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Contract: Phase II - Plant Input & Development, Awarded to Scientech,Inc
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/26/1985
From: Smith P, Ybarrondo L
Shared Package
ML20137X169 List:
CON-FIN-D-1655, CON-NRC-04-85-124, CON-NRC-4-85-124 NUDOCS 8510040472
Download: ML20137X178 (37)


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2. CONT RACT (Proc. 4 mat. ident.) NO. 3. EFFECTevE DAT E 4. 64EQuesti,0N/PU RCHA$E REQUE.S T/PHOJECT NO.

l 20 NRC-04-85-124

5. ssWED ev SEP 3 01985 l t.. ADMiNis1 E aE O ev at ota,, ta.n i""'

CODF. I U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission ,

Division of Contracts, AR-2223 Washington, DC 20555

?. N AMF. AND ADDRESS OF CONT R ACTOR (No., streef. city. coun ty. State end ZlP Code) Is. DELiVE HY Scientech, Inc.

ros ORIGIN @OTsER<s<,6,so-i P. O. Box 1406

.. DISCOUNT FOR PaOuPT eAvMENT Idaho Falls. ID 83403-1406 Net

10. SUBMIT INVOICES ltTEM I4 copies uniesa ether- 1 COOE FACILITY CODE wen aeusna> TO THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN:

See G.9

11. 5MsP TO/MARet FOR
  • Ed',
e. NEGOTIATED PUR5UANT YOs FIN: 01655 . Amount Obligated:

O 'o usc::ao<< it i El 4' use 252<<>< 5 > B&R: 601920 / $251,000.00 15A. ITEM NO. 150. SUPPLIES /SE RVICES 15C. QUANTITY 150. UN'T 15E. UNIT PRICE *15F. AMOUNT The Comission hereby accepts Scientoch. Inc.'s revi sed technical proposal dated September 23, 1985, which is incorporated into this fully #unded Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee contract to perform the work as contained there'n.

8510040472 850926 PDR CONTR NRC-04-85-124 PDR

- isG. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT > $ 251.000.00





CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AG EEMENT (C$ndrector de 're. I S, AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign .a document.) You, ired to sign Chie document and return eosine to inno6ng attice

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NRC-04-85-124 Page Ib Section 8 - Supplies or Services and Prices / Costs B.1 Brief Description of Work Research entitled " Phase II - Nuclear Plant Data Bank: Plant Input and Development" 8.2 Total Estimated Cost........................$232,407 Fixed Fee...................................$ 18,593 Total Estimated Cost Plus Fixed Fee.........$251,000 Section C - Description / Specifications / Work Statement C.1 Statement of Work The work to be performed and the objectives to be met under this contract shall be in accordance with the Contractor's revised

" technical proposal dated September 23, 1985 which is herein made a part of this contract as Attact. ment 5, and which is in response to the FY1985 Phase II Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR).

Any software developed for use by NRC shall be developed in

,accordance with Attachment 6 to this contract ~, " Requirements for Use of Microcomputers by NRC Contractors, and Scientific Software Development, Distribution and Submittal Requirements for NRC Contractors."

C.2 Government Furnished Materials C.2.1 Purchase of Personal Computer The Contractor shall obtain the NRC Contracting Officer's written approval prior to purchase of the proposed personal computer of which the title shall be vested to the Government. The following specifications for the personal computer shall apply as much as applicable:

SPECIFICATIONS FOR NRC STANDARD PC HARDWARE Systems Description Prerequisite Cost S-1 IBM PC/256Kb/2-360kb Disk Drives $1,694 S-2 IBM PC-XT/256Kb/1-360kb &

4 1-10 MB Disk Drives 2.999 S-3 IBM PC-Portable /256Kb/2-360kb Disk Drives 2,114 i

S-4 Compaq Portable /256Kb/2-360 kb Disk Drives 2,515 i Options 0-1 384kb Memory Expansion 0-2 Math Co-Processor $ 161

0-3 Monochrome Display and Printer

NRC-04-85-124 Page 2 0-3 Monochrome Display and Printer A.dapter 175 0-4 Coltr/ Graphics Monitor Adapter 171 0-5 Printer Adapter 52 0-6 Printer Cable 31 0-7 Asynchronous Communications Adapter 70 0-8 Asynchronous Modem Cable 0-7 47 0-9 Bisynchronous Cominunications Adapter . 168 0-10 Bisynchronous Modem Cable 0-9 45 0-12 IBM 5253 Emulation Kit 779 0-13 Hayes SmartModem Board S-3 or 4 495 Peripherals P-1 OBM Monochrome Display 0-3 $ 192 P-2 Amdek Graphics Display 0-4 165 P-3 IBM Color Graphics Display S-2, 0-4 476


P-4 IBM Graphics Printer (80 cps) 0-3, 5, 6 314 P-5 EPSON Matrix Printer (160 cps) 0-3, 5, 6 497 P-6 EPSON Wide Carriago Matrix Printer (160 cps) 0-3, 5-6 743 P-7 Additional IBM 10Mb Disk Drive S-2 1,603 P-8 Hewlett-Packard Color Pen Plotter S-2 1,327 P-9 Hayes SmartModem 0-7, 8 495 C.2.2 Use of Tektronix 4115B Upon written request to the NRC Contracting Officer, and upon approval by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may be provided with a Tektronix 41158 hardware by NRC at no cost to the Contractor for performance of work under this contract.

4 Section D - Packaging and Marking D.1 Packaging and Marking The Contractor shall use standard ccamercial packaging for all items to be delivered. On the front of the package, the Contractor shall clearly identify the contract number under which the product is being provided.

Section E - Inspection and Acceptance Refer to Section I, Clause 52.252-2.'

Section F - Deliveries and Performance F.1 Reports, Documentation and Other Deliverable End Items In addition to the deliverables that are to be provided in accordance with the Contractor's proposal, the following reports shall be provided:

NRC-04-85-124 Page 3 F.1.1 Monthly Progress Report The Contractor shall provide a monthly progress report, in one (1) copy to the Project Officer and one (1) copy to the Contracting Officer, by the 15th of the following month which shall identify the title of the project, the contract number, and the reporting period.

Each report shall include the following two sections:

1. A Project Status Section, which shall consist of (for each task):
a. A listing of the efforts completed during the period; milestones reached or, if missed, an explanation provided;
b. Any problems or delays encountered or anticipated and recomendations for resolution; (if the recommended resolution involves a contract modification, e.g., change

- in work requirements, level of effort (cost) or schedule delay, a separate letter should be submitted to the Contracting Officer.)

c. A sumary of progress to date; and
d. Plans for the next reporting period.
2. A Financial Status Section, which shall consist of:
a. The total estimated cost (value) of the project as reflected in the contract, the amount of funds available in the contract to date, and the balance of funds required to complete the work.
b. Detail of all direct and indirect costs incurred during the reporting period for each task.
c. Balance of total expenditures during the reporting period and cumulative balance of total expenditures during contract period.

F.1.2 Final Report On or before the completion date of the contract, a final report to include the results of the. work performed under this contract shall be submitted in one camera ready copy and three copies to the NRC Project Officer and one copy to the NRC Contracting Officer. The final report shall be prepared in accordance with NRC Manual Chapter 3202 ( Attachment 3).

F.2 Place of Delivery i

The items to be furnished hereunder shall be delivered, with all transportation charges paid by the Contractor, to:


NRC-04-85-124 Page 4

1. Copies to Project Officer:

U.S. Nuc' lear Regulatory Commission Attn: Charles Troutman Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Accident Evaluation Mail Stop: 1130-SS Washington, D.C. 20555

2. Copy to Contracting Officer:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Contracting Officer Division of Contracts Mail Stop: 2223-AR Washington, DC 20555 F.3 Duration of Contract Period

'l This contract shall become effective on either the date of award or the effective date as otherwise specified, and shall continue to completion thereof, within twenty-four (24) months after said contract is effective.

F.4 FAR Citations Refer to Section I, Clause 52.252-2.

.s Section G - Contract Administration Data G.1 Consideration Estimated Cost, Fixed Fee and Obligation

1. It is estimated that the total cost to the Government for full performance of this contract will be $251,000.00, of which the sum of $ represents the estimated reimbursable costs, and of which $ represents the fixed fee.
2. There shall be no adjustment in the amount of the Contractor's fixed fee by reason of differences between any estimate of cost for performance of the work under this contract and the actual cost performance of that work.
3. The amount presently obligated by the Government with respect to this contract is $251,000.00.

