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Materials Annual Fee Billing Handbook
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1996
NUREG-BR-0238, NUREG-BR-238, NUDOCS 9611140321
Download: ML20134H801 (8)



[.-x' ; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory

's . . . . . / Commission 1

Materials Annual _

Fee Billing Handbook -

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oN Office of the Controller 9611140321 961031 PDR NUREG BR-0238 R PDR

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ONTENTS Page Questions About Your Materials Annual Fee .. ... 1 General 0uestions . . . . . . ......1 Certification of Small Entity Status . ...2 Termination Requests. . .. .3 NRC's Fee Schedules. . . ... ...3 Payment Due Date/ Payment Methods . .4 Terms and Conditions. .. . . . .. .5 Procedures for Extending Payment Dates.. . . . 7 Procedures for Electronic Funds Transfer. . . 9 To Contact Us by Phone . . . . . .. 11 To Contact Us in Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 i

UESTIONS ABOUT YOUR in June 19ES. Under the new billing method, some hcensees will unavoidably receive two ANNUAL FEE INVOICE annual fee invoices during the 12-rnonth i I

transition period. Each invoice is for a different GENERAL QUESTIONS ,

i Q Whatisit for? Q We have more than one license - why didn't we get invoices for al: of them?

A The invoice is for the FY 1997 ANNUAL FEE for the license listed on the invoice. A If you have multiple licenses or approvals and they have different anniversary months, you Q Why did we get it if we paid our will no longer receive all of the annual fee renewal fee? invoices at once - they will be issued for the anniversary month of each license or approval.

A It is not a renewal fee. df-Q Ourlicense has been , 3. ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF SMALL ENTITY STATUS extended - why are we FOR THE PURPOSES OF ANNUAL FEES IMPOSED  :

being billed? UNDER 10 CFR PART 171 l A You may have recently been notified that your license has been extended by 5 years. This Q Whatisit? {

invoice is not related to the 5-year extension. A Licensees who meet U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ,

Any refunds of renewal fees paid are being Commission's (NRC's) size standards for a small processed separately - the enclosed invoice is entity must complete the enclosed NRC Form 526 due and payable. in order to qualify for the reduced annual fee.

Q What period does this cover?

Q If we qualified last year, why is the bill for the A It covers the period October 1,1996, through fuH amount?

September 30,1997.

A A new form is required for each year and for Q What is the anniversary month? gach invoice you receive. Because a licensee's size," or the size standards, may change from A Effective with the FY 1996 annual fees, the year to year, the invoice reflects the full fee and invoices for the annual fees have been issued a new form must be completed and returned for the " anniversary month" of the license, for the fee to be reduced to the small entity fee.

which is stated on the invoice. The anniversary -

YOU WILL NOT BE ISSUED A NEW INV0 ICE month is the month the !icense was originally ( FOR THE REDUCED AMOUNT.'The complated issued. . I form, the payment of the appropriate small entity fee, and the " Payment Copy" of the Q l recently paid my FY 1996 annual fee - why invoice should be mailed to the address listed am I getting another invoice so soon?

on the involca.

A Last year we began billing most materials PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE hcensees on the basis of the anniversary month BACK 0F NRC FORM 526 CAREFULLY BEFORE in which the license was issued. Because the COMPLETING THE FORM.

FY 1996 final fee rule was effective June 11,1996, licensees whose anniversary months were October through June received annual fee invoices 1 2

i l Q We do not qualify as a small entity - should the  ! PAYMENT DUE DATE/ PAYMENT f6ETHODS l form be completed, and what do we do with the form if we don't qualify? ,

Q When is the payment due?

A Licensees who do not meet NRC's A The payment due date is the e*

size standards for a small entity should disre-j gard NRC Form 526, and should send payment invoice date. Interest will be .he" A [ @Y S charged for any payments not e

for the invoiced amount and the " Payment , received within 30 days of the

.I Copy" of the invoice to the address hsted on

' invoice date.

l the invoice.


l Q Our license was terminated - why did we i receive an invoice?  !

Q Where do I send the payment?


! TERMINATION REQUESTS FILED A The payment address is a post office lockbox for l ,

AFTER OCTOBER 1,1996. The full invoiced the bank and only regular mail or U. S. Postal l amount is due. However if you file a termina- Service Express Mail can be accepted.

tion request between October 1,1996, and March 31,1997, the fee will be prorated 50 percent Send Check Payment and refunds of any overpayment will be to our post office lockbox bank in St. Louis:

processed. The annual fee is not prorated for termination requests filed after March 31,1997.  ! U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission License Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch i P. O. Box 954514 l  ; Q How can we avoid the annual fee for St. Louis, MO 63195 4514


next year?

