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Rev 4 to Sys Procedure Sp 1104.43, Steam Generator Feedwater & Condensate Chemical Addition Sys
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/19/1985
From: Murray T
SP-1104.43, NUDOCS 8507300317
Download: ML20126K532 (13)


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SP 1104.43 (77 /

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g , Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station Unit No. 1 System Procedure SP 1104.43 ,,

Steam Generator Feedwater and Condensate Chemical Addition System Record of Approval and Changes Prepared by Dennis Hennen / Allen Mosbaugh 2/21/75 Date Submitted by A LO. 8.bQr a ll/ 21/ 7 s

. Section Head Date

.' Reco - ded by NA .O LJ /3 SR3 Chairman Date QA Approved N A SO O, /

Managar at Quality Assursace Date Approved by ['_ 4 e' /[  !*

' Station Superintendent /Date


Revision SRB QA Sta. Supt.

No. Raccamendation Date Approved Date Approved Data f ,()k. ),)h WW ')

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7 830439 K 0500034g PDR

L 1 SP 1104.43.0


\ - 1. PUPPOSE 1.1 The feedwater chemical addition system is designed to maintain a prescribed oxygen level and pH in the main feedwater system by ,

injection of appropriate chemicals into the feedwater. Control of oxygen and pH is maintained to prevent or limit metal oxidation i and corrosion in the steam generators and associated feedwater l equipment.

Normally ammonius hydroxide and hydrazine are injected to the I feedwater of the outlet of the condensate polishers. Flow I elements installed in the discharge side of each booster feedwater  !

pump regulate, through an electro-pneumatic controller, the injection rate in proportion to the rate of feedwater flow.  !

There are secondary injection points that may be used for large i inleakage of air contaminated water and/or corrosion control.

MODES OF OPERATION SECTION F.W. Chem Add Sys Chen Tank Operation 4 F.W. Chem Add Sys Pump Operation 5 Normal Feed 6 .

Normal Layup 7 Miscellaneous Injection Points in the 8 Condensate and Feedwater Systems  !


2.1 The safety precautions for handling chemicals outlined in TEco Safety Manual must be followed. ,

2.2 Do not feed hydrazine ahead of the condensate p.alishers when  ;

they are in service as it will be removed by ion exchange thus . i depleting the hydrazine injected and shortening the polishers ,

run lengths.

2.3 The chemical feed pumps must have an adequate oil level per <

equipment lubrication sheet.

3. REFERENCES 3.1 Bechtel System Description, 1104.43 3.2 P&ID M-004A, Low Pressure Extraction Steam System l 3.3 P&ID M 006A Condensate System-4

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3.4 P&ID M-006B, Feedwater System 3.5 P&ID M-045, Chemical Addition Systems j 3.6 Operational Chemical Control Limits, PP 1101.04 t

4. FEEDWATER CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM CHEMICAL TANK OPERATION In normal operation, the ammonia and hydrazine feed tanks will be used daily and treated with the proper chemicals using the tank factors logged f6r each tank. For slug type chemical injection of ammonia or hydrazine the FW Chemical Injection Mix Tank will be used.'

4.1 Prerequisites 4.1.1 When in use, the hydrazine and ammonia feed tank levels should be checked daily. Water and chemicals should be added to maintain full tanks.

NOTE: Feed pump damage may result from pumpir.g a tank to dryness.

  • 4.1.2 Hydrazine should not be placed in the ammonia feed tank because of damage to the tank lining.

4.1.3 Electrical Supply for agitators. . ,j

..s Motor Control Center Breaker Panel Location Hydrazine feed Tk Mixer 1-2 F328 BF3279 Aux Ammonia Feed Tk Mixer 1-1 F32B BF3278 Boiler  !

Mix Tank Agitator 1-3 L4301 CKT. 26 Area '

, Elev 585 4.2 Prccedure 4.2.1 Record the inches that the liquid is from the top of the tank in the Tank Log.


_____4.2.2 Calculate the amount of chemical (s) to be added by multiplying the number of inches (4.2.1) times the tank factor listed for the particular tank in the Tank Log.

4.2.3 Start chemical feed tank mixer on the tank being treated (S32-1 Ammonia Feed Tank Mixer, S32-2 Hydrazine ,

Feed Tank Mixer).

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3 SP 1104.43.0


4.2.4 Add the chemical (s) calculated in 4.2.2 directly to "N , the hydrazine and ammonia feed tanks through the

,. hatch.

