse flow conditions. Left overbank stations were located at TRMs 386.4, 388.4, 389.S', and 391.1; l channel stations were located at TRMs 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8 (figure 7-1). ' Ten Ponar grab samples were collected at each station. Samples were washed over a standard number 35 mesh (589 pm opening) brass screen to remove clay, silt, and fine sand psrticles. Fes!due was placed in plastic bags, tagged, preserved with 70 percent alcohol, and returned to the laboratory for processing. Sediment samples were collected concurrently with macroinvertebrate samples to characterize benthic substrates and better as'esss effects e substrate differences upon the macroinvertebrate data. / From 1974 through 1979 artificial substrates (wire barbeque baskets--volu:ne 7675 cm a , filled with washed river rocks) were also T used to collect macroinvertebrates at each channel station. These i samplers were allowed to colonize on the bottom for approximately one month. After retrieval, the baskets were opened and the rocks were s I _ mm__._ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

I placed on a standard number 35 mesh vash screen and rinsed with water. After removal of the organisms by washing and handpicking, the rocks were discarded and the organisms and debris were placed in plastic bags, labeled, preserved with 10 percent formalin and returned to the laboratory for processing. Although preoperational monitoring was sus-pended after the October 1979 survey, artificial substrate sampling was continued the first several months (February through May) in 1980 as part of the construction effects monitoring program. Artificial substrate sampling was terminated in May 1980 following approval of TVA's recom-mendation which followed evaluation of 1974-1979 construction effects data. The 1980 artificial data are included in this report. Laboratory--Macroinvertebrate samples were rewashed with water over a standard number 30-mesh screen, placed in white enamel trays, separated from remaining detrital material, transferred into vials, and preserved with a solution of 70 percent ethyl alcohol and 5 percent l glycerine. Macroinvertebrates were classified to the lowest taxon ' practicable and enumerated. References used in identification include l numerous taxonomic keys which are on file at the Benthic Laboratory in t the E&D Building in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Data Analyses-Enumeration data were converted to number of organisms per square meter. Spatial and temporal comparisons were made for total macroinvertebrates and dominant taxa (Heysgenia and Corbicula manilensis). I Spatial comparisons utilized Sore'sen's Quotient of Similarity (SQS) as described by McCain (1975) to evaluate differences among I

                                        -33G I

~ _ __

I stations based on community structure. A criterion of 70 was chosen as an estimate of similarity. Values less than 70 would indicate different communities based upon tax 0nomic structure (SQS). Diversity indices (Patten, 1962) were calculated to determine community diversity at each station. Graphical comparisons of stations were made over time for total and dominant group densities. Sediment samples which were collected from channel stations during 1974-1979, primarily were intended to support the ccnstruction effects monitoring program and are discussed in detail in TVA's construc-tion assessment (TVA 1980). Although additional sediment samples were collected through 1983, they are not discussed as part of this preopera-tional assessment, but are available for future use. t 7.2 Results and Discussion A total of 138 of aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa was collected and identified at the seven localilties monitored from 1974 to 1983. One hundred-ten taxa were recorded from the three channel stations (tables 7-1 and 7-2), while 113 were recorded from the four overbank sta-tions (table 7-1). These two major habitat types had 86 taxa in common (62.3 percent of the total number). Twenty-one taxa were found in the channel that were not found in the overbank (table 7-3) the majority of these being rheophilic species. The majority were caddisflies (5). stoneflies (2), mayflies (2), and crayfish (2). Twenty-five taxa were found in the overbank that were not found in the channel (table 7-3), most of which are limnophilic. The majority were dragonflies (5), I 337

E mussels (3), chironomids (3), and snails (2). Tha spatial and seasonal trends in numbers of taxa and populations and the dynamics of dominant taxa are discussed separately for channel and overbank. The fauna at Bl.N was very similar to that in the vicinity of the Murphy Hill site (TRM 368.5 to 371.5), as 87 percent of the taxa reported from tha't site for 1981-1982 (TVA,1983) were found near BLN. The Channel Fauna--Based on Ponar grab sampling, the average density (no./m*) of benthic macroinvertebrates increased markedly in the channel with time (figure 7-2), although there were dif ferenc'es among stations. At TRM 388.0, mean number per m* in 1977 more than douhled 5 over the previous three years; the mean numbers increased further in l 1978, thereafter leveling off. Mean nuinbers per m* at TRM 391. 2 and TRM 396.8 were lower than at TRM 388.0 and did not increase markedly until 1982, when values more than tripled. Seasonal trends in ben'hi'c t macroinvertebrate density were not evident at any station (figure 7-3). Mean density at TRM 388.0 was consistently higher than at the other two stctions each month sampled. The number of taxa found per year (based on Ponar samples) increased at each station from 10 or less in 1974 to 40 or more ih 1983 (figure 7-4). The mean number of taxa collected per month increased con-comitantly (figure 7-4) with a sharp rise at all three stations fhom 1979 to 1982. The station at TRM 388.0 generally had a few more taxa than the other two stations (table 7-4). No significant seasonal trend in number of taxa was found over the eight-year monitoring period (figure 7-5). The general trend of an increase in macroinvectebrate abundance and in the number of taxa from 1974 to 1983 at all three che.nt.el stations ne g

I l 1 l' is substantiated by the diversity index values (table 7-5). A gradual increase in diversity values occurred at TRM 388.0 and 396.8 in 1977. From 1978 on, diversity values increased at all three stations. The increases in the overall values of diversity indices fur each year are shown in figure 7-6. I The seasonal tren" in diversity varied with station locality. At TRM 388.0. diversity values were usually highest in spring and fall sonths, with lower summer values. At TRM 391.2, diversity was usually highest in summer months. At TRM 396.8, the high values were more variable but occurred more often in spring months. Combining all sta-tions and years, diversity was lowest in March (average diversity index =

1.22) and highest in July (average diversity index = 1.66).

Results of the SQS analysis were variable depending on samping date. When the data were combined on a yearly basis, the station at TRM 388.0 appeared to be similar to the station at TRM 391.2 (table 7-6). The station at TRM 396.8 was similar to TRM 388.0 only in 1976 and 1977, and similar to TRM 391.2 only in 1976 and 1983. The SQS values for 1983 showed that all three stations were similar to each other (> 70 percent). The dominant taxon (based on frequency of occurrence in Ponar samples and numerical abundance) at all three stations from 1974 to 1979 was Corbicula manilensis (table 7-7). Two oligochaete worms, an uniden-tified Tubificidae and Branchiura sowerbyi, were usually next in ranking; the tubificids were usually more abundant, whereas Branchiura occurred in more samples. These three taxa were the only ones found at every station I 3u3

every year sampling was conducted. Hexagenia ranked as high as third only at TRM 388.0 in 1975, 1978, and 1979. However, in 1982 and 1983, Hexagenia became the dominant taxon at all three stations (table 7-7) as Corbicula population estimates declined. Examination of the population trends of these two taxa throughout the study period shows an increase in Corbicula at TRM 388.0 from 1977 through 1979, followed by sharp decreases in 1982 and 1983 (figure 7-7). In contrast, populations of Hexagenia have increased steadily at TRM 388.0 on an average yearly basis (figure 7-10), although seasonal fluctuations are great due to the life cycle of these insects. Typically the population is large in spring until mid-June when emergence to the adult stage begins. The population of nymphs then declines through the summer months as emergence con-tinues. By late summer and early fall (September and October) the popu-lation again increases as eggs hatch. In fall and winter, the population decreases somewhat due to predation pressure on the young nymphs. This annual pattern is evident in figures 7-10, 7-11, and 7-12. The Corbicula populations at TRM 391.2 and 396.8 were more stable on the average throughout the monitoring period (figures 7-8 and 7-9). Another taxon which increased markedly at TRM 388.0 and 396.8 was Cammarus, ranking second in 1983. Considering data f rom.only the Ponar sampling, taxa that were not found at any of the channel stations from 1974-1979 but that were picked up in the 1982 and 1983 surveys include Amnicola, Baetidae, Berosus, Clinotanypus, Elmidae, Erpobdellidae, Ferrissia, Cammarus, Glossipheniidae, Goniobasis, Gyraulus, Hydroptila, Macromia, Molonna, 340

I Naididae, Nemata, Nigronia, Decetis, Paratendipes, Pectinatella, Phylocentropus, Proptera, Psidium, Somatogyrus, Stenochironomus, Taphromysis Triaenodes, Tribetos, Viviparus, and Xenochironomus. Some of these taxa were rarely collected and their scarcity could account for sampling error prior to 1982. However, the appearance of approximately 30 recent colonizers compared to only 12 taxa which were not collected since 1979 (see table 7-1) indicates an appreciable change in the channel macroinvertebrate community, and largely accounts for the increase in diversity. The dominent taxa in the artificial substrate samples from the three channel stations are ranked in table 7-8. Shifts in the order of dominance from year to year were common. At TRM 388.0, the caddisfly Cyrnellus fraternus and the amphipod Hyalella azteca were usually the most abundant taxa until 1980 when the midge Cricotopus became dominant. TRM 396.8 showed a similar pattern. At TRM 391.2 the dominant taxon changed each year until 1979 and 1980 when Cricotopus became abundant. Taxa other than Cricotopus which became relatively prevalent after 1976 were Agraylea, Cloeon, Glyptotendipes Neureclipsis, Pleurocera, Polypedilum, Rheotanytarsus, and Tricorythodes. The Overbank Fauna--Macroinvertebrate density (no/m*) at all four overbank stations was greater in 1982 and 1983 than in 1978 and , 1979, (figure 7-13) reflecting a trend similar to that in the channel habitats. The station at TRM 389.9 had the lowest mean density whereas the station at TRM 386.4 had the highest mean density three of the four years sampling was conducted. Total macroinvertebrate density showed a I 341 1 1 J

1 l definite seasonal pattern. Numbers decreased steadily through the spring .nonths, reaching a low in mid to late summer, followed by increasing numbers in October (figure 7-14). The number of taxa at each of the four stations increased from 1979 to 1982, but then showed a slight decrease in 1983; the mean number of taxa per month reflected this trend. The mean number of taxa per month (when the data were combined over all four sampling years and sta-tions) indicate that a greater number of benthic species were present in spring (February-April) than during the remainder of the year (figure 7-16). The lowest mean number of taxa occurred in October, although it was not appreciably dif ferent f rom the means for May through September. Diversity increased each year at each station (table 7-9). The greatest increase occurred at station TRM 389.9, where the mean value rose from 4.66 in 1978 to 6.40 in 1983. No seasonal trends in diversity were evident. Results of station comparisons using SQS values (table 7-10) were variable. Community structure at the overbank sations, based on presence / absence of macroinvertebrate taxa, appeared to remain quite similar among stations, the lowest similarity occurring in 1979. The two dominant taxa at stations TRM 386.4 and 389.9 were Hexagenia and Tubificidae in 1978 but changed often thereafter (table 7-11). The dominant taxa at stations TRM 388.4 and 391.1 was Coelotanypus 1978 and 1979, but changed to Chironomus at TRM 388.4 in 1982 and 1983. Corbicula populations increased in 1982 and 1983 at each 342

I station (figures 7-17 to 7-20), although densities were low at TRM 388.4 and 191 .1. Populations of flexagenia appeared to follow an opposite trend, as densities were lower in 1983 at TRM 386.4, 389.9. and 391.1 than in previous years (figures 7-21, 7-23, and 7-24). TRM 388.4 was an exception (figure 7-22). At TRM 386.4, Hexagenia was clearly dominant in 1978 and 1979, except in July and August when most had emerged (figure 7-21), at which time tubificid worms were most numerous. In the fall of 1979, Hexagenia numbers did not increase as in 1978. In the spring of 1982, Hexagenia appeared in high numbers sporadically, and decreased thereafter. Various genera of Chironomidae, including Chironomus, Procladius, and Dicrotendipes, increased in 1982 and 1983. At TRM 388.4, Coelotanypus was the dominant taxon in 1978 and 1979, but was replaced by Chironomus in 1982 and 1983 (table 7-11). Dicrotendipes decreased over the study period; Corbicula density was low but increased slightly in 1982 and 1983 (figure 7-18). At TRM 389.9, the dominant taxa Hexagenia, Corbicula, and Tubificidae were somewhat more stable, although some shifting in ranking occurred (table 7-11). At TRM 391.1, Coelotanypus remained the dominant taxon, whereas Hexagenia and Corbicula occurred in low numbers. Taxa that occurred at all four overbank stations each sampling year were Ablabesmyia, Branchiura, Caenis, Chaoborus, Coelotanypus, Corbicula, Cryptochironomus, Dicrotendipes, Hexagenia, Polypedilum, Procladius, and Tubificidae. Taxa that were last collected in 1979 were Culicidae, Micropsectra, Paragordius, Rheotanytarsus, Stenacron, and Tanytarsus; all were rarely collected, except Rheotanytarsus which was relatively common at TRMs 388.4 and 391.1 in 1979. I 343

The environmental factors responsible for the observed changes in the channel and overbank communities were not investigated in a causa-tive manner in this study. However, water quality parameters that were monitored were examined and are discussed here. Physical conditions such as flow and water temperature (chapter 2 of this report) did not appear to change appreciably f rom 1974 to 1983 to account for the faunal changes. Water quality parameters and measurements are given in chapter 4. Total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and BOD showed increased values in 1982 and 1983, reflecting increased productivity. Yearly changes in other parameters were not obvious and would not be expected to affect the macrobenthos. Aquatic macrophyte and mosquito control programs probably did not appreciably affect nontarget macroin-vertebrates (see chapter 3 of this report). A sand and gravel dredging operation may have impacted macroin-vertebrates. Most of the dredging was done at TRM 389.4 from 1975 to 1979. TRM 388.0 was dredged in the fall and winter of 1977, and TRM 389.0 was dredged the first half of 1976 and in November and December of 1979. Turbidity from dredging operations usually extends several miles downstream. The type and extent of any effects of the increased turbidity on different macroinvertebrate taxa were not determined in this study. 7.3 Summary and conclusions A total of 138 macroinvertebrate taxa were found at the seven stations monitored in the vicinity of BLN from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983. I 344 1 l

I A general increase in number of taxa and in number of organisms was observed throughout the study period. Higher diversity values reflected these increases. The macroinvertebrate community in the channel was dominated by the asiatic clam Corbicula manilensis and oligochaetes through 1979 (based on Ponar sampling). However, when sampling was resumed in 1982, a major shift in dominance was evident. The burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia sp., became the most numerous taxon at all three stations (TRMs 388.0, 391.2, and 396.8). Artificial substrate samples, taken from 1974 through May 1979, showed many changes in dominant rheophilic taxa, although the caddisflies Cyrnellus fraternus and Neureclipsis were usually common. In 1980, the chironmid Cricotopus was dominant at all three stations. The overbank community exhibited two seasonal trends. The mean number of taxa was highest in spring, decreasing in summer to a low in October. The mean number of organisms decreased steadily throughout spring to a low in late summer, followed by an increase in October. The burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia sp., and the chironomids Coelotanypus and Chironomus were usually the dominant taxa. In general, Corbicula manilensis increased in numbers throughout the four sampling years (1978-1979, 1982-1983), whereas Hexagenia decreased. The observed spatial and temporal changes in the macroinverte-brate fauna in the vicinity of ELN were not investigated in a causative manner in this study. No physical conditions or water quality changes within the reservoir could be definitely attributed to increasing or decreasing trends in numbers of taxa or individuals. 345


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                                                                                         * - Benthic Stations Figure 7-1      Location of Benthic Stations for the Preoperational Monitoring Program in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.


I E TRM 388.0 i @ TRM 391.2 i 0 TRM 396.8 I 500 - i I

                 >-                                                                                                                                                                                                                l z                      -                                                                                                                                                                                          1 I              O s
                ") 400                  -

l I N m 2 . m , , I ~~ z

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                                                                                                                                                                   ?                         ?                  ;    ;

5 S 5 o ' 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 I Figure 7-2. Yearly Mean Densities of Total Macroinvertebrates at Three I Channel Stations in.the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, 1974-1983. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 1 I i , 347 1


! l T R M 388.O j i ! b T R M 391,2


2 T R M 39 6.8

                                                             }400-                                                                                                                                                                                                                      l 320-a i

3 240-Ei _ a k o. _ _ _ y F E B M A R A P R M A Y J U N J U L A U G S E P N O V i t Figure.7-3. Monthly Variation in Mean Number of Macroinvertebrates/m2, Years l 1974-1983 combined, at Three Channel Stations in the Vicinity of j Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Based'on Ponar Grab Samples. t mum num amm uma mum aa e mum mum uma amm imme num amm uma amm umi man man

l l l l 1 M - - - 3 _ 8 2 _ 8 M - { 9 7 r 8 e M - 7 p d ee . et s 7 rce 7 h el Tl p l m eoa hCS 6 t 8

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0 2 . 8 1 4 8 9 5 7 3 _ $ 3 - I 7 e M M M r u R R 4 g T -  % T _ 4 7 i F 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4x<n LO mwm2oz

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Z W to 6 - I


O Z I Z '

      <    4 -

W 2 2 - I O i i i i i i i i i F M A M J J A S O Figure 7-5. Mean Number of Taxa Collected per Month (1957. Confidence Limits), Combined over all Three Channel Stations and Eight l Years of Sampling (1974-79, 1982-83). Based on Ponar Grab E Samples. 350

i I I I I e TRW 388.0 4 TRM 3912 a TRM 396.8 I 8 - I ^ 7 - in I -- w a 6 -

                                                                                                          *',a I
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                                                                          ..- ','e W                                       '
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                                                     ~ ','   -

I y 3 l-sn I c' 2 - w r O i - I o --- I 74 75 76 77 78 79 82 83 I Figure 7-6. Yearly Diversity Inder Values (d) at Three Channel Stations. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. I I. .-_ 3S1

m I. I , m.. . s n,

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m m i L o 5 e h .. e z 2 8 I I c n e d i

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m num aus e en mui e e amm immu e 200 - - t00 - ~ 400 - O 74 75 76 77 78 79 82 83


c > w ., a 4 3 300 - O_ t O 1 2 g 200 - O E - LaJ O 2 ) 3 I00 - z 4 - W < , <> > ( ,:. ;q  ;! , F 13'., ,, 0 I T. l, l:

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                                                                      .  . i.


                                                                               . . . . i.8 .9 .7 .9 . i. 8. 9. 8.0. ,

6 9 7 8 i. 1 9 8 2 . i. 8 9 8 3 Figure 7-8. Mean Density of Corbicula manilensis at TRM 391.2 (Channel), +95% Confidence d Limits. INSET: Yearly I'aan Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. i i

200 - t00 - 0 400 - 74 75 76 77 7e 79 82 03 "1 u s y ,= 300 - b 2 g 200 ~ O

                                                 =              .

w e 1 T J too - i-z l 4 ' { W 4, I' I

                                                  '                                                                      b I           ,     1                                                              -
                                                                 <irrl o                                                                                                               i
                                                                  . l. ;c;. ,< g.-l. ;< cgt i.-l< . j. ,< g< l. ;i,. ;< ;< l. fi,. ,< i.-lc;< ,< gc l<ge;. < g Figure 7-9.                Mean Density of Corbicula manilensis at TRM 396.8 (Channel), 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density.                     Based on Ponar Grab Samples.



