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Modification No. 002 to Task Order No. 31310019F0022 Under Contract No. 31310018D0002
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/19/2020
From: Jennifer Dudek
Acquisition Management Division
Southwest Research Institute
Download: ML20079F573 (23)




P00002 See Block 16C NRR-20-0070





31310018D0002 31310019F0022 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13)

CODE 007936842 FACILITY CODE 04/12/2019

11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended, is not extended.

Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended , by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning ___________ copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted ; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted , such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified.

12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) Net Increase: $44,000.00 2020-X0200-FEEBASED-20-20D002-1030-17-4-151-251A-17-4-151-1030




D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority)

X FAR 52.217-9 Option to Extend; FAR 52.232-22 Limitation of Funds; & FAR 43.103(a) Mutual Agreement E. IMPORTANT: Contractor is not, x is required to sign this document and return 1

__________________ copies to the issuing office.

14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT/MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.)

Task Order Base and All Options: $674,811.67 (Changed)

Total Task Order Obligated Amount: (Changed)

Task Order Total Exercised Amount: (Changed)

Current Period of Performance: 08/12/2019-03/31/2021 (Changed)

Ultimate Period of Performance: 08/12/2019-03/31/2022 (Unchanged)

Continued ...

Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9 A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect .


JENNIFER A. DUDEK TEL: 301-415-2257 EMAIL: 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 16C. DATE SIGNED 03/19/2020 (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer)

NSN 7540-01-152-8070 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10-83)

Previous edition unusable Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243


Period of Performance: 04/01/2019 to 03/31/2021 NSN 7540-01-152-8067 OPTIONAL FORM 336 (4-86)

Sponsored by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.110

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 The purpose of this task order modification is to: 1) increase the task order base and all options ceiling by  ; 2) provide incremental funding in the amount of , thereby increasing the obligated amount from  ;

3) revise the cost and price schedule; 4) exercise Option Period 1, pursuant to FAR Clause 52.217-9 OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT (MAR 2000), thereby increasing the exercised task order ceiling by  ; and extending the period of performance from April 01, 2020 through March 30, 2021 and; 5) revise the Statement of Work to include the additional level-of-effort required. Accordingly, the task order is hereby modified:
1) Section B.2 CONSIDERATION AND OBLIGATION TASK ORDERS (AUG 2011) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

(a) The total ceiling of this contract for the products/services under this contract is The amount will increase upon exercise of Option Periods and/or Optional Tasks as shown in Section B.3.

(b) This order is subject to the minimum and maximum ordering requirements set forth in the contract.

(c) The amount presently obligated with respect to this order is of which represents costs and represents fixed-fee. The obligated amount shall, at no time, exceed the order ceiling as specified in paragraph (a) above. When and if the amount(s) paid and payable to the Contractor hereunder shall equal the obligated amount, the Contractor shall not be obligated to continue performance of the work unless and until the Contracting Officer shall increase the amount obligated with respect to this order, in accordance with FAR Part 43 - Modifications. Any work undertaken by the Contractor in excess of the obligated amount specified above is done so at the Contractor's sole risk and may not be reimbursed by the Government.

(d) The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of FAR 52.232 Limitation of Funds, for incrementally-funded delivery orders or task orders.

(e) In accordance with FAR 52.216 Fixed Fee, it is the policy of the NRC to withhold payment of fee after payment of 85 percent of the fee has been paid in order to protect the Governments interest. The amount of fixed-fee withheld from the contractor will not exceed 15 percent of the total fee or $100,000, whichever is less. Accordingly, the maximum amount of fixed-fee that may be held in reserve is .

(End Clause) 3

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002

2) B.3 PRICE/COST SCHEDULE is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

Total Cost Plus CLIN Description Est Cost Fixed Fee Fixed Fee Cost - Base Period Fee - Base Period Option Period 1 Option Period 2 Total $674,811.67 Total Estimated Cost and Fixed-Fee breakdown by cost element per base and option task is presented below.

