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Contract: Eia Re C-E SNM License SNM-33 Renewal Action, Awarded to Science Applications,Inc
Person / Time
Site: 07000036
Issue date: 05/21/1981
From: Findley D, Mattia M
Shared Package
ML20126M757 List:
CON-FIN-B-7335-1, CON-NRC-02-81-060, CON-NRC-2-81-60 NUDOCS 8106220046
Download: ML20126M760 (20)


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!!RC-02-81 -060 . _ MM e..

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7. Dim U r S_ . _ .t!5UED BY CODE 6 ACviv5 D:t 6Y (If e: Ace l', v, F!d C O DE f- - ~ ~

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b "FChiisTV U.S. fluclear Regulatory Commission cre <5<<

Division of Contracts O r <t< ->

Washington, DC . 20555 --

9. o<5COUNi~ son enouri rAvetNi e conn.AcrOR cove l l raCiun coos l IWAl AND ADDRE$$

Science Applications; Inc.

l n,r,,,. s,,. 1710 Goodridge Drive


d P.O. Box 1303

,,p,, ,a,,g,,

McLean, VA 22102 i o. surm, i.uo,c ts n stra]Isd/10 A301t55 5HOWN IN ELOCK


l L_ .d as specified in the attached Bilhag_IDstrEtio s CODE II. $ HIP 10/ MARK FOR CODE l j* 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY U.S. fluclear Regulatory Commission Office of the Controller Washington, DC 20555 10 V 5 C. 2304 (oX l

13. THt$ f dCaCUKtMENT WA$ ADviETISED, h NEGor' ArtD fwSUANT 10:

g 4i u.s c. 252 <<x10

14. ACCON;N3 AND Af fRCTRIADCN DATA B&R flo.: 50-19-01-01 Fin fio.: B-7335-1 OBLIGATE $33,069.00 I 1. t 8. I 9. 20.

I 6.

t3. ' OU ANilf Y UNIT UNff FBICE AMOVNT S UP Plit $ / S t R VICis Ef tM N O. s Environmental Impact Assessment Relative to the . Estimated Cost

$30*341.00 Combustion Engineerings (CE) Special fluclear F1xed Fee 2,728.00 Material License flo. SitM-33 Renewal Action. Cost Plus Fixed Fee $33,069.00 This contract is to be performed in accordance with the terms of the Statement of Work delineated herein and the requirements of Basic Ordering Agreement flRC-02-80-035.

Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee Contract Fully Funded f


  • orse, t
22. { contr>C10t's NtootlAsto AosttutN1 (Contraaer is vrpired se sign 2s Q Awsno (Contraaer is not required to si e abia duurarne.)

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The #y54s oad sbl,gsbone of ILe f to this senteoct shall be subied to and gov- ske Co ornment's solicitof;on and ps off e#, o d (b) this o -os d /s ont'act.

ers'*d by the docornerf s: le)Ik e o.ned/conboct,(b) the sot <1soben, if any, tv,ther confroovsf ducument is accessory.

end (c) s,ch proel.sions, se p .stesehens, s erhf c obens, and speciflcof; ens, as are onecked on ins er,.e eard by refe<eate Vere.a. (Atl.ubunsats are finled Lorrie.) - n

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25. DAI! $1CNED 28. HAN4 07 CON!PACTING OFFICit (T)pt er l' int)
24. HAM 2 AND IfTLE OF $10Ntt iT)pt er pridt) 3/Nac e. FNb(cy O._ ~

2/ ~N Mary Jo Mattia ilAY 21 1981

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it;c 2 TA9tE OF CONTE.,'IS This Contract Consists of:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Schedule .

S t a t es.ent o f 1,'o rk Article I Article II Period of Ferformance Consideration and Tayment Article III Article IV Overhead / General and Ad.c.inistrative Rates reovisions Applicable to Direct Costs Article V Article VI Travel Reimbursement Article VII 1:ey Personnel Article VIII Project Officer Article IX Conflict of Interest Article X General Provisions /Al terations

4. Attachments Appendix A - General Provisions (Rev.11/30) Appe ,

p N

, ,a3 STATEMENT OF ',::.K t . FORL ENVIRO ;.Er TAL IM?ACT A5;E55".Ehi ,



1.0 Bac[oround The dopbustion Engineering's Special Nuclear Material L.icense No.

SNM- 33 will 'be subject to license rer.2.tal action in 1982. The licens'e

covers the use of special nuclear material at the fuel fabi r cat ion f.acility located at Hematite, Missouri.
Pursuant to 15 CFR Part 51 the Commission staff has to conduct an environ-mental assessment of the proposed license renewal action to determine if a full environmenta.1 impact statement (EIS) is necessary. This docu.aent


is a description of the assessment work which is required by NRC.

2.0' Work Reouired_

The contractor shall gather and analyze data and write an environmental assessment based on the analysis and consideration of the above mentioned , ,

site and its surroundings. This assessment shall include the following site specific information as well as relevant data collected from prior -


assessments as applicable.

1. Description of Site Environment
a. Site Location
b. Demography ,
c. Land Use
d. Geology
e. liydrology (Groundwater and Surface Water) fi Meteorology and Climatology
g. Background Radiological Characteristics
h. Ecology (Terrestrial and Aouatic Biota)
2. The facility
a. External Appearance
b. Summary of Operations Processes 7
3. ' Uaste Confinement and Effluent Control
a. Gaseous EffluentP - ~
b. Liq'vid Effluents
c. Solid Wastes


4. Environmental Jinpacts of Facility Operations
a. Radiological
b. Non-Radioiogical
5. Description of Environmental Monitoring Program i

,a. Radiological b Non-Radiological .

r. 7,'l'
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W,a 4 .

