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Forwards Revised Agenda for SPDS Audit on 850923-25.Audit Performed as Part of Review of Application for OL
Person / Time
Site: River Bend Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/06/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: William Cahill
NUDOCS 8509130377
Download: ML20135D178 (6)


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Docket No. 50-458 SEP G 1985 Mr. William J. Cahill, Jr.

Senior Vice President River Bend Nuclear Group Gulf States Utilities Ccepany l P.O. Box 2951 j- ~ Beaumont, Texas 77704 f


Dear Mr. Cahill:




REVISED AGEilDA FOR RIVER BEhD SPDS AUDIT i As a part of the hRC staff's review of your application for an operating

license for River Bend Station, the staff has scheduled an audit of the l River Bend SPDS for Septenber 23, 1985 - September 25, 1985. The enclosure ,

! is the revised audit agenda.


Please contact the flRC Project Manager, Stephen Stern, for clarification or I further discussion on this topic.

l i

! Walter R. Butler, Chief I Licensing Branch No. 2

Division of Licensing l


As stated l cc w/ enclosure: See next page i . DISTRIBUTION:

i .;; Docket T11e - flRC PDR Local PDR PRC Systen ilSIC LB#2 Reading EHylton i OELD,Dewey ACRS(16) JParlow BGrimes EJordan JJoyce t7tcCoy Cililler JJaudin, Reg.IV DChamberlain, Res. Inspector i /

L LA LS 2/ L/PM LB#2/DL/BCr on S$tsm:mk W8utler 9/ 85 9/{/85 9/g85 d I f r  :

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8509130377 PDR ADOCK O Opy g0 F

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          • s SEP 6 1985 Docket No. 50-458 Mr. William J. Cahill, Jr.

Senior Vice President River Bend Nuclear Group Gulf States Utilities Company P.O. Box 2951 Beaumont, Texas 77704

Dear Mr. Cahill:


REVISED AGENDA FOR RIVER BEND SPDS AUDIT As a part of the NRC staff's review of your application for an operating license for River Bend Station, the staff has scheduled an audit of the River Bend SPDS for September 23, 1985 - September 25, 1985. The enclosure is the revised audit agenda.

Please contact the NRC Project Manager, Stephen Stern, for clarification or further discussion on this topic.

M Walter R. Butler, Chief Licensing Branch No. 2 Division of Licensing


As stated cc w/ enclosure:

See next page

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- . - .,w u.w Mr. William J. Cahill, Jr.

Gulf States Utilities Company River Bend Nuclear Plant cc:

Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esq. Ms. Linda B. Watkins/ttr. Steven Irving Conner and Wetterhahn Attorney at Law 1747 Pennsylvaniu Avenue, hW 355 Napoleon Street Washington, D.C. 20006 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 Mr. William J. Reed, Jr. Mr. David Zaloudek Director - Nuclear Licensing Nuclear Energy Division Gulf States Utilities Company Louisiana Department of P. O. Box 2951 Environmental Quality Beaumont, Texas 77704 P. O. Box 14690 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70898 Richard M. Troy, Jr., Esq.

Assistant Attorney General in Charge Mr. J. David McNeill, III State of Louisiana Department of Justice William G. Davis, Esq.

234 Loyola Avenue Department of Justice New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 Attorney General's Office 7434 Perkins Road Resident Inspector Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808 P. O. Box 1051 St. Francisville, Louisiana 70775 H. Anne Plettinger 3456 Villa Rose Drive Gretchen R. Rothschild Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806 Louisianians for Safe Energy, Inc.

1659 Glenmore Avenue Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70775 James W. Pierce, Jr., Esq.

P. O. Box 23571 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70893 Regional Administrator, Region IV U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Executive Director for Operations 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011

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Enclosure REVISED AGENDA Monday, September 23, 1985 8:00 a.m. . Introductions, short entrance briefing (15 minutes) by NRC, short overview of program and current status by Gulf States Utilities (GSU) (45 minutes) 9:00 a.m. Item 1 (PSRB)

General Information Needed:

Short overview of the parameter selection process with emphasis on plant-specific considerations, especially regarding the validation of the parameter set in terms of representativeness and useability at Riverbend.

Specific Information Needed:

Identify any differences between the generic G.E. SPDS and the Riverbend SPDS parameters. Describe plant-specific plans for the validation of the parameter set, i.e. how did/will GSU confirm that the generic parameter set is sufficient for use at Riverbend and is adequately representative and useable for Riverbend operators.

Discuss whether beyond-design-basis conditions have been factored into the validation program, e.g. venting primary containment at high pressure, level measurements below top of active fuel.

11:00 a.m. Item 2(HFEB)

General Information Needed:

Discussion of Human Factors Review and user needs analysis.

Specific Information Needed

Identify and discuss any modifications to the generic G.E. ,

SPDS that were needed for plant-specific consistency, e.g.

plant or utility conventions for color-coding, abbreviations, symbols, etc.

Discuss the methodology used to confirm that Riverbend operators can readily and reliably assess plant status using the SPDS, and that the displayed information is easily perceived and comprehended.

12:00 p.m. Lunch e

.. o l

1:00 p.m. Item 3 (HFEB/ICSB/PSRB) .

l, ..

General Information Needed:

Discussion of data validation techniques used.

Specific Infonnation Needed:

i Identify and discuss any differences between the data i validation techniques used in the generic G.E. design and

the Riverbend SPDS.. including numbers of redundant inputs, unavailable inputs, modifications to weighting and compensation algorithms, etc.

2:00 p.m. Item 4 (HFEB/ICSB)

General Infonnation Needed:

Short discussion of system availability i Specific Infonnation Needed i

Estimates of availability, plant-specific. Plans for retaining high availability throughout the system


a a software maintenance i b hardware maintenance l c configuration control j

d technician /progransner training programs for ERIS/SPDS

! 3:00 p.m. Demonstration of operational portions of SPDS at the simulator /TSC/ Control Room or other convenient location.

} Tuesday, September 24, 1985 '

1 l 8:30 a.m.  ; Resolution of items remaining from Monday session, further

, questions from staff, further questions to the staff.

9:30 a.m. Further demonstration of operational portions of SPDS, including a walk-through/ talk-through of a scenario that 1

involves monitoring radiation levels in the reactor building i

and determining whether there has been a significant off-site release (alert level or greater). GSU should develop this scenario. The scenario should exercise several

plant-specific E0Ps.
00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Staff review of SPDS displays, fonnats, and interface i devices. At least one knowledgeable person from GSU should l be present to answer questions from the staff.

t 5:00 p.m. Conclude equipment / system review.


Wednesday, September 25, 1985 _.

9:0da.m. Resolution of items remaining from previous sessions.

10:00 a.m. Exit briefing I