                                                                                                                                            .. 7' 300                                                "'}                -

700 - 200 - - T is 600 - F j ' 400 - - 7 N 500 - h m e 0 ~ """ El{k M h a 82 83 o 74 7S 76 77 78 79 > 5; o 400 -


o m U1 o (41 a: w 300 - co 2 3 3


w 200 - 2 600 - o i.- .- .- 7. I Ir7 . IthI II,,  :! t 9 7 4 . i. 8. 9 7 5 . i. . . . . s 9 7 6 i. 1 . 9. 7. 7 . i. . . . I 9 7 8

i. . . . . j. . . . . i 1 9 7 9 e 9 8 O I 9 e2 3....

8 9 8 3 i Figure 7-10. Mean Density of Hexagenia sp. at TRM 388.0 (Channel), +957. Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. l _ _ ____)

300 700 - 200 -


600 - {F

                                                                                                                   *c '

i I 4 100 - b* a t g

                                                                                                                   $-   Tj ':
  • SOO -

b & 4 0 g 1. r, r. rr 1. r, ., ., 5 6 400 - z


CJ, w c

  • O E

W 300 - m 2 3 z z 200 - 2 100 - 0gt.- 9. .7 .4 .gi 1. 9. .7 $ .g. I. 9.-.-.j.- 7 6 . 8. 9. .j.- 7 7 .- .-8 .- 9 7.j,I8 . . .-9. 7j 9 r - .- 8. 9.-8 .0j - - g.- . . .- . J. . , . . l t 9 8 2 8 9 e3 Figure 7-11. Mean Density of Hexagenia sp. at TRM 391.2 (Channel),195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Crab Samples. g m e m m m M M M M M M M M

E E E O 4 l

200 800 - -
                                                                                                                                             !*                                                      a 7

b iE j i o 74 75 7s 77 7e 79 e2 es

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u 200 -

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E noo -

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e 9 7 4 8 9 7 8

                                                                                                             .g. I 9 7 9 ... l. 8 9. 0
                                                                                                                                             . . 0. . . . . . g. . .t. 9. 8g,2 9 . . . .

9 4 3 l Figure 7-12. Mean Density of 11exagenia sp. at TRM 396.8 (Channel), +95% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. i l

I i400-

                       } TRM 386.4 I

l TRM 388 4 _

                       ] TRM 389.9 1200 -

h TRM 391.1 e . ? 1000 - r

 >                                                                s E

z 800 - f f I u. O e 600 - I E


l l 400 - g I I I. h 200 - If l Il 0 1978 1979 1982 1983 I Figure 7-13. Yearly Mean Densities of Total Macroinvertebrates at Four Overbank Stations in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. l I! 358 Ii

I I - l 2800 -

I -

2400 - I - m 2000 - l 5


1600 - l g8 E 1200 - i ! . l 800 - 0 - - - l FEB MAR APR MAY J _U N JUL AUG SEP OCT

                                        -9          8      b    t   r   e      kSa     ns.

Based on Ponar Grab Samples. Legend as in Figure 7-13. I

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I G) (.) (,) G) H (,) u, 6) O I is , .. x .. y - .. p .- cn .- I 3, D ' j. z 12 -


I z .. w / I a. ,, 8 - N I - 4 I 4 - s s

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                                                   /,         ,       ,c                       .                                                                              '

I t 0 . . . F M A M'[ .. 3 3 d* s ()

                                                                ,                                                              x          -

I. Figure 7-16. Mean Mumber of Tara Collected per Month, Combined Over all Four Overbank Stations and Four Years (1978-79' and 1982-63). Besed on Ponar Grab Samples. I ""w., r , I sci g - 5 S p

                      *                                            #,         e
                                                                    ,"  Y     g.
                                                                        ...t I

roo 700 - ' gJ g 600 - - fY / '

              .           ,     em 78 79

[h 82 85 I 1 500 - 2 N (n . s ,, D 3 400 - b b - u. o a: 300 us m

2 3 -

E z g z " 4 g 200 2 _ m o 100 -

                                                 ,                                  o  ,,


                   -                                                                                                           o
                                        ,J, - " ,


                          " <,   o    o                                                    o                         o O         ,.I.,..,'.'..,.,..,.'.,..,..,.

I 9 7 6 I 9 7 9 l 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 Figure 7-17. Mean Density of Corbicula manilensis at TRM 386.4 (Overbank), 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 362 I

4 I '. i I I f I too


l coo - o 78 79 82 83 < I ,


1 , 68 300 - 2 , N m I i ! J . l 4 1 3 O 1 l 3 200 - .

                                                                                !                                                                     J O

z I u. -


o l C .

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1 S 7 8 1 9 7 9 z ,, i 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 4 Figure 7-18. Mean Density of Corbicul'a minilensis at TRM 388.4 (Overbank),

                              +95% Confidence Limits. IN.?ET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples.                                 '

1 / 1 l- I 3 G;r I-


t ,

I I I I too u.



                                  ,       33 78 79 h

82 83 400 - N E -  ! N en J j 300 - e 0 z

u. 200 -

s c: ~ W c) 1 s ' z 100 - E


z " .' 3if

               <t           ~

W '

               =                                           '

1 I II. ~ r r g I 9 7 8 1 9 7 9  : 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 I Figure 7-19. Mean Density of Corbicula manilensis at TRM 389.9 (Overbank), f I 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. a 364 I 3 I

I l I I ze. ) l.. I . - I . 78 79 82 83 I N 2 ~300 - N v3 _J I < D 9 I

    - 200            -


u. .

o I c: w m 100 - 2 3 z _ z

                                                                                                   ,1 ,1,',T,  , ,Y,T, N             O i .. .' I.T,1,T,
                                                                                           . . .    , ., i. . .

i . I'. .9. .7. .8. . i ,. I'. .9. .7. .9. . i i I 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 .i Figure 7-20. Mean Density of Corbicula manilensis at TRM 391.1 (Overbank), 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 365 lI


          .1 -'

300 si roo - - k ~

          =                             300 -

lg  :

  • I m

600 R l s. m 500 - - iJ - o la is . I 4 78 79 82 83

>    400  -

b u. o 300 - m 2


z z h 200 - l W 2 100 -

                        ,l T .,. ,.

o,.,..,..,..,.,..,..,..,..,. ,. . ,.'. . .,.

                                                                                             , , .T.T . , . . ,.

I 9 7 8 1 9 7 9 I 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 Figure 7-21. Mean Density of Hexagonia sp. at TRM 386.4 (Overbank), f,951 Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 3GG I

I I 300

             -                             300    -
             -                             i0 o   -                 -

500 -

             -                                  o N      #
  • 78 79 82 83 s 400 -

N en . J <,

 <t 3

I 9 3 O 300 - z I __ u. o [ 200 - 2 3 - z o o z ' j 100 - 2 ,, o o ,.T.N. T.b. ,.

                                         .T.T.I. .,.                   , .T.T.
                                                                             , ,  .I. .,, . , . ", .I.1, ,.1,.   . ,.

I 9 7 8 I 9 7 9 1 9 8 2 1 9 8 3 Figure 7-22. Mean Density of Herarenia sp. at TRM 388.4 (Overbank), 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 3G7


                                                                             .7 700 -                                         '
                                                  -                     ~
          ,                                   too              k-'M-7         Pd

600 - " I

           .                                  aoo  -


                                                     =             ;

N 500 - - $ a g!

J 2 g
  • g >

m J . o hM-N 4 78 79 82 83 g o E

>   400     -

o O 2


u. o o [ 300 - o 2 o . z o - 7

$    200     -
                                                                                    - o                                       E 2

o u , , 100 - " o " o n 1 ' o - T- I Il

                                       ' -- l                                                                   'n' 9 8 3 'i    l
                                          ' ' '                                 !, l' 'n'9'i 8- 's      !n' l a' 'i 0l'---         ' ' *                                                                                                    -
                ,'9      7 g    l' , '  9 7 9                l                                     2 t

Figure 7-23. Mean Density of Herstenia sp. at TRM 389.9 (Overbank), 195% Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Nean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. W I 368 l l

i.e.op 500 700 - - - soo - - 600 - - - I - 100 - 500 I N - - - 2 N j _ , _- - ._ I < 3 O

      > 400     -

78 79 82 83 I O Z u. I ] 300 - m 2 3 . z z j 200 - 2 100 - I _T_T_Q_Q , 11 T , h , O , ?.??.____ __1T I i I 9 7 8 1 9 7 9

                                              ;           i                  j, l . 9 8   2 1 9 8 3
                                                                                                              .;          i Figure 7-24.      Mean Density of Hexagenia sp. at TRM 391.1 (Overbank.), 195%

Confidence Limits. INSET: Yearly Mean Density. Based on Ponar Grab Samples. 3G9 i

   =                                                                                                                      ,
                                                                                                                       , 1

8.0 Aquatic Macrophytes 8.1 Materials and Methods Aerial Photography--large scale color aerial photography (l" = 600') was used to determine acreages of aquatic macrophytes from 1978 to 1983 in an area upstream (TRM 395.0 to 397.0 including Raccoon Creek) and an area downstream (TRM 391.5 to TRM 385.8 including Jones Creek) of BLN. Overflights were conducted during the latter portion of the growing season in August, September, or early October. Interpretation of the imagery was aided by ground truthing done at the approximate time of the overflights. Submersed and floating-leaved communities and one emergent macrophyte community (American lotus) were delineated on aerial photographs and acreages determined using an electronic planimeter. Acreages of aquatic macrophytes for Guntersville Reservoir were obtained f rom seasonal workplans of the aquatic plar.t management program (Goldsby et al. 1979; Burns et al. 1984). Standing Crop-Standing crop (above ground biomass) of aquatic macrophytes was monitored at eight sampling stations (figure 8-1, table I 8-1). Stations 1, 2, 5, and 6 were sampled from 1974-1979 and from 1982-1983. Stations 7 and 8 were added in March 1978 and sampled during 1978-1979 and 1982-1983, while stations 3 and 4 were sampled only during 1982-1983. Addition of the latter four stations was due to modification in BLN design and the onset of preoperational monitoring activities. The sampling stations represented two primary littoral habitats-shallow overbank and steep shoreline main channel habitats. The mainstream or I 370 I

channel littoral habitats were represented by stations 1, 3, 5, and 7, while the shallow overbank habitat included stations 2, 4, 6, and 8 (table 8-1). The sampling frequency at all stations from 1974 to 1979 was at approximate two month intervals. During 1982 and 1983 sampling was conducted during January, and in 1982 monthly from May to September. High flows during the late spring of 1983 delayed sampling, resulting in a monthly sampling period from early June to October. Samples were collected by removing standing crop of all macrophytes rooted in 0.1 m2 quadrats. Five 0.1 m2 quadrats were sampled at each 1.5-foot contour interval along a belt transect oriented perpendicular to reservoir bottom contours. In a few instances, samples collected during the early portion of 1974 were at 1.0-foot contour intervals. Sampling contours began at the shallow edge of the macrophyte colony near the shoreline and extended to the deepwater edge, where macrophyte growth was limited by light penetration or flow. When required, sampling at the deeper water depths was aided by divers using scuba. Samples were separated by species in the laboratory and washed to remove foreign debris. Samples were then oven dried and ashed in a muffle furnace to determine ash-free dry weight. Data Analysis--Mean standing crop, expressed in g/m2 ash-free dry weight was calculated for each station by total and by species, and plotted graphically for each station over time. A two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used (SAS 1982) to examine standing crop differences for months and stations in 1982 and I 371

1983. Data collected from 1974 to 1979 was not utilized because of the different sampling frequency. When interaction was significant, a one-way ANOVA was run separately for stations and months. Stations and months were then ranked (a = 0.05) using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (SAS 1982). Long range trends at stations 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 were examinet using regression analysis (Snedecor and Cochran 1967). Stations 3 and 4 were not included due to the short term (1982-1983) duration of data acquisition. Standing crop data from stations 1 and 2 were pooled to determine trends for macrophytes upstream of BNP and stations 3 through 8 pooled to determine downstream trends. 8.2 Results and Discussion Acreages of aquatic macrophytes on Guntersville Reservoir exceed those of any other reservoir within the TVA system (Burns et al. 1984). Reservoir morphometry characterized by broad shallow overbanks and a limited amplitude of water level fluctuation are conducive to submersed macrophyte growth. From an aquatic plant management I perspective, aquatic macrophyte growth on Guntersville Reservoir can be described as excessive. In addition to causing reservoir use conflicts in some areas, macrophytes likely Iave significant impacts on other biological communities as well as o',erall water quality of the reservoir. Aerial Photography--Aquatic macrophyte communities on Guntersville Reservoir extend approximately to the 587 foot contour if substrate and flow do not inhibit establishment and growth. The major submersed and floating-leaved aquatic macrophyte communities in 1983 m

upstream and downstream of BNP are shown in figures 8-2 and 8-3. Also included is American lotus (Nelumbo lutea (Willd. ) Pers. ), an emergent species, readily identifiable on aerial photography. Aquatic macrophyte acreages in the area upstream of the BLN site (TRM 395.0 to 397.0 including Raccoon Creek) and the area downstream of BLN (TRM 358.8 to 391.5 including Jones Creek) showed increases f rom the late 1970's until 1981 or 1982 and declines in 1983 (table 8-2). This trend paralleled that for all of Guntersville Reservoir (table 8-2) during the same time period when aquatic macrophyte acreages doubled on the reservoir. The decline in 1983 is thought to be partially related to high flows during mid-May 1983. A summary of acreages by species (table 8-3) from 1978 to 1983 showed Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) to be the dominant submersed aquatic macrophyte. This has been the case since the late 1960's when Eurasian watermilfoil inhabited approximately 22,000 acres within the TVA system. In addition to Eurasian watermilfoil, several other submersed and floating-leaved aquatic macrophytes such as spinyleaf naiad (Najas minor All.), southern naiad (N. quadalupensis (Spreng.) Magnus), American pondweed (Potamogeton nodosus Poir.), Brazilian elodea (Egeria densa Planch. ), coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum L.), and muskgrass (Chara sp.) occurred as mixtures with milfoil or less frequently in seperate colonies. Ilyd rilla (llydrilla verticillata (L.f) Royle), a particularly noxious weed, was discovered in Guntersville Reservoir in 1982 and several colonies occurred just downstream of BLN. This species is expected to spread and will likely be one of the dominant 3 ? lt

submersed macrophyte species in the Tennessee Valley within the next decade. Substantial increases of American lotus occurred in the downstream area from 1978 to 1983. In several shallow overbank areas this emergent species replaced submersed macrophytes such as watermilfoil. No attempts have been made to control lotus with herbicides, and the species is expected to increase in acreage unless naturalistic controls limit its expansion. Standing Crop--Annual growth curves for submersed aquatic macrophytes at the eight sampling stations (figures 8-4 through 8-11) showed Eurasian watermilfoil comprised the highest percentage of the total standing crop at all sampling stations. Several other species such as C. demersum, E. densa, E verticillata, Potamogeton crispus L., L nodosus. N. minor, N2 quadaluponsis, Vallisneria americana Michx., and unidentified species occurred at several sampling stations, but generally comprised a small percentage of total standing crop. Peak standing crop generally occurred during the summer or early fall months and declined during winter months. Maximum standing crop occassionally exceeded 150 g/m2 ash-free dry weight with a maximum of 253 g/m2 at Station 4 in June 1982. A two-way Analysis of Variance comparing standing crop by date and station showed highly significant interaction for 1982 and 1983 (table 8-4). Since interaction was highly significant during both years, a one-way analysis was run by month (table 8-5) and by sampling station (table 8-6) for each year and ranked (a = 0.05) using Duncan's New Multiple Range Test. I 374 I

Differences in standing crop by month, with one exception in each 1982 (station 8) and 1983 (station 4), were highly significant; differences at Station 8 in 1982 and Station 4 in 1983 were significant (table 8-5). Significant differences between months were expected as standing crop increased from a " normal" tow during the winter months to maximum standing crop during the summer or early f all months. In 1982, July generally had the highest standing crop and January the lowest for most stations (table 8-5). In 1983, the highest standing crop occurred most commonly in October and the lowest generally during the early June sampling date. The observed differences in 1982 and 1983 were attributed to high flows in mid-May of 1983 that reduced the standing crop of macrophyte communities. Instead of the July peak that was observed in 1982, the 1983 peak in standing crop was delayed until October due to the lag time required for regrowth from rooterowns. Differences in standing crop by station in 1982 were significant in August and highly significant in May, June and July. In 1983 significant differences occurred in early June (6th), late June (29th), July, and October, with January being highly sigti.ficant (table 8-6). While some stations (e.g. 1, 4, 7) consistently ranked high and others low (e.g. 3, 6, 8), there were no readily discernable trends relating to overbank (stations 2, 4, 6, 8) versus channel stations (1, 3, 5, 7). The low rank of station 6 during the later portion of 1982 and during 1983, may have been the result of herbicide treatments for hydrilla control. An examination of long range trends determined from regression analysis (figures 8-12 through 8-17) showed significant changes at I 373

stations 5 and 7 and a highly significant change at station 1 (table 8-7). Although significant at a = 0.05, changes at stations 5 and 7 likely were not meaningful because of the low R-squared values (< 0.20). All three stations showing significant or highly significant changes were channel stations, but the trends were not parallel. Stations 1 and 7 had significant increases in standing crop, while station 5 had a significant decrease (figures 8-12, 8-14, and 8-16). Although not significant (table 8-7), the changes in overbank stations (2, 6, and 8) also were variable with a decrease at stations 2 and 6 and an increase at station 8 (figures 8-13, 8-15, and 8-17). Sigiificant changes in the channel stations 1 and 7 may be related to colonization of unoccupied habitat. Pooled data from the two stations (1 and 2) upstream of BLN compared with pooled data from downstream stations (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8), showed a significant increase for upstream stations, while downstream stations did not show a significant trend (table 8-7; figure 8-18, 8-19). Increase upstream of BLN resulted from the colonization by macrophytes at station 1. A major difference in upstream and downstream areas occurred in 1983, when standing crop downstream, for some unknown reason, was depressed (figure 8-19). 8.3 Summary and Conclusions Acreages of submersed and floating-leaved aquatic macrophytes in the vicinity of BLN increased from the late 1970's until 1981 or 1982, then declined in 1983. This trend parallels that for Guntersville Reservoir. While several speeles of submersed macrophytes occurred in


1 l 370

the vicinity of BLN, Eurasian watermilfoil was the dominant submersed macrophyte species. Eurasian watermilfoil comprised the largest porcentage of submersed macrophyte standing crop for most sampling dates. Regression analysis indicated significant or highly significant trends at three sampling stations. Although all three of the stations represent channel habitat, the trends were not consistent as two increased and the other decreased. Pooled data from the two stations upstream of BLN showed a significant increase in standing crop, while pooled data from downstream stations was not significant. Analysis of variance showed significant or highly significant differences in standing crop for all months during 1982 and 1983. The month with the highest and lowest standing crop differed in 1982 and 196.s and is attributed to the effect of high flows in mid-May 1983. Differences in standing crop by station for 1982 and 1983 were generally significant or highly significant. While some stations consistently ranked high and others low, there was no readily discernable trend relating to overbank versus channel stations. I 1 l l 3?? l

1 d I 3 ,

                                                                          '!         I l-                             ,




         .M                      M v  BELLEFONTE        ,r/2 S TE                e AQUATIC MACROPHYTE                             g S AMPLING STATIONS                           E

4 ' 6 7 MILES e8

         #      NES CREEK Figure 8-1. Sampling Stations for Aquatic Macrophytes in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Guntersville Reservoir.