G.2 Overhead Rates A. Pending the establishment of final overhead rates which shall be negotiated based on audit of actual costs, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for allowable indirect costs hertunder at the provisional rate of percent of direct labor.

8. Notwithstanding A. of this Section, said provisional overhead rates may be adjusted as appropriate during the term of the

l l


NRC-04-85-124 Page 5 contract upon the acceptance of such revised rates by the Contracting Officer.

G.3 Payment of Fixed Fee Payment of fixed fee shall be in accordance with paragraph (b) of clause 52.216-8 entitled " Fixed Fee" and the NRC billing instructions in Part III, Section J.

G.4 Technical Direction A. Performance of the work under this contract shall be subject to the technical direction of the NRC Project Officer named in Section G.5 of this contract. The tenn " Technical Direction" is defined to include the following:

1. Technical direction to the Contractor which shifts work emphasis between areas of work or tasks, requires pursuit of certain lines of inquiry, fills in details or otherwise serves to accomplish the contractual scope of work.
2. Providing assistance to the Contractor in the preparation of drawings, specifications or technical portions of the work description.
3. Review and where required by the contract, approval of technical reports, drawings, specifications and technical information to be delivered by the Contractor to the Government under the contract.
8. Technical direction must be within the general scope of work stated in the contract. The Project Officer does not have the authority to and may not issue any technical direction which:
1. Constitutes an assignment of additional work outside the general scope of the contract.
2. Constitutes a change as defined in the clause of the General Provisions, entitled " Changes."
3. In any way causes an increase or decrease in the total estimated contract cost, the fixed fee, if any, or the time required for contract perfonnance.
4. Changes any of the expressed terms, conditions or specifications of the contract.



_ NRC-04-85-124 Page 6 The Contractor shall proceed promptly with the perfornance of technical directions duly issued by the Project Officer in the manner p'rescribed by this article and within such person's authority under the provisions of this article.

If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any instruction or direction issued by the Project Officer is within one of the categories as defined in B(1) through (4) above, the Contractor shall not proceed but shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing within five (5) working days after the receipt of any such instruction or direction and shall request the Contracting Officer to modify the contract accordingly. Upon receiving such notification from the Contractor, the Contracting Officer shall issue an appropriate contract modification or advise the Contractor in writing that, in the Contracting Officer's opinion, the technical direction is within the scope of this article and does not constitute a change under the Changes

, Clause.


Any unauthorized commitment or direction issued by the Project Officer may result in an unnecessary delay in the Contractor's performance, and may even result in the Contractor expending funds for unallowable costs under the contract.

E. A failure of the parties to agree upon the nature of the instruction or direction or upon the contract action to be taken with respect thereto shall be subject to the provisions of the contract clause entitled " Disputes."

G.5 Project Officer A. The individual (s) listed in "B" below is (are) hereby designated as the Contracting Officer's authorized representative (hereinafter called Project Officer) for technical aspects of this contract. The Project Officer is not authorized to approve or request any action which results in or could result in an increase in contract cost; or terminate, settle any claim or dispute arising under the contract, or issue any unilateral directive whatever.

The Project Officer is responsible for: (1) monitoring the Contractor's technical pro assessment of performance,gress, including surveillance and and recommending to the Contracting Officer changes in requirements; (2) interpreting the scope of work; (3) performing technical evaluation as required; (4) l performing technical inspections and acceptances required tv this contract; and (5) assisting the Contractor in the resolution of technical problems encountered during performance.

Within the purview of this authority, the Project Officer is authorized to review all costs requested for reimbursement by Contractors and submit reconmendations for l approval, disapproval, or suspension for supplies / services required under the contract. The Contracting Officer is l

4 1



_ NRC-04-85-124 Page 7 responsible for directing or negotiating any changes in terms, conditions, or 4

amounts cited in the contract.

For guidance from the Project Officer to the Contractor to be valid, it must: (1) be consistent with the description of work set forth in the contract; (2) not constitute new assignment of work or change to the expressed terms, conditions or specifications incorporated into this contract; (3) not constitute a basis for an extension to the period of performance or contract delivery schedule; and, as stated above, (4) not constitute a basis for any increase in the contract cost.

B. Name and Mail Code: Charles Troutman,1130-SS

._ Office Address: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Washington, DC 20555 Telephone Number: (301) 427-4447 G.6 Travel Reimbursement l-The Contractor will be reimbursed for the following reasonable domestic travel costs incurred directly and specifically in the performance of this contract and accepted by the Contracting Officer:

1. Per diem shall be reimbursed at a daily rate not to exceed

$50.00. The per diem amount is comprised of lod plus $23.00 for meals and miscellaneous expense,ging the totalexpense of which shall not exceed the daily rate.

2. When travel is to one of the high-rate geographical areas as detailed in the Federal Travel Regulations, actual subsistance costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Federal Travel Regulations.

, 3. The cost of travel by privately owned automobile'shall be reimbursed at the rate of 20.54 per mile.

4. The cost of travel by rented automobile shall be reimbursed on a reasonable actual expense basis.
5. All common carrier travel reimbursable hereunder shall be via economy class rates when available. If not available, reimbursement vouchers will be annotated that economy class accommodations were not available. First-class air travel is not authorized.
6. Receipts are required for cosanon carrier transportation, lodging and miscellaneous items in excess of $25.00.


_ NRC-04-85-124 Page 8 G.7 Payment Due Date (a) Payments $under this contract will be due 30 calendar days after the later of:

(1) The date of actual receipt of a proper invoice (original and 4 copies) to:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission Division of Accounting and Finance Office of Resource Management ATTN: GOV /COM Accounts Section Washington, D.C. 20555 or (2) The date the final deliverable product / service is accepted

_ by the Government.

(b) For the purpose of detennining the due date for payment and for no other purpose, acceptance will be deemed to occur 30 calendar days after the date of delivery of the final deliverable product / service performed in accordance with the terms of the contract.

(c) If the final product / service is rejected for failure to conform to the technical requirements of the contract, the provisions in paragraph (b) of this caluse will apply to the new delivery of the final product / service.

(d) The date of payment by wire transfer through the Treasury Financial Conmunications System shall be considered the date payment is made for individual payments exceeding $25,000. The date a check is issued shall be considered the date payment is made for individual payments of $25,000 or less.

G.8 Invoice Requirements Invoices shall be submitted in an original and 4 copies to:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Corsnission Division of Accounting and Finance Office of Resource Management ATTN: GOV /COM Accounts Section Washington, D.C. 20555.

To constitute a proper invoice, the invoice must include the following infonnation and/or attached documentation:

(1) Name of the business concern and invoice date.

(2) Contract number or other authorization for delivery of property or services.

e ,

NRC-04-85-124 Page 9 (3) Description price and quantity of property and services actually.sdelivered or rendered.

(4) Shipping and payment terms.

(5) Name (where practicable), title, phone number, and complete .

mailing address of responsible official to whom payment is to be sent.

(6) Other substantiating documentation or information as required by the contract.

G.9 Interest on Overdue Payments (a) The Prompt Payment Act, Public Law 97-177(96 STAT.85,31USC 1801) is applicable to payment of the expiration invoice under this contract and requires the payment of interest to Contractors on overdue payments of the expiration invoice or improperly taken discounts.

(b) Determinations of interest due will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Prompt Payment Act and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-125, Vol' 47 Federal Register 37321, August 25, 1982. Among other considerations, OMB Circular A-125 provides that:

(1) Interest penalties are not required when payment is delayed because of a disagreement over the amount of payment or other issues concerning compliance with the terms of the contract.

(2) Whenever a proper invoice is paid after the due date plus 15 days, interest will be included with the payment at the interest rate applicable on the payment date. Interest will be computed from the day after the due date through the payment date.

(c) For purposes of this clause, an expiration invoice is defined as a claim submitted for costs incurred for performance through the expiration date of a Cost Type contract.

Section H - Special Contract Requirements H.1 Key Personnel (a) The following individuals are considered to be essential to the successful performance of the work hereunder.

