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License for GE to Export 611 Kg U-235 Contained in 16,931 Kg U to Japan
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/04/1992
From: Hauber R
NUDOCS 9212100038
Download: ML20125B516 (2)



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, < se n c e e r:w no Nt:c uct Nst No. >

/// IX/ A3rf1/'/R/.s 30 June 1994 lINb(

'!f  ?!nitch Bintra of Anterica xsNM32699 d W 9

@ Nuclear Regulatory Comminion ie -

F j Pu%ent to the Atomic ( nergy Act of 1954. et amended,eM the E nergy to the litenu e esthorising the emport of the meter.els are/or pridsetion 6, y neca;uiniseinen 4.t of 1974 are the reasiations of the Nucieer Repsietory or unioreton feconties i,sted below, outse ct to the termi ord corditions g g cc.mmimon w=J pument it veto, and m renonce on stetemente end hv ein . p

4 ,en,e.rntet.eni hveiof o,e m.a by the lu en .. e i,cene. in her ecy 6.e.,,sf j Q uct Nst i votiurn coNuc.Na a is e canciN covNT ny p k N k M C NAMt General Electric Company Naut Tokyo Electric Power Company p 4 ~/

Acoats: 175 Curtner Avenue, MC 512 Aconts: 1-3, 1-Chome. Uchisaiwai-Cho ;ij

@i San Jose, CA 95125 Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan

' .1 >P' 44 p,

Attn: D. L. Murray .*

i'i l, (Reload #14 fuel for Fukushima 1 Unit No. 2) .,

li '1 li 's i -


,e mTa nutoiAtt cons 1GNE IN FORtlON COUNTRY OTHt M P ARTitS To LXPOMT l@p

.t!0 Naut Japan Nuclear fuel Company, Ltd. (UNF) ;p/



11.0 Kilogram < Uranium-235 Contained in 16,931.0 kilograms uranium, p 'l enriched to 4.95 w/o maximum. 'R js pi I,! The shipment of Canadian origin material is authorized. >} [ F Conditions 6 and 8 on page two of this license apply to this export. [fd c /////////////// / // / / // // // / / // / / // // // // // // /E ND // / / / / / / // // / / / / / / // / / / / // / / // // p// / /

  • 4 W 'N

'9 ;bj 's ' p*, l tr} i, p q 9212100038 PDR 9212 N ' P' XPORT s 4 XGNH-2699 pyp p @ l :p j eeither ini i.cen.e nor any eight u,eer thi incen,e .heii de e..,gn,e o, ",Wv p g q pgppggg N V o UNLtss s t@ g bl p,,;Actoiicrwin trensverred of 1954. H emenved in Reorganization and the Energy . oisi.on of the Act of 1974, provisions h@(h of the f Atomic E nergy p lhis licente is subject to the tight of recapture or control by Section Ronald108 ofD. Hauber, Assistant Director 'S ), b c, the Atom c Eneigy Act of 1454. as amended ard to su of the other provi. E ' .Y ' {i .ons of md Acts, now of hereaf ter 6n effect ord to eH ve4d rules and Office of Internationa'lgogrg l ,6 regulations of the Nudeer Regulatory Comminion. , , , , , , , b .rmes.*rmearmwrastaxxt:wrx'r#xws.sersra:weraxweerxerrasa EXPORT LICENSE i t i l, *pg ru n e . 2 e r v e., ! ti.s. wectran pictL4 ton) cowMissiou !. EXPORT LICENSE - p ! Condllions License NumberEMiO2699. ] l Condition 1 - Licensee shall hie with the Customs Olhcer or the Postmoster two copies,in addi. t tion to those otherwise required, of the Shipper's Esport Dectoration covering each export and mark one of such copies for trontmittal to the U.S. Nuclear Regv- } lotory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. The following declarotion should oc-j company or be placed on the Shipper's Esport Declarotions for such esports: J

' This shipment is being mode pursuont to specific hcense number (specific '

t license number) filed of (locotion of Customs office where license is filed), ! on (dete license was filed). This license expires on (expiration date of license), and the unshipped bolonce remaining on this license is sufficient to ! cover the shipment described on this decloration." i j Condition 2 - Esports outhorited in any country or destinotion, except Country Groups 0,5, W, X, Y, and 2 in Port 370, Supplement No.1, of the Comprehens ve Export Schedule j of the U.S Department of Commerce. ~ ! Condition 3 - This license covers only the nuclear content of the material. i ._ l Condition 4 - The material to be exported under this hcense shall be shipped in occordonce with i the physical protection requirements for special nuclear material in 10 CFR 73. j Condition 5 - Special nucleor materiot authorized for esport under this license shall not be

transported outside the United States in possen0er corrying aircraft in shipments exceeding (1) 20 grams or 20 curies, whichever is less, of plutonium or vronium j 233, or (2) 350 grams of vronium 235.

l Condition 6- This hcen:e authotires esport only ond does not authotire the receipt, phys col possession, or use of the nuclear moterial. ! Condition 7 - The hcensee shall complete and submit on NRC Form 741 for each shipment of ! soone moierial exported under this hcense. ! Condition 8 - The licensee sholl odvise the NRC in the event there is any change in the designo-l tion of the company who will package the nuclear materiol to be exported under ( this license, or any change in the location of the poclioging operation, at least three weeks prior to the scheduled dote of export. [ 1 p i --_...,_._,.......__..,___...,_-...,,__.~,..,_._,_._.._.._,._._~_.._._,,..,..,m_.__ , . -.-