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Provides Quarterly Update on Progress of Activities in PRA Implementation Plan,Including Development of risk-informed Stds & Guidance
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/13/1997
From: Thompson H
SECY-97-009, SECY-97-009-R, SECY-97-9, SECY-97-9-R, NUDOCS 9701210103
Download: ML20133J689 (19)


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\...../ l POLICY ISSUE (Information)

January 13, 1997 SECY-97-009 EO_E: The Commissioners i

FROM: Hugh L. Thompson, Jr. I Acting Executive Director for Operations



To present a quarterly update on the progress of activities in the PRA Implementation Plan, including the development of risk-informed standards and guidance.


In a memorandum dated January 3,1996, from the Executive Director for Operations to Chairman Jackson, the staff committed to submit quarterly updates on the status of developing risk-informed standards and guidance. Previous updates on the status of activities in the PRA implementation Plan, including the status of developing risk-informed standards and guidance, were sent to the Commission on March 26, June 20, and October 11,1996.


The staff has updated the status of activities in the agency's PRA implementation Plan in the Attachment. Significant accomplishments in the past quarter follow:

e The staff has incorporated proposed resolutions of the policy, technical, and process issues in new drafts of the broad-scope general regulatory guide (RG) and standard review plan (SRP) and the application-specific RG and SRP for Inservice Testing (IST),

Graded Quality Assurance (GQA) and Technical Specifications (TS) and has discussed the new drafts with senior agency management, the Advisory Committee on Reactor CONTACT: NOTE: TO BE MADE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE IN 5 -

A. Thadani, NRR WORKING DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS PAP 415-1274 g C( w h ~ l o4006 gola! O jo gge g;u-M 6c.

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,4 The Commissioners Safeguards (ACRS) and the Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR).

Additional modifications are being developed to address the issue of whether it is appropriate to allow the industry to propose changes that could lend to systematic increases in risk to public health and safety, e The staff has completed a total of twelve maintenance rule baseline inspections, which included inspection of licensee methods for applying PRA in maintenance programs.

  • Draft NUREG-1560, " Individual Plant Examination [lPE) Program: Perspectives on Reactor Safety and Plant Performance," Vol.1, Part 1, was issued for public comment in October 1996. Draft NUREG-1560 reports perspectives gained from reviewing 75 IPE submittals covering 108 nuclear power plants. Volume 2, Parts 2 through 5, provided additional perspectives and was published for public comment in November 1996.

e NUREG/BR-0228," Guidance for Professional Development of NRC Staffin Regulatory Risk Analysis," was issued to all agency managers and contains recommended PRA .

training programs for NRC staff. NUREG/BR-0228 will help NRC managers prepare training and development programs for their staff in the PRA area.

  • The annual report to the Commission on the status of the Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Program was issued as SECY-96-241 on November 25,1996.

In the status report for the last quarter, the staff made recommendations r1 m ding the following four policy issues:

(1) the role of performance-based regulation in the PRA Implementation Plan (2) plant-specific application of safety goals (3) risk neutral vs. increases in risk (4) implementation of changes to risk-informed IST and ISI (Inservice Inspection) requirements and listed key technical and process issues identified in the development of the RGs and SRPs and through the risk-informed pilot applications. The staff has incorporated its resolutions of the technical and process issues, and its recommended option for policy issues 2 and 3 (above) in new drafts of the broad-scope general RG and SRP and the application-specific RG and SRP for IST, GQA and TS. The new drafts were discussed with the ACRS and the CRGR, and are currently being revised to address the comments from those committees. Further revisions to these draft documents will be made as necessary following expected Commission guidance from SECY-96-218.

Several key issues in the development of RGs and SRPs rentain to be resolved related to risk informed decision criteria. These issues involve the decision criteria relating to allowable changes that increase overall plant risk. The staff expects to incorporate proposed resolutions of open issues into revised RGs and SRPs, send the revised documents to the ACRS and CRGR for their review in January 1997, and, to the Commission, by the end of March 1997, for approval to issue for public comment. Additionally, due to delayed submittals from industry on ISI, the  ;

draft ISI RGs and SRPs will not be i. sued until May 1997.

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The Commissioners , The staff is continuing to resolve technical and process issues regarding risk-informed regulation as part of the development of RGs and SRPs. The staff will continue to interact with risk-informed pilot licensees, industry representatives, ACRS, CRGR, and the public about the increased use of risk insights in our regulatory processes.


The Office of the General Counsel has reviewed this paper and has no legal objections.