I 378 I I

E E i e i


i t l 1 Ms/Pti l 397 i

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                                                       ,f                                   y                           Ng No;es g4660lupe9sse
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! 393 Ws Wy top $ytj m sp.cety_= 1 NI Ne'v ee? v'es I Pn Potomogetoa modosJs U Upsene I Figure 8-2. Aquatic Macrophyte Com:nunities Upstream of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant on Guntersville Reservoir in 1983. f I ? l t



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Figure 8-3. Aquatic Macrophyte Connunities Downstream of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant on Guntersville Reservoir in 1983. l 380


                                                                  $TaTIONeI utan 370 -

240 - A = 1974 E = 1978

     ,00 -                   B = 1975         F = 1979 C = 1976         G = 1982 D = 1977         H = 1983 i so -

1s0 - g/m 2 20 - Q so - CO P 80 - a 30 - i a i e i i i i i e i e i i e a e 0 - i e a e i e i i i i e i i i i a i e i e e i i e : i e YEAR: a a a aI a a eeeeeeecccc0 t t 0 0 0 0 eeeeer i 1 1 ra rrr 1010 0 0 0 eei onnseie n neOn n n 3 se0 a2 ae0 i se MONTH: i ss7 e e i 4 eeei : 4 es0 as7 e ea-e+-a. c e n a t 0

  • n y t t u u 0 .-+-e tornia stasa tectuo: spaawt 70 fat m naJal W i pe OS D-O-G nrometta ventics W uvna0Pnfttuu ses 4-a* aiS P0?auCGETON cR4S 7-3--@ P01aWOctTom W000 e-e-e MadaS Q J a O a t u P t os +-+-+ vattssmtssa anta r, ,,-r, POfaWOctTOW SP, m Wassofwitrato SPI Figure 8-4. Standing Crop o' Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 1 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity o Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983.

s 14 7 i o 88 = 2 e t a se aro - too - A = 1974 E = 1978 8- B = 1975 F = 1979 C = 1976 G = 1982 D = 1977 H = 1983 iso - Iso - g/m lao - so - CJ cn n so - so - 4 W

                       !7,77.?7,           , . i
                                                      . . . . . .          ?.    .   ???.
                                                                                               . . Ti?   - .   .?  . . . . . i  . . . . . .

t rr rr rroooooon n nn n n n YEAR: aa aaa aoeeaeecccccoooooeec 0 8 9 1 i 9 1 1 MONTH:i s a 7 e 1 i e eaes 4 eeoas7 e 3 seoaaaseoaiss7 ee i ss7 eeo

                                       - tovat                                       en- -* ceaavoravttuu or        .-.-. tornia crusa tierno spunut                                                     W uvescanyttuu sPs             er- *-dr wa J as u nison
  • F o ss e t t a vgafics e- -. = a s a s o v a c a t u e s a - potauoottow cais a-e-a novaveerto= wooo
                                                                                     - unioravirito see             .-        vastesar=ea aven estauootton so.

Figure 8-5. Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 2 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983.

M M M M M M M STATION =3 u t s ee tro - 14 e - G = 1982 8~ H = 1983 iso - iso - i g/m .i iso - c.s E so - 1 so - I se - i o- , , , , , , . . , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ii J~

                                                                                                                                                                                       >>>.,,            ...       i YEAR: a a a a a a eeeoeecccccoooooeet ear r 1r1 r r a 1ooooooa 1          1       1 1               n a a a a a  1 MONTH: e 3 st e 8

i 4 eee i a eeoast e aseoaa3 seoaiseiee i se r ee o tofat as-en-es c e n a t o *

  • t s t u u or .-+-+ tornia acusa Lectuer sPaawt W WTesoPMTLtuu sPs W MAJas WBeam W avonILLA vtRTICI N Potawootton C#es W Potauoottow ee oo o m nadas ouaoaguptal
                                                                                                                                                 .- -. uniot=tirato set                       .-+-+ vattssutsea asta Potanootta= :P.

Figure 8-6. Standing Crop of Aquetic Macrophytes at Station 3 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1982-1983.

s t a t n o e8 = 4 utau are -

                   .e-G = 1982 3,,_

H = 1983 see - t se - g/m 2 eso - Ca c: so - A i

'                   so -

se - v e-

                           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

YE AR: aaa aa aaeeaaeeccccooooa ae erarrreoooeooaa t t aaa n a 9 f 8 9 6 4 5 asee2 asee s sey eee se7 eeo MONTH: : 3 s7 et *a eeet *

  • eeoaat e
                                          - totat                         en-*-es creatomarttum or       .-+-. toteen ocesa testeer senant                                                                      6-e-* =asas winon e4 He ave =etta statica         e-+-* ermio*=vttuu ses
                                          - maans cessaterte              e notamootto= enes              a-+-a *otamoscton mono potamoottaa sp.          .-.-. unistuveries set          +-+-+ vattes=tesa amen Figure 8-7. Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 4 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1982-1983.

l E E E E E E M E M l l station.s eea=

          = > . -i
          ..o-A = 1974      E = 1978 B = 1975      F = 1979
          *** -                                                                          C = 1976      G = 1982 D = 1977      H = 1983 ise -

1 iso - i s ze -

   =        . . -
  • V .

es - , . I se -

              .-     ;    ^            - - - - ~= /
                                                                          \ .............ii>>>>>.>>.
s. = =

YEAR; a a a e a a eaeeeecccccoeoooeeat ar 1e* er r r 1 1 1 oosoaca =

  • s a 9 5
                                                   *eeoas7 eaaseoaaaseoai oe                                    eoe se reeo MONTH: i 3 s7 e i e 4 eest
                                                                         **-**-86 Ctaatoppvttuu a:        - tccaea O f is s a LtCE#3: seeset                total 0-0-0 ** v o m
  • L L a ste'see W uveeoe*erLLtw s*a m na4as es=ce e-+-a poiawestro ono
                                    -          ovanau er.          - esta=oottom cais               - vau s sagei a aute nota.cotto= sp.             .-.-. usect= terato set Figure 8-8. Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 5 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983.

statto=*e utan sto - see - A - 1974 E = 1978 B = 1975 F = 1979

           *** -                                                                      C = 1976    G = 1982 D = 1977    H = 1983 t es -

t se - g/m 2 t se - es - Ca cm C se - Je -

                              +    -

J - a > _o YEAR: a aaaa a eeeeeecccccoooeoet t t tarr t t t t 9

                                                                                      *r rri 1 occoeoa=== = ==             3 MONTH:       9 3 s   ee i e eee t         e eaeas? e          aseeaa3 seoaise*es 9 se? eeo testes sename              tovat                  as- -= creator =tttum et       - totees oresa W avansLLa vtateCB           +-+-+ ev840P=TLLUw sPs         e-*-e masas usases e-e-+ maJan osanaturte       - Potamoettsu caes             a-a-a Posamocatsu noco Pota*Pettom sp.        - unssogutteet0 s*E            + -o-+ vaLL sutosa a es t a Figure 8-9. Standing Ctop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 6 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983.

M M - M M M m m

m m m W W M M M M statio=.7 utsu 3 7e - neo - E = 1978 ano - F = 1979 G = 1982 H = 1983 iso - g/;a 2 iso - are - r m . . - O M ee-se - A o- ..... ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . YEAR;a a a a a a eoeeeaeccccoooooeet t t r 4 r1 r r r e l I ooocosa a n n a n at 9 9 0 MONTH: 3 s7 s i f a eees e eea2 s7 e3 J $ 8 o3 2 3 s4 o3 1 s4 7 8 9 8 5 4 7 8 9 0 tofat - creance vttuu or .-+-* tornia ot=sa tect=or se= ave m utesconyttuu ses m waJas vemon 0-0-0 Menuetta gretsCt m madas Quacatusta - - - PotawvCcTom CR8s W PotawoGtfes 4000

                                                                           .-.-. v= int.virsto set        .-+-+ vattesatara auge potamastio= se.

Figure 8-10. Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 7 on Guntersville Reservoir in

  • the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983.

s1afIoNeo stan are -

3. o -

F = 1978

              ' ' ' -                F = 1979 G = 1982 H = 1983 see -

iso - g/m 2 i iso - 1 Q so - I C 1 ee - so -

                                                                                   . . :. . . . =. . . k.-..

e-YEAR: a aaaaaeeaeeecccccoooooeaect 5 1 rr r r a 9r1 ooosooan n a a n w 1 t t t MO NTH: s 3 sras i e eeei a4 eeeas t e 3 seoaa3 seoaise7 eeise? eeo so-aa-se c r e a t o e n f t t u u o r .-+-+ t o t a s a or=sa testmor speast +-+-+ tovat e-e-4 Masas teswo# W sofonttLa otetsCl W u?RioPwTtLWu SPI

                                       .-     maans ovacatuet.     -w corewoorvo=

ogforstertto Set caes a-+-a r o s a w e s t i o = w o o o w wattosuteen aute rotamostfos sP Figure 8-11. Standing Crop of Aquatic Macrophytes at Station 8 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983. E M M M M m a g - g



240.0 - - 220.0 - s' l 200.0 -

                                                                                                                                  \          >
180.0 -  !

t !, 160.0, - 4

                                                                                                                                                                                     '              +                                                     '

l . J 140.0- - s.


120.0 - - o . ,. s c3 - f o 100.0 - i s'

                                                                                                                                                                                          +              +                  '

f 80.0 -

                                                                                                                                                                                     +                                           -


                                                                                                                                                                                                    +++-                            ,

i - x' s 40.0 .- v v

                                                                                  '                              +        +

j '20.0 -

                                                                                                                                                                                    +                                         -

1 +

                                                   . . . . ,i   ....t       ,;.     ,.
                                                                                            ,1     +..            i++        i             ,                              ,                  ,                ;                    <

i e m wr w m o m e w. m o 4 - m m e s w n- m - m' Q N 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1988. 1982 1983 ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               's!                            ,,

1 is

  !                             Figure 8-12.            Regression Analysis of Aquatic Macrophyte Standing Crop at Station 1 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974 to 1983.



160.0 - 140.0 -


120.0 - cu + 100.0 -

                                                                                                                        +            +

80.0 -


S0.0 - +

                                                                                   +                                                +

40.0 + ,+ , ,

                                          +                                                  +                                     '
                                       +                                                                                         +

20.0 L

                            '               +                        +
                                                                                                 +                                          i
                                                      +        +                      t .u +      ,                   +       + +         i f+           ,          i        i          i ,t                              i       u.


                                       -           N         m         e              W          rs      CD      c)         Q           N 1974        1975        1976     1977     J978            1979      1980    1981     1982       1983 Figure 8-13.      Regression Analysis of Aquatic Macrophyte Standing Crop at Station 2 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1974 to 1983.

m m W W m M M M m M m m m m

M M _


ON 3 M _

                                                                                 ++ + ,

8 9 nm oo 5 1 r 5f

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                                                         +                                             9 7

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9 7 t o y h y M O t 9 1 pt oi rn R +


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                       +                                                            7    5 9   1
                                                                      +              1
                          -           -                         -                        8 O

e r M 0 0 0 0 0 0 u

             .       .      .           .         .               .                       g i

0 0 0 0 0 0 F 2 0 8 6 4 2 1 1 W D)2Ng W




100.0 - 80.0 - DJ r

           .        60.0       -
                                                                                                         +                              +           +

co - (~9 e +


40.0 -

                                                                                                                                           ++    t

20.0 +

                                                                                               +             +
                                                                                                 +                                            ,

t _A f 1 4- 4 tk f I f f f ta tu e w m Q cu v w m Q

                                       -        N                                  M    T        W          rs           !.;      m         Q         N 1978    1979         19 6.!,     1981     1982~ 1983~

Figure 8-16. Regression Analysis of Aquatic Macrophyte Standing crop at Station 7 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1978 to 1983. l



90.0 - 80.0 - 70.0 - 60.0 - DJ , E 50.0 - a N l9 + + e ++

  +       40.0     -


                                                           +                                        ++

30.0 -


20.0 -


10.0 -

                                                             ,        +                            ++
                            ,       ,      ,       ,  , 1+    ,4+      ,       ,       ,
                                                                                        ++    ,   +      ,

i G N e w m Q N e w m O

'                         -        m      m       v          w        n.      m        m      a         N
1978 1979 1980 19 81 1982 ~ 1983 ~

I Figure 8-17. Regression Analysis of Aquatic Macrophyte Standing Crop at Station 8 on Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant from 1978 to 1983.





240.0 - 220.0 - 200.0 -


180.0 - + 160.0 - DJ 140.8 -


E + N. 120.0 - 100.0 -


80.0 -

                                                                                                                               +                             +
                                                                                                                                                                                        ++      i
                                                                                                                                            +                  +

60.0 -

                                                                                                                                                                                              ++k r

40.0 - +

                                                                                                                                 . ++         +     +            ,                       ,,
                                                                                                                         +                          +    +     +                              +

20.0 =_- + + + , + it::::::::'i':: 'i  : 2 i:' +^+ ' ' + * ' G m v w m O N 1 m m C

                                                                                                                         -       N      M       v       W        N        CD      G)       Q       N 1974                   1975    1976   1977    1978     1979      1980    1981    1982 ~ [983 ~

Figure 8-18. Regression Analysis of Pooled Standing Crop Data at Stations Upstream of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant on Guntersville Reservoir from 1974 to 1983.



250.0 - 225.0 -

                               +                                                           +

200.0 - 175.0 - +


g 150.0 -

                                    +                                                       +

E o N 125.0 -

                    +             +                                                        4
 $ 0

100.0 -+ +

                      +          +

75.0 + + i++

                             +                            +                                       +i;.
                  +                                 +                                     +$

50.0 . + +, + 4 +{+

                      ++                            ++    ++ + + + +                     [+ 25 g 25.0                  +                  +

i +++++++ii+

                                      ,                 d     i.d;t   i       i          $    , M      ;


  • w w Q N w w w a
                          -*        N        m        e       m       N      cn       m       Q        N 1974       1975       1976   1977      1978    1979   1980    1981    1982    1983 Figure 8-19. Regression Analysis of Pooled Standing Crop Data at Stations Downstream of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant on Guntersville Reservoir from 1974 to 1983.

e m M m m m m m m m m m m

I 9.0 FI.SH I 9.1 Materials and Methods 9.1.1 Fish Eggs and Larvae Monitoring to provide data on the species composition, seasonal j abundance and distribution of fish eggs and larvan in the vicinity of the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant (BLN) site on Guntersville Reservoir began in I 1974 and continuod through 1983. Results of experimental sampling the first year were summarized in a progress report (TVA 1974b) while data collected in 1975 and 1976 were presented in a preliminary entrainment report (TVA 1977). Collections in 1974 and 1975 were made using several gear types and sampling strategies. Collection procedures were stablized in 1976 with two changes in gear that were utilized during the remaining years of sampling: (1) Mesh size of all nets was reduced from 0.79 nun to 505 micron (0.50 num) and (2) the netting gear used in 1974 and 1975 were replaced with a 0.5-meter not towed on an oblique path through the water being sampled. Although the remainder of the fisheries preoperational monitoring program at BLN was not initiated until 1981, ichthyoplankton data collected during the period 1977-1983 are presented in this report. These preoperational data will be compared to subsequent investigations to determine and assess any operational impacts caused by BLN. Field--Ichthyoplankton samples were collected all years (1977-1983) along a transect perpendicular'to river flow near the pro-posed BLN intake channel at TRM 392.2 (figure 9-1). In 1977, collections I I

I were also made along a transect at TRM 369.5 (Murphy Hill) to provide comparable data from another area of Guntersville Reservoir. Samples were taken with a beam not 0.5 m square, 1.8 m long, with 505 micron "nitex" mesh netting. Oblique tows upstream at 1.0 m/s (boat speed) for 10 minutes resulted in approximately 150 m8 of water filtered per sample. A large-vaned General Oceanics flowmeter was suspended in the net mouth to measure volume filtered. A tow was made by first lowering the net to the lower limit of the stratum to be sampled, then, with the boat in motion, raising it obliquely at one minute intervals through the stratum. In 1977, full stratum samples were collected from each sho' reline of the plant transect (TRM 392.2) and stratified samples (0-3 meters and 3 meters to bottom) were collected from two stations in each of the channels on either side of Bellefonte Island (figure 9-1). At the Murphy Hill tran ect (TRM 369.5) full stratum sanples were collected on the right shoreline and at two overbank stations left of channel. Stratified (three strata) midehannel samples were also collected from one station along this transect. Sampling at this transect was discontinued after 1977. Progressive choking of overbank areas with water milfoil throughout the sampling season in previous years had impeded larval sampling at all transects on Guntersville Reservoir. For this reason shallow sampling from the right and left shorelines of the plant transect was discontinued in 1978. For the remaining years of this study, sampling at the plant transect consisted of two stratified (0-3 meters and 3 meters to bottom) samples along the transect from each of the two I 398 I

I channels formed by Bellefonte Island. A horizontal sample 0.5-1.0 meter from the bottom was added in the middle of the north channel. This I sample was designed to more effectively collect larvae that might be hatched on the bottom and transported downstream before rising sufficiently in the water column to be sampled by obliquely towed nets. To assess temporal concentrations of larval fishes during the period 1977-1983, collections were made biweekly both day and night. Sampling began in March and continued through August. All samples were inunediately fixed in a 10 percent formalin solution and subsequently shipped to TVA's Fisheries Laboratory in Norris, Tennessee, for processing. Laboratory--Ichthyoplankters were removed from the samples, identified to the lowest possible taxon, counted and measured (larvae only) to the nearest nun total length (TL) following procedures outlined in NR0PS-FO-BR-24.1 (TVA 1983c). Taxonomic decisions were based on TVA's

              " Preliminary Guide to the Identification of Larval Fishes in Tennessee River," (Hogue et al. 1976) and other pertinent literature, l l l5                       The term " larvae" applies to specimens too damaged or mutilated to be identified, while "unspecifiable" before a taxon implies a level of taxonomic resolution (i.e., "unspecifiable catostomids" designates larvae within the family Catostomidae that currently cannot be identified to a lower taxon). The category
               " unidentifiable eggs" applies to specimens that cannot be identified due to damage or lack of taxonomic knowledge.