Larry Ybarrondo, Robert White, and Dennis Meier The Contractor agrees that such personnel shall not be removed from the contract work or replaced without compliance with paragraphs (b).

and (c) hereof.


. Page 10 (b) If one or more of the key personnel for whatever reason becomes, or is expected to become, unavailable for work under this contract for a continuous period exceeding 30 work days, or is expected to devote substantially less effort to the work than indicated in the proposal or initially anticipated, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Contracting Officer and shall, subject to the concurrence of the Contracting Officer or his authorized representative, promptly replace such personnel with personnel of at least substantially equal ability and qualifications.

(c) All requests for approval of substitutions hereunder must be in writing and provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances necessitating the proposed substitutions. They must contain a complete resume for the proposed substitute, and other infonnation requested by the Contracting Officer or needed by him to approve or disapprove the proposed substitution. The Contracting Officer or his authorized representative will evaluate such requests and promptly notify the Contractor of his approval or disapproval thereof in writing.

(d) If the Contracting Officer detennines that suitable and timely replacement of key personnel who have been reassigned, terminated or have otherwise become unavailable for the contract work is not reasonably forthcoming or that the resultant reduction of productive effort would be so substantial as to impair the successful completion of the contract or the service order, the contract may be tenninated by the Contracting Officer for default or for the convenience of the Government, as appropriate, or, at the discretion of the Contracting Officer if he finds the Contractor at fault for the condition, the contract price or fixed fee may be equitably adjusted downward to compensate the Government for any resultant delay, loss or damage.

H.2 Safety, Health, and Fire Protection The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions in the perfonnance of the work under this contract to protect the health and safety of employees and of members of the public and to minimize danger from all hazards to li#e and property and shall comply with all health, safety, and fire protection regulations and requirements (including reporting requirements) of the Comission and the Department of Labor. In the event that the Contractor fails to comply with said regulations or requirements, the Contracting Officer may, without prejudice to any other legal or contractual rights of the Commission, issue an order stopping all or any part of the work; thereafter, a start order for resumption of work may be issued at the discretion of the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall make no claim for an extension of time or for compensation or damages by reason of or in connection with such work stoppage.



4 NRC-04-85-124 Page 11 H.3 Dissemination of Contract Information (0MB Clearance Number 3150-0112)

The Contractor shall not publish, permit to be published, or disseminate to the public any information, oral or written, concerning the work performed under this contract without the prior written consent of the Contracting Officer. Two copies of any infont.ation proposed to be published or disseminated shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer. Failure to comply with this clause shall be grounds for tennination of this contract.

H.4 Private Use of Contract Infonnation and Data Except as otherwise specifically authorized by Section H.,

publication of contract work of this contract, or as otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer, information and other data developed or acquired by or furnished the Contractor in the performance of this contract, shall be used only in connection with the work under this contract.

H.S Drawings, Designs, and Specifications All drawings, sketches, designs, design data, specifications, notebooks, technical and scientific data, and all photographs, negatives, reports , findings, recommendations, data and memoranda of every description relating thereto, as well as all copies of the foregoing relating to the work or any part thereto, shall be subject to inspection by the Commission at all reasonable times (for which inspection the proper facilities shall be afforded the Comission by the Contractor and its subcontractors), shall be the property of the Government and may be used by the Government for any purpose whatsoever without any claim on the part of the Contractor and its subcontractors and vendors for additional compensation and shall, subject to the right of the Contractor to retain a copy of said material for its own use, be delivered to the Government, or otherwise disposed of by the Contractor either as the Contracting Officer may from tine to time direct during the progress of the work or in any event as the contracting Officer shall direct upon completion or tennination of this contract. The Contractor's right of retention and use shall be subject to the security, patent, and use of information provisions, if any, of this contract.

H.6 Proprietary Data and Confidential Infonnation In connection with the performance of the work under this contract, the Contractor may be furnished, or may develop or acquire, proprietary data (trade secrets) or confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information, including Comission plans, policies, reports, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L.93-579), or other infonnation which has not been released to the public or has been determined by the Conunission to be otherwise exempt from disclosure to the public.

Contractor agrees to hold such information in confidence and not to directly or indirectly duplicate, disseminate, or disclose such information in whole or in part to any other person or organization except as may be necessary to perfonn the work under this contract.

Contractor agrees to return such information to the Commission or


- Page 12 otherwise dispose of it either as the Contracting Officer may from time to time . direct during the progress of the work or in any event as the Contracting Officer shall direct upon completion or temination of this contract. Failure to comply with this clause shall be grounds for temination of this contract.

H.7 Security (0M8 Clearance Number 3150-0112)

(a) It is the Contractor's duty to safeguard Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and other classified infomation. The Contractor shall, in accordance with the Commission's security regulations and requirements, be responsible for safeguarding Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, and other classified information and protecting against sabotage, espionage, loss and theft, the classified documents and material in the Contractor's possession in connection with the perfomance of work under this contract. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this contract, the Contractor shall, upon completion or temination of this contract, transmit to the Comission any classified matter in the possession of the Contractor or any person under the Contractor's control in connection with performance of this contract.

If retention by the Contractor of any classified matter is required after the completion or temination of the contract and such retention is approved by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor will complete a certificate of possession to be furnished to the Comission specifying the classified matter to be retained. The certification shall identify the items and types or categories of matter retained, the conditions governing the retention of the matter and their period of retention, if known. If the retentien is approved by the Contracting Officer, the security provisions of the

contract will continue to be applicable to the matter retained.

(b) Regulations. The Contractor agrees to confom to all security regulations and requirements of the Comission.

j (c) Definition of Restricted Data. The tenn " Restricted Data " as used in this clause, means all data concerning (1) design, manufacture, or utilization of atomic weapons; (2) the production of special nuclear material; or (3) the use of special nuclear material in the production of energy, but shall not include data declassified or removed from the Restricted Data category pursuant to section 142 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

(d) Definition of Fomerly Restricted Data. The tem "Formerly Restricted Data," as used in this clause, means all data removed from the Restricted Data category under section 142-d. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.

(e) Security Clearance Personnel. The Contractor shall not pemit any individual to have access to Restricted Data, Fonnerly Restricted Data, or other classified infonnation, except in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the Comission's regulations or requirements applicable to the L _ _ . _ . _

4 NRC-04-85-124 Page 13 particular type or category of classified information to which access is required.

(f) Criminal Liabilities. It is understood that disclosure of Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, or other classified information relating to the work or services ordered hereunder to any person not entitled to receive it, or failure to safeguard any Restricted Data, Fonnerly Restricted Data, or any other classified matter that may come to the Contractor or any person under the Contractor's control in connection with work under this contract, may subject the Contractor, its agents, employees, or subcontractors to criminal liability under the laws of the United States. (See the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.; 18 U.S.C. 793 and 794; and Executive Order 11652.)

(g) Subcontracts and Purchase Orders. Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall insert provisions similar to the foregoing in all subcontracts and purchase orders under this contract.

(h) In performing the contract work, the Contractor shall assign classifications to all documents, material, and equipment originated or generated by the Contractor in accordance with classification guidance by the Commission. Every subcontract and purchase order issued hereunder involving the origination or generation of classified documents, material, or equipment shall provide that the subcontractor or supplier shall assign classifications to all such documents, material, and equipment in accordance with classification guidance furnished by the Contractor.

H.8 Contractor Organizational Conflicts of Interest (0M8 Clearance Number 3150-0112)

(a) Purpose. The primary purpose of this clause is to aid in ensuring that the Contractor: (1) Is not placed on a conflicting role because of current or planned interest (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relate to the work under this contract, and (2) does not obtain an unfair competitive advantage over other parties by virtue of its perfonnance of this contract.

(b) Scope. The restrictions described herein shall apply to performance or participation by the Contractor as defined in 41 CFR 920-1.5402(f) in the activ,ities covered by this clause.

(c) Work for Others. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, during the tenn of this contract, the Contractor agrees to forgo entering into consulting or other contractual arrangerrents with any finn or organization, the result of which may give rise to a conflict of interest with respect to the work being performed under this contract. The Contractor shall ensure that all employees who are employed full time under this contract and employees designated as key personnel, if any, under this contract abide by the provision of this clause. If the Contractor believes with respect to itself or any such employee that any proposed consultant


, . . j 1

NRC-04-85-124 ,

_ Page 14 or other contractual arrangement with any finn or organization may involve a potential conflict of interest, the Contractor shall obtain the wriitten approval of the Contracting Officer prior to execution of such contractual arrangement.

