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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available.June 1-30, 1985
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/31/1985
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V07-N06, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V7-N6, NUDOCS 8508150439
Download: ML20134A844 (577)


{{#Wiki_filter:- - - - - NUREG-0540 Vol. 7, No. 6 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available June 1-30,1985 OIIvN!"A'$'u'I.'t! " commi.. ion g- s,,,


99 NVR G pon 0540 R t .

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 .                               Available from i

I Superintendent of Documents  ; U.S. Government Printing Office i Post Office Box 37082

 !                  Washington, D.C. 20013 7002 i

A year's subscription consists of 12 issues for l this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical j information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 4 i j 4 l. I i t 4 9 f i r l-l L-

l l NUREG-0540 Vol. 7, No. 6 _;_7- - _ _____ _ _ _ Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available June 1-30,1985 3 _ Date Published: July 1985 Division of Technicalinformation and Document Control Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20ti66 fa aa.,, \@)

CONTENTS Preface . . . . . ... . . v Arrangement of items by Docket Number . . . . is Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket items by Facility Name . xv Docketed Items . . .. . I Low Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27. . . . I Domestic Licensing of Source hlaterial - Docket 40. . . . . I Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50. 10 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear hiaterial - Docket 70 . . 305 Packaging of Radioactive hiaterial for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Afaterial Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71. 311 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . 317 Nondocketed Items . . .. . .. . . . . . 319 10 CFR - Commission hfecting Records . . ... .. . 319 ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 320 ADVChi - NRC Advisory Committee . .. .. 321 COh1N11SSION - NRC Commissioners . . .. . . 32I CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and hiodifications . . . . . . 322 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . 326 GEN TECli IS - Generic Technical Issues. . . . . .. 409 I&E - Inspection and Enforcement . .. . .. . 410 hilSC - Public Document Room hiiscellaneous . . . . 412 NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence. . 412 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . 423 PR - Proposed Rule. . . . . .. .. . . . . 425 PRh1 - Petition for Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . 430 j PROJ - Projects - Predocket Licensing . . . . . 430 l 1*T21 - Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence . . 430 i QA999 - Quality Assurance Inspections . . ... . . 431 REGGD - Regulatory Guides. . . .. . . . 433 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . .. 435 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . .. . . 435 STATE PROG - State Programs .. . .. ... .. . . 436 TOPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . .. 440 WASTE htGT - Nuclear Waste hianagement . . .. . . 445 WASil - Regulatory Publications -PRE - NUREG Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 WASTE RES - Waste hianagement Research Reports .. ... 452 XPORTLIC - Export and Import Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Personal Author Index . . . . . .. ... . . ..... . . 457 Corporate Source Index . . ... .. .. .. ...... .. . .. .. 491 Report Number Index . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . 519 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents .. . . .. . .. . 521 i Appendix A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories. . . . ...... .... . .. A.I Appandix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories. . .. . .. .. . . B.I lii n

PREFACE De Title List of Documents Made PWblicly A weileNr is a monthly publication. It conlains descriptions of the in-formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comnussion (NRC). His information includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive materials and (2) nondocketed material received and generated by NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory agency. As used here, docheesef does not refer to Court dockets; it refers to the system by which NRC maintains its regulatory records. His series of documents is indexed by a Personal Author index, a Corporate Source Index, and a Report Number Index. De docketed information contained in the Title List includes the information formerly issued through the Depart-ment of Energy pubbcation Power Aeorror Docket Information, last published in January 1979. Microfiche of the docketed information listed in the Titir List is available for sale on a subscription basis from the National Technical Informauon Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of the Preface for the complete NTIS address. l l We encourage your comments, criticisms, and suggesuons. In particular, if there are tide descriptions that are not mennansful, please let us know so that we can correct the data base. In so far as possible, m e would like this docu.  ; ment to be a valuable part of your reference material. l DOCERTEDITD88 De listings within Docket 50 are divided into the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-ment Room. Dose categories are: A. Application / construction stage documents and correspondence B. Utility PreliminarySafety Analysis Report (PSAR), amendments C. Utility Environmental Report (ER), amendments and correspondence D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental (Impact) Statements (DES and FES), and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supplements and correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency and fire-protection plans O. Adjudicatory correspondence H. Generalcorrespondence I. Financialinformation J. Insurance and indemnity information K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSA R) and - ts L. Limited work authorin. tion and related correspondence M. Antitrust correspondence N. Antitrust hearing transcripts O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) reports and correspondence P. Operating bcense stage documents and correspondence i Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins and correspondence R. Periodic operating reports and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences. LERs and related correspondence T. Hearing transcripts on non-antitrust matters U. Congressional / executive correspondence V, Licensing operators and related correspondence v

r _ _ _ _ l ! W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspondence l X. Onsite low-level wastes storage

 , Appendix A sets forth those categories and describes the materials available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the rep >rt.

The principal elements of the entries in the list are: ( @ P. Operating license stage documents & correspondence O O 84112'0362 Submits renewed, amended & updated petition under 2.206, urging NRC to re-quire that util provide Commission full disclosure of intended sources & environ conse-uences prior to issuing full power OL. SUGARMAN, R.J. Sugarman, Denworth & llellegers 6 84/11/21 64 5 Denton,11. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Director 8 2pp. 28:3 :27 8:3 I. NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix AL

2. NRC Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item).
3. Description of information contained in the document.
4. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this pwition indicates that there is no personal author.
5. Corporate, agency or nonindividual source.
6. Date of document described.
7. Recipient of document and NRC or corporate affiliation.
8. Pages in this document.
9. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designation.
10. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this cieument starts.

II. The five-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.

12. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.
13. If this space is blank, the document is available to the publis ily in the NRC Public Document Room,171711 St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20555. If this space is filled, it gives other sources for copies of the document. The entry may be "Available at NRC" for sale: "Available at NTIS": or "Available at GPO."

The Docketed items list is arranged sequentially by Docket Number. category, and then by date of principal items. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are items that were submitted as enclosures to principal items. In general, indented items are not in accewinn number sequence. If the docketed document has a contract (FIN) number or a formal report number, it will appear in the last line of the item following entry 5. NONDOCKETED ITEMS The nondocketed items are divided into the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-ment Room. These categories and their symbols are: 10CFR-Commiwinn Meeting Records ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards COMMISSION-NRC Commiwioners CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications DISCLOSURE-Financial Disclosure Information FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases GliN TECil IS-Generic Technical twues vi

I&E-Inspection and Enforcement MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous NUREG-NUREG Reports and Related Correspmdence ORG-Correspondence with Other Organizations PR-Proposed Rule PRM-Petition for Rulemaking PROJ-Projects-Predocket Licensing I'l'21-Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence QA999-Quality Assurance inspections REGGD-Regulatory Guides RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports REVIEW GRP-NRC Research Review Groups RM-Rulemakings SECY-Position Papers Hefore the Commission STATE PROG-State Programs TOPREP-Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence WASH-Regulatory Publications-Pre NUREG Series WASTE MGT-Nuclear Waste Management WASTE RES-Wa$te Managenwnt Research Reports XPORTLIC-Exp% and Import Licenws Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the material available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the rep >rt. The principal elements of the nondocketed items are: '

      @       NUREG-NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence
                   @                  G 8203090207 NUREGICR 1672 V0f
                 ' RISK ASSESSMENT METilOlX) LOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR WASTli ISOLATION IN GEOL (XilC MEDIA. Technical Review of Documents h<       NUREG/CR 1262. NUREG/CR 1376. NUREG/CR 1377 NUREG/CR 1397 &

sNUREG/CR 1608. 6 h STEVENS C A., FUI.LWOOD, R.A.. BASIN. S.L. Science Applic ions, Inc.

          @        FIN H-6694. sal 262 HI PA. 82/0?/28. Division of Ris Analysis.

123p. Available at NRC." $6.00. H12176:217: 12 34 64 e 6e6 4 116:4 ;

l. Nondocket category
2. NRC Acccuion Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item)
3. NRC Rep >rt Number 4 Title and description of information cont.iined in the document
5. Personal author (4. An asterisk in this pnition indicates that there is no personal author.
6. Corporate, agency or other nonindividual wurce.

7, Contract or financial IFIN) number (if anyL If the document has a secondary report number, it will appear following this entry.

8. Secondary report number auigned by originator.
9. Date of document dewrihed.
10. NRC organisational recipient, ll. Pages in document.
12. All NUREG-wrics doucuments are available for purci,aw at NRC. Infonaation on ordering documents is given below. All NUREG series documents are also available at NTis. Information on ordering from NTIS is alw given below.
13. Price for which NRC sells the documents.


14. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designation.
15. This three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document starts.
16. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which this document ends.
17. This three-digit number is the frame on which this document ends.

The Nondocketed items list is arranged sequentially by Accession Number within category. Indented items preceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items. NOTES:

1. The address for NRC is:

Director Disision of Technical Information and Document Control U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington. D.C. 20555 To place orders, send check or money order, payable to the Superintendent of Documents. GN) Deposit Account holders may charge their orders by calling (301) 492 9530,

2. The address for NTIS is:

National Technical Information Service Spring 6 eld. Virginia 22161 To place orders for or to obtain price information about NRC publications at NTIS, either write to NTIS or call the Sales Desk at (703) 557-4650. Specify the NRC report number and title when you place your order. Publications can be charged to American Exprew credit cards; supply the charge card number when placing your order.

3. The address for the PDR is:

1717 11 Street,N.W. Washington, D.C. 20555 To place orders, either write to the NRC PDR or call (202) 634-3274. When ordering documents listed in this publication, pleaw identify the Document Accession Number for each citation. Paper copy and microfiche of the documents listed in this title list may be purchawd. Repnduction charges for duplication are as followm: (1) paper to paper is $0.05 per page except for overused documents and engineering drawings which vary from 50.05 to $1.00 per square foot; (2) microform to paper is 50.05 a page for pages on microfiche and is 50.20 a square foot for a full-site print or 50.25 for a reduced site print (lH" x 24") of a drawing on un aperture card; and (3) microform to microform is 5(L10 per micro 6che and 50.20 per aperture card. Orders completed for mailing or for a special delivery service will have an additional fee for the actual mailing, shipping, or delisery service rate. Unless a uwr requests special packing materials, there is no additional charFe by the contractor for handling and wrapping materials. Pleaw acknowledge a willingness to assume charges fm .11 orders but do n it send paynrnts. Orders will be pnicewed and mailed with a bill from Literature Research Company. An account may be established with the Literature Research Company by calling (703) 94180lH. vili e

ARRANGEMENT OF ITEMS BY DOCKET NUMBER Docket Name Page Docket Name Page Low Level Redweste Disposal Sites . Docket 40-8502 27 WYOMING MINERAL CORP., 8 LAKEWOOD, CO 27-039 SHEFFIELD, IL, U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. 40-8506 1 MCKEESPORT HOSP., MCKEESPORT, 7 PA SyEh, " ' 40-8566 CLEVELAND-CLIFFS IRON CO., CASPER, 7 27048 WY RICHLAND, WA, U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. 1 40-8584 MINERALS EXPLORATION CO., LOS 7 Domestic Licensing of Source Meterial .







$0-311 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING           111 STATION, UNIT 2                          $o.358 WILLIAM H. ZIMMER NUCLEAR           177 STATION, UNIT 1 50 312 RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING     113 STATON                                   50 359 WILLIAM H. ZIMMER NUCLEAR           179 STATION, UNIT 2 50-313 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 1       115 50-361 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATON, UNIT     179 50-315 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER       116              2 PLANT, UNIT 1 50-362 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT    181
% 316  DONALD C COOK NUCLEAR POWER        118              3 PLANT, UNIT 2 50-364 JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT,     183 50-317 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER       120              UNIT 2 PLANT, UNIT 1 50 366 EDWIN 1. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT  185 50-318 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER       122              2 PLANT, UNIT 2 50-367 BAILLY GENERATING STATION           186
% 320  THRE              D NUCLEAR        124 g                                     50 368 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 2        181 50-321 E IN 1. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT  126     % 369       A          U RE NUCLEAR        188
% 322  SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION     128     50 370 WI A            U RE NUCLEAR        190 50-323            AN ON NUCLEAR POWER     134 DigB                                       50-373 LASALLE COUNTY STATION, UNIT 1      192 50 324 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,    138     50 374 LASALLE COUNTY STATION, UNIT 2      194 UNIT 2 50 382 WATERFORD GENERATING STATON,        195
% 325  BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,    140              UNIT 3 UNIT 1
                                                  % 387  SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC          204 50 327 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1     142              STATION. UNIT 1 50 328 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2     144     50-368 SU         NN S EAM ELECTRIC        207 50-329 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1              146 50-389 ST, LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2             209 50 330 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2              141 50 390 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1     211 50-331 DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER         148 50 391 WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2     213
% 335  ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 1            154 50 401 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER        221
% 336  MILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER            155              PLANT, UNIT 2 STATON, N 2 50 406 TUSKEGEE INSitTUTE RESEARCH         221 50 338 NORTH ANNA POWER STATION, UNIT 1   157              REACTOR 50 339 NORTH ANNA POWER STATON, UNIT 2    158     % 409  LA CROSSE BOluNG WATER REACTOR      221 xi


                              $0-461                                                         278 70-0006              BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE,                                  305 50-462         CUNTON POWER STATION, UNif 2                    280                                 COLUMBUS, OH STN 50-         CESSAR SYSTEM 80                                280        70 0025              ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORP.,                                 305 470                                                                                             CANOGA PARK, CA xil I
                                                                                            . _ - _        .,       _ . , . , _          ~ , - . _               . . . , . . . _ ~ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ .


                                          ^N '


                   *ASHINGTON, DC                                71 5364       MODEL: NPI-67 0442, NEUTRON      312 PRODUCTS, INC.


Decket Name Page Docket Name Pege 71 5926 MODEL: GE 100. GENERAL ELECTRIC 312 71-9074 MODEL: AP-100. ANEFCO,INC. 315 71-9079 MODEL: HN-100, SERIES 2 & 2A, 315 71 5939 MODEU GE 1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC 313 HITTMAN NUCLEAR 71 9080 MODEL: HN400, NUPAC 7100 & CNS 7- 315 71 5942 MODEL: GE 700, GENERAL ELECTRIC 313 100, HITTMAN NUCLEAR CO. 71 9086 MODEL: HN 100, SERIES 1, HITTMAN 315 71-5957 MODEL: BMI-1, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 313 NUCLEAR 71 9089 MODEL: HN 100S, HITTMAN NUCt EAR & 315 71-6078 MODEL: 927At & 927C1, COMBUSTION 313 DEVELOPMENT CORP. ENGINEERING, INC. 71 9094 MODEL: CNS 14195-H CHEM-NUCLEAR 315 71-6272 MODEL: 6272, U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. 313 SYSTEMS, INC. 71 6346 MODEL: FSV 1, GA TECHNOLOGIES, 313 71 9096 MODEL: CNS 21300, CHEM-NUCLEAR 315 INC. SYSTEMS, INC. 71 6387 MODEU 60, BATTELLE MEM. INST., 313 71 9105 MODEL RAD-WASTE CR I, CHEM- 315 i PACIFIC NORTHWEST LAB NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC. 71 6568 MODEL: LL40150, TENNESSEE VALLEY 313 71 0108 MODEL: CNS 6 75, CHEM-NUCLEAR 315 AUTHORITY SYSTEMS, INC. 71 6601 MODEL: CNS 8-120, CHEM-NUCLEAR 313 71 9111 MODEL: CNS 6-80-2 & CNS 6-80 2A, 315 SYSTEMS, INC- CHEM NUCLEAR SYS,INC. 71 6639 MODEL: MH 1 A, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 313 71 9135 MODEL: CENTURY S & SA, CEN. UNIV. S 315 71 6696 MODEU NFS-4. NUCLEAR FUEL 313

                                                                       ^' ^    ^

SERVICES, INC. 71 9139 MODEL: 589, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 316 71-6703 MODEU RG-1, GA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 313 71 9145 MODEL: NUPAC 50-1.5L, 2.5L, -3.0L & . 316 71 6717 MODEL: 6717 B, GAMMA INDUSTRIES 313

                                                                    #    ^ ^" ^

71-6722 MODEU BS-33180, TENNESSEE 313 7 W 51 Mg:E "' '" ^" ' VALLEY AUTHORITY 7 W $6 MO R50, INDUSM MEM 316 71-6771 MO EU SN 1, METROPOLITAN EDISON 314 71 9001 MODEL: IF-300, GENERAL ELECTRIC 314 71 9159 M C 14/1 L, M&/ 316 7 W 75 M C B NUCLEAR 316 71 9010 MODEL: NL11/2, NL INDUSTRIES, INC. 314 71 9015 MO EL N ,-8L, VIRGINIA ELECTRIC & 314 71 9176 MODEL: NUPAC 14/210L & 14/210H, 316 NUCLEAR PACKAGING, INC. 71 9016 M N COMMONWEALTH 314 71 9177 MODEL: NUPAC 10/140, NUCLEAR 316 PACKAGING, INC-71 9020 MODEL: SL 10-1, NO USERS 314 71 9178 MODEL: NUPAC 7/100, NUCLEAR 316 71 9021 MODEL: 750, TECH / OPS, INC. 314 PACKAGING, INC. 71 9022 MODEL: CE 250 2, COMBUSTION 314 71-9179 MODEk NUPAC 6/100L & 6/100H, 316 ENGINEERING, INC. NUCLEAR PACKAGING,INC. 71 9023 MODEL: NLl-10/24. NUCLEAR 314 71 9181 MODEL PAS-2, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 316 ASSURANCE CORP. INC. 71 9032 MODEU 650 TECH / OPS,INC. 314 71 9192 MODEU AP 300, ANEFCO,INC, 317 71 9033 MODEL: 660 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 314 71 9195 MODEL: 2000, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, 317 71 9039 MODEL: 715, TECH OPS, INC. 314 71 9196 MODEU UX 30, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 317 71 9044 MODEL: GE 1600, GENERAL ELECTRIC 314 CO. 71 9851 MODEL: LITHlUM HYDROXIDE FIRE / 317 71 9053 MODEL: 683, TECHNICAL OPERAflONS, 314 INC. Ucensing of Zd:;:Cnt Spent Fuel Storage 71 9056 MODEU SPEC 2 T, SOURCE 315


MODEL: OH 142 SERIES & NUS 10135, 71 9073 315 NUCLEAR PACKAGING - 12 0003 CAPOLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. 317 xiv






    "                ^                                   ALVIN W. VOGTLE NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2              50-425   240 o"g     h h"T OK
                             '          *~



             '     '                                         FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1                 50-285         81
                "                                                                                         50-267         57 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING S T         UNI STATION                                                          I BR         FERR UCLEAR POWER             50-296    97                                                    50-163         18 GA TECHNOLOGIES GASSAR-6                               STN-50-535          304 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,          50-325   140 UNIT 1                                                    GENERAL ATOMIC CO.                              50-89       13 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,          50-324   138       GESSAR 238                             STN 50-447          263 UNIT 2 RAW W MEAR STAM, W 1                        M6           229 BUFFALO MATERIALS RESEARCH CENTER          50-57    13 GRAW W MEAR STAM, WW 2                        M7           233 BYRON STATON, UNIT 1                 STN-50-454   264 BYRON STATON, UNIT 2                 STN-50455    266 CALLAWAY PLANT, UNIT 1               STN 50-483   284
                                                             "^                          '     '                  '


                                                                                      ^      *   



                                                                                                              % 522     296 PATHFINDER ATOMIC PLANT                  50-130     14 PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION,      50-171      19 UNIT 1                                                        2 i



                                                                                                                                      " ^


i. . .

Name Docket Page Name Docket Page UNC NAVAL PRODUCTS, INC., UNCASVILLE, 70-0371 306 CT MODEL: CNS 14195-H, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71 9094 315 SYSTEMS, INC. UNION CARBIDE CORP., TUXEDO, NY 70-0687 306 MODEL CNS 21300, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9096 315 UNITED NUCLEAR CORP., WOOD RIVER 70-0820 307 SWN E JUNCTION, RI MODEL: CNS 6-75, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9108 315 VETERANS ADMIN. MEDICAL CENTER, 70-2199 310 SYSTEMS, INC. WASHINGTON, DC MODEU CNS 6-80-2 & CNS 6-80-2A, CHEM- 71 9111 315 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., 70-0698 306 NUCLEAR SYS, INC. PITTSBURGH, PA MODEL: CNS 8-120, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-6601 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., SYSTEMS, INC. 313 70-1143 308 PITTSBURGH, PA MODEL: CNS6-808, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 71-9175 316 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., 70-1151 308 INC. PITTSBURGH, PA MODEL: FSV-1, GA TECHNOLOGIES. INC. 71-6346 313 Packaging of Radioactive Maternel for MODEL: GE 100, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Transport and Tronoportation of 71-5926 312 Radioactive Motorial Under Cm MODEL: GE-1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 5939 313 Conditions - Docket 71 MODEU GE 1600, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9044 314 B CH RADIOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES, 71 0368 312 MODEL: GE-700, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-5942 313 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 0004 311 4 9151 316 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. h k 00 SERES 3 HmM 71 0380 312 MODEL: HN-100. SERIES 1, HITTMAN 71-9086 315 HITTMAN MATERIALS & MEDICAL CO. 71-0379 312 NUCLEAR ISOMEDIX, INC. 71-0009 311 MODEU HN-100, SERIES 2 & 2A, HITTMAN 71 9079 315 MATTINGLY & O'REILLY 71-0542 312 METILS, INC. MODEL: HN-100S, HITTMAN NUCLEAR & 71 4338 311 71-9089 315 DEVELOPMENT CORP. MIDWEST INSPECTION SERVICE 71-0149 311 MODEU HN 600, NUPAC 7100 & CNS 7100, 71-9080 315 MODEL- 181375,181361, ADVANCED 71 5796 HITTMAN NUCLEAR MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. 312 MODEL IF-300, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9001 314 MODEL: 2000, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9195 317 MODEL: IR-50, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR CO. 71-9156 316 MODEL 589, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 9139 316 MODEL 60, BATTELLE MEM. INST., PACIFIC 71-6387 MODEU LITHlUM HYDROXIDE FIRE / IMPACT 71-9851 317 313 SHIELD, ENERGY, NORTHWEST LAB MODEL: 6272, U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. MODEL: LL-60-150, TENNESSEE VALLEY 71-6568 313 71-6272 313 AUTHORITY MODEL: 650. TECH / OPS, INC. 71-9032 314 MODEU MH-1 A, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71 6639 313 MODEL: 660 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 71-9033 314. MODEL NFS-4, NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, 71 6698 313 MODEL: 6717-B, GAMMA INDUSTRIES 71-6717 313 MODEL 683, TECHNICAL OPERATIONS, 71-9053 314

  • INC.

MODEL: NLI-10/24, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 71-9023 314 MODEL: 715, TECH OPS, INC. 71-9039 314 ' MODEL- 750, TECH / OPS, INC. 71 9021 314 * " MODEL: 927A1 & 927C1, COMBUSTION hUC , ENGINEERING, INC. 71-6078 313 MODEL: NUPAC 10/140, NUCLEAR 71 9177 PACKAGING, INC. 316 MODEL: AP-100, ANEFCO,INC. 71-9074 315 MODEL: AP-300, ANEFCO,INC. MODEL NUPAC 14/190L, /190M & /190H, 71-9159 316 71-9192 317 NUCLEAR PKG., INC. MODEU BMI-1, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 71-5957 LABORATORY 313 MODEL NUPAC 14/210L & 14/210H, 71-9176 316 NUCLEAR PACKAGING,INC. MODEL: BS-33180, TENNESSEE VALLEY 71-6722 AUTHORITY 313 MODEL: NUPAC 50-1.SL, -2.5L, -3.0L & -4.0L, 71-9145 316 ARKANSAS MODEU CE-250-2, COMBUSTION ENGINEERING, INC. 71-9022 '314 MODEL: NUPAC 6/100L & 6/100H, 71 9179 316 NUCLEAR PACKAGING,INC. MODEU CENTURY S & SA, CEN. UNIV. S & 71-W,5 SA, GAMMA IND. 315 MODEL: NUPAC 7/100, NUCLEAR PACKAGtNG, INC. 71-9178 316 Xix


                                                                                "*         "'^"                                                                     '


DOCKETEDITEMS LOW LEVEL RADWASTE DISPOSAL SITES DOCKET 40 1162 WESTERN NUCLEAR, INC, JEFFREY CITY, WY 8500000278 Comments to Western request for reducnon m Spht Rock Mdt DOCKET 27438 SHEFFIELD. IL US ECOLOGY'INC. Groundwater monnonno program State water seves pnor to sarmnng shouso not be re-ported w/each water quanty analyes for each wes. OGLE.K M . State of 85/05/06 SMITH.D Urarvurn Recowery Feeld Omce 8502270863 Forwards summary of quarterty moratonng data of pozometers & woes e 2pp. 3078317 307 3178 vcirwty of Trench te & Trench 18 numps for Oct-Dec covered n 790423 ler of eyeement BOWEN.M A U S. Ecology. Inc. (formerty Nuclear Enyneenno. inc) 85/0 ts 18. $506240154 Concludes that Westerrt enhanced evaporation sys as do. SHAFFNER.J. Darmon of Fuel Cycle & Matonal Safety 3pp. 29134 099 29134101. moned a matained has ment & represents wee water mot Compnete water baiance wel be performed when future expanmon of evaporaeve sys cargente KONWINSKI.G R. PETTEf%ilLLH J Uratuum Recovery Feld Omco 85/06/06. Urarn-8500030439 Memorandum & order parties to rept joincy on status of settie. um Recovery Fised Omce. 2pp. 31157 29531157 296 ment tions t'y 850729 Served on 8 1 COTTE .B P, KLINE.J.R . LUEBRE.E.A. Atomic Safety and Lconsmg Board Panel.

             #285 206. 85/05/29 Offre of the Execuevo Legal Drector 2pp 30678 06s.                         DOCKET 401341 TEN 00ESSEE VALLEV AUTHORITY, CHATTANOOGA, TN 30678 069.

6804050121 Forwards into re actons taken to een perched water at deposef ste & DOCKET 27447 SARNWELL. SC, CHEto NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC. role that approved clay curten tmer wel play m eMeceveey preventmg natural ground. waw recharge neo deposai base Perched water was be enmmated HUFHAM.J W Tennessee y Authoney.85/03/05 SMITH.R D Uranium Recovery Field Orfce 7pp. 29874 344- 14 350. 8600080605 Provides mfo re three types he Be sealed sources. semed sources contaeung Arm 241ofmwastes quantmesnot aboveacceptedem> by facity 9 Class tatons & weste contaeung rachum e terms unacceptatue at taality $50e070043 Forwards utd OC program sor -- _ WlDMAYER.D A. Lowlevel Weste & Uratuurn avmiabse on ade Utd commament to const unne best__ _ y protectPropam pracaces reaffrmed will be Protects BrancfL 85/05/08 RYAN.M T. Chem Nuclear Systems. Inc. tp.30785.125 785.126. supsAM,;w yennessee vaney Authonty 85/05/13. MITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery Field Offre 4pp. 30799 024-30799 027. 8908100798Trp rept of 6505t315 vet to Columbia.SC & Bamwen.SC too level waste esposat factbos to conect samples under Resources Conservanon & Recovery Act 8s0e040307 Forwards draft rept "Leenung Asmstance/Geosechncal & Hyeologeal ApphCabsty Protect. Evaluations /U Recovery Fwid Ofc.Revow of Setnoment Measurement Proposal " VASQUE2.R J. Goodson & Associates. Inc. NRC RG4-83-473. 85/05/20 STARMER.R J. W1DMAYER.D A Low-level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Prorects GARCIA.PJ Uranium Recovery Fieed Omco tp.30724 20530724 210-Branch GOODE.D.J. Geotechncal Branch (Post 831001). 05/05/28 HIGGWBOTHAML Low-Level Waste & Uransurn Protects Brancft KNAPP.M R. Geotechncal Branch (Post 831001). app 30824 30824 006. -8000040381 Draft "Ucenang Asmstance/Geotechncal & Hydrocopcal Evalumnons/U Recovery Fened Ofc. Review of Sernernenf Measurement Proposal"

  • Goodson & Associates, Inc 85/05/20. NRC . No Detaned Aftsatmn Given. 5pp.

8908120121 Forwards one rept summereng NRC vet to low level weste esposal tacnty 30724 20& 30724 210. in Bamweg.SC to conect Groundwater samples Results of analyses performed on sam. pies win be sont by ORNLW/o enct WtOMAYER.DA Low 4evel Waste & Uratuum Recovery Propoets Branch. 85/08/03 SS00000186 Confrms 850514 telcon between RF Bnch,NRC & WM Belvm.TVA. to SHEALY.H. South Cam State of.1p 30841.341-30841341. 850529 enforcement corwerence m Gosden.COErWorcement conference & nonce of sigrufcant econses meseng on 850529 ensorcement conference . j SMITH.R D. Uratuum R Faedd Offee. 85/05/22 HUFMAMJ W Tennessee vaney Authonty 3pp. 307803 30780 380 DOCKET 27448 RICHLAND, WA U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. Enwwon TLD Results Mordhty? for Apr 1985 W/850517 Itr. gemont decomrruseorung protectPrw w program sumcioney addresses NRC 8900000445 MARTNE2 ".E D. U.S. Ecology. Inc. Oorme@ Nuclear85/04/30. Engneenng inctconcoms Addl clantmanon requested for hated areas GRONEMYER.L Washmgton. State of. 2pp. 30785.14F30785146. , BRICH.R F., HAWKINS.E F Uranium Recovery Fwid Onico. 85/05/31. Urarsum Re-covery Feead Ottee. 4pp 31043 070 31043 073 8500060653 Forwards monthly SNM receipt & tnmal rept for Apr 1985 W/o enct WRIGHT.S V U S. Ecology. anc. ( 8606200143 Requests wntten assurance that Silver King Menes.Inc mapactor aware or Nuclear Engmeenng. Incl. 85/05/14. mdependence & immunny to empeoyer repnsais W espector repts snadequate const BROWNING.B. Low Level Waste Leenang anch.1p 30I40.155 30740155. praceces HAWKINS.E F. Uratuum Field Omco 85/05/31. HUFHAM.J W. T 8608250006 Forwards changes to facety operatons manual.per NRC 650424 Vaney Authonly. 2pp. 31023 361- 1023.362 request Approval per Condmon 2 of Amend 4 to Lcense161920441 requested MARTINEZ.E D. U.S. Econogy, Inc. (formerly Nuclear Engmeenne. Inc l. 85/05/31. 8906210300 Requests submittal of nprap yadaten OC program for review & HIGGINBOTHAM.L Low 4evee Waste & Uratuum Recovery Propects Branch.14pp. approval Review of $50423 OC program for rerop concluded e> piece rock airing CC 31212.282-31212:295. am to but moufft:sont to ensure nprap meets spece. KINS.E . Uraruum Recovery Fieed Omce. 8 05/31. HUFHAM.J Tennessee 8500200256 Submits update re supennsory personnel at US Ecology.ine Rchland WA VaNey Authoney. Ip.31048:134-31048 137. IG T.S (formerly Nuciear E . Inc) 85/06/06, -4408210307h_..a that TVA be nottied that 850423 response to NRC 850322 BROWN!NG.R E. Low Level Waste Leenang Brancet 1p. 7-31226 197. ler re rcrap OC am unacceptable Mecuad to eneum rock meets armg demgn spec meumaent GA program should be outmutted for review. 8808250282 Forwards montfW SNM recept & Dunal rept for May 1965, per Condition 6 ' i of Lcense t&1920441.Rept of emotops actnmy also enciW/o ences. 'F 3 31048 31048 RITTENBERG.R B. U.S. Ecology. Inc. ( Nuclear E . Inct 85/06/10-BROWNING.R E. Low Level Waste Lconseg ancet 1p 312111 31211 130. 860620060s Requests Irost depth estmate for Edgemont area for review & approval.per review at *Reducton an Feel Cover on Edgemont Decomemsmonen0 Deposal Site." did 850306 Proposed thekness deemed moufhoent to attenuate radon. 8506210304 Forwards Weste Packapng insp Rept 15000046/0542 on 850530. Vola- HAWKINS.E.F. Uraruurn Recovery Fioed Offre 85/06/04 HUFHAM)W Tennessee ton noted Valley Authonty. 2pp. 31023 337 31023.346 MONTGOMERYJL Regen 5. Omco of Drector 85/06/17. GRELLAA Drector's Offre. Omco of inspecton and Enforcement 1p. 31035126-31035.134.

                                                                                                         -8606200611 Diam =*as review of  Reduction m Feas cover on Edgemont Decornerus-monmg Deposal Sne? per TVA 850306 mdimertal Demon deemed madequate Fmal
        - 9606210306 Waste Packagm0 inno Rept 15000046/8542 on 850530Velation                               dowgn of frost depth estmate requested before further review work done.

noted stupment of radmaste med sent to commerced low level redweste esposas ste BRn.,n.R F., HAWKINS.E F. Uraruum Recovery Fseed Omco. 85/06/04 Urstuum Re. w/ hole m Wum & inadequately packaged covery Feeld Omce. 8pp. 31023 339 31023 346 BIDSTRUP,R., THOMAS.R.D. Regen 5. Offce of Dractor.85/06/17. Opp. 31035.127-31035 134. 8508130324 Inspector Report 441341/8541 Vmastons noted two contractor tasted to adhere to speaal work pomut reglanng use of protectve clothmg e on-3o85eE;3085'9E9 ' " ' " ^ "'""' workg

                                                                                                                         " m contammated area on 640614.

DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL "*'"# '*' "'* *#* * ""' 0608140404 Forwards inep Rept441341/8501 on 85041&17 & 2528. notre of viole-DDCNET 40 0288 UNION CARWIDE COMP, ORAND JUI8CTION, CO mon & Enforcement Conference Rept 401341/8541 on 850529 HAWKINS.E.F. Uratuum Feetd Omco. 85/06/06. HUFHAM)W. Tennessee Sece070077 Errata to *A-8 Conecten Dnp Sys Quarterty Rept for Frst Ouarter 1985? W/850507 Itr. 360s140407 Notre of violaton from ansp on 85041417 & 2S26 LYONS.PJ. UMETCO Mmerals Corp touts of Unen Cartude Corp). 85/03/31. HAWKINS.E.F. Uratuum Recovery Field Offre.85/06/06. 3pp. 3090007130900,073 GARLAND.W L Wyommg. State of.18pp. 30798.343 30798 380.

                                                                                                         -8606140002 Insp Rept441341/8541 on 85041&17 & 2526Volahons noted talure 8008200068 Concludes that no changes m land use re UMETCO 1964 annual land use                      to wear requred protoceve mentam legible cauton egne & to submit land /

Gas Hdis Me occurred to warrant any bcenang acton. water use repts. NN.N M.. PETTENGILLH J. Uraruum Recovery Feld Offee 85/05/31. Urars- SHOPENN.N M. BRICH.R F HAWKINS.EL Uratuum Recovery Feoid Omco. 85/06/ um Recovery Field Omco.1p. 31043 t10-31043110. 06.15pp. 30900-074-30900 088. 1

                                                                                                                                                              ,           -     - - -        -      --      py


      -8506140654Erdorcement Conference Repf401341/85 01 on 850529 Four violatons                                 -4506260188Formsrds830506 order grantog NRC moton to defer argument en barc escussed Lcensee presented no efo to anow delenon of weistons                                              on renn tamnOs ee.guiatons HAWKINS.E.F. Urarnum Recovery Feld Omco. 85/06/06. Ppp. 30900069-30900 090.                                 SLAGGiE.E L NRC - No Dotaded Afteaton Gewert83/05/10 PALLADINO. GLINSKY, AHEARNE Comrmeseners. 2pp. 31223 097 31223 098 6806200402 Inso Rept 401341/85-01 on 850416 26 Volatons noted fadure of employ-ees to use protocewe clotrung.mcompletesy trained employee.fadure to marten so-                          -4506300214 Forwards 'Lapondent NRC Rept on Recent Developments" re Kerr-M D6 7pp. 31020 288-31020 274 HW               . Ur                         old Oftco 85/06/           ,f YQ$i,$1                                       ,M " "
  • TR CH.S L NHC - No Detaded Aff6aten Gewen 83/10/05. PHILLIPS.H K U S.

Court of Appeans.10th Circsst. Spp.31223 106 31223 110 DOCKET 40 1344KERR MCGEE OIL INDUSTRIES,INC., OKLAHOMA CITY, OK

                                                                                                                  ~4506260374 Advaos that EPA Imai enwron stds for U mde taengs promulgated by stat-utory deadhneCormsson udt rutate automaheg proceeeng to cordorm NRC U mdf 8506190065 Responds to appeal re dermal of FOA neest for warver of fees conce,,

a reta ed R8 CH L e the al 3 2/ PHILLIPS.H K. U S Court k j , art-gy Oper nons 8 Urwwersty Dady Kansan, Lawrence, KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014193 28 NES.C. of Appeals,10m Cacult 19pp. 31223179-31223.197.

      -{$06190001FOA SUA417 NotAcaten  request    for seven of status          categores of request    wennof10documents       to L,ptcenses days of rece               SUA-618 &

of nr requested. DOCKET 40 2061 KERel-40CGEE CHEMfCAL CORP, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK BARNES.C Uruversty Dady Kansen, Lawrence. MS. 64/10/24.FELTONJM Duson of Rules and Records. 3pp,31014187-31014193 8506190065 Responds to appeal re dermal of FOIA request for waver of fees concern-pendog & auture FOIA requests related to Ken McGee Corp Appeel dermed DI KS W J. Omco of the Esecueve Drector for Operators 85/01/28. BARNES,C DOCKET 40 1478KERR-MCGEE OfL IMOUSTR6ES, INC ORLAHOtsA CITY, ON Uruversty Dady Kansan, Lawrence. KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014193 pa 1964 8506190115 Responds to FOA request for ad documents to Lcenses SMA-826 (Osc SU 1330 W 7 Jan S 1964 - Dec 1974).SUA 1330 pan 1977 - Jan '985) & SUC 793 Wan 1964 Dec 1985) Forwards docurnants re Lrennes SMA426 & SUA-1330 1985) Forwards documents to Lcenses SMA-e26 & SUA-1330 4 FELTON J M. Osween of Rules and Recordt85/03/20.SHAFER.S. Affsaten Not As. FELTON.J M Dumon of Rules and Records 85/03/20 SHAFER.S. Afteaton Not As-mgned.10. 31009 017-31010152. agned. Ip. 31009 017 31009 051.

~4406190173 Normes that per 651209 request. item I of Lcenses SNM495. $NM-928 SMB-664 & SMA426 amended to reflect name change to Kerr-McGee Corp. 4506190204 Responds to AEC 730628 ler Bdhng addosses for hcense fees encf.

NUSSBAUMER,D A. Atome Energy Cu .- 66/01/20. LAMBERTUS,H Kart- SHELLEY #J Kerr McGee Corp. 73/ t t/uv Atome Energy Comnusmort 2pp. McGee Corp.1p. 31009.05131009 051. 31009 125-31009 126. e500030427 Supplemental responses to State of IL tfwd set of meerrogatones a request DOCKET 40w1668 KERR-MCGEE CORP

  • OKLAHOMA CITY' OK tot documents Certdcate of Svc enct Related correspondence.

RAINEY,J L KerrMcGee Chemcal Corp (outs of Kerr-McGee Corp t 4506190065 Responds to appeal re derwal of FOIA request for waver of fees concerv> MESERVE.R A Cowmgton & Burhng. #285 208. 85/05/T9. Dhnoss, State of. Itpp mg pendmg & suture FotA remests reinted to Kort-McGee Corp Appeal dermed. 30678 057-30678 067. DIRCKS.W J Omco of the Esecueve Drector for Operatera 85/01/28 BARNES.C Uruversty Dasy Kansan, Lawrence. KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014.193 WOS % . . J ' response to Kerr McGee frst escovery request, meludmg Ir>

       -8506160001FotA request for seven categones of documents re Lcenses SUA418 &                                  '*'rogarones 4.5.16 & 24 Proof of Svc enct Related correspondence SUA417 Notsfcaton of status of request witriert 10 days of recept of Itr requested                         RAPKINA Ilknoes, State of. #285 210 85/05/29 Kerr-McGee Chermcal Corp. (sube BARNES.C Unrversty Dwey Kansan. Lawrence. KS.64/10/24. FELTON.J M Dmmon                                    of Kerr McGee Corp) 6pp. 30678.032-30678 037.

of Rules and Records. 3pp. 31014.187-31014.193. 8500030414 Advutes of death of J RempeMempo recently asued sepoena by ASLB Wethdrawal of subpoena assumed Related correspondence DOCKET 40191? KERR-MCGEE OfL INDUSTRIES, itsC, ORLAHOtIA CITY, ON MESERVE.R A. & Burtry MESERVE.R A. Kort McGee Chemical Corp.

                                                                                                                                                      ) #285 235. 85/05/29 RAPKINA Ilknois, State of. 2pp.

(subs of Kerr-McGee 8506190066 Responds to appeal re dermal of FOIA request for waver of fees concorr> 306/8 103-30676 104 ing pendeg & auture FOA requests related to Kerr-McGee Corp Appeal derved. DIRCKS,W J. Offce of tre Execubve Drector for Operatons. 85/01/28. BARNES.C. 3500030502 Forwards NRC supplemental responses to Kerr McGee Chemmal Corp first Uruversty Dady Kansan, Lawrence, KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014193- request for answers to mierrogatones as to admstted contentons.per 850417 request Certifcate of Svc encs Related corresponderce.

       -4506190107 FOlA recNest for two categones of docisnents to Lcenses SUA 416 &                                 lewis.S H. Heanng Branch 2 #285 219 85/05/30. MESERVE.R A Covegton &

SUB 1010 Notfcaton of status of request w ahm 10 days of rece9t of lir requested- Burtry 2pp. 30676.037 30676 056. BARNES.C. Unrversty Dady Kansan. Lawrerr.e. KS. 84/10/29. FELTON.J M Drvoson of Rules and Records. 2pp. 31014.192-31014.196.

                                                                                                                  -86000M00                  W rw b 8N ht 6 W ems 4 W tones 9.20.22 & 24 as to adnuned confantons AMihets of DA Cool.WA Nixon, 8506190115 Responds to FOIA request for aN documents re (conses SMA-426 (Dec                                   Frame.MC Schumacmor. RL Fonner,$G Bums & SH Lowe enClRelated corresporuk 1964
  • Dec 1974LSUA-1330 (Jan 1977 Jan 1985) & SUC 793 Han 1964 . Dec once.

1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA-826 & SUA-1330 LEWIS.S H , WRIGHT.N A. Heann0 Brancti 2. #285 219 85/05/30 Kerr-McGee FELTON.J M Dmmon of Rules and Records.85/03/20.SHAFER.S. Affsabon Not As. Chenucal Corp. (sube of Ken.McGee Corp t 20pp. 30676 039-30676 058. signed.1p. 31009 017-31010152-

       -8506190145 Requests 9ansfer of Lacense SUB-1010,SNM-1174.SN4928 & SUA-616                                  8600080320 Comments on Kerr-McGee Corp 850516 enemorandum re NRC altamatwo to Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp as of 731101.Formaton of new corporaten we not                                  a_     .. . c m supplemental EIS Both NRC & Kerr-McGee must abede by Cptenon 1 affect assagnment of personnel                                                                             re setmg features opamizaton m mill talmgs deposal Proof of Svc encl.                         l SHELLEY.WJ Kerr-McGee Corp. 73/10/12. NUSSBAUMER.DA Atome Energy                                           RAPKIN.A. linnom. State of e285 263. 85/06/01Atome Safety and Lcenang Board Commesen, Oractorale of Lcenang. 8pp,310C9116 31009123.                                                    Panel 9pp. 30727 229 30727.237.
       -4506190106 Requests that Irarsfer of Icenses to kerr McGee Nuclear Corp be mee                             8600070871 Forwards errata to 850520 responses to Kerr-McGee second decovery re-was              A Waste Mgs Facstmes W Cntena* & Proof of Svc enct Related ocr-SH       YW Kerr                          73/10/18 NUSSBAUMER.D A. Alome Energy Commemon, Drectorate of bconung 1p. 31009124-31009124-                                                     RAPKINA lehnois. State of. #285 327. 85/06/03 Kerr-McGee Chemcal Corp. (sies of Kerr-McGee Corp) 66pp. 30785 265 30785 327 s60s100304 Responds to AEC 730626 Itr Bdhno addresses for hcense fees enct SHELLEY W). Kerr-McGee Corp. 73/11/04 Atome Energy Commesen. 2pp.

31009 125-31009.126. 8600070406 Forwards executed afhdavits of Frame & Schumacher ruscated in 850520

                                                                                                                         - . ._ C responses to Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp frst request for answers by
        -8606190230 Notifies that Licenses SUB-1010 SMA-828.SUA416.SNM 928 & SNM-                                     Nf5 to mtarrogatones to 6dmstted contentons Related correspondence.

1174 transferred to Kart-McGee Nuclear Corp.Specifc amends to hcenses LEWIS.SH. Hoenng Branch 2 #285 311. 65/06/04. MESERVE.R A. Covmgton & hated Requests Commsson be noDfied when subedary formahred. Burhng 4pp. 30753.33130753 334 ROUSE.LC. Atome E Comtrussen. Drectorate of Lcenang 74/01/02. SHELLEY.W J. Kerr-McGee 2pp. 31009127-31009128. 3g00070530 Forwards moton to quash cr.m modify siepoens.for fen 0Related correspondence.

        -8908190234Descrees                   abonel changes rwahed m changmo name of heensee                          MESERVE.RA                      & Burnng. MESERVE.R A. flerr-McGee Chemcel Corp.

so Kerr.McGee Nucteer Ano escusses .due to termmanon of several (subs. of Kort.McGee ). #285 323. 85/06/06.Dockenno & Servces Branch. Ip. personnel.m revoed sectons of Latense SN41174 for Kano H addesi 30756 293-30756.305. SHELLEY.W J. Kerr-McGee Corp. 73/12/31. ROUSE.LC. Atome Energy Commessort, Drectorate of Lcenomg. 28pp. 3100t129-31009156 -4400070547Monon to quash moddy State of IL850529 subpoena 1 47 Informs that formehon of Kerr-McGee Nucteer Corp became eMectve to Ca Corp or producton of documents.Catafyte has no ofc m Oak MESERVE.RA Kerr-McGee Chemcal Corp (subs of Kerr McGee Corp). 85/06/06. SHELLY.W.J. Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp 74/01/24 ROUSE.LC. Atome Energy Com, A'0*'c Safety and ucenang Board Panet 12pp. 30756.294 30756 305, mason. Drectorate of Lconsmg 1p. 31002157-31009157. 8508300113Further response to FOIA request for runs categones of documents to 0 0608110400 Forwards moton to quash modfy subpoene of JR me taengs regulanons. App L documents ence & avadable en POR Portons of App M Grant Reteted correspondence documents & complete App N documents withheld (rel FOtA Erempton 5). MESERVE.R A on & Burkng MESERVE.R A. Kerr McGee Cherrical Corp. FELTON.J M Dmsen of Rules and Records. 85/04/16 BERICK,0. Envronmental (suta of Kerr-McGee ). #285 365. 85/06/07 Docheeng & Sennces Branch. Ip. ' Polcy insatute. 9pp. 31222 206 31222 341. 30817.117-30817.127. _. _ .. - _ . _ -- __._ ._m. ,-. - _ __, . _ . _

DOCKETEDITEMS 3 1 i -6506110418 Idr. hon to quash or.m subpoena of JR 8506210097 Supports 850424 icenr.ase request for amend to Lcense SUA-442.c l Grant Subocness mappropnate nece JR Grant.Kerr consultant for proc W/Carbfcate of Svc Related correspondence. orgatuanonal stn.cture to mgt preferred reportmg sys Recommends that Lcense i ' diton 11 be reweed per hcensee641102 subrnrttal a Amend 1-MESERV .R A. Kerr-McGee Cherncal Corp. (subs. of Kerr-McGee Corp ) KONWINSKI.G R , PETTENGILLH J Uraruum Recovery Feld Offre.85/05/31. Urarv. MESERVE.R A & Burhng 85/06/07. Atomc Safety and Lcensmo Board um Recovery Feld Oftce. Ppp.31048 015 31048 024 Panet. topp.30617.11 17.127. 4506170370 Responds to850604Itr commentm0 that documents rowewed at ANL on -8506210101 Amend 4 to Lcense SUA-442 for Pathfeder Mnes Corp. reflectog changes to orgartzahonal structure 850531 were trom $ Tam feet Documents from files of other ANL personnel avadable SMITH.R D Urarwm Recovery Feld Office.85/05/31. Opp 31048 017 31048 024 , on 850531 lor review Related correspondence l LEWIS.S H Heanng Branch 2 #285 440 85/06/10.RAPKINA Ilknoes, State of 2pp- , 30958.130-30958.131. 8508210450 Adeses of msuance of Amend 4 to Lcense SUA-442.reveng Cordten i t W/o encf. SMITH.R D Uraruum Recovery Field Othee 85/05/31. SMCHUK.G. Pathhnder Mines 8506180192 Documents NRC 850812 monon on behalf of all partes. revesmp schedule Corp. 2pp. 31044 318-31044 319 for f&ng mobons to compet.per Charman oral request Agreed schedule er depose i hans could be fded at appropiate date after 850731Related wm.w.e-LEWIS S H. Heanng Brancit 2. 4285 456. 85/06/13. FRYE.J H. CARPENTER.J H., MORRIS.PA Alome Safety and Leereng Board Panes 2pp. 30975163-30975164 DOCKET 40 4658 GETTY OIL CO. - PETROToweCS CO, SHIRLEY BASIN. WY 8506210519 Answer denymg 850606 & 07 motons to quash or modify subpeone to 8506190065 Responds to appeal re dermal of FOIA request sor werver of fees & JR Grant to allow producten & add time Engmeenng svcs agreernant & future FOtA requests recated to kerr-McGee Corp Appeal dermed

        & svc hst enct Related correspondence                                                          CKS. J. Omco of the Executive Drector for Operatons. 85/01/28 BARNES.C.
        " llhnos. State of $285 535. 85/06/21 Atome Safety and Lcenseg Board Panet                University Desly Kansan, Lawrence, KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014193 8506260102Apphcaten to amend Lcense SUA-S$1,                            Lcense Conditens 46 &

8506240714 Forwards moten to compel answers to eterrogatones & request for pro- 31 to allow immediate desoosal of matis & equipment e impoundment to pre. duction of documents Related correspanoence pare for decommasenmg Fee pad MESERVE.R.A. on & Burnng MESERVE.R A. Kerr-McGee Chemcel Corp. PF AFF.S J. Petrotorrics Co, ( Getty/Petratomes Co l. 85/05/23. tsubs. of Kerr-McGee ). #285 557. 85/08/21 Docketmg & Sernces Branch. Ip. PETTENGILLH J. Urarnum Recevery Wd . 2pp. 31224 003-31224 004 31181 059-31161.249.

      -8506240728Moton to compel answers to850315 second set of mterrogatones & re-           6508240083 Forwards Amend 5 to Lcense SUA-551.revene Lcense Conditon 34 re subrruttat of detaded reclamaton plan by 851203.mcluden0 stabihrabon plan detadmg t for producten of occumentsState of it response incomplete & inadequate W/          methods to prevent blowing.por@ng & recharge of ta4ngs to of Svt. Reisted corr            e.                                            SMITH.R D Uratuum Recovery Feld Othce 85/05/31 WHITMAN,J. Petrotomcs Co.,

MESERVE,R A Kerr-McGee il Corp (subs. of Kerr-McGee Corp ). (formerly Getty/Petrotomes Co). 2pp. 31157.230-31157243 MESERVE.R A. & Burtng. 85/06/21. Atomc Safety and Lcenomg Board Panet.190pp 31161. 31161 249 -8506240089 Amend S te Lconse SUA-551 for Petrotomes Co.authort2mg unhmeted possesson of U at trulhng facemes m Carbon County.WY. 8506280062 Forwards mobon for leave to No reply to State of IL conschdated answer SMITH,R D Urarwum Recowy Feed Offee. 85/05/31 topp. 31157.232-31157.241. to moten to quash or.m mockfy subpoena to Catalytc & subpoena to JL Grant & reply to state conschdated answer to motons to quash MESERVE.R A. on & Burtno MESERVE.R A. Kerr.McGee Chemmal Corp- -8506240099 Recommends mod to decommesening plan.Stesections F & G to ensure (subs of Kerr-McGee w L.. to Subpart D of 40CFR192 for redon errwsoens & longterm erosen

                                     ). 7285 603. 85/06/27.Docketmg & Senaces Brancft tp.         contros.Leense Consten 34 should be revised as stated 31254 206-31254 222 kONWINSKI.G R , PETTENGaLLHJ Uraruum Recovery Feld Omco 85/05/31. Urarn-
      -8506280067 Moten for leave to fde repsy to State of IL consohdated answer to moton to quash or e modify subpoena to Catarytc or JL Grant.

MESERVE.R A. & MESERVE.R A. Kerr-McGee Chemrsi Corp. 6506260481 Forwards appicaten for amend to Lcense SUA-551, authonzmg decom-(subs of kerr McGee ). 85/06/ 7 Atomc Safety and Lcereng Board Panel 1p. mensoning of Petrotoncs Co miR Fee M 31254 207-31254 207 PF AFF.S J. Petrotomes Co.. ( Getty/Petrotorrucs Co ). 85/06/04. PETTENGILL.H J Uratuurn Recovery Feld e. 2pp. 31221134-31221.189.

      ~8506280075 Reply to State of Il coneohdated answer to motons to quash.or n
                                                                                             -8506280488 Apphcahon fnr amend to Lcense SUA-551.authorumg & regulatmg only E ER E. A. Covmgt                      M    RE        err                  Corp.       decommesserung reclamahon actvites                         essanon of U mdtmg activmes W/

( . err 85/06/27. Atomas Safety and Lconsmg Board PW ,, Q] ,,['Gett Pe a Col 85/06/04. 4pp. 31221.136 DOCKET 40-3392 ALLIED CHEMICAL CORP., MORRISTOWN, NJ DOCKET 40-7238 KERMAC NUCLEAR FUELS CORP, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 0506060233 Forwards renewed Ucense SUB 526 4 SER suo.1ortng renewal. Corchon 12 tequres that persormee w/appropnate health physcs trasrung be present at plant 85061900$$ Responds to appeal re dermal of FOIA request for warver of fees concom-dunng an operatons evorvmg source matt & future FOIA requests reisted to Kerr-McGee Corp Appeal dermed CROW W T. Urarnum Fuel Lcereng Branch. 85/05/28.CIPOLLAAJ. Albed Cherrocal D S. J. Omco of the Esecueve Drector for Operanons 85/01/28 BARNES.C Corp. Ip.30780 278-30780.339 Uruversity Dady Kansan. Lawrence. KS. 2pp 31014.164-31014193.

      -8506060255 Renewed Lcense SUS $26 for Albed Chemecal Corp.authorizmg use of 68        4506190080 FOIA request for sa documents to Lcenses SMA426 (Dec 1964. Dec trulhon kg natural U & 300 mQ Co t37.                                                     19     .SUA-1330 Wan 1977. Jan 1985) & SUC 193 Wan 1964. Dec 1985).

CROW.W T Onnsen of Fuel Cycle & IWatenel Safety 85/05/28, 5pp. 30780279 SHA ER.S. Amhahon Not Assegned 85/02/15. Omco of Admsnistrahort 8pp. 30780 287. 31009 004 31009 016.

      -8506060267 Safety evaluaton supportog renewal of Lcense SUB-526.                      8504190115 Responds to FOIA sequest for aN documents re Lcenses SMA426 (Dec COOLD A., CROW.W T. Uraruum Fust Lcensmg Brarcft85/05/28. 52pp. 30180288-                 1964 Dec 1974).SUA-1330 Qan 1977 Jan 1965) & SUC 793 Wan 1964 Dec 30780 339, 1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA 826 & SUA-1330 FELTON.J M. Divison of Rules and Records.05/03/20. SHAFER.S. Aff hatson Not As-DOCKET 43453 ATLAS MINERALS,INC., DENVER. CO 8506260108Apphcanon for amend to Lcense SUA-917,aRowing secunty functions nor.         DOCKET 4057300 KERR-MCGEE CORP, OKLAHOMA CITV. OK marly performed try man security guard house 10 be performed by employees from mam o'c & relocatmg alpha sunroy meter to masn ote Fee 8506190080 FOtA request for all documents te Lcenses SMA426 (Dec 1964 - Dec BLUBAUGH.R E. Atlas Mmerais. inc. 85/06/05. PETTE         ILL.H.J. Uranium Recovery Feld Omce. 25pp. 31226 223 31226 247                                                      1974) SUA-1330 Wan 1977. Jan 1385) & SUC793 (Jan 1964. Dec 1985L SHAFER.S. Amhaton Not Assigned. 85/02/15. Omco of Admmistranort 8pp.
 '                                                                                                31009 00431009 016.

DOCKET 40-4492 FEDERAL.AbfERICAN PARTNERS, RIVERTON, WY 8506190115 Responds to FOIA request for as documents re Lcenses SMA426 (Dec

      $503250475 Lists comments to Amencen Nuclear Corp ladegs reclamabon plans for               1964 . Dec 1974).SUA-1330 Uan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC 793 Wan 1964 - Dec 1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA-826 & SUA-1330 Permet 352 Recipent should commit to lestmg tashngs cover mall for vegetative sust-       FELTON.J M Divison of Rules and Recordt 85/03/20.SHAFER.S Amhaton Not Aar atakty per Guidehne 1 stos.Rev should be approved.                                        signed.1p. 31009.017-31009051.

ENGELMANN.R. Athhaton Not Assigned 85/02/08. Affikanon Not Assigned. tp. 29499 260L29499.260.

                                                                                             -8506190101Notifes.per Ucense CondDon 2.that effectve700201,respratory protec-
      $508050443 Forwards Land Quatrty Dry Receipt 2310 ack Custody Receipt 1270 UT 5             non program untiated Allowance for use of respratory protectve equipment determrug exposures shes cornply w/AEC specs for US Treasury Bat CUSIP 912794456 as replacement bondm0 anstrument to Perrrut           WUL 352.                                                                                                 .G E. Kerr-McGee Corp. 70/03/02. GRIER.B H. Atomc Energy Commessort Ip. 31009106-31009106.

BRYAN.V J. State of. 65/05/16. FERGUSON,J C Amencan Nuclear Corp. 3pp. 30740- 307 :362. -8506190119 Notsfes that Ocense SMA426 expres on 730430 Apohcanon for renewal should be filed at least 30 days before expraton of exatmg bconse Requests comple-DOCKET 404422 PATHFINDER R$1NES COMP, SHfRLEY 8ASIN, WY ton of once certfcanon of status d renewal not desned. MALARO.J C Atome Energy Commesson. Drectorate of Lcenssng 73/02/13. WULLER.G E. kerr-McGee Corp.1p. 31009108-31009108 8500060802 Provides positon & assestance in revieweg Ested propects. Comments of-sered to promote contmumg cooperative efforts e addressmo U sites. -8506190123 Forwards apphcanon for renewal of Lcense SMA426. GARLAND,W L. Wyoming, State of 85/05/08 KONWINSKI.G.R., JtERREE C.C Ura- SHELLEY.WJ. Kerr-McGee Corp 73/03/14 MALARO.J C Atomic Energy Comme-ruum Recovery Fseid Ofhee. 3pp. 30740138-30740140. soon. Drectorate of Lcenseg 1p. 31009.109-31009-109


         -4806190127 Apphcatort for renewal of Lcense SMA426                                                -8606190234 Requests ofo on nature & scope of reorgerwaton of vendor as 4 related SHELLEY.W J. Kerr-McGee Corp- 73/03/14 3pp 31009110 31009112.                                       10 orgarwatsortal structure cuennand m apphcatort for source & specist riuclear matts hcenses Requests resume of RM F er to exponence w/nuctear matis
         -4006190132 License SMA426 for Kart-McGee Corp. amend'no hcense n entrety                             NUSSBAUMER.D A Atomac Energy                            sion. 66/09/12.FRYAR.R M kerr McGee ROUSE.LC. Atome Energy Comrrusson, Drectorale of Lcensmg. 73/06/04 2pp                             Corp 10 3100905741009057 31009 113-31009 114
         -8606190140 Forwards Lcense SMA426 renewed e entrety Authorustens contamed y to                                                                                               .

m Amend 1 (690917) & Amend 2 (691027)to Leonee SMA426 not r=w m re' SHELLY.WJ Karr-McGee Nuclear Corp 74/01/24 ROUSE.LC Alorruc Energy Com- l newed vertert Annes B condshons idenbcal to those m Lcense SNM-1174 trwanon, Drectorate of Lcenomg 1p. 31009157 31009157 ROUSE.LC, Abmc Enerow Commmason, Drectorate of Lcenseg 73/06/04 SHELLEY,W L Kerr-McGee Corp.1p. 31000115-31009115.

                                                                                                           -4006190249 Responds to NRC660912ler te vendor orgaruational changes. Structur.                         l
         -4508190145 Requests kansfer of Lcense SUS-1010.SNM-1174.SNM 928 & SUA416                             f"wiWun nuclear products @pt uneNected by rewgaruzanon SnW resume d W                               j to Kort-McGee Nuclear Corp as of 731101 Formahon of new corpora 00n we tot                         pQyA            Kerr-McGee Corp. 66/09/21. NUS$8AUMER.D A Alomic Energy Com-LE          -

Corp 73/10/12. NUS$BAUMER.DA Atome Energy nussen. 2pp. 3 m 05&3m 059 Cornmosen Drectorate of Lcenssng 8pp. 31009116-31009123.

         -4005190140 Forwards apphcalen tot source ma9 hcense & draw ngs NPDL162 & NPD-                        740211-15 Volanons noted corrected before conclusen of eso 222 Drawings withheld trof 10CFR2 790).                                                            KEPPLER.J.G. Regen 3. Oscago. Offre of the Drector 74/04/06. SHELLEY,W J LAMBERTUS.H. Kerr-McGee Corp 65/02/10 NUSSBAUMER.D A Atome Energy                                  Kerr McGee Nuclear Corp. Ppp.31000 158 41009 159 Commason. 19.31009 018-31000 018
                                                                                                           -4606190200 Insp Repts 40 7306/7441,741193/74414 704925/7441 on 740211
         -4006190153 Apphcaten for BCense to receeve. possess,use.Wansfer, dehver or Import                    15.Velabons retademployees exposed to arbome concentrabone of Pu 12 to 16 mio the US unkmned amount of normal & depasted U & thonum.                                         6mes specshed hmsts from731028 to 740216 (SNM-1074L i

LAMBERTUS.H. Kerr-McGee Corp.65/02/17.17pp. 31009 019 31009-035. RIDGWAY.K.R FINN.J A, FIORELU.G. Regen 3, Chicago. Omco of the Dreciar 74/ 04/08. 22pp. 3100t160 31009101.

         -4008190196 Requests ediS info en support of 650218appicanon for heense.mckdng topograprucal map of plant locatort @anhcanone of mdnnouel admrustanng rachaton                -4506190206 Ack receipt of 660921It to reagerummn of vendor to      nor Commesert 65/03/19 LAMBERTUS.H. K err-                                             h knergy                              WWM               RM wh R.

McGee Corp. 6pp. 31009 036-31009 041. $ '

         -4008190150 Responds to 650319 request for irito m support of apphceton for                      -4408190201 Forwards inep Repts447308/7442,701193/7445 & 704925/7443 on sa                                   w sa                                                            EPPL     .J     Regen                       . Office of the Drector 74/06/20 SHELLEY.WJ LA         b H kerr-McGee Corp. 65/                 NUS$8AUMER.D A Atome Energy                    Kerr-McGeo Nuclear Corp.                     009 162 31009 183 Commessert 5pp. 31009042-31009046.

4606190293 Advises of neuence of Amends 3 & 12 to Lcenses SMA426 & SNE

        -4008190162 Forwards Lcense SMA426 Suggests incorporanon of contammaten                                928.respecevesy.changmg liern 11 re poseng of esgns on as plans entrances wemmg checks & sunroys dunng penocc maps                                                                that any area or room may contam todoacDwe moti.

l NUSSBAUMER.D A Atome Energy Commasort 65/04/12. LAMBERTUS.H Kerr- MARMON.D F Atome Energy Commenen. 66/11/02. WULLER.G E. Kort-McGee McGee Corp. 19. 31009 047-31009 047. Corp. Ip.31009 061 41009 061.

        -4808190144Lcense SMA426 for Kerr-McGee Corp.authanDng use of unhmited p                          -8606190301 Inso Repts 447306/7442.741193/74 05 & 704925/7443 on 740520-sties of natural U. natured thonum & deptered U.

NUSS8AUMER.D A. Atomsc Energy Commessort 65/09/04 10 31009 048- 24,Volatons noted F4ter Bank 33analyses not tested annuany. 1973 KENO used(SN41174) m safety arehse

                                                                                                              ,a vault storage   & nucteer      saNety                before      unwonhed 31009 049                                                                                         RIDGEWAY.K R. FIORELU.G. Regen 3. Crucago. Orbce of the Drector. 74/06/19.
        -4008190147 Insp Fedmgs & Lscensee Ach on 651215 of Lcense SMA426 Insp                                 Upp. 3NN3N MS.

tome nergy Commesen. 65/12/15.1p. 31009050-31009 050_ -8508H0307 Ack receipt of740702 & 15Mrs.cfornung of steps taken to conect wooe-tons cried n AEC 740620 Itr Correctens we be enamened ckmng risp.

        -4808190173 Notrhes that por 651209 re@est. Item 1 of Lcenses SNM495. $NU.                            REPPLERJ G Regan 3.                           , Omco of the Drector. 74/os/12.      LLEY.WJ.

928,SMB-664 & SMA426 amended to reflect name change to Kerr.McGee Corp. KartMcGeo Nuclear Corp. Ip.3 009 19431009196. NUSS8AUMER.D A. Atome E/grgy Commatort 66/01/20. LAM 8ERTUS.H. Kerr-McGee Corp 1p. 31009-051-31009 051. -4906190325 Forwards invesagation Repts 447308/7443.701193/7445,70-0925/74-10 & 741193/74 09 As repts complete except App P of 7449If no noganwo com-

        -4006190148 Re@ests that 9ansfer of teennes to Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp be made                        monts recesved by 750103, repts we be c>scussed w/ vendor a union on750106 W/o
!          offectve740101matead of 731101,                                                                    enct i            SHELLEY.W J kerr-McGee Corp. 73/10/18 NUSS8AUMER.D.A Atome Energy                                 KNUTH.D F. Atome Energy Commason. Drectorate of Regadatory Opershons 74/

Commesen, Drectorate of Lcacesrg 1p. 3100t124-31009124. 12/31. RAf ANDERS, KRIEGSMAN Atome Energy Commasort 1p. 31009 203-i 31009 203.

        -4008190192 Re@eets wethhoktng of drewmgt NPOL222,NP(>222 (Rev 18) NPD-182.NPCL 1 -504.NPD.1 -511.NPOw 1 513,NPD.2-301 (Rev 1). NPOL2 801 & NPD 2*                   -4608190329 informs Ihat 660526 apphcahon for esempton from hconseg for transfer 802.per 10CFR2 790.                                    -

of small UO2 penet speernens densed Penet -- MC8 RIDE,J A Alome E _ could be transferred under Commrasert 66/03/21. LAMBERTUS.H. Kerr-McGee c,eneral hcense moued by 10CFR40 22M m re0ulations may be sought. Corp.1p. 31009 052 31009 2- MCBRIDE J A. Atome E Commasort 66/11/07. WULLER.G E. Kerr.McGee

        -8606190203Appicanon for amend to Lcense SMA426 to provide addl authonzabon W1fLLER,G E Kerr                C      66     23           E         tomc Energy Com-          -4606190331 Forwards Ireweshgataan Repts 447308/74-03.741193/74-10,70-0925/74-mesort 2pp. 31009 053-31009 053*                                                                   05 & 74m3/7449 Rept 74 41# to be docussed w/ unen & bceesee on 750106 Other p to be dme=aart w/ union & vendor on750107.Repts to be made SHEL                                       73/1       tomc Energy                    2pp.                S        tome Energy Commmeen. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens 75/01/

31009 125-31009 126. 06. MURPHv.G Congress, Joint Commrttee on Atorrac Energy 1p. 31009204-31009 204

        -4006190200 Advmes of neuance of Amend 2 to Lcense SMA426 authonzng posses-sen of up to 2,000 ti of source ms11 for chapley ptapones.                                     -8506190332 inso Fmengs & Ucensee Ack on 670201 42 of Lcense SMA426Insp HARMON D F. Atome E                   Commmaert 66/04/04 WULLER G E. kerr-McGee                    andmga no noncomphance found.

Corp.1p, 31009-054-31009 . HYDEHJ E. Atome Energy Commmeert67/02/01. Ip. 31009 063-31009 063.

        -8006190214 Requests exempton to Lcense SMA426 in order to dlwert & tansfer                          0006190334 Confrms that no tems of noncomphence or health & safety problems                           i men of 5 kg depleted U contamed in sma# UO2 peast specimens Detnbubon not to                       noted dunng map on 67020142.Remep due m Feb 1968 include general fue Urgent approvel sessred.                                                       HYDER.J E. Atome Energy Commmeert 67/04/07. Atomic Energy Commesert 1p.                              J WULLER.G.E. Kerr-McGee Corp 66/05/26 NUSSBAUMER DA Atome Energy Corr >                             31000 064-31009 064.

meeert 1p. 31000 0'4 31009 055.

        =0000190230 Notfes that Ucennes SUB-1010.SMA426.SUA416.SNM-928 & SNM-1174 transferred to Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp.Speculic amends to bcontes                                         crk            Uruon re'"'un'sa 750107 Volatone noted bened Re@ess Commmeen be noened when subessery formahred.                                          KEPPLER J.G ROUSE.LC. Atome E                     Commmeen. Drectorate of Ucenoeg 74/01/02.                                                 3. Chicago. Othce of the Drector. 75/01/10. MCGEE.DA Kerr McGee Corp.          ' 31009 204-31009 206' SHELLEY,WJ. Kerr4droaa                  2pp. 31009127-3100t128.
        -4006190230 Informs that communcanone re managenal matters should be addressed                    -4906190344Docusses 670524 chemmal explosson et vendor facdety No apparent radi-to RM Fryer.GE Wuser we conenue to admruster routne matters re                                     clogcal hazard. Field mvesegaton planned. State of OK Health Dept notsfied & invited Wreguienon & comphence.                                                                            to       - te en evestgeton.

LAMBEMTUS H. Kerr-McGee Corp.66/06/12.MCBRIDE J.A. Alomm Energy Comme. W LKE ,D.L Atomse Energy Commasort 67/05/25. DUBINSKI,L. Atoms Energy ] sen.1p. 31009 05&31000 056. Commescrt19 31009065-J1009065.

        -8008190234 Descreies                 abonel changes evolved in changng name of hcensee           -4606190300 Notfes that AEC informed on 670524 by bcensee rachanon safety omcar to Kerr.McGee Nucteer             .Also chacuseet        ,due to termneton of several             of cherrecal exploemn m son exchange column Explosson man was depleted U No personnet.m rewmed sectons of Lcense SNn41174                  for Kate N added.                  engunos. health physscs problems or enhcahty Considerstons resulted SHELLEY.W J. kerr-McGee Corp. 73/12/31. ROUSE.LC Atomsc Energy Commmeen,                           LOWLD. Atome Energy Commissen. 67/05/25. PRICE.H L Kerr-McGee Corp.1p.

Drectorate of Lcenerg 20pp. 31009129L31009156. 31000 06& 31009 066. j


    ~4506190353 Irwestgation Roots 40 7306/7443.741193/74-10 & 700925/7405 on 740521-22 %mme notedinadent                          6 censed man not reported wrthat          -8506190428Appcate for amend to Lcense SMA 426 to metude Camanon Pu Plant 24 h. safe operateg html of glove box sys            & Pu metal used.                              as authortred place of use of deWeted U matts Matis needed for shakedown & testeg WARD.JJ. RIDGwAY.K R. PAAS,HJ. Regan 3. Ehcago. Offce of the Drector 74/                           of Pu plant equepment Requests approval by 691104 12/13. 2tpp 31009 207-31009 227.                                                                   WULLER.G E. Ker, McGee Corp 69/10/22.NUSSBAUMER.D A Atome Energy Com.

rrussen. Ip.31009 099-31009 099

    -4908190300 Summanres two peone cans to 670524 chemcal explosson m non en-change ccdumn Emplosson mall mwofwed depleted U onfy. No inlunes Damage estynat-                -4506190430 Nddin of usuwce of Aniend 2 m Lceu SMA626. revising nem 0 m ed not to euceed Sie 000 Part of opershon Closed 7 days AEC to eveengste                            mctude date c8 691022 & nem 9 amended re authonrad piece of use DER H              Energy Commasort67/05/25. Alome Energy Commason.1p                          NUSSBAUMER.D A Atome Energy Commmason 69/10/27. WULLER.G E. Kerr-McGee Corp 1p. 31009100-31009100
    -4506190309 Forwards comphance mwesaganon rept of chemcal explosson No defrwte cause determined.Two possstmhtses east metal acid reacton & tweakdown os roert m                -8506190432 Adwmes of esuance of Amends 18 & 3 to Lcense SNM 928 & SMA.

reacten w/rutne acid No items of noncomphance anwolved 826.ronpactwely.authormng use of resprators to determme empeoyee exposures NUSSBAUMER.D A Atome E Commason. 69/12/16 WULLER.O E Kerr-WARD.JJ, Alornsc Energy Commesson.67/06/27 HANDLER.R Atomc Energy Cors McGee Corp. 5pp 31009101-31 105 messon. 2pp. 31009 066-31009 069

    -4508190377 Re@ests worrhcanon that former vendor eenployee receeved 740910                       -8506190442 Forwards remporise to NRC750110 nr cenp Irwestgenon Repts 40 7306/

richce of record at exposure upon termmaDon Specal redacon survey rept on K Sdk- 7443.70-0925/74M & 70 It93/74-10 re allagabons cr urmate worn con 400ns

       *ood & TLD ruder cambr encs                                                                        MCGE E.D A. Kerr-McGee Corp 75/01/21 kEPPLER,J G Regon 3                              . Offte W ARD,J J R                                                                                        of the Drector 3pp. 31009 232 31009 234 3pp. 3m 22 -3M230   4. Dallas. Othce of the Drector 74/11/25. Affihanon Not Assigned.
                                                                                                      -8006190445 Requests that communcahon to teensed actrwey of vendor be drected to ar a curred m aan e _

er 670 g y' M kerr McGee Nucioar Corp 77/06/28 SMI7H C V Offre of Nuclear Ma-column Employee & mgt evennews condutw tonal Safety & Safepards.Drector 2pp. 31009 235-31009 236 WARD,J J . B .G O. Atome Energy Commmason. 67/06/27. 7pp 31009070-31009 076.

                                                                                                      -4508190449 Forwards insp Repts447308/7741.741193/7742 4 704925/7743 on
    -4608190302 Conhrms 6705251eicon w/DI Walker Nottes of possible RO mwolving des                       770607-10 h~.w rioted pisted U Rapid enemcal reacton occurred 670524 m aan enchange column dunno                         ALLAN.J M Regen 3 Chcago. Othce of the Drector 77/07/21 E. Kerr-resin regeneranon.No           reported Inesorwhcant release of raecectrwe man                    McGee Nuclear Corp. 2pp 3t009 237 31009 238 WULLER.G E. Kerr-              Corp 67/05/25 WALKER.D L Atome Eru7f Corm sort 1p 31009077-31009077.                                                                    -8600190452 Notco of violanon from esp on770607.10.
  • Repon 3. Cheago. Ornce of the Drector. 77/07/21.1st 31009239-31009239 A

riY5010 nr' ]he

3. Cmscago Ornce of the Drector 75/01/30 SHELLEY.WJ Kerr.

r"isp -8506190454 insp Repts 40 7308/7741.741193/7742 4 704925/7743 on 770flo7 10 Noncomphance notedeventary of ennched U contarung more than 1 kg of U 235 McGee Nuclear Corp 1p. 31009 231-31009231.

   -. 0 1903        ro,.e,ds derns ,,e , .n e. chang. cok,no -ted n (g                9,28 iOpp 3 = > m = 249 AEC 670531Ilr items marked "Kerr4ecGee Conhdenhal" W/c enct WULLER.G E KerrMcGee Corp. 67/06/15 WALKER.D L Atome Energy Comrms.

esort 1p. 31009 076 31009 078 -es0g190457 Ack recept of 770725nr mformre J steps taken to correct noncomph. ance identrhed in NRC 770721 Itr Correcgwe acDon weg be enamined dunng futtre

   -4506190391Doctanents 670626 teicon w/G Wulier of kerr McGee Coro re hme outer
  • sion to stemet 30 day rest of 67M24 encadent re emplosson m en exchange column conta

[LAN.J M. Fuel Facdmos & Matenals Nuclear Corp. Ip.31009 254 31009 250. Brancft 77/08/03 BROWN.B E kerr McGee depleted U Delay tor submissen arded. DL lome Energy Comrmssen 6 /06/28. Atome Energy Comrmssort to

                                                                                                     -450 elm Appice for amend b Wu SNE928 to mete posen & uu
   -8606190394 Nonrouhne 30-day rept on670524 re raped chemscal reacton m ion es.                        os sour e mall as natural U or docieted U m quanety not euceedmg 2.000 kg change column dunng reen regenersoon Caused                                                        U Termmation of Lcense SMA426 whch empres 780430. requested maffuncton or rutnc acad-water            SHELLEY,W J. Kort McGee Nucteer Corp 78/01/23 ROUSE.LC, Fuel Procest &

equipment Batch makeup of twinc acid. pressure sys & temp checks paanned. Feb. Branch (Pro 790727).1p. 31009 252 31009 252. WOLLER.G E. KerrMcGee Corr. 67/06/29 LOW.LD. Atome Energy Comrmsseort 2pp. 31009 064-31009 085.

                                                                                                    -4506190447 Certrhcale of esposson of metis thorium meets transferred lo Kerr McGee j                                                                                                        Chemmal Corp. natural U twended w/ ernched u
   -4506190402 Confrms that AEC does not plan to correspond w/ vendor to mvestigshon                    Crnarron &                                                           UO2 fuse at Kerr.McGee of chommal espioecn mwofwing smas quantty of 49epteled U.No ordorcement achon                                               U tansferred to keer McGee              an appears appropnate No noms of noncomphance found                                                  $HELLEY,WJ. Kerr-                  Nuclear Corp. 78/05/31.1p. 1000 253-31009 253 HANDLER.R Atome Energy Comrmssert 67/07/12. Atome Energy Comnussert 1p.

3 M 0843- 086. 36062e0113 Further response to FOtA request for runs categones of documents re U mai tesiings regulatons App L documents enci & evadable m POR Portions of App M

  -8506190404 Ack recept of670629 ler.rdarmmg of neture of en exchange column OW        A y                         n                  M/         #

BR E Energy Commeson. 67/07/14 WULLER.G E. Kerr-McGee Corp. P0"CY '"*I'tute 9pp. 31222206 31223M 1p. 31009 087 31009 06L

  -8606190407 Notifies that Lcense SMA426 expres680430 Appicaten for renewal of                     -4506200100 Forwards 830506 order paneng NRC mobon to defer argument en banc on rms tainngs r       anons kcense shcLed be filed 30 days before empranon of existng hcense Requests that anci               SLAGGlE.E L N carbfcate of status be correseted si renewal not dested NUSSBAUMER.D A. Atorme Energy Commesert 68/02/28 FRYAR.R M Kerr-McGee                             AMEARNE Cs ... .~No Detaded             Afhhehon 2pp 31223       Ofwert83/05/10.PALLADINO.

097-31223 098 GIONSKY. Corp 1p. 3100908&31009088

                                                                                                    ~4506200218 Forwards ' Respondent NRC Rept on Recent Developments
  • re kerr-
  -8506190400 Forwards              anon for renewal of Lcense SMA 826                                                  

WULLER.G E Kerr- Corp 68/03/25 NUSSBAUMER.D A. Atome Energy Com-frusson 1p. 31009 089-31009 089- TR CH NRC No Dotaded Afhhanon Gewert 83/10/05. PHit.UPS.H K. U S Court of Appeass.10th Circuit 5pp 31223106 31223110.

  -4506190413 Apphtaten for renewal of Lcense SMA-826 as amerw*A by Arnend 3 1661102)

WULLER.G E. kerr-McGee Corp 68/03/25 3pp 3100909431009092 -8900260374 Advises that EPA final enveen stds for U rnil tashnps promulgated by stat-utory deadhre Comrmsson win sutsate FL4emakmq proceeeng 10 cordorm NRC U tm# hcenomg regurements w/ final enwron stds Related neo ence

 -8506190415 Forwards renewed Lcense SMA426 NUSS8AUMER.D A. Atormc Energy Commesert 68/04/29 WULLER.G E. Kerr-                                 TRUBATCH.S of   Appeals.10thLCircuit Offce 19pp.

of the 31223179-31223197. General Counset 83/12/05. PHituPS.H K. U S Court McGee Corp.1p 3100909J-31009 093.

 -450819041e Renewed Lcense SMA426 for keer McGee Corp.authormng possessson c] up to 2.000 lbs of natural U. natural thonum 4 depleted U tar esplay purposes              DOCMET 40W7456 WHfTTAatER METALS, LOS AfeQELES, CA NUSSBAUMER.DA Atome Energy Commasort 68/04/29. Ppp. 31009 094-31009 095.

8506240185 Forwards Amend 3 to Ucense SMA-tote.SER m support of amend.findng

 -4606190421 Apphcaton for amend to Lcense SMA-826 to melude possessen of up to                        of to sigruficant impact & enwoon assesstnent Amend deletes ares of Greerwne.PA este desagnated as "Greerwee Mstals.tnc" on 650520 poet 150 lb source man as depleted U somde penets for use m work w/peast unpackagog equipment Amend should be effectrwe sor 6 months                                                  CROW.W 7 Uraruum Fuel Lcensmg Brancft 85/06/13. SPILLER,$ L. Whittaker Corp 2pp 3115727431157292 WULLER.G E. Kerr-McGee Corp 69/09/15.NUSSBAUMER.D A. Atome Energy Com-mrasert 1p. 31009 096-31009096.
                                                                                                   -4508240193 Amend 3 to Ucense SMA-1018.8ar Wtuttaker Corp.authonzmg n
 -4506190423 Fumiehes eds odo per 690916 teicon m support of 690915 TWX for amend of Lcense SMA426 Documents piens for controt a physcal custody of b                         N&      of          ma       me"nt consed man whde at Dwyer Mfg of OhmRadaban surveys to be conducted after                          CROW.W 7. Uraruum fuel Lconsang Branch.85/06/13 2pp. 31157272-31157273.

WULLER.G E. Kerr-McGee Corp 69/09/16 NUS$8AUMER.DA Atome Energy Com-amssert 1p. 31009 097 31009 097 dj,*8$3M*'p*3"* , M8 LE*"** SMAdO18. authonzine COOL.D A , CROW.W T. Uraruurn Fuet Lcensing Branch. 85/06/13. 8pp 31157.274-

 -4908190425 Notfes of msuance of Amend 1 to Ucense SMA426. authormng use of                           31157.286.

up to 150 R of U as depleted U chomde penets a tesen0 program at Dwyer M'g of oben NUSSBAUMER.D.A Atomac Energy Commasort 69/09/17. WULLER.G E. Kerr- -4006240100 Notco el findmg of no esgruficant impact re Amend 3 to Ucense SMA-1018 EIS unwarranted. McGee Corp. Ip.31009 098-31009 098 CROW.W T. Uraruum Fuel Lacenomg Branch.65/06/04 Ppp 31157.287-31157 288 _. _ - __. _ _. .. _ . . ~ - _

6 DOCKETEDITEMS 8506260379 Requests autmttal of attemate area to replace 160-acre plot consestent w/

         - 8506240216 Asserts that release of Greernnue.PA site for unrestrcted use we not                          regurernents of iconse Amends 17 & 26 by 8507tS.

result m at y adverse ermnron unpacts.Fedmg of no sagrufcant unpact conssoered ap- CROW W T. Urarnum Fuss Lcensing Branctt 65/06/17 STAUTERJC. Semah proonate for proposed amend to Lcense SMA-1018. Fuels Corp (subs. of Kert McGee Nuclear Corp).1p 31225 341-31225 341. WYNGARDEN.S D.. CROW.W T. Uratuum Fust Lcenseg Branch. 85/06/04 Uraruum Fuel Lcensmg Brancft don 31157.289-31157 292 8506270397 Provides addl rdo re request for p@he heanng on appicaten for amend to Lcense SU8-1010 Served on 850626 DOCKET 40-8006KERR-MCGEE CORP, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK DEERINWATER.J. Nawe Amercans for a Clean Envronment Chent Couned. #285

                                                                                                                    $92 85/06/21. CHILK.SJ. Ortco of the Secretary of the Commason. 3pp.

8504190065 Responds to appeal re derwal of FOIA request for warver of fees concem 31236.233-31236 235. mg pendmg & future FOtA requests related to Kerr McGee Corp Appeal dermed DRCKS.W J. Omco of the Executrwe Drector for Operations 85/01/28. BARNES.C. Uryworssty Dady Kansan. Lawrence. KS. 2pp 31014164-31014193- DOCKET 40-4004RIO ALGOM CORP., MOAS, UT

         $504190115 Responds to FOIA request for as docurneres re Lcenses SMA-826 (Dec                          $506200396 Sutmts revew accepteg actions taken by Rao Algorn Meeng Corp as 1964 Dec 1974)SUA 1330 (Jan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC 793 (Jan 1964 Dec                                  result of dam insp by consultant Corrective actions cornoleted on850325re ehmma-1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA426 & SUA 1330                                                 ten of rodent actnntw a        stnha of embankment. Annual entermeaten planned.

FELTON.J M. D vesen of Rules and Records.85/03/20. SHAFER.S Affihaten Not As. SHOPENN.N M , P1'TTE ILL.HJ. Uratuum Recovery Field Omco 85/05/31. Urarv. sagned. fp.31009 017 3t00905f. um Recovery Feld Offce. 2pp. 31042 236 31042 237

          -8506190204 Responds to AEC 730626 nr Bdimg addresses for hcense fees ence.

SHELLEY.W.J. Kerr-McGee Corp. 73/11/uv. Alome Energy Commisson 2pp. DOCKET 40-8102 EXXON CO USA, HOUSTON, TX 31009 125-31009 126. Provides posstion & asse DOCKET 40 8027KERR-MCGEE NUCLLAR f:ORP, OKLAHOMA CITY, Og 45,06050642,omoto ered m p -coope, e soo stance m,ts e ad.eq ssesreviewe L **~ 8506190065 Resoonds to appeal re dermat of FOIA request for warver of fees concern- Y 'p*eid ca 74 307 '

                             & future FOLA requests estated to Kerr-McGee Corp Appeal dermed D KS.           . Omco of the Execuerve Drector for Operatens. 85/01/28 BARNES.C.

Uruvers,ty Dady Kansar\ Lawrence. KS. 2pp. 31014164-31014193. p , g

          -8506190107 FOIA request for two categones of documents re Lcenses SUA 616 &

SUS-1010 Notifcation of status of request witrun 10 days of receipt of Itr requested. 8506210062 ' Nme Mde Lake Ouarterly Rept.Thrd Quarter.1984." per Lcense Conchtion BARNES.C. Uruversty Kansan. Lawrence. KS. 84/10/29 FELTON.J M. Dmson 36 of Rules and Records. 2pp 31014192-31014196 SPIELES.P. Rocky Mountaan Ener Co. 64/10/31. SMITH.R D Uraruum Recovery e Nice. Upp. 48 20W4 2E 8506190115 Responds to FOIA request for as documents to Lcenses SMA426 (Dec 8506050341 "Ermron Survedlance at Nne Mde Lake.Frst Quarter 1985? [Forwa es e Lc SMA 26 & A-1 SPIELES.P. Rocky Mountam Ener Co 85/05/14. SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery FELTON.J M Desen of Rutes and Records.85/03/20.SHAFER.S Affikaten Not As Feld Oftce.11pp. 30742.049-3074 059 sagned. Ip.31009 017-31009 051. 4 4506210407 issues Amend 6 to Lcense SUA-1228 adding Lcense Condition 42 re m-

           -8506190145 Requests Wansfer of Lcense SUB-1010.SNM.1174.SNM-928 & SUA416                                                              _4 ., pian autmtted on 841029 & modified by Lconse 731101Formaton of new corporaten wie not            piem to                                                                                                    Co,.ent,at.en s 0. of A.. .

an Kerr-McGee ect a- M Nuclea,r pe sonnel Corp as of SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery Feld Offee 85/06/06 NEUMANN.M R Rocky Moun-SHELLEY.W J Kerr.McGee Corp 73/10/12 NUSS8AUMER.D A. Atome Energy Commisson. Drectorate of Lcensmg. 8pp. 3100911431009123. tain Energy Co. Ip. 31048 115-31048.117.

           -8506190186 Requests lhet transfer of hcenses to Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp be made                     -8506210411 Recommends that Lcense SUA-1228 be amended to anow implementa-effectrve740101 instead of731101.                                                                     ton of modrfed decommessorung plan by adtklion of Lcense Conditon 42.

SHELLEY.W.J kerr-McGee Corp. 73/10/18 NUSS8AUMER.D A. Atomm Energy BRICH,R F., HAWKINS.E F. Uraruum Recovery Feld Office. 65/06/06. Uraruum Re. Commissert Drectorate of Lcensing 1p. 31009124-31009124 covery Field Oftce 2pp. 31048.116 31048.117.

           -4506190204 Responds to AEC 730626 lir Bethng addresses for hcense fees enct SHELLEY.W J. Mart-McGee Corp. 73/11/09. Atome Energy Commisson. 2pp-                              DOCKET 40-6447 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE. CA 31009 125-31009 126.
           -8506190220 Notifes that Lcenses SUB-1010,SMA426.SUA416.SNM.928 & SNM-                                8506190115 Responds to FOIA request for a# documents ce Lcenses SMA426 (Dec 1174 Iransferred to Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp Spoofc amords to hcenses                                  1964 - Dec 1974LSUA-1330 (Jan 1977 Jan 1985) & SUC 793 (Jan 1964 - Dec hsted Reguests Corruvussson be notifed when subsdary formakzed.                                       1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA426 & SUA-1330 ROUSE.LC. Atome E                         Commason. Drectorate of Lcenseg 74/01/02.                   FELTON.J M Duson of Rules and Records.85/03/20.SHAFER.S. Amhation Not As-SHELLEY.W J. Kerr McGee                     . 2pp. 31009127-31009128,                                 sagned.1p. 31009 017 31009 05t.

, -8506190234Descrees or atonal changes involved m chargng name of hcensee . 8506190346 Notifes that Recovery Feld Ofc on 821004 Provides i to Kart-McGee Nuclear Also dracusses .due to termenation of several field olc addresses for future correspondence & bulk te vendor U recovery personnel,m rev sed so.hons of Lcense SNM-1174 for Kano ll added. faceity SHELLEY.WJ Kerr McGee Corp.73/12/31. ROUSE.LC. Atome Energy Comnussen. SMITH.R D Uratuum Recovery Feld Offee. 83/05/23. SHELLEY.W J. Kart McGee Drectorate of Lcenerg 28pp. 31009129-31009156. Nuclear Corp 3pp. 31010:143-31010.145.

            -8506190247 Iriforms that formaten of Kart-McGee Nuclear Corp became effecsve DOCKET 40-4452 BEAR CREEK URANIUM CO., CASPER, WY LLY,WJ. Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp 74/01/24 ROUSE.LC. Atomm Energy Com-rrusson, Drectorate of Lconsmg 1p. 31009157 31009157.

8506000507 Forwards Amend 6 to Lcense SUA-1310.addmg Lcense Conditen 47 re

            ~4506190445 Requests that communcaten re hcensed actmty of vendor be chrected to                          groundweier detecton monstonng progam.

WJ Shelley SMITH.R D. Uraruum Recovery Field Urfce. 85/05/07. Bear Creek Uransum Co. 3pp. MOORE,P M Kerr.McGee Nuclear Corp.77/06/28 SMITH.C.V. Offee of Nuclear Ma- 30782.194-30782 214. tonal Safety & Safeguards.Drector 2pp. 31009235 31009 236.

                                                                                                                  ~              '2          *        *"*         '     ' ' 8*   Creek U Co. revising Lconse 8506250420 Responds to FOIA reouest for applicatens filed by Aar                                                     47      out d a      et Aihed.Honeyweb,Kerr McGee & Nuclear Metals to mfg ' green salt." Only Kerr-                           SMITH.R D. Uraruum Recovery F          Off          f0 Yam 9pp. 30782-197 30782.205.

feed ton App documents evadable m POR. L M and Records. 85/04/05. FARLEY,S. Reich & Tang -4504000519 Recommends addmg Lcense Condition 47 to Lcense SUA 1310 re groundwater detecten morutonng program.Deta conected at wens e detecten moru. 8500030462 R pubhc on permit amend by Kerr-McGee to e,p g be um Recovery Field Ofree 9pp. 30782 206 30782-214. R ER.J. Natrve Amoncens for a Clean Envronment Chent Counc4. #285 205. 85/05/13. C .. ._ _ -.a 1p. 30678.02&30878 028. 8500050682Provides posation & assestance a revieweg hated protects. Comments of. 8500000001 Forwards bst of envron questions to complete revew of 850422envron fored to promote contmung cooperative efforts m adses. smo U sites. GARLAND.W L Wyomeg State of.85/05/08 KONWINSKIG R., JtERREE,C.C. Ure-mfo supportmg850124 apphcaten to amend Lcense SUB-1010 Response requested ruum Recovery Feed Offee.300.30740 138-30740.140. by 850625 CROW.W T. Uraruum Fuel Ucenseg Branch. 85/05/28 STAUTER,J.C. Kerr-McGee Corp. 3pp. 30782.018-30782-020. 8506140163 Requests pubhc heanng of record be held to proposed expansen of Kerr. McGee Sequoyah Fuels plant Served on 850613 8506200403 "ingaray Mme - Quarterfy R Sept 1984." W/841023 Itr BURRIS.J. Cherokee Naton #285 423. 85/06/12 CH!LK S.J. Office of the Secretary Electnc . 84/09/30. CHANCELLOR.R. Wyommg. of the Commeson.1p. 30893 068-30893 068. FAUBER)R. Wes State of 146pp. 3104 .145-31041290. 8506240411 $4mits stems of eterestOn 850603 07. staff a DOE vissted este re potenhai snpocts of UF6 & UF4 conversen facihty. NRC & ANL met w/ State of IL re geologe 8506210054 "T ey Mme Quarterly ReptOct-Dec 1984," per Lcense Conditen efo svc to be used in locatog areas for low level waste cbsposal. 160 W/850122 . CROW.W 7. Uraruum Fues Lcensmg Brancri. 85/06/13 DAvsS.J G. Offee of Nuclear F AUBER.J R Wes Electnc Corp. 84/12/31. SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery Matenal Safety & Safeguards.Drector. 3pp. 31154:361-31154 363. Feld Omce. CHA LLOR.R New York. State of. 235pp 31047 012-31047-246. _ . _ - _ - , _ - . _ . . ~ ..

m _ . . __ ._ DOCKETEDITEMS 7 I j 8506050673 Forwards esues requirmg clartcahon & soluhon re restoratum DOCKET 40 8586KERR-MCGEE NUCLE AR CORP., OKLAHOMA CITY, OK i cntena.morvlormg requrements & operahonal constracts Co 1/ if D. RC No Detadod thisatum G RAN 8506190090 FOIA request for es documents re Lcenses SMA 826 (Dec 1964 - Dec Wyommg. State of.14pp. 30740141-30740154' 1974).SUA-1330 Dan 1977 Jan 1985) & SUC 793 (Jan 1964 Dec 1985) SHAF E R.S. Affehation Not Asmgned 85/02/t5. Oftco of Adrrurustrabort 8pp 620060474 Comments on poets presented at 850111 meetmg w ?.*/Miem 31009 009 31009 016. Nuclear.Malapa Resources & Westeghouse m Cheyenne.WY re Ingaray Mme issues. MOONEY.G. Wyommg. State of, 85/04/04. BOGDEN.G. Western Nuclear. Inc (auta 8506190115 Responds to FotA request for au documents re Leerees SMA-826 (Dec of Pheeps Corp). BECK.M K. Malapa Resources Co RUTLEDGE.C Westy9 house Electnc .10pp 30740.34330740352 1964 - Dec f974).SUA-1330 Dan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC793 (Jan 1964 . Dec 1985) Forwards documents re Lconses SMA 828 & SUA 1330 8500050436 Requests adts into on commons n Tab 6e 3 m FELTON.J M Dnnson of Rules and Recordet85/03/20 SHAFER,S Affikahon Not As-I my Mme Quarterty Rept egned 1p. 31009 017-31009 05l for JanMar 1985 did 850402 re water over porton of under map tube for Pond G. l MOONEY,G State of.85/04/05.F AUBER.J R Westmghouse Electnc Corp j 1p 30741.339- 741 39 4508190179 Notrhes that too requred for 781115appicanon for hcense for m stu U

'                                                                                                              solution memg Apptcahon wiu be processed upon receipt of fee
                                                                                                                 #       A                             ""                        '$"

850 050492Raponds io 85m5 = ,. wa= reported m Pond C insp %be m Wunne house ingara Mme quarterty rept. Table 3. for Jar > Mar 1985 No reason to beneve gchE . us tear "p't N10 0 [" 0 $ " ' L C Wes E tne Corp 5/04 24 G. Wyommg. State -8H6W83 Forwards payment Mr When for hcenu er in stu U soluhon et 3pp. 30740353-30 E 8500040333 Responds to 850424 request for mfo re replacement of insection Wees El-QfJ "McGee Nuclear Corp 76/12/07. CA8ELLA S Lcense Fee Mark agement Branctt 1p. 31010107 31010107. 48 & El-55 at ingaray Mme ate Wess desgned for & enstalled as operanng wees for m sdu soluhon U mmmg No hcense amend reeded RUTLEDGE.C. Westnghouse Electnc Corp.  % /05/02 SMITH.R D,

                                                                                                          -8506190195 Act receipt of hcense apphcanon to cornet e>mtu U leecheq prolect Requests addl ento re potermal envron impact.mckdmg subsurface geolograr HILDENBRAND.P Urarnum Recovery Feld Offce 2pp. 30719 218-30719 21g                                     maps.vertcal sequence of aquihers & water quakty analyses 8506200373 Repts estabbshment of We4 517-NM2 as repeacement for Wou 517.M2.per                            COOPERSTEIN.R Fuel Process. & Fab- Orancn (Pro 790727). 77/04/08
                                                                                                              $HELLEY.W J. Kerr McGee Nuclear Corp. 5pp 31010'108-31010112 840920 Itr & 840424 & 0526tecons w/P Hildenbrand We# Sl7 M2 plugged & abarb doned on841203. Lasted acton levets - = . a tor Wed Sl7-NM2                                        ~8506190207 Responds to NRC770118ler Ermron rept adequale to support proposed RUTLEDGE.C General Electne Ca 85/05/08 SMITH R D., HILDEN8 RAND,P. Urar*

um Recovery Fedd Ottce. 3pp. 31041294-31041.296 test Suggeshons melude locatmg & plugging esisting borehoses.escussmg water qual-ity anaPyses m detae & bshng nearby supp#y wells. 850P060501 Responds to 850509 tescon request to info on high redon values not n. WARNER.D L Don L Warner. Inc. 77/02/23 ROUSE.LC. Fuer Process & Fab. ciuded a sermannual actwy & mondonng rept for 1984 incident descreed Branch (Pre 790727). 3pp. 31010.113-31010115. RUTLEDGE.C Weshnghouse Electnc Corp. 85/05/15 SMITH.R D, HILDENBRAND.P Uratuum Recovery Feed Offca 2pp 30784 256-30784 257. ~4506190217Confems Cooperstem/Wamer 770112telcon re Develand Ckfts tron Co

                                                                                                             & WMcGn Nucker Corp appecanons W cornct m WW leactung skdes 2 eskact 8506050430S@mds revew of Westmghouse1983 & 84serrmannual actnnty & morwtor-                              U Info autmttals encl for revow Requests                       nons mg repts for ingaray in Silu Leach Pro,ect.per 83r803.840217 & 850219                                 ROUSE.L C. Fuel Process. & Feb Branch (                         190727) 77/01/18 W ARNER.D L submittals Actual cata & esposure records wiu be revewed cksing forthcommg esp                        Dori L Warner. Inc.1p 31010.116-31010116 HILDENBRAND.P. HAWKINS E F. Urartum Recovery Field Offce.85/05/23 Uraruum Recovery Feld Omco 3pp. 30741358-30741360,                                                        -8508190228 Responds to NRC 770408 Itr to hcense apphcation for U soluhon Related matis ence.

8506200254 Informs of 85060347 onsite map of Wesanghouse ingary in Situ facefy in. 9HEL EY.WJ kerr.McGee Nuclear Corp.17/08/24 ROUSE.LC Fuel Process & S house esp of beenwng fees. conducted on 850529.mcluded ad documents for840822- Fab Brancf1(Pro 790727).1ftpp 31010.117-31010126. 850331Addl mfo enct q WASTLER.S L. HAWMINS.E F Uranium Recovery Field Omco 85/05/30. Uratisum ~4506190235 Informs that dems submitted per hcense apphcanon to cover U solution Recovery Feid orfce 5pp 31043 25131043 255. trunng wis be placed m PDA Request for withhoichng efo failed to Cvnply w/ 8506210415 issues Amend 9 to Lcense SUA-1341,revissng Lcense Condmons 22(a) & 10CF R2.790(b)(1). (b) to demonstranon of restoranon of Wesmeld E m manner consstent w/ procedures ROUSE,LC Fuel Process & Fab. Branch (Pre 790727) 77/09/22 SHELLEY W J. outhned m Westmghouse 8'11115subemttal & Mods 22A-F. Kerr.McGeo Nuclear Corp. 2pp. 31010.127-31010128 T R Uramum F 85/06/04 RUTLEDGE.C. Westegnouse -8 90246 thdraws request for wthholdog of mfo contamed n 770824 Itr from

    -8506210414 Recommends esuance of Amend 9 to Lcense SUA 1341 reveng Coe                                  SHELLEY.W J Kerr McGee Nuclear Corp 77/09/30 ROUSE.LC Fuel Process. &

cons 22(a) & (b) to demonstraton of restoration of Wellfieed E si manner consessent Fab. Branch W190727) 2pp. 3W 12S3W m w/ procedures outhned n Weshnghouse 831115 submittal & Mods 22A-F. j HILDENBRAND.P. HAWKINS.E F. Uranium Recovery Field Omce. 85/06/04 Wes. ~4506190276 Responds to NRC771020 Itr to reviere of mfo per hcense request to con. i. t nghouse Electnc Corp. 2pp. 31048113 31048114 duct U leacNng Vendor should obtaan more basehne groundwater quehty data & keep

 '                                                                                                           miection heads beeow heads m unconhned aquifer DOCKET 40-4506MCKEESPORT HOSP. D'CKEESPORT, PA WARNER.DL Don L Wamer. Inc. 77/11/04 ROUSE.L C. Fuel Process. & Feb Bra'ich (Pro 190727). 4pp. 3101&132-31017135 0506190115 Responds to FOIA request for ad documents re Lcenses SMA-826 (Dec                         -4506190286 Forwards Lcense SUA.1330 authonzmg .- . - . & use of source mail                                   1 1964 Dec 1974LSUA-1330 (Jan 1977 Jan 1965) & SUC 793 Uan 1964. Dec                                   to U solution erwung test programlicense tats progarn to use et sodium bicarbon-                            '

1985) Forwards documents to Lcenses SMA.826 & SUA-1330. ale-carbonate teachant sys. Notifies lhet some iconse condsbone changed ei feel FELTON.J M Danson of Rules and Recork85/03/20.SHAFER.S. Aff*ation Not As- form. sagned.1p 31009 017-31009 051. ROUSE.LC. Fuel Process & Fab Branch (Pre 790727). 78/04/18. SHELLEY.W J

~;                                                                                                           Kerr McGee Nuclear Corp. 2pp. 31010136 31010137.
    -4506190254 Confirms Cooperstem/Wamer 771017 telcon te hcense opphcahon to conduct in artu U leachmg Requests review of addl subnwital & comment on adequacy                  --8506190327Lcense SUA 1330 for Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp.authoriing use of up to of data e apphcation. Also requests suggeshons re envron impact.

ROUSE.L C, Fuel Process. & Fab. Branch (Pre 790727L 77/10/20. WARNER,D L 10.000 t> natural U m aqueous solubon or up to 50% slurry in U solution mmmg & recovery opershons Don L Wamer,Inc.1p 31010131-31010131. ROUSE.LC. Dromon of Fuel Cycle & Matenal Safety 78/04/14 Spp 31010:138-31010-142. DOCKET 40 4566 CLEVELAfsD CUFFS #ROst CO, CASPER, WV

                                                                                                         -.4506190344 Notifes that Recovery Feld Ofc omcasNy opened on 821004 Provides 8506190115 Responds to FOIA recuest for ad documents to Lcenses SMA 826 (Dec                             held ofc addresses for future corregendence & bulk stupments te vendor U recovery tec+ty 1964 . Dec 1974LSUA 1330 (Jan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC-193 Uan 1964 . Dec                               SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery Feld Othce. 63/05/23 SHELLEY.WJ. Kerr McGee 1965) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA-828 & SUA-1330                                                Nuclear Corp. 3pp. 3101&t43-31010'145.

FELTON.J M Dnnmon of Rules and Records.85/03/20. SHAFER.S. Amhabon Not As-signoct 1p. 31009-017-31009 051. 350g130351Notfies that admmetratrve amend fee recpred for entension of Amend 1

    -8406190217Confrms Cooperstem/Wamer 770112teicon to Cleveland Chffs iron Co                             to Lcense SUA-1330
      & Kart.McGee Nuclear Corp apphcahons to conduct m s#u leacewng studies to outract                      WEtSS.J D. Lcense Fee Manecement Branch. 83/07/11. SHELLEY.W J. Kart McGee t
  '   U Info subrmttats enct for reven Requests suggeshons.                                                  Nuclear Corp. 2pp. 31010146-51010:147.

ROUSE.LC. Fuel Process. & Fab. Branch (Pro 790727) 77/01/18. WARNER.D L Don L Wamer. Inc.1p. 31010116-31010116' -450NW wn d om W W 2 m um MN Mm 4 & 29 reindecbvely atm aparanon daw e 831231m enabie scene m cornplem

  • A . . _mactvees.

DOCKET 40 4544MiseERALS EMPLORATIOff CO, LOS A80GELES, CA SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery Feld Offre. 63/06/30. SHELLEY.W J. Kerr-McGee Niclear Corp.1p. 3101014431010.146 ended toYtat re'ta"mnesEenfNewn of'" free hquid 1 -4506190386Tabulaks conwact costs mcurred & manhours und a reewmg 830602 QLEl Ur 6 aner pior 65 29. PETTENGILL.H Uramum .P PETTENGILL.H. Uramum Recovery Feld Offee 83/09/23. MILLER.W O.

 ,    Recovery Field Office tp.31041 297 31041 297.                                                          Lcense Fee Management Branch 4pp. 3WO H9 310t&152.

3606200020 Concludes that eftehonary increase in Minerais Emploration Co reclamaton -4506190409 Forwards app 6 cation for license to cover actnntes for proposed n estu U performance bond submrtted on 850116 m comphance w/Lcense Condrbon 16 to Le solution ate Double Eagle test protect.Stwiey Basm. m Cartion M,also enctWY Environ rept. "Soluton Mmeng Test conse SUA-1350 riot requred Bondmg amount estmated GONWINSKI.G R.. PETTENGILL.H.J Uratuum Recovery Field Ofr e 85/06 for previous yr eq/vo. Urare SHELLEY.WJ Kerr-McGee Nuclear .6/11/15. ROUSE.L C., COOPERSTEINA um Recovery Feld Omco. 2pp. 31043123-31043124. Fuel Process. & Fatk Branch (Pro 190727). 4pp. 31009 254 31009 257. _ __ _. - _ _ . . _ . , . _ _ _ ,. _ _ - _. . ~ . _ _ . . _ _ -


    -es0ste0471 Appicanon so, ncense to possess.use or vansier e io 10.000 h           DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL ammoruum euranate as wet niurry contanng 50% water & 35% U Fee paid SHELLEY,W J. kerr McGee Nuclear Corp. 78/11/15. 4pp 31009 258 31009 340 DOCKET 40 4647 KERR4ICGEE NUCLEAR CORP, OKLAMOesA CITY, OK DOCKET 444631 ARaIV, DEPT. OF, ROCK $$ LAND, IL 8506190115 Responds to FOIA request ear as documents re Lcenses SMA-828 (Dec 9506170434 FOIA request for as documentaten to redwaste storage at Weldon $ppngs              1964 - Dec 1974).SUA 1330 Wan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC-793 pan 1964 - Dec Chemcal Plant m Weldon Sonngs.MO. specrhcaay.mfo re types of motopes m                     1985) Forwards documents to Lcenses SMA 828 & SUA-1330 storage. amount of radweste a storage & method of storage                                 FELTON.J M Diveson of Rules and Records 85/03/20.SHAFER.S Aff4aten Not As-HAMulTT.H A. FOI Servces, 85/02/05.FELTON.J M Dween of Rules and Records                  signed.1p 31009 017-31009 051 1p. 30988 00130988 001.

8606170439 Responds to FOtA reauest for an documentaton to radweste storage at DOCKET 40 4643 NUCLEAR DYNAASICS,INC, PHOENIX, AZ Weldon Sonngs Chemcal Plant Fonsards Apps A & C documents Apps A.B & C docur monts avadatpe m POR App C documents partiaey womheid (ref FOiA En 8) 3506240255 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of " Feel Decommasorung Rept lor Nubem R&D So-FELTON J M. Omson of Rules and Records. 85/03/20. HAMMITT.H. FOI lution Meung Propect

  • 6pp. 30988 002-30989 294- STOICK.A F. ND Resources. Inc. 85/03/28. SMtTH,R D Uraruum Recovery Field
    -4506170460 Notifcanon of 781111                  w/DOD m Bethesda MD to docuss de-

_.__,-v of Waldor Plant & program for assessmg levels of -8606240200 Vols 1 & 2 of "Fmal Decommescrung Rept for Nubeth P40 2 91uton source mati contammatort ted reo enct M Pro,ect" W/ent overscre eswegs Apertwo cards avadable m POA HENRY,JJ Transcortanon & Product Standards Brancft 76/10/28. BARKER.R F- ST K.A F., CONROY B W ND Resources, Inc. 85/03/31 349pp 31 t S4 003-Transportanon & Product Standards Brancft 11pp. 30988 01130980 021 31154.351.

    -4508170496 Ingo Rept408831/7941 on 79111S14 Noncorreience noted ressdual                  0506200249 Advises of terminaten of Leonae SUA-1331 lor ND Resources, Inc RF thonum contammanon found in Bldg 103                                                      Bnch 850605 rewww of                     rept once.

NICHOLSON.N.. GRANT.B . PAPERIELLO.CJ Regen 3. Chcago. Omco of the Drec- SMITH.R D Uratuum Recovery Feld ' . 85/06/06 ROBERTS ND Resources, Inc. tar 79/11/23.17pp. 30988 022 30908.338- 10 31043 25& 31043 258.

    -8906170442 Summary of 781111                   w/DOD m Bethesda.MD re plans for as-       -4606200253 Comments on 850328 A ..._                   rept Successful --.       _,&

contananabon at Weedon Plant reclamaton of aste afhrmed Termeaten of Lcense 30A-1331 recommended L9ONE GAN.G T. Regen 3, Chcago, of the Oractor 78/11/12 ALLAN.J M BRICH.R F. HAWKINS.E F. Uratuune Recovery Feld Omco 85/08/05. Uransum Re-3 Chcago, Fuel Facely & Maionals Sarety Brancft 3pp. 30988 039- covery Fedd omco 2pp 31043 25/ 31043 258

    -8606170630 Forwards resumes for prolect manager for chenucal                              DOCKET 40 4874 PLATEAU RESOURCES, LTD, GRAND JUNCTION CO domstanzanon.ristananon restarason healm physcot 4 onsde engmeer.per tescon w/

Grucci TARAS.D N Army. Dept. of 77/08/13. WRIGHT.E. Raeossotopes Lcensing Branch 0908200614 Forwards revoed orgaruranonal chart & FW Gerdman resume Approval of 4 ocp M68042-30988047 G MAN e tai 8 2 aruum Recovery Feld Othce

     - 8508170002 Forwards results of 810308-11 weser sample analyses at Weldon Spnngs           3pp. 31023.330 31023.332.

Chemmal Plant.cor efo. SMITH.LE. Army. Dept. of. 81/09/28.NICHOLSON.N Indspondent Measurements & $506200405 Forwards mveed organiratenal chart shomm0 "doned hne" reportng re-Envronmental Protecton Secton. 4pp. 30988 31630988 319 sponsibddy of envron & resological heae s@ennsor to sua suponntenderd m ras-aten safety Health supervoor has erect access to general manager

    -8906100003 Forwards results of 810830 4 0901 water sample analyses at Weldon                GERDEMAN.F W Plateau Resom Ltd. 85/04/12. SMITH.R U Uratuum Recovery Spnngs Chemmal Plant.for snea                                                            Feld Omco. 2pp. 31042-282-31042 283 SMITH.LE. Army. Dept. of 81/10/21 NICHOLSON.N Independer* Measurements &


    -4508100006 Forwards resuns of 811216 water sarnple analyses at Weldon Spnngs Chenucal Plant.for eWo-                                                               0900040315 Empresses appreciabon for NRC asam1ance m successful -_^=                -v SMITH.L E. At . Deot of. 82/02/18. NICHOLSON,N. Regon 3. Offce of Drector                of facety opp 30988 324            327-                                                            ROBERTS,H R Enorgy Fuels Nuclear. Inc. 85/05/20. SMITH.D R Uratuum Recovery
    -8508100006 Forwards results of 82031411 water sample analyses at Weldon Sonngs Chenucal Planttor mio.                                                                 0606200200 Sutmts revow of 850410envron morutonng rept for Jul-Dec 1984 Data SMITH.L E         . Dept of. 82/05/10. NICHOLSON.N Regen 3. Offce of Drector             acceptable No elevated trends noted.

4pp. 30988 328- .331. BRICH.kF, HAWKINS.E F. Uransum Recovery Feld Othce 85/0'/31. Uraruum Re-

    -4606100000 Forwards resurts of 820525 27 water sample analyses at Weldon Spnngs Chemcal Plant. tor eso.

SM T Dept of. 82/08/09. NICHOLSON.N. Region 3. Othce of Drecto'. DOCKET 40 4001 ENERGY FUELS NUCLEAR, INC, DENVER, CO

    -840810000r Tno rept of 820800 & 10 vest to St Lous.MO to escuss Actnntes assace.         8500060797 Forwards mfo requested m order to perform resologcal assessment for fa-ated w/hsted contammated sites.

MENCZER.W B Regen 3. Omco of Drector 82/08/13. HIND.JA Regon 3. Omco of c81{RLING SP D K. UtfETCO Meweis. (se of Unen Cartude Corpi 85/05/06. Drector. 4pp. 30988 337-30988.340 JIERREE C C. Urarwei Recove y Feld - 19pp. 30733 321-30733 338.

    -4006100010 Advmes that.unless response to820010 request for ade mio re820508             8608000400 Forwards ieeerns & Rogers metalLagcal data for last yr me operated w/

epphcaDon for hcense recerved within 30 days, apphcaDon we t>e Considered stabsty riaseos rufMt. . abandoned Related rdo enct SCHIERMAN.S L Ff TCO Minerne Corp. (autas. of Unen Cartnde Corp I 85/05/06 BAGGETT.S L Omco of Nuclear Matenal Safe'y & Safeguards.Drector. 82/09/10. J1ERREE.C.C. Uransur n Recovery Feed Othce. topp 30784 243-30784 252. MOTHERSBAUGH.L Army. Dept of. 3pp. 30988 341-30989 008. 88a"aaa' Forwards corrected are actnnty for rasologpcal assessment

    -4508100011 Forwards amend to Lcense SMB-1314.authonzmg executon of stabkza.                 SCHIERMAN.S L UMETCO Mmerae Corp. (subs of Uruon Cartade Corp) 85/05/10.

ton plan for Weldon Sonngs Chemmal Plant. Meestones to complete stabezaten plan JtERREE,C.C. Uratuum Recovery Feld Omce. 2pp 30783 358 30783.359 also enci Wto enci Relafeo rdo enct SMITH.L E. . Dept of. 83/09/30. SCHUMACHER Respan 3. Omco of Drector. 4606250301 Forwards inso Rept 40-8681/85 01 on 85052421 & nobce of volaton 9pp. 30989 007 9 015. PETTENGILLH.J. Uratuum Recovery Feld Omce. 85/06/21 vlNCELLETTE.M UMETCO Mmerals Corp. (stes. of Union Cartade Corp). 2pp. 31198 214-31198 225.

    ~8408100013 Forwards State of MO Dept of Natural Resources nonce of velabon agamst sewersee Westment f             operated at Weldon Sonngs Protect Orc by US     -8600250307 Nobce of violaten from insp on 850520-21.

Army Corps of Engneers. Kansas Dennet per 831005 telcon t PETTENGILL,H.J. Uratuum Recovery Feld Omco. 85/08/19. 2pp. 31198 218-SPALLO.A.V, Army. Dept of. 83/1 /07. COOL D A. NRC - No Affinaban 31198 217. G#ven. 4pp. 30989-01630989-243.

                                                                                              -8006250302 Insp Rept 408881/85-01 on 850520 21 Velatons noted. fadure to pro.

4606100064 Forwards photodoesnetry repts for & water sample anal- vide untten opereeng procedures for control of blowmg taihngs & cre dust & fadure to yess resurts for 021209 & ar sample anaryse resuns for 820918. document venhcaten of control meestre effectnreness samlTH L E. Army. Dept at 83/udOS. NICHOLSON.N Regen 3. Ofhce of Drector. JtERREE C.C. Reson 4. Omco of Drector GARCIA.PJ . PETTENGILL.H.J. Uraruum 14pp. 30989 281-30909294. Recovery Feld Office.85/08/19. 8m 31198 218-31198 225.

    =0000100067 Forwards whole tmoy counting repts for four Southwest Nuclear Co om.

currenity worksng of Weedon Sonngs Chemcal Plantinfo deleted. DOCKET 40-0007 ROCKY BBOUNTAIN ENERGY CO, DENVER, CO S,J A. Navy. Dept. of.83/11/28 NICHOLSON.N Repon 3. Omco of Drector. 8pp. 30989.295 30989 300. 3600060353 " Reno Creek R&D Prolect Envron Strvedance Rept for Fast Ouarter 1985? SPIELES.P. Rocky Mourdant Energy Co. 85/05/14. SMITH.R D. Uraruum Recovery DOCKET Oe00urTE CODE Field Omco. 7pp. 30742 04430742 048.

    -4006170445 Requests Lonergan attendance at 781111meetog w/DOO to escuse de-              9608200105 Sutmts review of Rocky Mountam Energy Co 850514 rept for First Quarter of Weldon Sonngs Chomeral Plant                                           1985 Facety remaried shut down No tcomup acDons necessary ALLAN,J M.            3.         . Fuel Facety & Matenais Safety Branch. 78/11/03.        WASTLER.S L, HAWKINS.E F. Uraru ri Recovery Field Omce. 85/05/30. Uraruum LONERGAN.G. . Regen 3.                , Othce of the Drector.1p. 30988 010w30988 010. Recovery Feld Omco. 2pp. 31043 074 21n4'I 075

DOCKETEDITEMS 9 DOCKET 40 4698 PLATEAU RESOURCES, LTD, GRANO JUNCTION, CO -4506110153  %~. _ -y & Reclamanon Plan.Louetterger in Satu U Mme Sete Corwerse Wy" , 4900090407 Forwards revised orgaturatenal chat superseding 850322 chart Rev shows APPELR R Appel, R , 85/05/01. 49pp 30838 256-30836 304 [ " dotted Ime" reportmg responssomty of erwron & radiceogcal healtn supervect to trun [ endent for mvoNm0 radiation safety 8506060700 issues Amend 10 to Lcense SUA-1373. approving 850430decommissorv i G RDEMAN.F W Plateau Resources. Ltd 85/04/12. SMITH.R D. Uratuum Recovery mg plan w/hsted mods t Feed Offce 2pp. 30733 294-30733 295 SMaTH.R D Uratuum Recovery Field Offee 85/05/13 VELASQUE2.J R Uruted Nu-i  ; clear Corp twbs of UNC Resources. Inc ) 2pp. 30784162 30784170 '

                           -8600060701Facety orgeruzation cfiart f
  • Plateau Resources, Lh185/04/11.1p. 30733 295-30733 295 -8506060709 Recommends esuance of Amend to 60 Lcense SUA-1373. approvmg 850430 for tac &ty w/ksted mods 8608170613 Forwards rev to 850322 orgaturatonal chart. responsibsfy of arm. WASTLER S L. HAWK .E F Uratuum Recovery Feld Office 85/05/13 Urstuum ron & radiolopcal health superwoor to trull supermtendent has direct Recovery Feld Offee. 7pp 30784164 30784170 C2 cess to oneste manager due to decommessonmg.

GERDEMAN F W Piateau Resources. Ltd. 85/04/t2 SMITH.R D, Uratuum Recovery 8506240144 Sutyruts Teton Exploraton nrst quarterly rept for 1985 for Leuenberger Feld Offce 2pp. 30981.345-30981346. R&D ste No foHowup actons necessary WASTLER S L HAWKIN3 E F Uraruum Recovery Feld Offce 85/06/07. Uraruum

                           $508200113 Further response to FOLA request for runo categones of documents ce U                          Recovery Feld Offce 2pp. 31157 29e 31157 300 true taengs regulations App L documents ance & avadable m POR Portens of App M
 '                            documents & complete App N documents withheid (ret FOA Esemptort 5).

FELTON.J M. Dween of Ruses and Records 85/04/16. BERICK.a Envronmentas DOCKET 444764KERR-asCGEE NUCLEAR CORP, OKLAMOesA CITY, OK Poicy insbtulo 9pp 31222.206-31223198

                           -8606260180 "Radiologcal Anaryms of Mad Taengs Control Requrements" Marked-up                         9506190116 Responds to FOA request tar ad documents to Lcenses SMA-826 (Occ Lcense SUA-1371 for Plateau Resowces Lmted dtd840930 enct                                              1964 - Dec 1974LSUA.1330 (Jan 1977 - Jan 1985) & SUC 793 (Jan 1964 - Dec 1985) Forwards documents re Lcenses SMA 426 & SUA-1330
  • Office of Nuctear Matenal Satefy & Saloguards.Drector 83/05/31. 107pp FELTON.J M Dwinson of Rules and Records 85/03/20 SHAFER.S. Athhaton Not As-l
.                             31222:357-31223 096                                                                                    signed. Ip. 31009 017-31009 051 DOCKET 40 8714CLEVELANO-CLIFFS MON CO, CLEVELANO, OH                                                 ~4506190346 Notifies that Recovery Feld Olc omcmily opened on 821004 Provides heed osc addresses for future correspondence & bulk stupments re vendor U recovery l                         esnanann22 Issues Amend 6 to Lcense SUA-1352.extendmg expraten date untd                                        T R D Uraruum Recovery Feld Offre 83/05/23 SHELLEY.W J. kerr-McGee .

660630.a Lcense Conehons 36 & 37 4 modifymg address Nuclear Corp. 3pp 31010143-31010.145 SMITH.R D. Recovery Feld Offce 85/05/14 LOUDER 8ACK.T E. Cleveland. Chffs iron Co. 2pp 3078131430781317. 8500030350 Sutmts enanments of former Sequoyah Fuels Corp employee to NPDES escharge sys & 0 Sand "ireoperational noe sampang program No volaton of teense 1 8906210291 Summary of 850425 orState of WY Dept of Envron 4akty to coneton or appicatze regulation found status of restorshon at Cleveland CWs Co Coihns Draw in Srtu Leach tac *ty Let HILDENBRAND.P. HAWKINS E F. Uranium Recovery Feld Omce. 85/05/09 Uratuum of attendees ence. Recovery Feed Offee 3pp. 30687 32430687 328 BRICH.R F , HAWKINS.E F. Uratuum Recovery Feed Omco 85/05/30 Uraruum Re. covery Feld Othee 2pp. 31048 035-3104e 037 85^*aaa*10 Submits final rept ce leak m west ces of evaporatort cond Lmer tested to water level of 6 ft & portion of water level tested w/ water spray sys ho addl loaks

 ,                         8506200007 Summary of 850522 meetmg w/ Cleveland Chffs iron Co.Getty. Texas East-                        sound or mecated Ces retumed to normal evc.
 )                            een & Pioneer Nuclear at U Recovery Feed Ofc re restoratort & stab 4zahon of Colhne                   FREEMAN M D Sequoyah Fuels Corp (suts of kert-McGee Nuclear Corp ) 85/05/

Drew Sete Let of meeeng attendees a agreements reached enct 10 HAWKINS.E., HILDENBRAND.P. Uramum Recovery Feld Omco 10. 30/83 360- [ WASTLER.S L HAWKiNS,E F Urannsn Recovery Feld Omce. 85/06/03. Urarnum 30783 360

 !                            Recovery Feed Offce Jpp. 31043 091 31043 093.

4504050741Sutmts revew of Semoyah Fuels Corp Fourth Quarter 1984 rept for O & 9506210431 Outhnes concerns re vestorsoon & stabezaten of Cases Drew Sete.per O Sands R&D m setu leach protect tor Oct-Dec 1984 No protWems or segruhcant trends 850522corrmtment Bases por concems over poss4We existence of " halo" of burvient identihed Reported da's wenn apphcatWe hmsts gasshed outward from wee fields ese to method of nuning discussed in enct HILDENBRAND.P , HAWKINS.E F. Uraruum Recovery Feld Omco 85/05/21.Uratuum SMITH.R D Uratuum Recovery Feld Othce 85/06/03 LOUDERBACH.T E. Cleveland Recovery Feld Omce. 3pp 30740 067-30740 069 i Chffs iron Co. 2pp. 31048 068 31048 076 8506200797 Informs that onste insp of Semorah Fuel Corp Osand/O sand in Situ fe-

                           -8506210437 Docusses restoraton of We6 Felds A 1 & B at Colhns Draw                                     cety scheduled for 85060347 Results ence from 85051>17 emouse ansp of atm Site Restoraton methods not properiy utized & miscten of cutade water pushed                          monts from840627-850331 contammated water to tolds Plan lor addl restorahon requested                                         WASTLER.S L HAWKINS.E F Uratuum Recovery Feld Omco 85/05/30. Uratuum
                             ,WASTLER.S L-, HAWKINS.E F. Uratuum Recovery Feed Omce. 85/06/03. Uraruum                              Recovery Feed Offce. 4pp. 31227 290-31227.293 Recovery Feld Othce 7pp. 31048 070 31048 076 DOCKET 444727 KERR-RICOEE NUCLEAR CORP., OKLAMOteA CITY, OK 0500050445 Forwards three State of WY Dept of Envron Qualety (WDEC) memos eval-8506190115 Responds to FOIA request for all documents re Lcenses SMA 826 (Dec untog Uranerr. USA inc. Ruth in Setu Leach este NRC & WDEO shodd agree on bese-1964 - Dec 1974LSUA-1330 (Jan 1977 . Jan 19851 & SUC 793 (Jart 1964 - DeC                            hne a qualrfy of use classfcanon lor 70undwater 1965) Forwards documents re Lconses SMA-626 & SUA-1330                                              OGLE.K M. Wyomeng. State of. 85/05/16. SuiTH D. Uramum Recovery Feed Omco FELTON.J M Deveen of Rules and Records 85/03/20- SHAFER,$ Afhhabon Not As-                           9pp. 30741216-30741226 sagned 1p 31009017-31009051
                           -8506190346 NotAes that Recovery Feld Ofc omcialty opened on 821004 Provides                         DOCKET 40 8786UN ANIUtl RESOURCES, fMC, RICHARDSOst, TX head ofc addresses for future correspondence & bum ofupm. ents re vendor U recovery SM      .R D. Uraruum A              Feld Othee 83/05/23 SHELLEY.W J. Kerr McGee
  • 00 C '""#* *E*'**"O E'*" "C"" "U"C*'""O **#"E "U Nuclear Corp. 3pp. 3101 1010.145.
  • pgtNg*T Masry Rusiarch % 85/05/17. SWTH.R D Uranium Recowwy 0506260113Further response to FOIA request for runo categores of documents to U e A B, RAMO Wyorning State W 2pp M74 %

min taangs regulations App L documents enci & avadabie m POR Portons of App M 9 documents & complete App N documents withheid tref FOtA Exempton 5) FELTON.J M Duvoson of Rules and Recoros. 85/04/16 BERICK.D. Envronmental -8506040375 Forwards water levet plots for monrtar wens plant operaten & Pohey Institute 9pp. 31222 20431222 341. restoraton.m response to 850503 request. Water levels below seeme at vanous

'                                                                                                                                  atrenmsw                     fluid flow a monitor wens from wea feed w j                          -4506200188 Forwards 830506 order grantmg NRC mobon to defer argument en bene                           PELIZ2A.M S.                              arch Corp 85/05/17.WASTLER.S. NRC No Detaded

' Affnaten Gsven PUE L.P., SPEARS.R Wyommg. State of. 8pp. 30719 160-St.AGG . Detaded Affmahon Geven. 83/05/10 PALLADINO Commes. M74 167 seners. 2pp. 31223 097-31223 098

                           -4606200218 Forwards
  • Respondent NRC Rept on Recent Developments
  • re Kerr. DOCKET 40 8794 h00LYCORP,INC LOS ANGELES, CA McGee Nuclear al vs al (80-2043)to be filed Requests that encllir be stamped w/feng date at earnest convenence 8506240616 Forwards "Aenat Rarhologcal Survey of Molycorp.Inc Facety & Surrounti TRUBATCH.S L NRC . No Detailed Amhabon Giveri 83/10/05. PHtLLIPS.H K. U S- ing Area -

Court of Appeals.10th Cacuit Spp 31223-104 31223 110. KINNEMAN.J D. Region 1. Omca of Drector 85/06/19 DOUGLAS.S Molycorp. Inc I (subs of Unori Oil of Cahtorrust 1p 31066 31431066 329

                           -4506200374 Advoes that EPA final erwron stds for U mdi tamngs promulgated by stat-utory deadine Commiseen will rubate fulemakeg proceedeg to conform NRC U rrus                     -4506240622 "Aenal Racholopcal Survey of Fac6ty & Surroundmg Area."

heereng requrements w/fmal envron stds Related mfo encf from Jul 1984 survey TRUBATCH.S L Offce of the General Counsel. 83/12/05 PHILLIPS.H K. U S. Court FEIMSTER E L , TIPTON WJ. STORIE.G P EGSG. inc. NRC 8412. 84/10/31. NRC . of Appeafs.10th CrcuiL 19pp 31223179-31223197. No Detaded Afteaton Gsven. 20pp 31066 311-31066 329 4 DOCKET 40 4728TETOes EXPLORATION DRfLLING CO.,INC., CASPER, WY DOCKET 40 4029WYOtsteeG FUEL CO., LAKEWOOO. CO 4 8606110147 Forwards "C - a 4500030223 Appicaton for admrustranve amend to Lcense SUA-1441, restahng LA Mme Site. Converse County.WY." per don etion 38&cfReclamatort Lcense SUA-1373Plan.Leuenberger Approval of in Sdu coneeU Conditon to re use of word "wdr m statement concorrang morutor wee & abandonment secten needed by mid May to meet schedule wells Revoed process flowsheef. Figure 3110 & reveed ste layout once UALA E .J R. Uruled Nuclear Corp (sut* of UNC Resources, Inc L 85/04/30. COLLINGS.S P Wyorrung Fuel Co. 65/04/02. WASTLER.S. Uraruum Recovery Field SMITH.D. Uratuum Recovery Feld Omco 7pp. 30836 249-30lL16.304 Omco 9pp 30706 34430706 344

10 DOCKETEDITEMS I e50e2003e3 Semns propoa d locanons for survey of arbome naturai u & redon or e505:3003e suppl 1 to IE Into Notice 85 020. "MotorOperated Valve Fadures Due to radon ogercy at Crow Butte Prolectirkplant marvtormg staten for U tocated be. Hammerrg Effect" Swc hst enct tween ecipitaten tank & storage tank JORDAN.t L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post COL S.S P Wyomeg Fuel 85/04/04 SMITH.R D. Urarwum Recovery Feld 830103) 85/05/14 Consondated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 0?pp. 31044172-Offce. 3pp. 3104129131041293. 31044 278. 8500050504 Requests payment of fee for 850402 apphcaton for admanstrattwo cf anges 8505200590 IE Info Notre 85439. *Austatahty of Elecincal Equipment Quaktecaton to Lcense SUA-1441 Records at Lcensees Facihtees." Sve hat enci WEISS.D. Leerwe Fee Management Branch. 85/05/08 CALLINGS.S P. Wyommg JORDAN.E L Dntisen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post FuelCo Ip 30737.176-30737.176 830103) 85/05/22 Conschdated f eson Ca of New York, Inc 106pp 30837 258-I 30837 363 e505:00e00 IE trdo Nohce 8%40 "Defcences n Equener4 Ouencaten Tanng & DOMESTIC LICENSING OF PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATION Certrtcanon Process." Swc est enct FACILITIES ;oRDAN.E t. Deson o, Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response fPost 830103) 85/05/22 Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 106pp. 30848166-30848 271. DOCKET $4w2 FORD NUCLEAR REACTOR J 8505200181 IE Info Notce 85042 " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements." Swc hst enct F. Securtty, medlcal, emergency & fire protection plans JORDAN.E L Dusson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 4 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Edson Co of New York, irs 120pp. 67916 339-6 343 4 8508190171 Forwards insp Rept 50 002/8542 on 85052430 No noncomphance roted

                                                          6        ' "
  • 8505200187 IE Info Notte 85443, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc bst of A 1 0 03 onci 0

4506190176 Inso Rept 50-002/8542 on 85052430 No www.e or dovetens 903 85 05 Co New Yors 30864 -

           =%""!.'=ma c#' Sttr'"*e"g                            R         7%e          Dr.c or.         = >a 7-85/06/12. dop. 3M 030 3m5 033                                                                8505200195 IE Info Notco 85044 " Emergency Commurucaten Sys Monthly Test" Svc het encl.

repene, & c w eapondence ,D 03 5/05 ed eson Co New Y 2 pp 30864 04 30864 166. 8506190171 Forwards leap Rept 50402/8542 on 85052S30 No noncomphance noted. PAPER!ELLO.CJ. Regen 3. Oftce of Drector. 85/06/12. KERR.W. Mctugan, Unn' 8500000877IE Info Nohce 85045 "Potental Seemc Interacton inwofweg Mowable in-of. Ann Arbor, MI.1p. 30995 02S30995.033- Core Fkm Mapping Sys Used m Westmghouse Desegned Plants" Svc hst enct JORDAN,E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

       -8506190176 Inso Rept50402/8502 on 850529-30 No ..w,:                    e or devianons            830103) 65/06/08. Consondated Esson Co of New Y , tru 79pp 30864 228-noted Macr areas inspected onste emergency           edness program                            30865.046 PATTER $ON J P, WILLIAMSEN.N R., restLLJ . P. Regen 3. Offee of Drector 85/06/12. 400 30995 030-30995.033-                                                           8500060707IE Info Nonce 85446. 'Clarifcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Re-doactive Surface Contammaten Lanits for Transport Pacsages." Swc not enct JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post DOCKET 50-3 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 1                                                           830103). 85/06/10. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.124pp. 31043 301-31044 064.

I 4 F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plane $506140240IE Info Notre 85 047, "Potenhai Effect of Lane induced Operanon on Car-I tan Target Rock Solenosd-Operated valves." Swc let onct 8506240107 Forwards revised Pages 1113 to Row "Secunty Force Tranung & JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenny Response (Post Quahtcaton Plan.inean Pomt Urves t & 2." 830103) 85/06/18. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.148pp. 31268.157-SELMAN.M Consohdated Esson Co of New York, its 85/05/28 MURLEY.T E. 31268 304. Regen 1 Ophce of Drector. tp.31203 231 31203.234 8506140836 IE Info Notco 85-048 "Resprator Users Notre Defecove Seer-Contamed

       -8508240191 Revised Pages 11-13 to Rev 3.10 "Secunty Force Timrung & Quakfcanon                    Breathmg Apparatus Ar Cyhnders." Svc hst enci Plan.Insan Porit Uruts 1 & 2."                                                                 JORDAN.E L. Omson of Emergency Preparedness & E                       Response (Post
  • Coeschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 05/04/01 3pp. 31203.232 31203 234. 830103). 85/06/19 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New Yor . Inc. 20pp. 31376 064 31376 183.

J. Insurance & Indemnity information DOCKET 50 6 PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR 8506170414 Forwards Endorsement 145 to NELIA Pokey NF 100 & Endorsement 127 to MAELU MF-29 8**"'"Y' medical, emergency a fire protection piens O'TOOLEJ. ted Eeoon Co of New York. Inc. 85/06/07.SALTZMAN,J. As-

estant Drector for State & Lcensee Rotatens 5pp. 30958 067 30958 071 8506200103 Forwards insp Rept 50405/8541 on 85050749 No velatons roted Re@ests outmuttal of analyss results of reactor bndge area radaten morntor

i P. Operating licones stage documents a corroepondence performance.mcluchng accuracyJekatNkey & cahbr procedure MARTIN.T.T. R 1. Office of Drector 85/06/24 CONNI AM.R G. Pennsyhre. rua State Urww., Park. PA 2pp. 31256 34431256 357. 8500030390 Partal response to FOIA request for three ca of documents to be made able at POR re NSHCs. App A documents & placed an PDRSearcts

-8506200110 Insp Rept 50 005/8%01 on 85050749 No violatons edentrfed Unresolved
                                                                                                          "** 's calibr of area rasaten nonstors idennted Masor areas mapected twenh phys.

FELTON.J M Desen at Rules and Records. 84/11/06. ADATO.M. Uruon of Con. comed Scentsts 4pp 30720.001-30723 064. c,sEADO ,A SHANBAKY M Regen 1, Offce of Drector 85/06/ TUCC NAR% 4 7pp. N 351-312M 357.

        -8600040462 Notre of consderanon of neuence of amend to Lcense DPR-5 & pro-posed NSHC determmaton & opporturwty for heanng re 830201 request to anplement r            effluent Tech Specs.

VAR S A. Operatog Reactors Branch 1. 84/01/26 7pp. 30723 003-30723 009 Q. Inapsenon reporte,IE Bunenne & conopondence 1 0506240506 Forwards apphcaten for amends to Licenses DPR.5 & DPR 26. revism0 4508200103 Forwards inso Rept 50-005/0541 on 850507 09 No volabons Tech Specs to incorporate admrvstranve changes to facihty orgartraten & change noted Requests submittal of analves results of reactor bndge area redaton morutor audit frequency of Urut 2 emergencypreparedness program Fee pad performance.rcludmg accuracyJehabshty & cahbr procedure changes O'TOOLEJ D. Coneohdoted Edson L,0. of New York. inc.85/06/18.VARGA.S A. Op- MARilN.T T. R f. Orhce of Drector 85/06/24 CUNNINGHAM.R G. Penneytva-erstmg Reactors Branch 1.1p. 31066 28131066 309 rua State Unrv., Park. PA. 2pp 31256 349 31256 357.

        -8006240001Apphcaten for amends to Lcenses DPR-5 & DPR-28.revismg Tech Specs                    ~4506200110 anso Rept 50 005/85 01 on 850507 09 No violatons identfed Unresolved to rcorporate admmestranve changes to faceity orgarszaban & change audit frequency              nem re cahbr of area rachahon marktors edentsfied Magor stees snspected heefth phys.

of Urwt 2 emergency preparedness program Affidavit of Svc enci. Es radaton protecten ams O'TOOLE.J D. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 85/06/18. 3pp. 31068 284 WEADOCK.A , TUCCINAR .T, SHANBAKY.M. Regon 1, Or6ce of Dractor. 85/06/ 31066 286. 19. 7pp. 31256 35131256 357.

        -8608240007 Proposed Tech Specs ricorpora            admrustratrve changes to facihty cr.

300 pomions DOCKET 5010 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i garstation & hmrtmg Urst 2 overnme for enecal f Conschdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 85/06/30. 23pp. 31066 287-31066 309 F. Security, net emergoney a fire protecnon piene O. Inspecton reporte, IE Sunettne & .-.. . , . _ . _ 8606140003 Further response to FOIA request for eighi categones of documents to a u. 8606130027 Suppt 1 to IE trdo Nance 84 55. " Seal Table Leaks et PWRs." Svc bst enct. clear spent fuel transportaten Forwards App C documents App C & seiscted App D JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post documents also avslarAo m PDR. App D Documents 6 8 8-12 for sale by NRC & GPO. 830103). 85/05/14. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Irc 107pp. 31044 065 FELTONJ M Dumon of Rules and Records 85/01/29. MtLLAR.F. Envronmentar 31044 171. Pohey instdute.10pp. 309 t9 003-30919 043 i

     -             -         =                       _        ._                                   -      . . .                            - - _ . _ . _ __ .                            -.


       -8504140530 Nucieer Procedure 2-1. "Sar eguareng Dresden 1 Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments From west Valley Nuclear Sves Ctr to Dresoen Staten "                        ~4506140605 Rev 0 to Specael Procedure SP-83-11 114, " Spont Fuel Sheping of Urut 1 Fuel From West Vatey "

LEVEREN2A E. Commonwealth Eeson Co 83/10/317pp 3092303130923039

  • Commonwealth f eson Co 8'l/11/09 5pp. 30923129-30923133
       -8506140503 Rev 0 to             Procedure SP $110-107, Transportanon Accusent Re-sponse for Spent Fuel shTN9                                                            -8504140600 Forwards updated summary of sponi fuel shoments.Jul 1983 Feb 1984
  • Commonweastn Eeson Co.83110/31.13pp 30923 093 30923105- GREGER.LR R 3. Ortice of Drector 84/03/13 HIND.J A Regon 3. Offce of Drector 14pp 23 134-30923 147.

8500040540Ack recept of 850422 ftr eformmg NRC of steps taken to correct riencom-phance noted m insp Repts 50-010/85-03. 54237/85-07 & $4249/8548 Seventy -8506140619 Forwwds updated summmy of spent fuel aftprnents.Jul 1983 June Level V violabon re compensatory measures wahd & appropnate 1984 AXELSON.W L Regen 3. Othce o Drector. 85/05/31. REED.C. C-_ r-' GREGER.LR. Regen 3. Othee of Drector 64/07/05 HIND.J A Region 3. Othce of Edson Co. 2pp 30698 017-30698 019 Drector.11pp. 30923148-30923 tS8

       -8506040546 Forwaros response to NRC 850326 ter re noncomphance noted e inso             -8506140625 Forwards em e June W updated sunwnery of spent fuel                                         s.

i Repts 50410/8503.50 237/8547 & 50-249/854)6 Second volation GREGER L R. R 3. Omco of Drector 84/07/10 HtND,J A. Regen 3. Ce of I inappropnate Response withheld (ref 10CFR73 21t U"'CD 2P D 309 315m2W.


p 30b8 0 ti- 4M4m? Rev 0 m Specal Procedure SP 814 89 * " Procedure for Measurmg & Adsustmg TN-8/9 LAt Beam for Proper Cash Fit

  • 8506200444 Fonsards bon density maps for use e emergency planning Commonwealth Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/09/01 9pp. 30923 070-Zones Maps prepared try NL by propecten from 1980 census data a must be taken 30923 078 as estimates Wto encts.

HIND.J.A Regen 3. Othee of Drector. 85/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealth Edson 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B-0489. ' Containment Leak Co. Ip. 31020191-31C20.191_ Rate Testmg Program" & Quadrea Corp /NRC coneacts Forwards documents re FIN B4489 Documents also evadable m PDR No documents re Quadron sut]t to request. P. Operating scense stage decurnente a correspondence FELTON.J U Desen of Rules and Records. FIN 84489 85/03/75 REYTBLATTJV. Warren Wdson College. Swannanoa. NC. 7pp 30987 036-30987 076. 8506140003 Further response to FOtA request for eight categones of documents re nu. ciear spent fuel ransportaten Forwards App C documerns App C & senected App D -8210120208 "Contamment Leak Rate Testing investgatons." progress summary for documents also avasable e POR App D Documents 6 & 812 tot sale by NRC & GPO. Sept 1982 FELTON.J M Desen of Rules and Records. 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envronrnental NAUS.D J. Oak Raige Natonal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/10/05. ARNDT.G. Me-Pohey inststute 10pp. 30919 00130932 005. charwcal Ergneenng Brancft 3pp 30987112 30987114.

       -8506140130 Forwards updated summary of spent fust stupments.Jul 1983 Apr 1984          -8212010004 Forwards het of plants for which leak test repts were selected for review GREGER.LR Repon 3. Omco of Drector 85/01/29 HIND.JA Desen of Radologi-                   by ORNL teak testmg cntens win be prepared from review W/c encs cal & Matenals Safety Programs. 9pp. 30919 01130919 021.                                 ARNDT.E.G Mecharacal/ Structural E                            Brancft 82/08/t8. SHAPAKER.J.

Containment Systems Brancft opp 3098 .118- 7.121

       -8506140147liierwards updated summary of spent fusi shoments.Jul 1983 + May 1964 GREGER.LR Royon 3. Ottce of Drector 84/06/07. HIND.J A Regen 3. Omco W                -8506170201 "Contanment Leak Rate Testin0 investigatone." monthly progress rept Drector 10pp. 30919 034-30919 043.

for Nov 1982.

       -8506140400 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments made dunng Sept               DOUGAN.J R. Ook Rodge Natonal Laboratory FIN BO489 82/12/07.ARNDT,G Me-characal/ Structural Engmeanng Brancn. 3pp 30987115-30987117.

l %LLER,D E Regen 3. Othee of Drector.84/10/11. HIND,J A, Repon 3. Othce of D'- rector 2pp. 30922.161-30922.162. -8506170416 hContamment Laak Rate Testmg." monihey progress rept for Aug 1982 DOJGAN.J R~ Oak R Natonal Laboratory. FIN B 0489 62/08/26. ARNDT.E.G

       -8506140417 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments.Jul 1983 Aug 1984             Dmson W nyneenng achnology 6pp. 30MM27m7M2.

Dr i . 163 27 SWW2,53 A.ct recept of 8M eminal W Topical Rept CEd-A.Rm 34 Amw we

                                                                                                  -e nor than          0 d.,s
       -8506140430Forwaros updated summary of spent fust stupments.Jul 1983 Jul 1984              SPESSARD.R L Regon 3. Omco of Drector. 85/05/23. REED.C Commonwealth GREGER.LR. R           3. Othce of Drector 84/08/02. HIND.J A Regort 3. Othce of         Edison Co 2pp. 30725 338-30725.339 o == '2aa          22 "S=2 2o*

850 060752 No.,ca.ori of con.aci e.ecuion.uod 3rDresden & Po,r, S~am,

       -8506140443 Rev 0 to SOP t-41. "Lomeng & Preparaton for Shoment of TN-9 Cask."

Commonwearth Eeson Co.83/11/29. t 50pp. 30922 207-30923 002. Leasmg". PAGE,MContractorGE. Techrucal Aswatance Contacts Brariert NAC-05-84-159 85/05/23 CORLEY.D Drector's Orfce. Oftco of Inspoenor end ErWorcement. RAGLIN.K.A.

       -8506140455 Discusses reevaluahon of West vasley spent fuse               procaces.per     NRC . No Detaled Athhanon Grvert 1p. 30740 2e&3u/40 269 Greenman 840206 memo re changes vi Regon I mapector coverage                  s con.

hnue to be incident tree. Inspectors not espatched for 840704 Stupment CECO 17. -8500060762 Mod 3,cha protect "Dnenden & Perry Srnulator Leammg" GREENMAN.E G Repon 1 Othce of Drector 84/07/16 STAROSTECKl.R.,

  • General Electnc Co. E WORTH.P.J Dmson of Contracts. NRC 05-84-159 85/ I MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1. Orhce of Drector. 2pp. 30923 003-30923 004. 05/23.1p 307402t+30740269. j
       -8506140524 Rev 0 to Procedure SP 8311-120 re fues movements in spent fuel pools.
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 83/11/30. 28pp 30923 005 30923 032. 8506270006Aenses that Revs 33.34 & 35to CA Topical Rept CE-1-A satisfy requre-monts of App B to 10CFR50 Changes to Secton 7 resolve questons re procurement actmties
       -8506140536 Rev 0 to Speoal Procedtre SP-83442 " Procedure for Repaacmg 0-Rin9             SPESSARD.R L                   3. Othce of Dractor. 85/06/21. REED.C. Commonwealth alth Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear Inc. 83/08/24 4pp. 30923 044 30923 043.
       -8506140542 Rev 0 to Special procedre SP 83443. " Procedure for Installaton &           4 Inspecton reporte. IE N & conee Torqueg of Boats & Threaded Plu
  • Commonweann Esson Co fTransnuclear. inc. 83/08/24. 8pp. 30923 044- 8506140083 Further response to FOIA request for eight categones of documents re nur 30923 049 clear spent fuel transportahon Forwards App C documents App C & selected App D l

documents also evadable m POR App D Documents 8 8 6-12 tor sale by NRC & GPO.

       ~4506140546 Rev 0 to Specal Procedure SP 834 84. "Hurmdify Test Processe "
  • Commonwearth Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/24 8pp. 30923 050- FELTON.J M DMason of Rules and Records. 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Emrronrnental Pohey insatute.10pp. 30919 003-30919043.

30923 057.

       -8506140553 Rev 0 to Spooat Procedure SP 818 87, "Fustie Plugs Leakage Test             -8606140455Disasses feevaluation of West Valley spent fuel shopm0 preences.per Proteoure "                                                                              Greenman840206rnemo re changes m Regen I inspector coverage Stupments con-
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/25. 9pp. 30923 058- tinue to be incident free. Inspectors not empatched for 840704 Stupment CECOLj7.

30973 066. GREENMAN E G. R 1. Othee of Drector 64/07/16 STAROSTECKl.R. Repon j 1. Omco of Drector 7pp"30923 00130923 004

       -8506140559 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP 818 88 "Fusele Plug Sincone Seahng Apphcaten Procedure "                                                                 4506100044 Responds to NRC 850228lir ce veashons noted e insp Repts50 010/64
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/25. 3pp. 30923 087* 20.50237/64 26 & 50249/84-23 Correctrue actons. Acton ftem Records OP 1&

30923 069 St.OA commitments & open NRC noncompf ances we be added to commitment hat. FARRAR.D L C ; ._ _J- . Eeson Co 85/04/r)8. KEPPLER,J G Region 3. Omco

       -8506140677 Rev 0 to Speaal Procedure SP 83-14105. "TN.8/9 Contamment Sys                  of Dnctor. 3pp. MNN307.

Leakage Test Procedure Penoec,venhcaten" 0506130027

         *Co..._.            Esson Co.       Trensnuctear. Inc. 83/10/21.14pp. 30923.079-                              1 to IE Info Nobce 84-55. " Seal Table Leaks et PWRs " Svc hat encl.

30923 092. JORDAN.E L isen of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.107pp 31044 065-

       -850614050t Rev 0 to Speoal Procedure SP 8114109. " Load Test Procedure for TN-            N4 W-Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/10/28 6pp. 30923.106- 8506130038 Suppl 1,,lo IE trdo Notre 85420. "Motoroperated Va8ve Fadures Due to
         #3M Hammereg Effect. Svc het enct.

l JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmean'ng Response (Post

       -8506140697 Rev 0 to Specal P ocesse SP.8311-111," Spent Fuel Recemn0.-                    830103) 85/05/14 Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.107pp 31044172-

! - Commomvealth Essori Co Transnuclear. inc. 83/11/04 9pp. 30923.112

                                                            .                                     31044 278.

l 3092312a

       -8500140001 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP 83101to," Test Procedure for Venhca-
                                                                                               ,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,, go,c, ,3.,3,,           ;,,,,,,,,,y of Eiecinca Eauipment ouahticanon Records at Lcensees Facshtses
  • SvC het encl.

Don of TM.9 Pack Sheend Etteceveness? JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engineermo Response (Post Commonwealth E Co.

  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/11/01. Opp. 30923 121 630103). 85/05/22. Consolidated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. f06pp 30837258-30923.128 30837 363.

l l l l , _ .-_ -

                                                       . -          r--.      --- ---                   ,                                       - - -         ~ " -' -'         ' ~ ~~~ ~ " ~ ~'*~ '


12 DOCKETEDITEMS 8506200600 IE Info Notice 85440. "Defriencies m Equipment Quahfcaten Testmg & F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection piene Certifcaton Process " Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Poet 8506140441 Forwarde 19a5 response enerose pten. prepared for 850515 es-830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York, Inc.106pp. 30848166- erci e per App to 10 85 fir Wdrecidng of van requested unta 3 482n. cor,s,,e,on o, e,E,cise e ef(,CF ,0C,R,790,0225 KAY.J A. Yankee Atomic Elecinc Co 85/03/29 WORLEY.T E Regen 1. Offee of Di-8505200181 IE Info Notce 85442 " Loose Phosphor ti Panasonc $00 Senes Badge rector. 2pp. 30896 291-30897108. TLD Elements " Svc hst enct JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post -4506140442 Forwards revised *1965 Yankee Nuclear Power Staten Ernergency Emer-830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp. 67916 339- case & Evaluaton Plan " Rev mcorporates C Gordon (Regon f) comments Withholdmg 67916 343. of plan voguested unni compienon of enerose trof 10CFR2 790) KAY.J A. Yankee Atomac Electnc Co 85/05/07. MURLEY.T E Regen 1. Orfce of De

 $505200187IE into No6ce 84043, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc bag                    rector.177pp 30896 292-30897108.

enct JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post 8500060357 Rev 2 to Emergency Plan implementmg Procedure OP 3340 " Emergency 830103) 85/05/30 Conschdated Eckson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp. 30864167 Plan Tranun0." Rev 49 to tatpe of contents enci 30864 287.

  • Yankee Atomic Elecinc Ca 85/05/31 1Ipp 30728 25&30778 265.

8506100448 Forwards insp Rept 50029/8%7 on 8503214426 & nonce of volabort 8505200195 IE Irdo Notco 85444," Emergency Communcanon Sys MontNy Test." Svc WENZINGER.E C. Regen 1. Omco of Ovector 85/06/04 HEIDER.LH. Yankee het enct Atome Elecinc Co. Ppp 30794 219-3C794 235. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergercy Preparedness & E Response (Pong 8 ) 85/05/30. Coneohdated EChson Ca of New Yort. Inc. Ipp. 30864 045- g v.d. adequai. p,- ,e .o, conduc ng re d su,ve e of meteo oga e. 8500040540 Ack receipt of $50422 Ilr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct e ICHE NHOL2.H.. ELSASSER.T. Regen 1. Offee of Drector 85/06/04 topp phance noted in insp Repts 50 010/8503. 50-237/85-07 4 50-249/8406 Seventy 30794 222-30794 235 Level V votaton to cornpensatory measures wahd 4 appropnate E W 3 Offte Drector. 85/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealth 8506130254 Revisd emer unpanenhng paceduressclueng Rev 50 to table of contents & Rev 3 to - re emergency rechabon esposure control

  • Yankee Atome Elecinc Ca85/06/06 27pp 30859 299-30659 325.
 -8500040546 Forwards rewonse to NRC 850326 IIr te noncomphance noted m insp Repts        50010/9503.54237/8547            &    50-249/8506        Second      violaton 8504200041 Forwards insp Rept54029/8H8 on 850513-16 No volaton noted.

capproonate Rencense adhheid trof 10CFR73 21) MARTIN,T.T. Reamn 1. Omco of Drectar 85/06/21 HEIDER.LH. Yankee Atome FARRAR.D L C-_ . N Eeson Ca 85/04/22. KEPPLERJ G. Regen 3 Offc8 Electnc Ca 2pp. 31257 09031257103 of Drector.1p 30698 019 30698 019

                                                                                              -4506200049 inno Rept 54029/8548 on 85051316 No volanon noted. Malor areas 8500000677IE Into Nonce 85445. "Potenhal Sesmc snteracion inwohrmg Movable in-                 espected annual emer             enercise pertormed on 850515 Core Flux Mappng Sys used m W                     Desgned Plants " Swc bat enct              GORDON.C 2., HAR           TE .T L Regon 1. Office of Drector 85/06/11. 11pp JORDAN.E L Duson of Emergency                              &E            Response (Post      31257 093-31257.103 830103) 85/06/06 Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New Y                    Inc. 79pp. 30864 228-30865.046.                                                                                 8506270559 Advises that response to Queshons 510 m NRC 641217 evaluaton re SPDS delayed unni850903 smce manufacturer of SPDS cargonents cannot suppy 8500000707IE Info Notco 85446. "Clanhcaton of Several Aspects of Remoweble Ra-                 rdo urits me4Aug 1985 ooectwo Surface Contammation Lawwts Or Transoort Packa0es." Svc het enct                     PAPANIC,G Yankee Atome Electne Co 85/08/24 ZWOLINSadJ A Operstmg Reac-St% nil Dmson of Emergency Prepareamse & E                               Response (Post      tors Branch 5.1p 31239130 31239130 830103). 85/06/10 Conschdated Eason Ca of New Y                   inc. 24m 31043 301-31044 064.

H. General c.. : ,..._._e 9506140240IE into Notco 85447. "Potenhal Effect of Lme induced Operaton on Cer-tem Ta get Rort Scienoe4 Operated Va#wes." Svc est onct 8506100354 Requests that at NRC Iconseg correspondence.includmg genene JORDA e ti L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post meded to hsted addresset 830103) 85/06/18 Conschdated Echson Ca of New Yor . inc. 48pp. 31268157- PAPANIC.G. Yankee Atome Electne Co 85/06/03 ZWOLINSKlJA Operatog Reac-31268 304. tors Brancti 5 1p. 30791187 30791187. 8506140636 IE Info Noece 85448. "Resprator Users Notco Defectwo Self-Contamed Breathing Apparatus As Cyhnders " Svc hat enct P. Operating license stage documents 4 -.. - _ e _ JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/*6/19 Conschdated Edson Ca of New Yor . Inc. 20pp. 31376 064- 8506130045Partas response to FOtA request for all docurnents re NRC proce&ses for 31376 183. detecten & control of acehol 4 eegal drug use try persons engaged m tddg or const of nuclear reactors or facehtses Forwards App A documents FELTONJ M Dmson of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH,SJ Washmgton M. Periodic operating reporte & related correspondence Legal Foundabon. 55pp 30937 047-30937157.