Taxonomic refinement is a function of specimen size and develop-mental stage. Throughout this report, the designation "unspecifiable 399

I clupeids" refers to clupeids less than 20 mm TL and could include Dorosoma cepedianum (gizzard shad), D. potenense (threadfin shad), and/or Alosa chrysochloris (skipjack herring). Any clupeld specimen identifled to species is 20 mm or longer. Developmental stage of percichthyids also determines level of taxonomic resolution. Morone saxatilis (striped bass) hatch at a much larger size than either M. chrysops (white bass) or M_. mississippiensis (yellow bass). Although it was impossible to distinguish between larvae of the latter two species, M. saxatilis was eliminated as a possibility based on developmental characteristics of specimens 6 mm or less in total length (hence, the taxonomic designation Morone, (not saxatilis)). Specimens identified as Morone app. in most instances were greater than 6 mm TL. Data Analyses--Densities of fish eggs and larvae were expressed as numbers per 1000 ma for comparisons between stations and among years. Data collected at the Murphy Hill site (TRM 369.5) in 1977 were included for occurrence and relative abundance and comparisons. Density I analyses for evaluating temporal and spatial abundance and distribution were in most cases conducted only on data from the BLN plant transect. I 9.1.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish Field--Several methods were utilized to sample juvenile and adult fish. These included cove rotenone, gill netting, and electrofishing. Materials and methods are described below for each sampling regime. I 400 I I

I Cove Rotenone--Fish sampling with rotenone was initiated in Guntersville Reservoir in 1949 to dotermine standing stock (numbers /ha and kg/ha) of game, prey, and commercial fish species. Samples were taken at various locations annually through 1961. Annual sampling started again in 1971 and has continued through 1983 (with the exception of 1973 and 1978). In addition to standing stock information, these data provide species occurrence and composition information and characterize I the overall fish conununity of the reservoir. Rotenone sampling procedures were standardized for use in Tennessee Valley reservoirs after 1960 to include use of block nets and standard survey techniques. Prior to this, techniques varied from year to year and from one reservoir to another. Sampling in Guntersville Reservoir from 1949 through 1960 included: (1) use of varying techniques for determlhing area and volume of the sample site, (2) some sampling conducted without the use of block nets, and (3) undescribed subsanpling techniques. Current fish sampling procedures are conducted in accordance with the Field Operations Biological k nurcen Procedures Manual, 1983. Cove rotenone sampling since 1970 was designed to eliminate I certain biases through establishment of criteria for sample sites and standardization of field techniquer. Criteria for an acceptable rotenone site were: (1) surface area at least 0.4 ha; (2) depth not more than 7.5 m where block net is set; (3) location not adjacent to or within the I same cove as housing developments, boat docks, or other recreation areas; (4) absence of streams or other sensitive habitats; and (5) easy access I by boat. Description of sample sites (1971-1983) are in table 9-1. l Since the beginning of the Bl.N preoperational period in 1974, cove I =

I rotenone population estimates were usually based on samples from at least three sites. However, additional sites were included in 1975 (8) a6d 1976 (5), and only two sites were seinpled in 1979. Since 1980, the same three sites have been sampled (TRM 382.4, Roseberry Creek; TRM 393.4, Town Creek; and TRM 394.3, Mud Creek) (figure 9-1). Standardized field techniques for rotenone sampling includ6d: (1) sampling when water temperature is greater than or equal to 20*C; (2) accurate surveying of surface area within one day prior to sample collection; (3) block net set on the afternoon prior to sampling; (4) scuba-diver check of block net to ensure isolation of sample area; (5) determination of physical and chemical properties of the sample area; (6) application of rotenone to attain a 1.0 mg/L concentration of toxichnt; (7) pickup of all visible fish on two consecutive days; and (8) specified sorting, counting, weighing, subsampling, and data recording procedures. In addition to the standardized procedures, some sample sites were treated with herbicides to remove or reduce dense stands of sub-mersed aquatic macrophytes to facilitate fish recovery. Herbicide treatment, applied according to recommended methods (see section 3.3), was done three to four weeks prior to rotenone sampling. With the exception of 1980, two of the three primary sample sites (Mud Creek and Town Creek) have been treated since 1977. In 1980, these sites were sampled with dense stands of aquatic macrophyte present to evaluate fish standing stock estimates under these conditions. Roseberry Creek, the third primary sample site, never required herbicide treatment due to sparse stands of aquatic macrophytes. I I 402 I

I Physical properties measured were surface area, maximum depth, and mean depth (obtained through a systematic series of depth soundings). Mean depth and surface area were used to determine voltime of the cove to achieve a rotonone concentration of 1.0 mg/L. Rotenone was applied with a pump and a weighted, perforated hose to distribute the toxicant evenly at all depths. Initially, a curtain of rotenone was applied adjacent to the block.not to prevent small fish from escaping. Following this, rotenone was distributed by operating the boat in a zigzag pattern throughout the cove. Finally, shallow shoreline areas were surface sprayed with rotenone to ensure complete coverage of the area. All visible fish were picked up the day of application she sorted by species. Small fish (e.g., Notropis sp.) were preserved in 10 percent buffered formalin and returned to the laboratory for identi-fication. Each remaining species was then sorted into groups by 25-nun length increments. Fish were grouped into game, conunercial, and prey species and classified as young, intermediate, and adults, based on total length (table 9-2). Each size group was counted and the aggregate weight recorded. Occasionally, some length groups were so numerous that it was not practi-cal to count each fish. In these cases a subsample of that length group was counted and weighed. The remainder of the size class was then weighed collectively and numbers estimated by the relationship: No. in subsample = No. in remainder Weight of subsample Weight of remainder Fish collected the second day were processed in the same way, except that number of fish only was recorded for each size class of each I 40:t

I species. Weights of second-day fish were calculated from length-weight relationships derived from first-day fish. Gill Notting--Sinking experimental gill nets, 37.9 m x 2.4 m with five equal panels of 1.3, 2.5, 3.8, 5.1, and 6.4 cm bar mesh were used. Two nets, spaced approximately 100 m apart, were fished perpendicular to each shoreline at each of three stations (TRMs 396.6 391.0, and 388.1) and two on the right shoreline only at TRM 392.5 (figure 9-2). Mesh progression on each set of nets was set in opposite direction. The nets were fished two consecutive nights monthly from March 1981 through February 1984. All fish were identified to species r.nd enumerated by capture mesh size. Gill not stations were the same as electrofishing with the exception of the stations in Mud and Town Creeks. No nets were set at these two locations. Sample areas are described as follows. Station 1 (TRM 396.6) was located approximately 6.8 km (4.2 miles) upstream of the intake structure. Water velocity was usually higher at this station than at other stations. Shoreline at this station consisted of steep eroded banks dropping down to a beach of sand and mud at the river's edge. Shoreline vegetation consisted of sparse trees and cane. Aquatic vegetation was heavy during the sununer months and extended approximately 4 to 5 m from shore, where water depth increased sharply. Water depth at this station ranged from 0.3 to 7.0 m. I Station 2 (TRM 392.5), located 0.5 km (0.3 mile) above the intake structure, was sampled only along the right shoreline. Shoreline vegetation here consisted of dense trees and vines. The river's channel dropped off steeply from the shore to a depth of approximately 9.0 m. I 404 I I

I aquatic vegetation covered the water surface for about 3 m from the shore during the sumer months. Nets were set at depths of 0.3 to 9.0 m. Station 3 (TRM 391.0) was located approximately 1.9 km (1.2 alles) below the intake. Nets on the right side of this station were fished in shallow overbank except during late summer months when due to heavy growth of milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) the nets had to be fished in the channel at the outer edge of the milfoil. Shoreline vegetation consisted of hardwood forest and scattered shrub. Currents in the overbank were slow to moderate. The left shoreline at this station consisted of scattered trees and vines with gradually sloping sandy banks and numerous submerged stumps. Nets were set in depths from 0.6 to 7.0 m. Milfoil growth on this side was sparse and water velocity was moderate. Station 4 (TRM 388.1) was located approximately 6.8 km (4.2 I miles) downstream of the intake. The right shoreline had scattered trees with thick brush and vines. Shallow water (0.3 m) extended about 7.0 m from the bank and then depth increased to approximately 7.0 m. The shallow area was heavily infested with milfoil during the summer. Nets were set in 0.3 to 7.0 m of water. The left shoreline was similar to the right. The banks were sloping and stumpy. Water depths at net sites were 0.3 to 6.0 m. Milfoil growth and water velocities were both moderate on this side of the river. Electrofishing--Preoperational electrofishing sampling was conducted at six stations monthly from Merch 1981 through February 1984. Electrofishing equipment consisted of a boat-mounted 230-volt, 3.5-kilowatt direct current generator delivering a current of approxi-mately four amperes continuously to the water by boom-dropped I 405

I electrodes. Fish affected by the electrofishing unit were captured with a long-handled dip net, identified to species, and enumerated. A :ount of the numbers of those fish not netted was included in the sample data, provided a positive species identification was possible. Each electrofishing run consisted of continually shocking for two minutes a section of shoreline while moving in a downstream direction. All stations were sampled within a 24-hour period. Five, 2-minute runs, separated by a buffer zone of approximately 20 meters, were sampled along each shoreline at three transects (TRMs 396.6, 391.0, and 388.1) and the right shoreline at TRM 392.5 (figure 9-3). In addition, five 2-minute timed runs were made along the shoreline in both Town Creek and Mud Creek. Shoreline along Mud Creek consisted of scattered trees and a heavy growth of vines and shrubs. Habitat varied from steep banks and deep water (3 m) at one end of the station to flat banks and shallow water at the other. Water velocities varied from slow to moderate, depending on river levels. There were numerous tree tops and stumps throughout the station. In Town Creek Station numerous trees, thick vines, and shrubs made up the shoreline vegetation. Banks were flat with water depths ranging from 1 to 3 m. Aquatic vegetation was sparse in the deeper water but got very dense in the shallow end of the station during the sumner months. Water velocities were normally low. Data Analysis--Methods utilized to evaluate juvenile and adult fish data are described below by collection method. I I' I 406

I Cove Rotenone--Standing stocks of each species were calculated by size class. Standing stocks of young, intermediate, and adult size classes of "important" species were analyzed using a linear regression l I model to determine statistically significant trends over the period 1974


I through 1983. Important species were determined by the following 1 criteria: (1) must occur in at least 50 percent of samples since 1974, and (2) must comprise one percent of either the total number or total biomass collected. Gill Netting--The basic unit used in these analyses was catch-per-unit effort (c/f) expressed as number of each fish species caught per gill-net-night (fish from all mesh sizes were combined). The analyses were designed to detect significant spatial and temporal differences in c/f of important fish species combined and individually. Important species were defined as those occurring in 50 percent or more of all samples and comprising at least one percent of total number of fish captured. All statistical analyses were performed on log transformed data, log "

  • I "***#' "" E' ""' #"

10 data were used in the text and tables to facilitate comparison. Gill nets were set on both left and right banks at stations 1, 3, and 4. To determine if catch data from left and right banks could be pooled within each station, t-tests were used to compare c/f of all species combined and important species combined by station and quarter, with years combined. , A three-way Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVA) was employed to test effects of station, year, quarter (main effects), and interactions among these main effects on combined important species. This l I 407 l r A -. -

procedure identified relative influence of main effects and interactions I on the whole fish assemblage sampled by experimental sill nets. A univariate three-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was then employed in testing influence of the main effects and interactions on c/f of each important species. This procedure identified individual species contributing to assemblage responses observed with the MANOVA. Two-way ANOVA (year and station) with interaction was run by quarter for each species showing effects in the three-way ANOVA. This procedure reduced the overriding seasonal influence included in quarter effects and facilitated analysis of spatial and long term differences in individual species c/f. If a significant effect (a = 0.05) was found with ANOVA, Duncan's New Multiple Range Test was used to identify which values were significantly different. Catch data were analyzed by quarter because changes in c/f of fish occur by season, not by month. Grouping monthly catch data by quarter allowed these seasonal changes to be more readily identified. Quarters were: winter, December-February; spring, March-May; I-summer, June-August; fall, September-November. Because winter quarter was split by consecutive years, year designation was based on December; i.e., December 1981-February 1982 was winter quarter, 1981. Electrofishing--Electrofishing data were characterized by listing all species identified in the samples, total number of each species taken, number of samples in which each species occurred, number of months each species was collected, and percentage of overall catch by species. Spatial and temporal differences and trends were determined using only those species regularly occurring in samples. These were I I 408

I termed importsnt species and were defined as those occurring in 50 percent or more of the months sampled and comprising at least one percent of the total catch. The unit used in these analyses was catch-per-electrofishing-run (c/f). All statistical analyses were performed on log (c/f +1) transformed data; however, untransformed c/f data are used in the text and tables, except where noted, to facilitate comparison. Electrofishing runs were made on the left and right banks of the reservoir at stations 1, 3, and 4. T-tests were used to compare c/f at left and right banks of these stations to determine if data could be pooled for subsequent analyses. Both c/f of all species combined and c/f of combined important species were tested. Monthly catch data were grouped and analyzed by quarters in the same manner and for the same reasons as gill netting data. Effects of year, station, quarter, and interactions of these variables on c/f of combined important species were tested with three-way Multivariate Analyses of Variance (MANOVA). The relative influences of these three main variables and their interactions on the whole fish assemblage sampled effectively by electrofishing were identified with MANOVA. Three-way univariate Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) tested effects of year, station, quarter, and their interactions on c/f of each important species. Relative contributions of each species to the whole assemblage effects observed with MANOVA were identified with this procedure. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test was used to identify significantly different c/f values by year, station, and quarter. 403

I 9.2 Results and Discussion 9.2.1 Fish Eggs and 1.arvae Table 9-3 lists dates, number of samples, and mean temperatures (all depths) by sample period for each year of preoperational mon'toring. Table 9-4 lists scientific and common names for each taxon discussed in this section. Fish Eggs--Fish eggs were numerous in ichthyoplankton collections from the BLN site during all years of preoperational study (table 9-5). Seasonal densities ranged from 592/1,000 m8 in 1982 to 2,134/1,000 m3 in 1980 (table 9-6). Freshwater drum eggs comprised more than 95 percent of total eggs collected each year. They were the only eggs collected from the Murphy Hill transect (TRM 369.5) in 1977. Freshwater drum eggs first occurred in samples at BLN in late April or early May when water temperatures ranged between 16.9 and 23.5'C. They were present until the end of the sampling season, mid to late August, all years. Peat densities were observed from late May to mid-June (figure 9-4) at water temperatures ranging from 21.5 to 27.8'C. Seasonal (average) densities of freshwater drum eggs among years were variable and no apparent trend in diel distribution was noted (table 9-7). Horizontal distribution was similar most years in the channels on either side of Bellefonte Island (table 9-8). However, within either channel, seasonal densities were sometimes quite different between I stations, but no trend in horizontal distribution was obvious through the years. For example, in 1979 seasonal densities of freshwater drum eggs were much greater from the station on the right side of the south channel I 410 I

I than from the left. In 1980 the left station had much greater densities. Vertical distribution of freshwater drum eggs within stations was uniform most years (table 9-9). The mid-channel epibenthic samples from the north side of Bellefonte Island generally contained seasonal densities of freshwater drum eggs as high as or higher than the other channel strata. The planktonicity of freshwater drum eggs makes them vulnerable to capture by larval fish sampling gear. The abundance and generally uniform distribution of freshwater drum eggs in collections from the BLN site indicated that the Tennessee River upstream of this area is an important spawning area. Ichthyoplankton data collected in 1975 (TVA 1976) from three transects on the Tennessee River near the Widows Creek Steam Electric Plant (WCF) support this hypothesis (table 9-10). The lowest seasonal density from these samples was observed at the WCF upstream transect approximately 13 miles downstream of Nickajack Dam (TRM 424.7). Densities of freshwater drum eggs were higher at the WCF plant transect (TRM 408) and highest at the downstream transect (TRM 401.1). l Seasonal densities of drum eggs from the BLN transects were lower than I the WCF downstream transect. These data suggest that in 1975 an important freshwater drum spawning area existed between TRM 408 (WCF plant transect) and TRM 401.1. Seasonal occurrence of freshwater drum eggs at BLN is consistent with results of other TVA studies. Spawning by freshwater drum occurs earlier and lasts longer in the Tennessee Valley than in Lewis and Clark Lake on the Missouri River as reported by Swedburg and Walburg (1970). I I 411 j ,,p. . - .

I They reported spawning in pelagic areas over a period of 6-7 weeks in June and July after water temperatures reached 18'C. Fish Larvae--Composition of ichthyoplankton samples collected near BLN was fairly stable five of the seven years with a range of 20-24 taxa taken at the plant transect (table 9-5). Extremes occurred in 1980 (30 taxa) and 1982 (17 taxa). Lowest seasonal density for total larvae during the study period was observed in 1982 (table 9-6). Twenty-five taxa were collected from the Murphy Hill (TRM 369.5) transect in 1977 compared to 22 from the BLN plant transect. The total number of larvae collected at Murphy Hill was also greater (table 9-5) which is attributable to more overbank samples from this transect. Eleven taxa: unspecifiable clupeids, unspecifiable cyprinids, Cyprinus carpio, catostomids (Ictiobinae), Ictalurus punctatus, Morone spp., Morone (not saxatilis), Lepomis spp., Pomoris spp., unspecifiable percids (including darters) and Aplodinotus grunniens were collected all seven years (table 9-5). Ictiobinae, a subfamily of Catostomidae, is included in this group though not identified as such in 1978 and 1979 collections. Because ictiobines amounted to more than 981 of the total catostomid larvae collected during the other five years of this s.udy, the unspecifiable catostomids in the 1978 and 1979 collections will also be considered members of the subfamily Ictiobinae. Hiodon tergisus, Ictalurus furcatus, and Stizostedion canadense larvae were present in collections six of the reven years of study. Identifications of Stizostedion app. from 1977 and 1978 are now deemed sauger larvae (Scott, MS). I 412 I

I Composition and relative abundance of larvae in collections from the BLN site on Guntersville Reservoir were similar to those reported for collections from the adjacent Wheeler and Nickajack Reservoirs (TVA 1978 and 1979). At BLN unspecifiable clupeids was the most abundant taxon in samples all years comprising 59 to 94 percent of total larvae collected (table 9-5). Freshwater drum larvae were second in abundance and the only other taxon to exceed one percent relative abundance each year. Percichthyld larvae exceeded one percent of total catch five of the seven years, ranging from 2.9 to 6.4 percent relative abundance during the period 1979-1983. Numbers of catostomid larvas exceeded one percent relative abundance for three years with a peak of 9.5 percent composition in 1979. Although Lepomis spp. larvae were present in samples all years, numbers were relatively low from the plant transect. There, collections exceeded one percent relative abundance only in 1982 and 1983. The higher percent composition of lepomids at the Murphy Hill transect (TRM 369.5) in 1977 (table 9-5) is the result of more samples from shallow overbank areas. Unspecifiable cyprinids was the only other taxon to exceed one percent relative abundance in a year (1979). Several of lepomids at the Murphy Hill transect (TRM 369.5) in 1977 (table 9-5) is the result of more samples from shallow overbank areas. Unspecifiable cyprinids was the only other taxon to exceed one percent relative abundance in a year (1979). Several of lepomids at the Murphy Hill transect (TRM 369.5) in 1977 (table 9-5) is the result of more samples from shallow overbank areas. Unspecifiable cyprinids was the only other ) I taxon to exceed one percent relative abundance in a year (1979). Several l l i

                                       $$d l

morphologically distinct species-groups of cyprinds are included in this category, which makes further analysis of spatio-temporal distribiition impractical due to the different seasonal abundance patterns of the various taxa represented. l Seasonal density of total larvae collected at BLN was highest in 1977 and lowest in 1982 (table 9-6). Each year seasonal peak densities occurred during a two week period in mid-May, usually paralleling peak densities of clupeids. Water temperatures associated wi,th seasonal peak densities were variable, ranging from 16.3 to 23.6*C (table 9-6). Annual peak abundance of larvae at the BLN site was between tha early May peaks reported for Nickajack Reservoir and early to mid-June peaks reported for Wheeler Reservoir (TVA 1978 and 1979). Abundance and distribution of the four most abundant larval taxa (unspecifiable clupeids, freshwater drum, ictiobines and percichthyids) and other selected taxa collected from the BLN transect are discussed below. Polyodon spathula--Larval paddlefish collected during this study were included as part of a sununary of all of TVA's early life history data for paddlofish (Wallus 1983). paddlefish larvae were not collected every year of this study, and when present were found in low numbers (table 9-5). However, the conunercial importance of this species makes it appropriate to sununarize all the data previously reported which included collections from BLN during the period 1974-82. Based on lengths and calculated age estimates of paddlefish larvae collected from the BLN site and transport computations, the 414 I

