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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Documents.Forwards Documents Listed in App K Which Are Being Made Available at Pdr.Records Listed in App L Withheld in Entirety (Ref FOIA Exemption 7)
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/27/1992
From: Grimsley D
To: Curran D
Shared Package
ML20126M774 List:
FOIA-92-204 NUDOCS 9301110099
Download: ML20126M772 (4)


{{#Wiki_filter:~ .. ~ . . _ ,-. - .~ , - l ( FOIA 204

    #s,. <..~.            c, n.m g        - d-L,-                                                                                                                                             9 t !,PONu l y r t 1.

ip 'k* r >, .j RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF lwt iXlm^t

 'Q.q;j  .....

INFORMATION ACT (FOIA' HEQUEST o^" M 2 71992 O J c P- [ t N L */ P 6 P ' f i t.'t4Pf% dt- f / stu n u t > Didne Curran PART l.- AGE NCY H E CORDS R E L E ASE D OR NOT LOC AT E D (See : he A c.? ova ed No ay'v.y reco ds svtst to t++ remest have heer hxated No a-id t or # .nent y r em rds s itym t to the reg.a .t Fa,e t+cn v oted Reaves *J Ts' cords are a J f oMe !St oup bnot* er Dut4C d stobut.on progra'n Sese Commems sectine, A'/thc , rMo'd5 Wtyect to the re' pes' that d*e utentif ed m A;te4 mies!


d'e M't d y a vJJaWe for pubhc mnctior a'vj copying at the N N C D ', C [>'.p u"Tn t U DO",. 2120 L St eet. N W . Nsha / on. DC u X Ay nc , records sutn e '.1 to " e rey mt it.e dentihed in Apr+nd n ied k are be rg 'Nie adaht for pubhc itupect.on and c opying at t' e N P C Pubhc Document Ecue,21?O L h!'ee7 N W . We+ >ren DC, 'n a 61 der u ndc< ths F OI A T h e r' 3 ,'> 'oidry ve' .On O f t hr' p'(19 6a!'6! IFut (D J df W i 70d'

                                )                                                                                               i   'UtUtD6,) r r 3r.g or 3 * "On We ' ' a fW' ! er OI "'~i f it 4If 6 nD h b'bn3 mJdf a'e a 'abIe for pub           %,m t on and c op t-' ;; at '+ '.U'.Pu'ht D w
                                                                        .                                             ctRom' 2120 L bett. N W , Waporg!n DC. m a foldte under th,s F O! A nu%er.

A7 n; , tes 'Js Lb;e t to t he r es s",t that are ide mihed m Ap;4 ni n es) N r be msp- mi and topel at the fiRC i oca' Pubhc Ducament H onm + qtded m the Creents acDo^. [ r4 'osM n m!->t r bt. 30 yos rr a y Ot it a n IF "u tvN! If

  • t.ho' rs iD' L o; v n g in'. c rds ,Oc a'ed at tre NRC PvtAc Occument Room 2120 L Street.

N W . <.asun f an o_c Ary u y rect,rds Ldyoc t to the re'luMt are eric+r,(ed Ret ordi sut o- t to the re cuest ha,e leven rr f erred to anoth r T em F a y' c y f r.) f or s e, - A re! 4'ect enevnse to you F ees Yom w o t,e t J ed by the % h C f or frM tDid mg S _ _ Y ou A ,- i .e a n a v n f hv - t he f. F< C m thea,muat of 5 _ _ . _ _ _ in 5 e A Of N L C $ r*nporno to t+M isuySt no f ur ths r M1 ron 6 t * "'; t ik en on wpd t tier d s te.d ,No PAR 1 II. A-INF OHMATION WITHHELD F ROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE C e rt a a ir f armat.on in t t + r% cst ed re:o'ds n t-t+ ; v t et >d f r- ^ ,muta c cbn bsure pa m ant t o t r e e = e'rctions deer:be-f in and 6r t he ream stated