11nAo ugh L. Thompson, Jr.

pting Executive Director for Operations




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(from October 1,1996 to December 31,1996)


OF SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS (1) Reoulatorv Guide (RG) and Standard Review Plan (SRP) Development (Tasks 1.1 and 2.1)

The staff incorporated its proposed resolutions of policy, technical, and process issues into new drafts of the broad-scope general regulatory guide (RG) and standard review plan (SRP) and the application-specific RG and SRP for Inservice Testing (IST), Graded Quality Assurance (GQA) and Technical Specifications (TS). The new drafts were discussed with senior agency management, the Advisory Committee on Reaqtor Safeguards (ACRS) and the Committee to Review Generic Requirements (CRGR), and are currently being revised to address their comments. Several key issues remain to be resolved. These issues involve the criteria for changes in plant risk. The staff expects to incorporate proposed resolutions of open issues into the revised RGs and SRPs, forward the revised documents to the ACRS and CRGR for their  ;

review by the end of January 1997, and, to the Commission, by the end of March 1997 for ,

approval to issue for public comment. The development of the draft RG and SRP for Inservice I Inspection (ISI)is continuing. The staff has completed its review of the draft Nuclear Energy institute Guideline and Westinghouse Owners Group methodology for risk-infonned ISI and has provided its comments to the industry.

The staff has determined that because of the provisions in 10 CFR 50.54(a) which control changes to the quality assurance (QA) program, it may not be necessary for the licensee to submit a Graded Quality Assurance (GQA) program change in advance for NRC review and approval. Consequently, instead of expending its limited resources to prepare an SRP when it is questionable whether corresponding licensee submittals will be made, the staff will develop an inspection procedure for GQA. Such a procedure will allow the staff to thoroughly assess GQA program changes, including the use of PRA in the change process. The necessity of a GQA SRP will revisited in the future pending potential changes to 50.54a.

(2) Pilot Applications (Task 1.2)

On November 21,1996, the staff examined a representative sampling of procurement activities performed by Grand Gulf as part of its GQA implementation. The staff is awaiting the resubmittal of a QA program change from South Texas in response to previously issued staff questions. The staff is also reviewing a submittal from Palo Verde (dated September 12,1996) describing changes made to Palo Verde's GQA procurement procedures based on staff evaluation comments that were sent to the licensee in December 1995.

Regarding the risk-informed TS pilot application, the staff and its contractors have completed their review of the response to all requests for additional information (RAls) from the lead plant (Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 (ANO-2)) for the changes to the TS for the safety injection tank (SIT) and the low-pressure safety injection (LPSI) system. The staff has received a final technical evaluation report (TER) from its contractor and will use that report as the basis for 1

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preparing the safety evaluation for the lead plant. The staff visited Ft. Calhoun, on December 12, 1996, as part of its review of the overall approach used by the Combustion Engineering Owners Group (CEOG) in preparing the CEOG Joint Application Reports for all of the participating Combustion Engineering plants.

Significant PRA-related technical support has been provided for the agency's maintenance rule (MR) baseline inspection effort. The goal Of the MR baseline program is to conduct a full team inspection at each reactor facility in the first two years following the implementation date of the rule (July 10,1996). To date,12 fullinspections have been conducted. These inspections have been conducted with the support of experienced staff and contractor personnel trained in the use of PRA, using an inspection procedure that focuses on the inspection and assessment of the relevant PRA-related technical aspects of the NRC-approved industry guideline for implementing the rule (i.e. NUMARC 93-01). Although items of non-compliance with the MR have been identified from the inspections, the staff has not noted significant deficiencies in the use of probabilistic analyses that support implementation of the rule.

(3) Trainina for Inspectors and Technical Staff (Task 1,3)

Development of a new PRA course for inspectors and other technical personnel within the reactor program is continuing. The new course, PRA Technology and Regulatory Perspectives, will address the special needs of regional inspectors, resident inspectors, and other technical personnel who require knowledge of PRA issues and who need to gain insights to better evaluate the effects of design, testing, maintenance, and operating strategies on system reliability. The course will concentrate on the application of PRA results in planning inspections, monitoring licensee performance, and reviewing licensee risk-informed submittals. The pilot course is planned to be presented next spring.

(4) Individual Plant Examination (IPE) and IPE of Extemally Initiated Events (IPEEE) Reviews (Task 2.5)

Draft NUREG-1560, " Individual Plant Examination Program: Perspectives on Reactor Safety and i Plant Performance," Vol.1, Part 1, was issued for public comment in October 1996. Draft l NUREG-1560 reports perspectives gained from reviewing 75 IPE submittals covering 108 l nuclear power plants. The EDO transmitted this report to each utility chief nuclear officer.

Volume 2, Parts 2 through 5, provided additional perspectives and was published for public ,

4 comment in November 1996.  !

(5) Risk-Based Trends and Patterns Analysis (Task 3.1)

During this period, two reports were completed in a series of reports documenting the results of studies of the reliability of risk-significant s'ystems: The final report on the reliability of boiling-water reactor (BWR) isolation condensers was completed and distributed in September 1996; the draft report on the reliability of the BWR reactor core isolation cooling system was completed and issued for staff review and comment in October 1996. The NRC staff submitted its response to ,

the draft report in November 1996, and the final report is being prepared. Progress in the NRC's l programs for the risk-based analysis of operating experience was discussed with the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS)in meetings with the subcommittee on PRA on October 30,1996, and with the full Committee on November 7,1996. The annual report to the Commission on the status of the Accident Sequence Precursor (ASP) Program was issued as 2

i SECY 96-241 on November 25,1996. The Milestone for " trend frequency of risk important initiating events" has been delayed 5 months to May 1997 due to resource limitations.