Tennessee River from Nickajack Dam downstream to the ELN site was identified as a paddlefish spawning area. Larval paddlefish were present in BLN samples 6 of the 10 years, 1974-1983. They were collected only in April when water temperatures were 12-21*C, and most were collected at night. Horisontal distribution was widespread. Paddlefish larvae were present in samples from all stations across the reservoir at the Bellefonte site. No apparent trends in vertical distribution were observed at the BLN site; however, data from other locations (Cumberland and Gallatin Steam Plants) documented greater numbers of paddlefish larvae near the surface. Also, large numbers of paddisfish larvae in individual samples suggest they are swept downstream as a contagious group. Annual fluctuations in abundance of paddlefish larvae.from the BLN site are related to discharges from Nickajack Dam. Greater numbers of paddlefish larvae were collected during years of highest flows (Wallus 2183). Unspecifiable clupeids--Unspecified clupeids first appeared 'n samples during mid to late April in water temperatures ranging between 13.6 and 18.5'C. Peak densities usually occurred by mid-May (figure 9-5), but clupeids were typically abundant in samples from their first occurrence in April through the month of June. This pattern of

. occurrence is similar to those reported from Nickajack and Wheeler Reservoirs (TVA 1978 and 1979). Annual seasonal densities at BLN varied with greatest densities observed in 1977 (table 9-7). The 1977 collections included samples from shoreline areas at the plant transect which would account for the higher seasonal density of shad larvae compared to other years. Samp1.'s during 1978-1983 were all from channel I                                         415

stations at the plant transect, and annual seasonal densities, though variable, were not greatly different. As expected, horizontal distribution data from the plant transact showed greatest densities of unspecified clupoids from shoreliae stations (table 9-8). With a few exceptions, annual horizontal (table 9-8) and vertical (table 9-9) distributions were relatively uniform from the main channel stations. Only in 1980 was there an obvious difference in densities between the channels north and south of Bellefonte Island. Densities of unspecified clupeids were higher in daytime collections in 1977 and 1978 (table 9-7), bat diel densities were relatively uniform for the remaining five years of the study. Ictiobinae (Buffalos and carpsuckers)--Ictiobine larvae usually first appeared in collections from late March to mid-April (figure 9-6) at water temperatures ranging from 12.8 to 18.5*C. Annual abundance was variable with peaks occurring in 1978, 1979, and 1983 (table 9-5). This variability in abundance is probably related to water flow. Osburn and Self (1964) stated that spring rains and flooding were an apparent stimulus for spawning of Ictiobus bubalus and I. cyprinellus in Oklahoma. They indicated that if proper water conditions were lacking, spawning might not occur or the spawn might be light. Seasonal densities


of ictiobine larvae from BLN collections compared to corresponding discharge rates from Nickajack Dam support this hypothesis (table 9-11). Highest seasonal densities occurred in years of high6r mean discharges. Peak densities of ictiobine larvae ware typically greatest in mid to late April at temperatures ranging from 13.9 to 21.0'C (figure 9-6). A second peak in abundance was seen in June of some years (most I 41G

I obvious in 1979 and 1981) at water temperatures ranging from 24.5 to Wrenn and Grinstead (1969) reported' that', in 1967, smallmouth buffalo Q. bubalus) spawned as early as Ma ch 28 and continued until May 25 in Wheeler Reservoir. Water temperatures in Wheeler during that period were almost identical to those reconded during the first annual peak in ictiobine densities in this study. They also reported a peak I spawning period in Guntersville Rerarvoir in 1966 (April 14-26) for smalhcouth buffalo identical to the times of peak abundances of ictiobinen'in this study. Temperatures (15.0-16.7'C) in 1966 were also compatible with those of this study. Walburg and holson (1966) reported that smalleauth buffalo spawned between May 25 and June 20, 1964 1.n Lewis and Clark Lahe on the Missouri River. However, spawning temperatures (16.7-21.1*C) were similar to those during pesk abundances in this study. Also, heaviest spawning of bigmouth buffair: s q. cyprinellus) in the Qu'appelle River in Saskatchewan was reported by Johnson (1963) in waters 15.5-18.3*C. Guidice (1964) reported optimum spatining temperatures for buffalo between 18 and 23*C.'


Secondary peaks in ictiobine larval densities occurred in four of the seven years of this study. Although secondary peaks in 1977 and 1980 (figure 9-6) were results of collections of only three and two ictiobine specimens, respectively, in 1979 the accondary peak was composed of approximately 9 percent (298) of the total ictiobine catch I and in 1981 it constituted approximately 61 percent (67) of the total catch. In both 1979 and 1981, the secondary peaks were precaded by at least one sample period from which no ictiooines were collected. This

                                                      ,                       l s

417 i

                                   ;                                          1

disjunct occurrence coupled with higher temperatures at times of the second peak suggest that these secondary annual peaks may be the result of carpsucker spawns. Although Gale and Mohr (1976) document quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus) spawning in the Susquehanna River from late Apell to mid-June at water temperatures ranging from 10-20*C, other literature indicates higher water temperature requirements for carpsucker spawning. Jester (1972) reported spawning temperatures of 19.4-23.3'C in New Mexico, 21.1-24.4*C in South Dakota and 23.9'C in Oklahoma for the river carpsucker (C. carpio). Fulman (1978) found river carpsucker eggs in Virginia on 20 May at water temperatures of 22*C. Day and night densities of ictiobine larvae in collections were variable (table 9-7). Spatial distribution was basically uniform at the BLN site with no trend observed horizontally (table 9-8) or vertically (table 9-9). This differs from data reported from Nickajack Reservoir where catostomid larvae were more abundant in deeper water both day and night (TVA 1979). Ictalurus punctatus and Ictalurus furcatus-- Although larvae of I these catfish species were collected each year at BLN, they were never abundant (table 9-5). They are discussed at this point to document two important patterns of temporal /diel distribution. With the exception of 1982, channel catfish first occurred in larval fish collections every year between June 6 and June 20 at water temperatures between 24.5 and I 25.8'C. Channel and blue catfish larvae were collected, almost exclusively, at night (table 9-12). Walker (1975) and TVA (1979) reported similar findings from Nickajack Reservoir. Percichthyidae (Morone spp. and Morone (not saxatilis))-- Temperate bass larvae were typically collected at the BLN plant transect I 418

from late March through June (figure 9-7). Seasonal densities among years were variable and low with relatively uniform diel distribution (table 9-7). Densities of percichthyid larvae wsre higher from shoreline

      ,  stations in 1977 than from channel stations. Densities fros. channel stations were relatively uniform horizontally, but were f.enerally higher in the south channel the last five years of the stud.y (table 9-8).

Vertical distribution patterns varied and showed no trend in the total s densities of percichthyld larvae collected (table 9-9). However, smaller I larvae were more abundant fn the deeper waters. All larvae collected from the mid-channel epibenthic station vore 6 nun or less in TL and 91 percent were newly hatched (3-4 nun TL). This is not surprising because percichthyid eggs are demersal and adhesive and hatching occurs on bottom. Ps ca flavescens--The yellow perch was introduced into Chatuge i Reservoir on the Hiwassee River in 1953 (Timmons'1975). Its gradual spread in distribution in the Tennessee River system makes' documentation of spawning success worthwhile. Yellow perch larvan were first collected in Guntersville Reservoir at the BLN site in 1980;and were present in low numbers the following two years (table 9-5). 1.arvae were found in samples colle:ted on 4/17/80, 4/14/81, and 4/26/82. Water temperatures I ranged from 15.3 to 18.5'C for these collection dates.

   ,                Stizostedion canadense--Sauger larvae were never abundant in BLN larval fish samples (table 9-5), yet their presence most years is considered important. In the Tennessee Vali4y, sauger spawn in the riverine headwaters of reservoirs, and regular occurrence of newly hatched larvae at the BLN site documents the headwater of Guntersville Reservoir below Nickt. jack Dam as an impoden'. spavning area (Scott, MS).
 ; I                                                                                   .
                                             .419 f


l i l The riverine nature of Guntersville Reservoir from Nickajack Dam downstream to BLN provides very few overbank refuge areas. Therefore, sauger larvae hatched upstream of BLN are subject to transport down river, past the sample stations. Nelson (1968) collected sauger larvae ranging from 4.5 to 6.2 mm TL in plankton nets set below spawning areas in the Missouri River. l l Scott (MS) considered spans of sauger larvae occurrence at BLN s indicative of durations of spawning seasons during the period 1976-1980 because early prolarvae were consistently captured (table 9-13). He reported newly hatched larvae first appearing in 1976 on March 22 at a water temperature of 13.4*C. They were present in samples for the next three weeks until April 12, when water temperatures reached 17.1*C, indicating a 4-week spawning season. During this study, sauger larvae first occurred in samples from late March to mid-April (figure 9-8) at water temperatures ranging from 12.8 to 18.5'C. Spawning duration similar to that of 1976 was implied by the biweekly data of 1977, 1979, I [ and 1980, when 5- and 6-nun larvae were collected during two or three

  ,  consecutive sampling periods.

Scott reported that analysis of variance detected significant differences in the abundance of sauger larvae transported past the Bellefonte site in 1976 between day versus night samples, and shallow versus deep samples. Most larvae were collected at night, and were more abundant in samples from deep strata. During this study, most sauger larvae trere collected at night (table 9-14). In 1979 and 1980, the two years of greatest sauger abundance, 84 and 71 percent, respectively, of the sauger larvae collected were from night samples. During most years of 420

this study, numbers of sauger larvae in collections were too low to identify trends in vertical distribution. Aplodinotus grunniens--Percent composition of freshwater drum larvae at the BLN plant transect varied, from 2.3 in 1977 to 31.1 in 1983 (table 9-5). They first appeared in samples in late April most years and were present all years through August when sampling ended (figure 9-9). Greatest densities were observed in June each year. Seasonal diel densities were variable with no discernable trend (table 9-7). Seasonal densities of freshwater drum larvae across the Bellefonte plant transect were relatively uniform, though higher in the south channel most years (table 9-8). With few exceptions, greater densities of freshwater drum larvae were recorded from deep-channel strata (table 9-9). Likewise, densities of freshwater drum larvae from the mid-channel epibenthic station in the channel north of Bellefonte Island were comparable to those from the deep strata of other channel stations. Seasonal densities of freshwater drum larvae at BLN were always less than densities of freshwater drum eggs. This is not unexpected in 1 I that most of the semibuoyant eggs spawned in the river reach between Widows Creek Steam Plant and the BLN site would drift past the BLN sample area prior to hatching. 9.2.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish Cove Rotenone--Since 1971, 62 fish species have been collected in cove rotenone samples in Guntersville Reservoir. This contrasts , somewhat with the number of species (55) that occurred in rotenone samples during the preoperational monitoring period, 1974-1983 (table 9-15). However, as indicated in appendices A and B,. numbers and biomass 421

l I: of fish collected in cove rotenone samples were usually dominated by few species with several species occurring incidentally. For any given year since 1974, the total number of species has been comparable. For example, 34 species were collected in 1974 and 31 species in 1983. Numerically, the 1983 samples were dominated by 4 species: Redear sunfish (43 percent), bluegill (24 percent), gizzard shad (14 percent), # and threadfin shad (11 percent). Whereas biomass was dominated by gizzard shad (54 percent) and redear sunfish (17 percent) (table 9-16). Standing stock estimates of fish in Guntersville Reservoir by size class and use category are presented in tables 9-17 and 9-18. Total number of fish in all size classes ranged from about 10,000/ha in 1974 to 58,000/ha in 1980, and total biomass ranged from 238 kg/ha in 1983 to 463 kg/ha in 1981. The extreme range in abundance occurred in the young-of-year size class which was usually dominated by lepomids (redear sunfish and bluegill primarily), particularly in 1980 when dense stands of aquatic macrophytes were not treated prior to rotenone sampling. Also, the large number of young-of-year lepomids in 1980 was reflected in the highest estimated game fish biomass, 121 kg/ha. Prey species comprised 64 percent (297 kg/ha) of the highest total biomass estimate in 1981. Standing stock estimates from cove rotenene in Guntersville Reservoir (1974-1983) were similar to those observed in Chickamauga Reservoir, another Tennessee River mainstream reservoir with abundant aquatic macrophytes (TVA 1985). Although removal of macrophytes in coves prior to rotenone application may alter the composition of the fish population to some 422

I degree, this procedure to date has provided relatively consistent popula-tion estimates. As indicated from cove rotenone samples in 1980, numbers I of young-of-year lepomids are probably underestimated with weed removal. On the other hand, dense aquatic weed stands in ecves appear to alter distribution of adults of some species. The overriding purpose of weed removal has been to facilitate fish recovery following application of the rotenone. Also, due to the relative nature of fish standing stock esti-mates in reservoirs, the importance of collecting comparable samples (power plant preoperation vs. operation) under similar environmental conditions has been emphasized (Barwick 1984). Temporal Trends--Because cove rotenone samples are generally dominated by few species, emphasis for evaluating population trends has been focused on these important (dominant) species. Eleven species were ranked important in the preoperational monitoring period (1974-1983) for BLN (table 9-19). Four species (bluegill, rodear sunfish, largemouth bass, and gi::zard shad) occurred in every sample. Numerically, cove rotenone samples were dominated by bluegill and redear sunfish, 38 percent and 31 percent, respectfully. Gizzard shad comprised only 11 percent of the population by number, but dominated biomass at 44 per-cent. Biomass composition by bluegill and rodear sunfish was 13 percent , i and 9 percent, respectfully. Largemouth bass constituted about 4 percent of estimated total biomass during the preoperational period. Results of l linear regression analyses (table 9-20) and numerical abundance and bio-1 mass estimates of younc, intermediate, and adult size classes of the I eleven species through time are discussed below. l I

                                        ~                                                                  l I                                                                                                           l


1. Spotted gar Biomass of spotted gar, highest in 1974 (11 kg/ha), was dominated by the adult size class (table 9-21). However, biomass of this size class had a significant decreasing trend. The young and inter-mediate size classes showed neither an increasing nor decreasing trend.
2. Gizzard shad Total numbers and biomass of this species were highest in 1981, when peak numbers of both young and adult size classes occurred (table 9-22). Generally, standing stock estimates for young-of-year gizzard shad varied more than those for adults. Standing biomass of young shad ranged from 0.08 kg/ha in 1975 to 22 kg/ha in 1981, and biomass of adult shad ranged from 75 kg/ha in 1974 to 294 kg/ha in 1981. Significant increasing or decreasing trends did not occur in either size class.
3. Threadfin shad Neither increasing nor decreasing trends were found for young or adult threadfin shad. Highest biomass (15 kg/ha) was recorded in 1975, the only year that adults were collected in rotenone samples (table 9-23).
4. Bullhead minnow Highest numbers (1,167/ha) of bullhead minnow occurred in 1977 (table 9-24), but it was absent in 1974 and 1982 samples. Number of fish of this species showed a significant decreasing trend. Biomass was consistently low, but no trends were noted.
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5. Channel catfish Number of fish or biomass of all size classes of channel catfish showed a significant decreasing trend in the preoperational period 1974 to 1983. Number of fish and biomass for all three size classes was highest in 1975 with a total biomass of 18 kg/ha (table 9-25).
6. Varmouth Total number (2.iJ0/ha) of warmouth was highest in 1979 and total biomass (6 kg/ha) peaked in 1980 (table 26). Numerically, young-of-year comprised 94 percent of the 1979 sample and 90 percent in 1980. Significant increasing or decreasing trends were not established for any size class of this species.
7. Bluegill Total biomass estimates for bluegill ranged from 52 kg/ha in 1977 to 12 kg/ha in 1981 (table 9-27). The greatest variability in standing stocks for this species occurred in young-of-year and intermediate size classes. For example, from 1974 through 1979, mean percent composition of total biomass by intermediate size bluegill was 37 percent, and in the last four years (1980-1983) it was 22 percent. Number and biomass of adults were generally more stable, but on the basis of regression analyses, number of young, intermediate, and adults and biomass of intermediates and adults had a significant decreasing trend.
8. Longear sunfish l

Total biomass estimates for longear sunfish did not exceed 2 kg/ha, except in 1976 when it was 3.9 kg/ha (table 9-28). This species was not collected in cove rotenone samples in 1983. Both number and biomass of all three size classes had a significant decreasing trend. I 425

Redear sunfish 9. Total biomass estimates of all three size classes of redear sunfish I ranged from 60 kg/ha in 1980 to 10 kg/ha in 1982 (table 9-29). With exception of 1980, number and biomass of the adult size class were relatively uniform compared to those for young-of-year. Numbers of l young ranged from 25/ha in 1974 to about 41,000/ha in 1980. However, linear regression analysis showed that only number and biomass of adults had signifi t:.nt decreasing trends. Number and biomass of young-of-year rodear showed an increasing trend, but not statistically significant.

10. Largemouth bass Total estimated biomass for the three size classes of largemouth bass ranged from about 8 to 16 kg/ha (table 9-30). Number and biomass of the intermediate and adult size class 9s were relatively uniform throughout the preoperational period 1974 through 1983, showing no significant increasing or decreasing trends. However, significant decreasing trends were noted for number and biomass of young bass. Number of fish in this size class ranged from 407/ha in 1976 to 24/ha in 1981.
11. Freshwater drum Except for biomass of young-of-year drum, numbers and biomass of all size classes of this species had significant decreasing trends. The highest biomass (94 kg/ha) occurred in 1981, but no young-of-year drum were present in rotenone samples that year (table 9-31).

