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Matls Licensing Package for Amend 19 to License SNM-0918 for Oregon State Univ.Control:571700
Person / Time
Site: 07000971
Issue date: 11/18/1992
From: Prange B
571700, NUDOCS 9212240178
Download: ML20126D413 (14)


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Amendment No. 19 -


. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-438). and Title 10.

I Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 1, Parts 30,31,32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations  :

heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to recene, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, q soune, and special nucicar material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated bdow; to j deilver or transfer such rnaterial to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable PartW. This ;

J license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is  :

; j subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nudear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any i l i conditions spec Ged below. i

, t ucen e In accordance with letter ,

dated September 28, 1992 i1. Oregon State University 3. Ucense number SNM-918 is amended in  !

! Radiation Safety Office its entirety to read as follows:  !

1 2. l Radiation Center A124 l Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5904 4. Expiration date October 31, 1994 _l l .I 5. Docket or 070-00971 Reference No. l

' .13yproduct, 6 source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical 8. Maximum amount that licensee - l special nuclear insterial form < may possess at any one time

, j under this license  ;

l A. Plutonium 239 A. Sealed sources A. .5 curies l*

l .(Monsanto Research i Corp Model Nos. j MRC-N-SS-W-PuBe 359 l and MRC-N-SS-W-PuBe  !

329). l l - . l l

Plutonium 239 B. Nickel foil. 8, 2.25 microcuries l lB. j ,

C. Uranium 233 C. Nickel foil . C.. 0.25 microcuries l ,

1 i D. Uranium 235 D. Sealed fission chamber D. 18 nanocuries t


Reuter-Stokes Model l .

No. RS-06-0201-221 l

E. Uranium 235 E. Metal foils E. 0.2 microcuries F. Uranium 235 F. U02 fuel pellets F. 320 microcuries l sealed in stainless d steel or zircalloy containers not-l exceeding 14.5 grams each
G. Plutonium 242 G. Oxide G. 4 mic'rocuries
H. Uranium 235 H. NBS Standards H. 0.25 microcuries (SRM993) l l  !

L,1 18007.,

q 9212240178 921118 1

i PDR ADOCK 07000971 )g

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e i l SUt>PLEMENTARY SHEET , ,,Y,,,00971 O0 9 I >

l Amendment No. 19 l I e l 1 .

F E 6. Byproduct, source, 7. Chemical and/or 8. Maximum amount that k.

I and/or special physical form licensee may possess K nuclear material at any one time under l this license l-q p q 1. Plutonium 238 1. Plated Source I. 0.5 microcuries i.

n I N 4 J. Uranium 235 J. Router-Stokes sealed J. 11 nanocuries k l fission chamber l s K. Uranium (enriched in K. c002 br U30I b ("f , -K. 0.25 microcuries of  !

q uranium 235) . i'

,= Uranium 235 contained t q

.g in 250 grams of i 4

- uranium enriched to k:

8 E' V not more than 4% I l 4 Uranium 235 (

q ..  ; ., s. t q L. Uranium (enriched in L. U30s  ?- L. 1.25 microcuries of r I ^1 # Uranium 235 contained uranium 235)

)' /'- P.

4 N.


--in 1 gram of uranium k-I N ~ enriched to not more

' t,}- ?


l r. -n (than50% Uranium 235 h.

,ang3g g. p a e, ,

V- o M. Plutonium 239 M.- . Plated:sou ces M. J 0.15 microcuries t M)}l}[;i E .

e E . , ,

i- ' a 4 k 4

H. Plutonium 242 H.L NISTStandaEds1 s N. N 10 nanocuries P!

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'(SRM 4334 D) ' " ?

l v g ' ,

4 '., g Oxide !.>

I nanocurie i 0. Plutonium 239 <


e 0. 4 i , A- 1 g!. P . Plutonium 240 P. Oxide 7? P. 1-nanocurie >

y >

h' f Q g f a t 4;9. Authorized use i 4 I 8 For use in teaching, training, research, and instrument I i l!A.throughL.(exceptD.andJ.)

landN.throughP. calibration and instrument response studiesa ,

(!t F D For use in neutron detection and measurement. >


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For instrument calibration. [

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f NRC f oem 37dQ U.S. NUCLEoO QEGUL ATORY COMMISSloN ' Pact or Pacts I I

  • License nurnter ,1 1 SNM-918 's 6

g MATERIALS LICENSE g g, y ,,,, ,, ,,, p 1 SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET 070-00971 t I >

l Amendment No. 19 j  !