(6) Accident Sequence Precursor (Task 3.2)

The staff's contractor, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, issued the " Accident Sequence Precursor Extension to Low Power, Shutdown, and External Events Feasibility Study"in August 1996. This completes the feasibility study on PRA models to be used to identify and rank the risk significance of operational events during low power and shutdown. The staff is reviewing this feasibility study to determine whether further development of the low power, shutdown, and external events PRA models is appropriate.

(7) Reliability Data Rule (Task 3.5) I Work continues on the modifications to the regulatory guide, the regulatory analysis supporting the rule, and the comments on the rule and the regulatory guide. Efforts to obtain the necessary reliability data from licensees thr,ough a voluntary program are continuing in parallel) "N the rulemaking activities. Industry has proposed a voluntary altemative to the rule and the Insatute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) has provided a sample of the proposed voluntary data to the NRC for evaluation. The staff is now evaluating the voluntary approach and plans to make a recommendation to the Commission by April 1997. If the Commission decides 1 at that time that a rule is needed, the staff could publish the final rule 6 months after the Commission's decision.

(8) Staff Trainina (Task 3.6)

The staff has published a guidance document for agency managers to help them prepare training P.nd development programs for their staff in the PRA area. The document, NUREG/BR-0228,

" Guidance for Professional Development of NRC Staff in Regulatory Risk Analysis," was issued to all agency managers and contains recommended Technical Training Center (TTC) sponsored PRA training programs for NRC staff.

The staff has completed its development of the PRA for Technical Managers course (P-107).

This course was designed to provide alllevels of staff managers with a basic understanding of PRA methods, strengths, and limitations, needed to implement risk-informed, performance-based regulations. The course will be presented for the first time in February 1997.

A new PRA Level 2 course, Accident Progression Analysis, has been developed. This three-day course will address accident phenomenology under post-core-damage conditions and development of PRA models for this severe-accident regime. The course is scheduled to be presented for the first time in February 1997. A new PRA Level 3 course, Accident Consequence Analysis, has also been developed. This three-day course will address environmental transport of radionuclides and estimation of offsite consequences from core-damage accidents. This course is scheduled to be presented for the first time in March 1997.

The staff is developing a new course on external events. This three-day course will address extemal events (such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hi0h winds, and transportation accidents) and the development of external-event PRA models, such as those used in the IPEEEs. Course development is currently in the design phase. The first presentation of this course is scheduled for August 1997.


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l REVISIONS TO THE EXISTING PRA IMPLEMENTATION PLAN As discussed in the memorandum from the EDO to Chairman Jackson dated December 10,

1996, the draft risk-informed RGs and SRPs that were scheduled to be completed in December 1996 are now scheduled to be completed by March 31,1997.

Although formal submittals from ISI pilot plants have been substantially delayed, the staff is 4

continuing to finalize draft risk-informed ISI RG and SRP based on a review of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) guidelines, insights gathered from the methodology review of one pilot plant, and interactions with ASME and EPRI. The NEl has indicated that it is planning to meet with the staff in January 1997, to discuss an integrated approach that incorporates the ASME and the EPRI risk-informed ISI methodologies into a single guideline. The staff plans to review and, where appropriate, incorporate aspects of the NEl integrated guidelines into the draft RG and draft SRP by March 1997. The staff will meet with the ACRS and CRGR to discuss the revised documents and intends to forward the revised draft RG and SRP for risk-informed ISI to the Commission by May 31,1997.

The staff is evaluating the pilot licensees'subm'ittals for risk-informed IST (Comanche Peak and Palo Verde); however, a shift in resources from work on the pilot applications to work on the RGs and SRPs has contributed to delays in these pilot projects. In the process of developing the RG and SRP for risk-informed IST, the staff has identified a number of significant technical issues that remain to be resolved in order for the staff and licensees to agree on a pilot approach to risk-informed IST. The staff is preparing requests for additional information and making plans to discuss them with licensees. Accordingly, the staff has postponed submitting its recommendation to the Commission on implementing the risk-informed IST at the pilot facilities from March 1997 until June 1997.

l The staff's recommendation to the Commission regarding the risk-informed TS pilot (Task 1.2)

, has been delayed 3 months from the earlier schedule because the staff decided to visit a third pilot site before ending its review of the SIT and LPSI changes and because its resources shifted from work on the pilot applications to work on the RGs and SRPs. The staff now expects to send l 4

its recommendation on the TS pilot applications to the Commission by March 31,1997.

Guidance for risk informed inspection procedures related to 50.59 evaluations and regular maintenance observations has been delayed until October 1997 to allow utilization of revised  ;

inspection manual guidance.