! A To avoid the FY 1998 (October 1,1997, Fedwire/TFCS through September 30,1998) annual fee, you For sending a Fedwire through a Federal i

must request termination, or an amendment Reserve Bank for credit to our account i

for possession or storage only, before at the U. S. Treasury. see section entitled October 1,1997, and must permanently cease " Procedures for Electronic Funds Transfer."

licensed activities before October 1,1997. .,

! Late Payment Charges i

NRC'S FEE SCHEDULES See " Interest," " Penalty," and " Administrative Charges" under section entitled " Terms and Our schedules are pubhshed f or notice and i Conditions"

, comment rulemaking in the federa/ Register. i l Copies of the proposed and final fee schedules are Disputed Debts also mailed to each licensee. See section entitled "NRC Procedures if you need a copy of the current fee schedule, please for Extending Payment Dates of Annual Fee Invo. ices, ask the telephone receptionist or license fee staff and we wdl be glad to furnish you one.

i 3 4 t

i l



ADNilNISTRATIVE CHARGE: The NRC is recune:! to assess an adminiP:ative charge incure d as a reLutt

" of a delinquent ';ebt subject to the provisions of


\ 31 U.S.C. 3717 Admimstrative c osts may include


\, a creoit report or in using NOTICE: This invoice shows the annual , ,

costs a privateincurred debt coilector, n obtaining'the to extent they are a fee assessed for your licensed program. ' able to the delinquency. The minimum administrative Fees are assessed in accordance with 1 i charge is $10 a month.

the schedules in 10 CFR Part 171. The <


revocation or termination of a license does RSE OF_ CONSUMER REPORTING AGENCIES AND not reheve the licensee of its responsibikty for any

~ ~

debt (s). The fee (s) and associated interest, penalties, REEiT COLTECTf0NTORTRAR05S: fn'addiIion io


assessing interest, penaities7a~nd administrative costs, and administrative costs,if any, constitute a debt to the United States pursuant to Federallaw, and the the NRC may report a debt that has been dehnquent invoice is the demand for payment required under for 90 days to a consumer reporting agency (credit Federallaw and implementing regulations. The NRC bureau) and may refer the delinquent debt to a private will not accept or execute any purchase order submit- debt collection contractor in order to recover the deimquent debt. The debt collection contractor is ted by an applicant or licensee as a condition to the payment of the debt by the applicant or licensee. entitled to add its collection fee to the debt. The NRC The NRC also reserves the nght not to accept or may also pursue collection or litigation of delinquent execute any claim form or other document submitted debt through the U. S. Treasury, the Internal Revenue by an applicant or licensee as a condition to the Service, and the Department of Justice.

payment of the debt by the applicant or licensee.

10 CFR 170M. " FAILURE BY APPLICANT _0R LERMS: Payment is due immediately and should be LICENSEE TO PAY PRESCRIBED FEES." AND made by check, draft, money order, or electronic 10 CFR 171.23," ENFORCEMENT" in any case where funds transfer payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory the Commission finds that an applicant or hcensee has Commission. If specific payment instructions are failed to pay a prescribed fee or filed a false certifica-given on the bills to applicants or licensees, payment tion with respect to qualifying as a small entity under should be made accordingly. For example, amounts the Regulatory Flexibility Criteria, the Commission of S5.000 or more will normally indicate payment by will not procen any application and may suspend or electronic funds transfer. With respect to Federal revoke any license or approvalissued to the .4pplicat t agencies, payment by the On-line Payment and or licensee or may issue an order with resNct to Collection System will be accepted. licensed activities as it determines to be cppropriate or necessary to carry out the provisions of these LNJ_EBESI: S Interest will be assessed to the extent regulations. The filing of a false certification to authonzed under common law or in accordanct with qualify as a small entity under 10 CFR 171.16(c) may 31 U.S.C. 3717, and will accrue from the invoice date also result in punitive action pursuant to 18 U.S.C.1001.

at t'4 annual rate of 5 percent. However, interest will l be waived if payment is received within 30 days from 1LCF_Rl70.51. "RIGHT TO REVIEW AND APPEAL the invcice date. For NRC debt collection procedures, I 0F PRESCRIBLD FEES": All debtors' requests for refer to 10 CFR Part 15, review of the fees assessed, and appeal or disagree-ment with the prescribed fee, must be submitted P_ENALTY: A penalty charge will be assessed on any in writing in accordance with the provisions of portion of a debt that is subject to the provisions of 10 CFR 15.31. " Disputed Debts."