              'i fi Ig rt H B, C, gnd D A r y rt :rmd pjo y-g C4 the dg.p er tg Q p,Nch only part of the rec Ced q t,er g mthhtH gre t+mg made 8 vdJdNe IOr DubHC X        s' sa:t o ' no           (    cying ,, the NHC Pebhc Docun ert Roo, ?! 20 L Street. N W , pon, DC in a ';iJer under tw F Of A neber, COYV E N T C, t

1 i l l l l l

             ,/7 l    uca-' ofe Mtuton. oms >No* fat g ivuwAne'au                                                                           s mcA T :cu sm m
             /       / hpL'                          //                        J_0M,~xt fb

L 9301110099 920727 i PDR FOIA CURRAN 92-204 PDR

IoiA WUS[ Ni$l DAt( RESPONSE TO FREEDOM OF F OIA 92-204 JUL 2 71992 INFORMAllON ACT (FOIA) REQUEST (CONTINUATIOW) PART 11 B- APPLICABLE Ext MPilONS _ Rocords subject to the request that are described in the erelosed Appendix (es) l- are being withheld in their entvet y or in part under the Exemption No.(s) and for the reason (s) g+ven below pursuani to 5 U S C ',52(b) and 10 CF R 9.17(a) of NRC reguf ations . I 1 The enhbend mfoemateon es preperly classrf +d pu*suant to Enecutive Order. ((sempt on 1)

2. The erthbeid inf ormat.on eetates 30Wy to the ofernal pe* sonnet rules ar4 procedures of NAC. (Exemption 2) 3 The wtthheid mformate es specif 4r:stIv esempted from pubbe disclosvee by statute meicated. (Emempt.on 3) h, Sections 141145 of the Atom < f nergy Act, which proh'b ts the disclosure of Restrected Date or Formerly Restricted Data (42 U.$ C. 2161-2165L 9'

Section 147 of the Atomic Energy Act,which p'ohib<ts the dcosure of Unclawf ed Sa'eguards letormation (42 U.S C. 2167L

  .b    .
4. The withheid information s s trade sectet or commerca' o< f5ancial er, formation that is being *>thheid toe the veasontst ind>catet (Ememption 4)

The Wa<mahon es cor+dered to be c onf sdent41 bus ** css $mp'*etaryl rnforabon

                                                        . - - -                              - - - _ - ~ .

The ar>forecation en tur s.dered to be propnetary er>twetet.on pursuant to 10 C F A 2 790!dH11 _- _ _ _ - . . _ - - ~ - . - _ _ _ _ The neformation was submitted and 'ecewed m cor Oder(e puesvaM to t D CFR 2 790 dN21

   . 's 5 The adhheid Worces1 on cons +sts of mee'egent, of mt aagenc y setoras tha' ec rect as sa!"e. wm g- 04 cove', es' ng %ecn (Enemption SL Appbcable PrevWege.

Deht,ershve Process D.sclosur e of predeces4ona! We-etson wouM M Nf to .rh+., the open and h an6 eschange of ideas essenbal to the deht>treative process Whese rect ids are *4Med m their enneety. the f ac ts a'e nne st+.rath intest *med watt. th. predeomraai nf e ermabve- There aiso see no reasonath seyegab#e f attua' portions tec ause the release of the f acts would perm +t an mdact t meury rio the goede mnal rem ess of the eger.c v Attome, wce p*od.r t (maae Oct umemt pr+prM tw v. A " + , m t er a a .w ' u nain

 ~          g
            ] Attorney-chent pr 6vdege. (Cobf. commumcations between an ettorrey and hCher coent.!