Total Estimated Estimated Amount Estimated Amount Estimated Amount DESCRIPTION Costs Inclusive of Base Period Option Period 1 Option Period 2 Option Periods Total Estimated Costs and

$674,811.67 Fixed-Fee

3) SECTION F.1 TASK/DELIVERY ORDER PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE (SEP 2013) is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:

This task order shall commence on April 12, 2019 and will expire on March 31, 2021. The term of this task order may be extended at the option of the Government for additional Option Periods.

If exercised,Section I.8 Clause 52.217-9 OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT (MAR 2000) is applicable.

Exercised Period (Base & Option Period One): April 12, 2019 through March 31, 2021 4

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Remaining Option Period:

Option Period Two: April 01, 2021 through March 31, 2022 (End Clause)

4) SECTION C-Descriptions/Specifications/Statement of Work is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment 1.

All other terms and conditions of this task order remain unchanged.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 SECTION C - Descriptions/Specifications/Statement of Work COVER PAGE ADDENDUM FOR TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORK (SOW)

Technical Support to NRC for Observation of SSHAC Workshops and Development of Guidance Project Title Related to Pre-Application Geologic and Seismic Hazard Evaluations of Proposed New Nuclear Power Plant Sites Job Code/Cost Center 1030 Task Areas Licensing Support and Guidance Development Budget & Reporting Number 17-4-151 NRC Issuing Office Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

Fee Recoverable NO TAC Numbers N/A Docket Number N/A 1

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 TASK ORDER STATEMENT OF WORK C.1 PROJECT TITLE Technical Support to NRC for Observation of SSHAC Workshops and Development of Guidance Related to Pre-Application Geologic and Seismic Hazard Evaluations of Proposed New Nuclear Power Plant Sites C.2 BACKGROUND To meet regulatory requirements specified in 10 CFR Part 100.23(c), an applicant shall investigate the geologic, seismic, and engineering characteristics of a site and its environs in sufficient scope and detail to permit an adequate evaluation of the proposed site; provide sufficient information to support evaluations performed to derive estimates of the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) Ground Motion; and permit adequate engineering solutions to actual or potential geologic and seismic effects at the proposed site. In addition, as specified in 10 CFR Part 100.23(d)(1), an applicant shall address the uncertainties inherent in estimates of the SSE through an appropriate analysis, such as a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), or suitable sensitivity analyses. Consistent with Regulatory Guide 1.208, "A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site Specific Earthquake Ground Motion," the PSHA should allow use of multiple seismic source models to estimate the likelihood of earthquake ground motions occurring at a site and systematically take into account the uncertainties in PSHA input parameters related to seismic source characteristics, recurrence and maximum magnitude of earthquakes within a seismic source, and engineering estimates of earthquake ground motion derived from attenuation relationships. Consistent with Section 2.5.2, Vibratory Ground Motion, of NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan, applicants evaluating earthquake potential and characterizing the associated uncertainty for sites assessed using methods other than the Central and Eastern U.S.-

Seismic Source Characterization (CEUS-SSC) method and related databases, or for sites outside the CEUS, should use the Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee (SSHAC) methodology, the structured process for which is described in NUREG/CR-6372, "Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis: Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts." Consistent with current practice as described in NUREG-2213, "Updated Implementation Guidelines for SSHAC Hazard Studies," the SSHAC methodology can be implemented for assessing both potential geologic and seismic hazards at a proposed site. While seismic hazard should be assessed using the SSHAC methodology and a PSHA, for certain proposed sites, an applicant may also consider implementing the SSHAC methodology to probabilistically evaluate potential non-seismic geologic hazards (e.g.,

volcanism and associated volcanic processes).

C.3 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK The objective of this task order is to acquire technical expertise from the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses (CNWRA), the Contractor, for supporting NRC staff during SSHAC workshops related to pre-application geologic and seismic hazard evaluations conducted by applicants for proposed new nuclear power plant sites. Specifically, the Contractor shall provide support as invited observers of SSHAC workshops conducted by applicants for the proposed nuclear power plants. The NRC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) will obtain invitations for Contractor staff and any consultants used by the Contractor to attend the workshops as observers on behalf of the NRC in conjunction with NRC staff. The Contractor shall also assist the NRC with developing guidance related to evaluating site-specific non-seismic geologic hazards. The Contractor shall conduct the work under 2

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 this task order in accordance with the work descriptions shown below for Tasks 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Frequent communications between Contractor staff, the NRC technical team, and the NRC COR are anticipated. Meetings between Contractor and NRC staff members will be conducted as needed. Such communications with NRC staff may result in information subject to hearing file requirements under 10 CFR Part 2. Under that circumstance, the NRC COR will identify the types of records the Contractor must provide to the NRC for inclusion in the hearing file.

