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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 921120
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/25/1992
From: Blaha J
SECY-92-396, WIR-921120, NUDOCS 9212040445
Download: ML20128C485 (35)


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j November 25, 1992 ist: The Commissioners

[tp3: James L. Blaha, Assistant for Operations, Office of the EDO Suldect : WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 1992 E9&ati Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Information Resources Management G Controller H*

Personnel I 52 711 & Disadvantaged Bustriess Utilization & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K Consolidation L State Programs M Policy Planning H Public Affairs 0*

International Programs P Congressional Affairs Q*

Regional Offices R Executive Director for Operations S*

Meeting Notices T

  • No input this week.

Qg&tNo f ames L. Blaha Assistant for Operations OEDO Loren Plisco, OEDO 504-1725 9212040445 921125 PDR COMMS NRCC ,


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 Turkey Point Unit 3 - Cycle 13 Refuelina Outaae and Hurricane Andrew The Unit 3 Cycle 13 refueling outage is in progress and is nearing completion, Most of the hurricane-related damage repairs to Unit 3 were completed prior tn the Unit 4 restart and the licensee is implementing the remaining Unit 3-specific storm damage repsirs.

On November 16, 1992, NRR and Region 11 st*ffs held a meeting with the licensee's representatives at the Turkey Point site to discuss issues relating to the Unit 3 restart. The licensee presented details of the Unit 3 rcstart plan and the current status of its restart activities. Based on the presentation, the staff agreed with the licensee's restart actions. The licensee indicated that its restart activities are on schedule and the reactor is expected to reach criticality on November 25, 1992. The staff also toured the plant to review the >rogress of the restart activities. Prior to achieving criticality, tie licensee will inform the staff of its readiness to restart the unit.

By letter dated November 6,1992, NRR informed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Headquarters of the Unit 3 restart schedule. On November 4,1992, Region 11 also infer:ad the FEMA Region IV offices of the Unit 3 restart schedule. To address Unit 3 restart activities, Region 11 and NRR issued Task Interface Agreement (TIA) 92-33 on November 18.

tilli stone 1 H111 stone 2 is in the 170th day of the outage for replacement of the steam generators. The replacement project is approximately 72 days behind the original schedule with startup (reactor heatu)) projected for approximately December 9, 1992. Both old steam generators Tave been-successfully removed from the containment. One has been delivered to the burial site in South Carolina and is ready for burial. The other is waiting return of the barge and transporter for transportation to the burial site. Both new steam generators are in place in the containment. On December 10-11, 1992, the Mechanical Engineering Branch will perform an audit at the plant site, of the licensee's stress analysis relating to the springing of the cold leg piping to the steam gencrators. The licensee is presently moving fuel back into the reactor vessel. Also, the licensee has completed the disassembly and reassembly of the reactor coolant pump that was found to have a missing bolt on the-impeller. The core reload amendment and the amendment concerning the technical s)ecifications for inspection of the concrete adjacent to the tendon anchorages lave been issued. The request for technical specification changes related to the main steam line break reanalysis and the loss of normal power event are under review. These are required before startup.

Transition of Offsite Emeroency Preoaredness at Seabrook The Emergency Preparedness Branch (PEPB) attended a meeting in Tewksbury, MA on November 13, 1992, with licensee, Federal Emergency Management Agency i


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(FEMA) (Headquarters and Regicaal), and Massachusetts Emergency Management A.gency (MEMA) representatives regarding the transfer of offsite emergency preparedness from the Seabrook licensee to the MEMA. This was another in a series of meetings between FEMA. uEMA, and the licensee to discuss issues which may impact the transfer. ';.e i transfer should take place by January 1, 1993. A meeting with senit representatives of FLMA, MEMA and the NRC (PEPB) t is scheduled for November 30, 1992, in Maynard, MA.

Meetina With hUMARC on FOAKF, On November 10, 1992, the NRC staff met with the Nuclear Management Resources Council Marylandto(NUMARC) discuss the and its representatives, first-of-a-kind engineeringin(FOAKE) the NRCplanned officesfor in Rockville, standardized advanced light water reactor (ALWR) plants. The purposes of the meeting were to provide an information exchange on the f0AKE a)proach and to discuss the potential issues arising Lnoer the F0AKE process t1at might need early consideration. The goals of the FOAKE program are to complete the engineering of certified designs of standard /dWR plants in sufficient detail to define the cost estimates, and prepare for ccustruction as well as to define the process to achieve commercial standardization.

The two specific issues selected for discussion with the NRC staff for this meeting were. (1) piping design improvements; and (2) seismic equipment qualification. NUMARC discussed the need for piping design improvements in ALWR plants since it bell ;es that the ASME Builer and Pressure Vessel Code (ASME Code), Section !!! design requirements for piping are overly conservative and not reflective of current technical knowledge. The NRC staff noted that several changes to the NRC regulations and guidelines for piping design have already beer, proposed for implementation in the ALWR lead plant piping design. These changes include the elimination of the operating basis earthquake from design and an increase in the functional capability tress limits for piping. The staff requested that the NUMARC assess the reasonableness of the total package of piping design criteria proposed for the ALWR lead plant and its impact on piping system design before it proposes to reduce the safety margin further.

The NRC staff further )ointed out that the piping methods used in the F0AKE must be consistent wit 1 the methods described in the standard plant design certification, if changes to the ASME Code ?iping criteria are proposed for F0AKE, then it might be a long time before tiose changes are finally adopted by the Code and endorsed by the NRC. The time factor could be a deterrent to the incorporation of the proposed changes into the design certification process for the ALWR evolutionary plants.

