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Request for OMB Review & Supporting Statement Re Generic Ltr to Collect Operator Licensing Exam Data.Estimated Respondent Burden Is 176 Hrs
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/12/1985
From: Norry P
Shared Package
ML20134B477 List:
NUDOCS 8508150643
Download: ML20134B486 (8)


PART lil:-Complet)This Part Cnly if the Requ:st is for Appriv;l cf c Collection (f Inf trm< tion Under th7 Paperwork Reduction Act rnd 5 CFR 1320.

13. Abstract-Descr be reeds, uses and affected pubhc in So words or less This generic letter to nuclear power facilities requests the estimated number of candidates ,

and dates for operator licensing examinations', and the anticipated dates for requalification l examinations. Infomation is requested for four fiscal years, commencing with the present.

Information will be used to plan budgets and resources in operator examination scheduling.

14. Type of information collecten (check or'ly one)

Inform: tion collections not containedin rules 13 Regutarsubmession 2 O Emergency submission (certification attached)

I; formation collections containedin rules 3 O Existmg regulat on (no charge proposed) 6 Final or interim f>nal without prior NPRM 7. Eiiter date of expected or actual Federal 4 O Notice of proposed rulemaiorg(NPRM) A O peguiar submission Register pubhcation at this stage of rulemakmg 5 O F nal. NPRM was precously published B C Emergency submission (certef. cation attached) (month. day. year).

15. Type of rev.ew recaested(check only one) 1 L3 New collection 4 C Reinstatement of a previously approved co!1ection for which approval as epred 2 O Revision of a currently approved collection 3 O Extension of the eorat.on date of a currently approved collection 5 O Existmg collection in use without an oMB control number without any charge in tt'e sut: stance or in the method of collect 2on
16. Ayncy report form numterts)(mclude standard / optional form number (s)) 22. Purpose of informat:on collectron (check as many as apply) 1 O Application for benefits None 2 O Programevaluation
17. Annu11 reportirg or d'sclosure burden 3 0 cen raipurposestatistics 1 Number of responderts , 4 O Regulatoryorcomphance 2 Number of ressorses per respondent 1 5 @ Program plannirg or management 3 Tcta! annual responses (1,ne 1 times Ime 2) OO-- 6 0 Researen 4 Hours per response 2 7 O Audit 5 Total hours Ume 3 te fee 4) 176
18. Annual recordaeepmg be-den 23. Frequency of recordkeeping or reporting (check all that apply) 1 Nurrber of recordkeepers 1 O Recordbeeping 2 Annual hours per reccrdheeper. Reporfins 3 Total recordkeep.rg hours (!sne 1 fees ime 2) 0 2 O onoccasion 4 Rtcordkeecing retent on cencd years 3 0 weekiy
19. Tetal annual burden 4 O Monthly 1 Recuested ('me 17-5 plus Ime 18 3) . 170 5 0 quarter +y 2 in current OMB mventory 0 6 0 semi-annuady 3 Difference (tme 1 'ess line 2) + 176 7 $ AnnuaHy Esptnation at difference 8 O Brennsally 4 Prcgram change + 176 9 0 otner(desenbe).

5 Adastment

20. Current (most recent) CM B controi number or comment number 24. Respondents' obbgation to comply (check the strorgest obligation thatapphes) 1 $ Voluntary
21. R quested expiration date 2 O Pequired to obtain or retain a benefit dCMb_d1sJM 3 O Mandaron
25. Ara tne respondents pnraan'y educational agencies or institutions or is the pnrnary purpose of the collection related to Federal education programs? O Yes 0 No
26. Does the agency use samphrg to se'ect responder.ts or does the agency recommend or prescr be the use of sampimg or statistical analysis by respondents? . O ves C No
27. Pegulatyy authority for the informatron coilection CFR  ; or FR . or.other (specify):

Paperwirk Certification in subrnitteg this request for CMB approval, the agency head, the senror off>cial or an authorted representative, certifies that the requ.rements of 5 CFR 1320. the Pnytcy Act, cal standards or directnes, and any other apphcable infctmation pohcy directwes have been comphed with.

