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NRC Non-possessing Security Plan (No ITP)
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/04/2020
Hase D
Download: ML20125A097 (3)


Standard Practice Procedures Plan The following Standard Practice Procedures Plan applies to facilities authorized to use but not possess classified information.

This document outlines the security responsibilities of: (Licensee Name) with its principal office and place of business at (Street, City, State and ZIP Code) doing business at the address below:

The provisions of our license with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) does not require our company to receive, store, transmit, or originate classified information within our facility(ies). This company's personnel will, however, have authorized access to classified information at approved NRC facility(ies). The NRC security clearances granted our personnel have been issued by NRC Headquarters.

We understand our company will be responsible for ensuring that the following security requirements are met:

  • Initial and Refresher briefings (annually) are conducted and documented as required by 10 CFR Part 95, and that the SF-312, Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement Form, is signed and processed prior to any access to classified information.
  • Termination briefings are conducted and documented in accordance with 10 CFR Parts 25 and 95 for all cleared personnel leaving our employment, losing their clearances, or no longer requiring a clearance. Termination statements are forwarded to NRC Headquarters.
  • Provisions of the Privacy Act are met when handling and mailing/delivering completed personnel security clearance request documents.
  • Cleared company personnel are apprised of and comply with the personnel clearance reporting requirements.
  • Foreign national employees are not placed in a position to exercise control or influence over properly cleared U.S. citizens who have been granted access to NRC classified information.
  • Reporting requirements involving foreign ownership, control, or influence conditions are complied with.
  • Procedures are developed describing internal company processes for performing functions to accomplish each of the items above. Applicable company employees will be familiar and comply with security procedures and be informed of their individual responsibilities in executing and supporting these procedures.
  • Designated representatives of NRC are required periodically to inspect the procedures, methods, and facilities utilized by the company in complying with the requirements of the terms and conditions of 10 CFR Parts 25 and 95. The company shall assist by providing necessary documentation for review.

CERTIFICATIONS I have been designated Facility Security Officer and will be responsible for ensuring the above requirements are complied with.

Typed Name Signature and Date Phone Number The management representative undersigned certifies that the Facility Security Officer has been given the resources and management support needed to accomplish the above. A new Standard Practice Procedures Plan will be executed if a new Facility Security Officer is appointed.

Certified By (typed name):


q Signature and Date:

Standard Practice Procedures Plan (SPPP)

Information for Licensee Contractor Non-Possessing Facility Clearances This information is to be provided by the Licensee Facility Security Officer and attached to the SPPP for non-possessing facility clearance requests for licensee contractors:

Name of Contractor:

1. Description of work to be performed:
2. Classification of Matter to be Accessed (check all that apply):

_____C-NSI _____S-SNSI _____C-RD _____S-RD

3. Access Authorization: _____L _____Q
4. Contractor is: __________Prime Contractor __________Subcontractor Prime Contractor Name (For subcontractors to another subcontractor, only the Prime Contractor to the licensee need be listed.
4. In support of the NRC licensee, the contractor will (check all that apply):

_____Have access to classified matter only at the licensee facility or an NRC-approved facility (identify the site)

_____Generate classified information (Describe the information the contractor will generate and reference appropriate controls in the Licensee SPPP e.g., derivative classification procedures))

_____Receive classified information (Describe what classified matter the licensee will provide when performing the contract and reference appropriate controls in the Licensee SPPP)

_____Perform services that require unescorted access to security areas where classified matter may be present but whose services do not require explicit access to classified matter (Describe the services and reference security areas in licensee SPPP that contractors will access)

5. Estimated contract completion date.

Facility Security Officer Date