6. -Impact of Accidents
a. Radiological Accident Evaluation
b. lion-Radiological Accident Evaluation
c. Evaluation of Potential Envirornental Impact of Accib:nts
7. .idaterials and Plant Protection -
8. Summary and Conclusion of Environmental Impact of Operation The environmental . impact assessment shall include the radiological impact to the genera 18 public resulting from the proposed action, and also from I p$stulated accidents. Individual dose and population. dose u'p to.a 50-mile radius from the plant shll be assessed. !!cn-radiologi'c al impact involving:

the release of toxic gases and liquid effluents. from routine and accidental -

releases shall be' assessed.


' The above.will constitute the basis for determining the environmental impacts o'f'the proposed actionc. In addition, the contractor shall provide an analysis of reasonable alternatives to the t;RC Project Officer. These alterna'tives and recommendations shall center on means of reducing or avoiding adverse environ-mental effects and on alternative'uses of available resources.

- 3.~0 Additional'!<aterials _to be Furnished by t;RC Project lianaaer

' The 1;RC Project 14anager will provide the following materials to the contractor within two days of contract award:

CEQ Guidelines (tiovember 29,.'1978)

P.ropcsed 10 CFR Part 51 Environmental Impact Appraisal (B&W Apollo Plant)

- 4.0 . Travel ,

After initial" review of data, the contractor shall visit the above facility '

to acquire the site specific data and additional information necessary to prepare the EIA. At the same time, local and state officials will be visited, if necessary. It is expected that several contractor personnel will be requirec:

to spend up to one week at the facility. At times to be designated by the

!!RC. Project Officer, the contractor will meet with the 1;RC in Silver Spring, 14aryland', to discuss the probleme. erogress and technical aspects of the EIA

- Approximately three meetings art - .cipated. These meetings shall not excet '

one day in duration.

5.0 Reports Report requirements are fully specified in the Statement of Work.

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  • FtT 4W T*dW*"*T' '8*W'-f**4PNF-YU

' Page 5 i A;.i1CLE 11 PE 210D Cf PE Rf C;.".U!CE,  ;

shall La froc. theshall ef fective d6te aod b2 corgleted of contr all ct f ii.e period of perforcanceat which tima all warl d by Article I, thru twelve 12) months rc,-arts sha f(i have bean delivered to the tiRC as require ab:ve. l l


A. E'stimated Cost, Fixed Fee and Obligation f 1.

It is estimated that il,e total cost loofthe Gcrarnm:nt which the su:n of for full p l ance

$ 30,341. of 00 this contract will be $33,069,00 represents the I

.$2,728.00 represents f.he fixed fee.


Total f'unds currenliy available forreprescnts paymant theand allotted to estimated tract are $33,069.00 of which $30,341.00 represents the fixed fe?.

reimbursable costs, and of which $2,728.00 .

.~ J h twelve

3. period of performance which ,is schedu t l


Inonths l' rom the effective date of the contrac .

B. Pap snt i t ly nd thirty (30) days after sub.aission ori proper a vouchers. 1 3 of-Addi tional provisidns relating to paymant are contained in -

the Gen 2ral Provisions hereto.



Pending the establisha. ant of final overhead rates which for sha based on audit of actual costs, the cont'ractor shall be reim overhead i

allowable indirect costs hereunder at a provisional engineer ,ngisio rate _of 83.7 percentof_di. rect labor costs and at a prov ra te or 39. 4 , percent of, direct , labor costs. t which '

Pending the establishment of . final general and ctor shall t administrat B.

shall be negotiated based on audit of actual costs, the con ra ii al be reimbursed for allo.<able indirect costs hereunder at the ra te of 12.5 percent of total direct cost and overhaad.

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f'a c e 6 ART 1 CL E V - J10y) S1_0NS t / ffL J Cf St E,.TO.,fjf f CI,, C05T J_tys L'J 211cua bl e Unless Otherwise Provided Nothwi ths t indi ng Cl ause fio. 5,3, ALLO',lABLE COSlS , fixed-Fee a ~

Clause !!a.10, SU3 CONTRACT, of-the General Frovisions of this Contra authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer, the' costs of the ,

following items or activities shall be unallowable as direct costs:

l. Fees for ' Consul tants
2. 0vertime; shift or incentive paycants
3. All travel outside of the United States and its territories and possessions.
4. Maintenance agreetnents, service contracts, or maintenance of Govern equipment.


  • ART 1CLE VI - TRAVEL bic domestic trsy The contractor will be reimbursed for the following reasonathe pe costs incurred directly and specifically in and accepted by the Contractinq officer: d $62.00 1.

Per diem shall be reimbursed at a daily rate not to excee t

i bursed a t 2.

._The cost of travel by privately cwned autc nabile shall rate of 221/2(par mile. d on a rea sona 3.

The cost of t.raval by re,ted autofobile shall be reimburse not to exceed $33.00 per day.

actual expense basis i cono.zy c1c

4. Aii coraan carrier travel reimbursable hareunder i lable. First-c: sh ra t es when -available.

annotat.ed t. hat econov class accoanodations ware air t. ravel i s not authorized. Todging and Receipts are required for comman carrier transportation, _


miscellaneous iteins in excess of 515.00 .

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Page 7 ARTICLE VI - CONFLICT OF INTEREST (a) Purpose. The primary purpose of this article is to aid in ensuring that the contractor:

(1) is not placed in a conflicting role because of current or planned interest (financial, contractual, organizational, or otherwise) which relates to the work under this contract, and (2) does not obtain an unfair competitive advantage over other parties by virtue of its performance of this contract.

(b) Scope. The restrictions described herein shall apply to performance or participation by the contractor as defined in 41 CFR 620-1.5402(f) in the activities covered by this article.