Tasks 1, 2, and 3 under this task order shall be conducted to provide technical support to NRC staff for observation of pre-application SSHAC studies performed by applicants for proposed new nuclear power plant sites. Certain proposed sites could exhibit geologic features and processes or seismic characteristics that require specialized technical expertise to provide deeper insight to NRC staff regarding an applicants approach to implementing the SSHAC methodology for addressing potential hazards related to those features, processes, and characteristics. In those instances, as requested by the NRC, the Contractor shall use qualified personnel having the essential specialized technical expertise as specified in Section C.8 of this SOW. The Contractor shall coordinate closely with the NRC COR to ensure that Tasks 1, 2, and 3 are successfully executed and that all associated deliverables are appropriate and provide timely insight to NRC staff for assessing an applicants pre-application geologic and seismic hazard evaluations for proposed new nuclear power plants.

Task 4 under this task order shall be conducted to provide technical support to NRC staff regarding preparation of guidance on addressing volcanism and associated volcanic processes at sites where volcanic features are present because volcanism and volcanic processes can create natural geologic hazards. The guidance will assist the NRC with assessing an applicants pre-application treatment of potential site-specific hazards related to volcanic features and processes. The guidance shall directly address volcanic features and associated processes that occur at a site for a proposed new nuclear power plant and include a detailed discussion of an acceptable approach for evaluating volcanic hazards at the site. The discussion shall include recommendations for an initial screening rationale focused on identification of potentially hazardous volcanic sources; specification of data necessary for adequately characterizing the potential hazard from those sources; definition of the potentially hazardous event based on probability of occurrence; and evaluation of the potential hazard based on a probabilistic hazard assessment. The NRC envisions that this guidance will be finally produced as a Regulatory Guide with assistance from the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES). Preparation of the guidance shall involve a qualified technical specialist in volcanology who has the knowledge and experience necessary to provide deeper insight to NRC staff regarding an applicants approach to addressing potential hazards related to site-specific volcanism and associated volcanic processes, including adequacy of the applicants characterization of volcanic features and processes at the site.

The Contractor shall coordinate closely with the NRC COR to ensure that Task 4 is successfully executed and that all associated deliverables are appropriate and timely to support NRCs development of the draft and final versions of the guidance document on volcanic hazards. Development of the draft and final guidance shall involve support from the Contractor, as requested by the NRC, to assist NRC staff with internal briefings as well as incorporating stakeholder comments on the draft guidance into the final guidance document. The Contractor shall, as requested by the NRC, assist with planning, 3

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 organizing, and facilitating public meetings to allow discussion of stakeholder comments on the draft guidance, as well as documenting the discussions that occur during the meetings in summary reports.

The technical expert in volcanology will be expected to participate in those public meetings as requested by the NRC.

C.4 SPECIFIC TASKS Task 1 - Prepare for Observation of SSHAC Workshops (Anticipated in the Base Year and Option Year 1)

Prior to observation of the SSHAC workshops in concert with NRC staff, the Contractor shall review pertinent regulatory requirements and guidance as well as background information identified by the NRC COR to ensure familiarity with these materials. The materials can include, but may not be limited to, pre-application information provided by the applicant; the applicants SSHAC project plans, if available; regulatory requirements in 10 CFR Part 100.23; pertinent sections of NUREG-0800; NRC Regulatory Guide 1.208; NUREG/CR-6372; and NUREG-2213. Although no formal deliverables are associated with this task, review of pertinent materials must be conducted sufficiently in advance of the SSHAC workshops to enable the Contractor to prepare for supporting NRC staff during observation of the workshops. The reviews conducted by the Contractor should be documented in a Monthly Letter Status Report (MLSR). No travel is associated with Task 1.

