IR 05000262/1992001

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Insp Rept 50-262/92-01 on 921130-1201.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radiation Protection Program Re Decommissioning of Reactor
Person / Time
Site: 05000262
Issue date: 12/09/1992
From: Murray B
Shared Package
ML20125D255 List:
50-262-92-01, 50-262-92-1, NUDOCS 9212150074
Download: ML20125D266 (6)






Inspection Report: 50-262/92-01 Operating License: R-109 Licensee: Brigham Young University Provo, Utah 84602 Facility Name: L-77 Research Rr;ctor Facility .

Inspection At: Provo, Utah Inspection Conducted: November 30 through December 1, 1992 Inspector: A. D. Gaines, Radiation Specialist Facilities Inspection Programs Section Approved: 4 M [b/ldW Y L 3. Murray, Chief, Facilit is inspection Da'te'

Programs Section Inspection Summary Areas Inspected: Routine, announced inspection of the radiation protection program as it pertained to the decommissioning of the reacto Results:

e Proper personnel monitoring was provided for personnel involved with decommissioning activities (paragraph 1.2.1),

e Radiation and contamination surveys were properly performed and documented (paragraph 1.2.2).

e Proper calibration and quality control checks were performed on radiation detection instrumentation (paragraph 1.2.3),

o Areas were correctly posted and controlled (paragraph 1.2.4).

e Proper 10 CFR 19.12 instructions were provided for radiation workers (paragraph 1.2.5).

e The Decommissioning Committee provided proper oversight of decommissioning activities (paragraph 1.3).

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-2- l Summary of Inspection Findinas:

e No violations or deviations were identifie Attachment:

Attachment 1 - Persons Contacted and Exit Meeting




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The licensee's program was inspectsd to determine compliance with 10 CFR Parts 19 and 20, and agreement with the Order Approving Decommissioning Plan and Authorizing Cacommissioning issued July 23, 199 .1 Backoround The L-77 Research Reactor was last operated on May 11, 1982. The reactor was defueled on May 5,1987, and the fuel shipped to the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. An Order Approving Decommissioning Plan and Authorizing Decommissioning - was issued JJ1y 23, 199 On October 20, 1992, the licensee's Decommissioning Committee gave approval to remove shielding water and cut up the shield assembly to remove the core vessel. The licensee had cut up the shield assembly and placed the core vessel in a 55 gallon drum which was stored in the licensee's radioactive waste storage facility. The licensee had packaged some of the radioactive waste from decommissioning, but none of the waste had been shipped offsite for disposal. The next decommissioning activities include further cleanup of the facility, removal of material and equipment, and a final radiation surve The licensee expects to have the final radiation survey completed by January 31, 199 .1 0roanizational Chanaes The inspector reviewed the licensee's decommissioning organizational structure and noted that it conformed to their NRC-approved decommissioning pla .2 Health physics 1. Personnal Monitoring The licensee used vendor-supplied personnel dosimetry for all personnel involved in decommissioning activities. Personnel monitoring results for the period when decommissioning activities were performed had not been received from the vendor at the time of this inspectio .2.2 Radiation Surveying, Sampling, and Monitoring The inspector reviewed selected radiation and contamination surveys perfermed during decommissioning activities. The licensee had performed the necessary surveys to doc uent radiation and contamination levels prior-to and during various work activities. Survey records contained all required informatio The inspector performed radiation surveys of the nuclear reactor butidin The licensee was not finished with decommissioning activities and, therefore, had not performed a final radiation survey. The inspector's surveys were performed to independently verify facility radiological condition at the time of this inspection. The radiological surveys performed included direct

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measurements of beta and gamma radiation levels. Measurements of removable and nonremovable alpha and beta contamination were also mad The inspector determined that the general background direct gamma radiation lavels associated with the facility were 8 to 10 micro Roentgen per hour


eR/hr). Some of the walls had background levels of 12 to 14 pR/hr. The b spector identified two localized " hot spots". One small area on the wa by ia electrical junction box was approximately 180 pR/hr, the other area was on a lab bench and was approximately 200 pR/hr. The Radiation Safety Officer was with the inspector during the surveys and noted the areas for further revie No areas were identified that were above the background levels for fixed beta radiatio The inspector performed surveys to identify removable alpha and be'

contamination using conventional paper smear techniques. Emear su.veys were taken over a nominal 100 square centimeters and analyzed or alpha and beta radioactivity. The smears were taken on the floor where the reactor had been located. No removable radioactive contamination levels above background j levels were identifie .2.3 Radiological Monitoring Instrumentation Calibration The licensee contracted with a radiation survey instrument vendor to calibrate the survey instruments used for decommissioning surveys. The inspector verified through records review that instruments were properly calibrated and that the licenset performed the appropriate quality control checks on the instruments as required in the decommissioning pla .2.4 Posting The inspector verified that notices to workers were properly posted in a sufficient number of places to permit workers to observe the . Instruction of Workers L

The inspector reviewed the sogr: 0 aterial provided to individuals who worked on decommissioning activitie ne t;terial was presented as part of the 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> of radiation and safety training session that workers who had no previous training had to complete prior to working on decommissioning activities. lae material adequateif cover the topics required by 10 CFR 19.1 .' Committee. Audits, and Reviews The inspector reviewed Decommiss oning Committee meeting minutes and d

de ommissioning activity sheet The inspector noted that the minutes and activity sheets indicated that t- Decommissioning Committee was informed of and *eviewed all decommissioning civities as required in the decommissioning plar .


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-5-1,4 Conclusions

- Proper personnel monitoring was provided for personnel involved with decommissioning activitie Radiation and contamination surveys were properly performed and documente Proper calibration and quality control checks were performed on radiation detection instrumentation.-

Areas were correctly posted and controlle Proper 10 CFR 19.12 instructions were provided for radiation worker The Decommissioning Committee provided proper oversight of decommissioning activitie .





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  • E. F. Jackson, Radiation Safety Officer
  • F. W. Nelson, Safety Director C. E. Pugh, Chemical Hygiene Officer
  • Cenotes personnel that attended the exit meetin EXIT MEETING An exit meeting was conducted on December 1,1992. During this meeting, the inspector reviewed the scope and findings of the report. The licensee did not identify as proprietary, any information provided to, or reviewed by the inspecto i l




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