(d) Disclosure after award.

(1) The Contractor warrants that to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise set forth in this contract, it does not have any organizational conflicts o'f interest, as defined in 41 CFR 20-1.5402(a).

(2) The Contractor agrees that if after award it discovers organizational conflicts of interest with respect to this contract, it shall immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer. This statement shall include a description of the action which the Contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid or mitigate such conflicts.

._$ The NRC may, however, terminate the contract for convenience if it deems such tennination to be in the best interests of the Government.

(e) Access to and use of infonnation.

(1) If the Centractor in the perfonnance of this contract obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-579;, or data which has not u been released to the public, the Contractor agrees not to:

(1) Use such infonnation for any private purpose until the infonnation has been released to the public; (ii) compete for work for the Consnission based on such infonnation for a period of six (6) months after either the completion of this contract or the release of such infonnation to the public, whichever is first; (iii) submit an unsolicited proposal to the Government based on such.jnfonnationiuntil s such5.infonnation t'o,$ blic,'orM yearFafter. . ;> the. Wrelease of

, w' '

. . m. .-

(iv) release the information without prior written approval

%- by the..ContractingAffricer, unless,, tion .has l


,ip yGQ:f' treleas . , ' . , estto, the 'pp;n.'ic(tijhy q.y ,,]N (2) In addition, the Contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected

, by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-579), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial B infonnation under this contract, the Contractor shall treat L _ , . __

__ __ _ __ _ - _. - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -

t NRC-04-85-124 Page 15 such information in accordance with restrictions placed on use of the infomation.

(3) The Contractor shall have, subject to patent and security provisions of this contract, the right to use technical data it produces under this contract for private purposes provided that all requirements of this contract have been met.

(f) Subcontracts. Except as provided in 41 CFR 20-1.5402(h), the Contractor shall include this clause, including this paragraph, in subcontracts of any tier. The tems " contract," " Contractor," and

" Contracting Officer," shall be appropriately modified to preserve the Government's rights.

(g) Remedies. For breach of any of the above prescriptions or for intentional nondisclosure or misrepresentation of any relevant interest required to be disclosed concerning this contract or for such erroneous representations as necessarily imply bad faith, the Government may teminate the contract for default, disqualify the Contractor from subsequent contractual efforts, and pursue other remedies as may be permitted by law or this contract.

(h) Waiver. A request for waiver under this clause shall be directed in writing through the Contracting Officer to the Executive Director for Operations (ED0) in accordance with the procedures outlined in 920-1.5411.

H.9 Method of Payment (a) Payment under this contract will be made by wire transfer through the Treasury Financial Communications System for each individual payment in excess of $25,000 and by Treasury check for each individual payment of $25,000 or less.

(b) Within seven days after the effective date of the contract, the Contractor shall forward the following infomation in writing

to the Contracting Officer to facilitate wire transfer of contract payments. In the event that the Contractor's financial institution has access to the Federal Reserve Ccmunications System, Contractor shall complete all items except items 7 - 9. In the event the Contractor's financial institution does not have access to the Federal Reserve Comunications System, Contractor shall complete all items except item 4
1. Name and address of organization
2. Contact person and telephone number
3. Name and address of financial institution
4. Financial institutions's 9-digit ABA identifying number for routing transfer of funds

s NRC-04-85-124

- Page 16

5. Telegraphic abbreviation of financial institution
6. Account number at your financial institution your financial institution receives electronic funds transfer messages through, if it does not have access to the Federal Reserve Communications System
7. Name and address of the correspondent financial institution your financial institution receives electronic funds transfer messages through, if it does not have access to the Federal Reserve Connunications System
8. Correspondent financial institution 9-digit ABA identifying number for routing transfer of funds
9. Telegraphic abbreviation of correspondent financial institution v 10. Signature and title of person supplying this infonnation (c) Any changes to the infonnation furnished under paragraph (b) of this clause shall be furnished to the Contracting Officer in writing. It is the Contractor's responsibility to furnish these changes promptly to avoid payments' to erroneous bank accounts.

H.10 Government Rights in Computer Software (a) The Government, for itself and such others as it deems appropriate, will have unlimited rights in computer software specificall developed)under y developed or generated this contract. (i.e.,rights Unlimited designed and under this contract are rights to use, duplicate, or disclose software data, in whole or in part, in any manner and for any purpose whatsoever.

(b) For software not specifically developed or generated under this contract, the contractor may restrict the Government's rights therein. The fact that the total complement of. software involved may incorporate some elements of software to which the Government has unlimited rights shall not affect the contractor's authority to impose restrictions on the Government's rights. As a minimum, however, the Government will have the right to:

(1) Have unlimited use of such software on computer system (s) for which or with which it is acquired.

(2) Use such software with a backup system if the system for which or with which it was acquired is inoperative.because of a malfunction, an emergency, change (s) in engineering performance, or change (s) in computer features or models.

NRC-04-85-124 Page 17 (3) Use such software with the computer at any Government j installation to which the computer may be transferred by l the[ Government.

(4) Copy computer software for safekeeping (archives) or '

backup purposes.

(5) Modify such software or combine it with other programs or material. All modifications by the Government will be treated as stated in (a) above. However, any such modification shall not change or limit the contractor's rights with respect to such software in its original, modified, or combined form. If software defects result from program portions which have been added or modified by the Government, then the Government, not the vendor, is responsible for any resulting adverse effects. However, if vendor provided portions are defective, then the vendor is responsible for providing the software support and/or operating software malfunction credits as specified elsewhere in the contract.

(6) Retain unlimited rights to the part that it owns.

(c) Nothing contained herein shall be constrded to restrict or limit any right which the Government possesses or may acquire from other sources in the above software or software data or its use.

4 9

. ,. ,. -- .--c- :- ,--


This contract incorporates the following clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Up'on request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available.


Section F 52.212-13 STOP-WORK ORDER.-- Alternate 1 (APR 1984)

Section I 52.202-1 DEFINITIONS. (APR 1984) .






(APR 1984)(APR 1984) 52.232-20 LIMITATION OF. COST.

,y ,, +~ ^~w^=



NRC-04-85-124 Page 19 52.232-23 ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS. (APR 1984) 52.233-1 DISPUTES. (APR 1984) 52.242-1 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISALLOW COSTS. (APR 1984) 52.243-2 CHANGES--COST-REIMBURSEMENT. (APR 1984)--Alternate I.



o' ,

NRC-04-85-124 Page 20 PART III - LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS, AND OTHER ATTACHMENTS Section J - ListofAqyachments Attachment Number Title 1 NRC Organization Chart .

2 NRC Contractor Organizational Conflic.ts of Interest (41 CFR Part 20) 3 NRC Manual Chapter 3202 4 Billing Instructions 5 Revised Proposal dated September 23, 1985


T 4

m 4

. nucirAR REGULA10RY COMM15510N

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_ Phase II - Nuclear Plant Data Bank: Plant Input and Developnent Topic No. JO.) Subtopic No. O Topic Area Thermal Hydraulics Computational Submitted by: firm Ybarrondo'& Associates & Test Assessment Research Scientech, Inc.

Mailing Address:

Debelopment of Plant Specific P. O. Box 1406 Representations Idaho Fai1" State Idaho Zip _83403-1406 Small Business Certification:

1. The above organization certifies that it is a small Yearfirmfoundedj98) business firm and meets the definition stated in the Small Business Section Act 15 U.S.C.

of this Program 631 and in the Definition Solicitation.

2. Yes a No The Principal Investigator's primary employment will be
  • with this firm at-the time of award and during the conduct of the research.
3. Yes y No Two thirds' or more of this project will be carried out -

in the propos~ing firm. - , Yes

- 4 y No The above organization qualifies as a manority-owned and operated small business.

5. Yes y No Will you permit NRC to disclose the title only of your project' plus the name, address, and telephone number of the corporate of ficial of your firm, if your proposal does not result in a'n award, to firms that may be interested in contacting you for further information or possible investment? (This ques- Yes y No tion is for administrative purposes only and in no way alters
6. cur responsibilities under the freedom of Information Act.)

