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Forwards SER Re Assessment of Results of B&W Owners Group (Bwog) Review of B&W Mfg Nuclear Power Plants.Each Util Should Commit to Implementing Bwog Recommendations on Fixed Schedule & Formulate Plans & Schedule by 880601.W/o Encl
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/11/1987
From: Kammerer C
To: Clinton B
Shared Package
ML20127A449 List:
FOIA-92-264 NUDOCS 8712210028
Download: ML20127A677 (1)


! .Distributtons. Centra)i

.. . Subj File: NRR/B&W


Gl'A RF RVirgilio Hoenton DEC 11 1937 TMurley,NRR FMiraglia, NRR Honorable Bill Citnton Governor of Arkansas State Capitol Little Rock, Arkansas 7??01

Dear Governor Clinton:

The Nuclear Regulatory Comission staff has conpleted a Safety Evaluation Report (SER) which assesses the results of a review by the Babcock & Wilcox Owners Group (BV0G) of B&V-runufactured nuclear power plants. Enclosed for your information please find a copy of the report.

The results of the staff's evaluation are, in general, favorabic; however, some areas have been identified where improvements could be made--in particular, the staff was not able to reach a final conclusion on the acceptability of the hunan factors portion of the DWOG progran. In addition, in the SER, the staff has requested that the BWOG consider the incorporation of all staff recorriendations in its program and implementation by each utility owner of a BEF reactor in a timely manner.

In addition, the staff believes that each utility should comit to irplementing all of the RWOG recomendations on a fixed schedule and has proposed that they fonnulate plans and schedules for doing so and submit them to the staff by June 1, 1988. The staff also plans to audit the disposition of the recomendations to date at one or two individual plants early in 1988.

At least one supplenent of this report will be forthcoming addressing reviews of (1) the integrated control systen/non-nuclear instrumentation system. (?)

the erergency feedwater initiation and control system, and (3) reactor trip initiating events. Supplenent 1 is scheduled to be completed by the end of January 1988 and will be forwarded to you upon its availability.

I hope you will find the report helpful. gg/ pS/ C CM 71211 Since lv 3

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,R s y C .;xn V ." v v- C3rlton Kamerer, Director #

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