NUMARC discussed its proposed approach for the seisnic qualification of safety-related equipment. It intends to develop guidelines for equipment i seismic qualification that would encompass all qualification methodologies I

(i.e., analyses, tests, and experience). The proposed approach for equipment i seismic qualification would use traditional seismic qualification methods on l equipment types with the highest seismic uncertainty but allow lessons learned from actual earthquake experience. With respect to an experience-based l

j N07 EMBER 20, 1992 ENCLOSURE A l

3 approach, NUMARC noted that there is a need for more definitive guidance on how this approach may be used on a case-by-case basis.

The NRC staff noted that the proposed approach might not be viable for FOAK6 at this time based on the information currently submitted by the ALWR vendors for design certification. The staff stated that it would re-review the design certification applications to assess whether the description of the equipnient seismic qualification methods would encompass such an approach. NUMARC also agreed to discuss this approach with the Al.WR vendors to confirm whether they believe such an approach is encompassed by their submittal.

NUMARC concluded that it plans to consider the NRC staff's comments and will discuss further with the NRC staff any improvemuts in its FOAKE approach in mid-January 1993.

Maintenance Rule Industry Guideline Verification and Validation Meetina NRR, RES, Region IV, and AE00 were the NRC representatives it the fourth maintenance rule industry guideline verification and valioation (V&V) meeting.

The meeting was held at the Nuclear Utilities Management and Resources Committee (NUMARC) offices in Washington, D.C. on November 17-19, 1992, with representatives from NUMARC, the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations, and eight utilities that form the task force involved with the verification and validation effort. Among the issues discussed was the use of various Probabilistic Risk Assessment methodologies to identify and prioritize maintenance activities, in July 1992, the NRC Maintenance Rule Steering Group accepted the NUMARC Guideline in principal and agreed to participate in the V&V effort. The goal of the Steering Group is to endorse the NUMARC Guideline in a regulatory guide. The current schedule calls for the completion of the V&V in December 1992 to su) port the regulatory guide review cycle. The Commission has directed tie staff to have a maintenance rule implementation regulatory guide issued by July 1993.


l Office of Nuclear Waterial Safety and Safeguards Items of Interest i Week Ending November 20, 1992 ligetina Reaardina Uranium Oxidt Powder and Pellet Transoort Packaag On November 12, 1992, Transportation Branch staff met with General Electric Company (GE) regarding the Mo6el No. BU-7 transport package. The BV-7 consists of an inner container surrounded by insulating mas .*ial contained within an outer 55-gallon drom, and is used to transport low .nriched uranium oxides in the form of pellett. or powder. GE discussed design upgrades which they may include with their request for certification renewal in January 1993.

Transoort of Radioactive._tWrials Film The Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) recently completed th film "The Transport of Radioactive Materials" through the Argonne Film and Video Group. The film was produced to acquaint the general public with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Department of Transporti. tion safety system for radioactive material transportation. NMSS plans to provide copies of the film to the Regions and the Office of State Programs, and to coordinate external distribution of the film through the Office of Public Affairs.

Meetina with Japanese Qglenliga On November 13, 1992, Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards staff participated in interagency b:'iefings and technical information exchanges with a Japanese delegation representing the Japanese Nuclear Material Centrol Center, Atomic Energy Research Institute, the National Police Agency and the nuclear industry. The intaragency Phrical Protection Exchange Team, which includes representatives from the D,. nts of Energy (00E), Defense and State, and the Nuclear Regulatory C0 :on, visited Japan in April 1992.

The brl'fings, which were held at the 00E forrestal Building, provided overviews of DOE a'nd NRC physical protection programs. The di.cussions focur J on effectiveness evaluation programs-and international topics.

Ohio Sitina Commission The Ohio Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on developing siting criteria for a low-level radioactive waste disposal facility met on November 16, 1992, in olumbus, ONio. Ohio is the host State for low-level radioactive waste disposal within the Mi<iwest Compact. The Blue Ribbon Commission. is developing.

i a report on specific reccmmendations for siting criteria. The report, which l

is scheduled te. be coropleted within six months, will be provided to the State General Assembly for their use in developing leaislation on siting require-ments. The State General Assembly must- pass legislation providing Ohio statutory authority to host the LLW site; and siting reauiremerts will be a subelement of this legislation. Staff members of tha Mvision of Low-level Waste Management and Cecommissioning made presentations to the Blue Ribbon Commission on 10 CFR Part 61 and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's specific

, siting requirements. The Blue Ribbon Commission is scheduled to hold 12 l public meetings over the next six months to solicit comments from the public.

In aadition, they will be holding a number of working meetings to formulate l NOVEMBER 20, 1992 ENCLO5URE B l

2 the report t.o the State General Assembly. The Commission ex)ressed a need for additional assistance from the NRC in support of their L.W development activity. .


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Office of Nuclee Regulatory Research Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 Recently Issued Publications Draft Reguidory Guide DG-1015, " Identification and Characterization of Seismic Sources, Deterministic Source Earthquakes, and Ground Motion."

Comments requested by March 24, 1993.

Draft Regulatory Guide DG-1016 (Second Proposed Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 1.12)(Previously issued as Draft MS-140-5), " Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation for Earthquakes."

Comments requested by March 24, 1993.

Draft Regulatory Guide DC-1017. " Pre-Earthquake Planning and Immediate Nuclear Power Plant Operator Postearthquake Actions."

Comments requested by March 24, 1993.

Draft Regulatory Guide DC-1018, " Restart of a Nuclear Power Plant Shut Down by a Seismic Event."