This proposal may be subject to external review. -

Yes _ y No

'roject Amount (Phase II): 5'256000

'roposed Duration: _

24 months .

lumber of employees (average for previous 12 months)* _ 2 Currently ,,5 (Five)


rincipal Investigator (Project Manager) Corporate Official (Business) am2 L. J. Ybarrondo

'Name L. J. Ybarrondo itle Presidept .

Title President ignature f[ (( , ,

~ . Signature Y, scial SecurityNo.U" 347-.7[-Isf/ .

Date -

c1. K3 (SDP) msent[herN85' -

C23-2O77 .~

Teh No. (for) .523-2077

[f a subsidiary of another firm, the number of employees stated abovem' ust include all spicy:es under the control of the senior parent organization.

'Subaission of this.information,is voluntary and refusal to disclose' the information will at af fcct an organization's eligibility for award. Social s.ecurity numbers are used' to snitor and facilitate the receipt and processing of numerous proposals, as well as to sintain data on actions taken.

1 .

2.0 HertNulx 8 t i U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM15S10N i




f0R NRC USE ONLY Program,0ffice 11M Proposal No.

, Topic No.

10 BE COMPLETED BY PROPOSER i Name and Address of Proposer Ybarrondo & Associates - Scientech Inc. '

P. O. Box 1406 Idaho Falls, ID 83403-1406

Name and Title of Principal Inve;tigator j Dr. Larry Toarrondo, President -

i Title of Project


Phase II - Nuclear Plant ,.,

Data Bankt Plant Input and Developnent Technical Abs ~ tract (Limit to two h,undred words) . -

i , , ,

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sponsored the development of theNuclear Plant , , _, ,

Dzte INC. was Bankawarded (NPDB) aforcontract several years at Technology Development of C$lifornia (TDC). SCIENTECH, l

for Phase I of a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Prograi' to evaluate cddi t,f on ,

and develop to the extent possible a RESAR-3S generic plant description. In

! the possibility of the development of an automated TRAC conversion computer program j

w:s to be investigated. Because of the status of the NPDB the main effort of Phase I was to p rform a complete evaluation of the current version of the NPDB.' All tasks in 1hase I have

- been successfully completed.

Th2 cbjectives of Phase II will be to:

into the NPDB; (2) develop the blank forms required for a B&W lower loop plant 4

(3) develop a

! Ierscnal Computer (PC) program to allow easier input of data into the NPDB. The above objective sdll be accomplished by dividing the effort into three technical tasks and will be accomplished :

cvsr a 24 months time period from the award of the Phase II contract.

Inticipated Resu,1,ts/ Potential., Comme,rcial Applicatio,ns of the Research

' Th3 re:ults of the proposed Phase II progras will be to provide NRC with an accurate and docum I

d20eription that will be available.for later NRC use, a PC program whic entrics user friendly and determine the feasibility, provide a demonstration, and develop an! .

cutomated input deck conversion code if.warrented. To accomplish the first two, objectives, l

! ccvsral visits to Westinghouse and B&W will be taken to obtain basic plant information and the will provide SCIDUSCH with opportunities to discuss the possibility of Phase III support with j

thsco crganizations. If NRC priorities are such that another' plant type is needed (i.e. ,a

  • Combu7 tion

! cegomodate Encineering these needs in Phase or testinghouse III. plant), then the possibility and flexi'cility exists to l . .'

p 2 -

. 8 l

l ..

\ .

. i O

3.0 identification and Significance of the Opportunity The Nuclear Plant Data Bank (NPDB) has been developed as part of the Nuclear Plant Analyzer (NPA) system. To take full advantage of the NPA capabilities, a fully operational version of the NPDB will be required with several nuclear power plant descriptions available to potential NPA users. The SCIENTECH Phase I efforts were to make a complete evaluation of the current NPDB and to provide plant data in an NPDB input format for a generic RESAR-3S plant. In addition, the possibility of developing an automated input deck conversion code was to be explored. These objectives were completed in Phase 1.

The Phase 11 objectives are to determine the minimum RESAR-3S input data set ( for TRAC PF1/ MOD 1, Version 12.3) from the development initiated in Phase I and to enter this minimum data set into the NPDB data system. This will be the first nuclear power plant description in the NPDB that is accurate, supported by data source references, and documented. The second objective will be to develop only the minimum data set blank forms for a 2 hot leg by 4 cold leg (2x4) plant deck for the NPDB. The minimum data set required for a B&W lower loop plant will be chosen because of the current relationship NRC Research has with B&W through the MIST /OTIS program. This should ease the process of establishing contacts to obtain any discussions on plant basic information. If the plant type needs to be reevaluated because of NRC priorities, this could be done. There are two additional benefits that will be gained by these two tasks. First, contacts at both Westinghouse and B&W would be established to demonstrate the virtues of the NPDB and to establish the possibility of these two organizations funding Phase 111 efforts. Secondly, a further evaluation of the NPDB through the actualinput of the trinimum plant data set (task 1 only) will be produced with conclusions and recomrrondations which will further help NRC in its completion of the NPDB project.

The third objective will be to develop a personal computer (PC) NPDB input computer program to provide easier NPDB input procedures for the minimum data set and to perform this effort in a user friendly environment. In addition, an input checking capability will be included to reduce the NPDB input errors. NRC will be funding national laboratories and contractors to input plant descriptions in the future and this package will increase their efficiency and productivity.

"In Phase til non-federal funding will be developed through the cooperative arrangement to support the reactor vendor utilities in adding plant descriptions to the NPDB or through technical support in the use of the NPDB. Contacts at Westinghouse, B&W, and utilities will be developed in Phase ll and these will be used along with the virtues of the NPDB to obtain funding for the Phase til efforts. In addition, separate discussions with Exxon Nuclear, Science Applications International Corporation, and the Japanese Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) have been held and all companies have been very positive about their interest in the NPDB. As of this writing, formal relationships have not been established. However, it is the intent of SCIENTECH,if awarded a Phase 11 contract, to put in place a Research and Development partnership with several of the mentioned organizations contributing the major capital while SCIENTECH would contribute a much smaller amount in return for acting as the managing partner. Potential organizations to provide funding are:


!, ( (

i .

Westinghouse, B&W, Combustion Engineering, utilities, and the other companies just i

mentioned. The objective is that the NPDB information developed in Phase I and ll will j be available not only to NRC but to other participating organizations. In addition, NRC

! will have additional resources for developing NPDB plant descriptions through

SCIENTECH INC. In fact, NRC could chose to be a member of the R&D partnership

! formed in Phase Ill.

i 4.0 Background, Technical Approach, and Anticipated Benefits j The Phase I contract award was made for the NPDB Plant Description Development to

SCIENTECH, INC. The Phase I work was to develop, to the extent p assible, a
description of a generic RESAR-3S plant, to perform a detailed evaluation of the l current version of the NPDB and to determine the possibility of development of an automated input deck conversion code. These products were successfully developed l

' and documented in Phase 1. The proposed Phase ll effort will provide an accurate and documented RESAR-3S minimum data set for TRAC PF1/MOF1, Version 12.3 in the NPDB and a B&W lower loop minimum data set, and the development of a PC NPDB input computer program which is user friendly. These three technical objectives have been divided into three work tasks. The first two will require establishing contact at

! Westinghouse, B&W, and utilities to obtain any needed basic plant information. From i this basic plant information the NPDB input data will be developed. The PC NPDB l input computer program will be developed such that it is efficient, user friendly and can J be easily modified to accommodate future changes in the NPDB. It will also run on an j advanced and readily available PC, will be programmed in a computer language j which is common and portable betwee.1 PCs and will have the capability to perform

' input data checks where possible.

All of the above products would significantly increase the usability of the NPDB system i and its flexibility. The NPDB would have a high quality minimum data set for the RESAR-3S plant and a B&W lower loop minimum data set description for a LBLOCA ,

l and the easily enter data.

L The NPDB provides a significant advancement in the ability to describe plant data, i maintain tracability and provide plant data documentation. Once the NPDB is fully 1 operational, it should be attractive to the nuclear industry-(i.e., Westinghouse, CE, B&W and utilities), other research organizations such as EPRI, national laboratories, and foreign countries. No specific policy issues are expected'ed resolution

before the start of the Phase ll work or before its completion except SCIENTECH i

assumes any of the TDC material fumished by NRC is non proprietary, etc, unless

} otherwise notified in writing by NRC. In the early part of Phase Ill, the development of i cooperative arrangements will be initiated and will require NRC involvement and approval as the techniques and accomplish this are developed. No major j policy issues that are contrary to current NRC policy are expected but protection of certain data in the NPDB system may be required as the users are expanded.

