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Revised Emergency Plan Procedures,Including Emergency Evacuation Procedures for Campus Bldgs & Operations Plans
Person / Time
Site: University of California - Irvine
Issue date: 07/01/1984
From: Geoffrey Miller
Shared Package
ML20107F106 List:
PROC-840701, NUDOCS 8411050264
Download: ML20107F113 (39)


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University of Califcenin, Irvine EMERGENCY PROCEDURES EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURES FOR CAMPUS BUILDINGS Revised: 3-1-84 Page: 1 of 2 (Not applicable to Medical Center)

For the purpose of these procedures, an emergency is any threat to life or major damage to


property, including fire, bomb threats, explosions, liquid spills, radiation exposure, flood, etc.

which occurs in a building but is not of such magnitude as to necessitate activating the Campus Emergency Operations Plan.

Any ernergency should be reported to the Police immediately Extension 5222. In case of an emergency in a cainpus building which necessitates evacuation of the building, the following evacuation procedures will be implemented:

1. During normal business hours the Police Department will notify the dean or other designated individual (see 5. below) to activate the fire alarm. At other times the Police will activate the alarm. Exception: In case of fire, the person nearest the fire alarm should activate it, then cell the Police Extension 5222.
2. Occupants of the building will: .
a. Turn off office equipment an~d other equipment as specified in individual building or facility emergency procedures.
b. Clcse but do NOT lock doors,
c. Proceed to leave the buildings by the nearest exit. Stairways, NOT elevators should be used.
d. Remain at least 300 feet away from the building.
3. The dean er de'ignated s Individual (see 5. below), or Police, will:
a. Assure that offices, restrooms, and public areas are evacuated.
b. Inform the building occupants of the nature of the emergency after the building is vacated.

Each dean or designated individual shall develop procedures for assuring prompt evacuation of the entire building or buildings for which he/she is responsible. Such procedures must be kept current and readily available at all times.

4. The Police will notify the occupants when the building may be reentered.
5. Curgent list of buildings and the individuals to be notified to implement evacuation procedures: ,

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Univtrsity of Califernia, Irvins EMERGENCY PROCEDURES C


FOR CAMPUS BUILDINGS Revised: 3-1-84 Page: 2 of 2 Building Contact Administration Chancellor or Asst. Chancellor for Administrative Affairs Bio. Sci. Research Facility

  • Dean, Biological Sciences L . . Brandywine' .

Food Service Manager .

' Campus Village . Director, Campus Village*

Central Plant Police Child Care Center Director, Child Care Center Computer Science Director, Computer Facility Crawford Hall and other Chair, Physical Education athletic fa'cilities Engineering Dean, Engineering Fine Arts Village (all buildings) . Dean, Fine Arts Gateway Commons Food Service Manager Headhouse/ Greenhouse Dean, Biological Sciences Humanities Hall . Dean, Humanities

Humanities Office Building Dean, Humanities Library University Librarian

. Medical Science Unit I Dean, College of Medicine p-iviedical Surge Buildings Dean, College of Medicine %E Mesa Court Commons Food Service Manager or Mesa >

Court Manager Mesa Court Residence Halls . Mesa Court Manager or Resident

' Advisor Middle Earth Middle Earth Manager or Resident Advisor North Campus Buildings . Director of Facilities L Physical Sciences Building Dean, Physical Sciences Physical Sciences Research Facility Dean, Physical Sciences .

Recreational Vehicle Park Director, Campus Village n Science Lecture Hall Person in charge of class or i . ..

activity in session SocialScience Laboratory Dean, Social Science

. Social Science Lecture Hall Person in charge of class or -

- activity in session Social Science Tower Dean, Social Science Steinhaus Hall .

Dean, Biological Sciences L Student Health Center Director or Professionalin charge Student Services Unit I Director of Counseling Center Trailer Complex EH&S Officer

. University Center Director, University Center University Club Ex'ecutive Director, University Club Verano Place Verano Place Manager or Verano Place Apartment Assistants All detailed office, laboratory, and building emergency procedures must be in compliance with

' these procedures, i.

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'\ Univsrsity cf Californir, Irvine .



- - Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

. Types of E me rgencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Declaration of Campus State of Emergency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

. Reporting Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Direction and Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 p Responsibilities Chancellor . . . . . . ............................................. '

4 Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

. Ch ie f o f me e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

. Director of Facilities Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7

Environmental Health and Safety Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 l

- The Vice Chancellor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~

6 i ' .. . Personnel Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 6 .

t. Deans o f Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 l Director of Housing and Dir ector of Food Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 i

Director, Student Health Services . . . . . . . . .. ..................... 7 Other Ad ministrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

. Emergency Response Building Coordinators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

. Schools / Departments Emergency Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 l- Communications  : -- -

l Telephone Circuits ............................................ 10

- Radio Co m munication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 l PART H- EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS j Types of Disaster Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 1 l~

Dissemination of Emergency Information and Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Emergency Personnel Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 t

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,_ _ . > - Univ:rsity of Califernia, Irvins EMERGENCY PROCEDURES C

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN Revised: 7-1-84 Page 2 of 2 _

TABLE OF CONTEN'IS Page Emergency Service Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mission ...................................................... 5 Categories o f Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Responsibilities of Unit Heads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . 6 Training of Emergency Operations Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Emergency Operation: Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Teleco m munica tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Engineering, Damage Survey, and Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Housing and Feeding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Law En force m en t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Legal A dvis e m en t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Medical and Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

' Personnel Assis tance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Facilities Manage ment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Public Infor ma tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Purchasing and Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Studen t Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 g -

Safety....................................................... 20 Transpor ta tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4

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e e p- I Univ:rsity cf California, Irvine EMERGENCY PROCEDURES h.

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN Date: 7-1-84 Page 1 of 1 FOREWORD The Emergency. Operations Plan is for the use of University of California, Irvine personnel in the event of a major emergency which cannot be handled by routine measures.

Campus administrators should familiarize themselves with its policies and procedures, and develop emergency operations plans, commensurate training,'and maintain a state of readiness which is subject to periodic evaluation. They shall submit an annual review and report to the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services. This report will be reviewed by the Campus Committee on Emergency Procedures. This committee will also make recommendations to campus administrators regarding any improvements.

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l Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr.

Chancellor l

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University cf California, Irvins EMERGENCY PROCEDURES




. The Emergency Operations Planis intended to provide a system for meeting ,

emergencies which are of a magnitude to cause significant disruption of campus operation. This plan is designed t'o protect human "ves first and property second while facilitating a return to normal operation. The scope of this document will be restricted to campus coordination of support activities. It willbe supplemented with plans for individual campus units. The plan is intended to be flexible; part or all of the plan may be activated depending upon the type and scale of the emergency situation. ,

B. TYPES OF EMERGENCIES Types of emergencies are:

1. Disaster, which includes: earthquake, explosion (or warning of explosion), fire, 0 .

arson, rain storm, wind storm, aircraft accident, sabotage, tsunami, tornaco, hurricane, nuclear accident, and warfare (nuclear / biological / chemical / conventional).