(c) Work for others. Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, during the term of this contract, the contractor agrees to forego entering into consulting or other contractual arrangements with any firm or organization, the result of which may give rise to a conflict of interest with respect to the work being performed under this contract- The contractor shall. ensure that all employees who are employed full time under this contract and employees designated as key personnel, if any, under this contract abide by the provision of this article. If the contractor believes with respect to itself or any such employee that any proposed consultant or other contractual arrangement with any firm or organization may involve a potential conflict of interest, the contractor shall obtain the written approval of the Contracting Officer prior to execution of such contractual arrangement.

(d) Disclosure after award.

(1) The contractor warrants that to the best of its knowlec'ge and belief and except as otherwise set forth in this contract, it does not have any organizational conflicts of interest, as defined in 41 CFR 920-i.5402(a).

(2) The contractor agrees that if after award it discovers organiza-tional conflicts of interest with respect to this contract, it shall make an immediate and full disclosure in writing to the Contracting Officer. This statement shall include a description of the action which the contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid or mitigate such conflicts. The NRC may, however, terminate the contract for convenience if it deems such termina-tior, to be in the best interests of the government.

(e) Access to and use of information.

(1) If the Contractor in the performance of this contract obtains access to information, such as NRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, internal data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-579), or data which has not been

Page 7 A',f1CLE VII - EEY PERSONt Et Purcu3nt to this ARTICLE (Key fersonr.el), the following individuals are ccnsid2 red to be essential to the successful perforrance of the work here-unhr and shall not be replaced without the prior approval of the Contractir.g Officer. In such event, the contractor agrees to substitute parsons pas sessing substantially equal abilities and qualifications satis factory to the Contracting Of ficer.

Mr. James Hammelman ARi]CLE VIII PROJECT OlTICER RESP 0"5!SillTIES Mr. Peter toysen, is hereby ' designated es the Contracting Officer's authorized representative (hereinaf ter called Project Officer) forThe Pr technical aspects of this contract.

recuest any action which results in or could result in an increase in



jin trac t c os_t; o a' termi na te, set tl e any]cTa im or Ti s pu te aFi s i contract; or issue any unilateral directive ihatever,.

The Project Of ficer is responsible for: (1) Monitoring t'he Contractor's and reconnanding to the Contracting Of ficer changes in re the statement of work; (3) perfonning technical evaluation as required; (4) perfonning technical inspections and acceptances required by this cont.ract; and (5) assisting the Contractor in the Within resolution of technical probl2.ns encountered during perfonaance.

.._z .the prev iew o f this authority, the representative is authorized to 2-approve paymant vouchers for supplics/sarvices required under the centract.

The Contracting Of ficer is responsible for directing or negotia ting any changes in terms, conditions, or am sunts cited in the contract, for guidance froin the Project Of ficer to the Contractor tc be vr. lid, it mus t: (1) be consistent with the description of work set forth in this contract; (2) not constitute new assigndnt of work or change to the expressed tenas, conditions, or specifications incorporated into this contract; (3) not constitute a basis for an extension to the period of performance or contract delivery schedule; (4).not constitute a basis for any increase in the contract price.

e 8

f6ce 8 ARTICLE IX CCf1FU CT OF IfiTEREST The primary (purpose 1cting role (a). purpose. 1) Is not placed in aof conr:this l,clause organizais tiona_to

$nsuring that the contractor:ecause of currentt or planned d (2) .

intere or othanvise) which relate to the work under this contrac ther parties , anoy coes not obtain an unfair competitive advantage over o virtue of its perforance of this contract.

The restrictions described tor asherein derined shall in 41apply U,Rto (b) Scope. t _

s'cerfonnance or participation by the con rac20-1.5402(f) ~

Notwithstanding any other provisions oftothis (c) Vork for others. 1,

' contract, during the tenn of this contract, to a conrthe t rac t.

ic co any firm or organization, the result of which may give d thirise of interest with respect to the work being perfonned un er ,

- The contractor shall ensure that all employees who are employe l ,1 ,

time under this contract and employees designated l as key If personne any, under this contract abide by the provision of this c ause.Y contractor believes with respect to itselt or any such emp o)c-t wi th any oroposed consul tant or other contractual arrangemen the conti ac os, r o

'cirganization may involve a potential conflict of int C!~~ execution of.. s.uch contractual arrangec2nt. , .

Disclosure after award. (1) The contractor warrants orti t?ut to (d) the best of its kncwiedge and belief and e,xcept as ot in this contrac t, interest, as defined in 41 CFR 520-1.5402 a).


The contractor agrees that if af ter award ll makeitan discover conflicts of interest with respect to this con' tract, it sha i h This statement Jhal] _inchde ,aiidescription t such of contractor has taken or proposes to take to avoid or m t ga e The NRC may, houaver, tenninate the contract for ment. conv conflicts.

if it deems such termination to be in the best interests of the gove 1

f (1) If the contractor i such inas  :

(c) Access to and use of information. l data on, the perionnance of this contract obtains access to infonnat l itRC plans, policies, reports, studies, financial plans, data which interna has l protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-579), to: (i) or tlse not been. released to the public, the contractor agrees not been has such information for any(private purpose until the info released to the public; .


Page 8 I

released to the public, the contractor agrees not to: (i) use such information for any private purpose until the information has been released to the public; (ii) compete for work for the Commission based on such information for a period of six (6) months after either the completion of this contract or the release of such information to the public, whichever is first, (iii) submit an unsolicited proposal to the government based on such information until one year after the release of such infor-mation to the public, or (iv) release the information without prior written approval by the Contracting Officer unless such information has previously been released to the public by the itRC.

(2) In addition, the contractor agrees that to the extent it receives or is given access to proprietary data, data protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.93-579), or other confidential or privileged technical, business, or financial information under this contract, the contractor shall treat such information in accordance with restrictions placed on use of the information.