Task 2 - Participate as Invited Observers in Plant-Specific Kickoff Meetings, SSHAC Workshops and Related Meetings, and Geologic Site Visits Conducted by the Applicant (Anticipated in the Base Year and Option Years 1 and 2)

As directed by the NRC COR, the Contractor shall participate as invited observers in all SSHAC workshops and geologic site visits conducted by an applicant for each proposed new nuclear power plant to support NRC staff during the applicants pre-application evaluation of geologic and seismic hazards. This support will provide insight to the NRC regarding an applicants approach to implementing the SSHAC methodology for adequately addressing potential hazards related to geologic features and associated processes and seismic characteristics at the plant sites, including adequacy of the applicants descriptions of those features, processes, and characteristics. The Contractor shall prepare reports to summarize and evaluate the information discussed at the workshops, related meetings, and geologic site visits to include input from any consultants used. If the Contractor participates as an invited observer in kickoff meetings, the Contractor shall also summarize and evaluate the information discussed, to include input from any consultants used, and incorporate that information into the first SSHAC workshop report. Anticipated content of these reports is described below under Subtasks 3a and 3b.

Travel by the Contractor will occur in accordance with the applicants schedules for kickoff meetings, SSHAC workshops, related meetings (e.g., the final Participatory Peer Review Panel, or PPRP briefing), and geologic site visits to locations determined by the applicant. The NRC COR will approve all travel by the Contractor.

Subtask 2a: Participate in SSHAC kickoff meetings for SSHAC studies during the Base Year and Option Year 1 to support NRC staff during the pre-application evaluations of geologic and seismic hazards performed by applicants, as described above for Task 2.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 Subtask 2b: Participate in SSHAC workshops and geologic site visits during the Base Year and Option Years 1and 2 to support NRC staff during the pre-application evaluations of geologic and seismic hazards performed by applicants, as described above for Task 2.

Subtask 2c: Participate in SSHAC final PPRP briefings, most likely in Option Year 2, to support NRC staff during the pre-application evaluations of geologic and seismic hazards performed by applicants, as described above for Task 2.

Task 3 - Prepare Summary Reports for Kickoff Meetings, SSHAC Workshops and Related Meetings, and Geologic Site Visits (Anticipated in the Base Year and Option Years 1 and 2)

Subtask 3a: For each SSHAC workshop, related meeting (e.g., the final PPRP briefing, if held),

and geologic site visit attended for each individual plant site, the Contractor shall prepare a draft report to summarize and evaluate results of the workshop, the related meeting, and the geologic site visit, to include input from any consultants involved. The report shall include important issues raised, conclusions drawn, and action items defined that could assist the NRC during the applicants pre-application geologic and seismic hazard evaluations for proposed new nuclear power plants. If the Contractor participates as an invited observer in kickoff meetings, the Contractor shall also summarize and evaluate the information discussed, to include input from any consultants used, and incorporate that information into the first SSHAC workshop report. After review of the draft report by the NRC COR, the Contractor shall prepare a revised final report addressing any comments made by the COR. Preparation of these reports for each individual plant site is anticipated during the Base Year and Option Years 1 and 2. No travel is required for Subtask 3a.

Subtask 3b: Upon completion of all SSHAC workshops, related meetings, and geologic site visits for each plant site, the Contractor shall prepare a draft report for each proposed nuclear power plant site that summarizes all issues and conclusions from the individual workshop reports for each plant site, to include information based on any geologic site visits attended and any related meetings (e.g., the final PPRP briefing, if held). After review of the draft report by the NRC COR, the Contractor shall prepare a revised report addressing any comments made by the COR.

Preparation of these reports that combine information from all individual reports prepared for each plant site is anticipated during Option Years 1 and 2. No travel is required for Subtask 3b.