31 U.S.C. 3717 and delinquent for more than 90 days f at the annual rate of 6 percent). This r:harge will be ca:Culated on or after the 91st day of delinquency, but will accrue from the date the debt became dehnquent.

For this purpose, a debt is " delinquent"if it has not been paid by the invoice date.

5 6

ROCEDURES FOR B. The NRC may. at its discretion. meet with the EXTENDING PAYMENT debtor's representatives to receive further evidence or rguments suppm1mg the dws contenuons DATES OF ANNUAL FEE INVOICES C. A request for an extension may be granted either with respect to the entire amount origmally Annual fees are billed in accordance with the sched- billed or with respect to a portion of the amount ules contained in 10 CFR Part 171. Interest on the originally billed. In the latter case, the remamder of amount billed accrues from the invoice date, but will

' such amount will remain due and payable as originally be waived if the amount due is paid within 30 days billed and if not paid on or before that date, interest after said date. If the 30-day period is extended, from the date of the oiiginalinvoice will become due interest will be waived provided the debt is paid and payable' before the expiration of the extended period. The 30-day period may be extende accordance with the followm.d. at NRC's discretion, D.

g procedures: in If the debtor's explanation does not have merit and does not cause the NRC to question whether the

1. The NRC must receive the debtor's wntten request amount originally billed is correct. the request will be for an extension of the period, before expiration of denied. Failure of the NRC to notify a debtor before the 30-day period. The request should explain why the end of the 30-day period that a request for an the debt is incorrect in fact or in law (10 CFR 15.31). extension has been denied will not constitute grounds 11 the request is not received within the 30-day for a waiver of interest.

period,it will automatically be denied. Telephone requests for extensions will not be considered. E. The assertion that the invoice is unsupported Requests for extensions of the 30-day period should by detailed data does not constitute an explanation of be submitted to: why the amount billed is incorrect in fact or in law. If U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission the debtor views information furnished with the Officeof theController invoice as insufficient for the purpose of a request for Division of Accounting and Finance an extension, the debtor should seek the necessary License Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch information as soon as possible so that a request for Mail Stop: T 9 E10 extension can be submitted within the 30-day period.

Washington, DC 20555 0001

3. If an extension of the 30-day perior> 1 p.qted and
2. The debtor's explanation must have merit for the the amount originally billed remains u. chang id, such NRC to extend the 30-day period. A request is extension will be stated on the revised .

deemed to have merit if it causes the NRC to question invoice as provided for in item 2A.  ;

whether the amount originally billed is correct. ,

4. NRC records in support of billed -

A. If the explanation has ment, the NRC will notify fees are not subject to audit by non- " I the debtor in wnhng that the request is granted and governmental entities. However, copies of that the 30-day penod will be extended to a certain ,

records desired by a debtor can be made available to I date. This date wi '

and will,be .approx the debtor if they are reproduced at the debtor's imately 15lldays be stated on the after the date the revised invoice revised invoice is mailed. The amount on the revised ' expense. For any charges that may be assessed, refer to 10 CFR Part 9' invoice will constitute a final determination of the existence or amount of the debt. A final determina-tion by the NRC for this purpose need not await the 5. The NRC will refund to a debtor any amount that is later determined to be an overpayment, including ur he exte on of t iis ate, s a d o t rye interest, if any, that,was paid by the debtor on such invoice, will not be granted. If the amount on the amount. The NRC is not authorized to pay interest on 1

revised invoice is not paid on or before the date any part of an annual fee that was paid to the NRC '

stated on the invoice, interest from the date of the and is later refunded.

origmalinvoice will become due and payable.

7 8

ROCEDURES FOR (8) PRADRCl10DE - A product code of "CTR" for ELECTRONIC FUNDS customer transfer should be the first data m the TRANSFER RECEIVER TEXT lield. Other values may be entered,if appropriate, using the ABA's options.