                                                                                              -45061303e4 Responds to query re release of portons of Ofc of Investigatons rept re 8506240067 MontNy         aang repts for May 1985 W/650601 fir                                 drug /aacohol aouse to specsfc bconsees Reisano not protutweed by FOiA or Pnvacy MAXWE LLD C..           TT.D.J. Common
  • earth Eeson Co. 85/05/31. 119pp- Ac1 Concerns over precedent empressed worksheets enct 31204 027 31204 145. SHOMAMER.E C. Operatons & Admmeseanve 82/12/20 LIEBERMAN.J Re.

gional Operatens & Enforcement Dmson.193pp. 30937.356-30938188 DOCKET 5&20 IBASSACHUSETTS INSTITtJTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FlN B0489. "Contamment Leak REACTOR Rate Program" & Quases Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FIN B4489 Documents also evadaole m PDR No documents re Quadres subl to request FELTONJ M Dmson of Rules and Records. FIN B4489 85/03/25. V. Operator En _ REYTBLATT.2 V. Warren Wdson Cosege. Swannanos. NC. 7pp 30987 036 30987 078. 4604270005 Contwms items escussed dunng Kwok/Duisey 850404 leicon. Wntien 4 -8506170201 "Contasnment Leak Rate Tesang Invesaganons." monthly progress rept crai esame reachedu6sd for 850930 at MIT. for Nov 1982 MCCABE.E.C. Repon 1. Offce of Drector 85/06/05 CLARK.L Massachusetts Inst- DOUGANJ R. Oak Redge Natonal Laboratory FIN B-0469 82/12/07.ARNDT.G. Me-tate of Technology Cantedge. MA. 2pp. 31251.305-31251.306. chanical/ Structural Engmeenng Brancet 3pp 30987.115 30987.117. 4906180401 Forwards status of as dondweeght supports on Seismec Class 1 knes et I DOCKET 5427 WASHHeGTON STATE UNtV. RESEARCH REACTOR (TRIGA) facAty Status of swports result of serams reanesyss progam outhnod n 850409 presentaton. OUVER.R P. Yankee Atomac Elecinc Ca 85/04/19- VARELLA.A Regon 1. Office of Owector 10pp 30977.304-30977 313 F. Securtty, eneelical, emergency a fire protectlen plane 8506100386 Forwards revised status hst of deadweight supports mclueng actual factors

 $400030173 Aenses uset ested sectons of emergency plan implementog procedures                   of safety tor Hda kwik-tofts for na nonstd base plates.m response to regaest tor edcs manual reorgervred Gor ease of use esm0 emergency                                             ento re factors of safety ear custom desegned base plates W LSON.W E. Waerung'an State Uruw . Pullman WA 85/05/21. THOMAS.C.O. Stand.                   OuvER.R P. Yankee Atome Elecmc Co. 85/04/23 VARELLA.A Regon 1. Offee of areraten & Special Propects BrancfL 2pp. 30673 264-30673 265.                                Drector.13pp. 30977 289 30977 301.

3508040191 Forwards reveed Figures 1-4.sneca effect of creenne h'gh mam cool. H. General m .eependence ant sys pressure mp provously outwswrted n 8 response to NRC request for adcB meo on Proposed Change 184 to Lscense DPR.3 KAY.J A. Yankee Alome Electne Co 85/05/30. ZWOLINSKI.J A. Operstmg Reactors

 $600070700 Noefies of change m fac My orgarwranon Dunn0 Sumrner 1985J Noseger &                 Branch 5 Spp. 30700360 30701002.

author only bcensed mdmduals at f Facekty usu be operated 3 days per wk. WILSON.W E. Washmgton State Urww. . WA. 65/05/30.Offce of Nuclear Re- 8506200112 Notfies that Genanc Les 8542 4 8547 not receeved unbl 8'iO613 A+ actor Reguienon. Drector.1p. 30795.192-30795.192- sponse within 60 days of ler date impossue Requred response date wiR be consad. i ered as 850812. l PAPANIC.G. Yankee Atomm Electnc Co 85/06/24 ZWOLINSKI.J A Operanng Reac-DOCKET 8429 YANKEE ROWE NUCLEAR POWER STATION tors Branch 5.10. 31256 358 31256 358

DOCKETEDITEMS 13 a inePecuen reperi ,iE susenns a corroe,on.ence H0 200iis F , wards insp R.ot50429,8549 on 850505,0 No moi n no.ed 0606130027 MARTIN,T.T Regen 1. Oetce of Drector 85/06/17 HEIDER.L H Yankee Atormc 1 to IE Irdo Notre 8445. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Swc hat anci Electnc Co. tp. 31006 H 7 31008127. JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenna Response (Post 830103). 85/05/14. Conaamted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044 065 -8506200135 Insp Rept 50029/8549 on 85050610 No noncomphance noted Maa or 31044 171. areas mapected raeanon protecton progrant status ce preveusly user 4med noms.dowmetrv control et work & routmo radolopcal surveys 0906130030 Swol 1 to IE Wo Nctce 85-020. "Motoroperated Va wo s Fadures Due to JANGJ. DRADOUN.T, SHANBAKY.M. Repon 1. Orhce of Drector 85/06/13 topp Hammenna Effect " Swc not enct 31008 118-31008 127. JORDAN.E L Dmson # Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14. Conachdated Eeson Ca of New Yort. Inc.107pp 31044172- 8506140240IE Info Noece 85447. "Potenbal Effect of Lee. induced Operanon on Cor. 31044 278. taan Target Rock SolenoidOperated Valves" Svc het enci 8505200000 lE Into Notco 85439. "Austalzhty of Electncal Equipment Quahncanon JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Reeponse (Post Records at Lcensees Facikbes? Swc hst enct 830103) 85/06/18 Consondated Edson Co of New York, Inc.134pp 31268157-31268.304 JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post 830103L 85/05/22 Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.106pp 30837.258 30837.363. 4506140636 IE info Notre 85048. "Resprator Users Notte Defectwo Self Contamed Breatrung Apparatus As Cynnders " Swe het enct JORDAN.E L Duson of Emergency Preparemiess & Engmeenng Response (Post H06200000IE Info Nonce 85040, "Defesencies n Equipment Quahfcanon Testmg & 830103). 85/06/19 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.123pp. 31378 064 Cert hcanon Process? Swc bat enct 31376.163 JORDAN.E L Dvuon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post i 830103) 85/05/22. Conochdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc.106pp. 30848166- 880620004 9 Fonwards insp Rept 50429/8508 on 85051Sf 6 No monaten noted. 30848 271. MARTIN.T T. Regen 1. Omco et Drector. 85/06/21 HEIDER.L H Yankee Atome Electne Co. 2pp. 31257 09f.31257103 8500030806 Forwards meerwce map rept ter Steam Generators 2.3 & 4. performed dunng Apr/May 1984 KAYJA. Yankee Alame Electnc Co. 85/05/22.MURLEY,T E. Regen 1. Offee of Ok -8508200049 Inso Rept 50429/8508 on 85051316 No weiston noted Magor areas rector tp.30677 177-30677.191. inspected annual emer exercise pettormed on850515 GORDON.C1, HAR TE T L. Regan 1, Othce of Drector 85/06/11. Itpp 31257 093 31257 103.

   .asnann610 Insonace map rept for Steam Generators 2.3 4 4 performed denng Apr/

May 1984 BABINEAU.G . HENDERSON.T K., ST LAURENT.N N Yankee Atome Esecine Co 85/ 05/23.14pp. 30677.178-30677:191. R. Portodic operating reporte & related correspondence 9000040130 Responds to NRC 850322 ftr te violanon noted m Inno Rept 50 429/85- 0 I a rept a 85 01 Correctrwe accons msos we be redesignated as OA survedances & OC map we be S g 8 03/E 6p 30801 M performed by OC group. Processe AP&uw we be reveed. 3080100f HEIDER.LH Yarmee Atome Electne Co. 85/05/22. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Offee of Drector. app.30702 276 30702.279 g, , gg _ 8605200181 IE Info Nohce 85042. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonic 800 Senes Badge TLD Eiernents" Svc est enci JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency preparedness & Ergneenng Response (Post 8500070303 Forwards LER 8441142. 8301031 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eason Co. of New York, Inc.120pp. 30852245- Si LAURENT.N N Yankee Atome Electnc Co 85/05/06 MURLEY.T E. Regen 1 30852 363 Omco of Drector 19. 30801 054 30801 057. i 4 4608140407Provides supplemental response to IE Bulletri 8347 re apparently fraue* 0506200000 LER 8500140 an 8505t3.wtWe operateg at 100% power, defciency n j LOCA analyse escovered dunne review per NRC request More restrceve control rod lent products said by Ray Meer.incho evidence found that any suta map prowded inut implernented W/850614 lir. erecoy or mdrecoy to util-HEIDER.L H. Yartee Atomm Elecinc Co 85/05/29 MURELY,T E. Regon 1 Omco of MAY.E L. ST LAURENT,N N Yankee Atome Electnc Co. 05/08/12. 4pp 31229264-Drector 2pp 30898146 30898.147. 31229 267. 8605200187IE Info Nonce 85043 "Radography Events at Power Reactors." Svc hst encs DOCKET $0w67 DUFFALO MATERIALS RESEARCH CENTER JORDAN.EL Dmson of Emergency Properedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post 8 03 5/05/30. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, me. f 20pp 30864167 S. Reportable occurrences, LERe a roteled correspondence e505200195 IE irdo Notco 85-044 " Emergency Communcaton Sys Monthey Test Swe sees 250003 incident repton850508.comcident fadures of expenmental facety & efflu. hst onct JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenno Response (Post ont raeanon monitor necesanated reactor shutdown a contamment tiedg evacuston As pumps secured a lowess of staca exhaust sys venhed normat 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. anc.121pp. 30864 04S E3864166. HENRY 1G New York State Urww of. Buriato. NY. 85/05/30 M(X:ABE.E C. Regen 1,Omco of Drector 9pp 31200230-31200 238 6808070026 Forwards SALP Rept 50 029/85 99 for Sept 1983 Jan 1985. MURLEY.T E. Repon 1. Orfce of Drector. 85/05/31. HEIDER.LH. Yankee Atome V. Operator Examinettone Elecinc Co. 2pp. 3075f.262 30751.316

  -4500070055 Final SALP Rept 50 029/8599 for Sept 1983 Jan 1985                            6506270341Confrms noms escussed n Ortosky/Dudley 850522 toscort Wntten 4 oral
  • Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/31,49pp. 30751.264-30751.315 exams acheduesd for =4 of 850902 Ref enett for operator fransmo exarns hated on enct requred try 650708.
  -4500070060 Ack recast of Regon i SALP Board rept for Sept 1983 Jan 1985                     MCCABE.E.C. Regon 1. Offre of Drector 85/06/05 RENNIE.D W. New York, State HEIDER.LH. Yarmee Atome Electnc Co.85/05/15.MURLEY.T E. Repon 1. Omco of                  Uruw. ot. Buffalo. NY. App.31252 292-31252 295 Drector Ip 30751:316 30751.316.

8606100440 Forwards into Rept 50429/85-07 on 8503214426 & nonce of violaten. DOCMET 80 00 GENERAL AT0eRC CO. WEN 2lNGER.E C. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 85/06/04. HEIDE R.LH. Yarmes Catorne Electre Co. 2pp 30794 219-30794 235-F. Securtly, medical, emergency a fire prosecuen plane

  -4006100473 Nr)hce of weiabon from esp on 8503214426
  • Regon 1, Offce of Drector.85/06/04. Ip 30794 221-30794 221.

3906110547 Forwards safeguards inep Repts $0489/8541.54183/85418 704734/

  -4908100400Inso Rept 50429/8547 on 8503214426 Veisten notect faikse to pro.                 85-08 on 850521-24 & noece of violanon Ences withheid (ret 10CFR2 790)

MONTGOMERYJL Regon 5. Omco of Dractor 85/06/05 COLANDREA.TR GA vide adecuate procedure for conductmg regured survedlance of meteorologcal eque Technologies. Inc./ General Atomc Co 2pp. 30816 039 30816 040 mont. EICHENHOL2 H., ELSASSER,T. Regon 1 Omco of Drector. 85/06/04 14pp. 30794 222-30794 235 Q. Inspect 6en reporte, IE Sunenne a correependence 8800000677IE info Notco 85045, "Potenbal Serame Interacten involvmg Movebas in-Core Fluz M Sys Used m Wes . Desgned Plants? Svc has enct 6608110547 Forwards Safeguarde Insp Repts 50489/8501.50 163/85-01 & 70 4734/ JORDAN.E L of Ernergency &E Response (Post 8508 on 85052124 &riotco of violation Encis witteesd trof 10CFR2 790) C30103t 85/06/06. Consondated Edson Co. of New Y tre. 22pp. 30864 286 MONTGOMERYJ L Repon 5. Offce of Drector 85/06/05. cot.ANDREA.T R. GA 30865 046. Technologes, inc1 General Atoms Co. 2pp. 30816 039 30816 040. 4600000707 !E Info Noece 85446, "Clanicaton of Several Aspects of Removebie Re-doecove Surface Contammaten Limits for Transpor1 Pectages? Svc het encs. DOCMET 8490 BASCOC4 & WILCOM TEST REACTOR JDRDAN.E L Dween of Emergency preparedness & E Response (Poet 03 85/06/10. Coneohdeted Eeton Co. of New York. Inc. 4pp. 31043 301- g . 4606100330 Ack receipt of 850522 Itr eformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violations noted e insp Rept $4029/8541. Corrective actons adequately adesse inep con. 9606200195 IE Info Notre 85444. " Emergency Communcaton Sys Monihey Test" Svc est enct cems a we he enemmed cksnng futtre rup. JORDAN E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E EBNETER.S D. R Response (Post

1. Omco of Drector. 85/06/13 HEIDER.LM. Yankee Alomic 830103) 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 21pp 30864 045 Elec9tc Co. 2pp. 78 130 30978.135. 30864 tee

_- . - . - - - .-. =. ._ . . _ . - ._- - . 1 l i 14 DOCKETEDITEMS k -4506120346 Forwards Amand 2. Change 4 receptpossesse a use of DOCl(ET $0123 UNIV. OF RelSSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR 32.000 O antwnony to be used m four antwnony- neuvon sources F R notce

                                                                                                                             & hazards ana8yses once F. Security, medical, ernergency & flre protection plane                                                        DOAN R L. Atorrac Energy Comtressert 65/03/04 HILLH Northern States Power Co j                                                                                                                            2pp. 30883 018 30883 019.

4506140570 Forwards Physcal Secunty insp Rept 50123/8543 on 850528-30 & notce , -s506120350 informs of Change 5 to Loense DPR-11.mcreasmq man reactmty additon

of votatort AXELSON.W L 3. Offce of Drector. 85/06/12 WARNER.D. AAssoun, Urw rate dunng R&D testmg proorem.

DOAN A L Atome Eneroy Comrmsasort 65/05/27.HILLH Northern States Power Co

of. Rosa, MO. 2pp, 353-30998 357.

1p 30883 020-30883 020

             -8506140575Notce of volaton from map on 850528-30.
                                                                                                                         -4506120391 Safety evaluanon supportog                                5 to Lcense DPR.11, authoriang in.

AxELSON.W L Regen 3. Ottco of Drector.85/06/12. tp. 30998 355-30998 355-

                                                                                                                                       #                                     65 05/27 pp NO2130883022.
             -4506140643 Physcal Secunty Inno Rept 50123/8543 on 850528-30 Velatert                                          "gMR STNfnergy

! notedon two occasens. reactor tHdg unoccupeed & requred level of secunty not maintamed Propnetary detads withheid (ref 10CFR2 790) ~4506120393 Forwards Amend 3 Change 6.authormng operahon al steady- state power PTRTLE.G L. DROUi4B., CREED.J R. Regon 3. Oftce of Drector 85/06/12. 2pp. leves up to man of 190 MWtSafety evaluaton enct 30998 356 30998 357- DOAN R L Atome E nergy Commesson 65/12/02 HILLH Northem States Power Co. 2pp, 30883 023-30883 024. E reports. IE m & corroependence ~4506120395Aniend 3. Change 6 authoriang operaton at steady state power levels up to man of 190 MWt

              $506140570 Forwards Physcal Secunty insp Rept 54123/8503 on 850528-30 & notes                                  DOAN.R L Atome Energy Commason.65/12/02 tp 3088302430883025 of votaton.

AJtELSON W L 3. Offre of Dractor. 85/06/12. WARNER.D. ram Urw -4506120306 Safety evaluaten supportmg Amend 3. Change 6 to Lcense Rona. MO. 2pp. .353-30998 357. thort operaton at st -state power levels up to mas of 190 MWt

                                                                                                                                      . . Apnic nergy              em6/                         10pp 30883M30883m
              -4506140575 Notce of velat on Ircen map on 850528-30 AXELSON.W L Regon 3, Offce of Drector.85/06/12.1p 30998 355 30998 355.                                 -4506120306 Informa d Change 7 m W.m DPRMm manad openon of
                                                                                                                             'eactor al power loves up m 1 MWt w/ containment leak rate not to exceed 0 2% per
              -4506140643 Physcal Secunty insp Rept 54t23/05-03 on 850528-30. Velaton D              Atomm E         Commssert 65/12/20. MCELROY.D F. Northem States I                         a ned                   tait                 (ref       R2 790                                      Power Ca 2pp. 30883 036-30883 037.

j PIRTLE.G L OROU B., CREED.J R. Regon 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12 2pp. l -8506120300 Safety evaluaton Change 7 to Lcense DPR11. authonang contmued operaten of reactor at power is up b 1 MWt w/contamrnent leak rate 8500210345 Forwards Matt Coritral & Accour tabihty insp Rept 54123/8544 on not to enceed 0 2% per day at test presswo of 78 peng. 850528-0603 & nohCe of volaboninsp rept & notre of volaten enthheld (ref BOYD.R S. Atome Energy Comrnissert 65/12/20. 2pp 30883 038 30883 039 10CFR2 790). i AXELSON.W L Regon 3. Oftco of Drector 85/06/14. WARNER.D. Mesourt, Orvv of, Rosta. MO. 2pp. 31039.192 31031193.

                                                                                                                         -4506120401 Informs of Change to to Lcense DPR.11.changmg mm satelmty of inter-

? mediate range channets from 10(-9) amps / 75 kW to 5 Jt 10(.t t) amps /guo kW,due to protwems actuewmg requred serstmty thinng low power operahon. DOCKET 50130 PATHFINDER ATOestC PLANT DdAN.R L Atornec Energy Commiseen. 66/04/28. MCELROY.D F Northom States Power Co 2pp. 30883 04430883 041. P Operating acenee stage documents & correspondence -4506120402 Safety evaluaton suppareng Change to to Lcense DPR 11 changmg min serstrvity of etermediate range channom from 1009) amps /75 hW to $ X 10L11) 8506120254Further response to FOtA request for seven categones of documents re amps /200 kW waste & storage chaposas m South Dakota Enci documents respond to item 1 of BOYD.R S. Atome Energy Comn=ssen. e6/04/28. 2pp. 30883 042 30883 043 l request Search & review of remameg documents suty to request conhnuing FELTON.J M. Diveen of Rules and Records.65/02/14 PAY.D. TecFwucat informeton -4506120403 Informs of Change 8 w Lcense DPR tt,allowng reactor startup w/mm . Protect. 2pp. 30882 271-30883107- startup channel neutron count rate of 1/3 counts per second under certam corotons ' BOYD,R S Atomc Energy Comtruss ort 66/04/29 MCELROY.D F. Northem States

               -4506120262 Proveonal Lcense DPR-11 for Northem States Power Co to operate                                     Power Co 3pp. 30883 044-30883 046 Pamfeder Alomic Power plant m Seum Faits.SD LOWENSTEIN.R. Aiorme Energy Commasort64/03/12. 86pp. 30882 275 30882 360.                              ~4506120406 Safety evaluation supportmo Channel 8 to Lcense DPR.11, a                                   reac-
               -85061-. Nosee o, - of p,                         , Lcerw. DP,1,          Nor1he,n S es          'o;,, q, ,, %rne-P ~"* n '-= a"a *  -' a-Power Co to operate Pathfmder Atomac Power Plant in Soux Fans.SD-                                          BOYD,R S. Atomc Energy Commason 66/04/29 400 30883 047-30883.050.

LOWENSTEIN.R. Alonc Energy Commmeert 64/03/12. 3pp. 30882 361-30882 363.

                                                                                                                          ~4MM inbms of Change H m Ocense NHm reactor cochng rates
               -8506120278 informs of Change 1 to Lconne DPR-11.che                                 range of stack gas        in excess of 200 W                maial reactor tests when reactor @ater $ained.
  • morator from 5 to 4 decades & thrd sentence Secton 4 212.P 4-DOAN R L Atome Energy sort e6/05/10 MCELROY D F. Northern States 4 to mdcate that vaNo may be euc during purno startup w/ reactor at t t Power Co. 3pp. 30883 051N M LOWENSTEIN.R Atome Energy CommatorL 64/03/12. HILL H Northem States 0883 M30883 E -4506120410 informs of Change 9 to Lcense DPR-11. allowing mcrease m ramp reac-
               -4506120243 Hazards analyss supporting Change 1 to Lcense DPR-11, authanang                                    tudy a<kstort rates under certairt operating conditions changing shutdown marge ven.

ctsange to range of stact gas morutor trom 5 decades M 4 decades. hcaton procedures & penweng other mmor nods to reactor facindy DOAN R L Atome Energy Commessert 66/05/11 MCELROY.D F. Northem States BRYAN.R.H. Atomic Energy Comrnesert 64/03/12. 2pp 30883 002-30883 003. Power Co dog.30883 054-30883 067. i

                -4506120209 Forwards Amend 1. Change 2 to Lcense DPR.t t.authorrrmg                                        -8506120411 Safety evaluaton supportog Change 9 to Lcense DPR-11, snoweg h receipt.possessen & use of 224 g Pu encapsulated as two IC & two 64 Pu/Be neutron sossees.

crease m ramp reactmty additon rates under certam operatmg cordtons & changing i DOAN.R L Atome Enerow Comrrussen.64/07/24.HILLH Northem States Power Co shutdown margm veneraten procedures. ! 2pp. 30883 004-30883 065. BOYD,R S. Atome Energy Commason.66/05/11 6pp. 30883 058-30883 063.

                -8506120200 Amend 1. Change 2 to Lcense DPR-11.authonzmg receipt, possessen &                              -8606120415 Informs of Change 12 to Lcense DPR-11.pemiturg reactor coohng rates use of 224 g of Pu encapsulated as two to & two 6C Pu/Be neutron sources.                                  m excess of 200 F/hr cksm0 power escalaton program g to fut power & use of reac-j                    DOAN.R.L Atome Energy Commmeert64 /07/24. 2pp. 30883 006 30883 007.                                        tor ana!yws techenque m teu of rod oscillator MORRIS.P A Atomc Energy Commesseort86/09/27.                              . LROY.D F. Northem States I'               -4506120306 Hazards analyes papportmg Amend 1. Change 2 to Lcense DPR 11.a*                                    Power Co. 2pp 30883 064 30883 065 thonzmg recoqst.possessen & use of one acks 6.Ca Pu/tse neutron source for use m

,' reactor dunng wwt al fuse loedmg & tow presst ? testeg ~4506120419 Safety evaluaten Change 12 to Lcense DPR-11. permatmg re. BOYD.R S. Atome Energy Commasort 64/07/24 2pp. 30883 006-30883 009 actor cochng rates e escess of 200 F/hr dunng power escalaton program up to fun

                -4506120311 Nonce of neuance of Amend 1. Change 2 to Lcense DPR 11. Amend
  • h,RS Atome Energy Commmaert 66/09/27. 4pp 30883 066 30883 069 creases from 128 g to 224 g quantty of Pu encapsulated as two to & two 64 Pu/

Be neutron sources -8506120435Inforrns of Change 13 to Lcense DPR-11 deleton of separate DOaN.R L Atome Energy Commesert64/07/24 2pp. 30883.010-30883 011 requrements on mas boihir power Iraction & rne recucuabon for given bial re.

                 -4500120314Amerid 2. Change 4 to Lcense DPR 11.authonzmg receipt, possesson &

use of 32,000 0 St>t24 as anemony-berythum neutron sowces h[A A Poww Ca 2pp 30883 070-En"er soort 7 / E ' H Northern States DOAN.R L Atome Energy Commesert65/03/04.1p. 30883 012-30883 012

                                                                                                                            ~4506120441 Safety evaluaton supportng Change 13 to Lcense DPR 11. authon v'g 4
                 -4506120327 Hazards analyse supportmg Amend 2. Change 4 to bcense DPR 11 au,                                             of separate       ernents on man teiler power Wacton a nun recrcuaton thoreng recept.possessen & use of 32.000 Ci St>124 as antimony-berythum neutrori

] SK ThJ. Atorruc Energy Comtmanen.67/05/28. 3pp. 30883 072-30883 074. ND . Atomac Energy Commmsen 65/03/04. 2pp. 30883 013-30883 014.

                 -4506120333 Informs of Change 3 to Lcense DPR-11. allowing reacheduhng of Integral-                        ~4504120446 Informs of Change 15 to Ucense DPR11.permitbng storage of new Core E tmiler a supemeater fuod esemerits e new fuel stor                    vault                                          ;

ed feakage rate testing of reactor bidg. MORRIS.P A. Atome Energy Commesmort 67/08/09 DOAN.R L. Atorme Energy Commasort 65/03/04 HILLH. Northam States Power Co. LROY D F. Northern States Power Co 2pp. 30883 075 30883 076. i 1p. 30883 015-30883 015_

                 -8506120340 Hazard analyse supportmg                              3 to Lcense DPR-11, authonamg re-        ~4504120449 Safety evaluaton supportng Change 15 to Lcense DPR-11. permdhng scheduhng of mtegrated leakage rate testing reactor badg                                                   storage of risme Core ti boiler a superheater fusi atoments iri twrw fuel storage vault.

BOYD,R 5. Atomac Energy Commasoft65/03/04. 2pp. 30883 016 30883 017. SKOvHOLT.DJ. Atoms Energy Comrmssert 87/08/09 3pp. 30883 077 30883 079 w._ -, . _ . . . .- __

             -. -           -        . _ = . .            . - . _ .                         .- -                         - - ~ -


                  -8506:20454 informs a Cnange tG = transe DPR.itauthonrma mmovai of tumoram                                      8506200244 Responds = ut:05 = eeressmo conceme ce w -                                          --,r     of reactor & placement a fuel storage poos & postponement of next Class A contan                                   plant Decem to h--- a . weil be preecated on uts takmq adequate steps to ment MORRIS,P  teakA.rateAtomic testEnerov unts hat           pnot to 68/08 Comemssa.      bel reloaeng /12. MAYER.LO Northem                protect States      pubhc &  eneron  DES     espected      in850731          & FES by  85103t-ZWOLINSKl) A. Opera           Reactors Branch 5 85/08/10 HAGLER A L Envrontmn Power Cct 19 30883 084 36883 080.                                                                               tal Protecta information            . anc. 3pp. 31043 264-31043 286.
                  -8506120400 informs of Change 17 to Lcense DPR.11.authongmg installate of boed' tueled boders to supply steam to tietzne & removal of off. gas holdup tanks from plant                       0506200334 Advises that a4 mfo re decommemonmg of fachty. inclueng comments a maae on p eiwit ==.                                                                                           from cettrons.coredered ty NHC betore decmons madeCorrespondence avadable m Humboadt County Lerary FES anticipated tm 851031 MORRIS.P A. Atomic Ener Commssen. 66/10/02. MAYERLO. Northam States Power Co. 2pp 30883 081-                        3 082.                                                          ZWOUNSKlJ A. OperatmqReactors Branch 5 85/06/10. LONGWATER,L Aff6ahon Not Assegned. 3pp 31041 J27 31041329
                  -8506120446 Informs of Change 17 m Lcense DPR-11.cuttmg & rer                                  man steam ene & feedwater kne.molanng foedwater heater. replacm0 another f                             star heater     8506210374 Responds to 850223concerne re _._ _ _ _- m, of facety Decmon to w/deaerstmg heater & meta                       new feedwater hne                                               decommemon mN be preecawd on uN taking adequale steps e protect p@hc &

MORRIS.P A Alorme E eson. 88/12/17. MAYER10 Nor1 hem States envron DES espected tiy 850731 & FES by 851031. Power Co. Ppp 30883 083 084 ZWOUNSKl) A Operanng Reactors Brarch5. 85/06/10 LANE.A Afblenon Not As-sogned. 3pp. 31048151-31048153. I

                  -8506120469 Forwards Amend 4 to Lcense DPR-11 arneneng bceese a entirety MORRIS PA Atome Enerav Comrmssen. 69/0!/14 MAVERLO. Northem States                                           8506240130Ack receipt of841210comenents on A - ---, of facety As eifo m.

Power Co 2pp 30883 085 30683 086 ciudmg comments from concemed citrons we be evaluated before NRC makes decmon FE S entripeted by 851031

                  -8506120473 Arnend 4 to Lcense DPR-11.ameneno hcense a entrety                                                    ZWOUNSKl) A Operatng Reactors Branch 5 85/06/10 WELLISH,P Aff6aten Not                                       -

j MORRIS,P A Atormc Energy Commemort 69/05/I4. 5pp. 30883 087-30883 091. Assegned. 3pp 31156 361-31156 363  ! DOCKET 50=133 HUteBOLDT BAY POWER PLANT, UtelT 3 8506260636 Responds to 841215 request for DES re decomrms of i

  '                                                                                                                                plant Estensive evaluation of aA portment mio we be made pnar to RC decesson Target date for DES comp 8etion s 850731.

i j

                  & Wory cwreependence                                                                                             ZWOUNSKtJ A Operanne Reactors Branch 5. 85/08/17. SARNAJ E. Affeason Not Asmgned. 3pp. 31223 248-31223 250-l                 8506120158Rosconds to FOLA coquestas moefed n850115 telcon,for documents to
 !                  unt                             Notspent fuel rods & nuclear fuel rod storage terms Forwards                 $506           R                          br DES m pian                                   aros         br

_g , k F ONJ M Divmon of Rules and Records 85/02/14 SHAPLEN.P. ABC, Inc./ABC ZWOUNSKlJ A. Operstmg Reactors Brancft5. 85/06/17 CAVANAUGH.G. Afhhahon h Spp. 30885199 30885 211 Not Asssgnesi 4pp. 31223 238-31223 241

                  -8506120176 Forwards frst quarteriy status rept te plant operanonal status & utd                               8506260644 Responds to650415 tequest for DES te pir.nt e---- - _ v Estenssve act venes per820216 order -
  • evaluahon of an perunent ento we be made pnct to NNC decman Target date for DES CRANE P A Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co 82/03/31. LAZO.R U. SCHiNK.D R . cornplehon e 85073t.

UNENBERGER.G. Atomc Safety and Leereng Board Panet 2pp 30885 214- ZWOUNSKlJ A Operstm0 Reactors Branch 5 85/06/17.SAVAGEJ.A. Afhhaton Not 30885 215. Asegned 3pp. 31224 038-31224 040-

                  -8506120142 "PG & E.Humboldt Bay Power Plant.Urvt 3,Ouarterty Status Rept." fo' 4506260679 Responds to 850125 request ur DES re                                   h.         _ . , ,   of i                    acerc         &             Co. 82/04/01 3pp. 30885 218 30885 218                                                   ""*           "

P" ' " T da br e I -8 185 F ds second quarterty status rect re plant operanonal status & uti #* L H* Branch 5. 85/06/17 BRtSTOW.R S. AMasten Not 3p 3 i LOCKE R F. Pacee Gas & Electnc Co. 82/07/01. LAZO.R M. SCHINK.O R., j UNEN8ERGER.G. Atonne Safety and Lcenmng Board Panet. 12pp 30885 219 8506260$$4 Responds to 850817 request for DES re decommasenog of 4 30885 230 plant Extermve evaluabon of as pertment reo we be taken pnor to NRC decmon to

                                                                                                                                   - - _      _w., Target date for DES completon m850731
;                 -8506120197Subrwis handwemen mfo for use m                                     V response to ASLB811020          ZWOUNSKilA. Operanng Reactors Brancel 5. 85/08/ t 7. INFUSINO.T Afteaton Not order tem 61nso program escussedUtd es                                    to mamtan redanon protecton          Asmgned 2pp. 31227 3843t227 362.

plan appropnate to wort actrwty within resentted area-i YUHAS G. NRC No Detaded Alfrkanon Grven. 81/11/02 WILLETT.D. NRC . No De-taded Affikahon Geven. 2pp 30885 23b30885 232. 8506200000 Responds to 850211 request for DES re dec- a-s of plant Extermve evalumnon of as portment mio we be taken pnce to NRC decmon to l decomtrwsmoneng Target date for DES cornpleton m 850731 a H. General correspondenc* ZWOUNSKlJ A Operanng Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/17. KREEL.C. Afteaton Not Asmgned. 3pp 31227 357 31227 359 i 4506060444 Requests DES re decommesserung of facery Pubhc beareg should be held l

  ;                 after DES cornpieted & before FES frunned.                                                                   $506240009 Ack receipt of 841219 ler m P Enckson re decommmasonmg of                                            i j                   WELLISH P Af% anon Not Assagned 85/05/28-ERICKSON.P NRC - No Detaded Af-                                       tacety Transcnpt of 841204 envvon scopeg mecene pronded Draft EIS we be provna
;                   thanon Geven 2pp. 30732 069 30732 010.                                                                         ed when svadable Process & status of envron rewsw escussed ZWOUNSKlJ A. Opera             Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19 ARCHIBALD.A_ Redwood 1                  =6       00. Res onds i. 850222 . e p,- conc.,ns ,e & m.s ,                                                      ^- =*  224
  • 22* * '.

i s*1"pm'er%"7S* "Jed**#8=,:WS"F, *

                                                                                                       %%'**""'** *            =6== Aa r-* * == = -- c- m prop-d ioerm s-4 ZWOUNSKlJ A Operateg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/10 GENELLY.R E. Afhhanon                                                     d Ch 4 I                  Not Asmgned. 3pp 31043145 31043147'                                                                            '9'm#oru'n'g*w*e be'unertaken before NRC decmon made'em at plant bteneve waluanon of p mes ZWOUNSKI.J A Operateg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/19 (USTER.T. Athhabon Not j                 4506200199 Responds to 850225 concerns to decommaserung of plant Decmon e                                        Asagned. 3pp. 31224 014-3 t224 016 1                  decommrssert we be preecated on uts talung adequate steps to protect putec &

l envvon DES empected by B50731 & FES by S51031 8506200000 Advoes that DES on A - . _ n-s of plant we be sent upon ZWOLINSKilA Operstmg Reactors Branch 5.85/06/10 LONGBEN.C. Afhbaten Not evadabety 841218 request Process & status of review of decomrnisserung Asegned 3pp. 31043 296-31043 298 escussed of FES antzspated by 851031 ZWOUNSKil Opera ' Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19 CHAPLICK,J M. Affaanon 8506200204 Responds to 850205concems to decs- . _ _.av of plant. Decmon to Not Assegned. 3pp. 3t239 31239 310 decomamemon we be proecated on ute takmg adequate steps to protect putAc & 1 envron DE S expected by 850731 & FES try 851031

   !                /WOUNSKl) A Operating Reactors Brancft 5. 85/06/10. HAYDEN.K A. Affmannn                                     ggc6260702 Responds to 850125.0405 4 0508 remests for DES for fac*ty Completon 4                    Not Assigned 3pp. 31043.29131043 293.                                                                          at DES & FES targeted for 8507036 41031.respectvely DES we be forwarded when avadable 8506200214 Responds to 850126 concerns re decommmeomna of plant Decmon to                                        [g,'$^3,MQ3$2'$3'1                            tend S. 8 / 6                 ILSON.M T AN4aten Not decomimasen we be preecated on utt takmg adequate steps to protect put*c &

1 envwon DES enpocted by 8507314 FES by 851031-7 N 1 Sie Branch 5. 85/06/10. RIVERJ Affeason Not As- 85042007 8 8 for _. . of 4 ed br 850731 & 1031. respectvety I 8506200219 Responds to corcems re decommmmoneng of plard Decmon to decomme. lWOUNSKl) A Operat Reactors Branch 5 85/06/19. KUMMER D M Affikanon son we be preecated on utd takeg adegate steps to protect pubhc 4 envron DES Not AssW 3pp. 31227 -31227 3m

,                   =pected ey 850131 & FES by 85013i ZWOUNSKl) A Operatmg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/10. ANDERSON.S M Afteacon
!'                  Not Assigned 3pp 31043 263-31043 2s5                                                                         P. Operating Ilcones stage documents & c_ _ , _ me l               8504200226 Responds to 841216concems to decommmmonmg of 'piant Decmon to decomrmsmon we be predicated on une takeg ederwate steps to protect pubhc &                                  $50600158 Responds to W requestas modhed m =115 teW2r documents re anvron DES expected by 450731 & FES by 85t031.                                                                 uni hand      of nuclear Wapent had rods & nuclear Nel rod strage tares Forwards

! A g 5. 85/08/10.PETERSON.W V. Affashon 8

  • News 5pp 30885199 30887 065.

8606200232 Responds to 841207 concems to decomemsserung of plant Decmon to

}                   decommmmeon we be preecated on utd takavledequate steps to protect p@nc &                                    -8112020790 Notrhes that as long as fac6ty se wt cold shutdown. plant es a cornphance envvon DES enpected by 850731 & FES by 851ual                                                                  =/regulatone on keepmg releases ALARA.
}                   ZWOUNSKIJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/10. DUNEJ AffAnton Not As.                                      WittJS C A Marteor          & Emuent Treatment Brenett $1/1t/16. ROONEY.V L Op-signed. 3pp. 31043 277-31043 279                                                                               eratog Reactors Br         2. Ip 30685.212 30885 212                                                            i j

j i 1 __.__- _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~, . ._ _ , _ . _ _ _ , _ . _ - . _ _ -


 -4000120173 Da-as ubl 831000 request to demate from 10CFR7197 re advarte                                  $400140636 IE Irdo Notce 85448 "Respresor Users NotteDefectve Self Contamed nonce of shement of acesar weste lor proposed 831010 n%mertReinston not                                   Brestrung Apparatus As Cytnders " Svc het enct warranted intent to deviate escouraged urness more vehd argument presented                                JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post YUHAS,G P. Regan 5. Omco of Drectur 83/10/06 MARTIN.J B Regon 5. Omco of                                  e30103) 85/06/19. Coneondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. f 23pp 31376 064 Drector. Ip.30805 21130685 213.                                                                           31376 163
 -4004120206 Summary of $40911 meeeng w/utd to fecsty decommisserwig plan &

NRC sche &de for preparaten of EiS ACRS comments. tuota moneonngsod R. Porteene operating reporte & related sorteependence contammaton, ever & fuel peast urnoedm0 escussed R C 5 Omco of ector. 84/C9/24. Regan 5 Offce of Drector eFM mesom W W w m uts handhng of nuclear fuel. spent fuel rods & nuclear fuel rod storage tanks Forwards

 -888812021e Forwards comments re Tech Specs for -                         ordy hcense Opsarte                      A & B documents.

FpLTONJ M Dmeson of Rules and Records 85/02/14 SHAPtEN.P. ABC, inclABC ruly for further commer4 pner to issuance of tconee'& Tech Specs requested Reisted News $pp 30865 199-30865 211. documents once WENSLAWSKI.FA Regon 5. Omco of Dractor 84/12/31. ZWOLINS8U.J A Operat- -8408120176 Forwards flrnt c>arierty status rept re paard operanonal status & uts mg Reactors Branch 5.18pp 308e6052 30887065. actmbes.per820216 order. 4908170077R,mponds to FOIA rockest for records re FIN 84489, "Contammert Leak CRANE.P A Pacihc Gas & Eleceic Co. 82/03/3r LAZO.R M, SCHINK D R , Rate Testrg Program & Quados Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents to FIN LINEN 8ERGER.G Aloms Safety and Lconom0 Bord Panet 2pp 30665 214-S.0489 Documerws also avedatze m POR No documents re Quadren siaq to recpest 30685 215. FELTON.J M Dmmon of Rules and Records. FIN 84489. 85/03/25 -8606120102 "PG & E.Humboldt Bay Power Plant Urut 3.Ouar% Status Rept," for REYTSLATT.Z.V. Warren Weson Conego. Swannanos. NC. 7pp 30987036-30967 076 ending820401. pPacec Gas & Etsctnc Co.82/04/01. 3pp 30685 216-30845 218

 -4608170201 *Contamment Leak Rate Tasang frweeboatens." monNy proyees rept for Nov 1982                                                                                           -4608120166 Forwards second warterly status rept ce pient operanonal stalue & uld DOUGAN.J R Ook Ridge National Lacoratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G. Me-                                actuties.per e20216 order.

chancaliSiructral Engmeenne erancet 3pp 3098711F30987.117. LOCKE.R F Pacec Gas & Elecinc Co. 82/07/01. LA20.R M , SCHINK.D R , LINENBERGER,G Atoms Safety and Lcenem0 Board Panel 12pp 30885 219-E inspecten reports, IE Sunctine & corroependence 8600070253 MontNy operstmg rept tar War 1985 W/850309 lir 0408120154 Responds to FOIA recuset,as mockhod m850115 teicon. tor documents re KWOK.C C.. WEEKS.E D. Facas Gas & Electnc Co 85/03/31. Spp. 30000172-utd handhng of nuclear tuel. spent twel rods & RuCleer IUef rod storage tanksForwards 30000 176. Appe A & B documents. FELTON.J M Dunen of Rulee and Records. 85/02/14 SHAPLEN,P. ABC, Inc /ASC News. Spp.30885.199h30887 065- S. Reportshee occurrences, LERe & related 6 -

  -4606120147 Proposes antenm inep program for facdity unal converson to possessen                         940624000t LER 8500340 on 850514.whde decontammetmg unevasated fuse on8y teense Les of program processes enct                                                                sesembhosanore then one fuel assembsy present wnNn a _ n._r/h 1 n SHERMAN.C t                   5. Omco of Dractor 84/02/29. WENSLAWSKI.F A Regon 5.

Omco of Drector 30885 204-30e65 211. non worn areath=d ty tack of artenmon to Tech Spec requirements W/850613 ler CHAFFEE.R S., SHIFFEHJ D. Pacec Gas & Elecyc Co 85/06/t3 3pp. 31204154

  -8406120197Sutputs handentten mio for use a R                    V response to ASLB $11020                 31204 ISS creer item 61neo progam dW=r uti e                         to mesman reeason protecton plan appropnate to wort actwny wenn restncted area YUHAS.G. NRC . No Dotaded Amhanon Geven.81/11/02 WILLETT.D. NRC . No De-                              T, Hearing trenocripto en nor>entitruet metters tened Amh490n Gwert 2pp. 30865 231-30885 232.

360812016e Responds to FOIA mnehad n860115 telcon.for documents re 8506130027 1 to eE info Nonce 64-55. "Seel Table Leans at PWRs" Svc bet enct uti of nuclear fusi.sponi fuel rods & nuclear lust rod storage tanks Forwards JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 03 85/05/14. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, art.107pp. 31044 065- gTy.J M of Rules and Records 85/02/14 SHAPLEN.P ABC, Inc /ABC News. $pp. 30885.t99-30685 211 890613003e Succe t to IE Into Notte 05420, *Motoroperated vaNo Fedwes the to -8908120212 Transcret of ACRS Subcomtruttees on Huntmide Bay Propect & Reactor Efract." Svc het enct 9 JORDAN.L Dmeon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet Radologcel Effects 840910meenng m Eureka.CA to revow of und A- .e 830103) 85/05/14 Cor*echdated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc. 07pp 31044172 gsan Pp 1-144 31044 278 ACRS . Adesory Committee on Reactor Safeguards 84/09/10.176pp 30665 236-3068e 051. 8506200600 IE Info Noace 85439. "Aueatubey of Electncal Equement Quahhcanon Recorde et Lcereses Fachbes" Svc bet enct JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post E. Oneste storage of Low Level Weste 830103) 85/05/22 Conechdated Echeon Co. of New Y inc. 06pp. 30837 258-

     =37 =3.                                                                                                  e., toi    rorwe,d. . .or850425 aga.on to espr,s. of - ievel    ,adwes,e 1I ' '"         **

e IE 85440 m Equipment Quahtcation Teseng & ,S,H clor 1p' 0 JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830 85/05/22. Coneohdeted Eescu Co. of Peen V . Inc Copp 30644 166-DOCKET 60142 UCLA TRAt981000 REACTOR 8606200101 IE Info Notco 85442, " Loose Phosphor in Panasorec 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements" Svc het enct R. Portedle operating reports & reisted correspondence JORDAN.E L Chvieon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 20pp 3085224% geos270291 " Annual Rept 1984 Peuclear Energy Lao" W/850620 nr 30852 363- WEGST.W F. Cairfomen. Uruv. of Los Angeses. CA S4/12/31 epp 3t252164 06063e0107 IE Info Nohce 05443. "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc het ence JOROAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Poet DOCKET 90*151 Upelv. OF ILLl80008 RESEARCH REACTOR 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated E@ eon Co. of New Y , Inc. 20pp 30864167-30864 287. 8606300194 IE Info Nobce 84044. " Emergency Communcanon Sys MontNy Test" Svc 0 W P'd'E 8""'""'8**"****"d'"** het anci JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 9606180327 Ack receet of 850418 4 0506 its riformmg NRC of steps taken to correct 630103). 85/05/30 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of Peew y Inc. 2tpp. 30664 04% violatons noted m snap Rept 54 151/85411 Deviatene contamed n 10CFR2. App C 30864 166. dtd 820300 NORELIUS.C E. Regen 3. Omca of Drector 85/0E/10 BECK 0 P. Ilhness. Urww of. 00000ee877 IE Info Notco 85045. Potereal Seisme Interacten invo eng Movable Irv Urbene. IL 2pp 3097813430978139. Core Flus Wappmc Sys used ei Westocheuse Designed Plants " Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 4606100335 Responds to telcon re vio4aton noted in safety inep on 85022428 Correc- ' 830103). 85/06/06. Coneohdated E4eori Co. ot hew f , lrc. 2200 30864 26 4 eve actons Comm Ed contacted for unmeeste desvery of contmuous at 30065 046. mondors Portable as partculate morutor veed si reenm BECK.O P. lehnoes. Uruv of. Urt>ena. IL85/05/06. RIDGEWAY.x Regen 3. Office of 86flete0707 IE info Peoece 85048 "Clanheston of Several Aspects of Removable Ra. Drector tp. 30970 134 30978 139

     &>aceve Surface Contammaton Lauts for Transport Packages
  • Svc het once JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse (Post 830?O3) 85/06/10. Coneohdated Eeson Co of Peew y Inc. 24pp. 31043 301* DOCKET 90156 900 ROCK POltf7 HUCLEAR PLAlff 31044 064.

900s140240IE Info Notco 84047, "Potenhal Enoct of Une InchJced Operaton on Car- O Soeur#y, W emergency & Mrs protection piene tan Tarpne Rock Solencedoperated veNes" Svc het encs JORDAN E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparoesse & E Response (Post Inc. 34pp. 31268157- 9000070304 " Big Rock Pomt Manuatvol 9.Sete Emer Plan " 830103) 85/06/18 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Y

  • Consumers Power Co 85/02/28 260pp. 30750 3J& 751 238 31266.304

_ - . __ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ . __ _ ___ m = _ DOCKETEDITEMS 17 0603300036 Discussas revow of changes to planned locaton of altamate shutdown sys -4608170190 Safety evaluaton etq)portmg Ameruf 74 to License DPR4 descreed m 850124 itr Loca equipment m new altamale shutdown bidg

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Director 85/06/07. Ppp 30956 182-approved Evaluation ongom0 of open storas te entena 30956 183.

ZWOLINSKI.J A 8 Reacm 9 ranch 5. 85/03/26. VANDEWALLE DJ Cork surners Power Co. 52.333 29552 335. 8606130340 Forwards Amend 75 to Lcense DPR 6 & safety evaluanon Amend mcorpo-8800040478Advmes of aes delay in completion of sted plan issue 5 re DCRDR ' due to personnel changes Revised DCRDR progam OL esctor anch AN E J Con-enci sumers Poww Co 2pp. 30859 023 30859 032 RUEMIN.J L Consumers Power Co. 85/05/31. Omco of Noctear Reactor RepAaton, n 9 0697.27a

                                                                                                                        -4006130344 Amend 75 to Lcense DPR 6.mcorporahng descripton of & operagng re.

no,',q #0,, ,neg on 8 PAPERsELLO,C) Regon 3. Othce of Drector. 85/08/t t DEWITT.R B. Consumers 23 % 6 h g, 4"d %eactors ay 5 65/06/10 epp 30859 025-30859030 l Power Co 3pp. 30898 301-30898 310. -8606130349 Safety evasuaton l Amend 75 to Lcense DPR 4 '

  • Omca of Nuclear Reactor hon, Director 85/06/10 2pp. 30859 031
       -4406140441 Inno Rept 54155/0544 on 85052423 No                                       e or devehon                  30859 032 l

noted Mapor areas mapectodemergency preparedness enerose weakness to e-consee fadure to demonstrate capar=hty to assess n o ste rasosogcal conetons 3806140364 Docusses proposal to delete Tech Spec operatukfy regarement $nt eKore noted BROWN.G SNELLW SuiTRM. Ragon 3. Othee of Drector. 85/06/11. 7pp. detectors Approach acceptable.per NUREG4828.Seenon 5 313.provided that oper-requrwnents for aus unre syn mchuded 30898 304-30898 310. INSKI.J A. Operahng Reactors Branch 5. 85/08/12 VANDEWALLE.DJ. Con-sumers Power Co 2pp. 30893 329-30893 330. 6606190130 Provides recults of evaluaten of stact gas morutor.per 850315 commitment Location of stack gas morators no obstacle to operator performance dunng emergency conotons Mmor human engneenng esempances wW be assessed 8608140600 Forwards SER re unt 850118 proposed reachAon of integated Plant Safety Assessment Rept (NUREGr0028) Secton 4191 on organic mellaCoanngs E L Consumers Power Co 85/06/13 Othce of Nuctear Reactor Regulahon* Drector 6pp. 30995 05130995 056 S a eactors 5/ / V ALLE.D.J Con-1 sumers Poww Co 97 127-30897 131_ auet DCR on 8509 9 to of ' & -4008140601 SER re int sted Plant Safety Assessment Rept (NVREG4828) Secten review conducted appropnate#y per 850531 ler 4 M 1 on organic matis nvron pohhcanon of coanngs a wouel map program acceph ZW A Opera Br 5. 85/06/19. V ANDEWALLE.D J Cork QRC - No Dotaded Arhhanon Gnren2pp 3089713430897131 85/06/13. 8606100024 Informs that issue 14.SEP Topic E6. "Seems Dewgn Canedoratons* we D, operaung Scenee etese documente & cerroependence be compieted by Oct 1985 & Issue 90 SEP Tope E1, "Classhcanort of Structures.Sys & Components" wie be congseted by Apr 1986. 8600030300 Parted response to FOiA request for three categones of documents to be KUEMiN J L Consumers Power Co 85/06/14 Office of Nuctear Reactor Regulaten, made avadable at POR re NSHCs. App A documents enci & peaced m POR Search Drector 1p. 30975 21430975 210. conenumg FELTONJ M Dmngon of Rules and Records 84/11/06. ADATO.M. Umon of Con. 4606250144 Forwards response to Genenc Lir 8547 es implementaten of meegrated comed Scionesta opp 30720 001 30720 005 schedule (ILS)lLS developed for Rock PomtProposed amend to Lcense 4.incorporatng ILS, currently under N rewww

       . **=^M23 Notre of conaderaton of esuance of amend to Lrense DPR4 & pro.                                            BORDINE.7 C. Consumers Power Co 85/06/21 Cthce of Nuclear Reactor Regule-gased NSHC determinston & opporturwty for heanng re 811215 request to mcorporate                               son, Drector 6pp. 31180 078-31180 083 operanng requrements for stack gas monitanng sys into Tech Specs CRUTCHFIELD.D. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5 84/02/22. 24pp. 30722 240-W22 282-O. Inspection reporte,IE Bu8stine & corroependence 4608130045 Partial response to FOIA request for an documents to NRC procedures tot detecten & coniral of accoriod & inegal drug use by persons engaged a badg or const                         8905130027                     1 to IE tr4o Notee 64-55. " Seas Table Leaks at PWRs " SwC but anci of nuclear reactors or facebos Forwards App A documents                                                        JORDAN.E L                         of Emergency Properedness & E                 Response (Post FELTON.J M Dansen of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH.SJ. Washmgton                                           830103) 85/05/14 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 07pp 31044 065-Legal Foundanort 55pp. 30937 047-30937157                                                                      31044 111.
       -4508140153Decusson w/CPC on821105re polces on use of possessen of drugs                                        6905130038 Suppi i to IE info Notre 85420. "Motoroperated VaNo FaAses Due to on alcohol                                                                                                     Hammenng ENect" Svc hst enct j          GIBSON.J. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector JORGENSENB,                                               JORDAN.E L Danson of Emergency Preparedress & E                                  Response (Post MILLER.J R. NRC - No Dotaded Affeaten Gewert 82/11/05. 3pp. 30938 302-                                         830103) 05/05/14 Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 3t044172-30938 305.                                                                                                     31044 278.

3806170077 Responds to FolA request for records to FIN B.0489. "Contammeni Leak Rate Testeg Program" & Quases Corp /NRC coreacts Forwards documents re FIN 0606300600 IE Info Nonce 85439. "Austabihty of Elecincal Equipment Quahncahon B4489 Documents also evadacie et PDR No documents re Quadron set to request Records at Ocensees Fachbes." Soc bot enct JOFIDAN.E L Dmneson of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Poet l FELTON.J M Drvemon of Rodes and Records. FIN B4489 85/03/25 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. REYTBLATT.IV. Warren Weson Coasgo, Seannonce. NC 7pp 30987 034 . 30837 258-30987:078. 30637 363.

       -4606170201 "Contamment Leam Rate Testog investigatons." monthly progress rept                                  4606300000 IE Into Nonce 85440. *Denconcess n Equipment Quahficaton Testeg &

for Nov 1982 Certf caton Process " Swc het encf. CDUGAN.J R Oak Ridge Nabonal Laboratory FIN B-0489 82/12/07. ARNDT.G Me. JORDAN.E L Dmnmon of Emernency Preparochees & E Response (Poet chancas/ Structural Er9neenng Branch. 3pp 30987115-30987.117. 85/05/22. Conschdated Edson Co of New Y , Inc. 06pp. 30848168-8M303]7 6600040413trWorms that new schedules being dewetoped for cornplenon of imegrated Plan tsaues 14.90 & 51 re seemt desgn consderanons & classfcanon of 4906300181 IE Info Notre 85-042, " Loose Phosphor in Panasonc 800 Senes Badge

 .!        structures.sys & comp >nents ese to other proiect commstments                                                   TLD Elements " Svc het end EIVEMIN.J L Consumers Power Co 85/05/31.Omco of Nuclear Reactor Repdabon,                                      JORDAN.E L Danson of Emergency Preparochess &                                    Response (Post Drector. 2pp. 30699 00430699 081.                                                                              630103) 85/05/29. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y                          inc.          30852 24 %

30652 363. 9008110307 Sterrets correcton to 850131 4 0201 Tech Spec change requests to Lk

  • conses DPR4 & DPR 20/evismg oMate orgarszaton charts due to ttle changes m 3906300107 IE Info Notre 85043, "Rasography Events at Power Reactors" Swc not F 6 2-1. Corrected Tech Spec Page 110 to Ucense DPR-6 enct enct V WALLE.D.J. Corinumers Power Co.85/08/07. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu- JORDAN E L Dansson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post lanon, Drector. tp. 30817.177 30817 179-830103) 05/05/30. Corisondated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc. 20pp. 30864167-
       -4008110401 Proposed correcAn to Tech Spec Page 110.addmg Secton 8 5 22.ria&

Consumer C /06 T.178 30817.179 4606 Nobce 85444 " Emergency Communicaton Sys Mon % Tese Svc he Ap 0 080813,,picat,e,,n,for ma o B.g ~amend Pomtto Lcense.d ot Asses.mont.DPR4; F requrement u Co New Y 2 30864 04 or. e to p.d. 30,,9,03,,,85/05 UANDEWALLE D J. Consuma > Power Co /06/07. Oftce of Nucteer Reactor Regu- ' letort Drector. 70pp. 3085913130659200. etOS 0619 Rgonds to e W m Ing rem MS/8W per 8505N 3906170103 Forwards Amend 74 to Lcense DPR4 & safety evaluston Amend moefies toscon Correcewe schons radweste stupment procerknes we be reweed to eclude refs Tech Specs to enclude moehed reactor encs trealed weste hne solabon vane in est of to 10CFR6155 4 58 4 unil eclude u., essessment of cornphence w/10CFR20 311. local noen rate tested automenc contamment malaten vanes VANDEW ALLE.D J Consumers Power Co 85/05/31 KEPPLER.J G. Regen 3. Othes ZWOUNSKLJ A Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/07. VANDEWALLE.D J. Con. of Drector 2pp 30897145-30897.146. sumers Power Co. 2pp, 17& 30956 183. 4600000877IE Info Notre 85045. "Potenhal Seesmc intaracton snvohnng Movable In-

       -4008170146 Amend 74 to Lcense DPR4,moefying Tech Specs to actude moshed                                           Core Flus Mappmg Sys used en Wesanohouse Desrjned Plants " Svc bot encf.

reactor ance tested weste tne isolemon vapwe et est of localleen rate tested sulomatc JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparednees & Response (Post contenment moiston veNes 830103) 85/08/06. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc. 2pp. 30864 286-ZWOUNSKIJ A. Opersong Reactors Branch 5 85/06/07. App. 30956178 30956181. 30865 046

                                                                               . . _ . .                                 . . _ _ . _ - - . , - . _ _ _ _ .                             .         ,-        -      -~.

i 18 DOCKETEDITEMS 4 8906000707IE Irdo Notre 85046 'Clantcaton of Several Aspects of Removabie Re- DOCKET 50154 UNtv. OF wtSCONSIN RESEARCH REACTOR donctnre Surface Contammaton Lw'sts for Transport Packages" Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Omson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post i 830103L 65/06/10. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yor , Inc 24pp. 31043 301- H. General em _ .;e

;       3t044 064.
!                                                                                                            0506280076Adv. sos of appomtment of DJ Skulma & TJ Tausges as reactor operators
8506140431 Forwards insp Rept 50 155/8544 on 850520-23 No noncernphance yAyUSEWIC.S M WmConse. Uruv of Ma(anon. WI 85/06/24 Slandardzation &
,       no ed Discussen of enerose weaknesses also arci                                                         Special Protects Brancrt tp. 31253 36t-31253 361
,       PAPERIELLO.CJ Regon 3. Ortco of Director 85/06/11. DEWITT.R 8 Consumers j       Power Co. 3pp. 30898 301-30898 310.
     ~8506140441 Insp Rept 50-155/8544 on 850520 23 No                                       nce or deviaton
noted Mapor areas respected emergency preparedness eserces weakness re b. l Cerisee fadure to dernonstrate capal>hty to assess citade resodogral Condtons 8506270293 Forwards Esam Rept 50156/OL4541 of esem eor unestered on850604 )

j noted 06 BROWN.G , SNELLW, SMITH.M Rep 3, Ofhce of Director 85/06/11 7pp REVES.LA Repon 3. Ortco et Drector 85/06/24 CASHWELL.R D Waconsen, Urve of, Madson. WI.1p 3t235 20tL31235 24 7 'l 30898 304-30898.310.

                                                                                                             ~8506270310 85,06190226 m ed          Forwards Safety Inse Rept St55/0548 on 85051117 No noncomphence                          osies      stedEnam    wntt.n     R.ept .am$41,56/O,L
                                                                                                                                                             &i e. ass d8541 o,a on, a .85000406 Esam results trvee cans-PAPERIELLO.CJ. Regen 3 Omca of Drector 85/06/12 DEWITT.R 8 Consumers                                    BUR        K, T . MCMILLE N J J.                 Regeri 3, Oftco of Drector 65/06/24 4 tpp.

Power Co 2pp. 30995 261-30995 270. 31235 207-31235 247 l -8606190239 Inso Rect 54155/8548 on 850513-17 No apparent violatons W. Operator Esamenettone notedMasor areas riepectedraeanon & esdweste programs. ancsudmp coned of fnati transportaten.sond redweste. staftvig & response to IE Bullete 94w NICHOLSON.N A , GREGER,LR Regon 3. Othce of Dwector. 85/06/12. 8pp 6506270293 Forwards Esem Rept 54156/OL 8541 of exam senirustered on 850604- .I 30995 263 30995 270. os l REYES LA Regen 3. Othee of Drector 85/06/24 CASHWELLR D W.sconse. Urvv i -4504220314 Responds to 850314 request for revies of hcensee need 80r approval to of, Ma@ son, Wi. Ip.31235 206-31235 247. depose of contammeted sod oneste Licensee responsable for accounkn0 for reteeses of raeonuchdes to envrart -85062703to Esam Rept S156/OL 8541 on 85060446 Enam renuns trvae carwt CONGEL.F J Radologcal Assessment Branch 85/04/11 PAPERIELLO.CJ Regen dates passed entten esam & three passed oral esem

3. Othce ot Drector 2pp. 30995 27 t-30995 272 BURDeCK.T . MCMILLEN.J J. Regon 3. Offre of Drector. 85/06/24 4tpp 31235 207 31235 247.

4506140500 Forwards SER re utd 850118 proposed resoluson of lotograted Plant Safety Assessment Rept (NUREG0828) Sec*ein 4191 on organec mattsCoanngs tely washed. Proposed map program acceptable issue resoaved DOCKET 60163 GA TECHf00 LOG 6ES ZW INSKLJ A Operet ReactrJrs Brancti 5. 85/06/13 VANDEWALLE.DJ. Con-aumers Power Co. 3pp. 97 127-30897 131

                                                                                                                                                  "            I
     -4506140601 SER re             ated Plant Safety A--            _ .: Rept (NUREG 0828) Secton 4    1 on orgaruc mens mnron quahfcanon at coategs & veuel map progam accept-                       8506110547 Forwards Safeguards insp Repts 50 089/8541.50 163/8541 4 704734/
  • NRC - No Detaded Alfikaton Gsven.05/06/13 2pp 30897.130-30897.131' 8548 on 85052124 &nasce of viosanon Encis withfiend fret 10CFR2 790) l MONTGOMERY)L Repon 5. Othce of Drector as/08/05 COLANDREA.T R GA 8806210121 Advmes that Rev 3 to CA Topcal Rept CPC-2A contmues to satisfy re- Technologies. Inc /Genswal Alorruc Co. 2pp. 30816 039-30816 040.

qurements of 10CFR50. App 8 & acceptabse Rev 3 changes to responsitzhty & prow oram cor trol of meervce insp satstectory _ & m .eepondence P. Operating scense seate __ l SPESSARD.R L Regan 3. Oftce et Drector. 85/06/14 DEWITT.R 8 Consumers Power Co. tp. 31024 270 31024 270, 8506100002 Apphcahon to amend Leonee R47fevismg Tech Spec Secten 6 2 5 to 8506210202Fcrweros $atety tnsp Rept $0155/6549 0n 850520 23 No s-ee perform caubt of power channels by canonmetnc or heet balance methods noted semennuaoy F se pad PAPERIELLO.CJ Regen 3. Othce of Drector 65/06/14 DEW:TT,R 8. Consumers MOWRY.W R GA Tactrosopes. Inc / General Atornsc Co 85/08/04 THOMAS.C O.

;        Power Co 2pp 31026 339 31028.347.                                                                      Standardzaton & Speaal Proiscts Brancn. 3pp 30791302 30791304
      -8606210236 into Rept 50 155/85-09 on 850520-23 No volaten or devoton I                                                        Q. Inspection reporte, IE BuNetme & correspondence no.te.d
         ,s   ses-Masar   areaso,mapect,e.d,t.soou.s 4 epts               nt e       n &.,bu.nued ro mseum.        radmachve pro,otengram.metudeg omvent HUETER L J , SCHUMACHER.M C Regen 3. Othee of Drector 85/06/14 7pp.                                 8906280196 IE info Notre 85444, " Emergency Communcaten Sys Monthey Test" Svc 31026 341-31026 347.                                                                                   kat once l

8506140240IE into Noace 85447, "Potente Effect of Lee. induced Operanon on Cer-tan Target Rock Sc6eno4 Operated Vatwes

  • Svc bat once.

Nif3f 30864 168 ho[3n " **'Yd e Co New Y 2 30864 5 JORDAN.E L Divuaon of Emergency Preparedness & Enginsonng Response (Post 830103) 85/06/18 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Bru; 134pp. 31268157' 8606110647 Forwards Safeguards insp Reple 50489/8541.S 163/8541 4 704734/ i 31268 304- 8548 on 850521-24 & notze of violaten Ences withhold (ret 10CFR2 790) j 85061 30 -e 854 8. Resprator us.,e Notco Do.ecove S.wontamed re;",J,g*Aau,%a:ma,o"g,*yt;6t!/J5 , 8 04cr~oama o^ j Brestrung Acperatus Asr Cyteders." Svc het anci JORDAN.E L Dveson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post j 830103) 85/06/19 Consondated Eeson Co of New Yor , Inc. 23pp. 31376064' DOCKET 50170 AmteEO FORCES RA000esOLOGY RESEARCH IteSTITUTE 31378.163. etW. ,emer9encV& We prWoc#en piene ! EL Portodec operating reports & related correspondence

                                                                                                              '                                            '9"                              "             ""

8500070100 MontNy steg rept for War 1985 W/850403 tir - i AMSTUTI.S R . FMAN.DP Consumers Power Go 85/03/31. 5pp 30800 213- MARTIN.T.T. Region I, OHze of Drector 65/05/15 CONKLIN.J. Armed Forces Ra-30800.217. ectnologcal Research Insatute 2pp 30725 021-30725 024

                                                                                                              -8400000668 Physcal Protecten inep Rept M170/8542 on 850422 No violaten S. Reportabte occupences, We & related consepondence                                                       noted Masar areas mapected physcal protecton measures for protechng SNM of low

{ strate 9c segrwhcance 8606170033 LER 8500440cn 850525.whde plant shut down for short outage upscale / SMITH.G C., KElulG.R R Pegen 1, Offce of Dractor 85/05/09 2pp 30725023-downecaie reactor protecton sys actuaten occurred Caused by electncal nome et low 30725 024. neutron flus levels No control rod movement occurred W/850665 ler ALE)tANDER.RJ, FRf6CH.R R. Consumers Power Co. 85/08/05. 3pp. 30982361 30982 363 O Inspection reporte,IE Sullenne & corroependence j 8908240012 LER 45-0044t on 850525.mtmie shutdown for repers.spunoue upscale / 8600060660 Forwards Safeguards Insp Rept M170/8542 on 850422 No votaten downecale reactor protecton sys moiston occurred. No control rod movemer't noted occurred Caused Dy elecocal nosse W/8506131tr MARTIN.T.T Regon 1. Othee of Drector 85/05/15 CONKUN.J. Armed Forces Ra-ALEXANDER.R J., FRISCH.R R Consumers Power Co. 85/06/13. 3pp. 31204151' ectwologmal Research inottute 2pp 30725 021-30725 024 g 31204 153 1 . -8600060660 Phyecel Pietecton insp Rapt 54170/8542 on 850422 No velaten ! v. ory Cash andspendent spent Fuel storage Instestenene 7 *,,g,',','**,7e8"7' P'Wetton measures for protechng SNM W tow i SuTTTGC., KEiMiG.R R Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 85/05/09 2pp 30725023 See6140611 Responds to noncompherce noted in inso Rept 50-155/0548, per 850521 30725 024 1 toscon Correceve accons redweste stupment proce&res we be revoed to mctude refs 1 to 10GFR8155 4 56 & win ecsude OC assessment of compherre w/10CFR20 311. 8600000734 Forwards Esam Rept 5rt'70/8541 of esam admmsetered on 850311. i

  • VANDEWALLE.DJ Consumers Power Co 85/05/31 KEPPLER,J G. Regen 3. Orfice WENllNGER.E.C. Regen 1. Offze of Drector 85/o5/23 CONKLINJ.J. Defense, i of Drector. 2pp 30897145 30897.146 Dept, cf, Detonne Nuclear Agency 2pp. 30768 07A30768140.



                    ~4400000740 Esam Rept 50170/8501 on 8503t t Enam resuns one reactor operator &                                              DOCNET 50104 NATIOfeAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS REACTOR                                                  i orie senor reactor operator iconse issued DUDLEY.N F., KELLER.R M . KISTER,H B. Regeri 1. Offce of 0=octor 85/06/14 66pp 30768 075 30168140-                                                                                                  F. Security, medical, emergency a fire protection piene 1

E 0pwatw Enemnemone 0 3 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept 50-184/8502 on 850423 No violaton ! MARTIN.T T Regon 1. Omco of Drector 85/05/15 CARTER.R S Commerce. Dept i

650e000734 Forwards Esam Rept 50170/8541of esam admnistered on 850311 of. Natonal Bureau of Standards 2pp. 30725 027 3072% 030. t WENZINGER.E C Regen 1. Omco of Drector 85/05/23 (X)NKUN.J.J De8ense. I Dept of. Defenne Nuclear Agency 2pp. 30768 073-30768.140 4600060600 Physcal Protecten inep Rept 50184/aS42 on 850423No votaton  !

noted Masar areas inspected phyncas protecton measures for protectog SNM of mod- ' , erste sirelege esgruncance.  ! i -8600000740 Exam opersior one soner reactor Rept 54170/850t tcense o.n .a8$0311 Emaat results one reactor operator & SMITH.G C., KEiMiG.R R Region 1. Omco of Drector e5/05/09 2pp 30725 029 , ' DUDLEY,N F. KELLER.R M. KISTER.H B Regen 1. Omco of Drector 85/05/14 30725 030. g 06pp. 30768 07530768140. i i

u. Inspecten reporte,IE Sumoune & corroependence

! uoCNET 50171 PEACH BOTTotf ATOGRC POWER STAftceL UNIT 1 , { 8500000e43 Fowards Safeguards inep Rept 60-164/8542 on 850423No wolaton noted + l Q. Inspection reporte, DE Sullogne & cerroependence MARTIN.T.T Regon 1 Omco of Drector 85/05/1S CARTER,8 5. Commerce. Dept  ! j of, Natonal Bureau of $tandards 2pp. 30725 027-30725 030 i 8800000014 Forwards Peach Bottom Atome Power Staten Urut t 1984 Annual De-4 comemseen Rept" & summary of 1964-1985 weeps of contamment & exclusion areas. Phyncal Protecton insp Rept 60484/8502 on 850423 No volaten I ALDEN,W M Phdadesprue Elecinc Co 8S/05/31. STOL2J F Operstmg Reactors rmted Maior areas mopected pnyscal protecton measures for protectog SNM of mod-Branch 4. App 30720 237-30728 240' QHfGpng.ER Regen 1. 00fre of Drector 65/05/09 2pp 30725029-t 30725 030. 8606300029Act recespt of 850610 lir mfornung NRC of steps tai en to correct volatons I Rept $0184/8Mt roted n ! 4900000014 Forwards

  • Peach Bottorn Atome Power Stanon Urut 11964 Aririual De5 MAR TIN, Regon 1 Omco of Drector 85/06/12 CARTER.R S Commerce. Dept j commiseen Rept" & sumrnary of 1964-198$inops of contaanment & excbeen areas of. Natonef Bureau of $tandards 2pp. 31007.12531007127. .

1 ALDEN.W M Phdadelptma Electc Co 85/05/31 STOL2.J F. Operstmg Reactors l Branch 4 app 30728 237 30728 240. r DOCKET 60104 UNIV. OF IIIt00URI RESEARCH REACTOR l I at _ a see.o De.umente Cwrespondone. d F. Securtt, meencet, emergency a fire prosecuen paene 860e130044 partal response to FOIA request for as documents re NRC procedures for detecton & coneal of alcohol a diegel drug use by persons engaged in tddg or const 8600040386 Requests enct safeguards mio to methheld (ret 10CFR2 790 & 73 21) Enci ' or nucieer W reactors withheld Omemnoroffacehes Forwards Records.App A documents . HEATH.S J. Wastungton i FELTON.J Rules and Legal Foundamon S$pp 30937 047-30937 157. 85/01/28 HULTSCH,R A Missoun. Univ of. Columtna. MO. 85/06/30 THOMAS.CO, Standere-aston & Special Propects Brancit tp 30701 347 30701 347 3 l =4606130386 Resporide to query re release of portons of Olc of Imestgatone rept to 3g06240000 Advises that850530 changes to physcal secunty peart consistent e/prov> j drug /scohol abuse to specshe tceneses Reisese not profvtxted t y FOiA or PenracY soons of 10CFR$0 54(p) 4 acceptable . - Act Concerns oww precedent enpressed wortsheets enct ARELSON.W L Regon 3. Omco of Drector 85/06/17 HULTSCH R A Missoun, Uruv i SHOMAKERE C Opwatone & Admmmeatnre 82/12/20 UEBERMAN.J Ra' of. Rolle. MO. 3pp. 3118015&31160181. t' genal Operatone & Erisorcement Dmeert 193pp. 30937 356 30934188 l DOCNET Sow 172 RADIAft088 EFFECTS REACTOR I i

i. 0 100 0 ROon 850 19.cna,ri i,A on d, e .or b,ade po.Aon Inua. <

Q. Inspection reporte, IE Sulleens a correependonee "nven d m for indca a MEYER.W A.. ALGE Missourt Uruv of. Columtma. MO 85/05/31. [ $800000286 Further response to FOiA request for three categones of documents re aL THOMAS.C.O. Standarezaten & Special Prolacts Branch 2pp 30793 329 30793 330. . iog d i987 accsdeni M Raeason Enocis tab or hai car M Geor,e Nuciow Lab.Dewsorvedie.GA Forwards App A documents Documents eien evadable m PDR.

  • f FELTON,J M Dmeson of Rules and Records 84/12/07 BREMAN.V A. Legni Erevrork rnental Asestance Foundatert 3pp. 30795 076-30795140.

DOCNET 90w100 NA80SAS STATE UlefV. REMARCH ftEACTOR { *aammenes2 Recommends that Lzenue R88 be termmated & concurren#y pieced S. Reportshee , LEfte & teteled correspondence under State of GA byproduct merle hcense Sectons B & D of Lockheed 710412 de $; m - _ _ _ -v pian complete.per inep Repts50-172/71-2 4 71 1. I SEIDELW C Alor'uc Energy Commesem 71/07/15 KEPPLER.JG. Atomc Energy 8000000000 RO on 8505221eector operated w/o contmuous er morator Comrrussert 22pp 30795 d66-30795.109 opera Cimmed by momtor bemg manuesy eenched on besre o reactor startup eeker reset. l F AW.H E Kaneae State Unrv., Manhattan, MS.05/05/23. Regen 4. Othee of Drectca. j tp. 30708 21&30708 219 E Slogo Documente & Correspondense I i 0000000386 Fureer response to FOIA request for three categones of documents to al. 00CNET 90witI SASCOCN & WILCOM C00fPA8fY CHfTICAL FACIUTY leged 1987 acessent at Rasenon Effects Lab or ~ hot ces" et Georgia Nuclear i i) Lab.Dewoormite GA Forwards App A documents Documents eleo evadable m PDR. , FELTON.J M Omson of Rules and Records 64/12/07.BREMAN.V A. Legni Emwon- a inspect 6on reporte,IE Busstene & cerroependonee Foundabort 3pp. 30795 07430795.140. l montal f amammenen. Discusees Lockheed Aacraft Corp 710412apphcanon for authoney to es. 0006200196 IE Info Notre 05444.

  • Emergency Commurucaton Sys MontNy Test
  • Svc pose of reactor venees miernois a to em . __ _ reactor Apptcanon adequate Pian **'*"C8-I> erecuton wds not be rwnscaf to heefth or safety JORDANE L Omeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post
!                      WOODRUFF.R W Atome Energy Commessort 71/05/27. Atome Energy Commse.                                                         a30103) 05/05M Conachdoted Eeoon Cct of New Yorn, Inc.12tpp. 30864 045-nort 1p 30795 080 30795 000.                                                                                                30884.186.

0000000314 Apphcanon to amend Lcones RMauthonzmg reactor J . - - - ' 4 of reactor components Decommiseenmg plan enct 00CNET 90402 UIstv. OF TEXAS RESEARCH REACT 0ft E.H L Lockheed Aacraft Corp. 71/04/12. Atome Energy Commenesort 2pp. 30795 081-30795 087. . k ammaammea, u. .. _ 2 termmaton of tranee R 88 & subsetpent Wansfer of cork i tal to Raeoloqpcal Hoenh Svc of Stele of GA. Dept of Puble Heenh per decomm e- 0000000004 Notfes that Anancaal mio submstted on 041109 el appecanon for CP dem.

serung plan Results of110714 riep we be reported Regen il710715 IwX ents. onstates reasonable esaurence that funds neceeeery to Cover eetmated const costs 1 ENGELliEN.R H Atomic Enorav Commeeson. 71/07/19 SKOVHOLT,DJ. Atomic can be obtamed i Energy Commenert tp.30795 6il7 30795 007. THOMAS.C O. Standerezamon & Special Propor.te Brancet 05/05/24. KLEIN.D E.

Texas, Unne of Ausen, f x. Ip 30719 358-30719 380

                     -4000000962 A- - A that License R46 be termmated & concurreney pieced

! under State of GA byproeJct mene bcense Sectons 8 & D of Lockhood 710412 de- 8000040704 Forwards notco of proposed seeuence of orders authontmg esposeon of 1 . . _ _ _ , pian compiees,per inop Repts54172/71-2 & 71 1. component parts & temuneeng LEenee R 92 per 850503 apphcahon. j SEIDELW C. Ayme EneryComerunson. 71/07/15. KEPPLER.Ja Atome Energy THOMAS.CO. Standerezenon & Special Aopmets erencit 85/05/24. kLEIN.D E.

Commseempt 2"pp. 30795 055-30795109 Tenas. Urvv of, Austr1, f x. 4pp. 30719 314 30719 321.

i i f I i

     .- - - - - ---                              . . - . . . - . - --                               - - - - , , - . , ~ ,_ _ _ _ .. - . - _ - -                                                                    . . . - , . . . _ , , , - , . -


              -400004070s Nohce of proposed eeuence of orders authortzmg espostion of compo-                  6606140063 Succes response to wotations reted m insp Repts 50 208/8546.50 3611 nont parts a ternunstna Lconse R-e2 per 850503 appacanon.                                       s546 & 5436k/8506 Corrective acnons request to rowse pfwcal society pian wis THOMAS.C O. Standerezanon & Special Protects Branch.85/05/24. 4pp 30719 314                     he subrmtted try 850A07 30719 321.                                                                                      MEDFORD.M O Souchem Cahfomia Esson Co. 85/05/17 MARTIN)B Region 5, Office of Drector tp 30932 10740932 107.

DOCKET $0193 RHont isLAsso a PROVIDENCE PLANTATIO888 AEC e600040110 Revised emegency plan - _a mden,Tempormy Change Notre UCN) 11 to S01hprocedures.mciueng yllM01 re stuft commander todated dutos & TCN 1-2 to S0123. VIN 4 301 re communcatens efsta W/850529 Iqr F Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plane CROY,P A. Southem Cantomia Edson Co.05/05/29 MARTsNJ B Regen 5. Offce of Drector 250pp. 30701052 30701306 9006130408 Forwards sanstred nuclear fuel route from Rhode Island Nuclear Sci-ence Ctr to Savarmen Rwer, per 850510 request for approvalNotrhcahon require- 8508110453 Forwards descnpbon of Rev 3 testuel changes to physcal secunty monts stlH apply per 10CFR73 37 & 73 72. plan Rev wahhead (ret 10CFR73 2t). NULSEN C K. batanal Transfer Safeguards Branch. 85/06/04 HAYNES.J G. Southem Cahoorrue Esson Co.85/05/31. MARTIN) 8 Repon 5. Offre DMEGLIO,A F. Rhode Island. State of.18pp. 30865 047 064. of Drector. Igk30818 167 30816 167. 9008170278 "Rewsw of Emergency Dessi Generator Enyne & Aumdiary Module Wmng C Inspecten reporte, IE Sulleens a cerroependence & Termmatens." techncal evaluenon rept LAITY.W W Battene Memonal inattute Pacdc Northwest Laboratones FIN 0-2952 namam164 Forwards Enam Rept 54193/8541 of exam admmistered dunng wk of PNL-52043 85/05/31.Dween of Lconemg 21pp. 30901130-30981150. 850422 WENZiNGER.E.C. Repon 1. Omco of Drector. 85/06/05 DMEGLIO,A.F. Rhode 4608130417 Forwards feedback memo re poteneasy genanc problem w/ wide-range island. State of. 2pp 3102129531021342. gaseous emuent monnor concommg detector poseorung Rewee & resoluton of proc-tem requested.

             -8806300167 Esam Rept50193/8541 on 850424 Enam results one candidate paa==*                          BAER,H L E                  & Genanc Communicatens Branch 85/06/04 WINSO.J. GA DUOLEY.N., KELLER.R M, KISFER,H B Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/06/03.                          Tecfmologos.         / General Atome Co. 3pp 30901179-30901197 46pp 31021297-31021.34A
                                                                                                             ~4605130418Docusses genenc concem desenbod n 830310 ler to GA Co ende-range gas morutor high4ange noble gas channel detector positenin0Potenbal generic maus V. Operator Esaminsteens                                                                                   ans due to une n evaluenne emuent reteese m event of acessent ANO,R A. Regen 5. Omco of Deector 85/03/19 JOHDAN E L Dwason of 8008300164 Forwards Esam Rept 54193/85-Of of exam aemrustered dunno =4 et                           Emerp183*y       Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post 630103) 2pp 30901182-850422                                                                                         3090 WENZINGER.E C. Regan 1. Omco of Drector 85/06/05 DtMEGLIO,A F. Rhode Island, State of. 2pp 3102129531021342                                                    4608240324 Forwards inep Repts 50 206/85-18.50-361/8515 8 50-362/8514 on 850402-10 No violatue noted
-4008300147 Esam Rept $4193/8541 on 850424 Enam results one canedate passed. WENSLAWSKI.F A. Regon 5. Othee of Drector 85/06/04 BASKIN.K P Southem i DUDLEY.N. KELLER.R M. KISTER.H 8 Regon t, Offre of Drector 65/08/03. Cahforrua Esson Co 2pp. 31202 34531202 358 48pp. 31021297 31021342.
                                                                                                            -4408240340 insp Repts 50 206/8518.50-381/8515 4 54362/8514 on 850402 10 No noncomphance noted Mapor grees repectett lab CapalMlWy to perform ChemeCal DOCKET 50 200 Saw TEST REACTOR                                                                      4 redochemcal ana9see & detaded rewsw of samp6e data HAMADA,G H. Regon 5. Omco of Drector 85/06/03 12pp. 3:232 347-31202 358
             & Inspeceon reports,IE Busettne 4 correspondence                                                $506120148Apphcaten for amend to Lconses DPR 13.NPF-10 & NPF 15, consisting of proposed Rev 6 to Aug 1963 physcal                            pian to alarm annunciahon

, 4606200198IE anco Notre 85044, " Emergency Communcanon Sys Monthly Test.* Svc 'equrements Rev unthheld (ref 10CFR13 21) Few I hst encs MEDFORD M O. Southem Casdomia Edson Co. 85/06/07 KNIGHTON.G W Lcens- ! JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (pos mg Branch 3 2pp 3085035&30850-358 ' 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Y , 'nc. 21pp. 30864 045 30864 166. 8606210120 Forwards inep Repts 54206/8513.50 361/8512 4 50-362/8411 on 85030448 & 040145 41S19 4 noece of wolaton KIRSCH.D F Regon 5. Othee of Dreciar 85/06/07.BASMIN K P. Southern Caldorrua DOCKET 54201 WEST WALLEY REPROCES$198G PLANT Edson Co. 2pp 3102417431024185.

                                                                                                            ~8506210134 Ipso Repts $4206/8513.50-369/8512 4 54362/8511 on 850304-08 4 P. Operating Bcense stage documente & corroependence                                               040145 41&I9 Veoianon roted memt orders asued to replace stads w/o perfamung 8800060208 Further respoese to FOA re@est to                  abon of radoachve herosens at                                           of actor 5               13pp 3102417131024185.

West Vasley,NY bunes yound. Documents hsted a B withheed (rer FCsA Esenteon

5) 8908170400 Aennes that 850t11 & 850531 Revs 3 & 3A to phyncai secunty plan con-FELTON.J M Dwason of Rules and Reterdet 65/03/12. RESNIKOFF.M. Seerre Che. meterd w/prommone of 10CF R50 54(p) 4 acceptabee 2pp. 30742 35S30742 361. SCHUSTER.M D. Regon 5, Othee or Drector 85/06/11 HAYNES)G. Southem Calk forrue Eeson Co. 4pp. 30958 090 30958 093 8005000770 Notecaton of cor*ect esecuton Mod " West Vaney Waste Bunat" Contractor State Uruv of New Yors 9000290333Notecahon of reacheduled850626meenng w/uld m Bethesda.MD to dis.

RUNION.D. Dvison of Contracts. FIN 84350 85/05/30 FOREHAND.B Offre of Nu- cuss approach to meebng App R, Section lil G clear Regulatory Research, Drector. NsCHOLSON.T. NRC - No Dotaded AfNiston DUDLEY,R F. Operateg Peactors Branch 5 85/08/10 ZWOLINSKIJ A Operstmg Grven.1p. 307N337-30770 338. Reactors Branch 5 3pp. 31180 251-31180 253

             =0000000700 Lk coreact NRC44 79L205, Mod 5.deobhgaeng " West Vaney                  se06250443 Forwards Safeguards oneo Repts 50-206/8519.5436tr8%10 4 54362/

Weste Bunet" 85-17 on 85060347 No motahon roled repts withhold (ref 10CFR2 790 & 13 21L THOMPSON.R D. Dween of Coreacts FIN 8 4350 85/02/20. DiviRGtLIO M New MONTGOMERvJ L. Regen 5, Omco of ector 85/06/20 BASkiN.K P. Southem Vortt, State Urvv. of, At>any, NY.1p. 30770.33&30770 338. Cakforrua Eeson Co. 2pp 31180 306-31180 307, DOCKET 905206 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 & Wery correspondence p, gecurtty, medical, emergency & fire protec#en plane 6008230001 Partal response to FOA re@est for documents to restart of facshty App A documents avadable m PDR Search contrung 4000130073 Final response to FOA request for documents to Commemon meetng m J ' 4A ce Servc "14pp 6 00 13 June-Aug 1984 re effects of earthquakes on plant emergency preparedness Forwards Apps C a E escuments D & F documents withheid (ref FOA Esempton SL _ and Records. 85/02/07. BELL N. Nuclear Informaton _ Nonce of appearance in proceeeng Related documentaten enci FELTONJ M Dmeen of

                                                                                                               -ZAELKE.D J., MCDONALD.J E Sierra Chm.64/12/07. 5pp 31164 03S31164 043,
                  & Resource Senace 6pp. 30862 00130862 041.
            -0000130142 Staff r              ements memo re draft Commeson order on paard emergency         9006100155 Further roeponse to FOA request for documerns to restart. Forwards App plannmg Staff            conader questone re Wharwt of effects of very large earth.          C documentsDocuments also evadebee wt PDR App B documents evadable m os on emergency plans                                                                   PDR App D documente wdhheed (ret FOiA Exempton St K,S.J. Omco of the Secretary of the Comtresson 02/03/01 ORCKS.WJ Omco                   FELTON,J M Dween of Ruses and Records 85/03/26 BELL.N Nucomer Informanon of the Execueve Drector for Operatons 2pp. 30062 029 30862 037.                               4 Resource Servce. 9pp 30986 075-30986 202 i

0000230001 Parted response ts FOA enquest for documents re restart of facddy App A -4006100179 Memorendum escus NRC authorWy to permet immessie restart Order documents owedobio n POR Search congnung ==* m Aug 1982 droceng urut poneng improvement of seems setety FELTON.J M Dwason of Re e and Records 85/02/13. BELL,N. Nuclear informaton protectons does not constnute bcense amend Order wetrun NRC Junsecton.

                  & Resource Serwce 14pp. 3. h *001-31114 321.
  • Midler & Chevaher 84/10/03 21pp. 30986 099-30946119
            ~8000330075 Forwards evalueton of ont readmess for power operatons Mode sans-                   6908100171 Portal response to FOA request for 12 categones of documents to facionly completed a regonal map progam currenLOutstandin0 nome not asywhcant                 faceny Forwards Appe A & B documents App C documents already n PDR App D doc.

to preclude full power operation Related correspondence encf. efy 4 withheid (ref FOA Esempton 5). KsR .D F. Regen 5, Omco of Drector 84/11/09. EISENHUT.D(L DMemn of Lk uments FELTON. @J u Dnneen of and Records 95/04/01. ZAELKE.D Seerre che opp cenang 43pp 3f f 64 044-31164 203. 30964 241 30985 144.


     -8005100204 Oscussen of authonry of NRC to perrmt ammedale restart of facety. shut                               -850822000s Tamparary instrucinon 2512/09. "Insp of Apphcant Acton Taken m Re.

down br 2 yrs whee emplementog pr am to strergthen seesmic safety sponse to iE Bunstm e244 " y&Meer ChevaherCommission should30985122 determme that 1982 order not econes amend.

  • Drector's Omce. Omco of Inspecton and Erdorcement 63/02/20 3pp 31165 217 84/10/03.10pp 5.144 31165 240.

J. h 4 indemnity informaten -8608220011 "Rept on Envron Quakficaton A-  ; for Amphenoi Low Voltage Power Penetration Assembhos"

  • Wyle Laboratones
  • Bechtel Corp
  • Southem Cameomia Eeson Co et/02/15

- 8888210145 Notificahon of 850627 meetne w/util m Bethesda.MD to escuss request 10pp. 31165 241-31165 250. for enempton from currerey recpsed amounts of property mewance CUDLEY.R F. Operann0 Reactors Branch 5 85/06/19 INSAl) A. Operanng -4608220014 Rev 1 to Propect Procedure 2 0.

  • Pro,ect Orgeruzanon "

Reactors Branch 5. 3pp 31024 227 31024 22g

  • Bechtel Corp.84/03/30.157pp 31165 251-31166 047
                                                                                                                      -4408220017 Rev 1 to sot-SPSU4017/0. " Test Instructon 17 Sys Tumover
  • O Aduteery Committee en Reacter Sofoguards reporte a corrompendence
  • Southern Cakbmia Edson Co 83/12/12 492pp. 3116e 048 31167179 i

1' sees 200001Transcret of ACRS S.Acommntee of SEP (San Onofre) 850619 meetng m -8608220019 Forwards rgest fu ads ob re 781020 A 83H30 appecanons to rees We on.DC Pp 1 167 documentaton enct facety Tech Specs 3 7 m auneary meetncal supply a 4 4 re emergency power sys

        *A           Advoory Commdtoe on eactco Sateguards 85/06/19 245pp. 31219 006-

[h.T W Regen 5. Omco of Dractor. 64/03/02 EISENHUT.DG Dumon of L> censm0 5pp 31162017-31162025 i P. Operating beense stage documente a cerroependence eumpeon W tw mean 4 e of

                                                                                                                      **M7M7,[s a,s,gnm poy on pyp,,dq 8"a'a*00 Partal respones to FOIA request for three categones of documents to be                                      BISHOP.T W Regon 5. Omco of Drector 84/04/18 EISENHUT.DG Dmeson of b modo evadable et POR re NSHCa. App A documents enct & placed n POR Search                                        consmg 1p 3116202431162026 conurung j        FELTONJ M Dvisen of Rules and Records 64/11/06 ADATO.M Uruon of Con-                                            4606220032.e nonng sys            de provided on 830615 matead of 83050s as proveusly especte comed Scentists. App 30720 001 30720 005 RAY.H B Southern Cahfomia Esson Co 83/05/03 MARTINJ B Regen 5. Othce of 1    8608100147 FOIA request for documents to restart pnar to 100% completon of seemic                                        "*#
  • ades i B N Nuclear Informaton & Resource Senace 64/11/26 FELTONJ M Dween of 3g06220035 "Operatonal Radiaton Mansonna Sys Upgrade Rept."

Fhdes and Records 2pp 30966 073 30986 074 Catasync, Inc tsubs of As Products a Chemicais. Inc ) 83/05/16 2tpp 31167 232-31167 25J 9506220001Parnal response to FOtA reauest for documents to restart of facddy App A

                                                                                                                     ~4606220047 Rev 0 to instrument a Test Processe SOf-N t 7 9. "Cahhr Procedure for J Dmeson of uses and                                85/02/13. BELLN Nuclear informanon                        sh nel Raeaton Morvtonn0Sys Channel 1220 (Oft Laie Stact Partculate Morn-4 Renowce Service topp 31t6200131174.321.

WILSON.B. KAT2.B Southem Cakfomia Eenon Co. 83/06/01. 22pp 31167 294-

    -8206300203 "Auxeary Feedwater Sys Automane Irvtiaton 4 Flow inecation (F 16f-                                         M67 15.

Southem CA Eeaon Co San Ono8re Urut 1." tecrvucal evenaeron rept

                                                                                       "                             -4508220052 Rev 0 to Instrument & Test Processe sot # t 7 5. "Cahbr Procedure for CS25 ","45'8!,'= 0=1D.",x" N!"Det"                                            AO3'*" ,'!,"i                    oo,,,gnei       a ~-a a-ann 0 so-~ 'n'os --- - ~~-n 31169 18S 31169 200.                                                                                             M WILSON.B. KAT2.B. Soutnern Cahfomia Edson Co 83/06/01 23pp 31167 316
    -4200270446 Forwards tip rept of 820726-30 rewww                                                        sesmic      3 H6T338 N,,o g'e"dr7 p' pear Ce'n"'**b= o'ues$nna,*"oYiruc[r" Ya f".ed
                                                                                                                     -eseserectedUs 220064 R= 2 m "Ananam Merce W Post Acculent Parameter Samphng "

MCWEY 8, ROSENBLUM R M Soumem Camfame Eeoon Co. 84/05/21 15pp LO.T.Y. Lawrence Uvermore Natonal Laboratory 82/06/19 CHEN,P Y, Systematic 31162 08S3 H62103. Evaluahon program Brancft 10pp 3117135431171350

                                                                                                                     -8606220067 Ra 0 to insWumwg & Test Processe Som7 7. "Caer Procd e for
    -8211000635           Summary                of        820728-30       meetmg     w/utt.Bechtel LLL.NCT             Operstonal Radahon Monnormg Sys Charmed 1218 adweste Etnuent Monnor)"

En@neenng.Wesonghouse & EG4G e Los Angeses,CA re seismic reevaluanon of WILSON B , KA r2.B Southem Cantomia Eeson . 83/06/01 24pp 31167 339-plant structures.sys 4 components, 31167.362. ic v am Brancft 4pp 1346 1 9 -4506220063 Rev 0 to instrument & Test Processe sot.n 116. "Casibt Procedure tar Operanon Radaten Monnormg Sys Channel 1217 (Component Cochng Water Morm G Don W 3H=25.' MAT 2,B. Southem Caldomia Edson Ca 83/06/01 25pp 31168 001-tar acceptab O espf r_ene.ra s . B ing

                                              * -,e d e event of we,or -
       '%$le"aio, R                  PO". Eng.3e'n*n"g'*P,o,a',          * '                  '

0'3HT5 ##65 P9?*"

  • f -a=2aam 0 an-at a Tea messe Sotm e "C== *esee 'or Operation Raeston Monnonng S Channel 1219 (On Line Stack Gas Mondor)"

j -8401200079 Requests asustance m revieeing proposed Tecn Spec row re siectncy WILSON B. KATZ.B Southam Idame Edeon Co. 83/06/01. 23pp 31168 028-suppaes.mctueng SER Wars to be done under TACs 10653 4 53332.due by 640301. 31168 048 EISENHUT.D G Dvison of Ucenomg 84/01/12 BISHOP.T W Ommon of Rendent. Reactor Propect & Engneermg Progams to 31168 319-31168 321. -440s 20000 to .

   -4402230100 Comments on steam generator inso progam & secondary ade foreign viette 4 toose parts maps (flA 82-191 Reactor should as brought to cold shutdown to                          -8608220073 Advees that facddy we roman shuteen poneng deveopment & NRC pereorm wisp of steam generefors within 6 EFPM Wom previous                                                      approval of etoyated piant mod uppade och E LSENHUT.D G Dumon of bconeng 84/02/14 Bi                                           7 Dmmon of                  RAY.H B Southern Cohfomie Eeoon Co 6J/08/16 MARTIN) B. Regon 5. Othee of Reedent. Reactor Protect & Engneenng Proyams.1p. 31168 322-31168 322_                                           Drector 3pp. 3H68 078-3H68 084 l   -8406170435 Forwards SER re uti plans for enabhng RHR sys to perform sys                                         -8900220000 Requests NRR take lead responsinhty m responeng to J Mortens meet. Low level of decay heet a reactor can be adequate 8y removed try natural con,                             830822 request for mfo re upyeeng requeemorits voceve losses to envvon. Proposed acton approved                                                                 BISHOP.T W Omeon of Reedent. Reactor Propect a E                                Programs 83/09/

EISE NHUT.D G Deson of Ocenang A4/05/03 BISHOP.T W Dmmon of 13 EISENHUT.D G Demon of Lscensmg 1p. 31168 081- 1168 1. Rendent. Reactor Protect & Engneenng Propams 10.67323 292-67323 297.

                                                                                                                    ~4006220006 Requests into re uppeeng requremerits for Urut 1. mctueng statement
   -8406200100 Requests asustance e review of anci 840517 oroposed rev to Tech                                          semireg romansng seamc uppeeng requesments to be c                             ed be* ore startup Specs for aumnery seedwater sysSafety evaluaten a trur+1 ALP mput should be                                      MERIENSJ Affeehon Not Asegned 83/08/22 MARTINJ B                                  5, Othce of Ds mctuded Safety evaluanons of Tui Acson items n E 114 II E t 2 also ence W/o encl.                               rector 2400 31168 082-31168 105 EISENHUT.D G_          Dmeon of Ocenang 84/06/10 BISHOP.T W Dvision of Rendent. Reactor Protect 8 Engmeanng Prayams.1p 31169113-31169168                                            -4606220112 Rev 0 to Specdicaban 300.PO401. "Soec for Safety-Related Pee Sup-port Fwed Fabncaten 4 mstananon for Southem Casdorrue Eeson Co"
   -8411000152 Responds to 840921 memo to rutiatmg fash Instaten Acton 64-78 to
  • Bechtel Corp.82/08/03 177pp 3116814131168 317.

4 review mtake structure repers Review complebon pner to restart EISENHUT,0 G Dmeson of Lceneang 84/10/30. KIRSCH.D F. Regon 5. e of DL -4500220110 Requests entervon of completion date unal Sept 1964 for review of pro, rector 1p 31164 210 31164 2 *0. posed rev to Tech Space lor Urut 1.bened on compiewty of scion & nood for ede ado

   -8008220002 Forwards rept on status of e$ap actmees w/Dv of Reedent. Reactor                                        BISHOP.T W Regon 5. Othce of Drector 64/02/10 EISENHUT.D G. Dmmon of u Propoets 4 Engmeenng Proyams for Fast Quarter FY83 Nort rept we be provided by                                   conesng 1p 31168 318-31168 318.

Apr 1983. CREWSJ L Dumon of Reedent. Reactor Propect & Engmeenng Programs. 83/01/le -400s220190 Requests mput for rept to NRR re roeults of Regon V evaluabon of plani i ENGELMEN.R H. Regon 5. Othee of Drector 43pp. 31165144-31165189. reeeness for operemon Draft readmese rept format aanng steg a person w/ lead or i mput responed)ihty enct 1 ---3 Rev 0 to Propect Proce&res 2 22, "ON Protect Desgn Review (Demgn BISHOP.T W Region 5. Othce of Drector 84/10/12 KIRSCH.D. JOHNSON.P. i Coneos Check Let)- HAIST,D. Regon 5. Othce of Drector.12pp 31164 264-31164 275.

  • Bechsel Corp 83/02/03. 5pp 31165.196 31165 202.
!                                                                                                                   ~4008220196 Forwards SER 4 SALP evaluanon to aussary feedwater sys Draft Acenea
                    ; Forwards SER mapportmg change to Tech Spec re deteton of eretmg                                  amend.reveert Tech Specs.pege replacement anstructons a tansmntal str also irrutng condshone for operanon a related monnonng pros am from ETS                                               enct W/o SER CREWSJ L Regon 5. Othce of Drector 83/02/08 M4AGUA.FJ Asmstant Dreciar                                           BtSHOP.T W Regen 5. Othce of Drector 84/09/24 EISENHUT.D G Dmeon of n i    lor Safety A--          4.14pp. 31165 203-31165 216.                                                             conomg 29pp 31164 276 31164 321

_ . _ m _ _ . . _ _ . . . __ _m ._ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 DOCKETEDITEMS i

   -8506220163 Requests addl into re 640717 apphcaton to revise Tech Specs to mclude                                                  -8506220261 Rev 10 to Gerwral Procedure 191. " Wort Plan Proceese "


  • Sechtel Corp 84/03/14.12pp. 31171238-31171260.

l brmts on use of overnme Lcensee should respond as soon as possdale to complete acnon pnor to platit restart Related wwwas enci 8506f 00164 FOIA request for documents re 1982 order rewnng 0 67g sentmc desagn BISHOP.T W Regon S. Omco of Drector. 64/08/24. EISENHUT.D G Drmsen of b consmg 86pp. 31164 328 31165 054 std & 1984 order allowmg restst.micludeg amhcatone por amends to const permit.0L,PSAR & FSAR & taciety seismac desegn deficsoncy repts

   -8606220168 Rev 43 to " Unit 1 Retum io Svc Outage Schedule "                                                                           2AELKE D Sierra Che 85/02/21. BRIGGS.W H. Offre of the General Counset 3pp.

CASH.LO. Southom Cahoornie Eeson Co- 64/07/19 62pp 31165 055-31165113- 30984 238-30964 240, i t

   -8606220173 Requests comments & concurrence on draft Itr to esabhng of component                                                   8506150041 Responds to FOtA requests for records re SSER (NUREG4787) Forwards cochng water sys for dual mant tren cutage. Current request can be handled w/o                                                     App B & C documents App A & B documents avedable m PDRInto e App C docu-addl task wwtehon acton a safety nelumnon.                                                                                        ments partially wethheld (ret FOtA Exemptons 5.6 & 7)

BISHOP,T W. Regen 5. Othee of Drector 64/08/10 EISENHUT.D G Dvesen of Ls- FELTON.J M Dvison of Rules and Records SS/03/06. GAROLB P. Govemment Ac-I cenerg 3pp. 31165114-31165.116 countatukty Protect. 210pp. 31067 005 31067 291 "0 " W Wcon's r 1r of HR from for am ac inp edhcen u O pou be kept m open racked out posten dunng M CUNNINGHAM.G H Ottice of the Ezecubve Legal Drector 84/06/07. DENTON.HR Dewson of Lcenseg 64/06/03 23pp 31162048-31162070 OHre W %w ReMor Reguiam Drector ip 31067 292 31067 292

    -8506220178Rowests assstance e arrangng sne voit for J Dauzet, assstant to nu-                                                    $506180156Further response to FOiA request for documents re restart Forwards App i       csear attache at French Embassy.on 840914 Related correspondence enct                                                              C documents Documents also evadable m POR. App B documents avadable m
'       F AULKNER.H J Othee of interv'et'or as Prooren e, Director. 84/08/16 MARTIN.J B                                                    PDR App D documents wehheid (ref FOIA Esempeon 6) r        Regon 5 Office of Drector 25pp. 3t165111,31165.143,                                                                               FELTON.J M Dnnman of Rules and Records 85/03/28. BELL.N Nuclear Informaton
                                                                                                                                           & Resource $ennte 9pp 30986075 30986 202.
    -8606220179 Forwards SER supportne beeneng acton TAC 48077 Draft Ilr to heensee. draft amend package.eaft FR notice & related efo also eacl.                                                         -8410230410 Summary of841005meetmo w/uul re restart before completon of se+

CRC.$.J' L Dwson of Reedent. Reactor Protect & E Fiograms 82/08/30 EISE1 HUT.D G. Drusion of Lconomg 14 top 31171 31172 140. truc upgrade i ASSELSTINE.J K. Commesseners. 84/10i t 2. Co..----- 7pp. 30986 122- } 30986 137,

    -8406220181 Forwards accropnate pages from "Schedale of Requested Mods' for WP                                                                                                                                                                      i 83437 8 84420 W/o encf.                                                                                                      -8410230414 Summary of 641010 meetmg w/util re legal issues associated w/ restart SHORT.M P. Southem Cahforrua Eeaon Co,64/07/23.SHERMAN.C Regon 5.Offee of Drector. 2pp 31165142-31165143.                                                                                                ASSELSTINE.J K C_ _                    _--i 64/10/12 Cu... _ - 12pp 30966.124-
     -8606220184 RM;ests NRR assurne lead responsdukty for revow of structural adowa-cy of antake saucture dus 10 creande penetratenRewsw should consder bsted                                                     -8411200212 Forwards SEP Branch esft SER W em plan Raew for com-areas.            ade@acy of reper mahod.                                                                                         monts or concurrence remested by 641113 BISHOP.T W.              5. Othce of Drector 84/09/21. EISENHUT.D G. Dremon of Le                                                 CASE.E G Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regt4eton, Drector $4/11/09 EISENHUT.D G conseg 2pp. 31164 211-31164 213.                                                                                                  Dimmon W Lcenung 2pp. 309861S4-30986155.
                                                                                                " "                          ** *      -8506100145 Forwards summary table identifymg statue of pipe supports for one stress I                 e suuAary                       ys aft               fer orci                                                                                                                D
                   .T             S,              e W Drector. 84/07/06. EISENHUT.D.G. Dewsson of Le

{NoS8 Y . Afhha Detailed Athhaten Gewen.14pp. 30986 064-30986 097. 64 9G E C-

     -4906220192 Responds to 6406t8 re@est for contsmaton of 840824 requested target                                                   -8606100173 Docusses proceesal recuremords for matartlicensee re@sst Icr restart date for piant iceneng acten re sumhary feedwater sys Roguested target date te                                                    should be processed as hcense ament Forwards notaten paper Wto paper Related hoved altamabie Reuted correspondence enct BISHOP.T W Regen S. Offce of Drector 84/07/02. EISENHUT.D O. Dewson of Lg                                                         meo ence.

DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Reactor RepJiaton, Drector 84/08/28 OIRCkS.W J. cenerg 9pp 31169095-31169103 Oftco of the Esecueve Drector for Operemone sp.30986 096 30986 098 1

      -860622019e " Spec for Sat -Related Pipe Support Feld Faencanon & Instanaten for Southern Cahtomia Eeson . San Onoke Nuclear Generatog Station.Urut tr                                                        - 8506100183 Requests info to DBE mcorporated mto hcense & bcense amend concern
  • Bechtel Corp 84/06/12.100pp. 31169 20131169 301. ing restart when 0 Sg rogurement not met for safety sys ASSELSTINE.J K. C - --__. 84/10/11. PLAINE,H Once of the General Cour>
      -8606220201 Rev 0 to Demon Change Package 82-244-2BC. "Se.smic Upyade                                                                 nel 1p. 30986120-30986120.

Progsam Locakred Ef*ects of Pipe Support Loads - Contamment Structures "

  • Bechtel Corp.84/06/08 38pp 31172.14111172178 -4506100100 Forwards JM Asseistmo 841012 memo to be peaced et facAty. rotated
      -4606220202 Forwards compilaten of bconung schedules & resource ashmates for piant Remew of scheeJie & resource othmates & idenbfcahon of correctons
                                                                                                                                            $v$                         Yh/10/12. SCATTOLINI.L Pubhc Document Brancts 1p.

I 30986 121-30986 121 requested Reisted documents enct GRIME S C Systemanc Evaluaten Program Branch. 84/08/15 CHAFFEEA. -4006100210 Forwards J Austm 841022 memo to be placed rv facihty related D ANGELOA NRC . No Detaned Afhhaban Gewert 169pp 31169 302-31170108 fuss enemo sent to docuenent coritres sys A

      -8000220200 Rev 0 to Desgn Change Package 82 281-3BC, "Seestruc Upgrade program Locatred Effects of Pipe Support Loads - Turtune Badg" M'd                   ' ,38
  • Bechtel Corp.84/06/13. 36pp. 31172.17&31172 215 -8408100215 Summary of $41019 meseng w/ute re somnuc desgn capabihty Related C8
       -4506220210 Rev 0 to                           Change Package 62 244-3BC. "Se emic Uppade                                             "do 'T"IN.J AUS             C_ _ - 84/10/22 CJ _ um 1$pp 30986.139 30966153
  • Program Locanted Effects of Support Loads . Contamment Structuroy
  • Bechtel Corp 84/06/12. 23pp. 31170109 31170131.
  • NRC . No Detailed Affea 84/t1/30. 39pp 30986156-30986194 Rev 9 t
       -40,06220213,cupars,o d-                     eca,dse     General     Processe meablee   pDR          191. "Worti Plans & Procedures" W/148
  • Bechtel Corp.80/12/18 626pp 31172 216 31174 321. -8506100290 Lasts responses to geestone to restart.mcludog optons paper 4 i

recommendatens Related mio enct l

-      =0008220215 Rev 0 to Desgn Change Package 82-244-1BC. "Sesme Upyade                                                                   ASSELSTINEJ K Comrrusasoners. 64/11/07 PALLADiNO Comtrussioners. 7pp.

Program Locabred ENects of Pipe Supposi Loads - Contammerit Structure " 30986195-30986 20 t.



  • Bechtel Corp 84/05/12. 95pp 31170.132-31170 236.
                                                                                                                                         -8608100267 Requests amend to 641121 staff reguremente memo on SECY.84 434 re l      -esce2202ie Rev 2 to GenerW Proceese 19 34. 9nstanaten d Concree Espanmon                                                             options Commismoner Asse4 cine does riot meport rewn to sve.

Anchart" AUSTIN.J H. Cv. . - - 84/11/28. CHsLK.SJ. Offce of the Secretary of the

  • Bechtel Corp 83/06/23. 26pp. 31170 237-31170262 C_ -- - 1p. 30986 202-30986 202.
       -4000220221 Rev 0 to                           Change                                                                             8906100171 Partal response to FOIA request for 12 categones of documents to Proyem Locatred Effects of                  Support Pacha0.e Loads Turtune      82-2812BC Badg              "Somme Uppede facety Forwards Apps A & B documents App C documents already a PDR App D doc-i
  • Bechtet Corp 64/06/06. 40 pit 31171257-31171298 uments ety a perse withheld (ref FOtA Esempton 5) of and Records SS/04/01. ZAELKE.D. Sastra Club 6pp.

l ~4406220222 Forwards corrected handout used m811021 est intennow a document g identWymg reaperses to items escussed eenng811021 conference can Related info

                                                                                                                                         =420$110100 Recommends prompt formal NRC acten to regure contmund enutdown Y.H B. Southem Cahforrue Edmon Co. 01/10/27 WIN $lMSKl.F. Regen S. San                                                        d tacMy peneng resolub n d seernic Wagn hsencies Requests %rmal insp to 4            Francseco, Offee of the Drector 75pp 31170 263-31170 337.                                                                         dele es m notificaton of egneticant somme design defciencsos HUSSELLW Y. Systematz Evolueton Program Branch. 82/06/06 LAINAS,0 C. As-40002J0231 Rev 5 to General Procedure 19 31,"Tumower of Contractor Worti llame                                                       sistant Droctor %r SafWy Assessment 42pp 30984 247 30964 2M
 '          to Southem Cah%mia Eeoon Coy j
  • Bechtel Corp.63/06/23. 20pp. 31171001-31111020. 4 3
        -4006220238Addeneam 1 to Spec BC4218-RME.1, 'ttigh-Range Radiaton Morwtor.                                                             28 toscons Recent rennelyes siecates seems stressee                       than espected i                                                                                                                                              LAINAS.O C. Assistant Drector nor Saeefy Assessment 82/06/02 EISENHUT.DG DF ing Equipment-                                                                                                                     vomn of Lconstig. 2pp 30964 291-30964 292.

'j HERNANDEZ.A . SHENDR*AR.U , MARTIN.D F. Southem Caktorrua Esson Co. sti 01/30 38pp. 31171.021-3117105a -4200040202Iriforms that facAty we be shutdown unal seemc capahety upgraded to l 0 67g Housner Specira tround moton. Schedule for restart proceedeg w/assempdort t -8000220242 Spec BC4218-RME 1. "S6fety Related Ses#pc Category A High-Range

'           Ramanon                Equipmens?                                                                                                  that concerns to steam fine break we be conadored m SEP.

MAR.U MARTIN.D F Southem Cahoorrse Edison Ca 80/08/29 CRUTCHFIELD.D Opersteg Reactors Branch S. 82/07/26. SHERON.B. Reactor Sys-RICE.R E . SHE tems Branch. Ip.30964 293 30964 293. I- 80pp. 31171059 31171136 a i I

                                - - - - , . - _ . -              ,.,----n-------,, - - - - - - , - - . - - . - - - - - -                                                 - - - ,           .,               , , ,

i l t i l DOCKETEDITEMS 23

                ~8305050434 Responds to 830428 note forwareng830406 memo from mvestgator re                                                Q. Inspect 6on reporte,IE Sunetmo a corresporutence Oscuss on of seems asues on 8303t7 Statements made at meetog l                    $$N Offe of EUactoN                                         anon. Drector 83/05/02 HAVES.B B                           8506220001 Partial response to FOIA request for documents re restart of facety App A t

Omco of trivestgatert 2pp 30964 294- 111. Sjva6 of ulos 95/02/13 BELL.N Nuclear Informahon

                ~8506180194 Discusses enforcemeni of commdments made try ute to NRC re                                                        & Hesource Servce 14pp 31162 001-31174 321 Itchty Lcensee repor'ed no significant structural defriences on800426tiut notified PSC of large number of same on 820430 info deleted Re6ated mfo enci.                                                  -8506220000 Rev 1 In "Remsp Program Plan "

FITZGERALuJ A. Offre of the General Counset 83/10/19 HAVES.B B. Offre of in-

  • Bechtel Corp 84/07/27. 655pp 31162104-31164 038 voshgahort.10pp. 30965112 30985121 8506250064 Further response to FOtA request for documents a three categones re -8506220075 Forwards evaluatx n of piant reaeness for power opershona Mods saber drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear facabes Forwards App A documents. Documents fac% cWM & regm mp pgam wMhW cong nd egnshcaM
                                                                                                                                                            'C* U also evadable m POR. Processmg of documents connnumg FELTON.J M Divmen of Rules and Records 85/04/10. HE ATH.S J. Washngton Legal Foundahon.11pp. 31217 095 31218.106.

cenang 43pp 3'9*" S 1164 W' N64 203. 1 ~iM T G Divimon of b

-8506250200 Dmcusses w/ubt on 830214 m Rosemead CA re pohces on drug & aw -8506220085 Summanres Operabonal Reaeness Review Panel 641105 meenng to hos abuse try employees consder plant status & rea$ ness for full power operatxm N0 asgnificant detcences i
  • NRC . No Detaded Amhaten Geven.83/02/14 app. 31217 200 31217 203. identified w the scope of res. dent espector trun map program KIRSCH.D F. Region 5. Offee of Director $4/11/09 MARTIN)B Region 5, Offce of

{ 4506250185 Partai response to FOIA request for records re BNL mvesbgaton of EE Drector 6pp. 31164 204 31164 209 4 Kent allegabons Forwards App A documents Documents also evadable m POR Rama docurnents edi tw forwarded upon completon of NRC review

!                   FELTON.J M                                                                                                            -8508220105 Forwards input forms dotadmg hnengs of inse Repts %206/84-18 4 50-of Rules and Records 85/04/18. GARDE.B P. Govemment Ac-                                      206/64-29 re items 60.70 & 72 of 841012 morno on reaeness froning of operators &

countanshty Protect 3r9 31215 093-31215.152. nonhcensed technceans re emuent mondors completed j *' '* " j

                -8606250321 Forwards BNL rept re EE Kent adeganons at Mediand plant trWo re San Onofre escovered m course of review                                                                                     Ne             8"c' ss r^2           1 2            64 4

< l agahort 85/02/20. JOHNSON.A. Offce of Inveshgabort

                                                                                                                                          ~8506220124 Summary of840920meetne w/utt m Wamut Crees.CA to resolution of ramation protection matters described n inne Repts 50 206/84-16. % 361/84-22 &

I 8506030363 Forwards saiety evaluanon of TMt Acton stem Il K 3 30 for Westanghouse 54 362/84-22 Related correspondence enct plants.Tui stem compiese trased on understaneng that ubt member of Westinghouse YUHAS.G P Regen 5. Office of Drector. 84/10/t8 Regen 5. Offre of Drector. l, Owners Group & use of NOTRUMP mode 18pp 31164 24431164 263 2WOLINSKI.J A. Operanno Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30 BASklN.K P. Southern Cah-l fomm Eeson Co. 2pp 30673 315-30673 323

                                                                                                                                          -8506220185 Forwards insp plan for 640716 24 plant team esp insp wie address .

{ desagn changes.mant & performance of shift personnel Rotated documentshon anci 4506060478 Forwards ads info re SEP Tope W4 concemeg seistmc dessgn corender-PA1E.R.J. Region 5. Offre of Drector. 84/07/11. BISHOP,T W. Region 5 Offce of anons & lorgterm seesms cntena a metnodology mclueng Lorg-Term Svc Somme Drector 12tpp. 3116ft 332 31169 090 Reevaluanon Pr sus Rept for Aa Action items idenhfed ... E "B,"ea 5 ,pp ms* alai"# "' "* "S""^ ""*""' -8==== Sub-s - ~7'+27 iana mPt --- a c-nae 840817 Regen V FY64 operating plan enct

                -8506060482 "Long-term Svc Seems Reevalusten Program Status Rept for AN Action                                              CANTE R.H. Regon 5. Office of Drector 84/06/20.PATE.R NRC - No Detaded Athh-3 stems identdied From NRC 850327 Lir -                                                                                   anon Grven. 6pp. 3117125131171256
  • Southem Cahtomia Eeson Co.85/05/31. 49pp. 30730 208-30730 256

? 8500060250 Forwards insp Repts %206/8510,50-361/8510 4 %362/8546 on

                ~4506000493 "LargTerm Svc Sorsmc Reewaluenon Program.Technmal Base for                                                      850325 28,040145 41516 ho wmistiona noted
   )                Pipeg Stran tsmits & Development of Lnear.Elashc Analyms Methodology "                                                  WENSLAWSKl.F.A. Region 5. Othce of Dreceu 65/05/13 BASloN.K B Southem 4
  • Southern Cantome Esson Co. 85/05/3t 46pp. 30730 257 30730 302 Cahtorrua Eeson Co. 2pp 30726146-30726168 i' 1431 1 200poNT -8500040M insp Repts %2WB5-10.50 361/8510 & 54362/8509 on 85032S C RO 50 30 1 28.0401-05 & IS16 No violatons or deviabons noted Masor areas espected hcensee
                -8508000505 " Rect on Stuees of Sod Modulua & Dampeg at San Onofre Sete -                                                   repts anegaten fosowup. ramaton prowchemistry & radweste anot contross
  • Soutnem Cabforrma Esson Co 85/06/04 29pp 30731136-30731164 NORTH.H S YUHAS,G.P. Regen 5 Offre of Pector 85/05/10 ftpp 30726.148 30726 168 4506120305 Forwards Amend 89 to Lcense DPH-13 4 safety evaluaton. Arnend moth f' I fes Lcense Conenon 3 E.anowing steam Generator insp dunng refuehng outage & re-mg no progams 45 days pnor 10 shutdown 8505130027 1 in IE info Notee 84 55. " Seal Table Leans at PWRs " Svc bet enci.

JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engesenng Response (Post . { OLINSKt) A. Operatog Aeactors Branch 5. 85/06/05 BASKIN.K P. Southem Cab. 830103) 85/05/14 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, snc.107pp. 31044 065-i famia Eeson Co 3pp 3085r>101-30850113. 31044 171.

                -8508120313 Amend 89 to Lcense DPR-13.                                      Lcense Consten 3 E to ano*

oteam ator aisp to be performed dunng r outage & regumng msp pro. 8506130038 Su,ppl 1,*to IE info enctNotco 85020.

  • MotorOperated Valve FaAJree Due to g, g,g Syc hst f O INS J eactor anch 5 85/06/05 dop. 30850104-30850107-
                -8506120319 Safety evaluabon suo. porbng Amend 89 to Lcense DPR 13 3 M 27&

85 05 W Go' Ya o pp 4 of Nuclear Reactor Hogalaton, Drector. 85/06/05. 6pp. 30850 106-

.I                                                                                                                                          0. Co,reco.e - escape hatch ,-ed. p,op.,t, t.s,.d & ,equ,r.d to s.c & a.

8606120140Apphcanon for amend to (conses DPR-13.NPF 10 & NPF 15, conashng of nunciator mataned to mdicate breach of contamment mtegg proposed Rev 6 to Auo 1983 pnyecal secunty plan re alarm annunciaban BASKIN.K.P Southern Caafomia Eeson Co. 85/05/17. MAMTIN.J B Regen s, Othee

  !                 requrements Rev withheld (ref 1NFR73 21) Fee pad 1

of Drector. 8pp. 30708 25S30708 262. MEDFORD.M O Southern Cantorne Edson Co 85/06/07 KMGHTON.G W Leone. eg Branch 3 2pp 30850.355-30850.356 8606140063 Supple response to volatons roled e inep Repts 50 206/8S06.50-361/ 8606210337 Tnp rept of 6504304501moetegs a Walnut Creek.CA to escuss cntens & * ' ' * '* " " l sub ne ed 8 7 r rnethodology proposed try unl for composton of SEP sammc evaluaban of MEDFORD.M . Southem Cahfomia Edson Co. 85/05/17. MARTIN.J B. Regan 5, I ES emate Evaluaban Program Branch. 85/06/12 CRUTCHFIELD.D. *# # ~ j Asastant Drector for Safety ? _ a 152pp. 31032196-31032.347.

  '                                                                                                                                       4906200600 IE info Notre 84039, "Austabdsey of Elecincal Equipment Chahtcaten 8606190323 Forwards row for addl into re recent Part 21 repts from TDI needed to                                            Records at Lcensees Facsktes" Swc bet once.

review of TDs engme rehacihty issues Response requested withm 45 days of AN eparedness & E

 ]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pos l                ZWOLINSKl) A Opersang Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/17.BASKIN K P. Southem Cap                                               3083T363.

i famia Esson Co. app.30995 318-30995 321. 1 8506200000 IE Info Nobce 85040, "De rcencies m Equipment Quahhcaten Testeg & i 8908300325 Forwards revised schedule for post-accident sempimg sys completon.per Certitceton Process." Soc hst encl NUREG4737, Tut item u B 3 Tumover to stenon personnet udl be completed pnor to JORDAN.E L Devnion of Emergency Preparedness & E

 ,                  Cycle IX refuelmg outage                                                                                                                                                                            Response (Post 830103L 85/05/22 Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yor , Inc. 08pp 30848166-MEDFORD,M O. Southom Cahtornia Eeson Co 85/06/18 2WOLINSKt) A. Operstmg                                                 30848 271.

Reactors Branch 5. 3pp. 31001.255 31007 257. 8606270224 Forwards response to Genenc Ltr 8%07 re implementaten of trWegrated 8506200181 IE Notee 4042. " Loose Phosphor n Panasonc 800 Senes Badge schedules for piant modsintegrated hvmg schedule impeernented at Unit 1 per Wes-JORDA of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post C Edson Co. 85/06/25 THOMPSON.H L Diveion 830 g 3 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yar . Inc. 20pp. 30652 24S a of Lceneng. 5pp 31236 228 31236 232 ' 0606270402 Responds to NRC 850215 scope. methods & cntena for samme analyses 8906200187 fE Irdo Notre 85443. "Radography Events at Power Reettors

  • Syc het conostent w/ongmal he bees Duphcanng orgnal somme analyses impoemb6e a ence.

I rresevent. " Pseudo Onginal Demgn Cntena 4 Methodology ? enct JORDAN.E L Dvmion of Emergency Preparedness & Enomeenno Response (Post BASKIN.K P. Southam Caldome Eeson Co 85/06/25 CRUTCHFIELD.D. Asastant 830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York Inc. f20pp. 30864167 Drector for Setery Assessment. 23pp. 31239 096 31239118 30864 287.


i 4 5

n. _ __ . - _ . - -

24 DOCKETEDITEMS amassan196 IE 1rdo Notre 85444.

  • Emergency Commurucahon Sys MontNy Test." Svc R. Portoec operating reports a teleted corvoepondence het enci OJ SiO5 Co New Yor 2 pp 3086404 MOSM M W opera eim W N W/N t Mr Southern Caidorrea Edson Co. 85/03/31 7pp SIACOR.E R . HA Y NE S.J 30864 166 30626 314-30826 320 8400130417 Forwards teseeck morno re potenbany genene problem w/wde m nds concenwng detecer poniemung hw & resolubon W S. Reportalite occurrences, LERs & reisted correspondence 7

BAE & Genanc Commurucations Branch. 85/06/04 WINSO.J GA Technotopes. / General Atomic Co 3pp. 30901179-30901197- 6604120314 Forwards PNL-520412. "Rowiew of Engme Base & Beanng Caps kw we DSRV-12 DSRV 16 & DSRV-20 Diesel Engnes.

 -8886130418 rwa ==s genonc mecern desenbod et830310 fir re GA Co wee-range                     LAl.f W W Benelle Memonal instnute. Pacdc Nrsthwest Laboratones FIN B 2952.

85/04/04 BERLINGER.C. Dmsen of Lconsing 1p. 29787 001-29/07 017. gas monnor hegrwange notse gas charmet detector positoning Potential genene issue egn$ cant due to une m eweluanng emuent release e event of accuhint. SCARANO.R A. Repon 5. Orhce of Drectur. 85/03/16 JORDAN.E L Dween of -8604120317 ~Paview of E,ngne Base & Beanng Caps for TDI DSRd 12. DSRV.18 & Emergency Preparoeiess & Engmoenng Response (Post 830103). 2pp. 30901.182- 05AV 20 Dieses E 30901.183 LAITY,W W . MICH W D Battene MemonalInsttute, Pache Northwest Laborstor nos FIN B-2952. PNL-520012. 85/03/26. Dmeson of Lcenoeg 14pp. 29787 002-aiS08130420 Docuseos conetons hewing potentapy genonc smpact adentsed m inep 29787 017. Rept 50 361/8348 vendor cahbr data for tow 4 detector apparently e error. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Engneenne & Quahty ance (Pro 830103t 83/03/10. 6500030622Special repton 850424. stack woe. range gasems morutor R-1254 dociared BOOK.H E. Repon 5. Othee of Director. 3pgk 30901.184-30901.186 anoperable due to erranc respones of maar channelCaused try fauffy detector / preamp assembly connector Assemtdy replac HAyNES.J G Southem Caldomes feson Co 85/05/08.MARTINJ B Region 5. Othee

 -8406130421 Forwards response to 630505 memo re wide 4ange gas marvtor problems at piantUpdate requested to contamment hegtwange reeshan morutor & post-acc>

of Director 2pp 3067903S30679036 dont sampang noms BAER.R L Enyneenne & Genene Communications Branch. 83/08/08 8408120668 LER 8540900an 85030s went noble gas actwey morwtor setpomt not KNIGHTON.G W. Lconsang Branch 3. 2pp. 30901.187-30901.197. reset dunng planned release Caused by personnel error Perma larmet wdl be reorga. ruzed to drect operator to verdy setpomt correct W/850528 fir

 -8606130422 Commenta on uti concems to wedevange ons marvoor sys Cambr w/NBS HAYNES.J G Southern Canfarrua teson Co 85/05/26 2pp. 30858 087-30858 088.

taceable source mecated morntor reeeng onceseweiy fugh a beyond accuracy j ' WINSO.J H GA Tecnnolopes. Inc./ General Atomic Co 63/07/22.WIGGINTON.J 0506170278 "Rewww of Emergency Dwael Generator Engme & Aum$ary Module Winng rector's Othee. Omco of inspecton and Entorcement 3pp 30901.189'30901197. & Termmenons.* sechnstal evasushon rept LAITY.W W . Rh'4MOND W D. Battelle Memonal Institute. Pac $e Northwest Laborato-88062403M Forwards inop Repts 50 206/6516.50-361/8515 & 50 362/8514 on not FIN B-2952 PNL 52043 85/05/31 BLRUNGER.C H Dween of Lcenomg 21pp. 30961 130-30961 150 850402-10 No violanon noted. WENSLAWSKI.F.A. Regon 5. Office of Drector. 85/06/04. BASKIN.K P. Southom Candarrua Eesun Co 2pp 31202.345-31202 358. 8508110272 PNOV-85434 cn 850603. meet eiectncien anped wrwie work n me-cfune shop outade of protected area Caused by piece of man penetratmg troen

 -8006240340 Insp Recta 54206/8516.54361/8515 4 54362/6514 on 850402-                           skun         bumng W ceter eed 10.No nonconchance noted Maior areas mapected- isb capabehty to periorm chemcal            JOHN        .P. Region 5, Office of Drector 85/06/06 1p. 30807 213 30807 213.

A radochemcal analyses & detailed rowow of sampio data HAMADA.G H., YUHAS.G. Regon 5. Othce of Drector 85/06/03.12pp. 31202 347- 8506240140 LER 8501040on 850508past failure to make continuous 4 h flow esti-31202.358. mates on effluent reeeases escovered Processes rewned to requre estimates of any flow throuch stack d tan flow mdecator R-1254 moperabse W/850no7 lir 8806120305 Forwards Amend 89 to Lcense DPR-13 4 safety evaluabon. Amend moe. HAYNES.JG Southern Cantoma Eenon Co. 85/06/07. 3pp. 3:203 254-31203 2W hos Leones Conohon 3 E.anowmg steem generator map esmg refuehng outage & re. map progams 45 days pnor to snutoown. INSKlJ A. Opera Reactors Brance. S.85/06/05.BASKIN.K.P. Southam Cah- V. Operator ta_ tomia Eeson Co. 3pp. 50 101 30850 113. 8506130499 Forwards PF Colhne 850506 ler re renewal of servor reactor operaks

  -8406120313 Amend 89 to Lcense DPR.13.                    Lcense Coneton 3 E u allow          tcenses Question ressed re "actsweey engager regurement Seeks to lom Nuclear Utts steem generator map to be performed esmg                  cutage a requrmg rap prt>         Mgt & Human Resources Comenrttee Drug testeg at facefy escussed crame 45 day pnor to scheduled shutdown                                                     ray.H B. Southom Caldomes Eseon Co. 85/05/28. MARTIN.J B. Region 5. Othee of 2WOLINSKlJA Opereeng Reactors Brennh 5 85/06/05 dop. 30850104-30850107                      Drector. 2pp 30891133-3Ce91137.
  -4606120319 Sa etyr     evaluanon supportmg Amend 89 to Lcense DPR-13                      -8508130507 States concems se NRC enpoen0 'equrements & guidance contaened n
  • Oftco of Nuciear Reactor Reguiston, Drector. 85/06/05 6pp 30850 108- eaft proposed changes to 10CFR55 a Reg Guide 18 pnor to analysis of pubhc 30850 113- comments Esarnple descnbod Requests that currently effectrwe regulanons be used.

COLLINS.P F. kMC. Inc 85/05/06 DIRCK5.W J Othce of the Execueve Drector for 8600000877IE Info Noece 85445. "Potental Sommic Interacton involving Mowable in. Operations 3pp 30891135 30891137. Core Flun M Sys Used m Westmghouse Dewgned Plants" Svc het enct JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/06/06. Coneohdated Esson C4 of New Y Inc. 22pp 30864 288 DOCKET 54207 UNITED NUCLEAR CORP. CRfTICAL EXPERItBENT 30865.046 0408210120 Forwards Insp Repts 50 206/8513.54361/8512 4 50 362/8511 c" O. inopect6on reporta, lE Dunettne t corroepondence 85030448 4 040145 41519 & nonce of woodanon. KIRSCH.D F. Regon 5. Omca of Drector.85/06/07.BASKIN.K P. Southem Cahfamia Echson Ca 2pp. 31024.17431024185. 46052001H IE trdo Notre 85044.

  • Emergency Communcanon 9ts Monthly Test" Swc att enci.
  -4008210132 Notco of woolahrm from map on 850401-19                                           RME L                    W       gency RepaMness & E                   Naponse N            ;

8 85/05/30. Consondated Eeson Ca of New Y , Inc. 210p. 30864 045 JOHNSON.P H. Region 5. Omco of Drector.05/06/07.1p. 31024172-31024172. 3]66

  -4008210134 enep Repts $4206/8513.5436f/8512 4 50 362/8511 on 85030448 &

040145 41519 Voiscon noted meet orders seued to repeace stude w/o portarmmg DOCKET 84213 HADOAM NECK PLANT U W J. JOHNSON H. egen 6. Othce of Drector. 85/06/06 13pp. 31024.173 31024185. , 0000000707 IE Info Noece 85446. "Clanhcanon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-eoeceve Surface Cornarnmoton Lauts for Transport Packages " Svc bet enct 9600030300 Docusses estensen of response to esft safety evatuston of SW 1 to JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post NUREG4737 emergency operann0 procedures generation package Mod of $40612 830103) 85/06/10 Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New Y inc. 24pp. 31041301- ceder requested Submittal of response by 850712 planned 31044.064. OPEKA.J F. Connectrut Yankee Atomac Power Ca OPEKA.J F Northeast Uthfies 85/05/24 ZWOUNSKI) A Opersang Reactors Branch 5. Pop. 30673 288-30673 289 000$140240IE Info Notce 85047. "Potental Effect of Lane ineced Operanon on Car-tan Target Rock Solenand-Operated Valves." Swc tst enct $800000412 Advises that parimne of 850125 Row 11 to physical secunty plan consestent JORDAN,E L Dueen of Emergency Prepareetess & E Response (Post w/prownsons of 10CFR5054fpt & acceptable Portons of raw unacceptable es out-Inc. 34pp. 31268157- bned n enct Submmsen of corrected rows requested wrthm 30 deys 830103t 85/06/18. Consondated Eeson Ca of New Y MART'N.T.T. Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/30.OPEKAJ F. Connectcut Yankee 31268 304. Atome Power Co. $pp.30729 255 30729 259 000014e838 IE 1rdo Notco 85448, "Resprator Users Nonce Defeceve Self-Contamed Apparatus As Cyhnders

  • Svc het once 9006140400 Forwards "Esercus Assessment of Jomt State & Local R al Emer.

JOR .E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post gency Response Esercme for Haddam Neck Plant," conected on 640512 Catego-830103t 85/06/19. Cr - - _ Edson Ca of New Y , Irc- 23pp. 31376064- ry A defcioncses ested 31376.183 HARPSTER.T L Regon 1. Othee of Drector 85/06/04 OPEKA.J.A. Connocacut Yankee Atomac Power Co 2pp. 30897 29530898 021. 3ges200463 Forwards Safegaards inep Repts 50206/851954361/0418 & 54362/ e517 on 85000347 No vuoiston notedinep repts withheld { ret 10CFR2 790 4 73 29t -8408140402 "Enercus A . _ _ J of Joint Siate & Local Radologcal Emergency Raw MONTGOMERY)L Repon 5. Omco of proctor. 85/06/20. BASKIN.K P. Southem sponse Esercrae for Haddam Neck Plant? conducted on 840512 Caldomie Eeson Ca 2pp 31180 306-31180.307.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency 85/05/1100pp 30897 297-30898 021.


DOCKETEDITEMS 25 4608130316 Rev 1 to Emergency Pian arrglementmg Procedwe EPIP 15-30. "On-Srutt Cherwstry Technician." W/850607 ler Q. Inspection reporte,IE Busettne & correspondence F. Connectcut Yankee Atomic Power Co. 85/06/07. $pp. 30859 072-


6605130027 JORDAN E L 1 to IE trWo Nohce 84 55. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Swc hat enct. of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 8606210300 Forwards Inop Rept 54213/8547 on 8501074509 No vio6 anon 830103) 85/05/14 Conachdated Esson Co of New YorA inc.10?pp. 31044 065 totedAppositment of engle port of contact at sto to coorenate memettals request _ 31044 171 ed WENZINGER.E C. Repon 1. Othce of Drector 85/06/14 ODEMAJ F. Connectcut 8606130030 Stept t to (E Info Notce 85420, " Motor. Operated Valve Fadures Due to Yankee Atome Pcwer Co. 2pp. 31035113-31035125. Ha *C' * OR 8' d Em"C8 Pedness & E Re (PW

       -eee6210308.inne not d M- ,e.s ma Re,pt               50 213/8547        on.8,503074,50,9        N.o vio,lagon310a830103)    85/05/14 Constadated Eenon Co of New York o,r devianon                                                       07pp 31044172-
                                        .ct dpiant    os on a a or      p ot cbon ,sca s.colre                        =

protecton, marit.surweemance & tollowup on prewsous map stems. SWETLAND.P D. MCCABE.E C. Region 1, Othee of Dreciar 85/05/29 9pp. 31035 11 5 31035.125. 8500040621 Forwards insp Rept 50 213/8500 on 850325-29 4 nobce of violatonimmettate & nong term correceve actons commated to dunne out rWerwe* to correct recumne protwem a egnal transtmsmon shotAd be documented Q Opermeing scense stage clocumente & cerroepondence MARTIN.T.T. Region 1. Omca of Drector 85/05/20 OPEKAJ F. Connochcut Yankee Atormc Power Co 2pp. 30709 03430709 043 4606170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B4489. "Contenment Lean -4500040623 Nobce of wolaton trorn inne on 85032M Rate Testing P opam" & Ouadres Corp /NRC coreacts Forwards documents re FIN

  • Region 1. Othce of Orector.85/05/20 1p. 30709 032 30709 032.

B4489 Documents also evadetwo a POR No documents re Ouadres subt to request. FELTON.J M Devimon of Rules and Records. FIN B4489 85/03/25 REYTBLATTI V Warren Wdson Conego. Swannanoa. NC. 7pp 30987 036- *aaaaaaa2e insp Rept 54213/0548 on 85032529Violanon notedfadure of annual 30987.076 audts to include entre scope regared try ETS WEADOCK.A A., STRUCA MEYER.R . SHANBAKY,M M Repon 1. Othce of Dractor 85/05/10. I tpp 30709 033-30709 043

       -8608170201 "Cortamrnent Leak Rate Tesang Invesagabons." monthly progress rept ear Nov 1982.

DOUGANJ R. Oak Ridge Nahonal Lacora*ory FIN B4489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G Me- 0606300600 IE irWo Notce 85039 "Austatzhty of Elecincal Egapment Oushhcation chenical/Struchral Engineenng Brancrt 300. 30987 t15-30987117. Records et Licensees FacAhos." Swc tot onct JORDAN.E L Drwoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post 8400070207 Responds to 850402 remost for adts rWo re Integrated Safety Assessment 830103). 85/05/22. Consondaied Eenon Co of New York. anc.106pp. 30837258-30837 363. Pragam (1 SAP) review Descriphon of all plant betterment protects & engmeenng stud-ios to be ricsuded m ISAP renew arti OPEKA.J F. Connectcut Yankee Alome Power Co OPEKA.J F Northeast Ubhhes 86Ci200000 IE Info Nobce 85440 "Dencsoncies m Egmpment Quahncanon Testmg & 85/05/17. GRIMES.CJ. Systematic Evaluenon Program Brancet 150pp. 30750-183- Cwithcanon Process? Swc hst enct 30750 320 JORDAN,E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 830103) 85/05/22 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 06pp. 30848166-8600030515 Adwses that proposed Tech Spec revs re bmrbng overtrne for persons per. 30848 271. lorming safety 4eisted functons currer9y under review & approvalProposed changes manansna3e S@ pes 850128 response to inso Rept 54213/84-28 & 6412t3 order mod-EA ankee Aiorac Power Co OPEKAJ F Northessi Nuclear " *' " Energy Co (ses. of Northeast UDhtiest OPEKAJ F. Nortneast utsties. 85/05/24 r che deemed claphed MILLER.J R Operanng Reectors Branch 3. ZWOUNSKtJ A. Operstm0 Reactors OPE KA.J F.. NS.C Branch 5. tp 30679023-30679023 Connecacut Yankee Alome Power Co 85/05/28 TAYLOR.J M Drector's Othce. Othco ct inspecton and ErWorcement MURLEY,T E. Regon 1, Offce of Drector 4pp. 3067s 122-30678125. 8506120335Apptcanon for amends to Lscenses DPA41,DPR-21 & DPR-65. ecorporst-mg 10CFR50. App i regarements mio safety Tech Specs & enmmalmg need oo r sepe- 0600070429 Responds to NRC850425 Itr re wolanons nused en inep Rept50-213/85-rate App 8 to hcenses Fee pod 03 Cormcbve actons cW processes reweed. Proce&se IGP 2 enp6emented 4 peot OPEKAJ E ner F. Connecacut Yankee Alomic Power Co OPElrAJ F. Northeats Nuciear TPE.mecanng loop dena P O J F. ZWObNSKI.J.A.Co Opera tsubs of Peortheast Reactors Unkees) Branch 5. MILLER,J OPEKA.J R Operabng F. Northeast Reactors Utstes. MURLEY,7 E85/05/29 SEAMS.C F Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 85/05/28 Repon 1. Othce of Drector. 4pp 30750011-30750014 Branch 3. 3pp. 30849 077- 50:100.

      -4606120366                                                                                       4506200181 IE Info Nonce 85-042. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 000 Sanos Badge 10CFR50.Apo    Proposed    Tech Specs ehrnmatmg App B to teenees by incorporatng t roqurements.                                                                 TLD Elements
  • Svc het once JORDAN.E L Dnasson of Emergency Preparodiese & E Response (Post
  • Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co 65/05/31' 38tpp. 30849 080 30850100.

830103). 85/05/29. Consondated Echson Co. of New Y Inc. 20pp. 30852245-8608100633Irderms that NRC $40501 Itr ; ..w.a 841004 proposed resolubon of 30852 363. NUREG4737. item It K 3 25 re tosa of ac power en reactor coolant purg seals ute commitment was to evasuore change et integrated saiefy assessment program $506100427 Discusses meended apptcanone of Onnco Ma* Bolt concrete anchorsIE OPEKAJ F. Connectcut Yankee Atornec Power Co 85/06/03 ZWOUNSKtJ A. Oper. Bulletm 7942 tactor of safety used to compensate for uncertanty m load carryng ca. atog Reactors Branch 5. 2pp. 30794 211-30794 212 pabety &se to incton between expannon anctior boat & concrete OPEKAJ F. ConnectuLt Yankee Atome Power Co KAJ F. Northeast Nuclear 0606210361 Forwards esft Rev 7 to QA program topical rept for review & Energy Co (subs. of Northeast Uthfiest OPEKA.J F. Northeast Uhhties. 85/05/29 approve Reason & base for changes amo enct MURLEY,T E. Repon t, Othce of Orector 4pp. 3079t t45-30791.148 OPEKA.J OPEN A) F.FNortheast SEARS.C F. Northeast Ut*hes. Utstses Sarwce Co. subs. of Northeast Uthbes). 0406280147 IE Into Nocce 85443, " Radiography Eventa at Power Reactors? Svc het 85/06/05 MURLEY.T L (Regon 1. Orfte of Drector. ence 5pp 31055 217 31055.357 JORDAN.E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparodiese & E Response (Post

     -8606210360 Dra9 Rev 7 to CA pr am topical rept.                                                     830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y . Inc. 20pp 30864167-
  • Northeast Utebet85/06/05.1 31055 222-31055 357 30864 287.

4606110252 " Corporate Orgarnacon Nuclear incidents Procedure Manual? W/850606 fer en RODGER.R , OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear E JORDAN.E L Diwmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engnsenng Response (Post OPERAJ F. Northeast Ubbtes 85/06/06. 228pp Co (mes of Northeast Utikties)- 7 227-30808 094 830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdeied Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.121pp 30864 045-30864 166. 3604170346ApphcaDon for amend to Lcense DPR41.rewsmg Tech Spec 34 re con" tuned heatup. coo 6down a pressure kmnations to update pressure / temp hmel CWves lor 0600060677IE Info Nouce 85-045. "Potental Seemsc Interacton inwohnng Movabte Irv hydrostanc 4 seak tes & lor heatup a cooldown rates Fee pad. Core Fluz Sys Used n Westmohouse Desgred Planta " Svc het enct OPEKA.J F , SEARS C . Connectcul Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKA.J F North- JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post east Utabes 85/06/11. ZWOUNSKlJ A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 5pp 830103) 85/06/06 Consondated Edson Co. of New Y 22pp 30864 288-30956 056-30956 Old 30865 046-

    -0606170364 Proposed Tech Spec 3 4.Pages 3.5 4 combmed heatup, cooldown                      46000e0707 IE Info Nope 65046. "Ctanhcahon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-4 pressure hmnatons.updatmg pressure / temp amit curves for hydrostatz 4 leek test-              e actwo Surface Contammaton Lunns for Transport Packages" Svc het once a for heatup 4 cooedown rates.                                                              JORDAN E L Dewman of Emergency Preparedness & E 8                                                                       Response (Post tcut Yankee Atome Power Co.85/06/30. 6pp 30954 061-30958 066.                                   85/06/10. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 24pp. 31043 301-3 8806200357 Forwards noece of consderanon of stuence of amend to Lcense DPR.41 a proposed N5HC determmabon 4 opportunny for heanng re 850611 apphcanon to                     $606120127 Forwards safety evaluaton of ubi 8403t2 4 0626 requests for rehof from update pressure / temp hrrut curves fi40UNSKl.J A. Operanng Reactors Branch 5 85/06/14 OPEKA.J F. Connochcut                          mqurernert to volumeincally enemme pump canng welds Remet panied Altemate memod ot ezam acceptab6e Yankee Atomic Power Co. 2pp 31007 063-31007 092.

ZWOUNSKlJ A. Operahng Reactors Stanch 5 85/06/10. OPEKAJ F. Connectcut l Yankee Atome Power Co. 3pp. 30852238-30852 244

    -8406200303 Nobce of conadoration of sauence of amend to Lcense OpA414 pro.

posed NSHC determinanon 4 opportunny for beanng to 850611apphcahon to update pressure / temp hmd curves. -6006120130 Safety evs'uation re uti 840312 4 0626 requests tor rehof from meerwce ZWOUNSK!) A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/14 8pp. 31007 085-31007 092. map recurements for exam of reactor coosant pump caeng welds Rehof granted

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector 85/06/10. 4pp 30852 24 t-30652 244.

0406260t13 Forwards tabular summary of key results from regional survey of plant soas cdc nWo re potentiallos uncor tro#ed reeston exposures n rvvR cavsbes.per JG Port-low 850315 repost No further genent acton needed 8606210300 Forwards insp Rept 50-213/8407 on 8503074509 No notation TAYLOR) M virector's Orhce. Othee of Inspecten and Enforcement 85/06/16 noted Appomtment of segle pomt of contact at ste to coordnete memittals request-ed MURLEY,7 E. Regen 1. Othce of Drector GRACE.J N Region 2. Othce of Drector WEN 2fNGER.E C. Region 1, Othee of Drector 85/06/14 OPEkAJ F. Connectcut CEPPLERJ G Repon 3 Offee of Drector opp. 31291 322 41211.330. Yarmee Atorne Power Co. 2pp 31035.113 31035125.


   -4608210300 inso Rept 54213/8547 on 850307-0509No violaton or dovuton                                                -8506210497 frsp Rept $4219/8513 on 8504014505 Velatens noted fadure of meet noted.Maior areas mapected plant operatons. rasaten protecton.physcal secunty.fre                                     & const & QA to follow procedures controlhng quality defriency responses & fadure to protecten, maint.survedlance & followup on provous map stems.                                                         revenw & approve temporary procedure changes per Tech Spect SWETLAND.P.O. MCCABE.EL Regen 1 Offre of Drector- 85/05/29 9pp.                                                       BATEMAN.W H., WECHSELBERGER. URBAN.R J. Regen 1 Offee of Drector. 85/

31035.115 31035.125. 06/03. 20pn 31057.340-31058 009. 8608140240IE Info Notco 85447 " Potential Effect of Line-induced Operaton on Cer-tain Target Rock Solenoid-Operated Vaives." Svc est onct. 850,6173418

                                                                                                                            , osanoninspForwards purpose Physcal evolved Secunty review ofinsp w---.Rept50 219/8516 of 850118  loss ofon 650514 photo     & notre of iden-JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post                                                 tefcaton badge & key card by regular riant employee.

830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. tre 134pp. 3!268.157' MARTIN,T.T. Regen 1. Othee of Drector. 8$/06/10. FIEDLERP B. General PutWm 31268.304. Utihtes Corp GPU Servce Corp. 2pp. 30957.19530957204

                                                            ' '       * * ' " * *                                       -3506170421 Notre of violaten from map on 850514 Detads ethheld (ref tus C                       i 10CFR2.790.73 218 9.5).

JOR E L Dmmon of Ernergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post 830103). 65/06/19. Conschdated Eeson Cct of New York. Inc.123pp. 31376 064

  • Regen 1. Offce of Dreciar. 85/06/10. 2pp. 30957:198-30957:199 31378:183.
                                                                                                                        ~8506170443 Physcal Secunty insp Rept 50 219/8516 on 850514 Violaton 8608200024 Responds to NRC850520Itr te violatons noted m insp Rept50-213/85-                                            noted fadure to follow procedures re personnel access recurements & to rept mcident OSCorrective actonsrevew conducted to ensure envron revew board auets subse-                                         accordmg to NRC repor1mg requrements.Detads withneid (ref 10CFR2.790.73.21 &

to 1983 complete. 9 5). KAJ F. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co.85/06/20. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 DUNLAPJ M., KEIM6G.R.R. Regen 1. Orfee of Drector. 85/06/10. 56 30957.200-Offee of Drector. 2pp. 31253.317-31253.318. 30957 204. 8608200117 Forwards insp Rept 50 213'W "9 on 850406-12 & nonce of volabon. mtegrated gamme & beta doses to control MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1, Offce of Drectur i/06/24. OPEKAJ F. Connectcut Yankee 850621022e room operatorsForwards followng summary re 30-dabCA desgn base L from caculatens performed by S&W per Atomc Power Co. 2pp. 31257.001-31257018- TMs item m O 3 4. Summary provides general methodology assumptons & data.

                              .                                                                                             WILSON R F. General Pubec Ut&hes Corp. - GPO Servce Corp. 85/06/17.

ZWOLINSKIJ A. Operating Reactors Branch 5. 5pp. 31024 288-31024 292. i 1 Omco 8 06 2p 7 41257204.

    -4506200122Inso Rept 542 4,d5#9 on 850408-12Velation noted. failure to revee &                                    , 8506240562Reveed emergency plan vnplementmg procedures.mctudeg Rev 6 to EPIP-approve Procedure 55-008 re radwaste sohdificanon evaporator bottoms (Tech Spec                                      2 re emergency erecten.Rav 8 to EPIP-3 re emergency nonficaten a Rev 5 to EPtP.

6.8? wior to unplementaton. 7 re offste medcal assstance W/850618 Itr. J' " OUSE.H., CLEMONS.P., MYERS.L Regon 1, Office of Director. e5/06/13. BARTONJJ. General Pubhc Utikties Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 65/06/18. 98pp. 1 % ,,31257 005-31257.010. 31180:167-31160-264. R. Pw e. e,eSre. re,e,te & ,eisted ce,res,ondence neu,orce & indemt,,t, ,,no,m.t.en AN . R1AE R?H. Ya se t P Co. 85/03/31.10pp. 8%h10646 Forwards Endorsements 81 & #03 to MAELU Pohey MF-44 & NELIA Pohcy 30m 000-30801217. HOGGE h'& McLarman,Inc.85/05/03.OtNITZ1 Assstant Drector for State

                                                                                                                              & Lcensee Relatons 3pp. 30008.356-30808 358 8506100601 Forwards Endorsements 82.17.75 & 76.104.38 & 19 & 20 to NEllA Pohces NF-220.NF-269.NF-230,NF t64.NF-252 & NF-281 & Endorsements 70.9.60 &

8505120112 LER 85410-00on 840624.ckrmg survedlance testmg.both motor operated 61.82.20 & 12 & 13to MAELU Ponces MF 73,MF 115.MF-90.MF.44.MF-108 & MF. svc water oucet solatmn valves faded to operate when ener ed Caused by anad-D arsh & McLene Inc. 85/05/28 DINITZ,l. Asmstant Drector for State M*0YWl[R RVS Ya P Co. 85/05/20. & Lcensee Relatena 17pp. 30793 312-3C793 328. 4pp. 30857.102 30857.105. 8506240166 LER 85c 0114&on avoa on of automa load rueb-kCaus t dete,_e tomonud e1o.r twob control rods te mvesogaoon P. 0,e,et&, ,g . cense s e cumente & _  : ze vendor underway W/850614 It;

                 .J     GRA S,RH Connectcut Yankee Atopw Power Co 85/06/14 app.                                           gg pg ,                             gpg,            g%,                 g          ggg made svadable at POR re NSHCs. App A documents                   placed m POR Search SA                                                                           .M. Oswison of Rules and Records. 84/11/08. ADATO.M. Uruon of Con-not er m                         ev to                           Prioec                                              comed Scentists. 4pp. 30720.001-30720 005 tonal Test of Reactor Coolant           Heat Detectom" W/850619 Itr BRANSFIELD.T.J GRAVES,R H.                         Yankee Atome Power Co. 85/06/19.

3pp. 31228 344-31228 348. -8402210139 Forwards update of Shoity statstics for 830506 640126 Two requests for heanng & one comment recesvedRequests for hoanng derrwssed on two plaants Prehe conference scheduled for Grand Gulf pecten, DOCKET 50 219 OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT EISENHUT.D G. of Lcensmg 84/02/07 DENTON.H R Ofhce of Nuclear Re-actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30720-016-30720.018. F, Seew4y, tiedical, emergency & fire protection piene -8404020112 Forwards update of Shelly statsbes covenng 830505- 840224 E!eventh montrey FR notte scheduled for pubhcaton on 840321 8506170151 Forwards Amend 85 to OPR 18 & safety evaluation. Amend revises Tech EISENHUT.D G. Divisen of Lcensng 84/03/13 DENTON.H R. Offre of Nuclear Re-Spec re fre protectun,deletog Sonnkter Sys 13 as fra detecten mstrument & spray / actor Regulation, Drector. 3pp. 30720019 30720 021. sormkler sys. Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30 FIEDLER.P B. General 840424046i Forwards updated "Sholly" statstes for8305058 6 322.Preheanng con-ZWOLINSKlJ Pubec A Operstmg$ervce Ubbtes Corp . GPU Corp. 2pp. 30972.154-30972162. forence held on request for heanng received on TML1 steam generator repar Cor tentons accepted by ASLB.

     -4508170159 Amend 85 to Lcense DPR-16.revismg Tech Specs re tre                                                           EISENHUT.D.G. Divison of Lcensmg. 84/04/13. DENTON.H.R. Offee of Nuclear Re.

protecton.deletmg Spnnkier Sys 13 as fra detecten etrumentaten & spray /sprokler actor Regulabon, Drects. 3pp. 30720 022-30720:024. ZWOLINSKI,J.A. Operabng Reactors Branch 5. 65/05/30. 5pp. 30972156-30972160'

                                                                                                                           -8405220511 Forwards update of Shelly statishes covereg penod830505 840425No
      -4506170104 Safety evaluaten supporting Amend 85 lo Lcense DPR 16.                                                       adut comments or mquests for heanng recesved.
  • Offte of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector. 85/05/30. 2pp. 30972181 EISENMUT.D G. Divison of Lcenseg. 84/05/07.DENTON.H R. Offce of Nucwar Re.

30971162. actor Regulaten Drector. 3pp, 30720 02S30720 027. 8500070s to Forwards Saf Insp Rept 50-219/8505 on 85020448 No volaton noted. -8406200322 Forwetos update of Showy statstes for penod 830506- 840523ASLB FIEDLERP B A 1 e of Drector. 85/05/31. BELLAMY,R R. General Pubhc esued decison for Grand Gulf on840423. admothng two contencons for escovery. Utsties Corp. . Servce Corp. 2pp. 30753 007 30753 020. EISENHUT.D G. Oswison of Lceneng 84/06/08 DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re-actor Regulaten Drector. 3pp. 30720:02&30720.030.

      -8500070615 Satety inso Rept 50w219/8505 on 85020448 No volaten noted Maior areas espected emergency preparedness insp, ecludng trammg.audd & status of                                      ~4407300050 Forwards update of Sholly stabstcs Cowwmg 830506-840620. No edcp emergency response fac*tes                                                                                            comments or requests for henreg received.

COMEN.I., TERC.N. WOLTNER E. Regen 1. Offee of Director. 85/05/08. 12pp. EISENHUT.D G. Divacn of Lcenseg 84/07/06 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Re-30753 009-30753 020- actor Regulaton. Deector 4pp. 30720 03130720.034. 8506100278Summarues 850319 meeteg w/ut4 & S4W at pierd site to escuss controe

  • roorn habitabstyper NUREG4737, item ht.D 3.4 Estensen t) 830314 cormrrnatory -8404200009 Forwards upda'ad Snopy statstms for penod 830506-840716. Stabstcs order from Cycle 11 to Cycle 12 refuelmg to rnplement mods requested. wdl be updated fonowing 840822 montNy pubhcaban of FR retco FIEDLER.P B General Pubbc Utstes Coy . GPU Servce Corp 85/06/04 EISENHUT,0.G. Divessun of Lcenseg 84,08/08 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re-ZWOLINSK1,J A Operanng Reactors Branch 5 6pp. 3078927130789278. actor Regulabon. Drector. 4pp. 30720.03530720 038 4506210492 Forwards insp Rept54219/8513 on 850401-0505 & escusses apparent -4410040278 Forwards opdate cf stahstes covenng 830506 84u822 Lets two volatons cited m App A Recept of 850418 response to Velaten 219/850141 to " press release" type rences usued reportmg pered Next anonthly FR nonce contamment ey HX & V olaton 219/854142 re Tech Specs ack. scheduled for pubhcaten on 840924.

KISTER.H B. 1. Offce of Drector. 85/06/07. F4EDLER,P.B General Pubhc EISENHUT,0.G. Dmson of Licensmg 84/09,18 DENTON.HA Offee of Nuclear Re. Utittes Corp. . Servce Corp. 2pp. 31057.338-31058 009. actor Hegulaten. Drector. 24pp. 30720 039 30720.062.