Task 4 - Support Development of Guidance for Assessing Potential Hazards Related to Volcanism and Associated Volcanic Processes at Proposed Sites Exhibiting Volcanic Features (Anticipated in the Base Year and Option Years 1 and 2)

Subtask 4a (Base Year) - Prepare Initial Draft Guidance (DG-1): During the Base Year (01 April 2019 to 31 March 2020), the Contractor shall support the NRC with preparation of initial draft guidance (DG-1) that presents a risk-informed, graded approach for assessment of potential hazards resulting from volcanism and associated volcanic processes at proposed sites where volcanic features are present. Preparation of DG-1 shall involve a technical expert with specific expertise in volcanology. The Contractor shall participate in writing sessions and public meetings with NRC staff and stakeholders that are related to preparing the guidance. These meetings will likely be held at or near NRC headquarters in Rockville, MD. The Contractor shall assist NRC staff with preparing DG-1 for stakeholder review, as requested, to enable the NRC to submit this initial 5

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 draft for required public comment in a timely manner. It is anticipated that DG-1 will be prepared and issued for formal stakeholder comment by the end of the Base Year. Prior to release of DG-1 for formal comment by stakeholders, the Contractor shall assist NRC staff with preparing materials for internal management briefings and a preliminary public meeting, provide support for internal management briefings and the preliminary public meeting, and develop an initial draft outline showing planned content of DG-1, as requested by the NRC. If stakeholder comments are received on the initial draft outline for DG-1, the Contractor shall assist with reviewing and addressing the comments, as requested. In addition, the Contractor shall assist with responses to internal comments and commensurate updates to DG-1 and provide support for Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) briefings to both the Subcommittee and Full Committee, as requested. Following ACRS briefings, the Contractor shall assist with addressing ACRS comments as requested.

Subtask 4b (Option Year 1) - Update DG-1 to Draft Guidance Version 2 (DG-2): During Option Year 1 (01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021), the Contractor shall assist the NRC with reviewing and responding to stakeholder comments on DG-1 after the public comment period closes. Comments are expected from a range of stakeholders, including industry representatives. The Contractor shall participate in the public meeting to discuss stakeholder comments on DG-1, as requested, and assist the NRC with preparation of GD-2 that incorporates those comments. It is anticipated that DG-2 will be prepared late in Option Year 1. Incorporation of stakeholder comments into DG-2 will possibly include at least one writing session to be held at or near NRC headquarters in Rockville, MD.

Subtask 4c (Option Years 1 and 2) - Update DG-2: If the NRC determines that there is a need to conduct a public meeting to discuss stakeholder comments on DG-2, the Contractor shall participate in that meeting, as requested. DG-2 will undergo internal review and concurrence at the NRC, and the Contractor shall assist with responding to concurrence comments and updating DG-2, as requested. In addition, once DG-2 is released for use by applicants, staff will elicit comments to determine whether DG-2 should be updated further. As requested, the Contractor shall assist the NRC with incorporating comments from applicants into DG-2. It is anticipated that any necessary revisions to update DG-2 will be done during Option Years 1 (01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021) and 2 (01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022).

Subtask 4d (Option Year 2) - Prepare Final Regulatory Guide: Once the ANS 2.34 standard titled Characterization and Probabilistic Analysis of Volcanic Hazards is completed, staff will review and consider endorsing the standard. If endorsed, NRC anticipates incorporating the standard, as appropriate, and publishing the final guidance as a Regulatory Guide near the end of Option Year 2 (01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022). The Contractor shall assist NRC staff with updating the final guidance based on any additional comments from stakeholders, preparing the Regulatory Guide for internal concurrence and updating the Regulatory Guide accordingly, and briefing the ACRS, should the briefing be scheduled, if requested. To produce the final Regulatory Guide, NRC anticipates possibly holding a public meeting, an internal working meeting, and a final writing session. These various meetings are expected to be held at or near NRC headquarters in Rockville, MD, if they occur.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 C.5 APPLICABLE DOCUMENT AND STANDARDS The following regulatory requirements and guidance are applicable to this task order and can be found at If necessary, any references that are not available at this website will be provided to the Contractor by the NRC COR.