6 The thmo mfo<rratic.c is enemrted %m puts : c se w t *c ane % msn *%4 vut n a ( +4% un*a"amed ev ewn M gesona g% et . (f asmption 6)

 ._                                         .-                  - _ . - - . . - - . - . - - . - ~ . - . _ - _ _ - - . - - . _

X 7. The witve:d into mai.on (tes sts of rec o<ds c erneaed tm ta

  • cnf ce e-ent runraes am a ne ng withheid f ee rne >casoms' <reca'ed (Exemption 71

_. ~ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ __ 7 X ' Dmosure could reasonauy be esp *cted to mterfere with an enforcement peoceedmg Decause it toufd reveal iPe scope. from mvest:9ators (E =empt on 7 ( A1) . Diccksure would ccosolute ao unw anantM M pe<sonai phvacy (E uemptron 7tCH rk v oW w W c' * *- ( ul +- m t+ e .oeoed to mea .dwnt es e t he mf vmanun cons.sts ct narnes o mwo.a s ivM er" r onf 4 eit 4 Sources (Enempt+0n 7 (DH Of te h PART11 C-DENYING OFFICIALS Pvswt to 10 CF R 9 2SN am u* 9 25tc) od the U S Nsever Hegwrory Comm won repat o"s. t has been descem-ned that the eformaNn

  • thheid is esempt from pro duct on or d scicwe 4%) that as pWuct on o< d owe + convaa ta the puh! c cemt TS+ resom mp<: a ter to' the <temas are those o'f,c:a:s idenOf ed beio* at ~mg or of hcials and the Darctor. Onon o+ F reedorn of Wo4mr!on and Puotcr ons Sev,cer O't ce cd AJ*n svanon. fo' any dema s that may be encaied to the E i for Operations IF OO.

TITLE.Of fiCf i RECORDS DENTED j APPELL ATE OF0CIAL DENVING OFFICIAL l +.. _v -- f so l l EDO i SECRETaa Ben B. Hayes , Director, Of fice of I l l- ' .  ! Investigations Lal 1,lX i l l _ i + t --*- M I l 4 - l l PART IL O- APPEAL RIGHTS r The dernal by each denvy oH,ciai 4 dent-f ed in Pa t ll.C may be appea:ed to the Appenate Off; cia? ident;' eo the

  • Any such appea must be made in writmq r.ith.n 30 days of re of th+s response. Appeals must be addressed, as appropnate. to the E necutive Deector for Operations. to the Secretan of the Comm:ss.nn. or to the inspector Genera ( U $ Nu

( Regulatory Commiss on, Washmgton, DC 20555. and should clearly state on the enveiooe ad in the letter .5at it is an " Appeal from an imt.el FOf A Decision," \ -.. U S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION NRC FORM 464 (Part 2) 11-91) ,


1. 8/19/91  !!emorandum f or A. Bill Beach from John Hickey,


Sequoy&h Puels Corporation-(SPC) Environmental Findings (1 page)

2. 1/22/92 Hemorandum for James Taylor from Samuel-Chilk, Subject Notice of Violation for' M
                   'Sequoyah fuels Corporation-(EA 91-153)

(1 page)


1. ----

A Record Relating to an Ongoing Investigation (Exemption.7A). b f l

IIARMON, CURRAN, GALLAGIIER & SPIELBERG 2001 S STHEET,N.W. SUllI 430 WASillNGTON, D.C. 20009 1125 TE11t' HONE GAIL McGRU:W ltARMON (202) 328 3500 DIANE (XRRAN FAX ANNE $PilLBERG (202) 328 4912 JANNL G GALLAGillR ERIC R GUTIENSTELN KA111ERINE A METER April 23, 1992 JES$1CA A LADD BY liAND FREEDOM 0F INFORMATION Donnie H. Grimsley, Director ACT REQUEST Division of Freedom of Information and Publication Services Office of Administration [Ol~A-72-2O(/ U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission kN 'C/ 2 V~ L Washington, D.C. 20555


Freedom of InformatJon Agt Reauest

Dear Mr. Grimsley:

On behalf of Native Americans for a Clean Environment, and pur-suant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 5 552 (b) , el sagt, I hereby request that you make available copies of any and all documents in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's possession that discuss any issues relating to the construction, operation, licensing, or re-licensing of the Sequoyah Fuels Corporation ("SFC") uranium processing plant in Gore, Oklahoma; and/or any documents that discuss inspection and/or enforcement issues relating to that plant. This request updates FOIA-91-81, which was submitted on February 27, 1991. It therefore covers documents issued on that date or later. NACE is familiar with and has access to documents that are already in the NRC's Public Document Room in Washington, D.C., and does not seek a search for those documents. Rather, the pur-pose of this request is to obtain access to any other documents that may be in the possession of the NRC Staff but have not been sent to the Public Document Room. Pursuant to NRC regulations at 10 C.F.R. S 9.85, we request that any searching and copying fees incurred as a result of this search be waived. Native Americans for a Clean Environment is a-non-profit, tax-exempt _ organization that was formed for the pur-pose of. educating the public about environmental issues, with emphasis on the nuclear industry. NACE has intervened in the license renewal proceeding for the SFC plant, and has brought enforcement action against SFC, which was shut down for seven

Il31010N, CUllRAN, GAU.AGilEIt & SPIEL.IlERG Donnie H. Grimsley, Director April 23, 1992 Page 2 months due to its unprecedented and egregious contamination and mismanagement of the site. Waiver of fees for this request is in the public interest, because it will assist NACE in investigating SFC's environmental and safety record and contributing to public debate regarding whether and under what conditions SFC should be allowed to operate its facility. NACE also merits a waiver of fees because it is a non-profit charitable organization with limited resources, and is unable to pay the large searching and copying fees that may be incurred as a result of this request. In the alternative, we request that the NRC continue to grant NACE status as a " representative of the news media." Egg 10 C.F.R. S 9.39(a), EatignAJ Securities Archives v. Department of Defense, 880 F.2d 1381-(D.C. Cir. 1989)._ As discussed in pre-vious Freedom of Information Act request,-NACE publishes a n.onthly newsletter, "NACE News," that reports to about 1,000 readers on environmental issues affecting Native Americans. For many years, NACE News has reported on the risks to public health and the environment posed by the Sequoyah Fuels Corporation's Gore, Oklahoma facility. A copy of NACE's most recent newsletter is attached. If for any reason you decide to deny this fee waiver request, please contact me before incurring any charges on behalf of NACE. I look forward to receiving your response within ten working days of receipt of this request, as required by the Freedom of Information Act. Sincerely, ( (C fane Curran Counsel to Native Americans for a Clean Environment-cc: Lance Hughes Director, NACE I l

9% EI 1


NACE NATIVE AMERICANS for o CLEAN ENVIRONMENT i NEWS (918)458-4322 p erf,erm mmoin g

                                           ,                                                     p oy;Hsea?TJORIQsfeh %_                                                             1 k:.               - -                     ,


          .'kI                            l 1                                                         FEBRUARY, M
      .T      .

Volume Vil No. 2 G'rcetings,- ' r rx gar SM.0E, Burn l . MiT BE# cts.n asey -

          .. February
                                                  ~gets      most . people                  to '                          )           MfgW tpf,pking about Spring being just a                                                                       k                                   ,

m ,o p ,t p _o r two away, so . its. time for *


remind up.yto all our readers to- .,

      .'rfdycle all , those                                  plasticsix pack


                                                                                                                                           ..       3                ',,~.-  ,

chiriers. The six pack hammock is

  • W_. , - ~

not only fun for. kids & adults, it , h(1ps~ reduce trash in our over - b'Urdened landfills and saves the ' b 21'ves instructions of marine life. on making a six pack For free - Q

                                                                                                                                                                         ]     . . ,

hammock, drop us a note & ve '11 send , y you the over so easy instructions. , 'R?< . . . . S. *

      *             . Happy 10th Anniversary to the                                              '
                                                                                                         --mm               _. ' NM cancellation                                   of       the             Black       Fox
    ' Nuclear Pover Plant.                                           Our eternal thanx to Carrie Dickerson,' CASE and
  • As of press time, the Senate :ha -

all the people who said NO! Stopping voted 52-43 in favor of th a nuke- in mid-construction was "N3tional Energy Strategy" - bil

     -no easy'planttask and' it, seems 'like. only                                                   (S.2166). Although drilling in thi days ago.that v'e were all vo'rking so                                                         Artic National Wildlife Refugee -has i      hard Ton.- that ono. lWith. the.:old                                                           for the time, been removed . from . th l      Kerr-McGe'e plants shut                                             dovn &- the               . bill', it still- contains. language to L      fo.oh irra.diator , cancelled, - that' only                                                    one-step.              licensing .of. newl :nuk'
    ' leaves!!' nuke' OK Guess Whoi                                                         plants.--People really shouldn't le-
                                                                                                                  . gift to the nuclear industr.'

this l- *: The coun try 's first food slide by. l Contacts you (: irr.adiation . plant has nov opened in congressional- . reps & -let, - them . kno.