(  !>-

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Licensed material shall be used only at Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, I l 10.

g except that subitem 6.1. may also be used at the Hatfield Marine Science Center, q

4 Newport, Oregon. l$



4 11. A. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision of, individuals  !>-

8 designated by the Radiation Safety Committee.  !>;

I F g B. The Radiation Safety Officer for 'activities under this license is Rainier H. (l t 1 .1 '

1 q Farmer. l h 4 ... F2 Scaled sources containing licensed material shall not'be opened. l 4 12. '

4 _ lIl

13. The licensee may transport licensed material in accordanc'e with the provisions of 10 (

l CFR Part 71, " Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material".

g g 4 - . k 4.14, A. (1) Each sealed source acquired from another person and containing licensed tj 4 material, other than hydrogen 3, with_ a half-life greater than thirty I 8

days and in any form other than gas shall be tested for contamination P{

l and/or leakage before use. In the absence of a certificate from a o transferor indicating that a test has been made within six months before

(: the transfer, a sealed source received from another person shall not be

( put into use until . tested.((ll }- x.

n ., ,.e ~

f (2) Notwithstandingtheperio'd'idb'e'aktestrequiredbythiscondition,any q! licensed sealed source is exempt from such leak' tests when the source g! contains 100 microcuries or less ofibeta and/or gamma emitting materials 4 or 10 microcuries or less-of alpha emitting material.

4, Except for alpha sources, the periodic leak test required by this W i di (3) ,

f gi condition does not apply to sealed sources that are stored and not being g used. The sources excepted,from this test shall be tested for leakage p ql before any use or transfer to another person unless they have been leak y 4 tested within six months before the date of use or transfer. .


(: ,

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B, Each sealed half-life greater than source thirty days containing and in any form licensed other thanmaterial, gas shall be other th (i tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed six months 4! except-that each source designed for the purpose of emitting alpha particles 0}

p 4

%qi shall be tested at intervals not to exceed 3 months. k' 41 t l>h-p-

tj 4;  ;>

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  • m'..m. ." " _^ al 2 A*_E.m_mL*4* = m l NRC f orm 374 A . U.S. NUCLE AR REGULAToRtf COMMi$510N pg g mm 3 A m ,g Km a mAg l Lkenne numter t SNM-918 $

4 q MATERIALS LICENSE , g,,, , ,


SUPPLEMEfdTARY SHEET 070-00971 )t l>



Amendment No. 19


I'n t

4. CONDITIONS lF f(continued) g) lq C. The test shall be capable of detecting the aresence of 0.005 microcurie of radioactive material on the test sample. T1e test sample shall be taken from p 4 the sealed source or from the surfaces of the device in which the sealed l>

4 source is permanently or semipermanently mounted or stored on which one might ik 4 expect contamination to accumulate. Records of leak test results shall be >

f kept in units of micrecuries and maintained for inspection by the Commission. l q Records may be disposed of following Co, mission inspection. ,p 4 e '  :

4 D. If the test is required by Subsection A. or C. of this condition reveals the k>

presence of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable contamination, the licensee >

q[ shall immediately withdraw the sealed source from use and shall case it to be >-

4 decontaminated and repaired or to be disposed of in accordance with Lc'nmission l q regulations. A report shall be filed within 5 days of the date the leak test .

4 result is known with.the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region V; l,p:

4 Radioactive Materials Safety Branch; 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210; Walnut Cree',n +

4 California 94596, describing the equipment involved, the test results, and l>

f the corrective action taken. > "


15. The licensee shall maintain records of information related to decommissioning at the f 4l Oregon State University Radiation-Safety Office, Radiation Center A124, Corvallis, 4 4; Oregon as specified in 10~ 'CFR 70.25(g) until this license is terminated by the l Commission. [<3j . i 4

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l SUPPLEMENTARY SHEET ' $[h"'hhN k l In ,

Amendment No. 19 l

4 4  !' ,




4 q 16. Except as specifically provided otherwise in this license, the licensee shall

'4 conduct its program in accordance with the statements, representations, and V 4 procedures contained in the documents including any enclosures, listed below. The kk 4 Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the statements, representations and procedures in the licensee's application and correspondence are [,

l more restrictive than the regulations. -

g 4

/ pj p

q A. Application dated June 19. 1978 '


4 8. Letter dated February 25, 1980 '

ki C. Letter dated November 13, 1980 + >

j 4; -

  • D. Letter dated December 30, 1982 s l E. Letter dated March 3,1983 '-

L q F. Letter dated April 7, 1983  !'