DOCKETED ITEMS 27 4506170077Resporwis to FOtA request for records to FIN B-0489, "wntainment Leak Rate Testeg Program" & Quadres Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FIN 8506180252 Documents endorsement of mfo transmitted to NRC . SEP Owners Group 84489 Documents also avadatwo m POR No documents re Cuamen subi 80 request concerrung cable tray /conmat test pr am conducted urwter P Topc fil 6, "Seen-FELTON,J M me Design Consderations C t e Tray / fest Program " Dusson of Rules and Records N4 B4489 85/03/25 FIEDLER P B General Pubhc Utmhes Corp - GPU Serwcs Corp 85/06/11 REYTBLATT.Z V Warren Weson College, tesnnanoa, NC. 7pp 30987 036-30987 078. ZWOUNSKlJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 2pp 30975 257-30975 256

       -4506170201 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg Investigations," monthly progress rept               85061903t4 Forwards fee for 850422 apphcaton for Amend 81 to Lcense DPR-for Na W2                                                                                     16.cha         Tech Specs n support of post-accident samphng sys DOUGAN.J R Oak Ridge Nahonal Laboratory FIN B-0489 82/12/07 ARNDT.G Me.                       F sEJLE           General Pubhc Utstes Corp chancal/ Structural Engneenng Brancft 3pp. 30987115 30987117                                  DtGGS.R M. Lcense Fee Management Branch.                 fp- GPU Servce 30995.092-30995   092Corp 85/06/11 8506250064 Further response to FOiA request for documents m three categores re                8506140055 Approves entenson to851031 for submmal of survedance capsuse anary-drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear fac.hties Forwards App A documents Documents                ses results per850321 request also avadabie ei PDR. Processmg of documents contanumg                                       DE NTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Reactor R F ELTONJ M Dmeson of Rules and Records 85/04/10 HEATH.SJ Washogton                           FIELDER.P B General Pubhc Umbes Corp. . GPU ton. Drectos 85/06/12 Legal Foundabort 11pp. 31217 095-31217.109                                                                                                                   e Corp. 5pp 30894 252-30894 256.
       -4506250102 Discusson */GPU on820302m ParsspanryNJ re pohcies for detechon
           & screening of empseyees for aug or alcohol abuse.                                       8506150408 Responds to NRC 850405 request lor aM mto re response to Genenc Lir
  • NRC No Dotaded Affikabon Gavert82/03/02. 4pp. 31217106-31217.109 83-28. Item 4 5 3 GE 850131 NEDC-30844 endorsed to s6bstantiate that facAty has

low reactor protecten sys fadure. 8506110399 Forwards Amend 83 to Lcense DPR-16 safety evaluation a notre of deraal FIEDLER F B General Pubir Ut,hties Corp - Gk J Service Corp 85/06/12 of request for amend to Scense & opporturvty for heanng Amend changes Tech Spec ZWOUNSKlJA Operating Reactors Branch 5. Ppp. 30978 054-30978 060. ZWOL S .J ,eratmg R actors h5 Oh EDLER.P B General 45o6240635Apphcahon for amend to Lcense DPR-16.consistmg at Tech Spec Pubhc UtMes Ccep. GPU Servce Corp Spp.30817:163-30817.175. R a acc pr m g ed by WREM 1 g oy g .,

      -4506110404 Amend 83 to Lcense DPR-16.changng Tech Spec Table 3-1 re locaten                     FIEDLER.PB General Pubhc Utmhes Corp . GPU Servce Corp 85/06/19 Ottce at ei three marme moodborer exposure pane's                                                     Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Director 8pp 31413106-31413113 ZWOUNSKI.J A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30 Sep 30817167-30817170
      -4506 t10410 Safery evaluahon supportog Arnend 83 to Lcense DPR-18.                           85062504t5 Forwards safety evaluaton concludm0 that desegn ce contaenment water
  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Dwector 85/05/30 3pp 30817 171- levet morvtor. amended by hcensee 850403 ler.sausfies regurements of NUREG-30817.173 0737 ttem tlF 15 & acceptable 2WOUNSKI.J A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/19 F:EDLER.P B General
      -45061'0415 Notice of denial of esence of request for amend to Lcense DPR 16 &                   PucAc Utikhes Corp GPU Sennce Corp 7pp J1198170 31198183 coportunity for heanng to util request to cha        wareng in Tech Spec Seccon 3.14 U                     a     eactors            85/05/30. 3pp 30817174 30817175.            I"*P       P# 'I           ""0##'
  • 8506140644 Forwards Ainend 84 to beense DPR-16 & safety evaluat on Arnand changes Tecn Specs to reflect new 10CF R$0 72 & 73 repartog requrernents per Go- 8505130027 Suppi 1 to IE Into Notice 84-55. " Seat Table Leaks at PWRs " Syc hst enct nenc ur 83-43 & revises table of cor' tents JORDAN.E L Dusion of Emergency Preparedness & Engineermo Response (Post ZWOUNSKIJ A Operann0 Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30 FIEDLER.P B General 830103) 85/05/14 Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. f07pp. 31044 06%

Pubhc Utihtes Corp GPU Servce Corp 3pp. 30932 045-30932 059 31044 171

      -8506140689 Amend 84 to Lcense DPR-16.addng new 10CFR$0 72 & 73 reportmg r*

quirements & reviseg Tech Spec table of contents ect vc hs ZWOUNSKI.J A. Operahng Reactors Brancn5 85/05/30. 8pp 30932 048-30932 055. JORDAN Diveson of Emergency Prepwedness & Engineermg Response (Post

     -8506140690 Safe 4 evaluatson supportmg Amend 84 to Ucense DPR-16 830103) 85/05/14. Consohdated Esson Co of New York. Inc.107pp 31044 172-31044 278.

of Nuclear Reactor Regulatori. Drector 85/05/30. 4pp 30932 056-4506170151 Forwards Amend 85 to DPR 16 & sa'ety evaluanon Amand rev ses Tech Records at Lcensees Fachtes " Svc het enct Spec re fwe protecton.desetmg Spnnkier Sys 13 as nre detecton mstrument & spray / JORDAN.E L Divmon of Emergecy Preparedness & Engmeering Response (Post sonnader sys 830103) 85/05/22 Consohdated Esson Co of New York. Inc 106pp 30837 256-30637 363. ZWOUNSKI.J A Opera $ng Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30 FIEDLER.P B. General Pubic Ut:hties Corp GPU Servce Corp,2pp 30972154 30972162 8505200600 tE Into Notice 85040. "Dehciencies e Equipment Quahfcaton Testeg & Certeficadon Process " Syc hst enci

     -4506170159 Amend 85 to bcense DPR-16.rew'smg Tech Specs to                            f i re protection.deietmg Spnntier Sys 13 as fire detecten mtrumentaJon & spray /sprmkle'           JORDAN.E L Deseon of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 810103) 85/05/22 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.106pp 30848166-CLINSKI.J A. Operabng Reactors Branch 5,85/05/30 Spp. 30972156-30972160
     -4506170184 Safety evalueton supportmg Amend 85 to Ucense DPR.16                              8        8            n         e             se ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/05/30 2pp 30972 161-                             E
                                                                                                                                           .               n r in         ni 800 Senes Badge

JORDAN E L Deseon of Emergency Preoeredness & Engineenng Response (Post 8506170154 Summary of850422 & 23 meetm0s w/utsis at aste & GPU Nuciear corpo. 830103) 85/05/29. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.120pp. 30852 24% 30852 363 rate headouarters re status of post-acceent samphng sys & status of station hcenseg actons & issues hsted m enct agenda

         ')ONOHEW J N Operatg Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30 Operatsng Reactors Branch                 4505280147 IE Info Nonce 84043, "Radography Events at Power Reactors? Svc tst 5 20pp 30973 202-3097J 221.                                                                   ence JORDAN E L Dmsson of Emergency Prepare @ess & Engineenng Response (Post
    -4506170162                                                                                       830103) 85/05/30 Consoansated Eeson Co of New York, Inc 120pp 30864187 Acceptance Rev  Test2" to " Test Results for Senal 803&C7. Post Accident Sample Sys Mfg       30a64 287.

TAVLOR G E. General Electnc Co C54 74-T 11. 80/ t 2/03 41pp. 30s/3 2T2-30973 262. g505280195IE info Notice 84044. " Emergency Commurwcaten Sys Monthly Test? Svc hst once 8506190310 Forwards Amenr186 to Lcense DPR-16 4 safety evaluaton. Amend re- JORDAN.E L. Omson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeer Response (Post vises Tech Specs te prvnary contaenment atmosphere o ccmcentration 830103) 8005/30 Consohdated Eeson Co of New i orm, Inc tp; 30 % 4 04 % ZWOUNSKI.J A Operahng Reactors Branch 5 85/06 7 FIEDLER.P B. General 30864 166 Pubhc Utsties Corp. GPU Servce Corp 2pp 30849 06530849 076' 8506070296 Responds to NFeC850409ftr te volatons noted in insp Rept 50 219/8 %

    ~4506120325 Amend 86 to Lcense DPR 16.reveng Tech Specs re pnmary conta,                         06 Correcove actons advance estreuton of head change requests espanded &

ment atmosphere owygen concentraton eenmg personnet counseled re acewate sa ZWOLINSMI.J A. OperaDng Reactors Branch 5 85/06/07. 7pp. 30849 067 30849 0U checks FIE LER.P O General Puble UtAhes Corp - G Sennce Corp. 65/05/30.

    -8506120328 Safety evaluaton supportog Amend 86 to bcense DPR 16.                                 KISTER.H B Regon 1. Offce of Drector 3pp 30751346-30751.348
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulebon, Drector 85/06/07. 3pp. 30849 074-30849 076. 8506070610 Forwards Safety insp Rept50 219/85 05 on 850204 06 No violaton noted FIEDLER P B R 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/31 BELLAMY,R R General Pubhc 8506130270 informs ibat current survedlance prachce capable of morwtoreg battery chsgmg current w/sufhcaent accuracy to assure battery has low rosestance connec-hon to bus per 830622 Itr & SEP Topc Vil-3 0 re de power sys bus vonage ~4506070615 Safety insp Rept 50 219/854)$ on 850204 08 No votaton noted Major FiEDLER P B General Pubhc Utsities Corp - GPU Servce Corp 85/06/07

, , ,ng area,s mspectedemergency ge. ncy response 4ceties preparedness esp. mctueng traming.auet & status of ZWOUNSkl.J A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 2pp 30859 328 30859 329 COHENI. TEFIC.N. WOLTNER E. Regon 1. OHee of Drector 85/05/08 12pp 8506130314 Responds to queshone raesed dur Fee 1985 telcon re SEP Topc ill-4 A 0753 N0753 020. E,0"#"'"9sa shut can ma Ff PB General Pubhc Utees Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 85/06/07 8506100490 Act receipt of 850509 ptr eformmg NRC of steps taken to correct votatens noted m an Rept 50-219/84-31. ZWOLINSF1,J A Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 4pp. 30859 03130859 036 EBNETER. . R Utstes Corp - t, Othee of Drector 85/05/31 FIEDLER.P B General Put*c Service Corp. 2pp 30795 057 30795 060 4506120194Notefeaton of 650619meetmg w/utd in Bethesda.MD to escuss status of kcenseg actons for May 1985 Meetstvj orgnally screduled on 850612 DONOHE W J N Operateg_ Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/11 ZWOUNSKisJ A Operstmg 8506240323 Forwards Esam Rept 50-219/8512adrninistered dunnq wh of 650408 Reactors Brarch 5. 3pp. 3o860.352 30850 354 KISTER.H B Region 1. O'tsce of Director 85/06/04 FiEDLER.P O General Pubuc Utsties Corp GPU Service Corp 2pp 31203 001-31203.080 I l


     -4006240330 Enam Rept5421918512 on 85040012 Esam reeuns as seght reactor og>                                           V. Operecer Esaminettens I,       erstar carwadams & en evee sernor operator carnaustos passed.

f E J B R J A. KELLER.R M Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/06/03. 78pp. 8M6240m Fme M % M9/M mw m e d am


KISTER.H B 1. Offre of Drector 85/06/04 FIEDLER.P B General Put*c Utsmes Corp. - Service Corp. 2pp. 31203 001-31203 000 9000000677IE Info Notte 65445, "Potereal Seierruc Interacton involving Movatdo In. Core Flus Sys used m Wesenghouse Deegned Pients " Svc not anci of Emergency Preparedness & Engsneenng Reeponse (Post -8006240330 Esam Rept 54219/8512 on 85040412 Enam reeuns as ough1 reactor (> JORDAN.E L erator canedens & at thru unor operator candidates poseed. 830103). 85/06/06 Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.122pp. 30864 288 30865 046, LANGE.DJ., BERRYJ A., KELLER.R M Repon 1. Othce of Drector 85/08/03 78pp. 31203 003-31203 000. 8086210402 Forwards inop Rept 54219/8513 on 8504014505 & ete=ses apparent violatone caed m App ARecost of 850418 response to volanon 219/854141 re contamment HX & Violeson 219/854142 re Tech Specs ack DOCKET 60 220 NINE MILE PO6MT NUCLEAR STAT 100s, UNIT 1 KISTER.H B 1. Othee of Dractor. 85/06/07. FIEDLER.P B. General Put*c Unhees Corp. - Serwce Corp. 2pp 31057.338-31056009.

     -4608210407 Inso Rept 50 219/8513 on 8504014505 Violetons noted fadure of maint
                                                                  **                                       "'" ' ' '        0408240197 Forwards Amend 73 to transe DPR43 & safety evaluanon. Amend adde
        ,, vie, &                                                                     y      speca" BATEMAN.W H., W                                                R, UR     R J. Regen 1. Othee of Drector. 85/                 One conetons for operaton & surveinance mgurernents tw absorber hners u cork
                                                                                                                                ""o"l D      room air toewnert & emergency wentsanon sys 06/03. 20pp 31057.34431058 009.                                                                                         HERMANN.R A. Operatn0 Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/11. HOOTEN.B G. No.igara 8800000707IE Info Noace 85446,"Clanhcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra.                                             Mohewt Power Corp 2pp. 31157244-31157269 eoeceve E# ace Contaminanon LJrruts for Transport Packages." Swc bet once.

JORDAN.E L Divuion of Emergency Properodress & E Response (Post -8606240206 Amend 7310 Leonee DPA43. adding hmeng conetons for opershon & 830103) 85/06/10 Consondated Eeean Co of New Y Inc. 24pp. 31043.301- survesilence regurements for eDeorber fdters of control room as teatment & emerger* 31044 064 cy wentsation sys & changmg teseng frequenoes for sys VASSALLO.D B Operstmg Reactors Bronch 2. 65/06/11. 21pp. 31157 2d6-8606170418 Forwards Physcal Sectmly inep Rept 54219/8516 on 850514 & nonce of 31157.266 votationInso purpose mworved revem of cucumstances of 850116 loss of photo iden-thcanon badge & key card by regular plant employee -3606240210 Safety evalueton s@portng Amend 73 to Leones OPR43 85/06/10

  • MARTIN.T Ut .e Corp.T. . "m" 1, Othce,of C p D,2 prector 30957.195 57F,IEDLER,P B. General Pubhc 31,Ot,hc,e 5 . 69 of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector. 85/06/11 3pp 31157 267
      -. - 170421 - of                                              n - - or, 8505,4 Deta.s nosed i,ef                      ,,0,,6,,0,6 Re,e,,s es,, m,o ,e ,c,,,,,rn.,,ce ,o Rev , ,o                            , ,, ,e, u,,

T. "',',' an,'!ct. 85,06,10 2,, 309571-9s7,99 c

                                                                                                                                                                                        %a HOOTEN.Bo          "ran ~

n 8==,=,gorm vAsS-B Op-a a0 - ,l*rge Br nca **~PD%i3gr, N aara Phy S. mop R. or, 8505t4v Maow* Pow- C p 2pn 2n" 331=" 355,
         .      ,3t.d a.u e toowso.s                    p ,oc.c.un,tyee to ,e,sonr.l  .5.m,8516  -ements & to ,.pt mc nt to NRC reportng regurements.Detads withheid (ret 10CFR2.790,73 21 &                                                                    ,,                                               ,,,

DUNLAP,J M. KEIMIG.R R Repon 1. Othce of Drector. 85/06/10. Spp 30957200, UDY.A C. EGSG idaho, Inc (subs of EGSG. Inc ).. FIN A4483 85/02/28 feRC No Dotaded Affeaton Grvert 23pp 3121133131211355. 30957204. Nochcanon of Leonese "" 8542 on 850613 w/utd m IQng 860,6200791 o -PA to escuss of nso 52m'"f65,8 0,or. tin oce,,eesi e.oc.or to. _ _ e MILLER M Regen 1, Omco Drector.85/06/12. Regon 1. Omco of Drector. 2pp. 31227.294-31227.295- 8606130046 Pernal response to FOiA request for as documents ee NRC procedures for mecton & conwol of ancores & diegas onsg use by pomans engaged in beg a const 4606270152 Forwards sedated mio re block wansper IE Bunstm 8411 & relat-ed mfo for row to Topical Rept 019 ese 1. Effects of new was mods & mvmod fE of R R 26 HEATH.SJ. Washmgton stress results prownded Revoed autof-plane flemured sheer stressee senhed Foundabort 55pp 30937047-30937157 FIEDLER.P B. General Pubhc Utdeos Corp. - GPU Service Corp 85/06/*4 ZWOLINSKI,JA Operstmg Reactors Branch 5. 23pp. 31252 030 31252 052' 0606140240IE info Noece 85447, "Potenbei Effect of tme-ineaced Operanon on Car. -860$ Nee drug / alcohol abuseWsomspeedic m mheenesesReteese me of m W Olc Wby hNm ret proheded F wm or Pnwacy tan Target Rock Sosenoed. Operated Valves." Svc het onct. Act Concems over precedent expmesed worksheets enct JORDAN.E L Demeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post SHOMAKER.E C. Operatons & Admrustreeve 82/12/20 LIEBERMAN,J Re-830103) 85/06/18. Conechdated Esson Co. of New Y Inc 34pp 31268157 gonal Opershone & Enforcemerie Devesort 170pp 30937 356 30938188 31268 304. 0606170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B.0489. "Contamment Leak 8606250214 Forwards owners data rept for sneernce maps.per 10CFR50.55a(g) & Rate Tenang Program" & Quadron Corp /NAC contacts Forwards documents re FIN ASME Secton xUW A4000 Rept describes exams pertorraad e, conguncton w/meerv. 84489 Documents also evadable m PDR No documents to Cwedres euty to toquest co mep am dJnng Fr.' <W 1985 FELTON.J M Divmen of Rules and Records. FIN 84489 85/03/25. FIEDLE .P General Piuc Utimes Corp. . GPU Sonnte Corp 85/06/18. REYTBLATTIV Warren Weson Coaego. Swarmenoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 036-ZWOLINSKI.J A. Operanng Reactors Bronch 5. 4pp. 31180 032-31180 035 30987 076. 4606140636 IE Into Notco 85448. "Resprator Users Notco Defectrve Sed.Contamed 4606170281 "Contamment Leak Rate Toseng i . ,." monthly progress rept Breathmg Apparatus As Cyanders* Swe het onct sor Nov 1982 JORDAN.E L Drvoon of Emergency preparedness & E Response iPost DOUGAN.J R Oak Radge Nanonal Laboratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G Me. 630103) 65/06/19 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 23pp. 31376 064- chancal/ Structural Engneereg Brancft 3pp. 30987.11530987117, 31376-183. 850328 ste 8608060582.,A,ppr_ cat p, oves process control pro, gramferfpCP) submstted eC re,wa,oc. m

a. Pa.e ePe-. mP-is 4 --aPa -- .sose 4 acceptable ms.P esconta,r.

ps, ofed. r-

u. u.r ,, rec,,was.te Sp cs so efc tor ,

VASSALLO.D B Operatng Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/16 HOOTEN.B G. Negara

       $606100223 Monthly opera                                 rept for War 1985 W/850415 Itr                                    Mohawn Power Corp. 2pp. 3073717 7 30737.178 BARAN.R . FIEDLER.P B                                   al PutAc Utdeos Corp.
  • GPU Service Corp. 85/03/

31.11pp. 30826.34430826 350- 4600170648 informs that changes to bases for Tech Spec 341/441 re reactor tAdg lea 6 age rete found acceptable Justifcanon for requested changes esented o a TEN.B G. NeGara Re,e, e - uRe & , ce,reePendence ve1, ^A',PMCo.a, .;;;%a-c=J9;0J 0 M/05/18

       $606120064 LER 83401/03L t on 630123.chemmal waste storage tare B overflowed                                          4606120119 Docusses acceptabety of ute 641205 response to Genene tw 84 23 &

mio sisrounen0 concmte vaun Caused by level mswumentaton malfuncton.Contammated area cleanedVault level retrumentaten metaaedW/ N,UREG4737) e rors acceptable tem Noafurther F 2 Mads modscompleted necessary to to reducelevelreactor water level mecaten Wanstmtiers. Y .P FIEDLER,P B. General Pubec Utsmos Corp. . GPU Sonnce Corp.85/05/29 N' Corp 344 6pp. 30857.286 30857.293.

                                                                                                                              $6n5060429 Nothcahon of 850612 techrucal appeal meetog w/unis & BWR Owners 8806140215 Part 21 rept to procurement of replacement                                        frorn Dresser Industnes        Group m Bethesda.MD to ascertan if Lme 3 and under can be escepted trom TMI for electomanc rehof vafves Caused by fadure of                                      to notfy uts that Dash 3           nem if E 4 2 parts beng supphed for Desh 2 model Parts replaced                                                                      HERMANN.R.A. Opera           Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/28 VASSALLO.D B Operanng FIEDLER,P B General PLhic Uthtpos Corp                                       GPU Service Corp 85/06/07.                 Reactors eranch 4. 2pp.       785 164-30785 165.

DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's Offee. Othee of Inspecten and Enforcement 1 p. 8606t10633 Forwards safety evalumnon of640814utd semsttal re potenhal effects of 8606170321 PNM85442 on 650612.dunng recovery process fonowmg reactor astyne rmssdesGE rea-- _cc of map meervais & provson of long term schedule efter evaluenon of 1982 map reeuns acceptable inp. reactor tAdg deluge tre protecton ave rahated r%=adby smoke from hot bhster. re pect on scram escharge volpang Aeactor currency a coid shutdowet VASSALLO.D B Operahng Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/29 HOOTEN.B G Negare CONNER.E. Repon 1. Othce of urector.85/06/13 tp. 30956.13530958.135 Mohawk Power Corp. 2pp, 30980 039 30980 045 4606200679 LER 8540940on 850518.determmed that 484wolt urut aihstaton tA2 or -4606170639 Safety evaluaton supportng utd evaluohon of eflects of potentel turbme 182 mey be overtonded einng LOCA w/ onsde power evadabee & concurrent loss of rmssee generston per Reg Gunde 1115, "Protecton Agamst Low-Tragectory Turbme one urut substanon Caused by design dehciency W/850614 nr. Missdes/' & SRP Sectone102.102343513 LEITMAN.LW . FIEDLER.P B General Pubhc Uthbes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 85/ ' Offce of Nuclear Reactor RegtAanon. Drector. 85/05/29 5pp. 30980 041-06/14 App. 31232.103-31232106 30980 045.

DOCKETEDITEMS 29 moeie0mi remmanc. of fe. ior 8505,3 appiica on er emerg.,cy rehof M. Portoec opereung reports & rewed correspondence kom certam ASME Code requrements. M.R M. Lcense Fee Management Brercet 85/06/10. LEMPGES.T E. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. tp.30964.143-30964.143. 8500070068 Annual Rasologral Ermron Operatmg Rept.1984 w/850430 Itr LEMPGES.T E. ara Mohawk Power Corp 64/12/31. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1, 4506240197 Forwards Amend 73 to Lcense DPR-63 & safety evaluenort Amend adds OMice of Drecer. t 30801427m.355 kmieng conecons br operaton & surwaance regarements er absorber hners of m 8508210470 Mort operanng rept er May 1965 W/850810 Ilr R NN R A abn eactors anch 85/08/11. HOOTEN.BG Magara ^ MPGES.T E. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 85/05/31. $pp. Moheek Power Corp. 2pp.g31157.244-31157269 3 7'hTO- '05 '

   -8408240205 Amend 73 to Lcense DPR43.adeng brmtmg conebons for operanon &

surves; lance requrements for absorber fgters of control room at teatment & emergen- I' Reportabh occurmnces. LERe & reested cormepondence cy ventiaton sys & changm0 testeg frequenoes for sys tOSSALLO.D B. Operahng Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/11. 2ipit 31157.246- 85060302ee 31157 266. of operanno reactors events 850515 meet Dv drectors or rep. resentatives bnet on events occumng sece850507 meenng of fonow. up review responabikhos escussed Attendance hst enct ( -4006240210 Safety evaluation suW Amend 73 to Lcense DPR43 l

  • Offre of Nuclear Reactor Hegulaban, DiroClar. 85/06/11. 3pp. 31157287- CRUTCHFIELD.D Asastant Dwector for Safety Assessment. 65/05/22 i

31157 269 THOMPSON.H L Dmmon of Lcensing. iepp 30700 021 30708 038 esosie0sae Noencahon of change of tme a for 850820 meetmg w/ 4506040752 LER 6540700on 850424.aulomate uvbanon of reactor bidg ernergency PEPCO. Boston Eeson Co & Georga Power Co e MD m escuss d Lees 3 venmanon sys occunedCaused by techncien shortng wre m cable connector to sensor for emer condensor venelanon morvtor 121 w/650524 nr

      & under can be excepted from regurement for esciaton of fvgh reesten egnal.

HERMANN.RA Operanng Reactors Branch 2. 65/06/12. VASSALLO.D B. Operanng RANDALLR . EM ES.T E. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 85/05/24 3pp. Reactors Branch 2. 2pp. 31013 329 31013 330. 30708 111 30700.1i3. 0506270791 Requests payment of fee for 850228 apphcanon Iransnvttng revised 8606210400 Special Repton 850500.venciation duct fue penetanon in reactor bidg

,     method for revenhcaten of baron content a spent fuel storage rack                                  tack bay was sound unequipped w/fre darreer, per Tech Spec 3 6.101 Hourty fre DIGGS.R M Lcense Fee M                   Branch. 85/08/21. LEMPGES.T E. Niagara                    watch patrots estabbshed.Reevalualmg fre            .
      'Qmawa Power Corp. Ip. 31256        31258.380.                                                     LEMPGES.T E, RANDALLR Magare Mohawk                       Corp. 65/06/05. MURLEY,7 R.

Region I, Oftce of Dractor 3pp. 31055.191-31055.193 8 Inspection reporte, IE Busetine & ; ; , i ~' DOCKET M223 Univ. OF LOWELL RESEARCH REACTOR 8505130027 E Info Notre 64-55, " Seal Tabie Leahs at PWRs" Svc hst once 1 5 05/14. eson Co Y 07pp 044 06 "" " "**

                                                                                                     .50.m03. Fo,wa,ds ,esponses to foe, oues.ons to, sate,, -oon re ,~wu 8505130038 Suppe 1 to IE Into Notse 85-020, *Motoroperated Vapve Falures Due to                       Lcense R-125 IrWo mcludes effectrue delay neutron fracton,cioen cold. core value. core Hammenng Effect" Svc hat encl                                                                     ounet coolard tornos & rod worths JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Ergnmenng Response (Post                              PEREZ.P B. LoweN. Uruv. of. Lowee. MA 85/06/10 THOMAS.C.O. Standarezaten &

830103) 85/05/14. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044172 Speoal Propects BranctL 17pp. 31058101-31056.117. 31044 276. 8506240300 Forwards Figure 4-10 to be mcluded w/850810 wntten treponses to hnet 8505200500 #E Info Nohce 85-039. "Audtatzhty of Elecincal Eeapment Ouasercaten questions conc safety evaluanon for raceey Records at Lcensees Fac htes." SvC hst enct PEREZ.P B Lowee. . of, Lowea. MA. 85/06/14. THOMAS.C O. Standareraton & JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Specia Prorects Brancti 8pp. 31202 208-31202 215. C30103) 65/05/22. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.106pp. 30837 258-30837.383. s DOCKET 50w224 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA RESEARCH REACTOR 9505200000 IE irdo Nohce 85440. "Defcionoes m Equipment Quehfcahon Testeg & Certfcaton Process" Svc est enct JDRDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparemess & Engmeenng Response (Post F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection piene 830103) 85/05/22 Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.100pp. 30648.186-30648.271. 8506240122 Forwards insp Rept 50-224/85 01 on 850528 No violaton noted 8505200181 IE Info Notco 65-042, " Loose Phosphor n Panasonec 800 Senes Badge TLD Eternents Svc kst once ((M N%'4$3f204'2 " 1 5 Y 22 -8506240143 insp Rept50-224/8541 on 850528 No violaton or deviaton noted Mapor N 363' areas mapected accons tagen to correct finengs identhed m insp Rept 50-224/6441

                                                                                                        & reenam of raeston          octon prograrn & reactor operamons       am.

6505200187 IE Info Notre 85443, "Radography Events at Power Reactors." Svc hst [,yh WHAS.G . Regon 5, Othee of Drector. 85/ 5pp. 31204 229 encs ZORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8 03 85/05/30 Consondated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 20pp. 30864167-a r r4 IE BuNee a corrgendence 8505200195 IE Info Notice 85-044, " Emergency Communcahon Sys Monthey Test" Syc 8508240132 Forwards insp Rept S224/8541 on 850528 No votaton noted. hst enct WENSLAWSKifA Regen 5. Othce of Drector. 85/06/04 PtSTER.C. Caktorrea, ZDRDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Post Uruv. of, Berhoney, CA Ip.31204 226 31204 233 630103). 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.121pp. 30864 045-30864.166.

                                                                                                    -4606240143 Inso Rept50 224/0541 on 650528 No violaton or dumaton noted Mapr 8500070344 Forwards insp Rept 50 220/8548 on 850424-28 No violaton noted                              areas snepectedactions taken to correct finengs identihed n Inso Rept M224/6441
                                                                                                        & reewam of reeston protecton prograrn & reactor operatons            am.

EBNETER.S D. Regen 1. Othce of Drector. 85/05/30. HOOTEN.B G. Niagara CILLIS.M., YUHAS.G P. Regan 5. Omco of Orector 85/ /3 . 5pp. 31204 229-Mohawn Power Corp. 2pp. 30749 312-30749 320. 31204 233.

  -4500070351 Inso Rept 50 220/0546 on 850424 26 No volabon noted.Maior areas repected-hcensee actons re         stems MANOLY.K A., BETTEN             N.L pegen 1,          safety or <Drector.eisted  piping 85/05/28. a supportsODCKET 60-237 ORESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 7pp.

30749 314-30749 320. 8600000077IE Info Notce 85445 "Potental Seemc Interacton inwohnng Movable tri- "'#*******"*Y""P' 8"' Core Flux M Sys Used m Westinghouse Desagned Plants." Svc bst enct JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Post 8506140003 Further response m FOIA request for eight categones of documerWs re nu-830103) 85/06/06. Conschdated Edson Co of New York, Inc.122pp. 30864 288 clear spent fuel transportaban Forwards App C documents App C & selected D 30865.046' documents also evadable m PDR App D Documents 8 & 8-12 for sale by NRC & . FELTON.J M. Dueon of Rules and Records. 05/01/29 MILLARf. Envvonmental 8600000707IE Info Notce 85446,"Clanfcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra. Pokey institute.10pp. 30919003 30919 043. eoncave Surface Contammaton Limits for Transport Pactages " Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Dmason of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Post -4006140543 Rev 0 to Procedure SP SS10107, "Transportaten Accarient Re-630103). 85/06/10. Corsohdated Edrson Co of New York, Inc.124pp. 31043.301, sponse for Spent Fuel sk TN.9. 31044 064. *C - .. r^. Edson Co.83/10/31.13pp. 30923 09130923105. 4605140240IE Info Nobce 85447, "Potental Effect of Lmelrytuced Operaton on Cor. 8500040540 Ach receipt of 850422 ler mforming NRC of steps taken to correct noncom-tam Target Rock SciencedOperated Valves" Svc het enci phance noted e insp Repts 50410/8503, B237/6547 & M249/8548 Seventy JDROAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Level V volaton re compensatory measures vahd 4 appropnete 830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdeted Edson Co. of New Y tar,, 34pp. 3t288157- A> TELSON.W L Regon 3. Offee of Drector. 8'")S/31. REED.C. Commonwealth 31268.304. Edson Co. 2pp 30696 017-30898 019 8606140636 IE Irdo Notce 65448. "Resprator Users Notco Defecove Self Contamed -8600040546 Forwards response to NRC850328 itr re noncompkance noted in insp Bree Apparatus As Cyhnders" SvC het enct Repts 50 410/8543.50-237/8547 & S 249/8546. Second votation JOR .E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post happropnate Response withheid (ref f0CFR73 21) 830103) 85/06/19. Conschdeted Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 23pp. 31376 064 FARRAR.D L Commonwealth Edson Co. 65/04/22. KEPPLER,J G. Royon 3. Oftco 31376 183. of Drector.1p. 30698 019 30696 019

30 DOCKETEDITEMS B506100500 Advises that full operation of SPDS & trammg of operators currentiy sched- -8506140600 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments uJ l 1983 Feb 1984. uled for Aug 1985.m response to640612 confrmatory order re Suppl I to NUREG- GREGER.LR Regam 3. Outre of Drector 84/03/13 HIND.J A Region 3. Offee of Drector.14pp 30923134-30923.147. 0737.Adc3 hardware needed i RYBAK.B.C..- - _ r. Edson Co 85/05/31.DENTON.H.R. Othee of Nuclear Re- -8506140619 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shgments.Jul 1983 + June actor Regulaton. Drector 10. 30793 307-30793.307. 1984 8506200486 Forwards populahon density maps for use m emergency pierwung GREGER,L R Region 3. Once ol Drector 84/07/05. HIND.J A. Regm 3. Offce nt zones Maps prepared by ORNL by prcgection from 1980 census data a must be taken Drector 11pp. 30923148-30923158. as estimates W/o encts. -8506140625 Forwards rev to June 1984 updated summary of spent fuel s. HIND.J A Regon 3. Othee of Drector. 85/05/31. REEDA Commonweatth Esson 3. Ottce of Drector. 84/07/10 H6ND.J A. Regen 3, e of d Co.1p. 3102019131020191. GREGER.LR. R


8606280013 Forwards Amends 90 & 83 to Lceses OPR-19 & DPR-25, respectively & 8506170077 Responds to FOiA request for records to FIN B4489. "Contamment Leak safety evaluatiortAmenos add hmsteg constens for operaten & survedlance requre- Rate Testing Program" & Quadron Corp /NRC contactsForwards documents to FIN monts to Tech Specs for mods requwed by Genenc Lir 83-36. B 0489 Documents also avadable m PDR No documents to Quadron subl to request. ZWOLINSKI.J A Operabng Reactors Branen 5 85/06/24. FARRAR.D L. Commork wealth Eeson Co. 3pp. 31253 075-31253137. FELTON.J M Dmsen of Rules and Records. FIN B-0469 85/03/25. RE YTBt.ATT,2.V. Warren Wilson Conega, Swannanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 034 30987.076. P. Operat6ng licones state documente a corr. . C. e .-- " progress summary for

                                                                                                                                 -8210120208 "Ceraamment Leak Rate Testog i Sept m2.

8506140003 Further response to FOIA request for eight categones of documents to nu. NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Natonal Labora FIN B4489 82/10/05. ARNDT,G. Me-c8 ear spent fuel transportation Forwards App C documents App C & sessefed App D charucal Engmeenng Branch. 3pp 309871 2-30987114. ' documents also available e POR App D Documents 6 & 8-12 tot sale by NRC & GPO. FELTONJ M DMson of Rules and Records. 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envronmental -8212010006 Forwards het of plants for which leak test repts were selected for review Poncy Institute.10pp 30919 00S30932 005. by ORNL Leak tessng cntena win be prepared from review W/c anct ARNDT.E.G. Mechantal/ Structural E Brancft 82/08/18 SHAPAKER)

            ~8506t40130 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments.Jul 1983. Apr 1984                                           Contamment Systems Stanch. 4pp. 3096 .118                                   7.121.

GREGER.L R. Regon 3. Offee of Drector 85/01/29 HtND.J A Dmsen of Radologt cal & Matenals Saiety Programs 9pp 30919 013-30919 021. -8506170281 "Contamment Lealt Rate Testeg Investigations." monthly progress rept 93r Nov 1982

            -8506140147 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments.Jul 1983 - May 1984.                                        DOUGAN.J R. Ook Ridge National Laboratory FIN B4489 82/12/07. ARNDT.G Me-GREGER.LR. R                          3. Omco of Drector 84/06/07 HIND) A. Region 3. Offce of                       c'tarucal/ Structural Engmeenng Branch. 3pp. 30987:115 30987.117.

Oroctor.10pp. 19 034-30919 043.

                                                                                                                                 -8M6170418 " Containment Leak Rate Testmg," monthly progress rept for A                                    1982.
             -8506140400 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shipments made dunng Sept                                             DOUGAN.J R. Oak R                 National Laboratory FIN B4489 82/08/26 AR                          T.E G 1984                                                                                                                Duson of Ergneenng                hnology 6pp. 30987.127-30987:132.

MILLER,D E. Region 3. Offee of Drector.84/10/11. HIND.J.A. Regon 3. Offce of Du rector. 2pp. 30922.161-30922162. 85000tiO253 Ack reevt of 850410 sutmwital of Topcal Rept CE-1-A.Rev 34 Revew wdl

                                                                                                                                      <*@ ire rnare than 60 days to cornplete
             -8506140417 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel stupments.Jul 1983 Au01964                                            SPESSARD.R L Region 3. Omco of Drector. 85/05/23 REED,C. Commonwes th GREGER.LR. Repon 3. Office of Dractor 84/09/07 HIND.J A. Regon 3, Offra of                                           En son Co. 2pp. 30725.338 30725.339 Drector.130p. m22.163-30922175.

8506050445 Provides efo to support use of drywes tenip profde curves assummg 30-

             -8506140430 Forwards updated summary of spent fusi shipments.Jul 1983 - Jul 1984 trunute drywen spray irutetion Reasons for not obgectog to use of 10. minute mterval GREGER.L.A. Repon 3. Oftce of Drector 64/08/02. MIND.JA Regort 3. Offce or                                          hated-Drector.1290. m22176 30922208.                                                                                      RYBAK.B. Commonwealth Esson Co 85/05/23 DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re-
             -8506140443 Rev 0 to SOP 1-41. "Loadmg & Preparaten for Stwoment of TN.9 Cask."                                          actor Hegulation, Drector. 3pp. 30719 055-30719 057.
  • Commonwearth Eeson Co.83/11/29 150pp. 30922-207 30923 002. 8506080752 Nohfcaten of contract esecuton. Mod "Dresden & Perry Srnulator
              -8506140455 Discusses reevaluaton of West Valley spent fuel                                  practces.per               Leasang? Contractor GE.

Greenman 840206 memo re changes in Regon i espector coverage a con. PAGE M Techrucal Assistance Contracts Branch. NRC 0544-159 85/05/23 CORLEY.D. Dractor's Offee Offce of inspecton and Enforcement. RAGLIN.K A tmue to be incident free. Inspectors not espatched tor 840704 Snipmerv NRC N3 Detasted Af%aten Given. tp. 30740 268-30740 269. GREENMAN.E & Repon 1, Ottee of urector 84/07/16 STAROSTECKLR., MARTIN,T.T. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 2pp. 30923.003-30923 004 protect offcer to "Dresden & Perry $smulator Leasing "

                                                                                                                                  -8500050752 Mod 3.
              ~4506140524 Rev 0 to Procedure SP 8311120 to fuel movements in spent fuel pools.
  • Genera Electnc Co E WORTH.P.J. Dmeson of Contracts NRC05-84-159 65/
  • C- . 20 Edson Co. 63/11/30. 28pp. 30923 005-30923 032. 05/23 1p 30740 269-30740 269.
              -8506140536 Rev 0 to Specel Procedure $P-8's-842," Procedure for Replacog O Reg                                      8506140679 Forwards Amends 87 8 80 to Lconses DPR 19 & DPR 25, respectrvely &

safety evaluation Amende revee Tech to mcorporate GE std hmits on done Gaskets? enuntaient i-131 m pnmary coosant per Topts Vt-7 C 14 XV 16.

  • C- r. Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/24 dop 30923 040
5. 85/05/30. F ARRAR.D L Commor>

t 30923 043. ZWOLINSKI,JA Operag Reactors Branch

              -8506140542 Rev 0 to Specel Procedure SP 63-8 83 "Proceejre for InstaNaten &
                                                                                                                                   -8506140083 Amends 87 & 80 to Lconses DPR-19 & DP425/espectvesy. revismg Torqueg
  • Commonweath of Bolts &Eeson Threaded Co. Py"Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/24 6pp 30923 044 Tech Specs ni ccorporate GE std hmets on dose equaraient F131 m pnmary coolant a acten statemonts to survey hmits per SEP Tapes VI-7 C 1 & XV-18 30923.049 ZWOLINSKIJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 6. 65/05/30. 27pp. 30932.064-
              -8506140546 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP 81844. Humsety Test Procedure "                                              30932 089.
  • Cw .,,. r. Edson Co.
  • Transnuclear, Inc. 83/08/24- 8pp. 30923 050-
                                                                                                                                   -8606140685 Safety evaluaten supportng Amenos 67 & 80 to Licenses DPR-19 &

30923 057.-- DPR 25fespectwely

               -8506140553 Rev 0 to Specame Procedure SP 83847 "FusitAs Plugs Leakate Test
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/05/30. 3pp. 30932 090-Procedure " 30932 092-
  • Commonweaftn Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/08/25. 9pp. 30923 058-30923 066. 8508170024 Forwards Amends 88 8 81 to Lcenses DPR.19 & DPR-25.

respecevelyAmends revee Tech Spec Table 3 71 to reflect increase m total number

               -8506140558 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP 83448 "Fusable Plug $dcone Seahng                                             of mboard vanes a reactor water cleanup sys trom one to two Apphcanon Procedare "                                                                                               ZWOLINSKl.J A. Opera               Reactors Stancn 5. 85/05/30. F ARRAR.0 L Commark C-. . ,. J '. Edson                 Co.
  • Transnuclear, Inc- 83/08/25. 3pp. 30921087- wealth Edson Co. 3pp. 2.343-30982.353.

30923 069 -8506170020 Amenos 88 8 81 to Lcenses OPR-19 & DPR-25.respechwefy revemeng ' -8506140587 Rev 0 to Spacel Procedure SP 83449." " Procedure for Measunng & Tech Spec Table 3 7.1 to reflect meresse m number of reactor water cleanup sys r> ' Adgusang TN-8/9 LJft Beam sor Proper Cask F4? board wafves from ore to two

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Irc. 83/09/01, 9pp. 30923070- ZWOLINSKl) A. Operanng Reactors Branch 5,85/05/30, 7pp. 30982 348-30982.353 30923 078. 8506170110 Forwards Amends 89 & 82 to Lcenses DPR-19 & DPR25 respectively &


               -8606140577 Rev 0 to Spooal Procedure SP 83-10105, "TN4/9 Contamment Sys                                                safety evaluahon Amorde revee Tecn Specs to impose more strmgent survestance re-Leekage Test Procedure Permec Vanfcabon."                                                                                           s on ese of economic generaten control sys.
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear, Inc. 83/10/21. 14pp. 30923079- INSKlJ A. Operanng Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30. FARRAR.DL Commore weefth Eeson Co. 3pp. 30974 043-30974 055.

30923 092.

                -8606140581 Rev 0 to Spacel Procedure SP 8310L109. " Load Test Procedure for T4                                     -8506170123 Amends 89 & 82 to Lconses DPR 99 & DPS25/espectively, impoemg 8/9 Laf Lithng Sys?                                                                                                  strcter survedlance regurwnents on use of econome generaten control sys
  • C .. . n Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear. Inc. 83/10/28 8pp 30923 108- ZWOLINSKlJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30. Opp. 30974 048-30974 053.

30923 111,- i

                                                                                                                                    -8606170133 Safety evalua'mn supportmg Amends 89 4 82 to Lcenses DPR-19 &
                -8506140697 Rev 0 to Specel Procedure SP 83-11 111. " Spent Fuel DPR-25fespectvely.
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.
  • Transnuclear, Ire. 83/11/04. 9pp. 23 112-
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector. 85/05/30 2pp 30974 054-30923 120. 30974 055.
                -8606140001 Rev 0 to Spacel Procedure SP8310110. " Test Procedure for Verifce-                                       8500070624 Advises of no adverse finengs. based on revow of proposed Tech Specs Shield Effectiveness?                                                        amend re contammoni monsors,per Genenc Lir 83-38 aan of TN-9 Pack                                                                                                    PARKER,MC. Ithnoes. State of. Dept. of Nuclear Safety 85/08/03 DENTON,H R Commonwealth E                          Co.
  • Transnuclear, Inc. 83/11/01. 8pp. 30923 121 Offze of Nuclear Reactor Regdebon, Oractor.1p. 30755.349 30755 349 30923.128.

_ _ _ . - . . . _ . . , _ . . , . - . , - . , , - - . -- .,s. . , - - , _...--,,.,_,-._7_r._-,.,, . _ . ,

DOCKETEDITEMS 31 8506100161 Forwards request for ade mfo to Genenc LW 6449 cr4ena on recombmer 8505200181 IE Info Notre 85442. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge capabihty requrements of 10CFR50 44(cN3Hk). based on review of 840625 response TLD Elements" Svc het encl to genenc Itr Response requested wem 45 days. JORDAN.E L Omson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post ZWOLINSKI.J A Operating Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/04. FARRAR.D L Common. 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.120pp 30852 245 wealth Eeson Co 3pp. 30791267 30791289. 30852 363 0506140044 Respoeds to requests for addl mfo re item 1.1 of Genene Lir 83-28. Item 6505200107IE Info Notes 85443. "Radogaphy Events at Power Reactors." Svc het t t re post.tnp review E 1enson wanted by Boumia for LaSalle County Statiort enct ALEXANDER.G Commonwealth Eeson Co.85/06/05.DENTON.H R. Offee of Nucle- JORDAN.E L Divoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenna Response (Post er Reactor Regulabon, Director 3pp. 3089411530894117. 830103) 85/05/30 Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc f20pp. 30864167 30864 287. ) 8506100504 Summary of 850522 meeeng e/utd.Gdbert Assoc & Bechtel/SERCH re piacement of hquid propane tanks onsite for use w/ proposed mobde voi reduction 8505200195 tE Info Notice 85444 " Emergency Communcation Sys Montrey Test." Svc i sys Attendees bst enct hat enct GILBERT,R A Operatng Reactors Branch 5 85/08/07, Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. JORDAN.E L Dmoson of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse (Post 5pp. 30793 096-30793100. 830103) 85/05/30 Consoboated Edson Co. of New Y . Irc 21pp 30864 045-30864.186. 4506260739 Forwards safety evaluanon on contamment isolaton dependabdity by dem-j onstraton of contamment purge & vent vaNo operabdityInfo submitted to date does 8500040540 Ack recept of 850422 Itr mformm0NRC of steps taken to correct noncom.

 ,            not demonstrate abdity of varves to close dunng LOCA.                                                                             Dhance noted m insp Repts 50010/8503. 50237/8547 & 54249/8506 Seventy THOMPSON.H L Diveson of Lcenomg 85/06/17. FARRAR.DL Commonweenh                                                                   level v violanon to compensatory measures vand & appropnate Edson Co dop.31227 273-31227284                                                                                                   AXELSON.W L Regen 3, Omco of Drector. 85/05/31 REED.C Commonweem r                                                                                                                                               Eeson Co. 2pp. 3M98 017-30698 019
           -4506260745 Safety evaluaton to demonstranon of contamment purge & vent I            coerabihty Sutputted mfo fads to osmonstrate that valves have absty to close agLap                                           - 8500040546 Forwards response to NRC 850326 Itr te noncomphance noted m insp of pressure n event of DBA/LOCA from fus open possten.                                                                 Repts      50-010/8503.50-237/8507         8      54 249/85 06.       Second     volaton No Detaded Affikanon Gm85/06/17. 8pp. 31227.277-31227 284                                                            mappropnate Response wehold (ref 10CF R 73 21)

FARRAR.O L Commonwearth Edson Co 85/04/22. KEPPLER.J G Repori 3. Office 8505250121 Advises that 840917.1219.0804 & 850803 responses to Generc Lir 84-13 of Drector. tp,30698 011M10698 019 b SK .J Oper weam Eenon Co 2pp 3 80 142-31180 143. actors anch 5 / 1 R Commom 8500000677IE Info Notco 85045. "Potenhal Seesmc interacton involvmg Movab6e Ir> Core Fluu U Sys Used n Westeghouse Designed Plants " Svc het anci. JORDAN.E L of Emergercy Preparedness & E Response (Post 850627000e Advises that Revs 33.34 & 35to CA Toccal Rept CE.1-A satsfy requre. 830103). 85/06/06. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 22pp. 30864.286-ments of App B 1010CFR50 Changes to Secton 7 resolve quesnons to procurynent 30865 046. PE SARD.R L 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/21. REED.C C-. _ 8508140244 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50237/84 27 & 50249r8513 on 641221-Esson Co 2pp 3 287 31235 288 850430 & rence of votanort HARRISON.JJ< Region 3. Offce of Orector 85/06/06. REED.C Commonwealth 6505290013 Forwards Ainends 90 & 83 to Lcensen DPR-19 & DPR 25. respectvely & Eeson Co. 2pp 30su 08130894114 s h Spec ed Lir 3 -8506140249 Notre of veoistion from map on 841221850430. i ZWOUNSxilA. OperatqReactors Branen 5 85/06/24 FARAAR.D L Common. HARRISONJJ Regon 3.Othce of Drector 85/06/06. 2pp 30894 083-30894 084.

 ;            weam Edson Co. 3pp. 31n3 07k31253137.
                                                                                                                                           ~4506140267 snap Repts $4237/84-27 & 50 249/8513 on 841221450430 Volahans I
           -4506200029 Amends 90 & 83 to Lcenses DPR-19 & OPR-25,respectively, aden0 g,,,g,                                                    noted madequate OC msp of morhfied pgang suspenson sys & inaderwate design re-W
              '"U                        [gN & sunteeance mourynents to M Specs W nus m.                                                       Q,[yU            E     .J     AN E        D Region 3. Off ce of Drector. 85/06/05.

INSKI.J A Operahng Reactors eranch 5. 85/08/24. Sipp 31253 078 23pp. 30894 08&30894.H4. 31253 134 8606140610 Forwards Safety insp Rept50 237/8516 on 6504f14503 & notce of vo.

           -4        2000                   evaluation supportog Amends 90 & 83 to Lcenses DPR-19 &                                            b*

gggRISON.J J. Regon 3. Office of Drector 85/08/08. REED.C Commonweanh

  • Offce of Nuclear Peactor Regulaten. Drector 85/06/24 3pp. 31253 135 Edson Co. 2pp 30897 205-30897.216
                                                                                                                                           -elos140612 Nohce of violaten from mac 'm 6504114503 HARRISON.JJ Regen 3. Offce of Dreclar 85/06/06 2pp 30897.207-30897 208.

O. Inspection reports. IE Bunetins & correspondence 4506140615Inso Rept $4237/8516 on 8504114503 hW e noted faslure lo fonow procedures for norrnal startup, surveeance.lesang activihes & OA 1 6506140003Further response to FOIA request tar eight categones of documents te nu- RESCHE SME.P R . RING.M A. Region 3. Othee of Drector 85/06/06. 8pp. I clear spent fust transportanon Forwards App C documents App C & selected App D 30897.209 30897 218. . documents also evadaose m PDR App D Documents 6 & 6-12 for sale by NRC & GPO- l FELTON,J M Divison of Rules and Records 85/01/29 MILLAR,F. Envronmental 8600000707IE Into Nobce 85-046 "Clanhcate of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- I Pokey institute. topp 30919 003-30919 043-enactve Surface Contammaton Lmr* for Transport Packages." Svc het oncI 1 JORDAN.E L Drvesson of Emergency preparedness & E Response (Post j -4506140455 Discusses reevaluation of West Valley spent fuel practces.per 830103) 85/06/10. Conschdatad Eesin Co. of New Y . Inc. 24pp 3t043 301-4 Greenman 840208 memo re changes e Region I inspector coverage a co* 31044 064. ] bnue to be mcident free inspectors not espatched for 840704 Stupment CECOkt?. GREENMAN E.G Region 1. Offce of Drector 64/07/16. STAROSTECKl.R. Regen $506180200 Forwards update on actnnbes at IE Bunenn 8143. " Flow Blockage of Cod

1. Offee of Drector 2pp. 30923 003-30923 004 mg Water to Safety Sys Components by Cartacuse & Myteus" As commitments sabe.

fied w/eweepten of vacuum dredn scf aduled for compiehon by 85070t ) 8506100044 Responds to NRC850228Itr te votatens noted m insp Repts50-010/84- ALEXANDER,G Cynmonwealth lem Co 85/08/10.DE NTON.H.R. Othce of Nucle-j 20.50-237/84-26 8 50-249/84-23 Corrective actons Acton item Records OP 16- ar Reactor Regulation. Drector 3pp 30h76 023-30976 025 51.OA commitments & open NRC noncomphances wiH be added to Commitment tst. FARRAR.D L Commonwealth Eeson Co 85/04/08 KEPPLER.J G Regon 3. Office 3306210215 Ack receipt of 850528 ftr meur NRC of steps taken to correct noncon-of Drector 3pp 3079130430791307. formance noted m insp Rept50-237/8514 to relocese sphces & correcten of I false staternent n 850313 summary conadered appropnele to resolve issue 1 4505130027 Suppt 1 to IE Info Notce 64-55, " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc hst enct HARRISON.JJ. Ragon 3. Othee of Drector. 85/06/14 REEDA Commonwealth l JORDAN E L Divisma of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Edson Co. Ip.31026 348-31026 353. i 830103) 85/05/14 Consondated Edson Co of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044 065- ! 31044 171. ~4508210256 Responds to NRC 850429 Itr re velations noted e insp Rept 54237/85 14 Correceve actons specdic wort anstructons covenng cable sphcng & mstanahon of i 050513003s Suppi 1 to IE Info Nance 45 020. Motor Operated VaNo Fa4ures Due to mod issued by maint statt engmaer Hammanng Effect " Svc hst enct FARRAR.D L Commonwealth Edson Co. 85/05/28 kEPPLER.J G. Regon 3. Offee JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post ot Drector. 5pp. 31026 349-31028 353 830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 31044172-31044 278. 4906240100 Forwards insp Repts 50 237/8421 & $0 249/8517 on 850521-23 & nobce i of volaten. l ganananmaa Responds to NRC 850418Itr re volabons noted m insp Repts50-237/85- PAPERIELLO.C.J. A 3. Offce of Drector 65/06/17. REED.C Commonwealth 10 & 50 249/8549 Correchve acbons. affected HPCI volves m Urut 3 returned to svc Eeson Co. 2pp. 31 138-31080 147.

              & svc water supply valves to HPCI room cooiers locked open in Mar 1985.

F ARRAR.D L Co. .. Z. Eeson Co. 85/05/20. KEPPLERJG. Regen 3. Offce -460s240102 Nobce of violaton frorn map on 85052123 of Drector. 7pp 30708 266-30708 272. PAPERIELLO.C.J Regon 3. Offee of Dractor. 85/06/17. tp 31080140-31080.140 8505200$00 IE Info Nohce 85439. "Austabshty of Elecincal FcNipment Quahfcanon -e50s240105Insg. Repts 50-237/85 218 50-249/8417 on 850521-23,29 8 0805 Vola-Records at Licensees Facihbes." Svc 6st oncl. ton noted fashse to include quennhos of H-3. C 14.TC 99 & 6129 on manifests of shp JORDAN.E.L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post monts to land esposal facihtees 830103) 85/05/22. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.106pp 30831258- ROZAK.S., HALTIMAN.R B. SCHUMACHER.M C, Repon 3. Offre of Drector 85/ 30837 363. 06117. 7pp. 31060.t4131060-147. 6606200000 #E Info Noece 84040. "Defcsencies m Equipment Ouanncaban Testn0 4 8508140240IE Irdo Notco 8%47 "Potental Effect of Lane-incksced Operaten on Car. Certshcaten Process." Svc trat enct tain Target Rock Solenond-Operated Valves." Syc bat once. JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post JORDAN.E L DNison of Emergency Preparochess & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22 Consondated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 06pp. 30848186- 830103) 85/06/18 Consondated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 34pp. 31268157-30848 27t. 31268 304 i i i _ -. - . . , . . - - - - . . . ,. -~ - - . - . ...m... _ . - . - _ . _ - - ,-- _, _..____ _ -. - ,. . - - , . _ .

32 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506140630 IE Info Nonce 85448. Resprator Users Notce.Defectrve Self.Contamed DOCKET 50 244 ROSERT EMMET GINNA NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 Breathmg Apparatus Ae Cyhnders" Svc kst enct JORDAN.E L Deveon of Emergency Preparee,ess & E Response (Post 830103L 85/06/19 Conscautated Edson Co. of New Yor . Inc. 23pp. 31376 064- F. Securtty, meecal, emergency & fire protect 6on p6ane 31378.183. 8508110391 Summary of850514-17 moetegs w/unl.LLL & ARD Corp m Ontano,NY re 8606250121 Advmes that840917.1219.0804 & 850603 responses to Genanc Lir 64-11 DCRDR m-progress auet Let of attendees & viewgraphs encs re 8GSCC acceptable Pipmg mac & replacement plan meet genenc str MILLER.C Opera Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/05. Opwatog Reactors Branch 5 ZWOLINSKlJA Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/08/19 FAR .D L Commo* 52pp. 30817:182- 17 233. weeMh Eeson Co. 2pp. 31180'142-31180143 8508210309 Revened emergency mio plan W/850614 Itr KOBER.R W. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 85/06/14. MURLEY.T E. Regen 1 R. Portoec operating reports & related correspondence Othce of Drector 17pp. 31035135-3 035151. 4606240047 Monthly atog repts for May 1985 W/850601 lir. TT.DJ. Commonwealth Edson Co. 85/05/31. I t 9pp. L Financ6ellrformanon MAXWELLD C 31204 027 31204 145 8503210199 Advises that fmanoal info for 1985. submitted w/850205 ler, sabsfes re-ouvements of 10CFR140 21 re mantammg approved guarantee of payment of de-Sw Reportabte cocurrences. Lefts & reisted correspondence ferred premiums for each reactor over 100 MWe SALTIMAN.J. Assistant Drector for State & Lcennes Rolanons 85/03/08 g--nam Forwards antten rept & safety evaluaten for hsted occurrences.per Com Rhw Gas & EW W 4 N Mm8N 'i frmatory Acton Lir 8544 re mem steam ime snubber morntonng sys. SCOTT.D.J. Commonwealth Edson Co.85/05/18.KEPPLER J G. Regen 3. Offre of P. Opwenne scense stage docurnwiu a c- ' _ --e Drector. 3pp. 30700 344-30700-344. 8506130045 Partial response to FOiA request for all documents to NRC procedures for i 8800040000 LER 85422 00 on 850502.urut manualty scrammed to avoid exposwig con- detecten a control of alcohot & megal drug use by persons engaged m bidg or const densate dommerakrers to fugh tempred by H2 & O2 recombmeten upstream of 9 nuclear reactors or fachbes Forwards App A documents otrose chamber W1850517 ltr FELTON.J M Omson of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH.SJ Washmgton [ COIN.R . SCOTT.DJ C-~. - Edson Co. 85/05/17. 3pp. 30709 358 8.agal Foundanort 55pp 30937.047-30937157. 3070t360. 8500040253 LER 8542000cn 850424 HPCI steam kne twgh flow solaten alcohol abuse to specif c bc not pr ed F A Pnv survemance.HPCI varve 2301-H faded to c . Caused by erty breaker auxeary Concens oww precedent apmssed shems ecl SHOM R * " OJ SCOTT.DJ -

                                                                            - Eeson Co. 85/05/21. 3pp.              g,n,i         a                                              70pp.30937 0                             ##                       D##

0500070134 LER 8502140cn 850503.thnng shutdown.two reactor scrams occurred of safefy & valves. per N R 73 .1 M from ritermedate range morators 13 & 15 retu condmon Caused by spunous ramo re. h analyse med in 1973 useg conservaeve assurnphons peater . Relocahon of rado repeaters rubated W/850528 ltr KOBER.R W ter Gas & Elecinc Corp 85/05/24 ZWOLINSKLA. Operatmg JACK .R., 5COTT.DJ C - _ . Eeson Co. 85/05/28 3pp. 3080029t' Reactors Branch 5. 20pp 30703149-30703168 30800.293. 850003041s Forwards rewmed Tech Spec pages & safety evaluanon to apphcaten for 3608110007 LER 8542340on 850502.radanon morwtor scram a isolanon funcbonal amend to License DPR-18 Amend deletes mfo re deervbon of hot criannel pertormed & full scram occurred when channel man steam kne redanon morwtor f actors Arnend unnecessary test,pped De Caused by spunous tip agnal of charmel morwtor C W1850530 ftr ZWOUNSKI.J A. Opwa Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30 KOOER.R W Rochester MOY.M . SCOTT.DJ C- - - Edson Co. 85/05/29 3ep. 30832176- Gas & Elecinc Corp app 78 051-30678 056 30832 178.

                                                                                                                 -4500030421Salsty evaluanon                             amend to Luranse DPR-18 4606120117 LER 8542440on 850505APRM Channel 1 lnoperable dunng
  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor anon, Drector 85/05/30. 2pp 30678 055-change Caused by persormel error Mode eastch placed m run poenon to make M 30678 056 channel operaDie W/850603 Itr WOJTUltwsC2.T. SCOTT,DJ Commonwealth Eeson Co. 85/06/03. 3pp. 8506130272Aenses that 850313 proposed Tech Spec change unsupported by proper 30857:180'30857.182. sushfcaten of proposed afternapve to requrement of havmg charec al fdter sys m op-ersten wNie movmg fuel m spent fuel pool Appicaten dermed.

4600170221 LER 85426 00 on 850518.wrwie tesang control valve CV-3, reactor scram ZWOLINSKI.J A Opera Reactors Branch 5. 85/05/30 KOBER.R W. Rochester occurred thad by fadure of 10% open kmd owitch Sentch & coritiecang rod Gas & Electnc Corp 2pp. 313-30866.318 replaced Crcuit tested operable W/850603 Itr LuALEK.J F. SCOTT,DJ Co.-~. . _". Eeson Co. 85/06/03. 3pp 30973147- -4606130229 Safety evaluanon suppornng dermal of apptcanon for deleton of require-30973 149 ment for operaton of charcoal filter sys dunng handhng of treested fuel assembhos m aum6ary 8000170206 LER 85425 00 on 850508.drywes sump pumpdown not performed. Caused

  • Omco of leer Reactor Reguisbon, Drector 85/05/30. 2pp. 30866 315-by fadure of alarm due to computer software protdems Pumpdown performed & pro- 30866 316.

Gram revised Wt050605 ter -460e130233 Notre of dermal of apphcaten for amend to Lcense DPR-18 8 opporturm LEAHY.M . SCOTT.DJ C .~... ~^ Eeson Co. 85/06/05. 3pp. 30972.335-ty for he re request to delete requrement for operaton of charcoal feier sys wride 30972 337 moved to aussary bidu fuse as

             $606200102 Docusses Confrmatory Acton Lir 8544 re man steam Ene snubber morm                            PAULSON W A. Operatmg Reactors Granch5. 85/05/30. 2pp. 30866 317 30866 318 tonng sys Lated occurrences idenefied durmg reparang penod Wntten rept & safety                   6804240387 Forwards Rev to to OA program for staten operaten, mcorporanng evaluanon tw each occurrence enct                                                                     changes to corporate & Engmeenng Dept orgarwaren charts due to reestabbstwnent SCOTT.D.J. Co.. .~. .. r Eeson Co. 65/06/12. KEPPLER,J G. Regon 3. Omco of Drector 3pp. 31256.334-31256 336.                                                                    of crust orgneer posten below vce prendent posmon ROBERT.R W. Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 65/06/05 MURLEY,T E. Regen 1 Ofhce of Drector. tp.31202 031-31202 092.

V. Operator E - - - -8806240373 Rev 10 to OA progam for stanon operaten.

  • Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.85/06/30. 6tpp. 31202 032 31202.092 4606100500 Adases that lud operaton of SPDS & trarung of operators curr sche $

used for Aug 1985.un response to640612conarmatory order to Suppl 1 to EG- 3606110540 Forwards safety evaluanon to TMt Acton item M K.3 30. outhnmg Commm-0737.Ade hardware needed gen requyements tar Industry to comonstrate Smag bresh LOCA rnethods Response RYBAK.B. Co.... . '". Edson Co 85/05/31 DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Re' schedule requested wdhm 60 days actor Regulanon, Drector. Ip.30793 307-30793 307. ZWOUNSKI.J A Operatri 5. 85/06/06 KOBER.R W. Rochester Gas & Eisctnc Corp 9pp. Jus tg_ Reactors255.

                                                                                                                                                       $ 247-30815                  Branch DOCKET 50 243 OREGON ST ATE UedfV. RESEARCH REACTOR                                                  se06120301 Forwards Amend 4 to Lcense DPR-18 & safety evaluanon. Amend wdl bnng Tech Specs mio conformance w/10CFR5012,50 73 & 50 de reportmg & ecpap-ment quakhcaten regurements.

F. Security, medical, emergoney & stre protect 6en piene ZWOLINSKI.J A Opero Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/07. KOBER.R W. Rochester i Gas & Electre Corp 2pp. 50.114-30850 140 i 8008110404 Forwards Safeguards inep Rept 50L243/85 02 on 850520-22 No noncom- -4008130315 Amend 4 k konse DPR-10 m Tch Spm Wo contamenu W phence noted Maps areas protectonxbeng proceens & meer- 10CFR50 72.50 73 4 50 49 85/06/07. 22pp. 308 6 6 4 T L Omco of 85/ /07. SMITH.C.V. Oregon $y3fA Operann0 Reactws Branch 5. State Urvv., Carvalks, OR.1p. 30816.t 97-30816.197

                                                                                                                  ~49612032t Safety evalustWri                            Amend 4 to teense DPR-18 of Nuclear Reactor                     non, Drector. 85/06/07. 3pp. 30850.136-IE N & 6                                                                               g 8806110404 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept54243/8542 on 850520 22 No norme                             9506100017 Forwards proposed Tech Spec chan0es allowng for storage of consohdat-al prosecton.rclueng procedures a meer-        ed fuel per 850227 apoecanon for amend to Lcense DPR.(8 Secten 311.3 revised &

prence noted Mapor areas mopected Secnon 311.5 re restncton of spent fuel stupping cask deleted pews w/ sonnet Rept withhold R2 790 8 73 til INSKI.J A Operanng of Drector 85/06/07. SMITH,C.V. Oregon KOBER.R W Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 05/06/10. MONT ERY J L Repon 5. Reactors Branch 5. f p. 30976 209'30976 211. State Unrv , Carvalho, OR f p.30816 197-30816 197.


   -8606100021 Proposed Tech Spec changes.reve*0 $8c80'i 3113 & deletmg Sectum                   4506200278 Ack receipt of 850510 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatums 3115 re restnction on spent fuel sNppmg cash handimg w/aummary badg crane to                  noted e insp Rept 50-244/8545 Tecfwucal lusaficaten provided for accepeng modi.

apow tor storage of consondated fuel. fled spent fuse racks t ased on tests portormed wrioed cens acceptable ,

  • Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp.85/06/10. 2pp 30976 210-30976 211, EBNETER.S D Regon 1. Omco of Uroctor 85/06/11 KOBER.R W Rochester Gas 1 & Electnc Corp 2pp. 31006 092-31000 096 4606240190 Forwards response to Genert Lir 85-02 to resolve unresolved safety assues to steam generator tube meegnty 6506140240IE Info Notice 85 047. "Potenhai Effect of Leeinduced Operaten on Car-MOBER.R W. Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp 85/06/17. ZWOLINSKI.J A. Operstm9 tam larget Rock Soaonced. Operated vanes." Svc hat anci Reactors Branch 5.13pp. 31060195-31060 207, JORDAN.E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8606250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results frorn regional swvey of plant-sps- $ 85/M8 Conschdated Edson Ca of New Yors. Inc- 34pp. 31268157-cdc mio to potennal for uncontromed radalen empoewes m VvvR cavities.per JG Part-Y J s Othce Omco and Enforcement. 85/06/18 4506140636 IE Info Nonce 85448. "Resprator Users Nohce Defectrve Self Contamed MURLEY,7 E. Repon 1. Othee of Drector. 9pp 31211322 31211.330. pE of Pr &E Response (Post l

8606240266 Forwards Amend 5 to Ucense DPR-18 4 safety evaluanon. Amend revises 830103). 85/06/19. Conachdoted Edson Co. of New Yors, 23pp 31376.064-second 10.yr meerval start dates of Oussty Groups A,B & C programs to meervice map 31376 183-i SKl.JA Opera Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19. KOBER,R W Rochester 8506240244 Forwards Amend 5 to Ucense DPR-18 & se evaluanon. Amend revees Gas & Elecinc Corp. 3pp 1061.181 31061 190. second 14yr eterval start dates of Quakty Groups A.B progame to meervice insp procram.

   -8606240271 Amend 5 to Lcense DPR.18Jewisen0 second 14yr eterval start dates of                  2WDUNSKI.J A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19 KOGER.R W Rochester Quassey Groups A.B & C to meennce eso program.                                                Gas & Electnc Corp. 3pp. 31061181-31061190.

ZWOUNSKI.J A Operstm0 Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19 Spp 31061.164-31061188

   -8606240277 Safety evaluahon                                                                  -0506240271 Amend 5 to Ucense DPR-18/evemg second 14yr meerval start dates of Arnend 5 to Uconse DPR-18                            Quanty Groups A.B & C to sneervice map program e of Nclear Reactor eguishon, Cirector 65/06/19. 2pp. 31061.184                       2WOUNSKl.J.A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/19 5pp. 31061184-31061188 8606200007 Forwards Amend 6 to Ucense DPR-18 & safety evaluanon. Amend                       4608240277 Safety manuaten suppareng Amend S to Lacense DPR.18 changes Tech Specs by relaxmg res1nctons on auneary bidg crane eavel when non-Omco of Nuclear Reactor RegAanon, Drector 85/06/19 2pp 31061 189-feavy load eensporwd.                                                                         31061 190.

ZWOLINSKI.J A. Operagng Reactors Branch 5 85/06/25. KOBER.R W Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp 3pp. 31258 t9431256 207 R. Portosto operating reports & reisted _. ,; .Re

   -8606200012 Amend 6 to Ucense DPR-18. char 9ng Tech Specs by reiamno restnctions ZWOL SI          Operanng Re tors anc 5            /06              31256 202-31256 205-96000 14 F AnA E Rochester s E                               8 04/ 9       e of Resource Mark
   -8606200016 Safety evaluanon supportng Amend 6 to Ucense DPR-18                                  agement, Drector.1p 30800136-30800143.
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regutanon, Drector 85/06/25. 2pp 31256 206 31256 207 -4800070620 Revised montrwy operstmg rept for Mar 1985.

MCNAMARA AE. Rochester Gas a Elecinc Corp 85/03/31. to 30800137 30800:137,

    & inspection reporta,IE Sutetine & correspondence 1
                                                                                                 -8600070522 Forwards montNy operstmg rept for Mar 1985 0506130027          1 to IE Irdo Nohce 64 55, " Seal Table Leeks at PWRs." Svc hst enct         SNOW BA Rochester Gas a Electnc Corp 85/04/14 Othee of Resotace Manage-JORDAN.E L               of Emergency Preparedness & E                   Response (Post       ment, Drector.1p. 30800138-30800143.

830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New Yor . Inc. 07pp 31044 065-31044 171- -4600070626 tmg rept for Mar 1985 a^ ^ '- o-

  • 5- c='a
    .60613003. S., i to wo - 85 Hammenng Effect" Svc bei enCI.
0. Motorope,ated vaNo ,aA,es Du. to
                                                                                                    =3                                                               a'    5aa ' = $

JORDAN.E L Dnneen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

              ) 85/05/14 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Yor , anc. 07pp 31044172-                                                    LERe & reickd cerenpondence 5.

8606200600 IE Info Nonce 85-039. "Austabety of Elecincal E wipment Ouehfication se00240293 FOIA roguest for Repts WASH 1520.WASn740.1964 update of WASH-Records at Ucensees Faceties." Svc not once- 1250 & US AEC lut>19-302 plus as records re 610103 accident at SL 1 reactor in JORDAN E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Idaho & 1982 incsdent et facsisty evolveg tube leaking 830103). 85/05/22. Consondated Edson Co of New York, Inc.106pp. 30837 258- MARKUS.AC. Aff&ehon Not Assegned 85/03/15. NRC No Detailed Afhkanon Geven. 30837.363. 2pp. 31157 334-31157 335 8605200000 E Info Nohce 85440 Dehcencies in Equipment Ouanhcaten Tasang & 660624030s Responds to FOIA request for documents re610103 accedent at SL-1 re-actor in Idaho.1982 ovcit et facety. WASH-1520. WASH-740 & WASH 1250 & L S-1 ) 50 30648 2h ed b New Y 8 Mf 62 mpt h evastaus in M & US-ENW eve et FELTON,J M Dnneson of Rules and Records. 85/04/01 MARKUS.A CL Amheten Not 6605200101 IE Info Notice 85442, " Loose Phosphor n Panasonac 800 Senes Badge Assegned 2pp. 3H57.3M31157 337. TLD Elements " Svc bat once. JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 6600030200 of operstmg reactors events 850515 meetng Olv drectors or ret > 830103) 85/05/29 Conschdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 2Cpp. 30652 245 resentaeves on events occumne smco 650507meseng Assignment of fonow-30652 363. up review responseekties secussed Attendance het once. CRUTCHFIELD.D. Assestant Drector for Safety Assessment 85/05/22. 9006200187 IE trdo Notco 85443. "Radography Events et Power Reactors" Svc het THOMPSON H L Dnneson of Lacensmg.18pp 30708 021-30708 038 enct JORDAN.E L Dnnten of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8608200160 LER 85-01240 on 850506.two contamment charcoal fitters & fan cooters 8301031 85/05/30. Consondated Eeson Co. of New Y . Inc. 20pp. 30864167- escovered inoperable under large tweak LOCA constone Caused try flood fogowm0 30864 287 refuehng water storage tare mio contamment W/850804 ler. SCHULER,T R , Kot3ER.R W. Ror ter Gas & Electnc Corp. 85/06/04. 4pp.

 . 6606200195 IE Info Notce 85-044, " Emergency Communicanon Sys MontNy Test " Svc                 31020 344-31020 347.

ast anci JORDAN.E L Dnneen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post D608170302 LER 6441141 on 840028 41011.controf rod poemon indcaton sys made 630103) 85/05/30. Consondated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 2tpp. 30864 045" inoperatWe for correctrve ment at + 13 VDC power cacutinop revealed loose suppfy 30864 186. socket Wmng & connectors replaced W/850608 ler 3600040236 Forwarde Insp Rept 54244/85 06 on 8503014430 No violabons noted. E 3097 7' 7- 9'

  • W COLLINS.S.J. Reqpon t. Omco of Drector 85/05/30 KOBER.R W Rochester Gas &

Elecinc Corp. 2pp. 30701003-30701021.

    -4000040243 Insp Rept 50-244/8548 on 8503014430 No volabons noted Masor                      DOCKET 64245 telLLSTO8eE feUCLEAR POWER STATIO98. UNf71 areas mspectedpiant acevees dunng annual refusang cutage & toutmo power opershons.survemence lesang plant meet & reactor tre breater mod LIMROTH,D F., LINVILLEJG. Regen 1, Office of Drector. 85/05/28 17pp.                      F. Securtty, meencai, emergency & fire protection piene 30701.005-30701 021.

4600000877IE Info Notco 85445, Potenbal Soestruc Interacton involving Movable Ir> 0806110436 Forwards Rev 0 to physacal secunty plan Rev withhead (ref 10CFR73 21 & Core Flus M Sys Used m Westnghouse Designed Plants" Svc hat encf. 2 79 @ JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear Enerow Co (subs of Northeasl Ubirbesl OPEKA.J F. 630103) 85/06/08 Consolwfated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 22pp. 30864 288 Northeast Uhhtes 65/05/31 YOUN5 BLOOD,8 J Ucensmg Branch 1. MURLEY,T E, 30865 046. Regon 1, Omco of Drector 3pp. 30816 309-30816 311 3000000707IE Info Nonce 85446, "Clanhcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Re- 9606110200 E . plan onplementmo processes.meludng Rev 7 to EPtP 4211 re soacsve Steface Contammanon Laruts for Transport Packages" Svc het once. or>caN proce&se & 6 to EPip 4215 re Urut 1 stack & contamment er post acck JORDAN,E L Dnneson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post dont samphng Emer plan . , _ __J , procedures Mdeu enci W/850806 Itr 830103) 85/06/10. Coneohdeted Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 24pp. 31043 301 HE RBERT N , OPE .J . Northeast Nuclear Enerow Co (stbs of Northeast UtAhos) 31044 064 OPEKA,J A Northeast Ubbties 85/08/06.12tpp 3D808 220 30808 340

                                                              - _ _ _ - -                  __  -           .-         -,                      _ _ . . - . _ _ _                  _,            -.--n

__ . . _ . . . . _ m _. . . _ m = m - -_ b 34 DOCKETEDITEMS

                     $506210300 Forwards Safety inep Rapts 50 245/0510 $ 50 336/8513 on 650325-                                               8506140449 Responds to NRC 850417 request tot subtruttal of plans for demonstratmg 0513 No vectanon noted Recogn of ute 850402.04 & 26Itre re moues useritsfled durmg                                    adequacy of contamment pressure / temp prof 4es used tar electrcal equipment ermron esps ack Adt1 followup ad occur dunry routme snap-                                                                          hfcaten Ad. equacy already demonstrated Requests response typ650731.
<                         WENZINGERf C. Regon I, Offre at practor 85/06/t7. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nu.                                                   KAJ F., SEARS.C F. Northeast Nucsear Energy Co (subs of Northeast Uhhties) clear Energy Co. (siAss. of Northeast Uthtiest 2pp. 31031263-31031274                                                 OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utst es 85/06/11. ZWOUNSKI.J A Operanng Reactors Branch 5. 3pp 30898 329-30898 331.
                     ~4508210375 Safety insp Repts50-245/8510 & $0 336/8513 on 850325-0513 No vio-t                       tanon noted Maior areas snaper+ert plant operanons, equipment ahyvnent &                                            S$06210243 Forwards seemic adequacy evaluateort of gas hatune control house electr>

q readmess.raeahon protection.physcal secur,ty & fra proteccon. cal equipment anchorage commstled n util850322nr Mods to str9 chart recorder ek SHEDLOSKY,J.T , MC8REARTY.R A., MCCABE.EC RegKm 1. Othee of Drector 85/ strument tack wise be installed by and of 1985 refuseing 06/07. topp. 3103126531031274 OPEKA.J F. Northeast utetma OPEKA.J F_ Northeast Nuc Energy Co (subs. of j Northeast Utstses) 85/06/14 ZWOUNSKI.J A operann0 A**ctor* Branch 5.14pp. 31024 033 31024 046. J. Insurance & Indemnity an6.. e50e27047: Forwards summary of evnetmo events & accident sequences idereed in i .50 0 527F ,wa,d. Endo,,em.,. 4 to MAELu ,onc, Ms52 & Endo,s.mont ,05 to m 'a'*--- ~~~' l EaE"#[.,%'""r#A78%'n75^W"^"*^*""'""* ' d" ,$,' M a~J5W M N O i a 0,.retiri. .cene. .t e .ocurner,te & m _ O. ,r,e,ect.or, e. ,E .u,,et,,,e & ce,,ee,o,, der,ce 4506170077 Responds to FOIA rec >est for records re FIN B4489. "Contamment Leak 4505130027 1 to IE info Notre 64-55. " Seal Table Leeks at PWRs

  • Svc hat encI Rate Testrg Program" & Quados Corp /NRC contracts Forwards e)cuments re FIN JORDANI L of Emergency Preparockiess & Engmeenng Response (Post 94489 Dm:uments aiso evadable m PDR No documents re Ouadres subt to request 830103). 85/05/14 Consondated Esson Co of New vorm. Inc.107pp 31044 065 i FELTONJ M Desen of Rules and Records FIN 84489 85/03/25 3104417t.

REYTBLATT.Z.v. Warren Weson Conego, Swannanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987.036-

,'                        30987 078.                                                                                                          8505130038 Suppl 1 to IE Into Notre 65420, "Motoroperated valve Fa4ures Due to Hammermg Effect* Svc het enct
                     -8210120200 "Contammens Look Rate Testm0 investigations,* progress summary for                                             JC'ADAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Post a                           Sept 1982.                                                                                                           830103) 85/05/t4 Consoledated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.107pp. 31044172-
!                          NAUS.D J Oak Ridge Natenal Laboratory FIN S4489. 82/10/05 ARNOT.O Me-                                                31044 278.

charwcal Engneenng Brancit 3pp 30907.112-30907.114. 8505200590 IE Info Notre 85439. "Austabaty of Elecincal Equipmeni Ouahticaton

                     ~4212010006 Forwards bst of plants for whch leek test repts were selected for review                                       Records at Ocennees FacAtaes" Svc lest encl.

by ORNLleak tesang cntene ed be prepared from revew W/o enci. JORDAN.E L Dmason of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

!                          ARNOT.E G Meenanecal/ Structural E                                Brancft 82/08/18. SHAPAKERJ                        830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y , 6nc. Orlpp 30837 258-1                          Contamment Systerns Brarcet app. 3098 t i e-                        7.121.                                            30837 363.
                      ~4506170201 "Contamment Lost Rate Testmg Investgahons." montNy progress rept                                            8505200000 IE info Notre 85 040. *Denconcies in Ecupment Oua#6caton Testeg &

for Nov 1962 Certdranon Process " Svc hst anci j DOUGAN J R Can Ridge Natenallaboratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07 ARNDT,G Me- JORDAN.E.L DMeson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post chanecal/Structasi Engmeenng Branch. 3pp. 30907.115 30987.117. 830103) 85/05/22 Coneohdated Echson Co of New Yor . Inc. Oepp 30848.166 4 30848 211

                      -850s170416 "Contamment Leon Rate Teshng." mnrdtWy progress rept for Aug 1982 i

DOUGAN.J R Osa Redge National Laboratory FIN 84489 82/08/26 ARNDT.E G. 9505200101 IE Info Nonce 85-042. " Loose Phosphor in Panescruc 800 Senes Badge , Dmeen of Ergneenng Technoaogy epp. 30987.127-30987.132 TLD Elements" Svc het onct. JORDAN.E L DMsort of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post j 0504070287 Rosconde to 850402 request for ses ento re Integrated Safety Assessment 830103) 85/05/29 Cor=*eated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp. 30852 24% Program (ISAP) review Descnp00n of all plant betterment proiects & engmeenng stud- 30852.363. i ses to be mctuded as ISAP review enci OPEKAJ F. Connecacut Yareee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utdmes 8506100427 Dmcusses m' ended apptcations of Onlico ManBo8 concrete anchorslE 85/05/17 GRMES.C.J. Systemshc Evaluanon Progyarn BrancfL tSopp. 30750163 Bunetm 19-02 factor of safety used to cornpensate for uncertaenty a load carrymg ca.

!                          30750:320                                                                                                            petwirty due to Incton between expansson anchor bolt wortge & concrete OPEKAJ F. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear 8506030515 Advises that proposed Tech Spec rows to herute0 overbme for persons pe,                                        Energy Co (sons of Northeast utenest OPEKAJ F Northeast Ut*bes 85/05/29 fornung safety 4ated functione currently under rewww & approvalProposed changes                                      MURLEY,7 E Region 1, Othee of Drector. 4pp 30791145-30791148 we be sutputted by 650630 OPEKA.J F. Connachcut Yankee Asome Power Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nucteer                                            8505200167 IE info Notre 8$443. -Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc het i                           Energ. y Co (subs. of Northeast utstes). OPEKA.J F. Northeast utstes. 85/05/24                                       8"C8
;                          MILLER.J R Operstma Reactors Branch 3 ZWOLINSKl,J A. Operetng Reactors                                               JORDAN E L DMacn of Emergency Preparednese & E                                                 Response (Post 4

Branch S. tp 30679of3-30679023. 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Edson Co of New Y . Inc 20pp. 30864.187-30864 287. 4506120335Appb'cabon for amends to Uconses DPR 8t.DPR.214 DPR 65, ricorporat-4 mg 10CFR50. App i recuarements uno safety Tech Specs 4 ehrrunstrig reed for sepe. 8506200195 tE Info Nonce 85044. " Emergency Communcanon Sys Mon 1Ny fest." Svc rate App B to trenses Fee pani hS nCi

  • OPEKA.J F. Connecbcut Yarmee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuctee, JO'R' DAN.E L DMeson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

, Energy Co (see of Northeest Ut*bes) OPEKAJ F Northeast utstes 85/05/29 830103) 85/05/30 Consondated Edson Co of New Yor . Irc 21pp 30864 045- . ZWOllNSKI.J.A Opera Reactors Branch S. MILLER.J R Operstmg Reactors 30864 180 Branch 3 3pp. 30849077 50.100.

                      -8508120355 Propoemd Tech Specs earrunstmg App B to aconses by incorporetmo                                                                   P * " *#d*** *d
                                                                                                                                                'O'm 'r*w*ip."e'q"uip"m'*en"t adpustmen"ts &'*me'et.*'*'**"'***#d'V***'"'"P'*'8h'*P'

10GFR50. App i recNyemergs

  • Connecteut Yarmee Atomic Power Co.85/0$/31 38 top. 30849 080 30850100. ZWOUNSKI.J A. Operatmg Reactors Branch $ 85/06/05 OPERA.J F Northeast Nu-clear Energy Co. (subs of Northeast Utstes). 3pp. 30815 262-30815 278.

OS06110574 Forwards Amend 102 to Lcense DPR-21 & safety evolusten Amend per. -8606110676 Amend 102 to License DPR 21.pertruttmo reactor operebon w/denerted truts reactor operanon w/demorted reactor contariment drywen er up to 48 h to po reactor contamment eywee for up to 48 h to perform esp.orppment adpustments a y form risp. orppment adpustments a rnamt meant ZWOLINSKlJ A Operatmg Reactors Branch S 85/08/05 OPEKA.J F Nor1heest Nu' i cseer Energy Co, (subs of Northeast Utstes) 3pp 30815 262-3081S 278 - ZWOUNSKl J A. Operanng Reactors Branch S 85/06/05 Ppp. 308 t5 26530895 270 ental e c aNe W

                      -4580110676 Amend 102 to Lcense DPR.21.permttmg reactor opershon w/demerted                                                        gy, reactor contamment eywell for up to 48 h to perform rep                               , ._.. adystments 4            JORDAN.E L                     of Emergency                             edness & E             Response (Poet W

ZWOUNSKI.J A. Opereeng Reactors Branch 6, 85/0e, ,. 7pp 30815 265 30815 270 $ n m. km 22pp 30864 2n

                      -4506110679 Safety eveauseon                              Amend 102 to Lcense DPR21                                     4608100000 Summary of 050521 4

son, Drector 85/08/05. 8pp 30015 271* w/utf 4 BecMel n Bethesda.MD re rococule.

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor outage scheduled to tegn m mid-Oct x815 278 a,an5pipeUstweedof map piene fo.rsnoo.
                                                                                                                                                                       - .,,ende i

SHEAJJ. Operatrq Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/06 Operstmg Reactors Branct) 6. 4608210361 Forwarde esft Rev 7 to OA program topical rept srs review a 4pp. 3079418s 307s4191. , 1 accroval Reason 4 basis for changes oiso enti. Of 6EKA.J F , SEARS.C F. Northeast utenes Service Co. (subs of Northeast Ut*best. gege000707 IE Info Nohce 84048, *Clanhcanon of Several AsperAs of Removable Re- ] i I OPEKA.J F. Northeast Uthbes. 85/06/05 MURLEY.T E. Regiors 1. Othee of Drector- eoectrve surface Contammeten Lenits for fransport Pecsages " Svc het onci Spp 31055 217 31055 3S7 JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post { 830103) 85/06/10. Coneohdeted Eeson Co. of New Yar , Inc, 24pp. 31043 301-

                      -4000210308 Draft Rev 7 to OA                        am topcal rept                                                        31044 064.


  • Noriheest Utinties85/06/05.1 . 31055 222-31065 357, I 0408210300 Forwards Safety inep Repts 5024$/8%10 4 54338/8513 on 850325  !

i seest10252 " Corporate Orgamaton Nucteer incidents Procedure Manual" W/850806 0513 No vio6 anon noled Recept of uts 850402,04 4 26 tirs re meme ajentifed dwmg i ser maps ack Addl ladiowup we occur dunng routmo map I RODGER R, OPFKA.J F Northeast Nuclear Energy Co (sube of Northeast utsbes) WEN 11NGE R,E C. Region 1. Oth:e of Drector 85/06/17. OPE KAJ F. Northeast Num OPE KA,J F. Northeast Utebet 85/08/06. 228pp.10807 227-30808 094. cseer Energy Co. (subs of Northeast Uthment 2pp 31031263 31031274. a i __.,____n _--,.,...--,w,..---,.-r - , . - - .--v-.m.-m., ,---n.-,--r-e -,mr - -- -. -.

                                                                                                                                                               . , - ,          ---.,-m--,.-_,-_-,,~,_-,.-----,-,,,--,,n-                          --mm.      .,vp
                                          -.             -                             _-                                      - - - .                                            -             _                         -= . - -                - --

l DOCKETEDITEMS 35 ! -400021037$ Safety Irep Repts 50-245/85-10 & 50-336/85-13 on 8503254513 No vo- P. Operating floonee stage documents & ~. 2e i sanon reted Maror areas mspected plant operatens.egimpment ahgnment & Negon Othce of Drector. 85/ * [,g,gg, agM n" ' # MCCA .E 3pYp "enTcs p6 aced DR 6506140240IE Irdo Nobce 84047. " Potential Effect of Lee 8nduced Operat on on Car-

                                                                                                                                            *'                         "* '                          ^^              "" ' ""

tam T Roca Scienoid. Operated Vahres." Svc tst enct 3, .307 001 % 720 005 Eb u#t""?ns',iC L'dT.s*on*C"o"T" . ' Yo", "lL""6"p",WM

                                                                       ' '                                 -8==m "*e * =ns~oa a M- ~a M t- DPa-26 & -

posed NSHL determmahan & opporturvty for fear re 770505 recpest to revise 31268.304- Tech Specs to renect provisions consstent w/ ASME .Secton XI 4506210356 Forwards Safety insp Repts50-245/85-11 & 50 336/85-14 on 850415-19 VARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 1, 83/10/17.10pp 30723 040-30723.054.

       & nohce of woianon.Insp of arupment of radmaste conducted on850311 by State of SC resulted m cani             & suspensen of bunal sta pnwieget                                    4506130048Parbal response to FOtA request for at documents to NRC procedures for MURLEY.T E. Regon 1                 e of Drector. 85/08/18 OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuclear                  detecton & contml of sicohol & enegal drug use by perms engaged m bidg or const Energy Co. (subs. of Northeast Uthtiest 3pp 31033.004-31033 025.                                         of nuclear reactors or facebes. Forwards App A documents

', FELTON.JM Dension of Rules and Recordt 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ. Westungton

   -4506210357 Nobce of volation from cap on 85041519                                                           Legal Foundation. 55pp 30937 047 30937157,

] i

  • Regan 1, Orfce of Drector 85/06/18 3pp. 31033 007-31033 009. .
l -8506130386 Responds to tpery re release of portions of Olc of investgations rept to
-8506210368 Insp Repts 54245/85-11 & $0 336/8514 on 850415-19. Vcdaten drug /aicohol abuse to specific tcensees Release not protubited try FOtA or Pnvecy
,      noted.fadure to tonow procedures for receipt msos                                                        Act. Concems over precedent empressed                             worksheets ence SHANBAKY,M M , CLEMONS P, BsCEHOUSE.H, Regon 1. Offce of Drector. 85/06/                                 SHOMAk;R.EC Operanons & Admrustranve                                            82/12/20 LIEBERMAN.J. Re-i       06.15pp. 31033 010 31033 025.                                                                           gional Operations & Enforcement Onnsen. t 70pp. 30937.356 30938.188.

t 8506140636 IE Info Notre 85-348. "Resprator Users Notce Defecbve Self-Contamed 8503250346 R ests renusson of fee for 841119 apphcaban reouestmg rehef from i Breathing Apoaratus As Cyhnders

  • Svc hst once certam ASME regurements enttun 15 devs of receipt of Mr
        .lOROAN E L Dawson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Post                                  MILLER.W.O Leones Fee Management Bianch. 85/03/14 O'TOOLE4 Com 830103L 85/06/19 Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.123pp. 31378 064-                                wealth Edson Co.1p. 29500 232-29500 232.
i. 3137& t83.

, 8506170077 Responds to FCtA request for records to FIN B-0489. "Contamanent Leam i Rate Testeg Program" & Quadron Corp /NRC Contractsforwards documents re FIN i R. Portodic operating reporte & rotated correspondence B4489 Documents also evadacle e POR No documents te Quadres sutil to request. i FELTON J M Dnnson of Rules and Records. FIN B-0489 85/03/25 j $506070051 Monthly operatmg rept for Mar 1985 W/850411 Itr REYTOLATT.2 V. Warren Weson Conego. Swannanos. NC 7pp. 30987.036-NEWBURGH.G, MROCZKA.EJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co Isubs of Northeast 30987 078. 4 Utihbes[ MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Unkt es 85/03/31. 5pp. 30800 316-30800.320 ' -8210120209 "Contamment Leak Rate Testeg investigabons," progress sum for

!                                                                                                                Sept 1982
 !   3. Reportstrie occurrences, LERs & related correspondence                                                   NAUS.D J. Oak Ridge Nahonal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/10/05. ARNDT.G. Me.

chancal Engmeenng Branch. 3pp. 30987.112 30987.114

. 4506130557 Amends 850523 Port 21 rept to include Loctrve Grade 242 as acceptable i      matt into str & str to uni enct                                                                     -8212010006 Forwards hat of plants for wtuch leak test repts were selected for review CUMMiNS B R Henry Pratt Co 85/05/30.KEPPLER.J G Region 3. Omco of Drector                                by ORNL Leak testmg cntens wdl be prepared from rewew W/o enci 3pp. 30891098L30891 108.                                                                                ARNOT.E G MechancauStructural E                                       Branch. 82/08/18 SHAPAKERJ Contamment Systems Branch. 4pp 30987118-                                 7.121.

{ ~4506130573 Part 2i rept re lack cf Locbte on Pratt nuclear enodel valves w/L rrwloroue

.I       operators.per Bechtes 850507 sqr & Defciency Evaluaten Rept 84-101 Actuators t       snould be reinstalled a valves unmg Locate Grades Ay,279 4 277                                     -8506170416 DOUGAN.J ".Contamment R Oak Ridge NanonalLeak Rate             Teshng."

Laboratory FIN moredy 0-0489progress 82/08/21rept lor Aug 1982. ARNOT.E.G. 1 CUMMINS.B R. Hervypratt Co 85/05/23. kEPPLER,J G Region 3. Offee of Orector Divisen of Engmeereg Technology opp 30987127-30987.132. 8pp. 30891.10130891108. f 85060e0024 Forwards safety eva6uanon supportmg Wes smalt bream LOCA 1-model NOTRUMP for use e satisfym0 TMi stem etK 3 30 Lir 83-35 provided DOCKET 50 247 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 2 genenc rescounon of TMI ttom 11 K.3 31. A GA.S A. Opera'mg Reactors Branch 1 85/05/28 O' TOOT.E,J D. Conschdated F. Security, meecat, emergency & fire protection plane

,                                                                                                           8506240216 Responds to NRC 850422 SER on util 831104autmttal re Genenc LW 83 8506250400 Forwards "Insan Pomt Urut 21985 Annual Onli Scenano." for onerte emer-                            28 Item 11. " Post.Tnp Review ' New Admrvstranve Dreceve OAG23, " Post inp j         gencv esercise scheduled Ier 850E05.                                                                     Rewow & Evaluanon Processe." mcorporates NRC recommendanons.

UTOOLE.J D Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 85/03/25. MURLEY,7 E O'TOOLE.J D. Conachdated Edson Co of New York. inc.85/05/29 VARGA.S.A Op-Regen 1, Othee of Drector. 8pp 31198 325 31199 075. eranng Reactors Branch 1. 5pp. 31219 258 31219 282. 0500030536 Responds to850402 request to proude proposed Tech Spec changes to

  • Consondated Eesm "Insan Co.Point of NewUrut York.21985 Annual Irc 85/03/25 103ppOnli Scenano 31198 333 31199 " .075. anpiement Item ilk.312 of NUREG4737 re antcestory reactor inp on turbme trip Results of anatyses & proposed Tern Spec change espected ttS50830 8506240187 Forwards revised Pages 11-13 to Rev " Security Force Trarung & O'TOOLE.J D Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 85/05/m VARGA.S A Op-4 Quahticanon Plan.Insan Point Urvts 1 & 2 ~ ersteg Reactors Branch 1.1p 30679142 30679142.
 ,       SELMAN.M Consohdated Eeson Co of New York Irc 85/05/28. MURLEY,7E.

Regen 1. Ofnce of Drector 1p. 31203 23131203 234 8505210380 Forwards SER re Gene m Ltr 83-28. Item 12 re post tnp review data & into 1 j -8506240191 Rewned Pages 1113 to Rev 3 to "Secunty Force Trarung & Quahfcanon capatyhty v4RGA,5 APost ope ino,aung Reactors Branch 1 review 85/08/08 data &Jmfo O'TOOLE caDatwbties acceptable D. Coneohdated

                                                                                                                         "                              E'
,                          E              of New York inc. 85/04/01. 3pp. 31203 232 31203 234
                                                                                                             -85062r0304 SER re Generic Lir 83 283 tem 12 on post kip review data 8 mfo l   8504140554 Forwards insp Rept 50 247/85 10 on 8504014517 & nonce of                                          c ability Post enp renew data & enfo capabebes acceptacie violaton Commitment to review a rowse appropnate emergency nonficanon reportmg
  • atmg Reactors Branch 1,85/08/06. topp. 3104814131048150.

j processes & provide operator karung noted. j COLLINS.S.J. Regon 1. Otere of Drector 85/06/11 SELMAN.M Consohdated 8506190283 Forwards apphcaten for amend to Lcense DPR 26. Tech Specs to

Eeson Co of New York, tnc. 2pp. 30900 035 30900 056 Imutog constens for operabon of contamment cochng.odme remov sys & assocsat- l a

8506180406 Forwards response to unreso4ved items 1 & 6 re performance tes tehof & safety valves.per NUREG-0737.11em itD 1. items 2 5 wit be answer by of fTb tad son Co eranng Rectors Branch 1- W 3099NN t21-New York. Inc.85/06/07.VARGA.S A. Op-850930 Rev 1 to " Background leito for wesenghouse Owners Group " enet. 309 24 78 1 -850$m288 Apphcanon for amend 2 bconne N26/eweng Tech Specs te eminne

. era""9R conenons for operanon of contamment cochng, gene removal Sys & associated Com
     ~*us           26          b                                            * '          '"*9'"                   O         E       Consohda Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 85/06/07. 2pp. 30995 099-p                      E2               t    G        t       non 30n5M
  • Consondated Eason Co. of New York, Inc.83/09/01. 22pp. 30978 220 30978 241.

j $508240688 Forwards apphcanon for amends to Lcenses OPR 6 & DPR 26, rowsmg -8506190290 Proposed Tech Specs se Arrunng consten for operanon of contenment Tech Specs to mcorporate admrustranve changes to facety orgarezanon & change cochng.iodme removal sys & associated contamment isolaton prowsers I auet frequency of Urut 2 emer operedness program Fee pani

  • Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. fr* 85/08/07. 21pp. 30995.101-30995-121.

O'TOOLE.J D. Conschdated E . of New York. Inc.85/06/18.VARGA.S A. Op-oranng Reactors Branch 1. Ip. 31066.283 31066 30g 4508210472 l tar coolaneForwards documentaten pumps operatro when RCS m support of 850228 at hot shutdown & submittal above 350retynn0 two reac. F Summary pre

      -8606240001 Appbcanon for amends to Lconses DPR-5 & DPR-26/evreng Tech Spect                                 pared for future eclusen ado updated FSAR.

{' to incorporate admruseanve changes to facery orgeruzanon a change ouet troquency UTOOLE.J D. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.85/06/07.VARGA.S A. Op. of Urut 2 emergency preparedness progam Affidevd of Svc enct oratmg Reactors Branch 1.10pp. 31057.165 31057175 I O'TOOLE.J D. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.85/06/18. 3pp. 31066 284-J 31066 286. 4688240619 Forwards response to 850417Genenc LW 8542 re staff _._. A ac-hone stemmmg from NRC mtegrated program for rennlubon of unroscoved safety issus , -8606248887 Proposed Tech Specs mcorporat%admrustrauwe changes to facety or- to steam generator Obe mterty. j aton & Imtmg Urut 2 overnme tar cntcal snm OTOOLE.J D. Coneohdated Eeoon Co of New York. Inc.85/08117. THOMPSON.H L pConsondeted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 85/g . 23pp. 31066 287-31066 308. Deweson of Lesname 10pp. 31160 299 31160.308. 4

                                                                          ~                         -- m--.,-,--~                                - . - , - - , - , - -           -,,--.--.--.m           - , ,                   e-,     ,w-,-m--

36 DOCKETEDITEMS 8506270001 Responds to840507 request for clanhcate of contamment purge & vent 8506060677IE info Notre 85-045. "Potental Somme Interacten involveg Movable in-Tech Specs.per NUREG4737, item 11 E 4 2. Lmtog coneton for operaton of purge & Core Fkes Mappeg Sys Used n Westmgnouse Desagned Pfants " Svc hst enct. vent valves ars m contamment esosabon varve Tech Specs JORDAN.E L Dresson of Emergency Preparedness & Fngmeenng Response (Post VARGA.S A. aang Reactors Branch 1 85/06/17 O'TOOLEJ D Conschdated 830103) 85/06/06 Consondated Edson Co of New York. Inc f22pp 30865 001-Edson Co, of New Yors, Inc.10pp. 31258 341-31258 351. 30865 046 8506240596 Forwards apphcanon for amends to Lcenses DPR-5 & DPR-26, rowsmg 8506060707IE Into Notre 85046, "Clanfration of Several Aspects of Removable Rar Tech Specs to ocorporate admmetabvo changes to facety orgaruzanon & change doactive Surface Contamsneton Lmts for Transport Packages' Svc hst enti suet frequency of Urut 2 emer preparedness program Fee paid. JORDAN.E L Divmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Regnonse (Post O'TOOLE J D. Consondated E Co of New York, Inc. 85/06/18 VARGA.S A. Op. 830103) 85/06/10 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 124pp 31043 301-erstmg Reactors Brancfl 1. tp 31066 283-31066 309. 31044 064

-8506240601Appacahon for amends to Ln;enses OPR-5 & DPR-26.reveng Tech Specs                8506140554 Forwards Insp Rept 54247/8510 on 850401 4517 4 notte of to mcorporate admirustrative changes to facshty orgaruzaton & change auet frequency         notation.Commetment to rewsw a revue appropnate emergency nohicahon reparang of Unit 2 emergency preparedness program Aftw3aval of Svc enci                              procockses & prowde operame terung noted O'TOOLEJ D. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inct85/06/18 3pp 31066 284                  COLLINS.SJ. Region 1. Orhce of Drector 85/06/11. SELMAN M Conschdated 31066 286.                                                                                  Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 2pp 30900 03530900 056
-8506240607 Proposed Tech Specs ocorporatog adminestratrve changes to facAty or-           4506M561 Ncmco of mdaten from map on 8Mt 4517 pruzanon & hmitmg Unst 2 overnme for cntcal nruft pob poestons.
  • Regon 1. Offre of Drector 85/06/11 1p 30900 031-30900 037 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort, Inc. 85/06/30. 23pp. 31066 287 31066.309 cec m .per H M R Drector 65/06/06 19pp e pot uncontromed r non P tow 850315 request No further genenc accan needed. 30900 038-30900 056

URLEY T Rogson , Office of ector 9pp 32 1 JO n 85,06240558 otedn ~Ach Retrec,eipt of.85,0430Itr mtormeng m 78545Co,r.ceveac- w NRC be of

                                                                                                                                                              ..a,nmtaken  to fu d e mg  c.orrec,t volato,u,.s 6                reports,IE Bu8enne a cormepondence f (#ct @                    inc 2pp 1065 53-31 5 8506210358 Forwards " Steam Generator Exam Program & Results.1964 Refuehng &               8506140240IE Info Nonce 85047, " Potential Effect of Lselnduced Operanon on Cor.

Maint Outage" for review Total of 118 steam generosor tJbes identmed m all sour tan Target Rock Solenoid-Operated Valves " Svc hal enct steam ators w/mecanons greater than 20% JORDAN.E L Dresson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Rosponse (Post O'T EJ D. Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.84/09/20.VARGA.S A Op- 830103). 85/06/18 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. anc.134pp 31268157 erating Reactors Branch 1.19pp. 31055 358-31056 014. 31268 304 6505130027 1 to IE Into Notco 84-55, " Seal Tabee Leaks et PWRs " Svc het enci 4508140634 IE Info Nonce 85448, Resprator Users Nonce Detective Serf Contamed JORDAN E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Breathing Apparatus As Cyhnders" Svc hst enci 830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated Esson Co. of New Y Inc 07pp. 31044 065 JORDAN.E L Drweson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenn. g Response (Post 31044 171. 830103) 85/06/19 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.123pp 31378 064-31378 183. 8506130034 Suppe t to IE Info Nonce 85420. "Motoroperated Vapve Fastures Due to Hammenng Effect" Svc het encs. JORDAN.E L Denson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post R. Period 6c operating reports & rotated correspondence 830103) 85/05/14 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc 07pp. 31044172-31044 278- 8506210359 Forwards " Steam Generator Enem Program & Results.1984 R & Maint Outage" for rewsw Total of 116 steam generator t;bes identifed m as 4505200590 IE info Notce 85439 "Austabsty of Electncal Equgament Quakficanon steem ators w/mecahons greater than 20% Recoros at Lcensees Faceties Svc het enct. O'T E.J D. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.84/09/20 V ARGA,S A. Op-JORDAN.E L Drnson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post oratng Reactors Branch 1.19pp. 31055 35d-31056 014 830103) 85/05/22 Consciedated Eeson Co or New Y , Inc. 06pp. 30837 258-30837 363 8506030833 Monthly operstmg rept for Apr 1985 W/850517 Itr BLATT.M . SELMAN.M Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 85/04/30 8505200600 IE Wo Notco 85040, "Deficiencsos m Eguspment Ouelecation Tesang & TAYLOR) M Drector's Othce, O'tice of Inspecten and E.nforcernent. 6pp Certmcahon Process Svc hst enct 30686 243 30686 248. JORDAN.E L Dresen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22 Consolidated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc. 06pp. 30848166- 8506260004 a rept for May 1985 W/850614 ftr 30848 271. BLATT M , O'T =.J D. ted Esson Co of New York. Inc. 85/05/31. T AYLORJ M. Drector's Omce, Omco of Inspecton and Enforcement. 8pp 8506070044 Ach receipt of 850405 Itr informing NRC of steps taken to correct y alabons 31229 319 31229 324. noted m ins. p Rept50-247/8542. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1. Omco of Drector 85/05/23 OTOOLE.J D. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 2pp 30801174-30801184 86 Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence -4506070054 Responds to NRC850312 Itr re violabons noted m insp Rept M247/85 8506040431 Part 21 rept re reestance temp detector (RTD) caubt anomenes in RTDs 02.Correenve acnons proceese for samphng RCS rensed to mctude vanous gross ac- mfg by RdF Co Safety margm assessments beang performed for operstmg plants to evity conteetretens 6q) to & includeg worst rese accident. evoluete potencal effects on piant Tech Specs 0 TOOLEJ O Coneohdeted Eeson Co. of New York, are 85/04/05. MARTIN,T.T RAHE.E P Wes Elecine Corp. 85/05/06. THOMAS.C O Divison of Lcons. Regon 1. Omco of Drectar opp. 30801 178-30801.184. og 4pp. 30709 30709 093 8505280181 IE info Nonce 85442. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonic 000 Senes Badge 450r440027 LER 8540640 on 850416. lose of man boder feedwater purm 22 rwhated TLD Elements " Svc hst enc 8 reactor tnp on lorio seves egnal trorn steam generator 24 Caused by reducten m autow JORDAN.E L Deween of Emergency Prepare @ess & E Response (Post stop o4 pressure Pump col sys overhauled W/850518 E 830103) 85/05/29 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Y . Inc. 20pp. 30852 245 ELLW ANGER.J R . SELMAN.M Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 85/05/16. 30852 363 Spp. 301to 257-30710 281 8505280187IE info Nonce 85043. "Radoyaphy Events at Power Reactors" Svc het once DOCKET 54249 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STAflON, UNIT 3 JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency preparedness & E Resporr. M

  • 830103). 85/05/30 Consohdated Edison Co. of New Y , Inc. 20pc %864167 30864 287. F. Securtty,inedical, emergency a fire protectnen paene 8506200195 IE Info Noece 85444. " Emergency Commurucahon Sys Monthey Test" SF 8506140083Further response to FOIA request for eight categones of documents to is*

bet encl. clear spent fuel transportaten Forwards App C documents App C & selected App D JORDAN.E L Decsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post documents also avadabee m POR App D Documents 6 4 812 for sale by NRC & GPO 830103) 85/05/30 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New Y tra 2tpp. 30864 04b FELTONJ M Drwoon of Rules and Records 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envronmental 30864 166 Poney insatute 10pp. 30919 003-30919 043 850007012e Responds to NRC 850430Itr to monations noted m insp Rapt 50-247/85- -4506140543 Rev 0 to Procedure SP8314107. "Transportaten Accusent Re-05Correceve acenneproceese to impaement caucusatons of offste doses das 10 sponse tor Spent Fuel sk TN.9 h'qued & osseous emuents we be implemented try 850701. *C . C . Eeson Co 83/10/31.13pp 30923 09130923105 SELMAN,M Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 85/05/30. MARTIN,T.T. Region 1 Offee of Drector 2pp. 30750084 30750085 8506040540 Ach receipt of 850422 fly oformmg NRC of steps taken to correct now phance roted in inep Repts 50010/85-03. 54237/8507 & $0-249/8408 Seventy 8506100653 Forwards inep Rept 54247/8540 on 85032529 No volatson noted. Level V v osaten re comperwatory measures vand 4 appropnate EBNETER.S D. Regon 1. Othee or Drector 85/06/05. OrTOOLE,J.D. Conachdated AXELSON.W L Repon 3, Omco of Drector. 85/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealth Emmen Co. of New York. Inc. 2pp. 30794138-30794152= Eeson Co 2pp. 30698 01130698 018 -4506100654 inap Rept 50 247/8509 on 85032529 No woiaton noted Masor areas -8506040544 Forwards respones to NRC 850328 Itr to noncomphance noted in insp inspected aconsee actons to Genonc Lir 83 28 m areas of equg) ment Repts 50410/8543.50 231/8407 4 54249/0546 Second volaton classMcaton.ven@r intedece, survenance & poetanamt testmg mappropnete Response withheld (ref 10CFR73 21) NAPUDA.G DEV M. OLIVE 6RA.W Regon 1 Othce of Drector 85/05/31 13pp FARRAR.D L Commonweerth Eeson Co 85/04/22 kEPPLERJ G Regen 3. Office 30794 144 30794 152. of TArector 1p 30698 0tS30698 019

i l DOCKETED ITEMS 37 0006100600 A$nses that full operation of SPDS & trammg of operators curentry sched. 8508170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B.0489. "Contamment Leak used for Aug response to840612contumatory order to Suppe 1 to NUREG. Rate Testing Prograrr" & Ouados Corp /NRC conirects Forwards documents to FIN 0737 Adt2 hardware needed 8-0489 Documents ateo avadable m PDR No documents re Qua1res suty to request. RYBAK.B.C .~ n Edson Co 85/05/31. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Re-CItar Regulanon, Drector 1p. 3C 793 307-30793 307 FE LTON.J M Dmwon of Rules and Records FIN BO489 85/0125 REYTBLATT,2 V Warren Weson Conego. Swannanos. NC. 7pp 30987 036-30987 078. 4500200404 Forwards poputanon density maps for use m emergency planrung rones Maps prepared tN OHNL by protection from 1980 census data a must be taken as eenmates Wto oncts -4210120200 "Contamment Leak Rate Testing ". , ..," proyess summary for HIND,J A. Regon 3. Oftco of Drector 85/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealth Edson Sept t982 Co. Ip 31020191-31020191- NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Natanal Laboratory FIN B 0489 82/10/05 ARNDT G. Me-chanical Engmeenng Branch. 3pp 30987.112-30987114 8806200013 Forwards Amends 90 4 83 to Licenses DPR-19 & DPR 25 respecevely & safety evaluaton Arnonos add hmitmg conehone for operanon & surveillance recure- -4212010006Forware bst of plants for wtuch leak test repts were selected W review monts to TeceSpecs for mods requwed trr Genenc Ltr 83-38 by ORNLlean teshng cntena edi De prepared froen review W/c enct ZWOUNSKI.J A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/08/24 FARRAR D L. h ARNDT.E G. MecharucauStructural E Branctt 82/08/18 SHAPARER,J wealth Eeson Co 3pp. 31253 075-31253137. Contamment Systems Brancft opp 3098 118- 7121 [ R Operating econes stage documente a corresporusence -4608170289 "Contaanment Leak Rate Testmg invesagabons." monthly progress rept sor Nov 1982 DOUGAN.J R Oak Radge Nabonal Laboratory FIN B 0489 82/12/07 ARNDT,G Me-9605140003 Funher response to FOIA request for eight categones of documents re to cherwcal/Siructural Engmeenn0 Branch. 3pp. 30987:115J09871 t 7 clear spent tue6 tansportanon Forwards App C documents App C & seiscted App D documents also avasiatse n POR App D Documents 8 4 8-12 for sale by NRC & GPO -860s170416 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg/' montNy progress rept for Aug 1982 FELTON.J M Drnsion of Rules and Records. 85/01/29. MILLAR,F. Envronrnental DOUGANJ R Osa Redge National Laboratory FIN 84489 82/08/28 ARNDT.E.G Pohcy InsDtute 10pp 30919 003 30919043 Omsson of Engmoenng Technology 8pp. 30987127 30987.132.

           ~4606140130Fonnards iedated summary of spent fuel shements.Jul 1983 Apr 1984 GREGER1R. Regon 3. Omca of Drector 85/01/29 HIND.J A. Division of Raeoeogi-                  8600000253 Ach recoq:it of850410 submittal of Topical Rept CE 1-A.Rev 34 Review wie cal & Matenals Safety Programs. 990. 30919 01130919 02 t-                                       requwe more than 80 days to complete SPESSARD.R L. R             3. Orhce of Drector. 85/05/23. RFED.C. Commonwealm
          ~450s140147 Forwards updated summary of spent fust sNpmentsh 1983
  • May 1984 GREGER.LR. R 3 Omco of Drector. 84/08/07. HINO.J A. Region 3. Offce of o ector =P 9 == 9 = 8600060446 une of drywell temp proble ninuie ywe Pro.vid,es,r,fo s ia vtimoo to 'n"l?e's"s'ons ,or not oe,econg to-e,vai of 0 inute us. curv,es.assum
          ~4608140400 Forwards @ dated summary of spent fuel ehements made dunng Sept YAK,B (ammorveoalth Eeoon Co 85/05/23 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Res MILLER.D E Region 3. Orhce of Drector 84/10/11. HIND.J A. Region 3 Omco of Db                   act r Regulanon, Caector. 3pp 30719 055-30719 057.

rector. 2pp. 3092218 t-30922162

          -4506140417 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel sNpmentsJul 1983 -                           6800000762 NotAcation of contract execunan. Mod 3to "Dresden & Perry Sunulator 1984          Leasmg " Contractor GE GREGER.L R                  3 Omco of Drector 84/09/07. HIND.J A Region 3,            e of Drector 13pp.        22'161 30922.175.                                                          P AGE.M Technical Assistance Cortects Branch NRC.05-84 159 85/05/23 CORLELO Drector's Offce. Omco of Inspecton and Enforcement tp 30740 288-
          -8608140430 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel sNoments.Jul 1983 - Jul 1984                     30740 269 GREGER.L R Regan 3 Othce of Drector 84/08/02 HINDJ A Region 3. Omco of                      -4600060762 Mod 3.

Drector.12pp 30922176 30922.208 protect omcar to "Dresden & Perry Sunulator Leatmg"

  • General Elecinc Co -84159 85/05/23. Ip. 30740 269 30740 289 ftti Eeson . "I b2 207 309 060006MO Appecahon for amend m transe W25.delseng Wense Conebon 3 F &

Sechon 4 6 2 of Tech Specs to allow removal of receculanon equakzer

          -8606140466 Discusses reevaluapon of West Vaney spent fuel         ,           varves        upcommg outage Fee paid Greenman840208 memo re changes m Regon a mapector coverage                     a cork           RYBAM.B         .~. 2 Eeson Co 85/05/30 CENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re.

tmue to be incsdent tree Inspectors not empatched for 840704 Shpment CECO 97 actor Regulaton, Dreciar 2pp 30719151@7191M GREENMAN E.G Roanon 1. Omco of Drector. 84/07/16 STAROSTECMI,R. Pegion 1.Omco of Drector fpp. 30923 003-30923 004 -8600060447 Proposed Tech Spec changes.deietmg Lcense Coneton 3 F &

     >                                                                                                        Section 4 8 2.10 anow removal of recyculebon equakrer vefves durmg outage oc
          -8606140624 Rev 0 to Procedure SP 811 t-120 re fuel movements a spent fuel pools                   used on 850901UDI N$HC determmaton enci.
  • Commonwealm Edson Co 83/1t/30. 28pp 30923 005-30923 032
  • Co.m. _ r. Isson Co.85/05/30. 4pp. 3071915130719156
          -4608140636 Rev 0 to Specnol Processe SP 83 4-82,
  • Procedure for Replacmg orc 0 Gaskets " 8806140679 Forwards Amends 87 & 80 to Lrensee DPR-19 & DPR-25. roepectively &
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.83/08/24 4pp. 30923 040-30923 043- safety evaluahon Amends revise Tech Spect to ocorporate GE std irruta on dose equvaient 6131 e pnmary coolant per SEP Topics Vt-7 C 1 & XV-16
          -8606140642 Rev 0 to Speoal Processe SP 83443, " Procedure for instalianon &

forqueg of Bolts & Threaded Pksgs 'm) Co 3()932

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 83/08/24 Spp 30923 044-30923 049
          -8506140646 Rev 0 to Specal Procedure SP 83 444. "Humsety Test Procedure."
                                                                                                         -HeeH0003 Amene 87 & 80 m konses DPR19 & DPR25/eepectivW. rm Tech Specs 2 ancorporate GE std tmits on does aqusveient 1131 et pnmary coolant a
  • Cw . . -~. Eeson Ca83/08/24 8pp. 30923 050-30923 057- actmn statements to survey arruts per SEP Topce VI.7 C 1 & XV.16 ZWOLINSMlJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30 27pp. 30932 064-
          -4606140563 Rev 0 to Specal Procedure SP 834 87, "Fusele Plugs Leakage Test                        30932.089 Procedure "
  • Commonwealtn Eeson Co. 83/08/25 opp. 30923 058-30923 066. -4606140ses Safety evaluenon s@portng Amends 87 4 80 h Licenses DPR19 &


         -8606140664 Rev 0 to Specal Procedure SP 83-888, "Fusib6e Peug $shcone Sealmg
  • Omco of Nuctear Reactor Regulabon, Drector 85/05/30 3pp 30932 090-non Procedure "
  • 30932 092.

melm Eenon Co.03/08/25. 3pp 30923 087-30923 069

         -8600140667 Mr 0 to Spooat Processe SP 8,34 49." " Procedure for Measunng &                     8606170024 Forwards Amends 88 8 81 to trances DPR f 9 & DPR25.

tog TN 8,9 L#n Beam for Proper Casa F4 respectively Amwie revise Tech Spec Table 3 71 h reflect ricreene m total numbw tih Eeson Co. 83/09/01. 9pp. 30923 070-30923 078. of mboard vaives in reactor water cleanup sys frorn one to two ZWOLINSMI.J weenn Esson CoA3pn OperageReactors Branch 5 85/05/30 F ARRAR.0 L Commork 2-343 3 82 353

         -8606140677 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP 8110105. "T48/9 Contamment Sys es Co            10 2 1 pp 30923 074 30923 092                        -eGe6170026 Amende 88 8 81 to Wenees DPR49 4 DPR25fespectvery twsing Tech Spec Table 3 71 to reflect ruyeese e number of reactor water cleanup sys m-
         -4606140691 Rev 0 to Special Proceese SP 8110-109. " Load Test Procedure for TN.                    board vafves from one to two 8/9 Las Lifting Spa                                                                             ZWOLINSulJ A Operatme Reactors Branch 5 85/05/30. 7pp 30982 346 30982 353
              *C%...~. J., Edson Co 83/10/28. 8pp. 30923.10430923111 8606170118 Forwards Ainends 89 & 82 to transee DPRtB & CPR 25. respectvely 4
         -4006140607 Rev 0 to Special Procedure SP4111-111.  Sport Fuel Receewmg"                          safety evalushon Amends revise Tech Specs to impose more sinngent surveillance to.
             *Co..,.-.. J. Eeson Co.83/11/04 9pp 30923112 30923120.                                      cprements on use of econome generanon control eye
         -4606140001 Rev 0 to Speaaf Proceese SP8110110. " Test Procedure for Veneca-                        twOLINSklJ A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 5. 05/05/30 FARRAR.DL Commork weerth Eeson Co. 3pp 30974 04130974 055.

ton of TN-9 Psc6agmgs Srneed Effecoveness"

  • Cw . . , - - T. Eeson Ca 83/11/0t. Opp. 3092312130923128-
                                                                                                         -4006170123 Amende 89 8 82 to Licenses OPR-19 & DPR-25 respectively, unposeg 4606140000 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel stupmeritsJul 1983 Feb 1984 GREGER,LR Repon 3, Omco of Drector 84/03/13 HiNDJ A. Region 3, Omco of ggY,jY          gng      ,'g"o,sy c                  05 7 [ 309         04 30974 053                   l Drector.14pp Jos23134 30923147
                                                                                                         -8606170133 Safety evaluation supportmg Amende 89 & 82 to Leonees DPR-19 8
         -4000140619 Forwards updated summary of opent fval shipmentsJul 1983 . June                        f0                 sear Reactor Regulabon, Drector 85/05/30. 2pp 30974 054-GREGER.L R R                3. Orfice of Drector 84/07/05. HINOJ A Region 3. Offee of           30974 055.

Dr e Itpp 23 M8M23 N 8600070624 Aensee of no adverse findings based on review of proposed tech Specs eGett40626 Forwarde row to June 1984 updated summary of spent fuel s emervt re contamment morators.per Genenc Lt 83 38 GREGER.LR. Reyon 3. Omco of Drector 84/07/10. HINDJ A. Region 3, e of PARKER.M C lehnois. State of. Dept. of Nuclear Safety 85/08/03 DENTON.H R I Drector 2pp. 30923159 30929 001 Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguianon, Drector to 30755 349 30755 349 ' I I l

                                          .~ .               .~                         . ~                       ,-..-, __.                 .                -                            _           -   -       _. . _. -

i 38 DOCKETEDITEMS t 4606200600 IE Info Notre 85039. "AustatAty of Electrcai Equpment Quahfcation ) 8806100141 Forwards re@est for addl mfo re Genanc Lir 8449 cntene on recombmer capet*fy regiarernents of 10CFR50 44(cM3xa). based on rewsw of840625 response Records at Lcensees Fachtes" Svc bet enct 1 JORDANE L Diveson of Eme'r0ency Preparedness & Engreanng Response (Post to genenc Itr Response requested withm 45 days. 830103) 85/05/22. Consondated Eescm Co of New York, Inc.106pp. 30837 258-ZWOLINSKI.J A Operstmg Reactors Branch 5. 85/06/04 FARRAR.DL Common-wealth Edson Co. 3pp. 30791267-30791.269. 30837.363.

 '          0906140044 Responds to requests for aos info re ftem 1.1 of Genanc Lir 63 28. Item                                      4606200000 IE Info Notre 85040, "Defciences m Equipment Quakhcaten Testmg a 1.1 re post-Inp reven Estension granted try Sourrua for LaSaite County Staton.                                         Certificanon Process " Svc het encf.

JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post . ALEXANDER.G. Cw... . . ^ Esson Co 85/06/05. DENTON.H R. Othce of Nucle-l 830103) 85/05/22. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 106pp 30848.166-at Reactor Regulation, Director. 3pp. 3089411530894.117, 30648.271. 8600100684 Summary of 850522 meetog w/uM.Gdbert Assoc & Bechtel/SERCH re piacement of equid propane tarts ons te for use w/ proposed motwo voi reducbon 8606200181 IE Info Notco 80u42, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge sys Attendees tst enct TLD Elements" Svc het encl. Response (Post JORDAN.E L Devison of Emergency Preparedness & E GILBERT.R A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 5. 65/06/07 Operann0 Reactors Branch 5. 830103) 65/05/29- Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yor , Inc 20pp 30852 245

                $pp. 30793 096 30793100.

30852 363. J 4908200222 Forwards pipe rectacement raeston protecton program summary a re- 8505200187 IE Info Notre 85043. "Raeography Events at Power Reactors." Svc hat sponse to Genonc Lir 8447 Root addresses procedures.sfuekhng. equipment & per-sonnel traming Estimated cumutanve dose less than 2.000 person rom. ence JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

 ,i             RYBAK.8 C_               _ .. J. Edson Co.85/06/11 DENTON,H.R Oftco of Nuclear Re-630103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New yor inc 20pp. 30864167-                                                                                 l actor Regulaten Drector. Spn31008 128-31008 136.

30864 287. l 1 8806200730 Forwards safety evaluenon on containment isolanon dependat$ty try dem- 8605200195 IE Info Notce 85-044. " Emergency Communcanon Sys Monthly Test

  • Svc
 '              onsoanon of contamment purge & vent vaNo operatefyinto sutimitted to date does not demonstrate ability of vanes to close cunng LOCA                                                                   est encf.

THOMPSON.H L Dmsson of Lcensing 85/06/17. FARRARD L Commonwealth JOFIDAN E L Dnneon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 630103F 85/05/30 Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yors, Inc.12tpp. 30864 045 j Eeson Co. app 31227 273-31227 264 30864.166

             -4508200745 Safety evaluation te demonstraten o contamment purge & vent                                                9600040540 Acts receipt of 850422 fir mforming NRC of steps taken to correct noncom-operatety Sutimittert ofo fade to demonsvate inat valves have abety to close agamst                                   chance noted et insp Repts 50-010/8543, 50-237/8007 & $0-249/8506 Seventy or pressure e event of DOA/LOCA from fun open posmon
  • No Detaded Afhkaton Gewert85/06/17 8pp. 31227 277-31227.284 Level y venation re compensatory measures vahd & appropnete AXELSON.W L Regon 3, Offre of Drector. 85/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealth 080627062S Advenes that dept of nuclear safety reviewed proposed Tech Spec amend Eeson Co. 2pp. 30698 017,30698 019 re deteten of recrculaton equehrer vafves a associated pipmgNo adverse finengs
'i                                                                                                                                  -asce040ses Forwards response to NRC 850328 Itr to -W-,e noted m Inso east                                                                                                                   Repts            $4010/05-03,54237/8547                          &    50 249/85-06.             Second     volaton PARKER.M C. INeois. State of. 85/06/17. DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Reactor inappropnato Response methheld (rer 10CFR73 21)

Regulatert Drector tp.31250 23531250 235 FARRAR.D L Commonwealtn Edson Ca 85/04/22. KEPPLER.J G. Regon 3. Othee 8806250121 Advises that 840917,1219,0604 & 850603 responses to Genenc Lir 6411 of Drector.1p. 30698 019 30698 019 j #e IGSCC acceptac4e Pipeg map & replacement plan rnoet genanc ItrguKlehnes ZWOUNSKlJk Operanng Reactors arenen 5. 85/06/19. FARRAH.D L Common- 8506100531 Forwards uti plan to replace reactiv recacutenon sys a portons of other wealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 31180142 31180143 pip no susceptible to IGSCC eJnng Fa# 1985 outa per 840315 order & Genenc Lir j 84-1 f.ALARA plan, per Genenc Lir 84-07.we tie ed at inter date

              $606270004Aenses ibat Reve 33,34 4 35to CA Topecal Rept CE 1.A sansfy regare-                                             RyBAK.8. Commonwealth Esson Co 85/06/03 DENTON,H R Othce of Nuclear Re-j monts of App B to 10CFR50 Changes to Secten 7 resolve questens re procurement                                         actor Regulation, Director. 9pp 30793 202-30793 210.

actetses ganansas77 IE Info Nohce 85445. "Potenhal Sesmic Interacten invoNing Movable in-

  • SPESSARD,R L Regson 3. Othce of Drector 85/06/21. REED.C. Commonwealth
  • Edson Co. 2pp. 31235 287 31235 288- Core Flux Mappmg Sys Used in Weshnghouse Doogned Plants
  • Svc tot enct JORDAN,E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post
              $506200013 Forwards Arnends 90 4 83 to Lcenses DPR-19 4 DPR-25. respectively &                                              830103). 85/06/08 Conschdated Eeson Ca of New y                                            Inc. 22pp. 30865 001-safety evaluator Amends add bmihng constens for operanon & surveillance recpare-                                        30865 046.

monts to Tech Specs tar mods regured by Genanc Le 83-J8 ZWOLINSKLJ A Operatmg Reactors Branen 5, 85/06/24 F ARRAR.D L Commcp 8506140244 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50-231/84-27 4 50 249/8013 on 841221 1 wearth Eeson Ca 3pp. 31253 075 31253137- 850430 4 nonce of vicianon. j HARRISON,JJ. Regon 3 Oftce of Drector. 85/06/06 REED.C. Commonwealth 1 -8606200029 Amends 90 & 83 to Lcenees DPR 19 4 DPR-25,respectvely, addmg hmit. Edson Co. 2pp. 30894 081-30894114 1 mg condmons for operanon & swveillance recurements to Tech Specs for mods re-ed by Genenc Le 83-30 -4606140249 Nobce of violabon from riep on 841221-850430. 9d'OUNSKlJ A Operenng Reactors Branch S. 85/06/24. 6 t pp. 3t253 078- HARRISON.J J. Regon 3. Offco ot Drector 85/06/06 2pp 3089408130894084.

'!                 IW j                   312b3134.
                                                                                                                                     -8906140207 inno Repts 50-237/84-27 4 54249/8513 on 84t221850430 Volatons
              -8506200034 Safety eva8uation supportog Amends 90 & 83 to Lcenses DPR 19 &                                                       t                                                             suspensen sys & inaidaquete desgn re-4 DPR 25.respectvery.                                                                                                    ,re,,,e,d      ma,degaste p gormed   by Nutsch    UL.,ofmap     LPCIofe modmed

{ MUFFETTJ W , DANIELSON.D H Regen 3, Offce of Drector 85/08/05

  • Offte of Nuclear Reactor Regulatert Drector. 85/08/24 3pp 3t253135 YIN.l T 4 312531 37. 23pp. 30894 08S30894114 8500000707IE Info Nonce 85046, '1Clanheation of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-Q. Inepociton toports, IE Sutetins & terroepondence donctve Surface Contamenaton Limits for Transport Pacetages" Svc het enct JORDAN E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engne.ermg Responee (Post 830103) 65/08/10. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.124pp 31043 301 8504140093 Further response to FOIA request for eight categones of documents re nu clear spent fuel transportanon Forwards App C documents App C & selected D 3t044 064.

documents also evadable in POR App D Documents 8 8 812 tar sale by NRC & . 3506100200 Forwards update on actmbes re IE Bunstm 8143,

  • Flow Blockage of Cool.

FELTON.J M Dmson of Rules and Records. 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envoonmental ing Water to Safety Sys Components by Corticula & Mytlus." AW m .....J. 4.; sates-Pohey Insttute topp.30919 001 30919 043. had w/encephon of vacuum dred 0ing scheduled for cornpietoon by 850701.

               -8606140466 Descusses reeveluehon of West Valley spent fuel                                            practces.per         ALEXANDER G Commonwealth Edson Co 85/06/10.DENTON.H R. Offte of Nucle-l                  Greenman 840206 memo re changes e Regen I inspector coverage.                                            s con.        at Reactor Regulabon, Drector. 3pp 30976 02130976 025 teue to be ricsdent tree. Inspectors not empatched for 840704 Shipment CECOwi7.

l GREENMAN E G. Regen 1. Othce of Drector 84/07/18. STAROSTECKl.R Regen 8506240100 Forwards insp Repts 50-237/8521 & 54249/8517 on 850521-23 4 nohce i 1. Offte of Drector. 2pp 30923 00130923 004 of volanort PAPERIELLO.C.J Recon 3 Othee of Drector 85/06/17. REED.C Commonwealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 31086138 31000147. j $006100044 Responds to NRC 650228per re velabone noted m inso Repts 50010/84 20.50 237/84-26 4 54249/84 23 Corrective acters Acsen item Records OP 16- -8406240f 02 Notco of veoiston Ikom anno on 850521-23 51.OA commitments & open NRC noncomphances edl be added to commitment het. F ARRAR,0 L C ._ . - _ . Eeson Co. 85/04/08 KEPPLER,J G. Repon 't. Office PAPERtELLO.C,J Regen 3, Offce of Drector. 85/06/11.1p 31060140 31080140 [ f of Drector. 3pp. 30791304307911J07.

                                                                                                                                      -8606240106Inno Repts 50-237/85214 54249/8517 on 89052123.29 & 0805 Viote-t                                                                                                                                          Don noted f alure to eclude quanthes of H 3, C.14.To 99 & 1129 on manifests of ship.

i 4004138027 t to IE Info Notre 84-55. " Seal table Leeks at PWRs" Svc bet encl. Response (Post monts to land esposal fechnos JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparednese & E 830103). 85/05/14.Conachdoted Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 31044 065 ROZAK,S, HALYlMAN.R 8, SCHUMACHER.M C. Repon 3, Office of Drector. 85/ I } 08/l1. 7pp. 3108014131080147. j 11044 171. 1 0900140240IE info Notco 85447,"Potenbel Effect of LineFinduceJ Operaten on Car- I d 00E130030 81, 4:08_i W IE Info Nohce 85420. *MotorCperated Valve Failures Due to tam Target Roch Solenced-Operated va8ves? Svc het encs l l Haaimerme Enoct" Svc bel encl. Response (Post JORDAN.E.L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post JOeDAN.E L Dmson of Ernergency Preparednese & E l Inc. 07pp. 31044177- 830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdeted Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 34pp. 3:268157

  .                  830 0 3) 85/05/14 Conechdeted Eeson Co. of New Y                                                                       3f 288 304 31044 278.

i 4606140634 fE Into Notco 85048. "Resprator Users Notce Detectrve Self.Contened Seeeeestes Responds to NRC $50418 Itr to velatons noted m inep Repts 50 237/85 i Dreething Apparatus As Cyhndersa Svc het anct I i to & 50 249/8%09 Correceve actons' eMocted HPCI volves a Unit 3 retumed to svc JORDAN.E L Diviason of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post I 7 4 svc weier verwes to HPCI room coolers locked open m Mar 1985 f-~ Ed son Co.85/05/20. KEPPLFRJ G. Repon 3 ONce 830103) 85/06/19. Consondated Eeson Co of New Yor , Inc 23pp. 31376064- I

 !                   FARRARD L                ~.

Sf 378183. of Drector. 7pp 30706 288-30708 272. I

     , -,w.   , , , , , - - . -    .         ,.-,,r,+~w,           .        ---#-   rv-.-------.m.,.%-.-,-,.----,..-.m---.                     ,~.--wm--       , - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - . - . -                    -..,,,-_m-                 . - , . - - . - - . - . , - . - , . - -

_ . _ . __m ,- . . . . _ . _. . . . _ _ _ . _ _ ~ _ ._ . ._ _ _ - . _ = _- __ . _ - - . _ _ - DOCKETEDITEMS 39 8806250121 Adeses that840917.1219.0604 & 85W03 responses to Gerenc LW 84-11

                                                                                                                                           -8404200469 Forwards updated "Sho#y" slabstes for830505.840322 Prehearmg con-l                   re IGSCC acceptable Pipeg map & replacement plan meet geners 9e guidennes,                                                 perarce held on request lor hearmg racerved on TMt-1 steam generator ZWOLINSKtJ A Operstmg Reactors Branch 5 85/06/19 F ARRAR,D L. Com                                                          repar Contentons accepted by ASLB wealm Edson Co. 2pp. 31180.142 31180143.

EISENHUT.DG. Dween of Lcensmg 84/04/13 DENTON.H.R Offee of Nuclear Re-actor Regulatsun, Drector. 3pp 30720 022 30720 024

               % Periodic operating reports & reteted corroependence
                                                                                                                                           -8406220$t1 Forwards update of Sholly stahntes covenng penod 830505- 840425 No acks comments or requests for hearmg receared.

4506240087 Monthly operstm. 0 repts for May 1965 W/850601 ftr MAXWELL.D C.. SCOTT,D J. Co. . .- _ EISENHUT.D 84/05/07.DENTON.H R. Omca of Nudear Re-Eeson Co. 85/05/31 actor RegutahonG ,Dmson 3ppof30720 Lcenseg


119pp. Drector. 025-30720027. 31204 027 31204 145.

                                                                                                                                          -8406200322 Forwards update of Shelly stahstes for penod 830508- 840523 ASLB S. Reportable occurrences, LERe a rotated corroependence                                                                       issued decmon for Grand Gulf on 840423 sonuttmg two contermons sor escovery.

EISENHUT.D G. Desson of Lcensing.84/06/08 DE NTON H R Othce of Nuclear Re-actor Roguenon, Drector 3pp. 30720 028-30720 030. 85050e0044 LER 8541141 on 850418 Ngh raeahon segnal kom refuehne floor rat. anon morwtors caused reactor bidg verwahon sys mp & sociaton w/stan@y gas Ireat- -8407300080 Forwands update of Sho#y stahstes covenng 830506-84062C. No acks ment sys B automatcary starang W/850520 Mr comments or requests for heanng recensed. L12ALEK.J, SCOTT.DJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 85/05/rlfL dop. 30746 308 EISENHUT.D G Desen of Lcenseg 84/07/06 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Re-30746 311. actor Regulanon, Drector. 4pp 307m03130720 034, 8500040755 LER 85-01240on 850429feedwater check vaNo 3-220-62A observed to P _ _ _ _ _ Forwards edated Sho#y stanstcs for pened 830506 840716. Stanstes i team 587 04 SCFH W/ previous *'as left" leakage, total leanage exceeds Tech Spec we be updated tomowirig 540822 monthfy padecaton of FR nonce 4 kmst Caused by wom pressure seas nng Seal nng replaced W/850521 itr EISENHUT.D G. Dmsson of Lcanning 84/08/08 DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Re-

MCCABE.B. SCOTT.DJ. Co.--4. Eeson Co. 65/05/21. 3pp. 30708101- actor Regulanon, Drector opp.30720 035-30720 038 t
!                  30708 103
                                                                                                                                          -8410040270 Forwards updale of                                statsbes covenng 830506- 640822 Lists two 8500040740 LER 8$410 00cn 850427. full reactor scram wwhated from low water teve6                                               press reiease"                  notces esued                 reporbng penod Next fnonthry FR nobce w/subsegnent Group # & hi molaten Cause undetermmed. Level sensors 263-58 A &                                              scheduled tor 8 to be repeaced w/anaica t'p urves W/850523 lir.                                                                                                       anon on 640924 JACMSON.R., SCOTT.D J Co.                                                                                                  EISE NHUT.D . Oms an of Lcenseg 84/03/18 DE NTON.H R. Office of Nuclear Re-

_. _J. Eeson Co 85/05/23 3pp. 30708130- actor Regdaten, Drector. 24pp 30720 039-30720 062. j 30708 132 4 4506210013 LER 85-01340on 850518.escovered that both channess of ARM 31705- -8500040439 Nobce of considerahon of esuance of amends to Lconses DPR-31 & { 18 set to ing at 120 rnr/h in emcess of Tech Spec tumt of 100 mr/hCaused try per- DPR,,-41 con eming&program proposedtoNSMC resolvedetemuneton & opporturmty pressurued mermal shock for esueheemg to 830819 request y sonnet error inevd al mstructed re usage of DIP 2100-9 W/850610 str. SynES K . SCOTT D J Comenonweanth Edson Co 85/06/10. 3pp 3 t056 081 VARGA.S A Operahng Reactors Branch t.83/10/03. 9pp. 30722 292-30722 314. j 31056 083. 1 -8506040445 Notce of consideraten of esuance of amends to Lcenses OPR-31 & i 6506270422 LER 64407 01 on 840722.turtune tivpass valve l operated DPR-41 & proposed NSHC outerrnenanon & opportunty for hearmg re 840314 request to aniow spent fust pool storage capacity empenoon to 1.404 spaces f

                            ,j Q aN              replac W/ 506 Itr                                                                                     ^'          E* "O          "'

4 L12ALEM.J F., SCOTT.DJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 85/08/10 4pp 31252274-j 31252 27L 8500050003 FOIA request for four categores of ecuments includmg rito to esempten of snubbers from survediance regurements & OL emends

 ]                                                        85                                             turr                       r        G A[ER                                84/12/18 Dyson of Rules and Records to. 30745 029-
  .            8506270319 svsto s -LER       mod85414-OOon,e,.0520,d.eca,y eu d                 e,    , we ,, e son e.mpare,                       nc,ed in re,o,ung s,s ,,mg&supp                     wet tpipe  NUSsonnkle.y Corp.

E i TT J eson Co 85/06/18 3pp 31251 338 8500050005 Responds to FOIA request tor four categones of documents Forwards app i 3 t 251338 o wnents Documents a% placed e M FELTON J M Dmson of Rules and Records 85/01/30. GRABER,L NUS Corp 2pp. [ 30745 034 30745 073.

v. O,e,. tor Eu,ninai.n.
                                                                                                                                         -85000500te Amends 105 & 99 to Lcenses DPR 31 & DPR.41.respecthely. deletmg 8506100599 Adwses that fun operanon of SPDS & traming of overstors curr                                                                                            I*'" 8P*C' '* O'"""'' '"" ""O 8*0'** 8 """"

m Sponse to840612contematory order to Suppt 1 to REG

  • scred. %M, *"*"
                        /c Agt98                                                                                                             VARGA.S A. Operahng Reactors Branch 1 84/08/24 9pp. 307'5 051-30745 059 RYSAM.B Cornmonwee                                  85/05/31 DENTON,H.R Orfte of Nuclear Re-4 actor Regstahon. Drecto'tn     r. tp J0793Edson  307Co 30793 307.                                                     -8504050019 Sateey evasueton supporen0 Amends 105 & 99 to Utennes DPR 31 &

j OPRWespectre#y

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector 84/08/24 8pp 30145 080
]             DOCKET 50 250 TURNEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 3                                                                                       30745 073 8500040327 Forwards response la NRC 850418 request for addl a4o re memods & cr>

i F. Securtty, eneecal, ernergency a fire protection piene i tore tar compermg post tre revow mfo w/ known or eFpected plant behavWr,per re-sponse to Genenc Lir 83-28. 4506250021 Advises that Rev 14 to fedefogeal plan contestent w/ WILLIAMS W Flonda Power & L Co. 85/05/03 VARGA.S A. Operahng Reactors 10CF R50 47(b) & 10CFR50 a Branch 1. W WO306S30703 i  !",O'Jni'O'T24hE recurements 3 J0278"" & ac

                                                                                        '"'"""'*"5""""                                               a va~es so-a MOv'.750a e'7 =*e s


                                                                                                                                         =a.n=,s m           for                               &75,'==      va~es a eccePaae      .~,f          t rernove' o.d te
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . e toa,.e-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,c,esaae                 n i

vanes d P. Operating license stage documents & correspondence {A hA Oper g b27 1. $$/05/21. WILUAMS.J W Flonda Power 8502220010 "B&W 177#uel Assemtdy Reactor Vessel Be' time Weld Chermstry Study-MOORE.m E , HELLER.A S. Babcock & WWcon Co. BAW t799 83/07/31 120pp. -8500040054 Sar ery evaluanon accepeng removal of Type C testmo requrements for 29038 211 29038 329 Vanes MOV-790 a 751 & tes of vsNe* as pressure moisten veNes.

  • NRC . No Detaded Affeason 85/05/21.1p. 30719 280 30719 280 RA L US / 9 uses and Records fp. 30958 268-j 30988 268 8m64 LOL.A model Feare NO7satMaluaton RUMP of WRW737.nem approved Plant specshc analyss #M due3wittwn 30 re1 yreman of re- break ce9t of ler i

4500030390Partat t to FOtA request for three cat e of documents to be VARGA 5 A. Opero Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/29 WILUAMS.JW Flonda Power ? made evadable et . to NSHCs App A documents & placed m PDR Search & Light Co 9pp. 31 253-3W2 28L J M Desen of Rules and Records. 84/1t/08 ADATO M Urunn of Com 8500040064 Faards fee for . . . w satefy evaluabon & Lcense Amends 99 & comed Scientists app 30720 001 30720 005. 93 re $504t8 Mr prowwnng rdo on reaneryte of ECCS performance uneg Westeg. house model.per 850513 rerNest.

              -821223000t Forwards update of Sholly stahstes covenng 8305061122.                                                            WILLIAMS.J W Flonda Power & Light Co 85/05/30. OlGGS.R M Ucense Fee Mar *
 }                 05ENHUT.D G Dween of Leonomg 83/12/09 DENTON.H R Ofice of NucJear Re.                                                    agenent Branch fp.30700.355-30700 355 1                actor Regulaton. Drector 2pp 30720 012 30720 013' 8508040186 Forwards response to 850416 e                              at tot addl mfo on 860128 4 0302 ac-1          -8401160341 Forwards update to Shony statistes ser 810506-1231 Request far beann0                                             picahone to amend Lcenses DPR-31 &                                 41, changmg Tech Spect to contark recesved a response to nohce of neuance of Amend 10 Neth monthly FR nonce                                                more sys 4                 Ereduled for pubhcat on on 840125.                                                                                       WILLIAMS)W. Flonde Power & Ught Co 85/05/31 VARGA.S A Operateg Reactors 4

E SENHUT.D G. Omson of Lcensmg 84/0t/08 DEftTON.H R Othee of Nuclear Re- Branch 1. app 30/03 342 30703 345-actor Regulaton, Drector Sep. 307 014-30720-015. f

              -840221013e Forwards tedate of Shosly statestacs for 830506-64012&Two rsquests for                                            emng nortnat plant operanon & followe 0 LOCA by locking breakers for vanes beenng 4 one comment recevvedRequests for heareg esmessed on two                                                         open Procedures to be rewmed to rerNro breaker for Valve MOV-751 to be locked plaants Preneer corWorence scheduled for Grand Guer pottert                                                              open.

i EISENHUT.D G. of Lcenseg 84/02/07 DENTON.H R Othee of Nuclear Re- WILUAMS.J W Flonda Power & Uuht Co.85/05/31. VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors i actor Regulanon, Drector 3pp 30720 016 30720018 Branch 1. Ip. 307013513070135f.

              -8404090112 Forwards update of Sho#y stanstes covanng 830505 840224 Elevenm                                                esoe140028 Forwards Rev 4 to "Topcal QA Rept? Changes do not reduce commit-monthey FR notre scheduhsd for pubhcaten on 840321                                                                       mente e program desaphon prewmusfy accepted by NRC.

1 EISENHUT.D G. Dwoon of Leenong 84/03/13 DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear Re- WILLIAMS,J W Flanda Power & Ught Co 85/08/10. THOMPSON.H L Desen of LA

  ,                actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp 30720 019-30720021.                                                                        conseg. tp,30894 118 30894 251 1

1 i i i A .nv.----, . - , - . , - ~ - , ----,---,------,,--n- , , - - - - - - , - - . . - - ~ . , - - ,


                                -4008140040 Rev 8 to "Topcal QA Repl*                                                          8606200600 IE 1rdo Notre 85439. "Austabehty cf Elecircal Equement Quahfcaton
  • FlorMa Power & bght Ca85/06/10. 13300. 30894.114 30894 251. Records at Leoneses Fachnes." Svc het arci JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Precaredness & Er9neenng Response (Post

, 0606170100 Revised opphcaten to amend Lcensee DPR-31 & DPR-41, changng Tech 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.106pp. 30837 258 Spec 3 3-2 re contamment er lock. 30837.363. WILUAMSJ W Flonda Power & Laght Co.65/06/11.VARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 1.10 30953 273-30953 274. 8605200000 IE Info Notice 8%40. ".Defcsencies e Eospment Ouahficaton Testeg & Cerfdicaten Process? Svc hat enci

                                -8608170124 Proposed Tech Spec 3.3 4.Page 3 3 2.addmg "contamment er loch
  • pnar JORDAN.E L Drvison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post to "a rveillani.e &/or testm0 regurements.* clanfying requeemente for operabsty of 830103) 85/05/22 Coneohdated Edson Co of New York, anc,106pp 30848166-lock. 30848 271.
  • Flonda Power & bght Ca 85/06/11. tp 30953.274-30953274.

9806270674 Forwards insp Repts 54250/8518 4 50-251/0516 on 850429-0503 No 360824013e Summary of 850530 operatng reactor events eneetmg to trief Ofc weenons or dev anons identmed Drector.ev erectors & representatves on events smco 650515 mestmgtet of BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/22 WILUAMSJ W Fionda ! attendees.wiewgraphe & status of esognments enct Power & bght Co. 2pp. 31249186 31249196 CRUTCHFLELD.D. Asestant Drector for Safety Assessmert 85/06/13. ~8604270804 insp Repts 54250/8516 & $0-25t/8Sf 6 on 850429'0503 No violaton THOMPSON.H L Dmeen of Lr anseg2500 31155.316-31155 340 snutter easvedance progam.NOREG.0612 or deviaton noted Masor areas re control of loads, LERs.lE tm 8411 & Inso Nonce 8510

                                 $40610030s Responde to NRC 850404 Itr re Genenc Lir 83-28.Secton 2 2.2 core

" erwiemonta'aonitern addressed m Wil 841019 Ilr re impeementanon of NUT LENAHANJJ., J .F. Regon 2. Offre of Drector 85/05/17. 9pp 31249 188 rept Vendor equpment technscal rdo progam edequate. 31249 196 WILLIAMS.J W Fionda Power & bght Co. 85/06/14. THOMPSON.H R, Dmeson of Lk 8606200181 IE Info Notte 85442. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Seres Badge consang 1p. 30976164-30978164 TLD Elements " Svc bet enct JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Prepared 1ess & E Response (Post 8608240430 Requests eemittance of fee for850520apolcaten to rev to anservce test 8301031 85/05/29 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. oc 20pp. 30852 245-am for pumpe & valves for facihty BrancfL 65/06/17. WILLIAMS.J W Flonda 30852.363.

                                              .R M. Lcense Fee Power & bght Co.1p. 31177.362 1977 362.
  • RWW Ms M % hs k W ence
                                 $808240003 Forwards response to Genene ter 8542 re resciunon of unresolved safety                JORDAN.E L Ommon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post maues                 steem generator tube           Recommendanons on Category C.2          830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 120pp 30864167 steam          ator      maps we be e@utted          50918 S.J W Fionde Power & bgnt Co. 85/06/18 THOMPSON.H.L Omeen of L3                   30864 287.

WI conomg. Sop.31062 106 31062 113 ,. survey of piant-sco- hst enci 8008290113 Forwards talmdar summary of key resuRs from JORDAN.E L Omeon of Emergency Preparedness & E Resporsee (Post cohc anfo re poteneel for uncontrosed reeston expoetres m cavetes.per JG Part. 830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 2tpp 30864 045-low 850315 requoet.No further genenc acton needed. 30864 m TAYLOR.J M Larector's Offte. Once W Inspecton and Enforcemert 85/06/18 MURLEY,7 E. Regen 1. ONce of Drector. 9pp. 31211322 31211330. 8500040344 Forwards adcs mfo re Rehof Request 3,concomirg regenerenwe HX second 3606300114 Forwards response to 850502 request for completen of Enct 2 to Genenc **D ance*'*"n'at meervice of u resonic map eram

                                                                                                                                                      & surface  Remet       from code vol & surface areas regured m perform rowested Le 85-07 re implernentanon of mtegrated schedules for piant mrade                           WILLIAMS.J W Fionda Power & L               Co 85/05/31.VARGA.S A. Operahne Reactors WPLLIAMSJ W Flande Power & bght Co 85/06/24. THOMPSON.H L Deeen of LF                       Branch t 10pp. N 26OM 70.

cenerg 3pp. 31256 359-31256.361. 9000040386 Ack receipt of 850104 safety evaluenon 4 techtscal evaluaton rept accept-mg masonry won deogn mods & requeseng notecanon of mod cornpleton,per IE Oul-i O. Inspoetlen reporte,IE BuBstine & corroependence isen 8011 Banery room wene to be comrieted tyy Dec 1985 WILLIAMS.J W Aonda Power & bght Co.85/05/31 VARGA.S A Operstmg Reactors } 0408210611 Forwards SALP Repts 50 250/8541.50 25t/8541, 54335/8542 4 54 Branch 1. Ip 30701352 30701352. 389/8M2 for Jul 1963. Oct 1984 j GRACEJ N Regen 2. Omco of Dweetor 85/02/07. WILLIAMS.J W Flanda Power 4 86000eesT7 IE Info Notce 85 045 "Potental Sommec interacton inwohnng Mowable in.

Ught Co 3pp. 31057 262 31057 319. Core Fluw M Sys Used m Wes Deegned Plants " Svc het enci.

JORDAN.E L of Emergency ednete & E Response (Post

                                  -4005210613 SALP Repts %250/8H1 & %251/8H1 for JJ 1983. Oct 1964                                830103) 85/06/06. Consondated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 22pp 30865 001-
  • Regen 2. Omco of Laractor 85/02/07,32pp. 31057 265-31057 296 30865 046 i
                                 -4008210615 SALP                  $4335/85-02 4 50 389/85 02 for JW 1983. Oct 1964            6800000707IE Irdo Notco 85446 "Clar hcahon of Several Aspects of Removabee Ra-
  • Repon 2. Omco of ector. 45/02/07. 23pp 31057 297-31057 319 eoective Surface Contaminanon Limits for Transport Packages Svc het once.

{ Response (Post JORDAN E L Dwoon of Emergency Preparedness & E

                                  $608200307 Suppie response to violatons noted m Inno Repte 50 250/84-28 & 54259/                830103) 05/06/10. Consondated Esson Co of New Y , Inc. 24pp. 31043 301 84-29 Requests estenson for compseton of so rtware routme for DDPS posson rept to           31044 064.

860101 WILLIAMS,J W Flands Power & bght Co. 85/04/30. GRACE.J N Repon 2. Office of 8408140240IE Info Noace 85447, *Potenhal Enoct of Ur eineated Operanon on Cat. Drector tp 31020 220 31020 220 taen Target Rock Soleno4 Operated Vafwes" Svc het anci JORDAN E L DMeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Resporose (Post 9406210264 Forwards enop Repts $4250/4M8 & 50 25t/8546 on 8503114400 & 830103) 85/06/18. Conachdeted Eeson Co of New Yor , Inc 34pp 31268157 nonce of violanon. 31268 304. WALKER.R D. R 2, Office of Drector. 85/05/07. WILLIAMSJ W Fionde Power

                                       & bght Co. 2pp. 3 056 207-31056 223.                                                    8506240003 Forwards response to Genonc Ltr SM2 to resoluton of unresofwed safety neues                steem Generator tube -              Recommendatone on Category C.2 steam generator          meps we be etenwited           50916
                                  -4006210262 Nocce of velahan from inee on 8503114408                                            WILLIAMS.J W Fionde Power & bght Co 85/06/10 THOMPSON.H L Desen of Lk
  • Regen 2.Omco of Drector.85/05/07,2pp 31056 209-31056 210 conung 8pp 3106210431062113.
                                  -4006210273 inep Repts $4250/8%6 & 50251/8546 on 6503t14408 Velaten                          0408140636 IE Info Notre 8%48 "Resprotor Users Notce Defectve Self Contened notedfuture to eneet Tecn Specs survedance requremerits for power range nucteer proetrung Apparatus As Cyhnders" Svc hat once metrument charrws                                                                          JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E                          Response (Post i

PEEOLES.T A BREWER D R, ELROD.S A. Repon 2. Omco of Drector. 45/05/06 e30103) 85/06/19 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yor . anc. 23pp 31376 064-i 13pp. 31054 21131056 223 31376 183. i 8806270000 Foreerde inep Repts 50-250/8549 4 54251/0549 on 850423-26 & noece

2. Omco of Drector 85/05/13. WILLIAMS.J W Flonda Power R. Perleslie opereung reporte a reisted corroependence NA R D. R 4 Ught Co 2pp. 9 001 31249 013 8408110231 FOtA ressest for 1983 anroof rept for safety rehof valve chenenges of
                                  -4006270007 Noece of volecon from map on 850423 26                                               estert plante 4 annual piant mod. tests & expenments rept for 1963 por 10CFR50 59
  • Regon 2.Omce of Drector 85/05/13. 2pp 31249 00131249 004 PEDRO.J NUS Corp 34/10/25. Dmmon of Rules and Recorde.1p 30839140-30839 140.
                                  -4008270813 Insp Repts $4250/8M9 4 54251/0%9 on 850423 26. V olatens                                             ^

noted future to provide acceptance entens for thread engagement & to mctude acem 8008110342 Reeponds to FOIA request for 1983 annudt plant mod tests & esponments mulesor pressure rehof verwes e ASME Secton XI pump a valve procrem. & safety rehet valve chementie repts Forwards App B documents App A documents MLEINSORGE.W P. NEWSOME.R W., BLAMEJ.J. Repon 2. Omco of Drector 85/ avelabee m PDR. Av of repts heted by facihty FELTON.J M Dmer:n of and Records- 84/12/20 PEDROJ. NUS Corp. 6pp 05/07. 9pp. 31249 005-31249 013. 3083914 t -30641.130. 3e06130027 1 k> it Irdo Nohce 84 55. " Seal table Leaks et PWRs " Svc not ena -8006110290 Forwarde annual rept of safety 4 rehof velve chanonges per NUREG-JORDANI L of Emergency Preparedness & E. Response fPoet 330103) 85/05/14 Conachdated Eeoon Co. of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 31044 065- 0737.nem 11 K 3 3 WILLIAMS.J W. Florida Power & b'ght Co. 64/05/09 O'REILLY.J P. Regon 2. Omco 31044 # 1. of Drector. 3pp 30819 354t30839 3Se 8408130030Suppi t to fE info Notte 85420. "Motoroperated Valve Fadures Due to

                                                                                                                               -4006110290 Armuel rept on changes. tests & esponments mado e/o pnor Commseason HW   Effect."

JORDAN.t Swc set L Dumon encl. of Ernergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet approvas kom Jul 1982 June 1983 W/830e07 ser 830103) 85/05/14 Consondeted Esson Co. of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 31044172 UHRIG R E. Flanda Power & bght Co. 63/08/30 O'REILLYJ P. Repon 2. Omco of , Drector 175pp. 30839360 30840 9 70, 3t044 278


   -4000110263 *Rept of Changes. Tests & Esponments Made W/o Pnor Commiseen                                     -4410040278 Forwards update of Shony statistes covermg 830506- 840822 Lets two Approval.Jul 1983 June 1984
  • W/840829 ftr
                                                                                                                   " press retase" type notees neued dunng reportng penod Nent montrey FR riotco WILLIAMS.J W Fionda Power &             Co. 84/06/30. O'REILLY.J.P. Region 2. Oftco                          scheduled for put* cation on 840924 of Drector. 320pp. 306401713084 :530.                                                                        EISENHUT.D G Dvision of Lcenseg 84/09/18 DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re.