    .Florlda.                          Vindicator,                    Inc. started                   you         vant the              "one-step"              licensini selli'n'g irradiated' strawberries last                                                        rule. out ~ of S.2166. -Our thanks. (i.

month ' Jand sez they'11 be ' shipping-you can believe it) to Se n a t'o.

    .thom             to Washington state. soon.                                           To       Boren,             who voted against one ste;
    . gte t         an ' idea- ori                            how            one        could       licensing.

over ,get built, , local reside'nt Frank Cueno said "I d'on't think the US

    . government ~vould permit something to come out like this if there was some                                                                         -

ta fx es ow - u m. ki'pd . of health risk involved". - n w u roa w imow. Another resident said "I'm tired of eating rot. ten strawberries" . . Get a G

     ,,,F,,i                           r- th'ere's a                   season             for A ..p upeople -

y -. .__ - The NRC has finiched rolocoing th. k backlog of inspection

                                '                                                                                    reports fro:

last year and our apologico to ou

         %#          U      81             &'S                 friends out vest. See=s Src 1ose.2 (740        lbs.)               of      their          radioactiv-sludge              load on the vay to Quivir (Grants, NM) in September.

OM DogO/ O:.c. Tricxs In other inspection news, insu~rance company sent SFC' out a: inspector to look the place over. Hi had to leave his pants because the: Wo are happy to report that the old had become contaminated during his visit. Just add him to the list o: nuke conversion plant is still " shut congressmen, NRC inspectors down". We une the term lightly journalists, workers & residents. because the NRC still ' can 't explain

 'why     there           vere          high     uranium       The       new               tentative                date      for     i emissions < f rom the plant one month                       relicensing hearing is nov set foJ after        it was " shut down". . SFC is                   June '92                  (3rd change) and we are approaching 5 months of being out.of                        told        that ser>vice '.so locals can breath a the        NRC         Commissioners von't          be           voting            on       a       restari little easier.

decision until around April or'May. This should give the company somi A few veeks ago, NACE received a call time to pile up more violations. from NUKEM (yes, that's right folks). NUKEM is one of the vorlds largest and. , sleaziest uranium import and Oh, yea. Alexander Haig, the "I'I export companies. Seems ve have put in charge nov" guy was recent1' a kink in the international uraniu named a full member of GA's board ol market & they felt a need to whine directors. Now don't we feel safe! about it. Oh, please, so=e of these ~ guys still own slaves! A veek following the NUKEM call, ve got a call + from Edlow, International (another uranium transporter). , Edlov sez their customers are too nervous to send uranium to Sequoyah "uels because they may never re-open (so?).

                                                                                                        .f r9 The most- stupid            event        this      past             [                                M month was the public exit interviev following. a 1 veek inspection for                                /                              [#    ~

restart. SFC received a violation I( ' _S~ $ because contaminated materials vere ,

                                                                                                     -   r""~'                 4 found in the training center (where

( the public meeting vas). The problem being that the NRC ' identified .the same contaminated l uatorials 2 months ago & nothing had i heen done. During public comments,

Joe Sheppard, the new prez., lost l his temper & got to show his true l colors (he's scooco arrogant chink the queen of england had given you'd {ggyg ((gn{gg.