4.2.5 Fill remainder of the tank with condensate water by opening valves CD 211, CD 212 and/or CD 62 for the hydrazine feed, ammonia feed, and/or feedwater chemical injection mix tanks respectively.

4.2.6 Mix for approximately 5 minutes.

5. FEEDWATER CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM PUMP OPERATION In the " auto" mode of operation, the feed pumps that are in the

" auto" position receive a signal from an electro-pneumatic controller which proportions the chemical feed pump stroke to the flow rate from the discharge of the booster feedwater pumps. The " auto" mode is used for the normal cheAical feed.

Manual operation is used for injecting chemicals at various points in the Condensate and Feedwater Systems in batch type quantities. .

5.1 " Auto" Mode 5.1.1 Prerequisites

)' 1. The flow indicators FI 438 and FI 428 on the discharge of the booster FW pumps must show flow in order to give a signal to the chemical addition pumps.

2. A flow path must be available as those found in Sections 6-8 to prevent dead heading the pur.p.
3. The chemical feed tank being pumped from should be treated and filled following Section 4.
4. Electrical Supply for pumps.

Motor Control Center Breaker Panel Location Hydrazine Feed Pump 1-1 F32B BF 3271 Aux Ammonia Feed Pump 1-2 F32B BF 3286 Boiler Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-3 F32B BF 3282 Area Elev 585' 5.1.2 Procedure

1. Choose the point of injection.


3 4 SP 1104.43.4 m

2. Place valves in the positions as stated following that i particular section for the injection point.
3. Place the desired pump controller in auto.

5.2 Manual Operation 5.2.1 Prerequisites

1. A flow path'aust be available as found in sections 6-8 to prevent dead heading the pump.
2. The chemical feed tank being used should be treated and filled following Section 4.

5.2.2 Procedure

1. Choose the location of the point of injection and follow the valve lineup for that section.
2. Place the desired pump (s) controller in manual. ,

NOTE: The ammonia and hydrazine tank levels must be maintained to protect the pump.



The normal feed injection point is the outlet of the Condensate Polishers. The chemical pumps are controlled automatically as found in Section 5. Hydrazine levels of the outlet of the final feedwater 4 heater must be maintained at 20 to 100 ppb and pH must be 9.3 to 9.6 measured at 77'F.

6.1 Prerequisites 6.1.1 The valves are in the positions as stated on Valve Verification List #1.

6.1.2 The Condensate and Feedwater Systems are in operation.

6.1.3 The Ammonia Feed Tank 1-1 and the Hydrazine Tank 1-1 must be filled with ammonia and hydrazine solutions respectively of the proper concentrations per Section 4.

6.2 Procedure 6.2.1 Place the Ammonia Feed Pump 1-1 and the Hydrazine Feed Pump 1-1 controllers in auto.

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5 SP 1104.43.4

( 6.2.2 Check the discharge pressure indicator to ensure the  !

pump in service is pumping. The gauge should show l pressure and fluctuate with each pump stroke. 8 l

6.2.3 Sample the Condensate and Feedwater Systems from the common discharge of the last set of HP heaters through SS 31.

6.2.4 Determine the pH and hydrazine content of the sample following CH 4097.00 and CH 4078.00.

4 6.2.5 Record the results noting the 9.3 - 9.6 pH range and the 20 - 100 ppb hydrazine range.

i 6.2.6 If the pH or hydrazine limits are not met, an adjustment l' should be made in the tank factor for the limit exceeded.

NOTE: pH is controlled by the addition of ammonia.

To raise pH, the ammonia concentration in the tank or tank factor must be raised. .

Lower the tank factor for too high a pH.

The same is true for hydrazine feed; raise I tank factor for too low concentration, lower

. tank factor for too high a concentration. i

/r ^ i U',/ 6.2.7 Make additions to the tanks as needed following Section 4 and using the appropriate tank factors.

7. NORMAL LAYUP Normal layup consists of the Condensate and Feedwater Systems in the cleanup recirculation mode of operation laid up with 50 - 200 ppm hydrazine, 2-20 ppm ammo,nia at a pH of 9.5 - 10.5 as per PP 1101.04.

The steam generator is laid up by its own layup system.

7.1 Prerequisites 7.1.1 Ensure the valves are in the positions as stated on Valve Verification List t/l.

7.1.2 The Condensate and Feedwater Systems are in the cleanup recirculation mode.

7.1.3 The Ammonia Feed Pump 1-1 and the Hydrazine feed Pump 1-1 are shutdown.

7.2 Procedure 7.2.1 Add to the Feedwater Chemical Injection Mix Tank

I 6 SP 1104.43.1 enough hydrazine and ammonia to obtain the required concentrations in the Condensate Feedwater Systems.

