MONTHYEARML20116G9431996-08-0707 August 1996 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re, Mods to Fitness-For-Duty Program Requirements TXX-9522, Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources1995-08-26026 August 1995 Comment Opposing Proposed GL on Testing of safety-related Logic Circuits.Believes That Complete Technical Review of All Surveillance Procedures Would Be Expensive & Unnecessary Expenditure of Licensee Resources ML20086D8841995-06-29029 June 1995 Comments on Proposed Rule Re, Review of NRC Insp Rept Content,Format & Style ML20085E5891995-06-0909 June 1995 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR73 Re Changes to NPP Security Requirements Associated W/Containment Access Control ML20080A1331994-10-21021 October 1994 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR2 Re Reexamination of NRC Enforcement Policy.Advises That Util of Belief That NRC Focus on Safety Significance in Insps & Enforcement Policy Can Be Achieved by Utilization of Risk Based Techniques ML20073M3261994-10-0303 October 1994 Comment on Pilot Program for NRC Recognition of Good Performance by Nuclear Power Plants ML20072B8521994-08-0505 August 1994 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR26 Re Consideration of Changes to FFD Requirements.Licensee Believes Reduction in Amount of FFD Testing Warranted & Can Best Be Achieved in Manner Already Adopted by Commission ML20065P4121994-04-25025 April 1994 Comment on Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Rule Re Code & Stds Re Subsections IWE & Iwl.Expresses Deep Concern About Ramifications of Implementing Proposed Rule ML20058G6211993-12-0606 December 1993 Comment on Draft NUREG/BR-0058, Regulatory Analysis Guidelines,Rev 2. Concurs W/Numarc & Nubarg Comments ML20056F3481993-08-23023 August 1993 Comment Opposing NRC Draft GL 89-10,suppl 6 ML20058B6891993-05-0707 May 1993 Affidavit of RP Barkhurst to File W/Nrc Encl TS Change Request NPF-38-135 ML20058E0251990-10-12012 October 1990 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR51 Re Renewal of Nuclear Plant OLs & NRC Intent to Prepare Generic EIS ML20055E9871990-06-29029 June 1990 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR55 Re Mod for fitness-for-duty Programs & Licensed Operators.Util Believes That High Stds of Conduct Will Continue to Be Best Achieved & Maintained by Program That Addresses Integrity ML19353B2241989-12-0101 December 1989 Comments on Draft Reg Guide,Task DG-1001, Maint Programs for Nuclear Power Plants. Util Endorses NUMARC Comments W3P89-0196, Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Maint Programs at Nuclear Plants.Proposed Rule Would Require Establishment of Maint Programs Based on Reg Guides That Have Not Been Developed,Proposed or Approved1989-02-28028 February 1989 Comment Opposing Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re Maint Programs at Nuclear Plants.Proposed Rule Would Require Establishment of Maint Programs Based on Reg Guides That Have Not Been Developed,Proposed or Approved ML20235V4571989-02-27027 February 1989 Comment Supporting Proposed Chapter 1 Re Policy Statement on Exemption from Regulatory Control.Agrees W/Recommendations & Limits Proposed by Health Physics Society in L Taylor Ltr to Commission ML20205P9691988-10-26026 October 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Re NUREG-1317, Regulatory Options for Nuclear License Renewal. Supports Contents of NUREG-1317 & Endorses NUMARC Comments on Rulemaking & Position Paper by NUMARC Nuplex Working Group W3P88-1366, Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Conserning Policy Statement Re Cooperation W/States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants or Utilization Facilities1988-07-13013 July 1988 Comment Supporting Proposed Rule 10CFR50 Conserning Policy Statement Re Cooperation W/States at Commercial Nuclear Power Plants or Utilization Facilities ML20135F0931987-04-0909 April 1987 Testimony of Bb Hayes Before Senate Government Governmental Affairs Committee on 870326 Re Discovery of Sensitive NRC Document in Files of Senior Official of Louisiana Power & Light Co ML20212N5781986-08-27027 August 1986 Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $50,000 Based on Violations Noted in Insp Conducted on 860101-31. Violation Noted:Plant Entered Mode 3 While Relying on Action Requirements of Tech Spec ML20202G3811986-04-10010 April 1986 Order Imposing Civil Penalties in Amount of $130,000,based on Safety Insps of Licensee Activities Under CPPR-103 Conducted from June 1983 - Sept 1985.Supporting Documentation Encl ML20210B9141986-02-0505 