4806100114 Monthly operanng repts Inr Mar 1985 W/850415 itr GRANT.N W , WILLIAMS.J W Fionde Power & Lsght Co. 65/03/31.16pp. 30828 305 -860004 % . Notco of canadoranon of issuance of amords to Lcenses DPF031 & 30628.321 DPR- e1 & prs cossd NSHC determinaten 4 opparbnsty for heanng to 8308t9 re@est conr erning pn gem to resohre pressunrod thermal shocs caus VAfiGA.S A. Oaraung Reactors Branch 1. 83/10/03. 9pp 30722 292 30722 314 S. Report e - uRe a ,s ted .orree,en.once

                                                                                                               - f.040 4. Notic. o, con. ora                     of -e of a,ne, ids to DPR4, &

0000000663 LER 8501240.on 850429.dunng shutdown. generator 4 nam Wansforme, & proposed NSHC hbon & oppodunity br heanne to 840314 rwuest lockout relay tryped.resulbng m actuation of ESF equipmentCaused by personnel ' enor Personnel counsened Transformer turn. rate tested W/850529 fir. VR S Opera e f 3f 15pp 2 315-30722 336. T UTEB R . ILLIAMS.J W. Flonda Power & Light Co. 85/05/29 2pp. FOIA req 8500000003,s of arme ,orn .u, v es.cfor. r- tour m.etsca.tegones of documents mcheng mfo re exemption

                                                                                                                                                                        & OL am.nds
   $400000000 LER 8501300cn 8505C2.durno schech4ed refusung outace emergency                                                  "L               rp. 11 M         v n          Rule nd RecWs tp. W45 h eessi generator A automancany started Caused by ecorrect sten m Procedure 3-OP-                             [ 7 [ 029' HAR       D         NJ        Flande                            Co.         06     3pp! 30718.194--       '888888 " '             P            ^                          '9"      '          "' ' F 30718 M-                                                                                                    documents Do" cum"enIa             peac     m' FELTONJ M Divmmn of Rules and Records 85/01/30.GRARER.L NUS Corp. 2pp 8806270425 LER 85 014,00an 850520.refuenng cacty. spent fuss pool a fuel Wansfer                               ##              #'

canal levels lowemd beiow Tech Spec mars Caused t y personnoi overtght dunng

                                                                                                               . 0600060014 Amends 105 & 99 to Lconses OPR 31 & DPR-41.respectively, delehng 7 D       LLIAMS        Flanda Power           Lght $ 5/06                         31252 268          """',cgon              """"           N*** " F                 **                N '" "

31252 270. kRGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 84/08/24 9pp 3074505130745059. DOCKET 50 241 TURKEY POspff PLANT, U$$fT 4 ** * '"'* " '" P "'"8 ^ *"d* ' L "*** ' DPR

                                                                                                                   ' Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector 84/06/24. 8pp 30745 064 F. Security, meecas, emergency & tire protection pean 8                                                        W45 073

{ 6500040327 Forwards response to NRC 050416 request for addl sto re methods a cr> 0606250021 Advoes that Rev 14 to reeologeal emer plan consstent w/ tone for companng post-trip review mfo w/ krewesor expected plant behevoor,per re-1 10CFR50 47(b) & 10CFR50. E recMrements & accepta sponse to Genenc Ler 83-28 i BROWNLEE.V L Regon 2. e of Orector 85/05/22 WTLLIAMS.J W. Fionda WILLIAMS.J W Flonda Power & L Co. 05/05/03 VARGA.S A. Operahng Reactors Power & Light Co. 10. 31200 276 31200 276 Branch I.18pp. 30703 069-30703 4600040049 Forwards safety evaluaton acceptmg removat of Type C testmg rewro-G Operating license stage secuments & corroependence ments for Verves MOV 760 & 751 Stet veh es edi be tested as pressure soonanon valves 3902220010 "B&W 177-Fuel Assembly Reactor vessel Bemme Weed Chemmtry Study" #R ^8^ F* g geght i 0 2pp 3' 2 30 9 280'

. E . HELLER.A S. Babcock & W4 con Co BAW-t ?99. 83/07/31.120pp.

I 29038 2 4 29038 329

                                                                                                               -et00040044 Se                evolustion accepeng removal of Type C tenang requrements cor 8600180031 FOIA             for seven specsfed documents & encis                                                                                        of va#ves as pressure monation va#ves.

V.alves NRC No MOV-750 Deta4ed751 & tes Affmenon 05/05/21.1p 30719 28430719 280. GRABER L NUS 84/10/29 Diveen of Rules and Records. tp. 30966 268 N 268-4608200414 Forwards saf evaluaten of NUREG4737.ltem 11 K 3 30 re small break l #

    $800030300Perhad response to FOtA request for three categones of documents to be made avadabes et POR re NSHCs App A documents enci & placed n POR Search e,Y#                           #

85/05/29 WILLIAMSJW Flonda Power VARGA.S A Opereg Reactors Branch t D J M Diveen of Rules and Records 84/1t/06. ADA70.M Unen of Cors "# comed Scentists 400. 30720 001 30720 005 0000040004 Forwards fee for suppsemental safety evoluenon & Lcense Amende 99 4

    -8312230001 Forwards upcote of Shony stabstes                              830506 1122 EISENHU7,D G. Dween of                                                                                                         por 8              t I

83/12/00 .H R. Offee of Nucteer h WILLIAMSJ W Fionda Power & Laght Co 85/05/30 OIGGS,R M Lcense Fee Mark l actor Regulation, Drector 2pp 307 012-30720 013 i ogement Branch. tp. 30700 355 30700 355

   -4401140341Forwarde update to Shony stabsecs Ior 8305061231 Request for heanng                              3g0004010e Forwards response to 850416 r                         tot adcp rifo on 850128 4 0302 es>

racerved m response to nonce of sauance of Amend 10 Neth monthly FR nonce phcehons to amend Lcenses OPR.314 -41, cf angmg Tech Space re contser> scheduled for enn on 840125 ment sys EISE NHUT.D Dviemn of Leonomg 84/01/06 DENTON,H R. Oftco of Nurloer Re-actor Regulaton, Drector 6pp. 30720 014 30720015 WILLIAMS) W Flonda Power 41aght Co. 85/05/31.VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1 app. 30703 342-30703 345. l -4402210139 Forwards update of Shony statence for e30506-440126 Two requests for se00040334 Advoes that valves MOV-750 & MOV-751 would be ' locked closef" heenng & one comment recorved Requests for heanng esmissed on two dur normal plant operanon & LOCA by lockmg tweakere for valves I aants Pr conserence scheduled for Grand gun petition- open ISENHUT.D G. edures to be revoed to recuro ester for valve MOV.759 to be locked of Lscensag84/02/07. DENTON.H R. Offee of Nuclear b open C3 tor RegJanon, Drector 3pp. 307a cts 30720018 85/05/31.V ARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors WILLIAMSJ W Fionda Power & Lp' Co.

   -8404020112 Forwards update of Sholly stabsect coverwig 830505 840224 Eleventh monthly FR rence scheduled for pubacaten on 840321                                                      ge05140024 Forwards Rev e to "Topcal OA Rept" Changes do not rechace commit.

EISENHUT.D G e4/03/13 DENTON.H R. Offee of Nuclear Re- enenta m program descnphon previous *y accepted try NRC actor Regulanon. Drector 3pp. 307 019 30720 021. WILLIAMS)W Flonde Power & Laght Co 85/06/10. THOMPSON.H L Dveson of Lb conseg 1p. 30094118-30894 251.

    -8404200441 Forwards updated " Shopy " statstics for830506-840322. Preheanng cork forence head on request for heanng recorved on TMi- t stearn generator                                  -eees140040 Rev e to " Topical OA Rept
  • reper Consentens accepter $ try ASL8
  • Fionda Power & Laght Co.85/06/10,133pp. 30694119h30694 251.

EISENHUT,0 G. Dvisen of Leonewsq 84/04/13 DENTON H R Oftco of Nuclear Re-actor Reguistion, Drector. 3pp. 307m 022 30720 024. seestr0100 Revised apphcahon to amend Lcensee DPR-31 & DPR41, changng Tech Spoo 3 3 2 re contarimere er lock

    -4406220619 Forwards update of Sholly statstcs covenng penod 430505 840425 No                                 WILLIAMS) W Fionde Power & Leght Co 85/06/11 VARGA.S A Operatmg Reactors endi comments or requests for heervig receeved                                                             Branch 1. 19 30953 273-30953 274 EISENHUT.D G Dviemn of Licensmg 84/05/07 DENTON.H R Othce of Nuclear Raw actor Regulaeon, Drector. 3pp. 30720 025 30720 027.                                                     -Gees 170124 Proposed Tech Spec 3 3 4 Page 3 3 2.edeng "contaniment er loch
  • pnar

' to "survenience 4/or testing regurements," clanrymg re@remente for operabihty of

    -8406200322 Forwards wdate of Shony statishes tar penod $30506 840523 ASLB                                    lock issued deceen for Grand Gulf on 840423. admienng two contennons for escovery
  • Flornia Power & Laght Co 85/06/ t1.1p 30953 274 30953 274 EISENHUT D G. Deveson of Lceneng 84/06/08 DENTON,H R Omco of Nuclear Re.

actor Regulahon, Drector. 3pp 30720 028-30720 030. Se84240130 Summary of 850530 operetmo reactor events meeang to bnef Osc Drectorev droctors & representaeves on evente ssnce $50515 meetingtJet of

    -4407300000 Forwarde updele of Shony statstes covering 830506440620. No aos                                   anendees.wiewgraphs & statue of esegnments once I       comment, or requests 6ar heenng receeved                                                                   CRUTCHFit LD.D.             Asamtant Drector for Safety Assessment 85/08/13
EISENHUT.D G Dween of Lzenung 84/07/06 DENTON.H R. Offee of Nuclear Re- THOMPSON.H L Dveson of Lcenemo 25pp at t55 3t&31155 340.

I actor Requienon, Drector 4pp. 30720 03130720 034. 4604100200 Responds to NRC 850404 fir to Ganenc Lir e3 28.Secton 2 2 2 concerruna

. _. _ Forwards updated Shony stanstics for pennd 830506-840716 Stabenes vnpiernentaton nem ackhened m une 841019 nr to unplementaten of NUTAC wel be updated followmg 640822 monthey potecahon of FR notco rept Vendne equipment techrucal mfo program arterpela EISENHUf,D G DPweson of Lconsang 84/08/0e. DENTON.H R Othee of Nuclear Re- WILLIAMSJ W rionda Power & Light Go 85/06/14 THOMPSON.H R Opveson of Le sciar fiegulaten. Drector app 30/20 035-30720 038 canang 1p 30976164 30976184 I
                            ..                                                   _                       _                       . . . _ _                  ._m   . ._               m_           ._              _-            _ _ _

42 DOCKETEDITEMS 8608240420 Requests terruttance of fee for850520appbcahon te rev to riservice test 8505200147 IE Info Notre 85443. "Raeography Events at Power Reactors" Svc bat prograrn for pumps & valves for facihty. ence.

!                   DIGGS.R M Leonea Fee Management Brancrt 85/06/11. WILUAMS).W Flonda                                                                      JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & En0Pnsemo Response (Post Power & bght Co.1p. 31177.36241177:362.                                                                                                  830103) 85/05/30 Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yors. Inc.120pp. 30864 for-1

30864 287.

               $508240603 issues concong   Forwards sleamresponse generatortotube     Genanc       snegnty  Ltr Recommendonone 8502 re resoluten of on unresolved Category}                  4505240195 IE Info Notre 85444. " Emergency Communcahon Sys Monthly TesL** Svc
,                   steam generator tLee snops we be sutwrutted by 850916                                                                                    kst enct
WILUAMS,J W Flonda Power & bght Co. 85/06/18 THOMPSON.H L Dusson of Le JORDAN.E L Dusson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post i conseg app. 31062 108-31062 113- 830103) 65/05/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12tpp. 30864 04b 9606290113 Forwards tabulas summary of key results from survey of plant ape.
                                 '     '*            un n med                                       *                       

0500040344 Forwards ads sito re Rehof Request 3.concommg regeneraeve HX second 8'"503 'No' 'furmo on"r M ed" iAYLORJ M octor's Omco. Othce of Inspecnon and Enforcement. 65/06/18.

!                   MURLEY,T E. Regen 1, Othce of Drector. 9pp. 31211.322-31211330                                                                           '"*P "(vai w'],           a     mesmco and "a' "4 mapCoRehof re ues 5/05/31. VARGA.S   from code                 vol &

A Operenn0 matace area Reactors

.              4806200114 Forwards response to 850502 request for completion of Enct 2 to Genanc                                                             Branch t W30703 28 W703 7a

. Ltr 6547 re implernentataon of integrated scheduses for piant mods i WILUAMSJ W Flonda Power & bgni Co. 05/06/24 THOMPSON.H L Dmeon of Lk 8500040365 Ack receipt of 850104 safety evaluehon & technical evaluenon rept accept. censmg. 3pp. 31256 359-31256.361. mg ma.norvy was dessgn mods a ressestmg notihcahon of mod completion.per IE Bul-lehn 8411 Battery room wens lo be completed by Dec 1985 i WILUAMS.J W Fionda Power & Laght Co.85/05/31.VARGA,S A Cperstmg Reactors

               & Inspectlen reporte, IE Sunstone & correspondence                                                                                            Branch 1.1st 30701352-30701.352
               $508210611 Forwards SALP Repts 50-250/85 41.50-251/854 1, 50-335/6542 4 50,                                                                4*naaanaT7 IE Info Nohce 85045. "Potennaa Seesmic Interecson invoswing Movable in.

389/8542 for Jul 1963. Oct 1984 Core Flus M Sys Used m Wes Desgned Plants " Svc bal enct JORDAN.E L of Emergency edness & Engmeenng Response (Post GRACE)N Rooon 2. Othee of Drector 85/02/07. WILUAMS)W Flanda Power & 830103) 85/06/06 Consondated Edson Co of New Yors, Inc.122pp. 30865 001-Ugni Co. 3pp 31057 262-31057 319 30865 046

               -8408210613 SALP Repts $4250/8541 & 50-251/8541 for JLA 1983 Oct 1984


  • Region 2. Omco of proctor.85/02/07. 32pp 31057 26531057 296. 8500000707IE Info Nohce 85446, Tiarthcanon of Several Aspects of Removable Re-doactrve Surface Contamination Umsts ear Transport Pacsages? Svc het enct.

4906200387 Supots response to veoistens noted m Inno Repts 50 250/84-28 4 54251/ JORDAN E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmaenng Response (Post 64 29 Requests entensson for conpleton of software routmo for DOPS poison rept to 830103) 85/06/10. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.124pp. 31043 301 1, 860101 31044 064 t WILUAMSJ W Flanda Power a bght Co. 85/04/30. GRACE) N. Repon 2. Omco of Drector. tp.31020 220 31020.220. 8506140240IE Info Notir:e 85447, "Potervbal Effect of Une4nduced Opershon on Cer-a tain Target Rock SolenoidOperated Varves

  • Svc bat enct.

0608210254 Forwards insp Repts 50-250/8506 & 50-251/8546 on 8503114400 & JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Post J' W ER Regon 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/07.WILUAMSJ W Flonda Powe' 268 4 4 Ught Co. 2pp 31056 20741056 223. l

                                                                                                                                                          ==>4==            F--a r--e u- mar -f
               -. 0 2,0m ~e, ice of -ason ,,. msp o,i8503114408
  • Region 2. Othee of Drector.85/05/07. 2pp 31056 209 31050 I 210. 7 g conc tesm y ps be' 09

n n Category C WILLIA W Fionde Power & Ught Co 85/06/18. THOMPSON.H L Dmesort of Lk 84542

               =460821027,3 notedtaA e M mInso    et recn.RaptsSp 54250/850,ves.ance cs eu                                         51/8546 emonis  io on    8,503114408,.
                                                                                                                    -,an  s nuc e              vela.ha.n    =no
  • s'*2 '*8'*2 "2 metrument chenres PEEBLES.T A , BREWER D R, ELROD.S A Regen 2. Omco of Dractor 85/05/06. 4606140630 IE Info Notce 85-048. "Resprator Users Nohce. Detective Self Contained 13pp 31058 211-31056 223 Breathing Appealus Ae Cytnders" Svc het enct JORDAN E L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post i 8606270000 Formads insp Repts 50-250/85 09 & 50 251/8549 on 850423-26 & notice 830103t 85/06119 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yar , int 23pp. 31378 064-1 of vmiaten 31376.163 i

WAurER R D Repon 2. Omco of Otructor. 05/05/13. WILUAMSJW Flonde Power

                     & Ugne Co. 2pp. 31249 00131249 013 R. Portedte operating reports & reested corroependence

. -4006270007 Notce of volaten from on 850423-26.

  • Regen 2. Omco of Drector. 85/05/ t 2pp. 31249 003-31249 004 g
               -8906270013 Insp Repts 50 250/85-09 & 50 251/8509 on 850423 26 velatene                                                                       hated plants & annuas plant mod. tests & apenments mpt tar m3 per 10CFR50 59 noted fasture to provios acceptance creena for throod engagement & to eclude accu,                                                      PEDRO.J NUS Corp. 64/10/25 Dmson of Rules and Records tp. 30839140w l'                    mulator preneure rehst valves e ASME Secnon Ki pump a veive program                                                                     30839 I40 3(LErNSORGE.W P. NEWSOME R W. BLAKEJJ Hoyon 2 Omco of Drector. 85/

i 05/07. 9pp 31249-005 31249 013 8506110242 Reepends to FOIA request for 1963 annual plant mod. tests & empenments

                                                                                                                                                             & safety rehet valve chauenges repts Forwards App 8 documents App A documents
               $506130027                  1 to IE trdo Notce 84-55. Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc het encf.                                                evadabie m POR Avelatq of repts beted try facihty 4                     JORDAN.E L                     of Emergency Preparedness & E                                     Response (Post                         FELTON.J M Divisaan of Hulee and Records. 84/12/20. PEDRO.J NUS Corp Spp.

830103t 65/05/14 Con 90hdated Eeson Co. of New Yor , Inc. 07pp. 3t044 085 30839 141 30841.130. 31044 171 4906110030 Supol 1 to IE info Notce 85-020. "MotorOperated Valve Felines the to 0 7,ttom x Hammenng Ettoct" Svc bat ance WILUAMSJ W Flonde Power & Leht Co 64/05/09 O'REILLY.J P. Regan 2, Omco ) JORDAN.E L Dwean of Emergency Prepwedness & Engneenng Response (Post of Director. 3pp. 30839 3'A30839 f58

,                    830103) 85/05/14. Consondated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. f07pp. 31044172-
;                    3 = 278-                                                                                                                                   06n          A,
  • M* pn & e- w,,,no, Co,nmisson

{ 0406300000 IE trdo Noece 8%39. "Audsab4 sty of Elececal Equipment Quahncaten EGR U Pow "b'ight 8 06/30. O'REILLY,J P Regen 2, Omco of 4 hecords et Ocensees Facernes. Svc het enct Drector 175pp. 3083s 380-30840170' j JOROAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency preparedness & E '

  • Response (Post
gg85/05/22. Conecadeeed Eeson Co ofi New Yo"r=,"*nc"."f08pp.


                                                                                                                                                          -es061tm3    30837.258~
                                                                                                                                                                           "Repe ce Ch noes.teses & E,penments uade W/o Pnor esmm,s on j                                                                                                                                                             Approval Jul 1983 . June 1984 " W/640829 Itr

" Co. 64/08/30. O'REILLYJ P. elegon 2. Othce

                $60630f 400 IE info Nohce 85040, " Denciencses in Esapment Quathcahon Testing &                                                              WittiAMSJ       W Fionna        Power & Lp130.

I Cert hcaton Process" Svc het enct of Drecer. 320pp 308401M4084 i JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Prepwedness & E Response (Post

  • 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 08pp 30848.186 4906100114 Monthly operanng repts for War 1985 W/850415 ter 30648 271. GRANT.N W., WILUAMS.J W Fionde Power & bght CO 85/03/31 18pp. 30828 305

. 30828 32t 0006270674 Forwarde Inno Repts 54250/85t4 & $025t/8Sf6 on 8504294503 No vmastens or devianone idonehed BROWNLEE.V L Regen 2. Omco of Drectcr. 85/05/22. WILUAMS.J W Flande S. Reportabte occurrences, LERe & reisted terroependonee ,' Power & Ught Co 2pp 31249186 31249196. I -8006270006 Insp Repts 50 250/04t6 & 5425t/85-te on 850429 0503 No velaton 4903200003 LER 8500740an 850218contamment spray pump power 4A suppsy j or dovienon no ed Maior areas ted enutmar surveinance program,NuREoo8i2 Ina== charong moeor bent ost ening 6 re control of loads, LERs.lE 8411 & Info Notee 8510 teet'nulhng neparabee m C . sedescnargmg sprmgs by caosing gyng power restored W/8w320 fir i LE NAHAN.J J., f. Regan 2 Othee of Drector. 85/05/17. 9pp 31249188, HART,R D., WILUA J W Flonde Power & Ught Co 85/03/20. Spp. 29558 338-4 31249 196 29558 342. I i 8806800181 lE ltdo Nohce 85042, Loose Phoephor in Panasonse 800 Senes Badge 8600000796 LER 8%0900 on 850425.amargency essel generator A taken cut of svc t TLD Elements " Svc het enct comcident w/rugh head safety enlacean pump Caused try personnel error Generator A } JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Post returned to sve. personned counseled & procedures revised W/650528 Itr.

830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eeson Cet of New Y . anc. 20pp. 30852 24% HART,R D., WILUAMSJ W. Flonde Power & Lght Co. 85/05/28 3pp. 30158 300 l 30652 383. 30758 302.

1 4 _ , _ . . , . , . , . , , , , ~ , _ _ - . . _ . - . . _ . . - . ,

                                                                                                                  <%       , _             ,.-.,.-.,,,,m_                         , _ , . , ~ - - - - , , , .               . . , , . _ _ , , . , _ . _ , , ,           y. _m.     - ,_,.

DOCKETEDITEMS 43 8606240644 LER 8S4104&on 8505t$. turbine 4 reactor trip occurred Caused by actu- 450e000068Adween that proposed Tech Spec amend to RHR vault equipmen14 floor atum ce ESF resa y madvertently bumped try const worter wtute performeg App R eam sys towewed No adverse fmdags determmed mods Const haned. Post-Inp towow sound no abnormal constions W/850614 w PARKER M C. Ilknois State of 85/05/20 DENTON.H Otts;e of %cteer Reactor Reg-TEUTEBERG.R L, WILLIAMS.J W Flonda Power & Light Co 85/08/14 3pp ulanon, Drector. tp 30717 312 30717 312 31158 294-31158 296. 4900000263 Ach receipt of 850410semittal of TopKai Rept CE.1 A.Rev 34 Howee will 8806270430 LER 8541100-on 850517, reactor inn occurred when off.sete power lost requre more then eo days to complete due to mulhpie faults on tugh power sys Caused by murtrole mtense brush ened W/850618 ler. SPESSARD.R L Recuon 3. Omco at Dractor 85/05/23 REED.C Commor wealth i tres Natural crculanon coohn0 es Edson Co. 2pp 307f5 338-30725 339 [ ART.R D., WILLIAMS.J W Fionda Power & Light Co. 85/06/t8 400. 31251349- [ 31261 352-8600060446Prowdeo mao to support use of eywee temp profile curves assummg 30-l mmute eywee spray evtiation Reasons for not obt ectng to use of 10 mmuse mierval DOCMET 50 252 UNIV OF peEW teEXICO RESEARCH REACTOR

'                                                                                                                                                     AM.B. C..               . . -7. Eeson Co 85/05/23 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re.

actor Regulahon, Drector. 3pp 30719 On30719 057. I ' 4406170463 Forwards safety evaluaton re uti response to Genanc Lir 63 28. Items 4506100503 Forwards " Emergency Plan Evaluahon Rept.Unrv of New Memco" for 3 re wrecasonResponse m dems { f,2 32,2 g g3 l { A andareranon Spec New Menaco, Urw of. Albuquerque, NM 2pp. 31013 288 31013 292 85/08/t1 WOODALLD M $[,0,g DB g og m 2 SS/0S/H MRA@ L h

 !         -4605190007 "Emer0ency Plan Evakathon Rept.Uruv of New MemccL                                   a                                 4500UO462 Safety evaluaten esportne uW msponse to Genanc W 83-285 ems
  • NRC . No Dotaded Affinaton Gewert85/06/31. 3pp. 31013 290 3t013 292 3113 I 2.3 2 f.3 2 2 4 4 5t to pose enaris teseng venhcahon.


  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatort Drector 85/06/31. 2pp. 30981 354-309e t .357.

fL Portoulle operating reporte 4 reisted corroependence j 8006140334 Adwees that TMi Accan item 11 F P. "Instoquete Core Coomne instumente-I 8506170179 Ar. nuel operatmg rept for Jul 1963 June 1985 W/860803 per son" reeoived.per e4 204 response to Genenc Le 64 23 j WHAN G A. New Memco, Uruv of, AeM *que, td8 85/06/30 3pp. 30973184 VASSALLO.D B e Reactors Grance 2 OS/06/05. EARRAR.D L Common-30973 192. wee'th Edson Co. 7 001-30907002 i 0608270423 Late faceties current a rowsed envron moratonng TLDs effecove 7 00CMET $4*254 QUAD CITIES STAft0se. UNIT 1 e50801 LaSame Station TLDs we be m enect as of itwd Ouarter f eeS TLDs not asied comen urs Map for towned numbers ence l' GOL DEN.J C. -- . .- Eeenn Co 85/08/10 ICEPPLER.J G Region 3. Office F Securtty, moecal, emergency a fire protect 6en piene of Drector 8pp 31238 219-31238 224. f 0$06100249 Responds to NRC 850410 Itr rg wor enons noted in insp Repts $4254/84 4606200730 Forwards safety evaluation on contanment isotahon dependabihty by dorm I 07 4 50 26S/6547 Correctve actons NRC noched of scram on850328 unm0 Emer- onstration of contenment purge 4 vent valve operabsty treo submitted to date does i Noencation Sys & admrvstratsveprocedure impeemented not demonstrate abety of vapires to close dunng LOCA

  '                AR AR.D L Commerswealm fesan co 85/05/08 mEPPLER,J G Region 3. Omco                                                          THOMPSON,H L Diwoon of troneng 0$/06/17. FARRAR.D L Commonwealth of Drector 2pp. 30791020 30791021.                                                                                              Edson Co app. 31227 273-31227284 8506040357 Rev 21 to OEP 3304 re sesessment actione 4 Rev 2 to OEP 334f9 re                                                      ~4508200746 Sa'ety evalumnon to demonstanon of contenment purge 4 vent J                ama rasaban mondor sys
  • Commonweertn Eeson Co.85/05/31 $pp 307030430703080 op ,ebety Subevatted rico taas to demonstrate that watves have abety to cease agenst bust of pressure m event of DBA/LOCA tram lus open poemon n061.ai9 Ac. rece,e 50531 n, rioue,ig u - 4 ob,ec.v.s ior ,ac.ii.s '"" aa o '~ ^=*'o"~~ a'a'" *PP 2'22' 2 " -2'22' 2 "

f P [ * "Piosa 8505 T ELLO.CJ Region 3. Omco of Drector 85/08/12. REED.C. Co..- ~ r l' '

                                                                                                                                             $600270000 Aenses that Reve 33.34 4 35to OA Topical Rept CE 1- A satsfy regure-monts of App 8 to 10CFR$0 Changes to Sectan 7 resoevo geestons re procurement Eeson Co to 30897.104-30897 184 hESS RD.R L R                        3. Othce of Dredor 85/06/21 REED.C. Commonweenh 8506200303 Forwards insp Repts 50&r4/8St2 4 6028$/9613 on 4504014531 No                                                             Eeson Co 2pp. 31b87-3123S 288 F      W                  3, O* hts of Drector 85/06/12. REED.C C-~

r Eeson Co. to 31 344 31230 355. O. Inepoemen reporte, IE sunstone 4 eerroependence j .4606260323 inne R s 502S4/85-12 4 $0-26S/8413 on 8504014S31 No vioastaan

 ;              or Gewation noted ear areas rispectet opershons. radiological controls.mont/                                                  $60010024i     Reeponds             to NRCactons   4 0410NRC ler te     colatons  noted on650328veng m inep Repts60-254/86.

OF 4 6G266/8647 Correceve noched of ersam Emer C N egion of Drector 5 08/12.1$pp. 31230 $41 @h$*"g" * [g g/ R.J Q Agson 3, Omco of Dructor 2pp. 3079102430791021. i 8606260436 Forwards oche&de of correceve accons submrtted by State of IL for den-640828 6904130027 t to IE Info Notre 84 SS. "Seaf Table Leaks at PWRs

  • Svc tot enct j I ciencies noteddue 29 Dehciency n oMete rasosogical to fadure to actrvateemergency emergency precarodness troadcast eys ee,sercies on JOROANEL of Emergency Preparednete & E Response (Poet ER;MM.R W Federal Emer(,ency Management Agency 85/06,21 JOH N E L Devi- 830103) 8S/05/14 Coneohdated tenon Co of New Y , Inc. 07pp 31044 065-mon of Erner Preparedness & Engitteenng Response (Post 430103). 13pP 3104417L il 31219 287 31 19279 4506100157 Rev it to Emergency Pian Procedure OEP $50-f t. *Enve- Hammervig Effect' Svc not enes cons Samphng Supphes
  • Rev 19 to indes P5% onci JORDAN E L Dieman of Emergency Prepare @mes & E Reeponse (Post
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co 85/06/30 8pp 3097528l0-30975267 83010't) 6S/06/14 Coneohdeled Edson 00. of New Y , Inc 07pp. 31044172 i

3I044 278 4604100304 Revised emergency procedures melueng Rev 19 to OEP $504. "Emergen- I cv Equipment 4 Supphes' es06300000 IE Info Nohce 85439. "Austatutey of Elecincel Equipment Oushhcanon J

  • Commonwealth Eeoon Co485/08/30.

Rev 11 to7pp OEP S50 Tt. 30977197. 30977190 ".Enwrone Saw Suppnes? perords at treneses Facense " Svc not once. JORDAN E L Dremon of Emergency Prepare @ess & E Response (Poet 810103 eS/05/22. Coneohdated Eeeon Co of New Y , Inc Onpp 30837 2% f P. Opeesting licones stage : as 4 cerroependence 30e37 3e3 0604340632 "ShuMoon DHR Analvess&ad Cahee Cane Study." draft rept 4 HATCH.S W , ERICSON.D M. SANDERS G A Sanda Nahonsi Laboratories FIN A- gg06200000 #E info Notre OS440. "Deunces m Esiipment Chehhcahon festmg 4 Certticaeon Procese ' Svc het once 1309 85/03/IS Genonc isoves Granch 13tpp. 3114 7 00131149 011. Reeponse (Post

 '                                                                                                                                              JORDAN E L Dicmon of Emergerry Preparednese 4 EMPP 2= '"
             . 34 1 .                    ori f. e,n       to io -e.s DPa ,9 4 DPR mch.,ng re so.c                                               mi,ta'a'22 "' a **** * " "

Sectone 3 S.roMettmg mode m RHR vest orjuipment 4 floor een sys Fee pad j RyBAM B. Commonweetn Esson Co 85/03/22 DENTON.H R Omco of Nucieer Re.

  !              actor Reguianon, Drector 2pp. 31229296 3 t229 314                                                                            6404300tet IE Info Nohce SS442, " Loose Phoephor in Penesorac 900 Senes Badge TLD Elements " 8vc tot and j                                                                                                                                                      0A                                                 opere 400,6,200193 va     e-   4    fmorProposed e-   sy  reve       to   f.ech  Spec  Sectone           3   S   4 4 6,refleceng             mode m  RHR             ;                                p             g           4 ygE,                       5 3o 9,336,-
  • Commonweeftfi Eeson Co85/03/22.17pp 31229 P'l8 31229 314 l 0408170077 Reesonds to FOIA resseet ter recorde re FIN B 0489. "Contenment Loen 8406300107 IE Info Notce GS443, *Retography Evente at Power Reactors." Svc het ,
                 #2 ate Testm0 Program" 4 Oestree Corp /NRC contracts Forwards e)cuments to FIN                                                  enct                                                                                                                i S-0449 Documents eleo evasaces      s           m POR No documente re Queees mAq m torposet                                     JOROAN E L Dewoon of Emergency Prepare @ene & E.                                             Reeponse (Post         i FEL TON.J M Devison of Rules and Records- FIN B 0489 M/03/25                                                                    #10903) 05/05/30 Coneohdated Edsort Co of meew Yor . Inc. 20pp 30864147 j                 RE YTBLA TT.2 V Warren Weson Cosego, Swannonce. NC. 7pp 30987 03e.                                                              30864267.

30987 074 i 04063001M If treo Nonce 86444," Emergency Communscanon Sys Monthfy fest a Svc 0006t70301 "Contenment Leak Mate fosang invasagations." monthly progress rept see ence ear Nov 1982 JORDAN E L Dewesem of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Pod l DOUGAN.J R Ook Ridge Nahonal Laboratory FIN 84489 02/12/07 ARNDfA Me. sao103) eS/06/30 Consondated Eeson Co of New y inc 2tpp 30864 04S.

 !               chenicallStructurel Engmeenng Bronces 3pp. 3098711S 30987117.                                                                   30864 166 4
         ,, - , .-                 m,                  . - _ , -- ,                  , . - - - - - , - . ,      .-y.,.r,.-,_..~...,.m.r-e-                    w-----w,.-----              - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                                            .---r._,                    - - - ,                4-_-

44 DOCKETEDITEMS l 0606120057 Rev 0 to Emergency impiamentshon Procedure Ek12 t, " Personnel Ac. 80000006T7 Core Fius tE trdo sys Notre $5445. used "Potereal Seerruc Wnengnouse Do.gnI.nteracton t eiems. invenng s,c tu wet Movable tr> countaanney - JORDAN.E L (W Emergency Preparedress & E Response (Post

  • Consumers Power Co 85/05/28 3pp 30852218 30852218 830103) 85/06/06 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Y Int 22pp. 30866001-3066S 046. 4606120061 Temporary Change El-854t8 to Rev 5 to Emergency Plan impismenhno 0000000707IE Into Noece 85446, "Carecahon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- torm o is doeceve Surface Comammenon Lamas for Transport Packages
  • Svc est anci BRUNET) R s Power Co.85/06/29 3pp 30852 224 30852226 JORDAN.E L Dvmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response Post 830103) 85/06/10 Consondated Eeoon Ca of New Y 24pp 31043 301, gge0070029 Responde to 850213 request for a42 mfo re uhl 840610 tre protecton es.

l 31044 064. empton requem on local teneng of erne generaews Caculabone used to do.

 !                                                                                                                                               sermme eme avaiable w/o ac power urwier et cor=1rnon enct
  !          0008200303 Forwarde inep Repts $4254/8512 & S0 26S/8St3 on 8SO4014531 No                                                            JOHNSON B D Consumers Power Co 85/06/04 Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regula.

SHAF D 3. Once of Drector $5/06/12. REED.C. C; - Edeon Co.1p. 31 340 31230 355 0000t20101 Rev 1 to Emygoney Plan 1 -. _ y Processe El-2 2. "Emwgency J

             -=0.=0m enop R. pts S$2w.512 & S 266,85,3 on 85 01 531No vmia.on or devianon noted Masor areae anspected. operanone rechosogcal corWoes.mant/

eg,,a,,,n,,nigC' a n cm';;ag,g,ngr;='> NssO MOs's Regen Omco o"f tar S 06/12 15pp 31230 341- op 850$07 es Rev 4 to e emergency 312303SS Ge86{0002Ack QPE .C J Regmn 3. Drector OS/06/06 DE .R B Consumers j 0000140240IE Info Notco SS447. "Potenhal Enoct of Line-induced Operaton on Cer- Pow Ca 2pp 30007 Oe7m7 068 8086270148 Forwards Rev 7 to request for siempton from reguremente of JORD E mer e E Post 10CFR$0 48 4 App R to tre protecton.wicorporenng changes escussed einn0

'f              830103) SS/06/18. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New y                                                34             268 157 31266.304' 80603 04 4 06 conferences Anacnmente 7 & 14 ed be provused at inter date BORDINE.T C. Consumere Power Co 85/06/19 Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regule.

9000140SM IE info Notte 85044. "Resprator users Notce Defectve Self-Contened tion, Drector 150pp 31235 00031235151 Brestrung Accaralue As Cytnders" Svc not onet JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Prepareeees & E Response (Post 4006270149 830103) 85/06/19. Coneoadened Esson Co. of New var . Inc. 23pp. 31376064- nas esercsee Ach receet of scheduled for850fioS eSoe20 Scope ler w/ scope a ob a,ectrves acceptaeseteiectrves for emergenc 31376.163. PAPERIELLO.CJ Region 3. Othce of Drector 85/06/21. DEWITT.R 8 thAe Power q Co tp 31234 330 31234 338 R. Portedte Operoung reporte & resseed corroependence 6408200010 Forwards EG4G Idaho.ine sitenm rept, 'Conformance to Reg Gusde j 197.Paksades Plant

  • Rept mecates that adequate pastAcanon not provided for some
9000040H6 Forwarde specsel repts.
  • Summary Status of Fuel Poh End of dems Response to open dems requested withe 90 devs of e receipt
]               Cycle 7.May 1965." per regnarements of Tatue 0 61 of Lceness DPR 29 4 DPR-30                                                     ZWOLINsnl.J A Operaeng Reactors Branch & 95/06/24 VANDEWALLE.DJ. Con.

t RAUVIANAKIS.N C- ,.- --- Edson Co 85/05/16 KEPPLER.JG Rogson 3, aumers power Co 3pp 31256 214 31256 240. i Othee of Drector. 3pp 30703 254 30703 250

                                                                                                                                              -48062403,1 "Conformance to Reg Guute 197 Pekaades Plant "

0006240M2 MontNy operenng repts for May 198S W/8S0603 IIr STOF f EL.J W EG4G Idano, Inc. (sube of EG&G. Inc L FIN A 6483 05/06/31 24pp kRONICH.C, T AMLYN,T pl C_ _ . Edson Co 85/05/31. 22pp 31202143 3 t2S6 217 31256 240 31202 204 J. Insurance 4 Indemnsty Information g D ^ ""'"' 4406170900 LER 43009/03L4cn 830222.enerental pressure tidicatag switch t. 1380LIA faded to m negative drecton Caused by dnft of ristrument setpoint FROUNF

                                                                                                                                                       $                        uN          

R.R. Consumers Power Co 8S/06/18 SALilMANJ Omce of FArtear above physral stops recambr 4 tested aanstectorg W/810317 nr Reactor Regulabon. Drector 3pp 3t180109 31tso 111 . M ALNtANAmiS.N Co.- ^ Eeean Co. 03/03/1r. REPPLER.J G Repon 3, Omce of Drector 2pp 30982 341-30982 342. 900e030300 of couraeng reactors events esos tS meetng Div erectors or rect P. Opereung license stage deewmente a coneepondence i resentatrves on events occumng emco850507 meetng Asegnenent of tollow. up review reeconeemnes escussed Attendence est once 9904130044 Partial toepanse to FOIA re. net for all dncurnents to NRC procerhares for CRUTCHFIELD.D Asestant Drector for Sarety Asseeement. 4S/0$/22. detecton a control of escohol a seges drug use by persone engaged m bktg or canal THOMPSON,H L. Dhamon of Lsenomg 10pp 3070s 02 t-3070s 03s of nurseer reactors or facetwo Forwards App A documents FELTON.J M Divisen of f4ules and Recordt 85/01/28. HEATH S J Washngton 9000290448 LER 4540542 on SS0307. monsters 1 A & 19 ephed high On 650306 tual Legal F oundenon. SSop 30931 047-30931 157 l ramenon marvtor 1A tamed downecae On85030410 a 1214.morutor t A somed 05031S.morator 18 outef trypene occwred Caused tiy capacstor W/6S0529 ler ~4404140163 Discusson w/CPC on 02110$ re pohcies on use of poteeseson of drage I 1 NCA KALNIANAKIS.N Cw.- _". Edson Co. 8S/06/29 Fpp 31199 200- en seconos 31199 21d GIBSONJ Omre of Nucteer Reactor Re9Jiahnn, Orector JORGENSEN 9. a "ac ' ** oe'** ^"~-n - ' ' ' " ' " '" ' " " " '

;            8       t,0i.1 tER n40,40.n .50509 w~I.                                                .a         mo,e p,ot,e e.,

Caused by loss

                                                                                                                                                *aadi po,wer o    . ver.erated velve ma lesQ Number 4 TIP. retum.d0 to ove W, to                                             0, ,,0,,, Res,o,,,, to ,o A ,, ,,, ,e.,, ,e ,,N . 0469. C ,,,ma,ne,,, im RUSTICM.R K . KALNIANAKISN C_- _ - r f eson Co 05/06/06 3pp                                                                     Rete Tesang Prwam* 4 Quartes Corp /NRC conirects Forwards tkicumente re FW 30973 186 30973 196                                                                                                             844a9 Documents sono evadates m POR No documente re Quartes ed3l to requeet FELTON.J W Devieson of Rulee and Records FIN 8 4449 SS/03/2$
             $00.$N01M                                                                                                                                                              warren Weson Coaege. Swannonce. NC rpp. 309e1036 tm nt eL,ER    s A to4500340 d to et-t   on 850617,.        wete, Groupb . orN,se.o.isson inoped eOnel d b e rece.arert.,sta,n@y cor,et           REga.s 309e      YT,BL,A.TTJ 0                  V ausc> start reier 4 broener q- Brooker.
                                                                                     -- Ees reset W/850614Co ==mnr                 =

p;go,g g ~ - S* g101 , g Conor.n.ntL.e. Ma,e i,,ves.gato,c p,o,es. NAUS.DJ Oe. R.,9e No nel Leber. ,,N . . 2,1.,. AR~Dr.o Me. chenical Enynanng Branch 3pp. 30H7,1 2 30907 He q 00CIIET 005368 PAUSADES NUCLEAR PLA8tf 21.t.e ,o,wa,da .et o, -s tor w ch toe test pts w.,e ted tor ,ewww P. Soeurity, medleel, emergency a fire protesten piene L* ostn0 w's l 7ND EG M jopared Wom W/,0,9q g g gg p,ggp Contenment SyWems Branch 4pp 3%e 1 121 i Ac.

 ;           8008t.M136 on/No c on         R.e.v   12 to
                                        /aesp     n E*"eRtmplementah.on   m=rp-e n reProcedure,D21.  - Chenoe                 "E."MW0i a                                                                                                                                ,e,,

j 170.t -Co,,,mn,ne,,, t na,e res.n, ,,,vesoget,,,,, ,,.n n,, ,,og,e

'               01'                                                                                                                             ear Nov 1982 BRUPdET.J R . ANDERSON.0 L FUL7J P. Consumers Power Co OS/01/29 4pp                                                             DOUGANJ R Ost Ridge National Laboratory FIN 8 0449 82/12/07.ARNDT.O Me.

30eS2 234-306S2 237- cherucal/Seructurai tnyreerng Branen,3pp 309er 115 30981117 l i $40619 eses T gChange TCN E,145 014 to Rev 3 to Emergency implementaton ,,,,,,7g,, e rept for A. 1962 Contenmord Lost Rate ToshnO." mor UNE R CK. Consumers Power Co SS/03/13 4pp 30852 087 DOUGANJ R Ook Rutge Netonal Lab-owy F rN 0 /08/26 ARN f.E G D son of Enumeanne Technology app 309e7127 309er 132 30852 000 asseeannet temporary change to Rev 1 to Emergency implementng Processe El. 000e070444 Sutmute thed anatres 4 enam rept to PRA 4 cost benefit analyes on i to 1. Mont of Emer y Equipment.= actual ee'ety egnrhcance of two steam generator blowdown monts Pet SEP fope

  • Consumers Power . 06/03/I4 2pp 29509190 29609199. XV 2) 4 men steem kne treet eingle telure backhts trot IE Bulletm 00 04)

JOHMON 8 D Coneumers Power Co SS/0S/23 Ottice of Nuclear Heector Regale-900013e004 Rev t to Emergency Plan implemeneng Procedure Etti 2. "Estmetan of Don. Director Foepp 30154 001 30755 344 Core Damage From Poet Auwsont Samphng "

  • Consumers Power Co 05/06/06 Spp. 30952 f tS 306S2 223 0000040173 Forwards apphceten for amend to Latense DPR 20.revien0fech Space to l

requrement to now test summary leadweier sys pump encharge ve#ves tram gets130044 femparery Change elm 4tl to Anachment t to Emergency '^Plan ~ imple- test dunne plant operatene lo refuehng outaos test Fee parl r Procorkse Ek21. "Emer Actone/ Notehtshone/N SOR .7 C. Coneumers Power Co 85/06/31. OAice of Nutteer Reactor Regut BR f.J R. Consumers Power 05/05/2s. 3pp 3005219fk30eS2190_ tion, Director. 2pp. 30/02 31S-30702.323 1 ) 't

             -_    _,or.        ,-                   , . - _ . _ _ . - .                    ,-,o.      .
                                                                                                         .r.   ., , _ . , -             m_          . , , , . , . - . _ _                    -_ . . _ _ .                              . . . , , _             _.               . _ . . _ , _

, _ .-. - _. _ _ . . . .___-m. _. . __-___m.. . . _ _ . m_ _ . . . _ . _ ._ . _ _ . __ . . . . __ ___ _ _ l DOCKETEDITEMS 45

        =e000040 fee Apphcahon for amend to Lcense DPR-20.revene Tech Specs to change                                     Q. Inspection reporte, et Suesene & correependence teorement to noe test aummary foodwater pump decharge valves from montrey test 8                                    OS         4pp 30702 317 30702 320                                                                                    *           ' *           

E megency 4E

        =eesteettet Proposed Tech Spect                              requrement to som test suuAary feed-                       0103)171, 63,o44            85/05/14. Coneohdated Eeson Go of New Yor                               07pp 31044 065-weser purry encharge valves from                                                                                   3 test durmg piant operatens to refuehng s Power Ca85/05/31. 3pp. 30702 32130702 323                                                                                     '                                 *              *                     "

oct n enc JOR L Desson of Emergency Pteparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 9000070617 Sierrets supplemental renconee to Genenc LW 83-28 Iseue 31. " Post Mamt 830103) eS/0S/14 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Yors. Inc 107pp. 31044172-Testm0 " & Issut 41. " Reactor Try Sys Rehabsty " Actions for se reactor inp sys 3t044 278 ! components. w/encephon of twstable 4 aussery wip units.compdeled JOHNSON.8 D Consumers Power Co 85/06/03. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regute- 3006300000 IE Info Nonce 85439. "Austabihty of Electical Emipment Quaiecation ton, Drector 2pp. 30753 380-307S3 36L Records at Lcensees Facshtes ~' Svc hst enct JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparochess & Engneereg Response (Post 9e00170467 Forwards Amend se to License DPR-20 & safety evaluaton Amend mo4 030903) eS/05/22 Coneohdated Eeoon Co of New York. Inc 10epp 30e37 258-ties Tech Spec 3 5 25 to entend ame.Dy 3 days, that one emergency eseal generator 30837 363 may be moperahle eJnng May 19ei + ZWOUNSns.J A Opera Reactors Branch S eS/06/05 VANDEWALLE.DJ. Cork I sumers Power Co. 2pp. se06300000 IE Into Notce eS440, "Dehcences in Equernent Quanacanon Testeg & 1306-30957 31e i Cert

  • cationLProce,ss" JORDAN.F Devsen of Svc het enct Preparedness & En0meanng Response (Post Emer3ency t
        =e006170471                                                                                                         e30 t03) 85/05/22. Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. foepp 30e28166 dersinet one     Amend  e- etoeetogener.

L.ce,nse torDPR me,20.reven0 be -ae.eTech Specs dunn,o tM.y tm entend eme by 3 30m m

;         ZWOUNSKl) A Operahng Reactors Bretch S.05/06/05 app Juv$7 3t0-30957313.

) 070 6 S,.m.ts .n., 4 -8008170475 Safety eveaustion Amend to to Lrense DPR 20 actual safety signdcence .no,,ws of two & e.a.ngeneraer steam ,ept ,e PRA & coe,monts bbewtown oft an.p.s on SE Topic BEARD.J T , W AMBACH.T, 5H A.J e of Nuclear Reactor Regalaten, Drector XV-2) & main steam Ine treek angladaskre twknte traf IE Bunsen ) I C6/06/01 epp 30957.314-30957 313 JOHNSON.8 D Consumers Power Co 85/06/23. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguia-

;                                                                                                                           ton, Drector roepp.30754 001 3075S 340                                                                                  ,

j j 0006110307 Sienwes correenon to e$0131 & 020t Tech Spec change requests to to i

                                      '"                                              **                                  8008190368 Responds to veintena noted in insp Rapt S425$/054e Corrective                                                   j i"*"eMo'.cied.Ml?c V DEW E"*'*t C'"n".e'D"*e"f       e            . .'n'c" "* *"'"'" "               =I=a-Pas *a                     m****         coun=*d * ""Poa=
  • pare *'" *-aca
  • J eS/06/07. Omco of Nuctear Reactor Regu. "O E

en ME of Drector 2pp 30997004 30997005 be, tweed / N O Region Omco 0088100176 Informs that response to Genene Lt eS-02 to acsons for resolubon of un-resofwed sa meues concorrwng steem generator tube meegnty wie not be stemsnad 8406300181 IE Info Notice 85042 " Loose Phosphor m Panaeorac e00 Seres Badge TLD Elements " eve het once SON 80 $ 06/ta Omco of Nucteer Reactor RegAs-Can, Drector tp 30975 165-30975.16S N/05 ed Co' Y 20pp 2 308S2 363. W ese6300323 Responds to $$0426 roguest tar a&B aneo re NUREG-0737, them N K 3 5. 1 "Automaec ing of Reector Coolant Purros

  • Normal method of Wepmg reactor cook Steeseetes Adveas that tour steam generator eniebers (25%) we he functioneny j Cat we manual convoi m contros room based on edustry data search gested dunng 19AS/190s refueleg cutage & tor sech autrasgaent cutage.per open JDHN nem m inep Rept 50 2%IG3 25 8 D Consumers Power Co 85/06/ to Omca of Nucieer Reactor RegJia' tan Drector 6pp 31007 262 31007 267 FRISCH R R Consumers Power Co, 05/05/29 kEPPLERJ G Regon 3. Omco of Ok rector tp 31254 104-31254 104 l gees to p2,00.m ,o,.,.d.

o-or ap-a,., r v.ooe p,.to,

  ,               o de now                           seu e,m,.nd e h o .m.s.n    o ampe, o~oPR
                                                                                           .wr ,uchT,.,c.,


                                                                                                      ,dro S.o.t.s        .006.m, er            t., ,E ,,,,, em3, Ramo,.p,,, Ever,,e at Power R tors Svc t.t I          tests "E                   Analyst Paksades peer t,y ." enci Fee paid                                            JORDAN E L. Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & E                                            Reeponse (Post VANOEW LLE.D . Consumers Power Co. M/06/14 Omce of Nucteer Reactor Flege                                         830103) 65/06/30 Consondated Edson Co of New Y . Inc. 20pp 30n64167-t         then 0 ector top 31007 0i4-3 t007 072                                                                             30nu 2e7.


        -40083ee34e Appecaten to emend tr.ense DPR 20.changmg tech Specs to provate                                       3006300196 IE Info Nohce 85 044. " Emergency Communication Sys Monthly Test " Svc a         new reactor vesset pressure temp knWs for heatup cooldown & f yryostate test dus het enci j           to eupraten ot current pressure lemp hrruts-                   -

JORDAN E L Osween of Emergency Preparednese 4 E Response (Poet I

  ,        REYNOLOSJ W Consumers Power Co SS/06/14 4pp 31007 01631007 019                                                   e10103) 8S/05/30. Coneohdated Eaton Co of feew Y . Inc, 2tpp 30864 045-                                                   -

1 30864 166 j ~4406300369 Proposed tech Spec changes provu$ng row reactor veseal pressure / f i temp limris for heetup.Coofdown 4 bydrostatC test due to esprobon of current pres- e 08e00003 Forwards inep Rept 60 25$/8511 on 850423 26 4 050942 4 nonce of

 !         eure/ temp brrats                                                                                                                                                                                                                          l viosaten                                                                                                                  I
  • Consumers Power Co 05/06/14 epp. 31007 02031007 027. PAPf RTLinCJ Repon 3. Omco of Oractor. eS/05/31 OEWITT,R 8 Consumers l' j Power Co. 2pp 3072r 700 30727 216
        *4000200300 Engmoereg Arialyst.Polmados Pleector Vessed Pressure /Ternp Lmws
  • Consumers Power Co SS/06/14 22pp 3t007 028-31007 049 PAPERIELLO.C.J Regen 3. Omca obe 05/05/39 2pp 30127202 30727203 4

400e200366 " Summary of Fewtngs Re Poliseries Plant Reactor vesset Matts a =4000000103 Insp Rept 60 2S$te$tt on eSO423 26 & 0$0142 Veneton noted failtre

           ' Consumers Power Co 8S/06/14 23pp 31007 0$0 31007 072.                                                          to foNow hquid radweste reesee precettures i                                                                                                                          HUETER L J, SCHL,dACHER,M C. Regon 3. Omco of Director eS/05/st 13pp seessiom oiscusses rowsw ee vis e3it07.e40m a 65012e responsee io con =                                             "'8' 8*30'2' 8'S y

Ly e3 ft 421 2 ment props,n tor reactor tnp treetersResponses Sete870GN Fme W R$ $0-2H/4$00 on 6%409M 4 mW j WOLINSKl.J Opera Reactors Branch $ e5/06/19 VANDEWALLE.DJ. Con- voien n Measures e ensure met safety evoluetone mee pner to moe4*0 plent/eYS

  .        eumers Power Co. 4pp 31 26 357 31026 360.

t 3 "70mte of Drector 85/08/03 DEW 1Tf,A B Coneumers i 60 10m .afet, eve,u. on n ,reven,s ve memt eu,veeance . ..r n, pro. - ca >= =E'2 ='u 2:2 I l yeme for automehc vg contactors a manues inp treemers per Genorm Lir 43-20 ac"

                                                                                                                          .Se00070639 Nohce of velehnn korn map on $50409 0606                                                                         l Omco of Nuclear Reactor RooAston, Oweetor $$/06/19 2pp 31029 35g                                             WWS.C E. Regen s, Omce W Owocer 8W/M 4 M7H WWH N 8'02* 380
                                                                                                                          -useemn ine, Repe e0 2SSteS0e on eSO40,0506 vaanon noied f.iure e ow.

t 000eit0H6 Adweet that utd e01219 4 620122 lire contained comrrutment to support C. E Owners Grote eNorte to sabsfy NUREG4737 ftem N K 3 30.per based N N De*s*,*,"p'.*7, Y WRIGHf,0 C. Repon 3. Omco of Drector 85/05/39 9pp 30163 31$307S3 323

                                                                                                                                                                                                       * # '***"U E** **#*U"*"

Ocuments No plant epoems enefyere of ernes tlreen LOCAs rersiAred for item II K 3 31 VANDE WALLE.D J Consumers Power Co. 05/06/20 Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regie tenon, Duecter 2pp 31te0 22t-311e0 222- $teste0077 E Wo Ndre eWS. PWwmal Sewne Intenhan invofvmg Me h Core Faus M Sys Uesd a Wesengrome Dosagned Plants." Svc bat enes

}                                                                                                                           JORDAN E L.                 mon of f atergency Proper                                       Respon neemiu Forwwa respones to osaw= to eS47 re smo'emeatanoa of miewafed                                                em03) eS/06a Conamidai.4 f eean C.entose                          of New & YaE"f."*in"c"722pp echeduse (ILSIILS deveinped for                 Roet Poing. Proposed amend to Leonee                                                                                                             .

6S 00 i .(Post l 4 acorporatog ILS, ctreenWy under gC towsw 30866 046 I DINE.T Cs Coneumers Power Co eS/06/21 Omco of Pfuclew Meactor Regule' e600000707IE Info Notte 64040, "Clanticanon of Several Aspects of Removetjae Ra-ton, Drector 6pp 31too 010 31190063- eoective Surface Contaminston Lrewts for f ransport Pattages " Svc fiel erst JORDAN E L Dmneen of Emergency Preparednese & E Reeponse (Poet ] geseggeeft Suppsamental apphcation for amend to Licence DPR 20, roweeng Tech s10903) 4S/06/10 Coneohdeted f.eson Ce of Peen Yor , Inc. 24pp 31043 301 j~ e to rertune cuarter1y flow teehn0 of automanc 6eedester eye 31044 064 OtNE T C Consumers Power Co eS/06/2t. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regde-ton, Oroctor 3pp 3119e 20fk3119e 210 0408170442 Clwees opershhty regurements for teccolmg mer marvlor.per insp Rept 60 2%/eS05.NHC 8312t4 ovatusten of ute response to Lir 82 26 a

        .eesste6474 Proposed Tech Spec regumng gaerterly flow testeg of automanc feed                                       PfCHFG4737 TMi llem it F 2 weier sys                                                                                                        VANDE WALLE.DJ Coneumers Power Co OS/06/10 Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regu.

] ' Consumers Power Co OS/06/21 2pp 31190 20431194 210 lemon, Dwector 2pp 30958 095 30958 096 4 4 a -.-- -.- -. .- - .. _ . - - - _ . - - - - - - . - - -

J 1

!                                46           DOCKETEDITEMS 8606210121 Adness that Rev 3 to QA Top cal Rept CPC 2A corenues to satisfy re-                                       S. Reportable occurrencee, LERe & related corteependence garements of 10CFRSO. App 8 4 acceptao6e Rev 3 changes ee responmenbry & pro, gam conwol of meennce emp sansfactory                                                                             8506200437Forwarde nonramological NPOES porerut nosation repts from Nov 1984 to SPESSARD.R L Region 3. Omco of Dwector. 85/06/14 DEwtTT.R S Corieumers                                               Apr outmetod so State of MI Aino torwards Free repts ut od.sait or ponueng j                                    Power Co tp.31024 210 31024 270-                                                                                     mati loss & Wansfer od been sonowup rept for earne perwxt JOHNSON.B.D. Consumers Power Co. 85/05/31 REPPLERJ G Region 3, Omco of
                                 $406140240IE Info No6ce 85047, "Potental Effect of Lane induced Operanon on Car-                                        Dwector 2pp 310200953t020122.

tain Target Rock Scaence4 Operated vanes" Sv; het onci JORDAN.E L Dnnwon of Emergency Preparedness & Enginsonng Response (Post -8006200441 NPDES noncomphance noblicatonon 8504t$.morwtonng point Outtaa 830103) 85/06/18 Consoonsated Eeson Ca of New YorA inc 134pp 31268157- 00G (tank T-41) weekly yan sampas for od 4 yease escoeded dady masr=w tv 31268 304- abnormal high flow of water twough lurt)ene sump FOBES.R L Consumers Power Co PAL-OSO4 ADt09 85/05/06 MORLEYf. Mich> 6806140634 IE Info Notco 85448. "Respwater Users Nobce Defective Se* Contained gart State of. 2pp. 31020097 31020 098, Breattung Appsbatus As Cyanders" Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparoeiess & Engneenng Response (Post -8606200443 NPDES noncomphance nochcationon 850228.monttwy everage od & { grease exceeded hmit of 15 mg/lCaused by apparere mastuncton of new od/ water 830103) 85/06/19. Consondsted Edson Ca of New York, Inc.123pp. 3t376 064 31378.183. separator Separator cleaned & os skimming wer readlusted

!                                                                                                                                                        FOBES R L Consumers Power Co PAL 4502-ADice 85/03/19 MORELYf. Micts-gan, Staie of. 2pp. s t020 0ns t020 in l                                seests03s2 Summanres e50523 commdment & changes to commitment to resolubon of SEP Topic V2 Spectrum of Steam Ptpeng Fedures inside & Outade Corm                                             -4506200444 NPDES noncomphance notrhcahonon 850131                                       average ed &

yease concentanon measured 42 mg/Loucoseng hmit W 15 mg/l by Dypass JOHNSON.8 D Consumers Power Co. 85/06/21.Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regusa, of new API ed/ water separator &e to fauMy weste cd pump New purnp instaned son, Drector 2pp 31180 358-31180 359' FOBES.R L Consumers Power Co PAL-8541-AD106. 86/02/06 MORLEY,F. Mich> 9'"' " ~ 0606270414 Forwards Spacel insp Rept 50-255/8%6 on 85051317 4 30 31 No vicia-

                                          "0'"                                                                                                        -8608200447 NPDES noncomphance noencahon on850121 & 28.rouane weekly ad &
                                    '0"YE S                 3           of Drector 85/06/21. DEWITT,R B. Consumers Powe'                                     s sampe measured 50 2 mg/l 4 OO                             roepectively escoseng hmd rm.=d by

{ 1 P- se of new API ad/* ster separator due faulty waste pump I F ES.R L Consumers Power Co PAL 4541-AD105 85/02/04 MORLEYJ. Octs. i -8008270621 Specel Inno Rept 50-255/85-08 on 85051317 & 303t No violahon or gen State of. 2pp. 31020103 31020104 l devianon noted Maior areas eispected procurement acavities. j WESTBERG.R A . kROPP.W J. GOLDBERG,8 M Res.on 3. Office of Drector e5/ -Sees 2004s3 NPDES noncomphance nouncanotton850110 414/ouane week ed & 06/19 1p. 3t239136-31232139 grease samples moaeured 72 2 mg/t & $8 9 mg/I, r esceneng hmet by removal of new API od/ water separator from evc for maint ned to swc. 6e06200002 Insp Rept W255/s513 on 8506104610 No viosanon or devianon FOBES.R L Consumers Power Co PAL 4541-ADt04 85/01/21. MORLEYf. Scft-noted Maler areas inspected prewous mop twidings.coeranonal gan, State ot 2pp 31020105-31020106. safety maint.survedlance.organaraton & admwisstraton.LERs & widependent inep areas -4506200444 NPDES noncomphance nonncationen 841120 & 21.turtune bidg sump WRsGHT,0 C. Region 3, Ornce of Drector.05/06/21.1000 3t256 260 31256 269 flooded a ody weste weatment sys temporarey bypassed Caused try maan boder feed pump leakage Leanage cut to flow lovel estano cump purros could handle W/addl R. Portees operating reporte e reested c ;- _ -

                                                                                                                                                         @ES R L Consumers Power Co PAL-4411 AD103 84/12/03 MORLEYf. ucts-garg State of 16pp 3102010131020122 sees 200437 Forwards norredological NPDES permit wesation rects frorn Nov 1944 to                                    060629016F Reepende to NRC concems to station blackoul event.per utd840017 re-
;                                    Apr autmetet to State of Mi Akeo forwards ihree repts of od salt or podutng                                 quest to entend mes penod of inoperabedy of steam-drmen aushary feedwater pump I                                     mes loss 4 tansfer od loan followup rept for same penod                                                             to 7 days Procedures wie be revened upon receipt of amend 4

JOHNSON 8 D Consumers Power Co 85/05/3t. REPPLERJ G. Region 3. Omco of BORDINE.7 C Consumers Power Co 85/06/21 Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulo. Dwector 2pp. 31020 09531020122. tion, Drector 6pp 3t18009531100 099 i -4006200449 NPDES noncomphence nothcanonon 850415.morvienng point Outfas 1 000 ttare T-41) weekly yan sampes for esi a yease escoeded dedy man Caused by V. Operecer Enamenesone 2 ebnormal fugh flow of water itirougn furtune sump FOBES R L Coneumers Power Co PAL 4544-AD109 eS/05/06. MORLEYf. ucts. GeosIteges ro, wards Rev 0 to Aeurweratme Processe 4 05. "Pahnades Plant Opere-

.                                    gan, State of 2pp 31020 097-31020 098.                                                                              tar Training Program Nuctew Operanone freining Dept Program 4," per 6a0511 Go-J                                                                                                                                                         nonc Lir 84-14 i                                -se0020e443 NPDES noncernphance nottcanonon eS022tmonttdy everage ed 4                                                  JOHNSON.8 D Consumers Power Co e5/06/05 DENTON.H R. Office of Nucisar peese escoeded hmit of 15 mg/tra"ad by apparent malfuncton of new on/ water                                         Reactor Regutenon. Dractor. 2pp. 30815 27S306te 021 esperator Separator cieened 4 od newnming wer readiusted FOBES,R L Consisners Power Co PAL SSC2-AD10e e5/03/16 MORELYf. Mu:t>                                             ~4000118667 Rev 0 to Adnsreseseve Procerkse 4 05. "Pahsades Ptant Operator Trark gen, state of 2pp 31020 099L31020100.                                                                                     Program Nucteer Operseone frevung Dape Proyam 4 *
                                                                                                                                                         '             s Power Ca eS/06/05. Sepp 300tS 2et.300te02t.
                                 .et0620e444 NPDES noncomptance nonacetonon 650131. mon                           average ed 4 yeene concentaton measured 42 m0/Leuceeeng armt of 16 mg/t                         tw trypese of new API od/ water separator the to taupy waste od             New pump metasted.                              DOCHET 985296 BR0wns PERRY NUCLEAR power STATIOes, Uself f FOBES.R L Coneurners Power Co PAL 05-01-ADt . 8 /02/05 MORLEYf. MictS gan, State of 2pp. 3102010131020102 F. escurtty, moussel, emergency a fire preteesen piene
                                 -se0030e447 NPDES noncernosence nothcanon on650121 4 Pe. routine weekly en 4 4                                        e semplee moseured 50 2 mg/l 4 60 mg/t, roepecovely encoedng trrut.Ceused by                                   0000040632 Forwards knep Repts 60-259/8510.M260/eSte & S0 296/8516 on j                                           se of new API cd/ water separator the io tauny weste pump                                                     850311Vionehone noted.Nobce of violaeon 4 map dotadt withhold (ref 10CFR2190 4 F ES R L Consumers Power Ce PAL 4501.AD105. 05/02/04 MORLEYf. AActe                                                  73 21) gen, State of. 2pp. 3102010131020104                                                                                VERRELLt.O M Reqpon 2. Omce of Drector 05/04/0t. PARRIS.H G Tennesase Valley Authoney 2pp. 30709003 3070000$

as 4

                                  -seessetess     NPDES osee semples        noncomotence meeeured        74 2 mg/lnonncanonen860110
                                                                                & Se 1 m0/1, roepec 414.routne esc *eeng we,,e,k e,                                -4400040844 Inne Repts W259/SS16.%200/0516 4 W296/0510 on 850311 Vions-removaf of new API on/ water esperator tram eve tar maint           ned to evt.                                  ton noted guard posted et containment drywee hatch Couki not control access Dotade F     ES.R L Consumers Power Co PAL 4541-AD104 e5/01/21. MORLEYf. Mets.                                              *'thhe'd gen, State of 2pp. 31020106-31020106                                                                                 PATfERSON.C, Reqpon 2 Othee of Drector 65/03/25 fp 3070900530700005.

8048316480 Forwarde inep Repte B254/05 23.W200/0523 4 60 296/0523 on

                                  -40069004e0 NPDES noncomphence nonficationon 649120 4 21.aurtune tik sump Hooded 4 edy weste treatment sys temporanty bypeseed Caused ty men                        feed a          s4 pump toekapsleenage cut to flow loves turtune surno pumps could henee W/ses w           p0              '2            of                S/       PARRIS.H G Tennessee Vasey Authoney #pp 3Ntec-310SS tm
!                                    F       SRL                                    4411-AD103. 04/12/03. MORLEYf. Mict*                               -eeestus inep Repis M2S9/eSM60 PeuteS23 4 4298/0523 ort eSO4t%

4'"' te violeton noted fadure to prowwte adoreste trerung of shot engineers in eroe of off-ode proiectrve actrin deciwonmenmg 48063e040t opereeng rept for May 1985 W/650008 ter MARSTON.R R , CLINE.W E. Reipan 2, Ofhce of Drector eS/05/03 9pp 3t055142

                                      $Mlf H,P A , VA         NeERG,0. Consumers Power Co. 05/05/31. 4pp. 31020010-                                       31055 tw l

31020 00 t. I 800e140400 Revised Raeodogical E Plan implemenene Procedures BF IP.14. 0000310000 Forwards corrected tables for semiennual raeoecovo emuent release a "Heenn Phywce Proceesse? BF IP-t ' Emergency EW 4 Supphos" 4 IP 27, weele esposal ropte,1984

  • f och Spec emits have been ret esculated a corrected. " Plant Emergency Onnes Morvarinn0 " W/e508fI er FRISCH.R R Consumers Power Ca 05/06/0S FEPPLER.J O Regpon 3. Ornce of D- MAHuS.B K . HUF HAM.J W f_ valley Avihority 05/06/11. GRACEJ N rector ip. 3 tone 347-31057 019 Reqpon 2. Office of Drector 19pp. 30097 237 30097.2%


                                  -40003100$$ Corrected Tab 6e fa to "Serniennual Radoectrve Effluent Releste &

Wasee Dieposed Rept.Jen June 1984

  • J. Oneurenge 4 bidemnffy Informellen
  • Consumers Power Co e4/06/30. 2pp. 31066 34631066 344 4e00130048 Forwarde Endorsement 84 to NELLA Pohcy NF 19e & Encorsement Ft to I
                                  -400089e943 Corrected Tables fe 2h 4 3a to "$emiennual Radoective Effluent Re.                                           MAELu          MP ale tones & Weele Disposal Rept.Jun.Dec 1984 "                                                                           DUCM.J R        sh & Mriennen, Inc 85/0e/07 SALTZMAN.J Aseistant Drector for
  • Consumers Power Ca04/12/31. 32pp. 31050 350-31057 010 State & Licensee Relenons. 3pp. 30850 3SS300*9 361.


       -.-                                                                    _ . ~ _                   .                      _                                                      . - . _ -                              - ..      - .-

DOCKETEDITEMS 47 Q Operating beense stage docuenente a corteependence -8906250000 Safety owesuete trong hcensee response la Generic Le 83-28 Item 12 re post trip recew data a mfo capabelies acc atWe, D600030300Patal r to FOA rensest for three cat e of documents to be Onice of Nuclear Reactor Regulatim m tos CS/06/12 8m 312120G made avadatpe at re NSHCs App A documents & placed n POR Search 31212 006 J M Divison of Rules and Records. $4/11/06 ADATO.M Uruon of Con. 85n42402e t Forwards marety evaluabon re to item I t of Genenc Lv e3-28 on carned Scen6sts 4pp 30720 001-30720 00$, post tre recem prograan a procedures are revies progam 4 procedures acceptatde nem I t at Genonc LW 83-28 reeoiwed I

          ~43071004J7 Nonce of conederate of issuance of amends to trenees DPR 33 DPR.                              VASSALLO.D 8 Operatmg Reactors Brancn 2 SS/08/t7 PARRIS.H G Tennessee l             52 & DPR48 re staney gas teatment sys & proposed NSHC determinaban & oppor                             Valley Authonty 2pp. 3I e 56 284-3t 156 290.

! tunity for heanng V ASSALLO.D 8 Operateg Reactors Branch 2 83/07/07. 47pp. 30720 347- -4506240296 Safety evaluabun re tcenase response to item 11 oe Genanc tr 83-28 30721 087. on post enp review progam 4 procedures Post tip revew progam 4 procedures ac-l captatwo i 8608170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B4489. "Contammert Leak

  • Ortre of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/06/17 Spp 31156 286 Rate Testmg Program" 4 QuaiDen Corp /NRC Contacts Forwards documents re FIN 3 t156 290 84489 Documents also evelaDie m PDA No documents re Quadres subt to request FELTON J M Dwision of Rules and Records. FIN 80489 85/03/25 8906200749 Forwwds corrected Page 9 to Section IV of order modi licenses 6ar RE YTOLATTJ V Warren Weson Conege. Swannanos, NC. 7pp. 30987 036-309e7359 Browns Feny Uruts 1.2 4 3 4 Sequoyett Units 1 & 2;ncluttng E l omstted from some copies T AYLOR J M Drector's Othee. Omco of Inspection and Enforcomant 89/06/2t Dr
          ~4210120209 " Containment Leak Rate Toshng trivestigahans," propens summary for                           rector's Omco. Otace of inspechon and Enforcement 2pp 31227 254 31227 272 Sept 1962 NAUS.DJ Oak Asdge Nanonal Laboratory FIN 8-0489 82/10/OS ARNDT.G Mo' charwcal Ergneenng Branch 3pp 30987.112 30967114                                                    -4604200752 Foreards rept on review & Arenge of TVA handhng 4 tecfwucal adequacy of two nonconformance rects to plant contamment pressure Danerruttersidentsties i
          -8606170208 " Containment Leak Rate Tesang investiganone." monthly propens rept N0 1882                                                                                                                     (MNh"[B,enrh MA                                       SH L 9 Reactor S tems Branch.

, 'O' UG'AN J R, Oak Ridge Nanonal Lacoretory DO FIN 8 0489 82/12/07 ARNDT.G Me. GARO.H Equipenseit Quahhcanon Brancrt 85/04/ te DENTON M R e of Nuttoar j chanical/Structura Engneerm0 Branch 3pp 30987115-30907.117. Reactor Regusation. Drector TAYLOR.J R. Deector's Omce, Omco of inspectiori and Enforcement.17pp 312272%31227272 j

          -8604170496Reques a permisse to observe upcomeg Types A.8 4 C tests et hated

' facetes per FsN 8-0489. "Contaanment Leak Rate Testina DOUGAN.J R Osa Ridge National LaDoretary FIN 844l19 82/10/01 O'REILLYJ P, O. Inspection reporte, IE Bussetine a cerroepenslonce r Repon 2. Office of Drector tp 30987 133-30987.133 050421040t Responds to NRC $$0213 per te violatione noted m enep Repts %259/84-

          -8606170650 "Contenment Leam Rate Testeg Invesboatiors" monthly progress rept                            52.50 260/84 52 4 50 296/84-52 Correctrwe actions motor penson gear replaced,36 tor Feb I983 incomplete proyees rept tor War 1983 enct NAUS.D J Osa Ridge Nanonal Laboratory FIN 8 4489 63/02/28 ARNDT,G, Mo.                                                                                                             classes conducted i

ECCS DOMERJvalves A. Tennessee mapocted1MI-It Valley Authontyrewteed 85/0J & trereng/t5 GRACEJ N Region 2 Om cherucal/Stwural Ergneenng Brancet 3pp 30907144-30987146 Drector Spp. 31057 t9S310Sr.199

          . 0.,.0           , ,,,n.r - to FoA -st ,er -. 4 m.o ,e ~UREG,CR.

3597. SAND 844938 NUREG/CR3418 SAND 83-1817 & Board Nonncahon 84

                                                                                                                . 0.m.s. ,o,wa,es in.p Repts W,59,85 09,M,8S. & $~e,<,e on 32 App 8 4                                                                                           s%0126 0225 & fmece el viciahon C documents sweetabse et POR Reviee of addl docurnents conenum0                VERRELLI.D M Regm 2. Omco of Drector 85/03/22. PARRIS.H G. Tennessee FELf 0NJ M                  of Rules and Records 95/03/27. CURRAN D. Harmori, Weise                   Va##y Authoney 2pp. 312W247 312$0 200
 ,i          & Jordart 8pp 31010 tS3 tot 3 043


           -4506190124 Responds e ser from RC Lewis Region II.requesang current equipment qualificaton test sche $Aes for TVA "of Dr tar SS 03                        p 3 250249 1250 249 a Sche (RAes for Browns Ferry & Sequoyah i

m,ector t"ne"r.". 8,p'0,.53,m m,t::.'Ta*,1,"i"t .,,'TT,Tmd7E5'" Re o * "nT*0,f e e,-*==i asp a-. *m4$a *=/85= 4 *2=Sa - =125 i D 170 Omv ~ raa-de-ste - ~ ~ r-a- % v--o - f~e= j specify acceptance entene concerning thermocruele values 4906250064 Further response to FOIA request tor documents e three categories to PAULM,G L., PATTERSON.C A , CANTRELL,7 $ Regon 2, Omco of Drector 85/03/ l eug or secohot abuse et nuclear facihtes Forwards App A documentsDocuments R N UN2%3WM 4 Oso available m PDR Procesang of documents conenuing FELTONJM Dvieoon of Rules and Recorde 8S/04/10 HEATH.SJ Washington Smm832 Forwarde inep Repts W259/0516.W260/8514 4 $0296/4518 on

 !           Legal Foundatiort t tpp 3121709431217 tog                                                             850311Violatione noted Notice of violation 4 map dotads withnoks (ret 10CFR2 790 4 r

73 f t)

          -8606250194Informe that adechol 4 <>ug abuse survey for 10 utds compsete per Tom.                        VERRELLI.D M Repon 2. Omca of Drector OS/04/01. PARRIS.H G Tennessee

'l $3rary Instructon 2695/1 Utse have tuttuied reasonable prevenbon Vaney Authonty 2pp 3070900330709006 I . ems Summary of site wisde ence. ILLvJ P Regan 2. Omco of Drector 43/04/01 DEVOUNG R C Drecws -sece04ce44 Insp Repte 60 269/8516.W260/8516 4 54296/8S f 6 en 850311 Viola-j Omce Omce of toepecton and Erdorcament 42pp 31217.125312t7188. teort noted guard posted at contammoni <>ywee hatcri could not contros access Dotade i withheid

          -8408290223 Responds to 830328 request to reeufts of selected utd 4 contractor et.                       PA TTE RSON C , Mc4UIRE.D R- Repon 2 Omco of Drector 86/03/25 tp torte to estat*en v             cf euG allegatene Lasi of actions utds 4 contractors temen 10         30709 004 30709 005.

determine 4 tuepect s etie m employ encs l O REILLYJ P Region 2. Omco of Drector 83/04/21 DEYOUNG.RC Drectore 6408210404Reeponds to NRC 890319Mr te vioistons nreed m ines Repts $0 299/85 Office Omco of Inspecton and Enforcement 3pp 31217167-31217169 06.W260/8SM & $0 296/8546 Conoceve actone emit emitch for HCPt steam supply set 4 admrustrebve control re thermometer certhrahan revised l 0$00030$$$ Notiflcaton of 890510 meetm0 w ruld n Bethesda,MD to chacuse thed-party SHELL.R H Tennessee Veney Aumority 85/04/19 GRACE,J N Repon 2. Omco of review 4 2;_ as to TVA empsoyee conceme program Drector 12pp 31051201-31051212. RENVON T J Lconeng Brancft 4 86/0$/24 ADENSAM E.O Lconeng Branch 4 2pp 30687.322 30687 J24 eece210404 Responds to NRC 850322Ilr te violatons noted m inep Repts W259/85 8600000417 Bummary of860902 meetm0 w/ute 4 putAc re TVA proposed oreencaw 09 %200/8509 4 $0 296/8SO9 Correctve actone Swvedlance instructon 4 2 7.10 re rehet veeve tadpipe & Opere monts to employee contems progsm Handoute 4 tot of attendees ence sneeucton 30 re damper poeshon revised 1 uf NYON,TJ. Lconeng Brancit 4 85/0$/24 Lceneng Branch 4 3 top 30765 let- DOMER.J A Tennessee veney $$/04/22 GRACEJ N Regan 2 Omco of Drector 3pp. 31067 244 310SF 2% i 33765 212 t-6800040120 Responde to 860322.0402 4 23 requesesear erks rito tollowmg preemna'y 8900240273 Reeponde to NRC 85032S IIr te violatone noted m inep Repts W259/05 review of teensee responese to Genenc LW 83 28.Itern 2 22 Reconenderseon of re* 03 %2e0/85m.W29e/85 03.W327/eS44, W328/0544,W390/8506.W391/85 On %438/054 4 W439/854 J Tennes Authonty 0$/0$/31 THOMPSON,H L. Division of LF ,o, coneng 2pp 30699 361306 362. 7 3'i2030ek b


l ,=74 Noticaton of 450.t3 - .,u.f m ed. MD to . ecus. pro,ess of OTC thre party roerview progam a enhancements to uld employee concern pro-ggg gg, r--a a,*'g , ,ng,,

                                                                                                                                                                 ,=,y,,, g,%>S,gega,,1fmgg,w f           kt ON.?J Leoneng Branch 4. 8S/06/06. ADENSAM,E G Lconeng Branch 4                                              R                                           "* '         *$
  • N *& " ' * '

i 600 30990 172-30990 117. o, 3 3 06 900e19e241 Appecation for amends to Lcenses DPR 33,DPR $2 4 DPR 48, revieng 0408210400 Forwerde inep Repts SO 259/0518.50 2flo/8Ste 4 $0-296/8418 on Tecn S. pecs re reactor protecton sys Fee pad 89040144 4 mece of vmianort CDME R.J A. Iennessee VaAoy Autherwy eS/06/06 VASSALLO.D 8 Operatmg Reec, WALKE R.R D R 2, Offre of Director OS/06/13 PARRIS.H G fennenese Valley tys Branch 2. 3pp 30996180 30995 t13 Autonty 2pp. 31 7 178-31057 194 4000190344 Proposed Tech Specs to reactor protecton ~4000210404 Notte of violenan kom on GSO40144

             *T-               : Vaney Authonty 85/06/061 top 309951 30995.173
  • Repon 2 Omco of Drector SS/OS Ppp 31057180 310571st
          $4e4200002 Docuseos review of util 831107 roeponse to Genene tir $126 ao clanned                      ~4000210000 inep Repts $0 250/9418.%2810/0518 4 $4296/841e on 890401 toy 930530 4 at teecensitam 12 to post enp revow date 4 rdo capabely                                  04 Violehone notorf mede@eto processee t mep ot estei generator coohng weier C3tepeatdo Selety eveeuehan enct                                                                      valvoo 4 mcorrect class 4cahon of emergency orjuipment cochng water sys VAsutLO.D B= Operanna Reactors Branch 2 8S/06/12 PARRi$.H G. tonneseos VeNey Authonly 2pp. 312f 2 00131212 00e                                                               G#RARD E H, BLAREJJ. Repon 2. O'ffce of proctor 8S/06/01 13pp. 31067182-3 toS7.194 i


4 I 48 DOCKETEDITEMS teos130027 1 to IE trdo Notre 84 SS. " Seat Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc bel encl. 3600000707IE treo Notce 85048 "Clanfication of Several Aspects of Removable R4F JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparednese & E Response (Poet Goacave Surface Contaminanon Lmuts tor Transport Packagem" Svc het enct

 -               330103) 05/05/14 ConeoMeted Edson Co. of New Yor . Inc. 07pp. 3t044 065-                                                           JOHOAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Prepare @ess & E                                                    Response (Post 31044.171.                                                                                                                         e301031 eS/06/to. Consondated Edson Co of New Yor , Inc 24pp. 31043 301-i 31044 064

[ 0006130038 Suppe 1 to IE Info Notco 34020. 'MotorOperated Vafve FaAsee Due to etecteeses EN 0544F mforms of eseuance of order modhng beenees based on re-i Hammenne Enoct " Svc not oncs. suns of special review conda.ted to avestgate cocumstances surrouneng prepare-JORDAN.E L Demon of Emergency Preparodies &E Response (Post 030103) 05/05/14 Conachdeted Edson Ca of New Yor Inc. 01pp 310441F2- non of nonconformance repts re contanment preemes eenenvrters ] BEACH.8. AXELHAD,J Dredor's Omco. Omco of inspecton and Enforcement. S$/ 31044 270. 08/1 T. Ppp. 30976 343 3007s 344 000021e402 Forwards inep Repts %259/052s.502e0/8528 4 50298/052s on

  )              e50422 26 4 noece of vioaanort                                                                                                  sees 140240 IF info Noace 85447 "Potenhal Etteet of Lee trduced Operaton on Car-J                 WALKER R D. Region 2. Oltice of Drector.05/05/14 PARRIS.H G. Tennessee Valley                                                      tan Target Rock SolenoidOperated valves
  • Svc her encs
  ;              Aumorey 2pp. 3 TOSS 173-31056.131.                                                                                                 JORDAfdf L Dmeson of Emergency Prepare @ees & Enyneenng Response (Post 630103) 85/08/ te Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yort. anc. tJ4pp 31268 IST.
  -           -4008210404 Nonce of violation kom eisp on eSO422 28                                                                                  31288 304.
  • Regen 2. Omco of Drector. SS/05/14 2pp 310SS 180 31055.13 t.

e406140830 6E Info Noece 8404s. *Reepeator users Peutce Defeceve Sest-Contamed

              -860621e413 Insp Repts %259/0520.%200/05-2e 4 50290/0528 on 850422-                                                                   Brestrun9 Apparasus Ae Cyenders
  • Svc hst enct Reeponse (Post de woneton notedtmaurs to tonow procedures for support snap (Urute 14 21 JOHDmE L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & E LRJ.W C . SLAKE.J J Region 2. Omco of Drectar SS/05/0e opp 3 TOSS te2- 830103) 05/08/19 Consondated Edson Co of New Yor . Inc. 23pp. Sf 370 064-31065107. 3137s103.
                         ,4e e ,ec              t of 85                                                            tah.n    rr-t v   nor,.


                 -t         e Insp Repts W25e,.,e           eS.              eE, "~,nbNRC8           4 W of .t.oo,eS00,towie. f -                R. ,erte.e -et ,,6 ,e,.r,e 4 ,s.ste. ce,,se,en.once of Drector 85/05/14 PARRIS.H G Tennessee Valley                                 360007                                                                        MW 1985 4 corrated repts for Feb eetet ,           w. Rept Mm,OLmt of osame .ere,                                             t.,.d on 85 0s.            =,$,,o,m;;;m"g, yon'r aa'-
  • a- =~na
  !              V           l.           R              Omco of Drector. 6S/0S/18 Tennessee Vaney Authorey                                        4400070210 Monthly eparann0 repts for Mar 1965 THOM.f. Tennessee vaney Authardy 8S/03/31 afpp 30000222 30800 253.

l -400830017e Enam Aspt %2S9/OL 4501 on 85040s 12 Emam results three of en re- opl 80r Jan 1989 actor operator canedstes 4 tyes of eve eensor reactor operator cansdates -teese?e2te THOM.T. Tennessee Carrectedvaney rnanthey Author'ty operating 85/ '01/31 to 30s00254 30e00 254 paneed Too earter reactor opuestar canedates admirustered reename tailed GUENTHER.S. WILSON 8 A Region 2. Omco of Drector e5/09/10 189pp *44000Fe220 Conected enanthsy operate'0 rept tar Fett 1985 31021.100-31021 294 THOM,f. 7;;; Vaney Authorty e5/02/20 tp 30800 255-30e00 256 l 3088210428 Forwards inep Repts W2Se/eS23.M200/eS23 4 66290/0523 on

                                                                                                                                                 -4400070243 Corrected monthey operstmo rept for Feb 1985 85041S-to e noece of viosaton W/e nonce of vio6 anon                                                                              THOM,T. Termessee Vaney Authoney 85/02/26 fp 300002%30800258 WALKER R D. Repon 2. Othee of Drector OS/OS/21 PARRIS H G Tennesene VeNey Authorty 2pp 31056140 31055160.

e?^***** " NPDES Moretonng Rept for Apr 1989

  • 400021e442 Insp Repts %250/05 23.W200/85 23 4 %298/eS23 on 660415 RIVERS.M E. Tennesese y Authoney eS/04/30 f tpp 307e8142 30188152 1

te vio6enon noted falure to prcmde ade@ete earung of efuft engneere e eroe of o#t. ene protoceve acton decesonmekana MARSTON R R , SARTOR.W M. PDSTON-8ROWN.M Repon 2. Omre of Drector 3. Reporteste occurrences, LIRE 4 retoted corroependence 05/05/03. epp 310$$ 142 310SS 150 SWeWfe W SWMon W223generats end W W momt generemr TEA 8e08270000 Adviset that impeementaton of correceve actone re eS0315 respones to mund wetwatomuned by mode faAse ese te veramon of recther nng Phenohc coil 8S0213 nonce of vuosamon wiedequase Suopiemental toeponse to nonce of vioterion clampo replaced 4 rerther nnge tightened W/eS032J ltr

 )                ricorporeeng                                                                                                                      N                 O                  I Tennnwe Vapy Aumoney WW2 3pp MM D.emed       stra2. esfo        weed       strun 30          days' PARRIS.H G fennseees Vaney WAtkER.R              Remon         Omco             of Drector         eS/05/21                                                  M 15 W ' M E j

Authonty 2pp 31149157 31249 tSe. esessessee IE Info Noece GS430, "Austabety of Elecirtal Ewipment Ouenficaton emm382 For=w. e90410 RO Root BNS0 2Se/0402SR1 contanuno con =two l arbon 4 copyince date re Inep Rept 50250/04 20per nom 3 of ute 041015 nr 4 < Records at Lceneses Facetes

  • Svc het once Y ailey 89/04/30 GRACE.J N Repon 2. Omco of 3 .10,3383 e5 OS C Co var 37 Se, D tortp31. ,ese 043im Authorey 1

steeseeest LER eS COs Of on 8S0310 HPCI 4 RCIC turtune ewhauet valve flanged bon-gestaessee IE Iries Noece e4040, "Denciences n Equipment Quahficanon feetmg 4 feste not local team tested m accordance w/10CFRio App J recparemente As valvee Certficaton Procese

  • Svc est once
  • JORDAN.E L Diviemn of Emergency Preparedness 4 E Response (poes JO's be S reposed 4 pese e30103) eS/05/22 Consondsted tenon Co of New Y , Inc. 06pp 30844106, NFS 8 JONtS.G f Tteam test W/eS0524 nrVaney Authonty 09/06/24 epp 30108 248-3010e 254 30ede 218.

1 estese84et LER eS41500on 86050t we=se enempeng to er t reactor econng flow 0e00370400 Forwarde eseosement of acenees 650227 response to notice of vvdanan 4 DV 'h'ormn0 RHR Lorlp li pump endiarge Wafve operaton re mdKahon of '! propeesd enpossoon of esve panamesper enop Repte S425e/e4 34 S4280/04-34 4 vefve movement Caused by thom eeer se ephne Isoph W /860524 Its

                  $4296/84-34 Adif m80 requested estrun 30 deve to meet 10C/R2 201 reguremeres                                                      WAt8tER.J 8, JONES.O f Tenneseos vaney                                             05/06/24 3pp 30125 288-GRACE,J N. Reqpon 2. Omco of Ovector 45/05/23 PARRIS,HG fenneseos Vaney                                                            3012$ 270 Authorey 40p. 3125015431290163 a

8008310461Resporvio to NRC e90424 nr te violatione noted m inep Repte 60-269/eg. seteesse3e LER e9 01040 on 460118.urut scremraorf due to low reactor water loved 16,60 2o0/04 tS 4 54296/041S Correceve actone panel meo procortures revised 4 after lose of twgh pressure steam to feed pump turtunes Causers by master levet com rettaned. reactor water levet procertures reveeed 4 pereorvisi escipened. koner probaeme w' cold ef*3er fome Jomt resoksered W/eSOS31 Nr W4Lkt.RJ B. JONES.G f. Tennessee vaney Authoney eS/06/31. 6pp 30110 teS R.J A Tennessee veney Aumonly 85/05/24 GRAC(J N. Region 2 Omco of 30710193 Drector opp 31057.218-3 t05r 224 etteSeetet IE Info Nonce 85042, " Loose Pticephor m Panseoruc 000 Sense Badge stee84e133 LIR e541740 on eScaI4 evaluetaan determmed that scrutent ree. anon levees woukt enreed tease ihr tenon use a heted Wheney H202 analyrer TLD Elements" Svc bet enct ve8ves procured kom Mweun Roy Co Design change woued W/sS0013 nr JOf40AN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparednese & E Response (Poef 830103) eS/05/29 Conocedered Eeoon Co of New Yor , Inc. 20pp 308S2245 JON8 5 e B . JONES.O f. Tenneseos valley Authorey 85/06/13 3pp 31203 239 31203 24 t 30862 363. I stes8eele7 IE Info Noece $5 043, "Remography Evente et Power Reactore " Sve not sees 108407 Forwards order moetyng trenees DPR 77.DPR-Fe.DPR-31. OPft 62 4 j DPRee to onese prompt evakastamiconocenn a reportne of poesntiany signAcant i ence JORDANE L Dween of Emergency Prepareewn 4 E Reepones (Poet esfWy corwebone. resurang kom eS0327 Je rewww re _;- _e repte l 030103). 06/05/30 Conechdeced Eeoon Co of Peew Y , Inc. 20pp. 30ned 101, f AYLOR.J M Drector's Omce, Omco of iecerm and Entorcement 45/06/14 PARRIS H Q. Tennessee Veney Authonty 2pp. 171FS.3091718e 300e4 2er, 8008300100 lE Info Noece 05444,

  • Emergency Commurucanon Sys MontNy feet
  • Sve -Geet100000 Order moe'ymg Lareness DPR 77,DPR 79 DPR 33.DPR S2 4 DPR es to l ensure prompt eveauenon.correcton 4 reportng of potensasy mgnificant estesy cone.

f not once JORDAN.E L. DMeson of Emergency Properesiese 4 E Respones (Poet enne 1 030103). 05/06/30. Consondeted Edeon Co. of Peew Yor . inc. Alpp 30864 045, f AYLOR.J M Director e Offee. Omre of inopernon and Enforcement 4S/06/14 f ork neesee vaney Aumonty 1fpp 30917 f 70 309/1 tee 30eed tes. s 84 89410 00 on o roe seesesse77 it info Notte S,e used84046, n W "Potental be.enue i.nterecnon invo.fwe.g d Pianter sv .e M,.ovaba tr> st,ee.ueeese,i,l e noo e R.coi pane e ed , epi,8S051F.decovered w/etd imae 4 nute Re- emp40mve to h,o,ne noo on,efus,ctor t, notcR ! Co,e nue of Emergency edrwee & Ergpneervig Respones (Poet covers removed 4 Methanzal Maml eneiructon I4 revened Wies 0614 nr I JORDAN.E L El4 RSOt.E.P.. JONES.G f f ennessee vaney Authority 85/08/14 3pp 3t203 291 i e30103) eS/06/00. C. - - - _^ Edson Co of New Yor=, Iric.122pp. 3080S 001 31203 293 30006 046 1 ! i l i

                               - - - - - - -              .----------. - ~ - . . - . - - _ - - - - - . - . - -                                                              - - - - - . , . ~ . . - - - - . - - - . ._
                                                                                                                                                      .__________m.                      _              _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _                  __                _ . .-_

i DOCKETEDITEMS 49 V. Operater Esaminettene 400st00001 Further response to FotA request for chicuments 4 eto to NUREG/CA 3S97. SAND e4 093e NUREG/CR-34 te SAND 63 1617, 4 Board Noahcanon 84 8008300 tee Forwards Enam R 12 259/OL4541 of esamt admnstered on GSO40g 32 ' FEL 8 & App C documents eva.lat9e m POR Review of 3$9 &cuments cormnumg

                                                                                                                                                        ,J M Dweeson of Rules and Records. OS/03/27. CURRAN.D Harmon, Weese VERRELLt.D M Regen 2. Oltre of Drector 35/05/to Tennessee vaney Auverny                                           & Jordert opp 31010 156 310:3 043 2pp. 31021104 31021294
                                                                                                                                    -8400100128 Reeponde to ler kom RC Lemm Region N. reg;esteg current equement
                   -M0020017e Enam Rept 50-250/OL eiet on85040412 Enam renuns three of == re.                                          quanfrenon test scheduses sor TvA piants schedutos ear Erowne Ferry & Sequoyen acts oper4 tor candidates & lhree of INe seruar reactor operator canduates                                                 a enct ScheiMee for Watts Bar a Benefones pesaed Iwo tertor reactor operator canedates admnetered reename faded                                                stLS.L M Tennessee Vaney Authonty e2/10/1piants anweng SER compeeton, PQTA GUENTHER.S , WILSON.8 A. Regon 2. Omco of Drector e5/05/10 189pp.                                                Drector opp 31010 165 31010 170-31021 106 31021 294.

se00260004 Further ressense to FOIA request br documents e three categores to drug or alcohol abuse et nucteer tac 4mes Forwards App A documents Documents V. Dry Cast Independent Spent Fuel Sterace Instaastione alto evadatwo m POR Prorosang of documente conenung F EL TON.J M DNimon of Ruses and Records eS/04/10 HEATH.Sj. Weehmgton te00240210 Nohtcatan of OSos13 epostog a/E PRI SNWL TVA & DOE m iens Faundenen 11pp 3t211095-31217 I09 washmgton.DC to escuss statue of spent lues mgt R&D efforts NRC reviewmg dry es)ent fuel storage appecahans et snes -8400240104Informe lhet alcohof 4 dr abuse survey br 10 uses complete per Term , ROBERTS.J P Advanced Fust 4 Spent Fuss LEenang Brancit BS/06/ t ?. parary instucton 2699/t utile emetuted reasonatwo provereon ! RDUSE.L C. A&enced Fuel & Spent Fuel Leenang Brancit Pop 3121t t72 programa Summary of sne viens ence 31211 173 O REtLLY.J P Region 2. Offre of Drector 33/04/01 DEYOUNG R C. Drector's Or%ce. Oftco of inspecton and Ens o rcemero 42pp 3121712531217 fee

,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      i 4                   DOCKET e&M0 BROwte8 FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STAftON UNIT 2                                                           -4808260123 Responde lo 830328 request to results of eclected utif 4 contactor of-                                                 '

torts to actbten venety of drug eneestone Det of actone utse a cortectors taken to determene o O F. Security,Inocesi, emergency a fire protection piene O'RE lLLY.J P. pegion movutuals std1ofmDrector

2. Omco employ03/04/21 erri DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's Omco. Ortice of ine>N and Enforcement 3pp 31211167-31217169 se00040832 Forwarde inne Repts %2S0/8516.%200/8410 4 54296/8%fe on

.l 8503,11Violanone noted Notre of vicianon & map dotads withheld (ref 10CFR2 790 & se00030658 Notsfication of BSOSJu enseeng e/ vel e Bethesda MD to escuse thrd party 73 g y review 4 enhancements to TVA concame am VERRELLI.D M Repon 2. Othee ce Drector e5/04/01 PARRIS.H G Tennessee RE NYON.T J troneng Branch 4 e /06/24. ADEN M.E G tronomg Branch 4 i Vasey AuthorWy 2pp 30709003-30709006 2pp 30667 322-30687 J24

                   -800004004e Inso Repts %259/0410 W200/06-te 4 %296/0518 on 850311 Vloss                                         840e040417 Summary of 850502 meenne w/ute 4 p@ee to TVA proposed enhance >

I hon noted guard posted at contamment eywes hatch could not conwel access Dotads ents to empeoyee conceme program Handnues a ses ce attendees once i withneed NENYON.TJ Lzenomg Branch 4 0S/05/24 LKenang Brancn 4 3tpp 30785 toI. j PATTERSON C. Regan 2. Once of Drector e5/03/251p 30709005 30709 005 30785 212-i se00210428 Forwarde inep Repte W259/05-21%200/e5-23 4 S296/05 23 on 3e80040120 Reeconds to e50322.0402 4 23 requests sor e+g reo knommg preemmary 650415-18 4 nonce of vioiahon W/o noece of violation rewww of trensee responses to Genenc Lir 0120) tem 2 2 2 Recanaderanon of re-1 WAlfiER.R D Region 2. Opco of Drector eS/OS/21 PARRIS,H G Tennessee Vasey t for a42 vWo requested i A ;cnty 2pp 31055140 31065 ISO FR.J A Tennessee V Authorey e5/05/31 THOMPSON H L. Dvimon of LA.

                   -4400210442 inno Repts %259/el 2150 2n0/o423 4 %296/05 23 on 8504tS.

18 Velanon rioted fadure to provuse adewate Wanmg of shdt onensers e area of om ecce180270 Notentaton of 450613meetmg e/utd an Betheede MD to escuse progrese

 !                     s"te proesctve acton decemonmaking f                                                                                                                                    of OfG thrd party eterview program a enhancemer,te to und empicyee concern pre.

MARSTON R R , CLINE.W E, Megan 2 Orhce of Drector 05/05/03 9pp St0SS 142- arame 310SS 150 EENYON f J Le I Branch 4 85/06/0e ADENSAM E G Lrenomg Branch 4 app 30990172-30990 17 l 300014040s Reinsed Reenlogral Emergency Plan :. :_ _.: , Procedures BF' 6P 14 "Heann Pnyece P ocedures.

  • 8F iP t 7. *E Equement 4 Supphes 4 lP 27, r
                      " Plant Emergency ONwte Morvtonne
  • W,e gg68190241 Apphcattort for amende to trenese DPR 33 DPR $2 4 DPR se, reveseng I i t it fuh a re reactor proiecton sys Fee MARKS 8K. HUFHAM J W Tenneseme Va s ey AuthorWy e5/08/1f GRACE)N DOMF .J A fenneseen Vasey Authorey S/06/06 V ASSALLO.D 8 Operstmg Reac. I Repon 2, Offee of Drector 1epp 30697 237 30897 2SS tors Brancit 2 3pp 30995 t60 30999 9 r3 I

J A Insurance 4 indemnny intennemen -4000 tested Prnposed Tech Space re reactor protectan eye , 7;, ,, 4'

                                                                                                                                                             - Vaney Authonty 85/08/06. Itpp. 30995163 30995173 3000t2004e Forwarde Endorsement 84 to PeELIA Pohey NF 19e & Endorsement Ft to                                   sece240002 Decusses review of wel 03t107 response to Genere Lt 63 28 as ciented MAFLU Pohty MF 46 try 850530 4 31 toscone llem 12 to poetelp reyww data 4 Edo Capetmhty DUCK.J R Maren 4 McLarman. Inc eS/08/07 SAlflMANJ Anmetant Drector sor                                          acceptable Sately evaluehon enci j                     Str.te & Leonese Relatione 3pp 30850 359-304503e1                                                               VASSALLO.D B Operateg Reactore Branch 2 eS/06/12 PARRIS.H Q. Tennessee l                                                                                                                                    Valley Authorey 2pp 312f200131212000
p. Operating econee Stage documente 4 eerroepeneence a,

4ees2 goose See ,ty evasustion Aneng hcenese roeponse to Genene LW $3 Fe.nem 12 to poet tre rewww data 4 meo capetenes acceptatwo I i 300e040277 "HPCI feet Reedts sor STEAR 82tt . HPCI famparary $tartig

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguishon, Drector GS/06/12. epp 3t212003 Mode Browns F Nutteer Plant e40201-9 4
  • W/850630 ter 312I2 000 i SOUTO.J J , RIS.O A . **E NRICH.N I fenesseee VeRoy Author *y e4/05/30

! HODGES.W NRC . No Dotaded Afhhanon Grven. 82pp 30703 0e700703 Ide te0024038i Forwarde eate#y evebanon to r to item 19 of Genere Le 83 2e on poet to review am 4 procedures t 99 review program 4 procedures j 3000030300Parter r to FOtA request for three ca of documente to tie accountse nem t 1 Genene Lir 83 2e resofwed made svedatWe et to NSHCe App A documents ' a placed m POR Search VASSAL LO.D 8 Opera Reectnre Branch 2. 85/08/17 PARRIS.HG fervessee F J M Divimon of Rides and Records e4/tt/00 ADAf0.M Union of Con-corned scentets opp 30720 001 30720 005- -Seco24020e Safety evebatma re hcensee renconee to item t 1 of Genene Lt 83-20 on poel-tip reinew program 4 procedures Poes 99 review program 4 procedures ac-

                   -430719030F Notte of conederston of eeuence of emervts to Leonese DPR 33 DPR-                                      captarme 62 4 DPH 6e to slan y gas teetment eys 4 proposed NSHC determenaton 4 oppor.
  • Orhce of Nucteer Reettor RepAston, Drector 06/08/ t F 6pp 31166 fee-turvty for heenns 31158 290.

v1SSALLO,0 8 Opereeng Reactors Search 2 03/07/07. 47pp 30720 347 30721 081 0406300749 Forwards corrected Page e to Secton N of order Ikonsee cor ree R P,oo,em-io roiAee 4 me r.e.Cn,pmaC 80 set to,, cc.r.e.,,,~e Po,we,0 . cum.ets nt

                                                                                                                    ,e m e       :":,',:7 uaa  * " 5--aa u"a ' "~*"' t 8440 Documents eseo evadetpe in POR No documents to tubg to termost f mon ; M nr.,o,.e O,,.e o, ,ne,. ten a,v, E n.o,cemen, 85,0s,,, a I'                                                                                                                                    rector e Offce, once of inepectan and Entorcement 2pp 31221254 31221212 F E L f 0N.J M Divison of Rides enri Records FIN 8-04e9 eS/03/25 Fi v78tA TT,2 V.         Warren Weson College. Ewannenoa. NC. 1pp 309e 7 038-
30907 350 O. Onepostlen reporte,IE Susetene 4 corroepensense i
                   -4006                  Contariment Lean Rate feeeng Inveetgebone." montrey progrees rept COUGAN,J R Ost Radge Notenal Lahoretory FIN 8 04e0 e2/12/07 ARNDT,0 Me.

eteetM RW k W GM W m mm W m W % M MN i 62 M260/e4 62 4 60 298/84 S2 Correceve actore motor pmmn gear repeaced.36

 +                    chanzau$tructural Enyneenn0 erencft 3pp 3090t t1S 30961111.                                                     KCS velves maputed E Mi-te revised 4 W                            claseos conducted DOMirt.J A Tennessee V                          Authargy 05/0 tS. GRACE.J N Reynn 2, Omco of
                   -40e8170400Requeste parereseson to observe upcomeg Typee A.8 4 C teste at beted                                    Drector 6pp 3109119531                          199 facense per Pik 804a9. "Contammerit Leek P4 ate fee DOUGAN.J R Oen Rutge Nehonal Labora                        FIN 8 04 9 82/t0/0t O'REILLYJP                    sees 270eet Forwarde Insp Repe 60 2Se/oS-09.50 200/0540 4 64290/8540 on Repon 2.Omco of Drei. tor to- 30961 133-                   et133                                                aSo12e4229 4 nonce of violaton.

VI RHE LLI.D M Repon 2, Omco of Dwector 89/03/22 PARRIS H Q. Tennessee I

                   -40es170000 "Contenment Leek Rate festeg Investgatone," montfify progrees rept                                     Va#Wy Authordy 2pp 31250 2413t230 2eo                                                                                              l tar Feb 1983 incomplete pmgrese rept for Mer 1983 ence PsAUSDJ One Rutye Netonal Lahorstory FIN 8 0440 61/02/28 ARNDT,0 Me.                                         -44e8270600 Perdre of violaton tram                          on 650t204225 j                    stierecaustuctural Engneenng Brancft 3pp 30967144 30967144
  • Repon 2. Ornce of Dractor e5/03/2 Ip 31230 Pat 31230240 i

i J _- . . _ - . _ - - _ . . _ _ _ -~ -. _ _ _ ,_- -. - _ , - _ -._ _ _- - _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ - _ _ _ _

           .- . ,,                   -        . ~ =___,.,_._.                       - .           . _.        _ - ~_          --_- -._ - ~ -_-                                  _ . _  . _ ~ - . _ -           _ . . _ _ _ -       _             .

i l i 50 DOCKETEDITEMS i 4048270001 inep Repts SO 259/8409.50-260/8549 & S4296/8S49 on 860126- 6606270400 Forwards eteesernent of liceriese 650227 response to tience of violanon & I 0225 veneton notedmadequate proceeses ce redneste t*lg ventlahon & taAse to proposed impoecon of cui peneitsee.per enop Repts SO 259/94 34.%260/84 34 4 spec 4fy acceptance creene concorrung mormocm(se vaeuse. %296/84 34 Acks eso requested withn 30 devs to meel TOLFR2 201 regurements j GRACE)N Regon 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/23 PARRIS.HG Tennessee Vedey PAULK.O L. PATTERSON C A. CANTRELLF $ Region 2. Omco of Dreen S$/03/ Authoney 4pp. 312501231Ed 163 221Ipp 312502S431250260 i 9608210469 Responds to NRC850424 hr te volatone noted m inen Repts S0469/85 j esse *****2 Forwards inep Repte 50269/9518.%260/85 t6 & m296/sSt6 on 1S.60-2eoe85iS & S0 296/84 tS Correceve actona per os map proceourse reoned & 050311 Volanone noted Notte of vmianon & map dotadt withheed (ref 10CFR2190 &

',                            73 21) personnel retrenedfeactor water level proceeses revised & personnet oncedmed DOMt RJ A. Tenneseos veney Author ty 8S/05/24 GRACEJ N. Region 2 OHice of i                             VERRELU.D W Region 2. ONice of Drector 85/04/01. PARRi$HG. Tennessee Vasey Authority 2pp. 30709 003 30709 005.                                                                        Drector, opp 31057 214 31057 224.

j a j - --- ^ Inso Repts50 259/8416.50 260/0416 & S0-296/e516 on 850311 Vole- 8406300181 IE Info Nohce 85-042. " Loose Phosphor m Penaeoruc 800 Sense Badge 4 ton noted guard posted et contamment drywen hatch cou6d nos contraf access Dotade TLD Elements " Svc het enct

                                                                                                                                                 'ORDAN E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparerhees & Engmeenng Response (Post T                              methneid                                                                                                         830103) eS/05/29 Consondated Eeoon Co. of New Yosh, Inc.120pp 308S2 245-PATTERSON C , MCGUIRE.D.R Regen 2. Omco of Drector OS/03/2S 1p i,                            30700 00430700 006                                                                                                30e62 ass eessate40s R.eponde to NRC eS03te = re constene noted e inne Repts w 2Se/eS.                                     seesseeter it info Nonce 85443, "Raeograpf y Events et power Reactors." svc not
  ,3                          06.S42e0/8546 & S296/8546Correceve actona hmit switch for NCPt stearn                                             enct JOROAN E L Dmeson of Emergerry Propermboes & E                         Response (Post est & admmmeetme conwoe re snermometer carnacanon revised                                              8301031 eS/05/30 Coneoadsted Edison Co of New vor , Inc. 20pp 30e64167-
                                   'LLR H Tenneeese vaNew Autnanty 8S/04/19 GRACE)N Regen /. Office of Drector.12pp. 31OS7 20t.31OSF 212.                                                                                30864 287.

i 8008210400 Roeponde to NRC SS0322 IIr te vuotshops noted e ines Repts %259/85 0406300196 IE Info Nohce 85444. " Emergency Commurutanon Sys Monthly feet." Svc 09 %200/8549 & S0-296/SS 00 Correceve actone Survedlance sneiructen 4 J r.18 est anct metructen 30 re damper poeston revised JORDAN.E L Dmman of Emergency Preparednees & Engmoenng Response (Post to reher verve tedpee & Oper 830103) 8S/06/30 Coneohdeied Eeoon ca of New York, Inc.12tpp. 30e64 045-DOedERJ A fannotese v ty 85/04/22 GRACEJ N Repori 2. Office of Drector 3pp 3t057 244 3105 250 30e64166

                           ==4mn Reeponde to NRC .50325.                             vo one noisd n inep A. pts %25./84                     m            rr if info No.c. Seie,ree inie,eason involvinouoveu. in.                       I
   ;                                                                                                                                                                  Sys Used m Westeghnuse Deeigned Piants
  • Svc ks' ence 03 %200/eS03 $4296/9543 %327/8504,50 329/85-04.54390/84015 60 391/sS. Core Flus W j

JORDAN E L of Ernergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet i 06 S 438/8543 4 S4439/sS03 830903) 85/06/06 Coneohnered Eeson Co of New vor . Inc. 22pp. 30e6500t. { DOMERJ A. Tenneeese VeNey Authonty 8S/04/24 GRACE)N Regen 2. Onice of < Director Fpp 3t2030813120Joer 3086S 046 e 8088210400 Forwards enee Repts M259/8414,M280/8410 & $0 296>8418 on 4800000707 IE Brdo Notce 85044, "Clanacenon of Several Aapacts of RemnveNo Ma-I eoective Surface Corwemenecion Leute for frenoport Pecnages- Svc het once. J 85040144 & notice of violeton. JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse (Post WALMER R D Region 2. Ortice of Director $$/05/13 PARRS.H Q fennesene Vaney Authonty 2pp. 310$7178 310S7194 e30103) SS/06/10. Consondeted E4 eon Co. of New for , Inc. 24pp 31043 301-31044 064.

  ]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ;

i ~4000216404 Notte of voseman from sep on 85040144 80861403e8 EN eS447 anforme of aneuence of order momeymg licanoes bened on re-i

  • Regen 2. Omco of Drector 85/06/t3 2pp 31067180 31067181. suns of special review conducted to evestigene cecurnatences surrouneng prepare-ten of nonconformance ropte re contamment pressure tenenutters
                            -4000810400 Insp Repts 50 250/8510 642e0/8418 & SO 296/44te on 85040s.                                              HE ACH.8. AJELRADJ Director's Omce, Omco of inops.,non and Erdorcement OS/

04 vesetsono notedinadewate proceduree & map of eseet generator toonn0 water i 06/ t 7. 2pp 30916 343 309/8 344 va8ves 4 ccorrect enecaflcation of emer epipment coohrq water syg GmARD,E H., BLAsiEJJ Region 2. of virector 85/0$/07.13pp 3t057182-310SF 194 0000140940 IE Info Noace SS447, "Potental Effect of L e.ardsced Operaten on Car. tem 7argel Roct So esnoed. Operated verves" Svc bet o F JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergerey Preparednese 4'e. Response (Poes t Geot130027 9 to IE Irwo Notco 64 SS. " Seal 7able Leeks at PWRe " Svc bet enct o btot 05/06/10 Coneohdeted Eeoon Co W feen Yar , Inc. 34pp 31286157 I JORDAN E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse tPost , e30103) 85/0$/14 Corechdated Eeeon Co of New Y , Inc Orpp. St044 0f+ 3' des 304 I

   )                           31044 171.                                                                                                    S404140636 IE Info Nnnes eSo4a "Reepeetor Users Nonce Defectwo Saff Contamed I

04fset30034 Suppe 9 to IE Irdo Notice 05420, "MotorOperated verve Feduree Due to Br** i JORD'hing AN E L Apparatus As Cyenders" Sve het enctDvisson ofReeponse Erriorgerty Properceiose (Post i Hemtsierg (frect

  • Svc nor once 830103) 85/06/10 Coneohdated feean Co of New y , me. 2:lpp. 3t376064-JORDAN t L Dmeion of Emergency Preparednese & E Reeponse (Post 830103) 06/0$/14 Coneohdated Eeoon Co of New Yor , Inc. 07pr 31044172 3t376183 l 31044278 0406810443 Forwarde snee Repts M250/0526 M2eo/8426 4 50 296/8426 on R. Pertedec eperaterig roporte a retooed gerroepeneense 9- 850422 26 4 nonce of veoiseen.

W ALI(ER R D Repon 2. Orace of Director OS/06/14 PARRis.H G fennessee veney 0e00070301 Forwerde monewy operstep rope ear War 196S & correded ropte for Feb Authonty 2pg. 3IOSS 178-31055107. 1eni tar Urut t 4 ear Jan 4 Fee 1995 sor Urut # JONES.O f. fennseene veney Aumonty eS/04/10 Omco of Resource Management, 3 1 , ~4006210413 Inep Rects %250/0426 50 280/0426 4 $4296/sS26 or. 850422- Drector tp 30800 221304a0 25e. 1 26 volanon nosed temure to fosow proceesee for support map (Urute t 4 2) Liu W C, SLAstEJJ Regon 2, Omco of Drector eS/05/09 6pp 310S$ 182- .seteorotte Monthly operenn0 ropte for Mar 1985 '1 31055 107 THOM,f. Tennessee vaney Authoney 6S/03/31. Stop 30800 222 3080&253 00808F0740 Ach receipt of 450419 nr eWormeng NRC of efope taken to correct velamone ~4000070810 Conected monstWy operalme sept tar Jan tens - noted m enep Repte50 2$9/0546, M 260/4>46 4 50-2186/0$46 Revure of response THOM T Tennesese vasey Authonry 85/01/31. tp 30000 2S4 30800 254 I conenumo i GRACEJN Repon 2. Ofttco of Director S$/OS/14 PARRIS.H G Tennetese VeNeY ~40000F0243 Corrected monttWy operatmg rept for Feb IenS Authonty tp. 31249 30s 3t249 308 THOM.Y. Termessee veney Aumorey 85/02/29 fp 30000 2%30400 256 09063feest Forwarde inep Repts SO.fi9/05 23 M260/8423 4 W 296/OS23 on 8600000644 " NPDES Decheras Marvionn0 R*pt 80 ' Apr t985 " r

  ]                             eSO41S.10 4 nonce of veosehon Wto conce of vo6etion-                                                              pryt RS.M E. Tennessee vehey Authoney 85/04/30 tIpp 3C/68142 307681$2                             i r
   ;                            WALFER.R D Regen 2. Omco of Director 4S/06/21. PARRIS,H G fenneeses Valley i                             Authoney 2pp 310$$ 140-310SS 150 "N                   O' "
                             ~4000210449 Insp Reste M2$0/tS23 M2eo/0423 4 S0-296/45 23 on e50416 ens          se adewate terung of shdt engmeers em area of off-violanon                                                                                                  8406108407 F           e                               DPMN 79 DPR R DPR M 4 SfDee BROWN M Region 2. Office of Drecto,                          DPRet to onese prompt evenushon.conection 4 reponmg ce potentepy egruheent i                                MA S ON R R, SARTOR W M                                                                                           eafety corwMions, resumng from e50127 Ps review re nonconsormance ropte
  .                             85/05/03 top 31066142-310S$ 190                                                                                   T AYLORJ M Drectur e Omco, 08hce of tempecerm eruf E nforcement. 85/06/14 j                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  l PARalS.H G fennesene veiney Authardy 2pp 30911916309FF tes 2                             0406370000 Advetoe Wiet eripiementation os correttve ertone to 45031$ feeprmee to e50213 nonce veose en                                        a response to nonce of violabon j                                                                                                                                              ~4 08100 0                                           M   79 DPR M DPR U 4 Du e P4RRIS,H Q Tennessee Valley                    ensure prompt evaluanon.corroonan 4 repareng of potenta#y agraficant estety cone.

A R Repon 9. Omca of Drector GS OS Authoney 2pp. 31440151-312491SS. y yggg gg g 0 0 000 00.E info SSwAusmo.f, of Eie-ei Ewent Que.acanon as- var A mon'< "PP m'"ie=" t= Recorde et Licanoese 7actose " See hel encs NewYo'rY" pp p V, Dry Ceek in$open$ent Spent Fuel Storage Insteeseene 1 SS OS C- Co


30831 363 $400940310 Nohflceton of $506t3 meetwie ett PRt 9NWL,fyA 4 DOE m

  }                                                                                                                                                Weerungeon.DG to secues stenue of spent tuoi mgt R4D estorte NRC revieweg *y                      ,
8086800000 IE Irdo Notre 06440. "Dehciencise m Equipment QuaWiceman festing 4 Carmacomon Process " Svc bel ence apent h,as storage appacanone et enee. I t

JORDAN E L. Dmmon of Emergency Properednese & E Reeponse (Post RO06 R TSJ P Advancert Fust 4 Spent Fuel ticanone BranrA 95/06/ t 7 J SS/05/22. Coneondates tenon Co of New Yor . Inc. Unpp 30644179 ROUSE.L C. Advanced Fuof 4 Spent Fuel Laceneng grench 2pp. 31211172 i

   ?                             830103)t 30044 a            t.                                                                                             31211.111 l

,1 I

DOCKETEDITEMS 51 DOCKET 64261 H,5. ROSINSON PLANT, UNIT 2 O. Adjudicatory correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plant 4506030640 Response to State of SC 850516 petdoon ear eterventon as amterested state re ute 850204 apparanon for matts hcense to possess apont tues at fac*ty JH

 $$03180255 Rev 7 to emergsincy response plan W/8'4312 Itr                                       O Net 8505J1 notre of appearance & CertAcate of Svc enct O NEILL.J H Cachna Power & Lqht Co O'NLptL,J H Shaw. fSetman, Potts & Trow-
  • MORGAN R E Caronna Sower & Lght Co.85/03/01. GRACE J N Regon 2. Othce of Drector 66pp 29363 28129383 348 tnige #285 251 85/05/3i Atomic Safety and LKenen0 Board Penaf 6pp 30667 169-30687 174 0506270094 Forwards insp Rept $0 291/8511 on 850211 4310 & notre of violanon Response should ad@esa emprovements to mod prograrn ensurmo all 4606t10552 Response to State of SC petshon to oferver%, e event tunt stor '

I changes so satesyeetated structures, sys & components performed W/o noin.e of vio- eroceedmg Appbcant 8$0531 hhng notes no heanng & absent accepted petshon N s lanon has no ot3ectmn to State of SC participedon m hewing Cartmcate of svc encs 1 GRACE J N Region 2. Omce of Drector 85/04/11 UTLEY,E E. Carchna Power & BACHMANN.R G Hearwy Brance t #285 357,85/06/05 Atome Safety and Ocer+ L ght Cn 2pp. 31249176 31249185 ing Soard Penet 3pp 30e16 0J0 30816 032

 -8506270097 Inso Rept 50 261/8411 on 8502114310 Violaton noted- fadure to car-               4504140445Mohon to acthdraw 850616            han t y State of SC for toeve to etervene m form mod to three sa'ery-rosated breaker settnige m accordance w/ regulatory regure-          tacety proceedme as mterested state        hcate of Svc erst WitSON.R P South Carchna, State of #285 404 85/06/t1 C_                         . 3pp UG.H E WHf fCOMO H C . FREDRICKSON.P Region 2, Ofhce of Drector 85/04/                          #           3 09 8pp 31249178-31249165.

4606270$$3 Order granting State of SC850611 motion to tewsraw850516 petition to

 $506280011 Forwards insp Rept 50 261/8514 on 8504114610 No violations or devo                  $$j"h                      Og 8"j((NOf,O [mo[#   r                 efa 06 25 South E F        M Region 2. Omca of Drector 85/05/21 UTLEY.E E Carchna Power &                Caronna. State d 2pp 3W NW N Light Co tp 31276 264-31276 271
 -8508280023 Inso Rept 50 261/8514 on 8504t14513 No volahons of $mehons                      H' GOOO#0i SOEIOOI'OOd'AOO noted Mapor areas eispected Tech Spec comsmence operanons per'ormance ROs sete secunty survediance OA practces & if bumetm & notte fo nowup                             8504270438informe of promotmn of EE Uney to temor esecutrve vte presedent KRUG.H E . WHITCChtB H C , FREDRICKSON.P Repon 2. Othce of Drector 8S/05/                   IIMVt RMAN S R. Carchna Power & Laghs Co 85/06/17 DE NYON H R Othce of Nu.
21. 7pp. 31276 265-J1276 27f clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector 1p 312501%31250 t$6 0504070232 Rev 0 to Emergency Plan implemonang Procedure PEP 204, ' NotAcanon of 04 Duty Persormee
  • W/eso603 iir P. Operating hcense stage documenta a correspondence CONNOLL Y R T , MORGAN R E Caresma Power & Lqrit Co 85/06/03 GRACE,J N Repon 2, Orfice of Drector 8pp 30750 330-30750 337 4W41700M Rmnds m FM rp for we m FW B 0489. MpW W 1t t n ten Corpw ada Forware do 45,040,7,02,,79, e, e ecn ,Rev,vce,o S ,Emyerc,,NPla,n S.3 Proced,,ure PEP 2004 "Ernergency Response Ra's e 04a9N*nneDoments Nam also a, '& hable m POR com,neets cu~o ,e O-e. curnents sebitor re - m t

MORGAN R E Crodine Power & L Co 8S/06/03 GRACE,J N Region 2. Omco o, F EL TON J M Devissort of Rules and Records FIN 80489 85/03/25 Drector 44pp 30752 027 30752 07 RE YTOLA TI,2 V Warren Wdson Cofiege, Swannanos. NC 7pp 30967 036-30967 076 8504070379 Rev 0 to Emergency Ctr Emergency Plan *&W/850603 Operahone Facey ProcaduresIt PEP 2,06, ' Actvanon of Tecfmetal

                                                                                             ~4506170291 "Contamment Leah Rate testiry invesaganone." monthly progress rept GAN        C           ower        Co 85/06/03 GRACE.J N Regon 2, Omco of gh b Oan A     Rwige Nanonal Laboratory fin 804A9 82/12/07 ARNDT.G Me-chancel / Structural Engmeenng Bronce. 3pp 309671943096 7117 0506110437 Confirms verbal comrmtment made to NRC re controd roorn habstabekty (ref NOREG 0737 ttem lit D 3 4) & resolunon or tonic gas issue at facihty Precautrjnay        $506250064 Further response to FOiA request for documents m three categones to statement edl be ersded to procedtses by850810                                             drug or ascohol abuse at nutteer fachnes Forwards Acp A documents Documents MCOIJFF8E M A Cambria Power & Light Co OS/06/07 VARGA,$ A Operenng Reac.                   also evadabee m POR Processen0 of documents conenuan0 tors Branch i tp 300t6 306-30016 3ca                                                        F ELTON J M Drv,eson of Ruses and Records 95/04/10 HE ATH $ J. Waghington Legal Foundatra t tpp 31217 094 31217 109 4506200470 Adv. sos tn     e t 4505t0 Rev 10 to physical security plan conostent w/ prove.

mons of 9007R50 54fp) 4 acceptanie ~4506250154 Informs that secohot & ckug abuse esvey for to utes complete per fem-W ALKER,R D Region 2. Omco of Ovector 85/06/07 UTLEY,E E Carova Power & parary instruccon 2n95/1 Utss have matnuted reanorsable prevention LJght Co 3pp 31020162 31000194 progroms Summary of ste vie.te enct O RElLLY,J P Region 2. Othce of Drector 43/04/01 DEYOUNG R C. Drector's

 $$061703S3 A sosts suppl to tre protechon SER ongmedy menad m support of Amend                Omco. Office of inspecnon and Enforcement 42pp 31217125-3t217166 31 to License        23 CJardicahons & proposert changes enct CUTTE R A B Carohne Power & Lqht Co 65/06/11 v ARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors               3506140624 RELAPS THERMALHYDRAUllC ANALYSES OF PRfSSi>Ri/ED THf R-Branch 1 epp 30958 046-30956 061.

MAL aHOCK SEQUENCE.S FOR H B ROBIN 5ON UNat 2 PRESSUHilED WATER REACTOR 4504190149 Forwards " South Carchna Opershonal Revologw al Erner Responge Plan.SCOHE RP 84 ." "He Robinson Sete Specmc South Caronna FL E TCHE R C D . BOLANDE R.M A.. W ATERMAN.M E EGAG, Inc FIN A 604 7 ahonal. Part NOHEGICR 3977 8S/04/30 Devesson of Accident Evaluanon 233pp 30934 352-2" & " State of SC fechrecal Ra40lograt Emergency Response Plan " 309% W. CUTTER.A 8 Carohna Power & Light Go 85/06/12. VARGA.S A Operelmg Reactors Branch I fp 30994 00130W5 009 3504050396 Forwards Arnend 92 to License DPR 23 & sa rery evaluahon Amend re.

 ~4506190169 "Soutn Carohne Operateal Ra4oiogical Emergency Response                                   Tech Spec Sectum 6 to change manageroperatme & ment posution mto two Plan. SCORE RP 84 m Notr# of Freed Pestear Faakt es -


                                                                                               ,,p       ate postume of manageroperations & manager maint
  • Caronna Power & Lsght Co 64/06/30 150pp 30994 002 30994146 REQUA.G Operarwig Reactors Branch 1 85/05/17 UTLEY.E E. Caronne Power &

Light Co. Ppp 30742 024 J0142 033

 -4504190197 "HO Roba' eon Sde Spacec South Carohna Operational Radiosogical
                                                                                             -4504050402 Amend t ' b lxense DPR 23 revien0 tech Spec Section 6 to ef'ange Csoima Power        ightCo 8 10/31 73pp 30994147 30994 219 M*'""d**P***"'""'******'*"8"*d'""#'"*"*9***'~

V ARGA.S A Operstang Reactors Branch 1 85/0$/I 7. 6pp 30742 026 30742 031.

 -4506190202 "Stam of SC TWrut at ReWW Emem Repow PIW
  • South Carohna. State of 85/02/26 iS0pp 30994 220 J0996 000
                                                                                             -4504050405 Safety evaluaton              eng Amend 92 to License DPR 23 8504190162 Discusses reven of techrucal evahanton rept of musikery feedwater sys tor.             Omco of Nuclear Hoect3r agulebon. Drector OS/OSIt1 2pp 30742 032-nado trusese protectum for tecddy f aAse probabshry fnects NRG guidennes E44ahon            30742 033 Inr protsehdify thould be modhed as descnbod 2:MME RMAN $ R Carones Power 4 Light Co 85/0e/13 VARGA S A Operenne R*.                  4WO40531 Forwere conected Amend 90 W License DPR 23 Cmectemt amend av actore Branch 1 2pp 30995 043-30995 044                                                    csurtes truseong Page 4 6 3 & paragraph number chanpo frorn 4 6 3 4 to 4 6 3 5 REQUA.G Operarmg Reactors fjrench 1 85/0$/gy UTLEY.E E. Carohna Power &

8604250344 Responds to concems to spunave operatwin of high-low prosese inter race l'ght Co 2pp 30184 284 30764 287  ; veeves enn io #vepw es0327 moeteg & a40ene StR re altamate male shutdown l capatWy Replacement pages Mr uni 440206aut)tnetal onct for enttuaann m Si R -4500060532 Corrected Arnend 90 to license DPR 23 eMeg Page 4 4 3 & peregraph , CUTTER.A B Carchna Power & Lyt Co 8S/06/10 VARGA.S A Operstmg Reactorg numbeer che from 4 6 3 4 to 4 6 3 $ Bronch 1. 2npp 31198 054 31196 Ung

  • NRC . No mied Athhahon Osven S$/06/29 2pp 30784 28430784 247 4506240253 Rev 2 to Emergency Pian & Procerksee PEP 402. "Reloactive Srmsce 8904170363 A setts e@pt to fue protectori SER ongma#y issued m mgptri of Amenr3 form Helease Estreates Based on Drect Raderwm Mondor Rosengs
  • W/850619 per 3 8 to L r.enee -23 Clanhcahone & proprmed changes encs MORGAN R E Carosea Power & L sght Co 85/06/19 GRACE.J N Hegion 2. O'tice of CUTTER.A B Carchna Power & lsght Go 85/06/11 vARGA.S A Operstmg Reactors Drector 8pp 3106016531060172 Brent.h 1. App 30958 044 309*>8 05 t .
 . 0 2 0044 ro,me,. rap Rep. *m,.519 oh .o03 07 No 0, .e.                          4 0 ponde = ,or,.ei .o, a4. Info m seierna.c ous .anete, f.ato,e .o, c.r.

shone noted ten aumAary feedwater (AtW) sys comparents per iMi stem 11 E 12 Enot study Jusst VERRELLIO M Region 2 Omco of Drector 85/06/24 UTLEY.E E. Carchna Power & noe menterwna ereatmg taneler for AF W Vseve V21 AA Light Co. 2pp 3125J 337 31253 339 liWME RMAN S R Caronna Power & Lsght Co 6S'06/ t4 VARGA.S A Operahng Re. actors Branch 1 12pp. 31251140-31251161 4604200062Phymcal Secunty inep Rept %26t/84t9 on 850R03 07 No volatme or oevianone noted Masor areas r.epected securdy plan & en eng processes,rngt 8506270004 Forwyds toeprmees to remest kr a49 mfo re TMt Actrjn ftem al D t, eenc*veness & securdy gresysm Dotads withheld Imf 10CF 73 2 y ' Portormance ieetsnq of Rehef & Satefy Vahree " TILLMAN A , MCGUlRE.u R Regwjn 2, Omco of Derector 85/06/20 tp 31253 319- liMMI RMAN $ R Carohne Power & Light Co 85/04/14 VARGA.S A. Operabng R+ 31253 339 ectors Branch 122pp 31249123 31249144 j i l

    -               -                      _         _ . _ _ _ _ ,              m  __a        m                        __       m , . _ . _ _                 _ _ .    ,m_.      __-.._.m__.                         . _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ . _ _                        _ ___

I I 1 1 52 DOCKETEDITEMS I 8008210234 Forwards respones to Genere Lir 8542 re recommended actone for reso 0906200107 IE Info Notre 6S443, "Rasagraphy Events at Power Reactors. 9ve het tuhon of unresoeved sa*ety neues concerrung steam generator tube miegnty a re- encs ' wests efo concorrung Ca C 2 steam generator tube inaps JORDAN E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engineereg Response (Post

                                                                                 & Light Co. 6S/06/17. TM.)MPSON.H L Dween of                            830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. inc. f 20pp 30e64 ter.

[ ZIMMERMAN.S R Carchne Leenang 1Cpp. 31024 21131024 220 30064 267. 0006200113 Forwards taeular summary of key results Irorn aunrev of piant-spe- 0$$6300108 IE ento Nohce 05444. " Emergency Communicaten Sys Monthfy Test" SvC cec in#o re posental for uncoreceed raeston esposures a caveosper JG Part- he enci Iow SW$ regsest No furter genonc acton needed JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Prepaedness & E Response (Post TAYLORJ M urector s Oftce. Ottce W Inspecton and Enforcement 85/06/18 85/05/30 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Yor . Inc, 2tpp 30e64 04S. MUf4 LEY,T.E Regon t,Omco of Drector Opp 31211.322-31211330. e3010,3,) 30ng ee

                                                                                                                                                      =00a.n E mf. No.cs nods-P ent. S- in, erect n inv ring uovable .

, mne,s on . IE .ues.,,e 4.e,ree,or,do,,se Core Flus Mappmo Sys Used m Wesanghouse Demoned Piants " Svc het once Re FO JONDAN.E L Drvison "I Emergency Preparedness & E"f"""P229.sponse =a an (Post 040613023,e4 m nts SAw Reepons,e epts to, hated to appeal pier of dervaie.

                                                                                            - r o ds   SertA,ps of Ee,s.em.,an,wa,sA A &                     requesta30 for h.tai === o-dad Edsoa ce ~ v-30865 046.

documents Apps C 4 0 & portons of App B documents witresad yet FOIA Esemp_ nons S & 7) 00000e0707 IE into Notre 85-044, "Clar*caton of Several Ascocts of Removable Ra-DIRCars.W J. Omco of the Esecueve Drector for Operatorm 65/02/00 HUNKLEJ. eoective Surface Contammaten Lervts for transport Packages

  • Svc not enct /

Runkle, J D 13pn 30009 03$30es0 226. JOHDAN,E L Dmsson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) eS/06/10 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Yor 24pp 31043 301-I ~4408190031Forwarde SALP input for Jan 1983 . Apr 11184 Category 2 asagned to ap. 3r044 Ced reacn no resosumon u isennte eeues 9. 04/06/07. SINKULE,M Regon 2. Omco at MEQUA.G D -= e.Operstmg =a Oa-== ReactorsOssgrancs, a0n im. Fo,w.,ds -,. t. 0342,e ,eco,ronded acione %, ,es.

                                                                                                                                                         '"                                                                                         '"'*0"'P maps
)                               =0008130200 Forwarde uti SALP to be used for 840724-25 board meetng W/o                                                       " m'e"n"c'oncomin0                       2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    /06/t F THOMPSON ^H L Dmson of
                                    $ ALP Roseted enment enct                                                                                               WWERMAN.S R Car                            & Light 4                                    StNKULE.M V NRC . No Dotaded Amhanon Given 84/07/20 LEWIS. OLSHINSkl.                                                Lcensmg topp 31024 211 31024 220' STOHR NRC bio Detaned Amheton Garert 17tpp 30809 056-30889 226 0006140240IE Irdo Notee 85447. "Polenbal EHect of Lreinduced Operahan on Car-0006210154 Responde to violetons noe=J m inep Root 50 261/s546 Correcirve                                                iam Target Rock Solenoid 4perated VsW Svc het once l'                                              I        w                                                                                                JONDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency preparedness & Engmeenng Responee (Post i

ectons goveing T,ng-2,0,0,e.e

                                                 . ,                        De towned
                                                            ,ng g ee,iinrelenn0           to add annuas      exempton etion     nams entene for teensed                    mov=Assis 830103) 85/08/10 Coneohdaved Esson Co of New York. mc.134pp 312661SI-j                                   MORGAN A E Cachna Power 4 Lignt Ca 05/04/03. GRACE.J N Regen 2. Omca of                                              3126s M Drector. 4pp. 310$1.10531057.106 0006210441 Reeconds to beRC ler te violenone noted n inep Rept $4261/SS.08 0til                                       8806140630 IE Info klonce 8S040. **Respralor Users Notee Defectrve Seit Coritened denies aseged violaeon A&S admruseetree coneal of tp0 F mm tornp added to MSt-                                       Breat.twng Apparatus As Cyanders
  • Svc het onet JORDAN E L Dmoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 902 eMectve 850204 $30103) 0$/06/19 Coneohdated teson Ce of New Yor , Inc. 23pp. 31376 064-MORGAN.R E. Cachne Power & Ligne Co. 6S/04/03 GRACE)N. Regon 2, Omco of Drector 3pp 310S7237-3105723e 31376 183 l

J 0000270006 Forwards inep Rept S261/8% t t on 850211 4310 & rotte of 0006200040 Forwards ines Rept 54261185-10 on 880603-OF No noistene or devh

.                                    viosatonReepones should edeess enprovements to mod program ensunng se                                               ahnns noted J

changes lo safety 4eieted structsee, sys 4 components per%r vied Wto notre or mo* VERRELLI.D M R 2. Othee of Director 85/06/24 UTLEY E E. Cachne Power 4 7 s GRACEJN R 2, Omco of Drector 05/04/11. LITLEY.E E. Caronne Power 4 # " 3PP 395 #3"

  • Light Co 2pp. 3 91763 v 240145. =0008200062 Phywce Acurity Inne Re,pt60 261/8410 on 850603 07 No vola,none or, 0=7 0, inep Rept .26,,.5 1 on Os02114310v noted f u,e io ,e,. devi~e noied M- --te e-un , pian form mod to eroe samty4eisted tweaker estengs n accordance w/repAatory re@are, eMeetveness a secumy gogram Detads simhoks 1129W 10CF7ementa. -ee ee me TILLMAN.A. MCGUint.u R Region 2. Omce of Dwector 95/06/20 tp 31253 334 rnents VRUG.H E . WHITCOM9 H C . FREDRICKSOPl.P Repon 2. Omco of Drector 05/04/ 3 t#S3 339 j

00 ogp. 3t249178-3'249105. a j 0608210903 Submar suppiernental toepnnes meersedng 850401 response doyn0 vio- R. Portedte sporogeng reporte 4 redeced s .eependence f Iston noted e ines Rept 642etles-on A - _ ., made een admrestreeve con

  • j trol of 60 P min torno added to M17-902.eMeceve 850204 0006200122 operstmg rept for May 1945 Wisinfl01 str MORGAN.R E Caronne Power & Light Ce 8S/05/02 GRACE)N Repon 2. Omco of GAN R E Carchne Power & Light Co 09/05/31 IAYLORJ M DF i

Dweetor opp 31061054-310510$r. flGOf f.A E . 4 rector's ONne. Omco of Inspection and Enforcement opp.31020 30t 31020 304 0000210863 Responde to vicaenone noted in Insp Rept 50-261/0519 Corrective actone processe w ruch coreois engmeenng eveaustone wie be revised W arttude RE L Co OSN GRACEJ N Hegen 2, Omco of Drector 3pp. 31056142-310a4144 erorn steem Generator A raused by operance tehng to venty isoisten of coreact Irene. 0006130027 1 to it Irwe Notste 44 56. " Seal table toene et PWRe * $we het enct nytter Level tenemmer L T 4/4 restened e eve meS0672 Nr JORDAN =E L of Emergency Preparessese & Engmesm l 830103) 85/06/14 Coneohdoted Eeson Co of New York. 10tpp. Inc. g 3t044 Reeponse 064 (Post WRIGHT.C L, MORGAN R E. Cwohne Power & Lagne Co 05/06/12 3pp 310671If. 1 31067.114 1 31044 171.

                                 $$$$130030 Suppl l to it Ir40 Notco $5420. 'Woeoroperated Vehre Feluree Due lo t                                     Hammerms Enoct a sve tw enra                                                                                      y, o,oret,, geomenenen.

1 JORDAN E L Dween of Ernergumty Preparedness & E Reeponse (Poef 05/05/14 Conocedeted Eeoon Co of New Yar . anc. OFpp 31044 t T2- Ge00310164 Reeponde to violahone reted e ines Rept $0 291/8$45 Correcove

                                     $30103)70 31044 g                                                                                                             actone 7t200 we be revised to est esempaan critene for scensed truvutuale 9000$00011 Forwarde inep Rept60-261/0544 on $504t14510 No violenone or dew                                               deveioping reviewerig 4 edminiesenne annues regualincenon enema MORGAN.R E Caronne Power & Light Ca eS/04/03 GRACE.J N Regmn 2. Offee af eenne noted                                                                                                         Drector 4pp 31067.105 31067.100 i

VERRE LLI O M Retpori 2. Omco of Drector 05/06/21.UTLEY.E E. Carohne Power 4 j light Co. tp.31274 264 31276 27t. 3

                                 -8000000003 Ines Rept 64261/6414 on 8604tt 4610 No violatone or devienone                                             Y. Dry Casti lneopendent Spont Fuel leersee inotenemone noted Mapor erose mapacted Tech Spec comphence. operemons performance ROs.ede escurity.esvedience QA procacee & IE buneen 4 notte fonowup                                                      0000100308 Notifraten of 660510meetng elute Science Appace Jae int Corp ftNWL i                                     FRUG H E . W> YCOMB H C , FREDRICMSON P. Region 2. Othce of Drector OS/0S/

4 NUTECH m $dver Sonng MD re wat opphcet.on for dry storege of opent fusi en j 21. 7pp. 3t276 26431210 271 ISFS8 Weenng ettendose 4 egende ence

                                 $006300000 IE Info Deceice 85430.
  • Audrietshty of Electnces Egopment Quahhcetion ROBE R T SJ P Advanced r ues 4 Spent Fuel 09 ROuss.L c. Advanced ruse 4 spent ruel Laon.Licenene no prerch. 4pp. Branch9030,/09/07 ire Recense ei Leoneese a comes- sve not once Reeponse (Post JORDAN.E L Dween of Ernergency Preparednete 4 E , 30000.181.

e30103) 05/06/22 Coneoedeced Edson Co. of New Yor . Inc. Onpp 30837 250-002 ,0 Nr ice.en of 0 0.,3 w/E- NWtu 4 DO, m 30er m IE into em0. -Deac ncies e, E.apmen Quel ~e.on re 4 * *wg,=:ot;'eres*y"' -O'a m"oa'*"c' e Co-- P-eee eve o ia ER r.J P A ,re, e.f ru 4 % ru.i .r.e .S,06,1, 0 N# D 103) 9/n6 Co New Yort Ospp 30 g [9f3 30040 27I 00CetET 905303 tecettlCELLO seuCLEAR etesERATweG PLAsef f a Svs e Respones fPoet I JORDAN.E L Divierf r imergency Propereeisee & E 030103) e6/06/29. Coneohdeced Eeaon Co.f O New Y . Inc. 20pp 30852 246-F. Soeurity, fneeseet, emergency a fire preteetten peone 30052 363 r

DOCKETEDITEMS 53 0000000078 Advees lhet Siate of UN mArnitted state 4 assocated local plans for ras- 9606270446Sutwnits efo to suppe 8504to apptcatum tor arnend to Lcense DPR 22 re ciogcal emergencws re facety Plans mismate 2 protect heaitt) 4 safety of fuel ennchment hrrvis GE high donesty spent cust storage racks 4 rww tual storage Pubhc a art a t'stecanon sys approved by FEMA on 85042$ racks used at facety CM.S W Federal Emergency Managernent Agency 85/0$/10 DIRCKS.W J. MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/14 ONice of Nuclear Reactor Regula-Once of the Esecuerve Drector Ice Operatona tp.30733 265 30733 265. ton, Director to 31251310-312513tt 9000030006 Rev 13 to Emergency Response Plan L __ _. Processe A 2001,

       " Emergency Organization" Let or current pages enci */8505231 FEY,F L Northern States Power Co. 05/05/23 24pp 30673 240-30673 263                             Q. Inspection reporte, if Bunetene a 6..                  e 0000000006 Forwards Innp Rept %263/9540 on 850305-0506 No noncomphance                              8800040634 Responds to NRC890411 Itr te vio6atens noted in inep Rept 50 263/04 noted                                                                                             2e Re@ests entenesort untd850524 tar provi$ng toeponse to vuonatons ese to pearit SHAFER.W Power   Co tp.D30f33 Rooson     3. Once 293 282-30733     of Drector 85/05/23 LARSON.C E. Northem States                shutdown tar ment outage a compiegaf contammene leah               ram testing LAR5 ION.C E Normem States Power w 05/06/10 SPE&                 D.R L Repon 3, Office of Drector 1p. 30698 001-30690 001
  -8000000077 Inep Rept 50 263/85-08 on 8503054506 No noncomphance or dovution noted Mapor areas mopected onste rowow comrnettee. operational eafety                           Slese20o27 verstation.       fuel. tire dampers seersuc battery tacka 4 rwtrocen kne to gerus                                  1 to IE Irdo Notre 84 65. " Semi table Leans at PWRs " Swc bot enci JORDAN E L               of Emergency Preparedneta & Engmeerm0 Response (poet 90YD.D C.           3. ONce of Drector 85/05/22. tipp 3073J283 30733 293                          830103p es/05/t4 Coneohdated E@ eon Co. of New Yorti, Inc.107pp 31044 06%

31044 171. reweeed emergency man onpiemanhng proce H.00000234p- Forwards,ng Rev 7 to A 2.ici ,e cas.uation,r of e.ri.dses not resofwed a,to et.03,s .u.14 Rev . to A ,.104,s .,e a, em.,- Rev 4 to men am.enm.rm,S., H Ettaci Svc io IE.% we .5wuoto, Ope,a ed va,we reA,. Due to si on. W LUAMS G D Normern States Power Co SS/05/29 Repon 3. Othce of Drector JORDAN E L Decemn of Emergency Preparedness & Engemanng Reeponse (Post opp 30729 28430730119 8301031 85/05/14 Coneohtiated Eeoon Co. of New Yort, Inc f07pp 31044177 31044 278

  -8000000240 Rewood emergency plan enciementmo processes inclueno Rev 7 to A 2-tot re classehtation of emergenren Rev 4 to A 2103 re esortRev 4 to A 2104 re .to pea emergencv 4 Rev t to A 2 toe to accese contros esmg emergencies                             $406200600 it into Nohce 84039. *Austabmy of Elececal E@genent Ouaktcaten Northern States Power Co.05/04/1$ 200pp 30729 291-30730 t19                                     Recorde at Lcensees Fac*hes " Svc not enct JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparednese & E                       Response (Poet 0000000079 Adween of NRC approval of State of MN emergency response plan 4 as-                         810103) 85/05/22 Conocedated Eeson Co of New Yor , Inc Onpp 30837254 eted local peans. based on rewsw of FEMA Andags SLR 50263/82 f 7,meued on                     in837 363 pAPE #E               egion 3                   ector e 05/39 LARSON,C E Northem                *                            **           ' " ' ' " * *"' "" *" *'*"$

Statee Power Co 2pp 30721217 30727219 Certec*** ' lo"c'es"s P *S c er l JORDAN E L Dwisen of Emergency Preparednese & E Reeponse (Post 5 06270012 rwards u of r tw

                                                                                                                )7,HI      2 meandawd Eeoon Q W h 4 , Inc Mw m N g m eva     Fo.uarirp".ti
                                         $.$0306 ne e eme,g.r.,     p,.paler.adagng ess - 4 Co, n memte Corp cordic,t,0 ene est m pe,s .>t                                                                       l
      .oRDAWLTwi n %T '**"'Teffe es 4 e                                      Re, pone. tPost        +==== r~a iaea aspt *2=Ha = **=$aa mo acaamaeace                                          I C30f03). SS/06/04 LAWRE                  Energy, Dept. of 1p            3 31250 350 R        3                     85/05/23 LAR$0N,Cf Northern States n 14 70 Appro               es        ,o    et m.t - i,e noe on 8.,=9 rather than 8Pf17 m order lo permit FE M A to pareceare
                                                                                                        %A$ER W Dam4"ar.

P- Co 1 a3 Ohe of Drector PAPEReE LL 0 C J 3. Once of Drector 05/06/12 LARSON C E Northern ~4400060077Insp Rept %263/8508 on 4503050606 No noncernphance or dewshon States Power Co tp 97123 30897124 noted Mapor rose cepectad onate rewsw comenettee operanonal satefy wer*rahon opent tuel tire dampere assomse bettery reche 4 neirnpen nne to tone

  -Hee 140473 Rogueste that facey fue partc@aten esercese tie moved kom 050917 to                       90VD,0 C. Aegott 3. Omco of Dractor 84/06/22 11pp 3073J 283 30733 293 QS1000 m order to anow FEMA to pertu tese LADO.M J Normern States Power Co 89/06/06 PHILUPS M Regan 3, Othce of Dr                        860e040527Responde to NRC 8%412 per te vvyatione noters an snee Rept 60 263/64 rector 1p 30697124-30697124 24 Corrective acnone terrgorary change made to swegrated lost rete test processe 4 M00100156 Forwards Semparde inep Rept %263,6417 on 650526 31 No noncom.                                adr3 meet wryt performed or meegrated lost rate teehno per f orh Specs phance noted                                                                                       LAASON.C E Normern States Power Co OS/05/24 SPfSSARD.R L Regen 3 Othce of Drector 6pp 30694 233 30600 238 4WrELSON W L Regwri 3. Othre of Drector 85/06/12 LARSON.C E Northern States Power Co 2pp 3099504430995 042 0906200149 It info Nonce 65042, "Looes F'emephor m Panesonsc 000 Seres Batge
 -8906t90164 Inso Rept W263/0517 on e6052s 39 No noncompnarco noted Maeor                                7 D Elements " Sve het anci JORDAN E L Dwiemn of Emergency Preparednese 4 t                         Reeponse (Post woes meportedescurey plan a snotomereng prorosses.pngt onectveness.secureV                        83r)t03) SS/05/29 Coneohdeted 14 eon Co of New Yar , Inc. 20pp 30652 24%

orgervrahon 4 reror se verses withhowl(ref 10CFR13 2f t. 3nggy 3py3 RNiCEllyJ R , CAtED.J R Repon 3, Or' ice of Drector 85/06/12 1p 30995 042-W95 042 0406200107 it Info Notice 05-043. "Ratography fuente at Power Reactors

  • Svc het encs 4 Insurance 4 - .., informe8en JORDAN t L Divienon of Emergency Preparettees 4 Engmeanng Response (Post 010103) 86/05/30 Consondated E4 eon Co of New Yors, Inc. f/ Opp 30e64 ter.

30664 297. H00030439 Forwards Endesements 17 63 e5 4 $$ to NELIA Pcecy NF 174 4 MAELU Ponces MF 6i NF 197 4 Woes respecove*y JOHNSC44 R O Northern States Power Co #9/05/22 DINsfl.l. Ant 4neet 4 tecnomic geog 200 tM IE Info Nobce 85-044. " Emergency Communicason Sys Monthey feet " Svc Deagese BrancM (Uthey Fmences Spp 30684 3J3 30684 337. set enct

                                                    '                                                   JonDAN.g L, On,,een of tmergency Preparednese a f                      Responte (Post 010103) 45/05/30. Consondeted teson Ce et New Y . Inc 2 tpp 3rjn64 04%

Cl Operettnq licones stage eseumonte 4 corroepenssence seet170077 Responde to FOIA ferasset for recorde to FIN e 04e9 "Contentnant Leen Meet?0536 Forwards Inne Rept M263/05 to on 35050449 No norcomptance adsmo-ned Pate Teeeng Program" 4 4eeen Corp /NRC ControCte Forwards documente re FIN b 0449 00curnents also evadaose e POR No dncuments te Queiros etdig 43 rerpmst PAPFRitLLOC J Reumn 3 Omre of Dweetnr 85/05/St LARSON.C t. Northern States Power Ce tp 30750 230 30764 237. F ELTON J M Ducson of Rsdee arid Recorde FIN 8 0449 89/03/25 RE YTBLA f f,2 V. Warren Wdeon Conego, Swannanos. NC. /pp. 30967 036-CD947 070 .seeee70634 Inap Rept 60 281/eS 14 on 85060600 No rencomgeance or dovetion noted uasar arose mopectedr.onfirmatory measuremente Repon all mobsle lab oneste 3406170201 " Containment Leen Rate testing Inveshgehons." monthly orogrees rept pong *,'o*MAYM S M(CHt R 3 of Drector GS/ DOUGA Oen Rwsgo Nanonal Laboramry FIN 8 0449 42/12/01. APNDf,0 Me- # # # cnerucal/ Structures Enynnereg Branch 3to 309071iS 30947111' 86000004F7 ft info Pantee 85445. "Potenhal Seemsc Interacton invofvmq Wavetde in. Meetee644 Accepte proposed scherhAs to complete mode to ECCS 4 reactor pretee-son eye dunng Cycts t3 per Genonc Lir 84 23 Revew of NUREG 0737. Item it P 2 NDA EL of emese i R (Poet LO.0 0 Opera SMA 2 465 046 eS/06/M NW th 4 of M 4 W 74 0% Reactore Bronch 2 44/05/te MUSOLF.D W Northern States Power Ce 3pp 3r 03J2 30990334 4400tFe6N Forwardo Amend 32 to trense DPR 22 4 safety evehmten. Amend re-Meet 0901

                                                                                                                 #1et Forude im R$ MO e401 of m ehW on eh weet Tech &peco to epocey ellowebee Inserarte on Intervals between giavoulence                      REYE S.L A R m 3 Opere of Ovector 89/04/07 LAR90NC E Northern States teete 4 to cleroy surveshans;e lostmg requremente                                                   PM M 4 7' N 236 30093 m AULUCM.R Operennq Reactrre Branch 2 b/05/20 MUSOLF.0 M Northern States Power Co. 2pp Jo9913273094f 329                                                                  *seesteetet tsom Rest to 263/04,350t on 4904290603 team reeufts os cens-osene paneed sermor reae. tor operetty ewam 4 ore carundets faded 348417063t Amend 32 to Laceriee DPR 22.reviemq Tech Speco to epecify showatse                        DeWWUE,N.L . SLY G , MCMILLEN.J 1 Regen 3. QWKe of Drector 85/04/04 00g, toestance on sneervels tietween survedience Isole a to cier#y surveeence testeg r,.                 30993 23 MO493 299 cyaemer*e VASSALLO.D B Operatmg Reactors Brent.h 2 85/09/24 4pp 3098t 324 309e1321                         04000e0707 ff Info Peonce 85044, "Clantication of Severst Aspects of Remrrverde 94 4306179646 Safe *y evehahon sup.porteg Amerwt 32 to trence DPR 22                                    enactnre SisWe Contammetkm Leute for freneport Pm eagee " Svc het enct
  • Ophre ce Ntclear Reactor Reguteenn, Drectra e5/05/26 2pp 30941326 JONDAN t L Deceson of Ernergenry Prepare @ees 4 trynnering Response (Puet 3090t329 010103) 89/06/IQ Coneotutsted tenon Co of New Yors. Inc. f 24pp 3t043 301.

31044 044 i

54 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506180156 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept 54263/8517 on 850528-31 No noncern- DOCKET 54264 DOW CHEM 6 CAL CO. phance noted. AXELSON.W L Rxpon 3. Oftce of Drector.85/06/12.LARSON.C E. Nortnem States Power Co. 2pp. 30M5 040-30995 042. F. Securtty, meecal, emergency & fire protection plane

    -8586190154 Irmo Rept 50-263/05-17 on 85052&31No ..ww..p.                         rmted Mas '          4506140464 Forwads Man Control & .W insp Rept 54264/85e on areas enspected              plan &                           es.mgt effectweness secunty 850603 04 No e noesd E DJ R. Regen 3.                                                                                                               3 Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. RAMPY.LW. Ibr Cnerucal ICELE                                          of           . 85/06/12. to 30995 042-              $E SON W L 30995 C42.

8506180211 Forwards Sef inso Rept 50 263/85t6 on 850520 No velabons noted. " ***f,q. " ne HARRISON.JJ. 84egen 3. of Drector.85/06/12.LARSON.C.E. Northem States AXELSON W L Regen 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. RAMPY.L W. Dow Power Co.1p. 30995 284-30995 287- Co 2pp. 30897.120 30897122.

    -8606190221 anc Rept 50 263/0516 on 850520 No violations or denstons                                   -8501140449 lnsp Rept 50-264/8501 on 85060344 No noncomphance noted Magor noted Masor aree mapected hcensee acton te IE Buestm 8011 concommg masorry                             areas espected 781005 secunty pian Dotads wehold (ref 10CFR2 790) well desagrt.                                                                                          BELANGER.J L, MADE DA.TJ, GREED.J R. Regen 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12.

NORTON.J F, WILLIAMS.CC Repon 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. 3pp. 1p. 30897.122-30897122. 30995.285-30 % 5297 8506140240tE Info Notre 85 047. ' Ponenbal Effect o r We-induced Operanon on Ca'- Q. Inspection reporte. IE Bulletine a correspondence tem Target Rock Solenced-Operated veNes." Svc tst enct JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103). 85/06/18 Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New Y inc. 34pp 31268157 8506140444 Forwards Man Control & Accountabihty insp Rept 50-264/8502 on 31268.304' 85060344 No noncomphance notest AXELSON W L Regux: 3 Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. RAMPY.LW. Dow Cherrucai

6506140636 IE Info Nonce 85448. "Respralor Users Noace Defectwo Saff4cntamed Ca 2pp. m?mMW.
                  .E          m                          edness & E               Response (Post           -8506140471 Ma# Contml & Accountabody insp Rept 54264/8542 on 85060344 No 23pp 31378064                                                              alor            t              a use of SNM & control &
3) 85/06/18 Consondated Eeson Co of New Yorit.

eged R.J L. MADEDA.TJ, CREED,J R Regen 3. Othee of Drector. 85/06/12. App. 30897.11130897.114 E Phet operseng roporte & misted cormopondence 4506140488 Forwards Physcal Secunty insp Rept 54264/8501 on 850803- 04 No noncomphance noted. 8500070142 Monthly coerateg rept for Mar 1985 W/850409 ler AXELSON.W L Regen 3. Offee of Drector. 85/06/12. RAMPY.LW. Dow Chemcal I MYRABO.A L., MUSOLF.D. Nor1 hem States Power ca 85/03/31. $pp. 30801.201- Co. 2pp. 30897.120 30897-122. 30801.205.

                                                                                                           -8506140488 insp Rept 54264/8541 on 850603 04 No .w..e                                     4e noted Magor areas espected 781005sectety plan Detads websid (ref 10CFR2 790)

S. Reportainto occurrences. Lfile & rotated corroepondence BELANGER.J L. MADEDA.T J., CREED.J R. Regen 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. 1p. 30897.122-30897.122. ( $506140432 LER 83 014/0174on 830601.HPCI smotated on hgh steam flow r= ==rt by teakage of mboard miscten gate valve. causing wou! m HPCI miscten !' kne Procedure changed to operate e/ outboard mjecten valve closed W/830615 lir. DOCKET 50 265 OUAD CITIES STATION. UNIT 2 MUSOLF.D. Northem States Power Ca83/06/15. 2pp 3091022530910 226. 8506140344 LER 83413/03L4cn 630519 rhard MSIV AO.2410 cioned faster than F. Securny, medeal emergency a nre protocuon plane value stated a Tech Spec Table 3 7.1 r%==d by leakage of od from control valve hot;sm0 to body tha;M connecten. nghtened.W /830616 lir. 8506100241 Responds to NFIC 850410 nr ce violatons noted m insp Repts50 254/8 5 RUBY.G T. ML50LF.D Northam States Ca 83/06/18. 2pp. 30909084- 07 & 50 265/8547 Corrective actens.NRC noched of scram on850328useg Emer. 30909 0o5. Notifcation Sys & admrustratsve e eglemented AR AR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson . 65/05/08 KEPPLER.J G Region 3. Othce 8506140436 LER 83412/03L4cn' ode switch scram bypass annuncastor ot Drector. 2pp. 3079102430791-021. came on followmg energmaton of reactor protecten . Caused by relay race Relays martar actuated to retum to normal cond. con W/ 16 Itr 8506040357 Rev 21 to OEP 330-0 re assessment accons A Rev 2 so OEP 310.T9 re LAR .D., MUSOLF.D. Northem States Posser Co. 83/06/16 2pp. 30910227- area rasaten morvtor sys 30910 228.

