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Summary of 920416 Meeting W/Licensees Re Preview of Sludge Wash Cement Waste Form Presentation
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project
Issue date: 05/07/1992
From: Rowland T
To: Poulson W, Valenti P
REF-PROJ-M-32 NUDOCS 9205140161
Download: ML20096C625 (4)


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.c Department of Energy Idaho Operations Office fr/O h i I West Valley Project Office kj P.O. Box 191 West Valley, NY 14171 May 7, 1992 Mr. W. G. Poulson, President and General Manager West Valley Nuclear Services Co., Inc.

P.O. Box 191 West Valley, NY 14171 ATTENTION: P. J. Valenti, Total Quality Manager -


Mooting Minutes, April 16, 1992, Observers Mooting for ORR Review of Resumption of IRTS Processing for Sludge Wash - Phase 11

Dear Sir:

Enclosed for your infcrmation and uso dro the subject mooting minutes. The recommendations therein should be formally ontored and tracked by your action tracking control system such that a recoverable record can be reviewod during future NRC visits.

Closure of the actions should be part of the Phase II sludge Wash ORR filos and should reference those minutos. If you have questions, please call W. S. Koto)a on Extension 4314.

Sincerely, g


WW T. J. Rowland, Director West Valloy Project Offico


Subject Meeting Minutos cc W. S. Fotola, WVPO (w/ enc)

J. A. Yeazel, WVPO (wjenc)

R. B. Provenchor, WVPO (w/one)

J. P. Dosormonu, WVFO (w/onc) /

T. L. Sonntag, NY3ERDA - WV (w/ enc)

P. L. Piciulo, NYSERDA - EV (w/onc)

J. T. Case, DOE-ID (w/onc)

T. W. McIntosh, DOE-HQ (w/onc)

J. Aoth, NRC - Region 1 (w/ enc)

M. Rawlings, DOE-HQ (w/ enc)

G. C. Comfort, NRC (w/onc) 1 WSK:032:92 --0875:92:01 m


WSK/mls- [JjI I D \

g 9205140161 920507 PDR PROJ $

M-32 PDR


-q.-. 4 MEETING MINUTES April 28, 1992 l



Sludge Vash Phaso II observers Monting and Proview of Sludge Wash Coment Wasto Form - Meeting Minutos from April 16, 1992 l

On Thursday, April 16, 1992, the West Valley Project Offico hold its Op6 rational Readiness Review (ORR) Board Sludge Wash Phase II Observers Meeting and Proview of the Sludge Wash Cement Waste Form  ;

Presentation.  ;

Introductions woro given by T. J. Rowland representing the West Valley Project Offico (WVPO) Department of Energy (DOE) and R. A. Humphrey for W. G. Poulson representing the West Valley Nuclear Servicos Co.,

Inc. (WVHS), to the observers trem HRC, DOE-HQ, and DOE-ID. ,

A brief review of HLW processing was given by W. S. Ketola, Chairman of the DOE ORR. Topics covered included HLW objectives, schedule  ;

review / current status, and a review of the meeting agonda.  ;

A detailed presentation was then given by P. J. Valenti on the WVDP Supernatant Treatment and Sludge Mobilization and Wash Process. Other topics covered included-the status of all open items portaining to resumption, as well as strategy and plans for controlled operations.

R. E. Lawrence for R. A. Humphrcy concluded the WVDP portion of the mornir,, with the West Valley Nuclear Services (WVNS) ORR Chairman's summary.

The DOE Independent ORR presentations then began with W. S. Ketola giving an overview of the WV90 Plan, Authority, Delegation, and ,

ORR Tree. Mr. Ketola also introduced the DOE and NYSERDA individuals on the board. Presentations by the DOE _ORR team leaders were given in '

order as they appeared on the WVPO Readinoss Review Tree.

J. P. Desormeau started the presentations with Matrix 1.0 -

Management, organization, and Personnel. Mr. Desormeau covered both .

the DOE and WVHS portions of these systems including organization and personnel for ES&H, QA for the DOE, and Managerent and Personnel, Organization, QA, Training and Certification, and LWTS and CSS Operators for WVNS. In conclusion, Matrix _1.0 had one romaining open item nottrolated to resumption, which is the training of CSS operators _to the_ optimized cement recipe. Matrix 1.0 was_ cleared as acceptable-for resumption.