Comments requested by March 24, 1993.

Draft Regulatory Guide DG-4003 (Proposed Revision 2 to Regulatory Guide 4.7),

" General Site Suitability Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants."

Comments requested by March 24, 1993.

Standard Review Plan 2.5.2, Proposed Revision 3, " Vibratory Ground Motion,"

November 1992.

Public comment period expires March 24, 1993.

Westinohouse Annealina Workshoo Staff from RES and NRR atte med the Westinghouse Annealing Workshop, held in Monroeville, PA, on November 17-18, 1992. The purpose of the workshop was for Westinghouse to present a_ concept for a full-scale annealing demonstration that would also provide a vehicle for validation of a three-dimensional stress analysis code. The meeting was attended by representatives of a number of utilities, the Westinghouse Owner's Group, the B&W Owner's Group, Sandia National Lab, and a representative of EPRI. Westinghouse Nuclear Services  ;

Division has estaalished a relationship with Cooperheat Inc. to promote this annealing demonstiation. Cooperheat described the procciure they prefer for vessel heating, whid consists of indirect gas-fired radiant heatilig rather than electrical resistano radiant heating. Westinghouse-proposed that the demonstration be done us ..r, a fully-constructed but as-yet unused nuclear steam supply system. T'aey went on to try to show that all PWRs could benefit from the annealing demonstration, not just those facing high NDT shifts or significant raductions in upper shelf energy levels.

The Westinghouse Owner's Group Materials Subcommittee considered the proposal-in the afternoon of November 1r to decide if they wanted to recommend it for adoption as part of their program. Although the response was positive, the NOVEMBER 20, 1992 ENCLOSURE C

2 WOG decided to hold another "information" type meeting durirl the December ASME Code meetings in Louisville, where they would try agaf :o present the material to additional appropriate industry representatives including NUMARC, DOE and EPRI. If the response to the Louisville meeting turnt out to be positive, then the WOG presumably would ask NUMARC to coordinate industry activity in this area. It is Westingh use's intent to invite the BWOG and CE0G as well as EPRI and DOE to join the utilities as funding partners, but NRC would only be asked to provide consultation and guidance. Westinghouse stated that they felt the demonstration could be accomplished at a cost of

$5-7M, and could be accomplished in 12-18 months. Utility representatives, however, noted that they were typically on a two-year cycle fse funding of new projects.

The Westinghouse proposal for an annealing demonstration appeared to be correctly focused on the proper issues af validation of stress analysis and deformation of the primary system, and of operations to prepare for, install, operate and remove the annealing apparatus. The proposal is expected to be elevated to higher management in utilities, DOE, EPRI, owners' groups and NUMARC for clear indications of support.


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Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Items-of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992-Incident Resoonse Branch (IRBI The AEOD Director and Deputy. Director, IRB Cnief and staff gave a tour and-briefing on the Operations Center to Dr. Victor _ Asmolov. Director of the_

Nuclear-Safety Institute-in Rdssia and Professor Leonid A. Bolshov,' Director, Russian Academy of Science. In particular, they discussed the Lisbon initiative to provide aid to Russian and Ukrainian reactor operators.-

On November 17-18, the IRB staff conducted response training for Region I staff. About 40 people attended.

Preliminary Notifications

a. PN0-I-92-67A, Massachusetts Department of Public Works, _ Wellesley,  !

Massachusetts, Theft Of A Troxler Moisture / Density. Meter (Update),

b. PNO-I-92-68, Greenwich Hos)1tal Association, CT, Therapeutic Misadministration of Teletierapy Radiation Dose To A Patient. *
c. PNO-I-92-69, New England Medical Center Hospitals,' Boston,- Massachusetts, .

Discovery of Two Iridium-192 Sources in Trash By Waste Disposal- Facility.-

d. PN0-1-92-70, New York-Power AJthority (Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant), Discovery of Marijuana Plants On Licensee Property. _,
e. PN0-II-92-079, Duke Power Co. (Catawba 2), Shutdown Exceeding 72 Hours, a
f. PN39260, S'. John's Medical Center, Anderson, Indiana.-Therapeutic Misadministration,
g. PN39261, Iowa State University, Research Reactor, Ames, IA, Stuck Shim Safety Control Rod.
h. PNO-IV-92-038A,- Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, Gore, Oklahoma, Reltase ofi Nitric Acid Fumes. .
i. PNO-IV-92-0388, Sequoyah fuels Corporation, Gorc, Oklahoma, Release of Nitric-Acid Fumes. <
j. PN0-IV-92-039, Newcor Stcel, Shipment of Scrap Metal Returned, s


Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 Sianificant FOIA Reauests Received by the NRC For 5-Day Period of November 13 - Novevber 19. 1992 Request for two categories of record; regarding-Nuclear Mctals, Inc. of-Concord, Massachusetts. (Sumin Tchen, ST Associates, F01A-92-547)

Request for the most recent copies of Agency Information Technology Plan; Agency long-Range Plan; Agency Acquisition Plan and Active Contract log.

(Mary Tolle, I-Net, F0lA-92-549)

Request for a copy of "U.S. Atoric Energy Commission and Rare Earth's Inc.