4 4



Letter dated August 25, 1983 Application dated July 31, 1989

' l'j, 4 1. Letter dated May 15, 1990 .

8 J. Letter dated June 15, 1990 i l,


l K. Letter dated July 24, 1990 / p q L. Letter dated January 3, 1991 , ,e p,

tj M. Letter dated June 19, 1992 y(>?!(

dj N. Letter dated September 28, 1992; , 3 l-4 . ,,i;."

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4; h(W N 181997 f

  • )iDate g

qi By Bet


. ran Sr. Health P sicist (Licensing) lL Radioactive Materials Safety-8 ranch Region V i

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f NOV 181892 Docket No.: 070-00971 License No.: SNM-918 Control No.: 571700 Oregon State University Radiation Safety Office Radiation Center A124 Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5904 Attention: L. Edwin Coate, Vice President finance and Administration Enclosed is the NRC license amendment which you requested.

Please review the enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions. If there are any errors or questions, please notify us so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answers.

Any future correspondence relating to your license should specifically reference your license and docket numbers to expedite your inquiry.

Sincerely, Beth A. Prange Sr. Health Physicist (Licensing)

Radioactive Materials Safety Branch


Attachment A Amendment No. 19 to License No. SNM-918


/ phtribution bec w/ original concurrence, copy of license and original correspondence:

license docket folder bcc w/ copy of license and correspondence:

Inspection folder b:c wicopy of license:

Reading file 4 ,. , w/ correspondence and 2 copies of license:

gp3i;;{ Shirley Crutchfield, LfMB, MNBB 4503 Mh. i.icense only


State of Oregon

,:hk( ff 5 . KPrendergast JMontgomery DSkov BPrange

    • . I I I I I I I I II)jyjqz -

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September 28,1992 oma or - [(/4(,[th/


fo, Beth Prange EEED NRC

%,s c- a s-,,i,,,., r, <-, U.S. Nucleat Regulatory Commission REG 10H V Region V .

1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5368 N- -


Oregon State University; Special Nuclear Materials Ucense SNM-918; docket No. 070-00971

Dear Ms. Prange:

/l ij !

Oregon State University (OSU) hereby requests amendment of Special g[% )J Nuclear Materials Ucense SNM 918 to reflect a change in the V organizational structure of OSU.

om,s Effective September 21,1992, the Radiation Safety Officer reports to the Manager of Environmental and Public Safety, who in turn reports to the Director of Facilities Services. The Director of Facilities Services reports to the Vice President for Finance and kJministration. The new organizational chart as it relates to the Radiation Safety Office is attached as Appendix A; Appendix B shows the former structure, aminuue,s. nun =

con.un,o"5"" The Radiation Safety Committee will continue to be appointed by the

""" Vice President for Finance and Administration. The Radiation Safety Officer still has the authority to temporarily suspend activities if in his opinion the action is necessary to prevent an unsafe condition or to protect the public health. Consistent with current policy, all such actions are reviewed by the Radiation Safety Committee. The Radiation Safety Officer will continue to have access to the Vice President for Finance and Administration, as needed, to resolve radiation safety problems.

Enclosed is Appendix C, a revised Statement of Radiation Safety Program Responsibilitics for your review. The statement reflects the changes in management structure, and includes the responsibilities of the newly-created Director of Facilities Services.

Please let me know if you have any questions g if you require additional information, gf w rue Sincerely, ~=

k h a j '7 aj )?

w. mu- 2


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/0//V5p L Edwin Coate, Vice President M ~~

Finance and Administration ,, yf gr-R. Farmer, Radiation Safety Officer

! .. r/ g!

cc: ,

B. Francis, Manapr, Environmental & Public Safety / v/ e _ _J T. Dreher, Chair, Radiation Safety Commitee K. Mulligan, Director, Facilities Services -


Oregon State University

' Finance & Administration Septenter 1992 L. E. Coate.

Vice President Finance & Adninistration


w M  %.

Kathleen Multi- n Radiation' Safety s Director Cossaittee s

.<* facilities Services \


1 g v.

a \

4 \

I Meg Swan Larry Esrhart' Biti Francis Manager Manager Manager \

Operations & Maintenance Planning & Construction Env. & Ptblic Safety g 1

I l.