Gill Notting--A total of 37 fish species, and one stocked hybrid (white bass x striped bass), in 11 families was captured by gill netting 42G I

I during the 35 month sampling period (915 net nights). Total catch was 8,853 fish. Three species accounted for 56 percent of total catch (table 9-32): gizzard shad (24 percent), yellow bass (16 percent), and skipjack herring (16 percent). Fifteen fish species qualified as important. These are listed by overall c/f in table 9-33. No significant differences (a = 0.05) were found in c/f of all fish species combined when comparing left and right banks within sta-tions (t-tests). A similar set of comparisons using combined important species revealed a significant difference (a = 0.05) in c/f between left and right banks only at station 1 during fall quarter. Because 11 of 12 comparisons of important species c/f showed no significant differ-l ence between left and right banks, all catch data within stations were l l pooled for subsequent analysis. l l MANOVA revealed significant effects for quarter, year, station, and year x quarter interaction on c/f of the important species assemblage (table 9-34). The greatest effect was from quarter, a predictable result because catchability of fish in nets is greatly influenced not only by seasonal changes in distribution and abundance (e.g., spawning migration and recruitment) but by seasonally varying environmental factors (e.g., water temperature and velocity) that affect actions of fish. The next 1 greatest effect was among years followed by year x quarter interaction and by station effect (table 9-34). l Effects of quarter, year, station, and year x quarter inter-action on individual important species were examined in three-way ANOVA. Quarter had a highly significant effect (a = 0.01) on c/f of all but two important species, golden shiner and largemouth bass (table 9-35). l I 427

1 These quarterly differences are apparent in table 9-36, a listing of mean quarterly c/f for all important species. Generally, c/f was greatest ] during spring or summer with sauger and white crapple being exceptions. Sauger c/f was highest during winter, white crappie during fall. As noted previously, these quarter effects reflect seasonal trends in dis-tribution, daily movement patterns, etc., that could be partially explained by examining the biology of each species. Such detail would serve no purpose in this report. Operational monitoring data should be examined for significant deviations from these seasonal relative abun-dance trends. If differences were found, it would be necessary then to examine in detail the biology of any affected species to identify poten-tial causative factors. Year had a highly significant effect on c/f of 8 important species: spotted gar, skipjack herring, mooneye, channel catfish, white bass, white crappie, sauger, and freshwater drum (table 9-35). Station, however, influenced c/f of only two species, spotted gar and longnose gar. Year x quarter interaction had a highly significant effect (a = 0.01) on five species, spotted gar, mooneye, bluegill, rodear sunfish, and sauger, and a significant effect (a = 0.05) on freshwater drum. Three-way ANOVA revealed individual important species c/f varied more temporally (both seasonally and yearly) than spatially (by station), hence the greater values for temporal effects in MANOVA. Except for longnose gar and spotted gar, distribution of important species was fairly uniform in Guntersville Reservoir near BLN at any given time (i.e., year and quarter effects excluded). This finding suggests I 428 I

i operational impacts of BLN might be most evident in altered distri-bution of important species captured by gill netting. If station becomes a significant effect for several additional species during operational gill netting, potential impacts of BLN would be indicated. Two-way ANOVA (year and station) for each quarter and each species removed seasonal effects and clarified spatial and temporal patterns identified in three-way ANOVA. Significant effects of station on spotted gar c/f during summer and fall quarters and on longnose gar during sunener were found with this analysis (table 9-37). Examination of catch data by station and Duncan's New Multiple Range Test revealed relative abundance of these two species changed uaiformly from upstream to downstream (table 9-37). Spotted gar abundance increased progressing from upstream to downstream stations while longnose gar abundance increased from downstream to upstream. Explanation for the inverse relationship between upstream / downstream c/f for longnose and spotted gar is lacking. Although both species generally spawn in the same type habitat, other habitat preferences are not well documented. Based on frequent occurrence of spotted gar in cove rotenone samples, this species may be more abundant in overbank areas with less current velocity. I Downstream gill net stations contain more overbank area than upstream l stations where longnose gar dominated. Significant changes in these j distribution patterns during BLN operation might indicate plant impacts. The eight species (identified previously) showing significant year effects in three-way ANOVA were tested for significant year effects by quarter with two-way ANOVA. Only two of these eight species, white bass and sauger, demonstrated a year effect during all four quarters m 1

I, (table 9-38). Catches of both species were significantly greater in 1981 than during subsequent years. Abundance of white bass apparently declined throughout the sampling period. Decline of sauger was not as consistent among quarters as white bass (table 9-35) and year x quarter interaction was highly significant in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). White bass and sauger move upstream in winter and spring, concentrate in tailwater areas prior to spawning, and then disperse throughout the reservoir during sununer. Gill net stations in the vicinity of BLN are in the path of these movement patterns, as indicated by higher c/f in winter for sauger and in spring for white bass. Significant year effects for mooneye resulted from unusually high c/f for this species during winter and particularly spring of 1981 (table 9-38). Catch of mooneye remained relatively low throughout the rest of the sampling period, and no trends in abundance were evident from summer and fall c/f values. The significant year x quarter interaction for mooneye (table 9-35) reflects this temporal inconsistency. There-fore, it seems more likely year effects for mooneye resulted from u.iusu- I ally high catchability, e.g., high recruitment or unusual movement patterns for winter-spring, 1981, than long term trends in abundance. Year effects for freshwater drum also resulted f'am relatively high c/f during winter and spring, 1981T (table 9-38). Inconsistencies among quarters, however, were greater than for mooneye, and year x quarter interaction was significant in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). As with mooneye, no long-term trends were indicated for freshwater drum. Year effects for channel catfish were driven by significant differences in c/f among years only during spring, and for white crapple I 4v0 I

by significant differences only during winter. Year x quarter inter-action values were not significant for either of these species in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). This was reflected in fairly consistent declines in c/f during all quarters over the sample period (table 9-36). It can-not be concluded that abundance of these two species was declining, how- I ever, because significant differences were limited to one quarter for l each species. l Differences in c/f among years (table 9-38) were highly signi-ficant during two quarters for spotted gar (spring and fall), and skip-Jack herring (winter and spring). Spotted gar c/f was greatest in 1983 during spring quarter (1.16 per not night) but highest in 1982 during fall (0.80 per net night). This inconsistency in quarterly catch among years was reflected in a highly significant year x quarter interaction in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). Catches of skipjack herring during winter and spring were significantly greater in 1981 than in 1982 and 1983. These differences were responsible for the highly significant yese effect found for this species in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). However, skipjack herring c/f was highest in 1983 during summer, higher in 1983 than 1982 during spring, and practically equal in 1982 and 1983 during fall. Therefore, no long term trend in abundance was indicated. Fairly uniform changes in c/f among quarters resulted in no significant year x quarter interaction in three-way ANOVA (table 9-35). Electrofishing--During the 33 month sampling period, 1,625 I electrofishing runs yielded 9,086 fish of 26 species representing l 10 families. Three species dominated the samples; gizzard shad comprised I 4al

T I 62 percent of the total catch, emerald shiner 13 percent, and bluegill 17 percent (table 9-39). Along with these species, rodear sunfish and largemouth bass exceeded 1 percent of total catch and qualified as important species (table 9-40). No significant differences (a = 0.05) in c/f of combined important species between left and right banks were found for any of the stations. Only 1 of 12 comparisons between left and right banks showed significant differences in c/f of all species combined, that was at station 3 during fall (t = 2.288; probability of exceeding lIl = 0.040). In subsequent analyses, catch data from left and right banks at each station were combined. MANOVA revealed that c/f of the fish assemblage important in electrofishing was significantly influenced by year, quarter, and year x quarter interaction (table 9-41). Quarter exerted the greatest influence, as in the analysis of gill netting catch data. This quarter effect simply reflects combined responses of the five important species to the same seasonally variabic physical and blotic factors discussed under gill netting. (Emerald shiner was the only species important in electrofishing not also important in gill netting.) The next greatest effect was from year x quarter interaction followed by year effect (table 9-41). Quarter effects were highly significant for all important I species in three-way ANOVA testing (table 9-42). It is unlikely, however, that these quarterly patterns (table 9-43) could be used to detect Bl.N operational impacts because of highly significant year x quarter interactions for all important species (table 9-42). Interaction 402

between short term (quarter) and long term (year) temporal effects is evident by inspection of quarterly catch data for each year (table 9-44). Quarterly changes in c/f were not consistent throughout the three years of sampling. For example, highest c/f for emerald shiner in 1981 occurred during spring quarter, in 1982 during winter quarter, and in 1983 during fall quarter. Similar inconsistencies account for year x quarter interactions for all other important species. Year effect was highly significant for emerald shiner and largemouth bass and significant for bluegill and rodear sunfish in three-way ANOVA testing (table 9-42). Catch per effort for bluegill and largemouth bass was highest in 1983, lowest in 1982, and intermediate in 1981 (table 9-45). Emerald shiner and rodear sunfish c/f was also lowest in 1982, and practically equal in 1981 and 1983. However, comparison of yearly c/f f or each quarter (table 9-44) reveals no consistent time trend for any of these species. As noted previously, significant year x quarter interactions were due to inconsistent yearly trends among quarters. Station effect was highly significant for emerald shiner and significant for gizzard shad (table 9-42). Duncan's New Multiple Range Test revealed c/f of emerald shiner was significantly greater at station


2 than all other stations except number 3 (table 9-46). Inspection of quarterly c/f data for each station reveals that exceptionally high c/f during fall quarter (table 9-46) was primarily responsible for station differences. Number and c/f of emerald shiner occurring in monthly samples at each station were examined, and four samples with unusually high c/f were found (table 9-47). These four samples accounted for 58 percent of all emerald shiner taken in electroffshing indicating a very 4d3 l

patchy distribution of this species. Occurrence of emerald shiner in only 7 percent of all electrofishing runs and significant quarter x station and year x quarter x station interactions further supports this conclusion. Thus, the apparent station effect for thus species does not appear likely to provide a test of BLN impacts. Duncan's New Multiple Range Test demonstrated gizzard shad c/f was greater at station 2 than in Mud Creek and at station 1 (table 9-46). Gizzard shad displayed a more consistent spatial distribution pattern than emerald shiner. Inspection of quarterly catch data for each station reveals c/f was highest at station 2 during 3 quarters (spring, sumner, and winter). There was no significant interaction between station, year, and quarter for gizzard shad in three-way ANOVA testing (table 9-42). . Lack of station effects or significant station interaction terms for all species except emerald shiner suggests potential changes in distribution of these species due to BLN operation could be tested by electrofishing. However, it appears doubtful electrofishing could detect changes in distribution because it provided little information about the Guntersville Reservoir fish assemblage in the vicinity of BLN. Of the 26 species captured by electrofishing, 5 were classified important but only after the criteria were changed from that usually employed. Ordinarily, important species are defined as those occurring in 50 I percent or more of all electrofishing runs. With this criterion, only gizzard shad (50.5 percent) would have qualified; therefore, the criteria were modified to make greater use of the data. Even with the modified criteria, information about temporal changes in abundance of all 4d4 I

I important species was limited by strong year x quarter interactions. Information about distribution of emerald shiner was limited by j significant interaction along station, year, and quarter. Problems encountered with electrofishing data may have been due to ineffectiveness of this gear in sampling littoral habitat near BLN. Approximately 38 percent of all electrofishing runs yielded no fish. Capture frequency (number of fish per electrofishing run) should follow a Pois. son distribution. Comparison of observed with oxpected frequency distributions (table 9-48) demonstrated electrofishing near BLN resulted in an exceptionally high number of runs yielding zero or one fish. From inspection of the data in table 9-48 it is apparent the chi-square test was not needed to determine the distributions were different. 9.3 Summary and Concludions 9.3.1 Fish Eggs and Larvae Composition and relative abundance of ichthyoplankton in the vicinity of BLN on Guntersville Reservoir was typical of other mainstream Tennessee River reservoirs. Freshwater drum eggs dominated egg collections. Larvae were dominated by clupeids (59-94 percent) with freshwater drum second in abundance (2-31 percent). No other taxon exceeded 10 percent composition in a year. Temperate bass exceeded 1 percent of the total catch five of the seven years of this study and ictiobine larvae exceeded one percent three years. Lepomids and cyprinids were the only other taxa to exceed 1 percent of the total larval catch at BLN in a given year. Lower abundances of the latter two taxa at BLN compared to previous data from Guntersville and to other I Au5

I reservoirs are due to the elimination of overbank sampling at the BLN transect after 1977. Ichthyoplankton data collected at BLN has aided in documenting the iennessee River upstream of BLN as an important spawning area for Polyodon spathula (Wallus 1983) and Stizostedion canadense (Scott, MS), two important migratory species. Paddlefish spawns above BLN, as well as i ictiobine spawns, appeared related to annus discharge rates from Nickajack Dam. Freshwater drum also spawned in the vicinity of BLN and upstream as evidenced by high densities of freshwater drum eggs from BLN samples. During the period 1975-1976, ichthyoplankton of Guntersville Reservoir near BLN, while varied, was dominated by clupeids (approximately 70-90 percent of all larvae captured). Cyprinids, catostomids, percichthyids, sciaenids and in certain restricted habitats, centrarchids, were important constituents but neither exceeded 10 percent of the larvae captured (TVA 1977). Data collected during this study period, 1977-1983, indicated no major changes in the relative abundance I or distribution of ichthoplankton in the vicinity of BLN. 9.3.2 Juvenile and Adult Fish Estimates of fish standing stocks by cove rotenone sampling indicated fish populations in Guntersville Reservoir coves were dominated by 11 species although more than 50 species occurred in samples during the BLN preoperational period, 1974-1983. These 11 species were further dominated by 5 species: bluegill, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, large-mouth bass, and rodear sunfish. Numerically, these species ranked as I 43G I I

I follows: bluegill (38 percent), redear sunfish (31 percent), gizzard shad (11 percent), freshwater drum (1.3 percent), and largemouth bass (1.3 percent). Accordingly, biomass composition was: gizzard shad (44 percent), bluegill (13 percent), froshwater drum (11 percent), rodear sunfish (9 percent), and largemouth bass (4 percent). Number or biomass of fish of one or more size classes for 8 of the 11 dominant ("important") species showed significant decreasing trends over the period 1974-1983. Causes for these declining trends were not apparent. However, they did not appear to be associated with any drastic changes in water quality. Presence or absence of aquatic macro-phytes in coves may have influenced the standing stock estimates, but this was not clearly defined. For example, number of young-of-year redear sunfish (41,000/ha) was highest with dense growths of macrophytes present, while the highest estimate for number of young-of-year bluegill (22,000/ha) occurred under sparse macrophyte conditions. Although standing stock estimates of fish in Guntersville Reservoir were comparable to other TVA mainstream reservoirs, consider-able year to year variation in these estimates were apparent. In addi-tion to changes in the actual fish population, various factors or condi-tions can influence standing stock estimates via cove rotenone sampling; however, it is difficult to delineate specific factors for a single given year. Annual estimates for several succeeding years, as presently conducted, is considered the best approach in monitoring potential 1 adverse changes relative to operation of BLN. I I g w

I I Relative abundance of fish species important (dominant) in gill not catches varied more temporally (both seasonally and yearly) than spatially (by station). Consistent trends in relative abundance through the 33-month sampling period were not apparent, except for a decline in white. bass. Catch per unit effort of sauger, white crappie, and channel catfish also tended to decline through the sampling period, but these trends were either inconsistent (year x quarter interactions) or not statistically significant. Lack of station effects, except for longnose and spotted gar, suggests BLN operational impacts might be most evident in altered distribution of species dominant in gill netting. Electrofishing samples provided little cdditional information about adult and juvenile fish distribution and relative abundance not available from cove rotenone and gill netting. An unusually high number of electrofishing runs yielded no fish. Causes of the low capture rate can only be speculated on at present and may have been due to unsuitability of the sampling method for littoral habitat near BLN. I I I I I I I 438 I

m a e a e e m m M M M M M M M M E E E b

  • p

g s 5 i-

                                                                     .    . nman =u, M                             '                                +!

a, C n. e:4 d - T A fl "- w- ce$p .

                                                                                                                                                *          +

_d h

                                                                                  -                   +

f_ _ __


l r:1s 9 cmr


O COVE ROTENONE SITES Figure 9-1. Location of Cove Rotenone Sample Sites in Guntersville Reservoir,1980 Through 1983. i _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _m_ __ _ __m _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _





3 . 2 - a . c gQ .

                                                             , 4

3 f.a

                   .:e  3%                                ,

t ' nn s, =m s-g - _ - 4,,

                                                                                                           =,.           +-

fW : j .1 as I

                                                                      ),ess O ctttutT sncs Figure 9-2. Location of cill Net Sampling Stations in Contersville Reservoir, 1980 Through 1983.

g g @ h




  • j .
  • s i

5 i + I gg n n]~ A  %.

. 8 h
                      +                     4
                                 +3^3     +                                  3      +   ,
                                                +3%  %                                  e ^

__s p ,

l L
                                                                               .- Q i-              =w   -
                                                                                                                          ,, . g O ttternortsutto s nts Figure 9-3. Location of Electrofishing Sampling Stations in Guntersville Reservoir, 1980 Through 1953.

I 100000.0- l N 10000.0-U M P g 1000.0-s'l

                                                                                          ' . ..h; ..q E

g 1ee.0- l: P ed

                                                               '                                              2    '%

E R 10.0- ,

                                                              )l                                            /

e 0 1.e-

/ .l l

e  : l e.1-  : , M  : I 0.0 ,. c  : . _ -' APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST MARCH MONTH e-e-e 1977 + +- + 1978 *-*

  • 1979 I

LEGEND YEAR 100000.0-N 10000.0- 4-U j 1000.0- ... - ,7/

  • e  %-

c e ls.5 9' lth

                                                                                                  \     '- ,

R l/

                                                                       ,/                                                       E 100.0-E P

e  : t'/ 3 R 10.0-  ! 1 I 0 1.0- l 0  : 0  ! 9.1-E M  ! /

  • 3 3

9.0 ,_ " C2

                                            '~],.                               _,           ,_                          ,


  • 1981 *-*
  • 1982 *- *
  • 1983 Lif D* YEAR Figure 9-4. Densities (no./1,000 m3) of drum eggs estimated from collections near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site, 1977-1983.

I 142 I

190099.0-I N 19660.0-U M 3 1999.0- , ,- a . . '. .gj ,, s

                                                                                   \ ' A' E                                                                   '<                 -
                                                                'e' E              R 100.0-Y
                                                                                                             'g s

P - E

                                                                                                                     \s I             R 1

10.0-1.0-i o

                                                                                                                            &- s 0

9 l '.

                                                                                                                      .,                              ~3 l             4 N

e.1- l i 3 0.0 ,_



                                                                                                                                                      '.e MARCH             APRIL                  MAY             JUNE                    JULY                   AUGUST MONTH LEGEND: YEAR             N 1977                         *-+
  • 1978 *-*
  • 1979 I 190644.0-N 10000.0-U ...
 ,                       1000.0-                         ,t                      ;                                  .

100.0-  !

  • s 's '-

P  ; s E

  • I \

R 10.0-  ! 'l \

                                                                                                    *s               *                                          )
                                                   ;ij ll:l7 1-                                                                                   ',            -

1.e- g  %' , b, i le 0.1-ll I


d \


M / y s \ 0.0 , ~ J 23 \ ., MARCH APRIL NAY JLet JUL\' AUGUST MONTH

                                     *-*-8 1980                         *-*
  • 1981 LEGEND: YEAR *-*
  • 1982 *- *-
  • 19 83 Figure 9-5. Densities (no./1,000 m3 ) of unspecified clupeid larvae estiu ted from collections near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site, 1977-1983.

l 44a l

I I 10000.0-N U l g , M 1000.0- j B , o

                                                   ,        Ns i             E R    100.0-                       ,
  • o
                                              ,                      s P                              l *.    .
                                                              .. ' h ' '.,,

e' 's E R 10.0- i

                                                       .               i l        5, E

l 'n- ., o

                                                                                   .r s

r 1 1.0- g' o

                                                                                                         \i ,-    ,A, l

0 , e s 0 , , A' 'a 0

  • 0.1- . \
                                                                               \ r/ '.         .


M t/


                                                                                                  +-- -

we 3 0.0- i_ ,- ,- , , , MARCH APRIL Mey JUTE JULY AUGUST n0 NTH LEGEND: YEAR N 1977 + - + - + 1978 *-*

  • 1979 10000.0- "

N U M 1000.0-B E

  • l g

R 100.0- # , 1 N E 10.0-  ?. I \ $ a N/ N\ .'. 1 1.0- g/ s I 5, O l ,'.l'. y - - ', s = 0 l f '., \

  • 0 0.1- l s \

n 9 ,,,- -- / --

                                                 /.\r . ... . . . ., /         \
                                                                                                            +       \_ \= ,= = = ~

MARCH APRIL flay JUPE JULY Aulaf57 MONTH g LEGEND: YEAg e-e-e gggg + +.* 1981 *-*

  • 1982 *- *-
  • 1983 E Figure 9-6. 3 Densities (no./1,000 m ) of Ictiobinae larvae estimated from I

collections near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site, 1977-1983. 444 I

s I - I i 0 / 10000.0-N U I M 1000.0-k 100.0- ,-

                                                      * ~,,                            - '-
                                                       *"                                                                             ~

10.0- , s

                                                     ~V                                          s             .