2. Civil disturbance and/or disruptive activities, which include:
a. Obstructing or restraining the passage of persons in an exit, entrance, or hallway of any campus building without authority or authorization of the administration of the campus er facility.
b. Seizing control of any campus building or portion of a building for the l purpose of interfering with any administrative, educational, research, or i other authorized University activity.
c. Preventing or attempting to prevent by force or violence or the threat of force or violence any lawful assembly authorized by the University administration.
d. Disrupting by force or violence or the threat of force or violence a lawful assembly in progress,
e. Obstructing or restraining the passage of any person at an exit or entrance to the campus or facility or preventing or attempting to prevent by force or violence or by threats thereof the ingress or egress

& of any person to or from the campus or facility without authority or T authorization of the administration of the campus oi facility.

f. Participating in mass disorder, disturbance of the peace, unlawful assembly, the infliction of physical violence upon any person, or the destruction of or damage to property on campus.

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Univ rsity cf California, Irvinn EMERGENCY PROCEDURES O


EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: RESPONSIBILITIES Revised: 7-1-84 Page 2 of 11 C.. DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY CONDITION The Chancellor, or his alternate, shall declare a state of campus emergency when he deems it necessary or appropriate to place into immediate effcet emergency regulations, procedures, or other measures to meet the emergency, safeguard

- persons and property, and maintain educational activities. The Chancellor, or his alternate, shall declare an end to the state of emergency when appropriate.


The regular organization and communication procedures will be used. During a campus state of emergency, use of the Campus may be restricted to registered UCI

- students, faculty, staff and persons required by their employment or health care needs to be on Campus. Anyone who cannot present identificati<.n freyistration card, employee identification card, paycheck stub or other identification showing legitimate business on campus) may be asked to leave.

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Univ rsity cf Calif:rnia, Irvine


h PARTI EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: RESPONSIBILITIES Revised: 7-1-84 Page 3 of 11 H. DIRECTION AND COORDINATION When an emergency occurs, it should be reported immediately by whomever becomes aware of it to the University Police Department, extension 5222.

The Police Department will notify the Chancellor's office; survey the emergency and, on its own intiative, take immediate action to minimize hazards to giersonnel and property. -

The senior officer on duty in the Police Department will report immediately to the Campus Emergency Operations Control Centee. The primary operations center is the UCI Police Department. If inoperable, the secondary location is Facilities Management, IOB.

If both are inoperable, a field command post will be established.

VICE CHANCELLOR-ADMINISTRATIVE & BUSINESS SERVICES When a state of emergency exists,'the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services, shall activate the Emergency Operations Plan. The following members of the Emergency Operations Control Group are responsible for the direction and management of the campus response to any major emergency:

- L. M. Schwartz (or alternate), Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services Campus Ext. 5107 l

Home Phone 646-3050 l

R.B. Curry (or alternate), Acting Director of Facilities Management l Campus Ext. 5202 Home Phone 833-2648 W. N. Smirl(or alterna~te), Environmental Health & Safety Campus Ext. 6889 Home Phone 640-9408 l M. P. Michell(or alternate), Chief of Police Campus Ext. 5223 Home Phone 856-5223 1

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Universitycf California,Irvins EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PARTI -

1. Is responsible for the initial declaration of a State of Campus Emergency as well as a declaration to end the State of Campus Emergency when appropriate.
2. Shall establish policy and procedures to assure an effective response and' safeguard lives and property to the greatest extent possible.


1. Is responsible for overall direction of emergency operations and shall notify and maintain liaison with the following:
a. Chancellor, The Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs (mandatory)
h. President of the University of California (mandatory) '

Campus Tie Line Long Distance O

i Work Hours 8-582-1441 415-642-1441

, Nights / Weekends ' 8-582-1810 415-642-1810 2.' Will be'the Emergency Operations Officer (Incident Commander) in the Campus Emergency Operations Control Center.

Will arrange assistance and liaison as necessary with the following outside agencies


Ambulance Service 834-2127 '

American Red Cross 835-5381 California Highway Patrol ZENITH 1-2000 l ,

California Office of Emergency Services (916) 427-4990 El Toro Marine Corps Air Station '651-3171 Elevator Service (213) 321-3763 Environmental Protection Agency (9to5) (415) 556-1407 (After Spm) (415) 556-6254 Environmental Management Agency 834-2300 Federal Aviation Agency (213) 821-6410 Governor's Office (916) 445-2841 or (8) 485-2841 l

Irvine Company 640-1500 A

Irvine Police Department 660-3700 Irvine Ranch Water District 833-1223 Mayor of Irvine 660-3605

Univtrsity of Califerni , Irvinn EMERGENCY PROCEDURES f) v



PHONE NUMBER Orange County Airport 834-2400 Orange County Board of Supervisors Orange County Civil Defense 834-3100 Orange County Communications Center 834-2323 i

. . - 834-2121 Orange County Emergency Medical Services Office 834-2323 Costa Mesa Medical Center, Costa Mesa .

642-2734 Doctors Hospital of Santa Ana, Santa Ana 547-2565 Hoag Memorial Hospital, Newport Beach 645-8600 Saddleback Community Hospital, Laguna Hills- 837-4500 St. Joseph Hospital, Orange 633-9111 Tustin Community Hospital, Tustin 838-9600 UCI Medical Center, Orange 634-6011 Western Medical Center, Santa Ana 835-3555 (Formerly Santa Ana-Tustin Community Hospital)

' Orange County Fire and Rescue Orange County Sheriff 538-3501 834-4411 Pacific Telephone Company

. Poison Control Center 611 or 760-1674

~ Sanitation District 634-5988 Santa Ana Marine Corps Air Station 540-2910 651-3171 Southern California Edison Company 835-5200 Southern California Gas Company 634-0251 United States Military Services Weather Bureau 651-3171 536-9303 C. CHIEF OF POLICE '

. 1. Maintain law and order.
2. Protect lives and property.


Request assistance from outside agencies in accordance with agreements and as directed by the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Husiness Services.


Control movement of people and vehicles on campus.