1. 10 CFR Part 100.23, Reactor Site Criteria - Geologic and Seismic Siting Criteria, 81 FR 86910, issued December 2016
2. Regulatory Guide 1.208, "A Performance-Based Approach to Define the Site-Specific Earthquake Ground Motion," issued March 2007
3. NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants: LWR Edition, Revision 5, issued July 2014
4. NUREG/CR-6372, Recommendations for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis: Guidance on Uncertainty and Use of Experts, issued April 1997
5. NUREG-2213, Updated Implementation Guidelines for SSHAC Hazard Studies, issued October 2018 C.6 DELIVERABLES AND DELIVERY SCHEDULE Project deliverables for this task order are shown in the following table. All deliverables shall be submitted to the NRC COR electronically in the media indicated. The following identification information shall be included in all written deliverables:

Job Code/Cost Center Name of Applicant Plant Name Plant Site Name 7

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 C.7 DELIVERABLES AND MILESTONES SC Task and Description of Deliverables and Estimated Required Media Anticipated Subtask Milestones Completion Dates for Deliverables Timing for Numbers for Deliverables Tasks and Milestones Review appropriate regulatory 1 week after No formal Task 1 Task 1 requirements and guidance; any pre- authorization of deliverables for extends application information provided by the work or as Task 1 through the applicant; the applicants SSHAC project directed by the Base Year plans, if available; NRC Regulatory Guide NRC COR into Option 1.208; NUREG/CR-6372; and NUREG- Year 1 2213.

Task 2, In concert with NRC staff as Dates for meetings Deliverables Subtasks 2a-Subtasks 2a invited observers, attend all and field trips will be related to Task 2 2c extend through 2c SSHAC kickoff meetings, set by the applicant are defined through the workshops, and related meetings below under Base Year (e.g., the PPRP final briefing, if Subtasks 3a and into Option held) for each proposed plant site 3b of Task 3 Years 1 and as well as geologic field trips 2 organized by the applicant.

Summary reports based on observations made 2 weeks after Electronic reports Subtask 3a during each SSHAC kickoff meeting, workshop, completion of the to the NRC in extends and related meeting conducted for each SSHAC workshop or Microsoft Word through the proposed nuclear power plant site as well as related meeting Base Year Task 3, into Option Subtask 3a during geologic field trips organized by the Years 1 and 2 applicant.

2 weeks after receipt of comments from the NRC COR Revised summary reports for SSHAC workshops, Final summary report combining all reports for 4 weeks after the Electronic reports Subtask 3b related meetings, and geologic field trips individual SSHAC kickoff meetings, workshops, final SSHAC to the NRC in extends related meetings, and geologic field trips for workshop or related Microsoft Word through each proposed nuclear power plant site. meeting for each Option Years Task 3, site 1 and 2 Subtask 3b Revised final summary report combining all individual SSHAC reports for each proposed nuclear power plant site. 2 weeks after receipt of comments from Assist the NRC with preparation of initial draft DG-1 the NRCincorporating COR Email to the NRC Subtask 4a guidance (DG-1) addressing assessment of all comments COR that extends potential hazards resulting from volcanic should be ready to summarizes what through the features and associated volcanic processes send for formal was done to Base Year Task 4, that incorporates comments from NRC staff, comment by the end assist the NRC Subtask 4a external stakeholders (if provided), and the of the Base Year with Subtask 4a ACRS for sending DG-1 out for formal (RES will produce the version of comment by all interested stakeholders.

DG-1 for public comment.)


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 Task and Description of Deliverables and Estimated Required Media Anticipated Subtask Milestones Completion Dates for Deliverables Timing of Numbers for Deliverables Tasks and Milestones Participate with NRC staff in a public DG-2 incorporating Email to the NRC Subtask 4b meeting to discuss stakeholder comments all comments COR that extends into on DG-1. Assist the NRC with reviewing should be summarizes what Option Year 1 Task 4, and responding to stakeholder comments completed in was done to assist Subtask 4b on DG-1 and preparing a second version of Option Year 1 the NRC with the draft guidance (DG-2) that incorporates Subtask 4b (RES stakeholder comments. will produce DG-2.)

Assist the NRC with updating DG-2 based Updated DG-2 Email to the NRC Subtask 4c on comments from internal reviewers and incorporating all COR that extends into late interested stakeholders, including comments should summarizes what Option Year 1 participation in a public meeting, if held, to be completed in was done to assist and possibly into Task 4, discuss stakeholder comments for Option Year 1 the NRC with early Option Year Subtask 4c incorporation into the update of DG-2. Subtask 4c (RES 2 will produce updated DG-2.)