1 1.0- / *-- I O e 0 0. P A o s _A

      -p                                                                                                                        l         %
       '3         0.0 y                         -                   _,_                      , .                        p                   12          ; --*
          ,                  MARCH               ' APRIL                       MAY                      JUNE                      JU1,Y          AUGUST I                            LEGENDt YEAR                          " " 1977 MONTH
                                                                                                        + -+ + 1978                       *-** 1979 I         N 19044.0" 1

U M 1969.0- - I 3 - R 100.0- P k' k l p E R 10.0-


c' ,*

                                                         /f'y \',,
                                                              /                       \                    N 1        1.0-f                          L.6 , ' *- - - *\
                               %                  't       f                                                       ,

8 ,.. e


l / -' s 9 0. r g

                                            ;          j                                               M..             Ng I

s '

                                                                                                             .             s                          .

n \/

                                        *                                                                      \             \                                t 3         0.0 ,                     ,-                         ,                      ,-                 6 - ",-                     ,


  • 1981 * - *
  • 1982 *- **
  • 19J3  !

Figure 9-7. Densities (no./1,000 53)'of percichthyid larvae (includes Morone (not raxatilis) and ?.orone spp.) caticiated frcm collections near the Bellefonte Nu: lear Plant site, 1977-1983. I J 445 - _m _ . _ - . . . _ _

I s eeee.e-! N U l n 1000.04 8 l i E 100.0- E R g P E a ~"g R 10.0], l t i J j 'g - 0 0 1.e l 4 r t 0 0.1d. '..,


g 5 0.e ,_ _,_ *,---. = ,_= = .,_= = ,= = -* , flARCH APRIL HAY JUNE JULY AOCUST MONTH I LEGEND: YEAR N 1977 ***** 1978 '

  • 1979 I

N U M 1000.0-B E R 100.0-P E 10.0-R 1 1.0- ',-

                                                           ,0 s 0                               , o            \

0 *i.

                                                                      \                                                                                     l 0      0.1-                      ,'.,               '
  • s
                                                             **,-'                              - ^^^
                                                                                       --                     - ^^         ^-


  • YEAR e-e-e 1933 e -*** 1982 '-*
  • 1983 Figure 9-8. Densities (no./1,000 m3 ) of sauger larvae estimated from <

l collections near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site, 1977-1983. l II l 44G l Il _ .. .- . . - .l

                                                                                                                               ..                          .?

B B 10000.0' B N U n 1900.0- 9.

.;          B                                                                           .
                                                                                             , N .:,,

R 106.9- c, 4' 'A*-"***.,Ag g

                                                                                 </                                 ',              <-

P E 18.0-

  • o l

r s -

                                                                                                                                        .N   n p " -*

i 1.0- {

                                                                              ,/                                      '\

0 0 l e . . . .e l 0 0.1- ,/ , p 4 ' 3 0.0- C 2 - -d

  • i .


                                                                                            + -+ + 197 3               6-*-o            1979 B                  10000.0-N U

n 1940.0- 1 B 8 E f 'P~,>*

                                                                                          'o2'"       -

R p 100.0-


(- ~~~

                                                                                                                       *  .* [ \

g B E 10.0- ,.

                                                                             //                                                   ' A ,*

R ol


g 1.0- . .. _ q/ - e 0 0.1- f


I 0.0- "-*N A

                                                     *      /


                                   ,                                             MONTH LEGEND: YEAR           G-e-e 1986                    *"* + 1981                   *-*
  • 1982 *-*-* 1983 I Figure 9-9. Densities (no./1,000'm ) of drum larvae estimated from collections near the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant site, 197.7-1983.

I I 1 i f 447

                                                                                                                                              ;        i B                                                                                                                                                         i

I 10.0


AND CONCLUSIONS This preoperational assessment of water quality and biological resources of Guntersville Reservoir near BLN was written to satisfy monitoring requirements of NPDES Permit No. AL0024635 and provide a base-line description of habitat diversity, spatial-temporal trends, pre-existing reservoir conditions, and cause/effect relationships between biological communitic- _nd environmental factors. When operational studies are completed, this assessment and results of a subsequent baseline study to precede fuel loading of unit one, will allow evaluation of project impacts and provide protection from liability for existing aquatic conditions. Several events which have occurred within Guntersville Reservoir (other then BLN) will continue to have potential for affecting aquatic conditions. These include operation of Widows Creek Steam Plant (24.9 km upstream of BLN), herbicide treatments cf aquatic habitats to reduce growth of aquatic macrophytes, and operation of a conumercial sand and I gravel dredge in the inusediate vicinity of the BLN site. Discovery of f the pervasive aquatic macrophyte species Hydrilla verticillata on Ountersville Reservoir in 1982 will likely intensify efforts to reduce aquatic macrophyte growth. Bypass of the sewage treatment facility at Chattanooga, Tennessee (Nickajack Reservoir), during 1982 and 1983 had no measurable impact on water quality in Guntersville Reservoir (biological related parameters). Water Quality I Evaluation of Nickajack tallrace data (water entering Guntersville Reservoir) identified a significant (a = 0.05) increase 448

1 I over time in total-P and a highly significant (a = 0.01) decrease in NO + N -N and summer (Juno-September) DO concentrations. Evaluation 2 of water quality in the vicinity of BLN indicated the study area was relatively stable, as only a few parameters changed significantly over the entire period of study. Changes which did occur were observed between data collected during 1974-1979 and data collected during 1982-1983. Of particular interest was an increase in BOD, TOC, and organic nitrogen in 1982-1983. The increase in BOD, TOC, and organic nitrogen appeared to coincide with bypass at Noccasin Bond sewage treatment plant into Nickajack Reservoir upstream of Guntersville Reservoir and BLN. However, analysis of water quality data in Nickajack Dam tailrace indicated changes observed near BLN were unrelated to the Moccasin Bend bypass. Increases in these organic-related parameters near BLN may be related to increased colonization of Guntersville Reservoir by aquatic macrophytes which showed substantial gains in 1980 and 1981 and remained high (> 12,000 acres) during 1982 and 1983. The increase in aquatic plants represented an approximate doubling of acres colonized within Guntersville Reservoir between 1979 and 1982. Copper and lead concentrations frequently exceeded the average water quality criteria, and lead also exceeded the maximum criteria at all mid-channel stations. phytoplankton Phytoplankton assemblages of the mainstream channel and left I overbank habitats were diverse. Twenty-two of the 137 phytoplankton genera identified during the study were itsportant with regard to abundance, representing at least 10 percent of total abundance during one or more collection periods. I 443

I Comparisons of community structures from the mainstream channel and left overbank habitats indicated a low degree of similarity among overbank stations (a result of flow isolation which allowed development of distinct and separate communities) compared to channel stations which were contiguous with regard to flow. Patterns of algal succession changed during the preoperational study period. Chrysophyta and Chlorophyta dominated the phytoplankton assemblage every collection period in 1974 and Chrysophyta was again dominant every collection period (except March) in 1983. During 1975-1982 Cyanophyta became the most abundant phytoplankton group, comprising especially large segments of the total assemblage in August 1975 (77 percent), August 1976 (81 percent), and July (83 percent). September (76 percent), and October (73 percent) in 1977. Dominant Cyanophyta genera were Anacystis and Merismopedia during 1975-1982, but changed to Oscillatoria in 1983. Cyanophyta dominance was usually greater on the overbank habitat than in the river channel. October 1982 and several months in 1983 were unique in that Cyanophyta was not represented in the phytoplankton community. The dominant genus occurring most often during the study was a chrysophyte, Melosira. Phytoplankton abundance was greater for the overbank habitat than the mainstream channel. The most productive stations with regard to cell numbers were TRM 388.0 in the channel and TRM 386.4 on the left overbank, indicating a downstream increase in phytoplankton abundance. Greatest phytoplankton abundance measured during the monitoring period exceeded 56 million cells /L at TRM 386.4 in August 1982. Temporal evaluation of phytoplankton indicated a cyclic abundance pattern for the channel habitat, beginning low in 1974, i t 450 l I

I increasing through 1977, and declining during 1982 and 1983 to abundar.ce levels at or below those measured in 1974. Average chlorophyll a concentrations normally were below the 10-30 mg/m* range indicating potentially eutrophic conditions; however, 3 maximum single-sample concentrations occasionally fell within that range. Maximum chlorophyll concentrations on the left overbank were much greater than corresponding channel concentrations. Primary productivity data were extremely variable from month-to-month, ranging from a few (<10) to several thousand mg C/m2/ day. Reduced and/or fluctuating solar radiation several days before sampling appeared to reduce productivity. Phytoplankton data were quite variable with regard to stations, months, and years such that spatial trends were seldom obvious. However, there was a trend indicated for greatest total phytoplankton abundance and Cyanophyta dominance on the left overbank and at downstream sampling locations. Zooplankton The most consistent component of the zooplankton assemblage was larval copepods (nauplii), but adult copepods were only rarely (twice) present as a major component of the community. The second most prevalent form was the cladoceran, Bosmina longirostris which generally dominated channel zooplankton from May to the end of the sampling year. Several conclusions can be made from zooplankton data collected during the period 1974-1979 and 1982-1983. These include: I 1. Short-term fluctuations (<one year) in the zooplankton assemblage (both in terms of occurrence and relative abundance) occur frequently near BLN. 451

?. Based on the occurrence of taxa, the three sample stations in the channel group were more similar than different.

3. Overbank stations showed a greater degree of variability with respect to total density and similarity indices (SQS and PS) than channel stations. This was probably due to a more " patchy" distribution of zooplankton in overbank areas, and less mixing enabling comunities to develop in separate overbank areas. Overbank stations were much more productive than channel sites.
4. Number of taxa present, species diversity, and total zooplankton den- E sities were usually lower at the beginning (February) and end E (October) of the sample year than in the sumer season.
5. The most productive channel station (station 2) and overbank station (station 6) are nearest the BLN diffuser, whereas the least produc-tive station (station 3) represents the upstream " control".

Periphyton The periphyton comunity in the vicinity of BLN was sampled using artificial (plexiglass) substrates. Forty-eight of the 62 periphyton genera identified during the study were regular components of the comunity. Ten of these genera were considered dominant, accounting for 19.8 to 91.9 percent of the total abundance in any sample. At the channel stations there was a general increase in numbers of genera from 1974 to 1978 then a decline in 1982 and 1983 to levels similar to 1974-1975. The number of taxa at channel and overbank stations ranged from 5-24 and 5-17, respectively. Comparison of comunity structure among stations were usually similar based upon taxa. A high percentage of comparisons based upon taxa and abundance were low. This trend held for comparisons involving both channel and overbank habitats. Channel stations had chrysophytes as the dominant group during 1974-1976, with Cocconois and Achnanthes the predominant forms. Beginning in 1977 and continuing through 1983, chrysophytes dominated early in the I I 462

year, in June chlorophytes began to dominate at some stations and both groups were intermittently dominant for the remainder of the year. When chrysophytes were dominant, Achnanthes was usually the most predominant diatom, while Stigeoclonium was the predominant chlorophyte taxa when chlorophytes were dominant. Overbank stations exhibited similar percentage composition changes as channel stations except that chlorophytes were predominant at all overbank stations in April 1983 and i l cyanophytes were never the predominant group. Periphyton data pooled over years indicated the total abundances l at TRMs 388.0 and 396.8 were similar and both significantly greater than densities at TRM 391.2. All channel stations had significantly higher abundances than overbank stations, with TRM 388.4 (overbank) having the lowest abundance which was significantly lower than other overbank stations. Data pooled over stations indicated total abundances were similar during 1977 and 1978 and higher than other years. Abundanco during 1982 and 1983 were also similar, but lower than other years. Abundances were usually highest in June and lowest in September or October. The corrected chlorophyll a (CCA) was lowest in 1982 samples and highest in 1978 samples for channel stations. Overbank stations had the greatest range of CCA values in 1983. There were no consistent periodic trends for the CCA but this parameter, except for 1974, did exhibit a strong direct relationship with total abundance. The pheophytin inder (PI), the ratio of active chlorophyll a to its degradation product, pheophytin a, was highest in 1975 indicating healthy. algal populations. I 45;t

The PI declined steadily from 1975, the first calculated, to the lowest values for the study in 1983. AI values for the channel stations were lowest in 1974, increased through 1976, declined in 1977 then continued to rise steeply for the remainder of the study. There was no logical correlation of this steep rise with any chemical data other than noting a general rise in the levels of TOC, organic nitrogen, and BOD " "*I *** E *" 8' 5 the increased AI values. Values for channel station AI's were usually high early in the year then became inconsistent for the remainder of the year. Both 1982 and 1983 overbank AI values were generally similar to the channel stations. Through the monitoring period, periphyton abundance has exhibited a long term cycle with 1974 as the nadir and 1978 as the peak. Any comparison of abundances in the future with these must consider such apparent cycle. During this time, chlorophytes have occupied increasingly larger portions of the periphyton consnunity and cyanophytes have only rarely been significant. Genera composing the periphyton assemblage at anytime were similar; however, there were differences in the abundances of these genera, usually with channel stations having more dense pcpulations. Trends in chlorophyll levels were usually in good agreu ent with those of totel abundances. However, there was a general increase through the years of pheophytin a levels. Autotrophic indices were very variable for each station through 1977, then began to increase through 1983. Reasons for this increase may be a shift toward more heterotrophic growth because of 6pparent increases in organic materials (suggested by increases in TOC, organic-N, and BOD S*

                                                               *     "*I
  • I 454

part of a reservoir cycle as was suggested for the total abundance. This possible cyclic nature in the ratio of periphytic autotrophs to - I heterotrophs should also be considered when future AI values are compared 6 n to these. Overall, the periphyton cornmunity was relatively healthy, exhibiting typical densities, taxa, and abundances for this portion of - the mainstream Tennessee River system. j Macrointertebrates A total of 138 macroinvertebrate taxa were found at the seven g' stations monitored in the vicinity of Bl.N from 1974-1979 and 1982-1983. A general increase in number of taxa and in number of organisms was  % observed throughout the study period. Higher diversity values reflected { 1 these increases. I The macroinvertebrate consnunity in the channel was dominated by fs

                                                                                         !      5
                                                                                         -d I  the asiatic clam Corbicula manilensis and oligochaetes through 1979 (based on Ponar sampling). However, when sampling was resumed in 1982, a y

ai iii major shift in dominance was evident. The burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia


sp., became the most numerous taxon at all three stations (TRMs 388.0, I 391.2, and 396.8). Artificial substrate samples, taken from 1974 through _, I May 1979, showed many changes in dominant rheophille tara, although the caddisflies Cyrnellus fraternus and Neureclipsis were usually common. In i

                                                                                         -j 1980, the chironmid Cricotopus was dominant at all three stations.

e The overbank conununity exhibited two seasonal trends. The mean y I I number of taxa was highest in spring, decroasing in sumer to a low in Octcber. The n.ean number of organisms decreased steadily throughout i spring to a low in late summer, followed by an increase in October. The I

burrowing mayfly, Hexagenia sp., and the chironomids Coelotanypus and Chironomus were usually the dominant tara. In general, Corbicula manilensis increased in numbers throughout the four sampling years (1978-1979, 1982-1983), whereas Hexagenia decreased. The observed spatial and terporal changes in the macroinverte-brate fauna in the vicinity of BLN were not investigated in a causative manner in this study. No physical conditions or water quality changes within the reservoir could be definitely attributed to increasing or docreasing trends in numbers of taxa or individuals. I Aquatic Macrophytes Acreages of submersed and floating-leaved aquatic macrophytes in the vicinity of BLN increased from the late 1970's until 1981 or 1982, then declined in 1983. This trend paralleled that for Guntersville Reservoir. While several species of submersed macrophytes occurred in the vicinity of Bl.N, Eurasian wateralifoil was the dominant submersed macrophyte species. Eurasian watermilfoil comprised the largest percentage of submersed macrophyte standing crop for most sampling dates. Regression analysis indicated significant or highly significant trends at three sampling stations. Although all three of the stations represent channel habitat, the trends were not consistent as two increased and the other decreased. Pooled data from the two stations upstream of Bl.N showed a significant increase in standing crop, while pooled data from downstream stations was not significant. ! Analysis of variance showed significant or highly significant differences in standing crop for all months during 1982 and 1983. The 456 I

i K .


{ month with the highest and lowest standing crop differed in 1982 and 1983 and was attributed to the effect of high flows in mid-May 1983. J-1 i Differences in standing crop by station for 1982 and 1983 were generally i-i significant or highly significant. While some stations consistently

         ?                ranked high and others low, there was no readily discernable trend                                                _-j h(7                        relating to overbank versus channel stations.                                                                     i i

1 Eggs and Larval Fish .. p kI . Composition and relative abundance of ichthyoplankton in the

  <      L
   ;-    t_               vicinity of BLN on Guntersville Reservoir was typical of other mainstream e

f ' Tennessee River Reservoirs. Freshwater drum eggs dominated egg collections. Larvae were dominated by clupelds (59-94 percent) with 4 3

           .                                                                                                                                  E 9%       -

freshwater drum second in abundance (2-31 percent). No other taxon - .i . [ ~ exceeded 10 percent composition in a year. Temperate bass exceeded 1 k s-percent of the total catch five of the seven years of this study and - ictiobine larvas exceeded one percent in three years. Lepomids and  ;


r i cyprinids were the only other taxa to exceed 1 percent of the total 4


g larval catch at BLN in a given year. Lower abundances of the latter two


taxa at BLN compared to previous data from Guntersville and to other reservoirs are due to the elimination of overbank sampling at the BLN j . transect after 1977. 5 I  ; { Ichthyoplankton data collected at BLN has aided in documenting - 1


the Tennessee River upstream of BLN as an important spawning area for _ 1 Polyodon spathula and Stizostedion canadense two important migratory ~. 1

   !                       species. Paddlefish spawns above BLN, as well as ictiobine spawns,                                             $'

d appeared related to annual discharge rates from Nickajack Dam.

   .J j                    Freshwater drum also spawned in the vicinity of BLN and upstream as       \                                    .iN' ja
   ..y         .