(3) The contractor shail have, subject to patent and security provi-sions of this contract, the right to use technical data it produces under this contract fc. private purposes provided that all require-ments of this contract have been met.

(f) Subcontracts. Except as provided in 41 CFR 620-1.5402(h), the contractor shall include this article, including this paragraph, in subcontracts of any. tier. The terms " contract," " contractor," and " Contracting Officer,"

shall be appropriately modified to preserve the government's rights.

(g) Remedies. For breach of any of the above proscriptions or for intentional nondisclosure or misrepresentation of any relevant interest required to be disclosed concerning this contract or for such erroneous representations as necessarily imply bad faith, the government may terminate the contract for default, disqualify the contractor from subsequent contractual efforts, and pursue other remedies as may be permitted by law or this contract.

(h) Waiver. A request for waiver under this clause shall be directed in writing through the Contracting Officer to the Executive Director for Operations (EDO) in accordance with the procedures outlined in 620-1.5411.

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  • :;i 9 t*.: 2 on such inform tion for a period of six (5) mnths a f ter either he completion of this c;ntract or the relcase of suchi infonnat f pub 1ic, whichevar is first, such informa tion to the public, or (iv) release i th prior kritten apprcval by the contractin; cfficer unless such ini:

has previously been reicased to th2 public by the lMC.


In addition, the contractor agrees that to tha extentbyit the receives'or is given access to ' proprietary data, data protect 3d Privacy Act of 1974 (Pub. L.92-579), or other confidential the or technical, business, or financial infonnation under this contract, i i contractor shall, treat such infonaation in accordance with restr ct ons placed on Ose of the infonnation.

D1e contractor shall he*ve, subject to patent and sccurity d (3)'

provisions of this contract, the right to use technical data ittspro i u under this contract for private purposes provided t. hat all requ remen of this contract have been met.

Dcept as provided in 41 CFR 5 20-1.5402(h), the (f) Subcon trac ts .

include this clause, including this phragraph, in contractor shall n ne terms ' contract," " contractor," and subcontracts of any L,cr.

"contrac ting of ficer," sha11 be appropriately modi fied to preserve

- -- governinent's cights.

For breach of any of the abne pecscript'e s or for (g) Famedies.

intentional nondisclosure or misrepresentation of any relevant h erroneous interest required to be disclosed ccocerning this contract or ipe suc y representa tions as necessari3y imply bad faith, the su'oseguent con tractual efforts, and pursue other remedies as m .

- penaitted by law or this contract.

llaiver. . A request for waivar under this clause sha.11 #be de (h) directed in writing through the contracting officar to the Execut i d Director for Operations (E00) in accordance with the procedures out in i 20-1. 5411.

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. j 4

.G.E.N.T.P.'d. T IO.V_J 5 H. .%. ././.c.ii. :. AT.: 'M_

AU I Ci E X ..

Provisions, entitled " Cost Typs Pesearch 2.n J Ccm arcial Organizations," datad 11/80.

l l i_o_n s_ _A_d_d e_d : l 3.12 Labor Surplus Area Subcontracting frogram (1-1.805-3(b))

Ine Contractor acrees to establish and conduct i hina their program w .

(a) encevrage labas surplus area cencerns to comp 2te for subccotracts w f

[ capabilities. In this connection, the Ccatractor shall-- f Designate a liaison officar who.will (i) raintain liaison with I (1) l h duly authoriz2d representati'es of the G:verni. ant on labor su


(11) supervise compliance with th2 'Utilizatica " Labor Surplus of AreaConcerns Sub- in L Ar: 25 clause, and (iii) ad..inister tha Contractor s a

l l

contracting Program;" .

Frovide a;iequate and timely consideration of the potenti l (P.)

or labor surplus area concerns in all "make-or-buy" decisions; Assure that labor surplus area concerns will have an equi (3)

Mportunity to compete tima Tor. the preparation of bids, quantities, specifications, and for subcontracts, particularly delivery s; by a scnadules so as to facilitate the participation of labor surplus area ccoca Maintain records shcding the procedures bwhich t cthave baa (4) T. cceds ewards (see 41 CFR 1-16.5%5 regarding )

i byusethe of O maintained pursuant to this clacse pill be kept available for r2v ew

~Z~ the expir'ation of 1 year after the award 'of this contract, or -

Governmant for such icngar until period as cay be required by any other clause of or by applicabic law or regulations; and Include the Utilization of Concerns in Labor Surplus Area in subcontracts (5) which of far substantial labor surplus area subcontra opportunities.


The tenn " labor surplus area" means a geographical d by the(b) Departeent of Labor as an area of concentrated unemploym e:rploymant or an area of labor surplus.

The term " concern located in a labor surplus area" maa (2) .

surplus area concern.

The tenn " labor surplus area concern" means tiallyainconcern labor th (3) together with i ts first-tier subcontractors, will parform substan .

surplus areas.

iate that the costs incurred on account of canufactur (4) e services in labor surplus areas exceed 50 percent of the contract pric .

t (c) ihe Contractor furthar agrees to insert, fin any subccnt.

Ccncarns in tha r which cay exceed $500,000 and which contains the Utiliza tica o C r.t r a c t;rg Labor Surplus Areas clause, prcvisicas wMch shall car, form sul h language of this clause, includino I this ;cragraph (c), and to notil Of ficer of the names of such subccntractors.

- - . - , . . - , . - , , , , . - - - . - . - . . - - - - . . ~ . .- .-.-.-,.. -..- ..- -

.- --.~ - . - - .



I.l* ..