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.85/05/31. 5pp 30703 058 30703 06C.

8506170472 LER 83411/03L4cn 830519.escovered steam leak on reducer at moss- 8506140519 Ach recespt of 850531 ter includm0 uni scop 8 oblacisves for facihties ture separator dram D valve CV-3134 to heater 148. Caused by erosen or caroon emergency preparedness ewerceo scheckaed for 850827.ODescoves acceptable & un-steel reducers by steam a* 380 F & 195 petStamiess stees reducers installedW/ changed from noms escussed w/T Ptosha on 850521 830616 Itr. PAPEHIELLO.C.J Regen 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. REED.C. Co..-. -. SHEAHEN.P., MUSOLF/J. Northent States Power Ca 83/06/16. 2pp. 30972.36t- Feson Ca ip.30897.18440897.184 30972.362. 8506240303 Forwards insp Rep'.s 50L254/8512 & 54265/8513 on 8504014531 No 8506140356 LER 83419/0174 on operated reactor bido to torus vacuum noncomphance noted tiroaker AOL2380 tound lealung in eucess of Tech Specs.Cause unkrionnvene SHAFER.W D. Regon 3. Offce of Drector. 85/06/12. HEED.C. Co.-.- _ placed on accelerated survedlance program W/830815 Itr- Esson Co. Ip. 31zJu 340-31230 355. WOJCHOUSKI.A.V.. MUSOLF.D. Northem States Power Co. 83/08/15. 2pp. 30909 006-30909 087. -8506200323 Insp Repts 54254/8512 & $4265/8513 on 8504014531.No violaton or deviaten noted Maior areas repectoct operations.radiologmal controls. meet / 8606170291 LER 83424/03L4cn 831027. tow level scram switch escovered below de- mods.survedience, housekeepmg. procedures & tre protecten visten knut Caused by setpomt dnft$ witch replaced & survedlance scfedule CHRISSOTIMOS.N. Regon 3 Othee of Drector. 85/06/12. 15pp. 31230 341-accelerated Redundant switches tested satisfactonly W/831123 lir. 31230.355. LARSON.D., MUSOLF.D. Northem States Power Ca 83/11/23. 2pp. 30972.341-30972:342. 8506200436 Forwards schedule of corrective actons sutmtted by State of IL for deh-ciencies noted in offste radmiogical emergerg preparedness exercise on 840828-8506180297 LER 83425/03L4cn 831202.RHR svc water sys pump declared moper- 29 Dehmency due to fadure to actuate emergency broadcast sys promptry able due to fadure of check valve to seat property. Caused by excesswo esk stud KRIMM.R W. Federal Emergene r Management Agency 85/06/21 JORDAN.EL Dm. thread wear Wold mall added to stud & riew threads machmed for nut W/831230 Itr. son of Emergency Preparedness & Engvisanng Response (Post 830103). 13pp. CARPENTER.G L. MUSOLF.D. . Northem States Power Co. 83/12/30. 2pp. 31219 267 31219 279 30991.220 30991:221. 8506270662 to 450Gf00157 Rev 11 to Emergency Plan :.c i .-..; 3enceProcedure OEP 550.T1. Erm. posi. int Forwards scram reee,ves*f'm. ten i rept of slow iesiino.repi CROmeerima of siow maartenemos timesdunne dunngu arDec i9851984 tons

  • Commonwe SamphnglinTe"so." Rev 19 n Ca 85 06/30. 8ppto30975 indeir bEP 550 2e430975.267.

tes & response to 18 NRC Questons. Wu .D. Northern Sietes Power Co 85/06/17.Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regula- 8506100304 Revised emergency procedures.includmg Rev 19 to OEP %04. "Emerger> ton, Drector. 20pp. 31238.15131238170. cy Equipment & Supphes & Rev 11 to OEP 550.T1. ~Envrons Samphng Supphes "

  • Commonwealth Eescri Ca 85/06/3Lk 7pp. 30977.190L30977.197.

V. Operater E - - P. Operating Scense stage h _ & correependence 8606140181 Forwards Ezam Rept 50-263/OL-8541 of exam admrustered on850429-0503 8506240532 " Shutdown DHR Analyss.Ouad Cites Case Study." draft rept REYES.LA R 3. Offee of Drector. 85/06/07 LARSON.C.E. Northem States HATCH.S W., ERICSON.D.M . SANDERS G A. Sanea Natonet Laboratones. FIN A-Power Ca 1p. 93 234 30893.299. 1309.85/03/15.Genorc tesues Brancfi. 731pp 31147201-31149 011.

      ~8606140186 Esam Rept 50-263/OL 8541 on 8504294503 Esam results mx cans.                               8506200184 Apphcaten for amends to Lcenses DPR-29 & DPR-30.changmg Tech Spec dates oessed sener reactor operator eram & one canedate faded.                                          Sectons 3.5 & 4 Sfeflectmg mods m RHR vault equpment & floor dram sys Foo pad.

DiMMUCK.L. SLY G.. MCMILLEN.J.L Repon 3. Offce of Drector. 85/06/06. 60pp. RYBAK.B. C.,.. . _ n Edson Co 85/03/22. DENTON.H R. Offre of Pfuclear Re-30893.237,30893 299 actor Regulaten. Drector. 2pp. 31229 296 31229-314.


       -4506300193 Proposed revs to Tech Spec Sociens 3 5 & d 5,reflecimg mods m RHR                   4506270006Adeses that Revs 33.34 4 35to QA Topcal Rept CE-1.A sanse y re@re.

vault equement & Iloor eam sys

  • Commonwealth Esson Co 85/03/22 17pp 3 229 298 31229 314. ments of App B to 10GFR50 Changes to Secten F resohre questums to procurement actmeses SPESSARD.R L Repon 3, Othce of Drector 85/06/21. REED.C. Commonweenn 8606170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN B4489. "Contamment Leak Eeson Co 2pp 312J5.287 31235 288 Rafe Testmg Program & Ouaeen Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documeres re FIN B4489 Documents also evadatso m POR No documents to Quadron euty to rowest.

FELTON.J RE yTBLATT,2 V. M Desen of Rules and Records. FIN B4489 85/03/25 Q. Inspection reports, eE Bullettne t correspondence Warren Weson Comoge, Swannanos. NC. 7pp 30987036 30987 076. 6506100241 Responds to NRC 850410ftr te violations noted m insp Repts50 254/85-

       -8506170201 Contamment Leah Rate Testmg investigehons," anonlNy progress rept                    07 8 54265/8547 Correctwo actons NRC notded of scram on650328 useg Emer.

for Nov 1982 NotAcateon Sys & admrustratNo procedure emplemented DOUGAN.J R. Oak Radge Natenal Laboratory FIN 3-0489 82/12/07.ARNDT G. Me- AR AR.D L Commonwealtn Eeson Co. 85/05/06. KEPPLER)G Req;pon 3. Othce chancal/Structwal Engineenne %anch. 3pp 30987.115 30987.117. of Drector. 2pp. 30791020 30791021. 8506130027 1 to IE info Notce 64-55. "Seel TatWe Leeks at PWRs " Svc bst enci 05000$0064Adeses that proposed Tech Spec smend to RHR vault ogwpment & floor JORDAN E L dran sys reviewed No adverse fmdmgs determened of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Post PARKER.M C. Uhnoes. State of 85/05/20. DENTON.H. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reg. 830103) 85/05/14 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 107pp 31044 065 31044 171. ulanon. Drector to 30717.312-30717.312. 8500050253 Ach receet of 850410 enemetal of Topcal Rept CE 1-A.Rev 34 Renew we 3506130038 Suppi 1 to IE 1rdo Notco 85420. "Motoroperased vafve Fadures Due to requae more than 60 days to compsete Hammenng Effect." Svc bat once.

           $PESSARD.R L Regmn 3. Omco of Drector 85/05/23. REED.C. Commonwestth                           JORDAN.E L. Omsson of Emergency Preparedness & Engemenng Response (Post Eeson Co 2pp 30725 336-30725 339                                                               830103) 05/05/14 Consohdated Edaan (.4 of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044172-31044 278.

8500050445 Prowdes odo to support use of eywed torno profde curves assumsno 34 8806200000 tE Info Notco 85439 *Austabety of Electncal Esppment Ouehhcaton mmute drywes spray owtanon Reasons for not copectng to use of 104nenute meerval Records at Lcensees Facetes " Svc hst encl hated JORDAN.E L DMeson of Emergency Preparoeiess & E Response (Post RYBAK.B Commonwea#th Eeson Co 85/05/23 DENTON.H R Othce of Nuclear Re. 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 08pp 30837 258-actor Regulanon Drector 3pp 3071905530719 057. 30837.363 e50e050459 Responds to roguest for number & type of coreal rod blades to be ok staned dunng current refuehne outage GE advanced longer hfe corect rod design we 0506200000IE info Notce 45440. "Dehcences e Emspment behhcaton Mtmg & be used Detaded efo evadatAs m Suppl 2 to NEDE 2nw Cortshcaten Process " Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Drween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post RYBAK.B. Commonwea!th Edson Co.85/05/29 DENTON.H R. Offee of Nucisar Re. 830103) 85/05/22. Conschdated Eeson Ce of New Y , Inc. 06pp 30648166 actor Regulaton Drector. 2pp 30719053-30719 054 30648 278. 8506170169 Forwards Amend 86 to Lcense DPR-30 & safety evaluaton. Amend raw vees Tech Specs to mcorporate new MAPLHGR Curves for two new Damer fusi types 0505200181 IE Info Nohce 85442. " Loose Ptiosphor m Panasonc Goo Senes Badge TLD Elements

  • Svc het enct
          & to charge cahts & functon test fremences for specdc matrumentaDon.

BEVAN.R ts Oper Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/30. FARRAR,0 L Cw: ..,,. r JORDAN.E L DMacn of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post Eeson Co 2pp. 324-309eo 357. 830103) 85/05/29. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. ?/ opp 30852 245 30852 361

      -4508170173 Amend 86 to Lcense DPR-30.remem0 Tech Specs to mcorporate new                       $505200187 IE ento Notte 85043. "Radography Events at Power Reactors." Svc het MAPLHGR curves for two new bemer fuel types cnange cahbr a funcbon test frequen-               enci coes for specdc estrumentaten & operate new scram escharge sys                                 JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & E                           Response (Post VASSALLO.DB 30960 353, Operanne Reactors Branch 2 85/05/30, 28pp. 30960 328                       830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdeted Eeson Co of New Y                  Inc. 20pp. 30864167 30864 287.
      -4505,170178           Safety Reacev,aluabon       supporbng                                       8505200195 IE Info Nohce 65444. " Emergency Communcanon Sys Monthly Test." Svc O hce of Nuclea 3cgeo 3gy.

R.guahon. Drecto 5Amend 05 86 Oppt,o L.ce,nse,30DPR.-30. 3098a254 - enci JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emer0ency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 05/05/30 Conscasated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 2tpp. 30864 045 8506170400 Forwards Amend 87 to Lcense DPR-30 & safety evalueton. Amend anows 30864 m R Branc SN5/30 RA ,0 Commonwealth $50000030s Forwards Edson Co 2pp. ado re rep of five stamiess steef weed overtsys performed 038-30982 045. dunna refuehng outage av emenesons promoedResadual stress estnbubon a forheted Raw growth vor Weld Overtsys 10SFS & 02AS.S4 promaod.

     -8508170400 Amend 87 to Lcense DPR.30,asoweg havuum metal to be used for rou,                       AYBAK.B Commonwealth Eeson Co 85/05/30. DENTON.H R Othce of Nucisar Re.

won absorber man a contal rod tsades actor Regulation. Drector. 5pp. 3C717 30430717.311. VASSALLO.D B Operstmg Reactor: Branch 2. 85/05/30 dpp. 309M 040 30982 043

     -8508170424 Safety evaluahon                                                                    8506100445 Nobfes formaly that 74 stemsess stese weeds mapected ultrasoncany Amend 87 te e.ense DPR.30                           dunng ounent refuehng ouage Two wehas conssdered to have crack mecatons Offee of Nuclear Reactor               ton. Dredor. 85/05/30. 2pp. 30982 044 Q(Of                    w c5 actor Regulanon. Drector 2pp. 30794 236 30794 237.

ON . Once of %cisar Re. 8504170453 Forwards safety evaluatson re utd response to Genenc Lir $128Jteme 311. & 451 re post-masnt testeg venfcaten Response lo dems $500080877IE info Nohce 85445. "Potenbal Seems inlaracten involung Movable in. adequate Acton on Genorc LW V3-28 some complete Core Flun Maopmg Sys Used in Westmghouse Dessgned Plants " Sec het once. VASSALLO.D B Operat Reactors Branch 2 85/05/31. FARRAR.DL Com JORDAN E L Dween of Emergency Freoaredness & Engneenng Response (Post wealth Esson Co. 2pp. 1.354 30981.357. 830103) 85/06/08 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 122pp. 30865001 30865 046.

     - 8506170402 Safety evolushon supportmq utd response to Generc Lir $3 28, hems 311.312,321.322&451 re post 4namt testmg venicaton.                                 8500060707IE Info Notco 85446. "Clantcaton of Several Aspects of Removable Re-Offce of Nuclear Reactor Flegulaten. Drector 85/05/31. 2pp. 30981 358-                     doactne Surface Contammaton Lmts for Transport Packages " Svc het enct 30961 357-                                                                                      JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Er9meerm0 Response (Post 830103) 85/06/10. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yoru, Inc. f24pp. 31043 301-4506170442 Concludes that to unrepared weeds wdl ret compromene mtegnty of                         31044 064 RCPB Faceirty can be safety operated for at least one ade cycle Hequests that piping sys map / mod plans be outpuned 3 months before outage                                       8408140493 Forwards Safety insp Rept $4265/8515 on 85051416 No i ~. 4.-

VASSALLOD B Opere . Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/31. FARRAR.D L Com noted wealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 023 30980 024. REYES.L A Regon 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/11. REED.C, C-Co. Ip 30898.110 30898113. - - . Eeson 9506140330 Adeses that TMI Acton item il F 2. " Inadequate Care Coolmg instrumenta-ton" resceved per 841204 response to Genonc LW 84-23 -4500140496 Inso Rept 50265/8515 on 850514.16No velahon or decahon VASSALLO.D B Operatmg Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/05. EARRAR.DL Common noted Mapor areas inspected refuehng preparatens & actmhes wealth Eeson Co. 2pp. 30907.00130907 002- MtLBROT.W E.. GULDEMOND.WG. Regen 3. Offre of Drector 85/06/11. 3pp 30898 111 30898.113 0506270423 Lists factbes current a revised envron marvirmng TLDs effectve 850801 LaSane Stanon TLDs we be m effect as of T7wd Quarte.1985 TLDs not hsted 3506360303 Forwards insp Repts 50 254/8512 & 54265/6513 on 8504014531 No remam Map tor revised numbers enct noncernphance noted, GOLDEN.J C. rin Eeson Co. 85/06/10. KEPPLER)G. Regon 3, Offce SHAFER.W D Regen 3. Othce of Drector. 85/06/12. REED.C. Commonwealth of Drector 6pp. 31236 219 31238 224- Eenen Co.1p. 31230:344 31230 355.

    $$06200730 Forwards safety evaluaten on contamment molaten dependabety by den                    -4500200323 Insp Repts 50 254/8512 4 54265/8513 on 8504014531 No volaton onstraton of contamment purge a vont valve operabetyinto outmtted to date does                  or dematon notedMasor areas mapected operatons.radolopcal controls.mamt/

not demonstrate ebety of valves to close Gunng LOCA. mods surveelance, housekeepmg procedures & fre protechan. THOMPSON.H L Desen of Lcenssng 85/06/17. FARRAR.OL C.~---_- CHRISSOT)MOS,N Regon 3. Othee of Drector. 85/06/12. 15pp. 3 t230 341-Esson Co. 4pp. 31227 27S31227_284- 31230.355.

    -4506200746 Safety evaluanon re demonstra'aon of contamment purge 4 vent                         8906140240lE Info Notre 85047. "Potenbal Effect of Ur+1nduced Operation on Car.

tam farget Rock SolencedOperated Varves" Svc lest anct operaosty Sutmeted mfo lads to demonstrate that valves have abday to close agamet JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & E of pressure en event of DBA/LOCA from fue open pos.1 on. Response (Post

                 . No Dotaded Afhhabon Grven.65/06/17. 8pp. 31227 277 31227.284.                        630103). 85/06/16. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yor . Inc. 34pp. 31268.157-31268 304.

56 DOCKETEDITEMS 9000140636 IE Info Nohce 85444, "Resprator Vests Notre Defective Self Conta ned -8506140400 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel st=pments made durmg Sept Breemmg Apparatus Ao Cyhnders." Svc est enct 1984 JORDAN E L Deveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Post MILLER D E Regon 3. Omco of Drector 64/10/9 t HINDJ A Regon 3. Omco of DF 830103L 85/06/19 Conschdated Edson CO. of New Yorth. Inc.123pp. 31376 064- rector 2pp 30922161-30922.162 31376 183

                                                                                                      -4900140417 Forwards updated summary of spent tuas shoments.Jul 1983 - Aug 1984 C Portedic opereung reports & misled corroepondence                                                             1                  163        27 0 0 025. F-a,. spec. reeS                           Si.iu. of Fu.i P.r,,c           End of           06,.04,0 ,c,wa,ds u,da,_ c, s,e,,f ,ue, e,,pe,w,.u ,983 . u ,964 Cycie 7.May 1985." per reearements of Taale 6 61 of utennes DPR 29 & DPR-30                           GREGER.L R                 3. Omco of Drector 64/08/02 HaNDJ A. Regon 3. Othce of CALMANAKIS.N. Commonweafth Eeoon Co. 85/05/15 KEPPLER,J G. Regon 3-                                   Drector 12pp           22 176 30922 208 Once of Drector 3pp. 30703 258 30703258 3408240352 MontNy operatmg repts for May 1985 W/850603 nr                                            -4506140455 Deousses reevaluaton of West Valley spent fuse                                                     practres per ERONaCH.C., TAMLVMI K. C-.                  T. Eeaon Co. 85/05/31. 22pp 31292183                      Greenman 840208 memo re changes m Regon i mapector coverage                                                      s cork 31202 204 anue b be mcedent toe inapoctors not empatched for 840704 Shipment CECO.17.

GREENMAN.E G Regon 1. Once of Drector 84/07/16- STADOSTECKl.R Hegon 1.Omco of oroctor 2pp 30923 003 30c23 004 S. Reportshie occurrences, LERe & reisted corteependence

                                                                                                      -460s140e00 Forwards updated summary of spent tues stupmentsJul 1983 Feb 1984 of operatmg reactors events 850515 eneetmo Onr erectors or rep.                GREGER.L R R               3. Omco of Drector 84/03/13. HINDJ.A Pogen 3. Omco of 0900030300                                                                                               Drector.14pp resentanves            on events occumne ance 850507 meseng Assegnmpf of fonow.                                              23 134-30923 147.

w remew responseshbes escussed Attendance but onci CRUTCHFIELD.D Assstant Drector for Safety ? . J. 85/05/22 -4506140419 Forwards up@ted summary of spon1 fuse stupments.Jul 1983 - June THOMPSON.H L. Dnre.on of Lcenomg 18pp 30708 021-30708 038. 1984 GREGER.LR Regon 3. Omco cf Drector 64/07/05 HINDJ A Regen 3. Offce of 8508170308 LER 45-01140an 850507. reactor scrammed & toss of aumihary power Drector Itpp 30923 148-30923 158 cccurred r w ey phase to ground fauR due to power cord to close to T 22

     'A' 345 kV phase one Transformer snousators replaced W/8                lar-                     -4508140625 Forwsde rev to June 1984 updated summyy of sput fuel                                                          s STRUB B R . KALMANAKIS,N. C-.- _ _ r Edson Co 85/06/03. Opp.                                         GREGERL R. Regon 3. Othce of Drector 64/07/10 HIND) A. Regen 3.                                                   ce of 30972 163-30972 168.                                                                                 Drector. 2pp 30923151k30929 001-

! 0608290122 LER 85-01440cn 850531.fud scram rwteted dunne havedience Test 00S 180411 w/urut m shutdown mode Caused by madequacy ne procedure Scram reset & Shutdown DHR Analysis Porif Beach Case Study." esft rept l 0$06240645 CRAMOND ",W R , ERICSON.D M . SANDERS.O A Serv 3a Natonal Laboratones 85/ i procedure 00S 180011 corrected W/850606 ler. BLAMEY.A., KAJVIANAKIS.N. Cw. . Z. Edson Co.85/06/07. 3pp. 31200 299 02/28. Genene lasues Brancts 938pp. 31175 001-31177 218 31200 301. 8908170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B4489. "Contamment Leah 0906200143 LER 85 01240an 650520. Group u motebon occurred,stereng standby gas Rate Testmg Program" & Quados Corp /NRC contracts Forwarda documents re FIN teatment sysCaused by personnes erect wrule permrmmg wmng venhcanon Group 11 B4489 Documents also avadable m PDR No documents te (kedron outg to request oosanon reset personnes counseled & precedures remowed W/850817 ler FELTONJ M Desson of Rdes and Records FIN B4489 85/03/25 JESSEN.D KALMANAKI3.N C#. - '". Eeson Co. 85/06/17. 3pp. 31229 240- RE YTBLATT.2 V Warren Weson Conoge. Swannanos. NC. 7pp 30987 036- , 31229 242. 309871316 l DOCKET 50 200 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UtilT 1 ~,,* ggy

                                                                                                                                            **     #'   "D"O '"'** 9"                                                      ** W i                                                                                                          DOtX1AN) R Oak Rdge Natonal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/12/07 ARNDT.G Me.

chancal/Structwal Ergneenng Branch 3pp 30987115-30987.117 F. &Mpm> 0600070664 Forwards safety evaluanon supportmg hceruse 631107 & 641228 re-l 8604100652 Remed emergency plan noiemeribng procedwes.mchadmg table of sp t contenta.Rev 0 to EPtP 1.1 re nf operatons manager ensbal response & Rev 6 to co,o,nses to Genenc segve acton taken Lar Sne.itema4 4 thgher 2.1 &values than normai 4 2 2 observed re reacturmtre tp sys forcerehabihty prouded A C Reactor W iscet 85/08/05. DENTON.H R Othee of Nuclear non. Drector WILLERJ R Operstmg Reactors Branch 3.130pp. h [ip Y7 M &3 T0t23 '

                                                                                                      -8600070659 Safety evaluenon supportng hcensee response to Genene Lt 63 8806270167 Artmees that state & local paans tar redological emergencies adequate.sut4                    28merne 4 21 & 4 2 2 re reacter to sys retandity prende conoceve acton taken if fugher man nonnat valves observed m to face & moonee hme values to cmena of App 3 of NUREG 0654/FEMAftEP 1.Rev 1 & FE,MA-43. "Std Guide for
  • NRC No Detaded Afhhanon Grvert.85/05/16. 5pp. 307981143C798123.

Evaluation of Aert & Noencanon Sys tor Nuclear Power Plants SPECK.R W. Federal Emergency Management Agency 85/06/14 DIRCKS.WJ. Offee of me Erecuthe Drector scs Operatons. 2pp. 31234 329-31234 330. 850e050172 Requests esempton from proveens of 10CFR50. App A.GDC 4 to sam > nate consdersten of large RCS pnmary loop pipe breaks a structural design baasper Genanc Lir 8444 J. Insurance & Indemnity mformogen FAY.C W Weconse Elecinc Power Co 85/05/30. DENTON.H R Oftco of Nuclear Reactor ton, Drector. MILLER.J R Operstmg Reactors Branch 3 3pp 8600060217 Forwards Endorsement 81 to NELIA Polcy NF 178 & Endorsement e6 to 30719 034 11t038. MAELU Poicy MF-53. DUNDAS,WJ. Wecenam Electne Power Co. 85/05/29. Offze of Resource Manage- 8908130033 Advees of fees due for841111 4 850502 apphcanons for amends to Lk enant. Drector. 3pp 30717.313-30717 315. coness DPR-24 & DF%27 re envron quathcation of water repdanne vervee 4 hft re. ca assembhos Fees due wrespeceve of NRC espotrhor, or apptcanon. S.R M Lcense Fee Management Branch. 85/06/05. FAY.C.W Woconon Elec-p, opereung # cones stage documento 4 eerroependence tc Power Co. tp 30887 099-30867 099. 3408100031 FOtA r for seven specshed documents & encftL 080e100600 Authorues implementahon of proposed ASME Code pump & valve roerv. GPA8ERL NUS . 84/10/29. Dmeon of Rules and Records.1p 30988.268 ce testmg programs to be completed no tater than850801.per 850328 request for 30908268. rehof from repomerits. BUTCHER.Eu. Operateg Reactors Branch 3. 85/06/11 FAY.CW Weconam Electne 9608130045 Partal response to FOIA request for as documents re NRC proced;res for Power Co. 4pp. 30964148-30984151. detecton & control of alcohol & diogal eug use by persons engaged m bidg or const of nuclear reactors or facetes Forwards App A documents 3g06210205 Forwards response to Genene Ltr 8542 re . _.M acton from NRC FELTONJ M. Demon of Rules and Records 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ. Westungton integrated program for resolubon of unresolved safety esues concomm0 steam gener. Legal Foundsban. 55pp 30937 047 30937157. stor tube elegnty. Insp prac1ces tor Category C 2 resuts also escussed F AY.C W Weconan Elecom Power Co. 85/06/17. DENTON.H.R. Othce of Nuclear

  -.4000140190 Docusson w/util on 821115 re pohcies on use or i                        - of eugs or         Reactor Regulabon. Drector 8pp 31024 08131024 066 alconot GIBSON.J. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector. HAGUE.R NRC . No De-                      8008200116 Apphcahon tcr amend to Lcennes DPR-24 & DPR.27.connesbng of Tech taded Afhhanon Gsven. MILLERJ R Repon 3. Othce of Drector. 82/11/15. 3pp.                             Spec Change Requnt 105mteneng removal N te rects W Ware 30938 306-30938 310.                                                                                  capsules Fee pad.

FAY.C W. Waconan Electnc Power Co. 85/06/17. DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear 0608140003 Further response to FOIA rec >est for eight categones of documents to en* Reacts Roodanon. Drects MutRJR Operstng Reactors Brwth 3. 3pp' cteer spent fuel teneportaten Forwards App C documents App C & seiected D 31218 276 3I218 284' documents also evadable m PDR App D Documents 8 & 8-12 for sale by NRC & . FELTON.J M. Omeon of Rules and Records. 85/01/29. MILLAR.F. Envronmental -8008200122 Proposed Tech Specs.changmo removal schedule for reactor vessel sur-Poncy institute. topp.30919 003-30919 043, wesitance capsules & man mtegrated fast neutron esposure of vessel

  -4000140130 Forwards updated summary of spent heel shomentsJul 1983 - Apr 1964.
  • Weconom Electre Power Co.85/08/17. Opp 31218 279-31218 284.

GREGER.L.R. 3. Omco of Drector 85/01/29 HINDJ A. Dmmort of Raeologi-cal & Metensis Sa Programs. 9pp. 30919013-30919 021. 9000250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from r survey of plant-spe-cshe rito re potenbal tor uncontrolled raeaton exposures in cavihes.per JG Part-4008140147 Forwards updated summary of sponf fuel shpments.JJ 1983. May 1964. tow 850315 .No further genonc acton needed. GREGER.LR. Regen 3. Omco of Drector. 84/08/07. HIND.J A Region 3. Offre of TAYt OR.J M octor's Othce. Othce of inspecton and Enforcement 85/06/10 Drector.10pp. Juv19 034-30919 043. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Offce of Drector. 9pp. 31211322-31211.330.


     & Inspect 6en reporte,IE Sunetine & corroependence                                      -4506200134 " State of W11984 kewaunee Erwean Ramosctivey Survey "
  • Wecorm State of NRC 3043447. 84/12/31 37pp 31023 075-31023111.

8506140003 Further response to FOIA rockiest sor eight categones of documents re nu-casar spent fuel wansponation Forwards App C documents App C & secocied D documents amo evadable m POR App D Documents 6 8 812 tor sale by NRC & -8506200143 " State of WI 1984 LACBWR fnwww pseoectnMy Survey "

  • Wesconsm, State of NRC-30-83 647. 84/12/31. 49pp 31023112 31023180 FELTON J M Dnnson of Rules and Records 85/01/29 MILLARJ. Erwronmental PohC y Institute topp 30918 003 30919 043
     -8508140455 Decusses reevaluaton of West Valley spent fuss     ,   S. Reportaties occurrences, LENS & related correspondence Greenman840208 memo re changes m Regen i mapector coverage                    acon-brte to be encettent tree inspectors not espatched ter 840704             CECD 17 GREENMAN E G Regon 1. Offre of Drector. 84/07/16. STAROS ECKl.R. Regen'               8506140088 LER 83402/0174on 830308 emergency desel 3D faded to start dunng
1. Oftco of Drector 2pp. 30923 003 30923 004- les On 830309 eesed declard ces.svc. men pfuNy stwwd Cauwd by tauny ype UG8 Woodward govemor Procedures reveed poneng replacement
     $505130027           1 to IE Wo Nobce 84-55. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs
  • Svc let enct LINK. E. Weconsin Electnc Power Co 83/03/09 KEPPLER.J G Region 3. Offce of JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response iPost Drecer.1p. 309M 268 30900 268.

830103). 85/05/14. Consondated Eeson Co of New Yort. Inc 107pp 31044 065 31044 171. 8506170574 LER 83405/03L4 on 830628. control operator escovered 1PORV 430 had no posmon mecation on main control board ese to open moined arcud breaker Cause 8505130038 Suppf 1 to IE Wo Notce 85020. 'WotorOperated Valve Fadures Due to

  • Hammenng Effect" Svc tst enct unknown Breaker closed & secanon to 1PORV-430 restored W/$30722 Itr JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermo Response (Post FAY,C W Weconsin Elecinc Power Co 83/07/22 MEPPLER.J G Regen 3. Offre of Drector 3pp. 30912118-30972120 830101) 85/05/14 Consondated Edson Co. of New Yorti, inc. (07pp 91044172-3 " II8 8500070459PNOLfH 85443 on 850530. control rod F.12 ed not 600 to bottom of core p.,,, ,' Y "*"C'""

3 een es edl be to deter why fuc JORDAN.E L Dewson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post JACK! .t. SHAFER.W. Regon 3. Omca of Drector. 85/05/31 f p. 30753 335-830103) 85/05/22 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yorti. Inc.106pp 30837 258- 30753.335 30837,363.

     $506200000 IE Info Notre 85440. "Dehciencies m Equipment Quahfcanon Testing &           8506140203 PNOLjH.85 043A on 850530, control rods F 12 & 44 tound stuch dunng insp Caused ey sph pm & troen piece of abe being lodged m guide tube Guide tube Certifcaten Process? Svc hst enci.                                                      maerts & miemass we be removed &              tect JORDAN.E L Osween of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Response (Post                  BURGESS.B. SHAFER.W Regon 3.                   e of Drector 85/06/10.1p 30896108-830103) 65/C5/22. Conschdated Eeson Co of New Yort. Inc.106pp. 30848168-                30896 106.

30848 271. 8505280181 IE info Notce 85042. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonic 800 Senes Badge $506270444 LER 8540240an 850427. faded fuel rod cladeng n assembey H9 TLD Elements " Svc het anci disemered N-r by veraton of rod aganst gnd 4 gnd spnngs Postely caused by JORDAN.E L Dnnson et Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post water unpingement escovered on 850515 W/850617 Itr 830103) 85/05/29 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.120pp 30852 245 FAv.C.W Weconse Electnc Power Co 85/06/17. 9tEPPLER.J G Regon 3. Omca of 30852.363. Drector. 5pp. 31251344-31251.348 4505280187 IE Wo Notco 85043, *Redoyappy Events at Power Reactors" Svc Irst C'

       "ORDAN.E J              L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (post         DOCKET 60 287 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION 830103) 85/05/30 Coneohoated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.120pp 30864187-30864 287.

85052801H IE Wo Noace 85444. " Emergency Communcahon Sys MontNy Test" Svc h-c

                                         "                                                  850 0 28 Responds .8504,8#8re cont,aec ,y stat-s subm d n 8.e. .

n,,"y'"66na'2"C" frei":.*d M*C".""TeNo"rt" :""CE::.2'

       ,                                                                                       r,s=,,,,,t,~,,e,ws:=,

e ,e nan =a= a- --ma LEE.O R. Public Senace Co. of Colurado. 85/05/15. JOHNSON.E H. Region 4, Offce 8508130296 Confrms fmengs of V Thomas 850528 teicon re close out of IE Bulien n of Drecer 8pp 3070934430709 347. 79 25 Completon of reosacement of remainmg orgnal affected reisys per IE Buneen 8243 not reported by une or Regon 111 8500030235 Worms of convieton of mod work to automate G4J was spnnkler sys.per FOLEY.W J Parameter. Inc. NRC45-82 249 85/05/30 BAER.R L Engmeenng & Go. 840817 App R commitment. nonc Comtens Branch. 2pp. 30859 060 30859 081. LEE.O R Pubhc Sennce Co of Codorado.05/05/17. JOHNSON.E.H. Regen 4. Omco of Drector 1p 30674181-30674181 8508000677IE Wo Nobce 85 045 *Potental Seepuc interaction inwohnng Movable in. JORDA EL 630 E ednes 5/06/06. Consondated Eenon Co. of New Y E (Post 22pp 30865001 8506030401 Adeses that 850404 response to NRC 850307 ler & FEMA 841214 rept

                                                                                               *"*"'Rw" ts"Ns
                                                                                                          .E H.

my or s N

4. Othce of Drector 85/05/28. LEE.O R Pubhc Serwce 8508060707IE Wo Nobce 85448. "Clanncaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra. of Codorado. 2pp. 75 288-30675 289 eoactwo Surface Contananaton Lamrts for Pfansport Packages" Svc hat enct JORDAN.E L Drnoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8500030513 Advoes that changes a revs to emergency plan consstant w/prowsons of 830103). 85/06/10. Conschdated Edson Co of New Y . Inc. 24p0. 31043 301 10CFR50 54(q) 4 acceptable. Listed comments enould be evaluated & conssdered for 31044 064 posseie incluson in next emergency pian rev.

JOHNSON.E H. R 4. Office or urector. 85/05/28. LEE.O R. Pubhc Serwce Co. 8506140521 Forwards Safety Inso Repts W266/8544 & $0 301/85-04 on 850401 of Colorado. 2pp. 77.192-30677.193 0606 No noncomphance noted S E WD S Drector 85/06/11 FAY,C W. Weconse Elecinc j~ 8508100840 Forwards " Fort St Vram Nuctear Generatog Staten Fro Hazards Analyse 4 Evaivaten of Badg 10 to Brancn Techncal Posden 9 5-1. App A Guidehnes.Rept 5,"

     -850s140526 inno Repts W268/9544 & %301/8544 on 8504014608No em                           Per 850131 meetng paance or devoton noted Macr areas mapected mant.operasonal safety                      LEE.O R Pienc Service Co. of Colorado 85/05/31. JOHNSON E.H. Region 4. Offee surwieance.retuohng N & d crcWar & 'ER fonowup                                         of Drector.1p 30792 049-30792174.

JACKJW.i N Regen 3. Othce of Drector 85/06/11.10pp. 30897.168-30897.197

  • Fort St Vram Nuclear Generatog Staten Fra Hazards Analyes & Eval-8506140240IE info Notco 85447.
  • Potential Effect of Lee-induced Operaton on Cer- uahon of Bldg to to Branch Technmal Position 9 51, App A Guutennes.Rept 5?

tan Target Roct Solenced Operated valves? Svc hst orc 8

  • TENERA Corp. (subs. of TERA Corp) 85/05/31.120pp. 30792 050 30792174.

JORDAN.E L Diesen of Emergency Preparedness & En0meenng Response (Post 830103) 85/06/10 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.134pp. 31268157 31268 304- 8506240000Ack receipt of 850418 & 0507 fers infornung NRC of steps taken to correct 1 woeations tokd ri insp Rept %267/84-30. 8508140638 IE info Notco 85048. "Resprator Users Nobce Defectrve Self.Contamed JOHNSON.E H Regen 4. Omco of Drecer. 85/06/12. LEE.O R. Pubhc Sonnte Co Breatrung Apparatus As Cylmders " Svc hst enct of Codorado. Ppp. 3f202:181-31202.165. JORDAN E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/06/19. Conschdated Edson Co of New Yor , enc. 23pp 31376064- -8506240014 Amends 850418 response to NRC850322hr te volanons noted m Inno 3t376183 Rept 54267/84 30 Correctwo actions memo moued to personnel to prowde mienm

     & Portodic operating reports & reisted corroepondence
                                                                                                            .L   b                   of
4. Offee of Drector. 3pp. 31202163-31202165 0 /0 E.H Regen 8508180303 MontNy operatmg repts for May 1985 W/850610 Itr KRAUSE.C W. Weconom Decinc Power do 85/05/31, pp 30993119 30093127- 8506270328 informs of to radmiogcal emergency esercese (FOSAVEX) 1985 scenano Exercee must be dunng normal wortmG hours predetermmed meteoro-8506200119 Forwards annual envron radcactrwty repts for 1964 Repts ewded mio two da we used tons Es 8 18 g j sectons Secten f mctudes sanphng leCrvvQues. analytical procedures & '

conclusens Secten 18 mctudes corripanson of state & facety data. Offra ct Drector 2pp 31252-307-31252 308 MCDONNELLLJ Waconse. State of NRC.3083447. 85/05/31. KEPPLER.J G. Regen 3. Othce of Drector. tp. 31023 037 31023.160 8506270884 Revised radologscal emer smcy response plan implementmg procedures.mcludmg issue 5 to RERPCR g' Control Room Procedure * & Issue 7 to

     -8586200127 " State of Wt t984 Pont Beach Emnron Ramoactnrity Survey "                    hERP-DOSE "Offsste Dose Calculatons Methodology " W/850617 Itr
  • Weconse, State of. NRC.3043 647. 64/12/31. 37pp. 31023 038-31023 074. GAHM,J W. PibhC Sennte Co of Codorado. 85/06/ t 7 658pp. 31247 00131248 297

58 DOCKETEDITEMS a 0,e,atin. cone. eie.o .ocument. & c . _ ze .50 270 16 info,m. of accepiae4ey oe Devcon 5 mmune .po v eur u.e m comening re-sotarse temp detector temp se mors to CHO cavity & motor. based on test & enservce 8504130045 Part al response to FOIA request for en documents te NRC procedures for {"gy* *PO[W RG Servce Co of Colorada 85/06/07. JOHNSON,E H detecton & control of alconcf & diegel drug use by persons engaged e tAsg or const Regen 4. Omco of Oroctor h 31252 066 0 252 067 of nuclear reactors or factbes Forwards App A documents FELTON.J M Diveson of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH.SJ Washmgton 8506270306 Advoes that [kawng 924 840008. " Elementary & Schemahe Diagram? Legas f oundabon.5500. 30937 047,30937.157 sent to K Heatner a Bethesda,MD for elecincet rewswper i Ahmed request

 -8506130004 Forwards rept of 830421 escussen w/utd re drug & alcohol abuse at                             WARE MBOURG.D W Penc Sarwce Co of Colorado 85/06/07 JOHNSON E H.

Regen 4. Ot're of Drector 1p. 31252 260 31252 29 factry per Temporary instruchon 2596/1. CHEGM.P S. Regon 4. Once of Drector 63/05/05. DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's Omce. Offee of inspecten and Ensorcement to 3094129CL30941290 8506270519 Forwards entenm Tech Specs for coniros rods for use dieng plant startup Spece doncnbo program to esauro coreat rod & reserve shutdown sys

 -4506130075 Forwards rept 830421 escussen a/utd to hcenses eug & acohoi pro-                                               tmg brrut of 250 F mas on contros rod motor temp antc tad rehabeg LEE.O              Serwce Co of Colorado. 85/06/07. JOHNSON.E H. egen 4. Office cram                                                                                                  of Drector. 88pp. 31251038-31251 125.

DeCKERSON.M W Regon 4. Othee of Drector 83/04/29 CHECK.P S Regen 4 Omco of Drector.1p. 30941291-30941291. 8504270063 Apphcabon to amend Lcense DPR.34.updatm0 Sectre 1 of Tech Specs

 -8506130000Docusson w/utd on030421 re facety drug & alcohol prooram & pohcy                               for recent orgaruzanonal ctsanges & eddmg Secten 7 7 to formenzod tusa survedlance OtCKERSON.M W Repon 4. Omco of Drector. 83/04/21. 3pp. 309412b2-30941.294                             program Fee pad.

LEE.O R Pubhc Servce Co of Colorado.85/06/10. JOHNSON E H. Regen 4. Offee

 ~4506130381 Forwards schedule of Regon fV meetmgs w/utds to alcohof & drug abuse                          of Drector. 6pp. 31252130-31252141.
     & producten of repts on sneetngs Fast rept enct CHECK.P S Regen 4. Omco of Drector 93/03/24 DEYOUNG R C. Drector's Omco.                           -4506270069 Proposed changes to fech Spec Secten 7.t4 danno recere orgarmist ones Othce of inspecten and Erdorcement. 2pp. 30941277 30941.278                                           changes & addmg Secten 7 7 re formahred fuel survemance proyam Uta NSHC de-termmaton once.

4500030280 informs that EPA essabshed w/ draft mod to State of CO Wastewater th

  • Pubhc Servce Co of Colorado.85/06/10. 8pp 31252.136 31252141.

ct:ege Perme CCh0001121 State mosfeng perrrut Uts will act e accordance w/re-qurements of ongmal permd unal new perma osued 8506270101Mantans utd poesten of fue comphance w/10CFR50 49 in response to EH GAMM.J W Pidsc Serwce Co of Colorado. 85/05/01. JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4 Johnson 850611 mqury to envron quaktcatons of electncal equipment vnportant to Omco o Drector. 28pp 306a5 33440685 361. safety Responses to each concem presented in 850611 per once WARE MHOURG.D W Pihic Serwce Co of Colorado 85/06/11 JOHNSON.E H j Regon 4. Omco of Drector 8pp 31252082-31252089 8500030254

      & 04.respeceve
                          , NRCthat  enct fitness
                                 & coreacted      for dutysiena personne       pokey   & proceduro maurements  of effective as of 850001 procedura.we me               6 telcon.m M se & podamance Sarwce        of      ado 5/05/02. JOHNSON E. Regen 4, Offes of                                          ,y Oncer 3pp. 30685 30540685 314-                                                                       JOHNSON.E H.                4. Othee of Drector 85/06/12 BREY.H L Pubhc Serwce Co.
  -4506030250 issue 2 to Poicy 18. "Faness for Duty Pohty
  • Guedehne 18-1 also encl LEE.O R Pubhc Serwce Co. of Colorado.85/02/12. 3pp 30685 308-30665 310' 4506270254 Responds to Genenc ter 8129 Forwards table demonstratm0 post-inp review capabeties based on evaluaton of egrtal & analog parameters telemetered L OR e of ado Ot/31. 8pp 30685 311-30685 318 [gg w'7ublic' W 85 06 EH Region 4, o"a d o ='- aaa ='n' "'r$' =2*-
  .50613051. ~rwe,ds ,an is r taa..on , eiu.or, sys - ~UREGm37. hem
  • 8'"" '"
                                                                                                        $506200342 Roguests                  ten of FR notre of conssdershon of issuance of amend e    taned' by          '*" 'c*ut                                           '8 l'conse DPR.34          pr            NSHC detonninaton & opputundy tw heanng m LEE,0 R. Pubhc Service Co. of Colorado 8                   . JOHNSON.E H Regon 4. Othce                   0"                            d*     naten avadabas in Central Hos of Drector' 4pp. 30891206-30891211'                                                                              Dd#F '**D 9 N i                                                                                                           J"*O"HNS'O'*N.E H. Re" gen 4. Omco'*"o"f'Drector.      85/06/13 MILLER.J R Operstm0Reac-tors Branch 3. App. 31228 229-31228 232.

8504120520 Submas current status of wort on Tech Spec L lor Oper-9 T="if " = 'a;;mg r=,"es'l;ted Su,,2*of ,",e,, "s:'s-=:=

                                                                                      ~                 .50 2,wa,de results of                    ng .atu.i.n of cnang.e rWoduced e wded                             CRD & onfce assembly beann0s Physcal compennon tesong of ongmal & replace-BREY,H                Sernte Co of Colorado. 65/05/20 JOHNSON E. Regon 4. Offce                                                     underway to estatAsh operannoldmin margns of Drector 2pp 30858109-30858110,                                                                    more shrn notar be WAREMBOURG.D W                       Se vice Co of Colorado. 85/06/13 JOHNSON,E H 8506140158 Responds to Comrvutment Log learn CL 1055 te wenfcaton of operabsty of                        Regon 4. Omco of Drector. 26pp. 31274 29131274.318.

surge dedes on CRD trane & hmit swstch relays Deodes & Sunctens hsted.Acson Re-quest DCAR-704 rusated to prowde relocaten of modes 8506200229 Forwards for review. " Heavy Load Analyes Rept. Phase I" Rept BREY.H L Pihic Sarwce Go of Colorado. 85/05/20 JOHNSON.E.H Regon 4, fuites NRC 841205 request for reevaluenon of controf of heavy loads Phase li rept Omco of Director. 2pp 30910110 30910111. be submnted on 850815 WAREMBOURG.D W Pithc Serwce Co of Colorado 85/06/14 JOHNSON.E H 8506130511 Forwards apphcaten to amend Lconne DPR-34.adeng Tech Spec Secton Regon 4. Omco of Drector 2pp 31218107 31218182. 4 9 3 to enable senon stanety testm0F ee part LEE.O R. Pienc Serwce Co. of Colorado. 85/05/22 JOHNSON.E,H. Regen 4. Offce -850e200237 " Heavy Load Analyes Rept. Phase I? of Drector. 3pp. 3089123130891245.

  • Pubhc Serwce Co. of Colorado 85/06/30. 73pp. 31218109-31218.182.
  -4500130513 Apptcation for amend to Lcense DPR-34.addin0Tech Spec Secten 4 9 3 for sanon stacil tesong                                                                            O. Inspection reports,IE sultetine & corroependence LEE.O R Pubbc              Co. of Colcrado. 85/05/22 4pp. 30891234 30891.237.
   -8606130514 Proposed Tech Spec Secton 4 9 3. " Xenon Stabety Testeg.

NN27 IE Inm W 84 55. 4 eel Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc bat enct 0

  • Pubhc Serwce Co. of Colorado.85/05/22 6pp. 30891238-30891.245. 30 5 05/14. ted Co New Y 07 044 8500030545 Summary of 850516 w/ute re emergency electncal power sys con-7 tor:D2N"JYtNton"'so," opeZ $7 **"' M 85051300M Suppe 1,,2 IE Info Nonce 85020. "Motoroperated vaNo Fadises Due to a Br 85/05/23. TOURIGNY.E.G. Operstmg H Qgg"
                                                                                                            ;o E
                                                                                                                                      ,, Emergency Preparedness & E                   Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14. Coneohda.ed Edson Co. of New Yor . Inc. 07pp 31044172-8500000664 Forwards summary of 850503 meetng w/utd & GA Technologies in                                  31044 2I8 Bethesda.MD re CRD mecharusm Tech Spec problem Meeting benencist                                    8500030222 Infonns of entent to conduct adcB maps of random sarnpie of PCRV bottom JOHNSON E.H. Repon 4. Omco of Drector- 85/05/28 LEE.O R. Pithc Sernce Co.                              head songitudmai tendon anchor essembhos Thrtylour longtuenal bottom and caps of Colorado. 2pp. 3o768175 30768.180.                                                                  accesseie Ten and caps was be removed & mapected.
                . . Summary of850003enestne w/uel & GA Technologos to CRO mache.                            W ARE MBOURG.D W Piehe Senace Co of Colorada 85/05/20. JOHNSON.E.H Regen 4.Offre of Drector. 2pp 30673 274-30673.275.

_rusm Tech Spec problem.Lat of attendees enes WAGNER.P C. Regen 4. Omco of Drector. 85/05/28 Regen 4. Offee of Drector. 4pp. 30768177 30768.180, 3505200500 !E Info Notco 85039, *Austabety of Electncal Equipment Ounhfcanon Records at Lcensees Fac6hes " Svc het enct maaaaaa'** Proposes that uti place representanve m Regon IV on coreoted esh JORDAN.E L Dnasma of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post ten het ser Tech Specs & admmetrasve contros procedtres.Telcons facetated by 830103). 85/05/22. Conachdened Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 06pp. 30837 258-sandar ret mati.Propect inspector wie be document hoeder 3083E383.

                    .E.H. Regen 4. Omco of Drector. 85/05/30. LEE.O R. Pubic Serwce Co.

of Colorado. 2pp. 30758 356-30758 357. 4605200000 lE Info Notco 85440. 'Defcsencies m Equipment Cummfcaton Testng & Certficaten Process " Svc bat anci. 0606300632 Forwards SER of uti 831104 respones to Genenc Lar 83 28. Acton item JORGAN.E L Diesen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 1.1, Program Descnpean & Procedures." Response acceptable nom 1.1 considered 8301"3) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yor inct 06pp 30848166-con,"6sted. 30648 271. JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4. Offee of Drector. 85/08/06. LEE.O R. PutAc Serwce Co. of Colorada 2pp. 31020 058 31020065. 8500030374 Responds to850419 rec >eet for addl mio re utd performance enhance-ment programformat shdt mmover procedure wnnen & m place Rewow of m-place

    -8008200637 SER sieportmg econese response to Ganenc Lt 8128. Actort item 1.1,                           corece room tags convieted lileybie tage repieced w/new tags em Desenphon & Procedures? re post-Inp rowow Response acceptable                               GAHM,J W. Pubhc Serece Co. or Colorado.85/05/22. MARTIN.R D. Regon 4. Offce
       *       . No Dotaded Aff6ston Garen.85/05/07. Opp. 31020080 31020-085.                                of Drector.11pp. 30673 291-30673.301

DOCKETEDITEMS 59 8500040717 Forwards Mgt Conference Rept 50-267/84 32 on 841114 No volaton R Portodic operating roporte & reisted correspondence etnied. JOHNSON.E H. R 4. Omco of Drector 85/05/22. LEE,0 R. Pubhc Servce Co-ot Comrado 3pp. 708 197 30708 209 8506200451 Mon ryerat r for May 1985 W/850614 Itr NOVACHEK.F . HMJ Serece Co. of Colorado. 85/05/31. 9pp 31232 008-312320"e

        -8500040720 Mgt Conference Rept50-267/84-32 on 851114 No velabon noted Masor osas escussedrestart & cormnued operaton of facikty.rctueng Oct 1964 assess-                               8506260468 Forwards revised montney operatog rept for May 1985Rept nurnber on rnent rept & current hcenomg stems                                                                           Page 1 mcorrect.

IRELAND.R E , JOHNSON E.H. Regon 4 Offre of Drector. 85/05/21 topp GAHM.J W Pubhc Serwce Co of Colorado. 85/06/19 Drector's Offco. Offre of in. 30700 200-30708 209 specton and Enforcement 1p 31232017-31232024 0500050576 Forwards trop Rept $4267/8511 on C5041519 8 notce of wolaton. -8506200476 Remsed anontNy ope a rept for May 1985 JOHNSON.E H. Repon 4. Omco of Drector. 85/05/22. LEE.O R Pubbc Servce Co, NOVACbEK.F. Pubhc Serwce Oc of ado 85/05/31. 7pp 31232 0t8-31232 024 of Colorado 200. 30725-046-30725 059

        -8500C50500 Notre of velanon from esp on 85041519                                                             S. Reportable occuryonces, LERe & roteted a..                          ~e
  • Regen 4. Oftco of Drector.85/05/22. 2pp 30725 04&30725 049.

j 8500040725 LER 8441441 on 841218.eesel generator to tweakers faded to close i -8500050545 Inso Rept 50-267/8511 on 85041519 Votaten seted fadure to follow dunng loss of outside elocincal power test SR 5 6 tb-SA Closed by faulty ceN on sta-

,            proper procurement procedures & fadure to conduct QA recept insps.                                          ton battery 1 A. Cell replaced W/850514 Itr CHANEY.H D . MURRAY B . IRELAND.R E. Repon 4. Offce of Drector 85/05/21.                                     EGGEBROTEN.J . GAHM.J W. Pubic Servce Co of Colorado. 85/05/14

) topp 30725050 30725059 JOHNSON.E H. Repon 4, Othce of Drector 13pp 30708147 30708159 j 8505200181 IE Info Notco 85-042. " Loose Phospear m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge 8506140444 Decusses eves ten of methods to contros tendon conosen evoenno 7tD Elements " Svc hst enct estabbshment of nitrogen et on PCRV tendon sysEstabhanmg & mentarung JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparoeiess & Engmeenng Response (Post overen merogen blanket sys for tendons highly questonable 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 120pp. 30852 245 W AREMBOURG.D W Pubhc Sennce Co of Colorado. 85/05/23 JOHNSON,E.H. 30852.363 Regon 4 Oftce of Drector opp 30910 229-30910 232 8505200187 IE Info Notco 85443. "Raeography Events at Power Reactors" Svc het es t by mass e corrosen carten toed , JORDAN E L Danson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post G30 03 85/05/30 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 120pp. 30864167* hR J "GAHM Regon 4. Offce of Drector.13pp 31020 32S31020 338 Co.'"* 03. 8 i 85052001H IE into Notco 85 044 " Emergency Communcanon Sys MontNy Test." Svc 4506270362 LER 8540840 on 850516. plant protectrve sys scram cucuitry actuated by I hst enct erroneous signet spoke on starke Channes 1. Caused by moeture Isakage into starte Channel 1 metrument bon resultog n mmeral depoets W/850614 Itr JORDAN,E.L Demson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.12tpp. 30864 045 EGGEBROTENJ . GAHMJ W Pubhc Sennce Co of Colorado. 85/06/14. 1 30864 166. JOHNSON.E.H. Regen 4, Offee of Drector.12pp 31252 243-31252.254. 8snanans77 IE info Notco 85045 'Potenhal Seisme lnieracten involvmg Movable In- DOCKET 50 268 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 Core Flus Mappng Sys Used m Westronouse Designed Plants? Svc hat enct JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/08/06 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yor . Inc. 22pp. 30665 001- F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protectlen piene 30865 046. 8606270277 Discusses eso of to bottom longituenas tendon and caps Tendorm woual- 450620,0281 Forwards request for add efo & safety evaluston supportog SPDS ty & wec particle espected for evidence of corrosen. concavity. water. apparent prno py' fata,m.conetonal to review of requested efo Response requested withm 45 days of W MB G re Co aIo /N/07. JOHNSON.E H.

  • 3M 20 '

Regon 4 Offce of Drector 2pp 31251327 31251328. 3 3 8506060707IE Info Notco 85046, *Clantcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- -8506200300 Safety evaluston supportog SPDS program per Suppe 1 to NUREG-4 0737.conetonal to rowow of addl mio requested. j descave Surface Contammaton Lrmts for Transport Packages " Svc est enct

  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/06/04. 16pp. 31043.186-JORDAN.E L Dnnsson of Emergency Preparedness & E Respome (Post 31043 201.

830103) 85/06/10. Conschcated Eeson Co of New Yor . Inc, 24pp. 31043.301-31044 064 8508180525 Forwards safety evaluaton to renew of830414ler desenbeng program lor propenng & _ f. ._ .., emergency operahng procedures.per NUREG.0737,Suppi 4506240008 Ach receet of 850418 & 0507 Itra sslormmg NRC of steps taken to correct 1 Program acceptable. violabons noted m insp Rapt 54267/84-30. STOLZ.J F. Operahng Reactors Branch 4 85/06/07. TUCKER. hts Duke Power Co. JOHNSON.E.H. Regma 4. Offte of Drector 85/06/12. LEE.O R PutAc Servce Co. 6pp. 31013 323-31013.328 of Colorado. 2pp. 31202:161-31202'165 8506200007 Forwards supplemental safety evaluston based on utd 841106 response to

        -8606240014 Amends 850418 response to NRC 850322Itr re volatons noted m Inso                                    open stems idonefied m SER of DCRDR prograrrL Suppl to Soence Apphcabons lnd Rept 50-267/84 30.Correcirve acconsmemo maued to personnel to provide mienm                                Corp techncal evaluenon rept also ence methodology used m                   OA program to secunty & tre protecton                                 LAINAS.G.C. Assstant Drector for Operstmg Reactors. 85/06/10. TUCKER.H B.

SINGLETON.LW. PubhC e Co of Colorado. 85/05/07. JOHNSON.E H. Repon Duke Power Co 3pp. 31043:148-31043.155.

4. Oftco of Drector. 3pp. 31202.163 31202.165.
                                                                                                                      -8508200008 Supplemental safety evaluehon based on utd841106 response to open
         $$00240141 Act receipt of 850521ftr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons                           elems identifed n SER of DCRDR program.NRC , concurs w/techncal evalushon rec-ftsted in ansp Rept 54267/8547                                                                             ommendabons
                                                                                                                                               & conclusens m once . . - _ _ techrucal evaluenon rept JOHNSON.E H. Reqpon 4. Offce of Drector. 85/06/12. LEE.O R. Pubhc Servce Co.                                   Off ce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanori. Drector. 85/06/10. 5pp. 31043 151 of Colorado. 2pp. 3f203 242-31203 253.                                                                     310431 55.
        -8506240147 Responds to NRC 850426 per re velaDons noted m anso Rept54267/85                                  -8601230194 "Evaluaton of e-                               Info for Dotaded Control Room 07.Correctve actons FHPWP.100 senes procedures will be rewmed to upante CA/OC ReviemSummary Hept Ior Oconee M'W                    Staton Uruts 1.2 & 3." suppe to Imal tech-ftsid poents & OA now losowog                  ements of Admrustrat we Procedure O 15                      n. cal evaluston rept SINGLETON.LW. Pubhc Sennce . of Colorado. 85/05/21 JOHNSON.E.H. Regen                                        Science Appicanons internatonal Corp., (forme Science Apphcahone inc). NRC.
4. Offce of Drector. 9pp. 31203 244-31203 253. 03-82-096. 85/01/11.NRC . No Dotaded Affikaten Gsvert 6pp. 31043156-31043161.

8608240375 Ach receet of 850501 lar mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons 8606200002 Rev 851 to Vol A to "Oconee Ntztaar Staton Emergency Plan." "Emer-itDted m insp Rept50-267/8543. gency Plannmg Info.Oconee Ncunear Staten," 1985 editon & one oversize map enct Aperture card evadable m PDR W/850614 lir. JOHNSON E.H. Roomn 4, Offee of Drector. 85/06/12. LEE.O.R. Pubic Servce Co. of Colorado. 2pp. 31202.129-31202133. TUCKMAN.M S., TUCKER.H 8. Duke Power Co. 85/06/14. GRACEJ N. Regen 2, Offce of Drector. 82pp. 31008156 31008 238.

        -8606240305 Responds to NRC 650401 Itr re velatons noted e insp Rept 50-267/85                                0000200297 Rev 8504 to Vol B of " Emergency Plan Irnplemenhng Procedures 03Correctrve actonspersonnel drecoy involved a procurement of                         < elated              Manual." W/850614 fir.

I mens & svcs remstructed as to apphcabety of Admrestrative Procedure TUCKMAN.M S., TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/06/14 GRACE J N. Regen 2, GAHM.J.W Pibhc Servce Co. of Colcrado 85/05/01. JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4 Offce of Drector. 38pp. 31007.268-31007 326. Offce of Drector. 3pp. 3120213131202133. 4806240611 Adween that850327 Rev 13 to phyncal secunty plan consstent w/ prow. 0900140240 IE Info Notco 85447, "Potenbal Effect of Lee induced Operaton on Cor. sons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable. tem T Rock Solenoid. Operated Varves." Svc het enct WALKER.R D Regon 2. Offce of Drector.85/06/17. TUCKER.H 8. Duke Power Co. .! JfP ,E L. Divisen of Emergency Preparodiese & E - Response (Post 3pp. 31160309 3 f160 311.

         ' 030103) 85/06/18 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y                         inc. 34pp. 31268157-31268.304.

3000140836 IE Info Nonce 85048. Resprotor Users Notce. Defective Seiftontamed er Apparatus As Cyhnders." Svc het enct 8606130316 Pehton/ request for order to show cause why plants should not be shut JDR .E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post down untd CRO mechanems mopected. 830103). 85/06/19. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.123pp 31376064- DOHERTYJ F. Doherty. J F. 85/06/11. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatm Drec-31376.183, tor. 6pp. 30659 01130859022. a 9 _ - . , . , , , . - - - - y -- = . =.-c- - - - - . .- .,- . . . - m - - _ , _ .

60 DOCKETEDITEMS I J. Insurance & Inglemnity informatten 8506170400 Requests approval to operate low level redweste rcmerator per orci " Rad-waste vol Reducten incmerator " by 860101 Safety evak,ation for mods ce 8606100001 Forwards Endorsements 82,17.75 & 76.104.38 & 19 & 20 to NELIA Poicsos des *gn.const & operatori of raiated components prowded m 198610CFR50 59 annual NF-220.NF 269 NF-230.NF.164.NF-252 & NF.281 & Endorsements 70.9 60 g rept TUCKER.HB Duke Power Co 85/06/10 DENTON,H R Offee of Nucles Reactor 61.82.20 & 12 & 13to MAELU Pohoes MF 73.MF 115.MF-90.WF-44.MF-108 & Mf. Regulaten. Dwector STOL2)F. Operateg Reactors Branch 4 2pp 30957219-112.respectwe#y HOGGE.S D Mash & McLennan. Inc.85/05/28 DINITZ.L Assetant Drector for State 30957277. 4 Lconsee Relatons.17pp. 30793 312-30793 326

                                                                                         -8506170444 "Radwaste Vol Reducten incmerator "
 $506110100 Sterruts requred mio demonstratmg that uti mantams fmancial protecton
  • Duke Power Co.85/06/10 57pp 3095722130957 277.

10CFR140 21 Info for Catawba we be outmtted 850701 UCKE B Power Co / DENTON. R Offre of Nuclear Reactor 4506200042 Forwards comments on RAW 1843P. "B&W Owners Grote Evalueton of 6pternal Boltog Concerns m 177F A Plants." Rept corostent w/ bases agreed upon Acton on asue complete. Corrected rept requested LAINAS.G C. Assetant Owector for Operatmg Reactors 85/06/11 TUCKER H.B Bab-P. Operating scense stage documente 6 .- ' ~ ce cock & W4cos Operanng Plants Owners Group. TUCs ER.H.B Duke Power Ca 12pp. 8406170077 Responds to FOLA request for records to FIN B4489. "Contamment Leak Rate T Program" & Quadres Corp /NRC coreacts Forwards documents to FIN 8504170443 Forwards responses to 850804 request for aos into re Tectrucal Rept B4489 also evadable m PDR No occuments to Quadron outg to request. DPC-NE 1002,90conee Reload Deangn Methodology 10

  • Methodoingy wel be used m FELTON.J M Dnnson of Rules and Records FIN B4489 85/03/25. C mioad R TB TT.Z V. Warren Weson Conoge, Swannenoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 036 g Poww Co 5/06/12 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Reactor ten, Drector. STOLZ.J F Operanng Reactors Branch 4. 5pp 30958 016-
 -4506170281 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg invesugabons," monthly progress rept                  58 033.

for Nov 1982 DOUGAN.J R. Oak Ridge Natenal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/12/07. ARNDT.G Me- -4500170405 Revised pages to "Redoed Design 11." lechncal root chancaustructural Elgneenng Brancn. 3pp. 30987.115-30987.117.

  • Duke Power Co. DPC-NE-1002 ERR 85/04/03.12pp 022-30958 033.

860624 NANT ACCsDENT SEQUENCES IN OCONEE.1 PRESSURIZED 0504180 0 6 Wms M M WicW h ST4 prp document prmde on 84052tper 640120 cornnutment Ads em se TA program prowded on WH8p DEARINGJ F.. HENNINGER.R J. NASSERSHARIF.B. Los Alamos Scientihc Labora-T"* beta of Nucky Reacer FIN 7 E CR-4140. 85/04/30. Deson of Accident Evaluaton' R Duk N/ 3 anon, Drector STOLZJF. Operann0 Reactors Branch 4. Ip. 30975 36t. R 75 361. 8500040286 Appicaten for amends to Leonees DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55. reveng Tech Spec Tatne 6.1-1 to reflect correct number of nucles equipment operators.per NUREG4737,ltem IA1.3 Fee paid. 8506210002Notifes that respones to Genene tw 85-02 re steam generator tube mtegn-TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/05/29 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Reactor ty & lube rupture mitiganon m preparaten Requests addl 30 days to provide fully de-Regulaton, Drecsar. STOLZJ F. Operetng Reactors Brancn 4. 3pp. 30700.001- weloped response lor each stanon Response due tg850717, TUCKER.H B Duke Power Ca 85/06/17. THOMPSON.H L Divison of Lcenssng. 30700.007

 -8500040292 Proposed Tech Specs reveng Table 611 to renect correct number of riuclear equipment operefors.per NUREG4737. item I A 13.                             4506250H3 Forwwds tabuls summry of key usuis trom                   survey of Mspe.

Duke Power Co 85/05/29. app. 30700-004 30700 007. cdc anm re pomntal cor unconwound recon aposures m R cavitesp JG PM Tector s Offre 85/06/18 9506210440 Forwards Amends 139.139 & 138 to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-

55. respective *y & sawty evaluaton Arnenus update Tech Spec ret to FSAR to ensure Y

ggy g gg Offee g g g and Enf g ,orcement. g corestancy w/uposted FSAR.per 840213 request. NICOLARAS.H. Operanng Reactors Branch 4 85/05/30. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 2pp. 31044.279-31044.317. Q. Onepection reports. IE Busetine a cu _ , - e

  -8506210446 Amends 139,139 & 138 to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55
                                                                                     ^'  8504210473 Responds to NRC 850315 Itr te volanons noted e inso Repts %269/85-S             ' Operating Reactors Br    4 /05         35pp         -3       15       04.50-270/85-04 & 50 287/8504 Correceva accons. seps posted a calibt shop
  -8506210447 Sa'ety evaluation sugvortmg Amend 139,139 & 136 to Lcenses OPR.               retmg snwang erwron combtons for calibt of Fluke munimeters TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/04/15 GRACE.J N. Regen 2, Offee of Drector 38,DPR47 & DPR-55.respectwesy
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector. 85/05/30 2pp. 31044 316 2pp. 3105717&31057.177 31044 317 8506270605 Forwards insp Repts %269/8547.54270/8547 4 50-287/8547 on 4506200005 Forwards request lor addl mio se NUREG4737. Item 110.1. " Performance 850311 4411No violatons or deviations noted.

Tes of Rehet & Satefy Varves." Response requested wenn 90 days of Mr date. BROWNLEE.V L Regon 2. Offre of Drector 85/05/08 TUCKER.H B Duke Power ST J F. Operetng Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/03. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. Ca 1p. 31250 238 31250 248 14pp. 31043162-31043.t75. 8506200073 Advises that amends to Lconses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55 w/ proper jus- -4606270607 Insp Repy %269/8547.54270i8547 4 50 287/85-07 on 850311-

                          '                                                   "d     *               opershons    refuehng snutdown &           of events UR              wns             d                                                       y N                 R.M K., KING.L.P. Regon 2. Offce of Drector 85/05/08 8pp STOLZJ F. Operanne Reactors Branch 4. 65/06/03. TUCKE31.H B Duke Power Co.

2pp. 31043.104-31043105. 4606100644 Forwards revised inadequate core cochno implementaten schedule ofisch 6506210478 Responds to NRC 850409 m te volatens noted m insp Repts %269/85-addresses 10 maestones provided ri Erc' 3 of NRC B31123 Itr Rev ese to changes m 08. % 270/8546 8 50-287/8546 Response to noms of -.m,,,,, e under rowew anecipated refuehng outages & riventory trackmg sys anstallatert a we be submnted 850523 TUCKER.H B Duke ower Co. 85/05/09 GRACEJ N Region 2. Offre of Drector. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 85/06/04. DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Reactor 1p 31057.33431057.330. Raousanon. Drector. STOLZJ.F. Operating Reactors Branch 4. 3po. 30795054-30795.054L 4606200121 Forwards request for adcs info to complete review of850403 submittal of DPC NE 1002. Oconee Reload Desgn Methodology R." Response requested within

                                                                                         '$           E             of 830103L 85/05/14 Coneohdated Edsort Ca of New Yor a                           (Pos 07pp. 31044 065-30       of Itr receipt                                                                31044 171' ST      J F. Opera         Reactors Branch 4. 65/06/04. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co 3pp. 3W3 087 3104 069                                                                8506130030 Suppe 1 to IE Info Nobce 85420. ** Motor 4perated Valve Fadures Due to 8606190627 Forwards safety evaluanon to Genenc Lar 8121 on natural ceculaton             Hammenng Effect." Svc bet enct JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post cooldowninfo re confrmanon & escussen of tarung program concommg reactor               830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated Edison Co. of New York inc.107pp 31044172-vessel            rensested woun 45 days of Itr date sang Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/05. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co.         31044 278.

STOLZ.J.F. 3pp. 31013.33131013.339 8505200600 IE trWo Nobce 85039. "Auditabitty of Elecincal Equipment Quahficaten

  -4606190631 Safety evaluaten to Genenc Lir 81-21 concommg natural ceculanon               Records et Lcensees Faceshes." Swc het encl.

cocidownVoidmg should not be pertarmed. Procedures to cope w/ reactor vessel JORDAN.E.L Drvisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post head void reconwnended & eufhoeni condensate supphes owst to perform cooldowet 830103) 85/05/22 Conschdated Edison Ca of New York. Inc. . 30837.258-

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Reguiston, Director. 85/06/05. 6pp. 31013 334- 30637 383.

31013 339. 8M * ** ' "

                                                                                                                                            '"   "'P*"'    "*        "   *$ "0 8 8606110287 Forwards apphcanon for esposal of sewage sludge contaminated w/very                        Pr " **W* '******$*
     *=                            ap           "                           "*c***"' '"'    Catfca'*"t D'ivison ar E is gency & E JORDufE                                                             Response (Post go',yl,,"y,',7c,,'pD"eT,,**,,',                 ;",',,e"e,0*lfg* "***

TuC,mR.H B Duke Powe Co. 85,06,07. den 10~.H R. O,fme of Nucios, Re.ctor 8=gL 85/05/22 Coneohdaied Edisoa C of as- v . ine. DepP 30848 iee-30648 non, Drector. STOLZ).F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4.13pp. 30807.214-8806200141 IE Info Nonce 85-042, " Loose Phosphor in Panasonc 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements" Svc hst encl. = 3g08140671 Nobfcaten of 850814 meetmg wiutil & NRC consultants e Charlotte.NC to escuss PRA study for Unit 3 JORDAN.E L Drvison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post NICOLARAS.H. Operaeng Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/07,STOLZJ F. Operetng Reac- 83010 % 85/05/29 Coneohdated Edison Ca of New Y Inc. . 30852 245-tors Branch 4. 2pp. 30910330 30910.331. 30852 363. 1

DOCKETEDITEMS 61 8505280187 IE Wo Notce 85443. "Raeograpny Events at Power Reactors" Svc but 85062708tt LER 85-008 OOon 850520.survedlance eterval for piant tre protecten sys enci { escoeded Tech Spec bnvis Caused by persormes error wwosvmg entry of wrong wort JORDAN E L. Deson of Emergency Preparedness & En0meenn0 Response { Post request number mio computer Survedlance test corveted W/850620 Itr 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Esson Co et New York. Inc. f20pp 30864187 GODW'N.S G . TLDER.H B Duke Power Co 85/06/20 4pp 31249153-31249156 1 1 30864 287. 8505280195 IE Info Notre 85444. " Emergency Communcaton Sys MontNy Test Svc i tat enct DOCKET $0 270 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION. UNIT 2 l JORDAN E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Eesen Co of New York. Inc f2tpp 30864 04% 33864 166 F. Securtty, medical. emergency & fire protection plane

   *                    '"                              **"*C'"'*                          "'

g, $[ Dwgr d " 8506200291 Forwards request for addl info & safety evaluaton supporting SPDS JORDAN.E L son of Emerge edness & Engmeenng Response (Post (ogram.conebonal to review of requested mio Response requested wettwn 45 days of 8 03 85/06/06. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.122pp 30865 00t* ST .J F. Operatsg Reactors Branch 4 85/06/04 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 3pp 31043 f B3-3104J 201 8506110444 Forwards inso Repts 50 269/8543.50 270/8543 & 50 287/8503 on 6502114310 & notco of volaton Card penalty not proposed due to pnor good trans. ~4506200300 Sateer evaluaton supportmg SPDS program per Swpt t to NUREG-portaten record & utd doceve correctve acton 0737.conetsonal to review of addl rWo requested I GRACEJ Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drottor 85/06/04 16pp 31043 186 I 2pp 30818N. Q 2. Off305 289.Just6 ce of Drector 85/06/06 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 31043 201

   -8506110451 Notre of violabon from ano on 8502110310 Regon 2. Othce of Drector 85/06/06 app 30818 29t-30818 294                                                                                                      830414 ftr     pr       for 85,0,e,190525 p nng a mpi. Fo,rward.s.

ni,9 ,safe'y e,va,l,uaton 9,mcy ap abng procedures.per re to,wnw of NURE O 1 Suppl

   -8506110460 inso Repts 50-269/8503.50-270/8543 4 50 287/8503 on 850211-
  • 0310 L . ST $ Opw' '*' Reactors Branch 4 85/06/07 TUCKER,H B Duke Power Co e noted fadure to meet strong bgnt package requrement for low 6pp. 31013 323-31 specde acevity matt when bon cover came off dur transport 328~

BRY ANT.J . SASSER.K., DANCE.H C. Regon 2. e of Drector 85/04/10 11pp 30818 295 30816 305 8506200007 Forwards supplemental ser evaluahon based on utd 841106 response to open stems identihed m SER of DCR program Suppl to Seasnce Apphcahone enti 8500060707 IE into Notee 85046 "Clanhcahon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- Corp techtvcal evaluaton rept also enct doectve Surface Contammenon Lmts for Transport Packages " Svc hat enct LAINAS.G C. Assistant Drector for Operstmg Reactors 85/06/10 TUCKER.H B JORDAN.E L Drveon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Reeponse (Post Duke Power Co 3pp. 31043148-31043155 830103) 85/06/10. Coneohdated Eason Co. of New York. Inc.124pp 31043 301-3W4 064 -8506200008 Supplemental sa evaluenon based rm utd $41106 responsa 10 open stems identihed n SER of DCR program NRC concurs w/tectescal evasunton rers 8506140240IE Info Notre 85447. "Potenbal,,Effect of Lane induced Operaton on Cer- ammendanons & concounions m enct suppiaments tecnnem evaluanon rept JORDA mer Ergmeenng Response (Post * ' * " ' "' * 830103) 85/06/18 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.134pp 31268157- 04 5 31268 304

                                                                                                 -8501230194 "Evaluanon of E._                      Cal Info for Dotaded Control Room 8506140636 *E Info Notice 85448, "Resprator Users NotceDefectree SelfContaened                   Revww. Summary Rept for Oconee Nucisar Staten Urvts 1.2 & 3. suppe to smal each.

Brea Apparatus Aa Cyhnders" Svc hst encl recal evaluabon rept. JORDA E L Divmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post

  • Scence Appicahons internanonal Corp . (formerty Sconce Apphtations Inc ) NRC.

830103) 85/06/19 Conachdated Eeson Co. of New york, inc 123pp. 31376 064 03 82496. 85/01/ l1. NRC . No Detaned Affikanon Grven. 8pp 310431%3 t043161 31378 183 8506200002 Rev 851 to Vol A to "Oconee Nuclear Staten Emergency Plan." "Emer-R. Portodic operating reports & reisted correspondence gency Planrung info.Oconee Nculear Staton." 1985 edition & one oversite map enct Aperture card avadabie e PDR W/850614 Itr TUCMMAN.M S. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/06/14 GRACEJN Regon 2. q 8506240038 Mon operateg rects for May 1985 W/850614 str Othce of Drector 6 4 0 31008 1 % 31008 238 RE AVIS.J A . T ER.H 8 n uke Power Co 85/05/31 17pp. 31203 301-31203.317. 8508200297 Rev 8504 to Vol 8 of " Emergency Plan implemenbng Procedures S. Itaportable occurrences. LERs & reisted correspondence fy 8506 3 KER.H 8 Duke Power Co 85/06/14 GRACFJ N Regen 2.

!   0504170171 Forwards evaluanon of revow of svc water sys air release vaNo s        fadures Review of at reeease veNe design svhated by Georgia Power Co for Hatch 1         pasents S     resuns edcate piants er reeease valves may be underces gned               8508240611 Advises that850327 Rev 13 to physcal securWy plan consstent w/provo HELTEME .CJ AEOD. Drecta s Offce 85/03/29 GRACE.J N Regon 2. Offee of                      nons of 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptabse Drector 19 29904 269 29904 290                                                             WALKER.R D Regon 2. Offee of Drector 85/06/17. TUCarER.H S Duke Power Co 3pp. 31160 309-31180311
   ~8504170193 Forwards evaluahon of revew of svc water sys at release vafve J

fadures Consideranon of msuance of IE into notco to adeess concems recommend-ed G. a9mtery corroepondence IPPOLITO,7 A. AEOD. Drector's Offee 85/03/29 JORDAN.E L Devison of Emergerb cy Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post 830103). tp 29904 27429904 270 mP / dbebheWMMMMM

   -8504170196 Forwards evaluaton of review of eve water sys er release valve                      down untd CRD mocharusms ampacted fadures Study concludes that svc water ar release vanes used for RHR sys are ur>           DOHERTYJ F Doherty J F 85/06/11 Ofrce of Nuclear Reactor Regulahon, Drac.

derrated & should be redessgned. tor 6pp. 30859 013 30859 022 SALAH.S Reactor Operatens Anahme Brancet 85/03/D SEYFRIT.K.V. Reactor Op. ershons Analytes Branch. 10. 29904 271-29904 290.

   -8504170207 "Svc Water Sys Ar Release Valve Fadures." AEOD engmeanng evalue-kon rept.

SALAH.S AEOD Drector's Ofnce 85/03/29 19pp 29904 272-29904 290 0504100001 Forwards Endorsements 82.17.75 & 78.104.38 & 19 & 20 to NELIA Pohces NF-220.NF-269.NF.230.NF-164 NF-252 & NF-281 & Endorsements 70.9 80 & e500030204 LER 8540401cn 850411. reactor inp on thgh RCS pressure 8tt.82.20 & 12 & 13 to MAELU Pohtes MF 73.MF-115 MF-90.MF-44.MF 108 & MF. occurred Caused by closure of low pressure turbme ritercept & mam turbre controt 112,r valves Component fadure code omitted n 850513 rept & reluded m few W/850521 str HOGG.SD arsh & McLennan. Inc.85/05/28 DINIT2.1. Assestant Drector for State HAYNES.R F., TUCMER.H 8 Duke Power Co. 85/05/21. app. 30688 035-30686 038 & Licensee Relabons 17pp. 30793 312 30793 328.  ! e508120039 LER 85-0050t on 850411. reactor wipped from 100% full power upon clo. 6606110189Sutmts recNred m8o demonstrahne that utd mentains fmancial protecton sure of low pressure turbme mtercept veNes & mam turbane control va'ves Caused by 10CF R140 21 Info for Catawba odl be sutmtted 850701 hegn turbme header pressure & reeJced heat transfer W/850530 Itr UCKER.H R Duke Power Co 85/06/03 DENTON R. Offre of Nuclear Reactor j HAYNES,A F., TUCMER,H B Duke Power Co. 85/05/21. 4pp 30857.300 30857 303- Regulatom urector tp 30806 0 % 30808 056. i 4600070121 ROon 850425. batch of Powden resin frorn Powdes Cells tA & ID trans-terred lo chemical treatment pond 2 instead of Powdes bacteash tank Caused by P. Operating skenee stage "- ~ ..e & correependence


maahgnment of valve CTP 7 Vafve correctPy positoned  ! TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/05/24 GRACEJ N Regen 2. Offre of Ovector 4pp. 3080m7-30801200 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN B 0489, 'Contamment Leak 0905120047 LER 85007 00 on 850425. reactor wipped from 94% fun power when both Rate Yeshng Program" & Quadres Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents to FIN man feedwest pumps inpped on tuch escharge pressure Caused by state everter & 84489 Documents also avadacio m PDR No docurrents to Quadron subl to request related state transfer switcet Components replaced W/850528 ter FELTON) M Divison of Rules and Records FIN 84489 85/03/25 HAYNES.R F, TUCKER.H B. Duke Power to. 85/05/28 6pp 30857.294-30857299 BL TT.Z V warren Wdson Conego. Swannanoa. NC. 7pp 30981 036-7O esostaceae PNO-II85058on 850607.hcensee reported that mevidual received ras. anon overdone to smad area of ska on underarm. Caused by perncle vansfer from -8606170281 "Contamment Leak Rate Testeg inveshgatons." monthly proyons rept I proteceve clothsng Person decontammated for Nov 1982 AL BRIGHT.R H . HASEY.C M. Regen 2. Offce of Drector 85/06/07. 2pp DOUGANJ R Oak Rodge Natonal Laboratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G Me. 30898 340 30898 341. chanecal/Seructural Engmeerrig Branctt 3pp 3098711530987117.


  $500040286 App 6cate for amends to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR47 & DPR-55, rowsmg                6506170443 Forwards responses to 850t104 request for add efo re Tectmcal Repi Tecft Spec Table 8.11 to reflect correct number of nuclear equipment operators.per      DPC-NE 1002, "Oconee Fietoad Desagri Methodology 8." Methodology wdl be used m NUREG.0737. Item I A 1.3 Fee paid,                                                      upcommg Cycle to retoad ana!yws.

TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/05/29 DENTON.H R. Offre of Nuclear Reactor TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/06/12. DENTON.HR Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector. STOLZJ F Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 3pp. 30700001- R ton, Drector STOLZJF Operating Reactors Branch 4 5pp. 30958 016-30700 007. 033

  -8500040202 Proposed Tech Specs rowsmg Table 611 to reflect correct number of           -850617f 485 Rewsed pages to *Rebad Dessgn Methodology 11." techrwcal rept.

nuclear equipment operators.per NUREG4737. Item i A 1.3.

  • Duke Power Co. DPG NE-1002 E AR 85/04/03.12pp JUv58 022 30958 033
  • Duke Power Ccl 85/05/29 app. 30700 004-30700 007.

8506100136 Informs that shift locfvucal edesor (STA) lyogram document prowded on 4506210440 Forwards Amends 139.139 & 136 to Lcenses OPR-38.DPR-47 & DPf4 840521.per 840120 commament Addl efo re STA program prowded on 850118. par 55.respecovely & safety evaluahon Amends update Tech Spec ref to FSAR to ereure 840fJ1 telcon No revs to STA prcgram preserey necessary consistency =/ updated FSAR.per 640213 request. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 65/06/13 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Reactor NICOLARAS.H Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 85/05/30 TUCKER.H B. DLAe Power Regulation, Drector. STOLZJ F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 10. 30975 361 Co. 2pp. 3104*.?79-31044 317. 30975 381.

  -8508210445 Amends 139.139 & 136 to Lconses DPR.38.DPR 47 & DPR-55'                     0506210002 Notifes that response to Genere Lir 85 02 re steem generator tube niegrh respectwely.updatng Tech Spec ret to FSAR to ensure consistency w/ updated FSAR.       fy & lube rupture meigaton a preparahon. Requests addl 30 days to provide fully de-STOLZ.J.F. Operatrg Reactors Branch 4. 85/05/30. 35pp. 31044 281-31044 315-            veloped response for each staron R.esponse due by 850717.

TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/06/17. THOMPSON.H L Densson of Lcenseg

  -8506210447 Safety evaluation supportmg Amend 139.139 & 136 to Lcenses DPR-               2pp. 31024 354-31024 355.

38.DPR 47 & DPR-55.respectwesy

  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten Drector 85/05/30. 2pp. 31044 316-31044.317. 850,6250113, e ,g mgo , pasForwards tabular summary nt,al tor uncontrolled ridatenofesposures key results trom cavstes.per in rvvR regonal survey of plant-spe-JG Part-how 850315 request.No further genenc .iction needed.

4506200005 Forwards request for addl mio re NUREG4737) tem II O 1. " Performance TAYLORJ M urector's Once. Offce of Inspection and Enforcement. 85/06/18 Tes of Rehof & Safety Vafves" Response requested withm 90 days of ftr date- MURLEY.T E. Regen 1. Omce of Dreckr 9pp 31211:322-31211 330. ST J F. Operatog Reactors Brancft 4 85/06/03. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 14pp. 31043162-31043175. 8508200073Aduses that amends to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55 w/ proper No-tefcaten regured for amend to 830318 corermatory order to unplementaten dates for NUREG4737 # ems Request edi be held unti appecanon recoved $506210473 Responds to NRC 850315 lir to violabone noted m insp Repts 50 269/85-STOLZJ F, Operannq Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/03. TUCKER.H B. OLAe Power Co 04.54270/85-04 & $0L287/8544 Correctrve actions signs posted m cahbr shop 2pp. 31043104-3104J.105. hmstmo envron constens for cahbr of Fluke multimeters. ER,H B. Duke Power Co. 85/04/15. G84 ACE)N Regen 2. Offce of Drector

  $506100500 Forwards revised wisdorbete core cochng implementaten schedule wheCh           2pp. 31057.176 31057.177.

addresses to nwestones pronded n Ence 3 of NRC 831123 lir Rev due to changes at antcipated refuehng outages & mventory tractrig sys metallatert $506270005 Forwards inno Repts 50-269/85f7.50 270/8547 & 50 287/8507 on TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/06/04. DENTON.H R Oftce of Nuclear Reactor 850311 4411No violations or oematons noted. Regulanon, Drector. STOLZJ F. Operatrig Reactors Branch 4 3pp. 3079505+ BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Omco of Drector. 65/05/08- TUCKER.H B Duke Power 30795 056. Co.1p. 31250 238-31250 246 8508200121 Forwards request for adcs info to complete rowew of850403 submittal of -8508270807 Insp Repts $4269/85-07,50 270/8507 4 50 287/8547 on 850311 DPC-NE 1002. "Oconee Retoad Deegn Methodology ll? Response requested withm 0411.No noncomphance or decabins noted Major areas 30 days of ler recoct inspected operations.survedlance.maint.refuehng shut 1own & followup or events. STOL2.J F. Operann0 Reactors B'anch4. 65/06/04. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co BRYANT.J C., SASSER.M K., KING.LP. Regen 2. O*fce of Drector. 85/05/08. 8pp. l 3pp. 31043 067-31043 069- 31250 239-31250 246. 8506240115 Fonwards safefy evaluaten re fluz redacten using low leakage fuel mgt 8506210478 Responds to NRC 850409Itr re volatens noted m insp Repts50-269/85-schemes per pressunzed thermal shock (PTS) requrements Facddy can operate for 06.50 270/85-06 & 54287/85 06. Response to dems of noncoryphance under rowow 32 EFPYs before reachmg PTS screenmg creena & wdl be submnted by 850523. STOL2) F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/04. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/05/09. GRACEJN. Fiegan 2. Offee of Drector. 2pp. 31157194-31157 207. 1p. 31C57330-31057.330.

  -8506240122 Safety evaluaten re fium redacten usmg low leakage fuel mgt schemes         8605130027             1 to IE Info Nctce 84-55. " Seal Table Lealw at PWRs " Svc het anci .

per pressunrod thermal shock (PTS) requrements Facdsty can operate for 32 EFPYs JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engs Response (Post ten, Drector. 85/06/04. 12pp. 31157.196-


Reactor 3 71 31157 207. 8506190527 Forwards safety evaluaton re Genenc Ltr 81-21 on natural crculaten b *' ' ' " hst enct cooldownInfo re cor*mabon & escusson of trammg program concommg reactor JOR L Dennen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post tmg anch 5 /05. TUCKER.H B, Duke Power Ca $' ^ "' *'" ' '"' ' 3pp. 31013 331-31013.339- 4 [2'78'

   -8508190531 Safety evaluaten re Genonc Lir 8121 concommg natural cacutaben             8505200500 IE Into Notco 85-039. "Audtabihty of Electncal Equemeit Quahtcanon Records at Lcensees Fecihties. Svc hst enct, cooldownVoieng should not be performed. Procedros to cope w/ reactor vessel head void recommended & suffcient condensate suptbes east to perform cooedowrt         JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E                                        onne (Post e of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Oractor. 8s/06/05. 6pp 31013 334-            830           $        ' "*            '*d         *"         ' *        "'        '

308 8508110287 Forwards appicaten for esposal of sewage sludge contammated w/very 8505200000 IE Wo Nonce 85440, "Dehesencies in Egaspment Qualdicahon fashng & low levels of radmactnnty at pubhc treatment works Renoval of waste necessary for Condicaton Pmcess? Svc het enct comphance w/ State of SC NPDES permit to meet pnnuteit bmits. JORDAN.E L Dnnvon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Resporm (Post TUCKER.H.B Duke Power Co. 85/06/07. DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Reacto, 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.106pp. 30849166-R tion, Drector. STOLZ.J F. Operstmg Reactors B anch 4.13pp. 30807.214 30848 270 1.226. 8506200181 IE Info Nobce 85442. " Loose Phosphor in Panasonc 800 Senes Badge

   $506140071 Noefcaton of 850814 meetmg w/utd & NRC co1sultants an Charlotte.NC to          TLD Elements? Svc het encl.

escuss PRA study for Urut 3. JORDAN.E L Dresen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet NICOLARAS.H Operstmg Reactors Branch 4.85/06/07.STOLZJ F. Operatog Reac- 830103). 85/05/29. Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New Y enc. 20pp. 30852.245 tors Branch 4. 2pp. 30910 330-30910331. 30852.363. 8606170400 Requests approval to operate now level redwaste incinerator per enct " Rad. 8506200187IE Wo Notce 85-043, "Radography Evente at Power Reactors? Svc hst  ! weste Vol Reducson incmarator," by 8W101. Safety evaluenon for mods re enct desgn.const & operaten of related components proeded at 198610CFR50 59 annual JORDAN.EL Danson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post rept. 830103). 85/05/30. Consohdated Edson Ca of New Yor , Inc. 20pst 30864.167-TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/06/10. DENTON.H R C1fte of Nuclear Reactor 30864.287. A ton, Drector. STOLZJ F. Operatmg Reactors Braich 4. 2pp. 30957.219-7277. 8505200195 fE Wo Notce 85 044. " Emergency Communcaten Sys Monthly Test

  • Svc hst enct.

j -8600170484 "Radweste Vol Reducten incinerator

  • JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post
  • Duke Power Co.85/06/10. 57pp. 30957221-30957.277. 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Edson Ca of New Y Inc. 21pp. 30864 045 )

30864 166. - 8005200042 Forwards comments on BAW 1843P. "B&W Ownsrs Grog Evaluaton of I enternei Boteng Concems a 177FA PlantL" Rept conostent w/ bases agreed 8500000577 IE Wo Nohce 85445. "Potenhal Somme Interacten inwohnng Movable in. won.Acton on move complete Corrected rept requestesi Core Flum Mappmg Sys Used si Westeghouse Desagned Plants? Svc hat once. LAINAS.G C. Asastant Drector for Operanng Reactors 85/06'11 TUCKER,H B. Bab- JORDAN.E L Dnnson of Emergency Propere@iess & E Response (Post I cock & Wdcom Operaeng Plants Owners Grog. TUCKER.H B. Duka Power Ca 12pp. 830103) 85/06/06. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 22pp 30865 001-31043.111 31043.122. 30865 046.

DOCKETEDITEMS 63 8506110444 Forwards insp Repts 50 269/85-03.50-270/8543 4 50 287/8543 on -8506060171 anso Rept B271/8549 on 8502250301 No violaten reed. Maior areas 850211 4310 & nonce of violatonCwd prmafty not proposed due to pnor good trans- mapected changes to emergency preparedness program.knowhsdge & performerce of portation record & unt decisme correctNe aChon. dutes & bCensee Guets & emergencV response facArties visit. GRACEJ N Regen 2. Or' ice of OrecfJr 85/06/06 TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co HAWXHURST.J J. GORDON.C.. SMITH.R. Regon 1. Offee of Drector. 85/05/03 2pp. 30818 289 30816 305 8pp. 30768 314 30768 321

   -8506110460 Inso Repts $4269/8543.50-270/85-03 4 50 287/8543 on 850211-                  8506030491 Forwards revoed SALP Rept50 271/84-25 for May 1983 Oct 1984 4 do.

0310.h.e.v w noted fadure to eneet strong eght package requrerm i for low taded evaluation of utd 850301 cornments SALP conclusions unegocted Estensive cor-specdc actrwty matt when box cover came oft dunng transport. rective accons to correct R vip'ation reco0nued. BRYANT.J. SASSERA, DANCE.H C Regon 2. Office of Drector. 85/04/10.11pp, IU 1.*FYTE- Regen 1 30816 295-30816 305. e of Drector 85/05/28 CONWAY.W F. Vermont yarmw Nee is .== mm sop 30676 200 30678 283 l 8508060707IE Info Notre 85446, "Clanrcaton of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-ooactwe Surface Contammaton Laruts *or Transport Packages " Svc list encl

                                                                                            -8506030403 Rewsed SALP Rept 54 271/84-25 for May T391. Ort 1984. Detaded evaluation of utd 850301 comments enct.

JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparenness & Engmeenng Response (Post

  • Region 1. Oftce of Drector.85/05/28. 67pp 30676 204-30676 283.

830103) 65/06/10. Conschdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.124pp 31043.301-31044 064 8506030430 Forwards Safety Inso Rept50 271/8513 on 85041518 No violanon noted. MARTIN,T.T. Region 1. Offee of Drector 85/05/30. MURPHY.W P. vermont Yankee 4506140240IE info Notre 85447. "Posenhal Effect of Lee-Induced Operaton on Cer- Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp. 30678 014-30678 024 tan Target Rock Scienoid. Operated Va.ves " Svc het enci JORDAN.E L Division of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post -8506030440 Irisp Rept 50-271/85-13 on 85041418 No violation noted Mapor areas 930103) 85/06/16 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 134pp. 31268157- tedemergency preparedness & observaton of 850417 annual full-scale ever-31268 304. 8516140636 IE Into Notre 85448. Resprator Users Notco Defectue Self4ortamed HAWXHURST.J , HARPSTER.T L Region 1. Offce of Drector. 85/05/23. 9pp. (vreathmg Apparatus At Cyhnders" Svc hst encl 30678 018 30678 024. JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 8500040185 Raouests 850601 rnplementahon date of emergency operstme procedures 8.10103). 85/06/19 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.123pp. 31376064-3'376 183. contamed m 840928 order be fnoefied to permit utd to congnue to use eusshng proce. dures untd retum to power from 1985 88 outage MURPHY,W P Vermont Yankee Nuclear er Corp 85/05/31 DENTON.H R Offee R. Der 6cdic operating reports & related correspondence 8506140462Adwses that 850531 request lor firther extension of implementation date 85c6240038 tmg repts for May 1985 W/850614 Itr for upgraded opera procedures unts restart som upcomog 1985-N Rr' AvtS.J A., ER.H B Duke Power Co. 85/05/31.17pp. 31203 301-31203 317. out acceptable per 1 to EG-0737. PSON.H L Divisson of 85/06/06. CAPSTICK.RW Vermont Yankee Nuclear Ppwer Corp. 3pp. 30906 253- 255. S. Resortable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence 8504170t71 Forwards evaluation of review of svc water sys aar release valve fadues Aewsw of as release valve design avbated by Georgia Power Co for Hatch

                                                                                               ",       N                                       Br 56     311 piares St     results mecate plants as release vasves may te underdessgned-SfEL TEMt .C          EOD    ector Offme. 85/03/29 GRACE.J N. Region 2. Offee of
                -A                        '
                                                                                           -8505290638          "*Wgress Scence Appleahons            Audd of DCRDA Internaconal                lor vermont Corp. (formerly          Yankee Science        Nuchine)

Apphcatons Poww NRC Plant ". 03-82 096. 85/05/03 NRC No Detaded Affikaton Gnren. 25pp. 31156.234-

   -8504t70193 Forwards evaluabon of review of evc water sys at release valve                  31 M 258 adums Consuranon of essuance of iE into nonce to address concems recomrnend.

8506140401 Forwards insp Rept50-271/8514 on 8504024506 No violanons noted. IPPOL.lTO.TA AEOD. Drector's Offce 85/03/29 JORDAN.E L Dmson of E WENZiPGER.E. epon 1. O'fce of Director 85/06/10 MURPHY,W P. Vermont cy Preparednesh & Enyneenng Response (Post 830103) 1p. 29904 270-29904 Yankee Nclear Cap. 2pp. 3089818430898 20a

   -8504170196 Forwsds evaluaton of rewsw of svc water sys at release valve                -8506140419 insp Rept 54271/8514 on 850402-0508 No volabons noted Maior fadures. Study concMdes that svc water er release valves used for RHR sys are un-        amas          teactons on pmvous insp hnenOs. plant power                          hans.phymcal derme & enound h redesigne                                                              7y. R revow.1985 emergency preparedness esercise & IE                               tm 8441 ac-SALA S                O wa                 Br         03/29. SEYFRIT.K.V Reactor Op-R YMON WJ TRIPP,L E. Regen 1. Oftce of Drector 85/05/03.19pp 30898182-
   ~8504173207 "Svc Water Sys Ar Release Valve Fadures." AEOO engrneenng evalua.

SALA >.S. AEOD Drector 9 Offee. 85/03/29.19pp. 29904 272 29904 290. 826m605 NNon W WW W % 8563 m 8W N m King of Prussia.PA lo escuss response to fmdmga observed dunng annual emergercy exercise conducted on 850417.

 ' 8506030E24 Informs that LER 45-04 expected by950531.                                       LAZARUS.WJ R                   1. Offee of Drector. 85/06/14. Region 1. Offce of Drector.

TUCKER.H B Duke Power Cc 85/05/21. Record Sonrices Branch (Document Control 2pp.3 327-31 39 328. 2pn 0684 M30684M 8506240595 Informs of upcommg safeguard regulatory effecoveness review dunng et ) 8506040500 LER 8540240on 150421. reactor troped dunng zero power physes of 82W90vaan plan Iw mwsw wie be escussed at entance bnefmg on l testmg Caused by maduncDon m nower range recorder Checks enade on flum inp set, 8M5 M tour mquested on kst day Secunh muew planned W Days 2-4 poets & mtermedate & power ran 3e recorders W/85052t ltr. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Oftce of Drector 85/06/19. MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yankee HAYNES.R.F., TUCKER.H B. Duka Power Co. 85/05/21. 4pp. 30709123-30709126 Nuclear Poww Cap. 2pp. 3N 271-3N 28a i 8500060642 LER 85-00340on 850421.ckeng power escalabon. control rods positoned ~8506240008 Adwees of mgulatory enctveness remw at facdify on 850W9 & for-  ! Tech Specs ete ponton ede, hme curve Caused by personnel error Borabon wards draft Mr to utd emplaining mwsw purpose & schedule Requests remw assist- I of CS rutsated Procedures wie be res sed W/850521 per ance kom I inewdual Guidehnes for dunes of subt mewdual enct GODWIN.S G., TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co.85/05/21. 5pp. 30746 253-30746157 BU ds. 85/05/31. MURLEY,7 E. Region 1 Offre of Dr 8500070121 RO:on 850425. batch of Powa.u rose from Powdes Cens 1 A & 10 trans. ferred to chemcal treatment pond 2 ans 9ad of Powdes backwash tank Caused by $506270336 Notifcaton of850716meeteg w/utd m Bethesda.MO to escuss Are .no-UCK Pc 5 4 - N Regen 2. Offee of Drector. A R Operstmg Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/19 VASSALLO.D B. Operatog 4pp. 30801.197-30801200. Reactors Branch 2. 2pp 31262 306-31262.307. 8500070407 LER 8540500on 850426.urwt troped from 75% power on high RCS 8506270618 Submits mio re whch matrumentaten hsted in utd 841130 stemittal scM pressure Caused by mcrease m pressure dus k: spunous segnal from electnpiydraube tded tw upgmeng to mstart korn 1985 outage.per Suppe 1 to 'fUREG4737, controls caDmet due to fadure/malfucten W/850528 Itr Schedule tw R 1.97 Cwnnvtments. GODWIN,S G, TUCKER.H . Duke Power Co. 65/05/28. 5pp. 30801038 30801042 CAPSTICK.R W. ermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 85/06/21. VASSALLO.D B. Operstmg Reactors Branch 2. 2pp. 31238.359-31238.360. 8506140632 LER 8540440.on 850422. reactor Vip occurred on loss of man h*"m*,*'* con e,

                                  ,'p C,"N
                                                             " "'"         ' '"' "U '
  • o 1 V at Nuc 5 30 pp 3 047-31024 053.

HAYNES.R F, TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 85/05/31. 5pp. 30932:129 30932133. 8506140468 PNGn-85058 on 850607.bcensee reporte<1 that mdMdual received ree- A insurance & indemnity information aton c" dose to sman area of skm on underarmCa ased by partcse kansfer from protective clottung Person decontammated $506280004 Forwards Endorsements 76.77 & 78to NELIA Pohcy NF-189 & Endorse. ALBRIGHT,R H.. HASEY.C M. Regen 2. Offce os Drector. 85/06/07. 2pp. ments 60 & 61 to MAELU Pohcy MF-56 30898 340-30898 341. SHADER.D. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 85/06/19. OtNIT2J. Offre of Nu-clear Reactor Regulanon. Drector.1p 31218.305 31218 310. DOCKET 50 271 VERT 00eff YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATION P. Operating neense state dosumente & correspondence F. SecurHy, medical, emergency & fire protection piene 8506130045 Partial response to FOIA request for as documents re NRC procedures for 8508000138 Forwards insp Rept 50-271/0549 on 8502254301 ho violaton noted. detecton & control of alcohol & diegal drug use by persons engaged in bldg or const of nuclear reactors or facihbes Forwards App A documents. MARTIN,T.T. Regon 1. Offee of Drector 85/05/07 MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp. 30768 312-30768 321. FELTON.J M. Dnnson of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH.S.J. Washmgton Legal Foundanon. 55pp. 30931047 30937.157.

_ _ _ _ .m._ _ _ . _m _ -

   -4506130304Resporuss to query re renesse of portes of Ofc of Irwestiaates rept re            -4500030457 "Rept of Investigata Camed Out t y Ropes & Gray of Apparord Fasse 4      drug /aicohol atsse to specshc heensees Reiease not prohituted by FotA or Privacy             Documentation of Results of Receipt insps at vermont Yarmee Nuclear Power Sta-Act Concems over precec,ent espressed              worksheets enct                            tion.

SHOMAKER E C. Operanons & Aderwustranve . 82/12/20 LIEBERMANJ Re-

  • Ropes & Gray 85/05/21 87pp. 30674192-30674 278 ponal Operatons & Enforcement Omsson.170pp. 30937 35430938188 8500030364 Responds to NRC850418 ler te violates noted m lasp Rept50-271/8 %

l 0608170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN B4489. "Contarvnent Leak 06 Correctrve actons Admrwstrative Procedure AP 08'11 win be tevraad to requae adt2 Rate Testng Progam" & Ouesen Corp /NRC antracts Forwards documents re FIN mgt attencon for au procedures which escoed rowew date B4489 Docunents atso avas.atde m POR No cocuments re Quadrou euty to rowest MURPHY.W P Vermont Yartoe Nuclear Power Corp 85/05/24 EONETERS D

 . F ELTON) M Dswason of Rules and Pecords. FIN 84489 85/03/25                                   Region 1.Offce of Drector opp.30673 311 30673 314 4     REYTBLATT.Z V Warren W4 son Conege. t%annanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 036-8508140304 Responds to NRC850415 nr to moistone noted m insp Rept 50-271/85-f                                                                                                  08 Car actve achons deot heads reinstructed m meconscobes for ensunng conssder-
   -4506170281 *Conti>nment Leah Rate Testmg tr vestigatons," montNy prowess rept                                                                       rewwwed aDonyven to procedure enpact when            ce for Nov 1982                                                                                                                                         85/05/24 WENIINGER E C.

DOUGANJ R Oak Radge National Laboratory FIN B4489 82/12/07 ARNDT.G. Ue. MURPMY.W P. Vermont Yarmee Nuctear cnanicat/Siructural Engneenne Brancn. 3pp 3098711430987117. Region 1. Offre of Drector. 3pp 30898 249 30898 25t. i i 8606120109 Discusses acceptabihty of ubt 641208 & 850328 responses to Genenc LW e50e030476 Forwards inop Rept 50-27t/8517 on 850506-10 No violaten noted 64-23 Proposed unciementaten of dual cold tog mod dunng refuehng outage MARTIN.T T. Repon 1. Omce of Drector 85/05/2a MURPHY,W P Vermont Yankee acceptatde.per NUREG4737.tiem u F 2 Nuclear Power Corp 2pp 30677 300 30677.309 VASSALLO.D B Operaeng Reactors Branch 2 85/05/24. CAPSTICK.R W Vermont Yarmee Nucteer Power Corp. 3pp. 30841345 30841347, -8500030443 Insp Rept 50 271/8517 on 85050610 No notation or deviehon need Masor areas inspected radempcal enwron monnonng programanctueng 8900040366 Forwards " Vermont Yar$ee Radanon Control Program." for Sept 1985 planned replacement of recrculation sys peng propect Program developed to enswe y*HOU H S SCI WR Ottce of Drector 85/05/22 8pp. occupanoner radianon exposures & reieases of resoectve motis ALARA. 30677 2 2-30677 309 CAPSTICK.R W, Vermont Yankee Nuclear power Corp. 85/05/31. THOMPSON.H L Drweson of Lconsang. to 30703 167-30703 229 8500030491 Forwards revised SALP Rept54 271/84-25for May 1983 - Oct 1984 & de-

   - 8500040362 "Vermord Yankee Rasabon Contros Program "                                          taded evaluation of ute 85030 t comments SALP conclusens unanected Esteneve cor-
  • Vermont Yermee Nuclear Power Corp 85/05/31. 42pp 30703188 30703 229. recove actions to correct R violaton recogneed MURLEY.T E. Regen 1 of Drecer 85/05/28 CONWAY W F Vermont 8606100547Notities of850717meetng n Krig of Prussia.PA to hear uti rococulabon Yankee Nuclear Power Corp app 30678 204 30876 283 sys pipe replacement presentaton. Sche & ale a agende enct WEN 2fNGER.E.C. Regon 1, Omco of Drector 85/06/04 WITTMER W L Vermont -4500030493 Rewned SALP Rept 50-271/84-25 for May 1983 Oct 1984 Dotaded Yarmee Nuclear Power Corp. dop 30793 293-30793 298 evacuanon of und 850301 comrnents enct Regon 1. Onica W Drecw 85/05/28 67pp 30678 204-3067m3
   $508100442 Remits tee for requests tor approval of PVRC danpng anstyse values &

NES 5 cask trang device Checss wiedvertency ommed from850514 & 17 submittais 8505200181 IE Into Notce 85042 " Loose Phosphor m Pananorvc 800 Senes Badge CAPSTICK.R W vermont Yarmee Nuclear Power Corp 85/06/05, ROONEY.V. Dive. een of Lcense0 1p. 30794 218-30794 218 TLD Elements " Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Deveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response Foot 8506240679 Forwards Amend 88 to Lscense DPR-28 4 sa*ety evalusten. Amend re- 830103) 65/05/29 Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yors. Inc_120pp 3085224% wees Tech Specs to raise suppreseen pool temp hmit dunng normes operaten to 100 30852 363 F I ROONEY.V L Opera Reactors Branch 2 85/06/06 CAPSTICK.R W Vermont 8500030498 Responds to NRC850425Itr to notatens noted e inno Rept 50 271/8 % Yarmee Nuclear Power 2pp. 31155 341-31155 350- 11 Correctrve accons purchase orders for safety class components w/sn ected matis

                                                                                                            & relocated
   -8508240543 Amend 68 to Lcense DPR-28.rews ng Tech Specs lo rame suppressen                     [PHY.W P Vermont Yartes Nuclear Power Corp OS/05/29 MURLE Y.T E.

pom t-v hma dunn9 aormal co-anoa

  • 15 F. Region 1. Once of Drector tipo.30675 294 30675 300.

VASSAuO.D 8 Operanng Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/06 6pp. 31155 343-31155 348

   -4506240600Salevy evaluaten                   Amend se to License DPR28.                    8505200187 IE Info Notco 8%43. "Raeograpny Events at Power Reactors Svc hst
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor hon, Drector. 85/06/06 2pp. 31155 34g, enci JORCAN E L Dween of Emergency Propereeiess & Engneenng Response (Post 31155.350. 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp 30864187 30864 287.

4 Inspection reports, IE Bunsune & correspondence 8605200195 IE info Nonce SM44. " Emergency Communcaton Sys MontNy Test? Svc 8500000136 Forwards Ingo Rept 50-27t/8549 on 8502250301 No volaten noted tot enct MARTIN.T.T. Regan 1. Omca of Drector 85/05/07. MURP68v.W P. Vermont Yankee JORDAN E L Diesen of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Response (Post Nuclear Power Corp 2pp. 30768 312-30768 321. 830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc.121pp 30864 04 % 30864 166

    -4600000171Insp Rept 50 271/8549 on 8502250J01 No wolaton noted Masar areas mapseted changes to emergency preparedness             amArowledge & performance of      5500030430 Forwards Safety insp Rept 50-271/9513 on 85041518 No volahon noted dubes & hcensee auets & emergency response f               wel                               MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1. Office of Drector 85/05/30 UURPHY.W P. Vermont Yar*ee HAWXHURSTJJ GORDON.C., SMITH,R Repon 1. Omco of Drector. 85/05/03.                           Nuclear Power Corp 2pp 30678 014-30678 024 Spp 30766 314 30768-321.

l 1 to IE info Notre 84-55, " Seal Table Leeks at PWRs " Svc est encl. -4500030440 Insp Rept 50-271/85-13 on 85041M8 No e noted Mapor areas 9606130027 espectedemergency pmparedness & observanan of850417 annual Mscale eser-JORDAN.E L of Ernergency Preparedness & E Response 90eg

03) 5/05/14 Coneohdated Esson Co of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 31044065 gWXHURST.J. HAPPSTER.T.L Regon 1 Omco of Drector 85/05/23 9pp 30678 016-30678 024.

880613003e Suppe 1 to IE Into Notco 85020, " Motor 4perated Vseve Fadures Due to Effect? Svc bot enct 8008140139 Responds to NRC 641120ter te velatons noted e inep Rept50-271/84-J9ORDAN.L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 23.Correceve actensman purchased subsequent to Apr 1983 w/fmste shell hfe prow ] S30103) 85/05/14. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. f07pp. 31044172- vided w/encrete ender-efe dates 31044 278. MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yarmee Nuclear Power Corp 85/05/31 MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1, Omca of Drector 3pp 30893 229-30893 230. 0808240302 Semits addi eito a response to IE Bulleen 7H2 re deadweight pipe supports.per 850500 & senement telcons. Confrmatory factor of safety study per. 4606240179 Forwards Enam Rept 50 271/85 12 of exam admrmstered dunno wk of formed for anchor bolts installanon of mods to segrade sys m progress 850321 OuYER,R P. Yarmee Atome ElecVc Co. 65/05/14 VARELA.A. Regon 1. Offre of WENZINGER.E C. Regan 1. Off4ce of Drector 85/06/03 MURPHY,W P. Vermont Drector. 9pp. 302144 31202154 Yarmee Nucteer Power Corp 2pp. 31204162 31204 209 0000030677 Not(cavan of S'Orufcant Lee mee Meetng 8554 on 850523 w/util m Keg of Prueena.PA,to secues hcensee response to IE Bunsen 7942. -4606240183 Esam Rept 50-271/8512 on 850316-21 Enam resultsall frve canedates DURR,J. A 1. Omca of Drector 85/05/21. Regon 1. Omco of Drector.1p. poseed. BERRYJ A. kELLER.R M. KISTER.H B Regon 1 Othee of Drector 85/05/09 app 30887J14- 7.314 31204 164-31204 167. l 0006300000 IE info Notco 85039. "Austabeny of Electncal Espapment Quanheaten Records at Lcensees Facdsbes? SvC but encl .Se0824023e Semits comments to reactor operator sanften exam on850319 Prepara-i JORDAN.E.L Drwoon of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Response Post bon of comments made more emcun ty NRC pokey requmng examener to Conect 830103) 85/05/22. Conocedosed Edson Co. of New York, trc 106pp. 30837258- exam / answer key immeeste8y after rowsw Related mas enci 30837.363. SPtNNEY R W. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 85/03/28 KISTERJt Regen 1, once W Drector W mmm M  ; 8806300000 IE Info Notce 8%40. "Defciorues n Equipment Ouehhcaten Testmg &

  • 40311 Forwards Esam Rept 50-271/8501 of exam admmestered dunn0 ** of EL "O,w.on$*EM* ncy Preparedreas & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Conocedoned Eeoon Co. of New Y 06pp. 30848166-WENltNGER.E.C. Regon 1. Omco of Drector. 85/06/03 MURPHY.W P. Vermont 30848 270 Yankee Nucteer Power Corp 2pp. 31158 312 31158 353.

massaem* Responds to NRC850402 8 25lirs re irciatons noted e inep Rept 53-271/8511.Correcirve acsons ndependent _ . . coneJcted. *Rept of IrW -4906240317 Esam RepI 50-271/8541 on 850121-24 Esam results one canddate non Comed Out by Ropes & Grey of Apparent FeIse Documentaten..? enci poseed & three faded MURPHY.W P. vermont Yarees NwJear Power Corp. 85/05/23. MURLEY,7 E. BERRYJ A. KELLER.R U, KISTERJt B. Regon 1, Omco of Drector 85/05/10. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 8pp. 3087418530674 278. 40pp. 31158 314-31158 353. s

                                                                                             . , .                                              ,           , _ , , , . , ,     .w . , _ , , , .

DOCKETEDITEMS 65 8506120257 Confrmatory Acton LW ute response to IE Bonetc 79-02 Au dead- 8506240311 Forwards Esam Rept 50 271/8541 of exam admrmstered durmg wt of weight supports for Category I sys will be modrhed or tested as necessary Completon 850121 of actons espected pnor to restart WEN 2iNGER.E C. Regen 1, Offre of Drector 85/06/03 MURPHY W P Vermont E BNETER.S O Regon 1, Once of Drector 85/06/05 MURPHY,W P Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp 31158.312-31158 353 Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp 30850 272-30850 273 Staaaaa*77 IE trdo Notee 85-045. "Potental Seesnue Interacten invoNing Movable in. 6 7 "*P' " ' $^ "* ' '$"" " " '* hr add Core Flus Mapping Sys Used m Wes Desagned Plants " Svc hst enci [ERRY.J A , KELLER.R M , KISTER.H B. Regen t. Othce of Drector 85/05/10 JORDAN.E L Devison of Emo gency eparedness & E Response fPost 40pp 31158 314-311'>8 353 830103). 85/06/06. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, snc. 22pp 30865 001-30865.046. 8500060707IE Info Notce 85446, "Clanfbcaton of Several Aspects of Removable Ra. DOCKET 54272 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1 deactwo Sunace Contammaton Lauts for Transport Packages" Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Dvison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 030103) 85/06/10 Consohdated Esson Co. of New York, inc 124pp 31043 301- F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection pians 31044 064. 8506140401 Forwards inso Rept 54271/9514 on 8504024506 No votatens roted 8506070335 Responds to NRC850402lir te violatoris noted e insp Repts54 272/84-WENZINGER.E. Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/06/10. MURPHY W P Vermont 46 & 50-311/8448 Corrective actens future densgn contsol austs win address fre pro-Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 2pp 30898180 30898 200 tectorHaneque corvirols & fre protecton procedures wie be esammed annuany MCNEILLC A Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 85/05/28

 -8506140411 Insp Rept 50-271/8514 on 8504024506 No velatons noted Maior                            MURLEY,T E. Regen t. Othce ot Drector 2pp 30750 057-30750058 Osas enspected accons on provous insp fedmos. plant power operatons physcal security.LER revew.1985 emergency preparedness esercee & IE Bulletm 8441 ac-                8500060460 Advises that response to 841128 auet of DCRDR delayed unte Sept 1985 tons.                                                                                         due to NRC 850417 request for efo re 27 hurnan                      spancies RAYMOND.W J , TRIPP.L.E. Regen 1, Offee of Drector 85/05/03 19pp. 30898182-                    MCNEILLC A. Pubhc Service Electnc & Gas                  of        Jersey 85/05/31 30898 200                                                                                     VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1 to 30732 076 30732 076 8506210277 Forwards Inso Rept 50'271/8544 on 850409-12 No volatens roted NRC                   8506210489 Forwards FEMA eserces rept Requests review of Q50605 conhrmatory acton Itr re compiete testeg & anasyss on concrete expansen                                                                                       a 4 coordmanon supports pncr to Sept 1965                                with FEMA Regens II & lli to ensure that four defcsencies correc n emely manner artf ors assooated w/                                                   ened
                                                                   . MUR EWP Vennont                  EL YR Regen .                   of Drector 85/06/04 MCNEILLCA P@lec Sennce ar             2pp,3 02          10 41 7-                                      Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 3pp 31057 216-31057 218
  -8506210288 Insp Rept 50-271/8004 on 850409-12 No volatens noted Magor area
  • caspected accons per IE Busstes 79-C2 re pipe support base plate desagns.7947 re 8506210224 Rev 21 to "Emerpency Plan Procedure. '* ten "

seesmc siress anaPyss of sa & 7414 re a&buitt pipmg

  • Pubhc Servce Electnc a Gas Co of New Jersey 5/06/11. 7pp 31024 293-VARELA.A A., WIGGtNS.J T.'ety<eisted Regen 1 e of Drector. 85/06/11. 9pp 31024 ISS 31024 299 31024 167.

8506170515 Requests that Emergency Plan Procedure EP fv.114 re backup method of 8506140240 IE Info Notte 85-047, "Potental Et ect of Lme induced Operaton on Cer-tasn Target Rock Solenoidoperated verwes" Svc kst enci d.ose calculaton be removed from processes manual. Pubhc Servce Elecinc & Gas Go of New Jersey 85/06/17. Record Servces JORDAN E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Branch (Document Control Desh) 1p. 30956.198-30956198 830103) 85/06/18. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.134pp. 31268157-268 304 8506250369 Forwards Safety insp Repts 54272/85-12 & 54311/8513 on 850507 8506140636 4E Info Notee 85 048. "Resprator Users Notre Defecove Self-Contened 31 One votanon notedimpiementaten of conwnstments n 840607 response m NRC Brea Apparatus As Cytmders " Svc hst enct 840508Itr venhed. JORDA E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post COLLINS.S J. Regon 1. Offee of Drector 85/06/21 MCNEILLC A Pubhc Sennce 830103) 85/06/19. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc 123pp. 31376 064- Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp 31198 090-31198110. 31376 183

                                                                                                 -8506250379inso Repts $4272/8512 & $0 311/8513 on 850507 31.Volaton m area 4506240595 Informs of upcomeg safeguard regulatory effectveness review dunne wt                  of secunty & two unresofwed items roted. Masar areas inspectadoperaborJil safety of 85071519Overas pian for revew wel be escussed at entracce bneting on                       venhcaton.maet observabons & hcensee event fadowup revew 850715 Plant tour remested on frst day Secunty revew planned for Days 2-4                     LIMROTH.D F., NORRHOLM.LJ. Regan 1, Offce of Drector 85/06/18. 16pp MORLEY.T E. Regon 1. Othee of Drector 85/06/19 MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yankee                    31198 092-31198 110.

Nucieer Power Corp. 2pp. 31160 27131160 280

   -8506240600 Advises of regulatory eMectveness revew at facekty on85071519 & for-              H. General c""espondence wards draft Itr to uti emplarung reves            & scfiedule Requests review asssst-ance trorn Regen f mevedual Guidehnes              of subl mdividual enct BURNETT.R F Divison of Safeguards. 85/05/31. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Offce of                3506270455 Re@ests placement on mahng hst to receeve retrfcahone of meetings Aho Drector. 8pp 31160 273-31160 280.                                                            requests to be contacted on hcense amends por Snnity amend GRELN.R. New Jersey. State of.85/06/13 FISCHER.D. NRC No Detaded Affmaton R. Portodic operating reports & related         . _ ,       _e 3506240064 Monthly opera         rept for May 1985 W/850613 Itr.                              4 insurance & Indemnny Iriformenon BURGER F.J . MURPHY.W . Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 85/05/31. 7pp.

31204 276-31204 282. 8506100601 Forwards Endorsements 82.17.75 & 76.104.38 419 & 20 to NELIA Pohces NF-220.NF-269.NF -230,NF- 164. NF -252 & NF-281 & Endorsements 70.9 80 & q S. Reportable occurrences, LERe & reteted m. _ , _e 61.82,20 & 12 & 13 to MAELU Pohcses MF.73.MF-115.MF-90.MF-44 MF 108 & MF. 8500070269 Part 21 rept to fadure of ener polar connector between carnper bar creust arsh & McLennan. Inc 85/05/28 DINITZ.L Assistant Drector for State on generator men head Cause of fadure not defmed Further inves ten necessary & Lcensee Relations.17pp. 30793 312-30793 328. LEUSINK.H H Louis-Albs Co. 85/05/29 MURLEY,T E. Regon 1 e of Drector. 1p. 30751350 30751.350 8506140490 Part 21 rept to generator fadure Concurs w/enci Louis Auss 850603Itr that interpolar connectors be removed. MORIARTYJ M Cott irestnes. Inc.85/06/05 UURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Offce of D. 8506030300Parbal r to FotA request for three ca of documents to be recMr. 7pp 30898 354-30898 361. made evelable at to NSHCs App A documents & placed n POR Search contmung. 9506240406 Part 21 rept to potenbal de4ect of electncal penetratens supphed by Conas FELTON.J M Dnnsen of Rules and Records. 84/11/08 ADATO.M Unon of Con-  ; Corn Penetranons conten tefion msulaten & sealant mat's that are highly susceptbio comed Scaentists. 4pp. 30720001-30720005 l to ra$ation damage Replacement planned. MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 85/06/19 MURLEY T E. -8311300410 Forwards update of Shony statstes for 4305061023 Request for no Regen 1. Othce of Drector. 4pp. 31061362 31062 003- re Sasem nonce on enteneng mterval for second meegrated leak rate test roc EISENHUT.D G . Dvisen ce Lcensmg 83/11/14 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector. 2pp 30720 01430720-011. V. Operator Esaminecone

                                                                                                  -8312230001 Forwards update of Shony stansucs                        1122.

8506240179 Forwards Esam Rept $4271/8512 of exam admrustered dunng wk of EISENHUT.D G. Dnnsen of Lcenang 83/12/09 DENT H R Offte of Nuclear Re-

                                                                                                     *"       9*               '

WN NGER.E.C. Regen 1, OMee of Drector 85 f%J. MURPHY.W P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp. 31204162-31204 209 -44011403 0 Forwards update m ShoNy smbes im 83050M231 Reqw for teenng

    -8506240143 Esam Rept54271/8512 on 650318-21Esam resuris an 8ve canedates mcoved m msponse to nonce of issuance of Amend 10 Nmth monthly FR notte scheduled for       ation on 840125 EISENHUT       . Dnnsen at Leeneng 84/01/08.DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re-ER     ,J A. KELLER.R M.. KISTER.H B Regen 1 OMce of Drector 85/05/09. App                  ac1cr Repaten. Dredor 6pp 30720 0144720015.

31204 164-31204.167, d -3506240234 Submits comments to reactor operator wntten exam on 85C319 Propers- ~4402210139 Forwards update of Shony statisnes for 830506-640126 Two rowests for hon of comments made more effcult by NRC pokey requrmg exammer lo coMect heanng & one comment received Requests for heanng esmissed on two exam / answer key immeestefy after review Related mati enci plaants conference scheduled lor Grand Gulf petmort SPINNEY.R W. Vermont Yarece Nuclear Power Corp. 85/03/28 KISTER,H Regen EISENHUT,D G. Leonmng 84/02/07.DENTON.H R. Othce of Nuclear Re-1, Offce of Drector 42pp. 31204166-31204 200. actor Regulaton. Drector 3pp. 30720016-30720018. I


     -8404020112 Forwards update of Shony statistes covermg 830$0% 840224 Eleventh                                      Q. Inspection reports. IE Bullettne & correspondence j        montrey FR notce scheduled for pubhcate on 840321 R               octor            20 0 30720 0 1                                                          8505130027           1 to IE Info Notce 84 55  Seal Table Leass at PWRs " Svc hst encl.

JORDAN.E L of Emergercy Pieparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post

     -8404260461 Forwards edated "Sholty" stanstes for830505-840322 Preheanno con-forence held on request for heanng receeved on TMi-1 stearn generator
                                                                                                                          $[,I ,'  y
 !            N            Dese of L               64!04/13 DENTON.H R. Oftce of Nuclear Re.                            8505m038 Suppt 1,1o IE Into Nohce 85420. "Motoroperated Valve Fatures Due to actor Reguiahort, Drector 3pp 30720022 30720024

[' ,", gency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post

  .  -8405220511 Forwards update of Shony statistes covenng penod830505- 840425 No                                                 7g CUS comments at requests for heanng rece8ved actor            20 0 307                  7                                            8505200590 IE Info Nr>tre 85439, *Austatwhty of Elecincal Equipment Quahfcata Records at Lcensees Facenes. Svc het encs
     -4406280322 Forwards update of Shony staDstes for penod 830506 840523 ASLS                                           JORDAN.E L Dveson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22- Consohdated Edson Co of New Yors, Irt.10F4p 30837258-i        esued decesson for Grand Gulf on 840423. adrmttmg two contermons for escovery                                    30837 363' EISENHUT.D G Omson of Lcenssng 84/08/08 DENTON.H R. Offre of Nuclear Re-actor Regulaton. Drector 3pp 30720 028 30720 030 8505200000 lE Info Notre 85440. "Defcenoes m Equipmer1 Ouahfcaten Testmg &

Ceristcarm Process" Svc kst enct

     -84073000$0 Forwards update of Shally stanstes covenng 830506440620 No add                                           JORDAN.E L Dmse of Emergency Preparedness & Enynerrmg Response (Post comments or requests for heanng received-                                                                        830103) 85/05/22 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.106pp 30848166 EISENHUT,0.G Dmsson of Leenong 84/07/08 DENTON H R Offee of Nuclear Re.                                          30848 27 t.

actor RegulaDon, Dwector app. 30720 CJ130720 034 8506030306 Forwards " Nuclear Dept Response to Sesth Quarter'y Rept of Nuclear

     =C408200000 Forwards updated Sholly statsacs for penod 830506-840718. Statishes                                     Oversight Committee " Response addresses areas of concem to SALP rept & backlog we be updated tomowing 8408/2 mormfy pubhcate of FR notte                                                       of desegn change requests EISENHUT.D G Dmsen of tcenseg 84/08/08 DENTON H R Offco of Nuclear Re'                                           MCNEILLC A Put*c Servce Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey 85/05/24 actor Regulation Drector. 4pp 3072003530720-038                                                                  VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. to 30674 053-30674 061.
     -4410040278 Forwards update of Shody statstes covenng 830506- 840822 Lets two                                     8500070335 Responds to NRC850402Itr te volanons noted n Insp Repts50 272/84-l-     -press release" type notros issued dunng repornng pered Next montmy FR nonce                                     46 & 50-311/64-46 Corrective actions future deegn control austs we address fre pro-scheduled tor pbcanon on 840924.                                                                                tec
)'       EISENHUT.D u Desen of Lconseg 84/0g/18 DENTON.H R. Orhce of Nuclear Re-                                         MC              controls Pubhc &Senncefue protecten Electncprocedures
                                                                                                                                                                          & Gas Co     weofbeNew enammed Jerseyannualty 85   /05/28

actor Regulaton, Drector. 24pp 30720-03430720 062- MURLEY,T E. Regen 1. Othce of Drector 2pp. 30750 057-30750 058 I aC8mm51 Notre of consderaten of msuance of amends to Lcenses DpR-70 & 8505200181 IE Into Notce 85042, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonic 800 Senes Badge

   ,     DPR-15 & proposed NSHC determmahon & opporturwty for heanng re 830127 request                                    TLD Elements " Svc hat onct.

1 concemeng semiautomate sw tchover of safety electon sys JORDAN E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Enoneenng Response (Post MCDONALD.DG. Operanng Reactors Branct 1. 83/07/27 7pp 30722 337' 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eeson Co, of New York, Inc.120pp. 30852 24% 30722.343. 30852:363

     -8500040456fisotte of conaderaton of msuarce of amend to Lcense DPR 70 & pro-posed NSHC determeaten & opporturWty for he                         re 830722 request to ellow                8505200187 IE Into Notco 85443. "Raeography Events at Power Reactors " Svc bet I                                                                                                                         enCt second inservice mtegrated lean rate test dugfifth re                    outage-                                JORDAN'E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post j       VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Brancn 1. 83/uv/14 8pp 30722 344-30723 002-                                        830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Edson Co. of New York, int 120pp 30864187-30864 287.

4506130045 Partal response to FOtA request for all documents to NRC procedures for detecton & control of alcohol & siegal drug use by persons engaged in bidg or const $505200195 IE Info Notre 85044 " Emergency Communcaton Sys Monthly Test" Svc of nuclear reactors or facshties Forwards App A documents bst enct FELTON.J M Demon of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 E H.SJ. Washington JORDAN E L Dms on of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Legal Foundaten. 55pp 30937 047-30937167 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Esson Co. of New Y inc 121pp 30864 04% 30864.166

     -8508130304 Responds to gaery re release of portens of Orc of Investicatons rept te drug / alcohol abuse to specifc iconsees Release not protutwted by FOiA or PnvacY                             e50s100144 Responds to NRC 850502 Ilr te violatons noted e insp Repts50-272/8 %

act Concems over precedent empressed worssheets enci.

         $HOMaKER.E.C. Operabans & Admr=stratswe                                                                            7&5

) j genal Operanons & Enforcement Dmmon.170pp. 30937.356 30938188. 82/12/20 UEBERMAN.J. Re- 0, ten a,0 311/85 07changes an,the- Correctwe actors to rod admineiratswo postion inecanon rewmedprocedure re guedance on snah-MCNEILLC A Senece Elecinc & Gas Co of New Jersey 85/08/03. ] ' COLUNS.S J. Regen 1, Offce of Deector. 3pp. 30791032-30791034. 0500060359 Forwards Amenos 63 4 34 la Lcenses DPR-70 & DPR-75. respectively & safety evaluaten Amends proinde four addl moos 10 resologcal effluent Tech Specs gs.nanana77 IE Info Notce 85445. "Potental Semarac interacton inwoNeg Movable in. esued in Amends 59 4 28 Core Flum Mapping Sys Used m Westeghouse Desagned Plants " Swc bet encl. FISCHER,D Opero Reactors Branch 1 85/05/28 MCNEILLC.A. Pubhc Sonnce Electnc & Gas Co. of Jersey. 3pp 30776 333-30776 35t- JORDAN.E L Dmson of Ernergency Preparedness & Engmeerrg Response (Post 830103) 85/06/06 Consohdated Esson Co of New York, Inc.122pp 30865 001-30865.046

     .gsannanw Amends 63 4 34 to Licenses OPR-70 & DPR-75respectively, providmg four addl mods lo radologeal effluent Tech Specs seued m Amends 59 & 28 to Le-                                 850e000707IE info Notre 85-046. "Clanfcation of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-conses DPR-70 & DPR-75. respectwely Goacave Surfere Contammanon Urruts for Transport Pachages" Swc het anci VARGA.S A Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/28.14pp. 30776 336-30776.349                                         JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post 830103). 85/06/10. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.124pp 31043 301
     -4500000371 Safety evaluehon supportng Amends 63 & 34 to Lcenses DPR-70 &                                           31044 064 DPR-75,respectivery
  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector. 85/05/28 2pp 30776 350' 4506100272Adwmes Ihat noe Tube-bne Aten0s.identfied as potentally refectable per 30776 351-NDE on 850226. replaced w/quahfied carton steel fithngs mutatied under closely su-weldmg.completog response to IE Bullets 8306 8506100554 Forwards Amends 64 & 36 to Lcenses DPR-70 & DPR-75. respectwely & EILLC A. Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 85/06/11.

safety evaluation. Amends revise Tech Specs to correct eetonal errors & typos m MURLEY,T L Regan t. Offce of Ovector 2pp 30975 255 30975 256. Amends 59 & 28. FISCHER.D C. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1 85/05/30. MCNEILLC A. Poenc Servce 8506240904 Ack recespt of 850502 Itr Informmg NRC of steps taken to correct volabens Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 3pp. 30964101-30984142- noted e insp Repts50 272/8446 & 50-311/8448 Correctrve & prevenDve actons wdl be esammed dunne future esp

     -8906100557 Amends 64 4 36 to Lcenses DPR-70 & DPR-75.respectnrefv, revemg                                          EDNE7ER.S D Regon 1. Offee of Drector 85/08/17.MCNEILLC A Pubhc Sennte Tech Specs to correct estanal errors & typos m Amends 59 & 28                                                    Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp. 3t061.326-31061331-t1ARGA.S A. Operatog Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/30 37pp. 30984.104-30984140.

8508140240IE Info Notco 85-047. Potenbal Effect of One. induced Operaten on Cer-4606100064 Safety evaluaten supportog Amends 84 8 36 to bconses DPR-70 & tan Target Rock Sowated vanes " Svc hst erict OPR 75.respecDwefy JORDAN.E L Division of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post a

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector.- 85/05/30. 2pp. 30984141- 830103) 85/06/18 Consohdated Essen Co. of New Y Inc. 34pp. 31268157-i E3964.142. 3 t268.304.

i 8806240211 Requests that Reqpon I be advmed of miended plan of acton & tmetable #5o8140636 IE Info Notco 85448. *Resprator Users Nobce Defectwo Self4catamed a for deshng w/Anegaton Rt8>A4066 sutputted m anonymoue850515Itr to alleged tireathmg Apparatus As Cyhnders

  • Svc het enct weaknesses e OA program. Response requested witrun I ws of Itr receipt. JORDAN,E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post STAROSTECMI.R. Hegon 1. Offce of Drector 85/06/03 MCNEILLCA PutAc Serv- 830103) 85/06/19 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.123pp. 31376.064-tco Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp. 31203 220-31203 221. 31376.183
,    4506290113 Forwards tabular summary of key results frorn regonal survey of platt-spo.                             0600250300 Forwards Safety Irmo Repta 50-272/85-12 8 50-311/85-13 on 850507-

! csfc mio re potenhal for uncoreolled radeten exposures a vvvR cavmes.per JG Part- 31 One volaton roted implementaten of A. ~-a m 640607 response to NRC EDw 850315 request No further genanc acton needed. 840508Itr vermeli T AYLOR,J M Drector's Offee. OMme of inspecton and Enforcement 85/06/18. COLUNS.SJ Regnn 1. Offce of Drector 85/06/21 MCNEtLL,C.A. Pibhc Sennce , MURLEY.1 E. Regon 1, Offce of Drector. 9pp. 31211.322-31211330. Electnc 4 Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp. 31198 090-31198.110. 1 i


    -4605250379 Inso Repts50-272/8512 & 50 311/8513 on 850507-31.Velation in aree                      $506120073 Foal response to FOtA request for documents to Commason meetmo m of secunty & two urvesolved noms noted Maior areas mapected operatonal safety                     June-Aug 1984 re ettects of earthquakes on plant emergency preparedness Forwards venhcanon.rname observatens & teensee event fonowup review                                        Apps C a E documents.Apps D & F documents withhead (ref FOtA Enempton 5)

LIMROTH.D F NORRHOLMLJ. Regen 1. Offce of Drector 85/06/18. 16pp. FLLTON.J M Dnnsson of Rules and Records. 85/02/07. BELL.N Nuclear information 31198.092-31198.110. & Resource Serwce. 6pp. 30862 001-30862 041.

                                                                                                         !: . _ . 7 Staff requrements rnemo re840803Comrrussen voie to rutiate genere R. Portodic operating reports & reisted cerroepondence                                                rulemakm0 on effects of earthquakes on emergency planrung Order approved to com-pica         effects of earthquakes on Diatilo Canyon emer 8506210447 "1984 Annual Emnron Operatmg Rept (Nonradologmall" W/ undated Itr.                         CH                            N           '                              '

g '1 0862 30862

  • Put*c Servce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 84/12/31.MURLEY T E. Regen
1. Ottco of Drector. 20pp. 31058 010-31056 029.
                                                                                                       -4500120064 Feare nnel nrmons of dmunang wews on Dabeo Canyon crews re
    $500000647 " NPDES Dmcharge Moratonng Rept for Apr 1985." W/850521 Itr                                          e"                            ""'"'              '        * " * *
  • RONAF ALVY,J P Put*c Servce Electnc a Gas Co of New Jersey 85/04/30. order RCDOW.E. New Jersey. State of.18pp. 30768153-30768.173.

QSTINE.J K Commissoners. 84/08/10. CHILK.Sa Ofhce of the Secretary of N Commmmon.17pp. 3086100740862 028. [ 8500030306 Forwards " Nuclear Dept Response to Sixth Ouarterty Rept of Nuclear -8500120159Adeses that Commasen response to sutcommetse840809 request for i Oversght Commntee." Response addresses areas of concem re SALP rept & backlog documents re effects of earthquakes on - preparedness MCN L. Put>c Electne & Gas Co of New Jersey 85/05/24. ""'g*4ng VCRGA.S A. Operating Reactors Branch 1.1p. 30674 053 30674 061. hARKEY.E.J. House of Rep. Intenor & Insular Affart. 84/09/17. PALLADINO.N J.

     -4500030315 *huclear Dept Response to Sutth Quarterly Rept of Nuclear Oversight Committee "                                                                                      4600120144 Forwards transcnpts of closed Commason meesngs & SECV-84-291 m
  • P#c Servce Eksetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 85/05/20 7pp 30674 054- response to 840917 requestDocuments transmnted per 840921 ageoment to pre.

20674 061. serve & tmeted to irnemal sutcommntee use. PALLADINO,N J. .. _m 84/09/21.MARKEY.E. House of Rep. Intenor & In. 8506200302 Monthly operanno rept for May 1965 W/850610 fir. sular Affarm. tp. 30862 040-30862.040. RONAF ALVY J P.. ZUPKO.JM Put*c Sennce Doctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 85/ 05/31.16pp. 31020239 31020 254. ~4500130172 Notifies of 841005 teicon w/ Congressman Markey re Datdo Canyon eenscnptsCommasen encouraged to reiease documentsConcems re Commesen actons stated. DOCKET 50 275 DIASLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UsHT 1 PALLADINO.NJ. Commasoners 84/10/05. ROBERTS, ASSELSTINE. BERNTHAL Commasoners.1p. 30862 041-30862 041. E. NRC Safety Evaluat6on Report (SER), suppie & c..eepondence 8500000578 Forwards Insp Repts $4275/8522 & $0 323/85-15 on 85040412 & 22 26 No volaton noted. 8500040657 FOIA request tar documents generated in connecton w/SSER 22 KIRSCH.D.F. R 5. Otrce of Drector. 85/05/15. SHIFFER.J D. Pacifc Gas 4 (NUREG46751 re operanon of faceties wtucn proeded further hndmgs on wtustie. Electnc Co. 2pp. 768 204 40768 213. 1 E ON.C Govemment Accountatzhty Protect 84/09/13.Offce of Admm, -4500000563Inso Repts %275/8522 & 50-323/8515 on 85040812 & 22-28 No vo-stratert 1p. 30723.06530723 065. laten or decation noted Maior areas inspectect impiamentaion of fre protecten pro-8500040$00 Partel response to FOIA request for documents generated m correcten LLS.P, YOUNG.T., DODOS.R. Regen 5. Omco of Drector. 85/05/15. 8pp i w/SSER 22.NUREG-0675 re operaten of facetes. App A documents avadatse n 30768 206 30768 213. TON.J M Diwson of Rules and Records 64/11/18 DEVINE.T., OlxON.C. Gov- 8500030504 Forwards Rev 3 to Sectens & V of San Leas Otuspo County emer-ernment Accountatniity Proiect app.30723 06430724 160. ggne Wo

      $500040501 Partet response to FOIA request for documents re Ofc of Inspector &                      Drech 1p. 30679N306704a
                                                                                      ^ "'"'"

l [e t Yw mempton 5 FELTON.J M Ormson of Rules and Records 84/12/11. DEVlNE,T. Govemment Ac. 0506200439 Forwards Emergency Preparedness insp Repts 50 275/8518 4 50'323/ 85-18 on 850408-12 & 22-26 No ve6 sten noted.

<        countabshty Protect 10pp. 30737.200-30739 215.                                                   WENSLAWSKI.FA R                      5. Oftce at Drector 85/05/30.SHIFFER.J D. Pac fc Gas 1                                                                                                          & Electnc Co.1p. 310 .123-31020129.

K NC No Dr A non 84/07/ -8506200446insp Rept %275/8M8 & %323/8M8 on 850408-12 & 22-26. No ma-T IT . NRC - No De- lahon or noted Maior areas 6 changes e ernergency plan w/rn. taded Afhkaton Gsvert 1p. 30738 267-30738 289 --

                                                                                                                   .; gedures knowiedge & performance of dunes & bcensee audits 850e100006 Forwards Pew I to "Semmca inchaced Sys interacton Program." final                             OE24-3102tf129 rept.documentog results of program for           2 & lulfdhng commitment m SSER F R D Pacee G &E inc                     E04          NIGH O GW Lcensing                             8             "P                     $*                '8            "$*           " ~

Branch 3. 2pp. 30786 001-30789 014. 8E've##ted WENSLAWSKI,FA R 5. Othee of Drector.65/06/04. SHtFFERJD. Pacdc Gas 4500070040 Forwards SSERs 28-31 W/o encia CINIGHTON.G W troneng Branch 3. 85/05/20 SHIFFERJ D. Pacife Gas & Electe -8608240402 Insp Repts SCL275/8513 & 5&323/8583 on 85041519 No volaten or Ca 4pp. 30799 02&30799.031- donatort noted Maior areas mapacted 0eneral radeten protecten trammg

                                                                                                           & implementaten of NUREG4737. Items il B 3 & 11 .1 & plant tours.

8506240423 Forwards foal rept on poemay structures to asset staff revew.per SSER GARCIA.E M. CILLS.M. YUHAS.G P. Regen 5. Offce of Drector. 85/06/04. 7pp. 29 Rept mcludes coneobdaten of all proveus audit followup responses grven to NRC 31202 13431202-142.

          & addresses SSER 29 csv4/swuctural 4 ems.

SHIFFER.J D. Pacsfc Gas & Electre Co. 85/06/10. KNIGHTON.G W. Lcensmg 4506110006 Forwards reveed Enci 2 to utd 850529 Le DCL-85-196 Rev corrects idents Branch 3. Ip. 3123127441231352. fcaten of mfo re tes to implemenbng procedures. SHiFFER D. Pacafe Gas & lectnc Co. 55/06/06 MARTIN.J B. Regen 5. Office of

      -4506200435 "Poeway Struc1ures" fmal rept                                                             Drector. 3pp. 30818 20130816.203.
  • Pacshc Gas & Electne Co.85/06/30. 78pp. 31231.275-31231.352.

8506250410Confrms telcon re irwtm arrangements for NRC coren0ency telem 8506190300 Forwards add into on Urvt 2 annulus support columns subt to let impen0e- muncatons at emergency operatens .Utd eshmate for labor & matte to accom-ment loading per Alleganon 163 m SSER 28 Effect of thermal anel powth of support phah hated tasks requested. on concrete slab at 140Jt elevaten included.Acnon complete for toth ursts- WENSLAWSKI.F.A. Regon 5. Offre of Drector. 85/06/20.SHIFFERJ D. Pacanc Gas SHIFFERJ D. Pacife Gas & Electnc Ca 85/06/14. KNIGHTON.G W. Lcenung & Electnc Ca 2pp 31180 293-31180 294. Danch 3. 3pp. 30996 351-30997.003. 3506250367 Confrms complebon of mods to uppade Urut 1 core est thermocouple sys 8008290357

                                                                                                            & mstaliation    Conhrms
                                                                                                                                & testegcompleton         of mods to of Urwt 2 radianon         upgraderate exposure    Une      1 core exit thermn=nie morutors.per      SS      sh
          & metananon & lesang of Urvt 2 radenon exposure rate morvtors,per 55ER                            31.NUREG-0737,nem 11 F.2 & Rev 3 to Rep Guide 1.97.

31.NUREG4737.nem 11 F 2 & Rev 3 to Reg Guide 197. SHIFFERJ D. Pacihc Gas & Elecinc ca. 85/06/21. KNIGHTON.G W. Lconomg SHiFFER,J D Pacdc Gas & Elecac Ca 85/06/21. KNIGHTON.G.W Lcensmg Branch 3. 2pp. 31180.360L31180361. Branch 3. 2pp. 31180 360 311110361 850527040s Forwards Ofc of Inveshgatene summary of mvestigaten for Case 5-83402 re allegatons of falsihed & madequate secunty personnel backpound .~ , F. 8eenarfly, meeleal, emergency a fire protectlen plans by Pmherton's Inc No volator e noted. SCARANO.RA Regan 5. Omco of Drector 85/06/24. SHIFFERJD. Pacdc Gas &

'                                                                                                           Eleckc Ca Mpp. 3437h31237J63.

e506110135 Forwards pubhc verson of reused emergency glan implementmg procedures.mclueng Rev 1 to EP OP4.1," Reactor inp Response & Rev 5 to EP G.

3. "Nothcanon of Offste Orgarwzahona" -

SHIFFER.J D. Pacdic Gas & Electre Ca 85/02/04 MARTIN.J S. Regon 5, Othce of G aP~Y C'"P'"8'"" Drector. 4pp. 30836.305 30837.001 0000200000Decemn ALAB-411 findmg that Urut 2 venhcahon program sufhcient to es.

       -4000110146         Pubhc versen of rewmed emergency plan                        , - y,               tabhsh that iconeng cntene met Lcense authonraton granted by ASLB ruual documn
                      .mclueng Rev 1 to EP OP41,
  • Reactor Trip Response" & Rev 5 to EP G- remams enectve Served on 850627.
            . Nothcoton of Offste Orgaturabonsa                                                              SHOEMAKER.CJ. Atome Safety and Lcenomg Appeal Panel. #265 604. 85/06/27 SHIFFERJ.D. Pacrhc Gas & Elecsac Ca85/02/04. 56pp. 30836.309 30637.002.                            26pp. 31256 I16-31256.143.

i i 4

                                  .                        _               . , , ,                m_._                   _         .           _                    ,              . . _ ,              .      --    --._

68 DOCKETEDITEMS J. Insurance & Indemnity information -4500050156 Forwards Otc of inspector & Austor $40801 rept te fachbes HERR.F. Offee of inspector & Auetor 84/08/06 COMBS.F, Ofhce of Congressenal 0606140426 Forwards Endorsement 44 to hEUA Poicy NF-228 & Endorsement 15 to Affans. to 30739 214-30739 215 MAELU Polcy MF-103. CRANE.P A Pacec Gas & Electnc Co. 85/08/11 SALTZMAN.J D. Asmstant Drector -4500050169 Docusses Devme 840725 firwthdrawng allegatons agamst NRC con-tar State & Lzensee Relatens. 2pp. 30898 038-30898 038 commg faceties Devne ested " coverup" as reason for witheawal Possehty exists that GAP tryng to evoke emotional response & cloud hbgated asue SMITH.R M. Othce of Inspector & Auditor 84/08/01 MESSENGER.G H Offee of Ir> O. Advisory Commettee on Reector Safeguards reports A c-., spector & Auditor. 2pp 30738 301-30738 302. 8500070048 Forwards comments of ACAS consultants ce facety sammc reevaluaten -4500050185 Discusses 840723 & 24 leicons e/T Devrie re facery proaram based on docussens at ACRS subcommrttee 850321-22 meetmga evestigsten Devme meermed that ads witnesses may not be meerwewed unless need kNIGHTON.G W Lcensing Branch 3. 85/05/17.SHIFFER.J D Pacmc Gas & Electne to do no develops Devne announced withdrawal of anegatons Co. 4pp 30799 013-30799 023. SMITH.R M Orfce of inspector & Auditor 84/07/27. Oftce of Inspector & Auetor.

      -4000070052 Comments on ACRS Stecommittee on Extreme Extemal Phenomena 850321-22meetngs.ACRS should monitor somme dos gn marges proyarri closefy to                     8506120432Further response to 8409t3 FOIA request to 840812                    essonal bnel-ensure results & program remam on schedule for 3- compieten                                                                                                                     .

POMEROY.P W RondoiA Associates. Inc. POME Y.P W ACRS Advoory Commit- QonTONJpiantMForwards Diwsson of app documents. Rules Documents and Records 85/02/01. also avmiable DEVINE.T. m Government Ac. toe on Reactor Sa . 85/04/28.SEISS.C OKRENT.D. SAytO.R. AGRS Adv> countabihty Propect 6pg 30881037 30882 247. sory Comtruttee on Sateguards. 2pp. 30799 017-30799 023.

                                                                                                          -8406210040 Forwards responses to H Myers 840410 questons re auet at                 & qual.

ny precaces employed m early const phase Responses to be mcluded m man P. Operating Rcense stage documente & corteependence book for 840814 Udas heanngs 86J0040691 Partal response to FOIA request for documents re Ofc of inspector & U,R g MME E .C Ofta of Cong ans 30882 2 284 Auster rept by R Smim on cons of staff misconduct of fac*ty App A documents encs & in POR Document 1 of B withheid (ret FOIA Exempten 5). FELTON.J M Deanon of Rules and Records 84/12/11. DEVINE.T., OlXON.C Gov. -4408210045 Requests IE staff w/OA evpertse respond to Congressman Udall 840523 audit rotated f emment Accountabsty Proiect 10pp. 30737.200-30739 215.

      -4402210404 Commason m/rdo on status of staff resciubon of aaeganons &

lb N Sves rector for Operanons. tp.30881 083-30881 172 concems re demon.const 4 operaten of facety as apphcable to Commessen doisbera-ten on piant for crecahty & low power tesang. -4506120471 Identrhes rWo to plant teenseg scnon per840812bnefmg Mapr maues DIRCKS.W.J. of the Execumve Drector for Operatens SECY-84481. 84/02/ stiu under rewww are piping & supporis.resoluten of certain anegahons a sammc 08.12pp. 30737.210 30737.311. desagn base revalidation program plan.S Trubatch memo ence. ZERBE.J E. Ottce of Pohey Evaluanons 84/08/13 PALLADINO GILINSKY, ROB- - -8400070365 Forwards 840503 10CFR2208 poston Esd by Govt Ar:a.4.L.;a[ ERTS Commeneners 5pp. 3068134430881.353. Protect re conduct at NRC persormel evolved m kcensang revew for factly W/o enc LIE BERMAN.J. Regonal Operanons & Erworcement Dmeson. 84/05/15. -4606120478 Pruents owwwww of romaning actons & bcenang milestones to fur MESSENGER.G. Othce of mopector & Austor.1p. 30738 088-30738 253- poww decisionjow poww adludcanonJDVP review.attegabons of


R YAN P W 04 22 7 3 3073 338 A CH L NRC - No ten 84/08/13. NRC No Detailed Affmanon Grven. $pp.30881-354-30882 114 I -Samenese Forwards GAP 2208 pochon for canadersten,per Commasen 840413 rnemorandum & order. *.4608120490 Prowdes schedule for warmup re Udas committee heann0 Subts to be TRUBATCH.S L Othee of the Generaf Counset 44/04/18. MESSENGER.G Offee of docussed retude legal asues. status of plant & rowews.Commason gesemony & doch inspector & Au$ tor HAYES.B B. Offce of Investigsten.1p. 30737.33S30738 012. saan to orant full power authonration Ouestens for staff enct PALLAOINO.N.J. C#- _i 84/06/11. Comrrassoners. 8pp 30882 11 5

      -gmamaa Affdevit of C Stokes re mas falso statements & other owdence that could                          30882.120.

compromme quatty of tachty Maconduct sworres procedure quahfcaten tests & piant mods dun- W functonal testeg Supportng sWo enct -8608120495 Responds to850518 request for meetmg to Nuclear Sycs Corp aust of STOKES.C. Afhanon Not Asmgned.84/04/12. t ipp. 30738 070-30738 087. Punman-Kenogo pcmg work at plant n 1977 Late Jul suggested to meet for riformal

      -450e040715 Da-as 840719teicon w/T Rohrn.indenhty of recent Otc of Irmpector
         & Au$ tor rept re facilsty unknowetR Sawth wortung on rept to allegatons by T NdS.

30881121-30881125~ Quadres Corp. 84/05/31. PALLADINO.N J. Commasoners. 1p Dewme hang documentaton enct BOWER.H 84/07/19 MESSENGER.G H. Offce of in- ~4606120514Repsts that Commemoner remonen to ACRS840409 rept to desgn contros measures at factly be drected to Osc of Secretary by 840813 Panadmo re-l

      ~                                                                    no e                 r ed m ASSE S E                                 84/08/11. PALLADINO. GILINSKY. ROBERTS f        840      1 con"comin"g facety                 teort SMITH.R M Othee of Inspector & Austar 84/07/27. Offce of Inspector & Audrtor.                        G-- - -       -.1p. 30882-179 30862.247 8pp. 30738 290-30738 297.

8508120073Fnal response to FOIA request for documents re Commisson meehng e

      -8400040734 Forwards comrnents on RM Smnh e answer to T Devne840725 str Lir                              June-Aug 1984 re eMeets of earthquakes on plant ernergency creparedness Forwards cortamed vanous derogatory comments about handhng of fac6ty ovestgatort                                Apps C a E documents.Apps D & F documents withheid tief FDtA Esempbon St MESSENGER.G H. Offce or inspector & Austor.84/08/01.PALLADirq ROBERTS,                                 FELTON.J M Diwson of Hules and Records 85/02/07. BELL.N. Nuclear informaban ASSELSTINE Commeseners.1p. 30738 298-30738 300.                                                        & Resource Senace. 8pp. 30862 00130862.041
      -8600000073 Rept of840825 27mtennow w/TM Devme re allegations resed m GAP                               :             T Staff regiarements memo re 840802 Commesson voie to grant fun power 840812 8 0503 pechons.                                                                                OLOfc of General Counsed requested to prepare order SMITH.R.M Offes of Inspector & Auctor. 84/07/02. 9pp. 30738 307 3073a 318                             CHILK.SJ. Offce of the Secretary of the Commesert 84/08/07 DIRCKS.W.J. Offee W e recu o reew for Operatone. tp. N N2-30862.N2.
      . asaamaansa Responds to                      by Charman ofc re             esciosure of rept of m-py,nn,,n;at ;,e,, w,o ;22T 'a=a"                                   = 'a a c= == =                - 0.uciu Seppo,,s ,see                of .- o, Co,rv,vss.,- ,e D. Ca.

M SSENGE H . 84/08/13. PLAINE,H. Offee of the gN$ ' a 84/10/09 NRC . No Detaled A896aton Grven. Ip. 30882.038-30861038. amamasaami Rowests that ExNtxt 10. Attachment B.Exhext 8. Attachment G & Exhibit -8406120224 Submits responses to 840907 memo re suggested Comr,useon acDons to 1.Aftachment H be removed from 840801 rept of swestgeten enstled. "Diablo 2 208 Penhon" & replaced.Name of O'Nesil & R Faher should be deleted. msnimize potenbal for delay m plant case SECY achon on COMJA-84-7 complete ME NGER.G H. Orfte of inspector & Austor.84/08/16.PLAINE.H.H Offee of the CHILK.SA Othce of the Secretary of the Commason.84/10/18 ASSELSTINE Com. General Counset 1p 30738.320-30738 320. masoners.1p. 30f'62 048-30862-058.

      -8600000104 Foneerds Ofc of Inspector & Austar 840001rept of evestiganon entood,                    eses 100876 Forwards adct efo re mtemai review program.per NRC request Summary of "Debio Canyon . 2.208 Peacon." for use m respondmg to vanous matters remed by T                       resolubon categones of Aems rowewed by irwomal renew program and Related corre.

Downe of GAP Name of O'Neig deleted from maH. spondence MESSENGER.G H. Othee of Inspector & Auster 84/08/31. MARTIN.J B. Regon 5. SHIFFER.J D. Pacshc Gas A Electne Co. #285 754. 85/02/21. KNIGHTON.G W U. Offce of Drector. #p.30738.321 30738 321. cenang Branch 3.14pp. 30824.163-30824178

      -4000060114 Submits mio from840313 meetmg w/T Downe & J Clewett from GAP &                          $606110706 Requests notecaten W parteipeton in chent clomeout bnefmgs to anega-four anagers.T Devme stated hardware problems wntten @ on memos rather than on                         tons dested RG              5,                     emD6 W M         EION of Drector. Ip. 30738:322-30738 324.

investigeten. 103 BISHOP.T W. Regen 5. Offce g g3 - 0000000123 Ack 840627 note Adeses that NRC prepared for ate ved d such west stig 8606100489 Ack receipt of850325 telegram re fonowup wWenaw of cherWs lor poneng cons Fnakzaton of wWerview schedules requested Second witness name should deered documentanon ord be W tegam pubacfy avadabie d, SHOLLEN ERG Regen 5. Othee of Drector 84/07/05. DEVINE.T. Govemment 85/03/28.SHOLLENBERGER Regort DE .T Accountabety Project.12pp. 30738.325-30738 338. 4600000144Affidev4 of H Hudson re OA breakdown for work of Pullmari Power Prod-ucts at facery OA breakdown tor weseng.NDE. hyeostanc tests. vendor QA & records 8608110151Appicanon for amend to Lconse 0448134-03.extendmg exprabon date to falshcaten docussed. 880430 Fee pad Related correspondence. HUDSON.H Punman Power Products Corp. (formerfy PuBman, inct 84/01/12. 31pp. SHIFFERJ D. Pacshc Gas & Electnc Co. #285 398. 85/03/27. DAVIS.J G. Othce of 3n739183-30739 213. Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards.Drector 1p. 30838 248-30838 248.