More than one tank volume may be required.

7.2.2 Close valves SC 6 and SC 8 which are used for normal feed.

7.2.3 Close valves SC 42, 44 discharge of Ammonia Feed Fumps 1-1 and Hydrazine Feed Pump 1-1, 7.2.4 Open valves SC 26 and 32, tank outlet valves from the mix tank to spare chemical injection pump and SC 45 discharge of spare chemical injection pump to hydrazine header.

7.2.5 Open valve SC 4 hydrazine feed header to condensate pump discharge header.

7.2.6 Place spare chemical injection pump in manual and pump the tank as nearly empty as possible without allowing the pump to become air bound.

  • 7.2.7 Fill the tank with approximately one foot of water and continue pumping until the tank is almost empty again.

7.2.8 Repeat 7.2.7.

7.2.9 Shut off spare enemical injection pump.

1 7.2.10 Allow the Condensate and Feedwater Systems to recirculate until chemistry is at equilibrium.

7.2.11 Sample the Condensate and Feedwater Systems to determine the amount of hydrazine, pH and ammonia in the system following procedures CH 4097.00, CH 4078.00 and CH 4099.00 respectively.

7.2.12 If the chemical concentrations are not in limits as stated in Section 7, more chemicals or a dilution may be required as necessary.

7.2.13 Repeat 7.2.11 on a weekly basis.

8. MISCEI.I.ANE0L'S INJECTION POINTS IN THE CONDENSATE AVD FEEDWATER SYSTEM The chemical feed points will be used in certain abnormal instances for local corrosion and oxygen control. The decision to use these points will be determined at the time of use and by the Chemistry and Health Physics Foreman. Feed tank and pump selection will be decided alsc at the time of use.

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L 7 SP 1104.43.0

. 8.2 Chemical Injection to H.P. Heaters Discharge 8.1.1 Prerequisites

1. The valves should be in the positions as stated on Valve Verification List #1.

8.1.2 Procedure

1. Close valves SC 30, 36, 42 ammonia feed tank isolation ammonia pump suction, and discharge respectively and valves SC 31, 37, 44 hydrazine feed tank isolation,.

hydrazine pump suction and discharge respectively.

until pump selection has been made.

2. Make tank (s) and pump (s) selection.
3. Treat the tank with the proper amount of chemicals.
4. Open valve (s) SC 22 and/or SC 24 HP heaters discharge *
  • from ammonia and/or hydrazine feed pumps common discharge header respectively.
5. Choose the pump mode of operation and place pump in pp
  • y se rvice .
6. Ensure that the tank being pumped down does not go dry while pumping.

8.2 Chemical Injection to Booster Feed Pump Suction 8.2.1 Prerequisites

1. Repeat 8.1.1 - 1.

8.2.2 Procedure Repeat 8.1.21-6 replacing valves SC 22 and/or SC 24 in Step 4 with SC 12 and SC 16 and/or SC 10 and SC 14 Booster Feed Pump Suction from hydrazine and/or

  • ammonia feed pumps discharge header (s) respectively.

8.3 Chemical Injection to Condensate Storage Tanks 8.3.1 Prerequisites

1. Repeat 8.1.1 - 1.
2. It is necessary that demineralized water is being added to the Condensate Storage Tanks through CD 103 or CD





I 8 SP 1104.43.0 l . 'S, l 164 before. ammonia or hydrazine injections are made to ,

these miscellaneous injection points. This is to assure uniform concentrations in the tank.

3. It is also necessary that flow of demineralized water from the demineralized water header valve DW 2598 be .

going only to the Condensate Storage Tanks to avoid introducing high concentrations of hydrazine and ammonia into other systems.

8.3.2 Procedure *

1. Repeat 8.1.2 6 replacing valves SC 22 and/or SC 24 in Step 4 with SC 206 and/or SC 208 ammonia and/or hydrazine discharge header (s) respectively to condensate storage tanks and ensuring valves CD 163 and CD 164 condensate storage tanks 1-1 and 1-2 to hotwell respectively are open, l 8.4 Hydrazine Injection to Deserator Storage Tanks 1-1 and 1-2 8.4.1 Prerequisites
1. Repeat 8.1.1 - 1. l 8.4.2 Procedure .j
1. Repeat 8.1.2 6 replacing valves SC 22 and SC 24 in Step 4 with SC 18 and SC 20 hydrazine discharge header to Deaerator Storage Tank (s) 1-1 and 1-2 respectively.