Contract No. AT-(49-6)-993." (Herschel Livingston, Science Applications International Corporation, F01A-92-550)

Request for a copy ci Babcock and Wilcox inventory report. (Tan Vinh, National Security News Service, F01A-92-551)

Request for records pertaining to the September 30, 1999, accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. (Karen Horton, Essential Information, F01A-92-552)

Request for copies of the Technical Evaluation Committee's Report and General Evaluation Sheets for the awarding of the contract fnr solicitation No. RS-IRM-92-203. (Suzanne Carmasino, S,, tem Automation Corporation, F01A-92-555)

Request for a copy of the Memorandum of Negotiation for the awarding of the contract for solicitation No. RS-IRM-92-203. (Suzanne Carmasino, System Automation Corporation, F01A-92-556)

Request for records relating to Nuclear Packaging Inc. ano the TRtiPACT-II containers. (Henry Bchnhoff of Rodey, Dickason, Sloan, Akin & Robb, P.A.,



Office of Information Resources Management Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 6.UTOS (Aaency Uparade of Technoloav for Office Systems)

The first drafts of the detailed office specific AUTOS in.11ementation plans for the Offices of Information Resources Management, Nuclear Regulatory Research, Administration, and Personnel have been completed and are under review. The NRC AUTOS team will initially review the implementation plans for accuracy and consistency. Once this review has been completed, the AUT0S team will provide a copy of the implementation plan to each office for their review. Af ter each office has completed a review of their implementation plan, a walk-through of each plan will be conducted with each office to address outstanding questions ard issues. Additionally, the slan will identify the implementation schedule for the office, any facility modifications required, and the equipment requirements for the implementation.

Customer Outreach Program The first of a series of meetings between IRM management and the NRC's ADP Coordinators was held on November 10, 1992. This meeting represents Phase I 1 of the FY 1993 Inftrmation Technology Support Section Customer Outreach Program. This FY 1993 initiative is intended to renew a partnership with the agency-wide customer community regarding the personal computer program.

Representatives from all major Program Offices were in attendance at the mtating. All of the work groups in IRM were represented at the meeting and several of them spoke to the ADP Coordinators and other guests.


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J Office of Personnel .

Items of Interest '

Week Ending November 20, 1992 Personnel Manacement Conference Attended On November 17, 1992, Carolyn Swanson, Chief, Executive and Operational Support Programs, attended the Federal Section Conference of the International Personnel Management Association. The conference brought together representatives from many Federal agencies to discuss human resource nianagement issues of the 1990's.

Meetina with the Office of Government Ethics Attended On November 17, 1992, Lillian van Santen, Organizational Development and Training, met with representatives from the Office of Government Ethics to discuss how NRC informs employees at Orientation for New Employees about standards of conduct and the in-house ethics training to be provided to all emple"ees starting in January 1993. The Office cf Government Ethics recently established new sthics-related requirements for aH Federal agencies and their employees.

Recruitment Activities Since the beginning of this month, the following schools and conferences were attended as part of the-Agency's recruitment effort:

November 4 University of Virginia Minority Career Fair November 5-7 American Indian Science and Engineering Conference November 5 University of Pittsburgh lifrican-American Job Expa November 6 City College of New York November 7 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Conference November 9 Stevens Institute of Technology November 12-14 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers Conference

. November 13 Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement November 17-19 American Nuclear Society Conference November 16 Georgia Tech November 17 Rutgers University November 18 University of Pittsburgh November 19 University of Maryland I;0VEMBER 20. 1992 ENCLOSURE I

Office of Enforcement Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 Sianificant Enforcement Actions

1. An Order Imposing Civil Penalty in the amount of $7,500 was issued Covember 17, 1992 to Metals Evaluation and Testing, Inc., Oakland, California. The action involved the failure to perform a thorough . .

survey of a radiography exposure device to assure that the source had been returned to its fully shielded position following use. The licensee responded to the Notice in two letters dated September 15, 1992 and admitted the vidation but protested the civil penalty. After consideration of the respnses, the staff concluded that the licens :

did not provide an adequate basis for mitigation of the civil penalty.

(EN 92-062A)

2. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Impositico of Civil Penalty in the amount of $625 was issued on November 20, 1992, to Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation of Oakland, California. This action was based on Kaiser's failure to inform the purchaser of Kaiser property in Bedford, Indiana, that a generally licensed device containing 100 millicuries of cesium-137 was installed in the facility. The purchaser subsequently dismantled the prodiction line and transferred the scrap steel to a steel reprocessor. The generally licensed device was in the scrap steel and was detected by portal radiation monitors at the steel reprocessor.

(EN 92-086)

3. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $7,500 was issued on November 20, 1992, to Capital Materials Testing, Inc., Ballston Spa, New York. The civil penalty was based on a violation of NRC requirements identified during an inspection sf activities performed by this agreement state licensee in Massachusetts (a non-agreement state). The violation involved the failure to adequately perform a survey of a radiographic device after the completion of a radiography activity. (EN 92-087)

Civil Penalty Paid Triad Engineering Consultants, Inc., Morgantown, West Virginia paid the civil penalty in the amount of 5375. The action was based on two violations related to the loss of a Troxler Model 3411B gauge containing approximately 10 mci of cesium-137 and 50 mLi of americium-241.- (EA 92-186)


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Office of Consolidation items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 Second Buildina Status During the week excavation and pouring of footings began in_ front of OWTN for an added low planter. Excavation also began at the northeast rear corner of TWFN, near the garage driveway, for a retaining wall. On the southwest corner of TWFN Deneau Construction installed a storm drain. The tower crane openings In the slabs of garage levels A through E were filled.

Drywall enclosure of core areas is continuing. Elevator components are on site.

Plumbing rough-ins for toilets and drinking fountains on floors 2-10 are completed. Change orders from NRC to GSA to increase toilet facilities on floors 6-10 are still pending.

Consolidation staff participated in various meetings on November 16-19 including a mesting with Haworth representatives on November 16, a Move Team meeting on November 17, an Operations Center weekly status meeting on November 18, and e.