The total estimated costs of Phase ll are given on Standard Form 1411 in Appendix D and will fund four tasks. These tasks are separable and can be funded in total or in selected pieces as shown in Figure 1 and on Standard Form 1411. For example, i Tasks (1), (2), and (3) could be funded separately. These four tasks are: (1) RESAR-3S NPDB Input Development $62,000. (2) B&W Lower Loop Plant NPDB Input l Development $40,000, (3) PC NPDB input Computer Program Development 4

  • d i


( <


$120,000, and (4) Phase ll Final Report $29,000. The Phase 11 total costs include

computer time for which it has been assumed the LANL computer system will be l' available to SCIENTECH Inc. at the normal NRC rates. It is also assumed that Tasks (1) and (3) would require SCIENTECH to purchase a PC and related peripherals t selected for data input. The PC costs were estimated using an IBM AT and the

! estimated cost including peripherals is also included in the total Phase 11 costs. The

Phase ill costs have been estimated by assuming that a Westinghouse two loop plant, a B&W raised loop and a CE plant would be entered in the NPDB. Using this as the
assumed workscope, the total Phase ill costs are estimated to be $330,000. The 4

Phase lli workscope and cost will be negotiated with NRC at the end of Phase ll.

j Details of the Phase ll workscope, schedules, products being delivered and their i expected benefits are given in the Work Plan and Statement of Work sections.

i i

I l

i f

i i

l f

I t

i i 5

MONTHS AFTER CONTRACT AWARD 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TASK (i) RESAR-3S PLANT 1.1 Obtaindata 1.2 Ched Phase Idata e = (3wks) 1.3 RESAR4SInput -

(6 wks) 1.4 Documentation (3 W ) TOTAL:22 wks.


TASK (2) B&W LOWER LOOP (8wks) 2.1 Develop minimum data set fonns < >

2.2 Doasmentation and Evansatbn m, m TOTAL: 12 wks.

D TASK (3) PCINPUTCODE (6 wks) 3.1 Specification & Review -

3.2 PC Code development -

(27 wks) 3.3 PC Code checkout '

(10 ds) 3.4 User Manual e O*Y TOTAL: 52 wks.

TASK (4) FINAL REPORT Task (1) -

, Task (3) ,

(3 wks) (8 wks)

TOTAL: 11 wks.


  • i

l <

1 Phase i Summary and Results The purpose of Phase I was: (1) to review the NPDB system in detail, (2) to develop the NPDB input data required for a double-ended large break (LB) LOCA analysis for a RESAR-3S plant to the extent possible using the RESAR-3S Reference Safety Analysis Report and TRAC RESAR input deck as data sources, (3) to perform a technical assessment of the NPDB, and (4) to determine the possibility of developing an automated input deck conversion code. Because the NPDB was found not to be ready for general production use as assumed in the Phase I proposal, the original Phase 1 objectives were modified to those given above. These modified objectives were concurred with by the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, accomplished and results documented in a final Phase I report to NRC. The results of the Phase I review of the NPDB documentation found toat substantial redundancy of required input data existed. Much of the required input data could be determined from input data for other data sets or other data entries in the same data set. Data entries are not consistent between the Data Set Description and NPDB PWR Blank Form documents or the TDC Zion-1 input deck and the data set entries are not self-consistent within the Data Set Description document. In the development of the data required for a LB LOCA RESAR-3S generic plant model, several difficulties were encountered. This included the lack of definition of the process used to generate a TRAC deck from NPDB data. Therefore, the minimum data set for an LB LOCA plant description could not be determined. Over specification of initial conditions, data unavailability from the RESAR-3S Reference Safety Analysis Report and TRAC input deck which is required by the NPDB and some data entered into the NPDB caused the computer systems to go down. Because not all the NPDB input data could be determined from the RESAR-3S SAR or the TRAC input deck the TDC Zion-1 NPDB input data was used as an additional data source. It was found that the Zion-1 data entries in several cases did not appear to be accurate using engineering judgment or did not match the NPDB input requirement in numerous data sets.

In addition it was determined that the current version of the NPDB was specific for a Westinghouse four loop plant of the Zion-1 type. Other plant types of the Westinghouse, CE, and B&W designs would require modifications of the NPDB input structure and display forms. It was also determined that the NPDB was " hardwired"in several places because of data entry difficulties or design specific data requirements.

This further restricted the NPDB data usefulness.

The Phase I work did produce a detailed list of problems that were encountered for the data entry. In addition the PWR Blank Forms were filled out with data obtained from the RESAR-3S Reference Safety Analysis Report and the TRAC RESAR input deck.

This data was augmented with data from the TDC Zion-1 NPDB input data when required. Also, the potential of development of an automated input deck conversion was determined, but not enough data was developed to determine if it was cost effective. The feasibility in terms of cost and amount of data to be converted would be determined in Phase ll.


. . . . . - - - - - - - _ ~ ..- - . - . _ - ._ - - -- .-

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5.0 Phase il Technical Objectives The objectives of Phase il are:

1. to complete the input for a RESAR-3S generic Westinghouse power plant for a LBLOCA minimum data set and enter this data into the NPDB
2. to develop the blank forms input format for a LBLOCA that would be required to describe a B&W lower loop plant and document this information for later use by NRC f

j 3. to develop a PC program capable of entering the NPDB data in a user friendly

environment which has the capability of performing data entry checks to the greatest
extent possible i

! 4. to provide complete documentation of the NPDB work in items 1 and 2 and user manuals for the computer codes in item 3. .


) 6.0 Phase II Work Plan To accomplish the four objectives specified above, the Phase ll work has been divided

into four tasks
(1) RESAR-3S NPDB Input Development for a minimum data set, (2)

B&W Lower Loop Plant NPDB Blank Forms Data Input Development-only for a

minimum data set LBLOCA, (3) PC NPDB Input Computer Program Development, and (4) Final Phase 11 Report. The timing of each task, start, and the duration are shown in

{ Figure 1. A brief description of each task is given below along with the justification of j start times and proposed duration.

j (1) RESAR-3S NPDB Input Development 1 This task will be to develop an accurate minimum data set RESAR-3S plant description from the task initiated in the Phase I work. All possible NPDB input data

, from the RESAR-3S SAR and TRAC input deck was obtained in Phase I. In Phase ll i

the remaining NPDB input data must be obtained from Westinghouse and a utility l owning a plant most compatible to the generic RESAR-3S input. Collection of the

required minimum data, developing the NPDB input data, entering this information 1.1

) the NPDB blank forms, and checking the. input will be accomplished in this task. Task

(1) will be initiated at the time the contract is awarded. As the first task a procedure will i

be established to obtain the needed information from Westinghouse and the utility 1 through NRC. Basic plant information collection and analysis will then be performed.

i The last efforts will be to develop the NPDB input and provide the documentation 1

! needed. The required workscope in this task has been estimated based on the I 1

amount of information obtained in Phase I and the amount of data expected to be t j entered as part of the work proposed by Los Alamos National Laboratory.


8 J

e i The task duration is twelve (12) calendar months. The reason for the long duration is related to the time expected to establish the required interfaces with Westinghouse and the utility. It is expected that at least two trips to Westinghouse will be required and one to the utility. These trips will also be used to demonstrate and discuss the virtues of the NPDB with each organization with the intent of obtaining industrial participation in Phase Ill. If the interfaces and plant information required for completeness of the plant data are easily established and obtained, then the total duration will be much shorter (approximately 3 months shorter). By performing the work on the proposed schedule, this task will also be consistent with the work proposed by Los Alamos.

(2) B&W Lower Loop Plant Blank Forms input Development This task, as proposed, will develop a blank forms input description for a B&W lower loop plant . The goal is to develop a B&W lower loop plant description through the blank forms which has the proper quality control and documentation in preparation for later NRC use. If, through negotiation with NRC,it is determined that because of NRC priorities a Combustion Engineering or Westinghouse plant would be desirable, this task could be redirected with little impact on cost or schedule. The work plan for Task (2) is similar to Task (1) in that some contacts with B&W and a B&W plant owner may need to be established. Again the calendar time is long to provide time for the .

interfaces to be established through NRC to obtain basic plant information. This basic information would be analyzed to help develop the blank forms data which would be needed by the NPDB and TRAC. In addition, the blank input forms data would be documented in a final task report.