' i:S i c n of Wo. .e n-C'..nd C uii r.e s s C r.:ir r s '* i" $ 10,000)

, 3: . .rmar,t that Wst:cr.- .. 2:

It i s t he po l icy of t he l'ni t ed 5t i t s 3 ity to p6cticipate it, t r.s b) busir,' Eses shall have the r:1xirn practic!Me c;p:r' ist forman:e of contracts award:-d by any fedaral epn:y.

The Contractor agrces to use his best effsets to carry outh this (b) policy in the award of subcontracts Fs used to inthethefullest contract, e>a "wo tentan-consiste cificient por foYmance of this contract.

own:d business" concern means a business " Control"that in this is context at lcastmains 51% owned or womn who also control and op3 rate it. "0parate".in this conter.t exercising the power to make policy decisions. " Woman" main all mans being actively involved in the day-tc-day m2napmnt.

.woman business owners. .

3.14 h*o.i:2n-Owded Business Concerns Subcontracting Pro ; ram (0v

$1,000,090 i~or Construc} ion of Any Public facility)


The Contractor agrees to establish and conduct b a program tractors enable tiom2n-owned business concerns to ba considered fairly as su and suppliers under this.' contract. .


Designa te a liaison officer who will administer the Contrac "Uom2n-Owned Business Concerns Program."

Frovid'2 adequate and tim 21y consideration of the potentialit (2) known 1 Jman-owned business concerns in a11 "make-or-bu i ble (3) and assure that Lnown woman-ouned king busi opportunity to compete for su$ contracts, particularly by ma i information on forthcoming op;3rtunities available, by arrangin i solici tations, ' time for the :prepara tion of bi_

of woman-owned business concerns'.


Mainta in records showing (i)'. procedures which have been to compy with the policies set forth in this clause, including the establishment of a source list i of woma ific and non-minority women-owned business concerns; and (iii) sp efforts to identify and award contracts to woman-owned bus ness concerns.

(5) Include the " Utilization of Homen-0wnedd Bu

. (6) bus 3 ness concerns Of f1 car may from tim 2-to-tim 2 conduct.

procedures and .


~"@W -ey- ase.,,,u _ _ -"'M'-twowyyw. _ .

N' M e:r+e -W m


. c:r 3rr e cr ed hsic ci: '

. (7)

S&,i t periodic r t;;,rts of seccr.:rz:lir.; t:

, con:orns witn re;;act to the recoris refurcd than quarterly) as the Contracting bificer t.2y pres cribe.

The Contractor further agrees to irsert, in ar.yfor subcontrect the constru:th (b) ibilities, which my uceed (500,039 or $1,000,0)) in th? case of contracts incit of any public facility and which offers substantial sub:ontracting pass h provisions 1.hich shall conform substantially to s ubcon t rac tors.

The contractor further agrees to require s.ritteni certificatio ncerr subcontractors (c) that they are bona fide women-owned and controlled forth ,

l in accordance wi th the definition of a women-o .

5.8 Price Reduction for Defective Cost or Pricing Cata (1-3.81A-1 his If any price, inclulfing profit or fee, negotiat2d dinbyconnection any signi- w contract or any cost reigbursable under this contract ucs increase ficant sums because:

(a) ihe Contractor furnished cost or' pricing dataf which Currant was not

' complete and current as certified in the Contractor's Cartificate o Cest or Pricing Data;

" Subcontractor(b) Cost or. Pricing Data" Datc or -Frice "iiSub Adjustrints" or any subcontract clause tharein required, furnis cata which was not accurate, complete and current as cert

-H.C.2rtif_icate of Current Cpst or Pricing Data; A subcontractor or prospective subcontractor furnished b itted to cc data(c) which was required to be accurate, complete and current hich wasand not to b

' support a subcontract cost estimate furnish 3d by the t tor's C;ntractor bu accurate, cc:r.plete and current as of the date certified in the Con rac C2rtificate of Current Cost or Fricing Data; or hd (d)

D.e Contractor or a subcontractor or prospective s sub. nit subcon ted; any data, not within (a), (b) or (c) above, which was r.ot h ll accurate be modified a tne price or cost shall be reduced accordingly and the contract s aHoweve tive subcon-

}n uriting as may be necessary in the contract price due to defective subcontract data of a prosoech subcontra to reflect such reduction.

tractor uhen the subcontract uas not subsequantly awarded tofitsuc markup) by which subcontract,-

will be limited to the amount (plus applicable ovarh23d and pro was less than the prospectivef tsubcontract d by defective costcost or estim crovided, The actual subcontract price was not af ec e pricing data.



  • ' Since the contract is su*oject to reduction i unc'er this clause ith certain reason of defective cost or pricing data submitted in connect onclause, d a, w subcontracts, it is expected that the Contractor my wish to incluh ei t ly 2n

, in each such subcontract requirina th2 subccntractor to the Contractor.

ind2mnification will oenerally require substantially sir.ilar indemn dafective cost or pricing data required to be submitted by' his 1cw ti subc cr.tra c t ors . )

.. .. o T rice M ** "5 c., . 9 r r ic e P e k t i c r, f o r De f en ne ". . "- ,-r ,ei c i ng Ds a -

i.edi fi c 3 ti:n (1-3.alol(b)) '

r 5 Is i$1 c:sts g s-shall b?cf},f,(( .[c. es nd/ , n c~

dific3 tion 1s pric d (a) This clC 5 2 .ic. s of this centract which involvis cess or {.gy,. uniess the ro e t$plicable profits hn[lishcd

' ities to the geni',ll cataloo ,o{'j, 3

0F e Dirk, sI! Cit *dF'"5 pl cin ex 3.- c j E,.

sis of adequate , r

.' right to price reduction um.

ccntercial ite:s s ?a' tion.- 1 ha

" ificatic"* ,,

1 set by law or r23uito defects in data relating .. .r e ,so .uchiniconn.3ction negotiated - wi