February 1986 Notice of Publication of Encl 841219 Order.Served on 860206 ML20198H4461986-01-30030 January 1986 Memorandum & Order CLI-86-01 Denying Remaining Portion of Joint Intervenors 841108 Fifth & Final Motion to Reopen Record Re Character & Competence of Util Per 850711 Decision ALAB-812.Dissenting View of Palladino Encl.Served on 860130 ML20137J3531986-01-17017 January 1986 Order Extending Time Until 860214 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-812.Served on 860117 ML20138P5301985-12-20020 December 1985 Order Extending Time Until 860117 for Commission to Review ALAB-812.Served on 851220 ML20137U4821985-12-0505 December 1985 Order Extending Time Until 851220 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-812.Served on 851205 ML20138S0051985-11-15015 November 1985 Order Extending Time Until 851206 for Commission to Review ALAB-812.Served on 851115 ML20138H2451985-10-24024 October 1985 Order Extending Time Until 851115 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-812.Served on 851024 ML20133F2711985-10-0404 October 1985 Order Extending Time Until 851025 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-812 .Served on 851007 ML20134L5981985-08-28028 August 1985 Notice of Appearance of R Guild & Withdrawal of Appearance by L Bernabei & G Shohet for Joint Intervenors.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20137J2801985-08-26026 August 1985 Answer in Opposition to Joint Intervenors 850809 Petition for Commission Review of Aslab 850711 Decision ALAB-812, Which Denied Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Record.Kw Cook 850821 Affidavit Encl ML20137J2941985-08-21021 August 1985 Affidavit of Kw Cook Re Recent Equipment Failures Discussed in Joint Intervenors 850809 Petition for Review.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20136J1961985-08-19019 August 1985 Answer Requesting That Commission Deny Joint Intervenors 850809 Petition for Review of ALAB-812 Denying Motion to Reopen QA & Character Competence Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20133L8901985-08-0909 August 1985 Petition for Review of ALAB-812,denying Joint Intervenor Motion to Reopen Record of OL Hearing to Litigate Util Lack of Character & Inability to Assure Safe Operation in Light of Const QA Breakdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20133L0421985-08-0808 August 1985 Order Extending Time Until 850920 for Commission to Act to Review ALAB-812.Served on 850808 ML20128Q1861985-07-23023 July 1985 Request for Extension of Time Until 850809 to File Appeal to 850711 ALAB-812 Denying Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen Record.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20209F1921985-07-11011 July 1985 Decision ALAB-812 Denying Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Record on Const QA & Mgt Character & Competence, Except Insofar as Issues Re Matters Under Investigation by Ofc of Investigation Are Raised.Served on 850711 ML20116P1931985-05-0606 May 1985 Response to NRC & Util Responses to Aslab 850322 Memorandum & Order ALAB-801.Motion to Reopen Record of Licensing Proceedings for Litigation of Util Competence Should Be Granted.Supporting Documentation & Svc List Encl ML20116H3341985-04-30030 April 1985 Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20100K3221985-04-10010 April 1985 Supplementary Comments Attesting to Validity of Statements of Fact in Sser 9 & Clarifying & Explaining Current Position on Resolution of Allegation A-48.Util Can Safely Operate & Manage Facility.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20111C7021985-03-14014 March 1985 Affidavit of RP Barkhurst Re Power Ascension Testing Program to Be Performed at Levels Above 5% of Rated Power.Facility & Operating Staff in Excellent State of Readiness to Proceed W/Power Ascension ML20112A9381985-03-14014 March 1985 Affidavit of RP Barkhurst Re Power Ascension Testing Program Performed at Levels Above 5% Rated Power & Delay in Issuance of Full Power Operating Authority.Related Correspondence ML20111B6541985-03-12012 March 1985 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant Answer to Joint Intervenors Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum & Applicant Response to Supplemental Memorandum.Svc List Encl ML20102C1351985-02-28028 February 1985 Response Opposing Joint Intervenors 850225 Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum & Response to Suppl.Suppl Untimely Filed.Allegations Unsupported.