DOCKETEDITEMS 69 Samanten72 Forwards fmal esft rept to senal ra$aten survey of fac&ty pertormed dunng Sept 4ct 1964 Rept odl be assumed acceptable if no response recewed by 4 06250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from regonal survey of plant-spe-850422 W/c enet. cdc mfo re poter'tel for uncontroaed rasation esposures m FWR cawt es,per JG Part-TIPTON W.J. EG4G. anc. 85/04/04 ivy.L Regen 5. Offce of Director tp Iow 850315 request No further generc action needed. 30673 354-30673 354. TAYLOR.J M Drector s Offre. Offce of Inspecton and Erdorcement 85/06/18 MURLEY.T E. Regen t. Ottce of Drector 9pp 31211322-31211330. 8606100744 Acts recept of 650327 Itr to 850321 planned closecut bnefmg for GAP chents Snenng scheduled on 850502.per 850400teicon Requests trnes for teicons. 0506200676 Forwards summary of NRC850522 meetm0 w/utd NRC comments on re-SHOLLENBEHGER Regen 5. Ottice of Drector 85/04/09 DEVINE.T. Govemmerit evaluation program discussed Accountabdrty Protect to 30803 073-30803 073 kNIGHTON G W Lcenseg Branch 3. 85/06/18. SHiFFER.J D. Pacste Gas & Electre Co. 4pp 31239 311-31239 317 8506130463 Conferns arrangernents re telcons planned n/ GAP chents on 850502 & 15 SHOLLENBERGER Regen 5. Othee of Drector 85/04/19 DEVtNE.T. Govemment -4506180522 Forwards summary of 850522 rnootm0 w/PGSE & consultants re NRC Accountabihty Protect 1p. 30891054-30891.054. comments on samme reewatuabon program. Schedule for furtner program evaluaten drawn up 4 format for future evaluatons agreed upon 8506100006 Forwards Rev 1 to "Seemcany induced Sys Interacton Program." feel REITER.L. Geosciences Branch. 85/06/11 KNtGHTON.G Lcenung Branch 3 3pp 31239 315-31239 3 t ? rept.documentme results of program for Urvt 2 & furfdhng comrmtment m SSER 11 NRC we be nethed when a8 mods & fmal inso complete tor Urwt 2 SHIFFER.J D. Pacdc Gas & Electre Ca 85/04/22 KNIGHTON.G W Lcenseg 8506250397 Forwards proposed rev to Tech Specs to admewstratwo controis for startup Branch 3. 2pp 30786.00130709 014 repts.RCS rehet verwes. loose part detecten sys instrumentaten & bases for electreal power sys Formal hcense amend wdl be provided withm 90 days

                     -4606100002 Rev 1 to "Seismcany Induced Sys interaction Program." fmal rept                           SHIFFEH.J      D Pacdc Branch 3.1p 31180         Gas & Electnc Ca 85/06/20. kNIGHTON.G W bconsmg 34531180:356
  • Pacdc Gas & Electre Ca85/04/22, 1.09200 30786 003-30789 014 8506110700 Forwards Rev 1 to seesmically. induced sys eteracton program feel empt -0506250407 Proposed Tech Specs re admrustratwo contrais for startup repts,RCS documentmg Unit 2 resutts Urut 2 eteracton data sheets wel be outmtted witfun 90 rehet valves. loose part detecten sys instrumentaten & bases for electncal power sys.

days Wlo enct Related correspondence.

  • Pacifc Gas & Electnc Co.85/06/20.11pp. 31180 346-31180.356.

SHIFFER.JD conseg Branch Pacmc Gas & Electnc 267-

3. 2pp 308J2.266-30832 Co e285 749 85/04/22. KNIGHTON.G W Li-4906200229 Requests addi mfo re response to Genenc Lir 83-28Jtems 2.1.2 2 3.4 4 & 4 5.rcluchng process of cia equipment as safety-relat-8400000231 Requests addl info re Genenc Ler 83-28. Item 12 re post-enp am for sa ted cornponents recee Marked-up techrucal evakaanon rept for fac*ty.w/wwhal results onct. ed & desenpeon KNIGHTON.G W trensm0 of utd/

Branchvendor 3 85/vo interface pry /20. SHIFFE .J D Pacdc Gas & Elect KNIGHTON.G W Leenang Branch 3 85/05/20.SHtFFER.J D. Pacdc Gas & Electre Ca 5pp. 31268 308-31268 312 Co 18pp. 30700 340 30780.357. 8600040190 Forwards apphcanon for amend to Lcense DPR-80.consstm0 of Lcense ' - - " Amend Request 8505.rewsmg Tech Spec Sectons 6818912.43331.3336.37.1.1&477 Fee omd. 4600040600Parbal swsponse to FOLA row for documents generated a connecten SHIFFER.J.D. Pacec Gas & Electne Co 85/05/30 DENTON,H R Offce of Nuclear w/SSER 22.NUREG-0675 re ogeration of fachhes. App A documents avadable m Reactor Regulabon, Drector 1p. 30702:324-30702.335.

                    -4600040197 Appicahon for amend to Lcense DPR-80.conssting of Lcense Amend Q            y countabety Protect. 4pp. 30723 06&30724160.

t 8545.revemg Tech Spec Sectons 681.6912.4333.1,3.336.37.1.1 & SHIFFER.J D. PacAc Gas & Electnc Ca 85/05/30.1p. 30702 32530702 325. Concrete Empansen Anchors e Poe Hanger instanatens? Supporbng documentaten encl-

                    -4600040201 Proposed Tech Spec Sectens 68.1.691.2.43331.3.336.3.7.I1 &                                RUNYAN.J.P. Kellogg Co.77/01/17. 299pp. 30723 07f%30724008.


  • Pacdc Gas & Electne Ca65/05/30. topp 30702 326-30702-335
                                                                                                                         "^^^ ^^ Rev 6 to OCP-0 "OC Procedure for installabon & Insp of Stud & Shen Concrete Expanson Anchors."
                    $506040218 Forwards apphcaten for amend to Lcenses DPR.80 & DPR-81, conashng
  • Foley. Inc.83/11/07.16pp 30724 009-30724 024.

of Amend Remest 85-06.rewsmg Tech Spec Secson 6.5 22 to change composton of GONPRAC to reflect reorgaruzabon of nuclear power generaten Fee pani a 4000040574 Rev 2 to G14 " Procedure for inspectmg Gnd " SHtFFER.J D Pacec Gas & Electnc Co 85/05/30. DENTON.H.R. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatori, Drector.10 30703 244 30703,252. TENNYSON,v. Foley, Inc.78/09/29. 21pp. 30724 025-30724 082

                    -8000040224 Apptcaten for amend to Lcenses DPR.80 & DPR41.consstmg ci                           -8600040600 Forwards resufts of reven of elecWcal contractor map records re use of amend Requese 65 06.rewsng Tech Spec Secton 8 5 2 2 to change composton of                       concrete expensen anchors e electncal raceway supports Ack of receipt of mall requested Supporbng documentabon enct GONPRAC to reflect reorgaruzaban of nuclear power generston.

SHIFFER.J.D Pacifc Gas & Doctnc Ca85/05/30.1p. 30703 247 30703 247, SCHUYLER.J 0. Pacdc Gas & Electe Ca 84/02/16. MARTIN.J B. Regen 5, Office of Drector. 72pp. 30724 083-30724160.

                    -4600040234 Proposed Tech Spec Secten 6 522.changeg cornposton of GONPRAC 10 refisct reorgarazaten of nuclear power generaton.                                        4600040691 Parbel response to FOIA request for documerts to Ofc of inspector &
  • Pacifc Gas a Electnc Ca85/05/30. 5pp. 30703 248-30703 252.

Auditor r by R Struth on tons of staff eneconduct of finchty App A documents enct & m Document t of B withneld (ret FOIA Esemphon 5). 8600040150 Forwards apphcanon for amend to Lcense DPR40.changmg Tecri Specs FELTON.JProtect.10pp. countabety M Diwson of30737.200-30739 Rules and Records. 215.84/12/11. DEviNE.T. Govemment Ac-3 8 21 & 3 8 2 2 re etectrcal power sys (battery sets & assocated char i Fee pad. SHiFFER.J D. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co 85/05/31. DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector 1p. 30702.307-30702.313 -4000060134 Forwards descnpbon of items of concem to demon & const identified on NRC 640411 map of tacahty wiselected anonymous allegers & util resoluten Supporbng documentaten enci.

                   -4000040146 Apphcanon for amend to Lcense DPR-80.changmg Tech Specs 3 8 21 &

3 8 2 2 re electncal power sys (battery sets & assaceted chargers) SCHUYLER,J O. Pacec Gas & Electre Ca 84/05/02. MARTIN.J B Regen 5. Othee 01 Drector. 206pp 30738 337-30739182. SHIFFER.J D. Pacmc Gas & Elecinc Ca85/05/31.1p. 30702 J08-30702,308

                   -4600040172 Proposed Tech Specs 382.1 & 3.822re elecincal power sys (battery                     4606260060 FOIA request for as records a mfo re vendor insp Branch 840229 Rept sets & assocated chargers).                                                                       99900840/83-01at Cardmal industnai Products Corp that menton Dablo Canyon.
  • Pacec Gas & Electnc Ca85/05/31. $pp 30702.309 30702.313. DEvtNE.T. Govemment Accountabiiny Protect < 85/02/01. Offre of Admrustraten.

2pp. 31059 325310"J 326. 9506190136 Responds to NRC 850522 comments to claMy ubi 650130 term see mc program plan.No new studes or mvesbganons proposed Adc2 mfo was prowded 9406350067 Responds to FOiA request for records re Vendor Inno Branch 840229 Rept m propens repts & at mesengs o;nng course of progam. 99900840/83 01 at Carenal industnal Products Corp that menten Diablo Canyon Forwards App A documents. Apps A & B documents avadable m PDR. SHiFFER.J D. Pacec Gas & Elecine Co 85/06/11 DENTON.H R. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector. 30pp 30995.057-30995 086. FELTON.JProtect. M Drnson countabety 3pp. of Rules 31059 and Records 327-31059 363. 85/03/04 DEVINE T. Govemment Ac-8008240000 Lists comments re Draft Order 85101 concoming waste escharge regure. 0606130027 monts for facsktes 1 to IE Info Notee 84-55.

  • Seal Table Leaks at PWRs.* Svc hat enct JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post HOWE.H.M 2pp. 31204.237Pacmc 31204Gas 238.& Elecine Ca 85/06/12. JONES.K.R. Cakfome. State of. 830103) 85/05/14. Conschdated Edison Ca of New York. Inc.107pp. 31044 065-31044 171.

0606270111 Forwards "Altemate Pre ,in Evaluaten & Heat Treatment Opemrzaten Squees." per Pronson D 8 of ,sermit. 0806130030 Suppl 1 to IE Info Notco 85020. " Motor-Operated Vafve Fadures Due to Hammenng Effect" Svc hst enct. KDWE,H M Pacec Gas & Enoctnc Ca 85/06/12. JONES.K R. Cakfome. State of. 24pp. 31239'272-31239296. JORDAN.E L Diwson of Erriorgency Preparedness & Ergneenna Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14. Conschoated Essort Co. of New York. Inc.107pp. 31044172-31044 278. 0808100132 Forwards adcs mfo re Lconse Amend Request 85-07 on battery charger rehab4ty & detgfl analyWs to support pos bon on acceptabety of operaton m alter, neio charger abgnment for penods of 14 days.per request. genaam21 Forwards insp Repts50-275/8519 & 50-323/8519 on 850422-26 No wo . labons or dewateris noted SHtFFER.J D. Pacdc Gas & Electne Ca 85/06/14 DENTON.HR. Offee of Nuclear KIRSCH,D F. Regen 5. Office of Drector. 85/05/15. SHIFFER.J D. Pacife Gas & Reactor Regulabon, Drector. 9pp. 30975 352-30975 360. Electnc Co. 2pp. 30768 001-30768 007. 0000210326 Responds to Genenc Lir 8542. " Staff M .. A Actons Stemming Frorn NRC Integrated Program for Resoluton of Unresolved Sately issues to Steam -9600000424insp Repts 55275/8519 & $0-323/8519 on 850422 26 No wolaten or Generator Tube integrey veuel maps of steam generators dunne startup. dewabon noted Masor areas inspected IE bunetos.crculars. nonces & outstandmg open aerns. SHtFFER.J D. Pacific Gas & Electnc Co 85/06/17. THOM .H L Dreson of L> com 13pp. 31033 02tL31033 038. PEREIRA.D B. DODDS,R. Regen 5. Office of Drector. 85/05/15 $pp. 30768.003 30768 007.

4 I i t 70 DOCKETEDITEMS 8500000578 Forwards insp Repts 50-275/85 22 & %323/8515 on 850408-12 & 22 4506140240IE Info Notre 85 047, " Potential Effect of Lee-6nduced Operaton on Car-28 No volanon noted tain Target Rock Solenoid-Operated Valves." Svc hst orci KIRSCH.D.F Regon 5. Offce of Drector. 85/05/15. SHIFFER.J D. Pacdc Gas & JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post Elecirt Co. 2pp. 30768 204-30768 213 830103) 85/06/18 Consohdated Edison Ca of New York. Inc.134pp 31268157-31268 304.

         -4508060583lesp Repts50-275/8522 & 50-323/8515 on 850408-12 & 22-26. No vo-lanon or dewaton noted Magir areas espected anplementaten of fre protecton prt>                                                 8506140636 IE into Notre 85048, "Resprator Users Notre Defectwo Sefftontamed cram.                                                                                                                              Breattung Apparatus At Cyhnders" Svc hst enct.

QUALLS P., YOUNG.T. DODDS.R Regon 5, Office of Drector 85/05/15 8pp. JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 830103). 85/06/19 Conschdated Esson Co of New York inc.123pp. 31378 064-30768 206 30768 213. 31376 183 8506200580 IE trdo Notre 85039. "Auctatukty of Elecincal Ecppment @aufcaton Records at Lcensees Facikenes? Svc hst enct R. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence S JORDAN.E L Dwoon of Emergency Preparockiess & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22 Consondated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.106pp. 30837 258-30837 2 8506070444 " Annual Envron Operatmg Rept (Part BL1984 " W/850429 ltr. Related cor-8505200000 IE Info Notre 85040. "Defciencies in Ecypment Quakfcaton Testmg & 'SHNb Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. e285 861. 84/12/31 MARTIN.J B Regen 5. Certdcaton Process." Svc hst encl Offre of Drector 19pp 30798 241-30798 259 JORDAN.E L Dreson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Pest 830 3 85/05/22. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. f06pp. 30848166- 8506100056 " Personnel Euposure & Moretonng Rept,1984 " W/850325Itr. Related cor-respondence. SHIFFER.J D. Pocdc Gas & Electnc Co e2f 5 292. 84/12/31 BASSETT.H.S. Divison 8505280181 IE trdo Notte 85042, " Loose Phosphor e Panasoruc 800 Senes Badge of Automated informaron Sennces. BROOKS.B informaton Systems Brancet 2pp. TLD Elements" Svc hst enct 30824 280 30824 282. JORDAN.E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 03 85/05/29 Consobdated Echson Co. of New York, int 120pp. 30852 245 8506100069 "1984 Annual Envron Operating Rept Part A,Radologsal" W/850429

                     - -                                                                                                                       Itr Related correspondence NELSON.L H , SZAttNSKl.P A SHIFFER.J D. Pacife Gas & Electre Co. e285 860.

8506280187IE info Nocce 85043, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc hat 41 t-85123 64/12/31. MARTIN.J B Regon 5, Ot'ce of Drector 9tpp. 30824182-e 30824 272. JO"ClRDAN.E L Danson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post 830103t 85/05/30. Conschaated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp 30864.167* 8504020379 *-Discharge Self-Morutonng Rept for Feb 1985." W/8503181tr 'i 30864 287. THORNBERRY.R C. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 85/02/28. JONES.K R Caldorrua, 4505280195 IE info Notre 85444," Emergency Communcaton Sys Monthly Test " Svc

-            l *"Cl                                                                                                                      8500070512 Monthly operateg rept for War 1985 W/850405 ter.

to 5 05 eson Co Y 2 pp 30864 35 j 30864.166. 8506200439 insp Repts 50-275/8518 & 50 323/ S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & rotated correspondence Emerg Prepar WENSLAWSKI,FA '4egen 5, Offee of Drector.85/05/30. SHtFFER.J.D. Pacife Gas 8506040581 Partial response to FOaA recmt for documents re Ofc of Inspector &

             & Electnc Co. tp 3f020.123-31020-125.

Auditor rept by R Strutn on aneganons et staff mesconduct of facety App A documents I enci & m POR Document 1 of App 8 withheld (ref FOiA Exempton 5L

          -8506200446Inso Repts50-275/85-18 8 50 323/8518 on 85040812 & 22-26. No vio.

laton or defciencies noted Masor areas espected changes to emergency plan w/vn. FELTON.J M Dnnson of Rules and Records. 84/12/11. DEVINE T. Government Ac-CountalMiify Progect. topp 30737.200 30739 215 piement edures, knowiedge & performance of dutses & bcensee au@ti PRENDE ST.K., FISH,R F. Regen 5. Othce of Drector 85/05/29. 6pp. 31020 124-31020 129. -8500040820 GESKE,D. M "CA Rept of W. Kenogg Accomphshed Co.84/12/11. 22pp. Job Tasks".312-30737.333Sieportog documenta 30737 8506240377 Forwards insp Repts50-275/8513 8 50 323/8513 on 850415t9 No vo-

                                                                                                                                            -8506040644 Defciency rept re througn-wall crack escovered m weld pommg steam i            sanort noted WENSLAWSKI.FA Regen 5. Orke of Drector 85/06/04. SHIFFER.J D Pacife Gas                                                           generator 12 nozzle to feedwater pipe trutiapy reported on 770318 Feedwater pipe
             & Electnc Co 2pp. 31202.134-31202142                                                                                              replaced Feel rept to be sutNTwited te fadure mecharusm CRANE P A. Affshaton Not Assigned. 77/04/15. 2pp. 30738 013-30738 069
          -8506240402Inso Repts 50w275/8513 & 50-323/8513 on 85041519 No v olaton or deviaton noted Masor areas inspected general ernpioyee ra@aton protecten trasning                                              6504040431 Part 21 rept to ressstance temp detector (RTO) cahbr anomakes e RTDs
             & wnplementaten of NUREG4737. Items 11 B.3 & 11 F 1 & plant tours                                                                 mfg by RdF Co. Safety marge assessments berg performed for operatmg plants to

! evaluate potential effects on plant Tecn Specs j GARCIA.E M , CILLS.M. YUHAS.G P. Regen 5. Offee of Drector. 85/06/04. 7pp. Elecinc Corp. 85/05/06 THOMAS.C.O. Divison of Lcens-31202.136-31202-142. RAME.E.P. Wes mg App. 30709 30709 093. 8506060677IE Info Notre 65045. " Potential Seisme Interacton inwohnng Movable b Core Flux Mapprig Sys Used m Wes Designed Plants." Svc list enct 8500030465 Speaal Rept SR 8503 on 850426.eesel generators 13 faded to restart JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency edness & E Response (Post after 24 h load run.per Sunesinance Test Procedure M-9G Caused by air in hydrauhc 830103). 85/06/06. Consondated Edison Co. of New Y , Inc. 22pp 30865 001, fluxf of governor. Governor vented. SHIFFER.J D. Pacete Gas & Electnc Co. 85/05/23. MARTIN.J B. Regor. 5, Offee of 30865 046. Drector 2pp. 30678 00130678 002. 8506200153 Forwards Inno Repts 50L275/8517 8 50-323/8517 on 850407 0525 & notce of vioiafort 8508170548 LER 8541340 on 850430. Mode 4 entered e/two ESF hmers out of Tech KIR$CH.D F Regon 5, Omco of Drector. 85/06/07. SHIFFER,J.D Pacift Gas & Spec hmits Caused by personnet fadure to verdy emer aettmgs Personnel geven addl Electre Co. 2pp. 31222123-31229.150. Warvng on importance of data W/850607 Itr. SiSK.D P , SHIFFER.J D. PiMc Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 85/06/07.

          -8506200159 Notco of violation from esp on 8504074525.                                                                                3pp. 30972.137-30972.139 DODOS.R T. Respan 5. Omco of Drector.85/06/07.1p. 3122912531229-125.

locton Caused by fadure of slave 2 5 WA regulatng wansformer W mstrument m.

          -8506200167 insp Repts 50-275/85-17 & 50-323/6517 on 850407-0525. Volanon                                                             '"erter v        %3 Transfonner molaced w/ spare & mverter retumed to svc W/850618 Itr.

notecticad timog out of spec for desef ator 85/06/18 3pp. 31180229-MENDONCA.M M., PADAUAN M L, ,T.M. Regon 5. Offce of Drector. 85/06/  %"M3 SHIFFER.JD. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co.

06. 25pp. 3122712tr31229150.

850628044 LER 854 Mon 8505Mautomate mactor inp occuned. Caused by 4500000707IE info Notco 85046. *Clanfcaton of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-eoectwo Surface Contammaton Limits for Transport Packages." Svc bst enct d'a*n"sie'nt tr Event reviewed w/apphcable personnel & procedure revised W/850618 Itr* JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post SHIFFER,J.D. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 85/06/18. 2pp. 3t274 361-24pp. 31043 301- D 830103). 65/06/10. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New Yor j 31044 064. < 8506170621 Forwards Rept of Irwestigaton 584423 on 841207 No volaDons L Hearing tranecHpts on non anmust menem i noted Maior areas investigated-allegations on contamment pressure & tempe upon steam condensanon & escrmnatory layoft for rassmg safety concem KIRSCH.D.F. R 5. Omco of Drector. 85/06/11. SCHtFFER,J.D. Pacdc Gas & $506120432Further response to840913 FOIA request to 840612 essonal bnet-i Electnc Co.1p. .205-30956 210. ing on plant Forwards app documents. Documents also avadab4e m . FELTON.J M Divison of Rules and Records 85/02/01.DEVINE.T. Gowrianment Ac-

           -8506170523 Rept of Investgaton 5-84423 allegatons on contamment presswo a                                                            countatnhty Propect. 6pp. 30881037-30881.062.

i temps upon steem condensaten & escrmna layoff for ransmg safety concem. MEEKS.R A., SHACKLETON.O C. R 5, e of Orector. HAYES.B B Offce of -8606120440 Testmony of HR Denton before House of Representatrues Menmnuttee Irwestgenort 84/12/07. 5pp 30956 30956 210. on Energy & Envron on 840614 re plant hcensmg Concems DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Oractor. 84/06/14 epp. 4608210326 Responds to Genenc Lir 8542. " Staff R .M Actone Stemmog 30881.043-30881 950. From NRC Integrated Program for Resoluten of Unresolved Safety lasues re Steam Generator Tube integnty " Voual msps of steam generators dunng startup. -8506120444 Testimony of NJ Palladmo before House of Representatves Subconmi-SHIFFER.J D Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 85/06/17. T SON.HL Division of L> toe on E & Envron on 840614 re plant hc concems. PALLADI . J. Cw . _ -. 84/06/14.10pp. 1,051-30881 962. censmg.13pp. 31033 026-31033 038. E _ ___ _, . _ . . . - - . - _ _ . _ _- . . . - - . - - -_ - , _ - .

    -               . - - -           .. - --                             -                   -= -                                                            -         - . . . . - .               . , _                     . _ - - -

l j i DOCKETEDITEMS 71 j -4506120465 Tettanony of NJ Pallaeno before House of Representatmes Subcomrmt 8506190381 Forwards "Conformance to Reg Giade 197. Peach Bottom Atorruc Power tee ors Energy & Envron on 840124 re plant ' concems Stata.Urwis 2 & 3." based on review of fL40118 subrmttal.Junhficaton for exceptons PALLADNO.N J, Comrmsseners.84/01/24.1 f pp. 1.173-30881 211 to reg acceptable Addl mfo re other items requested m 60 days ST .J F Operatmg Reactors Braricft4 85/06/03 BAUER.E G Phdadelpthe Elec-

       ~4506120525 Forwards draft Palladmo testanopy to be presented turfore House of Reo-                                                     Inc Co. 2pp 31014132 31014151.

resentatives Subcommittee on Energy & Envron on840614 re piant hcensmg con-cems. kAMMERER.C. O'fce of Congressmal Affars 84/06/11. PALLADNO. GILINSKY. -850619u426 "Conformance to Reg Guide 197. Peach Bottom Atormc Power ROBERTS Comrmssioners. 5pp. 30682 265-30882 270- Staten.Unts 2 & 3." UDY.A C EGSG Inc F6N A4483 85/03/31. NRC No Detaded Affekahon Grven 850ue0255 Further response to FOIA request for all documents re840612Congres-sonal bne Dabio Canyon Forwards transcnpt of mee Document seso evad-8506100624 Requests that coor@nated planrung effort contmue w/ state & Mcal emer-TON.J M Demon of Rules a ecor 8 Genc VINE.T_ Govemment Ac- nye ,edauthontes to assure om emergency prepareeess mciences a countabsty Project. Ip.31222.140-31222 199 LAMY R R. R 1. Orhce of Drector 85/06/04 DALTROFF,$ L Phdadelphia

       ~4506260263 Transcript of 840612 meeteg n Washngton.DC re warmup for Charman                                                            Electnc Co 2pp 793 26M3 233
         ?n Dablo Canyon Pp 159 Cv - . 84/06/12. 59pp. 31222141-31222199-                                                                                        8506100826 Notrhcaten of 850614 meetog w/utd m Bethesda MD to escuss SPOS                                                                       j GEARS.G Operatmg Fleactors Branch 4 85/06/05 STOLZ.J F Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 2pp 30823 31G J0823 311 U. Congresadonal/Esecutive Correspondence 8506120001 Requests permanent                  of annual emergency prepare @ess evercise j       8506130045 Partial response to FOIA request for all documents re NRC procedtres for                                                    from month of June to month of Oct                 euerces for 1985 would be held 851017 detecten & control of alcohol & illegal drug use by persons engaged m bidg or const                                                  if acceptable Proposed change comphes w/NUHEG 0654/ FEMA REP 1 Rev 1 FEMA 5

of nucir ar reactors or faceties Forwards App A documents. nr enct FELTON.J M. Dmwon of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ Washegton DALTROFF.S L Phdadelptha Electnc Co 85/06/05. THOMPSON H. Desen of Lk Legal Foundatiort. 55pp. 30937 047 30937157 conseg. 5pp. 30851283-30851287. j -4506130131 Inqures soout history & legaisty of NRC requrement that engmeers.even 8506100606 Forwards evaluation of each area where structural steel calculations re-9 as rentederal employees.take mandatory psychological screenng tests for employ. wealed that tre duranons & temps exceed structural steet temp acceptance cntena ment at nuclear power plant. BOYER,V S Ptwiedelptua Electnc Co 85/06/06 THOMPSON.H L. Omsson of Lcens. PANETTA.L E. House of Rep 82/03/29 PALLADINO.N C.....--. tp ing 13pp 30793 331-30794 039 30937 157-30937.157

                                                                                                                                           -8506100706 Rev 0 to " Structural Steet Analyss for Peach Bottom Generatmg 85C5120432Further response to840913FOIA teouest re840612                                  essenal bnet.                                Stanon Calculaton 24.Urut 2.3.Turtnne Bidg El 116 Ft Common Equipment Area (Be-i       mg on plant Forwards app documents Documents also evadable m
                                                                                                  .                                           neath Switchgear Rooms). Fro Area 788
  • FELTON.J M Desion of Rules and Records 85/02/01 DEVINE.T. Government Ac. MELLY.B W, DEWEY.J M. Professonal Loss Control. Inc 85/05/20. 12pp countatwirty Progect,6pp. 30881.037 30881062. 30793.344-30793 355

! -4406210050 Requests NRC tmer Subcommettee on Energy & Envron on 840614 re -4506100710 Rev 0 to "Structurai Steel Analyss tar Peach Bottom Generateg I wormngs of regulatory process of Dablo Canyon. partcular+y Nuclear Svcs Corp audit Staten-Calculaten 51.Urut 2,3.Turtune Bidg El 135 Ft Comdor to Switcngear j UDALLM K House of Rep. Intenor & insular Affars. 84/05/23. PALLADNO.N J Rooms.Fre Area 78Af* Comrmsseners. 2pp 30882 26130682 264 MELLY.B W , DEWEYJ M Professional Loss Control. Inc. 85/05/30. 12pp. 30793 356 30794 005.

       ~4506120459 Forwards revised response to Congressman L Panetta re conssderation of ASLAB 840324decisen.NRC guidelines for resoMng allegatons & rnplementation of                                                     -8506100716 Flev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyes for peach Bottom Generatmg safety mems Rev e heu of enc 5 640521 oratt PALLADN5 N J C_-_,%                                                                                                                  StationCalculaten 91.Urut 2.3.Turuine Badg El 118 Ft Resanon Chermstry Lab. Fro C,.... ~.,,.- 6pp 30881212-30881348 84/06/i3. GruNSKY. ROBERTS. ASSELSTINE                                                   Area 78C."

MELLY.B W . DEWEYJ M Professenal Loss Control, Inc. 85/05/24 5pp. 30794 006-30794 010. t 85061200.3Frel response to FOIA request for documeets re Comrrussen meetmg m June Auq 1964 re etracts ot earthquakes on plant emergenry preparedness Forwards Apps C & E documents Apps D & F documents ethheld tref FOIA Esempton 5) -8506100725 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyses for Peach Bottom Generatmg

                                                                                                                                            Stahon Calculaten 92.Urut 2.3.Turbme Badg El 116 Ft Conventonal Chermstry Lap.Fra FELTON.J M Dmsen of Rules and Records 85/02/07 BELL.N. Nuclear Informaton                                                            Area 78DJ'
         & Resource Sonnte. 600 30862 001-30862 041-MELLY.B W., DEWEY,J M. Professonal Loss CorWol. Inc.85/05/24 5pp. 30794 Of1 f
      ~4506120159 Advises that Comriusson response to siecommsttee 840809reouest for                                                                                                                                                                                                        '

documents se effects of earthouakes on ernergency preparedness unacceptacte Transcripts of closed Commssen meetings & SECY-64-291 requested -8504100731 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyts for Peach Bottom Generatmg  ; 840921 Staten Calculaton 93. Unit 2.3,Turtune Badg El 116 Ft Health Physcs Util Roorn. Fro I gARKEY.EJ House et Rep. Intenor & Insular Affars 84/09/17 PALLAONO.N J. Area 82

  • Comrmssoners to 30862 039-30862 039 MELLY.B W, DEWEY,J M Professenal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24. App. 30794 016-30794 019
       -8506120164 Forwards transcrpts of closed Conymssen mee s & SECY 84 291 m response to 840917 request Documents iransmitted per 6409 1 agreement to pro-                                                     ~8506100736 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Ana8yses for Peach Bottom Generatag Staten Casculaten 94.Urut 2.3.Turtune Bidg El 116 Ft Cooriang Room. Fro Area 78E.

LAD C .. - 84 09/ KE .E House of Rep,Intenor & In- E, W , DEWEU M Nessenal Loss ConM, Inc.85/05/24. 5pp 2794 M

 ]       sular Affars. tp.30862 040 30862 040                                                                                                           4 8506060033Dscusses Commason850225 response to E Markey841217 request fo,                                                             -8506100741 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyes for Peach Bottom Generating detaded responses to JK Asselstane entosm of Comrmsson decmen not to consder                                                        Staton.Calculaton 95.Urut 2.3.Turtune Badg El 116 Ft Clean Clothes Room. Fro Area SIEL TIN                       sener        5         MARKEY.E House of Rep, Energy &                                              MELLY.B W , DEWEY,J M Professenal Loss Control. Inc.85/05/24 5pp. 30794 025-Commerce 17pp 30782 001-30782 0t 7.                                                                                                 E794 029 V. Operator Enarn6 nations
                                                                                                                                           -8506100740 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyms for Peach Bottom Generatmg 3

Staton Calculaton 96,Urut 2.3.Turtune Bidg El 118 Ft Todet Area Fro Area 115 " MELLY.B W , DEWEY.J M. Professonal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24. $pp. 30794 030-I 8506100072 Forwards schedule tar conductmg operator exams for remamder of FY 794 034

  • R P shc & 8 099 3 BECKHAM.D.H Dive- -8506100751 Rev 0 to "Strucitaal Steel Analysis for Peach Bottom Generatry son of Human Factors Safety 3pp. 30824179-30824181. Staten Calculaton 97.Urvt 2.3.Turtune Badg El 118 Ft Jarvtor Room, Fro Area 118 MELLY.B W., DEWEY,J M Professenal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24. $pp. 30794 035-30794 039.

] DOCKET 50 277 PEACH SOTTOM AfDeMC POWER STATION, UNIT 2 p 850412,0038 st - eme gency Forwards d, raft " FEMA p, epa,edness em Regen e.e,c lil, e E e e se conduc Evalua.te.Re,c.t? ed to re8504 F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plane correct two Cat A defconcies KRIMM R W. F al Emergency Mana 85/08/07. JORDAN E L Dnn-8500040641 EN-85042 by 850530 notce of volaton & proposed imposton of crue pem antes in amount of $75.000 mil be esued Acton based on violanons re health physcs Qo merQ 306 Preparedness &gement EnginsonngAgency Response (Post 830103L 1p. I OB .P t s Offce ton and Enforcement.85/05/24 1p. ~8506120041 " FEMA Regen fit Esercme Evaluston Rept? of 850410 ewercrse 30746 307-30746 307. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 85/05/08.16pp. 30852 200-30852 215. 8606170263 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50-277/8503 & 50 278/8503 on 850107-11 i 850614047s Forwards SALP Repts 50-277/85 99 & 50-278/85-99for Jan 1984 . Mar

         & nohce of velabon.                                                                                                                  1985.per 850513 review Meetmg to decuss SALP scheduled for 850612Concems re
  • MARTsN.T.T. Regen 1. Offee of Drector 85/05/31 DALTROFF.SL Phdadelphe secunty & resologmal controis wdl be escussed.

EHcinc Co. 2pp. 30972.307 30972.319 MURLEY.T E. R 1. Offee of Drector. 85/06/07. DALTROFF.S L Phdadelphaa Electnc Co,2pp. 091-30900 150.

      -85061702es Notco of vriahon from esp on 850107-11.
  • Regon 1, Oftco of Drector.85/05/31. 2pp. 30972 309 30972'310- -8506140541SALP Repts $4277/8599 & 50-278/8599 for Jan 1984 Mar 1965.
  • Repon 1, Ofice of Uroctor.85/05/13. 58pp. 30900 093-30900150.
      -8506170200 insp Repts 50 277/8503 4 54278/0543 on 850107-11. Volanon I       notedfadure to update telephone list eor emergency use & member of emergency re-sponse orgeruzation had not receeved trarung for CY85                                                                             $506210339 Forwards revs to physcal secunty plan 4 orgaruzatonal changes.per NRC 850509 itr Revs & changes withheld (10CFR73 21 & 2 790).

TERC.N M, SMITH.R., HAWXHURSTJ. Regon 1, Offee of Drector. 85/05/30. 9pp. BRADLEY.E.J. Phdadelptua Elecinc Co. 85/06/13. Regen 1. Offce of Drector. 3pp. 30972.311 30972 319 31032 172-31032.1/4 _ ..- _-., . . - - . _ - - . _ , - , - _ , . . _ _ , - . - ,, . , , - , . - , . , - , - _ _ ~ _ - . - _ _ . . _ , _ - _ . . , . , _ . . _ .


 $808290418 Rev 11 to Emergency Plan 4 _.: Procedure EP 101. "Classdicaten                    85061103e4 Forwards rewsed schemaic of water flow for NPDES pernus apphcaten.per of Emer           " W/850820 nr                                                             850508 request.Schemate rowsed to show emergency svc water sys & escharge DALT        F.S L PNadelptus Electnc Ca85/08/20 MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Offce of              poets Drector 22pp 31198 226 31198 247.                                                           WILLSEY.W 8 PNadelptma Electnc Co 85/08/06. DONATO.J V Perrayivarma. Com-monwealth of 2pp. 30817 237-30817 238 J. Insurance & Indemntly information                                                         8506140439 Discuanes contamment purge & vent valve mods Table hshng valve mods confrmed as complete as-lelt varve onentauon a new man open poseton 0             1 Fore      Endorsement 112 to NEUA Pokcy NF-140 & Endorsement 63 to             bjOF            *d                   *'*'

c 5/ /1 F Operateg Reactors Branch 4 2pp 30898 31530898 318. BRADLE PNadeepthe Electnc Co 85/05/31 SALTZMAN.J. Asmstant Drector for State & Lcensee Relanons. 3pp. 30732 216-30732:220~ 8506100404Apphcation for amends to Lcenses DPR44 & DPR-56.approwng metalla, ton a use of new high density spent fuel storage rocks Rev 0 to " Spent Fuel Storage q P. Operating acense stage documento a corr -- _ e gAh L isctnc Ca 65/06/13 THOMPSON.H L Demon of Lk conswy 3pp. 30983 231lL30983 362.

 $500030300 Partial response to FOIA request lor three categones of documents to be made avadable at POR re NSHCa App A documenta ence & placed m PDR Search                  -8506100400 Rev 0 to " Spent Fusi Storage               Mod SAR "


  • PNadelptua Electnc Co 85/05/31 110pp. 242 30983 362 FELTON.J M Dmson of Rules and Records 64/11/08. ADATO.M Urson of Con-corred Scientsts. 4pp. 30720 00130720 005. 3s06180444 Desenbes progress m completion of mods to torus-attached pipene Ongmal scope mods completed Equipment nonce evaluanons & ashet reconcskaten of mods
 =4ammme Notre of contderation of sasuance of amends to Lcenses DPR-44 4                        m        oss Ade mods needed Fmal rept anticipated ty Dec 1985 DPR-58 & proposed N$HC deterpunahon & opporturuty for heanng re 830214 request              k M R.J S. Prusadelptwa E octre Co 85/06/13 STOL2)F. Operatmg Reactors to delete at nonr                ETS concorrung criemical morvtonng                         Branch 41p 30977.114-30977114 STOLZJ F. Operanng                 Branch 4 8J/10/27.13pp. 3072211130722.139 8806240475 Informs that 850415 Mr does not represent backet as dehned by entena m 8508130045Parbal response to FOA request for at documents re NRC procedures for                Manual Chapter 0514 teosaten of as contenment purge & vent knes under 3 mches m detecton & cor trol of alcohoi & esgal eug use by persons engaged m bidg or const          eameter conerstent w/NUREG 0737. Item # E 4 2 (7) of nuclear reactors or facilities Forwards App A documents                                 DENTON.H R Offce of Nur. tear Reactor Regulation. Drector 85/06/16.BAUERE G.

FELTON.J M Dween of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ Wastungton PNadesprue Electnc Ca 3pp 31155 38141155 363. Legal Foundanon. 55pp. 30937947-30937.157.

 -es06130304 Responds to query re release of portons of Osc of Investigesons rept re          O. Inspection reports, tE BuNettne a c_. _ , no eug/eicchos abuse to specshc EconseesRelease not protubeled by FOA or Pnvecy Act. Concems over Wedent expressed                 worksheets enct                       $504250129 FOA rowest for certain records reeerenced in insp Rept 50 277/85-11.

SHOMAKER.E C. OperaDons & Admwustraeve 82/12/20 LIEBERMAN,J. Re- KLEIN.LR.1 Jaumal. Lancaster. PA. 85/03/13 Oftce of Admnustraten. genal Operatons & Erworcement Dmsen. t70pp. 30937 358-30938188- tp 31059 297 31559 297. 8806170131 FOA recpest for source term event toes prepared by Senes for subt 8508250149 Responds to FOA request for certain records referenced m insp Rept 50-plants. 277/85-11 Documents hated on app enct Portons of Document t deisted (ref FOA SHOLLY.S C. Urwon of Concemed Scien6sts. 85/01/28 FELTONJ M. Omson of Esempten 6). Rules and Recorda sp.30981 151-30981,151. FELTON) M Dween of Rules and Records 85/04/23.KLEIN.LR. lotoshgencer Jour-nal, Lancaster, PA. 2pp. 31059 298 31059 318 4608170163 Responds to FOA requess for source term event woes prepared tv Sanes for suet plants Forwarda documents hated on app Documents also avadable an POR. -8506250153 Discusses swestigsten of 850210 contaminaten medent. FELTON.J M. Chween of Rules and Records. 85/03/11.SHOLLY,SC. Unen of Con- BARRON.D A Phdadelptua Electnc Co. 65/02/18 NELSON.CS Phdadeeptma Electre comed Scsontsts 2pp. 30981152-30981.209- Ca 13pp. 31059 300 31059 318

  -8606170144 Draft "Contamment, Event Analyes & Estenanon of Source Term                     esos130027           1 to IE Info Nohce 64-55, " Seal Table Leeks at PWRs " Svc bat enct Frequences. App to NUREG4958                                                               JORDAN E L                of Emergency Preparedness & Er9neenng Response (Post BEHR.V L, BEMJAMIN.A S., HASKIN.F E. Sanee Nanonal Laboratones. 84/07/31.                   830103) 85/05/14 Consohdated Eeson Ca of New York, Inc.107pp 31044 065 NRC No Detaned Afhhanon Garen. 56pn 30981.154-30981209                                      31044 171.

8606170077 Responds to FOA request for records re FIN B4489, "Contamment Leak 0505130030 Suppl I to IE info Nonce 85-020. "MotorOperated valve Fadures Due to Rate Tesang Program" & Quadrea Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents to FIN Hammervig Efract" Svc het enct B4489 Documents eleo evadable m PDR No documents re Ouedren sutig to request JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post FELTON.J M Deween of Rules and Records FIN B4489 85/03/25- 830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.107pp. 31044172-REYTBLATT,2.V. Wenen Wdson Conego. Swannanoe, NC. 7pp. 30987.038- 31044 278. 30987.076. 3805200600 IE Info Notce 85439. "Austabdny of Electreal Equipmer r Quahhcaten Records at Lcensees Facdines? Svc kst enct

  -4008170201 for Nov 1982 ". Containment Leek Rate Testog invesagatens." monardy proyees rept            JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneerma Response (Post DOUGAN.J R. Oak Ridge Nabonel Laboratory. FIN 0 4489 82/12/07.ARNOT G. Me-                  830103) 85/05/22. Consondaied Eeson Co of New York, Inc. f06pp. 30637258-chancal/Structwal Ergneenng Branch. 3pp. 30987.115 30987.117                                30637.363.

3608100834 Forwards 850327 FR nonce re apphcatons & amends to OLs sweevmg es06200e00 IE info Nobce 85440. 'Dohcsoncses m Equipment Quahfcaten Testeg & NSHC considera00ns W/o ence Related correspondence Certfcahon Process." Svc het enr1

  • Operaeng Reactors Branch 4. #285 580. 85/04/01 Dockshna & Sennces BrancPL JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Ei9neenng Response (Post MURLEY,T E. Repon 1. Offre of Drector. SMITH,L Atomsc Safety and Lcensing 830103) 85/05/22. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.106pp. 30648188-Board Panet 3pp. 30823.343-30823 346. 30848 271.

9604180442 Forwards "Jusbacation for Contnued Operanon Fonowmg Pnmary Sys gece0e0601 EN-85442 by 850530. nonce of weianon & proposed impowbon of cavd park i Pipsng Replacement," for NRC rowaw & approval pnor to und restartper conhrmatory albes e amount of $75.000 wie be issued Acton based on wolations re risalth physcs order replaced due to IGSCC. & & enadequate mgt control of contractors DALT .S L Phdadelptua Electne Co 85/04/15. STOLZJ F. Operatin0 Reactors ROBIN .P., A)tELRAD.J Drector's Oaica. Omco of inspecton and Enforcement Branch 4. 2pp. 29854 302-29855.018. 85/05/24. Ip 30746 307-30746 307.

  -8404100445 "Justincanon for Canbnued Operaten Foeowmg Pnmary Sys Pipmg Re-                  $506280101 IE Info Nobce 85442, " Loose PhosprV m Panescruc 800 Senes Badge piacomert"                                                                                  TLD Elements " Svc het enct
  • Phdadelphia Electnc Ca e5/04/30. 75pp 29654.304 29855.016. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparooness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eesun Ga of New York, Inc.120pp. 30852 245-assessenas Noahcanon of reacheested 650802 tectmical appeal meetmg w/utds in 30852.363.

Betheade.MD re NUREG4737,ltem # E.4 2.Pondon 7 & whether Lees 3 a under can be excepted from requrements. 6805200107 IE into Notre 85 043, "Ramogaphy _ vents at Power Reactors" Svc hst HERMANN.R A. Operaeng Beactors Branch 2. 85/05/22.VASSALLO.D B. Operetng once Reactors Branch 2.1p. 30764 075 30784 076. JORDAN E L Dewson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Edenn Co. of New Y , Inc. 20pp 30864.167 essaMa*=a Responds to850314tir to results of NRC rowsw of *esponses to Genanc 30864 287. Ltr SS28, "Retured Acton Based on Genonc Impicatens of Salem ATWS Events." As sys to reactor Inp functon identfied m cupent O.ast $606200196 IE Info Nobce 85444," Emergency Communcaton Sys Monttwy Test " Svc DALTROF F,S L Electnc Ca 85/05/29 STOLZ,J F. Operstmg Reactors not once JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Branch 4. 4pp. 30899 054-30699057. 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Edson Co of New Yor , Inc. 2tpp. 30864 045 3000100006 Requests mee ved to escuse resologcal _ _ ; re pipe replacement 30864.186. program 4 deveeopment of emple. low cost improvements erected at reesong wrong 4800070346 Der =aas reps on 850213-15 et Peach Bottom &85020448 413 at Lim. unn/ wrong een errors. GEARS.G E. Operenno Reectors Branch 4. 85/05/29 DALTROFF,S. Ptuladelphse enck & forwards nonces of wotaten & proposed enposton of carspenalties Electnc Ca 2pp 30984144-30984145. MURLEY.T E. Regson 1. Omco of Drector.85/05/30. BOYER.V rimadelptua Electnc Ca Spp. 30750 vee-30750,056. 8806100661 Concludes that Ac ensee satisfactorey enmpleted actone required by Conk rnsseen 831130 order & comphed w/Genenc LW 8411JnCludmg mcorporaticri of RCS -4000070364 Nobce of woiamon & proposed impoetson of csve penalties e amount of Isak detecton & therefore may retum to fus power operaton $25,000 Violaten notedradmiogcal controls personnel ed not ensure workers aware STOL2)F. Operstmo Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/05. BAUER.E.O Phdadespime Elec- of raeologcal status of area vic Ca 4pp. 30964 053 30984 096. MURLEY,T E. Regen 1. Omco of Drector.85/05/30. 4pp 30750 049 30750.052.

DOCKETEDITEMS 73 -8506070364 Notre of vdaten & proposed wnpondon of cui penarties e amount of $506240533 Forwards NPDES encharge morwormg rept for May 1985 & rorW 525.000 Volaton roted NRC Operatons Ctr not rotified of physcal secunty ance rept event Detasis deleted (ref 10CFR2 7901 WILLSEY W B Phdadelphia Electrc Co 85/06/19 Pennsvisarna. Commonwealth of MURLEY,T E. Regon 1. Oftce of Drector 85/05/30. 4pp. 30750053-30750 056 tp. 31062140L31062156. 8506170263 Forwards Safety inno Aepts 50-277/8503 4 50-278/8503 on 850107-11 -8506240535 NPDES escharge morwtonng rept for May 1985

   & nonce of volatsort                                                                           DALTROF F.S L Ptwladelptus Electnc Co 85/05/31 7pp 31062141-31062154 MARTIN.T.T. Regori 1. Offce of Drector 85/05/31. DALTROFF.S L Ptuladelphia Elecinc Co. 2pp. 30972 307-30972 319
                                                                                                -8506240,,539 of ., pl        N,PD,E,S
                                                                                                                  ,or    D ,scna,ee     notifcaten ge Point           on850510b.~ologmas
                                                                                                                                              = e.ceeded             i., 2o*"
                                                                                                                                                                            - demand, undo

-8506170268 Notco of violabon from mso on 85010711 invest

  • Regen 1. Ottee of Drector.85/05/31. 2pp 30972 309-30972 310 ton Operatonal controis a morwtonng ancreased.

ULLRi W T Ptuladelptua Elecirc Co 85/v5/21 Perinsylverna. Commonwealth of -8506170280 inso Repts 50-277/8503 4 50-278/85 03 on 850107-11. Volat on W 322 MS-3mS6. noted fadure to update tesechone hat lor emergency use & member of emergency re-T&"N J' 'U%"""W;*HUWT77e"g',0"Psce of D ector. SwS/20 9 S aeP-ta= ec-eurae & rat-Panaace 3 0 72 311-30972.319 8506070269 Part 21 rept to fadure of mnet polar connector between damper bar cacuit 8506060677IE trdo Nonce 85445. ' Potental Seeme interacton involv ng Mowable in- on generator main field Cause of fadure not defined Funhar rives hon necessary Core Flus Mappeg Sys Used m Westmghouse Designed Plants? Svc est enci. LEUSINK.H H Louis-Anis Co. 85/05/29 MURLEY,7 E. Regon 1, of Owector 4DRDAN.E L Drvisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 1p. 30751350-30751350 830103) 85/06/06 Consolidated Eeson Co of New Yor . Inc. 22pp 30865 001-30865 046. 8504140498 Part 21 rept re generator fadure Concurs w/enct Loue %s 850603ftr that

$506140478 Forwards SALP Repts 50-277/8599 4 54278/8599for Jan 1984 - Mar                                    connectors be renewed 1985.per 650513reven Meetmg to escuss SALP scheeded for 850612 Concems re                     i[nt   ARM                    tnes Inc. 85/06/05 MURLEY.T E. Regon t. Offee of Di.
             & redologcal controls we be escussed.                                                        7P P                    9g 9URL Y,T E. R M                         t. Offce of Drector. 85/06/07. DALTROFF.S L Phdadelptua Enoctnc Co. 2pp.           091-30900 150.                                                    8506240533 Forwards NPDES encharge marvtonng rept for May 1985 & noncomph-ance rept.
-8506140541SALP Repts 50-277/8599 & 50-278/8599 for Jan 1984. Mar 1985.                           WILLSEY.W 9 Phdadelphia Electnc Co. 85/08/19 Pennsylvarma. Commonwealth of
  • Regen 1. Offee of Drector. 85/05/13 $8pp. 30900 093-30900-150. .

tp. 31062-140 31062156 8506060707IE Info Noece 85046. "Clanficanon of Several Aspects of Removab6e Ra- ~4506240539 NPDES noncomphance nottfcaton on 8505to.bologcal demand ooectrve Surface Contaminaten Lirruts for Transport Packages." Svc het enci of sample hurn Discharge Pomt 108 exceeded permet hmit under 4DRDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post anwestigaban Opershonal contross & rnorwtormg ecreased 830103) 85/06/10. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.124pp 31043.301- ULLRICH W T Phdadelpena Elecinc Co. 85/05/21 Penneytwarma. Commonwealth of 31044 064. 2pp. 3106215531062-t56 8506200245 Forwards insp Rept 50-277/8517 on 850424-26 No veistons observed EONETER.S D. Regen 1. Offee of Drector. 85/06/13. DALTROFF.S L Phdadelpha DOCKET 54278 PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION UNIT 3 Electre Co. 2pp. 31007 241-31007 247.

-8506200247 Insp Rept 54277/8517 on 850424-26 No violanun or deviaten rtsted Masor areas mapected contamment leakage program.anctueng procedure revew              F. Securtty, enedical, emergency a fire protection plans d integrated leak rate test & localleah rate test.results review & f         tour.

C UCHARSKI.S D HODSON.J S. BETTENHAUSEN.L Regon 1 e of Drector 8508170263 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 277/8543 4 50-278/85-03 on 850107-11 85/05/30. $pp. 31007 243-31007.247. & notre of violaton. MARTIN.T T. Regen 1. Offce of Drector. 85/05/31. DALTROFF.S L Pfwlade@fma 8506210267 Forwards insp Rept 50 277/85 15 on 85041019 No volahon Electrc Co. 2pp. Juv72-307 30972 319 noted. Program strengthe & weaknesses documented m Apps A & B.respeceveey Response to B within 30 days of receipt of Itr requesied ~4506170268Nohce of violaton from insp on 85010711 STAROSTECKl.R. Repon f. e of Drector, 85/06/14 DALTROFF.S L Ptuladel-

  • Regon 1. Offce of Drector.85/05/31 2pp. 30972 309 30972 310.

ptwa Electrc Co app.31024 001-31024 029

~4506210271 Inno Rept 50-277/85 t 5 on 8.iO410-19 No volabon or deviaton                        -8506170280 insp Repte 54277/85-03 & 54278/8543 on 85010711 Velaten rtsted Masar areas rispected work performed dunng entended recaculanon peng re-               noted fadure to update te6ephone hst for emergercy use 4 member of emergency re-sponse        ruzaton had not received trasseng for CY85 SON.       LLIAMS.H., BEALLJ. Regan 1, Offce of Drector. 85/06/04 2500                                          ""^           " ' ' " ' '            '*

31024 005-31024 029 hRC y2 09 8506140240IE info Notre 85047. "Potental Effect of Ln+snduced Operaton on Ce,_ 8506190381 Forwards "Conformance to Reg Guide 197. Peach Bottom Atomic Power tan Target Rock Solenoid-Operated valves.'* Svc het once. Stanon Unsts 2 & 3." based on review of840116esmittalJusteheaton for exceptons JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post to reg acceptable Addl wifo re other Aems requested n 60 days 8D103) 85/06/18. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, tre.134pp. 31268157 ST .J F. Operanng Reactors Branch 4 85/06/03. BAUER.E G Phdadelphia Elec. 31268 304. tic Co. 2pp. 31014132-31014151. 4506140636 IE mfo Notco 85448. "Resprator Users Notco Desective Self-Contamed -8506190426 "Conformance to Reg Guide 197 Peach Bottom Atome Power Breattung Apparatus As Cytnders." Svc hst enct Stabon.Uruta 2 & 3 - JORDAN.E.L Dmason of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post UDY.A C. EG&G Inc. FIN A-6483. 85/03/31. NRC . No Dotaded Afhhaten Gewen. 830103L 85/08/19 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.123pp. 31376 064 18pp. 31014134-31014151. 31378.183. 8506100624 Requests that coordmated planmng effort contmue w/ state & local emer. 8506240558 Forwards inso Repts $4277/8519 4 54278/8515 as fonowup revew to gency paannmg authonties to assure orrsite emergency preparedness defcsencies en-msp on 840820 23 & ack receipt of 840926 & 1030 doornetry persbrmance test peditous#y corrected results No violaten observed BELLAMY.R R Region 1. Offee of Drector 85/06/04 DALTROFF.S L Phdadeeptua MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1, Offre of Drector 65/06/19 DALTROFF,S L Phdadelptua Electnc Co. 2pp. 30793 214-30793 233 Electnc Co. 2pp. 31066 336-31066 357

 -8506240559 Insp Repts $4277/8519 & 50 278/8515as followup revew to mso on                     8506100826 Notifcanon of 850614 meetmg w/uti m Bethesda MD to escuss SPDS 840820 23 No volaton acted Mapor areas inspected results of hcensee dosimetry                 GEARS.G. Operannq Reactors Bretrft 4 85/06/05. STOLZJ F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 2pp 30823 31430823 311.

performance tests E P AM.W. Regen 1 Offee of Drector. 85/06/13 20pp. 8506U0001 Rw4 permM chany of W m mem enreme from month of June to month of OctAnnual exercise for 1985 would be held 851017 4 acceptable Proposed change comphes w/NUREG-0854/ FEMA REP 1.Rev f. FEMA C Periodic operating reporte & rotated m . . , __.e A OFF.S L Phdadelphia Electnc Co 85/06/05. THOMPSON.H. Drvisen of LF

 .506060808,.a,ds A,                 Ra o cal Envron Oper.ormi 2019                    & Er,vi.   =" "a 5aa       '"5' 2*'a5' 257-rons Radiaten Morwtonng Program 1984." por Secton 6 4 ( App B to Lcenses DPR-03 & DPR-56 Results of radologcal envron morut                        prowded               8506100696 Forwards evaluston of each area where structural steel calculabons re>

WILLSEY,W B. Phdadelpfue Electne Co. 85/05/29 wealed that fre esanons & temps euceed structural steel temp acceptance critans.

                                                                        .J M. Oractor's Offce'     BOYER.V S Philadesprua Electnc Co.85/06/06 THOMPSON.H L Drvisen of Lcens.

Offce of Inspecten and Enlarcoment.1p. 30767 008-30767.259

                                                                                                        % 30793h30794 039
 -8            12 " Annual Radologcal Envron Operatog Rept 20.1984." lasued m May                                            ,,

Teledyne isotopes

  • Radanon Management Corp. 20. 84/12/31. 111pp. Stanon Calculanon 24.Urut 2.3.Turbme Bldg El 116 Ft Common Ewipment Area (Be-30767 009 30767.119 neath Swelchgear RoomsLFro Area 789 "

MELLY.B W. DEWEY,J M Professenal Loss Control. Inc. 85/05/20. 12pp

 -4506060813 *Ermrons Radaten Morwtonng Program.1984. Root 42." issued in May                      30793.344-30793.355.


  • Chemcal Waste Management. inc.42 64/12/31.140pp. 30767.120 30767 259 -8506100710 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analysts for Peach Bottom Generahng Staton Calculation St.Urut 2.3. Turbine BlJg El 135 Ft Comdor to Switchgear 8506240117 Monthly operatng rents for May 1985 W/850814 Itr Rooms,Fre Area 78A."

ALDEN.W M., LOGUE.R H. PtWadelphia Elecinc Co 65/05/31. 10pp 31203 274 MELLY.B W . OEWEY J M Professonal Loss Control. Inc. 85/05/30. 12pp. 31203 283. 30793 356-30794 005


  -4506100716 Rev 0 to " Structural Steet Analyse for Peach Bottom Generateg                  8506170153 Resporwis to FOIA request for source term event trees prepared by Sarda Staten.Calculanon 91.Urut 2.3 Turtune Badg O 118 Ft Raeston Chenustry Lab. Fro               for     plants Forwards documents hated on app Documents also avadable m POR.

Area 78C? FELT .J M. Omson of Rules and Records. 85/03/11. SHOLLY,S C. Urson of Con-MELLY.B W. DEWEY,J M Profesmonal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24 5pp. 30794 006 corned Soentets. 2pp. 30981 152-30981209. 30794.010.

                                                                                              -45061701s4 Draft "Consamment Event Analyss & Estrnaten of Source Term
  -4506100725 Rev 0 to " Structural Steet Anaryss for Peach Bottom Generatmg                     Frequencies. App to NUREG-0956."

Statenc.w.non 92.Urut 2,3.Turtune Badg O 116 Ft Conventonal Chenustry Lab,Fre BEHR.V L Sanea Natonal Laboratones. 84/07/31. NRC . No Dotaded AffAaten Area 78D? Gnren. 56pp. 30981.154-30981209 MELLY.B W, DEWEYJ M. Professenal Loss Contros, Inc.85/05/24 Spp. 30794 011-a 30794-015. 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN 84489, "Contamment Leak Rate Testeg Program * & Quadres Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents to FIN

  -4506100731 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyss for Peach Bottom Generstmo                     84489 Documents also avadanse m POR No documents re Quadres suty to request Stanon:Calculaton 93.Urut 2,3.Turtune Badg El 118 Ft Health Physcs Utd Room, Fro             FELTON.J M DMemn of Rules and Records. FIN B4489 85/03/25 Area 82?                                                                                     REYTBLATT.2.V Warren Weson Cosiege, Swannanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987.036-MELLY.B W DEWEYJ M. Professenal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24 4pp. 30794 016-                   30987 07&

30794 019

                                                                                                          'ggy                            8te e8hn0 hqW mon % pgress rept
  -4506100736 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyes for Peach Bottom Generanng Station Calculaton 94.Urut 2.3.Turtano Blog O 116 Ft               Room. Fro Area 78E       DOUGAN.J R. Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory FIN 84489 82/12/07.ARNDT,G Me.

MEL Y , DEWEYJ M. Professenal Loss Control, Inc,85 5/24. 5pp. 30794 020- charucal/Siructural Ergneenng Branch. 3pp. 30987115-30987.15 7.

  -8506100741 Rev 0 to " Structural Steel Analyse for Peach Bottom Generanng                  8506100634 Forwards 850327 FR nonce re apphcanons & amends to OLs mvohnng                                  i NSHC corWatt,os W/c oncl Related correspondence Staten:r.smaanon 95,Urut 2,3.Turtune Bidg O 116 Ft Clean Clothes Room. Fro Area                                                                                                                      l 114 I
  • Opwatry Reactors Branch 4 #285 580. 85/04/01. Docketry & Sarwees Branch. '

1 MELLY,B W. DEWEY) M. Professenal Loss Cordrof, Inc.85/05/24 Spp. 30794 025 MURLEY.T E. ewon 1. Offre of Drector SMITH,1. Atoms batefy and Lcenssng j 30794.029. Board PM 3pp. m 34130823.346

  -4506100748 Rev 0 to "Sinsturar Steel Analyms for Peach Bottom Generstng                    4aaaaaaa55 Notihcaten of rescheduled 850602 techrmcal appeal                                w/utes in StatertCaiculanon 96,Urnt 2.3.Twtzne Blog El its Ft Todet Area. Fro Area 115.-              Bethesda.MD re NUREG4737, item 11 E.4 2 Posrbon 7 & whether Lmes 3 under can ME Y W, DEWEY,J M. Professenal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24. 5pp. 30794 030' fEkM       NA                 tmg eactors Branch 2. 85/05/22. VASSALLO.D B. Operanng Reactors Branch 2.1p. 30784 075-30754 078.                                                               i
  -4506100751 Rev 0 to "Seuctural Steel Analyss for Peach Bottom Generatmg                    0506040300 Responds to 850314Mr to results of NRC review of responses to Genenc StanonCalculaton 97.Urut 2.3,Turtune Bldg El 116 Ft Jerstor Room.Fra Area 1t6 MELLY.B W., DEWEY,J M. Professonal Loss Control, Inc.85/05/24. 5pp. 30794 035               Lir 8128, "Requaed Acton Based on Genenc Imphcatons of Seiem ATWS Events."

30794 039' As sys contntm to reactor try funcson identrhed m current Gnat DALTROFF.S L Elecine Cct 85/05/29. STOLZAF. Operanng Reactors 8506120030 Forwards draft " FEMA Ragon lit Enerose Evaluaten Rept " re 850410 off- B'anch 4. 4pp. 30699 054 30699 057. ste r emergency preparedness remedied eneroseEnerose conducted to correct two tegory A deficiencies. 8506100646 Requests ade vist to escuss radiologcal assessment re gnpo replacement KR MM R W. Federal Emergency Management 85/06/07. JORDAN.E L Dm. program & development of empie. low cost unprovements drected at reducmg wrong mon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng (Post $30103) 1p. urwt/ wrong trac enors. 30852.199-30852.215. GEARS.G E. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 85/05/29. DALTROFF S. Pfwiedelptus Electnc Co. 2pp. 30984144-30984145.

  • FEMA Regen m Enercee Evaluanon Rept " of 850410 enerose. .
  • Feoorat Emergency Management Agency. 85/05/06 16pp. 30652 200-30652 215.

8506110364 Forwards rewmedrevised 850508 request.Schemanc schemanc to show of watu now for NPDES emergency svc water pernet ap&phcaten.per sys encharge { 8506140478 Forwards SALP Repts $4277/85-99 & 50 278/85-99for Jan 1964 - Mar poets a 1965.per 850513 review Meenng to escuss SALP scheduled for 850612 Concems to WILLSEY.W B. Phdadeeptma Decinc Co. 85/06/06.DONATO,J V. Pennsy#varma, Coni-4 securdy & rachologcal controis wel be dr==ad monwealth of. 2pp. 30817.237-30817.238 MURLEY,7 E. Regen 1 Omco of Drector, 85/06/07. DALTROFF.S L Phdadelpfua Doctnc Co. 2pp. 30900091-30900.150-8506180404 Apphcanon for amends to Lcenses DPR-44 & DPR 58. approving instana.

  -8508140541SALP Repts 50-277/85-99 & $0 278/85 99 for Jan 1984 Mar 1985.                                     $R enci
  • Regon 1. Omco of Drector. 85/05/13. 58pp. 30900 093-30900150- L Phdadelphe lectnc Co. 85/06/13. THOMPSON.H L Dmsen of Lk 0506210339 Forwards revs to physcal pian & ruzanonal changes.per NRC 850509 itr Revs & changes withheld 3 21 & 2 1 Mod SAR "

EY. J Oecinc 85/06/13. Regen 1. Omca of Drector. 3pp. -8504100400 Phdadelpfwa Rev 0 to Co.85/05/31.I Electnc " Spent Fuel Storh 242 30983.362. 8506250418 Rev 1,1 to Emergency Plan implementog Procedure EP 101. "Clasencahon 8506100444 Describes progress m completon of mods to torus attached piping Ongmat scope enods compaeted. Equipment nonne evaluatens & as-budt reconcehabon of mods

                                                                                                @$jsfpng,o,,,,,,   "

jggQ,y $ AL lectre Co.85/06/20. MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Omco of Drector. 22pp. 31198.22tL31198.247- [Operstm0 Reactors Branch 4.1p. 30977.114-30977:114. A heurance & hformanen 8508240475 informs that850415 Mr does not represent backflt as defmed by entena m Manual Chapter 0514 isotahon of all contamment purge & vent ames under 3 mches e Sanananni Forwards Endorsement 112 to NELIA Pokey NF-140 & Endorsement 63 to dameter conostent w/NUREG-0737. Item a E 4 2 (7L MAELU Pohcy MF47. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reculaten. Drector.85/08/18.BAUER.E.G Phdadelphia Electnc Co. 3pp. 31155.361311M363. BRADLEY.E.J. Phdadeephia Electnc Co. 85/05/31. SALTZMAN.J. Asmstant Drector for State & Licensee Retanons. 3pp. 30732 218-30732 220. O,inspectlen reporte,lE Substine & corrompendence

  ,. 0,e,s.n. . cones et o .ecomente & _ -                       e 8505130027                      E Info Nonce 84 55, "$eal Table Laaks et PWRs " Svc hat anci.

at M S 05/14. ed Co New Y 07pp 4

    -                          of ON                                         . 84/11/08. ADATO.M. Unen of h e50513003e Suppl 1,,to IE Info Nobce 85020, " Motor Operated valve Fadures Due to Hammanng Effect. Svc het encl
              - Nohce of consderaton of sauance of amends to Lcenses DPR.44 &                   JORDAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Preparednene & E                                     Response (Post DPRl56~& proposed NSHC detemunaten & opportundy for heanng re 830214 request                8      ) 85/05/14. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 07pp. 31044172 to desete all nonradmiopcal ETS concommg chemcal monnonng                                   3 04 278.

STOLZ,J F. Operetng Reectors Branch 4. e3/10/27.13pp. 30722:11130722.139. 8505200600 IE Info Nohce 85-039, "Audpatukfy of Elecincal Emmpment Quahtcaten 9608130045 Parter resoones to FOIA request for an documents re NRC procedures fa, Records et Lcensees Facdities." Svc het enct detecten & control of alcohof a diegel drug use by persons engaged m tddg or const JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post of nuclear reactors or facetes Forwards App A documents. 830103L 85/05/22. Conachdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 06pp. 30837258-FELTON.J M Desen of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.S.J. Washmgton 30837.363. 7 Legal Foundstort 55pp. 30937.047 30937.157. 8505200000 IE Info Nohce 85440. "Dencienries in Equipment Quahfcaton Tesang &

  -8000130386 Responds to query se release of portons of Ofc of Inves nons rept re              Certshcatori Process " Svc het orcL drug / alcohol abuse to specsfc ticensees Release not profwtzted by F         or Pnvecy     JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Post Act. Concems over procedent empressed ?              worksheets enct                        830103). 85/05/22. Consondeled Edreon Co. of New York, Inc.108pp. 30848168-SHOMAl(ER.E.C. Operatons & Admwustrstrve                   82/12/20 LIEBERMANJ Re.          30848 271.

genal Operemons & Enforcement Dmmon 170pp 30937.356-30938.188. 8606200181 IE Info Nohce 85442, " Loose Phosphor in Panamoruc 000 Senos Badge 0006170131 FOIA request for source term event trees prepared by Sarda for out( TLD Elements " Svc let encl s, JORDAN.E L Desion of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Post LY.SC. Unen of Concemed Scionests. 85/01/28. FELTON.J M. Dmson of 830103). 85/05/29. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Y inc. 20pp. 30852 245-Rules and Records.1p. 30981151-30981:1R 30852 363.

                        ~_ _                                      . . . -            -                  -                 - .----                                  . . - . - --                            -                      --- - - - . -

f DOCKETEDITEMS 75 8505200147 IE Info Notco 85043 "Raeography Events at Power Reactors? Svc kst -8506240535 NPDES escharge morutarmg rept for May 1985 ence. DALTROFF,S L Phdadesprua Electre Co.85/05/31 7pp 3106214131062.154, JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response tPost 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc 120pp 30864187-30864 287-

8. Reportalde occurrences, LERs a related correspondence 8505200195 IE Info Notre 85044, " Emergency Communcation Sys MontNy Test." Svc hst enct 4506070260 Part 21 rept to fadure or mner posar connector between damper bar cecuit JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post on generator man fieldCause of fadure not defined Further ovestmaten necessary 830103) 85/05/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 121pp. 30864 045 LEUSINK,H H tours-Alks Co. 85/05/29 MURLEY,T E. Regen t. dttco of Dractor 30864 166 1p. 30751.350 30751350.

8506170263 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50-277/8503 4 50-278/8503 on 850107-11 1

          & nace o vo==                                                                                                           0506,e,4,0H,8 m da connec Part           ,, be2,1,rept to,emovedgenerator falure Concurs w/enci Lous Albs 850603 ltr!

MARTIN.Y.T. Rep 1. Offce of Drector. 85/05/31. DALTROFF,$ L Phdadelphia MORIARTY.J M Colt industnes. Inc. 85/06/05 MURLEY,T E. Regon 1. Othce of Dr Electnc Co. 2pp .fov72 307-30972 319. rector. 7pp. 30898 354-30898 361.

     -8506170264 Notre of wolater, from map on 850107-11
  • Regen 1, Offce of Drector.85/05/31. 2pp. 30972.309 30972 310. 8506240633 Forwards NPDES escharge morutonng rept for May 1985 & noncompl>

ance rept.

     -8506170200 inso Repts %277/8543 & $0-278/8503 on 85010711 Volahan                                                             WILLSEY.W B Phdadeeptma Electnc Co. 85/06/19 Pennsy'varma. Commonwealth of noted fa4ure to update teleptone hat for emergency use & member of emergency re-                                           1p. 31062140 31062156.

sponse orgass2 sten had not receeved trairun0 for CY85 TERC.N M., SMITH.R., MAWXHURST J. Regon 1. Offee of Drector 85/05/30. 9pp. -8506240639 NPDES noncomphance notifcaton on850510.belogral o gen demand 30972 311-30972.319 of sample frem Discharge Pomt 108 exceeded permit hmst under 8506060877IE trWo Notre 85445. Potental Seisme interacbon invomng Movable in-Core Flus Mappeg Sys Used n Westeghouse Desgned Plants." Svc hst once [th 2pp. 3106215531062156' T E 5 1 arma, Commonwealth of , JORDAN.E L Drwoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/06/06 Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.122pp. 30865 001-086W6 DOCMET 50-200 SURRY POWER STATION, UNfT 1 4506140478 Forwards SALP Repts 50-277/8 599 & 50 276/8599for Jan 1984 - Mar 1985.per 850513rewsw Meetmg to escuss SALP scheduled for850612 Concems to

,         securey a rasologeai contrats wie be escussed.                                                                          F, Security, medical, emergency a fire protection piene 3          MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Omco of Drector 85/06/07. DALTROFF.S L Phdadelphis j          Electrc Co. 2pp 30900 091-30900150' 8506050052 FOIA request for ences to GuW Staie Utds840820 defriency rept re iTE-

) ~4506140541SALP Ryts $4277/85 99 & 50-278/8599 for Jan 1984. Mar 1985. Gould Type 2150 overtoed rol s & ences to NRC 840830 Itr to VEPCO re request for

  • Regen 1,0ffce of urector 85/05/13 58pp 30900093-30900150 GTApR$ 01/$1 Diwson of Rules and Records. 10. 30745 004-i 8500060707IE Info Noece 85046. *Canhcaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- 30745 004 r

eoactrve Surface Contaminaton Laruts for Transport Packages? Svc fest enct l JORDAN E L Drwson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 8506060061 Responds to FOIA request for encf to Gulf State Utds 840820 Ilr to NRC re 830103). 85/06/10. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 124pp 31043 301- Gould Tyon 2150 overtoad relays & undated remost for ads efo re Sisry & North 31044 964. Anna SPDS Forwards App A documents. Documents also evadable m POR 3' 6506140240IE Info Notce 85047. "Potentaal Effect of Lee 4nduced Operaten on Cer- h45 307 tain Target Rock Scieno4 Operated va ves " Svc het enct 5 06 Con e York 268 bps 2W

,         3, ,,1,33 ,a
                                                                                                                                    - re ys out of                ofhna,lca. DeficiencyRes.s s.ntRept   b.c. W38           re MM,L10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    & rep-ed           w ove, cad j                                                                                                                                  relays Response to request for eddl mio re Surry & North Anne SPDS enci
!      850624017s Forwards insp Rept 50-278/0522 on 85061013 Concerns identshed re ap.
  • Gulf States Utdaties Co. 64/08/20. NRC No Detaded Afhhaton Given. 5pp.

parent mattentiveness to hcensed dunes by on-Sfwit hCensed reactor operator & oper- 30745.007-30745 0H i ator apparent entcoment of r mspector. STAROSTECKl.R Regen 1 e of Drector 85/06/18. DALTROFF S L Phdadel- 4506250036 Responds to NRC 850305Itr te velatens noted m insp Repts 50 280/85-pfma Electnc Co 2pp 31060153 31060.162. 02 8 54281/8M2.Correcirve acsons surver conducted to assess estent of droct health physcs expenence of individuals reporeng to superwear

       ~4506240182Insp Rept 50 278/85-22 on 8506t013 Concems identified to apparent m.                                              STEWART.W L Vrgraa Power (Vrgmes Electnc & Power Co).85/04/03. GRACE J N.

attentiveness to imensed dutos by ockstwft acensed reactor operator & operator ap- Regeri 2, Offce of proctor. 3pp. 31204 35531204 357 parent entcement of regonal mspector BEALLJ E.. GALLO,R M Regen 1, Offee of Dractor. 65/06/18 8pp. 31060155-31060.162. 8506250064 Further response to FOIA request for documents m three categones re drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear facehbes. Forwards App A documents Documents

        $505140636 IE Info Notco 85048 fResprator Users Notce Defectrve Self-Contained                                              fEST                                             uses nd          ds                  0. HEATH.SJ Wasfungton D E                                        ge      Pr     edness & E                          Response (Post       L*9             UU" * ""' " EN'                          '

85/06/19. Consohdated Edson Co of New Y 23pp. 31376 064-11.No noncomphance noted Masar areas repected sste secunty operaDone dunng IL f 8506240!I5e Forwards insp Roots 54277/8519 & 50-278/8515 as followup renew to consee conducted inveshgaten of alleged trweconduct.Delads witnheid (ret insp on 840820-23 & ack receipt of 840926 & 1030 dosimetry performance test 10CFR73 21) results No velaten observed TILLMANA Regen 2. Offce of Drector 81/12/30.1p. 31217313-31217.315 r MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1. Offee of Drector. 85/06/19 DALTROFF.S L Pheadelptma

  • Electre Co. 2pp. 31066:33431066 357. 3506270710 Forwards SALP Repts 54280/8M5,54281/8M5,50-338/85-04 & 50-339/85-04for Sept 1983 Feb 1985.
 ,      -4506240559Inso Rects54277/85-19 4 54278/8515as followup rowew to sisp on                                                    GRACE.J N Regon 2. Offce of Drector. 85/05/10. STEWART.WL Vrgrua Power j          640820-23 No velaban noted Mapor areas mapected results of tcensee dosamstrY                                              (Vrgrua Electnc & Power Co ). 2pp. 31246 285-31246 341.

performance testa

;          HOLSOPPLE.K , PASCIAM.W Regon 1 Offce of Drectnr. 85/06'13 20pp-
,          31066 338-3M 357.                                                                                                      -4506270706 SALP Repts54280/85-05 & 50 281/8M5 for Sept 1983 Feb 1985 Ve-tenons noted fadure to perform surfcient valve kneup checkhsts pnar to Urvt 2 stary j                                                                                                                                     from 3-wk outage & fadure to have arternate feedwever pumps.
 !      R. Portossic operating reporte & reisted correspondence
  • Region 2, Once of Drector.85/05/10. 25pp. 31246 316-31246 341.

8500000000 Forwards " Annual Raeologcol Envron Operatmg Rept201984" & Enw. 6608270703 Forwards insp Repts 54200/8512 4 50-281/8512 on 8504024506No rons RaGaten Morwtonng Program 1984." per Secten 6 4 or App 8 to Lcenses DPR. molahons or dewetsons edentihed.

  • i BROWNLEE.V L Regen 2. Othce of Drector. 85/05/21. STE' WART.W L Vagrua I

44 & DPR-58 Results of resologcal envron enorwtonng program provided. WILLSEY.W B. Phdadelptma Electre Co. 85/05/29. T AYLOR.J M Drector's Offee. Pow (Vrgana Electnc & Power Co ) 1p. 31249197 31249 202. { Offee of Inspecipon and Enforcement.1p 30767 00430767.259 3

                                                                                                                                  -8606270717Insp Repts50 280/8512 & 50 201/8512 on 8504024506 No velations                                                                        l i
        -4000000312 " Annual Rasceogeal Envron Operaung Rept 20.1964? Issued m May                                                   noted Mapor                  areas                mapacted plant        operatens                 &           operstmg

} 1985 records.marit,survedlance.necugtonowup of events & LERs 4 Teledyne isotopes. Raeston Management Corp. 20. 84/12/31. 11 top- BURKE.D J , DAVIS M J, ELRw.S. Regen 2. Offra of Drector. 85/05/21. 5pp. 30767.009-30767.119- 31249 198-31249-202. l -eeeeeeee13 *Envrons Radaton Mondonng Program.1984.Rept 42" issued m May gamem75 Emergency plan . . - J ., procedures. Rev 4 er) EPIP-3 04 Waste Management, Inc.42. 84/12/31.140pp. 30767.12430767.259. g"" ,0'E plan p mden encf W/ 505 6506240117 Monthly operanng repts for May 1985 W/850614 Itr. MILLER.H L. S ,W L Vrgraa Power (vrgram Elecinc & Power CoE 65/05/ ALDEN W M , LOGUE.R H. Pfuladesprea Electnc Co. 85/05/31.10pp. 31203 274 29. GRACE.JN Regen 2.Offee of Drector.16pp. 30676.082-30676 097. 4900030003 Forwards add mfo.per 850429 telcon.clantym0 procedure generston pech-

,       8906240633 Forwards NPDES escharge morutonng rept for May 1985 & noncomph-                                                    age to anow closecut of safety evaluatert ance rept                                                                                                                  STEWART.W L Vrgmea Power (Vrgrua Electnc & Power Co) 85/05/31.

WILLSEY.W B Phdadelptus Electnc Co. 85/06/19 Pennsylvania. Commonwealth of. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector. THOMPSON,H.L Div> 2 1p. 31062:140 31062156. son of Lcenomg. $pp.30728 06 & 30728 070. I I i i l.

     ,3         ,      - - - - _ - - . - + . _ _ , . * ,       y   g------    ww-r,i     yy y&.--e----.----y-e-4..-                  -e-   , - - _ , , _,,,m.-          - , - - -
                                                                                                                                                                                        -9y9             ,    -g-,.g.,-9,           m.      p. g.    %e,    , . , . - , -.-. - -
                                                                                                  - _        = , _ .=                       -2                                                                          . . _ _ ..

76 DOCKETEDITEMS 9506140500 Rewsed plan .. .J.4 procedures mcludeg Rev 12 to 8506250132 Requests addl twne to revew essues & records re unplernentaten plan for EPIP-101." Emergency Controlhng Procedure." Rev 3 to EPip t 03," Re- Genere Ltr 83 28.per NRC850313rerpest for addl rWo Proposed changes to Tech sponse to Aiert" & Rev 1 to E P-4 05, Respra Protecton." W/850610 Itr Specs anticipated. i STEW ART.W L Va Power (Vrgna Electnc & Co) 85/08/10 GRACE.J N STEW ART.W L Vrgna Power (Vagna Electnc & Power Co) 85/06/19 Regen 2. Othce of scior. 27pp. 30897 268-30897 294 DENTON.H R. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector VARGA.S A. Operating Reactors Branch 1. 2pp 3118014S31180148 8606270446 Revised " Corporate Emer Response Ratt" W/850621 Itr OATTS.J.L, STEW ART.W L. FERG ,J H. Vrgna Power (Vr Electnc & Power Co). 85/08/21 GRACE.J.N. Repon 2. Omco of Drector 25 . 31235 289- O. Inapect6on reports. IE Ousetins & c . -- - .;e 31236.183 0506250036 Responds to NRC 850305 Itr re wolatons noted m bsp Repts50-290/85-P. Operating scense stage documents & m . _ , e 02 4 50-281/85-02 Corrective actens survey concheted to assess entent of dwert health s exponence of rid vubels reportmg to superwser TEW Vr Power V lecinc Power Co ) 85/04/03 GRACE.J N 8600050003 FOIA reuuest for fotr categones of documents mchaeng into re exempton '98" ,- of snubbers from surveillance regurements & OL amends.

.i              GRA8ER.L NUS Corp. 84/12/18 Drveen of Rules and Records.1p. 30745029-                                4606250064 Further response to FOIA request for docuanents e trree ca'agores re 30745 029.

drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear facilites Forwards App A documentsOccumerits 8506170131 FOIA request for source term event trees prepared by Sarda for subt also avadable m POR Processmg of documenes contmump plants. FELTON.J M Diweaan of Rules and Records 85/04/10. HEATH.S J Washmgton SHOLLY.SC Union of Concemed Scennsts 85/01/28- FELTON.J M Dewson of Legal Foundatert 11pp. 31217 09531217109 Rules and Records. to,30981.151-30981.151.

                                                                                                                    -8606270294 Physcal Secunty insp Repts 54280/8135 4 50 28t/8135 on 811207-8600060006 Responds to FOIA request for fo6a categones of documents. Forwards app                          11 No noncomphance noted Mapor areas mspected site secunty operatons dunng b-documents Documents also placed m POR                                                                  consee conducted eveshgaton of anaged misconduct Ustads withheld (ref l               FELTON.J M. Divison of Rules and Records. 85/01/30. GRABER.L NUS Corp 2pp                               10CF R73 21) 30745 03430745 073.                                                                                     TILLMAN.A., MCGUIRE.D R Regon 2. Othce of Drector 81/12/30 1p. 31217 313-
!                                                                                                                      31217 315 g
             .gsmansan10 Amends 99 & 98 to Lcenses DPR.32 & DPR-37.respectrvery. reveing Tach Spec 3 2 to permit oppowie unit chargne pump to be used to brmg esabled unit                   8606210501 Ack recept of 850403 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken ir Correct violatons to cdd shutdown m event chargmp pumps become moperecie                                                 noted m insp Repts 50-200/8502 & $0 281/85-02 VARGA.5 A. Operstmg Reactors oranch 1. 84/10/12.11pp. 30745 032-30745 044                              BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Omco of Drector 85/04/30 STEWART.W L Virgna Wyne Electnc & h W 4 N MNW                                                                        ]

9606170153 Responds to FOIA remest for source term event Iraae prepared by Sarda 0608200205 Forwards Enam Rept 50 200/OL-8541 of enam admmistered on850408-L of R 8 03 Y$ Union o Con. ROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/09 STEWART.W L Vagna

             -8608170106 Draft "Contamment Event Anesyne & Esamanon of Source Term                                      Power (Vegrue Elecinc & Power Co L 2pp 31022118 31022 278 Frequencies. App to NUREG4958 "

BEHR.V L Sanea Nanonal Laboratones. 84/07/31. NRC - No Detaded Affikanon -4506200220 Enam Rept 50280/OL 8 Sol cr* 850408-11Enam resuns all to cane-Gwen. 56pp. 30981.154-30981209 dates passed. DOUGLAS.W G . WILSON.B A. Repon 2. Othee of Drector- 85/05/03. 150pp. 8606170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN B0489. " Containment Leak 31022:118-31022 278 Rate Testeg Pro Fa#* & Quaeen Corp /NRC contractsForwards documents re FIN 0-0489 Documents also evadacie m PDR No documents to Quadres subg to remost 8506270710 Forwards SALP Repts 54 280/85 45.50-251/85 45.50 338/8 504 & 50-FELTON.J M Deveen of Rules and Records. FIN B-0489. 85/03/25 339/8544 for Sec41983 - Feb l985 REYTBLATT.Z.V warren Wdson Conage. Swannanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 038- GRACE.J N. Repon 2. Ofhce of Drector 85/05/10 STEWART.W L Vaprua Power 30987 078- (Vrprua Electnc & Fower Co L 2pp. 31248.28531248.341.

             -4        120     "Contanment Leak Rate Testeg lowestganone." progresa summary for                     -8608270730 SALP Repts 50-338/8544 & 54 339/8544 for Sept 1983                                  Feb 1985.Three volanons & one denenon nded;ncken0 fadure W tonow protectwo resay NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Nanonal Laboratory FIN B4489. 82/10/05. ARNDT,G Me-charucal Engineenng Branch. 3pp. 30987112-30987114.                                                                    2 Or                         /           pp      8 287-31248 315
             -4212010000 Forwards het of plants for wtuch leak test repts were selected for revew by ORNLleak teshng cntens wie be prepared from renew W/o enci                                      -4508270706 SALP Repts 50-280/8505 & 50 281/85-05 for Sept 1983 Feb 1985 Ve-ARNDT.E G Macharscal/ Structural E                  Branch. 82/08/18. SHAPAKERJ.                      latons noted fadure to perform sumcsont valve kneup checkhsts pnct to Urut 2 startup Contanment Systems Branch. App 30987.1t&               7.121.                                          frorn 3-wk outage & fadure to have enernate seedwater pumps
  • Repon 2 Omco of Drector.85/05/10 25pp 31248 3t&31248 341.

i -4606170416 "Contamment Leak Rate Toseng," montNy progress rept for Aug 1982. DOUGAN.J R. Oen Radge Nabonel Laboratory FIN B4489 82/08/28. ARNDT.E.G. 8606130027 1 to IE Info Nohce 84 55. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc hst encl. Diwsen of Enginsonng Technology. 8pp. 30987.127 30987132. JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103). 85/05/14. Consondated Edson Co. of New Yor Inc. 07pp. 31044 OtiS-

              -4608170675 *Contacment Leak Rate Tesang." montNy progress rept for June 1983.                            gig 44.171.

NAUS.D.J Oak Rsdge Nabonel Laboratory. FIN B4489 83/08/30. ARNDT,G Me-chorucal/ Structural Engneenng Brancft 2pp. 30987:187-30987.168. 3606130038 Suppi 1 m IE info Nobce 85020, " Motor %ted Valve Fadura Due W EHect s 0000100043 Requests plane & schedule for completen of TMI Acton items H K.3 30 & g mergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 85/05/14. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York 07pp 31044172-och Specs should e led T p 3jyg VARGA.S A Operatng Reactors Branch 1 85/ 4 STEWART.W L Vrgrue Power (Virgne Electnc & Power Co L 9pp. 30824 290 30824 298 g g 0800040129 Forwards revoed VEP NFE 1-A. " NOMAD Code & Model," in response to of voasten W/o nonce of vosanon. BROWNLEE,V L Regen 2. Office of Drector 85/05/18 STEWART W L Vrprue 850304 Nr accq rept for ref an hcensing actons Power (Vrgna Dednc & Power Co L 2pp 3125001S3125002E STEWART.W L vrgna Power (Vegrue Electnc & Power Co) 85/05/28. t THOMPSON,H L Dmeson of LJcenary THOMAS.C.O. Standereraten & Specel

                                                                                                                    -4806270004 Insp Repts 50 280/8513 4 50 281/8513 on 85041519 Velaten

! Prolects Branch. 10.30700 158-30700.278. noted fadure to prrspany labet raeoaceve mail

              -4000040140 Rowsed " NOMAD Code & Moded
  • ALBRIGHT.R H. REYSIN.B K., HOSEY.C.M Regen 2. Omco of Drector. 85/05/08 DZIADOSZ,D. BERRYMAN.R M. BOWMAN.S M Vrgna Power (Vaprus Electnc & 7pp. 31250 021-31250 027.

Power Co ). VEP-NFE 1-A. 85/05/31.120pp 3070015S30700 278. 3408270703 Forwards inop Repts 50-280/8512 8 50281/8512 on 8504024508 No 8800070646 Forwards ressued NPDES pomut for facihty. votatons or devotons utenttied. TAYLOR.J A. Vrpnes Power (Vrprua Electnc & Power Co E 85/05/29. DENTON.H.R- BROWNLEE,V L Repon 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/21 STEW ART,W L Vrprua Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguisson, Drector,49pp. 30799138-30799181L Power (Vrprue Electnc & Power Co L f p.31249 197-31249 202. 1 0008210239 Summary of 850508 rnactme w/utes & Bechtel Corp m Bethesda.MD re -4508270717insp Repts $4200/8512 & 'i4281/8512 on 8504024508 No wolabons respratory protecton for substmosphonc containments Agenda & tot of aanden noted Masor areas mapected plant operatons & operetng Reactors Branch 1. 85/08/05. Operating Reactors IGHBORS.J D Opera 8 D Omco of Dredor. 05/05/21. $pp. Branch 1.15pp. 3104804 1048 059^ 31249 194 31249 202 0008340631 Responds to Genere tir 8502 " Staff b - _.a Actore Siemnuno 0606200600 IE Info Netce 85439. "Austabety of Electncal Equipment Quahhcanon From NRC Integrated Program for Resoluton of Urresolved Safety issue to Steam e a' F !, etor Tube intop'ity Descnptmn of steem generator map samphng program E d edness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y 08pp. 30837258-STEWART.W L Vrpne Power (Vrpne Electne & Power Co ). 85/08/17. 30837 383. THOMPSON,H.L Deveen of Leonerg 17pp. 31062.021-31082.037. 0000290113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from r survey of plant-spe- 0406300000 IE trdo Nobce 85040. ". Oeficionoes n Equipment Ouskhcanon Testng & ' canc mfo re poesnnel for uncontromed reeston exposures in cavites.per JG Part- tr.ertricaton Process." Svc tot encf ' .No further genanc acton needed. JORDAN.E L Diween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post low 850315 Inc. 06pp. 30848188- ! TAYLOR.J M s Othce. Omco of Inspecton and Entorevent. 85/08,18 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Y MURLEY,7 E. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 9pp. 31211.322-31211.3::1 30848 271.

DOCKETEDITEMS 77 8e00000181 Forwards rowest for a&p rdo on 840921 proposed Tech Specs to meerv- 4506200061 LER 8540940 on 850512.PORV PCV.1455C cycled twce due to overpres-ca mac Response requested withm 30 days of ter recept sure corunhartCaused by fadure of normat letdown pressure control valve PCV t145 VARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/28 STEWART,W L Vrgrua Power due to posmoner trMatment. Pert adlusted We850610 Itr P!rgna Electnc e Power Co A app. 30780 381-30781001. SAUNDEAS.R F vegrue Power (Vrgrue Electnc & Power Co) 85/06/10 app 31020.314-31020 317. 9006270665 Forwards insp Repts 50 280/8517 8 50 281/0517 on 8504294502 No mosatens or demanons noted BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/28 STEWART.W L Vrprue 8506240108 NPDES noncomphance notficatonon 850005.od sodied m facety water Power (Vrgrua Electnc & Power Co ). 2pp. 3125100131251006 encharge canal Caused by on entenna storm dram from neart* erncenent & runrung oft dunng heavy ramfan $pdl cteened floanng boorn piaced around dran

         -4506270642 Inso Repts 50 280/8517 8 54281/8517 on 8504294502 No volanon                 TAYLOR.J A Wrgrua Power (Vrprua Electnc & Power Co) 85/06/10. DAS.K C. Vr-prua. Commonwealth of. 2pp. 31203 287-31203 288 or devoton noted Maior areas mapected 10CFR50, App J & Type A.B & C leak rate
           '"9 MELLER.LS., JAPE.F. Regen 2. Othee of Drector. 85/05/22. 4pp. 31251003-             8506240007NPOES               --.-e nohtcatenon850610. man permit brent of 20 mg/l 31251 006.                                                                            exceeded Grab sample revealed ad & geese content of 57 4 mg/lNo unmedate cor-rectrue acten taken due to sample taken after discharge coppseted 46082707t4 Forwards insp Repts 50 280/85a5 & 50 281/8515 on 850422-26 No v4" ist on noted                                                                          N                      N1f3E2042                 04
  • A
  • b '"'

Power (Vr E Co). 2pp 3 97 312 9 5' 3508240006 LER 8541000cn 850515. tartup.mtermedete range Channele Nb 35 & NI-36 tugh fluu knp tnatable actuated 25% power kms Caused by morpen-

         -8408270721 Insp Repts 50-280/8515 & 54281/8515 on 850422 26 No velabon or              {g*h
                                                                                                                        , ,, pg p se     ,sggfor low leakage g g cores          ,4 6 4 4pp.

devanon noted Masar areas mspected crackmg m steam generator grtn welds.snservce map.rewsw of mio re proposed Tech Spec changes & inspector fol- 31204 271'31204 274 k>ne noms. GIRARD.E.H., BLAKE,JJ. Regen 2, Omce of Drector. 85/05/22.12pp 31249274 4606270600 NPDES noncomphance notifcaterton 8506t3 pab sample from Outvan 31249 285. 002. gas turtune on tank desfogstered pH of 5 7. lower than 6 0 pH allowed by l permet Procab8y caused tyr acid od spel from tank never occurred 8606280181 IE Info Notco 85042 " Loose Phosphor m Panasoruc 800 Senes Badge TAYLOR,J A. Vrprua Power (Vygrua Elecinc & Power Co) 85/06/17.JENKINS R R TLD Elements Svc het encs. Vrgrua Commonwealth of 2pp. 3125036131250362. JORDAN.E L. Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engineereg Response (Post 8331031 85/05/29 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorti. Inc. (20pp 30852 245 30 2 363 v. oP.,etor Es-7,.7 IE W .5443. -Radog,aphy Events at Pow., R. acto,e S.c .st ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,o<,,,,,e,d,ne,s,e,e,,,,,ao,. 1 5 05 ted New Y 30"864 ROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Offre of Drector 85/05/09 5TEWART.W L Vagrua 30864 287. Power (Vegrue Elecinc & Power Co L 2pp 31022:116-31022 278 e6062o0195 IE Wo Noece 85444. " Emergency Communcaten Sys Monthly Test" Svc -8806200220 Enam Rept 50-280/OL454f on 850408-11 Exam resultsad to candi-not once. dates passed JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post DOUGLAS.W G , WILSON.B A. Regen 2, OHee of Drector. 85/05/03. 150pp 830103). 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. 412tpp 30864 04S 31022 118-31022 278. 30864.166. saamanas77 IE Wo Notco 85-045. "Polental Seesme Interacten Invahnng Movable in- V. Dry Ceek Independent Spent Fuel Storage Inste8stione Core Flus Mappmg Sys Used m Wes Designed Plants Svc est once. t 5 06 ed dison New Y 22pp 3086500 4502270266 Responds to 841114 request for ede mio re dry cask ISFSI hcense 30865 046' apphcaten Facery wdl be used for escrage of Swry spent fuel rather than transsrug> ment to North Anne plant.

 ;       a=,ac,v=e e                 ge,;==,,

a 54 n a ;,*=ra,as r,;ag cgs, n - as- a M*N ^

                                                                                                            =R rue WomerMr*t, i eSat ' ua,3re "'"E
  • JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 2H44 32b29144 352.

03 85/06/10. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yor . Inc.124pp. 31043 301 dotads on romforemo steet. nod sonng & dampeg factors used m demon ana8ysm 4 9508140240IE Wo Notre 8$047. "Potental Effect of Lee-induced Operaten on Car. deegn drawoos of SSFSI layout.W/two oversue drawegs Aperture cards n PDR tam Target Rock Scienoe$ Operated valves? Svc est encg. STEWART,W L Vs Power (Vrgrue Electne & Power Co ). 85/05/09. JORDAN.E L Deson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post CUNNINGHAMft E. of Fuel Cycle a Matenal Safety.13pp 30883.113-830103) 85/06/18 Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.134pp 31268157 30883.126. 31268 304. 9606140636 IE Info Notco 85048, "Resprator Users Notes Defeceve Self.Contamed 0600070411 Adween that F Sturr wdl attend a make bnet statement about envron as-Breattung Apparatus At Cyhnders? SvC hst encf. sessment at 850620putAc heanng to conader coneteneouse perme for factly dry cask ISFSI. 1 JORDAN.E L Dresen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post ROUSE.LC. Advanced Fuse & Spent Fuel Leenamo Branch. 85/05/30 JONES.M E. 830103) 85/06/19. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.123pp. 31378 064- Surry County, VA. Ip. 30798 200L30798 262. 31378 183. 8606270670 Informs that augmented meervce mso program will be escontmued due to -8600070415 Empresses apprecaten for asselance m provieng NRC representative to Swry County Board of Supennsors 850516 mesang Requests F Sturz be present at fadure to idenefy concerns assocated w/ welds m RCS pressure boundary dunn0 past 850620 meeting to consder condmonalmeyernwt for dry cask storage sys IF13 yrs Lcense amend wdl be provided to reatore weld esp progant STEW ART.W L Vrgame Power (Vrgrue Elecinc & Power Co ). 85/06/20. JONES.M E. Surry County, VA 85/05/20 L;UNNINGHAM.R E. Dwson of Fuel Cycle S Matenal Safety 1p. 30798 261-30798 281. DENTON H R. Orfce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatert. Drector. VARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors Branch t. 3pp. 3123916S31239167. 3600070424 Requests O Smith attend Surry County Board of Supervoors 850620 meetmg to conader conebonaluso perms for facety dry casa storage sys E Perledte operating reports & reisted corroependence ROUSE,LC. Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Lacensag Branch 85/05/30. BROWN.W G. Fuel Facahty Safeguards Lcenang Branch.1p.10798 262-30798 262. 8506100400 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1985 W/850412 lir. 3606170006 Responds to 850410 request to perntseen to rutate const of rutal cork SAUNDERS.R F, JONES.V, STEW ART.W L vagrua Power (Vrgrue Electnc 4 Power Co ). POW 3444. 85/03/31. BEEBE.M R Offce of Resource Management, Drector. crete pad w/ attendant secwily equement.Const of pod a matalianon of secunty 36pp. 30804 217 30804.252. equipment should be documented to confrm descnpton m apphcanon-CUNNINGHAM,R E. Desen of Fuel Cycle & Matenal Safety 85/06/10. STEWART.W L Vrprua Power (Vegrue Electnc & Power Co) 2pp. 30980021-30980 022. S. Reportette oCCuffences, LERs & reteted correspondence 6608250214 Notificaton of 850813 mesteg w/EPRI.BNWL,TVA & DOE m 000e000737 LER 8540700on 850429Astme/ reactor tnp occurred as result of man Washngton.DC to escuss status of spent fusi mgt R&D eMorts NRC rowewmg @y toed pump A tnpCaused when valve open egnal not sent to feed pump anp spent fuse storage apphcanons et edes. Vapve posten actuator arm moehed W/8505n lir. ROBERTS.J P Advancart Fust & Spent Fuel Lcenung Brancit 85/08/17 RS.R F. Vagrue Power (Vrpne Electnc & Power Co). 85/05/29 app. ROUSE.L C Advanced fuel & Spent Fuel Lcenssng Brancit 2pp 31211.172-30758 294 30758 297, 31211:173. 3900140006 NPDES noncernphance nottcaton'en 850529.od node from storm dram escovered. Caused by surface runoff due to rent On espersed before cleanup proce. DOCitET $0 201 SURRY POWUt STATIOct, Uset? 2 dures evealed TAYLOR.J A Vagrue Power (V Electne & Power Co.) 85/08/03. DASS.KC. Vr-gmea, C- . C. of. 2pp. 32 091 30932.094. F. SecurHy. medical, NM & Hre protoceen plans 8508110334 Suppiemontal Part 21 rept to add crcuit treakers.furrushed as spares.w/ cvercurrent anp devees that may have short eme delay band lever name requre rep 4600000062 FOIA request for encts to Gulf State Utds 840820derc.ency rept to ITE-

           & replacement if knk lound reorrect.                                                 Gouki Type 2150 overload relays & enets to NRC 840830 per to VEPCO re request for XAISER.A F. Brown Boven Corp. (subs of Brown Boven & Co Ltd) 85/06/06.               adrs mfo on SPDS to be placed m PDR DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's Othce. Ottco of inspecton and Enforcement. 3pp,               GRABER.L NUS Corp 85/01/31. Onreen of Rules and Records. tp. 30745 004-30614.250 30614 252.                                                                 30745 004

_.m . -.. _ 78 DOCKETEDITEMS 8500060061 Responds to FOiA request for end to Gulf State Utds 840820 Itr to NRC re 8506170077 Responds to FOA request for records to FIN 84489.

  • Contamment Leak Gould Tyoe 2150 overload relays & undated request for adrs mfo re Swry & North Hate Testeg Program" & Ouadren Corp /NRC coreactsForwards documents re FIN Anna SPDS Forwards App A documents Documents also avadable m POR 84489 Documents also avadable m PDR No documents re Quadres auty to request FELTON.J M Dmson of Rules and Records. 85/03/04 GRABER.L NUS Corp 2pp FELTON J M Dmson of Rules and Records. FIN B0489 85/03/25 30745 00530745 011 RE YTBLA TT.Z V Warren Wdson Conage. Swannanoa. NC. 7pp 30987 036-30987 078
   -4506050068 Attachment of fmal Defciency Rept DR 138 re iTE Gould Type 2150 ovenoed relays out of cahtir Relays sent bact & replaced w/L10 overload                          4210120209 Contamment Leak Rate Testmg investigations." progress summary for relays Response to request for addl mio re Surry & North Anna SPDS end                            Sept 1982.
  • Gulf States Utsties Co, 84/08/20. NRC - No Detaned Affikahon Gwen SpE NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Natenal Laboratory FIN B 0489 82/10/05. ARNDT.G. Me-30745 007 30745 011 chancal Engineenng Brancet 3pp. 30987.112-30987114 8506250036 Responds to NRC850305 nr re volatens noted n inop Repts 50-200/a5 -8212010006 Forwards het of piants for whch leak test repts were selected for review 02 & 50-281/8542 Corrective actons survey conducted to assess extent of drect by ORNL Leak testmg entens wdl be prepared from review W/o enct T AR LV gr & Power 85/04/03. GRACE.J N. 3 g, pp 7 Region 2. Othee of ector 3pp. 31204 355-31204 357.
                                                                                                     ~4506170414 " Containment Leak Rate Testeg." monthly progress rept for Aug 1982 8506250064 Further response to FOA request for documents e three categones to                                                               Natonal Laboratory FIN B-0489 82/08/26 ARNDT.E G drug or alcohof aDuse at nuclear faceties Forwards App A documentsW                               DOUGAN.J R. Oak R Dmson of Engineenng echnoiogy. 6pg M8712740987132.

also avasiable si PDR, Processmg of documents cormnurg FELTON.J M Dveson of Rules and Records. 85/04/10. HEATH.SJ Wastungton Legal Foundanon.11pp. 31217 095-31217109. -8504170575 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg." monthly progress rept for June 1983 NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory. FIN B-0489 83/06/30 ARNDT,G Me.

   ~8506250294 Physcat Secunty anno Repts 50-280/81-35 & $0 281/81-35 on 811207-                       charucal/S1ructural Engmeenng Branch. 2pp. 30987.167-30987168 I     t1.No noncomphance noted.Maior areas mapocted sda                  operates dunng 3 I    consee cor%cted invest gaten of aneged misconduct tads withheld (ref                           8506100043 Requests plans & sche &la for completon of TMI Acton items H K.3 30 &

10CFR 73 21) H K.3 31 Fulure plant specihc analysis tot plant performed tg Wes for reload TILLMAN.A Regon 2. Offce of Dreciar 81/12/30. tp. 31217 313-31217.315. or amends to Tech Specs should be calculated unng NOTRUMP VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1 45/05/24 STEWART.W L Vrgitua Power 8505270710 Forwards SALP Repts 50-200/854 5,50-281/8545.50-338/8544 & 50- (Vrgrua Elecenc & Power Co ). 9pp. 30824 290-30824 298 339/8544 tor Sept 1983 Feb 1985 GRACE.J N. Regon 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/10 STEWART.W L Vagrua Power 8500040129 Forwards rev sed VEP-NFE.1-A.

  • NOMAD Code & Modet," m response to (Vrgrua Electnc & Power Co ). 2pp. 31246 285-31246 34 t' 850304 ler accepung rept for ret m hcenseg acsons STEWART.W L vagrua Power (Vegrua Electnc & Power Co) 85/05/28.
   -8506270786 SALP Repts50-280/8505 & 50-281/85-05 for Sept 1983 Fee 1965 Vo*                         THOMPSON.H L Ownen of Lcenemg THOMAS.C.O. Standardraton & Special latens noted fadure to perform suffesent valve bnoup checkhsts pnar to Unit 2 stanup             Projects Branch.1p. 30700158-30700 278.

trom 3-wk outage & fadure to have attomate feedwater pumps

  • Regen 2. Othce of Drector 85/05/10. 25pp. 31246 316 31248 341' 0 RW ** NOMAD h & Madd

D BEH A 8606270703 Forwards Inno Repts 50 280/8512 & 50 281/85-12 on 8504024506 No . p p g 5/ 3 001 307 8 viosations or deviatens identhed BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/21 STEWART.W L Vrgrua Power (vegrue Electnc & Power Col tp.31249.197-31249 202. 8500070644 Forwards ressaued NPDES for fachey TAYLOR.J A. Vagrua Power (Vegrua Electnc & Power Co ) 85/05/29 DENTON.H R

   -4504270717Insp Repts50-280/85-12 & 5428t/85r12 on 850402-0506 No volanons                          Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 49pp 30799138-30799186, noted Masar        areas          espected ptant       operatens       &      opersang j     records.mamt.aurvediance.secuny sonowup of events & LERs                                       8506110033Notifcaton of 850610meetmg w/util m Bethesda.MD to discuss status of BURKE.DJ Regan 2. Offee of urector.85/05/21 5pp. 31249196 31249 202.                             steam                   ator gath weld crack repar NEIGH                  S.J D.       atre Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/05. VARGA.S A. Operatmg 8500030475 Emergency pian anosemeneng procedures.mcludmg Rev 4 to EPIP-3 04                         Fseactors Branch 1.                   30637.182-30837 183.
      "Acevanon of Local Emergency Operatons Facety" & Rev 3 to EPIP-5 05, "$ste Evscuatort" E               plan unplemermne procedures mden enct W/850529 m-                  8506210228 Summary of 850506 meetmo w/utes & Sechtal Corp m Bethesda.MD re n'&J!egen2 *OW2:"C"e67an306%c                             '       '
                                                                                    > "'"'             yt c on -'n--nc an-n G A -= ~ "-
   .50 0 000no,we,es ad. nfo.per850429, eon.cian,,ng ,,ocedu,. -.imn pac .                             g;", aogo,,m,;= a~ ' "'*" oP- 'ina a-age to allow closeoiA of safety evaluahon.

STEW ART.W L Vagrua Poww (Vrgrua Elecinc & Power Co 85/05/3,1. 8506110419 Forwards "Surry 2 Steam Generator Gath Weld Repar," gratinunary 1 DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector. THOM .H L 0 re p son of Lcenerg 5pp 30728 066-30728 070. g THOMPSON.H L Offce of Nuclear Reactor Reguianon, Dractor. VARGA.S A Operat-8506140508 Revised plan . - _ J , procedures.rcludng Rev 12 to ing Reactors Branch 1. 2pp. 30818 047-30816106, EPIP 1.01." Emergency anager Contromng Procedure

  • Rev 3 to EPIP 103," Re-sponse to Alert" & Rev 1 to E9tP-4 05, "Respratory Protectert" W/850610 Itr STEWART.W L V Power (Vr Electnc & Power Co K85/06/10. GRACE.J.N. ~8506110426 "Strry 2 - Steam Generator Grth Weld Reper " prehnunary rept.

Regen 2. Othce of . 27pp. 97 268-30897 29e

  • Vrgrua Power (Vrgrus Electic & Power Co) 85/06/04. 59pp. 30818 049-30816.106.

8506270446 Revesed 'torporate Emergency Response Plan " W/850621 Itr. OATTS.J a., STEWART.W L. FERGUSON.J H Vrgnia Power (V Electnc & 8506240531 Responds to Genenc Lir 8542. " Staff Recommended Actions Stemmm0 Power Col. 65/06/21. GRACE.J.N. Regon 2 Offce of Drector 25 . 31235.289 From NRC Integated Pro 7am for Reeceubon of Urwesolved Safety issue re Steam 312A183. Generator Tube integrity' Descripton of steam generator map sampimg program enct STEWART.W L Vagrua Power (Vrgmia Enoctnc & Power Co ). 85/06/17. P. Operating Soones eteSe documents & correspondence THOMPSON.H L Divison of Lcenseg. t 7pp. 31062.02131062 037. 8600000003 FOA request for four categones of documents includmg efo re esempton 8906290113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from regiones survey of piani-spe-of armers from survediance requremerits & OL amends. cshe rdo re potential for uncoreoned rasaton euposures e rvvH cavsbes.per JG Part-GRABER.L NUS Corp. 84/12/18. Divison of Rules and Records.1p. 30745029 Iow 850315 recpest No further genonc acnon needed. 30745 029. TAYLOR.J M Drectors Offee. Offce of inspecten and Enforcement 85/06/18. MURLEY,T E. Regen 1. Offce of Drector 9pp.11211322-31211.330, 8606170131 FOA request for source term event Wees prepared by Sanda for subs piants. 8908250132 Requests add time to review issues & records to smiementaten pian for

       $ HOLLY.S C. Uruon or Concemed Scionants. 85/01/28. FELTON.J M. Omson of                         Genenc Lir 83-28.per NRC 80313 request for add rfo. Proposed changes to Tech Rules and Records. Ip.30981 151 30981.151                                                        Specs entcipated STEW a.RT.W L vagrua Power (vrpnie Electne & Power Co ). 85/06/19 8600000005 Responds to FOA request for four categones of documents. Forwards app                    DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulebon, Drector. VARGA.S A. Operstmg documents Documents also placed a PDR                                                            Reactors Branch 1. 2pp 31180145-3118& t46.

FELTON.J M Dmmon of Rules and Records. 85/0./30. GRABER.L NUS Corp. 2pp 30745 030-30745.073. 8506270068Subnuts est of valves for wruch repers/ replacements evolv ng welen0 on eressure boundary planned for norusciable portons of blowdown sys & man steem

    -8000000010 Amends 99 4 98 to Lcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37.respectively revier'9                         branch connectons.per utd 850503 rehof request.

Tech Spec 3 2 to porerut oppoede unit cher pump to be used to bnng enabled urut STEWART.W L Vrgrus Poumr (Vrprue Electnc & Power Col 85/06/21. to ccks shutdown m event cheryng pumps moperable DENTON,H.R. Omco of Nicteer Reactor Regulaton, Drector. V ARGA.S A. Operstm0 VARGA.S.A. Operstmg Reactors uranch1. 84/10/12.11pp. 30745 032-30745 044. Reactors tirench 1. 2pp. 31236 200 31236 201 8606170163 Ruponds to FOA request for source term event trees prepared by Sanse Unen of Con.

                                                                                                     & W repete, E Means & concependence

! L of and R d 0 03 SHOL S. comed Scsonesta 2pp. 30981.152 30981209 { 8506290036 Responds to NRC 850305 Itr re violatone noted in insp Repts50-280/85-

    -eeest701es Draft "Contamment Event Anafyms & Esematen of Source Term                               02 & 50'281/8543.correceve actons survey conducted to essess estant of drect Frequencies. App to NUREG.0956."                                                                 hometh                      exponence of mduduele reportng to supervoor.

BEHR.V L Sanes National Latmratones. 84/07/31. NRC No Detaded Affiliaton STEW ,W 4 Vagrue Power (Vrpme Electnc & Power Co).85/04/03. GRACE.J N. Gsven. 56pp 30981.154-30981209 Degen 2. Omco of urector. 3pp. 31204 355 31204.357. I

DOCKETEDITEMS 79 8506250064 Further response to FOIA request for documents e three categores re 8505280187 IE into Notes 85443. ' Rachography Events at Power Reactors ~ Svc het drug or alcohol atmse at nucsear faceties Forwarris App A documents Documents ence also avadable in POR PTCessang of docurnents contmumg JORDAN E L Divmon of Emergency preparedness & E ngencerma Response (Post F EL TON.J M Dmsson of Rutes and Records 85/04/10 HE A TH.S J Washmgton 830103) 85/05/30 Consondated Essen to of New York. Inc. f20pp 30864 167-Legal Foundation I tpp 31217 095 31217 109 30864 287

 -8506250294 Physacal Security inso Repts 50-280'81-35 & 50-281/81-35 on 811207-11 No noncomphance noted Masor areas espected safe secur ty operanors dunng ab                 8505240195IE Into Notice 8'i-044 ' E mergency Communicahon Sys MontNv Test " Syc consee conducted investigation of aliegM revsconduct uetads wohek.1 tref                          hst enct 10CF R 73 21)                                                                                     JORDAN E L Deson St Erwrgency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post TILLMAN.A, MCGUIRE.D R Region 2. Offce of Drector 81/12/30 1p 31217 313-                          830103) 85/05/30 Conschdated E sson Co of New York. Inc 121pp 30864 04 5 31217 315 i

30n64166 8506210501Ach recept of 850403ftr irWorming NRC of steps tamen to correct viodauons 646060677 'E Into Notice 85 045, "Polenhal Seismc interaction involveg Movable in-noted in inso Repts 50 280e 85 02 & M281/85-02 cc,e Hun Mappog Sys Used in Weshnghouse Desagned Plants " Svc kst enct BROWNLEE.V L Region 2 Of+ ice of Drector 85/04/3C STEW ART.W L Vrgna JORDAN E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Posi Power (Vegna Eiectnc & Power Co) 1p 31057 253-31057253 830103) 85/06/06 Consohdated Esson Co of New York. Inc 122pp 30865 001 30865 046 8506270710 Fntwards SALP Repts %280 85 05 50-281/85 05.50-338/8504 & 50" 339/85 04for Sept 1983 Feb 1985 8506060707IE trdo Notice 85446, "Clantcahon of Several Aspects of Removatae Ra-GRACE.J N Reg.on 2. Ottice of Drector 85/05/10 STEWART.W L Vagna Powe' dioactive Surface Contaminahon Lanets ter Transport Pactages " Svc hst enct (Vegna Electrc & Power Co ) 2rp 3124e 285-31246 341- JORDAN.E L Devesson of Emergency Preparedness & Fr9neenng Response (Post 830103) 85/06/10 Consondated Esson Co of New York. Inc 124pp 31043 30'

 -8506270766SALP Repts50-280/8545 & %28U8505 for Sept 1983 Feb 198t Vo-iations noted   fadur e to poderm suttcient vasve kneAp cNichhsts poor to Urvt 2 staNp trom 3 wh outage & taseure lo have at's nav feedwater pumps                                    4506140240IE into Notice 85047, "Potenhet Ettect of Line induced Opershon on Cer-Regon 2. O'tco of Drector 85/05/10 250p 31246 3ttk31246 341                                     tain Target Rock Sosenoid-Operated Valves " Svc hst enct JORDAN E L                                                               Aesponse iPost 4505130027 Suppi 1 to IE Info Notee 84 55 ' Seal TaDee Loans at PWRs " Svc hst enu                               8/ Desson 1        of Emergency oneoh   aled E@ son Co   Preparedness d New York MC& Engmeerg34pp        3t268 t57-JORDAN E L Divis on of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 03 85/05/14 Consondated Esson Co. of New York. inc 107pp 31044 065 8506140636 IE Info Notce 85-048. "Resprator Users Nohce Defectrve Sett-Contamed Brearning Apparatus At Cyiinders" Svc hst enct 4505130038 Suppe 1 to IE into Notco 85020. " Motor-Operated Va#ve Falures Due to                      JORDAN E L Dresson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post Hammenng Effect." Svc hst enct                                                                    830103) 85/06/19 Consondated Edson Co of New York. Inc.123pp 31376 064-JORDAN.E L Drveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post                           31376 183 630103) 85/05/14 Conso4 dated E& son Go of New York. inc 107pp 31C44172-31044 278 4506270570 informs that augmented meervce msp program will be escontrued due to
$506270687 Forwaros inse Repts 50 280s 6513 & M281/8513 on 850415-19 & notco                          taisure to identity ccicorns associated w/ weeds m RCS pressure boundary durmg past ot violabon W/o nohce ol veation                                                                  12-13 yrs Lcense amend win be provvied to restore wed esc pervyam STEW ART.W L Vagna Power (Virgna Leeanc & Power Co) 8%uo/20 BROWNLE E.V L Pegon 2. Ottice of Drector 85/05/16 STEWART.W L Vrginia                             DENTON.H R Office of Nuciasr React 3r Regalation. Dreciar V ARGA.S A Operstmg Power (Vegirwa Eectrc & Power Co ) 2pp 31250 019 31250 027                                        Reactors Branch 1 3pp 3123916531/39167
-8506270694 insp Repts W280/8513 & $0 281/8513 on 85G41519 Volation noted taesu re to iabel rascactive matt                                                                                                                                                     L R. Portod6c operating reports & related correspondence ALBRGHT R H . Revs.N B K , HOSE Y.C M Region 2. Ottice of Drector 85/05/08 7pp 31250 02131250 027^

8506100464 ts for Mar 1985 W/850412 ltr 8506270703 Forwards 'tisp Repts 50 280;8512 & %28tr88L 12 on 850402 0506 No SAUNDERS.R Monthly F . JONEoperatmg S.V . 5 7EW ART.W L Vegernania Power Elecirc(Vr

                                                                                                                                                                                       & Power voatsons or dewatsons idensted                                                                   Co) POW 34-04 85/03/31. BEEBE M R Othce of Resource                      gement. Director BROWNLEE.V L Regon 2. Ottce of Drector 85/052' STEWART.W L Vagna                                  36pp 30a04 217 30804 252' Power (vrgna E ectrc & Power Co ). to 31249 197.31249 202
-8506270717insp Repts 50 200/8512 & %e81/8512 on 850402-0506 No volations                         $ ep aNe occurrences, MRs & related correspondence noted Maior          areas       espected piant      coerations     &        operatmg records ssvewance securdy followup of events & LERs BURKE.D J , DAVlS U J . ELROD.S Region 2. Otke of Drector 85/05/21 5pp                        $506050249 LER 85 003 00 on 850428. Type C testmg revealed both outside recrcula-31249 198-31249 202                                                                                hon spray purno sucnon vaeves MOV.RS255A. B(EliS 20) inoperable On850510.out-sade recrculation spray pump escharge varve moperabie We 880523 Itr 85052t>3590 IE Into Notco 85-039 "Aurhtabihty of Electncal Equipment Quahtcaton                      SAUNDE RS.R F Vagna Power (Vegna Elecinc & Power Co )- 85/05/23 3pp 30725 335 30725 337.

Records at Laceesees Facshfies " Svc hst enct JORDAN E L Division of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response iPost 830103) 85/05/22 Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc 1060p 30837 258- 8506040747 LER 85002 01 on 850215.chargog pump mtermernate seal cooters escow-30837 363 ered unproperty ahoned Caused by personnes error Proper etermedate seal cooler placed in svc Personned reestructed se fonowmg procedures W/850524 ftr 4505200600 tE into Notace 85040. "Deta.encies vi Equipment Quahtcation Testmg & SAUNDERS.R F Vrgna Power (Vrgna Elecinc & Power Co) 85/05/24 4pp Certification Pror.ess " Svc hst once 30708 118-30708 121 JORDAN E L Diveon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830:33) 85/05/22 Consondated Edson Co of New York. Inc.106pp 30848 166- 8506120191 LER 85@4@ on 8'(501. degraded termmal screws used to termenate 30848 271 held ovmg msede Rosemount transmitters & CONAX seal assembhes did not provide poesteve envron seal Caused by overtor homon screws W/850531 Itr 8506060181 Forwards request for addl mto on840921 proposed Tech Specs to meerv- SAUNDERS A F Vagna Power (Vegna sectnc & Power Co) 85/05/31 app sce esp Response requested wrtrwn 30 days of ftr receipt 3085711 530857.118 VARGA.S A Operatmg Reactors Branch t 85/05/28 STEWART.W L Vagna Power (Vagna Electnc & Power Co ) 4pp 30780 36130781001 4506140586 NPDES w. e notrfcahonon 850529.od spdl from storm dram 8506270555 Forwaros tasp Repts %200/6517 8 50-281/8517 on 8504290502 No vem CM W We W due m w Od @W We NW pe dures ratsated vaatons or dewatons ro red T AYLOR.J A. Vegna Power (Vegna Electne & Power Co) 85/06/03 DASS.K C. Vr- = BROWNLEE.V L. Regson 2. O'fice of Drector 85/05/28 STEWART,W L Vegna gna. Commonwealth of 2pp 30932 093-30932 094 Power (Vegna Electnc & Power Co ) 2pp 31251001-31251006 _ -8506270542 Insp Repts 50 280/8517 & 50 281/85-17 on 850429-0502 No violaton overcipent Irip devices that may have short tune delay band sever items requre msp or dev,aton noted Masor areas mspocted 10CFR50. App J & Type A.B & C 6eam rate E Br Boven Corp subs of Brown Boven & Co. Ltd). 85/CE/0e S. JAPEI Regon 2. Offce ct Drector 85/05/22 4pp 31251 003' M 3061 250- 4 2 4506270714 Forwards insp Repts50 280/8515 & 50 281/8515 on 850422 26 No vit> 8506240106 NPDES ..v. ~..Me notAcaton on 850605.od spdied m facihty water men noted escharge canalCaused by od one storm east from nearby equipment & runnmg BROWNLEE.V L Regon 2. Office of Drector 85/05/28 STEWART W L Vagna OM durmg hoevy ramtall Spdl cleaned tmg boom placed around eam Power (vrgna Electnc & Power Co) 2pp 31249 272-31249 285 TAYLOR.J A Vrgna Power (Vr Electnc & Power Co) 85/06/10. DAS,K C Vir-grua, Commonweafth of 2pp. 31 287-31203.288 -8506270721 insp Repts 50 280/8515 & W281/8515 on 850422 26 No viotateur' or deviahon noted Masor areas inspected crackmg in steam generator grth 8506240097 NPDES nora.omphance nohfcatonon850610. mas permit tmst of 20 mg/l weeds.esennce map. review of mfo re proposed Tect' Spec changes & mapoclor los- exceeded Grab sample revealed od a grease content of 57 4 mg/l No enmesete cor. towup 4tems GIRARD.E H. BLAKE.JJ. Region 2. Offce of Drector 85/05/22.12pp. 31249 274 rectrve acton taken due to sample takovi after drscharge cornpoeted 31249 285 7AYLOR.J A Vrgne Power (Vagna Electnc & Power Co) a5/06/12 JENKINS.R R Vrgne. Co...%. . . uT. of Ip 31204 239-31204 239 8505280181 IE info Not ce 85042. " Loose Phosphor n Panasonc 800 Senes Badge 7LD Elements " Svc hst encs 8506240002 LER 85405 00 on 850514 & 15.autometc rutahon of Hazard lones 8 & JORDAN.E L Drvision of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Resporge (P9st 4.respectiveeylocked out w/no tre watch present Caused by lack of procedure & 830103) 85/05/29 Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.120pp 30852 245 di be anpiemonted W/850614 per 30852 363. Wanng Procedure SAUNDERS.R F. Vegmis forPowerCO2(Vegsys lockouts,r=maoEnoctre

                                                                                                                                                                            . 85/06/13.&5pp Power C )

31204 157-31204 161.

l 80 DOCKETED ITEMS 4506270558 NPDES noncorrphance riotrhcatm on 850613. grab sample from Outtall P. Operater g license stage documents & correspondence CO2 cas turt>ne on tank des. registered pH of 5 7, lower than 6 0 pH allowed by permit Probably caused by acsd od spe from tank neve occurred $506030390Partiet response to FOIA request for three categores of documeth % be TAYLOR) A Vrgraa Power (Vr Electnc & Power Col 85/06/17 JENKINS.R R made available at POR re NSHCs App A documents enct a placed m PDH 5earch Vagrua. Commonwealth of 2pp. 1250 361-312M 362 conhnurg F ELTON J M Dmmon of Rules and Records 84/11/08 ADATO.M Union of Cas - corned Scienh4ts 4pp 30720 W30720 m Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage instaRatione

                                                                                              -4506040244 Notice of conssderate of issuance of amends to Lcertnes DPR 24 &

8502270256 Responds to 841114 request for add mto re dry cask ISFSi hcense apphcatm Facskiy we be used for storage of Surry spent fuse rather than transay DPR 60g,&,wt of core local heat fium ratepropcsert NSHC determmate & oppor1unny fer hearmg re request to enange ment 2 Nath Anna plant. Lee,s.R A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 3 83/07/08 7pp 30721139-30721215 STEW ART.W L Vr Power (Vr Flectnc & Power Co) 85/02/06 CUNNlNGHAM R E of Nuclear atenai Safety & Safeguards.Drector 31pp 4506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN 8 0483. "Contamment Leah 29144 321 29144 352- Rate Testeg Program" & Quadres Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documen's re FIN 8504120404 Forwards descretion of facety to be ricluded et revsed ISFSI SAR.addl h 'O"' h*gb $$j I ceimals on romfor steel, sod spnng a damping tactors useo at desagn ana4ses & RE YTBLATT,2 V W arrett Weson College, Swananoa. NC 7pp. 3098 7 03ti-n dra of Si layout W/two overss2e drawmgs Aperture Cards in POR 30987 076 ST AR T.W Vr Power (Vr Electnc & Power Cot d5/05/09 CU NI% HAM.R E. cf Fuel yess & Marenal Safety 13pp 30683 113- -4210120209 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg invembgations? prvess summary for Sept 1962 NAUS,0 J Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratcw FIN 84489 82/10/05 ARNDT.G Me. 8506070411 AcMses that F Stur2 we attend 4 make bnet statement about envron as- chanical Engensonng Branch W N H2 m m sessment at850620putAc heann0 to consder conditional-vae permet for facery ey cask ISFSa ROUSE.L C Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Lcenang Branch 85/05/30 JONES M E -8212010006 Fwwards het d plants for e rwch leak wel repts em sesected for rwww Si.try Couri' V A.1p 30796 26430796 262' by ORNL Leak testeg crrtena wie be prepared from revow W /c enci ARNDT.E G Mechatural/ Structural Engw B< anch 62'06/18 SHAPAK E R.J

 -4506070415 Empresses apprecianon for asestance m                     NRC representative to     Contamment Systems Branch opp 30967 118-             7121 Surry County Board of Supervoors850516 meetmg                   ts F Sturt be present at 850620 meetmg to canador cordtionaa-use permit for            cask storage sys            -4506170281 Contenment leak Rate Testmg Investigations." monthly progress rept JONES.M E. Surry            . VA 85I05/20 CUNNINGHA R E Dmam of Fuel Cycie                   br Nov 1962
    & Matenal Safety 1p. 30 98 261-30798 261                                                     DOUGAN.J R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory FIN B 0489 02/12/07 ARNDT,G Me-charucal/ Structural Engmeermg Branch 3pp 309e'.1tVJ0387117
 ~4506070424 Recpests O Smith s' tend Surry County Board of Supenosors 850620 meetmg to consder cordeonal-use permit for facety dry cash storage sys                    -4506170416 "Contamment Leak Rate Teshng7 r etNy progress rept for                        1962 ROUSE.L C Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Lcenang Branch 65/05s 30. BROWN.W G                     DOUGAN.J R Oak Rdge National Laboratory FIN B4a84 A2 08/26 ARN T.E G Fuci Facety Safeguards Lcensmg Branch.1p 30798 262-30796 262.                                Dmmon of Engmeenng Tectmonogy 6pp 30967127 30967 32 0504170666 Responds W650410 request to permasm to wwhate const of erwtml com                 8506030107 Forwards safety evaluation to ute 831104 response to Genanc Ltr 63-crete pad wi.ittendant secur ry ecpement Const of pad & metaHahon o' seCunty                 28,ltems 311.312.3 21.3 2 2.41 & 4 51 Response to stems acceptabse Revew equement sheaid be documented to confrm descnption m apphcation.                             complete CUNNINGHAH.R E. Dmmon of Fust Cycle & Matenal Safety 65/Ct ,-                                MILLER.J R Operateg Reactors Branch 3 85/05/13 MUSOLF.D M Northern States STEWARLW L. Vrprea Power (Virgrua Electnc & Power Co t 2pp 30900 021-                        Power Co 1p 30706 3'9-30706 361 30900 022.
                                                                                              -4506030115 Safety evaluation supporte.g utd 631104 response M Genenc t er 83-8504250214 Notrhcate of 650613                         m / E PRI.BNWL,TV A & DOE m             28 items 311.312.3 21.3 2 2 41 & 4 51 Westungton.DC to esen status of spent              engt R&D et' orts NRC revowmg dry              Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector 85/^5/13 2pp 30706 360-m>ent fuse storage apphcates at stes                                                         30 foe 3e t.

AviRTS,J P Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Liceneng Branch 85/06/17. ROUEL C. Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Lcensing Branch 2pp. 31211 172- 4506040094 Forwards safety evaluate & request 'or add eto re Generc Lir 82 28 on 31211.171 core cochno metrumentation sys. per NUREG4737.bem II F 2 S te auGt actseduled for 450620to review functional test results

                                                                                                               " P*'        "


                                                                                              -450'W)40114 Satery evaluenon te Genenc Ltr 82-28 on medmate cue coohng mstr#

F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plane mentation sys.per NUREG4737. Item 11 F 2 Use of proposed genenc Westeghouse approach to reactor vossai level metrument sys acceptacae 4506030554 Conchades that State of WI & local emergency preparedness piens

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Reguiahon, Deer tar 85/05/13 4pp 30719 260-adeouste Pubhc alert & notthcahon sys approved on 650425 App 3.Rev 1 to 30719 28'1 NUREG-OR54/ FEMA-REP-1. "Std Guide for Evaluation of Alert Notification Sys ..."

SPECK.3 W Federal Emergency Management d5/ 35/16 DIRCKS.WJ 8505240241 Forwards apphcatsort lur amerv$s to Lcenses DPR 42 & DPR 60. request-Office of the Executive Drector for Opershons. to . 220-30686 220 ing Tech Spec change to au1Nnie use of steam generator sneeves for repen or de-fe*e stears seneritor tubes Fae paxf 8506240544 Foreerds Safety insp Repts 50L262/65-07 & 50-306/85-06 on 850513- MUSOLF.D Northem States Power Co 85/05/17 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regula-h n, Drecu 2pp m m m W APER L 3, Office of Drector. 65/05/29 LAASON.C E. Piorthein States Power Co Ppp 3120t 316-31201331 -4505240247Apohcate for amends to Laconses DPR 42 & DPR 60, regrustmg Tech

  -4506240555 inno Repts 50 262/8547 4 50 306/85-06 on 65051115 No noncomph-                               c, p

au e une W steam generaw sleeves b repae d WW ance noted Maior areas espectod emergency preparedness esercme.ccludwg MUSOLF.D Nrnthem Sta;es Power Co 85/05/17 5pp 30680 093-30680097 observations.h functnne & locahons enerctae 9' " ' ' '* *$'

                                                                                               -4505240273 Proposed Tech Specs requesteg authorrzahon to use generator 5/29 2        12b1     3      1'31'                                                         sleeves for repaa of defectwo steam generator tubes 4506040339Adeses that 850515 Rev 11 to secunty plan conestent w/ provisorn of
  • Northein States Power Co 85/05/17 400pp 3068C 098 30660105 10CFR50 54fp) & acceo ,sbie AJtELSON W L. R 3. Omce of Dwector 85/08/30 LARSON.C E, Northem States -450A030 tS7 Prame island Umts 1 & 2 S.eem Generator Saeeweg Rept (Mechar9cel Power Co 2pp 30 V 2M703 260 "
                                                                                                        ,,,,{ghouse Flectre Corp WCAP '0757 85/01/31.138pp 30680106 36680 241 4506060046 Adeses of NRC approval of State of WI emer                 response pian & asso.

cated local plans based on review of FEMA twonna S. s 50282/82 214 50L306/ -4506030 t95 " Steam Generstor Sleewmg Rept (Brared Sleeves) ** 82 21 issued on821227 concludad hcensee emergency paar. m.eptable

  • Westmghouse Elecmc Corp WCAP-10620 65/03/31 154pp 30680 244 30661037 PAPERIELLO CJ Regu 3 Othce of Drector 65r04"J1. LARSON.C E Northem States Power Co. 2pp 10728134-30728 236 -4506030219 "Prene Island Steam Generator Tube Repea Uwng Leak Tight Sleeves."

fmal rept. 8506110423Revrsed emergency plan implemorang procedures.incbdbrg Rev 6 to F3 3

  • Combustion Enomeenng. Inc CEN 294 NP 85/05/15 50pp. 30681036-30681101 re respontbittes dunng nonfication of unueuel event & Rev ii to F3-4 re respongb4-ees dunng siert.ste area or general eme gency W/850604 ler 4504130283 Suppe 1 to apphcahon for amends to Lacenses DPR-42 & CPR fl0 revieng SCHUELKE.D A., FEY.F L Northom States Power Co. 85/06/05. 49pp 30s16 317- Tech Specs to authonie use of st*am generator soeves for reper et abwectve steam 30817 048 generator tubes Proctetary repts withheid trof 10c)R2 790)

MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/C3. O'fice of Nuclear Reactor RegpAa-8506240553 Provides add rWo re rnods planned to conform to Rev 2 to Reg Guide tion, Drector 2pp 30859 001-3n659 012 197, "Instrumentatsoe for Light-WaterCooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant & Envrons Constions Di.cng a Fomoweg Accident ' -4506130287 Recwsts that propnetary WCAP 10756, ~Prare IWrad Urvts 1 & 2 Feenm MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 65/06/06 Orfce of Nuclear Reactor Regda- Generator SYeving Rept (Mechanical Sleeves)? be methhem. from pubhc disclosure tion, Drector 3pp 31065 311-31065 313. tret 10c3 R2190) Afhdavit once WiESE MANN R A Wesenghouse Electnc Corp 85/03/07 DENTON.H R Office of Nutteer Reactor Regudahon. Drector topp 30659 003-30659 012 8504240073Forwar n sawy evatushun acceptog Westinghouse Owe ers Group (WOG) 450603J521 Forwards Endorsements 77.63.65 & 55to NEUA Pohcy NF.174 & MAELU une of NOTRUMP It member or WOG TMI Action stem II K 3 30 cornpiele & piant age-Pohcies MF-51,NF-197 & MF 4n respecovely evhc ene*yss per TMt Acton item H M 3 31 due within 1 yr of ror of tir JOHNSON.R G Northam States Power Co 8*/05/22 DfN TZ t Antitrust & Ecanomc BUTCH 4 4 E J Operatang Reectors Grench 3 85/06/06. MU .D M Northem Analyws Branch (Utahty Frierte) Spp 30684 M3 30684 337. States Power Co 9rp 311'4.152 31150 3fl0

DOCKETEDITEMS 81 8506250113 Forwards tabular sumrnary of key results frorn regsonal survey of plant-spe- 8506140240IE info Notre 8%047 'Potentui Erfect of Linearxiuced Opershon on Cer-cihc m'o re potenuae tot uncontraued rasation exposures in FwR caeties.per JG Part- tam Target Rock So6enoid Operated Valves " Svc hst enri tow 850'315 venuest No further geienc action needed TAYLOR,J M Drector's Othee. Office of inspection and Enforcement 85/06/18 JORDAN E L Dmsson of Ernergency Preparedness & Erwjneermg Response (Post MURLEY,7 E Region 1. OHce of Orector 9pp 31211222 31211330 830103) 85/06/18 Corsohdated Edson Co of New Ymit inc 134pp 31268 157 31268 304 8506270206Subrnets SM mfo re menementaten of N@E G-0737.rtem Il F 2 concommg 8506146636 IE lato Nonce 85448 "Resprator Users Nohce Detourve Seft (' ntamed madequate core ' metrumentaban m response to JR WW850513 request Draft rnades fech Specs Breathmg Apperatus As Cyimders '* Svc het enct MUSOcF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/18 Othce of Nudaar Reactor Reguia- .'ORDAN E L Dvision of Emergency P eparedness & Engmeenng Ri e de (Post Inon, Drector tipp 31234 354-31234 362 a30 t 03) 85/06/19 Consondated Fason Co of New York inC 123r ,1376 v64 31376 183 Q. Inspection reports, IE Busietins & correspondence 8506270574 Mwards regonse m Genene W n02 m MC uwgraw program im resoauton of unresoeved safety esues re slearn Generau tube meegnty mctumng prac-8505130027 S@pi 1 to IE info Nance 84 e5, ~ Seas TatHe Leeks at PWRs " Syc bat enct tices for ensurmg osp due to Category C-2 results JORDAN E L. Dmsson of Emergency Freparemess & E noenng Response fPost MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/19 Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regula. 830103) 85/05/14 Consondated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc 107pp 31044 06% son, Drector 13pp 31239 00431239 018 31044 171. 8505130038 Sopol 1 to IE into Nonce 85420 "Motoroperated Velve Fadures Due to R Portosc opwaung upsts & relaw correspondence Hammereg EMect" Svc bst oncl. JOADAN.E L Drywon of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 85061002 %Montivy atmg repts for Mar 1985 W/860403 iir 830t 03) 85/05/14 Consondated Edson Co of New Yortt. inc 107pp 31044172- DUGST AD.D , MU F D. Northem States Power Co 8s/03/31 9pp 30827 12% 31C44 278 30827 133 8508030071 Forwards Safety nnso Rept %282/8511 on 8504154502 & notre of vu> E ES L A R 3. OHee of Orector 85/05/t7. LARSON.C E. Nortnern States ******"*"***' * ""* *

    -8506030076Nohce of violation frorft esp on850416-0502                                  8506170054 LER 83 028/03L.0 0n 83103t.dunn0 revew of survessance monthly surveirance test found not performed accormng to Tech Spec 4 0 Caused by REYES L A Flespon 3, Omco of Drector 85/05/I7 2pp 30688131-30686132                     personnet fassure to     late schedule aanne Urvt 2 re#uehng W/831130 fir HUNSTAD.A A., MU           F,D Northern States Power Co 83/11/30 2pp 30978 343-
   -4506030082 Into Rept %282/8511 on 8504154502 %-.A.aes noted laese                          30978 344 to have acequate cor tamment integrated leak rate test procechsen & faekse to per-torm repe rs to penetratons pnor to Type A test.

HARE.S M , GULDEMOND.W G Regen 3 Othce of Ovector 85/05/17 9pp 8506170045 LER $540940on 8#500 reactor Inpped on low steam generator level 30686 131 30686 141 pt,s ecedwater flow / steam t.ow trasmatch Caused by seperated sonder on instrument ad .ano pnt Repers made & reactor restarted We850rio7 itr 8505200590 IE irdo Nonce 85-039. "Audriatahty of Elecincel Equipment Quakficahon HUNSTAD.A A. MUSCLF.D Northem States Power Co 85/06/07 3pp 30978 358-Records at LKensees Facahtes Svc kst enct 30a78 360 JORDAN E L Desson of Emergency Propersoness & Engeneerug Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22 Coneohdated Esson Co of New York, Inc.13npp 30837 258- 4506210454 LER 85410-00 0n 850509 reactor inpped on low steam ator 30837 363 w h mt w h fm @ w m h w e opened tat compiated Rept wel be cuculated for tremeng W'850610 Itr 8505200600 IE Info Nohce 85440. "Dehciences e Eespmerd Quaufcanon Testmo 8 A., MUSOLF.D Northem States Power Co 85/06/10 3pp. 3t057 22% Cert $ canon Process ~ Svc het enci h$' 2fA - JORDAN E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparochess & E Response iPost 830103) 85/05/22 Consohos'ed Eason Co of New Y , Inc OEpp 30848166-30848 271. V. Operator Examinations 8505280181 IE Info Notce 85442. ~ Loose Phosphor m Panasonse FC Senes Badge TLD Eiernente " Svc hat enci 8506040652 Notsfes that ent'en & oral ename for operator & senior uperators sched. JORDAN.E L Drwoon of Ernerger cy Preparedness & E used for wt of850826 Approved ret mate hated m Enci t requred by650625 Rnomme (Post REYES.L. Region 3. Omce of Drector 85/05/24 LARSON.C E. Northern States 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Edson Co of New yor , Inc. 20pp 30852 245 Power Co. 5pp 30709 025-30709 029 30852 363 8506240544 Forwards Safety Irmp Repts 50 282/8547 & $0-306/R546 on 850513 15 No noncomphance noted 140KET 60 285 FORT CALHOUN $TATION, UNIT 1 PAPE R1ELLO.C J Region 3, Office of Dwector 85/05/29 LARSON.C E. Northern

         #. 3 Power Co 2pp 31201318-31201331
                                                                                            ,, g          yg                      g,,,,,,      ,,,,,,,
   -8506240555 inso Repts 50 282/85-07 & B306/8506 on 8505t3-15 No re ance noted Mapor areas inspected emergency preparedness esercise rictuen9 ooservatons key functions & notations ch;nnp esercsse                                 8506100620 Requests full age drawings for May 1986 regulatory eNectrveness revew of PATTENSOrtJ P , PLOss(i.T J . WILLIAM >r.N.N R Regior 3 Offee of Drector 85/            vstal areas Let of requested dro       s enci 05/2912pp 31201320-31201331-                                                            HUNTE R.D R Regpon 4, Othce of ector 85/06/04 ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubec Power Dstnct 4pp 30793 234 30793 237.

850 80187 IE info Notice 85443. "Ridiography Events at Power Reactors

  • Svc bst 8506110292 Requests bsted addl mfo cLantymg revs to emergency plan withm 30 JORCAN E L Dween at Emergency Preparedness & Engpneenng Response (Post do ne decmase eMectrveness of msponse capabanties per 830103 85/05/30 Contendated Leson Co 06 New York, Inc. 12000 30864 167- f g Z864 2 ' HUNTER.D R Region 4. Othce of Drector 85/06/06 ANDREWS A L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct. 3pp 30807 098-30807.100 8505280195IE Info Notce 85444. " Emergency Communicabrm Sys M mthey Test
  • Svc het enci 8506210420 Forwards safety evaluanon apprown0 contmund anplementation of SPDS JORCAN.E L Desem of Ema jency Preparedness & Eroneermg Response iPost wpred per NUREG4737.Suppe 1 Adds mto requested re human factors rewow of 830103r 85/05/30 Consohdated Edson Co of Pew York. Inc.121pp. 30664 045- SPDS & isolanon devees used to mtertece SPDS w/ plant 30tA4166 BUTCHER.EJ Operstmg Reactors Branch 3 85/06/07. ANDREWS R L. Omaha Pibhc Power Detnct. 2pp. 31048 000-31048 093 4506100613 Resrends to NRC850502 Itr te voiabons noted e insp 'lapt %282/8%

08 Correctrve actons Procedure SP 1005 re nuclear power range dah cahbr rowsed -8506210435 Safety evaluston approvmg contrived implamentaton of SPD3 requred to erake anthmerc error less hhely per NUREG 0737.Suppi t AdcB mfo requested re human factors rowsw of SPDS & eo. L ARSON.C E Northern States Power Co 85/05/31 HARRISONJJ. Regiori 3. Office lanon donces used to mter* ace SPDS w/ plant of Drector 2pp. 30794 t92-30794 t93

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector 85/06/07. 12pp. 31048 082 31048 093 8506 50477IE Info Notice 85445. "Potenhed Seesme interaction invorvm0 Movable tr*

Ccre Fluu Mapping Sys Lese't e Wes see Designed Plants " Syc het encs JORDAM E L Dws.on of Ernergency aparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 8506210290 Prowdes sched;le for compeehon of human factors enamt plan re 830103) 85/06/06 Consohdr'ad Edson Co of New york. Inc.122pp 30865 00l' DCRDR.per 850615 comtrutment Summary rept suppl scheduled for ensuance ty 30865 046 850815 Upgraded emergency nparatog procedures will be compacted by 850907 ANDREWS R L. Omaha Putze Power Disinct. 85/06/t5 DUTCHER.E J Operahn0 05c4240298 Forwards irnp Rep *s 50-262/8513 4 50-306/8510 on 850522 No vola- **#

  • N' R SON 3 0thce of 85/06/01.LARSON C E. Nortnem States 8506240204 Forwards insp Rept 50-285/8508 on 850408 12 & nonce of Power Co. Ip, 3120216% 3t20217,Drector woeston Notice of volanon withheed (ret 10CFR73 21)

HWTER.D R Ry 4 W of Drector 85/06/11. ANDRMR L Owe W

   ~4506240304 Inns, Repts50 282/8413 4 54306/85t3 on 850522 No volatons or de-               Power Detnct 2pp. 3m 2153 N 217.

vianor veed Aa#or woes mopected ved acten re IE Butteen 84 t ' concomme me-g TONJF. WILLIAMS.C C. Regpon 3. Offee of Drector. 85/06/05 3pp. Per*ormel Ds4 ads w thheid (mf 10CF R13 29) 31202 169 31202 171. UWFLL.R A , EVERE TT,R J , MARTIN.L E Regen 4. Office of Director 85/06/14 tp 3t061217-31061217. 0503060707IE Info Notice 8%46, "Clanficahon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra. eoectrve Surface Contammenon Lrms tor Transport Pectages Svc est enct 8506280025 Ach receipt of 850623 & 0617 Itre mforming NRC of steps taken to correct JORDAN E L. Dws.on of Ernergety Preparedness & E Response (PCst vcations noted e insp Rept50 285/85-02 8301031 85/06/10 Consondated Edson Co of New yor . Inc. 24pp 31043 301- HUNTER.D R Regon 4. Omco of Dractor 85/06/24 ANDF iWS.R L Omahe Public 31044 064 Power Dstret. 2pp 31253 319 31253 328


 -8506260035 Responds to NRC 650423ler re molatons roled m insp Rept50 285/85                                              8506070448 Forwards apphcaton for amend to Ucense DPR 40. mcorporatmg surved-02 Corrective actons memo of trammg sent to as mdmduals w/ green or yenow                                                 lance regurements for sohd radwaste mio Tech Spec Sector 212 Cerbfcate of Svc badges & holders of badges not perrrutted m rachaton controned area                                                      enci.

ANDREWS.R L Omaha Putm Power Ostnct 85<05/23. DENrSE.R P. Regon 4

  • LeBoeuf. Lamb. Leev& MacRae 85/06/06 DENTON.H R NRC - No Detaded Af-Offee of Drector. 6pp 31253/J.O 31253 326 fahaton G=en. 2pp. 30756 306-30756 311.
 -8506280045 Corrects response to NRC 850523Itr re volatons noted m Inso Rept 50                                           -8506070492 Apphcaton for amend to Lcense DPR-40.mcorporatmg survedlance re.

285/8542due to typo Correctrve actons memo of trammg sent to an moviduats w/ aurements for sohd redwaste mto Tech Spec Section 312 Fee paid g aen or yellow dont feabon bedQes. ANDREWS Omaha Pubhc Power Dstrct85/06/04 2pp 30756 308-30756 309 ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/06/10. DENiSE.R P. Regon 4, OMee of Drector. 2pp 31253 327-31253 328 -8506070495 Proposed Tech Spec.ncorporatmg survedlance requaements for sohd rad-waste mto Section 312 Docussen of NSHC ence p

  • Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct85/06/04 2pp. 30756.310 30756 311.

8506120263 Forwards apphcaton for amend to Lcense DPR-40. revising Tech Spec 8506280077 Forwards 1985/1986 statement of cash flow operatons as guarantee for Secdon 39 to mcrease survedlance requremeMs for aummary feedwater payment of deferrod retrospectrve premsums for 850630-860630 pumps Certifcate of Svc enct. Fee pad. PETERSON.H E. Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/06/25 SALTZMAN.J. Assestant D- MOELLER.J W. LeBoeuf. Lamb. Lecy & MacRae. MOELLER.J W Omaha Pubhc rector for State & Lcensee Retabons. 3pp. 31257.115-31257.141. Power Dstnct 85/06/11. DENTON,H. NRC - No Detaled Amhaben Govert 2pp. 30850 257-30850.263. CL Operating aconse stage documenta a cen e .8506120268Appication for amend to Lcense DPR-40.revemg Tech Spec Secton 3.9 to merease survemance r ements for sunshary feedwater pumps Fee omd. 8506130045 Partief response to FOIA request for an documents to NRC procedures for ANDREWS Omaha Pubhc Dstnct 85/06r10. 2pp. 30850 259-30850 260. detecton & control of alcohol & diegal drug use by persons engaged m bidg ;r const of nuclear reactors or faceties Forwards App A documents -8506120276 Proposed changes to Tech Spec Secten 3 9.mcreasmg survedlance re-FELTON.J M. Omson of Rules and Records. 85/01/28 HEATH,SJ. Washmgton qurements for auxikary feedwater pumps. Legal Foundaten. 55pp. 30931047 30937.157.

  • Omaha Pubhc Power Ostnct 85/06/10 3pp 3065026130850263
 -8506130050 Forwards repts of 830321                                                                                      8506170514 Forwards Rev 1 to OPSNA-8301-P,
  • Nuclear Analysm Reload Core Anal-
    & pohcy at facery Fmat meetmcs we beescussons conducted w/uldswk re of q&_18 sJue alcohol program CHECK.P.S. Regen 4. Offce of Drector. 83/04/13 DE OUNG.R.C. Drector's Offce,                                             yssa Methodology Owennew" Apphcaten for wethholdmg rifo from pubhc esciosure Offee of Inspecten and Enforcement 1p. 30941282-30941.282-                                                               enct Enct withheid fret 10CFR2 790).

ANDREWS.R L. Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct85/06/13. BUTCHER.E.L Dmson of LF

 -8506130052 Dscussen w/utd on830321 re fac drug & alcohol program &                                                         consing. pp.          6 2HM6 215.

A R L. CHECK.P S. Regon 4, Omco of ector 83/03/21. 3pp. 30941 I

                                                                                                                           $506180278 Ack recM or revised OA program. updated SAR. App A Program under review
 -P506"0381 Forwards schedule of Regen IV meetmgs w/utats to alcohol & eug abuse                                              HUNTER.D R. Regen 4. Offce of Drector. 85/06/14. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc
    & prumstion of repts on meebngs Fast rept enct                                                                            Power Dstnct 2pp. 30975 2$3-30975.254.

CHECK.P S. Regon 4. Orfce of Drector.83/03/24 DEYOUNCLR C. Drector's Offte. Offce of 6nspecton and Enforcement 2pp. 30941277-30941278 8506190242 Apphcaten for amend to Lcense DPR-40.revissng 831118 appkcaban Ich amend re LER sys Rev prepared for Genenc Ltr 83-43 8506170077 Responds to FOiA request for records re FIN B.0489. "Contenment leas ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/ 17. BUTCHER.E.J. Operatmg Rate Testeg Program" & Quadron Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FIN Reactors Brancti 3 10 30995 219-30995.238. B4489 Documents atso avadab6e m POR No documents re Quadreu suty to request. FELTON.J M. Omson of Rules and Records. FIN B.0489. 85/03/25. -8506190268 Proposed Tech Specs . ER sys.per Genenc Lir 83-43 guidehnes. AEYTBLATT.Z.V Warren Wdson College. Swannanoa. NC, 7pp. 30987 036-

  • Omaha Pubhc Power Ostnct.85/06/17. 7pp. 30995 220-30995 238.

30987 076. 8506210251 Requests exempton from ASME Boder & Pressure Vessel C Secton XI

  -5210120209 "Contamment Leak Rate Testrg invesbgatons." progress summan for                                                 testmg regurements for certam sectons of recrculabon piping buned a concrete as Sept 1982.                                                                                                               testmg impracbcal Fee paid.

NAUS.DJ. Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory FLN B.0489. 82/10/05. ARNDT.G. Me. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/06/17. BUTCHER.EJ. Operstmg chan cal Engmeenng BrancfL 3pp 30987112-30987.114. Reactors Branch 3. 8pp. 31024150-31024156..

  -8506170281 "Contamment Leak Ra's Testog investgatons." monthly progress rept                                            4506210264 Forwards response to NRC850417.                 . .    ..M actons from mtegrated for Nov 1982.                                                                                                             program for resoluton of unresolved safety issues re steam DOUGAN.J R. Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G. Me-                                                                                                                                  ator tube mt        per Genenc Lir 85-02 & request for mfo on steam            stor t   insps.

chancal/ Structural Engmeenng Branch. 3pp 30987.115-30987.117. AN WS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct85/06/18 PSON.H L Dmson of

  -8506170416 DOUGAN.J ".Contamment         Leak Rate R Oaa Ridge Nabonal          Testmg."FIN Laboratory. monthly B.0489.progress  reptARNDT.E.G.

82/08/26 for Aug 1982 Dmson of Engmeenng Technology 6pp. 30987.127 30987.132- 8506280088 Responds to NRC 850325 request for acu mfo re item 4 5 3 of Genenc Lir 83-28 Emstmg mtervals for on hne functonal tesung of reactor protectrve sys deemed 8506270357 Forwards agenda for850425 meetm0 & map of electnc bldg m Omaha Let 7DR .R L Omaha Pubhc Power Distnct 85/06/24. BUTCHER.EJ. Operstmg JONE W Omaha Pubhc 'Datnct 85/04/12 MA'4 TIN.R O. Renson 4. Offce Reactors Branch 3 2pp. 3t254 098-31254 099. of Drector.1p. 31252267 31252 267. 8506030407 Informs that streamhned process for genene radiation protecton refresher a inspechn reA E BuHeHne & corrupundence tra rung being developed.Prehrmnary verson of program will be ready for tnal purposes on 850517 8505130027 1 to IE into Nobce 8155. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs." Svc bst enci. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/05/14 MARTIN.R.D. Regen 4, JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Omco of Drector Ip. 33678 050-30678 050 830103) 85/05/14. Consohdated Echson Co of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044 065-31044 171. , 8506030110 Forwards Rev 2 to CA arn desenpton.reflectmg current orgaruzaton & I bites,specifc comrmtments to A stds & reg guides & edOnal Changes Rev wel be 4505130038 Suppe 1 b IE Info Notte 85420.

  • Motor Operated Vafve Fedures Due to mcluded m future amend to @ dated FSAR. Hammenng Effect" Svc hst enci.

ANDREWS.R L Omaha Puche Power Dstnct 85/05/17. DENISE,R P. Regen 4 JORDAN.E L Deson of Ernergency Preparecmass & Engmeenng Response (Post Offce of Drector. 2pp. 30673180'30673 218. 830103) 85/05/14 Censondatml Edison Co. of New York. inc.107pp. 31044172-31044 278.

  -850ao30112 Rev 2 to OA program.
  • Waha Pubhc Power Dstnct85/04/30. 35pp. 30673.182-30673 2'6.

4505200590 IE info Notre 85-039. Auditabshty of Elecincal Equipment Quahfcaton 8506100051 Forwards draft SER requestmg addl efo re Genenc Ltr 83 28. Item 1.1 con- Records at Lcensees Faceities." Svc het oncl. coming post-tnp review Addl mfo needrts to entena for determmmg acceptabesty of re. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Respon=e (Post start & method 830103) 85/05/22. Conachda*ed Edison Co. of New York, Inc.106pp. 30837.258-MILLER.J R Operstmg Reactors Branch 3. 85/05/21.ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc 30837.363~ Power Dstrict 4pp. 30830 242-30830.245-9505200600 IE Info Notce " 85440, **Deftsencies m Ecypment Quahfcaton Testmq &

  -8506100056 Draft SER re hcensee 841104 response concommg Genenc Ltr 83^

28.ftem 11 on post-tnp review program descnpton & procedure Add mfo requested  %{ Dm'*so "e' gn cy Pmpwednen & E Repose M to complete review of post-tnp review m 630103) 85/05/22 Consohdated Edison Co. of Dew Yor 06pp. 30848166-

  • NRC . No Detaded Affikation Gsvert85/ 5/21. 6pp. 30830 246-30830 251. 308 # 271-8506040360 Forwards Amend 89 to Lcense DPR-40 & safety evaiuatort Amend adds 8506060509 Dscusses 850409 response to volatons noted m Inso Rept 50 285/84-Tech Specs that regure hcensee to implement & mamtaan program to ensure capabg. 12 Cml nvbgated based on good pertarmance & prompt & extensive to obtam & a reactor coolant sample under acodent conditions. corrective action. aton classsfied as Level til T RIGNY.E.G. atmq Reactors Branch 3 85/05/24 ANDREWS.R.L Omaha MARTIN R D. Regen 4. Oftco of Drector. 85/05/24- ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Pubhc Power Dstnct 4pp. 30719168-30719177. Power Ostnct 2pp. 30768 019-30768 031.
  -8506040367 Amend 89 to Lcense DPR 40.addeg Tech Specs that regure hcensee to                                             8506030178 Forwards Attachments 1 & 2 to SALP Rept 50L285/85-07for Sept 1983 implement & mantam program to ensure capatnuty to obtain & anatyre reactor coas-                                          Feb 1985 Attachments madvertentfy orrwited from ongmal suomittal.

ant sample under accident condrbons HUNTER.D R. Regon 4. Othce of Dractor. 85/0-7/'8. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc TOURIGNY,E,G. Operaung Reac1c.s Brych3. 85/05/24. 4pp 30719172-30719-175. Power Dsinct 1p. 30674162 30674.176.

  -8506040373 Safety evaluaton supportog Amend 89 to Lcense DPR-40.                                                         -8506030143 Attachments 1 & 2 to SALP Rept 50 285/85-07 for S(pt 1983 . Feb
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector. 85/05/24 2pp. 30719:176- 1985.

30719 177.

  • Regon 4. Offre of Drector.85/05/28.14pp. 3067416130674178.

DOCKETEDITEMS 83 8506280181 lE 1rdo Notre 85-042, " Loose Phosphor a Panasoruc 800 Senes Badge DOCKET 50 286 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 3 TLD Elements." Svc hst enct JORDAN.E L Dmason of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeemg Response (Post 830103) 85/05/29. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp 30852245- F. Security, medical, emergency a fire protection piene 30852.363, 8505200187IE Info Notre 85443, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc hst 8503200607 Forwards insp Rept 2286/8501 on 850121-25 No vdaten noted. ence. EBNETER.S D Repon 1 Offce of Drector. 85/03/21 BRON.J G New York Power JORDAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post Authonty (formerh Power Authonty of the State of New York) 2pp. 29551.008-830103) 85/05/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc. (20pp. 30864167- 29551.017, 30864 287.

                                                                                                 -8803280512 Insp Rept W286/8501 on 85012125 No violaton or devoton 8505280185 IE Info Notre 85444,
  • Emergency Communesson Sys Monthly Test" Svc noted Maeor areas espected fre protecton/proventon program admrvstraton & orge-hst enct ruaton, admrustrabwe control of combustibles & eqtapment meet.

JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post FINKELA E., ANDERSON.C.J. Regen 1 Ottco of Drector 85/03/03. 8pp. 830103). 85/05/30.Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 125pp. 30864.045- 29551 010 29551 017. 30864 166.