The NRC can receive funds through the U.S. Depart- A slash must be entered after the product code.

ment of the Treasury (Treasury) Fedwire Deposit '(9) AGENCY LOCATION CODEP,Q - THIS ITEM System. The basic wire message format below IS OF CRITICAL IMPORTAtiCE. IT MUST complies with the Federal Reserve Board's standard

, APPEAR ON THE FUNDS TRANSFER DEPOSIT structured third-party format for all electronic funds '

MESSAGE IN THE PRECISE MANNER AS transfer (EFT) messages. A sample of an EFT STATED TO ALLOW FOR THE AUTOMATED message to Treasury and a narrative description of PROCESSING AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE l each field follow:

FUNDS TRANSFER MESSAGE TO THE AGENCY l LOCATION CODE OFTHE APPROPRIATE (1) AGENCY. The ALC identification sequence can, l021030004I (?d__l if necessary, begin on one line and end on the next line; however, the field tag "BNF=" must be

! (3) l (4) I (5)  ! on one line and cannot contain any spaces.

i NRC's 8-digit ALC is:

l (6) /  !

l BNF=/AC-31000001 lTREAS NY / TR / I (10) THIRD-PARTY INFORMATION - The Originator (g) to Beneficiary information field tag "0Bl=" is lBNF=/AC-31000001081= l used to signify the beginning of the free-form third-party text. All other identifying informa-1 (10) I tion to enable the NRC to identify the deposit, for example, NRC annual fee invoice numbg, l l description of fee - 10 CFR 171 annual fee, and >

fiejd Content

"' " "' "' E'" "

(1) BfCEIVER DFl# -Treasury's ABA number for e "

deposit messages is 021030004. noa 8 o ALC s a lo s (2) TYPE SUBTYPE-CD - The type and subtype TREAS NYC/CTR/BNF=/AC-31000001 OBl=

code will be provided by the sending bank. The optimum format, shown above, will allow (3) SENDER-DFl# - This number will be provided 219 character positions of information follow-by the sending bank, ing the "0Bl=" indicator.

(4) SENDER-REF# - The 16-character reference If the licensee's bank is not a member of the number is inserted by the sending bank at its Federal Reserve System, the non-member bank discretion. must transfer the necessary information and (5) AM0]LNT - The transfer amount must be , funds to a member bank, which then must punctuated with commas and decimal point; transfer the information and funds to the local use of the "S"is optional. This item will be Federal Reserve Bank.

provided by the depositor. For transfer of funds from local Federal (6) SENDER-DFl NAME - This information is Reserve Banks to be recorded on the same automatically inserted by the Federal day, the transfer must be received at the New Reserve Bank. York Federal Reserve Bank by 4 p.m., EST.

(7) RECEIVER-DFl-NAME - Treasury's name for Otherwise, the deposit will be recorded on the deposit messages is "TREAS NYC." This name next workday, should be entered by the sending bank.

9 10

O CONTACT US BY PHONE your invoice. Om hours me 7.30 a.m. - 4:15 p.m.

.s ALL GENERAL LICENSE (EST) weekdays (except Federal hohdays). Mon-

~6 FEE INQUIRIES: days and Fridays are peak calhng days. We are most

/ Receptionist: 301-415-7554 easily reached Tuesday through Thursday.

Our telephone receptionist can forward your call t.u g ADDITIONAL SPECIFIC NUMBERS:

directly to the voice mml of one of our staff or take down all the necessary intormation. During peak

'- billing cycles it may not always be possible to speak RESPONSIBLE immediately to license fee staff, but someone will call FUNCTION STAFF TELEPHONE you back - usually within two workdays.

Past Due Notices LeahTremper 301-415-7347 Have your license number and invoice number Lockbox Receipts LyndaVenson 301-415-6063 available before you call to facilitate the directing of your car Fedwire Receipts Kisha Bush 301-415-6058 SmallEntity Certifications Cheryl Phillips 301-415-6089 Other Questions:

Exempt Distribution Licenses Sandra Kimberley 301-415-6096 y

10 CONTACT US IN WRITING Sealed Source and Device Registrations Sandra Kimberley 301-415-6096 QualityAssurance gy p\ LETTERS...(D0 NOT SEND Program Approvals Maurice Messier 301-415-6087


, Other Licensees Located in: W ADDRESS)...lf you have other Region i questions, please write to:

DD ,

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission RI, VT Brenda Brown 301-415-6055 Officgof theController Division of Accounting and Finance Region 11 AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, L cense Fee and Accounts Receivable Branch NC PR fAall StoP:T 9 E10 VI,'WV' SC' TN' VA' Rita Messier 301-415-6067 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Region lil To assist us in providing a prompt response please l IA. IL, IN, MI, MN, include your license number, invoice number,if appli-MO,OH,WI Shirley Crutchfield 301-415-6097 cable, and a daytime number (including the area code)

Region IV t where you can be reached.

AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, Guam.

HI, ID, KS, LA MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY Rrta Messier 301-415-6067 Call us at 301-415 7554 if you still have questions after reading this handbook.

Our license fee staff can help you with questions concerning your license, registration, and approval and 11 12

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