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20107M7321985-02-25025 February 1985 Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Motions to Reopen.Request Based on Recent Public Repts Re Instability & Lack of Independence of Mgt of Applicant & Lack of Respect for NRC ML20195F5871985-02-25025 February 1985 Affidavit of Rk Kerr Re 841120 Meeting W/Cain,Dd Driskill, R Barkhurst,Admiral Williams & Rs Leddick to Discuss Licensee 1983 Drug Investigation 05-001-83(966) & 841206 Meeting Between Licensee & NRC in Arlington,Tx ML20107M7461985-02-25025 February 1985 Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen.Determination by Aslab That Joint Intervenors Met Burden to Reopen Record for Litigation of Contention That Util Mgt Lacks Competence Requested ML20101T3701985-02-0101 February 1985 Answer Opposing Joint Intervenors 850125 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant 841130 & Staff 841221 Answers.Motion Should Be Denied & Reply Brief Rejected.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20101U3411985-01-25025 January 1985 Joint Intervenors Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant & NRC 841221 Responses to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Three QA & Mgt Integrity Contentions for Litigation ML20101U3511985-01-25025 January 1985 Joint Intervenors Reply to Applicant & NRC 841221 Responses to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Three QA & Mgt Integrity Contentions for Litigation.Certificate of Svc Encl 1996-08-07
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MONTHYEARML20137J2801985-08-26026 August 1985 Answer in Opposition to Joint Intervenors 850809 Petition for Commission Review of Aslab 850711 Decision ALAB-812, Which Denied Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Record.Kw Cook 850821 Affidavit Encl ML20136J1961985-08-19019 August 1985 Answer Requesting That Commission Deny Joint Intervenors 850809 Petition for Review of ALAB-812 Denying Motion to Reopen QA & Character Competence Issues.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20133L8901985-08-0909 August 1985 Petition for Review of ALAB-812,denying Joint Intervenor Motion to Reopen Record of OL Hearing to Litigate Util Lack of Character & Inability to Assure Safe Operation in Light of Const QA Breakdown.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20128Q1861985-07-23023 July 1985 Request for Extension of Time Until 850809 to File Appeal to 850711 ALAB-812 Denying Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen Record.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20116P1931985-05-0606 May 1985 Response to NRC & Util Responses to Aslab 850322 Memorandum & Order ALAB-801.Motion to Reopen Record of Licensing Proceedings for Litigation of Util Competence Should Be Granted.Supporting Documentation & Svc List Encl ML20111B6541985-03-12012 March 1985 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant Answer to Joint Intervenors Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum & Applicant Response to Supplemental Memorandum.Svc List Encl ML20102C1351985-02-28028 February 1985 Response Opposing Joint Intervenors 850225 Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum & Response to Suppl.Suppl Untimely Filed.Allegations Unsupported.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20107M7461985-02-25025 February 1985 Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen.Determination by Aslab That Joint Intervenors Met Burden to Reopen Record for Litigation of Contention That Util Mgt Lacks Competence Requested ML20107M7321985-02-25025 February 1985 Motion for Leave to File Supplemental Memorandum in Support of Motions to Reopen.Request Based on Recent Public Repts Re Instability & Lack of Independence of Mgt of Applicant & Lack of Respect for NRC ML20101T3701985-02-0101 February 1985 Answer Opposing Joint Intervenors 850125 Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant 841130 & Staff 841221 Answers.Motion Should Be Denied & Reply Brief Rejected.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20101U3411985-01-25025 January 1985 Joint Intervenors Motion for Leave to File Reply to Applicant & NRC 841221 Responses to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Three QA & Mgt Integrity Contentions for Litigation ML20101U3511985-01-25025 January 1985 Joint Intervenors Reply to Applicant & NRC 841221 Responses to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Three QA & Mgt Integrity Contentions for Litigation.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20112C0071985-01-0808 January 1985 Applicant Answer to NRC Staff Motion for Clarification &/Or Reconsideration Re Concrete Basemat & Qa.Qa Motion Lacks Presentation of Matters.Decision on QA Motion Should Be Reconsidered.