Sqnatureof program off cial Date Signatura of agency head, tre sen.or of 71 or an authonted representative Date Patricia G. Norry, D re Nce o Adm nisDition 8/D785 B508150643 B50812

  • cro e ne 4 o - m- m PDR; ORG EUSOMB PDR

5'*""" '"' 8 3 rpe Sept e 1%3)

Request for OMB Review Important Read instructions before completing form. Do not use the same SF 83 Send three of this form, the materia! to bo reva .wd, and for ',

to request both an Executive Order 12291 review and approval under paperwork-three copies of the supportmg statement, to the Paperwork Reduction Act Answer aff questions in Part 1. If this request is for rev:ew under E.O Office of Information and Regubtory Affarra 12291. compiete Part il and sign the regu!atory certificat>c1 if this Office of Management and Budget request is for approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act and 5 CFR Attention- Docket Library. Room 3201 1320. skip Pa t II, comptete Part 111 and sign the paperwork certification. Washmgton DC 20503 PART l.-Complete This Part for All Requests.

1 Dega-tment/ agency and Bureau /ott,ce or<<.atmg,recuest T .2Ageno cwe U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Division of Human Factors Safety _3 1_ _5_ 0_

3. Narne of person wno can best arm er 0;estio,5 reged.rf this reqwst TWpEne numbe-( ) ~~"
4. Tet,e et information coiiect on or ru.e makir.g Generic Letter to Collect Operator Licensing Examination Data
5. Legal authonty for infortwion conect;cn ce ruie (car unned States Coce. fubhc Lan. or $ecutne O der) usC .cr_ Atomic Ener_gy Act of 1954, as amended _

6 Affected pub 6c (ched a7 thatapS)J 5 C Federa' agencies or e rplayees 1 O indu aua:s or noesencias 3 0 rarms e O Non.prostinst tutions 2 O state oriocaige,ernments 4 DC euw.sses or other for. prof,t 7 0 smatibus,resses o crgan2at> ors PART ll.-Complete This Part Only if the Request is for OMB Review Under Executive Order 12291

7. Regdation Ident6er Nurrt+r (RIN)

__ _ _ _. _ _ _ , or, Norte ass.gned

8. Type of sub msson (checa cneIn each categc y) Type of revoen requested Chssification Stage of development 1 standa d 1 O Major 1 C Proposed or draft 2 O Pen $ng 2 O Nonmaior 2 O Firatorinter mf rtethproproposal 3 0 Emergency 3 O Fenal or intenm'. wthout pnor proposa! 4 C statutoryorsud.c ar deacone
9. CF R sect,on affected


10. Does this regiation cor:tain repo ting or recorckeeping recunements that reo#re OMS approvat under she Paperwork Reduction Act _

and 5 CFR 1320? . .LJ Yes O Nc


11. If a ma;or rule,is there a regu?ator) impact analysis LT hed? I C Yes 2 C No if"No " d+d OMB na ve the ana'ysis? 30ves 4 O No C.trtification for Regulatory Submissions in submittmg this request for oMB reoew the autheraled regulat #y coClact and the program official certify that the req #rements of LO.12291 and any appbcabie pohey dvectives have bean comphed w th signature of program official . Date signatu e of authorized reguiatory contact Date i 12 40MB use only)

Precous eo,t o a oosorete standard f orm 83 (r<ev 9 83) 83 108 N5N 7543 00f.34 4034 P escrbed bf ora 9 5 CFR 1320 and E.O 12291.


FOR Generic letter to Collect Operator Licensing Examination Data

a. Need for the Information Collection The Code of Federal Regulations,10 CFR 50.54 requires that all manipulations of controls of any facility be performed only by a licensed reactor operator, licensed senior reactor operator or a trainee under the-direct supervision of a licensed reactor operator or a licensed senior reactor operator. The licensing of reactor operators or senior reactor operators is performed by the NRC in l

accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 55. In order to meet the needs of the nuclear industry for licensed reactor operators and senior reactor operators, this letter requests all commercial power facilities to send us their projected (estimated) number of candidates for reactor operator, senior reactor operator and instructor certification examinations, the proposed date for examinations for the present fiscal year and each of three upcoming fiscal years. This letter also requests the anticipated dates for requalification examinations.

b. Practical Utility of the Information This information is used by the NRC to plan budgets and resources in regards to operator examination scheduling to meet the needs of the nuclear industry.
c. Duplication with Other Collection of Information This information does not duplicate or overlap information collections by the NRC or other Government Agencies.
d. Consultations Outside the NRC There were no consultations outside of NRC.
a. Number and Type of Respondents Approximately 88 facility organizations will be requested to submit information. This number accounts for multiple unit plants and similar/ dissimilar units at a single site.
b. Reasonableness of the Schedule for Collecting Information i

This information has -to be collected and reviewed annually in order to accurately forecast examination needs,

c. Method of Collecting the Information Since all the requested information is part of basic planning for the facility, the regulatory objectives should be achieved with a minimum burden on the licensee. The information would be requested by a letter similar-to the enclosed sample letter, which would be sent annually.


d. Record Retention Period No records need to be retained by the facilities.

i i e. Reporting Period The information will be submitted by.each facility to the NRC on an t

annual basis.

f. Copies Required to be Submitted I

A minimum of two copies is required. A copy should be sent to the

' Chief, Operator Licensing Branch (Headquarters) with a courtesy copy to the appropriate Regional Office.