      ;jf                          .                                                                                                             ~


               ;                                                       457                                                                -

g x i- -

evidenced by high densities of freshwater drum eggs from BLN samples. Data collected during this study period indicated no major changes in the relative abundance or distribution of ichthoplankton in the vicinity of BLN. Juvenile and Adult Fish Estimates of juvenile and adult fish standing stocks by cove rotenone sampling indicated fish populations in Guntersville Reservoir coves were dominated by 11 species, although more than 50 species occurred in samples during the BLN preoperational period, 1974-1983. These 11 species i.ere further dominated by 5 species: bluegill, freshwater drum, gizzard shad, largemouth bass, and redear sunfish. Numerically, these species ranked as follows:s bluegill (38 percent), rodear sunfish (31 percent), gizzard shad (11 percent), freshwater drum (1.3 percent), and largemouth bass (1.3 percent). Accordingly, biomass r composition was: gizzard shad (44 percent), bluegill (13 percent), freshwater drum (11 percent), redear sunfish (9 percent), and largemouth bass (4 percent). Number or biomass of fish of one or more size classes for 8 of the 11 dominant ("important") species showed significant decreasing trends over the period 1974-1983. Causes for these declining trends were not apparent. However, they did not appear to be associated with any I drastic changes in water quality. Presence or absence of aquatic macro-phytes in coves may have influenecd the standing stock estimates, but this was not clearly defined. For example, number of young-of-year redear nafish (41,000/ha) was highest with dense growths of macrophytes I I 458

I present, while the highest estimate for number (.f young-of-year bluegill (22,000/ha) occurred under sparse macrophyte conditions. Although standing stock estimates of fish in Guntersville Reservoir were comparable to other TVA mainstream reservoirs, consider-able year to year variation in these estimates were apparent. In addi-tion to changes in the actual fish population, various factors or condi-tions can influence standing stock estimates via cove rotenone sampling; however, it is difficult to delineate specific factors for a single given year. Annual estimates for several succeeding years, as presently conducted, is considered the best approach in monitoring potential adverse changes relative to operation of BLN. Relative abundance of fish species important (dominant) in gill net catches varied more temporally (both seasonally and yearly) than spatially (by station). Consistent trends in relative abundance through the 33-month sampling period were not apparent, except for a decline in white bass. Catch por unit effort of sauger, white crappie, and channel catfish also tended to decline through the sampling period, but these I trends were either inconsistent or not statistically significant. Lack of station effects, except for longnose gar and spotted gar, suggests BLN operational impacts might be most evident in altered distribution of species dominant in gill netting. Electrofishing samples provided little additional information about adult and juvenile fish distribution and relative abundance not available from cove rotenone and gill netting. An unusually high number of electrofishing runs yielded no fish'. Causes of the low capture rate can only be speculated at present but may indicate unsuitability of the sampling method for littoral habitat near BLN. 459

Comparisons Over Time Comparison of 1982 and/or 1983 monitoring data with earlier years (1974-1979) indicated that aquatic conditions in the vicinity of BLN are changing. Observations included:

1. Higher concentrations of BOD, TOC, and organic nitrogen in 1982 and 1983 than other years.
2. An. approximate doubling in aquatic macrophytes within the reservoir between 1979 and 1582 and subsequent decline in 1983.
3. Transition from a Cyanophyta dominated phytoplankton assemblage in 1975-1982 to a Chrysophyta dominated assemblage in 1983. Lowest relative Cyanophyta abundance occurred in 1983 compared to other years.
4. Change in dominant Cyanophyta genera (phytoplankton community) from Anacystis and Merismopedia in 1975-1982 to Oscillatoria in 1983.
5. Complete absence of Cyanophyta in the phytoplankton assemblage during October 1982 and several months in 1983 (present in every sample, 1974-1979).
6. Significantly lower total phytoplankton abundance in 1983 compared to other years (channel and overbank habitats).
7. An overall increase in zooplankton abundance and average number of taxa per sample during the period 1974-1978, then a decline in 1979-1982.
8. Increase in number of periphyton genera from 1974 to 1978, then a decline in 1982 and 1983.
9. Chlorophytes began to appear as a dominant part of the periphyton community in the latter part of the study, 1977-1983. Chrysophyta had previously dominated the community, 1974-1976.
10. Significantly lower periphyton abundances in 1982 and 1983 compared to other years.
11. Lowest periphyton phaeophytin index values of the study measured in 1983.
12. Sharp increase in periphyton Autotrophic Index Values during 1982 and 1983 (suggesting a sharp increase in organics within the aquatic ecosytem).
13. A major shift in macroinvertebrate dominance, from Corbicula manilensis and 011gochaeta in 1974-1979, to Hexagenia sp. in 1982-1983.


l I

14. Significant decreasing trends over the period 1974-1983 in the number or biomass of one or more size classes for 8 of the 11 dominant fish species (rotenone).
15. A decline in white bass populations (gill netting).  !

Resumption of baseline monitoring before operation of BLN should resolve the fate of these changes, provide information on the apparent decline in white bass populations (gill netting), and describe long-term variability within these data. Conclusion of this assessment, however, is that degree of indicated change was not beyond that expected for this reach of Guntersville Reservoir, although the fate of linear trends within these data is uncertain. Pattern of change for algal and planktonic communities appeared more cyclic than linear, indicating that this study may have observed close to the full range of conditions expected for this reservoir area under normal flow and climatic conditons. I . I l 4G1 I t

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a Jester, D. 1972. " Life history, ecology, and management of river - carpsucker, Carplodes carpio (Rafinesque) with reference to Elephant L


1 Butte Lake." New Mexico State University Agriculture Experiment Station 4

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J k-- Johnson, R. P. 1963. " Studies in the life history and ecology of  ; s largemouth buffalo, Ictiobus cyprinellus (Valenciennes)." J. of Fish. Res. Board of Canada, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1397-1429. Kimmel, B. L., and O. T. Lind, 1972. " Factors Affecting Phytoplankton i Production in a Eutrophic Reservoir." Arch. Hydrobiol., 71(1): 124-141.

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Meyer, R. L. 1971. "A Study of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Lake Fayetteville 4 as a Means of Assessing Water Quality." Arkansas Water Res. Center, Publ. 10. Moed, J. R., and H. L. Hoogveld, 1982. "The Algal Periodicity in Tjeu Kemeer During 1968-1978." Hydrobiol., 95:223-234. Nelson, W. R., 1968. " Reproduction and early life history of sauger.

 .'                                   Stizostedion canadonse, in Lewis and Clark Lake." Trans. Amer. Fish.

Soc. 97(2):159-166 d Osborn, R. and J. Self. 1964. " Observations on the spawning ecology y of buffalos (Ictiobus bubalus and I. cyprinellus) in relation to parasitism." Proc. of the Okla. Acad. of Science, pp. 54-57.

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F - r E" Wi br 465 m. a

I i REFERENCES (Continued) Patrick, R. and C. W. Reimer. 1966. The Diatoms of the United States Exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii: V?lume I: Fragilari ;sae. Eunotiaceae. Achnanthaceae. Naviculaceae. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, No. 13, 688 pp. Patten, B. C. 1962. " Species Diversity in Not Phytoplankton of Raritan Bay." J. Mar. Res. 20:57-75. Pennak, R. W., 1946. "The Dynamics of Freshwater Plankton Populations." , Ecol. Monographs, 16(4):341-353. Pennak, R. W. 1978. Freshwater Invertebrates of the United States. 2nd Ed. Ronald Press, New York. 759 pp. Pielou, E. C. 1975. Ecological Diversity. Wiley, New York. 165 pp. Prescott, G. W. 1964. The Freshwater Algae. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa, p. 272. Richards, F. A. and T. G. Thompson. 1952. The Estimation and Characteri-zation of Plankton Populations by Pigment Analyses. II. A Spectro-photometric Method for the Estimation of Plankton Pigments. J. Mar. Res. 11:156-172. Ruttner-Kolisko, A. 1974. Plankton Rotifers - Biology and Taronomy. Die Binnengewasser 26, pt. 1, supp., 143 pp. SAS Institute Inc. 1982. SAS Users Guide: Statistics, 1982 Edition. SAS Institute Inc., Gary, North Carolina, pp. 217-221.. Saunders, G. W., F. B. Trama, and R. W. Bauchmann. 1962. " Evaluation of a Modified C2* Technique for Estimation of Photosynthesis in Large l Lakes." Great Lakes Research Division, Publ. No. 8. E Scott, E. M. (MS). " Distribution of sauger larvae in the Tennessee g River." g; Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical Methods. Sixth Ed., Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 593 pp. Sokal, R. R. and F. J. Rohlf. 1969. Biometry. W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 776 pp. Swedburg, D. V. and C. H. Walburg. 1970. " Spawning and early life  ! history of the freshwater drum in Lewis and Clark Lake Missouri River." Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., Vol. 99, No. 3, pp. 560-570. I 46G

REFERENCES (Continued) Tennessee Valley Authority. 1974a. Widows Creek Steam Plant, Water tempera-ture surveys. Advance Raport No. 1, TVA Division of Water Control Planning, Engineering Laboratory, Report No. 25-49, Norris, Tennessee. I Tennessee Valley Authority. 1974b. " Progress report. Bellefonte larval fish studies with comparison and evaluation of collecting gear and recommendations for 1975 sampling." 16 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1977. " Report on larval fish entrainment for the years 1975-1976." Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2. 10 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1978a. " Response of Biological Consnunities of Guntersville Reservoir to Thermal Effluents from Widows Creek Steam Plant." Division of Environmental Planning, Water Quality and Ecology Branch, Knoxville, Tennessee, 194 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1978b. " Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant pro-operational fisheries resources report." 164 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1979. " Raccoon Mountain preoperational report." 74 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1980a. "Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Construction Effects Monitoring report, 1974-1979." Division of Water Resources, 211 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1980b. Laboratory Branch Quality Manual. Part 2, Section 30 " Water and Wastewater," Chattanooga, Tennessee. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1981. " Response of Selected Aquatic Biota to l Discharges from Widows Creek Steam Plant, Tennessee River,1978 and 1979." Office of Natural Resources, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Branch, TVA/0NR/WRF-81(a), 85 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1982a. " Predicted Effects for Mixed Tempera-tures Exceeding 30*C (86"F) in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama, in the i Vicinity of the Diffuser Discharge, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant." Office of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources, Knoxville, Tenneesee, 101 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1982b. " Assessment of Guntersville Reservoir's Trophic Status and Assimilative Capacity for Nutrients and Organic

--I     Wastes, Including Impacts of the Proposed Murphy Hill Coal Gasification Facility." Office of Natural Resourcos, Kroxville, Tennessee, TVA/0NR/WRF-82/7, 39 pg,.

I [ t 4G7 i

REFERENCES (Continued) Tennessee Valley Authority. 1983a. "First Preoperational Assessment of Water Quality and Biological Resources of Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of the Proposed Murphy Hill Coal Gasification E oject." Office of Natural Resources, Division of Air and Water Resources TVA/0NR/WRF-83/2, 287 pp. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1983b. Natural Resource Engineering Procedures Manual, Division of Natural Resource Operations, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1983c. Field Operations Biological Resources Procedures Manual. Division of Services and Field Operations. NROPS-FO-BR-24.1. Tennessee Valley Authority. 1985. " Aquatic Environmental Conditions in Chickamauga Reservoir During Operation of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Fourth Annual Report (1984)" Knoxville, Tennessee: Division of Air and Water Resources, TVA/0NRED/WRF-85/19. Tiffany, L. H. and M. E. Britton. 1971. The Algae of Illinois. (Fac-simile of 1952 Edition). Hafner Publishing Company, New York, 407 pp. Timmons, T. J. 1975. " Range extension of the yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill), in Tennessee." J. Tenn. Acad. Sci., Vol. 50 pp. 101-102. UNESCO. 1966. Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology. I. Determination of Photosynthetic Pigments in Sea-water. Paris, 69 pp. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. 1966. Monographs on Oceanographic Methodology. 1. Determination of Photosynthetic Pigments in Sea Water. UNESCO, Paris. 69 pp. Vincent, W. F. 1981. " Rapid Physiological Assays for Nutrient Demand by the Plankton. II. Phosphorus." J. Plank. Res. 3:699-710. Voight, M. 1956. Rotatoria. Die Radertiere Mitteleurops. 2 vols., Borntraeger, Berlin. 508 pp. Wade, D. C., W. L. Poppe, S. W. Hixson, and S. D. Abston, 1981. "A Prediction of Impoundment Potentials for Flowing Waters of the Duck River in the Vicinity of Columbia, Tennessee." TVA Report No. WR(70)-40-2-80.2. 143 pp.  ; 1 1 Wade, D. C. 1984. " Factors Affecting Development of a Summer, Cyanophyta-  ! Dominated Phytoplankton Community in a Mainstem Tennessee River i Kosarvoir." Tennessee Valley Authority, Office of Natural Resources and Economic Development, Division of Air and Water Resources, Knoxville, l Tennessee. TVA/0NRED/WRF-84/8. 127 pp. 1 I 468

REFERENCES (Continued) Walburg, C. H., and W. R. Nelson. 1966. " Carp, river carpsucker, smallmouth buffalo and bigmouth buffalo in Lewis and Clark Lake, Missouri River." Bur. Sport Fish. and Wild 1. Research Report 69. Walker, R. B. 1975. "A study of fish eggs and larvae in Nickajack Reservoir, Tennessee, during 1973 and 1974." Thesis. Tennessee Technological University. 158 pp. Wallus, R. 1983. "Paddlefish reproduction in the Cumberland and Tennessee River systems." Tennessee Valley Authority Report. TVA/0NR/WRF-83/4(d). 37 pp. Ward, J. C. and S. Karaki, 1973. " Evaluation of the Effect of Impoundment on Water Quality in Cheney Reservoir." In Man-Made Lakes: Their Problems and Environmental Effects, Geophysical Monograph 17: pp 632-638, American Geophysical Union. g Weber, C. I. 1973. Biological Field and Laboratory Methods for Measuring the Quality of Surface Water and Effluents. U.S. Envir. Protection Agency. EPA-670/4-73-001. Weitzel, R. L. 1979. "Periphyton Measurements and Applications." In: Methods and Measurements of Periphyton Consnunities: A Review. ASTM STP 690, R. L. Weitzel, Ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, 1979, pp 3-33. Whitford, L. A. and G. J. Schumacher. 1969. A Manual of the Fresh-water Algae in North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural Ezperiment Station Tech. Bull. No. 188, 313 pp. Wilson, M. S. and H. C. Yoatman. 1959. "Copeg ia" In Freshwater Biology. 2nd Ed. Wiley and Sons New York, pp. 735-867. Wrenn, W. B. and B. G. Grinstead. 1968. " Life history aspects of smallmouth buffalo and freshwater drum in Wheeler Reservoir, Alabama. Proc. 22nd Ann. Conf. Game and Fish Comm. pp. 479-495.

   ..                       Wrobel, S. and M. Bombowna, 1976.                   "The Cascade Type of Dam Reservoirs and the Eutrophication." Limnologica 10(2):293-298.




 ,                                                                                                                                                                   g I

I' I A. I

   - - . , . - , - - - . -                , , - ~ . - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - -                                                  _ _ - - - _ . , _ . - - _ - - -

I I Table 1-1. Morphometric Characteristics of Gunter.cS13.e Reservoir, Alabama. Drainage area, miles (km2) 24,450 (63,326.0) Surface area,at full pool, miles 2 (km2) 106.1 - (274.8) , Mean depth,* ft'(m) 15.1 (4.6) Bottom elevation at dam, ft (m) 535.0 (163.1) Centerline turbine intake' elevation, ft (a) 558.0 (170.1) Normal winter pool elevation, ft (n) ~ 593.0 1180.7) Normal auraer pool elevation, fi (m) 595.'0 ~ (181.3) Choreline, miles (km) ' b 962.0 .(1,558.0) Volume at full pool, scre-ft (m8/sec) 1,018,000 (1,255.7) In' flow, ft*/sec (m*/sec) 38,769 (1,097.8) Residence; time, days 13 Mean depth / residence time, m/yr 129 Shoreline developmeritt 26.12 I *Mean depth - clume/ surface araa tShoreline development DL= L 2/vA , I Ie t j a  % I +-

                                                                                     .g h

k s 3 I i

Table 1-2. Written Assessments of Aquatic Conditions in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama.

1. Tennessee Valley Authority's Final Environmental Statement for I

Bellefonte Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2. May 24, 1974.

2. Preconstruction Evaluation of the Biota of Guntersville Reservoir in tha Vicinity of Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. May 1975.
3. TVA, Progress Report - Bellefonte Larval Fish Studies with Comparison and Evaluation of Collection Gear and Recommendations for 1975 Sampling. (Transmitted by letter form TVA to NRC, March 24, 1975).
4. Evaluation of the Biota of Guntersville Reservoir Before and During One Year of Construction Activities at Bellefonte Nuclear Plant.

February 1976.

5. TVA, Report on Larval Fish Entrainment for the Years 1975-1976, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. (Transmitted by letter from TVA to NRC, June 8, 1977).
6. TVA, Response to Request for Additional Information on " Report on Larval Fish Entrainment for the Years 1975-1976, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant." (Transmitted by letter from TVA to NRC, July 3, 1978.
7. Response of Biological Communities of Guntersville Reservoir to Thermal Effluents from Widows Creek Steam Plant. September 1978.
8. Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Operating Stage Environmental Report.


9. Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Construction Effects Monitoring Report, 1974-1979. 1980.
10. Bellefonte Nuclear Plant: Preoperational Aquatic Monitoring Report. October 1980.
11. Responses of Selected Aquatic Biota to Discharges from Widows Creek Steam Plant Tennessee River, 1978 and 1979. September 1981.
12. Predicted Effects for Mixed Temperatures Exceeding 30*C (86*F) in Guntersville Reservoir, Alabama, in the Vicinity of the Diffuser Discharge, Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. February 1982.
13. Assessment of Guntersville Reservoirs Trophic Status and Assimilative Capacity for Nutrients and Organic Wastes, Including Impacts of the Proposed Murphy Hill Coal Gasification Facility.

November 1982. I

I Table 1-2 (Continued)

14. First Preoperational Assessment of Water Quality and Biological Resources of Guntersville Reservoir in the Vicinity of the Proposed Murphy Hill Coal Gasification Project. April 1983.
15. Water Quality Assessment of Guntersville Reservoir - (For use in Development of the Guntersville Reservole Water Quality Management Plan). August 1984. '

t I . I ' i I ' i-o r I ' t k a s s L >> "

    .c       -
                          - .. ._           - - - - - ~ . _ - . . . .


I I Table 2-1. Average Monthly Discharges (cfs) at Nickajack and Guntersville Dams, 1974-79, 1982-83 Month 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1982 1983 Nickajack Dam Jan 127,800 62,000 49,690 44,170 67,700 69,210 67,650 44,240 Feb 96,400 78,320 37,640 25,890 47,300 47,390 79,780 48,440 Mar 51,600 87,000 30,470 35,930 32,280 78,750 50,000 23,300 Apr 46,200 58,990 19,130 62,030 20,010 37,460 14,360 40,600 May 39,400 32,000 19,970 29,470 23,850 36,100 12,320 47,830 Jun 36,600 35,070 30,480 30,240 25,500 37,670 19,740 39.500 Jul 34,600 36,290 35,290 28.430 25,250 46,390 26,620 32,850 Aug 35,400 31,480 33,100 25,920 33,010 39,150 34,050 36,230 Sep 29,900 27,720 26,250 32,350 27,760 38,960 29,640 22,450 Oct 27,800 28,920 31,040 35,370 16,650 40,460 27.620 16,810 Nov 28,300 36,510 31,400 63,560 16,300 63,220 33,610 28,430 Dec 39,500 37,780 42,400 72,050 32,480 45,720 71,830 54,790 l I Avg. for , Year 49,460 46,010 32,240 40,480 30,670 48,370 38,940 36,290 i Guntersville Dam . Jan 148,900 78,870 65,010 55,000 82,090 87,080 90,620 54,520 Foh 118.300 94,410 47,410 30,990 55,490 56,990 95,990 62,230 Mar 58,600 108,160 40,850 54,720 49,200 96,930 62,540 31,750 l l Apr 56,300 69,660 23,810 79,410 22,360 50,630 22,390 54,470 May 43,800 38,440 26,730 34,020 31,470 43,600 15,480 60,460 l I I 4 7 ,I l L __ - - - - - -

, . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . ~ _ Table 2-1 (continued) I Month 1974 1975 1976}}