5. Coordinate evacuatio.1 of personnel as directed.



9 - Utilize maintenance and operations personnel and' facilities to protect lives and property. ~

2. Maintain essential services insofar as possible.


3. Notify construction contractors of campus situation. '

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1 University of Calif:enia, Irvinn EMERGENCY PROCEDURES



4. Establish liaison with construction contractors working on campus to utilize equipment when and where necessary.


1. Investigate and evaluate hazards to health and safety and advise the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services.
2. Conduct liaison activities with the Orange County Health Department, Orange

- County Fire Department, and other public agencies having health and safety 4 responsibilities or services.


1. In the Chancellor's absence, declare a State of Emergency and an end to the State of Emergency as appropriate.'


2. Establish a public assistance center to handle inquiries relative to the, g emergency. %F i 3. Be responsible for public information and public relations. .

' 4. ' Assure that officialrecords of the emergency are compiled and maintained.

. 5. Coordinate policy as it affects laboratory safety.

6. Prcvide liaison with the various Deans in regard to emergency procedures in their areas.



1. Coordinate response of subordinate units with the Emergency Operations Officer.
2. Direct and coordinate mobilization of student volunteers with Personnel Manager.

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H. PERSONNEL MANAGER Mobilize and coordinate manpower needs of the campus in emergency operations as t

the information is received from the Control Center.


Each dean is responsible for the minimization of hazardous laboratory conditions t

that may arise as a result of the suspension of utility services or damage to

. _. facil.iti,es. . _ _ _ _ . _ _

Univ:rsity cf California, Irvine i


PARTIL EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: RESPONSIBILITIES Revised: 7-1-84 Page 7 of 11 J.' DIRECTOR OF HOUSING AND FOOD SERVICES Responsible for providing food and shelter from campus resources.

K.- DIRECTOR, STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Provide trained personnel and facilities for immediate first aid and medical care.

L. OTHER ADMINISTRATORS who report directly to the Chancellor, to the Vice Chancellors, or who are otherwise identified b'elow, may be requested to remain on alert and to advise the Chancellor's Office or the Vice Chancellor-Administrative and Business Services as will as University Police where they may be reached during

, the State of Emergency. In addition, they should establish subordinate alert lists.

. They will be responsible for keeping their departments informed, as appropriate. It is the responsibility of each administrator to assess and to report the situation of his/her unit (s) and their ability to respond to the emergency. When an emergency occurs outside normal working hours, it is the responsibility of administrator to n obtain instructions from the Campus Emergency Operations Control Center.

O '

M. . EMERGENCY RESPONSE BUILDING COORDINATORS Campus Home Building Name Responsible Person Phone Phone Administration R. Curiel, Ass't. Chancellor- 5113 832-1094 Administrative Affairs i- ~ Campus Village /RV Park J. Brodie, Director., 7491 553-8132 L . Campus Village Central Plant M.P. Michell, Chief of Police 5223 856-5223 Computer Sciences D.N. Sheldon, Director of 6540 546-243S

! Computing r

Crawford Hall John Caine, Chair 6932 851-6340 Physical Education Engineering G.H. Hostetter, Acting 6002 962-1858

- Dean, i

Engineering l

Fine Arts Village R. Garfias, Dean, Fine 6611 646-8725 l

Arts l.

Gateway Commons M.P. Barris, Director 7364 859-7589 University Center

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Universitycf Califcenir,Irvine EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PART I


, Campus Home Building Name ' Responsible Person Phone Phone Headhouse/ Greenhouse G.C. Stephens, Dean, 5314 646-4931 Biological Sciences

. Humanities Hall K.E.' Balles,' Dean 5131 551-9524 -

Humanities Office Bldg. Humanities .

Humanities Trailer Complx. W.N. Smirl, Health and 6889 644-6126 Safety Officer Library (includes Branches) B.J. Toy, Associate 5212 639-6954 University Librarian Medical Sciences I S. van den Noort, Dean 5925 731-6729 College of Medicine Medical Surge I & II S. van den Noort, Dean 5925 731-6729 College of Medicine Mesa Court J. Milem, Head Resident 6767 856-6075 (Student Residences) M. Tuttle, Head Resident 6767 856-6330 Mesa Commons R. Ameele, Director 6767 581-4017


Mesa Court


Middle Earth P. Allen, Head Resident 5976 856-6782

[ (Student Residences) -

Middle Earth Cominons J.B. Craig, Director 5928 786-4250 l Housing North Campus Bldgs. R.B. Curry, Acting Director 5202 833-2648 Facilities Management Physical Sciences R.J. Doedens, Acting Dean, 6506 833-1352 Physical Sciences l

Science Lecture Hall G.C. Stephens, Dean 5314 646-4931 L Biological Sciences Social Science Hall W.R. Schonfeld, Dean, 6801 833-0146 Social Science Lab. Social Sciences Social Science Tower -

Steinhaus Hall G.C. Stephens, Dean, 5314 646-4931 Biological Sciences


Student Services ! J.C. Loxley, Director, 6457 493-5947 Counseling Services

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Univ:rsity cf California, Irvinn-

  • 6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES PART I EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: RESPONSIBILITIES Revised: 7-1-84 Page 9 of 11 Campus Home Building Name- Responsible Person Phone Phone Student Health Center W. C. Anderson, Director, 7010 494-3153 Student Health Services UNEX Facility Richard N. Baisden, Dean 5525 838-2536 i

University Center M. P. Barris, Director, 7364 859-7589 University Center Verano Place (Apts.) D. DiMarco, Manager,- 5965 559-5363 Verano Place N. . SCHOOL / DEPARTMENTS EMER'GENCY PLANS

1. Campus Facilities l Although all Campus administrators are asked to develop emergency h.. -

. operations plans for their areas, the following Seiiools/Deparinients/ Offices are specifically requested to develop their own plans consistent with the Campus Emergency Operations Plan:

Administrative & Business Services Library BiologicalSciences Personnel

( Child Care Center Physical Sciences Commt cations Police Compr Facility Reactor Facility Craw Mall Schoolof Medicine Environnwatal Health & Safety Social Sciences, including Engineering Farm Elementary School Facilities Management Student Affairs Office l Housing & Food Service a. Extended Day Care Center

a. Campus Village /RV Park b. Infant-Toddler Center
b. Gateway Commons c. UCI Children's Center
c. Mesa Court & Commons d. Verano Place Pre-School
d. Middle Earth & Commons Student Health
e. V,erano Place Student Services I, II, III Humanities University Relations l
2. Off-Campus Facilities Center Pointe - Community & Environmental Medicine Eye Clinic - Ophthalmology

. Southern Occupational Health Center - School of Engineering Shellmaker Island - Crawford Hall -

Sea Scout Base - Biological Sciences 4

UNEX Main Street Facility - UNEX/ Summer Session


University cf Califtrnie, Irvins EMERGENCY PROCEDURES

'PART I EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: RESPONSIBILITIES Revised: 7-1-84 Page 10 of 11 IV. COMMUNICATIONS Basic communications during an emergency include the following:


In case of power failure, the campus telephone system will be energized automatically by auxiliarypower units. Bells and lights will not function in some areas. Where bells and lights do not function,- lines must be monitored periodically for possible incoming calls.