1 i


a. Estimated Hours Required to Respond to the Collection Approximately 176 hours0.00204 days <br />0.0489 hours <br />2.910053e-4 weeks <br />6.6968e-5 months <br /> would be required to collect, type and reproduce the material requested.

2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> / respondent X 88 respondents = 176 hours0.00204 days <br />0.0489 hours <br />2.910053e-4 weeks <br />6.6968e-5 months <br /> annually

b. Estimated Cost Required to Respond to the Collection Approximately $10,560 annually is the cost to the facilities to respond.

176 hours0.00204 days <br />0.0489 hours <br />2.910053e-4 weeks <br />6.6968e-5 months <br /> X $60/ hour = $10,560 annually

c. Source of Burden Data and Method for Estimating Burden This is based on previous experience with similar material submitted by facility personnel.
4. ESTIMATE OF COST TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Approximately li hours per respondent will be spent by NRC personnel in using this material. There will be no mailing lists or publication of this information. The information gathered by this letter will be placed into a form format and then used for planning budgets and resources for NRC Operator Licensing functions.

88 responses X 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> / response X $60/ hour = $7,920 annually.


Sample Generic Letter



Operator Licensing Examination (Generic Letter )

This letter is to request your best estimate of your need for operator licensing examinations for fiscal years FY , FY , FY and FY (October 1 to September 30 of each year). This information is needed to update the schedules you provided in response to Generic letter . We dre also reouesting that you provide requalification examination schedules for this same time period. Please identify the dates you have scheduled your requalification examination and your anticipated requests for licensing examination site visits and the number of examinations for each visit.

Your best estimates are needed to plan for NRC resources to meet your operator licensing needs. Please be aware that in response to budget reductions the NRC has resources for only two visits to each site per year for administering licensing examinations. To meet this goal in FY and beyond, the regional offices may be required to redistribute the requested facility operator examination visits across the entire fiscal year to even out the examination workload and eliminate high demand periods. Therefore, your submittal of this schedule does not guarantee the number or date of examinations requested. However, an accurate estimate of the need for examinations will allow us to propose budget modifications, if necessary.

You should also keep us informed of significant changes in your estimates as they occur, so that we can keep our data base current.

Your schedules, in the enclosed suggested format, should be returned to Mr.

, Chief, Operator Licensing Branch, AR-5221, Washington, DC 20555, with a courtesy copy to the appropriate Regional Administrator by We appreciate your assistance. If you have any questions concerning this .

request or your response, please call Mr. , Chief, Operator Licensing Branch, at (301) 492-4868.

This request was approved by the Of fice of Management and Budget under clearance number 3150- which expires . Comments on burden dnd duplication may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Reports Management, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20503.

Sincerely, Division of Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. Operating Licensing Examination Schedule
2. Requalification Examination Schedule

>-- l l

l 1


1. Date Date Date Date d R0_ _
  1. SR0

. #SR0 Upgrade

  1. Instructor Certification
  1. SR0 Limited to Fuel Handling  ;
2. - Date Date Date Date l #R0
  1. SR0
  1. SR0 Upgrade '


  1. Instructor

, Certification

  1. SRO Limited to

, Fuel Handling

3. Date Date Date Date
  1. RO j #SR0 j #SR0 Upgrade-I i # Instructor

, Certification I

#5R0 Limited-to-

! Fuel Handling '

h Please indicate initial cold license examinations by placing an asterisk (*) '

by the date. Please indicate examinations intended to extend an operator's license to a _second or subsequent' unit with two asterisks (**) (e.g., Unit  !

One is in operation and Unit Two is approaching fuel load). Three R0 candidates with-no previous license are to be examined on both Units One and

'Two and five R0 candidates with licenses on Unit One are tn be examined to extend their licenses to' Unit Twn. Indicate (2/15/85, R0 3,5**).


1. Date Date Date Date
2. Date Date Date Date
3. Date Date Date Date
4. Date Date Date Date