] The inspection Manual Chapter 9900 revision which provides technical guidance on the use of j PRAs in the power reactor inspection program was issued to regional offices for review and 1 comment in October 1996 (Task 1.3). Because significant risk informed inspection resources were diverted to maintenance rule baseline inspections and because a number of significard comments were received from the regional offices, the schedule for formally issuing the guidance has been delayed three months to March 1997. Also, due to this resource reallocation, guidance for risk-informed inspection procedures related to 50.59 evaluations and regular maintenance observations has been delayed until October 1997. This delay will allow the staff to ensure that these inspection activities are consistant with the high level risk informed guidance being developed in Manual Chapter 9900.

In the October 1996 PRA Implementation Plan update (SECY 96-218), the staff indicated that it could not conclude, from the licensees'submittals, that all the licensees met the intent of Generic

. Letter 88-20. In that Commission paper, the staff indicated that essentially all IPE reviews will be 4

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completed by December 1996, but that due to delays in responses from several licensees to staff questions, approximately three IPE SERs will not be completed by December 1996, Because of

additional delays in receiving licensee information and in reviewing additional licensee submittals, i this number is now between five and eight.

In regard to the application of risk insights in operator licensing (Task 1.4), the staff recommended in SECY-96-123, " Proposed Chsnges to the NRC Operator Licensing Program,"

that the revised operator licensing process be implemented on a voluntary basis with the issuance of Revision 8 of NUREG-1021," Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors," and that the Commission approve the staff's pursuit of rulemaking to require power reactor facility licensees to prepare the operator licensing examinations in accordance with NUREG-1021. In a staff requirements memorandum (SRM) dated July 23,1996, the Commission asked the staff to develop a detailed rulemaking plan to justify changes that may be necessary to 10 CFR Part 55 and directed the staff to address a number of issues regarding the proposed examination process. The staff responded to the SRM with SECY 96-206, "Rulemaking Plan for Amendments To 10 CFR Part 55 to Change Licensed Operator
Examination Requirements," on September 25,1996, and is still awaiting a decision from the Commission. If the Commission approves the'new examination methodology, the staff will publish Revision 8 of NUREG-1021. Revision 8 will be implemented six months after the date of

- publication. The staff expects a Commission decision before March 1997.

, NMSS has added two new tasks (i.e., 5.2 and 5.3) to the PRA Implementation Plan. Task 5.2 l reflects a study to determine the feasibility of applying PRA to spent fuel storage facilities. This study will determine the extent to which it is cost beneficial to apply PRA to spent fuel storage 1 faciliti6s. Appropriate recommendations will be made on the basis of the study. The staff is

! developing a detailed plan and schedule for this task.

l Task 5.3 covers the use of PRA methods, their results, and insights to evaluate regulations goveming the transportation of radioactive material. As part of this task, the staff will revalidate the results of NUREG-0170, " Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation of i Radioactive Material by Air and ODer Modes," February 1977, for spent fuel shipment risk j estimates by June 1999 and updatt. the database on transportation of radioactive materials by the end of fiscal year 1999, f REVISED TASK TABLES The attachee task tables have been updated to reflect the progress and revisions to the PRA

] Implementation Plan from October 1,1996 to December 31,1996.

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REVISED PRAIMPLEMENTATION PLAN TASK TABLE (December 19M) 1.0 REACTOR REGULATION Regulatory Activity Objectrves Mettw* Target Lead Schedule Office (s) 1.1 DEVELOP STANDARD Standard review plans for NRC staff to use in risk-

  • Evaluate available industry guidance. NRR REVIEW PLANS FOR RISK- informed regulatory decisioiwnaking.


  • Develop a broad scope standard review plan (SRP) chanters and a series of application specific standard review plan chapters that correspond to industry inibatrves
  • These SRPs will be consistent with the Regulatory Guedes developed for the industry
  • Draft SRPs transmitted to Comtnission to issue for public comrnent 3/97 General , 397 IST 5/97 ISt 3/97 TS
  • lssue final SRP 12/97 Generat 12/97 IST 12/97 ISI 12/97 TS 12 PILOT APPLICATION
  • Evaluate the PRA methodology and develop staff
  • Interface with industry groups. 1. 2/96C' NRR FOR RISK-INFORMED positions on emerging, nsk-informed initiatives,
  • Evaluation of appropriate documentation (e g , 2. 6S7 REGULATORY INITIATIVES including those associated with: to CFR, SRP, Reg Guides,inspecton proceiures, and 3.6/97
1. Motor operated vatves. industry codes) to identify elements craical to achieving the 4.6/97
2. IST requireic, ants intent of existing requiremeds S. 9SSC
3. ISI requirements
  • Evaluation of industry proposals. 6.197
4. Graded quaisty assurance.
  • Eva!uation of industry pilot program implementation.
5. Maintenance Rule 6 Technical specificatons
  • As appropriate, complete pilot reviews and issue staff
7. Other apoticatons to be identified later findinas on reculatory requests I

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Regulatory Actnity Ch ".x Methods Target Lead:

Sdiodule OfRoof") i-l .