Assist the NRC with preparation of the final Final Regulatory Email to NRC Subtask 4d Regulatory Guide based on comments from Guide to be COR that completed near NRC staff and stakeholders and materials completed near the summarizes what the end of Option for incorporation related to endorsement of end of Option Year was done to assist Year 2 Task 4, ANS 2.34. If a public meeting is held to 2 the NRC with Subtask 4d discuss stakeholder comments, assist the Subtask 4d (RES NRC by participation in this meeting, will produce the final Regulatory Guide.)

All Tasks Monthly Letter Status Reports (MLSRs) 20th day of the Electronic report to MLSRs for all for all tasks per Section F.2 of the Base following month the NRC in tasks through Contract. Microsoft Word Option Year 2 9

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 C.8 REQUIRED LABOR CATEGORIES The Contractor shall provide individuals who have the required educational background and work experience to meet the objectives of the work specified in this task order. Specific qualifications for this work include the following:

Project Manager The Contractors Project Manager (PM) shall have experience in managing work related to participation by CNWRA staff in SSHAC Level 2 or Level 3 workshops, or similar types of projects, and shall also be familiar with the entire SSHAC process. The Contractors PM shall support the work performed under all tasks of this task order in close coordination with the NRC COR.

Technical Subject Matter Expert The Technical Subject Matter Expert shall possess the expertise necessary for assessing potential hazards resulting from volcanic features and associated volcanic processes. The Technical Subject Matter Expert shall have experience in characterizing potential volcanic features and processes using the SSHAC process and performing probabilistic analyses for volcanic hazards. The Technical Subject Matter Expert shall support the work performed under Task 4 of this task order in close coordination with the NRC COR and the Contractors PM.

Clerical Assistant The Clerical Assistant shall have experience in providing assistance for the production of administrative and technical reports. The Contractors PM shall advise the Clerical Assistant regarding the format required for NRC deliverables as necessary.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 Level of Effort Estimate This estimate for Level of Effort (LOE) is advisory only and should not be used as the sole basis for development of a staffing plan.

C.9 GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPERTY AND MATERIAL The NRC COR will provide the Contractor with any needed pre-application materials received from the applicant that must be reviewed prior to attending a SSHAC workshop.

No other government-furnished materials or property are anticipated to be needed by the Contractor.

C.10 PLACE OF PERFORMANCE The work to be performed under this task order shall be performed at the Contractors main facility in San Antonio, TX, except for the travel described in Section C.11 of this statement of work. Any subcontractors and/or consultants may work from their locations, but are expected to travel to meeting locations. Some meetings are likely to take place at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD, but could also be held at the Contractors office in Rockville, MD.

C.11 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS TRAVEL Travel expenses consistent with the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) and the limitation of 11

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 funds for this task order shall be authorized for the Contractor. All travel requires prior written approval from the NRC COR.

The following travel is anticipated under this task order. Travel for the Contractor related to Task 2 includes trips for observation of SSHAC kickoff meetings and workshops, final PPRP briefings, and geologic field trips organized by applicant. Meetings related to certain SHHAC studies will also involve travel by the technical subject matter expert in volcanology. Travel for the Contractor related to Task 4 includes trips necessary to assist the NRC with preparing draft and final regulatory guidance associated with assessment of volcanic hazards. The Contractor shall assume the following number of trips in the fiscal years shown to estimate travel costs:


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 Task Number Purpose of Fiscal Year Contract Travel Dates Number of Number of Estimated Number Travel Destination2 and Subtask Travel Year1 Trips Travelers of Travel Days 2-Subtask Observe 2019 Base June 2019 1 1 3 with NRC COR Idaho Falls, ID 2a(SSHAC SSHAC Year approval Project #1) Project #1 Field Trip 2 - Subtask 2a Observation of 2020 Option TBD based on 1 with NRC 2 (PM and 3 days with NRC Idaho Falls, ID (SSHAC Study 2 - SSHAC Study Year 1 applicants COR Technical COR approval UAMPS) 2 Kickoff schedule approval Specialist)

Meeting with NRC COR approval 2-Subtask 2b Observation 2019 Base April 8-12, 2019 1 With NRC 1 (PM with 5 days with NRC Walnut Creek, CA (SSHAC Project of SSHAC Year COR NRC COR COR approval

  1. 1, Workshop #1) Project 1, approval Approval)