A B&W lower loop plant was chosen because NRC has the MIST /3 TIS contract with B&W which should ease the work and negotiation required for obt"ning the any needed plant information. As stated earlier,if Combustion Engineering or Westinghouse plants were chosen, the task could be redirected. The proposed start is delayed about eight months from the time the contract is awarded. The reason for the delay is to help manpower leveling but more importantly, it allows time for experience to be gained with the RESAR-3S minimum data set development. It is assumed that the work currently being proposed in the second phase of the Los Alamos NPDB proposal will be funded and the 2x4 plant configuration (i.e., B&W plant) will be developed early. If this is not the case, the possibility of entering a Westinghouse 2 or 3 loop plant exists.

(3) PC NPDB Input Program Development This task will develop a computer program which can be used on a readily available PC to enter NPDB data in a user friendly environment. The program will allow easy input of data in an interactive mode, perform data checking where possible, and will be consistent with the NPDB develcped under the Los Alamos NPDB proposal. The code will be written in a highly portable language, probably FORTRAN or Basic, for a PC which is commonly available and inexpensive. Both the language and the PC type will be determined early by surveys. This code will allow, in addition to interactive data entry and checking, the ability to review data set input and to obtain a printed output to aid cnecking. Once the data has been entered and checked, the ability to download to a host computer, currently thought to be a CRAY, will be included. This 9

c task is proposed because several problems are known to exist in the TDC PC code.

The most severe problem is that the code would not work with the modified NPDB after the Los Alamos proposed work is completed. in addition, the PC is not readily or commonly available and does not use a common or standard language. The work performed in Phase I demonstrated that the NPDB is not user friendly and that it is expensive to be on line for the time required to enter data. One major requirement of the PC NPDB Input Program will be to design and maintain the feasibility of accommodating new versions of the NPDB as they are developed. It is expected that this updating work to new versions will extend into Phase Ill.

This task will be initiated two months after the contract is awarded and will have a duration of twenty-two (22) months. Again, this task is spread out to allow the work performed under the Los Alamos proposed NPDB to be completed.

(4) Final Phase ll Report This task will provide a final Phase 11 report which will include the results of Tasks 1 through 4, conclusions reached for all tasks and recommendations from the overall Phase 11 work. This task will be initiated 22 months after the contract award and will have a two months duration.


7.0 Phase 11 Statement of Work The four objectives for the Phase ll work are given under the Phase ll Technical Objectives section. To accomplish these objectives, the work has been divided into four (4) tasks which are directly related to accomplishing the four objectives. Figure 1 shows the starting dates, duration of each task, and the total manweeks for each task.

The statements of work for each of the four tasks are given below.

r (1) RESAR-3S NPDB Input Development in Phase I a generic four loop RESAR-3S Westinghouse piant was selected after discussions with NRC's Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. A Los Alamos TRAC deck for a plant of this type was available along with the SAR. These references provided the plant data source for the NPDB input. Because of the problems with the NPDB and the amount of data that was requested by the NPDB which was not available for either of the two data sources, a complet9 NPDB input data set could not be obtained. In the proposal from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), the RESAR-3S input data obtained in Phase I will be included in the NPDB. This work will not produce an accurste description of the generic RESAR-3S plant. This task, as proposed, will start with the Phase i data and the work completed in the LANL proposal and will produce a minimum data set for a LBLOCA which is accurate and i

documents the RESAR-3S NPDB plant description. This task is divided into four subtasks:

1.1 Obtain Basic RESAR-3S Informstion

1.2 Check the Phase i RESAR-3S NPDB Input Data l 1.3 Complete the RESAR-3S Minimum Data Set input Data
1.4 Documentation of RESAR-3S Plant input Data.


  • f The work statement for each subtask is given below.

1.1 Obtain Basic RESAR-3S Information Both Westinghouse and a utility owning a plant similar to RESAR-3S will be used as data sources for basic plant information needed by the NPDB. The first priority will be to obtain the minimum data required for a TRAC or RELAPS LBLOCA input deck development. Any additionalinformation that can be obtained will also be included.

First, write a proposed letter for NRC's signature asking Westinghouse for their cooperation. If Westinghouse does not coorperate, the task will be redirected by NRC.

SCIENTECH will not start Task 1 ( except for preparation of the letter) until Westinghouse cooperation is obtained. This will be fo!! owed by a letter defining the specific information required, and by a trip of SCIENTECH staff to obtain this information. It is expected that the information will be in the form of drawings and computer program data listings. Several trips to Westinghouse and the utility are planned.


1.2 Check Phase i RESAR-3S NPDB Input Data Once the basic plant information has been obtained, the RESAR-3S Phase i NPDB input will be checked and references obtained. It is estimated that about 30% of the RESAR-3S plant data is accurate and detailed enough to be used in the data bank.

All the Phase i NPDB input data will be checked and referenced to a reliable source of information.

1.3 Complete RESAR-3S Input Data From the information obtained from Westinghouse and the utility, this subtask will calculate the needed NPDB input data to complete the minimum data set required by TRAC or RELAP5. In addition, the other input data required by the NPDB will be obtained to the extent available.

1.4 Documentation of RESAR-3S Plant input Data This subtask will be to provide NRC with a report containing a description of the RESAR-3S NPDB input data, input data listing, and reference where the data was obtained.

The deliverables from this task will be the report written in Subtask 1.4 and the letters to Westinghouse which request cooperation and identify the information needed. The latter can be used by NRC as the basis for the development of a generic letter requesting data for other Westinghouse plants.

i (2) B&W Lower Loop Plant NPDB Blank Forms Development This task will develop the blank forms required for a LBLOCA of a B&W lower loop plant. The minimum number of drawings needed to model the secondary system, l including the control system, will be listed in the tsk results. This task will help prepare

! for the first attempt to enter a LBLOCA description of a 2 hot leg by 4 cold leg (2x4)

! plant into the NPDB in the future. If NRC has a higher priority plant that is needed, the l type could be changed. The reasons 'or selecting the B&W plant are that NRC has a 11

4 contract with B&W and B&W owners in MIST /OTlS programs which should help in establishing contracts to- provide any needed plant information. To accomplish this work two subtasks have been specified:

i 2.1 Develop Minimum Data Set Forms 2.2 Documentation and Evaluation.

Each of these subtasks are described briefly below.

2.1 Develoo Minimum Data Set Forms .

l A B&W lower loop plant will be selected (approved by NRC) and the FSAR obtained as one of the data references. At the same time a proposed letter from NRC to B&W will be developed requesting their cooperation in providing any needed information for the selected plant while the blank forms are being developed. If B & W does not coorporate, the task will be redirected by NRC. SCIENTECH will not start Task 2 (except for preparation of the letter) until B & W cooperation is obtained. Then, a letter will be sent from SCIENTECH to B&W describing the naeded basic plant information and the plant owner will be contacted to provide any specific plant and operational


- information. Several trips to B&W and the owner utility are expected to obtain this basic plant information including listing the minimum number of secondary system and control system drawings needed to model the plant with TRAC PF1/ MOD 1, Version 12.1. As in Task (1), the additional benefits are that the virtues of the NPDB capabilities can be demonstrated for possible Phase ll1 work. The blank forms minimum data set will be developed with emphasis on simplicity, user friendliness, and the minimum data required by TRAC or RELAPS to execute a LBLOCA.

t A Minimum Data Set Book will be developed for primary and secondary systems including control systems. This book is envisioned to be about 30 pages in length of L primary systems data and in addition will contain a minimum list of drawings for the secondary systems including control systems from which at a later date specific information on the secondary and control systems could be obtained. .f.

1 2.2 Documentation and Evaluation .