Sim title to o,ur communities). And g .g here did .all those neck ties come Crom? A little out of: fashion in larlile community -those consultants

 .cre sure easy to pick out.                               , ,


              'i    '

A/ federal $ fudge has gg f the V stopped

                          .--Q                        Energy        Dept.
                           .                  3       from        working
                       )(            =

L1aean EfficienoyCuts CO,

                          / y . //


                                   )                  iM The h RW '

in Nev Mexico. judge sez Emissions In the US,lmproved electdcal effidency can be up to sun times more cost-effective than l' 1 4 new nudear power in reducinj earbon f, the DOE 2has to M;If dioxide emissions from eoal-fired power. yhfh{ get a transfer Every $1,000 invested in nudear power of 'titie from displaces tw metric tons of CO 2emissions. the congreas & Every $1,000 invested in eIficiency displaces


nearly 14 tons of CO,. tutet. : also : get a RCRA permit from the stato of Nev' Mexico. u

  • Heart of America Northwest, lU O

citing inaction by the state of gn- Q wn Washington and the EPA, has g, , announced they vill sue the Dept. of s i Inorgy & Westinghouse Hanford. The

                                                                                  -          1 '   ~.
itizens groups vants Hanford to f4 -

stop; dumping untreated radioactive vaste into. the ground near the g [ ' hll Ifselsat W my % Columbia River. Illegal discharges Carboa cloxide Displacemed PcienUal

ontinue under a secret deal between Dept. of sw s. w.cae rarm warewne s w the Washington State * * * *'S * " U *
  • Ecology and Hanford. C Sde Energy Cominurdcaton Council
  • The NRC deliberately , lied to about the
  • Some of us may remember back in Congress in March 1990 1989 a Soviet submarine sank off the readinosa of'the Seabrook ~ reactor -to an coast of Norway. You may also l

s t a r ti , operation. According to Inspector Generals report, the NRC remember it was a nuclear povered sub. Well, recent tests of the lied about inspection of velds & sediment and analyzed in Norway show whistleblever- lavs'uits. It's the that radioactivity is leaking from cle ( .z , " fox 4 guarding the ' henhouse", and contaminating what should congress-expect?? the sub the seabed. The sunken sub is next to l gVJN o, some of Europe's richest fishing

      ,,'      .,                          4 0                                      grounds.

y a

         */ '
  • Ontario Hydro has been cutting
                                       ,                  f*

its uranium purchases in Ontario & all uranium mining in Ontario should be stopped by 1996. Ontario is home l l TARS to the infamous Elliot Lake uranium mine. The bad news is all mining

  • Politics may come and go, but efforts are being directed to uranium can kill for eternity. With Saskatchevan where the uranium is of the break up of the Soviet Union, a much higher quality. A vord of advice to our brothers & sisters up fears of a: black market on uranium coming true. Art 2sts and north: Keep an eye on the George arc' of Saskatchevan, ceizures for selling uranium have Hill family out nov n ha ppened in Italy, Svitzerland, very deep ties to General Atomics &

and Romania.~ Page 3 the Blue Brothers.

l Indian News pw .~ man ~ mq .a ~ :. . y. .

                                        }g      , "                       ~ )Y                                 .e:f. l.y.

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                                     - -y 3-Ylb            ['

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                       \e                           )                        ,,                                          4
                                                                                                                       \\ ,


                ,        \l      Ju             1           t    ,m            a( f      or          -
  • Its starting out to 'be a very sad
  • The South and Meso Ameri year for Indian newspapers. The Indian Information Center (SA:

Today has suspended now has its "500 Years of Ind

        . Navaj o         Nation                                                                         Resources              for Acti
          . publication.               Today      was           the only             Resistance:

independent newspaper published on kit available. The kits are US

                                                                                                                     $14 from SA:

the Navaj o Nation. One of the or international oldest. Native newspapers in Canada, P.O. Box 28703, Oakland, CA 94604 y Kainai .Nevs, closed its doors in September after struggling for a

  • A deal struck with the Cham:

The gov't. of Nicaragua gives year without gov't. subsidies. i f ate of Tundra Times, which has been Taivanese timber reserves belon; published veekly out of Alaska for to the Sumo & Miskito Indians. l

          .30 years, vill be decided in March                                        timber reserve = cover                     an area l

l :at a rhareholders meeting. Tundra sice of Delaware. f - Times last issue was December 23. conference

  • A vorldwide l indigenous peoples vill take p:


  • Conoco . 011 has filed a lavsuit May 18-30 in Rio de Janerio, . Bri i against' the Ponca Tribe, protesting immediately before the UN Confert the 8% severance tax imposed by the Environment & Developet on the tribe. The Ponca tribe and others For more info: Internatic ,
           .have been forced to drink bottled                                         Indigenous Commission, Center of
        ,'; vater for decades thanks to Conoco's                                                 Future,      Palais h'i l           s on ,

Common i videspread contamination of water Rue de Paquis, CH-1201, Gent supplies. Page 4 switcerland. I .