[In the event of a major disaster the telephone system could be disabled by user overload.

When this occurs users will be able to receive incoming calls but will be unable to get a dial tone to make off-campus calls. To restore service all non-essential service will be temporarily disconnected thereby allowing a central service to continue uninterrupted.

_Allincoming calls will still be received; however, only those telephones considered

.. essential services will be able to get a dial tone for off-campus calls. The following departments and number are considered essential services and will be maintained and/or restored in order of priority:


. g w

Police Department Central Plant 6102,6103 Facilities Management L O. B. 5203,5445

' Telecommunications Central Plant 5122 Utilities Office . Central Plant

  • 6956 Environmental Health & Safety Humanities Trailer 6889

' Complex 407 Chancellor's Office Administration 5113 The Vice Chrncellor Administration 6296 Vice Chancellor-Administrative Administration 5107

& Business Services

  • Vice Chancellor-Student Affairs . Administration 7254 University Advancement Administration 7325 Personnel Manager Administration 4280 Dean, Biological Sciences Blo. Sciences Bldg. 5315 Dean, Engineering Engineering Bldg. 6002 Dean, Fine Arts Fine Arts Bldg. 6612 Dean, Humanities Humanities 5133

. . Dean, Medical School Medical School Bldg. -


' ': Dean, Physical Sciences Physical Sci. Bldg. 6508 Dean, Social Sciences Social Sci. Bldg. 6802 Director, Computing Facility . Computer Facility 6540 Director, Student Health Student Health Center 5304 Chair-Physical Education Crawford Hall 6497 Housing-Mesa Court Mesa Court 6767 Hous!ng-Middle Earth Middle Earth 5976

' Housing-Verano Place Verano Place 5965 Housing-Canipus Village - Res. Hall V 7491 University Librarian Library. 6838

Uniyarsity cf Californie, Irvina




- Page: 11 PART;I Date:


RADIO COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ON U. C. I. CAM Operating Frequency Transcievers Radio Phone Call Sign Location 3 Mobiles 5222-' 155.505 Mhz Police Station 23 Hand-held Sets KUB764 154.920 Mhz i 155.475 Mhz Irvine Police Dept.

' 460.175 Mhz 3 Mobiles .

Parking Office 5121',' ~464.575 Mhz KSM438 --

89.9 Mhz Fixed F.M.

7253 Transmitter KUCI 3rd Floor 6868 Gateway Commons 46.56 Mhz 4 Hand-held Sets Facilities Mgmt. 5444 KFY445 i

1 Base Unit 151.655 1 Mobile KNBC687 6 Hand-held Sets - .

1 Base Unit 5200 155.015 2 Mobile Environmental 156.025 KNCJ871 Health & Safety 10 Hand-held Set 0



, A disaster is "a sudden and extraordinary misfortune." There are many types of credible emergency contingencies that must be considered in any total emergency operations plan for the campus locrition.

, The probability of a heavy earthquake is highly credible for the campus, since it is located in an area with a long history of destructive earth movements.

2. Tsunami This occurrence cannot be overlooked due to the proximity of the campus to the ocean. While the campus enjoys a general 208 foot elevation, a r.earby


ocean bottom quake could conceivably create severe tsunami conditions, addin'g to earthquake damage.

3. Explosion


While incident may be censidered remetc, the pc:::;!bility cannot be ignored in a rapidly growing research-oriented environment. The release of bulk quantities of hazardous cryogenics, LP gas, and other chemicals could

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also create explosive conditions. Large-scale explosions associated with sabotage cannot be overlooked.

4. Aircraft Accident '

This emergency condition is a very real one, since the campus is located near the John Wayne Airport, with traffic patterns directly over or adjacent to high-density campus areas. The possibility of a mid-air collision over the campus is not as remote as some think since air traffic has increased and is continuing to increase rapidly at the airport. " Instrument conditions missed approach procedure" sometimes puts large aircraft at low altitude over the campus.

S. Iarge-Scale Rioting A heavy riot condition with large numbers of persons involved could create havoc and heavy damage until enough police and/or other help is mustered to quell such a mob.

6. Windstorm or Tornado This type of disaster can no longer be considered remote since recent water


_ spouts have been experienced in Orange County. Such a storm landfall on campus could cause considerable damage.

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS . Revised: 7-1-84 Page 2 of 23 7.. Sabotage and Arson This situation could occur in the event of large-scale civil disorder, or by a well-organized group of saboteurs bent on creating havoc at this institution. ..

8. Warfare-Nuclear, Chemical, Biological or Conventional A potential enemy has the capability of attacking any location in the world with nuclear weapons in the megaton yield, and with missile-propelled 4

chemical, biological, radiological, incendiary, and conventional weapons.

UCI is located approximately 20 miles from " ground zero" of a designated

" critical target area" at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Depot, 8 miles from El Toro Marine-Corps,4 miles from the Marine Corps Heliport, and 25 miles from San Onofre Nuclear Electrical Facilities. We are also located contiguous to a highly technical industrial complex.

9. Possible Conditions During Disasters ,

. Any number of contingencies c:c.: occur during disastrous incidents. Some that sec= most credible for the campus are as follows: Q

a. Failure of Communications Telephone system
  • Radio and paging system Fire and security alarms ,
b. ' Interrupt,lon of Utilities Electric power
  • Water supply

. Gas supply Sewerage -

e. Dead, Injured or Sick ,

Minimum first aid and medical aid Minimum transportation -

Inability to reach medical facilities

d. Structural Damage Collapse of structures Glass breakage Blast

, Fire O

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, EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS - Revised: 7-1-84 Page 3 of 23

e. Fires

. Lack of fire suppression apparatus

. Lack of mutualaid <

Water pressure failure Arson .

.f. Lack of shelter, food, water, medical, and other essentials

g. Failure of Transportation .

Road damage ,

Fuel shortage Sabotage to vehicles

h. Panie, hysteria, emot'ional shock L Influx of Refugees Lack of shelter 0

l==e=a== = f==d =ater, c=d s=nitarv fecilitics

j. Radiological, Chetnical, or Biological Contamination l' Campus facilities Campus personnel Water supply Food storage B. DISSEMINATION OF EMERGENCY INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS Disaster conditions occurring during class hours will require expeditious commmunication of instructions to faculty, staff and students. Uncertainty and conf 6sion must be prevented or minimized, and the protection of lives must be paramount over all else.
1. Communleation Systems
a. Mobile loudspeakers l Each University Police vehicle has "public address" capability, and additional emergency vehicles will have this system added.
b. KUCI-FM 0 The campus radio station has the potential of reaching a considerable number of students and employees. Other local radio stations may also carry emergency messages.