  • Q,'aased by any siSnificant suas If any price, including P .- '

(b) any prica adjusucent under this con ,

t (j ) The Contractor 1orn12

. ... d ccst or pricinq data which 1qs as c3 accurate, completa ,and c,urran,s -

tract entitled Current Cost or Pricing .Cata '

ay" $cingData- ,

s (2)

A subcontr' actor,gu nt siled ,3

= therein required Turni

" Subcontractor Cost or Pricing 1

- nd current as certiried in c Adjusts, ants" or any subcontracdata ,


which was not accurate Cartificata of Current Cost or r: ct a ob3 id c i n t (3) A subcontractoracc' ora prespectivg subccnta furnishe pricing data which was required to b$d ent as of the date cart 1 sulaitted to suppart a subco u ;c c

' cNp -

5 or pg. icing C3ta , ol' .

which was not 3CCUFO M, of Currant CO,2' c u o c o n ti.-.,,.. v e .

c. a' tive ee

- - t ra c. t o r , s C e r c. .ir i :

- - - was not C J r,c .

i d, The Contractor or s

{b e ,3 furnish 2d any (4) ata , not wi chinr( ,

a<cardinaly and the c:ntracw

~ g'.,.3u;ction

'ubcon-s subaitted; the price shall b r fleet such reduction. a, Hg2Vg- gre.r e b ontractor, in writing as ray b2 nec sa ( r tive mbcontract data or d ' ~ #

a no s

  • F s

.>c nr r limited hto the acaunt (plus t

,9 ,hD ,.= n r

Contractor IT. 'h e r e . . -

re will ba subcontract, or ac val scu do tract cost esticate subj*s>ed which the actual h r 1 subcontract price v.cs not all - l subcontract, was lessProvice tnan -

t.  ;

by the Contractor. data. this clause l

-defective cost or pricing ajn Q

t jec d n - {n c wi th udg a c .

(::ote: Since the 0{.{'C.lfj4 contract is Contractor by raason of defective g nb actor to may apprcfi wish t such inden.nlil-

- I

. subcontracts, ic is c;xp ,, , 9 ,,,- subcontractor suoqect,to n for d2fective

  • cach such subcon t.rac u requirir;{
  • s antially similar C3'fubcontractors.)

indeC317 Contractor. It is also u e

- t itted by his lower u concainino a question cation util 9 -rarally i c ycost or npricing s,a11 b=~

data required to b= cu .n Failure to agree on a red a discuteclause of this contr (c) of fact within the sneaning of ' ~


Page 14 W e))

(1-3.EM 5.20 9:utrzc tor Cost and Fricin; T.3 i


The Cortractor shall rquire subcontractors hereund3r to s actually or by s pecific idantificnion in 1.riting, cost or folicwi..9 circuins tances:


Prior to the award of ar.y subcontract the acro' nt of 5100,000 than entered into; expected to exceed invoives (2) Frior to the pricing of any subcontract t tradific t d to aggregate increases and/or decr:except whare the prica is based en adequ excaed 5100,000; establish 3d catalog or market pricJs of cc.7.r.2rcial lation.

quantitics to the ganaral public, or prices set by la,w or ragutially '

t (b)

The Cont.ractor shall require subcontractors i Ccntractor to to the t and certify, in pricing the same form as that used in the cartificate by tha Fr me f the date C-avarnm2nt, that to of th2ir I.nowledga and belief, bcontract change the c

,or data submitted under (a) above is accurate, complete, and cu of agrees.gnt on the negotiated pric2 of the subcontract or su maoi n ca tion .

including this

$100,000 whan entered (c) Tiie Contractor shall innet the substance d of this cla titica, paragraph (c) in each subcontract r h2reunder which ula tion. In each such:

establish 2d catalog or market prices of co..mercial items .so quantities to (.he general public, or prices set by law or regCentracto expected subcon tract hereunder in exc2ss of $100,000, the the substance of the folicwing clause:


- - . i?JCE A0JUSTiaTS l

- m. __ ,, _

ith (a) par 3 graphs (b) and (c) of this clause shall become o respect to any modification mada ' curst. int in tocostsone or plus applicable mire pr profit ; !

s.hich involves aggr gate increas2s and/or decreasesu.e r3quira. tents expected to exceed $100,000.

to such contract modifications. b it, The Contractor shall requira subcontractors hereundar to su (b) -

actually or by specific identificatica in writing, cost or pr iollowing circumstances: is expected f (1)

Frior to award of any subcontract, the amount of which

,o exceed $100,000 when entered into; t h involves ;


Frior t'o the pricing of any l subcontract modification w  ;

t prica competi tlen, 399regate exceed $100,000; incrc-ases and/or decrseses in costs p us appexcel l

established catalog or market prices of co.7.T.ercial items so l tion. 1 quintitics to the general public, or prices set by law or regu a 1


l l



  • I


e 5.]O Subntra c t Cost ard Pricits Ota (2-3.8W3(a)) P.nt'd ile Contractor shall rir,uire subcentractors to c arti the fy, in (c) as that used in thi c2rtificate by the Frir s C;ntractor toii tt 2 s us for. h d3:2 data sub.aitted under (b) abave isb accurate, t t change ur c of agreer:Snt on the negotiatad prica of the subcontract or su con rac c .'di fi c a tie n .

0 when this(d) paragraph (d) in cach subcontract hireu '

entared into. . .. .

S.11 Cost Accounting Standards--Nondefense Contract (1-3.1204-2(a es or Linless the Ad.ministrator of General Services has prescribed T d (a) Contractor, regulations promulgated by the Cost Accountin in connection with this contract, shall:

disclosed (1) es required by regulation.; of the Cos If adninistered under the Ad.ninistration of Cost Accounting Shndards t or lied cla any change in disclosed practices is made for purposes of any contrac sub:catract subject to those disclosure requirem2nts, the change m in a ccnsist ant manner to this c:ntract.