0 At the Rosobud roz., it seems tho

  • Senato Bill 16@T ~ "8ndsan Tribo& l dump company RSW is back again. Government Waste Act of 19918 1o Although tho Chairman & Council say again roaring its ugly head in' this tho maga-dump is a dead losuo, there session of Congress. It seems to bo is a new proposal pending with the a commercial vaste import bill to us, but regardless, it vould only I tribe and. " executive sessions" are seem fair to have field hearings on baing held between the company rep & the bill before it is introduced, tribal. of ficials. Research efforts To ask for field hearings, writes by the Go'od Road Coalition have Senate Select Committee on Indian discovered that Rhett Albers, who Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20510.

represents RSW, also had an ash , landfill project near Edgemont, SD. l l Socms'. Albers hauled in the ash, novar disposed of it & then claimed

                                                                                          .T          __ =

[i 5 ban):ruptcy .then the state tried to . _ j

  . gg                 ./com.pany 'to comply. , Do these                                                                              l o'to some      school "or crooks &
 .* guy,p cri'm             is?'     Same ole', same'; ole.
  • A group in W. Virginia has put
       " -                                                            together           a      packet            on     how    they successfully stopped a proposed MRS
    .*            In      efforts to         revitalize t'he          project.           Could           have        some    useful  '

Ponobscot culture, tribal member tips for all of us opposing an MRS Barry Dana has been offering courses in Indian country. Copies of the in traditional arts, language and packets are $15 from: Mountaineer healing.' For. more infor Native Policy Institute, 264 Hugh Street, Studies, P.O. Box 17, Old Tovn, ME Morgantown, WV, 26505 or call 04468.- 304-296-8611. MARK BOLTON

           .      %QWMbs h+p~,,,gim,?,

h (  ;; 4 t




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j >ea '- %.,. U" $y*. conctm 7% i oy * *" , c ENVIRONMENTAL ' q

  • In the continuing education of ---
                                                                                                                                               $ $ l.                                             ~

using disposable diapers, the pieces

                                                                                   '       .gms                        - ' d.            ,

to the puzzle come one by one, s i

                                                                                                              ~#----                                     T . Y 4 ~."

Here's 'a. 'large piece to clari.ty the

                                                                                                                                           .;      ed  ^

[t picture tof '. destruction 'that ve're 1 6 9'o O l

looking at. 8, "
                                                                                                                                        *h                        - 'O>.                              <

g- / ,j of , Q. Iment r

     .The Sami from north of Scandinavia,                                              O.,                        ,

of Europe's last indigenous i' T - some people, are under attack from some of 4' f %_ .- 1 dM to, of Sweden's supplier. forestry products leading'the & U.S. based < c .c3 M

  • Procter & Gamble.

The forestry product . companies; Stora, Modo and Korsnas, : claim they

  • Residents in Osage count}

have a ' legal right of access to Okla. are demanding that ~ the stat Scandinavian ' f orests. The Sami have act on th'eir complaints over crc' been herding reindeer & living dusting. Aerial spraying of a hor , sustainably for centuries in the of herbicides including 2,4-D has ' northern forests. riled residents who have had the: Procter & Gamble enters into the picture by. vay of Pampers. Stora

  • In news about the Ozone laye2 uses.large areas of Swedish . forests According to NASA, the amount t to supply pulp for Pampers. In 1990 protective ozone in the atmosphe:

Pampers sales totaled $12. billion. over Antarctica fell to its love: icvel in 13 years of recorded dati Sami activist Olof Johansson said The American Lung Association hi-

