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Discusses Proposed NRC Functional Capabilities Statement for Revision to Executive Order 11490
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/04/1975
From: Collins H
To: Bassett H
Shared Package
ML20134L028 List:
NUDOCS 9611200149
Download: ML20134L085 (2)


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November 4,1975 -

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l Harold S. Bassett, Asst. Director, Office of Planning & Analysis l

' J. D. Lafleur Jr., Acting Director, Office of International-THRU: )

and State Programs . * :- , :.. s :o .m : r.m s ., ,,e ,, ,

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j f PROPOSED NRC FUNCTIONAL CAPABILITIES STATEMENT F lI ORDER 11490 .m c.<u.. qcp.c . . n , ,, m . , . ,..,,..,

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it rning the *. ..

, Pursuant to your request, I diseu'ased several,po n s conce 1 ,

l proposed NRC functional capabilities '

statement for the

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Preparedness Agency. They were as follous:'

- . . .. : b 1 - 1 l

1. Q How important is the October 15th deadline (plus sl


this statement to FPA/GSAT .  ;

l . l

.A.OMB sometime ago requested that FPA generate a'" substantive j FPA's self-assigned target date for, revision" to E0 11490. TPA plans l j completion is November 1975 (no date specified). l l

to GSA, thence to OMB, thence to to send revised E0 11490

! the Attornay General. 'If concurrences obtained throughThe this - '

l l

chain, then the new Executive Order will be published.

l above concurrence chain is a long one and FPA feels that they 1 must reve on'this during November if the new Executive Order I is to be published within a reasonable time. '


- 2. Q Will only " Category A" ag'encies app' ear'inv. -

the revised E0114907  ;

w A No. Some " Category B" agencies ' ill appear in'the revised These "B"  ;

l notice (as they now appear in the current E0 11490).

agencies are those that have significant supporting roles to "A" I

agencies (e.g. Veteran's Administration support to HDf).

3. Q What are the implications of becoming a " Category A" agency wit rospect to committing the agency's resourcest  :

I However, A Funding impact on the agency is relatively minimal.

a certain amount of man-hours will beFor required example, to develop these plans supporting agency emergency plans. .

would deal with such matters as v1tal records determination  !

and storage facilities for the records;; establishment of I

management teams to go to various relocation sites for continuity .

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d 9611200149 751110 PDR HISC 9611200128 PDR

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p Harold S. Bassett k_

2 hNovember 4,1975 .)



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., of government purposes; establishment of lines of succession; y

establishment of an emergency connunications system (probably i I. same system that NRC would use for peacetime emergencies such as the Browns Ferry Fire); establishment of some training program in national level emergency response for NRC employees.

c. .: n. .s u ..M.. . . .


4. Other points made by FPA:

l , s. v.- .

-# . L.: - td l 6 a. We can submit our input to FPA informally for their coussent but i there is not much time to do this now.

! l .r - - - -

.r * .r: T. V1 ; ;a - .-

b. On an annual basis, changes can be generated by agencies to their E0 11490 input. As we progress "down the pika" on National Level Emergency Planning (which is what E011490 concerns itself with) i we can change our role if we sea changes occurring within our ,

agency affecting our national level emergency response capability.

Our perspective may be different in a year's time.

f c. FPA perceives us to probably be a " Category A" agency but this l 1s for us to determine. m , < r i- w > .:. . r . t4

-. t

d. Offices or Divisions of relatively small agencies like NRC, are normally not assigned a " Category" independant of the parent agency. -

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e. PPA (Haase) reco cmends that we submit something for EO 11490 - '

based upon how we see things now - sad this can be subj et to change. Our proposed input is the best that we have been able to come up with at this time and seems reasonable. We can always change it later. s .a .. -' u

. : .a..

Barold E. Collins .

. Daergency Preparedness.-&: ' ' ; 0 it 's ." t'l Office of International

.and State Programs .. -, u .u v,. #

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cc: T. Rehm EDO ,- .< - a . . 7 :.:.. .w y ~ de e

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