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O EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 4 of 23 t

e. Buikling Fire Alarm Systems These systems can be used for immediate evacuation of structures,
d. Campus Telephone System While slow as compared to the above, this system must be considered an i adjunct. The dissemination of credible information via a proposed communication pyramid telephone system may be possible.

- ' 2. Alert Announcements -

a. . Standby ,

This is the traditional alert to advise all persons involved to prepare for an emergency, and/or that there is insufficient information to act.

b. Evacuate Building (s)

, This would be announced if a catastrophe has occurred or is imminent,

. and buildings must be evacuated in order to protect lives. h.

I When this announcement has been made, all fire and rescue units must Implement appropriate portions of this Plan.

c. "Go Home" i , .

This simple emergency announcement should suffice to begin an orderly


evacuation of the campus. Prior to the implementation of this order, however, must be the determination that students and employees will

. have enough time to reach their destinations and not be backed up at .

. campus exits or at hazardous locations.

Campus residents may or may not be evacuated, depending on conditions.

All campus personnel not essential to the mission of the Emergency

[ Operations Plan and the operation of the Emergency Service Units must l .

be dismissed and encouraged to proceed to their homes if enough time is


l When disaster has occurred or is imminent, all campus activities must be L directed towards the preparation and implementatio1 of emergency H operations via this Plan.


d. " Seek Shelter" l This would be announced if a disaster is imminent which poses a danger to persons outside of buildings, or prohibits campus personnel whose homes are off campus from returning home. The emergency response

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 5 of 23 -

building coordinators would direct personnel to the. appropriate

. designated area (s).

3. - Eveeuation

. . a. Buildings Procedures and routes of evacuation from buildings will normally be the same as the fire egress. Administration of all building fire safety evacuation procedures and standards shall be under the direction of the Campus Fire Marshal.

L th - Campus If nece'ssary, mass evacuation of the campus or any specified area within will be ordered by the Emergency Operations Officer and shall be directed by the University Chief of Police. He shallreceive such assistance from other emergency services as required to fulfill this procedure.

C. EMERGENCY PERSONNEL IDENTIFICATION Identification cards will be issued to all personnel associated with the operation of the Emergency Operations Plan, members of the emergency service units, or essential personnel required to be on campus during a disaster situation. These cards willbe available through the University Police Department.

While identification _ may not normally be required during a low-level emergency, the need will become essential for passage through police or fire lines, or if outside agencies establish checkpoints in the off-campus area. -

Personnel requiring fleid identification will be issued appropriate labels for hard hats or other identification.

, D. EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS 1.- Mission It is conceivable that during the worst disaster, UCI may have to be self-reliant for a period of time should it be cut off from the surrounding community. All outside resources may be essential to their own areas of responsibility and, therefore, the resources of this campus must be organized to provide a nucleus of essential services to maintafn itself during this period.

Categories of Units 2.

The Emergency Service Units consist of the following categories: ,

a. Emergency Operations Control Group

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 6 of 23

. tA Telecommunications

, e. Engineering, Damage Survey, and Demolition

d. Housing and Feeding.

e.' Law Enforcement

f. Legal Advisement
g. Medical and Health
h. Personnel Assistance I. Facilities Management J.- Public Information
k. ' Purchasing and Supply L

h Student Ascistance

m. Safety .
n. Transportation 3.. RWhilities of Unit Heads


Campus personnel designated as heads of Emergency Service Units shall be responsible for the following:

a. Appointment of their alternates.

b.' . Staffing an emergehey crew for their unit and maintaining a current l' roster of this crew, i

i c. Preparation of a practical plan of emergency action.


( d. Adequate up-to-date training or indoctrination of emergency crews.

t .


e. Maintaining IIaison with various community resources within their specialty for efficient bilateral mutual aid.
4. Training of Emergency Operations Personnel Training programs shall be conducted periodically by Emergency Service Unit A heads to assure that r.'l personnel know their emergency assignments and are V competent to execute them.


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.' UnivIrsity cf Califcrnia,Irvine EMERGENCY PROCEDURES .

PART H Page 7 of 23 __

EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: Revised: 7-1-84 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS i sonnel Each Unit head shallprepare written instructionsdfor to the use of the r in emergencies, copies of which shallbe available to their alternate the Emergency Operations Officer.


Purpose and Area of Activity for Emergency Service ility, and Units The following pages list the purposes, areas of activity /responsib personnel for the various Emergency Service Units:


Emergency Operations Control (Officer's Staff)

(1) Purpose The purpose of Emergency Operations Controlis t the to coo control the functioning of allSpecial Servicesf key on the campus a i

. time of an emergency operation. It willdirect Unit. See Part L '

(2) . Areas of Activity / Responsibility Create, maintain, and operate an Emergency Operations (a) Control Center or alternate, as may be required for the cdmpus.

(b) Establish and maintain direct contact wi Set up, staff, and operate s Manpower Office, and enr (c) ' classify volunteers according to skills both before and a -

major disaster or emergency periods.

Enroll, train, and direct any ancillary personnel required (d) the functioning of Emergency Operations Control.


Carry out any other duties and functions that may be


assigned to this service.

(3) Responsible Personnel See Part I,Section III. .


b. Telecommunications (1) Purpose The functionalpurpose of the Telecommunications Office is 0 operate the Campus-wide voice communication i require necessary under any emergency conditio the field controlpoint and the Emergency Operations Center.
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0 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNI'IS Revised: 7-1-84 'Page 8 of 23 (2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility ,

(a) To establish a Public Assistance Center to handle phone inquiries from the public and to suppress rumors. In circumstances where information is not readily available, names and numbers will be recorded and persons notified as

. soon as information is available. .

(b) Make arrangements with the telephone co'mpany for stand-by of their service groups.

(c) Remove live telephone service from any phones or buildings, as required.

l (d) Maintain current records of the location of all radio and paging equipment on Campus, as well as have access to this j equipment during an emergency.



Any other requirements as requested by the Emergency Operations Officer.

9) mesponsinte rersonnel

. . . _ b -

Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the Telecommunications Emergency Service Unit will be headed by the

. Communications Manager or his/her designated alternate.

