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Insp Rept 99900081/85-01 on 850708-12.Noncompliance Noted: Licensing & Safety Engineering Personnel Engaged in Performing safety-related Computer Code Calculations Not Formally Indoctrinated
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/28/1985
From: Jocelyn Craig, Robert Pettis
Shared Package
ML20134A018 List:
REF-QA-99900081 NUDOCS 8511040060
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{{#Wiki_filter:' ORGANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND. WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION INSPECTION k NO.: 99900081/85-01 DATE(S): 7/8-12/85 ON-SITE HOURS: 104 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Exxon Nuclear Company Nuclear Fuels Department ATTN: Mr. C. J. Volmer, QA Manager 2101 Horn Rapids Road Richland, Washington 99352 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Mr. C. J. Volmer, QA Manager TELEPHONE NUMBER: (509) 375-8257 PRINCIPAL PRODUCT: Nuclear Fuel Assemblies NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Nuclear fuel reload supplier for various designed Cores. A \ r ASSIGNED INSPECTOR: l R(bert L. Pettis, Specfyl Pro;) cts Inspection Date Section (SPIS), Vendor ProgrMm Branch OTHERINSPECTOR(S): 0. Gormley, Program Coordination Section, VPB J Harper, Reactive Inspection Section, VPB W . hier, Brookhaven National Laboratory APPROVED BY: L 16[dfr[h5

                               /pn W. Craig, Chief, SPIS,Nyendor Program Branch        Date INSPECTION BASES AND SCOPE:

A. BASES: Exxon Topical Report XN-NF-1A, Revision 6. B. SCOPE: Review of Exxon Nuclear Company's (ENC) QA program in the areas of fuel fabrication, thermohydraulic computer code varification, computer code error handling and reporting, and status of previous inspection findings. PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: H.B. Robinson 2 (50-261); Kewaunee(50-305); Maine Yankee (50-309); Oyster Creek (50-219); Palisades (50-255); Prairie Island

1 & 2 (50-282/306); St. Lucie 1(50-335).

8511040060 851031 PDR GA999 ENVEXXN 9900081 PDR i

 .' ORdANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND, WASHINGTON REPORT                                INSPECTION NO.: 99900081/85-01                   RESULTS:                         PAGE 2 of 10 A. VIOLATIONS:


1. Contrary to Section 2.2 of ENC QA Procedure QAP No. 2, Licensing and Safety Engineering personnel, engaged in performing safety-related
               . computer code calculations, are not formally indoctrinated and trained into the various fuel reload computer programs used by ENC.
2. Contrary to Section 3.6 of ENC Topical Report XN-XF-608, Revision 5,
                " Procedure For Control and Administration of Computer Codes For Engineering Design Calculations,"
a. ENC failed to comply with the reporting requirement which states that written notice of code errors shall be submitted to the Manager, Fuel Engineering and Technical Services (FE&TS) from the cognizant Section Manager for appropriate action.
b. In order to prevent further use, ENC users of ECCS computer code T00DEE-2 were not formally notified of the existence of a coding error, found on St. Lucie Unit 1, soon after its discovery by ENC.
c. A review of the Software Development Record (SDR) for T00DEE-2 failed to produce written notices pertaining to previously reported code errors.
3. Contrary to 10 CFR 50 Appendix B, Criterion III, and ENC Quality Assurance Procedure XN-NF-P00-002, Section 3.3.2, ENC's documentation and independent review of analyses performed were deficient in the following areas:
a. Adequate documentation such as a calculation notebook or other form of design analysis documentation was not maintained concerning the safety-related analysis described in the ENC Topical Report XN-NF-82-20, Supplement 4. This topical report describes a modification to the ENC ECCS methodology and includes calculations performed to verify changes implemented in the T00DEE-2 computer code.



b. The independent review of the T00DEE-2 computer code input data for the St. Lucie, Unit 1, ECCS Analysis (E7380-963-D) was not adequately documented.
4. Contrary to ENC Quality Assurance Topical Report XN-NF-608, Revision 5, Section 1.2.7, the verification and qualification calculations performed for the UJUL84 version of the T00DEE-2 computer code were not included in the SDR and were also not retrievable.
5. Contrary to Criterion V of 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and Section 6.0 of ENC Analytical Procedure " Spectrochemical Determination of Impurities in Uranium," Revision 7, dated November 28, 1983, ENC laboratory technicians, responsible for oxidizing uranium, failed to raise samples to a 900* C state for a minimum period of one hour (one minute vs. one hour), as required by procedure.
6. Contrary to Section 7.0 of ENC Analytical Procedure, " Calibration of the Quantometer," Revision 4, dated November 28, 1983, ENC failed to formally approve detection limits and calibration curves prior to placing equipment in service.


1. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-01, B.1): ENC failed to prescribe adequate definition of the instruction for satisfactory completion of safety-related computer codes in the following areas:
a. Procedures do not exist that require computer code input to be independently verified.

ENC QA Topical Report XN-NF-608, Rev. 5 and the "QA Procedure For Design Control," XN-NF-P00,002, have been revised to include a requirement for independent checking of computer code input. This item is considered closed.

b. Procedures do not address Section 9, " Corrective Action," of ANSI N45.2.11-1974 concerning actions to be taken.

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OR5ANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99900081/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 4 of 10 Section 3.6 of XN-NF-608, " Errors in Codes" has been expanded to address corrective actions as related to safety-related computer codes. This item is considered closed,

c. The definition of "Use" and "Special" codes in XN-NF-608 are not specific with respect to testing requirements.

Testing requirements for "Use" and "Special" codes have been added to XN-NF-608, Revision 5. This item is considered closed.

2. (0 pen) Nonconformance (84-01, B.3): The Software Development records for the REFLEX and T00DEE-2 computer codes were incomplete with regard to identification of purpose, preparer, and independent review.

The SDR for T000EE-2 has been updated to conform to the requirements of Section 1.2.7 "Sof tware Development Record." However, during this inspection, ENC made a connitment to update the SDR's for REFLEX and other safety-related codes. This item will be reviewed during a future inspection.

3. (0 pen) Nonconformance (84-02,B.1): No requirements concerning necessary action to report significant errors in Structural Dynamic / Heat Transfer computer codes such as NASTRAN or ANSYS have been established by ENC.

ENC has requested error reports for NASTRAN and ANSYS from UCCEL, an ENC computer services supplier. An incomplete set of error reports from the past several years has been received for ANSYS. In addition, ENC has established a Special Code Coordinator to review and evaluate the effects of these error reports on previous safety-related analyses. However, none of the error reports received to date were determined to be applicable for evaluation on previous analyses. This item will be reviewed during a future inspection.

4. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-02, B.2): The Software Development Record for the UJUL83A version of the RELAP5/M001 code did not contain indications that an independent review was performed.

ENC has withdrawn the request for NRR approval for use of the RELAP5/M001 in small break loss of coolant accident analyses (SBLOCA) (Ref, enclosure to ENC letter JCC:039:85, March 1, 1985). As a result, this item is considered closed. L


5. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-02, B.3): The documentation of the verification and qualification calculations for modifications to the RELAPS/ MOD 1 were not complete nor independently reviewed.

Since ENC has withdrawn the request for approval of this code (see Item 4) this item is considered closed.

6. (Closed) Unresolved Item (84-02): Due to the number of questions and requests for additional information by NRC staff, the RELAP5/M001 code should be reviewed during a future inspection.

Since RELAP5/ MODI has been withdrawn, (refer to items 4 and 5 above), this item is considered closed.

7. a. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-02, B.4.a): A review of calibration records and external audits revealed that two vendors providing calibration services (Pacific Scientific and Westinghouse Hanford) were not on the Approved Vendor List (AVL). In addition, documentation could not be produced to support that an audit of Pacific Scientific had been performed by ENC.

ENC stated that Pacific Scientific and Westinghouse Hanford will be included on the next issue of the AVL. The NRC inspector reviewed the findings of ENC's June 28, 1985, audit of Tech-Science International (formerly Pacific Scientific Industrial Sales Division),

b. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-02, B.4.b): A review of external audits, performed by ENC, and lead auditor qualification records, identified weaknesses with respect to auditor qualification records and QA Manual filing.