TWFN project status meeting at GSA on November 19.

On November 19, the Director met with GSA's contracting officer for TWFN to discuss the project schedule as it relates to lease commencement and move dates.

On November 19, DBI, the TWFN Interior design contractor, delivered the final Telephone and Electric "hardline" drawings of floors 2-10 to Lerner, GtA and the NRC for review. NRC comments are due back to GSA by c.o.b. December 4.


Office of State Programs items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 NARUC Annual Meetino The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) held its annual meeting on November 16-10, 1992 in los Angeles, California.

Commissioner Kenneth Rogers, Myron Karman, legal Assistant, and Spiros Droggitis, State Programs, participated in the meetings. Commissioner Rogers made a presentation before the NARUC Subcommittee on Nuclear Issues / Waste Disposal on November 15, 1992. The Commissioner provided a status report on NRC activities, including the NARUC/NRC dialogue of October 19, 1992.

Mr. Karman briefed the Subcommittee on nuclear-related items in the Energy Policy Act of 1992. The Subcommittee annour.ced that-a cooperative agreement had been signed with the Departr,ient of Energy (DOE) where DOE will fund a 3-person NARUC Nuclear Waste Office to monitor the progress toward the cost-effective off-site receipt of high level radioective waste by 1998 and of the site characterization .,f Yucca Mountain. NARUC adopted a resolution which states that its Waste Office will convene a confeyer,ce in Washington, DC in -

February 1993 to provide sufficient information and discussion in order to develop a specific list of desired Congressional and NMUC actions regarding high-level waste disposal.

Rocky Mountain LLW Board Meetino Charles Hackney, Region IV State Liaison Officer, attended the Rocky Mountain LLW Board meeting on Novemlier 16, 1992 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Representatives from the State of Washington discussed fee schedules, on-site inspections, transportation inspections and points of entry into Washington.

Workshon on Part 31 State Programs sponsored a radiography workshop on November 16-18, 1992 in Irving, Texas. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss radiography practices and to gather information for developing radiography regulations NRC staff from Research, NMSS, Region V, General Counse! and State Programs participated in the work:: hop with twenty Agreement State representatives and others from industry and-government.

Well Locaina Cour se_

i State Programs sponsored a course entitled " Gas and Oil Well Logging for Regulatory Personnel" on November 16-20, 1992 in Houston, Texas. The course was held at Schlumberger Well Services. The purpose of the course was to provide regulatory personnel with background training regarding operations and l regulatory practices associated with gas and oil well logging, with particular emphasis on the health and safety aspects of the use of radioactive materials in these activities. Seventeen State and tw1 foreign representatives participated in the training.


NCSL Leaislative Workina Group on Monitored Retrievable Storace d

Rosetta Virgilio, State Programs, participated in the National Conference of' State Legislatures (NCSL) Legislative Working Group on Monitored Retrievable Storage (MRS) meeting, which was held on November 17-20, l',32 in Williamsburg, Virginia. The meeting included tours of the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facilities at Calvert Cliffs and Surry. The working group discussed issues such as: status of grant applications; National Energy Policy impact on MRS; State-Tribal relations in MRS siting; benefits from hosting an MRS; community involvement and public percepuon of risk.

Central Midwest LLW Compact Commission Meetina Roland Lickus, Region III State Liaison Officer, attended the Central Midwest Interstate Low-level Radioactive Waste Commission meeting on Norember 17, 1992 in Springfield, Illinois. The Commission discussed the agreement providing for access to the Barnwell LLW disposal fa:ility, access to storage and treatment facilities in the Southeast region and adequacy of on-site storage in the Central Midwest region.


Office of Policy Planning Items of Interest-Week Ending November 20, 1992 Assessment of the Reactor Inspection Proaram A report containing the findings and reconnendations resulting from the inspection program assessment has been-issuea. The assessment focused on the overall effectivaness and health of the program, based principally on its impact on the safety performance of utilities. Data supporting the findings and conclusions were gathered from NRC and industry sources.

The overall conclusion reached was that the reactor inspectio^ program is healthy and has a positive impact on the safety performance of utilities.

However, opportunities exist for making improvements. in the effectiveness of both t!;9 insraction program and the regulatory initiatives founded on the program. The' ' provements would both enhance the program's focus on safety significance . -inish the regulatory burden, with minimal resource commitment.


Office of International Programs Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 International Visitors On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. John Gittus, Director General of the British Nuclear Forum, met with Commissioners Curtiss and Remick to discuss relicens.49 issues in the U.S. and the U.K.

On Thursday afternoon, Dr. Adolf Birkhofer, General Manager of GRS (Gesellscha: for Reaktorsicherheit), Germany, visited the Chairman to brief him on the latest developments concerning German nuclear safety assistance to the former Soviet Union (FSU).


4 Region !

Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992 1, Lbjffd States Q10artment of Aariculture (USDA). License No, 19-00915-03 An exit meeting was held at the USDA Radiation Safety Office in Greenbelt, Maryland on November 11, 1992 to discuss items identified during nine USDA facility inspections performed during the period of October 1991 through September 1992 and the USDA Radiation Safety Office inspection on September 8-9, 1992. NRC representatives including the Medical, A:ademic, and Commercial Use Safety Branch Chief, the Region I Nuclear Materials Safety Branch Chief and a Senior Health Physicist met with the Acting Deputy Administrator of the Agricultural Research. Service and the Director of the Radiation Safety Staff and Radiation Safety Officer for the USDA license.