Comply with all ccst accounting standards which t act orthe

_ . _ _ "-"rt;uired to corply with by- raeson of csocurr2nt perforcince of any t ) and.con r .

subcontract subject to the Cost ?cc:unting Standards cTause (4 CFR The 3 abinistered under the Ad.:inistraticn of Ccst ?ccounting Standards clau Cantractor also shall co.: gly with any cost accounting standard w t or , applicable to such a contract or subcontract.r  !

subcontract. Compliance shall centir.:

formance of uork under this contract.

Ag,-ee to an equit3ble adjustment (as provided in the Chang clause of(3) this contract, if ary) if the contract cost is affected by a change bnich, pursuant to (2) above, the Contractor is requirelished clesure Statement.or not.

(4) . Negotiate with the Contracting Officer to tice conditions under which a chance to eitherother a disclosed than a change cost under accounting (a)(3) prac or an established cost accounting practice,A change to a practice may be propos ve or (a)(6) below, may be trade.

a@ther ei th2 Government or the Contractor, Frovided, hcuever, Tha United may be m3de under this provision that will increase costs paid by the States. ,

  • . )

e e

,,. w e- ,-r+,,,-Sy- s y--...-,-5 y g,is , w.p-,- ---e,y9,- - - , - . - - - - * , e .e m. ym ep .-rei ge---c. w g- ,-,m.,.yamvr,,*=,6---

  • W =r p. ,-.+e,es,.m.a..,

8%d so

.. . .. c... .


s. . . .

r... .,

- t i. a. 17. n. t ? / > ) ) ( r. o t ' a -

a. .........-, ... -.

. ...a ..

a;..o. e, (5) Acrie to an adjust. ant of the c:.ntract pri: 2 or c: n

. : s t .-..::.ur. .f ; it an:'ards ,or to foll w any practice discic to 5f;; ara;: nh (3)(1) or (1)(2) n:ve and such failurashall priivi:s in fcr ar.y p:fan: Su:h adl*es t. int ec . t ;*3 incraano costs ;. aid by the United Stat 2s.

r6cciary of tha increasc-d costs to tha Unit 3d Statas tocethSr bith ir.tirist inschcn co.rputed a t the rate detercained by ths Secr&thry of the Traz w.y svant to Pub. L. 92-41 (50 hoicnavar is less, frota tic.e the ;apint by the f* nit &d Sti!ss was ride to the -

tire the adjustment is effected. .

(6) 1legotiate an equitable adjustcant (as provided in the Changes disclosed cost accounting practice or an establishe .

Tne Contractor shall parait any authorized representatives of th Compt rollar (b) of the agancy, of the Cost Accounting Standards 5:.ard, or of the Canaral of the United States to examine and make copies of any docu.r,ents, papers, or records relating to compliance with the requirements h 3

of iesser. time specified in the Federal Procuracant 7.2 (c) Unless a subcontract or Subcontractor is exempt under rules or Tations prescribed by the ad.r.inistrator of Ganara1 Services, the Contra (1) shall include the substance of this clause including h t arethis parag i

all negotiated subcontracts 'under this ccntract with subcontractors i d ta currantly p2riorming a national dafanse contract or s ll to accept the clause in applicable national difense awards, andd (2) sha inclede the substance of the Consistency of Cest Accounting Fractices--!!c ,

difirse C.'ntract ci z use set forth in i 1-3.12M-2(b) of The theContractor FFR in negotia suk:,ntracts undar this contract with all othEr subcontractors. in i l-may elect to use the substance of the solicitation noti .

standards to subcon t.rac ts. .

of Part 331 of Titic 4, Code of Federa1 (d) The f. err's defined in 5 331.20 As there defined, "necotiated

,,egulations, shall have the same meaning harein.5 fixed-pric'e subcontract made n

subcontract" means "any subcontract axcept a fif fims by a contrbcLor or subcontractor after receiving offers from at least tMO not associated uith each other or such contractor or tubcontractor, providing (1) the solicitation to all competing firms is identical, (2) price is the only consid2 ration in sciecting the subcontractor frcm among the competing firms jolic) tied, and (3) the icwest offer recaivad in compliance with

. rom song those solicited is accepted." . '

i l by the Government shall be ecccm-(e) ille administration of th s c ause P3'.shed cSisnse cont.rects in ccniunction and subcontracts uith subject the administration to rules and regulations of t.heif the Contrac Cost Accounting Standards Board, pursuant to the Ad.ninist/ation of Cost Accoun S undards clause. f*or the purposes of the Achinistration of Cost Accounting Standards clause contained in this contract, refarances to the Cost Accounting kandards cleuse shall be deer.ed to include this Cost Accounting f

.~nderanse Contract clause and raference to the Disciosu

.~ i;' e::: .ndr.g ; r a c t h 5:--d.n fr.: 3

. rec: cl ese. '

, ~f , y c. w- ..--e-,,,-,,ew, n,.9, . e-w,-4,.m .~, . , -,, p. ,wy,,.-y-,,,.g me,.r,yw,--,,.,y-e.,--,,-.-c.m,<_e.<,,,,'-g..w-.,y-m3.,,--o-e, -,w. .w-,.m.,-m n w

    • r*-3 ' r'5 4

(1-3.3'fE'-)(U) 5, g A ginistra';;n of Cod A * ^.r.. ,

t.6 A. . nyn ting StiDdif f; r g gi r m3nt s Eo f- the pu r,'.- 2 of adJilniSUa Un .

n33r this centract, the C
ntrector ~ I. _

O I . .' h #, ..