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20100B0251984-11-30030 November 1984 Response to Joint Intervenors Protective Order to Shield Identity of Several Individuals Having Executed Affidavits in Support of Concurrent Motion to Reopen Record.Motion Must Be Denied ML20100B0481984-11-30030 November 1984 Response to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motion to Reopen Record & Admit Contentions Alleging QA Failures,Applicant Lack of Character & Competence to Operate Plant & Inadequate Review. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20099D2861984-11-16016 November 1984 Motion for Extension of Time to 841130 for Filing Answers to Joint Intervenors 841108 Motions Due to Vol of Matl & Thanksgiving Holiday.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20107K6651984-11-0606 November 1984 Motion for Protective Order to Shield Identity of Individuals Who Signed Affidavits Providing Portion of Basis for Joint Intervenors 841107 Motion to Reopen Record on QA Breakdown at Plant ML20092B6371984-06-15015 June 1984 Response to NRC Motion for Addl Extension of Time Until 840706 to Respond to Joint Intervenors Amended & Supplemental Motion to Reopen Contention 22.No Objection Offered.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20084P7961984-05-17017 May 1984 Response to NRC 840515 Motion for Further Extension of Time Until 840615 to Respond to Joint Intervenors Amended & Supplemental Motion to Reopen Contention 22.Motion Should Be Granted.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20087P8541984-04-0606 April 1984 Answer Opposing Joint Intervenors Motion for Extension of Time.Intervenors Have Had Two Chances to Present Adequate Motion to Open Record on QA Allegations.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20087N0871984-03-28028 March 1984 Motion for Extension of 6 Months to File Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080R9611984-02-20020 February 1984 Motion to Open QA Contention,Based in Part on Encl Article Re Doctored Records.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20079F3241984-01-13013 January 1984 Answer Opposing Joint Intervenors 831212 Amended & Supplemental Motion to Reopen Contention 22 & Request for Public Hearing.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083D9361983-12-22022 December 1983 Motion for Extension of Time Until 840113 to File Answer to Joint Intervenors 831212 Motion to Reopen Record to Consider Contention 22.Extension Needed Due to Holidays.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20082T9991983-12-12012 December 1983 Amended & Supplemental Motion to Reopen Contention 22 in Light of Newly Discovered Evidence.News Article & Certificate of Svc Encl ML20080R1851983-10-12012 October 1983 Response to NRC 831007 Motion for Further Extension to 831121 to File Response to Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen Contention.Motion Not Opposed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20076G8881983-08-29029 August 1983 Request for Extension to File Answer to Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen Contention 22,to 10 Days After Util Receipt of Consultant Analysis Rept.Granted by Aslab on 830829 ML20024E2861983-08-0404 August 1983 Request for Extension Until 830909 to Allow Response to Joint Intervenor 830722 Motion to Reopen Record on Basis of Moisture Found on Foundation Mat Floor.Engineering Rept Due 830901.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20072N8331983-07-15015 July 1983 Motion to Associate Author as co-counsel W/L Fontana for Intervenors ML20072N8591983-07-15015 July 1983 Motion to Reopen Contention 22 in Light of Newly Discovered Evidence ML20072N8821983-07-15015 July 1983 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Reopen Contention 22 Re Available Info on Slab Cracks Initially Reported in 1977, Reappearing on 830511.New Hearing Requested to re-review Deficiencies in Plant Design ML20024A0661983-06-10010 June 1983 Exceptions to ASLB 830526 Partial Initial Decision. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20073Q4591983-04-26026 April 1983 Supports NRC 830415 Motion to Correct Hearing Transcript. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20069H4771983-03-29029 March 1983 Request for 1-wk Extension of Filing Date for Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law on Evacuation Brochure.No Opposition Expressed to Granting Applicant Reasonable Extension ML20069G4041983-03-22022 March 1983 Response Opposing State of La 830311 Motion for Leave to File Amicus Curiae Brief on Issue of DHR Capability.Motion Untimely & No Good Cause Shown.Issue Abandoned by Parties Cannot Be Briefed.