ENC QA Procedure XN-NF-P00, 023. Revision 7, "QA Records" has been revised to require a six-year retention time for lead auditor qualification records, in addition to generating a qualification record for one of ENC's lead auditors. With respect to two European suppliers' QA Manuals, which were not on file for the inspectors review, ENC stated such manuah are located and maintained in their Lingen, West Germany, office under the overall responsibility of their QA representative. This individual is delegated to perform the QA Program as-sessment and audit responsibility for all European suppliers to ENC-Richland and ENG mbh. L

c ORGANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND. WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99900081/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 6 of 10 The NRC inspector reviewed several pages from the Lingen plant QA Manual, XN-EU-4.008, Revision 6, which assigns responsibility to the QA representative for reviewing and auditing vendors. The information was adequate with respect to this issue,

c. (Closed) Nonconformance (84-02, B.4.c): A review of calibration records revealed that Pacific Scientific calibrated a tensile tester and several extensometers, in March 1984, without a statement of traceability to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) on the Certificate of Verification.

ENC's response to the (84-02) inspection included a Certificate of Verification sent them by Pacific Scientific. A review of this certificate, by the NRC inspector, satisfied this concern. E. OTHER FINDINGS AND COMMENTS:

1. Indoctrination and Training The inspector reviewed ENC's program for indoctrination and training of personnel performing activities affecting quality. Although it was demonstrated that QA training activities are being performed, documentation was not available to assure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained as required by 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion II. During an in-house ENC audit, conducted early in 1985, Corrective Action Request (CAR) No. 546 was written which raised similar concerns about this program. As part of the proposed corrective action, ENC committed to establishing a comprehensive QA program for indoctrination and training to be in place by October 1, 1985.

However, in the area of technical training no formal program existed nor was there adequate documentation to support computer code indoctrination, for safety and licensing personnel engaged in performing ECCS analyses to such Codes as EXEM-PWR and T00DEE-2. ENC procedure QAP No. 2, Section 2.2, states in part, that personnel performing activities affecting quality be appropriately qualified and " receive the necessary training to achieve suitable proficiency." ENC's weakness in this area is evidenced by several recently reported computer code and input errors which affected LOCA-ECCS analyses for several operating plants. One Nonconformance (B.1), was identified during this part of the inspection. L


2. ECCS COMPUTER CODES During this inspection, several ENC Topical Reports and calculation notebooks associated with the ENC ECCS analysis methodology were reviewed. In addition, ENC quality assurance procedures XN-NF-P00,002 and XNF-NF-608 were reviewed and utilized throughout the inspection. Details of the results of these reviews are sumarized in following paragraphs, a) ENC Topical Report XN-NF-82-49(P), Supplement 1, was submitted to the NRC staff in response to questions on the ENC methodology for small break loss of coolant accident (SBLOCA) analysis.

This report states that ENC will suspend use of RELAP5/ MODI code for SBLOCA calculations. Therefore, the findings of the NRC (84-02) Inspection, associated with this version, of RELAP5 are considered closed. However, as stated in the Topical Report, ENC now plans to use RELAP5/M002 for this analysis. The develop-ment and application of M002 was not reviewed during the inspection. b) ENC stated that a third version of RELAP5, designated as RELAP5/ MOD 1 Cycle 25, will be used for steamline break analyses. This third version has been submitted for NRR review and approval. This code version was not reviewed during the inspection. c) The inspector reviewed the Software Development Record (SDR) for the T00DEE-2 computer code used in safety-related anal The SDR describes a series of over 25 code modifications (yses. starting from September 1976) and was the subiect of two findings during a previous NRC inspection. In addition, a FORTRAN coding error related to a heat transfer augmentation factor was recently discovered in TOODEF 2. The current review of the SDR indicated that references to a number of verification calculations had been added, however documentation could not be produced to support the verification calculations described in ENC Topical Report XN-NF-82-20(P) Supplement 4. One Nonconformance, (B.3.a), was identified during this part of the inspection. d) The SDR for the UJU'.C4 version of T00DEE-2 indicated that a series of qualification and verification calculations were performed to substantiate this code modification. However, these calculations were not included in the SDR and could not be produced by ENC during the inspection. L _

ORGANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99900081/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 8 of 10 One Nonconformance, (B.4), was identified during this part of the inspection. e) In the response to NRC Inspection (84-01), ENC committed to update the SDRs for all safety-related codes to comply with their requirements of XN-NF-608. The inspector stated that these SDRs would be reviewed during a future inspection. f) The calculation notebook supporting the ECCS analysis for St. Lucie, Unit 1, (E7380-965-AA) was reviewed. The inspector noted that the description of computer code input parameters, particularly for the T00DEE-2 code, was not complete and thus, would be difficult to review. In addition, it was noted that an input error, related to a heat transfer augmentation factor associated with mixing vanes, had subsequently been discovered in the analysis. ENC stated that, during a reanalysis for St. Lucie, a line-by-line review of the computer input was performed based on their requirements of XN-NF-608. However, the inspector noted that this review was performed by comparison with a previous input data filed that was, itself, not adequately documented and reviewed. One Nonconformance, (B.3.b), was identified during this part of the inspection. g) In response to a finding from NRC Inspection (84-02), ENC designated a Special Code Coordinator to obtain and evaluate error reports for the ANSYS computer code from UCCEL (ENC S computer services supplier), of all error reports from Jar Jary 1983 to the present. The evaluation had indicated that the reported errors did not effect any ENC applications. In the case of NASTRAN, only one bi-monthly set of error reports has been obtained from UCCEL. However, ENC does receive NASTRAN error reports directly from the code originator (MacNeal-Schwendler Corp.) through a separate contract. The evaluation of these error reports has produced no impact on previous ENC analyses. The inspector stated that this item would remain open until more applicable error reports are reviewed by ENC to further demonstrate the system of receipt, evaluation, and documentation of these eve'uations. L


OR'G Ari!ZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION N0.: 99900081/86-01 RESULTS: PAGE 9 of 10 h) The cause of a computer code input error on St. Lucie, Unit 1, regarding the T00DEE-2 code was reviewed by the inspector. This error involved the misapplication of a mixing vane augmentation factor which, for St. Lucie, was not applicable. due to the fuel design. Reporting requirements of code errors are outlined in Section 3.6 of ENC procedure XN-NF-608 Revision 5 " Procedure for Control and Administration of Computer Codes for Engineering'and Design Calculations," dated February, 1985, and requires:

1. A written notice to be sent to the Manager of Fuel Engineering and Technical Services (FE&TS) from the cognizant Section Manager.

ii. Formal notification to all affected code users of the existence of such an error. iii. Incorporation of a written notice by the Code Custodian, in the SDR, pertaining to a code error. As a result of this review, documentation could not be produced by ENC to support compliance to the Et!C procedure. One Nonconformance, (B.2), was identified during this part of the inspection.

3. Spectrochemical Testing of Uranium The inspector reviewed the analytical procedures used to determine impurities in uranium, as determined by spectrochemical means, used in the manufacture of nuclear fuel pellets.

In order to obtain a valid chemical analysis using this method, samples of the uranium solution must be properly oxidized. ENC procedure " Spectrochemical Determination of Impurities in Uranium," Section 6.0, Revision 7, dated November 28, 1983, specifies that a 900*C temperature must be maintained for a minimum of one hour. However, during the performance of a routine test, the NRC inspector observed that while the sample was heated to the stated temperature, a wait period of one minute rather than the required one hour period was observed by the technician. This resulted in a concern as to the validity of this analytical method as performed by ENC. Sample oxidation tests were performed to compare the effects, if any, this time parameter had on the amount of oxidation. At the L-


ORdANIZATION: EXXON NUCLEAR COMPANY NUCLEAR FUELS DEPARTMENT RICHLAND, WASHINGTON REPORT INSPECTION NO.: 99900081/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 10 of 10 conclusion of these tests, ENC determined that the one minute time parameter actually used had little or no effect upon the results of this analysis. One Nonconformance, (B.5), identified during this part of the inspection.

4. Calibration of Test Equipment A critical element in the spectrochemical analysis Jsed by ENC in the fuel pellet manufacturing process is the calit ration of the quantometer. ENC Analytical Procedure No. P692EC, Revision 4,
                  " Calibration of the Quantometer," states in Section 7.0 that
                  " Detection limits and calibration curves are to be formally approved by the spectroscopist prior to being placed into service." These detection limits and curves aid in determining the precision and accuracy of the data obtained. Therefore, co rect execution of this procedure is a quality related activity. ENC w0s unable to produce documentation to support the formal approval of such detection limits and calibration curves as required by Section 7.0 cf the ENC procedure.

Further, no definition exists to specify the qualifications necessary for the " Spectroscopist." As stated in ENC's procedure, the approval of the curves and limits may be performed by anyone in the laboratory involved with spectrochemical analysis regardless of their qualifications. ' One Nonconformance (B.6), was identified during this part of the inspection. l l l l

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