  • Prowde guidance on the use of plant-apoede and
  • Develop IMC 9900 techrecal guidance on the use of 3/97 NRR ,

generic informahon horn IPEs and attw plant- PRAs in the pauser reactor irmpar*=i program.  ;

specslic PRAs. .;

  • Revloe RAC 2515 Appendk C on the use of PRAs in the 6/97  ;

posuer reactorinspedian program. l 1


  • Prepose guldence ophons for Irepar*wi -- -- N- - 10f97 - [

ruimted to 50.50 evoluutions and regular rneintenance  !

oboenetions t l'

  • Review core iruparenwi procedures and propose PRA 6/97 i guidance wnere needed.  !


  • lseue droit Graded QA Inspechen Prar=4=e for puide 9/97 I comment  !


  • leeue final Graded QA tr= par *n Procedure 3/98 -


  • Prowde PRA traming for inspeders
  • Identify inspector functions which should tmere PRA 7/96C NRR methods, as inpg os AEODITTD for their -t ._; and refinement of PRr- Aning for inspectors..


  • Develop consolid t 4/comprehenesve 2-3 week PRA for 5//97 NRR/. f regtdatorye -trening course. AEOD -!


  • First course offering 5/97 . NRR/ -


  • Condud traming for MeirWenance Rule benetne 8/96C i
  • Prowde PRA trameng for Senior Reactor Analysts
  • Condud traming courses accordmg to SRA training 3/97 NRR.

(SRA) programs l ~

  • Rotshonal . .. . for SRAs to gain worldng ~ 3/97 NRR/RES .



  • Continue to provide expertise in risk assessment
  • Monitor the use of risk in inspechon reports Ongomg NRR .i l to support regonal inspechon actrvihes and to '

communicate inspechon program guidance and

  • Deveky new methodologpos and communicate l examples of its implementaten. appropriate uses of risk insights to regonal ofilces.  !
  • Update tr= pare-i procedures as - i


  • Assist regional ofilces as needed L


  • Conduct ^ ^ - Ride benaEne L "' - 7/98 1 ,

L 2 b i


L I i

Regulatory Activity Objectives Mhds Target Lead Schedui. Omcer) 1.4 OPERATOR LICENSING Morutor bsights from HRAs and PRAs (reludog

  • Revise the Knowledge and Abelibes (K/A) Catalogs 8SSC NRR IPEs and IPEEEs) and operating experience to (NUREGs 1122 and 1123) to incorporate operabng idenbfy possible enhancements for inclur . In expenence and riskinsights, planned revtssons to gudance for operator licensing actmhes (rntial and requalifcation)
  • Revise the Examiner Standards (NUREG-1021), as 397 NRR needed, to reflect PRA insights.


  • Conhnue to conduct quantdative event
  • Conhnue to evaluate 50.72 events using ASP models Ongomg NRR assessments of reactor events while at-power and during low power and shutdown condstions
  • Assess the desirabiidy and feasibility of
  • Define the current use of risk analysts methods and TBD NRR conducting quantitatrve risk assessments on non- insights in current event assessments.

power reactor events.

  • Assess the feasibility of C.M g appropnate risk assessment models
  • Develop rew.n. wn4 on the feasibility and desirability of conduchng quantitative risk assessments 1.6 EVALUATE USE OF PRA
  • Audit the adequacy of licensee analyses in IPEs
  • Identify ge wrc safety issues to be audited. NRR IN RESOLUTION OF and IPEEEs to identify plant-specific applicability of
  • Select plants to be audited for each issue.

GENERIC ISSUES genene issues closed out based on IPE and IPEEE

  • Describe and discuss licensees
  • agafyses supporting programs. Issue resolution.
  • Evaluate results to determine regulatory response; i.e., no 6S7 action, additWm! audits, or regulatory action.


  • Assess the effecweness of two major safety issue
  • Develop process / guidance for assessing regulatory NRR &

EFFECTIVENESS resolution efforts (i e SBO and ATWS rules) for effectiveness. RES EVALUATION reducing risk to public health and safety.

  • Apply method to assess reduction in risk.
  • Evaluate resuR, effectrveness of rules.
  • Propose modifcabons to resolution approaches, as needed.
  • Identify other issues for assessment if appropriate. 9/97 1.8 ADVANCED REACTOR
  • Continue staff reviews of PRAs for design
  • Continue to apply current staff review process. Ongoing NRR REVIEWS certifcation applications.
  • Develop SRP to support review of PRAs for
  • Develop draft SRP to tech staff for review and 6SB NRR design certification reviews of evolubonary reactors concurreir,e.

(ABWR and System 80+).

  • Finalize SRP. 12S9 3


Pegulatag Actrvey Ob;ectives Metheds Target Lead ,

Schedule Officefo) .

  • Develop independent techrscal anafyses and
  • Reevaluate risk-based aspects of the technical bases for 12/96 NRR &

crReria for evaluating industry initiatives and EP (NUREG-0396) using insights frorn NUREG-1150, the RES , ~ y petRions regarding simplification of Lrw ~i new source term informabon from NUREG-1465, e-4 Preparedness (EP) regulabons avaRable plant design and PRA Informaban for the passive and evolubonary reactor designs.