ggset r Sub. nit to th? cogninnt (

_q g Di[icar a d5 sCfi?* iC 0,itude of th (3) r f all j9"]Oygeg for all contracts c Utal iccountin9 chad 93 UOd th [ i-

." j and Consis anc) of Sum of & incrGases and 9 the Cost Accounting St!ndarcs ciausg v7 g3, g{gc os; ., Accounting Practic s clause * * ~,t o C O? 2 8 I

                                                                                                                   . og pr (i s - s. . u i r '- d For any chin,;e in cest acco                                                          -

aih(a)(3)and (1) - af-]c1ausewithin50 days (oi,sucaoWI, with a naw ccst acceunting stand 3rd t i 4, a., rd of a contract re.;uiring such (a)(4)(A) date as may of be themutually Cest Account c9r-. n cninge; .. 5{d:',Daccord-

                                                                                                                                                                 'a ds For any chan e to cost account ggract                     ,

(2) '

                                                                                                            }th5DiscicsureandConsistencyor ance with paragraphs (a)(4) 0),or(a                                                      ^1,in 60 days (or such ot.u:rddate                               a clause or with paragraph (a (3                                                                                                                  cnan90,s-Cost Accounting Fractices clause not                                                e-f   active           date   of   the  Propcse r,ay be mutually agreed to) prior to the
  • or b1 os .
                                                                                                                                                  , ,                          (S)

For any failure to ccmply with an appl (3) h (d(4) of the Disclosure Standard or to of the Cost Accounting Standarc,s clause follow a disclosed practic .agon a. clause with

                                                                                             ,r                                                     nnt of suc1 and Consistency of Cost Accounting                                            . ) after tha date of agree othar date as in=y b2 cutually agre?                                   -                                                                                      ,

ncncompliance by th2 Contr3ctor. Y ,' ' -

                                                                                                        ,       a,       form and rinner s pclii 2                                       >

cuhmit a cost ic;3ct pre,7csal in ) ay (or such othar date cy ad as usy s .ty, b) h'~ *=r i tion of the ada

                -~  c' ~dn]isnt C3n'trai-ting)Of ficar hit,gfft8j$;udtf(.:.naa t.2 mutus11y                  aore a.d to     .

i ' compliance or a crca t-4

                                                                                                                                                            ,t o rer l eC t t - 3ndmin t s                )

i se urac 4) and (a) (c) Agree to i i p{ra (a {l2 gf adj,ustents es cablis[o{o{rs o ca.,th paragraphs (a)(3), ( )( ) > c9 Cost Accounting Standar s Cos Acccunting Practices clause. tha Disclosure and C?nsi Standards t

                                                                                                                        .g       9        Cost s.ecount en9                   " 5 t    ,0                cojtin9,Ff act CB (d)        h'h n t.he subcontrac                                              C t                                     -        - -

clause or th2 Di sclesure en cnd/or in th7 letter or cuar state in the body of the subcontrac*u deleting clauses shall not be useo. 1n Eureand0 Include the substance of,tMs aclause in (c) containing either tha Cost Account 1D 1{se. In addition, includa , ,g30 g Consistency of Cost Accounting rrac 1i -] - n.i ire such subcontractors , W1 visien in these subcontracts which -bte as nsy be mutually j - nnt r suc ^ days after receipt or award ' 'U" ' ' a Contract Administration 0171 submit the followin9107 ility. of the subcontractor's f ac?3- .-

   +- -        , _ , , , . , _ _ , _ , , , _
                  - .                 - - -           -                                  - -             .                    .- - _ -            .           =--

3ros (2-3. RC ' b

i )). :' n' 'c.
                                                ' #: i r,i s t r t t i <,r. Of Ces t Ac Wd ir9 Stir:


                            ' i..)2                                                                                                     -


 .i (i) Subcontractor's rare and seb:entreet r urhr.

b (2) Milar w?unt and dite of zwird. Nam 2 of Contrector mahing the award. s:s (3) A statement as to whethir ff:ct th2'subcentrector prime contracts orse or Cisclc has m3d (4) l a to Oska: arty changss to accounting practic?s that

    ,'                             sub:ontracts containing the Cost Acccunting Standircs c auh chang:s                                                       ting       h Consistency of                         Cost     /4ccounting       Fractic2s       cl3use ualess                   suc a cost ac baan reported..

If cuard of tha subcontract ll results also be reported. in c2 king l

                              -    standard (s) ef fective for tha first time, this sha                                                             Standards l

For' negotiated subcentracts containing t th2 Ccst /,ccou cl2use, (f) requir-e the subcontractor to cceply b ntractor's with all signed S an Certificate cate of final agree:nent on prica as sh:wn on the su co' i h ver is carlier. of Current Cost or Pricing Cata or date of award, b.l c e b t act , o- ~: (9) In- the event an adjustment is raquired to beand h adjustmant m3da to a l h2reundar, notify the Contracting timated Officerccst and fee of in writing of this succontract, J 59rae to an adjustment in th3 price or es i h d under hthe subcontract. oposed sub- ,t as Such appropriate, notice shallbased be givenupon the adjustsent within 30 days after establreceipt s for of adjustg t e pr l contract adjustm3nt, and shall include a Disclosure propcsaltie and l l (h) When'either Cansistancy of Cost Accounting Practices cleuse and th2 Cest ~ Accountino Standards d to this c au c term " Contracting Of ficar" shall be suitably altare l_ ' 'sW:ontrac ts , the id2ntify the purchaser. i .

  '                                              CosL Accounting 51andard Nithdraus) 5.13                                                                                            lemant of the cost of facilities cz pital -shall not be reinibursed as an
                              -contract.                                                                                                                =

j 4 I e . e 6 e I

f. .

i'). hY *[ *