  • onwar a 7 *d 8500000677IE Info Notce 85445, "Potenbal Seisme Interacton,,Invohnng Movable in- ,

85" G R" "w" Ne Y rk Poww JOR EL rrh edness E R (Post ( ^" "'V ' * * * ~ SW. 85/06/06. Conschdated Eeson Co of New Y 22pp. 30865 001- 30 203-

                                                                                                 -8500000566 Insp Rept 50-286/8547 on 85040gw11 No volaten noted Masar areas

$500000707IE info Nohce 85446 "Clardcanon of Sesarai Aspects of Removabte Ra. mapectedemergency preparedness & annual emergency exerces performed on eoaceve Surface Contammaton Lewts for Transport Packages." Svc hst enct 8MO. AJRDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engr %1ocLResponse (Post GORDON.C 2. HARPSTER T L Regon 1. Offce of Drector. 85/05/20. 8pp. 830103) 85/06/10. Consondated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. udpp. 31043.301 W68.196-30768 203. 31044 064. 8506100000 Forwards 850227 FEMA post 4xercise essessment rept for State of NY & 8506200115 Forwards insp Rept50-285/8546 on 8503010430 No volatons or dev> local govts Defciences mcluded delay of formulaton & msuance of emergency broad-shone noted cast messages from loint news c1r HUNTER.D R. Regon 4. Offre of Drector 85/06/12. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc BELLAMY,R R. Regon 1 Offre of Drector.85/06/04.JOSIGER.W New York Power Power Dstnct 2pp. 3100010431008116. Authonty (formerty Power Authopty of the State of New york). 2pp. 30792.175-30793.003. -8506200120 inso Rept %285/8546 on 8503014430 No volatons or devotons noted Maior areas inspected provous map stems. operatonal safety venhcaton.survedlance testing & mamt & actnrees 4506100506 " Post Exercee Assessment.841128 Enerose of Radologcal Ernergency YANDELLLA . MARTIN,L L Regen 4 e of Drector. 85/06/12 10pp Preparedness Plans of NY State & W9stchester, Rockland. Orange & Putnam Counbes 31008 107-31008.116 for indian Pomt Nuclear Power Statore' PETRONE.F B Federal Emergency Management Agency 85/02/27. 18999 8506270131 Forwards Pages 14 8 of Attachment 1 to SALP Rept50-285/85-07 mailed N R. R 4 of 85 06 ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubic 0506210130 Requests exempbon from 8 h battery suppsy reprement of Secten Power Dstnct 1p 31252 027-31252.029 HiJ. App R to 10CFR50 for yard area hgntmg Overall site plan for entenor yard enct BRONS.J C. New York Power Authonty (formerly Power Authoney of the State of New -4 70241 Revoed Pages 1 & 8 to SALP Rept 50 285/8547 sor Sept 1983 Feb ) 8 06/14. VARGA.S A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. App. 31024 253-g

  • Regen 4. Offte of Drector 85/06/14 2pp. 31252 028-31252 029.

4506240204 Forwards insp Rept 50-285/85 08 on 850408-12 & notce of L Financialin6... weiabon Notte et volafon withheed (ret 10CF Ft 73 21) E D Regon 85/06/17.ANDREWS.R.L Omaha W

                                            '                                                    8506ter 24 Forwards 1984 annual fmanoal statement & certified eshmated cash flow for i a >1985.per 10CFR140 21(e) re guarantee of povment of deterred prorruums

~ I n r te ed m S sT OCF 73 85 06 DNi Offee S s, ector pp. 3575 bLDWELLR A., EVERETT.R J., MARTIN.L E. Regen 4, Offce of Drector. 85/06/14 M5.35t 1p 31061217-31061217 8506140240IE into Nonce 85447,Potenbal Effect of Lee-induced Operaton on Cer. P. Operating beenee stage documente & correspondence tam Target Rocs Solenoid-Operated Valves? Svc hst enct f301$5 06 edYdEn CYN'ew Yo 34pp 268 8506130045 Parbal response to FOIA request for a# documents re NRC procedures for 3t268 304- detecten & control of alc hol & diegel drug use by persons engaged m bldg or const of nuclear reactors or facektes Forwards App A documents. 4506210266 Forwards response to NRC 850417 recommended actons frorn miegrated ON D* ' 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ Washmgton program for resolution of unresolved safety esues re steam ator tube on '* 5" 309 04 ' integnty per Genenc LW 8542 & request for mio ori steam ator risps. ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pucac Power Dstnct 85/06/18 MPSON.H L Dnnsen of -850C130386 Responds to query to release at pornons of Ofc of investigabons rept re Lconsing 13pp. 31024 06531024 078. drug /aicohol abuse to specsfc hcensees Release ret proheited by FOA or Pnvecy Act Concerns over precedent expressed wori6 sheets enct 8506140636IE Info Notco 85048. "Respratcr Users Notce Defective Self4cntamed SHOMAKER.E C. Operatons & Admwnstranve 82/12/20 LIEBERMAN,J Re-Breammg Apparatus At Cylinders." Svc hst enct genal Operatens & Enforcement Dvison.17Cpp. 30937,358 30931188. JORDAN.E.L Dnnsnart of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103t 85/06/19 Conschdated EcNn Co. of New Yor 23pp. 3u76 064- 8506200361 FOLA request for encts to NRC841015 fir to PASNY re redundant DHR l 31376.183 capatnhty Tech Specs. GRABER L NUS Corp. 85/02/22. Dvisen of Rules and Records. tp. 31041 032-8506200025 Ack receipt of 850523 & 0617 Itrs mtormmg NRC cil steps taken to correct 31041,039. volatens noted m insp Rept %285/8502. HUNTER.D R. Aegon 4. Ottco of Drector 85/06/24 ANDREWS.R L Omaha P26sc Power Dstnct 2pp. 31253 31o.31253 328, 8506200353 Response to FOIA request for encle to NRC841015 sir to PASNY re re-dundant DHR capatzkty Tact SpecsForwards out4 ler & enclsDocument also avad- -4506200035 Responds to NRC 850423 lir te volations noted in insp Rept %285 85 atWe e PDR C2Carectrve actonsmemo of trariang sent to as mdividuals w/ green or yonow FELTON.J M Dwmen of Rules and Records. 85/03/12.GRABER.L NUS Corp. 2pp. A holders of badges not permitted m radiaton comrolled area. 31041.030 31041 031 A EW R L Oma inct. 85/05/23. DENISE.R P. Regen 4* 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN 84489.

  • Containment Leak Rate Testeg Program" & Chandrea Corp /NRC Contracts Forwards documents to FIN 4506200045 Corrects B-0489 Documents also evadable m PDR No documents to Quadrew subg to request 285/85-02due to f to NRC actons850523 memo ofItrtrarung te volanons sent tonoted in insp Rept aN monnduals w S, FELTON.J M Dnnsen of Rules and Records. FIN 84489. 85/03/25.

een cr p Mcanon bede REYTBLATT.2.V. Warren W4 son College, Swannanoa, NC. 7pp. 30987.036-EWS.R L Omaha Pi.26c Power Dsinct. 85/06/10. DENISE.R P. Regen 4, 30987076 Othce of Drector 2pp. 31253.327-31253.328.

                                                                                                 -4210120209 "Contamment Leak Rate Testeg invesagatons." progress summary for Sept 1982.

R. Ported 8c operating reports & reisted corroependence NAUS.DJ Oak Pidge Natonal Laboratory FIN B4489. 82/10/05. ARNDT,G Me. charucal Engineenng Branch. 3pp. 30987.112-30987.114 6500070419 MontNy operabng rept for Mar 1985.W/850415 IIr. MATTHEWS.T.P., ANDREWS.R L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/03/31. -8212010006 Forwards bst of plants for wtuch teak test repts were selected for review TAYLOR.J hs. Drector's Offce, Othce of Inspecton and Enforcement 7pp. by ORNLleak testm0 cntens wdl be prepared from review W/o enct 30801:031-30801 037. ARNDT.E.G Mechancal/ Structural E Branch. 82/08/18. SHAPAKERJ Containment Systems Branch. 4pp. 3098 .118- 7.121. ) 4806240037 Monthly operateg rept for May 1985 W/850613 fir. MATTHEWS.T.P., ANDRtwS.A L Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/05/31. TAYLOR.J M Drector's Othce, Offee o' inspecton and Enforcement 8pp. -8506170416 ".Contamment Leak Rate Testm0

  • momNy progress rept for Aug 1982.

DOUGAN.J R Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/08/26. ARNUT1.G. 31204 258 31204 265. Dvmion of Er9neenng Technology. 8pp 30967127 30987.132.

84 DOCKETEDITEMS 8806100833 Requests plans & schedule for compionan of TMl Acton items 11 K.3.30 & 8606130030 Suppl 1 to IE Info Nobce 85 020. *MotorOperated Valve Fadures Due to RA3.31 Future phant-specific analyses for plant performed by Wes for reload Hammenng Effect." Svc het enct or amends to Tech Specs should be calculated unmg NOTRUMP . JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post VARGA.S A. Operatog Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/24. BRONS.J C. New York Power 830103). 85/05/14. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.107pp. 31044172-Authonty (formerly Power Authonty of the State of New York). 8pp 30823 295- 31044 278. 30823.302. 8505200600 IE Info Nohce 85439. "Austabday of Electncal Equipment Quahtcahon 3000000420 Forwards Amend 58 to Lcense DPR44 & safety evaluabon. Amend re- Records at Lcensees Facd.nes? Svc hst enct vises Tech Spec Secton 3.7 to defme hmeng conenons for operabon of JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post sys.aubsystems & components s@pued by moperacio normal or emergency power 830103). 85/05/22. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yok. Inc.106pp. 30637.258-source. 30837:363. NEIGHBORS.J.D. Operateg Reactors Branch 1 85/05/28. BRONS.J C. New York Power Authonty (formerly Power Authonty of the State of New iorkt Sop.30785.187-30785.180. 8606200000 IE Info Nonce 85440. "Defciences n Equipment.Ouekficaten Testmg & Cersficanon Process." Svc hst encl

       . **aaaaa'70 Amend 56 to Lcense DPR44.reveng Tech Spec Secton 3.7 to dehne                                              JORDAN.E L Divoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Cormted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.106pp. 30848.166-anutmg conetons for operanon of sys. subsystems trastis. components & devices sup-                                   30848.271.

phed by moperable normal or emergercy power sowce vARGA.SA Cpe enng Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/28. 6pp. 30785.172-30785177. mananannas Forwards insp Rept 50 286/8547 on 85040911No velahan noted. Safety evaluebo4 Amend 58 to Lcense DPR44- MARTIN.T.T. R 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/22. JOSIGER.W New York Power Othce of Nuclear Reactor non, Drector. 85/05/28 3pp. 30785:178 Authonty (former Power Authonty of the State of New Yorkt 2pp. 30768194-30785.180. 30768 203. 9605110205 Provides further uti response to Genenc Lt 83 28. Item 1.1 " Post-Tno ...

                                                                                                                                       ._. W Rept S286/8W on 8NH M velanon nomd Mamr areas Review." Review procedure revised.per mcorporate snethods for compenng                                               Memergency poparedness & annual emygency mercee pedonned on New ork             Authonty (formerty Power Authonty of the State of New                                 DON C                STERI L W 1 OHice of Director. 85/05/20. 8pp.

York). 85/06/05. VARGA.S.A. Operanng Reactors Branch 1. 2pp. 30807:012- g, g ' 0807m 1 9606200181 IE Info Notre 85442 " Loose Phosphor in Panasorte 800 Senes Badge 8606190491 Forwards Egiapment Quahficaton Branch SER re envron quahfcanon of TLD Elements." Svc het enct c deftsency to 100) /05 ed eson Co New York 20pp 52

          % 3A.S A. Operanng Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/05. BRONS.J.C. New York Powe,                                           30852.361 (formony Power Authonty of the State of New Yorkt 8pp. 3t314003                                                                                ,,                                    ,,


      -8600190403 SER re envron gushncanon of electne equipment important to                                                 JORDANI.L Divisen of Emergency Preparedness & E                         Response (Prst safety Proposed resoluton for each envron quahfcaban deficiency acceptable & cork                                  830103). 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Y                enc. 20pp. 30864167 1muod operaton wid not present undue nok to stbhc hesith & safety.                                              30864.287.

Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Leector. 85/06/05. 11pp. 31014.009-31014 019. 4605200195 IE Info NoNo 85444 " Emergency Communce%n Sys MontNy Test" Svc het enci 0605190900 Requests add info to contmue revow of 820325 & 1215 & 830608 8 0930 JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Mrs to NUREG4737. Item 11 D.1," Performance Tesung of Rehof & Safety Vanes." Re- 830103). 85/05/30. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.121pp. 30864 045 sponse requested witNn 60 days of recept of lir. 30864:166. VARGA.SA Operatmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/06. BRONS,J C. New York Power Author % (formany Power Authonty of the State of New York).14pp. 31013 295- 9600070250 Forwards insp Rept 54286/8509 on 85040818 No violabon noted. 31013 309. EBNETER.S D. Repon 1. Offee of Drector,85/05/30. JOSIGER.W. New York Power Authorny (former1y Power Authonty of the State of New York). 2pp 30750 321-4605190494 Forwards SER re Genenc Lt 83-28.ftem 1.2 concommo post- inp review 30750.329. data a rito Post.tnp revow data & mio capabinties acceptable. VARGA.S A. ang Reactars Branch 1. 85/06/10 BRONS.J C New York Power Authonty (formerly Power Authonty of the State of New York). 4pp. 31013.351- -8500070267 Insp Rept 50 286/8549 on 850408-18 No volanon noted Mapor areas 31014.002 mapoctedRCS leakage measurement program rclueng procedure & test results review & independent venhcation using NRC RCSua p ogrm.

     -450619(                 l re Genene Lt 83-28. Item 12 corcorren0 post.try review data & info
  • capet>ht . sip review data 8 rifo capabihties acceptabee. 30750 253 50 29
  • NRC . Atasted Affikanon Gnrea 85/06/10.10pp. 31013-355-31014 002.

4600000677IE Info Nobce 85045, *Potental Seismc interacnon inwohnno Movable in-8508200051, * *sesse a4. % re util850327sutmttal concommg (p'[,IU,D,* f , ,",g 30 emp-ame ena of N tnc steam G4562, " Fuel h E of r aparedness 85/06/06. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, R (Post 22pp 30865 001-VARGA.S.A. Opt actors Brancti 1. 85/06/12. BRONS.J C. Yort Power (formen Jr Authonty of the State of New York). 7pp. 31223-356

                      '                                                                                                   4406140373 Forwards hisp Rept 50 286/8510 on 8504160515 No velaton noted COLLINS.S.J. Regen 1, Offre of Drector 85/06/07.JOSIGER.W. New York Power 8608100028 Notasc of rev to reactor tnp breakers periode memt 4 kendmg program                                                        (formerly Power Authonty at the State of New York). 2pp. 30898 272-(Genanc Lir 83cs,.". ems 4 21 & 4 2.2).per NRC 850507 requestRev rcorporates                                                 g
                                                          'y (tormony Power Authonty of the State of New
  • 4608140300 insp Rept54286/8510 on 850416 0515 No volaton noted. Mapor areas Yorkt 85/06/13. VARGA.SA Ope anng Reactors Branch 1. 2pp. 30976.207- Wispected.shrft & recordsfacility operatons.operanonal safety venhcaten & maant 30976 208. LIMROTH.D F., RHOLM,L Repon 1, Omco of Drector. 85/06/04 7pp.

30898 274-30898 280. 0868240634 Responds to Geners Ltr 8542, " Staff L.---- . .._ A Actons Stemmeg From NRC Integrated Program for Re3oluton of Unresofwed Safety issue to Steam $500000707 IE Info Nobce 85446, "Clanncanon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-Generator Tube Inlogrey' Visual insps of steem generator secondary ssdes per. descave Surface Contammaton Lmta lor Transport Packages." Svc hst onct. tormed. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post BRONS.J.C. New York Power Authonty (tormesty Power Authonty of the State of New 830103). 85/06/10. Coneohdated Eenon Co. of New York, Inc.124pp. 31043.301 York). 85/06/16. THOMPSON,H.L Dhnesun of Lconerig 16pp. 31062.00531062-020. 31044 064. 8408250113 Forwards taDular of key results from rep survey of plant-spe- 860814024' LIE Info Nonce 85047,"Potental Effect of Lee. Induced Operaton on Cer-cific info re potenbal for rasebon exposures in rvvR cavsbesser JG Part- tan Target Rock SolenoidOperated Valves." Svc Est once. Iow 850315 regnestNo further genent accon needed. JORDAh.E L Dwason of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post TAYLOR.J M. Uroctor's Office, Offce of Inspection and Eriforcement 85/06/18. 830103). 85/06/18. Consondated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 34pp. 31268.157-MtJRLEY,T.E. Regon 1 Offre of Drector. 9pp. 31211.322 31211.330. 31268.304. 8608240514 Clannes status of hats of equipment requen0 envron quahncation in re-

   @ anspection reporta,IE Bulletine a correspondence                                                                        sponse to IE Crcular 7848 A IE Buneen 7941.Ptent mods we be performed to re-sone all remarung envron quakecation donciencies n Ret 6.

manseanaa7 Forwards inop Rept $4286/8541 on 850121-25 No violeton noted. BRONS.J C. New Yort Power Authonty (forme'1y Power Autnanty of the State of New I EBNETER.S D. Regon 1. Ofnce of Drector. 85/03/21. BRON.J.C. New York Power York) 45/06/10. VARGA S A Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 3pp. 31061.308-Authonty (formerfy Power Authonty of the State of New York). 2pp. 29551208 31061:310. 29551:017. 4806140836 IE Info Notre 85048, "Resprator Users Notice Defectwo Seel4cntamed

    -4003300512 Insp Rept $4286/8541 on 86012125.No volabon or deviaton                                                      Breathmg Apparatus Ar Cytnders
  • Svc het enet.

noted Mesor areas inspected.fwe protecton/preventen program admmestranon & crge- JORDAN E L Duson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post ruraeon, admrmstrasve control of & ' _ & equipment meet. 830103) 65/06/19. Conuhdated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 23pp. 31376064-FINKELA EL. ANDERSON.C.J. Report 1. Othee of Drector. 85/03/03. 8pp. 31376-183. 29551.014 29551 017. 8508200064 Forwards Exam Rept 54206/8546for exams admrestored emng at of 0006130027 1 to IE Info Notre 64-55, " Seal Table Leeks at PWRs " Svc het enct 850422. JORDAN.E.L of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post COLLINS,$.J. R 1. Office of Drector. 85/06/19. JOSIGER.W N= York Pwer 830103). 85/05/14. Consondeted Eeoon Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 31044.065 Authonty ( Power Authonty of the State of New Yorg). /pp. 3:256 037-31044.171. 31256:108. J


 -8506280099 Operator Lcenseg Exam Rect 50-266/85-06 on 850423-26 Esam                     A Insurance & Indemnity information resultscandidates passed operatog examOne sermor reactor operator carodate faded wntten exam JOHNSON.D., KELLER.R M., KISTER.H B Regen 1 Othee of Drector. 65/06/11-                850610060s Forwards En&)rsements82.17.75 & 76.104.38 & 19 & 20 to NELIA Polces 70pp. 31256 039-31256108'                                                                 NF-220.NF 269,NF 230.NF-164.NF.252 & NF-281 & Enersements 70.9.60 &

61.82.20 & 12 & 13 to MAELU Poaces MF.73.MF 115.MF 90.MF-44.MF 108 & MF. 112. respective 8y R. Periodle operating reports & rotated correspondence HOGGE.S D Marsh & McLennan. Inc 85/05/28 OtNIT2.l. Assestant Drector for State

                                                                                              & Lcensee Relations.17pp. 30793 312-30793 328 8504240186              operatmg rept for May 1985 W/650613 Itr-CELLY.L. JOSIG R.W A. New Yorts Power Authonty (formerfy Power Authonty of the         8506110189 Submits regured ofo demonstratng that utd memtans nnancial protection State of New Yort).65/05/31. 8pp. 31202 02S31202 030.                                           mR140 21 Info for Cam mA be submitted                 850701 fuCKER.H B. Duke Power 85/06/03. Co.        DENTON        R. Othce of Nuclear Reactor 8506210460 Anrual rept on cfwee. tests & expenments for 640101 850122.                       R @ ton,h m 4 M 6 M N N JOSIGERW A New York Foew Authonry (                   Power Authority of the State of
                . 85/06/03. MURLEY.T E. Regen 1             of Drector.17pp. 31057.142-P. Operating license stage docurnents a correspondence 8506030390Partel r . se to FOIA request for three ca                                          of documents to be l S. ReportatWe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence                                    made avadable at            to NSHCs App A documents                & placed in POR Search 8506040431 Part 21 rept re resistance temp detector (RTD) cabbr anomales m RTDs                 LT      .J M Diviemn of Rules and Records 84/f1/08 ADATO.M. Union of Cor>

mig by RdF Co Safety margm assessments bemg performed for operstmg plants to comed Soemsts. 4pp 30720 00130720 005. evaluate RAHE.E..pWential

              .         effects on plant Tech Electne  Corp Specs.

85/05/06. THOMAS.C O Dmsson of Lcens-mg opp. 30709 -8506040342Nohce of corederaton of msuance of amend to Lcense DPR-55 & pro-30709 093 posed NSHC determmaton & opporturuty for hoanng to830914 request to revise pro-approved axel shapeng rod posinon limst. ST .J F. Operstmg actors Branch 4. 83/12/09 8pp. 30722103 30722110. 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN B-0489. "Contamment Leak 8506280094 Forwards Exam Rept 50 286/85-06for exams a@unistered dunng et of Rate Testmg Program" & Quadrew Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FIN 850422 B4489 Documents also avastable m PDR No documents to Quadres subt to request. COLLINS.SJ. Regen 1. Office of Drec1or 65/06/19 JOSIGERW. New York Power FELTON.J M Drvisson of Rules and Records FIN 0-0489. 85/03/25. Authonty (formerty Power Authonty of the State of New York). 2pp. 31256.037 REYTBLATT.2.V. Warren Wdson College. Swannanos. NC. 7pp. 30987.036-31256.108. 30987.076.

 -8506280099 Operator Lconseng Esam A                50-286/85-06 on 650423-26 Enam resultscandgfatos passed operatog exam            seruor reactor operator can&date
                                                                                          -8506170281 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg Investigatons," montNy progress rept for Nov 1982 faded wntten exam.

DOUGAN.J R Oak Ridge National Laboratory FIN B4489 62/12/07.ARNDT.G. Me. 4DHNSON.D . KELLER.R M , klSTER.H B. Region 1. Offee of Dwectos. 85/06/11. charucal/ Structural Engmeenng Branch. 3pp. 30987:115 30987117. 700p. 31256 039-31256:108 8506040286 gtson for amends to Licenses

                                                                                                                                     ' ' "
  • DPR' '38.DPR-47 & DPR-55, reveng DOCKET $0 287 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3 E 37 1 Fe d

TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co 85/05/29. DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Reactor F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans R , Drector. STOL2.J F. Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 3pp. 30700 001 30 8506200291 Forwards request for addl mfo & safety evalushon supporting SPOS 8506043292 Proposed Tech Specs r am.conotional to review of requested mio Response requested withe 45 days of Tabee 611 to reflect correct number of nuclear equipment operators.per NUR 37. Item I A 13. STOt .J F. Opera a /05W 4pp. M M4-M E Reactors Branch 4 65/06/04. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. WN 344 2R 8506210440 Forwards Amends 139.139 & 136 to Lcenses DPR-38.DPR4 & DPR-

 -8506200300 Safety evaluation supportmg SPDS program per Suppi 1 to NUREG.                  55.respectiveey & safety evaluation Amends update Tech Spec ret to FSAR to ensure 0737.conditonal to review of addl mio requested                                          consstency w/ updated FSARper 640213 request.

Omce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/06/04. 16pp 31043 186 NICOLARAS.H. Operatmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/05/30. TUCKER,H B. Duke Power 31043 201 Co. 2pp 31044 279-31044 317. 8506190525 Forwards safety evaluation re review of 830414 itr pr for -8506210445 Amends 139.139 & 138 to Lcenses DPR.3r W4 & DPR-55, propenng & amplementmg emergency operatmg procedLres.per NUR -0 7 Suppi r evely.updatmg Tech Spec ret to FSAR to ensure consisteAy w/ updated FSAR. 1 Procram acceptacte. ST .J F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/05/30. 35pp. 31044 281-31044 315. STOLlJ F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/07 TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. 6pp. 31013 323-31013 328. -8506210467 Safety evaluation supportmg Amend 139,139 & 136 to Lcenses OPR-38.DPR-47 & OPR-55.respectively 4506200007 Forwards supplemental safe 9 evaluathon based on util 841106 response to

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector. 85/Ot /30 'W MJ44 316-cron items identified e SER of OCRDR program. Suppl to Science Apphcatons ing 31044 317.

Coro techrucal evaluston rept also encl. LAINAS.G C. Assetant Drector for Operatmg Reactors. 85/08/10. TUCKER,H B. 8506050024Apphcation for amend to Lconse DPR-5E,reveng Tech Specs to support Duke Power Co. 3pp. 31043146 31043155. operanon et sua rated power dunng Cycle 9 "Oconee Urut 3, Cycle 9 Reload Hept" ence Fee pasd.

 -8506200008 Supplemental              evaluation based on utd 841106 response to open       TUCKERH B Duke Power Co. 85/05/31. STOL2.J F, Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 Doms identmed n SER of               program NRC conctas w/technstal evaluahon rec-      DENTON,H R Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector. 4pp. 30718 338-ommendations & conclusens e enci supplemental techrucal evaluaton rept-                 30719 035.
  • Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector. 85/06/10. 5pp. 31043 151-31043 155.

8506*50026 Proposed Tech Specs.aupparea opershon St fut rated power dunng

 -8501230194 "Evaluaten of Supplemental Info for Dotaded Control Room                       WDuke*ower Co.85/05/31.19pp. 30718 342dO718 360.

Racew. Summary Rept for Oconee Nuclear Staten Uruts 1,2 & 3," suppl to feel tech-nons Infomational Corp. (formerly Soonce Apphcatsons Inc ) NRC. 5060

  • 03-82 496. 85/01/11.NRC . No Detaned Afhkaton Gwen. 6pp 31043.156-31043161. Du DPC B5/05 3 30718 361'10719 035 8506200092 Rev 851 to Vol A lo "Oconee Nuclear Staton Emergency Plan." "Emer. 8506200005 Forwards request for addl mfo to NUREG4737. item II D 1. " Performance gency Planrung info.Oconee Nculear Station." 1985 esten & one oversas map T of Rehef & Safety valves." Response requested witfun 90 days of fir date.

enct Aperture card avestable m PDR w/850614 Itr. ST .J F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/03. TUCKER.H B Duke Power Co. TUCKMAN.M.S., TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co 85/06/14. GRACE J N. Regon 2, 14pp. 31043.162-31043175. Offre of Drector 82pp. 31008 I56 31006.2A 4506200073Advoes that amends to Licensen DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-55 w/ proper jus-8506200297 Rev 8544 to vos B of " Emergency Plan L6 a ., Procedures 61 canon requred for emend to 830318 confrmatory arder re rnplementanon dates for Manual." W/850614 ter. NUREG4737 Ilems wiu be beid until apphcation received YUCKMAN.M S., TUCKER.H B Duke Power Ca 85/06/14. GRACE,J N. Regon 2. STOLZ.J F. Operstmg tors Branch 4. 85/06/03. TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. Offre of Drector. 38pp. 31007 268-31007.326. 2pp. 31043104-31043.105. 8506240611 Advmes that850327 Rev 13 to physcal secunty plan consstent w/prov> 8506100568 Forwards revised inadequate core cootno implementaten schedule whch esons of 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptable. ad&essen 10 mdestones provided m Enct 3 of NRC 431123 Itr Rev due to changes m WALKER.R D. Region 2. Offce of Drector.85/06/17. TUCKER,H B. Duke Power Co antespated refuehng outages & rwentory tractog sys mstananon. 3pp, 31160 309L3 f160 311. TUCKER.H.B Duke Power Co. 85/06/04. DENT 6N.H.R Offre of Nucasar Reactor Remiation. Drector. STOLZ.J F. Operann0 Reactors Bronch 4 3pp. 30795054-30795 056. O A4udicatory correspondence 8506200129 Forwards request for arirt mfo to corrplete review of 850403 subnuttal of 8506130316 Petiten/ request for order to show cause wny plants should not be shut DPC NE.1002, "Oconee Reload Deresgn Methodology tL" Response requested withm down unal CRO mechanisms espected. 30 days of Itr receipt DOHERTY.J F. Doherty. J F. 85/06/11. Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regt; anon, Drec. STOt.1J F. Operenn0 Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/04. TUCKER,H B. Duke Power Co tor 6pp. 30859 013-30859 022. 3pp. 31043 067-31043 069.

86 DOCKETEDITEMS 8506190527 Forwards safety evatuaton re Generc Lar 81-21 on natural crculaton 8505200000 IE Info Nobce 65-040. "Defconces m Equipment Quahtcaten Testmg & cooldown. Info re confrmaton & escussson of 'ramng program concommg reactor Certifcaten Process." Svc hat enct vessel requested witrun 45 days of fir date. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post STOLZJF. atmg Reactors Branch 4. 85/06/05. TUCKER.H.B. Duke Power Co. 830103) 85/05/22. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.106pp. 30848.166-3pp. 31013 331-31013.339. 30848 271.

 -4506190531 Safety evaluaten re Genorc Lir 81-21 concommg natural crculanon                   4505200181 IE Info Nonce 85442, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge cooldowrtvoeding should not be performed. Procockres to cope w/ reactor vessel                TLD Elements." Svc hst enct head voed recomrnended & suffcient condensate supphes omst to perform cocidown.               JORDAN,E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post
  • Ottce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector. 85/06/05. 6pp 31013 334" 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Edson Co. of New york. Inc.120pp. 30852.245-31013:339- 30852:363.

8506110267 Forwards apptcaten for esposal of sewage sludge contarrunsted w/very 8505200187 IE Info Notre 85-043, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc bat low levels of radmactmty at pubhc treatment works Removal of waste necessary for comphance w/ State of SC NPDES pernt to meel poHutant hmsts. 8"d JORDAN.E L Omson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post TUCKER.H.B Duke Power Co 85/06/07. DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Reactor 830103) 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp. 30864.167-Regulaten. Drector. STOLZJ.F. Operatmg Reactors Branch 4.13pp. 30807.214 30864.287. 30807.226. 4508140671 Notfcaten of 850614 meetmg w/utd & NRC consultants m Charlotte.NC to 8505200195 IE info Notco 85444, " Emergency Communcaten Sys Monthly Test" Svc escusa PRA study for Urut 3. hst encl i NICOLARAS.H. Operateg Reactors Branch 4 85/06/07. STOL2J F. Operatmg Reac. JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post j tors Branch 4. 2pp. 30910-330-30910 331. 830103). 85/05/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.121pp. 30864 045-30864.166. 8506170400 Requests approval to operate low level radweste mcmerator per enci " Rad-waste Vol Reduenon incrnerator." by 860101. Safety evaluanon for mods to gananana77 IE Info Nohce 85445. "Potenbal Seismc Interacton involv'ng Movable In-demgn.const & operaton of related components provuled a198610CFR50.59 annual Core Flun M ys Used m Wes Desagned Plants." Svc hst anci. UCKER.H.B. Duke Power Co. 85/06/10. DENTON.H.R. Offce of Nuclear Reactor f301 5 06/06. ed eson New Y 30865 - A Drector. STOLZJ F. Operabng Reactors Branch 4. 2pp. 30957.219- 30865 046.

  -4506170404 "Radweste Voi Reducten incmerator "                                              0506110444 Forwards insp Repts 50'269/8543.54270/8543 & $4287/65-03 on
  • Duke Power Cr.65/06/10 57pp. 30957.221-30957:277. 850211 4310 &notco of violaten Cwd penalty not proposed due lo pnar good trans.

portabon record & uti decieve correctrve acten 8506170443 Forwards responses to 850604 request for .ddl mfo to Techncal Rept GRACEJ N. Regen 2. Othce of Director. 85/06/06. TUCKER.H.B. Duke Power Co. DPC.NE-1002. "Oconee Reload Demgn Methodology 18." Methodology wdl be used m 2pp. 30818.289-30816 305. upcomeg Cycle 10 reload anaryms TUCKER.H.B Duke Power Co. 85/06/12. DENTON.H R. OfAce of Nuclear Reacto' -4506110440 Insp Repts 50 269/8543.50-270/8503 8 50-287/8503 on 850211-ton, Drector. STOLZJ F. Operanng Reactors Branch 4. 5pp. 30958.016- 0310 h..e notedfodure to meet strong bght package regurement for low 033. specife actmty mats when box cover came off transport

                                                                                                                                    '        9*" '               ' *** '          " EN'
  -4506170486 Revoed               to "Resoad Demgn Me             H." techncal rept.                   j         g      ,
  • Duke Power Co. OP 1002 ERR. 85/04/03. 022 30958-033.

8506060707IE Info Nobce 85-046, "Clanfraton of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-8506100136 Informs that shift techracat adveor (STA) program document provided on eosctive Surface Contammaton tmts for Transport Packages." Svc but enct 840521.per 840120 commitmentAdts mto to STA program provided on 850118.per JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergercy Preparedness & E Response (Post 840621 telcon.No revs to STA program presentty necessary 830103) 85/06/10. Consohdated Edison Co. of New Yor Inc. 24pp. 31043.301-TUCKER.H.B Duke Power Co. 85/06/13 DENTON.H.R Offee of Nuclear Reactor 31044 064. A ten. Drector. STOLZ).F. Operanng Reactors Branch 4. 1p. 30975.361-75 361 8506140240IE Info Nobce 85447 "Potenhal Effect of Lee ir** Operation on Car. 8506210002 Notifies that response to Genenc Lir 85-02 re steam generator tube mtegrb 'am Target Rock Solenoid-Operated valves." Svc hat once. ty & tube rupture rewhgaten m preparaten. Requests addl 30 days to provide fupy de- JORDAN.E L Duson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeerm:g Response (Post veloped response for each staten. Response chas by 850717. 830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdated Edrson Co, of New York, Inc.134pp. 31268157-TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 85/06/17. THOMPSON,H L Dmmon of Lconeng. 31268.304. 2pp. 31024.354-31024.355. 4506140636 IE Info Nobce 85448. "Resprotor Users Notte Defective Self4ontamed 8506250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from r survey of plant-spe" Breathing Appwatus Ar Cygnders." Svc trat enci cifc mfo re poterit al for uncaritroned rachabon exposures m cavitses.per JG Part- JORDAN.E.L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post now 850315 request.fto furtner genenc acton needed. 830103). 85/06/19. Consondated Edison Co. of New Yar Inc. 23pp 31376.064-TAYLOR,J M. urector's Offee. Offce of Inspecton and Enforcement. 85/06/18- 31376.183' MURLEY T.E. Regen 1. Offce of Drector. 9pp. 31211-322-31211.330. O. Inspection reports,IE Oulletine & c . R. Periodic operating reports & related . . _ __ 8506210473 Responds to NRC 850315 Itr re volatons noted 'm insp Repts50 269/85- 05n624003s operatmg repts for May 1985 W/850614 Itr 04.54270/8504 & 50-287/85-04 Corrective actons: mgns posted m cahbr shop REAVIS.J A., T ER.H B. Duke Power Co. 85/05/31,17pp. 31203 30131203.317. notog Imtmg ermron conditens In cahbr of Fluke multaneters. TUCKER,H B. Duke Power Co. 85/04/15 GRACEJ.N Regen 2. Offce of Drector. 2pp 31057.176-31057.177. S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & roteted corree ondence 8506270006 Forwards inso Repts 50-269/85-07.50-270/8547 & 50 287/85-07 on 8503'N411.No velatons or dovanons noted. 8504170174 Forwards evaluanon of review of e n water sys er release valve tlHOWNLEEN.L Regen 2. Offre of Drector. 85/05/06 TUCKER.H.B. Duke Power fadures Review od er release velve design ervbated by Georgia Power Co for Hatch Co.1p. 31250 238-31250 246- piants Study results macate plants at releana valves may be underdemgned. HELTEMES.CJ. AEOD. Drector's Office.85/03/29. GRACE.J N Regen 2. Offre of

  -8506270007 inso Repts 50-269/8507.50 270/8547 & 50 287/85-07 on 850311-                         Drector.1p. 29904 289 29904.290.

0411.No noncomphance or devanons noted Maor areas inspected.operatens.surve stance.mant,refueleg shutdown & fonowup of events. -8M7m3 Forwards evakanon of raiew of eve water sys ar miease valve BRYANT.J.C SASSER.M K., KING.LP. Repon 2. Offes ot Director.85/05/08. 8pp. 31250.239 31250.248. fadures Conederaton of assuance W IE ink nonce to amos concerns recN ed

   $506210478 Responds to NRC 850409 lir re velabons reted in insp Repts 50-269/85-                lPPOLITO.T A. AEOD. Director's Offee.85/03/29 JORDAN.E.L Dhnson of Emergen-06.50-270/8508 & 50-287/8546. Response to stems of -               .p       under review      cy Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103).1p. 29904.270'29904 270.
     & wdl be subrnitted by 850523.

TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co. 85/05/09. GRACE)N Regen 2. Offce of Drector. -8504170196 Forwards evaluaton of revew of sw water sys er release valve 1p. 31057.330-31057:330. fadures Study concludes that svc water er release valves used for RHR sys are un-derrated & should be redemoned. 4605130027 Suppl 1 to IE Info Notce 64-55. " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs." Svc Ast enct SALAH.S. Reactor Operanons Analyse Branch.85/03/29.SEYFRIT.KN. Reactor Op-JORDAN,E L &cuan of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post oranons Analyms Branch.1p. 29904 271-29904 290. 830103). 85/05/14. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc.107pp. 31044 065-1 31044.171. -8504170207 "Svc Water Sys Ar Release Valve Fadures." AEOO engmeenng evalue-ton rept. 6605130030 Suppl 1 to IE Info Notco 85420, *'Moloroperated Valve Fadures Due to SALAH.S. AEOD. Drector's Offce.85/03/29.19pp. 29904.272-29904 290. Haren E*tect." Svc hst encl son Co New Yor 0 pp 044 4500070121 RO on 850425. batch of Powden rosat from Powden Cens 1 A & 10 trans-103) 85 0 ferred 4 chemcal teatment pond 2 mstead W Powden backwash tank. Caused by 31044 278* msalegnment of valve CTP 7 Valve correctly postioned

   $$06200000 IE Info Nonce 85039. "Audstabdsty of Elecincal Equipment Quahfcanon                   TUCKER.H.B. Duke Power Co. 85/05/24 GRACE,J N. Repon 2. Offce of Drector.

Records at Lcensees Facerbes." Svc het arci. 40P 30801.197-30801200. JORDAN.E L Divisen of Emergercy Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New Y , Inc 06pp. 30837 258-30837.363. DOCKET 50-200 REED COLLEGE RESEARCH REACTOR

DOCKETEDITEMS 87 F. Securny, medical, emergency a fire protection piene 850e070303 Forwards corrected SALP Rept 54 289/85-99 for Feb 1984 - Jan 1965.contammg mmor changes after revieweg util 850507 comments improvement

 $506170488 Forwards Saf               ds inso Rept 54288/8542 o4 850522 23.per 0605            noted m shut @wn plant operatens & efficulhes e                              a hcensing.

telcon No i-e_ . MURLEY.T.E. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 85/05/ 1 HU ILL.H D. General Put*c MONTGOMERY.J.L Regen 5, Offce of Drector. 85/06/11. KAY.M. Reed CoGege, Uteties Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. $pp.30752 13S 30752.198. Petrand. OR.19 30957.t93 30957:194. 9 ,

 -8506170442 Physcal Secunty insp Rept 54288/8542 on 850522 23 & 0605 Maio,                      1985 Rept accuratory reflects und performance.

areas snspected ens onentaten,secunty ptan, - A. ._.; .o procedures & orgeruzanon HUKILL.H D. General Putsc Utsties Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 85/05/07.

    &            bamers Detads withheid (ret 10CFR2.790).                                       MURLEY T.E. Regen 1. Othce of Drector. 5pp. 30752.14&30752.150.

DERHAUG L.R. SCHUSTER.M.D. Recpon 5. Office of Drector. 85/06/10. Ip. 30957:194-30957:194. -4508070315 Corrected SALP Rept 50-289/85 99 for Feb 1984 Jan 1985.

  • Regon 1. Office of Oractor.85/05/31. 48pp. 30752.151-30752-198.

H. General correspondence 8506170538 informs of acceptabety of850520 plan of acton to confrm control roorn habitabety followmg single component fadure withm emergency wentdaten 8506100436 Requests tsted changes to850507 sihmessen.per850528 telcon. Person sys Clanhcaten of two hated dems escussed w/M Iqbal promded referred to e defrubon of " operations boundary" as reactor chset admrustrator STOLZ.J F. Operating Reactors Branch e 85/06/03.HUKfLL.H D. General Public utd-changed to ener coordnator. d'es Corp.

  • GPU Sennce Corp. 4pp. 30981:303-30981:306.

MAY.M A. Reed Portlard OR. 85/06/11 THOMAS.C.O. Standa,diraton & Special Protects Br 1p. 30977.359-30977:359. 8506210272 Rev,5 to Emergency Plan fmplementmg Procedure 1004.36, " Emergency BE J. General Public Utilities Corp. . GPU Service Corp.85/06/10. topp, (3 Inspection rem IE Sumetens & correspondence 31024.105-31024.114 8506240408 R to 850510 notice of volation. Corrective acborm enct nonce fe* 8 '" ' qured by 1 11 posted.Urecensed seruar reactor operator no longer at 7004 5 Acident f Revs to admrustranve procedures apprwed-

                                                                                                '"8hal Put*c Ut*tes Corp. GPU Service Corp.* 85/06/11. 34pp. 30978 001-BRA          .P.E. Reed                             85/05/31. SCARANO.RA Respan 5.          30978.034' Offce of Drector. 4pp.        W. Portland.

3120t095 OR. 31202:098 8506280646 Forwards Safety insp Rept 54289/8515 on 85041519 No volatons ot> 8506170488 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept 50 288/85 02 on 850522-23.per 0605 TER,S D. R 1. Off ce of Drector 85/06/13. HUKILL.H D. General Put*c espon Offce of Drector. 85/06/11. KAY.M. Reed Conego. Uthbes W G Cap dop.31228 27M228 293. Portland, OR.1p. 30957.193-30957:1 d4'

                                                                                             -.4506280858 Insp Rept $4289/85-15 on 85041519 No voishons or deviahons
 -4506170492 Physcal Secunty insp Rept 50 288/8542 on 850522-23 & U605 Maior                    notepapor areas inspectedvenhcanon W completen of spacec nerns of MC 6 e "                                       P * "          "' "

[as inspect De '"s' R2 NE E AOLINO.R J., ANDERSON,C.J. Regpon 1 Offce of Drector.85/06/04. HAUG.LR SCHUSTER.M D. Regen 5. ffce of Drector. 85/06/10. 1p. 12pp. 31228.282-31228 291 SNM57D4. 8508250378 Rev 11 to Emergency Plan : ,_ _.; ., ProcedLre1004 27, "Activaton of 8506250326 Ack of 650531 fir enformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violanons Ernergency Operations Facety. rtated m 850510 Itr . that "nobce cd employees" enct n850531 fir wie be re.

  • General Put*c Utsties Corp, . GPU Service Corp. 85/06/14. 28pp. 31198.111-vised to desenbe 10CFR19 & 20 requrements. 31190 130-R .

ector. 85/06/19. BRAGDON.P. Reed Conego, , , ment for procedure to evaluate post trarung performance of operators m job settng. W/ Certificate of Svc.Related correspondence. V. Operator Examinettone BAUSER.D.B. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbndge. BAUSER D8 General Put*c Uts-hos . . GPU Service Corp #285 478. 85/06/17. SMITH,i W., WOLFE,S.J., 8506240400 Responds to850510 nonce of volanon.Correchvo acbons: enci notre re- 8 ' " "*' ' aured by 10CFR1911 posted.Urecensed senor reactor operator no longer at 280 fac Red to admrustrative procedures approved. 8 P R OR 85/05/31. SCARANO.RA Regon 5- G. Wory cornepondence 8506250326 Ack rec of 850531 ftr informing NRC of steps taken to correct volabons $506140061 Partial response la FOIA request for doeurnents to safety of steam genera-etred m 850510 Itr s that " nonce of employees" enct n850531 Itr udl be re. tors at facihty from 1979 to present. Forwards Ap;) A documents. Records avadable in veed to desenbe 10CFR19 & 20 requrements. POR & LPDH. NUREG/BR4052 encf. SCARANO.R A. Regen 5. Orfce of Drector. 85/06/19 BRAGDON,P. Reed CoNege, FELTON.J M. Divison of Rules and Records. 85/01/25. DETJEN L Phdadelphne in. Portland. OR.1p. 31180 248-31180 250. qurer, Phdadelpfue. PA. IJpp.30911.002-30911.014

                                                                                             -8401230006 Forwards ASLB 840109 memorandum & order ruhng on motons for re.

DOCMET 54289 THREE idlLE ISLANO NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 consideranon of TMi Alert contentons & as anterrogatons & responses avadable to date.Interro9ations expected rnomentardy Wto enci. STOLIJ F. Opera Reactors Branch 4. 84/01/12. HOUSTON,W R. Assetant Drec. F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plane for for Core & Plant tems. 2pp. 30914.215-30915 022. 8506100054 FOIA request for TMI emergency evacuanon plan. -8504140079 Submits dady tughhghtDiscusses status of TMl-1 steam generator WEISS.M M. AT&T Ben Laboratones (formerly Bea Telephone Laboratones. Inc.) 85/ heanng.No fonnas schedule for remander of proceeengs estat*shed ASLB decmon 03/05. MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Office of Drector.1p. 30966.252-30966 252 on surnmary esposson expected by inte Apr. SILVER.H. Operating Reactors A ..; Brancn.84/03/02.DENTON.H., CASE.E., , 8506180058 Responds to FOIA request for TMI emergency evacuahon plan. Forwards CARTER,J. NRC

  • No Dotaded Affmanon Given.1p. 30915 24430915 240.

App A document. Document also evadable m PDR App B documents avadable m POR. FELTON.J M. Drveen of Rules and Records.85/04/12 WEISS.M M AT&T Ben Lath -8506140136Suteruts dadv .Decusses ASLB 841031 metial *=nn on steam (Datones (formerly ben Telephone LaLoratones, Inc.) 3pp. 30966 253 30966 267. generator repar Decesson favor . Aulhanties neuence of requested hcense amend q rerngruzmg kanocc expensen seper techniques seg to NUREG-1019

 -8506180062 Rev o to " Emergency S'a
  • SILVER,H. Opera Reactors Branch 4. 84/11/01. DE NTON.H.. CASE.E
  • General Put$c Utsties Corp. . GPU e Corp. 81/01/31.12pp. 30966 256 EISENHUT G. NRC - Detaded Affmanon Gsven.1p. 30915,313-30915.313.

30986 267

                                                                                             -8506140143 D6-**e ASLB sutial decesson on steam Generator repar re hcensee ap-                                                 i 8506040386 Rev 8 to Emergency Plan implementmg Procedure 1004 33, " Post-Accl.                phcation for amend to OL to pommt rev of Tech Spect to recogrure steam generator                                             I dont Sample Analyss."                                                                       t@e repar techruques.
  • General Pubhc Utsties Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 85/05/20.14pp. 30703173 CUNNINGHAM.G H Offee of the Execubve Legal Drector. 84/11/06. DENTON.H.R.

D703.186. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector. 2pp. 309t5.314-30915 315. 8500040271 Rev 5 to cover sheet & Page 7 of Emergency Plan ;os  ; Proca- 8500030244 Answer oppoeng Tut Alert (TMIA) 850522 mohon to reopen record for dure 1004.9. "Rasolo9 cal Controis Dunng Emergencies." purpose of receivme adce mio.TMIA assertons re 1979 VV carbficanon fed to meet i

  • General Put*c Utsties Corp . GPU Service Corp. 85/05/21. 3pp. 30699 32S requessie stds for reopenmg adjursca record Certacate of Svc encs.

D699 322. BAUSER.D B. General Pubhc Utmhos . . GPU Sennce Corp. BAUSER.D B Shaw. Pittman. Potts & Trowbndge. #285 224. /05/29. Commasoners.12pp. 30674 041-8506100200 Forwards Safeguards insp Rept $4289/85-11 on 85030446 & nobce of 30674 052. votaton. MARTIN,T.T. Regen 1. Offee of Drector.85/05/23 HUMILL,H D. General Put*c Utb 8500030317 Nohce of RL Long850524nr to JF Stol2 to hcensee progress in develop-ties Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 2pp. 30627 330-30827.331. me plan for conductmg orkthe-pod performance evalustons Svc het once Related corre-

  -8506100204 Nohce of volanon from insp on 85030448 Dotadt withheld (ref                       spondence BAUSER.D B . General PLd*c Ubhbes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. BAUSER,D                                                  B Shaw, 10CFR2.790)                                                                                Pittman Potts & Trowbndge. #285 202. 85/05/29. Commissoners. 4pp. 30673.284
  • Regon 1 Offce of Drector.85/05/23.1p. 30827.332-30827.332. 30673 287
  -8506100219 Physcal Secunty insp Rept 50-289/85-11 on 85030448 Noncomphance                8506130184 Memorandum & Order CL1-8549 authoruing restart of facety Suppornng noted.tadure to follow protected aree                  processe & to complete annual       statements by Commasoners PaAmeno, Roberts.Bemthal & Zech & essentmg state-fitness tests Detads deleted (r 10CFR2. 90).                                      ment by Asselsene mcluded. Served on 850529.

LAP.J M., KEIMIG,R R. Repon 1. Offce of Drector. 85/05/23. Spp. 30827.333- CHILK.S J. Offce of the Secretary of the Commason. #285 366. 85/05/29 General 30627.337. Put*c Utebes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp.101pp. 30860113-30860 213. l l 1

88 DOCKETEDITEMS 8600030403 Forwards Co... . ._ . of PA mobon of stay -4500060419 Requests response to 850311 requer b carens strs placed on Comrms-WOELFLING.M. Pennsy8verta, Commonwealth of #2oa 236 85/05/31. CHILK,$.J seners table pnar to850213 meetog L Shutte rept on health effects e TMI area enct Offre of the Secretary of the Commesen.1p. 30675.334-30675.345. AAMODT.M M. Aamodet 85/04/26 COMBS.1 R. Docketmg & Services Branch. 4pp. 30766.034 30766 039.

            ^2T Monon for emergency stay of 850529 NRC decssen authonamg restart of facWCartificate of Svc enct                                                            . .nsnanan442 Responds to 850422 request for Aamodt rept.No copies avastable to WOELFUNG M Pennsylvarma, Commonwealth of. 85/05/31. Cv.-. _ a t ipp.                       oubhc from NRC Rept must be obtamed from Aamodts 30675 335-30675.345.                                                                       INGRAM.F. Othee of Public Affars. 85/04/30. BLACKINGTON.S. Afhhaten Not As-signed. Ip.30766 040-30766 040.

9600070660 Requests NRC stav & reconaderanon of implementaton of Memorandum

   & Order CLl-85-09 entered 856529 per 850530 teicort                                       :_ ____.. Res.pondsto850424 request for copy of Aamodt rept No copies avadable ZUCKER.M J.       Roda, J F.       ZUCKER.M.J. Aamodts #285 317. 85/05/31.                 to        from NRC Rept rnust be obtaened from Aamodts R("HSCHILD.I.B. Othce ot the General Counsel.1p. 30756.292 30756 292.                      I     AM.F. Othce of Put*c Affans. 85/04/30. MEYER.P. Ahn Socwty. 22pp.

4605000311 Monon to de8er conadersbon of850528moton by C_. _ . _m of PA to esquelsfy law firm of Show Petman, Potts & Trowondge from representm0 C Husted 330e040400 Supports TMI restart.Bdhons of taxpayer dollars wasted by fnatless delays untd n geeshon convened Certfcate of Svc arct 8 oppongort BAUSER. . Husted, CA BAUSER.D B Shaw, Pittman. Potts & Trowbndge. #285 PAINE,A.J. Afhhanan Not As . 05/05/30 MARTIN,R E. Offce of Nuclear Reac-281. 85/06/04. C1. __.-. App. 30729-285 30729 288, tor Regulabon, Drector.1p 98 211-30698 211. 0008130130 informs that SL Newton. currently manager of piard Fanmg, has accepted  ! pomeon w/INPO.effecove 850801. Board we be noched to replacement.Svc hst 1. Financial information I encl Related correspondence. I R OH al 8506290320 505 Sa and Lc 3 m.t Vol has Board Nothc.adon re-nam assu 6,anc.9for. wardsfures o, tammo hnancial revow

                                                                                                                                                         ,ie-    io of W o,pera.

covo ton of es maied

   ,086,;,9 3086, ,98*

TMI-1 operstmg costs for penod of hc &' y THOMPSON.H L Divisen of Lcensmg 8 /28. PALLADiNo, ROBERTS. ASSEL. 4508130185 Monon for enlargement of tme untd 850701 to file appeal from ASLB 850503 partal evbal decimon on remanded esus of teensedeperator trammg at TML STINE Commessoners. 2pp. 31048.194 31048 204. 1 Notce of appeal previousfy filed on 850513 Svc het enct SHOHtET.G Three Mde Island Alert #285 376. 85/06/10. Atomic Safety and Lcons. -8906210075 Forwards financial review of GPU operaten of TMI.t. mg Appeal Panel app.30859 34& 30859 351. KERR,G W. Othce of State Prograrns. Drector 85/05/24 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nu-clear Reactor Regulaten Drector. 9pp. 3104819431048 204 8806130256 Memonalizes 850610 telcon re C Husted re@est for deferral of Dme to answer C-+ _ _ _t of PA 850528 moton to esquahfy counsel. Grant of Husted request confrmed.Svc het enci. J. Insurance & Indemnity informenon BAUSER.D B. Shaw, Patman, Por ts & Trowbndge. BAUSER.D.B. Husted. CA #285 386 85/06/10 CHILK.S.J. Othce of the Secretary of the Commemort 3pp. 36061006c1 Forwards Endorsements 82.17,75 & 76.104.38 & 19 & 20 to NEUA Pohces 30859 209-30659 211. NF 220.NF.269.NF.230.NF.164.NF.252 & NF-281 & Endorsements 70.9.60 & 61.82.20 & 12 & 13 to MAELU Pohcies MF 73.MF 115.MF.90.MF.44,MF 108 & MF. 800813c17e Order granong TMl Alertine moton to extend ame unet 850701 to f4e bnet t 12. on appeal of ASLB 850503 parhal runal decemn re trammg Served on 850612- HOGG ,S.D. Marsh & McLennan. Inc 85/05/28 DINITZ,L Asmstant Drector for State SHOEMAKER.CLJ. Atome safety and Lcenem0 Appeal Panel #285 391. 85/06/11. & Lcensee Retahons.17pp. 30793 312-30793 328 Three Mde Island Alert 1p. 30859-347 30859347. 3600130316 Peeten/ request for order to show cause why plants should not be shut P. Operaung scense stage documents & ._ , ne down untd CR0 mecharusms mape:ted. TY 5/06/tt. Office of Nuclear Reactor RegulaDon, Drec- p ,g , made avslable et NSHCs App A documents placed m PDR Search 8806170400 Forwards DB Bauser 850610 Itr to C Husted request for deferral of hms to connnumg. answer Commonweerth of PA 850528 moton for esquatfcaten of counsel.per WL FELTON.J M Dmson of Rules and riscords 84/11/08 ADATO.M Urwon of Con. Clements request comed Scenests 4pp. 30720 0013043 064. JOHNSON.G E. Hoenng Branch 4 #285 456 85/06/13. CHtLK.SJ. Office of the Secretary of the Commisson.1p. 30957.355-30957,358 -8300190157 Nonce of canadershon of issuance of einend to Lcense DPR-50 & pro. NSHC determmaton & opportunity for heanng to 830121 apphcanon to perrrut

 $608170602 Response to C Husted moton to der er canaderabon of Co....~.. _ . of                    eng HPt & low pressure ogechon setpomes.

PA moton to esquehty Husted legal couneetNance of appearance & Carthcate of STOLZ,J F. Operatog Reactors Branch 4. 83/07/13. 7pp. 30722:184-30722 202. Svc enct JOHNSON.G E. Hoenng Branch 4. #285 425. 05/06/13, Comtrusseners. 6pp. -8309200077 Forwards Sholly stansece update.covenng 830$C60823 No addl com-30956 217 30956 222. monts or requests for beenng recesved smce fuhngs received on TMl-1 steam genera-tor repar nonce. 4608190202 Order exteneng eme until 850717 for Commason to act to review ALAB. EISENHUT.D G. Diveen of Leonerg 83/09/16. DENTON.H R. Othce of Nuclear Re-807. Served on 850618 actor Regulanon, Drector. 2pp. 30724006-30720.007. CHILK.SJ. Othce of the Secr of the Commemon. #285 491, 85/06/17. PALLADINO.N.J., ROBERTS T M , LSTINE.J K. Commemoners. f p. 30995.128- -8311030364 Forwards update of Shoffy stansecs provided on 830916. covenng 30995 128 830504 0921 one adcB request for beanng rgcarvedSath monthly FR notre scheduled for 83 26 pubhcaten. 9406190300 Response oppo% tcensee post trarun0 evaluston plan for reactor EISENHUT.D.G. Dumon of Lcenang 83/10/t8 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re-operators Plan should be refected & TMI-t not restarted unni uni submits & imple- actor Regulaeon. Drector. 2pp. 30720 008-30720.009 monts plan meeeng UCS cepectons W/Cartfcate of Svc. JORDAN.W S Uruon of Concemed Soerests. JORDAN.W & Harmon, Wees & -8311300410 Forwards spiate of statetes for 8305041023 Request for hear Jorden. #285 479 45/06/17. Atome Safety and Leenang Board Panet. 15pp. re Setem nobce on owtondmg meerv Bor second meegrated leak rate test roc . 30996 336 30996 350. EISENHUT.D.G. Desen of Lcenseg. 83/11/14 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear 800819C307 Forwards Rev 1 to proposed plan for sansfying ASLB longterm roamre-ment for procedure to evaluate post- Warung performance of operators m job settmg. 4312230001 Forwards update of Shony stabases covenng 830506-1122. W/Cortfcate of Svc.Related correspondence EISENHUT.D G. Deveson of Lcenerg 83/12/00.DENTON.H R Offee of Nuclear Re-BAUSER.D B. Shaw. Pmmen, Potts & Trowbndge BAUSER.D B General Ptenc Ubb- actor Regulanon, Oractor. 2pp 30720 012 30720 013. tes . . GPU Servce Corp. #285 478 85/06/17. SMITH.1 W., WOLFE.S.J., LINENB RGER,0. Atonuc Safety and Ucememg Board Panel.170pp. 30998.091- -8401te0341 Forwards uodate to Sholly stanstics for 8305061231 Request for haann0 30998 260. recorved m response to nctice of esuance of Amend tO Nmth monthly FR nobce scheduled for pubhcahon on 840125. 9008300262 Forwards affidavit of JJ Personsky re revow of aconsee proposed plan for EISENHUT.D G. Dmeen of Ucenung 84/01/06 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re-evaluaang heensed operators n pb estung.per ASLB 850503 Fourth PartalIrvtal De- actor Regutanon Drector. 6pp. 30720 014-30720-015. cseen LOP 45-15 Plan acceptable. WAGNER.M E. Heenng Branch 4 #285 497. 85/06/17.Atome Safety and Lconsang -440221013e Forwards update of ShoNy statencs for630506-840126.Two requests for Board Panel. Ip.31007.235 31007 240. heann0 & one comment recewedRequests for heanng esmessed on two conference scheduled for Grand Gulf pecton.

 -8800300301Arndevit of JJ Persensky re response to ASLB 85Cm03 Fourth PartelInt.               ISENHUT.D.G.           of Lcenem0 64/02/07.DENTON.H.R. Office of Nuclear Re-tal Deceson LBP45-15 concommg proposed plan to evaluate teensed operators e               actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30720.016-30720 018.

Plan acceptable.CortAcate of Svc encl A9SEN KY,JJ. Lcensee OuahicatWna Branch. 85/06/14. 5pp. 31007.236- 4404020112 Forwards wdate of Shony stabsecs covenng 830505- 840224 Eleventh 31007.240. monthly FR nonce schoesied for pubbcaten on 840321 EISENHUT.D G. Dmmon of Ucenung. 64/03/13 DENTON.H R Othce of Nuclear Re-amassan141 Advoes that OJ Shakkastmil win replace SL Newton as manager of plant actor Reguieton, Drector. 3pp. 30720-019-30720-021. Warung Statement of tone a svc bat enct Reisted BAUSER D B. Shaw, Potts & Trowbndge. BAUSER,D . General W Utt- -8404200461 Forwards odoted "Sho#y" stabsecs for830505-840322. Preheanng corv goe Corp - GPU Senace Corp. #285 599. 85/06/26. EDLES.G.J.. JOHNSON W R.. forence held on request for heanng recerved on TMI.1 steam generator KOHL,C N. Atomc Safety and Ucenomg Appeet Pansf. Spp.31256 329-31256.333 ropes Contenhons accepted by ASLB. EISENHUT D G. Dueen of Leonomg 84/04/13. DENTON.H R. Ofnce of Nuclear Re-actor Reguiston, Drector. 3pp. 30720 022-30720024.

                                                                                         - 4406230611 Forwards update of Sho#y stanstes covenng penod 830505 840425 No I 0000000411 Tranecnot of 850522 meseng in Washmgton,0C re oral presentation by               addl comments or recpassts for heenng recewed.

on hfung immodate effacevenees of 1979 shutdown orders Pp 1 121. EISENHUT,D G. Dumen of Oconseng 84/05/07 DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear Re. Commeneners. 05/05/22. 258pp. 30765 230 30786.127. actor Regtdeton, Drector. 3pp. 30720 02430720027.


                 -4405P0117 Nobce of consderation of esuance of amend to Lscense DPR 50 & pro.                               .
                                                                                                                                                     ~4506140137Special Ternporary Procedure 1-824055. "Onc+Through Steam Ge nera-posed NSHC determmaten & opporturmty for heanng.removmg present htmts on                                                          for Temporary Recyculaton & Charmcal Addition "

receet.possessen & use of byproduct. source or SNM for sample analyss

  • General Pubhc Utstees Corp. - GPU Senace Corp. 82/10/04 7pp 30911038-STOLZ.J F. Operatmg Reactors Brancit 4. 84/05/07. 29pp 30722203-30722 239 30911 044.
                 -4406200322 Forwards edate of Shony stabsecs for penod 830506 840523.ASLB
                                                                                                                                                     -8506140145 Summary of 820609meetog w/utd to steam generator eddy current test-w-sued doceson for Grand Gulf on 840423.                                                                      Y                  og program Supportng documentaban enci.

EISENHUT.D.G. Dewmon of Lcensing 84/06/06. admpftm0 two contentions DENTON.H R Othce offor discove'e'- Nuclear R ector Regulabon, Duector. 3pp 30720 028-30720 030- JACOBS.R Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 82/08/14 Operatog Reactors Branch 4. 106pp. 30915.023-30915129

                 -8407300050 Forwards update of Shopy stabsbcs covenng 830$06-840620. No adcs comrnents or requests for heanng receeved.                                                                                    -4506140151 Handwntien og rept of820805demonstranon at Mt Vemon re observa-EISENHUT,0 G_ Dnnsert of Uconsmg 84/07/06 DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re.                                                        ton of kmetc expannon of tubes m full-mze once-through steam                         ator Ector Regulaton, Drector. 4pp. 30720-031-30720 034.                                                                              GRAY.H Region 1. Offce of Drector 82/08/20, Regon 1                              ' of Drector. 3pp 30915129-30915.13 t.
                     ? '- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Forwards wdated Shony stabstcs for penod 830506-440718. Statstcs udt be updated foa owmg 840822 montNy ptMcaton of FR notre                                                                    -8506140161 Notmcaten of 821013 & 14 meetmos w/uts m Bethesda MD to escuss EISENHUT.D G Onnsen of Lconseg 84/08/08. DENTON.H H Office of Nuclear Re-                                                       results of steam generator repar qualefcaten program. eddy current testmg program &

actor Regulatori, Drector. App.30720 035-30720 038. RCS cleanmg JACOBS,R H Operatog Reactors Branch 4 82/09/29 STOL2.J F. Operahng Reac.

                  -8410040278 Forwards update of                            statsbcs covenng 830506- 840822 Lists two                                   tors Branch 4 1p 30911.045 30911045.
                        "p ess release" type riotros seued                      reportng penodNext montNy FR notco eduled for            ton on 840924 EISENHUT.D . Onnson of Ucenseg' . 84/09/18 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re.                                                  -8506140162 Nobfcaton of 820629 meetmg w/utd.B&W & Foster-Wheeler m actor Regulaban, Drector. 24pp. 30720 039 30720:062-BetumMD e ecuss updated sem rept a repar of TMM smam alors specifcany on expanmon of tubes e upper us sheet 8506140045FOtt request for documents re safety of steam generators at facery from                                                        TOLZA Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 82/06/11.NOVAK.T0. Assatant Drector for 1979 to presentinto should mctude map rept. correspondence. memoranda & other                                                   Lcensmg. 5pp           15.133-30915.137.

documents re corrosen prtboms a repar of steam generators DETJEN.J PNiedesprua Inqurer. PhdadespNa. PA. 84/11/29 FELTON.J M. Onnson of -8506140166 Responds to 821026 request for mio re steam generator tube mtognty at Rules arW Records.1p. 3091100130911001. fac&ty frorn 1979 to present.Supportog documentabon enti HUKILL.H General Pubhc Utdmes Corp - GPU Servce Corp 82/11/30. 8606050435Further response to FOIA request for documents re rachaten exposure to EISENHUT.D G. Demson of Lceneng 33pp. 30911046-30911243 workers from 1979 to present. App A documents enct FELTON.J M Dnnsson of Rules ar2 Records. 84/12/17 DETJEN.J., FITZGERALD.S. -4506140167 Summary of 820628 29 meetmgs m Bethesda.MD re RCS & steam PNiedelphe frigurer. Phdadesprus, PA. 2pp 30745 074-30746.096 alors Attendee het encl.

                  -0500050485 Rev 3 to  Assessment of TMI-1 Plant Safety for Retum to Svc Aner Steam Generator Reoat "

M[38 51 3

                                             ~                                      '     '       **                             *"
                                                                                                                                                     -4506140171 Summary of 820615 meetmg w/util & Frankhn Research Ctr to review
                                         /09/04          '307 26          746     -

techrwcal status of repar of steam generator tubes to acNeve better than allowable 8506140061 Partal response to FOIA request for documents re safety of steam a. leak rate. tors at fac frorn 1979 to present Forwards App A documents Records av m GRAY.H. Regen 1. Offee of Drector. 82/07/07. Regen f. Offre of Dractor 2pp. POR & . NUREG/BR-0052 enct 30915 144-30915.145. FELTON.J M Desen of Rules and Records 85/01/25. DETJEN.J., FITZGERALD,S Phdadesprus inquwer. PNiadelptma. PA.13pp. 30911.002-30918 352. -4506140172 Rev 0 to Techncal Data Rept 388. "Mechantal Integnty Analyms of TMI-1 Once- Steam Generator Tubes." Supportmg documentaton enct

                  -8202000518 Discusses status of actons by util & NRC to evaluate corrosen problems
  • General Utdibes Corp. - GPU Service Corp. 388 R00. 82/12/09 195pp.

found m facAty steam generators. Steam generator history a status enci. 30911 079-30911 273 JOHNSTON.W v Asaetant Drector for Matts & Qual. E (Pro 830201). 82/ 01/21. VOLLMER.R H Dnnson of Engmeenng. 9pp. 3091.341- 15.342- -4506140175 Notificaten of 820812 meetmg w/util & utd consultants in Lanngston.NJ to

                   -8306000359 Forwards E'A mput for retum to svc after once-through steam generator
                                                                                                                                                        '"C'OB$          Opea            tors N                      08/M. STOLU Opwahng Reactors LL                                                                                                                    Branch 4. f p. 309        4 6 5146.

Asmstant Drector for Rachaten Protecton. 83/06/01 LAINAS.G.C. As-sistant Drector for Operateg Reactors.14pp 30915 262 30915 275 70 e W StUm '"A' & 'B'. h 4 312140274 Board NoDfcation 83184 provides add clo on steam generator repar Through Steam Generator Statukzaton a " Supportmg documentabon oncs. program & requests concurrence on fmai no ogn hcant hazards deternunation re oper-

  • General Pubhc Utikbes Corp. GPU Servce . 83/02/os. Sepp 30911 244-ation w/repared generators.Commesen papers ence. 30911 297.

LAINAS.G C. Asmstant Drector for Operanng Reactors. 83/11/23.Atome Safety and Lcensmg Board Panet 18pp. 30914.197-30914 214. -4506140182 Summary of 820721 meetmg w/utd.B&W, Foster Wheeler (F-W) & Frankhn Research Ctr m lmngston.NJ 10 escuss quahfcation test program for F.W sleewmg

                   -8407170191 forwards safety evaluaten re mcrease m once-through steam genera. -                                                      process used in steam generator restoraten program Aaenda enct pnmary to secondary leakage rate.per NOREG 1019 & Suppl 1. Rate acceptable                                                      EaNETER.S D. NRC - No Detaded Affsheten G#ven. 82i07/30. NRC . No Detaded Af-JOHNSTON.W V Asmstant Drector for Matis. Chem. & Envron Technology (Post                                                       fehation Gewen. 5pp. 30915147-30915.151.

630201) 84/07/11 LAINAS.G C. Asostant Drector for Operatmg Reactors. 5pp 30915.277-30915 281-

                                                                                                                                                     -4506140103 Temporary Change Nobce 1-83-0021 to Rev 1 to Procedure 1300-48 re
                   -8506 40068 Rev 1                       P 1101-22410. *0nce-Through Steam Generator Kmetc En-                                                           am       nce                eam           ator
                                                                                                                                                        *ddY,n,,rrentcu o               ,p              ugh gpu                            63/03/04 29pp. 309H.298-
  • General Pubbc Uthfies Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 82/07/10. 4pp. 30915 236- 309H 326 30915 239
                                                                                                                                                     ~4506140186 Summary of820628 8 29 meetngs w/util re steam generator recovery
                   -8506140009 Rev 0 to Procedure TP 600/2. "Controdhne Procedure for Onc+Through                                                              am Let of attendees & utis presentaten enct Steam Generator Reper Testeg " Encl 8 (Pages 114.1 f 5 & 116 not ecluded)                                                     JA       S.R. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 82/07/14. Operahng Reactors Branch 4.

T7.LLY.C W , PORTER,1 D., HAWK!NS.T M General Pubhc Utihbes Corp - GPU Serv- 74pp. 30915152-30915.233 ce Corp.83/08/26.134pp. 30913.331-30914.109.

                                                                                                                                                      -8506140100 Rev 1 to Installabon Procedure A25K 51512-IP6. "'A' & 'B' Or co-Through
                    -4506140074 Notif caten of 820915 meetmg w/utit in Bethesda.MD to discuss expk>                                                      Sleam Generator Statzhzaten & Plugang " Supporang documentaten oncl.

y eve expaneon repar tecnique used m facety once-through steam ators-

  • General Pubhc Utebes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp 83/03/16. 32pp. 31911.327-1 JACOBS.R. Operatin0 Reactors Branch 4. 82/09/07. STOLZ4 ating Reactors 30911 358.

] Branch 4.17pp 30911015-309t t.031.

                    -4506140102 Sierrwis dady highh9h t on 640625.hcensee mformed NRC that pnmary to                                                 -8506140192 Notfcaton of 820809 meetmg w/unt in Middielown.PA 10 docuss oddy secondary leakage detected n ' B" once-through steam generator by chemmal meas.                                                current tu        program on TMb1 once-through steam generators woments of baron & comum m secondary sys Ltr rept we ce outwnstted                                                             JACOBS.R.           anry Reactors Branch 4. 62/07/29. STOL24 Operateg Reactors STOL2.J F. Opera                  Reactors Branch 4. 84/06/27. DENTON.H . CASE E.,                                             Branch 4.1p. 30915.34-30915 234.

EDISON.G. NRC . No Affdiation Grven. 10.30915 276-30915 276.

                                                                                                                                                      -8506140190 Notifcaten of 820806 vist to B&W facety at Mount VarnonJN to witness
                    -4506140112 "Intenm Rept of Thrd Party Review of TMt.Urvt 1 Steam Generator                                                          tests of onc+through steam generator repar tecfvuque used dwmg repar of TMbt.

Repar" JACOBS.R Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 82/07/29. STOL2.J. Operstmg Reactors BROWN.S D. HOLLAND.S.A., KALNINS.A. Affdiaton Not Assagned. 82/09/27. 6pp Branch 4.1p. 30915 235-30915 235. 30911.032-30911 437.

                                                                                                                                                      -4506140202 Rev 1 to Installaton Procedure A25K-51512 lP1,"Stabazar Tube Endmde-
                    -6606140114 Rev 0 to Tech Spec SP-110122419. " Tech Spec for Once. Through Steam Generator Westmghouse Rolled                    Pua Tesbng.                                                    . A & 'B' Once Through Steam Generators "

General Pubhc Ut* Des Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 83/03/16 22pp 30911.359-

  • General Pubic Utierbes Corp. . GPU Corp. 84/08/11. 4pp. 30915.264- 30912 028.

339t5 287.

                     -4506140122 Forwards proposed task mterface agreement roguestmg NRR take lead                                                    -4506140205Rev STR-1 to "RCS Leak Rate Ventcaten Test" S@portng documenta-respons4phty for review of once through steam                    ator plug problem a evaluate IF                              ton enct consee anab/ ses a proposed correcDve ac. ions                     requested by Fa61984
  • General Pubhc Ubhbes Corp . GPU Sennce Corp. TP 600/5 REV STR-1. 84/08/20.

STAROSTECKI,R Dnnsson of Protect & Reedent Prograrra 84/08/15_ 2930p 30915.343-30916 275. EISENHUT.D G. Dmson of Leenang. App 30915.288 30915 291.

                                                                                                                                                      ~4506140207 Rev 0 to installabon Procedure A25K 51512 lP2, " Removal of Stab 6zers
                     -4506140125 Mact procedure for job ticket 1


  • General Pubhc Utstes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 64/09/24. 21pp. 30915 292- From Tubes
  • General to be Pubhc Restatukzed".

Utebes Corp . GPU Sennce Corp. 83/03/16 9pp. 30912019-1 33915.312 30912 028. 1

         . _._ _ . _ - . . - - - , _ _ .                         - - . .              -        - + , . - . - - - --                      -,-,.r..-y,                - -

3 - - , - , , - ,.v .. n.--m-. .- , , - - - - - .

_ m . _. _ 90 DOCKETEDITEMS

   - 8506140213Sutwists dady hohhght On 840207.NRC met w/utd to team results of uti            8506200110FOIA request for earnest dtd documerit suggesteg or describog peaceful eves ton mto steam generator prot %em & to leam utd proposed repar method                    uses of nuclear energy. description of Emenhower Atoms for Peace Program.recent JA         .R H. Operatmo Reactors Branch 4. 82/04/08. DENTOh.H R , CARTER,J.,               rept on health effects of reactor accedern TMI &               on fusson power.

EISENHUT,0 G. NRC . No Detaded Affeacon Gewert 2pp. 30916.27530916 277. BESTJ R. Affhahon Not Asssped. 85/03/06. No Detaded Affdaabon Gewert tp. 31039 361-31039 361.

   -4606140216 riev 0 to instaastion Procedure A25K-51512-IP3. " Removal of Remnant of Parq Inserted Plug From Row-Tube A 14341." Suppornng dccumentahon ence.               3506170117 Further response to FOIA request for nme categones of documents re TMI.
  • Generas Pubhc Uthbes Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp. 63/03/16.11pp. 30912029- 1 & TM4 2 Forwards Apr 1979 telegram re possatWe sabotage 30912.039. FELTON.J M. Dmmon of Rules and Records. 85/03/22. OEEMER.C.R Affeation Not
   -4506140218Rev O to Std MTWS413. " Tube /Tubesheet Pluggmg Sid for Steam Gerk erators 4/or Hxs "                                                                       -7906260485 Adwses sabotage not responsit9e for TMI mcodent per HR Denton GLACORRE F S. COWFER.C D. General Putsc Ut*bes Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp.                      statement Human factor overrode automatic safety funcDons 82/01/28.17pp. 30916.278 30916 294.
  • Federal Bureau of Irurestiganort 79/04/30. Commesasoners. t p. 30981.233
   ~4606140224 Rev 0 to Installation Procedure A25K-51512-IPT,"AsseitWy of Statzkrer Jump Pecks." Supportng docurpentahon enct                                                8506200117 Responds to FOIA request for documents descrtung peaceful use of nu-General Putsc Uthties Corp. - GPU Service Corp. 83/03/18. 35pn 30912 040*                clear energy,descnpnan of Emenhower Atoms for Peace Progam a recent rept on 30912 115-                                                                                  health effects of reactor accident at TMI Documents avadatWe a strary or PDR.
   - 4806140234 Vol 1 to Rev 0 to TR410. "TMI-1 Sleam Generator Adequacy of Tube                  f                                                           '                   ^      "

[' [g"39 362 103

                  & Statukzing Repar Cntens," SupportnD documentate enct af Pubhc Utsees Corp. . GPU Sarwce Corp. TR410 V01 ROO. 03/03/24.             4506100004 Grarns 850212 & 0325mquests for schedular em d deadme unal 48pp. M1HW2163.

851130 to armron quahfication of elecincel equipment important to

   -8808140243 Summary of 830310meetmg to results & present status of vanous sup-RCS condmons w le ning,            hemmtry parameN s & cleaning            "E D                  R.        e of           Reac       egulabort Drector #285 512. 85/03/29.

p, . on encl KIL H D. General Putec Utstes Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp. 5pp. 30824.273-

  • NRC - No Detaded Athhation Govert83/03/28. NRC - No Detaded Afreenon Grven.

84pk NM 2.246. 4508100834 Forwards 850327 FR noece to apphcahons & amends to OLs evolveg

   -4506140251 Rev 3 to Technical Data Rept 388. "Mecherucat interty Analyss of TMI-             NSHC considerstens.W/o encl.Related conospondence.

1 Once T Steam Generator Unplugged Tubes- Operateg Reactors Branch 4. #265 580 85/04/01. Doc 6etog & Serwces Brancts

  • General Untties Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp. 388 R03. 83/05/11. 49pp. MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Othee of Drector. SMsTH,1. Atomic hafety and Licensing )

30912.247 30912 298. Board Panet 3pp. 30823.343 30823:346.

   -8606140200Specul Temporary Procochse 1834084. "Once Through Steam Genera.                 8506250064 Further response to FOIA re@est for documens m three categones m tar Secondary Sede Pressunration Dunng H202 Cleenmg -                                      drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear facenes Forwards App A documenta Documents
  • General Pidsc Unktes Corp. . TiPU Sarwce Corp. 83/08/09.17pp. 30912 297, also avadatWe m PDR. Processeg of documents conenumg 30912:313. FELTONJ M Dmason of Rules and Recordt 85/04/10. HEATH,S.J. Washngton Legal Foundanon.11pp. 31217:005-31218.106.
   ~4608140270 Forwards TM11 Steam Generator Reper SER for parallel concurrence EIA for reper & operanon after repar a determmahon of sapencant har.        -8606250102 Discussion w/GPU on820302 in Persearmy NJ re pc6cies for detecton arde conaderston for operation after repar not ecluded W/o encf.                           & screenmg of employees for drug or alcohol abuse.

EISENHJT.D G. Omnen of Licenang. 83/08/29. CUNNINGHAM.G H. Office of the

  • NRC No Detasted Athhanon Grvers82/03/02. 4pp. 31217.108-31217-109 .

Execubve Legal Drector VOLLMER.R. DMeen of Lsceneeng. THOMPSON.H. Dmmon of Human Factors Salety. Ip.30912.314 30912:314. 0608100007 Nohfication of rescheduled 850424meetmg w/uhl m Bethesda.MD to dis-cuss appeal by bconsee to Asmatant Drector for Uc re alleged backfit requre-

   -8508140276 Rev STR-2 to Procedure TP 600/4, "RCS H202 Cleanup." Supportng                    ment on meerwce tesang regurements Related corr                             .

documentaten enct THOMPSON.O. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 #285 501. 65/04/11. STOL2,J F. Op.

  • General Put*c Utsbos Corp. . GPU Sarwce Corp. 84/03/28.192pp. 30912.315 eratmg Reactors Branch 4. 2pp. 30823.347 30823:348.


   -4508140207 Submits dady                                                                   8508110012 Expresses astorushment to asserbon by Clark that changes to steam gen.

Licensee completed analyse predictng that steam erator tube rupture procedures not caused by t:egraded cordeon of tubes GPU tech-generator tube thermany tensde loads tend to be smaller than preveus anary- necal data rept encl cieng tube crackmg as reason to rowse procedures. as mdicated Supportog documentanon enct WEISS E R Unen of Concemed Scionests f 285 802. 85/04/18. PALLADINO.N J., VAN VUET.J. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4. 83/07/27. DENTON.H., CARTER,J., ROBERTS,T.M.. ASSELSTINE J K. C-... - 2pp. 30837.202-30637 208. EISENHUT D. NRC , No Detaded Afhhoten Given. 22pp. 30913.147-30913:169. 4600070107 Informs that850424 appeal meebng to NRC deruel of rehof requests for

   -8608140201 Rev 2,to Techrucal Data Rept 400 ' steam Generator Tube Rupture Prt>              meerwce toseng program for pumps & valves postponed for et least 30 days unti efter cedum Guidennet                                                                            CRGR meetmg re testeg of pressure eotaton valves Related correspondence
  • General PiAmc Uthhes Corp. . GDU Servv Corp. 83/06/12. 74pp. 30913170- STOL2.J F. Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 #285 809. 85/04/20.HUKILL,H.D. General M3 245. Pubhc Unknes Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp. 3pp. 30798.332-30798 334.
   -4008140302 Shts                            NRC sseued amend penndbng uti to perform 8506110715 Responds to 850418 rowest re estimate of bme requred to perform sug-steam          ator hot           testng unmg reactor coolant pune hostTestmg began
      $3082 & expected to last approx 30 days Handenften noks enct                               mented steam generator tube neture analyss Erd UCS assumphons unreakstic. Steam generators suitatWe for operation m every respect VAN VUET.J. Opereeng Reactors Branch 4 83/08/29 DENTON.H., CARTER,J.*

EISENHUT,0. NRC . No Dotaded Ammabon Gewen. 4pp. 30913 246 30913.249. CLARK.P R. General Pubhc Unless Corp . GPU Serwce Corp. #285 746. 85/04/26. PALLADINO,N J., ROBERTS,T M., AssitLTINE.J K. Commesseners. 8pp. 30832.255-

   -4006140312 Submits duly hightghtenibal iseh rate calculatens for util recata RCS                 *#          '

rate of 0.1 02 gim.Pnmary to secondary leakage appears to be0.80-085 gammaammaa Responds to 850405 lir re mabety of repared steem Generefors to with-VAN VUET.J A. Opera Reactors Branch 4. 83/09/01. DENTON.H., CARTER J etand steam generate kdm nipkre accadenW reason found tw rnod W pmwous de-EISENHUT D. NRC No Afhhaten Grven 1p. 30913.250w30913 250. ' bn "'

  • DE O steent generators p cigy pegu'la Dr"ector. 85/05/17.
   -4006140322 Rev 2 to Tectrucal Data Rept 417. "TMI-l Once Through Saeam Genere-                               . D., WEISS.E.R. Union of Concemed Scienbets. 29pp. 30741.001 tar Repar "                                                                                30                '

al Pubhc Utsties Corp. GPU Sonnce Corp. 83/09/14. 38pp. 30913.251-

             ' ~                                                                              8605230012 M Necm 6Mh % b '

valves New setenge bounded by EPRI test results. Cordusens Wu% R CertrAca-

   -4008140329 Rev STR 1 to Pere-he TP. 800/2, "Controlhng Procedure for Once-                   e n item 74 re acceptance unchangsct Through Sleem Generator Reper T                                                            THOMPSON.H.L. Dmeson of 1                           85/05/20. PALLADINO, ROBERTS, ASSEL.
  • General Pubhc Uttees Corp. . Senace Corp. 83/09/15. 8pp. 30913 286- STINE C_..- _ -a 2pp. 31295. 31295.312.

8600070303 Staff requrements memo from 850516 offrmaton/chacussen & vote in 4606130045 Partet roeponse to FOIA requeer for all documents re NRC procedures fo, Washmgeon.DC re govt m Sunehme Act reguietons (SECY45487) & Aamodt moton detecton & consol of alcohol 4 diegel drug use by persons engaged m bidg or const for reconsideraton a reopenmg of record (SECY 85474A). of nuclear reactors or fecemeaForwards App A documents. CHILK SJ. Omco of the Secretary of ew Commeeen.05/05/29. PLAINE,H.H. Office FELTON.J M. Dmmon of Ruise and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH,SJ. Weefungton of the General Couneet 2pp. 30798 263-30798.264. Legni Foundstort $5pp. 30937D47 30937.157.

   -4000130332Advoos that informant that worked at factly named am irusviduals who               meetng                         whether to lift effectvenees of 1979 shutdown orders for TMI.

asegosy used eues onste.No commwucaton made wrubl beceues asegebone did 1 No requrements at meseng. not rivofwe currer4 empoyene. CHILK.S.J. Omco of the Secretary of the Commesert85/05/30.Ofnce of the Sacro-1 FlRCKS.WJ Omco or the Execumve Drector for Operstons. 83/04/27. PALLADINO, tary of the Comntesen. 2pp. 30776.38t>30776 381. I C!UNSKY, AHEARNE Commemoners. 2pp. 30941250-30941264. j 8000100046 Responds to850416 ler to C ... -.-e re safe operation of TMI-1 re-8804190041 Reeponde to FOtA roweses for records re SSER EG-0787). Forwards pared steem generators.Concereston ces corroecn would not consteuse agrwncant Asp 8 4 C documents App A & B documents avedable m . info m App C cocu- p@he health & selety eeue. rranes carteNy estiheed jref FOtA Emomptons 5.6 & 7). DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Rowleton, Director. 85/05/30. LEWIS.M L F.LTON.J M. Ommen or Rules and Records. 85/03/01. GARDE,8 P. Govemment Ac- Lowe. M 3pp. 30829 299-30829 301. co ry.atutty Progoet 210pp. 31067D05-31067.292. j -4086100048 Forwards propoesd response to M Lowe 650416 Itr to safe operaton of

   -4006100117 Responds to 840530 reeeet to mgt contacts for hated plants w/rilograt-                   ed ensam qpnerators.

ed schot E Chnetonbury 840530 tescon w/Esenhut TON.W v. Asseeent Director for Meus. Cherrt & Envron Technology (post CU .GA of the Esecuevo tegeI Dractor 84/08/07. DENTON.H.R. 830201). 85/05/11. LAINAS.G C. Aseelant Drector for Operetng Reactors. Spr. Omco of Nucteer Reactor R-Pam, Drector. Ip.31067 292-31087.292. 30829 302-30829 311.

DOCKETEDITEMS 91 6506070134 Staff reqtarements memo to Cfc of Invesbgaton850521 bnefmg on pend- ~4506140155 Forwards updated once-through steam Generator repan bnefmg.dtd mg evestigatons No requrements as result of bnefmg 831118 Enct 1 addresses se@ences of maior events current to date History updated CHiLK.S J. Orfte of the Secretary of the Commission. 85/05/31 Offre of the Secre- to reflect msos performed m eary 1984 tary of the Commesson Ip.30798 337-30798 337. YOUNG F. Re<pon 1. Omco of urector 84/05/16. CONTE.R Regen 1. Office of Du rector 9pp. 30915.32530915 333. 8506180281 Forwards SER based on utd 831108 response to Genanc Ltr 8428,ttom 11 re 15p review Program & procedures acceptable Actiun on dem c te -8506140154Notifcaton of820620meetmg w/utd a Bethesda,MD to revew results of ST .J F. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4.85/05/31 HUKILL.H D. General Ubi- risp utd re corronen damage to TMt-1 steam generators mes Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 4pp 30990182-30990-190. ST .J. Operatmg Reactors Brarch 4. 82/06/18 NOVAR.T M Assstant Drector for Lcensng 1p. 30915132-30915132

 -'4506180280 SER supportmg utd 8J1108 response to Genenc Lir 83-28. Item 11 re pot-anp remew Program & proceeses acceptable                                             -8506140193 Adween that requred eservce eso program unacceptable Review of
  • NRC - No Detaded Affmahon Gewert85/05/31 $pp. 30990186-30990190. enci recommendatons requested for transnvital to NRR & IE.

YOUNG.F l Hegion 1. Philadelphia. Offte of the Drector (8t/03/01) 82/02/08 8506100342 Accepts 850531 power ascensen schedule per Conditon 1 of CLI-8549.m KEIMiG R R Regon 1, Phdadetptwa. Offee of the Drector (81/03/01) 7pp response to 850531 request Satisfacten of hcense condmons requred pnor to concur- 30915.334-30915 340 rence to proceed beyond hold poets MURLEY.T E Region 1. Othee of Drector 85/06/03 HUKil LH D. Generas Pubic 8505130027 1 to IE Info Notce 84-55," Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc bat encl. Uhlmes Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 2pp. 30791044-30791045. JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeermg Response (Post 630103). 85/05/14 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. inc 107pp. 31044 065 8506120137 Discusses augmented eso program for restar1 At concluson of utd 31044 171. ! pogram, Region I we conduct evaluaton usmg SALP approacft DIRCKS.W J Othce of the Executive Drector for Operations 85/06/05. PALLADINO. 4505130034 Suppi i to IE Info Notre 85420. ' Motor Operated valve Fadures Due to ROBERTS, ASSELSTINE Commewoners 7pp. 30883 249-30883 261. Hammenng Effect." Svc est enct JORDAN.E L Deveon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post

   -8506120147 Requests approval of power ascenson schedule Res' art test program es-            830103) 85/05/14 Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.107pp 31044172-bmated to re@ ire 99 days Satisfactory performance of each step emphaszed over             31044 278 bme length Uts we ODtac Region I authoruation pnor to cntcality.

HUKILLH D General Pubhc Ubbtses Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp. 05/05/31- 8505200590 IE Info Notce 85039. "Austabikty of Electncal Equipment Quakbcaton MURLEY.T E. Region 1. Offce of Drector. 3pp. 30883 256-30883 261. Records at Lcensees Fac* ties." Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Deson of Emergercy Preparedness & Er9neenng Response (Post 8506200042 Forwards comments on BAW 1843P. "B&W Owners Group Evaluaton of 830103) 85/05/22. Consohdated Edson Oc of New Yort. inc.106pp 30837 258-Intemad Boitmg Concerns in 177 A Plants " Rept consstent w/ bases agreed 30837.363. upon Acton on issue complete. Conected rept requested LArNAS.G C. Asssstant Drector for Operatmg Reactors 85/06/11 TUCKER.H B Bat > 8505200600 IE info Notre 85440. "Defcsencies m Equipment Qualsfcanon Teshng & cock & Wdcos Operatmg Plants Owners Group TUCKER.H B. Duke Power Co.12pp Certifcabon Process

  • Svc hst enct 31043 111-31043 122 JORDAN.E L Dvison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.106pp 30848166-8506250001 Staft requrements enemo re Comrmsson 850529 vote in 30848 271.

Washmgton.DC.approvm0 order (SECY.85-183/183A).litbng unmedate effectiveriess of 1979 shutdown orders for fact bty 8506100200 Forwards Safeguards inso Rept 50-289/8511 ori 850304 08 & notre of CHILK.S J Once of the Secretary of the Commisson 85/08/14 PLAINE.H H Office vocabon. of the General Counset ZERBE.J E. Offce of Pohcy Evaluabons 1p. 31212.300- MARTIN.T.T Regen t, O ice of Drector 85/05/23 HUKILLH D General Pubhc uth 31212 300. ties Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 2pp 30827 33430827 331. 4506250113 "orwards tabular summary of key results from regonal survey of plant.spe. -8506100204 Notre of volabon from insp on 85030448 Details withheld (ref cifc rdo re for uncontrolled raeatman exposures m avR cavities per JG Part- 10CFR2 790) low 850315 request No further genanc schon needed

  • Regen 1.Offre of Drector. 85/05/23. ip 30827.332-30827 332, TAYLOR.J M Drector s Offce. O'fce of inspection and Enforcement. 85/06/18 MURLEY.T E. Regon 1. Ortco of Drector 9pp 31211322-31211330. -8506100219Physcal Secunty Inso Rept 54289/8511 on 85030448 Noncomphance notedfadure to fonow protected area processmg procedise & to complete annual 8506250110 Responds to Genenc Ltr 8502 re piant specsfec mfo fr m bcensees for physcal fitness tests Dotads deleted (ref 10CFR2 790).

plants ut*zmg steam generators Response adcresses urresotved safety assues re DUNLAP.J M . KEIMiG.R R Region 1, OHoe of Drector as/05/23 5pp. 30827.333-steam generator tube meegrity per NUREG4844 Response re Cr2 insps forthcomm9 30827.337. HUKILLH D. General Pubhc Unhties Corp. . GPU Senace Corp 85/06/20 THOMPSON.H L Dvision of Lcensing 18pp 31180 042-31180 059 8505280181 IE Info Notco 85042, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements " Svc hat enct 8506280032 Forwards response to NRC641204 request for addl mfo re utd831108 re- JORDAN.E L Dwson of Emergency Properedness & Enyneenng Response (Post sponse to Genenc Lir 83-28. "Requred Actions Based on Generc Irnphcahone of 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Edson Co of New Yors. Inc.120pp 30852 245 Salem /ATWS Events." items 421&422 30852 363 HUKILLH O Generat Pubhc Utabes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 85/08/24 STOLZJ F. Operatmg Reactors Brancri 4 7pp. 31258 248-31258 254. 8505260147 IE Info Notice 85 043, "Radography Events at Power Reactors " Svc het once JORDAN.E L Denson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post O. Inspection reports, fE Sunetins & correspondence 830103) 85/05/30 Consuhdated Edson Co of New Yor Inc. 20pp. 30864167 30864 287. 4506140045FOIA request for do uments to safety of steam generators at facety from 1979 to presentIrdo should rctude esp rept. correspondence,menuanda & other 8505200195 IE Info Nohce 85044, " Emergency Communcaten Sys Monthey Test" Svc documents to corrosen problems & repar of steam generators het enct DE TJEN.J . FITZGERALD.S Ptuladesprma in@rer. Phdadeaph a. PA. 84/11/29 JORDAN.E L Dvoon of Norgency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post FELTON.J M Dvison of Rules and Records, 'p.30911 001-30911 001. 830103) 85/05/30. Conscadated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12tpp. 30864 045-30864 166 0506140061 Partas response to FOIA request for documents re satefy of steem genere-tars at face from 1979 to present Forwards Ag A documents Records avadable rt $506070561 Forwards Safely insp Rept54289/8518 on 850422 28 No volaton noted POR & L NUREG/BR-0052 enct EBNETER.S D. Regen 1. Office of Drector 85/05/30 HUKILL.H D. General Pubhc FELTON.J M Dmson of Rules and Records 85/01/25. DETJEN.J Pfwladelptwa In- Ut$hes Corp.

  • GPU Sennce Corp. 4pp. 30758 237 30758 248.

qurer. Phdadelpita. PA.13pp 30911002 30911014.

                                                                                               -4506070544 Insp Rept 54289/8518 on 850422-28 No volabon reted Maior areas
   -4506140073Decusses once.through steam generator sulfur corrosson & addy current               espectedrestart preoperatonal test program, actuding preoperatonal test resuffs testrg Based on SER (NUREG-1019),NRC concluded that speatc outended post-                 evaluaten.

reper eddy current meervce anse plan requred. WEN P C., CHEH.U., BETTENHAUSEN.L Region 1, Othce of Drector 85/05/17. 8pp. YvvNG F NRC . No Detaded Affmahon Geven 84/03/30. CONTE.R. NRC No Do. 30758 241-30758 248. taded Aff hahon Gnren. 2pp. 30915 241-30915 242. 8506070303 Forwards corrected SALP Rept 54289/8599 for Feb 1984 . Jan

   -4506140006 Forwards RR Mermg 820520 memore once.                         steam generator       1985.contarung nunor changen efter reviewmg uti 850507 comments improvement addy current eservice esp Rev to Tech specs not                   arte IE Info Nonce       nosed in shutdown plant operanons & erfculties e onyneenng a scenerg 8214 already estuod.                                                                       MURLEY,T E. Regon 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/a1 HUklLLH D. General Pubhc JORDAN.E L Dwson of Engmeenng & Quauty Assurance (Pro 830103) 82/07/13.                    Utebes Corp - GPU Servce Corp 5pp. 30752139 30752.198.

EISENHUT.D G Dmsen of Leonerg 2pp. 30915 243 30915 244

                                                                                                -4500070311 Fc/ wards comments on SALP Rept 50-289/8599for Feb 1984 Jan
    -4506140000 Forwards FI Youn0 820408 memo & encts descrtwng potentially genanc                 1985 Rept accurately reflects ute performance assue re lack of Tech Spec re@ red addy current msennce map n tube sheet area of          HUMILLH D General Pubhc Utsties Corp - GPU Sennce Corp. 85/05/07.
         > eos m once-through steam generatom                                                      MURLEY.T E. Regon 1, Omce of Drector 5pp 30752.148 30752150
         ' .EIMiG.R R Dmson of Protect & Ressdent Progame 82705/20 JORDAN E.L Dev>

ton of Engmeenng & Ouakey Assurance (Pro 830103). 2pp. 30915 24530915 246. -45060703 t$ Corrected SALP Rept50 289/8599 for Feb 1984. Jan 1985.

  • Regon 1, Offre of Drector 85/05/31. 48pp. 3075215130752.196
    -4506140096 Forwards dotads tar techrucal concern re eddy current meannce inep Insp performed on porton of t;be that forms boundary between pnmary a secondary coe         8506120137 Docusses                 ed inep progam for restart At concluson of util ant avs                                                                                   progam.Regon I wdl             evaluanon ussng SALP approach.

YOUNG,F i Regan 2. Office of Drector 82/04/08 IrElutG R R. Drvison of Prolect & DHCMS,W J Othee of the Executrve Drector for Operanons 85/08/05. PALLADINO, Rossdent Programs Itpp. 30915 247-30915 261 ROBERTS. ASSELSilNE Commrssoners. 7pp. 30883 249-30883 281

    -4508140119 Foreerde summary of once-through steam generator 631017                         -4506t20147 Rowests approval of power ascensen schedule Restart test program es.

prehearm0. summary of map progam anplementaton a remetted bows for escuseon emetod to forpre 99 days Sabsfactory performance of each step emphesued over wi 1 mgt pnor to Commrsson bnehng on steam eier reper program. ame tength Uni wdl obtam Repon I authorusbon pnor to crecakty y .F. Repn 1. Offee of Drector.83/11/16. TE.R. Regon 1 Oftco of Ok HUKILLH D General Pubhc Uthbes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 85/05/31. rector.19pp. m14180L30914196. MURLEY,7 E. Regon 1, Othce of Drector 3pp. 30883 256-30883 281.

92 DOCKETEDITEMS 8600000077 IE Info Notco 85445. "Potereal Seestruc Interaction Irwolveg Movable in. 6600070269 Part 21 rept to failure of ener polar connector between camper bar circuit Core Flum Mappmg Sys Used a W Deegned Plants." Svc hat enct on generator man fiesd Cause of fa4ure not defmed Further mvest hon necessary JORDAN.E L Drweion of Emergency &E Responso (Post LEUSINK.H H Louis-Amis Co. 85/05/29 MURLEY.T E. Region 1 e of Drector. 830103) 85/06/06. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 22pp. 30865 001- 1p. 30751.350-30751.350 30865 046. 4600070061 LER 8440741.on 841118.once-through steam generator A hees idenhfied 0600000707 IE Info Nohce 85446 "Ctanfication of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- as Category C 3 defectrve (more than I% of map tubes defective) Further marwiesta-eoacave Surface Contamination Larrute for Transport Packages" Svc het enct non of problem found dunng 1981 & 1982testeg Bad tubes replaced W/85053t Itr. JORDAN.E L Divisson of Emergency Prepareesse & E Response (Post OTTO,S.. HUMILLH D General Pubhc Ut*hes Coro - GPU Serwce Corp. 85/05/31. 830103) 85/06/10. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y enc. 24pp. 31043 301- STOL2.J.F. Operstm0 Reactors Branch 4 6pp 30795144-30795149. 31044 064. 4606140498 Part 21 rept to Generator fa4ure Concurs w/ence Louis Albs 850603 ftr that 8606300646 Forwards Safvty insp Rept 54289/8515 rd 85041519 No violations oth ent ar connectors be removed. served IARTY.J M (mit inchastnes. Inc. 85/06/05. MURLEY.T E. Region 1. Omco of D-EBNETER.S D. A 1. Office of Drector 85/08/13 HUKILL.H.D. General PLhhc rector. 7pp. 30898 354 30898 361. Utilrees Corp. - Service Corp 4pp. 31228 278-31228 293. 6606170668 Forwards corrected LER 8440741 Rept date madvertentfy omitted from

   -8606200669 Inso Rept 50 289/85-15 on 85041519 No violat ons or deviations                                850531sutmssion & mcorrectly sent lo NRR noted Maior areas mapactedvenficahon of completon of specshe items of NRC carbft-                     HUKILL.H D General Pubhc Uhhbes Corp. GPU Service Corp 85/06/06. Record cation process                                                                                        Services Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 30971.330L30971336 FINKELA E , PAOLINO.R J. ANDERSON.C.J. Region 1. Omco of Drector.85/08/04.

12pp. 31228.282-31228 293 4500170643 Corrected LER 8440741 on 841116.once lhrough steam generator A tubes idenhfsed as Category C 3 defective (more man 1% of insp tubes 0608140240IE Info Notco 85447. "Polental EMect of Lnwineaced Operatson on Cer- defecave)Further mansfestanort of problem found danng 1981 & 1982 teshng W/ tam Target Rock Sc6enond Operated vasves." Svc hat ance 850606 fr. JORDAN.E.L Drvemon of Emergency Prepare; ness & E Response (Post OTTO.S. HUKILL.H D General Ptenc Unirties Corp - GPU Service Corp. 85/05/31. 830103). 85/06/18. Coneohdated Esson Co of New Y inc. 34pp. 31268.157- STOLZ.J F. Operating Reactors Branch 4 6pp. 30971.3313097t.3M 31268.304.

                                             , esprat     Users Notco DefecDve SENN                     T. Hearing trenocripts on non-antitrust matters 8%40636 IE                                        ,g JORD E Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E                                    Response (Post 830103). 85/06/19. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New Y                      Inc. 23pp. 31376:064-      8400060606Further response to FOIA request for Contract NRC 17 85 207 &all docu-31376:183.                                                                                            monts re contract & documems concommg termmahon of Contract SECY44 327. App B documents once & avadable m POR FELTON.J M. Divissun of Rules and Records NRC 1745-207. 84/12/14. BIRD.CC.

R. Periodic operoling reports & related corroepondence Wald, Markrader & Ross. 6pp 30783194-30783 282. 8600060436Further response to FOiA request for documents re radaban esposure to -8600060755 Retume enct transenpt & floppy esk of Commission A40815 pubhc meet-workers from 1979 to presentApp A documents enct mg on oral pmsentatons by parbu on W matartCorrected Wanscre requated by ON R 12/11. DETJEN,J. Phdadelphie Ir* W'

  • F of g R O"m'co d me Secmary of me h, N7ME WOS/27 BECKER,0. Free State Reportng. inc. Ip.30783 250-30783 250.

l "am'ai "1982 Annual Rept for TMI Nuclear Station,Urut 1." W/830228 Itr. HUKILL.H D. General Putsc Utierbes Corp. - GPU Service Corp. 82/12/31. asamama'11 Transenpt of 850522 meeting a Washington.DC re oral presentanon by HAYNES.R C Repon 1 Omco of Drector. 87pp. 30745.176-30745 264 parecipants on Mano en*eate eMecoveness of 1979 shutdown orders Pp 1421,

  • Co . _ - 85/05/2*-. 258pp. 30765 230-30766127 1 20 7 y -4500060451 Corrected teshmony of M & N Aamodt re Order CU45-08 conymg re-HUKILL,H D. General Putiec Uhkbes Corp. - GPU Sennte Corp. 82/12/31. gueste for mconaderston a to reopen record Pp t.7 HAYNES.R C. Region 1. Omco of Drector 2pp 30745 265 30745 266. AAMODT.M., AAMODT.N. Aamodes 85/05/22. 8pp. 30766 064-30766 07f.
   -8600000604 "1983 Annual Rept" W/840301 lir.                                                        -Saman*S4 Testimony of Congressman GW Gekas re outstandmg unresolved maues HUKILLH D. General Pubhc Uhhties Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 83/12/31,                                   of mgt et         . health eMects & cleanun of plant MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Omco of Drector. 6pp. 30746.072-30746.096.                                     GEKASr1                  of Rep. 85/05/20. 7pp 30766 072 30766 078.

8600070007 Monthly opera rept for Mar 1985 W/850418 Itr -Sananaa'68 Testimony of WG Kuhns re overall picture of facihty restart. SMYTH.C W , HUKILL,H D. al Pubhc Utihties Corp . GPU Service Corp 85/03/ KUHNS.W G General Putec Ubbtes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp 85/05/22. 2pp

31. MCDONALD.WC. Record Senaces Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 30766.079-30766 080.

30795.171-30795.176. T .. . ^^ Testimony of JF O' Leary re responsbdees a dubes of board of erectors. 8000060632 Forwards Apr 1985 monthly progress rept prepared by EA O' LEARY.J F. General Pubhc Utsties Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. 05/05/22. 3pp. E .Scence a fechnology.ine. 30766 081-30766 083. RI LE R, C. Generes Pubbc Unkees Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 85/05/20. HSCKEY.C. NRC . No Detaded Amhation Grven.1p. 30725.153-30725164 -8600060479 Testmony of PR Clark re scal readness of plant, reeeness of statt. emergency preparochese 4 extent of avapable record.

  -8600060636 "TMt Aquatic Study Monthly Rept for Apr 1985."                                               CLARK.P R General Pubhc Utsties Corp. .                     Sennce Corp. 85/05/22. App.
  • EA Engmoenng. Science a Technology. Inc.85/04/30.12pp. 30725.154-30725164 307a6 084-30766 087.

6806200124 Monthly opera rept for M 1985 W/850617 Itr .gananamaa5 Toshmony of ER Weise re reasons why restart would be unlawfulPress SMYTH.C W , HUkiLLH.D. ' al Ubirnos Corp. . GPU Senace Corp

31. MCDONALD.WC Distnbunon Sennces Brerm.n. 7pp. 31229 257-31229 m,85/05/packet once.

WEISS.E R. Harmon. Wess 4 Jordan. WEISS.E R. Uruon of Concemed Scionbsts. 85/05/22. 35pp. 30766 068-30766117.

5. Reportable occurrences LEmo a reisted correspondence gananmaase Transcnot of Commmeon 850529 pubhc meetmg/escusson m Washmgton.DC re write on hfbng enmedate eMeceveness of 1979 shutdown orders for
  $606140061Perbal response to FOiA request for documents re safety of steam                     e.        TMs 1 Pp 136.

tors et f . from 1479 to present Forwards App A documents Records av m

  • Commmasoners.85/05/29. 39pp. 30782 070 30782109.

POR & . NUREG/8R4052 enci. FELTON.J M Dnemon of Rules and Records. 85/01/25. DETJEN.s Phdadelpfwa Ir> qurer, Phdadespina, PA 13pp. 309111JU2-30911014. V. Operator Examinatione

  -8,606140077                                                                                                                           841203 eport bie perForwards Tech SpeeLER81413/0174 6 e 2x3) Suppornng  re leakm0     found inenct documentanon     steam generators Event 8406,2,001,90Act          recept   of,ogram   aler ctantymg                                    records to hcensed!

HUKILLH O General Putec Utsehes Corp. - GPU Sennce Cor 81/12/09. opi ato ,equennenon p 850227nr providingponey efo onfor ts.ctwtairmng pnncces vairing HAYNES.R C. Region 1, Pfuladespine, Omco of the Drector (81/g/01). 63pp. smulator am acceptabie uJ grOL2.J F. atmg Reactors Branch 4 85/05/30.HUKILL,H D. General Pubhc Ubi-30914.110w30914.f 79 sties Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 4pp. 31042 334-31042.337. D "

  • p"' ab 0"c"*8 un no'"t 0606190397.Forwar,ds Rev io1 to proposed post- p6an for s,m.sfymg ASLB long m bterm recure-
     ,nes, . severe, o,n,m,d,,ess,,,

u ,,o,,, ,,we, ,u,,e hee,.

                                                               ,s                                         meet tm f ocedu e                  e~e             perto   nce of -ato,e                    -m,,
     !E="O 3"%"'Deta".c'o'"',tma'r Terei #En ,85=?%                 '^$         *d,u 's'c    M$$Co,,              'Wfim"'* ,agu,staga,gemg 8608130046 Parbal response to FOiA request for as documents to NRC proceeses for                         L          RGER,0. Atomic Safety and Lcenomg Board Panet 170pp 30998 091                                     '

detecton & control of alcohol & dioGal eug une by persons engaged et bidg or const of nuclear reactors or faceDes. Forwards App A documents FELTON.J M Drnmon of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ. Washmgton DDCKET 50 293 PILGPIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT t Legal Foundanon. 55pp 30937.047 30937.151. I

  -8606130372 Staff regurements memo on Commasion 830303 escuomon in                                                                                                                                                    -

Washmgton.DC re Ofc of Investgetons investgaton into creemployment psychologg F. SecurMy, W smorgency a fire protection plane cal toshng at TMt Marteda4: 840709 frunutes & esft IE mfo nonce ence CHtLK.SJ. Omco of the Secretary of me Comrrwsson. 83/03/16. PLAINE,H H. Omco $600000057 ForwsA's inap Rept 54293/84-41 on 84121013 4 nonce of violabon. of the General Couneet D6ACKS.WJ Omco of the Execueve Dhactor for Operenons. MARTIN.T T. Raumn 1, Office of Drector 85/05/02. HARRINGTON.W D. Boston CUMMINGS.J.J. Omco of Inspector & Austar 8pp. 30941269-30941.276 Edson Cct 2pp. 3a/68 327-30766 338


                                                  -8506060064 Notre of volation frorn esp on841210-13
  • Regon 1, Offee of Dreciar.85/05/02 f p. 30768 329-30768 329 -8311300410 Forwards update of Sholly statishes for 8305041023 Request for hear re Salern notre on entendmg mterval for second meegrated lean rare test r .

EISENHUT.D G . Desson of Lcenseg 83/11/14 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear

                                                  ~4506060075insp Rept50-293/8441 on 84121013 Violation noted fadure to estnbute               Reactor Regulation, Drector 2pp. 30720 010-30720 011 putec mio as specshed m emergency plan & fedure to update emergency plan & pro-cedure m order to compfy w/recurements of 10CFR50. App E.Section G.

COMEN.f. HAWXHURST.J. WOLTNER.E. Region 1, offre of Drector. 85/04/29 ~4312230001 Forwards update of Shouy statistes coverity 8305061122 9pp. 30768.330 30768 338. EISENHUT.D G. Dmson ot tronsmg 83/12/09 DE NTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Re-actor Regulaton, Drector. 2pp 30720 012-30720 013. 8506050624 Forwards NRC safety evaluanon & Science Apphcetons inti SAC 45/ 3056, "Techrucal Evaluaten Rept of DCRDR for P4gnm Nuclear Statort* -8401160341 Forwards update to Sholly stabstcs for830506-1231 Request for heann0 tal summary rept requested ethm 30 days of str recest recorved m response to notre of asuance of Amend 10 Neth montNy FR nonce scheduled for put*caton on 840125. l DASSALLO.D.B. Opersang Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/16. HARRINGTON W D. EISENHtJT.D G. Desen of Lconseg 84/01/06 DENTON.H R Offee of Nuclear Re. l Boston Esson Co. 2pp 30740'185-3074& t91. actor Regulaton, Dreclar 6pp 30720 014-30720 015

                                                 -4500050628 Safety evaluston to DCRDR Simplemental rept addressing concems I

idenafied necessary 10 meet reSarements of NUREG-0737.Suppt 1. -4402210138 Forwards update of Sholly statstcs for 830504840126 Two requests for Offre of Nuclear Reactor RegJabon. Drector 85/05/16. 5pp. 30740 187- hearm0 & one comment racerved Requests for heanng esmmsed on two D740191- plaants Prene conference scheduled tor Grand Golf petitiort EISENHUT.D G. of Lconsang 84/02/07. DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Re-

                                                  -8504240183 "Techncal Evaluahon R                                                           actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30720 018 30720 018 of DCRDR for Pilgnm Nuclear Staten"
  • Scsonce tons Intemahonal . (formerty Science Apphcahons Inc ) NRC-03-82 496 1C-85/3056. 85/04/10. NRC . No Detasted Aff*aton Grven. 43pp. -8404020112 Forwards update of Shony statsacs covenng 830505 840224 Eleventh 30740 192 @ 740 234 montNy FR notre scheduled for put* canon on 840321 EISENHUT,0 G. Omson of Lcensing 84/03/13 DENTON.H R. Othce of Nuclear Re.

8506030443 Forwards Rev 18 to modhed amen 1od secunty pian Rev withheld (ref ' ICFR73 HARRINGT W D Boston Esson Co. 85/05/24 MARTIN.T.T. Regen t. Othee of -8404260441Forwyds updated "Sholly'stabstes for 830505840322.Preheanng con. Coctor. 10. 30675 346 30675 346- forence hea d on request for heanng receeved on TMi-1 steam generator repar Contentione accepted by ASLB 8506070076 Responds to NRC850502Mr te violatons noted m insp Rept50 293/84 EISENHUT.D G Desen of Lcensenq 84/04/13 DENTON.H R Othee of Nuclear Re-4i Correcove actons two booklets re emergency p6annmg into m preparaton & win be actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 307m 022-30720 024 maled to as postal addresses m emergency pianrung rene H@RINGTON.W D. Boston Esson Co. 85/05/30 HARPSTER,T. Regon 1. Othee of -8405220511 Forwards update of Sholfy stabsnes covenng penod 830505 8404?S No Coctor 2pp. 30751.323-30751.324- addl comments or requests for haanng received EISENHUT.D G Dmson of Lcensmg 84/05/07 DENTON.H R Othce of Nuclear Re-8508070318 Forwards Safety insp Rept 50-293/8548 on 8504024508 No violabon

  • O'*d
                                                    'WLNZINGER.E C. Regen          1 Othce of Drector. 85/05/31. HARRINGTON.W D-          -8408280322 Forwards update of Shony staestcs for penod 830506 840523 ASLB Boston Eason Co. 2pp 30751239-30751253                                                   mound decmon for Grand GJf on 840423 admimng two enrtentons b &Wey EISENHUT.D G Dmson of Lcenseg 84/06/06 DE NTON.H R. Ofhce of Nuclear Re-
                                                 -8508070328 Safety Inso Rept50-293/8548 on 8504024506 No violaton noted Maior                acw egulaton, och 3pp W MW2H30 ar               piant         provous ms., fmdmgs,cperatonal safety
                                                                                                                                          ~4407300050 Forwards update of Shony stabstes covenng 830504440620. No add 4      .

DE.M. TR PP.L. Regen 1. Othce of Drector 85/05/28 13pp. ggg[TkG of L seg 84 07/06 DENTON.H R Offee of Nochar Re-actor Regulation, Director. 4pp 30720 031-30720034 8508200308 Rev 2 to 'Toston Esson Co P4gnm Nuclear Power Stanon Emergency Pia " W/850614 ftr W/one oversze orgarszat onal chartAperture card avadable m ~8408200008 Forwards updated Shony stahsbcs for penod 830508 440718 Statsace WN W 8408M g pm d FR m HORRINGTON.W D Boston Esson Co 85/08/01. MURLEY.T E. Regen 1. Othee of EISENHUT.D G Dmson of Lcensing 84/08/08 DENTON.H R. Ofice of Nuclear Re-Drector 425pp. 31001178-31008 240 actor Regulafon, Dreca 4pp W2N30720438. 4508210428 Discusses two rieviations m 841218 exempton per sest for exemptons -44f0040278 Forwards update of stanstes covenng 830508- 840822 Lists two from 10CFR50. App H Renef from schedular regurements of 1 R50 48 no longer " press release" type nobces maued mg reportng penod Next monthly FR notre needed Review of 8"4517 8 840402 submrttals completed scheduled for hon on 840924 VOSSALLO.D B 00erateg Reactors Branch 2. 05/08/10 HARRINGTON.W D EISENHUT.D Desen of Lcenseg 84/09/18 DENTON.H R. Offre of Nuclear Re-Boston Eeson Co 3pp. 31044 339 31044 353. actor Regulaton, Drector 24pp 30720 039-30720 062. 8508200255 Re to 850321 request for add info re840810submrftal co,commg 8508130045 Portal response to FOIA request for as documents re NRC pmcodures for proposed ter optc cables qus4hed molaton dovres & acceptable for eter. factsg emer detechon a control of alcohol 4 megal drug use by persons engaged n badg or const re sys & SPDS w/ safety s of nuclear reactors or facepties Forwards App A documents HARRINGT .* D ton Esson Co 85/08/13. vA LLO D B Operstmg Reac, FELTON.J M Dmeson of Rules and Re rds 85/01/28 HEATH.S.J. Washington tors Branch 2 380. 31006 068-31006 070. Legal Foundabon. 55pp. 30931047-30937.157. 8508240528 Forwards revised SALP Rept 50 293/84-34 for Jul-Sept 1984 based on ~8508130388 Responds to query re release of portons of Ofc of Invesngatons rept re 850123mgt meetang a ute850212Itr Dochneng trend cf Category 2 retmg for tre pro, drug / alcohol at>une to specshe hcensees Release not prorutzted by FOIA or Prevecy tecton/ housekeeping to ratmg w/consstent trend Act. Conceme over precedent empressed wortsheets enct MURLEY,1 E. Rejpon 1 e of Drector 85/06/19 HARRINGTON.W D. Boston SHOMAKER.E C. Operatons & Admrustreove seen 82/12/20 llEBERMAN,J Re. Esson Co. 3pp. 3 062 038-31082102. genal Operanons & Enforcement Omnen 170pp. 30937.35430938188.

                                                 -8508240529flevised SALP Rept50 293/84-34for Jut Sept 1984                               8508170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN 84489. "Contamment Leak
  • Regson 1 Othce of Drector 85/08/18 mp. 31062 041.31082102. Rate Testog Program" & Chadres Corp /NHC contracts Forwards documents to FIN B-0489 Documsmts also avaaabte m PDR No documents re Quadres subt to request FELTON.J M Dyson of Rules and Records. FIN B4449 85/03/25 (3 Adjudicatory correspondence REYTBl %TT,2.V. Warren Whison College. Swannenos. NC. 7pp. 30987 034 30987 1 )

1 8508030497 Adeses that hme for Comtrussen to revew Drector's Deciser, D0 855 ' empred Commesor. dochnsd review Decaer' became hnal agency acton on -850817L .81 "Contamment Leak Rate Testeng investiganons." monthly progress rept 850524 Served on 85053t for Nov 1982 ChlLK.S J Omca of itse Secret of the Corrmsman. #285 229 85/05/31. DOUGAN,J R Oak Rodge Nabonel Laboratory hN B4489 82/12/07.ARNDT,G Me- i DOHERTY.J F. Doherty F, tp. 30h9141-30879141. chancal/ Structural Engmeanng Branch. 3pp 30987115-30987.117. 45080s0855 hutrhcaton of reacewdWed 850802 techneral appeal meetmg w/utds in A Insurance & Indemnny Informenon Bethesda,MD re NUREG4737. Hem it E 4 2.Fondson 7 4 whether Lmes 3 a under can be excepted from requwementa 8504170291 Forwards Endorsemer 78 to MAELU Pokcy MF 58 & Endorsement 98 to HERMANN.R A Operatrig Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/22. VASSALLO.D B Operanng NEilA Pecy NF 188 Reactors Branch 2. Ip. 30784 07530784 078 GOLDEN M P Marsh & McLennan, Inc 85/04/09 SALT 2 MAN.J. Asestant Drector for S' ate & Lcensee Reianons. 3pp 29827 354-29827.358 8508030230 Advises that Tech Spec moues stemmmg from mods associated w/ NURE G-0737. Items H B 3 Il F 12,4 F t 8 4 RD34 4 Genenc Lir 8138 conciudad AddMn of Tech Specs for items 11 B 3 4 H F t 2 unnecessary P. Operating Sce se stage ' lo a correspondence HARRINGTON.W D Boston Eeson Co. 85/05/28 VASSALLO.D.B. Operatmg Reac-lors Branch 2. 2pp. 30874182 30874183 8508030390 Partal r to FOtA request for three catopones of documents to be 8508030357Re@ests rehof from rnplemenen0NUREG4737. Item N K 3 22. "Automanc made avadable at te NSHCa App A documents ence & placed m PDR Search Sw4chover of RCIC Sys Sucimat" Mod neued to re&ce rehance on operator acton contmumg dunng event where RCIC suchon switched from coolant et FELTON.J M Dmeen of Rules and Records 84/11/08 ADATO.M Union of Com HArlRINGTON W D Boston Esson Co 85/05/28 V LLO.D B song Reac. comed Scentists. 4pp. 30720 00130720 005. tors Branch 2. 2pp. 30873 30430873 307

                                                 -8311030284 Forwards update of Shony stanstes provided on 830918. covenng                8508030370 Responds to Genenc Lir 84-21
  • Reactor Vessel Water Level instrumenta-8305040921 Onfy one adrs request for heanng recesved S sth monthfy FR nonce ton m BWRs " Ref leg tercutsng wid provide L.m.~.a m occuracy a rehabikty of scheduled for 831028 pubhcatort reactor water level control sys EISENHUT.DG Omson of Lcenomg 83/10/t8 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re. HARRINGTON.W D Pfuse Electre Co 85/05/28 VASSALLO.DB Operstmg actor Regulanon. Dreciar 2pp. 30720 008-30720 009. Reactors Branch 2 2pp. 308 277-30873 278 l
                                >                          --                                   -            -.        . = -        _
                                                                                                                                             .-- _ ,~_-                    _                              .                         . . . -

94 DOCKETEDITEMS - Post-Ac- 8500030307 Responds to NRC 850425ftr re v otatens noted m inso Rept 54 293/85-2 8400030415 cadent Sarnphng" Forwards

                                                  & revsuppt   to mfo m 840609Ilr to830609sutmuttal           to NUREG.0737 concerning  item Il F.1(6), Item  " Post11 B 3. '.'Accuent 06 Correct,ve actons LPRM Switch 44.t3A placed m bypass posemon upon escovery
}                         Hydroosn Morntonng." per NRC telcon re@est.                                                                        of mcorrect switch postion. Attenton to procedures ernphamzed j                         HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Esson Co. 85/05/30. V ASSALLO.D 8. Operstmg Reac.                                            HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Edson Co.85/05/24.WENZINGER.E C. Regon 1 Offce lors Branch 2.18pp. 30678.287-30677 026.                                                                           of Drector. 2pp. 3067813130678.132.
                     -4000030423 Rev 0 to Procedure 5 7 5. "Estwnateg Core Damage?                                                      0605200tet IE info Nobce 85442, " Loose Phosphor m Panamoruc 800 Senes Badge
  • Boston Eason Co.85/03/06. 25pp. 30676 305-30677 026. TLD Elements." Svc het once JORDAN.E L Dusson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post 8906130308 bats schedule t w rnpiementaten of hydrogen water chemistry sys.Fmal 830103) 85/05/29. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Irc 120pp. 30852 245-rept anaccated by Second (marter 1989- 30852.363 HARRiNGTON.W D. Boston Eeson Co 85/06/07. LEECH.P. Operatmg Reactors Branch 2. 2pp. 3085@350-30850 351. .
                                                                                                                                                                                   'H                s             Re k W 3606300402 Summary of850529                         m/ubt & GE to tearn results of adeng hydro-                        eaC8 gen to reactor coolant dunng test ear m May List of eneetog attendees & view.                                      JORDAN.E L Deson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineermo Response (Post i                         graphs presented encf.

830103). 85/05/30, Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.120pp. 30864.167-LEECH,P.H. Oppratmg Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/10. Operenng Reactors Branch 2. 3 % 64 287. 3 22pp. 31043.0Cb3104J 023. 8605200195 IE Into Nocca 65444," Emergency Communscanon Sys MontNy Test." Svc 0506210444 Informs that 841128 & 650528 responses to Genenc Lir 64-23. outhning het encl. wrwortance of reactor vessed water leves matrumentaten m SWRs.conostent w/ Rec- JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post ommendanone 1 & 2. No acton re Recommendaten 3 necessary at current ame- 830103) 85/05/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New york, Inc.12tpp. 30864.045-VASSALLO.D 8 Operatog Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/11. HARRINGTON W D. 30864 166 Boston Eeaon Co. 3pp. 31 usa 065 31048 067. e600070076 Responds to NRC 850502ler to violahone noted n inep Rept 50 293/84 860624013e Summary of 850530 operatmg reactor events meetmg to bnet Olc 41. Corrective actons two booklets re emergency plannog snto m preparaten & will be Drector.ev drectors & representasvos on events smce 850515 meetmgUst of R f l'or Assessment. 8$/06/13. 1 ON W D Boston E Co /0 PSTER T_ Regon 1. Othee of

                                              .D         stant                                                                               Drecer. 2pp. 3075t323-30751.324 THOMPSON.H L Dmson of Licenang 25pp. 3115 3 31155.340.

8806240400 informs that 850415lir does not represent backht as dehned by critena in 8500070318 Forwards Safety insp Rept 50 293/85-08 on 6504024506 No violaton Manual Chapter 0514 isosanon of en contamment & vent knee under 3 enches e noted eametar consstent w/NUREG4737. Item li E 4 2 WENZINGER.E.C. Region 1, Ornce of Drector. 85/05/31. HARRINGTON.W D. DENTON H R Othce of Nuclear Reactor egulanon. Drector. 65/06/18. Boston Eeson M. Ppp.30751 239-30751 253. HARRINGTON.W 0. Boston Eeson Co 3pp. 31155.356-31155 360.

                                                                                                                                        -46000703M Safety insp Rept $4293/8548 on 8504024508 No volaten noted Mapor 8608290227Appbcaban for amend to Ocense DPR.35 conostmg of Proposed Change                                             areas espectedplant operatons.mclueng prevous map fmengs.operanonal safely
  ,                        8547.revismg Tech Spec TatWe 3 2 8 re estrumentaton that avtetes or contross core                                 venhcanon & surveenance & mamt actunes.

ton Eeson ASSALLO,D B. Operating Reac-S * * " '* " ' HAR ON 06 2 7 ' lors Branch 2. 2pp. 31180:126 31180.132.

                      -4606200233 Proposed Tech Spec Change 8547.revieng Table 32.B re 2/3 core                                         6 maaanary IE Info Nobce 85445 "Potental Seame interacten Irwolveg Movable fr>

begnt satang Core Flun Mappeg Sys used n Wesanghouse Demgned Piants." Svc est enci

  • Boston Eeson Co.85/06/18. 3pp 31180132-31180132. JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103). 85/06/06. Coneohdeted Eeson Co of New Y Inc. 22pp. 30865 00t+

l 8606200046 Appecahon for amend to Lcense DPR-35.conostr9 of Proposed Change 30865 046.

]                          8508revemg Tech Spec sectone to pnmary contamment a pnmary contamment tests e accordance w/10CFR50. App J.                                                                         0600000707 IE Info Notce 85446, "Clanhcahon of Several Aspects of Removable Re-t j                          HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Eeson Co 85/06/2t VASSALLO.D B. Operatmg Reac-                                             soecove Surface Contammahon Lsmits for Transport Packages." Svc bat enct.
,                          lors Branch 2. 2pp. 31254 059-31254097.                                                                           JORDAN.E.L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & E                          Response (Post 830103). 85/06/10. Conachdated Eeson Co of New Y , Inc. 24pp 31043 301-

_ Proposed Tech Spec sectone re pnmary contamment & pnmary conter> 31044 064. __.rnent tests.

  • Boston Eeson Co 85/06/21. 38pp. 31254.06131254 097.

4606H0$H FMs W R$ M/8W m 8N.N No woWon j noted Roguests that concerns re HPCI cel sys be addressed withet 30 days I " I"****" "'*U"' 0* B t 2pp 3089 1 89 .203 1 , 3600000067 Forwarde inso Rept 54293/844f on 84121013 & nonce of violaten.

.                          MARTIN.T.T. Regan 1, Office of Drector. 85/05/02. HARRINGTON,W D. Boston                                     -44p6140529 Insp Rept 54293/8512 on 850521-24 No violanon noted. Mapor areas Eeson Co. 2pp. 30768 327 30768 338                                                                                mopected plant neds & operatene & fonowup on,prewmus nnengs.

i CASELLA.FA, TRIPP.LE. Repon 1 Othce of uitector 85/08/07. 4pp. 30897.200-

'                                                                                                                                            30897.203
                                     . : Nonce of vuo8aton from map on 84121413
'                         __ Regen 1, O'tice of Drector 85/05/02. tp 30768 32430768 329 4                                                                                                                                       4608140240IE Info Notce 85 047, "Potenced Effect of Une-Induced Operanon on Cor-
                      -4000000076Into Rept50 293/84-41 on 44t21013 Volaton noted falure to estnbute                                          tan Terget Rock Solenand-Operated Valves." Svc bst once pubhc mfo as specfhed m emergency plan & fature to update ernergency plan a pro-                                  JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E                          Response (Post cedure m order to compey w/requrements of 10CFR50                    E.Secton G                                   830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdered Edson Co. of New Yor , Inc. 34pp. 31268157 COMEN.L. HAWXHURST,J., WOLTNER.E. Repon 1,                             e of Drector 85/04/29.                     31268 304.

9pp 30768.330 30768 338. 8000140636 IE Info Nobce 85448, *Resprator Users Notce Defective Seff Contened

,                      3406130027                1 m IE Info Nobce 84-55. " Seal Table Lu s at PWRs
  • Svc tot oncf. Breathmo Apparatus As Cyhnders.*' Svc bet enci i JORDAN.E L of Emergency Preparedness & Er meenng Response (Post JORDARE L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post
)                          830103) 85/05/14. Conschda'ed Edson Co. of New Yo , Inc.107pp. 31044 065*                                         830103) 85/06/t9. Coneohdeted Edson Co. of New Y                 inc. 23pp. 31376 064 j                           31044 171.                                                                                                        31376.183 4006130030                1,00 #E Info Notce 85 020,
  • Motoroperated Valve Felures Due to
,                           JOR            L Dusen of Emergency PrepareMess & Engmeanna Response (Post                                       850123 m99 meeeng 4 uni 850212 Itr Omhnsng trend of Category 2 retmg for fue pro-I*C
#                                       85/05/14. Coneohdated Eeeon Co. of New York, Inc.107pp. 31044172 gp'{T E[R '         "

f e 0619 HARRINGTON.W D. Boslon Edson Co. 3pp. 2 038 31062.102. l namananu e Forwards inno Rept $4293/8547 on 850318 22 No violatmn noted. ' -4506240629 Revoed SALP Rept50 293/84-34for Juf Sept 1984 MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1, Othce of Drector. 85/05/15. HARRINGTON.WD Boston Eeoon Co. 2pp. 30768 339-30768 351.

  • Regen t, Othee of Drector.85/06/19 53pp. 31062 04131062102.
                         ==amamaest toep Rept 50 293/0507 on 850316 22 No violatons or devanons                                          $508240003 Forwards Esam Rept S4293/8515 m 850514 noted Maior erees mopected hcensee acton on prewmus findmgs,buHetme & cuculars                                   WENZINGER.E.C. Regen 1 Othee of Drector 65/06/19 HARRINGTON,W D.

Boston Eeoon M 2pp. 3H80 33131161.001. 6 2 EL , CAR 11 Othee of Drector 05/05/15. tipp. 30788 34130788.351.

                                                                                                                                        -4008240004Enam RepI 54293/8515 on 8505t4 Enem reeufte all canedates passed

, 0006800000 IE Into Notco $5 039, "Austabitty of Electncas Esapment Quakecaten ename w/no genene doncsoncies noted

,                           Records et Lscensees Facemee." Svc het once.                                                                      BERRY,J, FELLER.R M, KISTER.H B. Regen 1. Othee of Drector. 85/06/05. 88pp.

JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 31160 333-31161 058. l-830103) 85/05/22. Conachdoted Eeoon Co. of New Y , Inc. 08pp. 30837.258-30837.363. tama****aa IE Info Notco 05440, ".Denoences a ESApment Quahncatan testeg & Cerenceton Process." Svc het encl JORDAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Propere@ees & Engmeenng Response (Post 0000300499 Montf 4y opera rept for May 1985 W/850613 ftr

                            $30103) M/05/22. Conochdeced Eeoon Co. of New York Inc.108pp. 30648.186-                                          PAMILTON.P., HARHINGT           .W D. Boston Eeson Co. 85/05/31. 8pp 31020 293-30848 271.                                                                                                        31020.300.


    ~ _ , . , _ _ _ _ _                            _          ~ _ _ _ _               .- . , _ _ . . _ _ . , .                         . _ _ ,                                  -       - . .    .                   _ _

l DOCKETEDITEMS 95 i Sw Reportable occurrences LERe a related correspondence ~4506240470 Forwards summary of ACRS review queshons & comments ott facAfy probstukste safety s as result of 820325 & 26 mestrigs Lassed repts enct , esama=S4 LER 83 065/03X-1 on 831213.dunng Refueleg Outage VI.2t pnmary con- GRIESMEYER.J M S - Advisory Comnvitee on Reactor Safeguards 82/04/13. i taenment wahres found to have sucessive leakage Cause riot stated Aal valves re. THANDANI A. NRC No Detaded Affileanon Gamen.18pp 31206156-31206 254 l paired & tested sabstacionly W/850524 lir BELMONTE.G G. HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Eeson Co. 85s05/24 MURLEY.T E. -8506240493 Responds to JM Gnesmeyer820310 lir to review of probabileste safety Region 1, Office of Drector. 4pp. 30746 249-3074d 252 study Review summary mcludmg comments of substaNo as wea as setonal com-ments enct 8505250263 LER 8500541 on 850221. rod block enonitor functonal 4 cahbr survestance LIPINSKI.W C. Argonne Nahonal Laboratory 82/03/24 OARENT.D. ACR$ Adwsory tests identified as havmg esceeded ruoared test meervalCaused by personnel Committes on Reactor SafeguardE 4pp. 31206 255-31206 258. error Tests performed & personnel counseled W/850617 Mr HAMfLTON,PJ, HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Edson Co. 85/06/17. 3pp. 31204 296-31204 298. P. Operareng scense stage documente a correspondence 8506253453 LER 85012-00 on 850518 & 0606.HPCI turtune inpped followed by rapid restarteranen snubber.aspiaced co<trete anchors a bene pinion rod identmed inp 8506030300 Partial re to FOtA request for three categones of documents to be caused by transients dunng each cold starts Hanger arrangement restored W/850617 made available at re NSHCs App A documents enci & pieced a PDR. Search ter contmung BELMONTE,G G, HARRINGTON,W D. Sosion Eeson Co.85/06/17. 4pp. 3 t 199 216- FELTONJ M Dienson of Rudes and Records. 84/11/08. ADATO.M Unen of Cork 31199 219 comed Scientists. 4pp. 30720.00140720 005. j 8506260471 LER 85402 01 on 850128. Tech Spec rnplementog processes for survesi-I lance tests ariadequate Caused by deficsency Procedures towned to snclude prow- -8404020112 Forwards update of Shony statistce covenng 830505- 840224 Eleventh montNy FR notre scheduled for ptehcahon on 840321

 !       sons los functional testmg of watve         e alarmsW/850617 ftr                               EISENHUT,0 G Dwsson of Licensing 84/03/13 DENTON,H R. Offce of Nuclear Re.
,        HAMtLTON,P.J. HARRINGTON.W D. Boston Eeson Co. 85/06/17. 3pp. 31230 336-                       actor Regulat on, Drector. 3pp. 30720 019-30720 021.

31230 338 8506240517 Part 21 rept te potenbal separabon of alumenurn nameplate from Hew. Duty ~4404260461 Forwards updated Sholly" statisacs for830505 840322. Preheanno corv Type SBW or 520 transformers m Nelson electnc Class 1.035-von motor control forence held on request for heanng received on TM6-1 steam generator ctrs.w/potenbal short creuit.instiapy recorted on 850618. repar Contentons accepted by ASLB. LAUGHLIN.J R Ne+sco Elecinc Co. 85/06/19. Drector's Offce. Orfme of Inspacho,, EISENHUT,0 G Dwson of Lcensmg 84/04/13 DENTON.H R Offce of Nuclear Re-and Enforcement 3pp 31062103 31062.105. actor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30720 022-30720 024.

                                                                                                     -8406220511 Forwards update of Shony stabstes covenng penod 830505 840425 No V. Operator Eneminatione                                                                           addi comments or requests for haanno received.

EISENHUT.D G. Oswisson of Lcensing 84/05/07.DENTON.H.R. Offee ce Nuclear Re. 9506240593 Forwards Enam Rept 50293/8515 on 8505to actor Regulahon, Drector 3pp,3072002530720 027. i WENZINGER.E.C. Region 1 Offee of Drector 85/06/19. HARRINGTON.W 0. Boston Edison Co. 2pp 31160 331-31161001. 830506- 840523.ASLB l -8406280322. inued dec onForwardsfor Grandupdate Gun on of 8404:3. Shoay statssacs admittingfor penod emo comermons for escow-y 8

     -850424060a Exam Rept50-293/8515 on 850514 Exam results all candidates passed                      EISENHUT.D.G. Dweson of Lcensmg 64/06/08 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear Re-svams w/nc aenene defcsencies noted.                                                           .ctor Flegulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30720 028-30720030.

BERRY.J. IQ.LER.R M, kiSTER,H B Rayon 1. Offce of Drector. 85/06/05 espp. 31160 333-3)151:058

                                                                                                     -8407300050 Forwards update of Sho#y statstes covenng 830506-840620. No add comments or requests for heanng received DOCKET 50 294 VtCHIGAN STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR E            H 9 Ufg           .c ,de             84 oa,      ,06 20 4

F. Securtty, rnedicat, emergency & fire protect 6on piene  ! ------- Forwards updated Shony statistcs for penod 830506-640716. Stanstes i cubhcahon of FR notre we be updated EtSENHUT,D G. followmg 840822 64 Dvoon of teenang montNy/08/08 DENTON H R Offce of Nuclear Re-i 6508240228 Forward 6 " Emergency Pian Evalushon Rept" Plan meets re@sremwim . except that orete overgency dres showed be conducted as acton dresRequests agulaton, WecW em 3072003W7M038 mod of plan to reflect *iange withert 120 days Plan should be implemented. THOMAS C O Stani.wation & Special Prorects Branch 85/06/13. ~4410040278 Forwards update of stahstcs covermg 830508 840822 Lists two I WILKINSON.R E Mctyi State Urwv, East Lansang. Mi. 2pp. 31156 302-31156 306 pess release" type nonces issued reporting penod Next fnontNy FR notre

  !                                                                                                     scheduled for pubhcaten on 640924 1   -8506240235
  • Emergency Pan Evaluaron Rept.Mehigan State Urvv.- EISLNHUT.D G. Dmson of Leerena 84/09/18 DENTON.H R. Offce of Nuclear Re.
  • NRC No Detailed Ambat c.n Gnrert 85/05/31. 3pp 31156 304 31156 306. actor Regulabon, Drector 24pp. 30f20 039-30720 062, DOCKET 50 295 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 8506240436 FotA request for Encts 1 & 2 to SA Varga 820518 IIr to LO DeeGeorge to f

obabihste safety study PE .J NUS Corp. e5/01/14 Diwson of Rules and Records 1p. 31206153-31206.153 F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection piene j 4506130045 Partial response to FOA re@est for as documents to NRC procedures for 6500030269Staten Procedure Change Request A85-330 for Rev 5 to E Pian detecticei 8 control of etcosci & illegal drug use by persons engaged in bidg or const e implemenung Procedure EPtP 550-5. "Tecnncal Support Ctr.Operatonal Car of nuclear reactors or facihnes. Forwards App A documents

          & Masn Assembly Area Raeologeal Surches"                                                      F ELTON.J M Dwson et Rules and Recordst 85/01/28 HEATH.S.J. Westengton
  • Commonweem Eeson Co.85/05/14 Opp. 30674 062 30674 069 Legal Foundation 55pp 30937 047 30937:157.

8500030273 Staten Procedure Cha Request A85-329 for Rev 8 to Emer Pian 4 e EPtP 5 -6, Mar,tNy Radmiogmal Emergency quipment -4506130124 Confirms Wamck 820305 teicon re drug use at ant Wntten statement that aernsee don not etend to posscute plant anployen past eug use me be

  • Commonweae Eeson Co.85/05/14 8pp.10673 359 30674 003.

[AN 8 Revon 3. Omco of Dreew 82/03/09 FONES.G C Justre. Dept of. At-0500030473 Staron Procedure Change Request A85382 to Rev 8 to Emergency Plan nomey General. Omco at tp.3094 0 42 3094 0 42 1 i a .,, Procedwe EpiP 550 3, -Ramologma' Supphes for Medcal Emew 7 FM ret b wu m w w mW W h h q

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co,85/05/ t4 8pp 30675 28 U30675 287. g
     $500040403 Ack receipt of Rev 4 to Dec 1984 emergency plan Changes corestent w/                    Rules and Records. tp 30981.151-30981.151.

re@rements of 10CFR50 54 4 acceptabielt saf review assures no decrease m emer preparedness NRC approval not pnar to v98ementaten. 85062404e4 Responds to FOIA request for Encts I & 2 to SA Varge820518Itr to LO PA rELLO.C.J Regon 3. Omco of Drector. 85/05/31, REED.C. Cornmonwealth DesGeorge to facikty probateste safety study l Eeson Co. 2pp. 30699 060 30699 06 f. FELTON.J M Dvoon of Hules an1 Records 85/03/04 PEDROJ NUS Corp 2pp.


31206 154 31206 293.

     $506300406 Forwards populaton dersty maps for use in emergency plannmg j        rones Maps prepared by ORNL by progecton from 1980 census data a must be taken
  '                                                                                                  =4505240501 *Rewsw of Zen Probateste Safety Study"
          "'f"Dff"*'* *"'Ome. or e5/05/3t REED.c Commonween Eason                                 '#'"S*'
  • C ^'8"""" " "' " " 88' * "ap 8 '206 259 3,206 293.

Co.1p. 3102019131020191. 8503150276 FOA request for het of vahdated computer programs for processeng of leak 3eo6300606 Forwards FEMA 850523 Itr & associated innel exercise eva8uatens on rate data a heting or volumetncs faulty program L50300 oftsste emer preparedness esercise lor Lane Courwy.fL,Renoche REYT8tATT.Z v Warren Wdson Conege. Swannenos. NC 85/03/08 DENTON.H.R. CourWy WI & States of L 4 Defcsercy found inappropnate same control Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector 2pp 31209 342-31209 343 PAPEHrELLO.C.J Re.gon 3. Omco of Larector. 85/06/13. FIEED.C. Commonweeftfi Eeoon Co. Ppp 3123211131232 t88. . 8506170153 Responds 10 FOA re@est for source term event trees prepared by Sanrha for mq plants Forwarde documents hsted on app Documents also evadable m POR FELIONJ M Desen of Rules and Records 66/03/11. SHOLLy.SC Uruon of Con-

     & Advisory Committee on Reester Safeguards reporte a                  .eependence                  comed Scientsts 2pp. 30981.152-30961209 se0624eeeg Responds to FOA request for Encis 1 & 2 to SA Varga 8205t8 Itr to LO                 -4006170 46 Draft 'Contaenment Event Analyws & Esemanon of Source Term De8 George re facefy probateste safety study                                                  Fre@ancies. App to NUREG4956
  • FELTDN.J M Dvoon of Rules and necoros 85/03/04. PEDROJ NUS Corp. 2pp. BEHR.V L., MURFIN.W B Sanae National Laboratories $4/07/31 PsRC . No Dotaded 31206 154 39206 293. Af'ihatson Geven. 56pp. 30961154-30981209.

i 4 1 l ew--.,.------ ------,-w... + - , - - - - - - -- - - - . - - - - -

96 DOCKETEDITEMS 8606170077 Responds to FOIA request lor records re FIN 84489. "Contamment Leak 8506270004 Advises that Revs 33.34 & 35to CA Topcat Rept CE-1-A sansfy requre-Rate Testmg Program" & Ouseen Corp /NRC Contracts Forwards escurrents re FIN ments of App 8 to 10CFR50 Changes to Secton 7 resolve quashons te procurement 84489 Documents also evadatdo in PDR.No documents to Quadres subg to request actmhes FELTON.J M Drvision of Rules and Records. FIN 84489. 85/03/25 SPESSARD.R L Regon 3. Othce of Director. 85/06/21. REED.C Co.._ r REYTBLATT 2.V. Warren Weson Conego, Swannanoa, NC. 7pp. 30987 036- Eeson Co. 2pp. 31235 287-31235 288 30987 078.

        -9008170281 "Contamment Leak Rale Testmg Investigasons." monthly progress rept                   O. Inspecuan reporte,IE Bumettne & corr                  ._e d

for Nov 1982. DOUGAN.J R. Ook Ridge Nabonel Laboratory FIN 8 4489 82/12/07.ARNOT,G. W 6508130045 Partal response to FOIA request for all documents re NRC procedures for chancal/ Structural Engneenng Brancft 3pp. 30987.115-30987-117.. detection & control of alcohoi & diegal drug use tg persons engaged m tedg or const 1 8800060263 Ack receipt of 850410 sutmttal of Topcal Rept CE-1-A,Rev 34 Review wie fE ONJM and Recor s 28 HEATH.S.J. Washmgton ISSATO?R L Repon 3 Omco - Legal undsten. 55m M7 047M37157. Drector. 85/05/23. REED.C. Cw.~.. - Eeson CcL 2pp. 30725.338 30725.339' -4506N5 Summanas Rgon lH & bcense responus b dug a% 4 hn o essary. Zen dug mestgahon win be es-

        ********** Forwards Amends 89 8 79 to Lcenses DPR-39 & DPR-48 respectvefy &                        O.,       ,'t safety evaluamon Amends rowse Tech Specs to hmits for total nucteer pealung                     KEPPLER.J G. Regon 3, Office of Drector. 83/04/20 DEYOUNG.R.C. Drector's anch 1. 85/05/24. FARRAR,0.L Cr.._

_ ice, Omco of Inspechon and Enforcement 2m M 24N t 24 NORR S Oper _ Eeson Co. 3pp. 30 079L30784.102. 4605130027 E Into Nobce 84-55 " Seal Table Leaks at PWRE" Svc het enct q D 2

        -esce000075 Amends 89 & 79 to Lcenses DPR-39 & DPR-48.respectvely. revesng                               03 $ 05/14.                  ed dreon Co        New York       07pp      4 06 Tech Specs re Ints for total nuclear peaking factor Revised peakeg factor is                    3g4 9 7,*

2 32 Peak cladeng terry calculated to be 2.159 F. VARGA,S.A. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/24 10pp. 30784 082-30784 091. 8505130030 Suppt 1 to IE Info Notre 85-020. "MotorOperated Valve Fadures Due to evalusten m4)portmg Amende 89 & 79 to Licenses DPR-39 & %Qg Enec hst gy E niy Pmpareess & E Raponse (Poet 85/05/14 Consohdated Edson Co. of New Y 07pp. 31044172-e of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector. 85/05/24- 11pp. 30784.092- , emn=14 Requests assetance m conductng reviews of enci 0505t3 request for 8000110309 Informs that software used to perform etapated leak rate tests developed rehof kom cadaan porhons of inserwce insp proyarn fw frst W intenral tw by crate personnel.m response to J Norns towest Volumetnca Corp provided no fac6bes Re@ests that 850630 target date be other cor*med a revised.

 ,         anan.volumetnce Corp swipment used for contammerit data acquissoon.                             THOMPSON.H L Divisen of Lcensang.85/05/21.NOREUUS.C E, Regen 3, Omco of

' LEBLOND.P.C. Cw.- . r. Eeson Co.85/06/05-DENTON,H R. Omco of % clear Noctor. 2pp 30719 354-30719 357. Reactor Regulaton, Drector.1p. 30808 097,30808 097. 4605200600 IE Info Nobce 85439. "Austability of Electncal Equipment Quakhcanon 9006140044 Responds to requests for adi$ into re item 1.1 of Genenc LW 83-28.ftem Svc het anct R*CC 1.1 re post-ing review Extensen granted by Baumia for LaSalle County Station. JORD'ds at Lcensees Facehes.AN.E L Division of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeer ALEXANDER.G. Co. .~ . _ T. E sson Co.85/06/05.DENTON.H R. Omco of %cle- 830103) 95/05/22. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc f06pp. 30837.258-er Reactor Regulaton, Drector. 3pp. 30894.115-30894117. 30837:363 8608100433SiA)mits evalueton re recesent 850223 memo concommg interpretaton of 8506200000 IE Info Nohce 85440, "Defriencies e Equipment Quahfcaten Testmg & NUREG4737,ftem (C 8 requrements relaeve to endependent ventcaten of taggmg equipment out of svc & plant venficaton pracaces. Cert escanon Process. Svc het enci THOMPSON.H.L DMemn of Leonerg 85/06/06 SPESSARD.R L Regen 3. Omco JORDAN.E L Dmenon of Ernergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post of Drector. App.30985 277 30985.280. 830103) 85/05/22. Conschdated Edsort Co. of New York, Inc.106pp 30848166 30848 27t. 8608200142 Forwards safety evaluston to Revs 1 & 3 to 10.yr msennce esp 9905200181 tE Info Notco 85442, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge program.metueng request for rehof from certam hydrostate testng requrements. Revs ! I & 3 acceptabte TLD Elements Svc hst encl i VARGA.S A Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/06. FARRAR.D.L C- _ ur. JORDAN E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post Eeson Co. 2pp. 31043 042 31043.054. 830103) 85/05/29. Conachdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.120pp 30852 245-30852 363

        -8406200160 Safety evaktaten supporang Revs 1 & 3 to '4yr incervce insp progsm a request for rehel from herostanc testng rem                                                4605200107 IE Info Notco 85443. "Raeography Events at Power Reactors." Svc bot j
  • Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/06.11pp. 31043 044-31043 054 encI JORDAN E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post
         $408270423 Lists facilrhes current & rewned envron moratonng TLDs effacave                        830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Eeson Co of New York, Irc.120pp. 30864167-
           *50801 LaSame Statre TLDs wie be n effect as of Thrd Quarter 19e5 TLDs not hated                30864 287 remain unc          M ap for reveed numbers enct GOLDEN.J C.        ,...; . . ". Edson Co. 85/06/10. kEPPLER.J G. Repon 3. Omco               4606200196 IE Info Notco 85444. " Emergency Communcaten Sys MontNy Test" Svc 4           of Drector 6pp. 312'16 219-31236.224.                                                           #st enct JORDANE L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E                         Response (Post
        $408210161 Requests remertance of fees previously re@ested in NE 850403 Itr for                    830103) 85/05/30 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y . Inc. 2tpp 30064 045-830627.841113 & 20 4 850104 apphcasons requestmg rehof frorn ASME Code                          30864.166.

requrements Fee recanested within 15 days Irorn receipt oflir. MILLER.W O. Lcense Fee Managemori BrancfL 85/06/1f. FARRAR D L Common- 8006240663 Insp Repts $4295/85-18 & 50 304/8519 on 8504304529 Velaten wealth Eeoon Co.1p. 3i048 00131048 001. noted taelure to submit LER withm 30 days per 10CFR50 73 WRIGHT.G C. Regan 3, Omco of Drector 85/06/05. 7pp. 31202122-312n2.128 0006170430 Responds to SA Varga 850315 lir to DL Farrar requeseng addl mio re items 2.1.2 2 2.4 S 2 4 4 $ 3 of Geconc Lt $3 28, "Regared Actone Based on Gener- 600W77 IE Info Notce 85445. "Potenbal Seems Interacton involvmg Movable tr> c imphcatens of Samm ATWS Events" Core Flus Sys Used n Westmgnouse De*gned Plants" Svc het enct JOROANE.L of Emergency Preparedness & E Respecse (Post ALEXANDER.G L C- .- _ r. Edson Co. 85/06/12 DENTON.H R. Omco of Nu- 830103) 85/06/06 Conachdated Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 22pp. 30865 001-l clear Reactor Regi/ econ, Drector. 4pp. 30958106-30958129 J 30865 046. 0406240527 Responds to Genenc Lt 8542 re steam generator tube antegnty Pnmary j . obpoetrve to optrme rehabitty of steem generator 4 associated sys Ifrough penode 0800000707IE Irdo Nohce 85446,"Clanhcanon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra evolusnan r4 steem generator conesons. eoectrve Surface Contammaton Limits for Transport Pschages." Svc bet enct

                                                                                                           .aDRDAN.E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & E                      Response Post l           ALEXANDE 4.G L Co....~. .. r. Edson Co. 85/06/17. DENTON,H R. Omco of Nu,                       830103) 85/06/10. Consondeted Edson Co of New Y , Inc. 24pp. 31043 301 clear Reactor Reguinhon, Drector 28pp. 31066 207 31066.232.

31044 064, 4808260113 Forwards tabular summary of key recules from regonal survey of plant-spe-cshe ento re for uncontrohed reeshon exposures en rvvR cavities.per JG Part- 8806300344 Res. ponde to NRC 850514 ler ce noncomphance noted m Safety insp Repts 1 54295/8516 a 54304/8516 Correctwo actens- specihc unit operator cauboned that i low 850315 to@est.No further genene ecson needed TAYLOR.J M urector's Offee. Omce of - , 1_- and Enforcement 85/06/18 Dev Drective NSDDA09 definog "at contross~ must be mentamed MURLEY,7 E. Repon n. Omco of Dractor. 9pp. 31211.322-31211.330. FARRAR.D L Commonwealth Edson Co 85/06/10. kEPPLER,J G. Regen 3, Offce of Drector. 3pp. 31230 214-31230.216 00e8290222 Forwards responses to NRC Ouessons 1-11 & 14 re presounrer safety & rehof verwes.per 850219 ltrResponses to Questone 12 413 udi be provided by 8408140240 IE Info Nohce 85447, "Potental Effect of LJneinduced Operalen ce Cer. 85100s. taen Target Rock Solenos$ Operated Vahres " Svc het once JORDArt.E L Dhrisson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post l LEBLOND.P C C_. _ .. r. Eesw Co.85/06/18. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear 830103) 85/06/18. Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 34pp 31268157 Reector Regalaeon, Drector.17pp. 31180.20S31180219. I 31268 304. i 8008270700 Forwards safety evolueton re use of Wesenghouse emet breet LOCA setofy TMI tesm N K.3 30. Future peent-specife per- 8008140636 IE Info Notco 85-048, "Resprator Users blohce Defective SelfContained tormed for reloeds or amend to Tech Specs should be calculated using TRUMP. Breatheng Apparetus At Cytnders? Svc het encf (


JORDAN.E L Dmamn of Emergency Preparodiess & E Response (Post VARGA.S A. Operseng Reactors Bronces 1. 05/06/98. F ARRAR,D L Co..-~. l Edeon Co 9pp 31au 343 31260 351. 830103) 85/06/19 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 23pp 31376064 31376 183 Ogge200447Forwarde recured fee per 10CFR170Jn response to RM Diggs $50403 & 0611 ers Sutreuttai of re@ red less wid reconre closer review in future,ansch should 8006270100 Remite fee inadvertently omitted from 850513 re@est for rehof from anserv-practujo recurrence of souston. ce program for frst 14yr eterval LEBL .P C. Co.. ~ . . . Edson Co 85/06/19 DENTON,H R. Omco of Nuclear LE8LOND.P C. Commonweeflh Edson Co. 85/06/19. MILLER.W O. Lscense Fee Menegement Branch, fp 31100.306 31180.30s. Reactor Regodeten, Drector tp,31236 206-31236 208. _ ._ _ __ ~~ ._ __- .__ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                       ~                 .- _

1 I DOCKETEDITEMS 97 1 SL Portodic operating reports & related correspondence -8506170281 " Containment Leak Rate Testng Inveshgatons " monthly progresa rept for Nov 1982 8606210010 M atmg repts for May 1985 W/850605 Itr DOUGAN.J R Oak Ridge Nabonal Laboratory FIN B-0489 82/12/07. ARNDT.G. Me- ! AUSTIN.G., GRA R.K L Commonwealth Eeson Co.85/05/31.12pp 3t057119 charvcal/ Structural Engineenng Brancit 3pp. 3098711530987111. 31057.130.