EXT. -


T. Taylor, 5122 (619) 757-4625 Mgr., Telecomm.

. Unit Head

. C. Ellis 5123 897-6150 Telecomm. Analyst D. Baker 5124 556-9918 Operator N. Derrington 5124 528-5275 Operator H M. Ellison 5124 894-7758 Operator D. Tayyanipour 5124 559-0102 Operator

e. Engineering, Damage Survey, and Demolition (1) Purpose

! . The purpose of the Unit is to provide architectural and engineering services, damage surveys, emergency repair and construction

- advice, and/or demolition directions as necessary to minimize the adverse results of a disaster.

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Univtrsity cf California, Irvinn EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 0 PART R .



EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 9 of 23

. (2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a) In accordance with orders from the Emergency Operations Officer or his alternate, the Unit will take emergency actions as required. .

(b) The Unit will advise fire, police, construction and maintenance crews, materials suppliers, or others as necessary regarding damage to physical facilities on Campus or nearby, and suggest appropriate corrective actions.

(e) Assist the Polica and Fire Departments in taking all necessary actions to effect the rescue or the protection of persons and/or University property.

(d) Survey Campus buildings and infrastructure immediately after and " routinely" durinst the emergency and report the findings to the Emergency Operations Control Center.

(e) Make surveys to determine the status of buildings as to repair r ~,


or condemnation, for the safety of all concerned. When action must be taken, the Unit willprepare the necessary s

construction documents to conduct the appropriate functions.

(3) Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit will be headed by the Director, Office of Resource Planning.





D. J. Neuman, 6166 673-3845 Dir. Phys. Plan. &

. Unit Head Campus Architect T. Otto 6623 644-0488 Pr. Eng., Phys. Plan.

R. Baker 714.5 786-5606 Senior Architect, l

Phys. Planning E. F. Harrie 5428 581-7966 Pr. Architect, Telecomm.

. D. Deluna 6512 (213) 424-5937 Assoc. Const. Insp.

Phys. Planning

. V. G. Fenton 6512 752-7298 Senior Const.Insp.,

, Phys. Planning T. Crowder 5310 828-1886 Assoc. Const.Insp.,

,j 1

H. Robinson 6309 544-3040 Phys. Planning Asst. Maint.Supr.,

Fac. Mgmt.

i N. Bolla 7101 522-1017 Safety Eng., EH&S

!^ R. Gunther 7454 675-7068 Assoc. Eng., Phys. Plan.

R. Jorgensen 7009 643-1074 Senior Arch., Phys. Plan.

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  • d. Housing and Feeding (1) Purpose The Unit's purpose is to operate, as needed during a major disaster, the Campus housing and feeding facilities to accommodate and/or feed the normal University population, and non-U:.lversity personnel Insofar as the facilities permit. . The food service faci.."es of all common areas will be utilized as required and the directors of these facilities will report to this Service Unit head during emergency operations requiring the activation of this service.

(2) Areas of A' ctivity/ Responsibility

, , (a) Establish auxiliary kitchens or mess halls as required.

(b) . Prepare required buildings for sleeping purposes and assign

[ ' ~

  • t spaces. This may involve the use of buildings not normaly used for sleeping. m LD (c) Make arrangements for food and housing of externalagencies that are required to work on Campus and do not have their own facilities.

-(d) Cooperate with the Student Health Service, EH&S Office, and Police Department in the control of sanitation, safety, .

and security in the housing and feeding area.

l l (e)- Maintain records on persons using emergency housing and l .

feeding facilities. .

. (f) Maintain records of the activities and operations conducted and the associated costs.

(g) Carry out other duties and functions as may be assigned to this Unit. -

, (3) Responsible Personnel ,

Under the direction of the Emergency Operation Officer, the Housing and Feeding Emergency Service Unit will be headed by the

Director, Housing and Food Services or his/her designated j- alternate.

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-$4 Page 11 of 23


. Unit Head and Alternates (in order of succession)

J. B. Craig 5928 786-4250 Dir., Housing Unit Head T. Egan 6814 552-4527 Assoc. Dir., Housing Business Services M. Barris 7364 859-7589 Dir., Univ. Center Staff for Food Service Contractor during emergencies:

M. Berry 6796 494-0489 Director

, D. Ponder .4263 (213) 494-4186 Mgr., Middle Earth T. Lynch 7034 667-1954 Mgr., Mesa Court L. Condenzio 6909 974-9555 Mgr., Gateway J. Forral 6180 '836-7881 Mgr., - Backlot Staff for Housing Emergency Service:

O a ^=eete Vacant s495 5976 sat-4ai7 nir > = a ce" t Dir., Middle Earth J. Brodie - 7491 553-8132 Dir., Campus Village

} D. DeMarco 5965 559-5363 Mgr., Verano Place L. Cornish 5928 972-2319 Assoc. Dir.- Housing

, (a) Notification of any or allof the above and additional members willbe made by a staff member of the Unit and prefaced by announcing, "This is a Declaration of a Campus State of Emergency declared by the Chancellor."

l (b) The Housing & Feeding Control Center will be Room 232, Administration Building (Director, Housing and Residential Services Office) 833-5928.

e. Law Enforcement (1) The purpose of the unit is to perform all functions and duties normally required of the UCI Police Department and be cognizant of procedures to follow in emergency and disaster situations. That is, to provide public safety and security services on the campus and on those properties owned or controlled by the University of California.
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, ;PARTH .


EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 12 of 23 (2). Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a)' Coordinate the organization and mobilization of police personnel, equipment, logistics, and auiciliary personnel that might be required to supplement the regular UCI Police Department personnel. Establish liaison with private guards, or civilian personnel for the purpose of using additforal personnel to reinforce sworn police personnel (b) Provide organization, installation, staffing, and operation of all communication facilities to be used for disaster operations at UCI under the control of the Police department.

(d) Coordinate with Facilities Management for maintenance and 4

control of a campus traffic system in order to facilitate its use as an emergency hospital or refugee center.

(d) Coordinate liaison between Emergency Operations Officer and the Mutual Aid Regional Coordinator, the Sheriff's Department, the Irvine Pollee Department, California C


Highway Patrol, and State law enforcement agencies as needed.

(e) Regular duties include preventive patrols on foot and by car; answering calls related to crimes, fires, collisions, injuries, illnesses, and complaints; conducting investigations; making

. arrests and related court appearances; custody and disposal of lost and found property; and generally providing for the peace, safety, and security of persons and facilities on University property. The University Police Department is.

j also responsible for the prevention and control of distur-I bances and demonstrations, and for the maintenance of security and crime control at public ceremonies and similar i


(f) And to carry out such other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Director.

(3) ResponsithleP' ersonnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit willbe headed by the Chief of Police.

O l



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EXTENSION Michael P. Michell, Unit Head 5222 "

Cidef of Police Robert R. Reisig 5222 Police Lieutenant - UCI operations ,

5222 Douglas Bartosh Police Lieutenant - UCIMC operations

f. Legal Advisement (1) Purpose The purpose of the Unit is to assist University personnel and/or students on inquiries requiring legal opinion.