_ I Oregon State Police Pi,blic Safety / Security Enviremental Health & Radiation Safety' '

University Patrol Safety 1





Rain er Farmer ,-

, Radiatices Safety Officer 9


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- App;ndix C Radiation Safety Program Responsibilities The responsibilities of the various participants in the radiation safety program at Oregon State University are listed in Section til of the OSU Radiation Safety Manual. These descriptions have been modified to reflect the changes in reporting relationships resulting from the restructuring of the health and safety functions at Oregon State University. The responsibilities for the parties are listed below; i President and Vage President for Finance and Administratign V

l h The President and, by delegation, tha Vice President for Finance and Administration are responsible for providing a radiation safety program for Oregon State University. The this end, the Vice ou cos President for Finance and Administration is responsible for sim appointing and overseeing a University Radiation Safety Usm am y Committee. The office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration is responsible for maintaining and overseeing the Facilities Services Division.

Radiation Safety Committee The Radiation Safety Committee, appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration,is responsible for recommending University policy with respect to radiation safety, establishing standards and regulations needed to implement this policy, reviewing operations and procedures of the Radiation Safety Office, and acting as the statutory review committee for use of radiation and radioactive materials required by State ar.d Federal radioactive materials licenses. More specific statements of Committee responsibilities are given in the Committee Bylaws (see section IX of the OSU Radiation Safety Manual).

Director of Facilities Services The Director of Facilities Services is responsible for appointing and overseeing the position of Manager of Environmental and Public Safety.

Manaaer of Environmental and Public Safety The Manager of the Department of Environmental and Public Safety is responsible for appointing the University Radiation Safety Officer, and maintaining and overseeing the administration of the Radiation Safety Officc.

l ,

Radiation Safety Officer and Rad;ation Safety Office The University Radiation Safety Officer, who is appointed by and reports administratively to the Manager of Environmental and Public Safety, is responsible for managing the day to-day affairs of the Radiation Safety Office and providing secretariat for the Radiation Safety Committee.

Responsibilities of the Radiation Safety Office include:

a. operating efficient programs for radioactive waste disposai, package receipt surveys and delivery, preparation of t t radioactive materials for shipment, personnel dosimetry, I j workplace surveillance, records management. and basic 5

personnel training;

b. administering the University's radioactive materials licenses and maintalning liaison with federal, state, and local OncoN regulatory agencies; sT m c. providing advice to OSU personnel and others concerning Usmasm radiation safety matters;
d. managing radiation incidents and occurrences and supervising decontamination and other corrective tasks.

Proaram Director (Authorized User)

The Program Director has primary responsibility for all safety aspects of work under the program. This includes:

a. being familiar with applicable parts of federal, state, and local laws and regulations;
b. ensuring the personnel working under the program have received proper training;
c. ensuring that all tasks involving radioisotopes or radiation machines are properly planned with respect to safety and that personnelinvolved understand what is to be done;
d. ensuring that needed surveys, inspections and inventories are performed and documented properly and timely;
e. ensuring that facilities and equipment needed for safety purposes are present and are properly maintained, including proper posting and labeling;
f. ensuring that activities, materials, facilities, and personnel used during program work are properly authorized;
g. ensuring proper security and marking of radioactive materials;
h. ensuring proper notification of the Radiation Safety Office and completion of proper corrective procedures in event of a spill, overexposure, etc.;
i. ensuring proper notification and c; earing of facilities and records upon termination of program work;
j. ensuring all copies of the Radiation Safety Manual and of each Radiation Use Authorization are kept up to date. 1 1

n Others involved with Radiation All others working with or around radioisotopes and/or radiation machines are responsible for complying with safety and operating regulations and procedures pertaining to their activities. This includes such persons as:

a. lab workers
b. police and securi', workers
c. janitorial personnel
d. package delivery personnoi r.

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BETWEEN:  : ------- ------------

License Fee Management Branch, ARM Pr ram Code: 22120 19 /N ll: 07 and  : 5tNusCode: 0 Regional Licensing Sections  : Fee Category: EX 10

Exp. Date: 19941031
Fee Conenents: 170.11(A)(4)
1. APPLICA110N ATTACHE 0 Applicant / Licensee: OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Received Date: 971005

>, Docket No: 1000971 Control No.: 571700 License No.: 5NM-918 Act wn Type: Amendment

-, 2. IEE ATTACHED t Amount: #1_ n

! Check No.: /vv*u


1 3. COMMENTS Si ned L NN -

Da$e U t/b4 si im< _

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j. B. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when mile i p M;3' ' T 5 5:

a n . .

_M i

! 1. Fee Category and Amount: _EXID m : ,

j 140 !(

2. Correct fee Paid./ pplication A

may be proces' sed -- ~for:6)(J{>\

~ '

Amendment Renewal
3. OTHER Signed Date

/ _hV U* /0./J.V./ SV d i


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