                                                                                                             ~8606170406 Requests permission to observe upcoming Types A.B & C lents at hsted facshtees.per FIN B4489. " Containment Leak Rate Testing "

( S. Reportah6e occurrences, LERe & related correspondence DOUGAN J R Oak Ridge Natsonal Laboratory FIN 8 4489 82/10/01. O'REfLLY.J P. Region 2. Offre of Drector Ip.30 % 7.133 30987.133 l 8606210287 LER 65431/03L O on 830819wNie revewmg MSIV scfiemate de . continuity of Keane solenoid valve coal & HF A operate relay cod could not be -8606170558 "Contamment Leak Rate Testng invesbganons." monthly progress rept usmg enstatte_st procedure Procedure change mitated W/830918 Itr for Feb 1983 incomplete proyess rept for Mar 1983 encs ROHDE.J E . GRAEssER.K.L Commonwealth Edson Co. 83/09/16. KEPPLER.J G. NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Natones Laboratory FIN B4489 83/02/26. ARNDT,G Me. I Regen 3. Offce of Drector. 2pp. 31056 227 31056 228 chancal/ Structural Enginsenng Branch. 3pp. 30987144-30987148 4606030621 LER 85004 01 on 850124. sump valve Stroke Test PT-29. velves 8506100001 Further response to FORA request for documents & mfo re NUREG/CR. TMOV-Si8812 A & B f#ed to reopen after strated closed. Caused by too sho 1 bypass crcuit trne Trne reset & tested W/85052 lir 3597. SAND 84-0938.NUREG/CR-3418. SAND 83-1617. & Board Notsfcahon 84-32 B & App C documents avslable m PDR Review of acks documents contmumg REECHER.W H . GRAESSER.K L Commonwearl Eeson Co. 85/05/22. 3pp FEL .J M. Divison of Rules and Records 85/03/27. CURRAN.D. Harmon. Weess 33686 237-30686 239 & Jordan. 8pp. 31010.156 31013 043. 8406060062 LER 85014-00on 850208.offgas er elector noble gas reeabon morvtor escovered faded low Caused by faulty eensestor a test /cahbr proted crcuit board & ~4506mm Responds 2 Mr from RC LewesRegen NJequeshng Curmnt equipment detectve rate board Boards replaced W/850523 Itr' qualdcahon tw schedules for WA . Schedula fm Browns Feny & Sequoyah



                                                               ,. . _        Edson Co. 85/05/23 3pp

{s Drector 6pp. 3101016531010170. a, ns ,e, APOV U ce of 8606240063 LER 65017 000n 8505td.dunng insp of safety related snubbers.two of eght pulled due to low fuel levais & dectared moperable Caused by poor seal conds- 8606260064 Further response to FOIA request for documents a three categores to hons allowng teakage of nycraunc fluid WiS506131tr. drug or alcohol abuse at nuclear facihties. Forwards App A documents Documents BOERGER.J C. GRAESSER.K L Commonwealth Edson Co. 85/06/13. 3pp. also evadable m POR Processing of documents contmuing

  ,             31203 351-31203 353                                                                              FELTON.J M Divesson of Rules and Records. 85/04/10. HEATH.SJ Washmgton Legal Foundatort t tpp.31217 095-31217.109 8606260141 LER 85418 00 on 850516 durrig Type C leak testin0 of contamment isola-Don vanes.two valves found w/encessve leakage.Cause not stated Valves repared &               -8606260154 Informs that alcohol 8 drug abuse survey for 10 utds complete per Tem-HU         B 31200 306-31200 306 GRAESSER,K         L Commonwealth Edson Co. 85/06/14 3pp.                  #$ms p,NILLY.J of ert       s anct P. Regen 2. Offee of Drector 83/04/01. DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's O

Omco. Omco of mapecton and Enfacenwnt 42pp. 3129.125-31217.M

 )          8506270262 LER 85413 01 on 850402. reactor cavity inadvertenUy eluted dunng ECCS fue         test              fadure to            two           water sys vanes after hydro -8606260223 Responds to830328 rowest re resuRs of selected utd & coreactor of-TIEMANN.J A.. GRAES              R.K L Commonwealtn Eason Co. 85/06/19                  4pp. fans e estabhsh wahdny of drug anegahons Ust of accons utis & coreactors taken m 31252 162-31252'165                                                                              detennne d suspect meviduale stdt in empsoy enct O'REILLY.J P. Regon 2. Offee of Drector 83/04/21. DEYOUNG.R C. Drector's Offre. Offce of Inspechon and Enforcement. 3pp. 31217.187 31217.169 I


;                                                                                                            $600030558 Notification of 850530 meseng w/utd m Bethesda,MD to escuss thrd party review & A.              ..._ J.s to TVA employee concems program
 ,           F. Security, moscal, emergency & fire protection piene                                              KENYON.T.J trenseg Branch 4 85/05/24 ADENSAM.E.O Lcenseg Branch 4 2pp. 30687.322 30687.324 4-m32 Fonnards insp Repts 50-259/8516.50-260/8516 4 50-296/8516 on j              650311.Velabons noted Notre of volanon & map dotads withheld (ref 10CFR2 790 &               genanat7 Summary of 850502 meenng w/utd & pubhc re TVA proposed enhance-73 21)                                                                                           fnents to employee concems program Handouts & het of sitendees enct.

VERRELLI.D M Region 2. Offee of Dractor. 85/04/01. PARRIS.H G Tennessee KENYON.TJ. Lcensing Branch 4 85/05/24 Lcenseg Branch 4 31pp. 30785181-Vaney Authonty 2pp 30709003-30709005 30785 212

             -8600040646insp Repts 50-259/8516.50-260/8518 4 50 296/8516 on 850311 Viola-ton noted guard posted at containment eywee hatch could not control accesa Detads           86000.ew rey           of scensee responses to Genenc                    Lt40120 Responds 83-28.11em               to 850322.0402 2 2 2 Reconadoranon  of re- 8 23 request wsmheid                                                                                               t for ede rifo requested.

PATTERSON.C. Regen 2. Office of Drector 85/03/25. fp. 30709 005-30709 005. ER.J A. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 85/05/31. THOMPSON.H L. Dumon of Le

             $506210428 Forwards inso Repts 50-259/8523.50-260/8523 & 50 296/85-23 on                            **"*"9      ##

WL RD R 2 Omco of 5 PARRIS.H G Tennessee Vaney 6506100274Noefication of 850613meetmg w/utd m Bethesda MD to escuss progress Authonty 2pp 3 144 31055 150_ W OTC med pany interview prograrn & enhancements e und w concern p grama

             ~4506210442 Insp Rects 54259/8523.50-260/8523 4 50-296/8523 on 850415                                KENYON.TJ tr                         Branch 4 85/06/06. ADENSAM.EG Leenong Branch 4 18 Volanon noted fadure to provide adequate tarvng of stuft engmeers m area of off-             6pp. N172-N 7E S ON R ogen                          Drector. 85/05/03 9pp. 310$$ 142-31055150.        8508190241 Appilcation for amends to Licenses DPR-33.DPR 52 & DPR 68. revieng Tech Specs to reactor protecton sys Fee pad d            $606140400 Revised Rasologeal Emergency Plan Irnplementog Prucedures BF IP 14                        DOMER.JA Tennessee Vaney Authonty e5/06/06. VASSALLO.D B Operaung Reac-
                 " Health Physcs Procedures." BF IP 17. "Emergerr.y Equipment & Supphes" & IP-27,                 lors Branch 2. 300. 30995160-30995173 "Ptant Emergency Ofrate Morutonna " W/850611 ler MARKS.BN. HUFMAM.J W Tennessee Valley Authonty 85/06/11. GRACE) N.                              8606190244 Proposed Tech Specs re reactor protecton avs Regen 2. Offce of Drector 19pp. 30897 237-30897 255
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty 85/06/06.11pp. 3099516130995173.

A lneurence a lndemnity Wormacon 6506290002 Discusses review of utd &31107 rescones to Genene Lt 83-28 as clanfied t by 850530 8 31 lascons item 12 re postery review data 4 mio capabikty 1 acceptable Safety evaluanon encI i 0906120046 Forwards Endorsement 84 m NELtA Pohey NF 198 8 Endorsement 71 to VAS$ ALLO.D B. Operatmg Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/12 PARRLS.H G Tennessee

 }               MAELU Pohey MF.66                                                                                VaNey Authonly. 2pp 31212001-31212008 DUCN.J R. Marsh & McLarman, Inc 85/06/07 SALTZMANJ. Asmstant Drector lor State & Lcensee Relations. 3pp 30850359 30850 361.                                           -8906250000 Safety evaluanon hneng hcensee response to Genenc LW 83-28.nem 12 re post tnp review date 4 mio capabeties                       able o,e,e.n,8c. nee st e .ecurnent. S ce,reePendence                                                ;,,%;08* ""*- - aa*'a                                          "*      '$'"' ' '
  • 8 ' 2 "$-

8600030300 Portal response to FOIA request for three cat of documents to be 8604240241 Forwards safety evaluenon re to item 1.1 of Genene Lt 83 28 on rnede avadable et PDH re NSHCs App A documents & placed m PDR Search posttip review pogram 4 pocos 4 review pogram & pocesses contnuing acceptable item 1 t or Genene Ltr 83-28 resolved FELTON.J M Divison of Rules and Records. 84/11/08 ADATO,M Uruon of Co* VASSALLO.D B Operanno Reactors Branch 2 85/08/11. PARRIS,HG Tennessee comed Scienbsts. app. 30720 001 30720 005. Va% Authorn 2pp 3119 284 31156 290

              -4307100307 Nohce of consderaten of issuance of amends to Lcenses DPR 33.DPR-                    -8900240296 Safety evalumban re hcensee response to nem 11 of Genene Ltr 83 28 52 & DPR48 re standby gas teetment sys & proposed NSHC determmahon & oppor.

gwery W hearrig on post Ing review progam 4 procedures. Post tip review program 4 pacedtres ac-captable.

 !                VASSALLO.D B. Opersing Reactors Branch 2. 83/07/07. 47pp. 30720 347
  • Omce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector 85/06/17. 5pp. 31156 286-30721 087 31156 290.

5 0606170077 Responds to FOIA remost Ior records re FIN B4489. "Coritamment Leak Rate Testmg Program" & Ouedron Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FIN $604240741 Forwards corrected Page 9 to Secton IV of order bcennes for B4489 Documents also evadacio m POR No documents re %sdres subl to request Browns Ferry Urves 1.2 & 3 & Sequoyan Urute 1 & 2.snctueng L t omstled frorn FELTON.J M Drvemon of Rules and Records FIN B4489 85/03/25 some copies 4 REYTOLATT.2 V. Warren Wdson Conego, Swannanoa. NC. 7pp. 30987 036- T AYLOR.J M Drector's Omce. Othce of Inspecton and Enforcement. 85/08/21. D6-30987 078 rector's Orfce, Othce of inspechon and Enforcement 2pp 3t227 254-31227 272.

98 DOCKETEDITEMS 6 Inspection reporte,IE Buitetmo 4 correependence $506270000 Advises that unpiementaton of corrective actons to850315 response to 850213 notre of voiabon madequate. Supplemental response to notre of violaton 4908210401Rescends to NRC 850213 Itr te volatons noted e insp Repts %259/84- mcapmanna hated ae9 mk requested When 30 days 52.54260/84-52 & 50 296/84-52.Correctrve actons: motor pruon gear replaced 36 WALKER.R D. R 2. Offce of Drector.85/05/21.PARRIS.H CS Tennessee Valley ECCS valves inspected.EMt.18 revised & W classes conducted. Authong 2pp. 31 49157@249158.

                  ,J   T                                                  65/     15. GRACE.J N. Region 2. Offre of 45052005e0 IE Info Notre 85-039, "Austatwhty of Eisctncal Eqwpment QuaMcanon Records at Lcensees Fachtes" Svc not enct

$605270506 Forwards inso Repts %259/8509.S260/8549 & 50 296/8509 on JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Response (Post 850126-0225 & nohce of votahon. 830103) 85/05/22. Consondated Esson Ca of New York, Inc.106pp. 30837.258-VERRELL1,D M. Regon 2. Ofnce of Drector, 85/03/22. PARRIS.H G. Tennessee 30637.361 Vaney Auttenty. 2pp. 31250 247-31250 260 8505200000 IE Info Notte 85-040, "Defcioncses e Equipment Quakfcanon Testeg & -8606270508 Notre of violanon from mso on 850126 0225. Caneficaton Process" Svc hst encl

  • Repon 2. Offre of Drector.85103/22. 10.31250.249-31250 249' JORDAN.E L Devesson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/22. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.106pp 30848166-

-4508270001 Inso Repts $4259/8549 50 260/8549 & 50-296/85-09 on 850126- 30848 27L 0225.Violanon notedsnadequate procedures to radwaste tWdg vencianon & fadure to 450627mt Fawam aw of W 850227 responu to noke of violahon & UL L fE R S. Offee of Drector 85/03/ prop sed irnpomnon of crve ponarhes.per Insp Repts 54N84-34 54M84-34 & 22.11pp. 312M25431250260^ %296/8&34 Addi info mouested within 30 days to meet WR2 201 re@rwnents GRACE,J N. Regen 2, Ctece of Drector. 85/05/23 PARRIS,H.G Tennessee Vaney 8500040632 Forwards inso Repts S259/8516.50260/85t6 & 54296/8518 on Aummi4 4pp. 31250 %312W51 50311 Vetatens noted.Notco of volation & map dotads withheld (ref 10CFR2 790 & 8506210451 Responds to NRC 850424Itr to violahons noted n insp Repts50-259/0 5 VERRELU.DM R 2. Offee of Drector 85/04/01. PARRIS.HG Tennessee 15mm8M5 & %296/8515Camcovo actons panelinso procedurn rewsed & Vaney Authonty' 2pp' 709 003 30709 005' e nnel retainedreactor water tend procedures tweed a personnel esciphned ER.J A Tennessee Van' ey Authority 85/05/24 GRACEJ N. Regun 2. Offre of ~4500040646 Inso Repts 4259/8516.54260/85-18 & $4296/8518 on 850311 Vela _ Dractor 6pp. 31057.219-31057.224. bon ed guar 1 posted at contamment drywen hatch could not control accesa Detads

                                                                                                                      $505200181 IE Info Notre 85-042, " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge PATTE

UtRE,D R. Regen 2. Othee of Drector 85/03/25. t p.

                                                                                                                        $hYt                  oTfmergency Prepare @ess & E 830103) 85/05/29 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, fiesponse (Post 20pp 30852245 4606210485 Responds to NRC850319ler te violatene noted m insp Repts50-259/85                                             30852.361 08%m,/                                              2                        ac
  • H ' ' ' ' "

a anor' 0506200187 IE Info Nohce 85443, "Rasograpt,y Events at Power Reactors." Svc hst RH ennessee . 85/04/19. GRACE).N Repon 2 Othce of DAN,E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneer Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yors, Inc. 20 pct 30864187-8608210404 Responds to NN 850322 lir te volanons noted m insp Repts50-259/85 30864 287. h, # g ,5# u,,, 8"'"'"*"'b' posi reviud " # 4506200195 IE Info Nobce 85044.

  • Emergency Communcabon Sys MontfWy TesL" Svc
                  .J A T                                              ty 85/04/22          CE,J.N. Ret on 2. Othce of
                                                                                                                        $NN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & E                      Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Consondated Eeson Co. of New Yor             2tpp. 30864 045-4506240273 Responds to NRC 850325 fir re violatens noted m ipso R pts 50-259/8 5                                         30864M 296                      50 327'85-04,50-328/85 44.50-390/8 46.50-391/8 5
                                                                                                                      $aaaaaaa77 IE Info Notre 65445, "Potenbal Seisme Interacnon involvmg Movatde in-DOMERJ A. Tenressee Vai                                      Autnanty. 85/04/24. GRACE) N. Reg en 2. Office of        Core Flun Mapping Sys Used m Wes             Desgned Plants? Svc hat end.

Drector 7pp' 3120300131 087' JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency eparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103). 85/06/06. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.122pp. 30865 001-8508210t80 Forwards inso Repts 50259/8518.50L260/8518 4 5( .296/8518 on 30865 04& RD 2 Othe $500060707IE info Nohce 85-046, "Ctanheaten of Several Aspects of Removable Ra-Authoney 2pp 3N178-3 TOST.194of Drector F5/05/13. PARRIS,H G Tennessee Valleydioactrve Surface Contammanon Lsmits for Transport Packages

  • Svc #st encl.

JORDAN.E L Dmason of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post -8506210484 Notco of vsotahon from on 85040144. 8203) 85/06/10. Consondated Eeson ca of New York, Inc.124pp. 31043 301-

  • Regen 2.Othee of Drector 85/05 2pp. 3105118431057.181. 31044 064

-.50 210 90 insp Repts %259,851t%=,85.i. & 5 m,85.i. on 850401 = === se ~544I *nne d -eace uga

                                                                                                                                                                           * -a"no*Pa--a              =

prepaw 04 Velatons noted medequate procedures & eso of eesel generator coohng water g .

                   .E     LAKEJ R                                           of            8      0     pp 31057.182-                                       #             #

31057.194 7 3, N4 0 4506130027 JORDAN.E L E Info Notee 64.55.

  • Seal Table Leaks at PWRs." Svc hat encl.

of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

                                                                                                                                                      ,           .[                     P**U" 0" 830103) 05/05/14 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yar . Inc. 07pp. 31044 065-                                             JOPDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E                   Response (Post 31044 171-                                                                                                            8Wo3) 85/08/18 Consondated Eeson Co of New Y , its. 34pp 3t268.157-31268 30(

85061300M Supol l to IE Info Nobce 85420. "Motoroperated Va#ve Fadures Due to

                                                                                                                      $506140630 IE Info Nohce 85448 "Resprator Users Notce Defeceve Self.Contamed b                      Dmmon o E 9ency Preparedness & E 830103) 65/05/14 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Yor Response (Post 07pp. 31044172-         D                               Pr     edness & E            Response (Post 31084 II'-                                                                                                            8203) 'E  85/06/19. Consondated Feson Co of New Yar             23pp. 31378 064-31376.163.

8500210a02 Forwards insp Repts 54259/85-26.50 260/85-26 & %296/8526 on W RRD 2 Offc of Drector. 85/05/14 PARRIS.H G. Tennessee Valley " "N '" 0 ' Autfianty 2pp. 3 118-31055 181 8508070201 Forwards operet repts for Me 1965 & corrected repts for Feb -4006210408 Notre of violaton tram map on 850422-26 m5 for W 1 & for ob MS W2

  • Regon 2, Othce of Drector.85/05/14. 2pp. 3105518431055.181. O,I . g 2MAuthonty.85/04/19. Othee of Resource Management,

-8606210413 Insp Repts $4259/8528.54260/8526 & 54296/85-26 on 850422-26 Vicianon noted fadure to sonow procedures for support esp (Uruts 1 & 2). -8500070210 Monthly operatog rests lor Mar 1985 Llu.W C., BLAKE.J J. Regen 2, Offce of Drector. 85/05/09 6pp. 31055 182- THOM,7. Tennessee vassy Authonty 85/03/31. 31pp 30800222 30800 253 31055.167. 4500000644 " NPDES Dectiarge Monolonng Rept for Apr 1985" 0406270746 Ack receipt of 850419 ler eformmq NRC of steps taken to correct violanona RIVERS.M E. T. . Veney Authonty 85/04/30 11pp. 30788142 30768 f 52. reted m inep Repts %259/8506,50 260/8546 4 50-296/85-06 Review of response NR 2. Offlee of Drectof. 85/05/14. PARRIS.H G. Tennessee Valley S. Reportshie occurrences, EERs a teleted cerroependonee Authonty.1p. 3 306-31249 308. 89000300M LER 8541040on 850421.madvertent evbeten of safety sys associated w/ Seest104M Forwards inap Repts %259/8523.50-260/85 23 4 50 296/8523 on pnmary contamment isosenon egnal occurred due to short caused durmo fuse 85041518 8 nonce of vionehortW/o rence of volaton. removalCaused by persormee error Sys retumed to staney readmessWr850517 str WALitER.R D. Rego. n 2. Ofhce of Drector. 85/05/2 t. PARRIS.H G Tennessee Vasey EBERSOLE.P JONES.G T. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 85/05/17. 3pp 30686151+ Authonty 2pp. 31055140 31055150 30686 153

-4006210442 inso Repts 50 250/8523.54280/85-23 4 54296/8523 on 850415                                                  8000000278 LER 8541240cn 850425.0507 4 09. momentary loss of secondary cork 18 Volaeon noted fasure to prowwje ade@ ate Sommg of stuft engmeers in area of off-                                   tamment occurredCaused tiy personnef enfoca door protdemsProblems concedered see proteceve acton deogenman                                                                                          random fadures w/no recurrence coreal rewred W/850524 per MAR 5 TON.R R . SARTOR.W M                                          TON-BROWN.M Regen 2. Offee of Drector.             STE ELE R C., JONES.G.T. Tennessee Vasey Authonty 85/05/24 3pp 30725 361-85/05/01 epp. 31055142-3105$ 150.                                                                                      30125 363
                                                - -            ~_-             ,~                     . . . .                                                     -                          . . _ . . .             ._ -

DOCKETEDITEMS 99 4006100436 LER 85 014 00 on 850429. Group 8 contamment isolation loge medvertent- 8504100344 Requests exempbon from 10CFR50 48. App R requrements unts 1988 refw ly rwhated Caused when Rl-90142 taken to ~zero" posrbon to check recorder ohng outage to complete mods for safe shutdowrt Fre watcri desagnated as cow readmg Contenment sodanon egnal reset W/850524 ftr satory measure can be sanshed by one roving watch. STEELE.R C JONES.G T. Tennessee Valley Authorfly 85/05/24. 3pp. 30804 214- PtLANT.J M Nebraska Pubhc Power Dsinct 85/06/07. VASSALLO.D B. Operahng 30804 216. Osactors Branch E 12pp 30978118-309'8.129. . t 8500070367 LER 85413-00on 850430.four pnmary contamrnent molaton valves faded .8506130237 Rev 5 to Emergency Plan 1 - _ % Procedure EPtP 5 7 8. "Actmation closure amo survenance testCaused by rensed trang procedure Valves we be '* of Operatens Support Ctrs. W/850610 ltr pared as necessary & tamng adlusted W/850529 Itr. WINDHAM.R WHITMAN.D, PILANT J M Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstrct 85/06/10. GORDON.A.W, JONES.G T. Tennessee Vadey Authoney. 85/05/29. 3pp. 30800 361-( 30800 363. t ipp. 30859 214 30859224 8506 S? orwa ds nap ept 298/8 8 11-15 & notre of velabon Rept 8506100327 Forwards corrected 850524 Itr forwareng LER85-014-00re contamment g Authonty 85/05/29. Record Servces Branch (Docu- JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4. Othce of ector. 85/06/10.PILANT J M. Nebraska Pubhc G Tennessee Va Power Dstnct 2pp. 30898 34308M 3M mont Control Deskt 19, 308 107,30827.107.

                     ~4506100333 Corrected lir forwardmg LER85-014 00 re contamment isolaban rwhanort                    -4506140400Inso Rept50 298/8510 on 850311 15 Votahons reted madequate phys-JONES.G T. Tennessee Valley Authonty 85/05/24 Record Servces Bvanch (Docu.                          cal secunty sg maint & manety to demonskam weapons @akhcaton.Detals ettF ment Control Desh) 3pp. 30827.108-30827.110.                                                                  %ej                2 .Omco of Drector BUSH.L. ERVIN.N Drector's Offre.                    Omco of Inspecton and Enforcement 85/06/03. 2pp. 30898 313-30898 314
                      $506240137 LER 8501840 on 850517.eanng monthly test of essee generator 3D. leak deveioped at fuel sne/fdter weidCaused by base psale weld cracks resulung from vibraten Cracks also found en eesel generators 3A a 3B W/850607 fir                             $506200300 Ack receipt of 850523 Itr riforming NRC of steps taken to correct defce i                       GORDON.A W, JONES.G.T. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 85/06/07. 3pp. 31204 225-                         ces noted m insp Rept50-298/85 09

, 31204 227. JOHNSON.E H. Regson 4. Othce of Drector.85/06/14 PILANT) M. Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstnct 2pp. 31231.353-31231.356.

  .                   4506240t46 LER 85015-00on 850515.dunng performance of Survedance Instructen j                         e 1 A four turbme test stage prewre perrmasse swtches found out of                        -8506260405 Responds to NRC 850510 fit re defcences noted in inso Rept 50-298/

cahbr Cause attnbuted to estrument dnft Sm -hes recaher & tested W/850611 Itr 85-09 Corrective actens appropnate emergency plan implemeneng procedures rowsed JONES.S B, JONES.G T. Tennessee Valk Authority 05/06/11. 3pp. 31204 222- to indcate nondetegatable authontes & respons4nhtes i 31204 224. PtLANT.J M Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/05/23 JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4 4508100497 Forwards order mod #ng Lcenses OPR.77.DPR.79.DPR-33. DPR 52 & i DPR-68 to ensure prompt evaluahon.correchon & reportmg of potenhapy ggnrhcant 8506210103 Advises that test of comamsucatens capatmhty unmg apprognate equipment ! safety conditons. resutung from 850327 29 review re nonc. nearmance repts located m Techrucal Support Car & emergency operatons fac&ty completed on I TAYLORJ M Drector s Othce. Offce of mapecten and Enforcement 85/08/14 350201commstment PARRi$,H G. Tennessee Valley Authonty 2pp 30977178-30977188. PILANT.J M Omaha Pubhc Power Dsinct 85/06/20 VASSALLO.D B Operateg Re-actors Branch 2 1p. 31024 234-31024 234.

                      ~4506100499 Order mod @ng Lcenses DPR.77.DPR 79.DPR.33.DPR.52 & DPR.68 to ensure prompt evaluation.correcnon & reportmg of potentany agrafcant safety cone.

bons TAYLOR.J M. Drector's Offee. Othee of inspechen and Enforcement 85/06/14. Ten, P. Opweting ncense stage documente a com Je nessee Valley Authonty 1tpp 30977.178-30977:184 8506130045 Partial response to FOtA request for all documents re NRC procedures for detecton & control of alcohol & megal drug use by persons engaged m bidg or const V. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage Instanations of nuclear reactors or facames Forwards App A documents l FELTON.J M Dvison of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.SJ WasNngton i 8504250218 NotAcaten of 850613 meeting w/EPRI.BNWL.TVA & DOE m Legal Foundaten. 55pp. 30937 047 30937.157. Wastungton,0C to escuss status of spent Ivet mgt R&D efforts NRC revieweg ey spent fuel storage appacanons at stes -8506130050 Forwards repts of 830321 escussens w/uhts re & alcohol program j ROBER TSJ P Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Lcenan0 Brancit 85/06/11 & pokey at facehty Fmal meetmgs will be condtzted dunng ok of 8 18 ROUSE.L C Advanced Fuel & Spent Fuel Leonomy Branch. 2pp. 31211 172- CHECK.P S. Regon 4. Othce of Drector.83/04/13 DEVOUNO.R C. Drector's Othee. 31211 173. Othce of inspecton and Entorcement. Ip. 30941 282 30941 282.

                                                                                                                         -8506130301 Forwards schechAs of Regon IV moetegs w/utds to alcohol & drug abuse
  !                   DOCKET 54290 COOPER NUCLEAR STATION                                                                     & producten of repts on meetmgs Fast rept enct j                                                                                                                           CHECK.P.S Regen 4. Othee of Drector.83/03/24 DEVOUNG R C. Drector's Othce.

Omco of Inspecton and Enforcement. 2pp. 30941277 30941278 I F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection plane 4500140003 Further response to FOIA request for eight esiegones of documents re nu. 8504260220 Requests add mfo or clanhcanon of $50215 Itr re emergency pian clear spent fuel transportanon Forwards App C documents App C & selected App D cr'anges info requested wdtwi 30 days of itr receet documents also eveelable m POR App D Documents 6 & 812 hr sale by NRC & GPO. JOHNSON E H Regers a Omco of Drector 85/05/03 PtLANT.J M Netraska Pubhc FELTON.J M Dvimon of Rules and Records 95/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envronmental Power Dstret 2pp 31230174 31230175. Pohcy inattute. topp.30919 003-30919 043. { 8506 05 ards rept of change to Rev 9 to safeguards plan.Rept withheld (ref

                                                                                                                          -4506140400 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel sNpments made dunng Sept NT.J      Nebraska Pubhc Power Ds            85/05/13. MARTIN.R D. Regon 4                    @ER.D E Regon 3. Omco of Drector.                 84/10/11. HIND.J A. Regen 3. Offce of D-e                                                                                                                            rector 2pp. 30922:181-30922:162.
   !                   8506030660 Forwards summary 4 attendance het of 850502 enforcement conference m I                      Regen lv ofc re violanons of physcal secunty pian.                                              8506170077 Responds to FOtA remest for records to FIN B4489, " Containment Leak i                       JOHNSON E H. Region 4 O'fce of Drector. 85/05/16 P1LANT) M Netrasta Pubic                           Rate Testm0 Program" & Quadrea Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents to FIN i                          Power Detnet 4pp 30686 218-30686 219                                                                B4489 Documents also avadatdo e POR No documents re Oueses subt to request.                             ,

FELTON.J M Dvesen of Rules and Records FIN 84489 85/03/25

 !                     8500030247 Responds to850503 concerns ce emergency plan amends Rev to Figure                           REYTBLATT 2 V. Warren Wilson Conego, Swannanoa. NC 7pp. 30987 036-5 2-3 re identtcaten of generes ofc support personnel wie be cornpleted by                          30987 078.

850831Secton D re stre of agreement rectif ed per escusson w/CA Hackney i PILANT.J M Notreska P2hc Power Dstnct 85/05/22. JOHNSON.E H. Regen 4. -8210120200 "Contamment Leak Rate Testing investigatons." progrese summary for 1 Othee of Drector 2pp in674 039-30674 040. Sept 1982.

   ;                                                                                                                           NAUS.D J. Oah Ridge Natenal Laboratory FIN B4489 82/10/05 ARNDT.G. Me-
  !                    8500030241 Informs that uti termmated all efforts to growde to control                         chancal Enginsonng Brancit 3pp 30987.112 30987.114 i                        room panels re 850204 DCRDR for 3 6 rroriths Delay riocessary ence enhancemerits i                           to panees will have to be removed per Suppe 1 of NUREG-0737                                    -8212010000 Forwards het cf plants for wNch leak test repts were selected for review l                         PiLANT.J M Nebraska Putile Power Detnct 85/05/24 VASSALLO.DB Operstmg                               by ORNL Lsat testeg Cntena will be repared from review Wto encl.

i Reactors Branch 2. 2pp. 30673 304-39673 305 82/08/18 SHAPAKER.J.

  !                    .50 0 007. Fo,wa,ds - to ~RC .Soti . ,e us.~..on .or ,. of e.


                                                                                                                               ~       $a*"a G."~         Mecharucal/
                                                                                                                                                               ==           Structural EM"*' ' ' ' Brancft l                         seems from Reg Guide 197 requrements to emergency response capabihty Escopean                   -860417020t Contanment Leak Rak festeg inveshgatons/* momhty progns rept of reactor coolant level ret ecluded due to need for add anstyas                                    Ror Nov 1982 PtLANT.J M Netwaska Pubhc Power Dstnct 85/05/24 VASSALLO.D B Operahng                               DOUGAN,J R Oak Ridge Natonal Laboratory AN B4489 82/12/07, ARNDT.G. Me-Reactors Branch 2. 4pp. 30701.029 30701032.                                                         chanscal/ Structural Ergneervig Branch. 3pp. 30987.115-30987117.
                                                                                                                           -4406 704                      aernent                                            **

to G 7 7) arences twee av V H g ako ,R ei *'aW > &a'9 8 08 R PILANTjM Nebraska Puble Power Dettet 85/05/29 THOMPSON.H L Dvieson of Dvemon of Eryneenng echnology 6pp 3098 127 m 7132 j Licenang. 60pp. 27W430700 338 0606250154 Confirma util board of drectors meetmg a/NRC m Columbus.NE to esent

  !                     0906100004 Apphcaten to amend Lcense DPR.46,coneesang of proposed Change 22                            recommendehone for const of new trening fac6fy Folder of mfo re uni enct W o enct.

to Tech Spectreflectog adsten of Halon hre suppresson sys m svc water pump SCHAUFELBERGER Netraska Pubhc Power Dsinct 85/04/17.MARilN,R. Regen 4, room as part of App R fire protecton progam Fee pad Offce of Drector.1p. 31100147 31100147. scVNCL.L G. Nebraska Pubec Power Dsinct 85/05/31. VASSALLO.D B. Operatmg Reactors Branch 2. 2pp. 30791270 307J1280. 4908250206 Nohtles that board of drectors meenng schedu6ed for 850425 & 28 m Columbus.NE Nuclear committee wie meet on 850425Date of nuclear comnuttee

                        -8406100120 Proposed Change 22 to Tech Specs to reflect a# tion of Halon flre sup-                      rneenng medvertently omitted Ivorn e50417 Itr
  '                           esman sys n staton svc water           room as part of App R two protecten progem.                SCHAUFELBERGER Nebeesta Pthhc Power DalrtrL85/04/18. MARTIN.R Regen 4, j                            gNatroska Pubhc Power Ostnct. 65/ 5/31. 9pp 30791212-30791280.                                      Offte of Drector. tp.31100 164 31180 160.

i 1

100 DOCKETEDITEMS 00000e0746 Forwards Amend 92 to Lcense DPR.46 & satety evaluahort Amend re- $505200000 IE Info Nohce 85040, "Defconcies in Egmpment Ouancahon Testmg 8 wees Tech Specs re tatsee hsang safety-related snuteers requead to be operatWe & Certteahor Process." Svc hat once survedlance regurements tar valves a recrculation pump escfiaras valve knes. JOHDAN.E t Dvisen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post SYLVESTER.E D Operateg Reactors Branch 2. 65/05/20. PICANT,J M Netraska 830103) 85/05/22. Consondated Edson Ca of New Y , Inc 06pp 30848.166-PutWc Power Detnct 2pp. 30783 328-30783 342. 30848 271-

   -4000000753 Amend 92 to Lcense DPR46.revesng Tech Spec tatWes hstmg safety 4e-                                    4500030444 Ack receipt of 850509 fir inforrrung NRC of steps taken to correct violahons lated snubbers reQured to be operatWe & surveenance requrements tor vanes m rect-                                  noted m Insp Rept50-298/8548 culahon pump escfiarge valve 4-elch bypass knes.                                                                   JOHNSON.E.H H                   4, Offre of Dwector 85/05/28 PILANTJ M Netraska Putdc VASSALLO.DB. Operatmg Reactors Branch 2.                       85/05/20 10pp. 30783 330-                           Power Dstnct tp                77.219-30677 221 30783.339
                                                                                                                     -8600030496 Responds to NRC 850517lir te volabons noted n Insp Rept50 296/85-
   -4000000756 Satefy evaluenon supportng Amend 92 to Lcense DPR.46.                                                     08 Correctve actions matruction wntten for control room personnel statog Ihat mde-1
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Fegulanon, Drector- 85/05/20. 3po 30783 340- pendent venfcation req =ms to retum safety related equipment to sve.

30783 342. PILANT.J M Netraska PutWe Power Ostrct 85/05/09 JOHNSON.E H Region 4, Offce of Drector 2pp. 30677.220 30677.221. maaaaaa*** Docusses de6 ebon of Tech Spec Section 6.3 7 C(A) re envron quahncanon program deadhne 8805200181 IE Br4o Notco 85042. " Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 000 Senes Badge SYLVESTER.E. Operatin0 Reactors Branch 2. 85/05/23 VASSALLO.D B. NRC No TLD Elements." Svc het enct Detaded Afteenon Gmeet 10 30784 124-30784 124. JORDAN.E L Dwason of Emergency Preparedness a Engineenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/29 Conschdated Edson Co of New york. Inc 120pp. 30652 245-manania*** Fonwards revised Pages sw & 215d m W Change 18 of Tech 30852 363. Specs.per recent leicon. Info provides bases for men control room ventdacon a sys. reactor bidg closed cochne water svs a svc water sys. 4500030375 Forwards insp Rept 50 298/8514 on 85040145 5 nonce of volators PILANTJ M. Netraska Pubhc Power bassict 85/05/24. VASSALLO D B. Operanng JOHNSON.E H. Region 4. Othee of Drector. 85/05/29 PILANfJ M Nebraska Putdec q Reactors Branch 2. 3pp. 30673.176-30673178 Power Dstnct 2pp. 30678 003-30670 013.

    *******'** Ack recept of 850429 fir tansmittmg current descrpbon of OA                                          -4600030379 Notre of votaton from map on 85040145 program.Rev 2 to App D to updeled SAR Review ri progress                                                          " Regon 4. Oftco of Drector 65/05/29.1p. 30678 005-30678 005.

1 JOHNSON.E.H. 4. Othee of Drector 85/05/29 PtLANT) M. Nebraska Pubic Power Dstnct 1p. 77.299-30677 299. -4800030303Inso Rept50 298/8514 on 85040145 Violaten noted fadure to cahbr re-1.672 be deleted frorn Tech Specs n Amend 91 to eation morvtonnJ anstruments por Tech Spec 8 3 4.dunng FetFNow I984 8806130600 Reouests that P BAER,R E.. MUHRAY,B, JAUDON; P. Regon 4. Oftco of Drector. 85/05/22. 8pp. Lcense DPR46 concerneg I contamment lon0-term program mods & conbnu' 30678 006-30678 013 ous contamment morwtonng for gross ruirogen leakage. SYLVESTER E D. Operstmg Reactors Brard 2. 85/05/30 PILANTJ M Netraska 6806280107IE Info Notco 85443, "Radography Events at Power Reactors" Svc het PWm Power Dst 9:t. 2pp. 30897-359 30892:360. ence 8600070417Sutwruts plans & schedules for implementaten of enprovements to reduce JORDAN.E L Dvisson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/30. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, ine 120pp 30864167-levet enecatort errors caused by fugh drywed temp.per Genenc Lir 84-23 amprove- 30864 287 monts melude prevention of ret leg overheating Near sk 85/05/31. VASSALLO.D B. Operstmg 8905200 95 IE In80 Notco 85044, " Emergency Communcanon Sys MontNy Test" Svc

   $600100004 Apphcanon to amend Lcense DPR46.consesang of proposed Change 22                                                                                                      New Y                  2 pp 30864'04 to Tech Specs.refiscong addieon of Halon fre suppressen sys m svc water purnp                                                      ) 50                    ed     so Co room as part of App R fire protecten program Fee pasd.                                                            30864.168' KUNCLLG Notraska Pubhc Power Ostnet 85/05/31. VASSALLO D.B. Operanng Reactors Branch 2 2pp. 30791270 30791.280.                                                                    88aaaaaa77 IE Info Notre 85445. "Potentist Sessme interaction invo# wing Movable In-                        1 Core Flun Mappmg Sys Used n Wes                         Designed Plants" Svc hst enct
   -4006100120 Proposed Change 22 to Tech Specs to reflect adeton of Halon fire sup-preseen sys m staton svc water pump room as part of App R fre protecten program.
                                                                                                                        $$fhjo6                       "

e ese Co of New York 2 5

  • Netraska Pubhc Power Distnct85/05/31. Opp. 30791272-30791280. 30865 M 4606170900 Forwards Amend 93 to Lcense DPR44 & safety evaluabon. Amend re- 8806110162 Forwards insp Rept 50-298/8514re compiamt that 700 mrom e accumu-vises Tech Specs to support operaton of facdefy upcoming Fuel Cycle 10 4 to lated dose eopped Roseng of 700 nwom accumlated on doorneur in excess of M oupand fientnerty of facety hmits to permit opershon w/ -type fust to restored Ra$aton exposure Amsts not exceeded W/o enci.

SYLVESTER.E D. Operahng Reactors Branch 2 65/06/03 PILANT) M. Nebraska JOHN .E H Regen 4. Offee of Drector. 85/06/06. HEISES.J. Afhhahon Not As-PubhC Power Ostnct 2pp. 30998 311-30996 331. esgned. tp.30806 052-30806 052.

   -4006170000Arnend 93 to Lcense DPR46,reviemg Tech Specs to support                          non                  8800000707 IE Info Notice 25046, "Clanicaten of Several Aspects of Removabee Ra-of facety e nng upconun0 Fuel Cycle 10 & to expand flexitukty of facefy                   e                       doeceve Surface Contenuneton Lanrts tor Transport Packages " Svc het enci.

pomut operaten w/bemer-type fuel a hafnium contros rods JORDAN E L Dvesen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post vASSALLO.D B. Operanng Reactors Branch 2. 85/06/03. 11pp. 30996 313 830103) 85/06/m Cesondated Eason Ca of New Y . Inc. 24pp 31043 331 j 30gge 323, 31044 064

   -4006170511 Safety evaluabon support'ng Amend 93 to Lcense DPR46_                                               $$00140197 Forwards inep Rept 50-298/8510 on 85031115 4 notre of violanon.Rept
  • Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector 85/06/03. app. 30998 324 dotads a nonce of violaton withhead (ref 10CFR13 2 t) 30998 331, JOHNSON.E H. Regon 4. Othee of Drector.85/06/10. PILANTJ M. Nebraska Pubbc Power Deinct 2pp. 30890 31130898 314.

8008240029 Forwards safety evaluabon re response to Genene Lir 83-28, item 12 re post-tnp review data & rito capabsty Advises that post-Inp review data 4 mio capabg. ~4506140400 inso Rept 50 298/8510 on 85021815 Vloistons noted inademate phys-9 meets guidehnee descnbod m enci 8 acceptabes cal vASSALLO.D B. Operannq Reactors eranch 2. 85/06/10. PtLANTJ M Netratka heidsecunty (mf 10CFog73 21) meet & snabihty to demonstrate weapone quehfcaton Detads with-Putsc Power Deinct 3pp. J1149340-31149 352. KELLY.J A. Regen 4. Othee of Orector 8USH L. ERVIN.N Drector's ONce OMce of Inspecten and Enforcement 85/06/03 2pp. 30890 313 30898 314

   -4008240832 Safety evaluation supportng response to Genonc Lir 83-28, item 12 re post-ano review dets 4 info capabsty                                                                         8008360399 Ack recept of 850523 fir informmg NRC of steps taken to correct defcsen-e
  • Ofhce of Nucieer Reactor Regulaton. Drector. 85/06/10. 10pp. 31149 343 cses norma m irsp Rept SO298/8549 31149 352. JOHNSON.E H Region 4.'Orfte of Drector. 85/06/t4. PtLANT,J M Nebraska Pubic Pow =r Dstnct 2pp. 31231353-31231.356.

9006190320 Provides no significant hazards conesderaten for lowermg water level asola-non setpoet from Lovei 2 to Level 1 for reactor water sample wafves Change not men- ' --- C Responde to NRC850510 fir to ceAcsoncess noted in Insp Rept 50 298/ i ' toned n safety evalueton w/ Amend 83 to Lcense DPR-46 -85.09 Cormc9ve actons appropnate onwrgency plan amplemenomg procedures revised PILANT.J M Notreeka Ptehe Power Detnct 85/06/14. WASSALLO.D B. Operating to inecate nondesegatabie muthances a responeenktes , Reactors Branch 2. 3pp. 30998 20130998 283 PtLANY,J M Netraska Pubhc Power Detnct 85/05/23. JOHNSON.E.H. Regen 4, 4 Othce of Drector. 2pp 31231.355-31231356.

   @ inspection reperto,IE Sullettne & cerroependence                                                              8406140240IE Info Notee 84047, "Potennel EMeet of Lee-induced Operatort on Cer-
                                                                                                                       *sn Target Rock Sowoperated Vatves " Svc het encs 1 to IE info Noel 84-55,"Seaf Table Leake at PWRs" Svc hat enci                         JORDAN E L Dhneson of Emer0ency Preparedness & E                                    Response (Post 9906130027 of Emergency Properedness & E                Response (Post                                  3 85/06/13 Conectoated Edson Ca of New Y , Inc. 34pp 31268157 JORDAN.E L 830103t 85/05/14. Coneohdoted Esson Co. of New y , Inc. 07pp. 31044 065 64081400'6 IE Info Nohce 84044. "Hespratos Users Nobce Defective Sed Contamed l   9006130030                  t to IE Irifo Notee 85420, *Motoroperated VaNo Fadures Due to                           yg% 7                          ^*j@,",Sve he     p, one     sa                      Re N L Dween of Emergency Preparedness a E                         - Response (Post                                 03) 85/06/19. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Y                            23pp. 31316 064-JOR                                                                                                               8 3    %13 6 183.

830103) 65/05/14 Conocadeted Eeoon Ca of New Y , Inc. 07pp. 31044172 l 31044 278. eessaooseo IE info Nohce 85439. *Austatnhty of Elecincal Equipment Ouehhcaton R. Pwkes opwoung reperu a retowd terroependence Records at Lcensees Fac6 bet

  • Svc est enct JORDAN.E L Dnneson of Emergency Preparednese & E Response (Post 0000070006 MontNy opera rept for War 1985 W/850403 IIr t 430103) 85/05/22. Consondated Eeson Ca of New Y inc. 00pp. 30637 2% SALISBURY,J M . THOMA ,P V. Notranka Put*c Power Detnct 85/03/31. 5pp i 30637,363. 30800109 30800 t13 i


I DOCKETEDITEMS 101 0006210066 MontNy opers rept for May 1965 W/850806 ftr. 8606170077 Responds to FOIA request for records re FIN 84489. " Containment Leak SALISBURY.J K., T

                                               .P V. Neeraska Put$c Power Detret 85/05/31. 500                    Rate Testmg Program" & Quacken Corp /NRC contracts Forwards docurnents re FIN 31056.13 531056 139.                                                                                     B4489 Documents also evadatWe m PDR No documents to Quadrev sute to request FELTON.J M Drnton of Rules and Records. FIN B4489. 85/03/25 S. Reportette occurrences, LERe & related cerrompondence                                                    REYTBLATT2 V.        Warren Wdson Conege. Swannanoa, NC. 7pp 30907.03&

30987 076. 4800070710 NPDES .~.m, e notifcaton on850415.tnochemcel oxygen demand -4506170281 "Contamment Leak Rate Testmg invesbgatons." montNy progress rept exceeded man 171 kg/ day hmst Caused by adcB people on este as result of repq>ng & gar Nov 1982 reluelmg & Ilow suroes to treatment plant COOPER L J DOUGAN.J R. Oak Rdge National Laboratory FIN 0-0489 82/12/07.ARNDT,G Me. aska Pubhc Power Disinct85/05/28 VARNER.D. Nebraska. State charucal/ Structural Engmeenng Branen. 3pp. 3098711530987117. of. 2pp. 30795 215-30795.216 8500070654 831107 & 841228 re-DOCKET 50-301 POINT SEACH NUCLEAft PLANT, UNIT 2 Forvrards so nses to Genonc safety Ltr 83-zu. evaluation Items 4 21 & 4 2.2supportmg re reactor hcensee,ip sys rehatzhty.provid i correcteve action taken W higher than normal values observed m inp torce. MILLER.J R Operating Reactors Branch 3. 85/05/16. FAY C.W Weconert Electnc l F. Security, meescal, emergency & nre protection plane Power Co.1p. 30798.118-30798.123. r 4606100662 Revoed plan implementm0 procecktes. table of -8600070659 Safety evaluanon supportmg hcensee response to Genenc Lir 83-contents.Rev 0 to EPt plant operat 28.Iterns421 &422m reactor anp sys mbabety.provided conoceve acton taken W EPIP 15 re subal classAcaban W/850605 at, ens manager ave al response Rev 6 to hgher than normal valves observed in anp force & response ame values. FQY.C W Wisconse Electnc Power Co. 85/06/05 DENTON.H R Offee of Nuclea,

  • mRC - No Dotaded Afhhabon Geven.85/05/18 Spp,30798119'30798123.

Reactor Regulanon. Drector. MILLER.J R. Operatmg Reactors Branch 3.130pp. 30794 287 30795 053. 8600060172 Reouests exempton from provesons of 10CFR50. App A.GDC 4 to ehnw nate consderaton of large RCS pnmary loop pipe breaks a structural desgrt 4008270147 Adnees met state & local plans for resologcal emergencies adequate.subi bass,per Genenc Ltr 8444 to cntena of App 3 of NUREG- 0654/ FEMA-RCP-1.Rev 1 & FEMA-43. ' Std Guide for FAY.C W. Weconen Electne Power Co 85/05/30. DENTON,H R. Offre of Nuclear Eeeluanon of Alert & Notifcahon Sys itir Nuclear Power Plants " SPECK.S W Federal Emergency Management Agency 85/06/14. DIRCKS,W.J. Reactor Repslation. Drector. MILLER,J.R. Operaeng Reactors Branch 3. 3pp. 30719 03 &30119 038. Ofree of the Execuuve Drector for Operanons. 2pp. 3:234 329'31234 330. 4508130033 Advises of fees due for 641111 & 850502 apphcanons for emervts to LA-A mourance &

                                        "" -                                                                      conses DPR-24 & DPR-27 re envron quehfcaten of water regulanng valves & hft ine.

i ca essemtmos Fees due wrespr %ve of NRC es ton. J

.60 06021,Fo,..,ds Endors.m.nt ., to NELiA po c, NF.178 & Endo,sement 66 to MF 4*C Wyaw, '- =posetion=or* * * - -

dMAELU"Wm"'1 -53.,Enn,e,,7,7,C 5m5m Omce , ae-o Mansos- ,6 n ee _ a.o, No se, .

c. t.,,06,0 song Au,,,,,o,a,,ns p to be corele. . os,ed m code850328 9 inen 85080% - va,eou.,st v, rehof from requrements P, Operating scense stage documente a correependence B CHER. Opera Reactors an 85/08/11. FAY,C W. Waconse Electnc g
      .6     1    31 mA                ,o, s.v.r, s,ec d d.urne,its & encts.

GRABER.L NUS . 84/10/29. Diveson of Rules and Records. 10. 30988268 8508200116 Apphcanon for amend to Lscenses OPR-24 & OPR-27.coneetmg of Tach 30988 268. Spec Change Request 105.ortendmg removal schedule lor reactor vesset surveillance capsules Fee pad Bees 130046 Portal response 10 FOIA request for all documents to NRC procedures for FAY.C W. Waconom Elecinc Power Co 85/08/17. DENTON.H R. Ofree of Nuclear detecten & control of alcohol & megal drug use by persons engaged m bldg or const Reactor Regulabon. Dractor. MILLER.JR. Operanng Reactors Branch 3. 3pp. of nuclear reactors or facebes Forvrerds App A documents 31218 276 31218 264. FELTON.J M Dween of Rules and Records. 85/01/28. HEATH.S.J. Washmgton Legal Foundahort $$pp. 30937 047-30937.157. -8606200122 Proposed Tech Specs.chanspng removal schedsle for reactor vessel sur-weeance capsules & man meegrated fast neutron orposure of vesses

       -4606140196 Docusson w/uel on 821115 re pokeses on use or possesson of dugs or
  • Weconom Electnc Power Co.85/06/17. 8pp. 31218 279 31218 264 alcohof G1BSONJ Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector HAGUE.R NRC . No De-teded Aff*aton Given. MfLLERJR. Respon 3 Offre of Drector 82/11/15. 3pp' 46062m3 Fawards tabular sunwnery W key e fran mmy W plan %

30938 308-30938 310' cefic efo re potenbal for uncontrolled raesson exposures m R cavees.per JG Part-

low 850315 reqsest No further genenc acton needed.
  !   0908140003 Further response to FOIA request for seght categones of dor'umerits to rup                      TAYLOR,J M urector's Oftce. Omca of Inspecton and Enforcement 85/06/18.

clear spent fuel ransportanon Forwards App C documents App C & selected App D MURLEY,7 E. Regon t, Office of Drector 9pp. 31211.322-31211330. de uments sino avedaole m PDR App D Documents 6 4 812 for sale by NRC & GpO. FELTON.J M Dmmon of Rules and Records 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envvonmentar Pokey institute.10pp 30919 003 30919 043 Q. Inspectlen reporte, lE Sulletine & c . _ _ GREG R ector 8 Of of R ' 0406140003 Further response to FOIA request *r eight categones of documents to nu. cal & Matonals Safety Programt 9pp 30919 013 30919 021' cseer spent fuel Wanspataten Forwares App C, documents App C & selected App D documents also evadable m PDR. App D Documents 6 4 6-12 for sale by NRC & GPO.

      -4006140147 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shoments.Juf 1983. May 1964                             FELTONJ M Diveson of Rules and Records 85/01/29 MILLAR.F. Envronmental GREGER.L R Reqpan 3. Office of Drector 84/06/07 HINDJA. Region 3. Offre of                              Pohey insbtute. topp M9003M9041 Droctor.10pp. 30919 034-30919 043.
                                                                                                             -8606140466 Docusses reevaluation of West Valley spent fuel                                  prectces.per
      -4408140400 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shpments made dunng Sept                                Greenman 840206 memo re changes m Reqpon I mopector covera 0e                                    e cork 1984                                                                                                    enue to be resdent free. Inspectors not empatched for 640704 Shpment CECCLt7.

MILLER.D E. Regen 3 Omco of Drector 84/10/11. HIND.J A. Regen 3, Omco of Dl- GREENMAN E.G. Roomn 1. Omco of Drector 84/07/16. STAROSTECKl.R. Region rector. 2pp. 30922.16130922162 1. Offce of Drector. fpp.30923 0034s0923 004

      -4006140417 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shoments.Jul 1983 Aug 1984                           gg66130027 GREGER.L R. R             3. Omco of Drector. 84/09/01. HtND.J A. Regen 3, Offee of                                       1 to IE Info Noece 64-55. " Seal Table Leeks at PWMs." Svc Ast encl.

Drector 13pp. 22 163-30922-115 JORDAN.E L. of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 630103). 85/05/14. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yar , Inc 07pp. 31044 065

      -4448140430 Forwards updated surnmary of opent fuel shpments.Juf 1983. Jul 1984.                                  '#

G G RL R 3 of Drector. 84/08/02. HIND.J A. Regmn 3. Offce of 4906MM M 12 E W W MM h&M W FWu b 2 Hamrnenng Effect." Svc het once.

      -4006140466 Discusses reevefuabon of West dalley spent fuel                    prachtes.per                JORDAN.E L. Omason of Emergency Preparedness & E                                    Response (Post Greenman 640206 memo re changes m Regpon i mopector coverage                       s con,               830103) 85iOS/14. Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New Y , Inc. 07pp 31044172
  .      enue to be incedent free Inspectors not espeeched for 840/04 Sngment CECO-17.                           31044 2I8 i

GREENMAN,E G Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 64/07/16 STAROSTECKl.R. Regen 1 1, Omco of Drector. Ppp.30923 005 30923 004 8906200000 lE Info Notee 85039. "Austabety of Elecincal Equipment Guahtcanon Records et Lcensees F actnes " Svc het anci

      -4008140000 Forwards updated summary of spent fuel shpments.Jul 1983
  • Feb 1984 JORDAN.E L Divuuan of Emergency Preparedness & Engyneenng Response (Post s COEGER.L R. Regen 3. Omco of Drector. 64/03/13 HIND,J A. Region 3, Offce of 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdeled Eeson Co. of New York inc.108pp. 30837 258-Drector 14pp. 30923.134-30923147. 30837.363
      -4008140619 Forwards updated summary of opent fuel shpments.Jul 1983 . June 8906300000 IE Info Notre 85440. "Defreencies m Equipment Ouanfcanon Testeg &

GR R R. R 3 .e Drector 84/07/05. HIND.J A. Regpon 3. Offee of a roces g Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

                  ' FP                                '

06pp. 30648188 J 830103) 85/05/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yor

]     . 4000140826 Forwards rev to kne 1984 ledated summary of spent hael                         .

30848 271 d GREGER.LR Regon 3. Omco of orector. 64/07/t0. HIND,J A. Region 3, of i Drector, 2pp. 30923.159 30329 001. 8906200181 IE Info Notre 85442,

  • Loose Phosphor m Panasonc 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements " Svc est once.

3000240646 " Shutdown DHR Anesyns Pome Beach Case Study." esft rept JORDAN.E L. Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post CRAMOND.W R. ERICSON.D M , SANDERS.G A. Sanrhe Natonal Laboratories. 85/ 830103) 85/05/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y . Inc. 20pp 30852245 02/28. Genanc issues Branch. 938pp. 31175 00141117 218. 30852 363 i

                                - .,                    -         ..      .y     s._ .r       . __ _ _ _ _ .                       -~.,_,ym          , , . _ .   ._.___.y                          ,-                _ _ . . - -

102 DOCKETEDITEMS 8806280187 IE info Notco 85443, "Radography Events at Power Reactors.* Svc hst 8506120214 Rev 2 to AP-305. "ESE Annunciator Response." Rev 1 to AP-603, "TGF 0 enct Annuncator Response" & Rev 2 to AP-703. "SSFR Annuncator Response " JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (post

  • Florda Power Corp. (sut* Fionda Progress Corp k 85/05/29 28pp. 30850 322-630103). 85/05/30. Canschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.120pp 30664167- 30850 349 30864 287 8506210012 Responds to votanons noted m insp Rept 50-302/85-16 Correchve 8806280145IE Info Notco 85 044. " Emergency Commurucation Sys Monitwy Test." Svc accons admrustrative procedure re emergency acnons dunng estnquakes revised to
              .E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E                              Response (Post                'U W S' tandi                 C' orp' swa Flonda           ess Corp K 85/05/31.

330 ) $/05/30. Connohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorts inc. Ipp. 30864.045- GRACE.J N. Regon 2. Othee of Drector. 2pp. 31057.131-3 57.132. 8506130280 Confrms Anengs of V Thomas 850528 telcon re close out of IE Bunetri 8506130267 Revised emergency plan implemenbng procedures.mcludmg Rev 2 to EM. 79-25 Completion of replacement of remarung ongmal affected relays per IE BUNetin III. ", Duties of ia E***d*-2"i5. ,HeperofTeam.' Duties Rev 2 Team Envron Survey to EM 21,7. "Duhes of Samphn0 82 63 not reponed by uin or Region m Tam & Rev i0 E FOLEY.W J. Parameter, Inc. NRC.05-82-249 85/05/30.BAER R L Engmeenng & Ge.

  • Flanda Power Corp. (suta Flonda Progress Corp A 85/06/04. 70pp. 30860.332 nonc Communcatens Branch. 2pp. 30859 060-30859 rs'. 30861 039 4500060677IE Info Nobce 85445. " Potential Seestruc Interacton involvmg Movable tr> 8506120t13 Forwards hcense coneten orrutted from Rev 1 to Tech Spec Change Re-Core Fluu Mapping Sys Used m Wes Designed Plants." Svc hst enct quest 130 re tre protecton plan.

JORDAN.E.L Dmson os Emergency edness & E.ngmeerm0 Response (Post WESTAFER.G R Flanda Power Corp. (sut s. Flonda Progresa Corp). 85/08/07. 830103). 85/06/06. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. f22pp. 30865 001 DENTON H R. Oftce of Nuctem Reactor Regulaton, Drector 1 p, 30850 357-30865.046. 30850.358 4500060707IE Info Nonce 65446, "C!anfcanon of Several Aspects of Removable Ra- -8506120116 Fro protecten hcense coneten.madvertentfy onutted from850524 apph. eoactive Surface Contammahon Leuts tor Transport Pacsages." Svc hat enct cation to amend Lcense DPR-72.consasang et Rev 1 to Tech Spec Change Re@est JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 93o 830103) 85/06/10. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.124pp. 31043 30t*

  • Fionda Power Corp. (autys. Flonda Progress Corp) 85/06/07.1p 30850-358-31044 064. 30850.358.

4500 40521 Forwards Safety tosp Repts 50 266/8544 & 54301/8544 on 850401- ,p 4gp SHAFER5D Regen 3. Othee of Drector. 85/06/11. FAY.C.W Wisconsen Electnc Ottste Dose Assessment Durrg al Emer. cedure mes'EM 204(C).

                                                                                                                       & Rev          " Release 25 to EM   202,     &,,Dubes of Emergency Coorenator ,A Power Co. Ip.30897.181-30897 197-                                                                           KEE.P F., ROPPEL.V R Florea Power Corp. (subs. Flonda Progress Corp). 851
-8500140526 Insp Repts SC266/85 04 & 50 301/8544 ott 8504010606 No noncorr                                 06/1 t. 84pp. 31008 283-31009 004.

phance or deviaton noted Maior areas mspected- mamt.operatonal safety swveillance.refuehng actmhes & IE cucular & LER fadineup 8504210354 Forwards "DCRDR Summay Rept for Crystal Rever Unit 3 Generstmg Sta-JACKiWIN. Regen 3. Othce of Drector.85/06/11.10pp. 30897.188-30897.197 tiorC* NRC consultant euet suggeste addl accdont scenanos to suppi venfcaten por-tion of DCRDR Addl evaluebons wie be completed by 851231. 4506140240IE Irdo Notce 85447. " Potential Effect of Lee. induced Operaton on Cer- WESTAFER.G R. Flonda Power Corp isutm Flonda Progress Corp L 85/06/17. tan Target Rock Sosenoid Operated valves " Svc hst enct STOL2,J F. Operatmg Reactors Branch 4 2pp. 31033 05131034 038 JORDAN.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenne Response (Post 830103) 85/06/18 Conachdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.134pp. 31268157 -8506210355 "DCRDR Summary Rept for Crystal Rsver Urut 3 Generating Staten

  • 31268 304. Flonda Power Corp. (subs. Flords Progress CorpI 85/04/03 346pp 31033 053-8504140636 IE Info Notre 85448. "Resprator Users Notre Deteceve Seit4cntamed Brestrung Apparatus At Cyhnders" Svc hst enct JORDAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 8506200030 Responds to utd 850409 Rev 4 to physcal secunty plan Rev decreases of-830103) 85/06/19. Consolidated Eeson Co. of New Yors. Inc.123pp. 31376 064- tecbveness of plan Licensee mswucted to tonow previously approved 31376.183. plan Resubnwsmon should include dotaded mehrucal justhcahon STOLZ.J F. Operateg Reactors Branch 4 85/06/18 WILGUS.W S. Flonda Power Corp. (auta Flonda Progress Corp ). 2pp. 31223 353-31223 354.

R. Perledic operating reports & reisted correspondence 8506240112 Requests schedular extensen to 440221 confrmatory order for emplemen. 8506100343 Monthly operatog rests for May 1985 W/850610 Itr '#'on 'A SPDS instalianon.testm0 & tarung wiH be complete by and of Refuel V but seme KRAUSE.C W. Weconen Elecinc Power Co.85/05/31. pp 30993116 30993127, Qdfi ap y70 p p 8506200119 Forwards annual envron radoactmty repts for 1984 Repts evaded ento two gTOL2,J F. Operating Reactors Stancet 4 2pp 31060.163 64 sectons Secten i rcludes samphng techruques.analytcal procedures & conclumoris Section 11 ancludes Corrganson of state & tecihty data 8 J8250434W<thdraws 850524 & 0607 Tech Spec Che'0e Request 130 re proposed MCDONNELLLJ Wisconsm. State of NRC-3043447. 85/05/31. KEPPLER.J G bcense coneten to update guidance a proposed Genenc Lir 8501 Utd udl contmue Regen 3. Othce of Drector.1p. 31023 037-31023.160. to het tre protecten equipment m Tech Specs. WESTAFER,G R. Flonda Power Corp (subs Fionde Progress Corp t 85/06/19

 -8506200127 " State of W11984 Pomt Beach Envron Raeoactvey Survey
  • Silver,H. Operstmg Reactors Branch 4 1p. 31198196-31198198.
  • Wisconsm, State of. NRCL30 83 647. 84/12/31. 37pp. 31023 038-3t023 074.

e % c m epondence S. Reportalbie occurrences, LERe & reisted c.. - e

 $508270001 LER 85-00100-on 850518.20 % runback from 100 % power                                         $508130314Petthon/re@est for order to show cause why plants should not be shut exponenced Power range nuclear instrumentanon sensed voltage spoke & reacted by                         down untd CRO mecharusms mspected activateg dropped rod turtune runbeckCaused by riadverim.t pamper groundingWi                           DOHERTY.J F Doherty. J F 85/06/11. Othre of Nuclear Reactor Regulanort. Drec-850617 Itr.                                                                                             lor 6pp. 30859 013-30859 022 FAY,C.W Weconen Electne Power Co.85/06/17.KEPPLER.J.G. Regon 3. Othce of Drector. 3pp. 31251.302-31251.304 J. Insurance 4 indemnety informeteen DOCKET 60,J02 CRYSTAL RivfR 10UCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 3 8508100449 Forwards 1985 mtemal cash flow protecton to satisfy requwements of 10CFR140 21 Anruversary date of mdemrwty agreement 850620 therefore.propecton 05000== Pa,.ai ,                          to rOiA ,e.est io, in,- caisonries of docur ,ents m be G EN gs",35'
                                                                                                                        " Ea *ionda
                                                                                                                                  * **-Powera==Corp   a (subs aamFlonda~gress  Pro Corp
                                                                                                                                                                               ~=   raat 85/06/15
                                                                                                                                                                                          'a" 25*

made evadable at NSHCs App A documents encs & placed a PDR Search contmums FELTON.J M Dmsen of Rules and Records. 84/11/08 ADATO.M Unen of Cork P. Operating licones stage decurnente & correependence corned Scionests. 4pp 30720 00130720 005.

  -4307150010 Forwards proposed press release re 830624 apphcanon for OL                                 esono3o3,o pargat , esp,mse to Fata ,ewest ser three cat                  of documents to be amend.adowmg untzanon of erries number of rovmg fre patrol personnel to check car-                      made avalable at POR re NSHCs App A documents                   & pieced a PDR Search taan areas for was hourty.m hou of contriual statonary morwtonn9                                        contmunng STOL2.J F. Opersang Reactors Branch 4. 83/07/06. CLARK,M M Regan 2 Orhce of                             FEL70fu M Divison of Rules and Recorde 84/11los ADAfQM Union of Con-Drector. $pp.30721 266-30721 270                                                                        corned SessnestsL 1pp. 30720 001-30720 005.
  $$$$$48378 Rev 2 to Emor                      Plan 1 ~.2,,        Procedure EM 305 " Post- Accident prop                             830624 apphca           O Samphn
               ,g                               Releases From Plant umng Automated lootopic Mees.         -830,7158010      Forwa,rds n m        .osed man   nu, pr.ess,,

e release

                                                                                                                                                              ,oving  h      re,e paeowe, sonne, non forto ch-, ce,L g ,*o,,

g3,g,- & Ayof Erionde Pro,ess Co,pI 85/05710. 54,p == wi.

                 , owe, C ,p.                                                                                 ar end aiiowsp=,,A   ao g, m yat,*,,=,,;a r ,i pg g v m , ,, ,,,,,o,,,,,,,

Drector. 5pp. 30721 30721.270. P - Proc

         -. Rev, 4RCS Ana,,s,s       to Eme,%'"'L,r.,a Reeco .                     ..Isco.aneous
                                                     &.       ,e    EM w.

ste Storage ran.Sarr mg unoer Ac.& -8=00000 3 a consr-a.on of -e a e,nend . oc.n DPR.n & p,. cuent Conenons " pond NSHC determrwhen & opporturtly for heenng to change m kuluency & acope MGREE.P F. Florida Power Corp. (mes. Flande Pro,ess Corp). 85/05/23. 44pp. of tesen0 on vanous portions of t SF 30676 156 30676 199 STOL2JF. Operanng Reactors Branch 4 43/07/20. 8pp. 3072127130722 010

DOCKETEDITEMS 103 8506170077 Responds to FOIA request for records to FIN 0-0489. " Containment Leak Rate Teshth3 Program" & Quadrew Corp /NRC contracts Forwards documents re FnN 3406250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results from regional survey of plant-spo. cAc mto re potential for uncontrosied raeabon exposures in rvvR cavities.per JG Part-B-0489 Documents FELTONJ M also avetacie m PDR No documents re Quadron subs to remost 10w 8503 t 5 request No further genent achon needed Drvmon of Rules and Records FIN B0489 85/03/25 TAYLOR.J M Drector s Othce Othce of inspection and Enforcement. 85/06/18 RE yTBLATT Z V Warren Wdson Conege. Swannanoa. NC. 70 0 30987 036- MURLEY.T E Regiors t. Omce ot Drector 9pp 31211322 31211330 3D987 076. 8506240110 Adwses that 841031 Rehef Request 120 from ASME Boder & Pressure

 -8506170575 "Contamment Leak Rate Testeg" monthly progress rept ter June 1963 NAUS.DJ Oak Ridge Nat onal Laboratory FIN 0-0489 83,06/30 ARNDT,G. Me-                      vessei Code Sechon 1tt no longer requred sece ctwlied water sys includmg charwcal/ Structural Engineenng Branch 2pp 30987167-30987168.                              header hydrostatcally tested to desgn pressure WESTAF ER,G R Fionda Power Corp (subs Florda Progress Corp) 85/06/19 DENTON H R Othce of Nucieer Reactor Requiahon. Drector tp 3 t 061 191-4504250064 Furtlwr response to FOIA reouest for documents in three categones re                31061 191 Cug or 88cohol abuse at nuclear facitetses. Forwards App A docurnents Documents also avalable en PDR Processing of documents contmursg                                 8506250367 Requests suppi of850214 Tech Spec Change Request 126 by nolog that FELTON.J M Dewsion of Ru8es ard Records 85/04/10 HEATH.SJ Washmgron                        deseted capsule scneduse wdt be controlled by NRC approval of B&W Owners Group Legal Foundahort 11pp. 31217 095 31217109 submettits e resportse to 10CFR$0. App G Rev 2 to BAW-1543 approved on850508 WEST AFE R G H Flonda Power Corp (sies Florida Progress Corp ) 85/06/19
 -8506250154 Informs that alcohol 4 drug abuse survey for to utds complete per Tom.             SILVER H Operahng Reactors Branch 4 sp 31180 264-31180 264 parary instruction 2695/1 Utps have estituted                reasonaone prevente programs Summary ol site vists enci 4506250480 Forwards rewmed Page 3/4 5-5 of ECCS survediance regurements for O REILLY.J P Region 2. Ottce of Drector 83/04/01 DEYOUNG R C. Drector's                     Tech Spec Change Request 128 Othce. Omce of inspection and Enforcement 42pp 3121712531217.166                            WESTAFER G R Flonda Power Corp (subs Flonda Progress Corp ) 85/06/19 Silver.H Operahng Reactors Branch 4 1p 31198 202-31198 203
-8506250223 Responds to 830328 request re results of selected utd & contractor et forts to estabhsn vahety of drug anegahons Ust et actes utis & contractors taken to determrie it suspect mdrvduais etil m empioy ence                                       ~4506250441 Revised Page 3/4 5-5 of ECCS survedlance rewrements changmg 1.
  • pnor to Mode 2" to ". m Mode 3 " Change per Tech Spec Change Request 128 O'REllLYJ P. Region 2. Ottco of Drector 83/04/21 DEYOUNG R C Drector's Florda Power Corp (subs. Flonda Progress Corp). 85/06/19 1p 31198 203 Ofbce. Offce of Inspection and Enforcement 3pp 31217167-31217169 31198 203.

4506030147 Apchcahon for arnend to Lcense DPR-72, cons,steg of Tech Spec Change Request 136.correctmg action statement of Sechon 312 9 to requae urut be brought O. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins a correspondence to cold shutdown if sus cannot be restored to operat9e statue Fee paid WEST AFER G R Florca Power Corp (subs Fionda Progress Corp) 85 >05 /28 DENTONH R Othce of Nuclear Reactor Reguiahort Drectos 5pp 30674 115- 8506240044 Responds to violations rwJted m insp Rept50 302/8545 Utd disagrees w/ 30674 120. stated wolanon Bioassay program not metuded n Nov 1972 Reg Guide 133. App A therefore ute not in viciahon of Tech Spec 6 81

~4506030152 Proposed Tech Spec correcting action statement of Section 312 9 to re-             WE ST AFER.G R Fionda Power Corp (subs Flonda Projress Corp) 85/04/04 uure urut to be brouget to cold snutdown.not hot sys cannot be restored        GRACEJ N Region 2. Othce of Drector 2pp. 31203 338 31203 339 to operat9e status
  • Fionda Power Corp (sues Florca Progress Corp) 85/05/28 1p 30674 120- 4506280194 Forwards response to SALP Rept 50-302/8503 & generic comments to 30674 120. SALP program Rept unfar assessment of ute performance Esam of postive evwfence would have resurted in balanced a reanhc picture of ute ormance WILGUS.W S Fionda Power Corp (subs Flonda ogress Corp) 85/04/11 4506100279 Discusses bconseg delays affectmg restart per Fee 1985 meet >ng & GRACEJ N Region 2.Omce ot Drector 13pp 31274 319-312?4 331.

850307 ttr Lack of NRC closure re issues along w/Shopy amend edi reipact startup Tech Spec ctwges wea tame eHect durmg Mode 4 WESf AFER.G R Flonca Power Corp tsves Flonda Pen.oress Corp) 85/06/06 8505130027 1 to IE info Nohce 84 55. " Seal TaNo Leaks at PWRs " Svc hst enci THOMPSON H L Divison of Licensing 200 3u T91046 3079f 055 JOROAN E L. of Emergency Preparedness & Engineereg Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14 Conschdated E$ son Co of New York, Inc 107pp 31044 065 31044 171 450618018 t Advises that proposed decay to provide aJdi hme for dialogue te vetue of reactor vessel head level trend sys has been denied Understandmg is tnat estaliate we be compseted by end of current re'ueang shutdown 8505t30038 Suppi t to IE Info Notce 85420. MotorOperated Vafve Fadures Due to STOLl.J F Operateg Reactors Branch a 85/06/06 WILGUS.W S Flonda Power Hammereg Effect " Syc hst enct Corp (subs Florda Progress Corp p Spp 30990 19430990 197 JOFIDAN.E L Division of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 830103) 85/05/14 Consondated Esson Co of New York. Inc.107pp 31044 172-31044 278 8506180412 Forwards corrections to Taue 3 3-5.Page 3/4 3 t 7 of Tech Spec Change Request 122 wrwch makes table consistent w/ overed change request When fech Spec change request approved.enct page should be included 8506200307 Forwards insp Rept50-302/8515 on 850325 29 &nohce of vioiahon WESTAFER G R Flonda Power Corp (subs Fionda Progress Corp ). 85/06/06 WALEER R D Region 2. Othce of Drector 85/09't 7 WILGUS.W $ Fionda Power VOZAFARt.B Operahrig Reactors Branch 4 2pp 30977 360-30977 361 Corp. (subs Florda Progress Corp ) 2pp 31022 312 31022 330

                                                                                           -8506200317 Notice of violshon from esp on850325 29 8506120113 Forwards hcense cor@taan ometted from Rev t to Tech Spec Change Re-
  • Region 2. Orfce of Drector 85/05/17 3pp 31022 314-31022 316 Oest 130 re hre protecton pian WE ST AFER G R Florca Power Corp (subs Florida Progress Carp) 85/06/07 DENTON HR Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor Reguauon, Dwector 1p 30850 357- -8506200326 inno Rept 50 302/8515 on 85032529 Violabons noted fadure to assise 30850 358 con $tions adverse to quanty prornotty corrected fastse to escalate au@t fmdmg to NCR & tanlure to perform Tech Specs auGts & Cntenon il reviews

-8506:20116 Fro protection hcense e edihon.madvertentty ometted from850524 appik BE LISL E.G A , UPRIGHT,C M Regeri 2. Othee of Drector 85e05/02 14pp 31022 317 31022.330 cohon to amend Lcense DPR 72.consisteg of Rev 1 to Tech Spec Change Request 130

  • Fionda Power Corp (subs Flonda Progress Corp) 85/06/07 1p 30850 358- 8506200421 Respunds to violahone noted e into Rept 50-302/8 583 Corrective 30850 358 actions overdue repts sahstactordy evesueted & closed & Procedure NCL Of changed to riclude temp & humdsty requirements dunng cahbr actrvaties 8506200042 Forwards commer'ts on RAW 1643P. "B&W Owners Group Evaluaton of WILGUS.W S Flonda Power Corp (subs Florda Progress Corp) 85/05/17 GRACE.J N Regen 2. Ottice of Duector 3pp. 31020 290 31020 292.

Intereal Boltmg Concerns m 177F A P? ants." Rept consistent wibases agreed oon Action on issue complete Cc ected rept reguented LAaNAS G C. Assestant Dwector for Operatmg Reactors 85/06/ t t TUCRER.H B Bat > 4506210025 Responds lo violahons noted e into Rept 50-302/85 16 Corrective coch & WdCon Operateg Plants Owners Group 12pp 3104311131043122 achons Procedure As 1803 will ne revised to specshcanv prohibst ristassahon of scar-toad. mg/stagmg an permanent piant emipment. 4508180349 o#caton for amend to Lcense DPR-72 conerstmq of Suppi t to850501 WiLGUS.W S Florwta Power Corp (subs Flonda progress Corp). 85/05/11. Tech Sm; s. G,hange Rerpest 128 per escussions w/NRC Espndted . GRACE,J approval N Region 2. Oftco of Drector 3pp 31056 09531056 097. recpest ed to e imemnent tues move De6ays eli impact Rebel V critical patti WEi A RGR Flanda Power Corp (subs Florwta Progress Corp) 85/06/14 8506270672 Forwards insp Rept 50-302/8519 on 8503290425 & notace of violahon D2Nf0NHR Othce of Nuclear Reactor Requiahon. Dwector 3pp 30976 306- WAlkE R R D Region 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/11 WILGUS W S Fionda Power 30978 3 t 1 Corp (subs. Florda Progress Corp l 2pp 31249 317-31249 331 ~8504180354 Suppl 1 to Tech Spec Change Request 128 re ECCS survedlance roepte.

                                                                                           ~4506270675 Notice of volanon from esp on850129 4425 ments
  • Regon 2, Offee of Dwector 85/05/17 2pp 31249 319 31249 320
  • Florvia Power Corp (subs Fiorda Progress Corp) 85/06/14 3pp 30976 309-30976 3 t 1 ~4506270680Inso Rept 50 302,GS-19 on 850329-0425 Vosations noted fadure to have ado.rp sto correcsve actmn sys & fedure to follow refuehng procedures 8506200260 A shon for amend to Lcense DPR 72 contest of revised proposed bf E Th 4,T F , PANCIERA,V W Region 2. Othce of Drector 85/05/I4 I tpp Tech Spec ange Request 124 re replacement of ES se 3 t249 32 ta t249 331 ar room w/ remote shutrkyen panee as readout location Certihcate of Svc enci WESTAFER G R Flords Power Corp isubs Florwta Progress Corpl 85/06/17 6506200273 Forwards Enam Rept 50-302/OL 8501 of esam admnustered850304 07.

SILVER.H Operahng Reactors Branth 4 app 31007 230-31007 234 BROWNt f E.V L Region 2. Omco of Drector 85/05/21 WtLGUS.W S Fiorda Power Corp (subs Flor =fa Progress Corp ) 2pp 31022 001-31022115 ~4506200275 Revised proposed Tech Spec Pege 3/4 3 35.Tatie 3 3 9 't ernote Shut-town Morvtormg instrutnentahon," rep'aceg LS switchgear room w/ remote shutdowr i ~450620C284 Esam Rept 50 302/OL 85 01 on 85030447 Enam results 3 of to serwor panet as readout locahon reactor operators 4 2 of 7 reactor operstars passert

  • Fionda Power Corp (subs F1orda Progress Corp). 85/06/17. tp 31007 234- LAW'f f R S, W'LSON.B A. Region 2. Othce of Dwettor 65/05/17 I13pp 31022003-31001 234 31022 115 8506260344Notehcahon of 850620rneetmg w/u'd a Bethesda.WD lo discuss Iceesmg 8505200590 IE info Notice 85439. "AuditabAty of Electrcal Equipment Quaktication
  & regional ensues per enci egenda                                                           Recntd5 at Licensees FacAhes " Svc het enct SILVLR.H Operateg Reactors Branch 4 85/06/17. STOL2.J F Operatmg Reactors                   JORDAN f L Division of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Pogt Branch 4 App. 31225.336 31225 339                                                           81010h 65/05/22. Conschdated Edison Co ot New York. Inc t06pp 308J1258-30837 363

104 DOCKETEDITEMS 200 00 o,,o .so.0, De- m E.pmer,, Ouamca n Tesi.n & R. ,e,.sec motbr,. e & ,eiet co,res,or,dence Carthcaten Process " Svc hat enct JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeerm' g Response (Post 830 85/05/22. Consondated Edson Ca of New York, Inc.106pp. 30848.168- Corp (subs. Fionda RA MD W E TA R tonda Progress Corp ). 85/05/31 TAYLOR.J M. Drector's Othce OPhee of Inspecton and Enwcm 5pp mm3m044 0606240334 Forwards Enam Rept 50 302/OL4542 of rec,uehncaten exam admrus-tered on 85051416 BROWNLEE,V L 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/24 WIGLUS.W S Flonda Power Corp. (sues. Flonda Corp.). 2pp. 31202.216 31202.341. & Reportable occurrences, LERs a toisted u.. - - _e

 -8006240342 Exam Rept 50-302/OL4542 on 850514-16 Requehhcaban cuam                            8400070004 Special Rept 8542 on 850408 dunng refuehng a mod cutage, Hanon par-resultseve of am servor reactor operators & seven of                     reactor operators    son of fue suppressen sys for cable spreadng room taken out of svc m support of passed Requakhcahon tameng program successfulPy correctriG                                    wanous mode to cable spremeng room Fue watches immerkate8y estabhshed LAWYERS, WILSON.B A. Regon 2. Omco of Drector.85/05/23.124pp. 31202 218-                      SIMPSON E.C Fionda Power Corp. (subs. Fionda                          oss Corp). 85/05/22.

31202:341. GRACEJ N. Regen 2. Othce of Drector 2pp. 30800 304- 305 8405200141 IE info Notco 85442, " Loose Phosphor m Panssoruc 800 Senes Badge 880e070020 LER 8442340on 8412tt.emng quakty programs audt. escovered that TLD Elemems Svc est enet- & escharge verwes tested n Modes 4 & 5 m decanon trorn Iers of commit-JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post HPi mentQR for Amend 29 Tech Spec change we be outmetod W/850531 fir. 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 20pp. 30852.245- BANDHAUER.W K., WESTAFER.G R Flands Power Corp. (subs Fionde Progress 30852.363. Corp.). 85/05/31. App 30801090 30801093. 187 IE Info Nohce 85443, "Raeography Events at Power Reactors" Svc het 8506100007 LER 85 00440 on 850425 8 0501, refuser outage.55% of supports Response (Post m safety <eisted parhon of control comptes HV sys w/ "decost bolts" JORDAN.E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & E maned Cause unsisted Suppon esempances we be uned W/850531 nr 830103) 65/05/30. Coneohdated Eeaon Ca et New Yar Inc. 20pp 30864167 BA/ JHAVER.W K., WESTAFER.G R Flonda Power Corp. (subs. Fionda Progress 30864 287~ Corp ) 85/05/31 3pp. 30829199-30829 201. 9006200 96IE Info Noece 85044 " Emergency Communicaten Sys Monthly Test." Svc , p , JORDAN.E L Omeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post em ar connectors be removed 830103) 85/05/30. Conechdated Eeson Co. of New Y . Inc. 21pp 30864045 IARTYJ M Colt Inikstnet. Inc. 85/06/05.MURLEY.T E. Repon 1. Othee of Di. 30864 166 rector. 7pp. 30898 354-30898 361 0406210012 Responds to veianons noted in inep Rept 2 302/8518 Correctrve actons admmeirasve procedure re emergency actons dunng earthquakes revised to E Operator Esaminatione runate paranse rowow instead of senos fewsw 84062m Conhrms operator & sener operator mquahncanon esams eks of G E N Othee of 3 31 32 650513 & 0617per totcon NRC requrements for admaustraton of operator

  $408210062 Forwards supplemental response to wolatone noted in Insp Rept 50 302/

6545 Correceve actons procedure tar whose body countog sys consstent w/mterpre' f[({V[ Corn (sh F

2. Omco of Drector 85/04/25 W1LGUS.W S Fimda Power m Corp) app.31055158-31055 tel.

tenon m NRC 850507 ler entten & encluded m beassay program WILGUS.W S Flonde Power Corp. (subs Flonde Progress Corp). 85/05/31. GRACEJ N. Repon 2 Othce of Drector. 3pp 31056 278 31056 280. 6606200273 Forwards Esam Rept 50 302/OL4541 of e=am admenstered 850304 4 7. BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/21 WiLGUS,W $ Flonda Power 9008210213Sutmes second towned response to violanons noted m inap Rept 50-302/ Corp. (subs Flonda Progress Corp L 2pp 31022001-31022115. 83-27 Correctve accons automaled survedance vectung progam developed as backup to manual sys Cop termsel we be located outado control room -4606200204 Enam Rept 50-302/OL4541 on 85030447 Enam resulta 3 of to eener WsLGUS.W S Fionda Power Corp (eds. Flonda Progrees Corp). 85/05/31. reactor operators & 2 of 7 reactor operators passed GRACEJ N Regen 2. Office of Drector 3pp. 3t057.058-31057 080 LAWYER.S . WILSON.B A. Regen 2. Office of Drector 85/05/17.113pp 31022 003-31022 115 0606210443 Reeponds to NRC ler re violaeone noted e inep Rept 50 302/8520 Correc-ove actons r@veikals twolved counessed about requrements for completng quahty 0406240334 Forwards Enam Rept 50302/OL4542 of requakhcaten esam admuvs-records tered on 85051416 WILGUS.W $ Flonda Power Corp. (subs. Flonda Progrees Corp L 85/05/31. BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Othee of Drector 85/05/24 WIGLUS.W S. Fionde Power GRACEJ N Repon 2. Office of Drector 2pp 31055151-31v55152. Corp. (subs Flonda Progress Corp k 2pp 31202 216-31202 34 t tee 0000077 IE Info Notte 85445. "Polental Sommec Interacton Irivolvmg Movable in. -4606240342 Esam Rept 50 302/OL4542 on 850514-16 RetNehhcaten exam Core Flun M Sys Used m Wee Dewgned Plants.* Svc het enct resultstive of era sener reactor operators & seven of reactor operators JORDAN E L of Emergency emess&E Response (Post passed RetNakhcanon tarun0 program successfully correctng we 830103) 05/06/06- Coneotdated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 22pp. 30865001* uWYER,$. W1LSON.B A Repon 2. Office of Drector 85/05/23 124pp 31202 218-30865 046- 31202.341-8000210047 Responds to violatone noted in Inso Rept %302/8500 Correcevo ac-tons "Operaton Secton emplementaton Manual" we be recewed & rewned to DOCKET M304 20006 NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 remove as matruccone re plant safety or regalatory corrphance. WESTAFER.G R. Flonda Power Corp. (subs Fionda Progress Corp t 85/06/06 GRACE) N. Regen 2. Othce of Drector 5pp 31056 273-31056 277- gg 0400210386 Supple roeponse to violatons noted in inso Rept E302/64 33 Correceve accons Procedurs OP-412. " Waste Gas Dmposal Sys? wise be reweed to mcorporate sece030300 Staten Proceese Change Request Aa&330 tor Rev 5 to Emer Plan memodology to elute water gas decay tanke strutrogen w/o weste gas

                                                                                                   -           ^

Ctr WEST AFER.G R Flanda Power Corp, taubs Flonda Progrees corpt 85/06/06 ba_. ._ . ., Procochse n AssemtWy EPIP 5'.45,Supphes Ares Radoingscal "Tectvucal

                                                                                                                                                      "     Support Ct.Opershonal GRACE).N Regen 2. Othce of Drector. $pp.31055 206-31055 208.
  • Cw ,. n Edman Co. 85/05/I4 9pp 30674 062 30674 069 0000000707 IE Info Nohce 05446. "Clanhcaten of Severaf Aspects of Removable Re- $600030273 Stahon Procedure Request A85-329 for Rev 8 to Emer Plan doectwo Surface Contammenon Leute 8ar Transport Packages" Svc bat onct. _J Proch EPIP . Monthfy Radmiogical Emergency quipment JORDAN.E L Ducson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post S30103) 85/06/10 Consondeted Eeecn Co of New Y , Inc. 24pp. 31043 30t* Tests
  • 6 ~ &.. Checas 7 ". Edhoon 85/05/14Co.

epp 30673 359-30674 003 31044 064. 9000 30226 orwards Specisi Team inep Rept S302/8500 on 85030448 Eight open 66000304 aton R, 5-38 ev to p p

                                                               '                                   Commoriwealth tee n Co 85/05/t4 000 30675 291-30675 287.

ese t 3p'p 2 50 321

   -4006130233lhop Rept50 302/0549 on 85030448 Open teams noted dehcant cuan.                   6400040403Ack receipt of Rev 4 to Dec 1964 emergency plan Changes connetent wi acebon documentshon fees & ricorrelate procedure preparatene or revs to proysm                requaements of 10CFR5054 4 acceptableif sai                  review assures rio decrease et status of orppment          enamt & survemance                      emer           propwetoes. NRC approver not                pnor to unpsomerWaton for preservmg                                                                                  PA                            3, Othce  of  Drector   e5/05/31. REED.C. Commonwealtre WILSON,R C                2. Omco of Drector. ZE .G Q vendor Program Branch SS/                       #ELLO.C.J R Eeeon Co. 2pp.            060 30699 06 L 06/03.17pp 300 305 30050 321.

0006140940 IE 1 rife Noete 84047 *Potenbal Effect of Lais. Induced Operation on Car. eccessedes Forwards popwaton denney maps for une in emergency plannmg ten Taget Rock Solenon& Operated Valves? Svc tel enct tones Mape prepared by ORNL by protecten trarn 1980 census esta a muel be taken JORDAN,E L. Dreign of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Post as estmates W/o ences 630103) 85/06/18. Coneohdoted Eeoon Co of New Y . tnc. 34pp 3t268157 HINOJ A Regen 3. Ornce of Drector 85/05/31 REED.C. C-. . 7 feson Co.1p 31020.10131020191. 31268 304 3000140638 IE Info Nonce 85448. "Resprotor Usert Nonce Defeceve Essf4antamed 040e300644 Forwaros FEMA 850523 It 4 associated hnal esercise evaluations on prestrun0 Appareous As Cyanders." Svc het oncl. e50306 eMine emergnncy preparednese eserces ear Lane County.lLyonoehe JORDARE L Qvenon of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse (Poet Cour4y WI & Siates of IL 4 WI Dehcency sound mapproonate tame contros

       $30103) 85/06/19 Coneondeted Eeson Co. of New Y , Inc. 23pp 31376 064-                        PAPERIELLO.CJ Repon 3. Ofhce of Uroctor. 85/06/13. REED.C. C_. - - J 31378.163.                                                                                    Eeoon Co 2pp 3123211131232.168 4


                       & Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards reporte & correspondence                                                  4506170077 Responds to FOA request tar records re FIN B4489. 'Contamment Leak Rate Testmg Program" & Quadres Corp /NRC contracts Fonwards documerits re FIN                                           ,

0806240400 Responds to FOiA request for Encis 1 & 2 to SA var 9a 820518 Itr to LO B4489 Documents amo evelabw m PDR No documents m Quadms suty to regest 1 DelGeorge to tacsty probatukste safey study FELTON.J M Dmason of Rules and Records FIN B-0489 85/03/25 FELTON.J M Dmsson of Rules and Hecords. 85/03/04 PEDRO.J NUS Corp 2pp REYTBLATTIV warren Wilson Conege, Swarmanos. NC. 7pp 30987 036-31206 154-31206 293 30987 076

                        -8606240470 Forwards summary of ACR$ revow queshons & comments on facsty                                            -8506170201 "Contenment Leak Rate Testmg Irwestigahons." montNy progress rept p*cbetsste safety a                    as result of 820325 & 26 meetmos Lated repts encs                           for Nov 1982 GRtESMETER.J M                        S
  • Advmory Committee on Reactor Safeguards. 82/04/13 DOUGAN.J R Ook Ridge National Laboratory FIN 0-0489 82/12/07.ARNDT.G Me.

THANDANI.A. NRC . No Detaded Arnhanon Gsven 18pp 31206156-31206 254 chancaustructural Ergneenng Branch. 3pp. 3098711530987117.

                        -4006240493 Responds to JM Gnosmever 820310 Itr to revow of probabaste safety                                       0500050253 Ack receipt of 850410 sutmetal of Topcal Rept C01- A.Rev 34 Revew well st.rjy Revew summary ecludmg comments of substance as well as setonal con                                          require more than 60 days to complete monts enct                                                                                                         SPESSARD.R L Rege 3. Omca of Drector. 85/05/23 REED.C. Commonwealth L6PtNSKI,W C Argonne Nahunal Laboratory 82/03/24 OKRENT.D. ACRS - Advoory                                          Edson Co. 2pp. 30725 338 30725 339 Committee on Reactor Safeguards. 4pp. 31206 255 31206 258 Sananaal Forwards Arnends 89 & 79 to Lcenses DPR 39 & DPR-48. respectreely &

safety evaluate Amends rewme Tech Specs to invis for total nuclear peakmg i P. Operoung scense state documents & correspondence factor Revised peakeg factor e 2 32 l NORRIS.J. Operstmg Reactors Branch 1. 85/05/24 F ARRAR.D L Commonwearth 0600030300Partel respinse to FOA remost for three categones of documents to be Edson Co 3pp 30784 079 30784102. I made avalable at PDR re NSHCs App A documents ence & placed m POR Search M DPM & WRm% m J M Dmeson of Rules and Records. 64/11/08. ADATO.M Urwon of Con. Tech specs to hmsts for total nuclear peanng factor Revoed peatmg factor e f comed Scentets. app 30720 001 30720 005. 2 32 Peak cladeng temp calculated to be 2.159 F. I VARGA.S A. Operatmg Reactors Branch t 85/05/24 10pp. 30784 082-30784 091

                         -8404020112 Forwards update of Shony stanstes covenng 830505- 840224 Eleventh mcnthly FR notre scheduled for ptehcanon on 64032 3                                                             -8"a"00 Safety evalustson supportmg Amends 89 & 79 to Lconses DPR-39 &

EISENHUT.D G Dmmon of Lcenang 84/03/13 DENTON.H R Offee of Nuclear Re. OPR-48 respectively

  !                         actor Regulanon, Drector. 3pp. 30720 019-30720 021
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector 85/05/24 11pp 30784 092 L 30784 102.

j -8404200461 Forwards updated "Shony" stahsacs or 830505440322. Preheanno con-6 forence held on request for heanng receeved on TMt-1 steam generator 6600110300 informs that software *$ to pereorm meegrated leak rate tests developed  : repas Contentons accepted by ASLB by onste personnet.m response w J Noms request Volumeines Corp provided no 1 l EISENHUT.D G Dmmon of Lcenomg 84/04/13 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re. matt volumetnce Corp equipment used for contamment data acquis em actor Regulation. Drector. 3pp 30720 022-30720 024 LEBLOND P C Commonwealth Eenon Co 85/06/05 DENTON H R Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector. tp 30808 097-30808 097, .

                         -4406220619 Forwards update of Shony statistes covenng penod830505 840425 No td11 comments or requests for heanng recesved                                                                   46G4140044 Responds to requesta for add ento to item 11 of Genenc Ltr 63-28.ftem EISENHUT.D G Dmenon of Lcenang 84/05/07 DENTON,H R Offee of Nuclear Re.                                            11 re post-tnp review Estensen granted by Bourrua for LaSasse County Staten actor Regu'aton, Drector 3pp 30720 025 30720 027.                                                                  ALEXANDER.G Commonwearth Eeson Co 85/08/05 DE NTON.H R. Othee of Nucle-y                                                                                                                                             ar Reactor Regulaton, Drector 3pp. 30894115 30894117.
  ;                      -8406200322 Forwards update of Shony stanstes for penod 830506- 840523 ASLO j                            esued decimon for Grand Gulf on 8404/J. admimag two contentens for escovery                                    6506100433 Sutxrvis evaluation to recpeent850223enemo concammg mterpretaton of EISENHUT.D G Demon of Lcenang 84/06/08 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re-                                             NUREG4737. Item 1C 8 requrements reistve to mospendent venficahon of taggmg actor Regulanon. Drector 3pp. 30720 028 30720 030-                                                                equipment out of svc a plant vent cahon practces THOMPSON.H L Dmmon of Lcenomg 85/06/08 SPESSARD.R L Region 3, Othce j                       ~4407300080 Formuds update of Shony statistcs covenng 830506840620. No add                                            of Drector 4pp. 30985 277 30985 280 l                           comments or requests for heanng receeved EISENHUT,0 G Demon of Lcenseg 84/07/06 DENTON.H R. Omco of Nuclear Re-                                         0608200142 Forwards safety evaluaten to Revs 1 4 3 to 10-yr inservce map
 ,                           actor Regulaton, Drector 4pp 30/20 03130720 034                                                                   program.includeg request for rehef frorn certam hydrostanc testmg requrements Revs
                          -8400200000 Forwards upcated ShoNy statshcs for pened 830506 640718 Statishes                                        VARG        T Opera        Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/06 F ARRAR.D L. Commonwealth win be updased fonowmg 640822 monthly putecatun of FR notc                                                         Edson Co 2pp 3104 042-31043 054 EISENHUT.D G Dmmon of Lconung 84/08/08 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re-actor Regulaton, Drector 4pp 30720 035-30720-038                                                               .ggeS2001$0 Sa            evaluation supportng Revs 18 3 to toye insonnce map program O

84082 React stwo Sta 85/06/ 044 31043 054

                          -4410040,278 v3 e as~,0 -             F.orwa,rd.s nu             upasse .of 5.%dstatsa,cs,ong eo                ,nn,gcoveR . mtce md ~e t830506,vontne,2,Let,s                                                   1 s~~ p-a- a=24                                                                                                   . 0 27 ,3 L.ts fac es cu,,ent . ,e                             d -                     itDs of,.cm EtSENHUT.D G Dmmon of Lcenang 84/09. :s DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear Re-                                             850801 LaSane Stanon TLDs we be in en ect as of Thrd Quar ter 19e5 TLDs not hated actor Reguishon Drector 24pp. 3072003S30720062-                                                                    roman                     for revoed nurnbers enct 0.uo3. FOA ,e                     st to, En. i . 2 to SA varga 8M18 nr m LO DelGeorge to                          $r                 3123e 21htfN4Co M/w/to. KEPPLER.J G. Regon 3. Omco P                                      5/     14 Ommon of Rules and Records 19 31206153^                        0606210151 Requests remittance of fees prewmusty requested m NRC 850403 Itr for 31206 1                                                                                                            830627.841113 & 20 4 850104 appacatons requestmg rehef from ASME Code 9606130046 Partes resconne to FOA re@est for all documents re NRC procedures for                                                      j                               M detecten & control of alcohoi 4 ifiegal drug use by persone engaged in badg or const                               'M                                                   Branch           06 1 FARRAR.D L Common-of nuclear reactors or facibnes Forwards App A documents                                                            wealtn Edison Co. tp. 31048 00                    001-FELTON                               of R                   de 85/01/28 HEATH SJ. Washington                    $908170430 Responds to SA Varga 850315 itr to DL Farrar requesang mis mio re egal                         500                -

noms 21.2 2 2.4 5 2 4 4 5 3 of Genene Ltr 83-28 *Requred Actons Based on Gener.

                          -4006130124Confrms Warnck 820305 Isacon re eug use at plant Wntten statement                                           ic imphcations of Salem ATWS E_ vents" est addressee does tot etend to prosecute plant empsoyees for past eug use will be                                                                  ~

06 NTON.H R. Omco of Nu-A E[^R EDrmor. son 8R of / FONES,0 C Justre Dept of. At-sees 240627 ob,oc ve io Responds.t.o opt-e hab Ge.n,y enc Lt of sieam 8542 re 6te -ato,am generato.r

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . assoc.t          tube ,e d s,s oough         ritegntym c Pn,ma.ry j                         6806170131 FOA request for sowce term event trees prepared try Sanda for subg                                          *yA7    DER L                                         dmon Co 85/06/17 DENTON H R. Omco of Nu-LY,8C. Uruon of Concerned Scierests 85/01/28 FELTON.J M Dvoon of                                          clear Reactor Regulaten. Drector 26pp 31068 207 31086 232.

S Rules and Records tp.30981 151-30981 151. g, g p g 3 , 8000H04et Responds to FOA request for Encts t 4 2 to SA Varga 8205t8 nr to LO Cd'c me m p tennel for unconwoned reeston empeurve in R cavita.per JG Part. study ano 8m $ repost No further genenc acton needed

 )                            DesGeorgeMreDmson         factly probab*sec      safegecords 85/03/04 PEDROJ NUS Corp 2pp_                         T AYLOR.J M Uroctor's Omco. Omco of inerecean and Enforcement 85/06/16
   .                          FELTON.J                            of Rules and                                                                   MURLEY.T E Region 1. Omca of Drector. 9pp 31211322 31211330 1

3 t206154-31206 293

                           -eleSH0001 ' Review of le Probabashc Safety Study =                                                               $508290222 Forwards responses to NRC Ouestons 111414 re pressunser sare ty &

LaPINSMI,W C Argonne Nehonal Laboratory 82/03/24 Spp. 31206 259 31206 293 850219 nr Responses to Questone 12 & 13 we be provided by { rgv,a'ves per I 3e03190270 FOA request for het of vahdated computer programs for proceseng of loan . r Edison Co 85/06/18 DENTON.H R Omco of Nuclear LEBLOND.P Reactor C C , Director.17pp 3I180 203-31180 219 Regulaten rate data 4 hohry of Volumetnce fauNy pronram. l RE YT8tAf f,2 y Warren W4 son Collega, Seenr.anoa NC 85/03/08 DENTON,H R v Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reqpiloton, Drector. 2pp. 31209 342-31209 343 8606270700 Forwerde safety evaluaten re use of Westmghouse smas treah LOCA q sansfy Tut Hem IIK 3 30 Fulure planl-specshe analysis per-0086170163 Responds tu FOA request for source term event trees prepared by Sanea formed for resonds or amend to fech Specs shousd be casculated unng NUTRUMP tor planta Forwards documents beted on opp Documents also evelable m POR VARGA.S A Operateg Reactors Branch 1. 85/06/IS F ARRAR.D L. Commonwealth F ELT .J M Dumon of Rules and Records 85/03/11 SHOLLY.S C. Uruon of Com Edson Co 9pp 3tze0 343 31260 351 comed ScionsettL 2pp 30981.152 30961209 i 0608290447 Forwards rewred fee per 10CFRt 70.m response to AM Diggs850403 4 Event Analyes & Esemahon of Source Term 0611 Mrs SubmWtal of requred fees we receive closer reew in future,which should

                           -eees,tfotos F re                   Draft "Comammentanc s App to NuR Oc9ss-                                                      oreciude recurmnce of snuanon BEHR.V L MUHFIN W 8 Sanea Nahonal Laboratores. 64/07/3t. NRC No Detaled                                             LE BLOND.P C     C--._r                   Edison Co 85/06/19 MILLER.W O tranee Fee 4.fhhahon devon Sapp. 30981.t$4 30981209                                                                            Manegement Branch tp 3tt8030631180.308 1

i t


t J J

        . -. - - - -- --~ n - ,-- - - - - .-. . - - - -                                                         n-            -n---~~~~--n~                                   , - . . - - - .    .-n-_n-__-.                              -,----.-n-

4 106 DOCKETEDITEMS { 40062700e4 Aenees that Reve33.34 4 35to OA Topral Rept CE 1.A satmfy requre- 8504140434 IE Info Notre 85048. "Resprator Users Notre Defective Self Contamed

;                monts of App B to t0CFRSO Changes to Section 7 resolve questons to procurernent                                                 Breattung Apparatus A r Cytexters
  • Svc hst enci J ectphes JOHDANI L Dmeum of EmergerEy Preparedness & Ergneermg Response (Post SPESSARD.R L Regen 3. Offre of Drector S$/06/21 REED,C Commonwealth 830103) 85/06/19 Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. f23pp 31376 064-Edson Co. 2pp 31233 287 31235 288. 31376.183 0506270158 Reetuts fee medvertentry ometted from SSOS13 request for renef fran meerv.

O. Inspection reporte, IE Bullotme 4 ce..eepondence we map prograrn for first 10 yr sneervat. LEBLOND.P C Commonwealth Edson Co 85/06/19 DENTON.H R Offre of Nuclear 0606130045 Partal response to FOLA request for es documents to NRC proceduree 90, Reactor Regulaten, Drector. tp 31236 208-31236 208. I detecton 4 coreal of alcohol 4 megal dnig use by persons engaged m tedg or const of riuclear reactors or tachtses Forwards App A documents

,                F ELTON.J M Dmeson of Rules and Records 8S/01/28 HEATH,SJ Washington                                                         R. Portodec opwating reports a related correspondence j                Legal Foundahon. S$pp 30917 047-30937.157.

i 0908210010 Mo.nthly nperahng repts for May 1985 W/860605 tir

           -8606130266 Summantes Repm til 4 ncense responses to drug allegations.per                                                             AUSTIN.G., GRAESSER.K L Commonwealth Edson Co. 8S/05/31.12pp 3t051.119-830328 te@estNo fonowtgi acton necessary Zaon dug mveshgaton om be es.                                                          3:057130.

cussed at future mape kEPPLER.J G Regon 3. Oltre of Drector 83/04/20 LIE YOUNG.R C Duector's Offre. Ortco of Inspecten and Enforcernent 2pp 30941247-30941248- S. Reportable occurrences, LERe 4 roleted corroependence j 8406 t 30021 1 to IE Info 64 55, " Seal Table Leaks at PWRs " Svc hst encl. JORDAN.E L $500030624 LER SS@0-00cn 850422.regured week functonal test of hwie acui of Emergersy Preparodiens & Engmeermg Response (Post 830103) 8S/05/14 Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.107pp 31044 065 transfer pumpe messedCaused by personnel Tracheg of requeed weekly 31044911 surveellence e daily reviews will prevent recurrence W 90622 for SOPATA.W J , GRAESSER.K L Commonweetth Eeoon Co. 85/05/22 3pp 0906130038 Suppe I to IE Info Noece 85020. "Motoroperated valve Felures Due to 30686 24430m 242. 1 J Hammereg Ef'ect." Svc het once. JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoeang Reeponse (Post 9500070044 LER 9501100an 890503 durmg arvft surveillance of morator e30103) 8S/05/14 Conachdated Eeaon Co of New York, Inc. t07pp. 31044112 panets.eecovered that crevious eheft sunremance ret performedCaused tiy personnel 31044 373 error f temponsible Rad (hom techmtean trened W/850931 IIr E UECHL E,C . GRAESSER.K L Commonwealth Edson Co SS/0S/31 app. 6600040614 Roguests asmatance a conduchng reviews of enci ASOSf 3 request for 30602 004 30002 007. e to yr anterval for renaf

                 .-e from      certa.m pomons e R.,uest       that. of.,snearvic,e
                                                     - 0t g. da inap      progra,.m e .t,mo                med  foror  lus,t eww.d THOMPSON.H L Divieson of troneng 8S/06/21 NOREUUS.C E. Region 3. Othee of                                                  DOCKET 60w306 NEWAU80EE OfUCLEAR POWER PLANT Drector. 2pp. 30719 3S4-30719 3ST
           .606          6 0 E . f                .SovAm.iao , of Eh.ct,ma, E,u, ment Ouaht a.                                               P. Secu,,ty.                        em.,-, & R,e ,,et-1 en ,lene Records at Lscensees Fecaties
  • Svc het enct S OSe led eson Co or 308 0
                                                                                                                                                             ,ofj                           '0                                          "N              "                M
                                                                                                                                                                                  $4 pg g AxELSON.W L R'                                  3. Omco of Drector 85/05/29 HtNil.D C Wisconom Pubhc
           .60u00 00 it sn ,me .s                      0. Def ier. e ,,, E- Oush,ica. rest ng 4                                                s-c-P PP EF"oi 353 3o7o1 =

DAN L E gency Preparednese & Response (Post 4 70181 Aerisee mat state & Wai plane for reentogical emer .ies *Wie subt 06pp 30648166- to c 3 W NURN N/WA H 3, "Std Guide for 530103,) 30m ,,' 8S/OS/22. Coneohdated E.deon Co of New Yor E vantene uation ofof Ag,i 4 No,*ai on Sye .o, Nuci.E.,P Powert Rev Pi. 14,.F E SPECK,8 W F ederal Emergency Management A 89/06/14 DIRCKS.W J 8606200961 IE Info Noece SS 042 " Loose Phosphor in Panasonne 800 Senes Badge Omco W the Esecuente Dirww for Operanuna 2pp 1234 329 3tm W TLD E laments " Svc het enci JORDAN E L Dumon et Emergerry Properedness & E Responee (Post 830103) 6S/05/29 Coneohdated Edison Co of New Yor , Inc 20pp. 308S2 24% A Insurance & Indemnety Informellen j 30852 363. 0606040060 Forwards Endnessments 69 4 68 to NELIA Pohey NF-204 4 Endorsement j 8606200187 IE Info Notre 65 043, "Raeogrepny Events et Power Reactors." Svc het $4 to MAFLU Pohty MF 11. enct HINTl O C Wisconen Pt4 Ac Service Cnep 85/05/31.DINift.1 Offu.e of Nuclear Re. JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparednese & Engmeer*G Reeponse (Post actor Regulanon, Dwetter 4pp 30700 3430700 359 830103) 85/05/30. Consolutated Eeaon Co of New York, fnc. f20pp 30664167-30864 201. 0606200196 IE info Notice 85-044. " Emergency Communcation Sys MontNy feet " Svc het enes Response (Poet 8508130046Parbel response to FOIA rowest for a# documents to NRC procedures for JORDANE 830103) L Dmeson 85.05/30 Coneohdated of Ernergency Eeean Co of Preparednese New York, Inc & Engmoerv72tpp 30n64 04S 4 control o'skohol 4 eegal drug une tiv persone engaged m tHdg or const detecten 30864 166 of nuclear reactore or faceties Forwardo App A documente ] FEL TON.J M Dmeson of Rules and Records. 85/Ot/20 HEATH,S J Waerungton l 0606240643 Insp Repts M295/8St8 4 $4304/8419 ort 8504300$29 Violatinn Legel bundet n SSpp MT N7-m1157 twHert talure to euhrrul LER withm 30 days per 10CFR5013 WRIGHT,G C Fiegen 3. Cetice of Director eS/On/OS 1pp 31202122 31202128 -4m40201 Docusson w/uhl on 0211 to re pohme en possessen or use of euge or atenot GiBSON.J Orhce of Nucieer Reactor RepAstion. Dwartor NELSON.R L NRC - No 08daaeseF7 IE Info Notice $5445. "Potenhal Saeeme Interacton involvin0 Movable in. Core Fqua M Sys Used m Westinghouse Demgned Plants " Svc het once Detailed Afhhatum Garen MilLEH.J R Region 3 Oftte of Drector 82/ t1/16 3pp. JORDAN E L of Emergenry Preparedness & E ma Response (Pont E0 31 bMO M3 e30103) 85/08/06. Coneohdated Eeson Co of F4ew Y fnc. f22pp. 30866 001 30865046 4502160tt? Notification of A60112 413 meetmgs w/Whl & EG40 m Betheeda.MD 1o review 4 reeceve second to yr meervice test progam (pumpe 4 valves) 860000070F tE Ineo Notw.-e 85046. "Clanacanon of Several Aspects of Remrmbio Ra. Reactnre Brerth1.85/02/11 V ARGA.S A. Ope. ratmg Reac-eoeceve Surface Contammahon Limste for Transport Pactages" Svc het enct Ilore AIRTILE.M D'anch I 3pp. B OperatgJ 28 151-28967163 JORDAN E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparednese & E Response (Poet 81010'M 8S/06/10 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yor , Ira 24pp 31043 301, 0606tF00FF Resporvie to FOIA request for recewde re FIN 8 04ae, "Contamment Leak 3 t044 064 Rate Isonng Proyam" 4 Queees Corp /NRC contracts f orwarde dor.umente re FIN 84449 Documents ateo evadatdo m POR No exumente re Quatea eutig to corpset

           $606300344 Reeponds to NRC 8506t4 Itr to noncomphance noted in $atefy t-to Repts                                                    Ff L TON.J M Dmesm of Rules and Records FIN 90489 SS/03/25 6

SO295/0516 e SO 304/8416 Correctnre actone spotsfic urut operator tautoned that RE Y THLA T T.2 V Warren W4 eon Coneee. Swannenta NC 7pp 30l#47036-Div Drectrve NSDO-A00 detirung "at controse" must be mantened 30967078 F ARRAR.D L C- ~ ----m e eenn Ca 85/06/10 ettPPtt H.J G Regwm 3, Orhoe of Drector 3pp 3t230214 31230216 ~4210t20300 "Contamment Leak Ftate festm0 investigatons." progrese summary for Sept 1982 0006210100 Forwarde Setery inep Rept 50 304/8417 on 840102 06.0829 4 8506t0 NAUS DJ Oak Ridge National Larioratory FIN 9 04a0 82/10/06 ARNDT,0 Me 12 No noncomphance roted cherucal Etyneereg eranch. 3pp 30967 t12 309e71 t4 REyES.LA Regon 3. Ofrice of Director 85/08/l4 REED.C Commonwealth feson Co fp 31024 2n3t024 327. ~42t20teses Forwards het of plante lor which toen teet repts were easectag for reve, tg ORNL Leak testmg critene we be prepared from review W/o enct

           ~4006210100 Insp Rept 50 304/64-17 on 640F02060n29 4 8966t012No violatione                                                           ARNDTEG Mechenecas/Structuraf I                                                        granch. 02/06/10 SHAPAKER.J or devisenne nosed Malor areas inepectort LERs 44 006414 84-034 00 4 040914 en.                                               Contamment Systeme Uranch 4pp 30967.118-                                                  7 121.

, forcement conference 7 i HARE.S , MAUR A.F . GULDE MOND.W G Region 3, Offite of Drector 8S/06/14 7pst -840017090t "Cordanment Leak Rate festeg Inveenganone." montNy progrees rept ! 3l024 321-31024 327 for Nov 1942 DOUGAN.J R Ook Ridge Nanonal Labrwatory FIN B 0449 A2/12/07 ARNDT,0 Me. Sees 140940IE Info Nonce 46 04F, "Potental EMoct of Lme enexed Operstum on Car charutal/Seruttural Enumeermg Bearen 3pp 309e7115'309er 117. , tan larget nor.h Sosenows. Operated Varves" Sve het erw4 JORDAN E L Dmeon of Emergency Propareeines & Eryneartrig Reeponee (Port 4

                                                                                                                                             ~4edstree te "Contanment team Rate Teenne." rW proyees rept for Aug 1942 830903) 4S/06/1s Coneohdated Edson Co of New YortL 1rc tJ4pp at2te tS/*                                                        LX)UGAN.JR Osa Rutge Norsnel Lahrwatory FIN Ocea9 42/06/26 ARNuf10 3t268 304                                                                                                                      Dvisert et Enynnermg Technokigy 6pp 30987127-3098f 132 1


     ._ ,, .- -. -                         ,_-- -         -..---u,      - . - , - - - , , - , - . , , -                      , - - -- --               -- --                             --- , _ _ , , - , - - - - - -                                     , . - . - - -

DOCKETEDITEMS 107 8506040599 Forweds SER re Genenc Ltr 83-28 item 11 concermng post tne reve* 8506060677IE Info NotKe 85-045. ' Potented Seestmc interaction invomnq Movable h program descecton & proteotse Response does rot meet gualehnes deveoped for Core Fluu Mapping Sys Used e Westmghouse Designed Plants " Svc ssi enct post-tnp revew en hsted areas. Acceptable response f equested by 8$0830 JORDAN.E L Deveon of Ernergency Preparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post V ARGA S A Operatg Reactors Brancts 1 85/05/15 H!NTZ,D C Wisconse Pubhc 830103) 85/06/0e Consoaoated Eeson Go of New York. inc ' 22pp 30H65 001-Servce Corp 2pp 30 24 21430724 225 30865 046

   -8506040605SER re Genenc Ltr 83-28 item t t concerrung post-Inp revew group pro-gram descnpSon & proce&se Acceptab6e response to bsted defconcies requested to           8506140234 Forwards Safety insp Rept50 305/9548 on 850513 t 7 No noncomphance complete reven                                                                              sdentifed
  • NRC . No Detasted Aff*ahon G,ven.85/05/15 5pp 30724 221-30724 225 HARRISON.J J Re.gion 3. Othce of Onector 85/06/06 HiNY2.0 C. Wesconsin Pubhc Sennce Corp. 2pp 30693 3053089J 311 8506040205 Forwards request for addl eto on850329 sobrmttal re water level meestse-ment error & scope of utgradmg of suDcochng magm morvtormg sysit to requested -8506140246 Insp Rept 50-300 9546 on 850513-17 No noncomphance or devotion wethe 30 days of ltr receipt noted Ma#0r areas a$spected core power estribuhon br'wts target anel flus V ARGA,5 A Operateg Reactors Branch 1. 85/05 22 HiNfl.D C. Wisconsin Pubhc etterence. isothermal temp coethcient & control rod worth measurements Service Corp 5pp 30719 253-30719 257 HrNG M A, HARRISON.J J Repon 3. Ottice of Drector 85/06/06 5pp 30893 307 30893 311 8506060544 Forwards safety evaav aten supportog Westinghouse smed break LOCA modeLNOTRUMP for use m satzstyng TVt (tem u K 3 30 s,enenc Ltr 83 35 provided 8506060707IE Into Nohce 85-046. "Clantication of Several Aspects of Removable Re-proposend reso6ution to TVI Item n K 3 ?t ooactrve Surface Contameretion Lsruts for Transport Packages " Svc list enci V ARGA S A Operatg Reactors Branch 1 85/05/28 HINT 2.D C Wisconse Putsc JORDAN E L. Divisson of Emergency Prepredness & Erv,7neenng Response (Post Servce Corp 900 30.85 096-30785 104 830103) 85/06/10 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 124pp 31043 301-31044 064 8506070552 Appacaten for proposed Amend 67 to LKense DPR-43, revesang Tech Specs re OC group orgarvtanonas changes Fee pads 8506140240IE toto Nonce 85 047, "Potentes E ffect of Lwwinexed Operation on Car-G! ester C W Wisconsm Puphc Servce Corp 8%05/30 DENTON.H R owe ot Nu- ta.n Target Rock SosenondOperated Valves" Svc hst encf clear Reactor Regulehen. Orector 300 30756 333 30756 350 JORDAN E L Dweson of Emergency Prepredness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103) 85/06/18 Consondated Eeson Co of New York. Inc t Jepp 31268 157-31268 304
   -8506070554 Proposed Tece Specs reflecteg OC group orgarvational changer
  • Wsconsn Puchc SeMce Corp 85/05/30 15pp 30'*4 336-30756 350 8506140634 IE Info Notice 8544a. 'Aesprator Users Notice De sectrve Sed Contened
   $506110409 Forwa'as kewaree Nuctear Power P' ant.Cycie il Startup Rept May                      Breathing Apowatus As Cvanders " Svc hst enca
       '985 "                                                                                      JORDAN E L Dvesson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineervig Response iPost HINT 2 D C. Wisco-sm P@he Serv <e Corp 85'OtD07 b ARGA.S A Operatog Reac-                   830103) 85/06/19 Consonda'ed Eeson Co of New York. Inc t230p 31376 064 tors Branch 1 fp 308170'2-308171?6                                                          31376 183
   -4506110413 "Newaunce Nuc# ear Power Plant Cycle it Star %p ReptMay 1985
  • SCHROCK C A . WOZNs AM.S F W:scorsen Pubec Service Corp 85/05/31 44pp c opersang reports a related conespondence 308 t 7 C73-30e17116 8506200119 Forwards anrwel ervron resoacirvity repts for 1984 Repts @vided ento two 4506120145Adrses that et* ort to provide reeweiuation of !arge breen LOCA anaryse for sections Sachon i anctudos samphng tectesques anavical procedures &

tacihty on target Revised neat transfer careceatKm edt De subr*vt'ed by850801 as vie. conclusions Section ili ncludes corvanscm of state & fac*ty data cr'ted e enct 6-tronto target scneouse MCDONNELL.L J W+sconsin, State of NRC-30-83-64 7 85/05/31 KEPPLE R J G MtNT2.0 C Wsconsa' Puenc Serv <e Corp 85'06'07 v AAGA S A Operanng Reac. Region 3. Othce of Dwector tp 31023 037 31023 it!O tors Branch 1 300 30852 227-30852 229 8506210344 Responds to Generc Ltr 85 C2 re sta't-recomrnended actions for resolute -8506200134 " State of WI 1984 kewaunee Envwon Resoectnr% Sasvey "

  • Wmconsm, State of NRC-30-83447. 84/12/31 37pp 31023 075 310231 t t et unresoNed sa'ety issues,evolveg steam generator tube etegrey Response to dran ot G mm S-- 2 2 2 - .re .5062,=1. oent~y operateg ,ept .or oay im W,85*,0.

H NT2.D C Wisconsin P2hc Sennce Corp 85/06/ T 7 THOMPSON.H L Divmson of Le consang 2500 31032 147 31032 171 RusTE R.G H , HtNT2,0 C. Weconsso Putsc Sennce Corp 85/05/31 5pp 310'i6 087 31056 091 8506250113 Forwards tabula summary of key fesufts horn regin.nal Sunrev of paant soe-c'hc W90 re poteru for uncor trohed radabon emocsures m PWR cavees per JG Part S Reportable occurrences. LERs & re.ated correspondence low 850315 request No tur%r genent actm needed T AvlOR J M Dvector s O"Ke Othce of enspection sad Enforcement 85/06/18 V'1RLEv.T E Region t CMce of Drector 9ep. 3121t 322 31211330 to 4506240,2,25 cong, L,ER 8%C13,00,0n

                                                                                                            ,n pyyogon       n,,,,         ,co85,040,4
                                                                                                                                                 ,,o cop4,0,505
                                                                                                                                                          ,e        heat,,eac,,

cwcust p, on,,suc,tio,n

                                                                                                                                                                             ,,,   ,pn hoe,ng, connector Spare parts ordered & faded connector             sed W,850612 fer O. ma,eo. ,ep ,,s. . .ua st.s &                                                                        c
                                                                                                  ;=3 r H'~'ee c *- -                                        P a'a' '      >PP ' t >= >or-4506060363Aesponds to NRC850404 lir re vioiahans noted in 6nso Rept 50-305'8 %

03 Correctnre actons accurgda'ed ac4 age ca*cuated for worser.TLD processed & e-vesbgabon est;ated Guedance added to processes ce anoie body count DOCKET 50-306 PRAIRIE ISL.ANO NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 H'NTZ,0 C Wisconse puoac Service Corp 8545/03 P APE R E L LO,C J Region 3, O*fice of Drector Scp 30727239 30727 243 F. Security, meecat, emergency & fire protection piane 8505130027 Suppi ett to JORCAN E L Dnesion IE late NotKe Emergency 84 55 P eparedress ' Seas Taoe

                                                           & Engmene           Leaks(Pos ng Response  at PWRs ~8506030554 Svc hst once,  Concludes test State of WI & local emergency preparedness plans 93010'3) 8L O5/14 Consondated E$ son Co or New York. Inc 107pp 31044 06 %                    edersuate P4hc amn & noMw ahon sys approved on 850425 per App 3.Rev 1 to 31044 171' NUREGO654/ FEMA REP 1. "Std Guwse ior Evaluatson of Aert & Notihcate Sys . "

SPf CK.S W Federal E mergency Management A- ~ y 85/05/ to DiHCKS W J 6500130034 Supos 1 to 1E treo Nohce 8%C20. "Uctor Operated Valve Failures Due to OMice of the EsecWwe Dwects Mr Operanons 10 224 306a6 220 Hamrnenng EMect " Svc hst enct JORDAN.E L Dmsson of Emergency Precaredness & Engmeereg Response (Pos, 8506240548 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 282/8M7 & M306/851)4 on 8505t3 810103) 65/05/14 Consondated Esson Co or New York. Inc 107pp 31044 172 'S NO C 31044 278 P APE N LLO. J "C'eg"e'ed1 R OMice of Drector 85'05/29 LARSON C E Northem States Power Co 2pp 31201318-31201331 4505200590 #E Wo Notice 8%C39 "Austab*ty of E' ctncal Equipment Quaishcahon Records at Licensees Fac*tes ~ Svc list enci ~4506240555 into Repts 50-282/9547 & %306/8506 on 85051315 No noncernptL JORDAN.E L. Dvsion of Emergency P'eparedness & Engmeereg Response (Post ance noted Ma,or areas espected ernergency preparedness esercise.inclurW 830103) 85/05/22 Consondated E$ son Co of New York. Inc 10600 30637 258- Ot9erwahons key functions & socahons menng eserceae 30637 363 PA TTERSON.J P. PH!LLIPS U P. Region 3. Omco of Drector 85/05/29 12pp 31201.320-31201 331 3505200600 #E Wo Notice 8' 04u Dehcences e Equipmeat Quahticahon Tesong & Cemhcation Process

  • Svc kst once 8506040339 Advises that 850515 Rev 11 to secunty plan consistent w/ provissons of JORDAN E L Drv'eson of Emergency Preparedness & Ervneenng Response (Pos, 10CF R50 54(p) & acceptaoie 830103) 85/05/22. Consondated E sson Co of New York. Inc 106pp 3M48166- ANELSON W L Regio. n 3 Omco of Dweetor 85/05/30 LARSON C E Northem Staies 30848 27 f Power Co 2pp 30703 25% 30703 260 8505280181 IE Wo Notice 85042. " Loose Ph tsotor e Panasonec 800 Senes Badge TLD Elements " Svc hst encs 8506060044 Advises of NRC asmroval of State of WI emergency resonnne plan & esso JORDAN E L Drvison of Emergency Preparedness & Engme.e.nrg Response (Post ciated local plans based on revow of F EMA frwbngs SE Hs 50 282/82 21 & M306/

82 21 issued on921227,concturted hcarmee emergency plan 'scceptatue 830103) 65/05/29 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc f 20pp 30852 24 % PAPE RIE LLO.C J Region 3 Omco of Drector 85/05/31 LARSON.C E Northem 30652 363 Sta'es Power Co 2pp J0728 234 30728 236 9505280187 IE info Nobce 8M43. "Raeography Events al Power Reactors" Svc nst ence 8504110423 Revised emergency paan emplementeg proreekses ecbrtng Rev 4 to f 3 3 JORDAN E L C>nsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post re responabsmes asng nohfr. anon of unugust event & Rev tI to F3-4 re resp shes d. unng etart, sate area or generas evnergency W/850piog egy 830 t03) 85/05/30 Consondated Eeson Co of New Yorti. Inc 120pp 30A44167 30664 267. SCHUELFE D A . F E Y.F L Nortnem Power Co 85/06/05 49pp 30 fit 6 317-30617 046 3505280195IE info Notice 65-044. " Emergency Communicahon Sys MontNy Test " Svc 0506240553 Provides addl mfo re nvxis planned to conform to Rev 2 to Reg Gumle nst once JORDAN E L Dhnsson et Imergency Preparedness & Engmeerog Response (Post 197. "Instrumentatum for lagr4 WaterMoled Nutteer Power Plants to Assess Plant & 820 t 01) 85/05/30 Coneondated Edson u of New York. Inc. f 2tpp 30664 04% Envrons Corvnhons Dunng a FoNowng Accumnt " 30864 166 MUSOLF.D Nortnern States Power Co 85/06/06 Omco of Pkctear Reactor Regula. ton. Drector 3pp 31065 311-31065 313

108 DOCKETEDITEMS J. Insurance & Indemnity information 8506240073 Forwards safety evaluahon accepteg Westnghmrme Owners Group (WOG) use of NOTHUMP If member of WOG.tMi A(tson nem is n 3 30 compaete & plant spe-8506030521 Formads Endorsements 77.63 65 & 55to NELIA Pokcy N8 -174 & MAELU Cd'C I M' AC' 0" "** " 3 3 8 du ' F 0' '*' Pohoes UF-$1 NF,197 & MF 46.respectrvely BUTCHt8"*'V** R E POperahng J Reactors Braru n'3"4"'"4 85 08 MU. d O' FD"' M Northern JOHNSON.R G Nortnern States Power Co 65/05/22 DINIY2.1 Antitrust & Economic SW's Power Co 9pp 3I N 3$2 31 N N Analyes Branch (Unkty Fmance). 5m 30684 333 30684 337. 8508250113 Forwards tabular summary of key results kom re9 anal survey of piard age cific rdo re potential ior unconfroned radaten e=posures e PwR cawhos per JG Pari P. Opera:Ing license stage documents a correspondence ime 650315 regent No Nrther genenc action nooiets T AYLOH.J M Director s ONo. Omco of inapetton and f raorcemord 85/06/16 4506030390 Partial response to FOIA request for three categorses of documents to tie MURLEY 7 E Repon I. Othce of Dwettor upp 31211 322 31211 330 made avadat9e at POR re NSHCs App 4 documents encs a pieced n PLE Search coritmum0 8506270206Sutwnsts a&S edo to ww6ementation of NURf G 0737 nem 1:F 2 concorrung F E LTON J M Daneson of Rules and Records 84/11/08 ADATO.M Urnon of Com madequate core casing metrumentation.m response to JR Udise s805t3 revivest Draft corned Scsentists app 30720 001 30720 005 mcutes f ech Specs erw l MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/18 Ortwo of Nus1 ear Reactor Regula

 -4506040284 Nohce of cormadarahon of issuance of amends to Licenses DPR 24 &                                                toon, Director ppp 3:234 3$4 31234 362 DPR 60 & proposed NSHC determenataan & opportunsty for heanng re request to hmet of core local heat nun ratio CLA K.R A Operateg Reactors Branct)3 $3/07/08 7pp 30721139-3072121S Q. inspection reports. IE suaettne & correspondence 9508170077 Responds to FOt A request for records re FIN B 0489. "Contenment Lean Rate Tentang Program & Quadron CorocNHC contracts Forwards (Ascuments to FIN                                          0505 t30027 Suppl 1 to IE In8o Nohce 84 65. ' Seal Table L oans af PWRs
  • Syc het enc 1 B-0489 Documeros aseo avadatwo e FOR No documents re Ouantes aut)tt o comest JORDAN E L. On,rason of Emergency preparedness & E nginewvq Reeponse (Post FELTON.J M Dmneson of RM and Records FIN IF0489 65 r03 /25 63010$ 85105/14 Consondated E dson Co of New Yorm inc f07pp 310440h>

RE T TBLATT.Z V Warren Weson Conego. Seennanoa. NC. 7pp 3ml# 7 036- 31044171 30987 076

 -4210120209 "Contamrnent Leak Rate Toshng invoegahons," progress eummary for
  • g'.. e 65 '

pera Fa ures Ne to N S J Osa Ridge National Laboratory FIN BC489 82/10/05 ARNOTG Me. JORDAN L Divieson of E mergerry Preparedness & E ngmer Resportes iPoet chanecal Ergpneereg Branch 3pp 30987112 30997114 85/05/14 Connotawers Edson Co of % vas inc 7m 3m 172 gg l -0212010006 Forwards but of piants for ehech team test ropte were seierted for revice I by ORNL Leam tentmg Cetens wiR te prepared from rewww W O erg.i 450S200590 #E into Nohce 85 039

  • A4tatukty of Electncal Esapraent Oueaketson l ARNDT E G Mechancal/ Structural E Branch 62/08/18 SHAP AFE RJ Records at Lcensees F ar6hes " SvC her encf l Containment Systems Branch 4pp 30967116 - F 121 JORDAN E L Dewoon of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneereg Responso (Post I

8.101031 85/05/22 Contoew1ated Echon Co of New York inc forge 30837258

 -4506170201 Contenment Lean Rate Testmg investigatons," monthly progese rept                                               30H37 363 l

tu Nov 19A2 DOUGAN.J R Oa6 Ridge Nahonel Lanoratory F'N B4489 82/12/07 ARNDT,G M+ chanetaustructurer Engmeanng Brances 3m 30987115-309871t1 450$2,00600 If info Notare ce, wanon process " Svc wt85440. encs Dvicenses n Equipment QuMntration festing & JOHDAN E L Diwmon of E mergenc, Preparedness & E ryneenng Respimae (Post

  • Contenment Lean Rate Teshng,* monthfy progress rept for Aug 19A2 DOUGANJR Oen Rutge NahorW 1acorawy FW B4489 82/08/26 ARNOTEG 830103) 85/0%<22 Connokiates Edson Co of New York inc 10:49 30848fu 30846 271 Orvenson of Eryneerng Tor.hnology 6cp 3098 7127-3090 7132 e506030107 Foneards safety evaluahon re ute 831104 response to Genert Le 83 4505280181 IE tefo Notre 85042
  • Loose PhougAnr e Panesnnec 800 Senes Dadge 1e 311,312.321.322.41 44%1 Response e some acceptabae Rs.ue 18 "


    %LLER.J R Operen           Rescus    Brarm.h3 85/05/13 MUSOLF.D M Northern States                                       N O3) RS/05/29 Conw*wed Edson Co of New York. Inc 720                     00 30852 24$

Power Co to 30?O6g59 . 30706 361 M2 363

 ~4506030115 Safety evabahon supporting ute 831104 responee to Generc Lir 83                                              6506240S44 Forwards Sapety inep Repts W2e2<8547 4 50 306:85 06 on 850St 3 2f1 reams 311312.3 213 2 2 41 & 4 5 t                                                                                    Ii No nonr.ornphant e noted
    " Omco of Nuctear Reactor Regutanon, Drector 85/05/13 2 rip 30706 360                                                   PAPE RiE LLO C J Region 3. Omre of Dwector 85/0$/29 LARSON C E Northern 30706 361                                                                                                               Statee Power Co 2pp JI?Of 318 31211 331 4506040094 Forwards safety evaluehon & request for aMi mfo re Genert Lt R2 28 on core coceng ristrumentanon sys per NUREu4737.ttom M F 2 Site au3t oweduled ta                                         -0506240555 6nso Repts 50 2ft2/95 07 4 S0 M69 06 on n'oS1315 No noncerrio M20 6 recee Nec-el test meuMs                                                                                           a. ice nowd Maps aren me-wd m'iergsency pmparedness emmune erw Winig MtLLEFI J R Operateg Reactors Branch 3 8S/0S/13 MUSOL F.D M Ne thern 5tates                                             obearvelmns key functwms & so(atume thJrmg enerose Power Co 2m 30119 254-30719 263                                                                                         PA TTERSON J P PLOsal T J. WittiAMSEN N R Region 1. Orfwe of Overtor OS/

OS/29 ??pp 31201320 3:20133t

     .u0,,. s..or,, ,e G.r,em 82 28 o, me,ormat. m,e -In.

montshon evs per NUREG0737. Item 11 F 2 Use of proposed generic Westeghouse SMJ80187 IE info Notre 89443. Haeogas*y E rents at Power Reactors " Svc het approach to reactor venees ever wistnenent sys acceptabae encs

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Owector 85/05/13 app 30 7 t 9 2% JORDAN E L Dweson of E mergenry Properatinees & Engeeenng Resporte iPost 30719 263 e.t01031 65/05/30 Consondaied Eason Co of New yort. Inc 120rio Jonn4160 30R64 281 0505240241 og r-h so-Forwards eenge ma authen Shcanone io,runeLrnerwin or s eam t.o-eter Licensess DPRo42e~. & DPR,60
                                                                                                             , d. request
                                                                                                                          ..         195,E ,~o ,w e 8s .4 ,,                  , C-a            s,s Mer,t~, rese s,c factrue steern generator n;bes Fee pan 1                                                                                 het enct MU'sOLF D Porthern Statee Power Co 85/05/17 Othce of Nucteer Heartor Aer,pda-                                           JORDAN E L Divie.on of Fmergency Piepeedness & Engemereg Rentweee iPost tion, Drector 2pp 30640099-3 Met 101-                                                                                    810103) 85/05/30 Consondated f eeon Co of New yore. Inc 12 t pp 30M4 045 30464 166 DP
 ~4505240247.Applec.a.tmn Sn- che, .                 ri,    fo.r of us. amerwis sise,nto, pconees s eDPR 42 , Rof                  60 --


                                                                                                                .e     Te,ch
               -                                                                                                          ,,0,0,0,,, ,, ,, , ,,w e ,, m,. . ,o,en,,, s_,,, ,n,_,,on ,n.,,.n, M,,,,,_

2"s"O L"r"D =s,a,es Po.or Co .s,0S,17 Sep -0 43 -0 097 c - vo-nos ,u-~,*- Ty- o wa~,ess.a.P-t Rm - ' u nm ~ u awsum im. Post

 -.--,3, e, Pr
            .0, o,oed      der-h r      so-e e st m
                                                 , a g.,    .. .hes
                                                                  , a.on . use st.a , -at.                                  g,ma*=c - ata=ce* -' ey 2aP                                                 =a M ' -
  • Northern States Power Co 8 FOS /17 400pp 30M0096 30MO 105 0-mm F-.,r,e insp R e So m,.s I 3 . w m Os lo or, .sosn ~e e.e.

So.0.., m . s,ano ur.ts t 4 2 st G.n.r.w s ng n., u.#ew -e -.-s no-Saeeves) " HARRISON.J J Hogwin 3 Omre of Director 900R/07 LARSON C E Nnrihern states

  • Westinghouse Electre Corp WCAP 10757 85/01/3I 13 app 30Mo 10CloM0 243 Power Co IP 31202 IM 31202171
 -450403019S "Stearn Generator Saeecng Rept IHrssed Sleeves) *                                                            -4506240304Ineo Note 90 282/85 13 & % 306,89 to on nW22 No ww#enone or do.
  • Weshnghouse Electnc r ary WCAP 10620 85/03/31 154pp 30M0 244 3rwit 037
                                                                                                                             ,,etions twAed Mesaw woes missected ute erton re sE Busienn er> t1 cone.senmg ma
 ~4506030219 "Prenio Island Steam Generator fee Peper ueng Leak fight $1 moves,"                                             arrwy wait desegn nnes rept Pd m TON J F . Wit LIAMS C C Regum 3. Omre of Doet W 8S/06/05 3pp
  • Combusten Engineermg. Inc ClN 244 NP #5/06/15 sopp 30641014 30641 tot 31202169 3120217t
                                                                                                                          $504040707 4 hWo twue aS O4A "Oanhcatem of Reveres Aspects of Removable Re 05041302,93 Tech 5 ecs Suppl   t to apphr.stum to authonse               for amendg use of steam    generatorto maneves

[scenegg for DPR repen 42 &ofDPR 40 rewssng defer.two steam awkwe Mare Momene'um innits hs benessst Pectages ~ % c het e as poners ur hAes Proenetary repts estNieed (ret 100 R2190) JOHDAN f L Devierm of 6 meegency Propweiness 4 6 nginoorwg Rengonee (Post iwV50LF D Northern States Power Co 6$/06/C3 Othce of Nuclear Reertnr Ra@da-R mh 4S/06/10 Conomwed idierm Co of New yort inc 124pp 3I04) 301 non, Drottor 2pp 30A59 001306S90t2 3:044 064

 -4500130287                                                                                                              8400140240 $ Ir*1 Notr e SS 04 7.
  • F ffert of 1ano trwksted Operahem on Car con cor SimovmqHerpeste Reth,at propnetary tuechanicas WCAP to si eves)." 10756. "Prawie eg.hek! from pikhc lesand Urufe t 4 2 Steam GW,10eure taan f yget Reg t Songrypwj Operatej VWwes " Swc hel ard (ref 100 R2190) Attufevet enci JOHDAN f L (lowewan of f rnergenty Preparorsness & f ngmeerend Reeprmee (Prat WtESE MANN R A Wesenghouse Electre Corp 45/03/07 Ot NTON.H R Othce of 6 9010 t) ei/06/ te Coneotw1stest t enesn Co of New york Inc f34pp 312tia IS/.

Pour. lear Heer. tor Regusaton, Oroctor 10pp 30459 003 30459 012 3124 Joe

1 l l DOCKETEDITEMS 109 j 4506:40636 IE Into Notice 85048 "Rescwater Users Notice Detectwe Seit Cor tairvd -8506040512'Evabahon of DCRDR Summary Rept tor Marne Var *ee Alorruc Pueer Weathing Apparatus As Cvhnders ~ Syc kat enct Simhon." technical evabahon rept JORDAN E L Dreson of Emeroency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response sPost

  • Scaence Appisc atons sneernationar Corp (former*y Sierse Appecations inc ) NRC-830f 03) 85/06/19 Consondated Eeson Co of Neo vork. inc 123pp 313'6 0e>4 03 82496 SA#C 85,10tv0 85/05/08 NRC No Detsded At%aton Geven 24pp 31376 183 31055 029 31055 048 6506270574 Forwards response to Genere Ltr 85 02 on NRC integrated pecgam for resolution of unresofved safety issues re stearn generator tube rilegr*y neu eng prac G Adiudicatory correspondence aces for ensunng esp due to Category C-2 resutis MUSOLF.D Northern States Power Co 85/06/19 Omco et Nuclear Reactor Reg.Ja ton. Drector 13pp 3123900431239018 8504170499 Adeses that tre's tor Commission to review Dret ter a Daweson DD 85 6 empered urvimsson deined wvin Dwisson Mame hne agency Cion on 85060 7 Served on 8506 4 7 R. Portodec operatwig reports & resated correspondence CHiu S J Ne of me Semtary d the Gmtmsson e255 4U 8%MM 4 MILLE R.D S A'%atwjn Not Asvgned 1p 30958 037-30958 03 7 8504100236Monthtv operehrig repts for Mar 1985 W- 8M403 ftr DOGSt AD.D. MVSQLF.D Normern Staies Pe es Co 85/03e31 9pp 30827 12%

30827 133 H. General corresporidence 8506120100 Ach retospt of 850425ftr to estgens concerns on noe nevet easte starage S. P.eportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence facefy Regulates.s of Genenc Ltr 8I 38 & 10C7RSO 59 re 10. levet easte fateties escussed Utd racihty en accordance a guidennes e 8506140032 LER 83-0C6/03i4 on 830408 dunng siswediance test rees, for metor+ven DsRCKS W J Ohe of the E necutive Dwector for Oceratons 85<06 04 SNOWE.O J aumhary feedester pump 21 on t>c ieves e steam Generator 21 taand Caused by H use of Rep 6p M4134me t 357 retav cosi radure Cod raciaced W 830506 ftr MU$OLF.D Northern Sta**s Power Co 83 05 06 2pp 30909 035 30909 036 -4506120104 F orwards R Bachekke 860408 Itr to too leves easte fat efy LP E updanaton of NRC regarements for authonong const reg ested 850170578 LER 83 0t T/03L-c on 8307t2 &rng surverance test. co-ta nment as, SNOWE O J House of Rg 85e 04 / 25 PAtLADiNO N J C _m 3pp sampie eset esmation vasve Cv31642 taaed to tuHy cacse op demand C40 sed l>y maC- 30841355 30A41357 curacy e mentervng hard ve ve seats W 83081 f str HUNST AD A A MUSOLF D Nor'hom States Power Co 83'08/11 2pp 309'2 9 tsp 8506130403 Ach 850515 constreuent correen = 9er te util low levet easte tar.etv 309721 t y permet Regulator's of 10CF R$0 59 & 20 & Genenc Le 9' 38 regaremonis escussed No unreviewed safety question eu sts 350170477 LER 83424/03L4 on 831004 & 08stearn New transmitter faded hi Cause DtRCkS W J ONe of trw E secutwo Dredor tar Operates 85 06e04 COHEN W S unknown Transmmer retumed to norme chrng troutweshootmg Urvt replaced a Rose- Senate 500 30865 065 30H65 0?3 mount Modes t153HD6 transtmtter W 831103 atr MUSOLED Nortnera States Power Co 83/11<03 2pp 3C973 06130973 062 -4506t30404 Forwards RJ Bacheh1er 850400 ler to util too leves easte storage facday permd Requests rito on NRC regAahons for Ice teves easte faceh perrmt 850170464 LER 83 C25/03L 4 on 83'01' contenment air sampo riset enoiaton vawe COVE N W 5 Senate 85/05e 15 DtRCMS W J ONe of the Esecutive Dnector for Op-CV 31642 taded to tudy ciose per Tech Spec 3 6 A 6 Causad by ionne set screw iri erstes 3pp 30865 070 ann 65 073 switch actuator arm & poor contact wevaeve seach Screw hghtened W 831 t to nr HUNST AD A A. McSOcF.D Northem States Power Co 63/11/10 2pp 30972 219 4506n0561 Forwards response to R Bacewter ftr to Senator Cohen to plant low levet 30972 220 easse storage tardefy Temporary low level easte storage t*1g esa be tuset & operated por rQlationg govertierig thandling of easte 85 0 140352 Forwards LER85 002 00 Aapt orysi'v subrmt'ed on850401 as voeurnary rito rept Reason for redesicnetmg eve 4 as Lt R sta'ed WHin iE R G D Maine v antee Atorrve Power Co 85/08/12 DiRC8W W J ONe of MUSOLF.D N#r the hecutnre Duntor for Operation 6 300 31221126 31221128 mer't Control Dese' era States Power 2x 30993114-30993 it 7 Co 95'06'0 ? Record Servues Brant.h (Docw

  -4506180363 Lf R 85402 ro on 850218 eeses cocewig water pump 12 contrrA seech                                           "

rmstamenry put e manue Cause not stated Sedch reNre*J to automatic HUNSTAD,A A Normerft $tates poear Co 85N07 200 30993 116 30991 111 8406130045 Parties response to FOIA regeest for a4 &ruments re NnC proconses for detection & controt of akohof & diegel drug use tw persoes engagerf en t4dy or const of f%W seer reaClors of facdiftes Forwarets App A dcicumer'ts

  % Operstor Eaarnenstione                                                                             F E L TON J M Devmion of RJet end Rewrda 85/0 t e 28 HF A TH S J Washington Legal F osswtahon %pp 30937 047-30937 157 45060406$2Not'tes taat eaften & orsi esams for operaroe & sen.or operamrs seed us ed for en of850629 Approved ret matt asted e Enct I regered try 8%#25                      -4506130366Resmrvss to gery re re**ase of pnrtions of O'c of invest twins tot ce REVES L Regon 3 CNe o' D= actor 85 0%2a LARSON C E Normem Sta'en                                         alcohrW             s Penwer Co 5pp 30 T9 02'00M9 029                                                                   ac, co,y,m,a,buse    t,o,c,pecduc lerensees 4,ng e,,,essed    Survey Reteese           not prorvbsted wornsreets enet tg F A or Pnvecy SHOMAn t R E C Opershons & Administrahve Envienn n2/12/20 LIERE RMAN J Re gnonal Operanons & E rdorcemerd Dnnsson 170pp 30937 356 30938 iMS DOCKET $0w309 MA;NE V AneufE AroMeC POWER PLANT 8506170077Responrts to FOeA rernest for records to fin B04a3 -Contenenent t een Rate Tesemg Pengram" & Qua$es Corp / NRC contre is f orwerds 4xuments re FIN F Securtty, fnedical, efnergency & hre protectbon plans                                              B 0469 Documeers also evadabee m POR No oncuments re Quetres notg to remsst F E LTON J M     Divmeon of Rules and Heroros F IN B04e9 R5 ' 00 25 8506060044 Foreerds ga't Rev 0 to ' Marne vantee Wntes Guwse for Emergeacy Op                        PE f Tfu ATT / V Warten Weson CoHege $wervianoa NC 7pp 30947 036-ersteg Proceeses                                                                                  30907 016 WHITTtER G D v arsee Atorme Power Co 85/05/30 MlLLER J R Operahng Reactors Branch 3 tp 30 727 254 30727 313                                                      -8606f 70249 "Contamment test Rate festang Irivestigatw>ns ~ morwhey progress rept for Nov 1962
  ~4606060092 Rev 0 to ' Mame Vankee Wr'ters Guwse for Emergency Operatmg Pror.a'                                                                                               0411e DOUGAN        J H Oa,k y   Rutge w Pea,twmal tarwwstory FWp,                        B,g f w#2/t,2707 ARNDT G Me-rapes                                                                                              %yg gy g.,ggw E VE R E          TOR M J Mame Y an**e Atome Power Co A5/04/ 23 54pp of 8506070,647F m92 rn.e         o,.rwards remest r. rewmerf 4,-ts o evaeushon,s Rev.s.A,ev.m.,         ausearyrefe,edwever eos % ,0 sys & ( A.,F Si e.res,pon 8506050453 F orwards saie*y evsyahon re $POS devqn per PeRC 4W3G6                                             " " #**#       " """"         "Y'                " '                "  UU"" #
  • ftr impl
  • c ar,erneettahon to Tech spdrses,,not s ir%rol're er,an,at maunreveeed
                                                  .m et ,r,safety    Questson,&

tr, Apr - does riot rekpare p 7 y WwiniER G D Yaneee Atomw Power Go 65/05/31 UtLLER J R Operratmq ReaC10rs BrSoch 3 2pp 30719 061 M719 091 4. % f g g g ,,% g , %g, , NRC + No Detadswf Af%shor Geven 85/05/14 33pp 10/98126 30799 t'JI

  ~4506050463' Safety F woua' ice Mene 1ar*ee Atorme Power Co $POS "
  • Marie Var *ee Alornic Power Co 85'05/31 29pp 30719 0n3 30719 0g1 M06M havests asestance et corwh<teng review of enri utsi 6%423 surmvetas re cor'tamment esosahon vehree eder attrmtws#amre cor'Irol 5a'e'y evea u a' ion 4 SALP 0506070189Forwares Irmo Rept60 309 65 03 on 850204 09 No vv8 anon noters A espected by n%e3t MARTIN T J Regson 1 owe of Dwedor 65 r05/31 RANDAl2A.J B Mene Var **e mo'r;MPSON TH H L Devneson ot I n ensmq 85/05/24 STARO$f tCRI A Regre 9, Orhr e Atome Power Co 2pp 30752 014 30152 026 0' U"er: tor 3pp 30173 35710/13 361
  ~4506070199 Irmo Rept 50-309,65 03 on 8%204 08 No rioncompf*ance or dev ahon                    6506040419 Dmcusses sesmet $2amhcatum of fisctroswitch Ge&h Corp $ nas 20m noted Major areas especierf changes to emergerwy preparedness program knowie4Je                    s*'t'2n w'beV operated merharwarn for use m Oass 1E apper s' wins 5**h at least as
    & Dnr'ormance of Mil es licensee e#b's & Gensugency resprese teoletes                             seemer.a risjge. t as postal harirDe egrsanti GDADON C l . 5Mf f M R H . NARPS TE R T L Regum 1 QMwe of Drector 65/05/31                        WHf f f 4 F G U Mame var **e Atomw: PowerCO 85/05/29 Mit[(R J R Operating 1 f pp 30752 016 30752 026                                                                       Reactors f$rench 3 2pp 30699 082 3ahv9 083 450614022$ Forwards crianges to peysecal security plan.per 100F RM 64ip) Changes do             45060$0232 Dmcusses thscrapenry between thre trap estee gap of new spent time tarkm not derrease safegua"Js et*ertereness cf secunty pian Changes orihhead ice
  • e safety enasysm & as tiudt dimentums Mrwt plannert on Phage il ra ts tw*we tQCF A73 21) pierernent Phase t #arhs mil he morsfesed estrig refuesenrj destaQe WHITT:E R.G D Mene varese Atorme Power Co 65/06 06 O"we of Pulear Reac WHif f 4 R G D Mene var *ee Airarme Power Ce 85/05/2V UtL LI R J R Opsitating lor RegJat<>n. Dwertor to 3w93 215 30si93 715 Reedars Heanch 3 fp 30717 3m 307t13w
  $5062004$9 Handentten rtr foreer4ng dra't St R ori OCROR & dratt "Fvaluaton of                  35061004SO Appeicaten for amend to Lwense DPR M conomhng of orteta to suppt 210 OCRDR Sumrnary Rept for Ma+ne Ver*es Atorner, Fveet Statw;n " frdo to t,e es-                     Proposserf Charige 64 re rauhoirupt al eHlusent ier h *ig, ws arm orpe reung erbiririal cerrec Custerf af Jul 19895 mesetsrq m Be*bestia MO                                                      terms
    $E ARS P W C        shng Rearfore Brerw.h 3 85/06/12 WHITf!E R O D Masne var *ee                  RANOAl/A J H Meme Yar*ee Atomm Power Co AS/95/29 Recend sorwes Besruh Atormc Power        9pp 3IO5$ 016 31055 027                                                       (Dwumsmt umWot Deski 2pp 30/94 259 W194 2h4
  .. - . -         -      . .                  . . . - . .. . ..                                 .        . = - -                         - . . - .                  ~.        -~------a.              .. - ~.                        -      -


           -8506100450 Proposed Tech Specs.mcorporatmg errata to Suppl 2 to Proposed                                        8505280181101+ *snbre 64042 "I see Ptwepnar e Panasonc 800 Seres Badge Cnange 68 re redescocal enuron survedance program                                                                 TLD Ein             ,    an use s o
  • Mane Yankee Atorruc Power Ca 8S/05/29 4pp 30794 261-30794 264 JORDAN,E L Dmeon of Emergency Propensiess & Engmeenng Reeponse (Poet 830103) 85/05/29 Consondated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.120pp 306S2245-l 8500070442 Forwards response to 85021t requ st tot a&# mio on NUREG0737. Item 30852 363 It D 1 re performance testmg of tekst & safety valves WHITT!ER G D. Mene vanhoe Atome Power Co SS/OS/31 MILLER.J R Operahng 8505280187 IE Into Notre 84043 "Radogaptiy Events at Power Reactors" Svc hat
!             Reactors Branch 3.17pp 30?S6 206 30756 222                                                                        ence

! JORDAN E L Devemon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Reeponse (Post i 8506100394 Informs eat mod of teldown & refusame cavity punhcahon sys we be con 5 830103) 8S/05/30 Corm

  • dated Edson Co of New York, Inc 120pp 30864167-pieted dunr g Cycle 9110 refuehng outageper 10CFR$0. App J Mod cannot be po'- 30664 287 formed dunng Cycle 6/9 refuseng che to eme needed to procure safety varves WHITTIER.G D Mene Yankee Atomic Power Co OS/OS/31. MILLER.J R Operann9 8506280195eE in#o Notre 85-044. ' Ernergency Comrnuncahon Sys Monttily Test? Svc Reactors Branch 3 f p. 30791129 30791129 tst once JORDAN E L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Poet 1

8506140263 Responds to questons posed an NRC 850424 ter to modrhed method to' 830103) 8S/05/30 Consondated Edmon Co of New form. Inc.12tpp 30n64 045-contros element asserntWy analyts Pnmary memod for calculanng not chan- 30664 166 l nos fuel enthatpy we be via CouN code WHITTIER.G D Mane yannee Atorruc Power Co S$/06/07 MILLER J.R Operanng 8506100495 Act recewt of 850S15 ter entorming NRC of steps tasten to car'ect volatione i Reactors Brancn 3 Sm 30894 05430894 054 noted e inep Rept50 309:55 OS I NE Regi n t. Othee of Director 86/0S/30. RANDAllA.J R Mene 5506140414 Responds to 850419 request for ads meo on Genenc Lir 8128 seems 4 5 2 EBng,T,E y R.S Dgiomg pg2pp 30796 061-3079S 064 o, Co l l 1 4 4 5 3 Demgn change for time test of shunt we & undervoltage dovces unnecessary Funceonel tests performed monny per Tech Specs 8506070189 Forwards inep Rept $4309/9543 on BiOJ04 0A No notation noted WHITTIER.GD Mane Yankee Aeornsc Power Co 85/06/07. M4LER.J R Operahng MARTIN.TJ Region I, once of Director 86/OS/31 RANDAZZA.J B Mene Yankee Reactors Branch 3. 2pp 30898 022-30898 023 Alomic Power Co. 2pp 307S2 Ots-J07S2 026 8505140476 Informs that emergency femfwater sys automate sys not deeged for test- .-8900070198 Insp Rept 50 309/6SO3 on 850204 08 No renconwhence or deviaten noted Mapor areas enapetted c engn M emergency prepareens pWmh$

!              b            109 NRC                                ht r WHITTLER,G D. Mane Yankee Alonvc Power Co. SSN6/07. Mu am        tannat addl Operstmg                Agy{l SMIT g                               I         ARPS RY Regon1                                Director SS/05/31.

{- Reactors Branch 3. 2pp 3089711430897119 Upp. 30762 016-307S2 026 Spec on 8606100370 Forwards a49 anfo e respones to NRC 850430 it te woiations noted in Le pow inet Rept S4309 8S44.mckximg 831222 str to NRC descremg implementation of bene <snven au=Aa y tesowater puno conen aht %1R6I re@ironwnts praedure chanos repsts & Roce&se i 144

.               WHITTIER G Q Mame Yankee Aloms Power Co SS/06/11. MILLER.J R Operatmg                                           WHITTLER.G D Mene varece Alome Power Co 85/06/03 MURLEv.T E. Region t.
!               Reactors Branch 3. 2pp 30975 264 3097S 285                                                                      Oftco of Director tp 30789 208-30789 231-i 4506210369 Appecaten tar er,end to Lcense DPR-36.Conesteg of Proposed Change                                     -8900100377 Rev 12 to Procochse t-18 4 " Spent Remn $soraos & Procateng.,,

I t F re C to 9 operaton ~Cycte 9 Core Performance Ane>yes enct Fee pad

  • Maene Yentee Atoreoc Power Co 8S/06/10 1Spp 30789 f f 7 30789 231.

i RA lA,J B Mene Yartee Atome Power Co SS/06>14 Once of Nuclear Reac. p tar Regusaton, Drector 300 3t0303443t031191 ,

            - 8506210352 Proposed Tech Specs conashng of Proposed Change 117 re Cycle 9 op.                                      noted m inep Rept 50-309,64 26 Inoppropneta to vecAte or downgrsie mosahon Occumentatum te transportanon actimbes must be retened for 2 yrs eranort
  • Mene Yankee Atoms Power Co 85/06/14 22pp 31030 34131031002 MARflN i T. Regen t. Othce of Director 85/06/05 RANDAllA.J B Mene Yankee Atomic Power Co 2pp 30794 213-30794 217.
            -4506210353 "Cycte 9 Core Portormance Analyta
  • geamanas77 if Info Nohce 45-04S. "Pokemmi Seieme Meractort invoivmg Movable Irb BERGERON P A . CACCIAPOUTI.R YAEC-1479 GS/04<30189pp 31031003-3 . HUSA,.N 031191A. Uane Yartee Atomac Power Cg Core Flus M Sys Used m Wee Deegned Plants
  • Svc bet enci JORDAN E L of Emergency edness & Engmeering Reeponte (Poet 8508210135 Informs o' detev unel850701 to respond to Generc LW 85 02. " Staff Rec- 830903) 85/06/06 Coneohdated Edenr6 Co of New York. Inc 122pp 30865 001-ommended Actons Stemmm0 From NRC treegrated Propam tar Reeceution of Unre- 30865 046 ochred Sa'ety ensues ne Steam Generator Tube Integrdy WHITTIER G D Umne Yanmee Atomic Power Co 65/06/18 THOMPSON.H L 08tce 6900000707IE Info Nohce a6446, "Clanhcanon of Several Aepects of Removabas Re-aoactrve Surface Contammaton Leets Snr Transport Pectoges
  • Svc tot once 4 of Nuclear Reactor Repdation Desctor ip 3:024 344 31024 340 i JOHOAN.E L Dumon os Emergency Preparee,ees & Eryneenng Roeponse (Post
8908210135 In8 arms of deiey unts 86070s to respond to Genanc Le 45-02. "Stae Rec. 0103) 95/06/10 Consondeted Eeson Co et Nee York. Inc. (24pp 31043 30t-

, emmended Acnons Siemmeg From Nac iraegeied Proyam ior Resoeumon or urve 43,044 3 064 solved Sate #y issues ne Steam Generator Tube laterfy I i WHlf TIER G D Masne vankee Atomie Power Co e5/06/te THOUPSON H L Dvi" $906170413 Forwards Suppe i to BS0306 Propoemd Change 108 steam genera. eson of Lceneng 1p 31024 34431024 340 tor tube savemance repornng reeerement Tech Spec 4 to E 3 re econ e/ent-j ten tonowup tor Category C-3 eso results 4 revaung re8s , 4906210209 Forwarde response to 4504t9 rermeet tcy ade m8e to Genonc Lir 83- FR12tLLC D Mano var *ee Atornic Power Co 8S/06/16 Record Services Branch 4 26.fterns 214 2 2 2 Utd impaemeneng vendor meer' ace progant lor reador kg sys (Document Cor*os Desk) 2pp 30954 072 30950 078 l compn.nents Pten we be implemerwed pened on NUTAC rept WHITTIER.G D Mane Yartee Alon=c Power,2Co. e5/06/to BUTCHER.E.J Operenn9 -40061FM23 Sup, I to Prop eed CAange 108 to Tech Spec 4 to re steem 0*erator j Reactors Branch 3 3pp. 31024 31431024 3 eube survemance rewomene int tat'"C 3 map reeutte5$P "" "* '

             .-2w na F , wu., eu,n.n.,n,. .e. ,.eueis .om r.g.on .urve. , piani e

} cshe odo re potenmal for uncoreoned reeston esposures ei PWR cavmes per JG Pwt- MOSMON7 %M Sag inep R$ MWM10 m 0$NU M % won nded l

                                                                                                                                 * *g',",,$,,0Repp,g=,>n                        1. gpggggm/t3 RANoAllAJ S Wene

! Nv'tEJ u'*@IcUs'""o"m"co'*"O"mce"c"e "w".s"pec"no'n ando Ens rcement es/0ee te , ,p MURLEY T E. Regen 1. Othce of Deector app 31211 322 31211 330 l

                                                                                                                              -4908300271 Insp Re , 60-309/95-10 on eiO422 28 No viniamon or devianon 4606290104 Re$ests aeston of anct Tatse 4142 to 8506t1 Proposed Change                                               noted Moor are}}