8.5.1 Prerequisites

1. Repest 8.1.1 - 1.

I 8.5.2 frocedure j

t. Repeat 8.1.2 6 replacing valves SC 22 and SC 24 in Step 4 with SC 102 and SC 103 hydrazino discharge header to L.P. F.W. Heater Drain Tanks 1-1 and/or 1-2 respectively. '

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b 9 SP 1104.43.4 3 Sheet No. 1 of 4 VALVE VERIFICATION LIST #1 Chemical Feed Original Line-up List Verification List Only - Consult Shif t Supervisor Prior to Repositioning Valve P&ID No. VALVE VALVE VERIFY VALVE DESCRIPTION Coord. NUMBER POSITION BY From Cond Pumps Disch. Header to M-045-11 NH4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 (A-2) CD 212 :losed From Cond Pumps Disch. Header to M-045-11 NH 4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 Suction (A-2) CD 63 Closed NH 4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Level Gage M-045-11 Isolation (Top) (A-2) SC 1593B Open NH 4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Level Gage M-045-11 Isolation (Bottom) (B-2) SC 1593A Open NH 4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Isolation M-045-11 Valve (B-2) SC 30 Open M-045-11 NH 4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Sample Conn. (B-2) SS 100 :losed ,

NH4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Service M-045-11 Drain (B-2) SC 34 Closed NH4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 Recire M-045-11 Line (C-2) SC 38 Closed Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Rectre to M-045-11 C(/'- ,

NH4 OH Feed Tank 1-1 (B-3) SC 28 Closed F.W. Chem. Inj . Mix Tk. to NH4 OH Fd. M-045-11 Tk. Shut Off Viv. (B-2) SC 105 Closed F.W. Chem. Inj. Mix Tk. to NH4 OH Fd. M-045-11 Pump Suet. Shut Off Viv. (B-2) SC 106 Closed M-045-11 NH OH Feed Pump 1-1 Suction (B-1) 3C 36 } pen NH 4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 Discharge M-045-11 Service Drain (D-2) SC 40 Closed NH 4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 Discharge M-045-11 Press Ind Isolation (C-2) SC 1596 Open NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 Discharge to M-045-11 NH4 OH Header (D-3) 3C 42 Open Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Discharge to M-045-11 NH4 OH. Feed Header (C-5) SC 46 Closed NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 to Booster M006B-12 FW Pump 1-1 (C-3) SC 12 Closed NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 to Booster M006B-12 FW Pump 1-2 (C-11) SC 16 Closed NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 to HP Ek HTR M006B-12 1-1-6 and 1-2-6 Outlet (B-6) SC 22 Closed NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 to Cond Pumps M006A-14 Discharge (K-7) SC 2 Closed NH4 OH Feed Pump 1-1 to LP FW HTR M-008-9 .

1-1-2 and 1-2-2 (A-12) SC 8 Open

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10 SP 1104.43.4 Sheet No. _2_ -x of 4 VALVE VERIFICATION LIST r/1 Chemical Feed Original Line-up List Verification List Only - Consult Shif t Supervisor Prior to Repositioning Valve P&ID No. VALVE VALVE VERIFY VALVE DESCRIPTION Coord. NL'MBER POSITION BY M006A-14 NH 4 OH Fd. to Cnds. Strg. Tk. V1v. (F-13) SC 206 Closed M004A-10 NH 4 OH Fd. to Cnds. Strg. Tk. V1v. (F-13) SC 208 Closed N2 H4 Ed. Pump 1-1 to LP FW HTR. DT M004A-10 Viv. (J-8) SC 103 Closed From Cond Pumps Disch. Header to N2 H4 M-045-11 Feed Tank 1-1 (A-6) CD 211 Closed From Cond Pumps Disch. Header to N2 H 4 M-045-11 .