- Matrix 2.0 - IRTS Facilities and Hardware was presented by. <

T. L. Sonntag. Mr. Sonntag's areas of focus included hardware modifications and functional checkout of subsystems. Matrix 2.0 was deemed acceptable for resumption. Two open items not related to

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t' Minutos resumption are future hardwaro modifications to CSS to incorporate revised recipe,-and incorporation of G-001 Pump Lessons Learned into similar pumps.

Presenting Matrix 3.0 - Procedural Readiness (Operating Procedures) was J. A. Yeazel. Major areas of inquiry from Mr. Yeazol included Integrated Radwaste Treatment System Procedures and General Procedured. One open item remained for Matrix 3.0 which-_is tho ,

modification to applicable procedures, if required, to reflect the now  :

coment recipo.

Mr. Katola returned to present section Matrix 4.0 - Technology. Thoro [

woro-throo areas of inquiry process technology,_ process control, and

.the cement waste form. Two open items romained for this area, both i are related to long term developm4nt of the coment recipo, and do not i directly affect resumption. Matrix 4.0 was acceptable for resumption.

The afternoon session began with R. D. Provenchor's presentation on Matrix-5.0 - Complianco Review. Mr. Provenchor stated that the main areas on inquiry for this matrix included SAR/TR/OSR, Environmental / ,

NEPA, Quality Assuranco, Regulatory Compliance, WVHS ORR Procose, and the Selected Item Review OSR/GP-3, OSR/GP-10, TR/IRTS-11, and OSR/IRTS-12. Matrix-5.0 had one open item critical to resumption:

approval of the SMS/STS SAR and related revisions to the SAR/OSR.

Matrix 5.0 readiness was placed on hold pending SAR approval by the Idaho Field Offico Manager. .

W. S. Kotola presented a conclusion of items addressed by the individual DOE ORR presenters, and introduced J. L. Mahoney, WVHS, for >

a review of the Sludge Wash Cement Waste Form rocipe development program.

Mr. Mahoney gave an in-depth presentation, geared to the visitors from NRC, on coment history, test progression, and proview of the Interin i Qualification Report. Mr. Mahoney's presentation was well received by the visitors.

The final presenter for the day was D. C. Moons on the long term strategy;and plans for controlled operation. Topics covered by .

Mr. Meess included a plan to support interim concurrence, controlled IRTS operation, IRTS operation under_intorim concurrence, final recipe qualification (Type I), plans to support NRC concurrence of Type I recipe, IRTS with a fully qualified recipe, alternate recipe testing (Type V),-Type V recipe qualification, and a proposed schedule to-obtainLNRC interim concurrence, as well as final concurrenco.

A small_ recess was taken to give the visitors an opportunity to generate conclusions for.the final closcout. ,

During the closcout, all representatives from DOE-ID, DOE-HQ,-and .

NRC felt that WVDP was ready to resume operations #or Sludge Wash Phase II. Joel-Case, DOE-ID, commented on-the rigor and depth of the ,


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Hinutos t l

WV ORR process and montioned the teamwork betwoon WVHS and DOE. Based on his overview, Mr. Caso. endorsed the recommendation to resume i operations pending SAR approval. Tod McIntosh, DOE-HQ, CM-343, the WV Program Manager, was pleased with the ORR results, and endorsed the j

-resumption recommendation as well, again pending SAR approval. NRC representativos concurred with the ORR recommendation for immediato resumption of operations, but did suggest the following longer term actions be addressed:  ?

o Assuranco that the sampling program used to support Sludge Wash doos-in fact properly focus on the radionuclidos of  ;

ConCorn.  ;

o Assuranco that the Analytical Laboratory usos analytical J methods t_aceable to recognized standards, that the reculto ,

are accurato, and that the technicians are cortiflod to perform the work assigned.

F o that the appropriato lovoi of WV Management has boon adequately trained to handle process and operations decisions related to ongoing Sludge Wash activities.


o Assurance that the radiation level baselines for all process stops have been established and validated.  !

o Assurance that all submittals to NRC have boon road by the persons authorized to sign or approve them.

o preparation of a detailed schedule for the final development and optimization of the coment recipo to be "ondorsed" by -

NRC in the November 1992 time framo.

  • These activities will be formally entered into the WV action item control system and scheduled to coincide with near term operations, and final coment recipo development.

i O b 3M W. S. Kotola, Chairman rh/s '

. DOE ORRB-e- ..,_-,,._...,-..-w -

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