  • Develop genenc and plant specific risk insights to
  • Perform an assessmert of A!M-related informauon 697 NRR &

MANAGEMENT support staff audits of utihty accidents management contained in IPE databases to develop genene insights into RES (A!M) programs at seleded plants. AM strategies and capabilities and document R in IPE <

insghts Report.

  • Develop plant-specific A/M Mghts/informabon for TBD selected plants to serve as a basis for assessing completer.ess of utility A/M program elements (e g., severe acek%nt training) 1.10 EVALUATING IPE
  • Use insights from the staff review of IPEs to
  • Review the report "lPE Program- Perspectives en 12/97 NRR &

INSIGHTS TO DETERMINE identify potential safety, policy, and technical issues, Reactor Safety and Pluit Performance" and identify RES s NECESSARY FOLLOW-UP to determine an apnropnate course of action to required staff and industry acbons (if any).

ACTMTIES resolve these potential issues, and to identify ,

possible safety enhancements.

  • Audd licensee ;.ip everieits that were credRed in the TBD IPEs to determine effectiveness of licensee acbons to reduce risk _
  • Determine appropnate approach for tracking the
  • Define use for informabon, clanfy " regulatory use", and 12/97 NRR regulatory uses of IPE/IPEEE results. assess the most effective methods for data collechon-
  • If appropriate, develop approach for linking IPE/IPEEE 12/98 data bases m.
  • C= Complete f 4



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L P U P G U ty E S M R L t

P A c C A O I N

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A E p DD I T e 1 U 2 R 2G 2 iI llt l\j

m ~. _4 Repdatory Accety Ottoceves Mulhads Target Lead.

schmede OnceM 2.3 SUPPORT FOR NRR

  • Memy 10 CFR 52 and develop guidance on tur use of
  • Develop draft guidance and rule. 548 RES STANDARD REACTOR PRA updmeed PRAs beyond design certification (as descrased
  • Fm~ eAre stun guidance and nde. - 1399 RES 2.4 WTHOOS DEVELOPMENT
  • Deveenp, demonstrate mairdam, and ensure tie quemy
  • Develop and demonstute motiods for hetuunne aging . W97 RES AND DEMONSTRATION of muutods for perfomung. revioudng, and using PRAs effects in PRAs.

and rotated techniques for emiseng reactor deuipis

  • Develop and demonstrate mesiods for heltaAng human 997 RES emus of commisalen in PRAs.- 3 I
  • Dewetop and demonstrate mettede to incorporate W97 RES organismuonal persarmance into PRAs.
  • Develop and demonstruse risk sosseemord moeinds W97 RES&

appropriatefor=pra r a-itomeecerandhdummelscenese NMSS l acaveses 2.5IPE ANDIPEEE REVIEWS

  • To evoluste IPE/IPEE submittels to obtain reasonable
  • Complete reviews ofIPE submatals. 12/98*.

RES l assurance that the licensee has adequately anmipted the

  • Comptele reviews of IPEEE stemittels 12f98 RES I' plant design and operations to diocxrver vulner=hamas,
  • Conemue regionalIPE preoantamons OnDoing RES l and to document the segnrficant safety insights resummg
  • Issue IPE insights report for pubec commert 19980 RES frorn IPEAPEEEs.
  • FinalIPE insigres report W97 RES
  • lasue interim IPEEE insights report W97 RES l-
  • issue draft final IPEEE insights report W98 RES 1


  • To conduct genene safety issue management
  • Conhnue to prioritee and resolve genene issues. Contmumg RES actMhes meludmg prianttration, resokhon, and documentshon, for issues reishng to currenny operahng reactors, for advanced reactors as appropnate, and for

(".r.4. i; or reesson of associated regulatory and stand.rds tn,nents I

  • Approximately 5-8 SERs may shp beyond 12/96; staff is awaitmg addshonal mformehon from licensees 1


l . .

l l


l Regulatory Otgectives Methods Target Lead l Offee ActMty Schedule 3.1 RISK-BASED

  • Use reactor operatng experience data to assess
  • Trend performance of risk-importard components 2/97 AEOD TRENDS AND the trends and patterns in equipmert, systems, Annual PATTERNS ANALYSTS inihating events, human performance, and irrportant
  • Trend performance of risk-important systems rpt-9/97 accident sequence
  • Trend frequency of risk-enportant inibahng events. 597
  • Trend human performance for retabilty charactenshes TBD

' Evaluate the effectrveness of licensee actions taken to

  • Trend reactor operating expenence associated vnth specific As AEOD resolve risk signifcant safety issues safety issues and assess risk ki as a measure of safety Needed performance.


  • Develop trending methods and specist databases for use
  • Develop standard trending and statistical analysis procedures for Complete AEOD in AEOD trending actrvities and for PRA apphcations in identified areas for rehatulity and statistrat apphcations.

other NRC offces.

