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Application to Amend License DPR-28,consisting of Proposed Change 118,replacing Tech Spec Figure 3.6.1 Pages 111,117 & 118 Re Reactor Vessel Pressure Temp Limits for Operation Through 1.15E8 Mwh(T).Class III Amend Fee Encl
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/07/1984
From: Heider L
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20080J658 List:
FVY-84-9, NUDOCS 8402150160
Download: ML20080J657 (7)




. RD 5, Box 169. Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301 g,,Ly ,g g ENGI,NEERING OFFICE 1671 WOHCESTER ROAD

  • TELEPHONE 617 872-8100 February 7,1984 FVY 84"9 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Mr. D. G. Eisenhut , Direct or

.. Division of Licensing


(a) License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271)

(b) Letter, VYNPC t.c USNRC, FVY 83-45, Proposed Change No.

107, dated May 26, 1983 (c) Final Rule [48FR24008], Fracture Toughness Requirements for Light Water Reactors, dated May 27, 1983


Reactor Vessel Pressure Temperature Curves

Dear Sir:

Pursuant to Section 50.59 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation hereby proposes the following change to Appendix A of the Operating License.

Proposed Oiange Replace Pages 111, 117, and 118 of the Vermont Yankee Technical Specifications with the enclosed revised Pages 111, 117, and 118. These pages are intended to supersede the replacement pages previously submitted to you via Reference (b).

Figure 3.6.1, " Reactor Vessel Pressure Temperature Limits for Operation

'Ihrough 1.15E8 MWh(t)" has been updated to reflect allowable heatup curves for reactor operation through a power output of 1.330E8 MWh(t). The revised figure also reflects the promulgation of a revision to 10CFR Part 50, Appendix G [ Reference (c)]. Pages 117 and 118 have been revised to reflect a change to the bases section of the Technical Specifications.

8402150160 840207 N PDR ADOCK 05000271 P

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United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission February 7,1984 Attention: Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Director Page 2 Reason for Ctanse This proposed change will revise our Techrical Specifications to accommodate stdfts in transition temperatera for the reactor. vessel materials that were induced by radiation effects. These shif ts are accounted for by revision of our pressure-temperature limits for heating'up and cooling down the reactor. ' Periodic review and adjustment, if necessary, of the curves to account for the effects of increasad neutron exposure is required by-10CFR Part; 50, Appendices G and H.

This change adjusts the curves of Figure 3.6.1 to compensate for the effects of increased neutron exposure to permit operation to a power level of 1.330E8 MWh(t). This adjustment is necessary because the existing curves are limited to a power output of 1.15E8 MWh(t), a value which is expected to be reached during March 1984.


Basis for Change The basis for this change is discussed in detail in Reference (b). In addition, the recent promulgation of a rule change to 10CFR Part 50, Appendix G [ Reference (c)] allows for:

1. jRemoval (for BWRs) of the hydrostatic pressure test temperature limit for criticality. The new temperature limit for criticality is the RTNDT of

.the closure flange plus 600F. For Vermont Yankee, this will be 1200F

/(the former temperature was 173.50F). This value is applicable at -

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F pressures <220 psig. At. pressures g 220, the criticality curves are a continuation of the pre.vious curves based on 10CFR50, Appendix G, which requires that vessel temperature always be 400F above the' ASME Code,

Section III, Appendix G,- calculated curves during criticality.

,. 2. Limiting normal operation and hydrotest to' pressures below 220 psig until vessel closure flange temperature is well above RTN17r of closure flange 3 region. Specifically, when pressure exceeds 220 psig, the new hydrotest

. temperature is RTNDT of the closure flange plus 9007. This temperature is 1500F. In addition, when pressure exceeds 220 psig, the new normal operation temperature is [RTNDT} CF plus .1200F = 1800F.

y Vermont hnkee's vessel closure flange is ASME SA 508, C12 material.

Because .no fracture toughness test data for. this material is available, its reference temperature (RTNDT) is defined by' " Standard Review Plan", Section l ' 5.3.2, Pressure.-Temperature Limits, and Branch Technical Position MTEB 5-2, f '

" Fracture Toughness Requirements for Older Plants". That temperature is 600F. '

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United States Nuclear Regulatoty Commission February 7,1984 Attention: Mr. D. C. Eisenhut, Director Page 3 N closure flange is located in a lou neutron fluence area, i.e., out of the " vessel beltline", and therefore no measurable RTNDT shif t is expected over plant lif e.

These changes are reflected on the enclosed Pages 111 (Figure 3.6.1),

117, and 118.

Safety Considerations The safety considerations are discussed in detail in Reference (b). This change has been reviewed by the Nuclear Safety Audit and Review Committee.

Significant Hazards Consideration The NRC has provided guidance concerning the application of standards for conclusions regarding "Significant Hazarda Consideration" [48FR14870]. The examples of actions involving no significant hazards consideration include:

"A change to make a license conform to changes in the regulations, where the license change results in very minor changes to f acility operations clearly in keeping with the regulations."

This change to the pressure-temperature limits is similar to the example cited above because 10CFR Part 50, Appendices G and H require the updating of pressure-temperature limits based on the surveillance program. This proposed change will result in a minor change to facility operations clearly in keeping with the regulations.

Based on the above, we have determined that this change does not constitute a significant hazards consideration, as defined in 10CFR50.92(c).

Fee Determination This proposed change requires an approval that involves a sing 1Le safety

~ issue and is not deemed to involve an unreviewed safety question. For these reasons, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation proposes this change as a Class III Amendment. A payment of $4,000.00 is enclosed.

Schedule of Change For reasons discussed above, we request that yot expedite your review and approval of this proposed change. This change will be implemented as soon as practicable following receipt of your approval.

United States 14uclear Regulatory Commission February 7,1984 Attention: Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Directo r Page 4 We trust that this information is acceptable; however, should you require additional information, please contact us.


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.-lM L. H. Heider Vice President JBS/bal cc: Vermont Department of Public Services 120 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05602 Attention: Mr. Richard Saudek, Chairman Enclosure COMM0W EALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS)


Then personally appeared bef ore me, L. H. Heider, who, being duly sworn, did state that he is a Vice President of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation, that he is duly authorized to execute and file the foregoing request in the name and on the behalf of Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation and that the statements therein are true to the best of his knowledge and belief.

9.3. L$%M Q . B. Sinclair Notary Public My Commission Expires June 1, 1984 h\d a R

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