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The subtask will document the B&W plant input data needed for the blank forms for a minimum data set for a LBLOCA. The documentation will describe any problems I which occurred and possible improvements. A complete set of specific comments and j

4 an overall evaluation will be included in the final task report, (3) PC NPDB input Computer Program Development ,

j Currently, the NPDB input requires the reading of several manuals and long conne '

times to the Los Alamos CRAY computer for the real time input of data. As cur i constructed, the NPDB data input system is not user friendly. Also, if the user is off- ,

i site, the phone bill can be significant and checkout of the data time-consuming onc i

{ the data has been entered. The development of a Personal Computer (PC) NPDB input computer program would eliminate these problems and as proposed, would allow a data checking function. To accomplish this work, the task is divided into five subtasks:

3.0 PC Data Entry Program 3.1 Specification Development, TDC Code Review, and PC Selection 3.2 PC Computer Program Development 3.3 PC Computer Program Checkout 3.4 User Manual and Task Final Report.


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The subtask work st:atements are briefly described below.

3.0 PC Data Entry Proaram The PC data entry program will be sufficiently general to accept minimum data sets of geometric and operating data for PWR's as specified by the LANL minimum data set to be furnished to SCIENTECH thru LANL by March 1986. All data will be in English units. The PC specnfications will be approved by NRC before purchase by SCIENTECH.

3.1 Soecification Develooment. TDC Code Review. and PC Selection TDC has developed a computer program that aids a user in input of NPDB data. Little is known about this computer program except that it is used on a Cromenco computer and selected perpherials and that it was developed with TDC funds. Several problems are knowrt which restrict or do not allow its use with the current or future version of the NPDE, since it was developed specifically for earlier versions of the data bank. It does not ccatain the capability for a minimum set of TRAC and RELAPS input.

It is written in a language which is not portable and the program is difficult to modify.

This subtask would develop the specifications for the PC NPDB Input Computer Program, evaluate the TDC code against these specifications, and select a commonly available PC for the computer to be used.

It will be important that the specifications for the input Computer Program be developed before the actual code development is initiated. These specifications will be discussed with NRC and approved. The specifications would include the computer language to be used, code structure, user interface, and format for the CRAY interface file. A survey will be made of available PCs, and a reliable, popular and advanced PC and peripherals will be chosen. The specifications will be used to insure that the PC and peripherals chosen are adequate and that the flexibility exists for further development and modifications.

3.2 PC Comouter Procram Devefooment


y This subtask will be to write the new PC computer program. Routines to be developed will be subroutines to: input NPDB data, edit NPDB data, output NPDB data to both a CRT and printer, NPDB data checking, and create data files such that the NPDB can read all the data set inputs and interface with a Tektronix 41158. These subroutines will be written such that they are logical, well documented, and in a standard highly portable language.

1 Before programming begins, SCIENTECH will prepare a functional specification of the data entry system down to the subrourine level describing each subroutine input, processing, and output. In particular, all screens, prompts, and fields will be related to the LANL minimum data set detailed definition. This specification will be reviewed and approved by NRC within one month before programming begins.

If as the work progresses,it is agreed by the parties that a Tektronix 41158 and related perpherials are needed they will be furnished by NRC.

13 PC Comouter Procram Checkout This task will perform a major checkout of the computer program developed in subtask 3.2. Each data set entry, the edit capabilities, and NPDB data file creation will be checked using plant data. Any problem which occurs during the checkout will be 13 l


. t noted and corrected. A data file will be created and read by the NPDB and the NPDB data check of accuracy.

3.4 User Manual and Task Final Reoort This task will develop a user manual for the PC NPDB input computer program. The manual will describe the input procedure, computer program structure, data file structure, and program listing. In addition, a final report for this task will be written and submitted to NRC.

The deliverables for Task (3) will be the computer program specifications, PC recommendations, computer program user manual, and final report. This computer program could be provided to all NRC contractors that will use the NPDB to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency for NPDB data set entry.

NRC may exchange and deliver the software in some domestic and international agreements. NRC will have the usual government rights to the software. Pursuant to the provisions and intent of the SBIR (Public Law 97-219) and the Stevenson-Wydler Technology innovation Act of 1980 (Public Law 96-480), nothing herein shall be construed to prevent er limit SCIENTECH from commercially developing this product.

.(4) Final Phase 11 Report This task will develop the required Phase 11 final report. It will develop conclusions based on work and recommendations from Task (1) through (3). A part of the report will be to describe how the NPDB technology could be extended to the nuclear community for possible Phase ill funding.

8.0 Facilities / Equipment

'In Subtask 3.1 a personal computer (PC) and peripherals to be used in the development of the NPDB input Computer Program will be selected. If SCIENTECH does not have this PC and peripherals,it will be necessary to purchase them. The expected costs are based on an IBM AT, modem, and digitizer which is expected to be representative of expected cost. Equipment allotment is $8,000.

9.0 Consultants Two consultants were used for Phase 1. One of these, Robert White, who is conveniently located in Idaho Falls, Idaho, will be used in Phase 11.

i 10.0 Related Work Dr. Larry Ybarrondo and Mr. Robert White each have over 15 years of experience in the advanced code development, nuclear power plant design review, plant input modeling, and plant analysis.

Dr. Ybarronco headed the thermal hydraulic code development effort for l

approximately five years at INEL in which both advanced codes and reference codes were developed for NRC. He also headed the LOFT program in which a detailed knowledge of nuclear power plant design was required. Analytical modeling of nuclear power plant systems and review of plant design and performance have been 14

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  • actively pursued during his entire career in the nuclear field. Additional details are given in his resume.

Mr. Robert White has been active in the analysis of Westinghouse plants, B&W plants, and LOFT experimental data for over ten years. While he was at INEL, he had a major role in LOFT experimental data analysis and test planning. He has also performed extensive analyses with RELAP4, RELAPS, and TRAC PF1/ MOD 1. In addition, modeling of the LOFT facility for an Evaluation Model (EM) analysis was performed and several nuclear power plant input models were developed.

. Dr. Ybarrondo, and Mr. White have gained valuable experience while performing the Phase I tasks. Their experience will be of great value to SCIENTECH in being confident that Phase 11 can be performed on schedule and within cost. With the experience gained in Phase I, SCIENTECH is probably the most knowledgeable organization in the US outside of TDC. Additional personnel which can be utilized by SCIENTECH for the proposed project are Mr. D. Meier, Dr. A. Stephens, and Mr. H.

Heiselmann. Mr. Meier has extensive main frame, mini, and micro computer experience particularly with software quality control. Dr. Stephens and Mr.

Heiselmann have extensive experience with hardware in nuclear power plants and will be exceptionally valuable in gathering and evaluating the quality of information to be inputted into the data bank.

11.0 Key Personnel 1

The key personnel will be Dr. Larry Ybarrondo who is also the principal investigator, Mr. Robert White, and Mr. Dennis Meier. Their qual.fications and related experience are given above and appropriate resumes have been submitted to NRC as as Attachments 1,2, and 3 of our 26 April 1985 proposal.

12.0 Current and Pending Support Los Alamos National Laboratory is planning to submit a proposal to NRC to document and improve the TDC version of the NPDB. SCIENTECH, Inc. is included in this proposal as a subcontractor. The NPDB RESAR-3S data input produced under the proposed joint effort of Los Alamos and SCIENTECH will he the starting point for Task (1) of this SBIR proposal. There will be no overlap, dupLation of effort or conflict of interest with the Los Alamos proposalin the Phase ll effort as it is currently proposed.

The following information about this proposed effort is:

1. Name of agency to which proposal was submitted:

NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Accident Evaluation, Reactor Systems Research Branch, j 2. Date of proposal submission: approximately April 25,1985.

I 3.


Nuclear Plant Data Bank Improvements.

4. Name and title of principal investigator: Project Manager, John Ireland, Los Alamos j National Laboratory; Principal Investigator, Bahram Nassersharif.

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5. SBIR Program Solicitation: Proposal was not SBIR but was submitted by Los Alamos National Laboratory which has the management and technical leads.

SCIENTECH will be a subcontractor to Los Alamos.

6. Applicable research topic: The proposed work was not covered by an SBIR research topic.

13.0 Pre-Existing Relevant Patents and inventions The proposed work is not affected by any pre-existing patents or patent applications by SCIENTECH. SCIENTECH does not know whether TDC has any such patents, patents pending, copyrighted material, or proprietary material. But it is suggested that NRC check on the situation.

14.0 Phase 11 Budget Estimates Tha budget information for the Phase 11 effort is provided in Appendix D Standard Form 1411 with Attachment A and Optional Form 60.

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