  • Develop special software andpatabases (e g. comrron cause CCF-failure) for use in trending analyses and PRA studes Complete Periode updates t 3 2 ACCIDENT
  • Identify and rank risk signifcance of operational events.
  • Screen and analyze LERs, AITs, llTs, and events identified from Ongoeng AEOD SEQUENCE other sources to obtain ASP events.



  • Perform independent review of each ASP analyses Licensees Annual and NRC staff peer review of each analysis. report, AEOD Ongoing RES
  • Complete quality assurance of Rev. 2 simplified plant spec.fc 397 models RES
  • Complete feasibdity study for low power and shutdown models 11/96C
  • Complete ntial containment performance and consequence Complete RES models
  • Provide supplemental informaton on plant specife
  • Share ASP analyses and insights with other NRC offees and Annual rpt



performance Regions.


. . .. . . . . ~ . . . -. .-. . . - - . -

Regulatory Actvity Obrectrves Methods Target Lead Schedule Office 3.3 INDUSTRY RISK

  • Provide a rnessure of industry risk that is as complete as
  • Develop program plan which integrates NRR, RES, and AEOD Complete AEOO TRENDS possible to determine whether risk is increasing, activibes which use design and operahng expenence to assess the G,. _ s or remairung constant over time. imphed level of risk and hour Iis changmg.
  • Implement program plan elemerts which wig include plett- &S7 specific models and ir' sights from IPEs, w.,~.e-; and system rehetzlity data, and other risk-importart design and operational data in an integrated frame work to penodicady evaluele industry trrds.


  • Estathsh a comprehensive set ofH7uin-= indicators
  • Identify new or ir proved risk-based Pts which use component Cortplete AEOD *
PERFORMANCE and supplementary pr.eformance measures which are and system rehability models & human and organizabone!

i INDICATORS more closely related to risk and provde both early giv,n-n evalusbon methods i

indicaban and confirmation of plant performance problems

  • Develop and test candidate Pistr.7 .-s measures 196
  • Implement risk-based Pts with Commission approval 996 3.5 COMPILE
  • Compile operahng expenence informahon in database
  • Manage and maintain SCSS and the Pi data base, pnmde Ongomg AEOD OPERATING systems suitable for quanhtative reliability and risk armlysis oversight and access to NPRDS, obtain INPO's SSPt. compile EXPERIENCE DATA applications. Information should be scrutable to the IPE failure data, conect plant-specific rehetzhty and evadabihty source at the event level to the extent pracbcal and be data.

sufficient for eshmating rehabihty and avadability

  • Develop, manage, and mentam agency databases for Ongoing parameters for NRC app;n
  • Revise reportog rules to bett$ capture equipment rehatxhty 10/97 information.
  • Evalunion of voluntary appmach for collecting reliabihty data 497
  • Final rehabdity data rule ( if necessary) 6 mo.

After Decesson on Vol Approach

  • Determine need to revise LER rule to ehmmate unnecessary and 497 less safety-significant reporting
  • Determine need to revise reporting rules and to better capture 698 ASP, CCF, and human performance events.


Regdstory AcGuty Otgochwes Melbods Target Lead ..

scheese Omoeten l


  • Present PRA curriculum as presently scb= Marl for FY
  • Continue currerd oortracts to present courses as enhedded. Ongoing AEOD
~ 1996
  • Maintain current reactor technology coursos tiet include PRA Ongoing insights and e l
  • Improve coursos wie im Ongonig
  • Rowour cunent PRA course meterial to ensure consistency wth Cornplate Appener C. -
  • Develop and present Appendk C training coursos
  • Prepare course material bened on Apperudu C. Compista RES and l
  • Presort courses on Appemk C. Complete AEOO
  • Determne sten requiremerts for training. Includsig onelysis


  • Reneer JTAs performed to date. Campeste AEOD of :.i. . ?.- ond sidis, needed by the NRC sten.
  • Perform representallwe JTAs for ster poetions (JTA PRet Complete Program). Complete
  • Eweluste star treuung ,1_._,;. es identifted in the PRA j Implemordation Plan and the Technical Training Needs Sunny
(Phone 2) and incorporate them tree the training requirements Ongoing onelysis ,
  • Analyze the reouts of the JTA Peat Pmgram and detemune Ongoing l requiremeres for =reres==iel JTAs. Ongoing
  • Complete JTAs for other sten poodhons as needed. Ongoing
  • Solict a review of the pmposed treuung requirements Finestre the requirements
  • Revise' current PRA cumculum and develop new trawung
  • Propere new courses to meet identified needs. 12/97 AEOD program to fuffillidentified staff needs.
  • Revise current PRA courses to meet identified needs. 12/97
  • Revise current reactor teqhnology <:ourses as necessary to include Complete
addihonel PRA insaghts and annar=nons 396
  • Present revised PRA treuung cumculum
  • Estabhoh contracts for presentshon of new PRA cumculum. Ongoing AEOD
  • Present revised reactor technology courses Ongoing
  • improve courses based on feedback Onoosno f