      "If we don't have                               the     reindeer ve                  said it vill sue. the US gov't.

vill join all the other displaced - d en.a nd i ng it strengthen it ozo1 aboriginal peoples of the ver1d pollution standards, i vithout an , income. Our old culture international scientific pant has been preserved by the reindeer concluded in October that the ozo! and the income they bring. Without layer is thinning over parts of tl-them, our knowledge, languages and US and the rest of the world beliefs could be lost forever." spring and summer. A Stora representative says "if the Ifb. , . , . Sami vant to use the land, then they 6, - F-.- should pay rent to the landovners."  ?.% ..i-{y %l-h .Q . . What.a jerk! The reps. name is Karl .d' d1Q  :$ g/. M Henriksson & ve suggest you send all T i ?.t i< R

g. >tQ l

your dirty Pampers to him & then go  ; '. , g.sjf,. out and buy cloth diapers. Wa-do.  ?

                                                                                                                ,;      ..y 9;l .- .c< .~          .1,- .;;.. -l.
                                                                                              $kU ~.. Q                _ . , .i_ g s.ll     -.

3 ' ' ,. b,, . . I 2 ' C V^ -

  • On Feb. ?2, Ottava County in " ' '

to reject any-N.E. Oklahoma voted m commercial medical vaste - incinerators. Hooray, Ottava!! .

                                                                                                                  ,                       j'[s '- l . l .                       .
  • s ...
                                                                                                .            , I ? l( 3            .:,e    '[-

Page 6

v Aw onv8ronr.enOT heys sceps ous

  • The Citizens' Mining Inf ormat f or l little by little from the Gulf War' Network has started a new bi-month 13 l
    ,a n , c n a l y s i s by the British                            Atomic              newsletter to provide citizon's vit) !

Enorgy.t . commission eez that information on the environmenta: ! inhalation of uranium dust from the impacts of mineral development. Is I spent rounds of , ar mor-piercing 'you're working on mining problems it bullets could be a serious health your community, this is a new anc hazard. The Commission estimates promising resource. To get on the that up to . 40 tons of uranium was mail list vrite: Mine Monitor Icft lying about Kuwaiti deserts. Southwest Research' & Informatio Center, p.0.' Box 4524, Albuquerque. Although the oil fires are out, 400 NM, 87106 or call 505-262-1862. miles of Saudi coast line looks like a "long seaside .highwaya; 70 million barrels of crude still covers the landscape; . crop. production has dropped 40%; and . farm animals' are - dying 'from eating contaminated UN k g l E i grass. Say hello to the "nev World .

                                                                                                    &                                  Es                               ,

orger". A new report released byPublic/ Ci,tizen's Congress Watch documents l 1 11 h y g

                                                                                                                                        ' A((
  • that' kids in Philadelphia public j .

schools are rout,incly exposed t'o l i L l '% neuro-toxic pesticides year after i wAAmataR (( l year. "The lack of knowledge vas , 1 i so bad that one official actually

                                                                                                                                                  .-2 sald that the pesticide applicator                                                                      N                    i vould just zip in and zip out of                                                    I                           '

N' / h'

                                                                                                                                                  -               v the classrooms while the kids vere                                                                                                      "' M.,

there" sez Nancy Watzman of the schools-pesticide project.

  • Citizens in Western Australia a r-fighting their government to sto;
          /                                       THE                                   exporting hazardous vastes out o.                                       ~

F0EEST StRVICE the country. Cleanavay (give us ; break)/ Brambles Australia 1: L OMIN attempting to gain gov't. approva: (' ,. to export vaste before two panell responsible for a national strateg: can release their reports. i t L In other Aussie news, citizens are also trying to protect th< l Yakabindie station from nicke:

                                                                               ,     mining.           Yakabindie is an aborigina:

A 1 ( custodial area and central to th< I Dreamtine story.

         .).                                                                  P h

l-.1 V 4 4 s f (k


                                                 --.       ~ ~                                                   gew O RENEWAL O j,        .


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