(2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a) To offer legal advisement on matters pertaining to areas such as defense of claims, financial settlement of claims, torts, products liabillt'y, criminal and civil charges, procedures, jurisdictions, etc.

(b) Legal assistance will be available from the General Counsel (3)- Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Manager, Business and Contract Services.

l Campus Ext. Home Phone .

i Arnold Kaufman, Unit Head 6857 833-0603 i Business & Contract Services i

g. Medical and Health (1) Purpose The purpose of the Unit is to help save lives, prevent suffering, and minimize personal injuries and losses through coordinating an e

effective medical response to disaster situations involving the g Campus community.


The UCIStudent Health Emergency Disaster Plan will be

  • followed in responding to medicalemergencies. The Plan i - identifies Mechanisms for IIandling Mass Casualties


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. PART II EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN: Revised: 7-1-84 Page 14 of 23 EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS (b) Further, it outlines the procedures for coordinating patient flow and off-campus cooperation between police, emergency rescue services and Student Health.

(c) The referenced plan should be consulted for specific areas of -

activity (duties) in response to various types of emergencies that could involve the Campus:

Internal emergencies (fire, explosion, etc.)

External eme.rgencies (any emergency on or near campus, i.e.

bus accident or airplane ergsh, large scale riots, etc.)

(d) Copies of the plan are maintained at Student Health Services (Director's Office), Infirmary, and the Office of the Vice

' Chancellor for Student Affairs.

(3) Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Director, Student Health Services.


'NAME CAMPUS HOME PHONE CAMPUS POSITION 494-3153 Director, W.C. Anderson,MD 7010 Student Health Unit Head 775-6029 Administrator, N. Grundy 7010 Student Health 1- .

F 963-0324 Asst.Med.Dir.,

P. Shows, MD 5301 l Stude IIcalth

h. Personnel Assistance (1) Purpose ,

The purpose of the Unit is to review available human resources

( .

before and during an emergency situation in order to recruit, reorganize, and train personnel to perform in appropriate areas where needed.

1 (2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility 1-(a)

Recruit for temporary positions, including advertising and outreach, coordinate transfers and promotions, and counsel employees for various assignments and reassignments.

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 15 of 23 (b) Process the classification of emp'oyees, staff policies and procedures, employee files and records, provision control, etc.

(c)~ Maintain liaison with employee organizations, corrective actions, emergency loans, etc.

(d) Assist Unit Heads, service groups, and unit supervisors in analyzing their present organizational structure in order to determine if development of a new design to more effectively utilize resources is necessary.

(e) Improve organizational (department) cohesiveness through team building and other activities.

(f) Provide a comprehensive educational and training program which addresses the areas of Policies and Procedures and Man / Woman Power OJT (on-the-job training) programs.

(g) Assist Emergency Operations Control in setting up, staffing, and operating a Manpower Office. Enroll and classify O volunteers according to skills prict to, during, and after major disaster or emergency periods.

(3) Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Manager, Personnel EXT.

NAME CAMPUS HOME PHONE CAMPUS POSITION R. Laue 4280 551-2077 Dir., Unit Head Unit Head J. Pacino 6434 546-0568 Personnel Officer L. Vierra 5211 842-6437 Employ. Relations Officer B. Neely 7127 492-6344 Salary Admin.

B. Brown 5206 '551-1275 Benefits Coord.

P. Hill 5643 831-1466 Emp/ Staff Dev.Mgr.

I. Facilities Management (1) Purpose hv The purpose of this Unit is to provide for the maintenance and operation of campus property, buildings, structures, and equipment.

It will also provide the organization, mobilization, and operation of UCI resources for the restoration,of utility services to the Campus following a disaster.

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 16 of 23 (2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a) To organize, mobilize, and operate engineering equipment necessary to perform needed functions.-

(b) To maintain (via advance contract,. liaison or other appropriate means) a current resource of special assistance personnel such as earth-moving contractors, .

electrical / plumbing contractors, etc., to provide material and labor assistance. -

(c) To provide and maintain an up-to-date inventory of personnel, apparatus, and auxiliary equipment needed for

' their services.


(d) To furnish labor, equipment, and necessary supervision to aid other services.

(e) To perform other duties and functions that may be assigned -

to this service.

4 (3) AWble, Personnel a -

Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Director, Facilities Management.



(Vacant), 5202 Dir., Fac. Mgmt.

[ Unit Head R.B. Curry 5203 833-2648 Acting Dir.,

l Fac. Mgmt.

R. Beveridge 5204 558-6569 Associate Dir.,

Fac. Mgmt.


  • E.F. Harrie 5428 581-7996 Associate Dir.,

. Fac. Mgmt.

J. Public Information

! (1) Purpose l

l The purpose of the Unit is to collect, coordinate, evaluate, and disseminate available information for both campus personnel and {

news media.

o University of Calif rni , Irvine m



  • Revised: 7-1-84 Page 17 of 23 (2)

Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a)

Provide the Campus community and news media with the including: information in the event of a major disaster following

'Ihe exact nature and extent of the disaster, casualties and damage. This should be accomplished in such a manner,as to insureinformation.

timely confidence, avoid panic, and provide accurate and

, Instructions on how to realize maximum safety in any given situation.

Information on food supplies, advice on reaching or contacting families, and other standard procedures.


Prepare statements University disaster for release to news media concerning the operation.


Maintain a complete diary of events during the disaster operation.


Clear for accuracy, with the appropriate campus and/or government officials all statements released for the information of campu,s personnel or the news media, and to retain copies of all messages released.


Maintain inventory of equipment to serve the public information supplies. function, i.e., various message forms and -


Carry this out other duties and functions that may be assigned to service.

(3) Responsible Personnel -

Ur. der the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Director, Public Information.

i .

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 18 of 23 EXT.

NAME CAMPUS HOME PHONE CAMPUS POSITION K. Jones, 6922 494-0584 Dir., Public Info.

Unit Head

', L. Grinell 6922 768-5659 Sr.Public Info. Rep.

  • D. Krogh 6922 786-2553 Public Info. Rep.

J. Don 6922 751-8406 Public Info. Rep.

S. Church 6922 955-1412 Public Info. Rep.

k. Purchasing and Supply (1) Purpose The purpose of the Unit is to provide for the procurement, transportation, storage, inventory, and accountability of supplies

. and equipment for an emergency or disaster. .

(2)- Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a) Request for materlaIs and service for other service units.

, (b) Receive, store, and disburse materials through Central Stores / Receiving area.