I i

s i

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4.0 NUCLEAR MATERIALS AND LOW-LEVEL WASTE SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS CEGULATION Regulatory Activity Ottechves Methods Target Lead Schedule Office (s) 4.1 Vandate risk analysis

  • Vandate risk arWysis irJeavvp <leveloped to
  • Hold a workshop consishng of experts in PRA and HRA &94 NMSS

. -44, developed to assess assess the reistive profile of rnost likely to exarmne exiahng work and to prwide recommendehons Completed anoot likely failure modes and contributors to rnisadmrustrations for the garnma for further methodologicalC.4, a.

human performance in the use of sterectactc device (gamma knire). '

Irws=#nal and medcal

  • Exarmne the use of Monte Carto samulebon and Rs SW95 radinhon devices apptcation to relatNe risk profihng Cornpleted
  • Exarmne the use of expert judgemerd in developing error 995 rates and consequence measures. Completed
  • Conhnue the C.4 ,-4 of the rehative risk
  • Develop funchonally based genene event trees. TBD RES/

.,, with the addshon of event tree HMSS modeling of the L-4,yhw remote aftertoader

  • Extend the applacaten of the ,i-4,ve,,uvi and
  • Develop generic risk approaches TBD RES/

lts further C.4i,=,e into additional devees, NMSS including teletherapy and the pulsed high dose rate afterioader _

4 2 Continue use of nsk assessment

  • Develop decism enteria to support
  • Conduct enhanced participatory rulemaking to estabhsh 8/94 PR RES &

of allowable radiaten releases and regulatory decision making that radiologeal creeria for G,. ,viim hiJuim g nuclear sites; Complete NMSS doses associated with low-level incorporates both deterministic and risk-based technical support for rulemaking including comprehensive Final Rule radioactrve waste and residual engineenng judgement risk based assessment of residual contamination. 12/96 3/97 actmty. (Dependent on EPA)

  • Work with DOE and EPA to the extent practicable to Ongoing develop common approaches, assumphons, and rnodels for evaluaung risks and altemahve remediabon methodologies (Risk harmonization) 4 3 Develop guidance for the review
  • W.,p a Branch Techncal Position on
  • Sohcit pubhc comr,ents 1/97 NMSS &

of nsk associated with waste conducting a Performance Assessment of a

  • Pubhsh fmat Branch Techncal Position 8/97 RES repositones LLW disposal facility.

9 10 w w

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j . =


Regulatory AcAMty Gf-r x Methods Target Lead l sceande Ofuoe(s) .


  • Develop guidance for the NRC and CNWRA staffs'
  • Aseist the stelf in pre 4consing activmes and h toenee Ongoing NMSS l LEVEL NUCLEAR WASTE in the use of PA to evaluate the safety of HLW empik =aan roweme,
  • Develop a technical assessment cepetey in totel-l system and outgm PA for use in Econsing and pre-l acensing reviews
  • Comtenear ra a-awa*elescipenes(earth sesences and engineerkg) e those of system modelers to improve mahdology ,


  • Iderefy signecant events, processes, and
  • Perform seneRMty studes of leey technicali==== Ongomg NMSS parameters affectog total system portrmance using florailweperformanceassosoment(IPA).
  • Use PA and PSA methods, results and insights to
  • Assist the sten to rnamteln and to refine the reguistory Ongoing . NMSS ,

evaluate proposed changes to regulations goveming structure in 10 CFR Part 80 that pertains to PA.

I the potential repoestory at Yucca Mountain.

  • Apply IPA enstrees to advise EPA in its C-. , -d i of aYuccaMountainregidation  ;
  • Contmue PA actrvibes during interschons with DOE
  • Provide guidance to the DOE on site charactenzuhon Ongomg NMSS l during the pre-licensmg phase of repostory requirements, ongoing design work, and scenseg CW ', site charactenzation, and reposilory issues vnportent to the DOE's development of a i design. complete and high.<questy license apphcahon.  ;
  • Compare results of NRC's Itershve performance assessment to DOE's TSPA-95 to idenbry mejor efferencesAmoues 5.2 DETERMINE FEASIBILITY OF
  • Determine the extent to which it is cost beneficial to
  • Develop a cost enhmete for a feestillity study on - 1/97 NMSS ,

APPLYING PRA TO SPENT FUEL apply PRA to spent fuel storage facihbes Probablishc Risk Assessment apprr=sians for spent ,

STORAGE FACILITIES fuel storage faresias.

  • Perform faa=May study TBD
  • 1mplement recommendelions of f===May study TBD  ;


  • Use PRA methods, results, and insights to evaluate
  • Update the d=*=h=== on transportshon of t=eaartive end of FY NMSS ASSESSMENT IN SUPPORT OF regulations govemmg the transportahon of r=* amenve metertels for future =pgerskans .

99  ;

  • Rev=M=s= the results of NUREG-0170 for sport fuel TRANSPORTATION shipment risk eselmates 6/99 t

11 t


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