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20069E9681983-03-18018 March 1983 Request for Enlargement of 70-page Limit on Brief Opposing Joint Intervenors exceptions.Sixty-one Exceptions Cannot Be Addressed in 70 Pages.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20069C2691983-03-11011 March 1983 Motion to File Brief Amicus Curiae,Per 10CFR2.715,re Feed & Bleed Capability.Issue Must Be Presented to Aslab. Certificate of Svc Encl ML20083Q5371983-02-23023 February 1983 Request for Extension Until 830325 to File Brief in Opposition to Joint Intervenors Exceptions.Extension Necessary Because of Time Needed to Prepare for Three Other NRC Proceedings.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20070T1991983-02-0404 February 1983 Brief Supporting Joint Intervenors Exceptions Re Contentions 8/9 & 17/26 (1) & (2).Certificate of Svc Encl ML20070L4921982-12-27027 December 1982 Exceptions to 821103 Partial Initial Decision ML20079J3491982-12-24024 December 1982 Exception to ASLB 821103 Partial Initial Decision Re Condition 2.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20070H4121982-12-17017 December 1982 Motion for Reconsideration of ASLB 821213 Memorandum & Order.Due to Ill Health of E Duncan,30-day Extension Requested in Which to File Direct Testimony & Commence Hearings ML20067C5171982-12-0707 December 1982 Answer Opposing Joint Intervenors 821130 Motion to Extend Time for Filing Direct Testimony & to Reschedule Hearing on Emergency Brochure.Joint Intervenors Fail to Justify Untimeliness of Motion.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20069N3271982-11-29029 November 1982 Response Opposing Applicant 821112 Motion for Reconsideration & Clarification of Certain Rulings in ASLB 821103 Partial Initial Decision on Conditions for Evacuation & Ltrs of Agreement ML20028A3051982-11-17017 November 1982 Motion for Extension of Time Until 821129 to File Exceptions to ASLB 821103 Partial Initial Decision.Time Needed Due to Research Coordinator Giving Premature Birth & Having Minor Complications ML20066F0271982-11-12012 November 1982 Exceptions to ASLB 821103 Partial Initial Decision & Motion for Extension of Time to File Supporting Brief Until 30 Days After Svc of ASLB Ruling.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20066E9571982-11-12012 November 1982 Motion for Reconsideration or Clarification of Portion of ASLB 821103 Partial Initial Decision Dealing W/Conditions Re State & Local Offsite Emergency Plans & Scope of Contention 2 on Vehicles & Drivers.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20071N4061982-10-0606 October 1982 Erratum to Applicant 821004 Response to Joint Intervenors Motion to Reopen Record.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20071N4111982-10-0606 October 1982 Response Opposing Joint Intervenors 820929 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Make Discovery & Objections to Request for Production of Documents.Discovery Requests Prohibited by Commission Rules ML20063N7481982-10-0404 October 1982 Response Opposing Joint Intervenors 820929 Motion to Reopen. Requests Not Founded in Fact or Law & Fly in Face of Any Sense of Administrative Discipline & Procedural Regularity. Some Requests Defy Logic.Certificate of Svc Encl 1985-08-09
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) It? f Y, (Waterford Steam Electric Station, ) 2 %[Fg yA Unit 3) ) - L Q-
& h :
Jn August 21, 1981, Louisiana Power & Light Company (" Applicant") filed i its " Motion to Dismiss Joint Intervelors' Contention 28 (Hydrogen Control)"
(" Motion"). In its Motion, the Applicant asserted that the issues raised by Contention 28 "have now become the subject of a general rulemaking" by che Commission and, accordingly, that those issues "cannot be litigated in this individual operating license proceeding" (Motion, at 1). For the reasons set forth below, the NRC Staff (" Staff") opposes the Applicant's Motion l and recommends that it be denied.
Background and Introduction Contention 28 was filed along with five other TMI-related contentions by Intervenors 0ystershell Alliance, Inc. and Save Our Wetlands, Inc.
("JointIntervenors"),onDecember 10, 1979. It asserts as follows:
- 28. Applicant has not presently plans which demonstrate how it will 1)provided prevent adequate the creation and accumulation of free hydrogen from forming in the pri-mary system during a Nuclear Emergency; 2) alleviate the accumulation of dangerous quantities of hydrogen within the containment.