Eleven apparent violations were discussed, including several items which were first identified during the 1990 inspection: failure to inspect USDA facilities at the required frequency; failure to leak test sealed sources at the required frequency, and failure to evaluate ash and/or maintain records of incineration at some USDA sites. Delays of licensee commitments made in 1990 were also discussed. The licensee presented corrective ttions that have been or will be taken to correct the violations and discussed plais to cont'..ue improvement of the radiation safety program and manactment control of USDA sites.


7 Region II Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992

1. Florida Power Cornoration On November 20, the Regional Administrator, accompanied by Regional staff, was at the Crystal River facility to present the latest SALP results to representatives of Florida Power Corporation and to hold a public meeting with local officials attending the SALP presentation.
2. Tennessee Valley Authority

, On Nove.nber 16, representatives from the Tennessee Valley Autnority were in the Region 11 Office to discuss pre-optrational testing of their Watts Bar facility.

3. Ibiclear fuel Services. Inc. - lon Resin Glcss Column Eteakaae in tbs.303 Comolex On November 19, 1992 the licensee experienced another glass column break in the same area of the facility as occurred on October 26, 1992. The column was in use at the time and as a result ion exchange resin beads and process liquid spilled into the dike area and across the walkway around the area. The licensee immediately isolated the spill area, obtained high volume air samples, and collected material samples for evaluation of material concentration levels. The cleanup activities 2 were conducted in a safe and effective manner. The licensee will not reinstall this glass column until they had completed their evaluation and taken corrective actior.s to reduce ti.a probability of recurrence.

Initial evaluations of the root cause points to stresses on the glass column which were induced during the installation process.

4. Florida Power and Liaht Company Turkey Point Unis 3 is scheduled to restart next week, after being shut down for Hurricane Andrew and c refueling outage. The unit is scheduled to be critical on November 25 and on line on November 27. Prior to the restart, a telephone conference call with the licensee, resident inspectors, Region 11 management, and NRR will be conducted to review and concur in the readiness for restart. During N startup, Region 11 inspectors will monitor licensee activities with around the clock coverage.



Region III Items of mterest Week Ending November 20, 1992

1. D. C. Cook Nuclear Pirat The Chairman of the %: lear Regulatory Commission toured the site, held meetings with the licensee, and conducted a press conference on November 16, 1992. He was accompanied by Dr. Carl J. Paperiello, Deputy Regional Administrator.
2. Zion Nuclear Power Station Mr. James H. Taylcr, Executiva Director for Operations, and Mr. A. Bert Davis, Regional Administrator, visited the Zion Station on November 19, 1992. Messrs. Taylor and Davis met with the NRC Zion Review Team and l the resident inspectors, toured the station, und met with the Station (1anager, the Station Vice President, the Chief Nucle.r Operating Officer, the Chief Nuclear Officer and the Chief Executive Officer.

Topics discussed included station performance and material condition, planned and anticipated outages and modif! 8 ihr*,, and the new corporate and site management scheme.

3. Zion liuclear Power Station A representative of KFKI Atomic (a Hungarian national laboratory),

visited the Zion Station on November 17, 1992, to discuss simulator training, root cause analysis, and operator performance. The visit was arranged through the Office of International Programs, NRR, and Region Ill.

4. [sniumers Power Cpmpany On Tuesday November 17, 1992, Mr. G. Wright and Region III staff met with Consumers Power Company. The discussion centered on the utility's plan to modify their Quality Assurar.ce (QA) Topical Report. The specific area of change involved deleting one level of guidance documents presently referenced in QA Topical Report CPC-?A. The licensee plans to formally submit the change next summer.
5. [linton Power Station f Three Japanese visitors from the Hokuriki Power Company toured the Clinton Power Station on November 17, 1992. The Illinois Power Company is negotiating an Agreement of Cooperation with this company.


h Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992

1. Gulf States Utilities Enforcement Conference An enforcement ccnference was held on November 20, 1992, at the Region IV office with Gulf States Utilities to review the findings related to an inspection conducted at the licensee's facility on October 7-23, 1992. The conference focused on several problems involving the control and surveys of radioactive waste.


Region V Items of Interest Week Ending November 20, 1992

1. Nessrs. J. Martin and F. Miraglia (NRR) met with the Arizona Public Service Board of Directors on Monday, November 16, 1992 to discuss tha performance of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.
2. On Tuesday, November 17, 1992, Mr. f. Miraglia, of NRR, and members of the Region V staff toured the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station and met with the facility management to discuss the performance of the facility.
3. An operater licensing requalification examination is being conducted at the Washington Nuclear Facility No. 2 during the week of November 16, 1992.


h,vember 20,-1992 NRR Meeting Notice 2 Docket Attendees /

. '{ Oate/Tigg Number Locaticn Purpose Apolicant t;RR Contact 11/23/92 52-002 One White Flint North To discuss resolution of open NRC/ABB-CE/ T. Wambach S$ 8:30-5:00 Rona 108-13 items in the CE Systen 80+ draft DESI

}, safety evaluation report relating to seismic analysis u>

ES results, and seismic margin i methods.

11/23/92 None One White Flint North To discuss results of recent NRC/0KONITE! C. McCracken 11:00-1:00 Room 16B-11 tests conducted by Sandia SANDIA National Laboratories.

11/24/92 50-269 B&W Nuclear Service Co. To discuss the preliminary NRC/B&W OWNERS S. Reynolds 8:00-4:00 50-270 3315 Old Forest Road program plan for the B&W Deners GROUP 50-287 Lynchburg, VA 24506 Group license renewal 50-289 initiative.