Feed Pump 1-1 Suction (B-6) CD 61 Closed N2 H4 Feed Tank 1-1 Level Gage M-045-11 Isolation (Top) (A-6) SC 15948 Open -

N2 H4 Feed Tank 1-1 Level Gage M-045-11 Isolation (Bottom) (B-6) SC 1594A Open M-045-11 N2 H. Feed Tank 1-1 Isolation Valve (B-6) SC 31 Open '

M-045-11 t N2 H4 Feed Tenk 1-1 Samp. Conn. (B-6) SS 102 Closed _9 M-045-11 N2 H. Feed Tank 1-1 Service Drain (B-5) SC 35 Closed M-045-11 N2 H Feed Tank 1-1 Recirc Line (B-5) SC 39 Closed Spare Chen Inj Pump 1-1 Recirc to M-045-11 N2 H. Feed Tank 1-1 (B-5) SC 29 Closed FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Isolation to M-045-11 N2 H Feed Tank 1-1 (B-5) SC 27 Closed Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Suction to M-045-11 N2 H Feed Tank 1-1 (B-5) SC 33 Closed M-045-11 N2 H. Feed Pump 1-1 Suction (B-6) SC 37 Open N2 H4 Feed Pump 1-1 Discharge Press M-045-11 Ind Isolation (C-6) SC 1599 Open _,

N2 H4 feed Pump 1-1 Discharge Service M-045-11 j Drain (C-6) SC 41 Closed N2 H4 feed Pump 1-1 Discharge to M-045-11 N2 H. Feed Header (C-5) SC 44 Open Spare Chen Inj Pump 1-1 Discharge to M-045-11 N2 H Feed Header (C-5) SC 45 Closed N2 H 4 feed Pump 1-1 to Booster FW M-006B-12 Pump 1-1 (C-3) SC 10 Closed N2 H4 Feed Pump 1-1 to Booster FW M0068-12 Pump 1-2 (C-11) SC 14 Closed

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1 11 SP 1104.43.4

, Sheet No. 3 of ~!"

' h VALVE VERIFICATION LIST #1 Chemical Feed Original Line-up List Verification List Only - Consult Shift Supervisor Prior to Repositioning Valve i P&ID No. VALVE VALVE VERIFY VALVE DESCRIPTION Coord. NUMBER POSITION BY i N2 H Feed Pump 1-1 to HP FW HTR M0068-12 l 1-1-6 and 1-2-6 Outlet (B-8) SC 24 Closed N2 H4 Feed Pump 1-1 to Deant Stor M006B-12 l Tk 1-1 (B-3) SC 18 Closed N2 !!< Feed Pump 1-1 to Deaer Stor M006B-12 l 4 Tk 1-2 (B-10) I SC 20 Closed l N2 H. Feed Pump 1-1 to Cond Pumps M006A-14 Discharge (J-9) SC 4 Closed N2 H4 Feed Pump 1-1. to LP FW HTR M-008-9 1-1-2 and 1-2-2 (A-12) SC 6 Open N2 H4 Feed Pump 1-1 to LP FW HTR M004A-10 Drain Tank 1-1 (J-4) SC 102 Closed

Outlet From Cond. Steg. Tk. 1-1 Viv (F-12) CD 163 Open M006A-14 Outlet From Cond. Strg. Tk 1-2 Viv (F-12) CD 164 Open From Cond Pumpr. Disch Header to FW Chem M-045-11 Closed i(-

  • Inj Mix Tank FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Level Gage Isolation (Top)


M-045-11 CD 62 l (A-3) SC 2800B Open FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Level Gage Isolation M-045-11 (Bottom) (A-3) SC 2800A Open M-045-11 FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Samp. Conn. (B-3) SS 101 Closed M-045-11 i FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Service Drain (B-4) SC 25 Closed l

FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Isolation to Spare M-045-11 i Chem Inj Pump 1-1 (B-3) SC 26 Closed l

FW Chem Inj Mix Tank Isolation to M-045-11 l 4 N2 H. Feed Tank 1-1 (B-5) SC 27 Closed

! Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Suction to FW M-045-11 Chem Inj Mix Tank (B-3) SC 32 Closed Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Discharge Press. M-045-11 Ind. Isolation (B-4) SC 2710 Open Spare Chem Inj Pump 1-1 Discharge Service M-045-11 Drain (B-4) SC 48 Closed i Demin. Water to Chem feed Fill Shutoff M-045-11 1

Viv. (A-7) DV 65 Closed M000A-14 L.P. F.W. Htr. 1-2-2 Bypass Viv. (C-8) CD 162 Closed l .

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12 SP 1104.43.4 Sheet No. 4 of 1 VALVE VERIFICATION LIST t/l Chemical Feed Original Line-up List Verification List only - Consult Shift Supervisor Prior to Repositioning Valve P&lD No. VALVE VALVE VERIFY VALVE DESCRIPTION Coord. NL'MBER POSITION BY

. M045 N2 H. Header to Cond. Polishers !so. (C-3) SC 52 Closed N H4 Header Normal Feed to Cond. M045 Polishers (C-3) SC 53 Open e

8 e