8109140100 010910 (
PDR ADOCK 05000382 (
C ppg
s 5
On December 26, 1979, the Applicant filed its response to the Joint Intervenors' THI-related contentions,Ei n which it stated that it "has no present objection to these additional contentions but reserves the right at a later date to move to strike Contention 28" on the grounds, in part, that it raises a generic issue which would more appropriately be addressed in a new rulemaking proceeding recommended by the Final Report of the Lessons Learned Task Force, if such a rulemaking proceeding were to be adopted by the Commission.E On January II,1980, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (" Licensing Board") admitted as issues in controversy all of the Joint Intervenors' TMI-related contentions, including Cortention 28, and noted that it was allowing the Applicant to reserve the right later to movetostrikeContention28.E On October 2,1980, the Commission published in the Federal Register a proposed rule entitied " Interim Requirements Related to Hydrogen Control E " Applicant's Response to Joint Intervenors' Additional Contentions,"
dated December 26, 1979.
E Id. , at 2.
E rder O dated January 11,1980, at 1. As indicated by the Licensing Board, the Staff had supported the admission of the Joint Intervenors' Tril-related contentions. See "NRC Staff Response to % ended Conten-tions of the Louisiana ConTuliier's League, Inc. and Joint Intervenors (Save Our Wetlands, Inc. and 0ystershell Alliance, Inc.)," dated December 31, 1979.
. . ~
and Certain Degraded Core Considerations" (45 Fed,. R_e_g. 65,466), which would amend 10 C.F.R. 9 50.44 and introduce a new b 50.44a. At the same time, the Conaission published an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, entitled
" Consideration of Degraded or Melted Cores in Safety Regulatio" (45 Fed.
Reg. 65,474), which was to include consideration of whether systems for con-
- i. rolling hydrogen combustion should be incorporated into containment design.
Discussion An analygis of Contention 28 and of the brief elaboration upon that contention provided by the Joint IntervenorsO leads the Staff to conclude that many issues raised by the contention are to.be addressed by the rule-making proceeding announced by the Commission. Thus, Contention 28 questions the adequacy of Applicant's design for " prevent [ing] the creation and accumulation of free hydrogen ... during a Nuclear Emergency" and its means of "alleviat[ing] the accumulation of dangerous quantities of hydrogen within the containment." In their Answers to the Applicant's Interroga-tories.N the Joint Intervenors indicate that the amount of hydrogen generated during the TMI-2 accident must be anticipated to occur at the O Se_e," Joint Intervenors Answers to Applicant's Supplemental Interroga-tories" (" Answers"), dated April 24, 1980. Those Answers were pro-vided in response to interrogatories filed by the Applicant after the Joint Intervenors' TMI-2 related contentions were admitted fo" litigation.
See " Applicant's Interrogatories on TMI-2 Related Contentions of Joint Intervenors" (" Interrogatories"), dated February 19, 1980.
E ee S n.4, supra.
Waterford facility.5/ In addition, the Joint Intervenors state that the Applicant's FSAR is inadequate, as follows: E Section 6.2.5 of the FSAR does not adequately provide plans for the elimination of dangerous hydrogen quantities in the following areas:
(1) Containment Hydrogen Indication 2.1.9 of " Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements."
(2) Dedicated H, Control Penetrations 2.1.5a of the some reference.
(3) The Combustible Gas Control System is designed to control a 4% cladding reaction [FSAR]. This gives
' an error factor of 5 over the accident design level of 10 CFR 50.46(3). However, Three Mile Island, Unit 2 suffered cladding failure of 44'-63* (Kemeny Commission Report, page 30). The CGCS is underdesigned, therefore, by an order of magnitude.
As noted by the Applicant (Motion, at 4), each of the concerns i
l raised by the Joint Intervenors is addressed by the Commission's proposed rule: Hydrogen indication is addressed at 45 Fed. M. 65,470-71; hydrogan control penetration is addressed at 45 Fed. R_eg. 65,468; and the percentage of cladding reaction is addressed at 45 Fed. _ Reg.e 65,466-68. Similarly, the advance notice of proposed rulemaking published by the Commission indi-cates that hydrogen combustion control is to be addressed in that proceeding on a generic basis. 45 Fed. Reg. 65,476.