(c) Maintain current emergency purchase order numbers.

i l (d) Maintain current inventory of emergency supplies and l equipment on campus.

(e) Provide instructions for various services on procedures for emergency purchase as well as to provide procedures for inventory of emergency purchase.

(f) Keep currently informed on new regulations, supplies, and equipment affecting the emergency readiness.

(g) Maintain liaison with local Emergency Preparedness I authorities and other disaster organizations.

l '

l. (h) Perform other duties and function's that may be assigned to this service.

Q (3) Responsible Personnel

Under the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Materiel Manager.


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Revlaad: 7-1-84 Page 19 of 23 EXT.


A.L. Kaufman, 6515 833-0603 Unit Head Materiel Mgr.

R.B. Shaw 6510 1

(213)426-4022 Purchasing Mgr.

J.L. Fenton 6548 772-4933 Assistant Mgr.

L. Pierce , 6518 549-1000 Operation Supr.

Receipt, Storage,' Disbursement: '

A. Ereegovich 5531 548-3578 Stores Manager R. Puckle 5188 751-6169 Receiving Manager C. Velton 5531 540-4026 Asst. Stores Mgr.

L Student Assistance "

(1) Purpose 1he Unit's purpose is to determine the number of student assistants that could be effectively utilized in emergency services and to establish the functions that these student volunteers would perform.

(2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a)

Recruit student volunteers for various job assignments.


Train students and necessary staff to assist the Unit in the discharge of its duties.

Student volunteers will not be utilized as policemen or firemen or be engaged in activities that are likely to be hazardous to their health and safety. It is expected that student volunteers will be utilized to:

Assist with crowd control, evacuation of buildings, carrying messages from one area to another, and assist with a telephone answering service to roccive and disseminate information.


  • h EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 20 of 23 Provide and maintain liaison with the Associated Students, Residence Halls Association, and other registered student organizations.

(e) Assist with the organization and promotion of Campus activities. The Unit willgenerate activities in the form of

, entertaining, recreation / athletic, or educational programs.

(d) Answer inquiries from student's parents in liaison with the P_blic Information and Assistance Service Unit.

(e) Perform other duties and functions'that may be assigned to the Unit.

(3) Responsible Personnel.

The Student Assistance Service Unit willbe the responsibility of the UCI Alternate Coordinators in order of succession.


.NAME CAMPUS HOME PHONE CAMPUS POSITION C. Pieper 6368 557-9330 Asst.Vice Chancellor Unit Head Student Affairs Business Management A. Cornish 5928 972-2319 Assoc.Dir., Housing D. Hampton 5547 Exec. Dir., Associated Students l M. Hilborn 5301 551-6536 Adm. Assistant,

  • L Student Health l-
m. Safety (1) Purpose ,

The functions of the Unit are to:

(a) Organize and direct a campus-wide fire prevention and fire control organization.

(b) Organ!ze, mobilize and operate UCI facilities for carrying,out prevention, detection, and decontamination procedures to combat the harmful effects of radiation.

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EMERGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 21 of 23

. (c) . Provide continuous support and consultation to all units and refugees in order to create a safe, sanitary, and healthful environment for inhabitants during emergency situations.

(2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility (a) Fire Service Recruit and train such volunteer personnel as may be required for auxiliary fire , services.

Maintain necessary up-to-date records of all fire department equipment by location, condition, etc., and maps indicating location of all fire alarm boxes, telephones, water lines, and fire hydrants.

Ensure.that the fire equipment in all buildings is maintained in proper working order through systematic inspections.

Survey all buildings and facilities in order to eliminate fire hazards.

A Y Cooperate with the County Fire Department and coordinate the activitics of the University Fire Department with the County and City, in order to provide efficient operations.

Perform other duties and functions that may be assigned to this service. ,

.(b) Radiological Monitoring Service Prepare and recommend a procedure for recruiting and training volunteer personnel for this service.

Provide and maintain an up-to-date inventory of monitoring personnel, apparatus, and equipment at UCI.

Devise methods for the storage, safety, issuance, and use of monitoring apparatus and equipment.

Provide expertise for procedures assuring both general campus radiation safety and that of special facilities such as the nuclear reactor.

Perform other duties and functions as may be assigned to this service.

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University cf Califctnir, Irvine EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ,



Revised: 7-1-84 Page 22 of 23

. . (c) General Environmental Health and Safety Survey facilities and environment to determine if they are safe and sanitary.

Consult and advise all other units, whenever necessary, on matters related to health and safety.

Perform hazard monitoring.

Perform other functions as may be assigned to this Unit.

(3) Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the unit head is the Director, Environmental Health and Safety.



. W. Smirl 6889 640-9408 Director, EH&S Unit Head O-J. Tripodes 6200 730-6058 Campus Radiation Safety Officer


Miller 6649 786-0700 Reactor Supervisor J. W. Chan 7101 857-5261 Ind. Hygiene, Lab Safety N. Bolla 7101 522-1017 Gen.& Ind. & Fire .

l Safety

n. Transportation (1) Purpose
The Unit's purpose is to provide continuous transportation and i related automotive services to campus personnel in the event of a major disaster, and to effectively utilize serviceable motor l vehicles for the purpose of protecting lives and/or property as required by the conditions of the emergency. -

(2) Areas of Activity / Responsibility l (a) Define the procedural methods to be followed in maintaining, g l establishing or re-establishing transportation services at the V i time and place needed and in the volume required by prevailing circumstances, i

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' *; i, Univ;rsity cf Califernir, Irvine


EMSRGENCY SERVICE UNITS Revised: 7-1-84 Page 23 of 23 (b) Re-activate transportation and related automotive services, damaged or destroyed by major disaster, using all available means and to develop an emergency transportation service from salvageable vehicles of the garage fleet.

(c) Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, cooperate with local agencies in order to best serve the

- transport'ation requirements of the community at large.

(d) Devise methods for the storage, safety, issuance, use, and repair of vehicles and equipment. .

(e) Prepare and maintain an up-to-date inventory of all forms of vehicles for the transportation of personneland equipment at UCI and the maintaining of an adequate fuelreserve.

-(f) Keep records of persons utilizing vehicles during the einergency and to control usage and location of all servic.e able motor vehicles throughout the emergency operation.

-(g) Carry out such other duties and functions as may be assigned to this service.

(3) Responsible Personnel Under the direction of the Emergency Operations Officer, the Unit is headed by the Garage Manager or his designated alternate.



' L. Richardson Unit Head D. G. Leon 5586 779-5898 Lead Mechanic 5586 540-7093 Dispatcher J.F. Schmidt C. Mendoza 5586 897-9801 Mechanic The Unit will operate out of Transportation Services, North Campus.