50-302 50-313 50-346 11/24/92 52-001 One White Flint North To discuss open items identified NRC/GE C. Poslusny 10:00-12:00 Room llE-13 by the staff's review of ASWR technical specifications.

11/30/92 50-255 One White Flint North To discuss recent Palisades NRC/CPCo AL ttsciadonio 9:00-12:00 Room IF-19 performance.

12/1/92 50-237 One' White Flint North To discuss the use of the N2C/ CECO J. Hickman 1:00-4:00 50-249 Room 88-11 Corporate Emergency Operations 50-254 Facility (EOF) as an interim EOF 50-265 for response to an event at one 50-295 af Commonwealth Edison's g 50-304 licensed facilities pending the p 50-373 activation of the near-site EOF.

c) 50-374 ll m

50-454 50-455

-4 50-456 50-4b7

November 20,.1992 NRR Meetina Notice :Page.2

z Docket' Attendees / .,'

yj Date/ Time Number location Purpose AREJi. cant NRR Contact .

m E

12/03/92 50-395 One White Flint North To discuss the Virgil C. Summer NRC/SCE&G G. Wunder E!

1:30-4:00 Room 138-9 instrumentation calibration and monitoring program.

h! 12/9-10/92 52-003 One White Flint North To discuss scaling logic, NRC/ WESTINGHOUSE F. Hasselberg 8:30-4:30 Room 4B-11 facility design, test matrix and analysis plans for the AP600 design at Westinghouse's Sigh pressure and low pressure integral system test facilities.

12/15/92 52-003 One White Flint North To discuss severe accident NRC/ WESTINGHOUSE' F. Hasselberg 8:30-4:30 Room IF-7/9 issues such as accident phenomena,. analytical codes, source term and containment analysis, post accident hydrogen control and mixing.for the AP600 design.

12/15/92 50-285 One. White Flint North To discuss future spent fuel NRC/0 PPD S. Bloom 9:00-12:00 Room IF-19 pool rerack submittal for Fort Calhoun.


St Ei .


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g, ' " ' '

November 20, 1992 NMSS Meetina Notices 5

m Attendees /

Purpose Aeolicant NRC Contact D. ate / Time Location a NRC C. Abrams Forrestal Bldg. (TELECONFERENCE) 1e 11/24 11:30 a.m. -

N/A Rm. 3E077 NRC/ DOE Interactions DOE l 0 3:45 p.m. Washington, DC Scheduling Meeting State of Nev'da and affected 1 '.al governments Yucca Mt. Proj. Off.

Las Vegas, NV Japanese Safeguards NRC, DOS, DOE, ACDA W. Murphey 11/24-25 N/A DOS Bilaterals To attend National NRC S. Nalluswami 11/30 N/A Washington, DC Ground Water Sampling Federal Agencies Symposium State Agencies and Industry /Public Louisville, KY To participate in NRC B. Brach 12/01 N/A Federal Agencies ASME Main Comittee mtgs on Authorized State Agencies and Nuclear Inspection & Industry /Public Specialized Prof.

l Er.gineers and sub-committee mtg on

' Authorized Inspection Agency Requirements Actior Plan Working NRC, DOS, DOE, ACDA W. Hurphey 12/2 N/A DOS Group Preparation for Bilaterals NRC N. Osgood 71-9252 NRC Model No. 51032-2 12/3 Package B&W Fuel Company m

2 P




_ _ _ . _ _ -)

2 gg NMSS Meetina Notices (continued) ,

- 55 2

N$ Docket Attendees /

(( Date/ Time Number location Purpose Apolicant NRC Contact


G$ 12/08 N/A Falls City, TX To attend Scoping NRC J. Surmeier

- X$ meeting on Generic DOE EIS for Groundwater Federal Agencies Remediation of DOE State Agencies and Title 1 Uranium Industry /Public Mill Sites 12/9 71-9255 NRC Model No. HUHOMS MP-187 NRC, Pacific Nuclear, N. Osgood Package Sacramento Municipal Utility District 12/17. 71-9253 NRC Nodel No. TN-FSV NRC, Transnuclear, N. Osgood Package Public Service of Colorado n

O 5




yl RES Meeting Notices

.x EI Docket Attendees /

l[ Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact o

11/30-12/4/92 N/A Cadarache/ Visit PHEBUS test facility; E.Beckford B.Sheron

jj Paris, France attend CSNI Annual meetir.g B.Sheron n>

12/1/92 N/A Crowne Plaza Nuclear Safety Research Review Subconmittee; G. Sege Holiday Inn Committee Waste Subcommittee M.Silberberg Rockville, MD meeting et al.

12/2-3/92 N/A Crowne Plaza Nuclear Safety Research Review Subcommittee; G. Sege Holiday Inn Committee Advanced Reactor L.Shao, Rockville, MD Subcommittee meeting L.Shotkin, et al.

12/9-10/92 N/A Crowne Plaza Nuclear Safety Research Review Subcommittee; G. Sege Holiday 'nn Committee Instrumentation & F.Coffman Rockville, MD Controls & Human Factors et al.

Subcommittee meeting 12/9-12/92 N/A Paris, France Halden Board of Management J. Murphy J. Murphy meeting

[J. Murphy - U.S. rep.]

1/5-8/93 N/A Red Lion Resort CSNI Specialist Meeting on DECD members F. Eltawila 633 East Cabullo Fuel-Coolant-Interaction Blvd.

Santa Barbara, CA 1/14-15/93 N/A Crowne Plaza Nuclear Safety Research Review NSRRC; G. Sege Holiday Inn Committee meeting E.Beckjord, Rockville, MD G.Sege, et al.