Notwithstanding the pendency of rulemaking in this area, the Staff believes that the Applicant incorrectly relies upon the Appeal Board's decision in Potomac Electric Power Co. (Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2), ALAB-218, 8 AEC 79 (1974), as a basis for dismissing Contention 28.
5/ oint J Intervenors' Answers to Applicant's Interrogatories, n.4 supra, Answer to Interrogatory No. 28-1, 1! Id. , Answer to Interrogatory No. 28-3.
Thus, while the Appeal Board stated that " licensing boards should not accept in individual license proceedings contentions which are (or are about to become) the subject of general rulemaking by the Comis-sion" (8 AEC at 85),U the mere fact that a rulemaking proceeding has commenced does not lessen an applicant's obligation to corply with existing regulatory requirements or the Licensing Board's duty to make a finding as to such compliance upon any properly admitted contention.
Accordingly, the Applicant's compliance with existing regulations such as 10 CFR 550.44 is litigable.
Under present regulatory requirements related to hydrogen issues, the Commission has clearly indicated that the issue of hydrogen generation and control is litigable also under the provisions of 10 CFR Part 100, notwithstanding the fact that an applicant may have complied with 10 CFR 950.44. Thus, the Comission has stated that the issue of post-accident hydrogen control may be litigated under 10 CFR Part 100, if it is determined that there is "a credible loss-of-coolant accident 4
scenario entailing hydrogen generation, hydrogen combustion, containment breach or leaking, and offsite radiation doses in excess of Part 100 guideline values." Metropolitan Edison Co. (Three Mile Island Nuclear l Station, Unit No. 1), CLI-80-16, 11 NRC 674, 675 (1980). In the present I
proceeding, however, it is not clear to the Staff whether the contention 8 ee S also, Duke Power Co. (Catawba Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2),
CL1-76-28, 4 HRC 618 (1976), aff'g ALAB-355, 4 NRC 397, 417-18 l
i (1976); Tennessee Valley Authority (Hartsville Nuclear Plant, Units l 1A, 2A, 1B and 2B), ALAB-367, d NRC 92, 107 (1977).
l l
l l
seeks to litigate the likelihood of radiation releases under 10 CFR Part 100 or compliance with existing regulations, or solely compliance with proposed rules now the subject of rulemaking. The Staff intends to give further consideration to this matter and if warranted, will file an appropriate motion with the Licensing Board. At this time, however, the Staff believes that the grounds for dismissal asserted by the Applicant do not support the dismissal of the contention.
CONCLUSION For the reasons set forth in greater detail above, the Staff opposes the Applicant's Motion and recommends that it be denied.
Respectfully submitted, lo b Sherwin E. Turk Counsel for NRC Staff Dated at Bethesda, Maryland this 10th day of September,1981
Unit 3) )
CCRTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of "NRC STAFF'S RESPONSE TO APPLICANT'S MOTION TO DISMISS JOINT INTERVENORS' CORTENTION 28 (HYDR 0 GEN CONTROL)" in the above-captioned proceeding have been served on the following by deposit in the United States mail, first class, or, as indicated by an asterisk, through deposit in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's internal mail system, this 10th day of September, 1981:
Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esq., Chairman
- Lyman L. Jones, Jr. , Esq Administrative Judge Gillespie & Jones Atomic Safety and Licensing Board P.O. Box 9216 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Metairie, LA 70005 Washington, DC 20555 Luke B. Fontana, Esq.
Dr. Walter H. Jordan 824 Esplanade Avenue Administrative Judge New Orleans, LA 70116 881 West Guter Drive Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Malcolm Stevenson, Esq.
Monroe & Lemann Dr. Harry Foreman 1424 Whitney Building Administrative Judge New Orleans, LA 70130 Box 395, Mayo 7
University of Minnesota Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
! Minneapolis, MN 55455 Panel
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission E. Blake, Esq. Washington, DC 20555 George F. Trowbridge, Esq.
Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal 1800 M Street, N.W. Panel (5)*
Washington, DC 20036 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 29555 Stephen M. Irving, Esq.
535 North 6th Street Docketing and Service Section (1)*
l Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Office of the Secretary i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 2C555 hlAAU) {
Sherwin E. Turk Counsel for NRC Staff