- E!

.p S!

. nE,

,H i

o -

November 20, 1992 5

. pi-gg . OSP Meetina Notices 9

no Docket Attendees /

ja Date/ Time . Number Location Purpose Applicant NRC Contact j$ 12/1/92 N/A Seattle, WA Northwest LLW NA D. Kunihiro

^3 Compact Meeting 12/2-3/92 N/A Raleigh, NC North Carolina Radiation NA R. Woodruff Control Program Review

'12/7-11/92 N/A Oak Ridge, TN Radiation Protection NA D. Sollenberger Engineering Course 12/9-11/92 N/A Washington, DC NCSL State-Federal NA M. Landau Assembly 12/15-17/92 N/A San Francisco, CA California Radiation NA J. Hornar Control Program Review b

-gr o


. ?'


5 as November 20, 1992 5

[g Recion I Meetina Notices

. .E$ Docket Attendecs/

_, .Date/ Time Number location Purpose Acolicant BRC Contact R m 11/30/92 N/A Region I Enforcement Conference Selected NRC Staff Shanbaky 1:00 p.m. regarding violatiers Members and Licensee identified during ine routine inspection conducted October 22 thru October 27, 1992 12/01/92 50-220 Region I Enforcement Conference Selected NRC Staff Nicholson 10:00 a.m. 50-410 concerning Two Improper Members and Licensee High Radiation Area Entries 12/02/92 50-317 Region I Enforcement Conference Selected NRC Staff Nicholson 1:00 p.m. 50-318 Unauthorized high Members and Licensee radiation area entries 12/03/92 50-245 Region I Management Meeting to Selected NRC Staff Doerflein 50-336 discuss licensed Members and Licensee 50-423 operator weaknesses during the 1992 requali-

, fication examination P


!5 f71 H




@ 12/04/92 50-387 Region I Management P.eeting to Selected NRC Staff White g 10:00 a.m. 50-388 discuss PA Power and Members and Licensee m Light's differences P relative to Emergency Protective Guidelines,

$ Revision 4.

m s


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I November 20, 1992 gg M

i5 Recion II Meeting Notice Ed Docket Attendees /

$$ Purpose Applicant NRC Contact

_, Date/ Time Number Location 8

m Enforcement Conference RA, RII Staff Ebneter 11/23/92 N/A RII Office CP&L - Brunswick and Licensee 10:00 a.m.

Enforcement Conference RA, RII Staff Ebneter 11/24/92 N/A RII Office DPC - Oconce and Licensee 10:00 a.m.

Meeting with TVA to RA, RII Staff Ebneter 11/24/92 N/A RII Office  !

Employee Concerns and Licer.see 2:00 p.m.

Columbia, SC Managenent Meeting RA, RII Staff Ebneter i 11/30/92 N/A and Licensee TBD Westinghouse Electric Corporation m

O 5

Region III Meeting Notice h

E Docket Attende9s

.g; Purpose FRC Contact

= Rate / Time Eumber Lochtion trolicant Technical Training Deputy Regional Paperiello 11/23 N/A HQ Advisory Meeting (TAC) Administrator


50-454 Site Conmonwealth Edison Co. Licensee, Regional Greenman 12/02 Administrator, and Selected 50-455 Byron II.itial Exam Staff Local Region III Manager:ent Fe9 onal Adr.inist.ator Davis 12/08 N/A Meeting Deputy Regional Administrator and Principal Staff N/A RIII Commonwealth Edison Co. LMensee, Regional Greenman )

12/10 Administrator, and Older Plant Meeting l Selected RIII Staff l 50-440 RIII Cleveland Electric Co. Licenser, Regional Greenman 12/17 Administrator, and 50-441 Management Meeting Selected RIII Staff 50-456 'ii te Commonwealth Edison Co. Licensee, Regicnal Greenman 12/18 Administrator, and 50-547 Braidwood SALP Selected RIII Staff 50-282 RIII Northern States Power Licensee, Regional Greenmaa 12/18 Administrator, and 50-306 Company Management Meeting Selected RIII Staff 50-305 RIII Wiscons n Public i Licensee, Res,wnal Greenman 12/22 Administrator, and Service Company Management Meeting Selected RIII Staff E

P 8

E m

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!E' 4 November 20, 1992

E Region IV Meeting Notice

'E ,

m Docket Attendees /

P Date/ Time Number location Purpose Apolicant _NRC Contact .

lG. .

l c

11/20/92 50-458 RIV Enforce =ent conferex e Gulf States Utilities A. B. -4ch 10:00

.i 12/3/92 50-458 Site SAtP Meeting Gulf States Utilities A. B. Leach I 9:00 '

12/16/92 50-48? Site SALP Meeting WCNOC A. B. Beach i 1:00 12/1/92 15000030 RIV Enforcement conference Western Technologies, C. L. Cain j 9:00 lie. -

r I

t I

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E5 pp November 20, 1992.


ll Region V Neeting Notices

. E$

Docket Attendees Date/ Time Number Location Purpose Arolicant NRC Centact E


Resident Inspector D. Kirsch 7?/8-11/92 N/A Region V Resident Inspector Meeting e:00 :.m.- Concord Hilton 5:00 p.m.

i 12/15,)? 50-528 Region V San Onofre SALF Board Designated Staff H. Wong 8:30 4 4.- 50-529 Meeting 4:15 p.m. 50-530 i

4 $

i I' s

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' E! l

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. _ -, , . . . - , -_ .- ._ - - , - . - . - - , - . . . . _ . . , . _ -