Workshop 1 2-Subtask 2b Observe 2020 Base August 12-17 1 1 6 days with NRC Walnut Creek, CA (SSHAC Project SSHAC Year COR approval

  1. 1) Project #2 Workshop 1 2 - Subtask 2b Observation 2021 Option 22-26 March 1 with NRC 1 (PM) with 5 days with NRC Walnut Creek, CA (SSHAC Study 1 - of SSHAC Year 1 2021 COR NRC COR COR approval DOE INL) Study 1 approval approval Workshop 3 2 - Subtask 2b Observation 2020 or 2021 Option TBD based on 1 with NRC 2 (PM and 5 days with NRC Idaho Falls, ID (SSHAC Study 2 - of SSHAC Year 1 applicants COR Technical COR approval UAMPS) Study 2 schedule approval Specialist)

Workshop 1 with NRC COR approval 2 - Subtask 2b Observation 2021 Option TBD based on 1 with NRC 2 (PM and 6 days with NRC Idaho Falls, ID (SSHAC Study 2 - of SSHAC Year 1 applicants COR Technical COR approval UAMPS) Study 2 schedule approval Specialist)

Workshop with NRC 2, and COR approval geologic site trip 13

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 2 - Subtask 2c Observation 2021 Option 27-30 July 2021 1 with NRC 1 (PM) with 3 days with NRC Walnut Creek, CA (SSHAC Study 1 - of SSHAC Year 2 COR NRC COR COR approval DOE INL) Study 1 final approval approval PPRP briefing 2- Subtask 2c Observation 2022 Option TBD based on 1 with NRC 2 (PM and 3 days with NRC Idaho Falls, ID (SSHAC Study 2 - of SSHAC Year 2 applicants COR Technical COR approval UAMPS) Study 2 final schedule approval Specialist)

PPRP with NRC briefing COR approval Task Number Purpose of Fiscal Year Contract Travel Dates Number of Number of Estimated Number Travel Destination2 and Subtask Travel Year1 Trips Travelers of Travel Days 4-Subtask 4a Attend kickoff 2019 Base Year May 2019 1 2 (PM-Local 2 Meetings held at and planning travel by the NRC Headquarters meeting in Technical or the Contractors Rockville, MD Specialist with office in Rockville, at NRC NRC COR MD.

headquarters approval) or the Contractors office in Rockville, MD 4-Subtask 4a Writing 2019 Base Year September 2019 1 1 2 days with NRC Meetings held at session for COR approval NRC headquarters Volcanic or the Contractors Hazard office in Rockville, Guidance MD.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 4 - Subtask 4a Writing 2020 Base Year Preliminary public 3 with NRC 2 (PM - Local 6 days (2 for each Meetings held at sessions, meeting (21 COR travel by the trip) with NRC COR NRC Headquarters internal October 2019), approval Technical approval or the Contractors briefings writing session (4 Specialist) office in Rockville, (including the December 2019), with NRC MD ACRS), and a and ACRS briefing COR approval (20 February preliminary 2020) public meeting for preparing initial draft guidance (DG-1) to send out for comment by stakeholders 4 - Subtask 4b Public meeting to 2020 Option Year 1 Dates for a public 1 with NRC 2 (PM - Local 3 days with NRC Meetings held at discuss meeting and a COR travel by the COR approval NRC Headquarters stakeholder writing session to approval Technical or the Contractors comments on produce DG-2 are Specialist) office in Rockville, DG-1, writing TBD with NRC MD session to COR approval incorporate stakeholder comments on DG-1 and prepare a second draft guidance (DG-2) 4 - Subtask 4c Writing session 2020 or 2021 Option Years Dates for a public 1 with NRC 2 (PM - Local 3 days with NRC Meetings held at to update DG-2 1 or 2 meeting and a COR travel by the COR approval NRC Headquarters based on writing session to approval Technical or the Contractors internal and update DG-2 are Specialist) office in Rockville, stakeholder TBD with NRC MD comments, COR approval possibly with a public meeting to discuss comments 15

31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 4 - Subtask 4d Writing session 2022 Option Year 2 Dates for a public 1 with NRC 2 (PM - Local 3 days with NRC Meetings held at and public meeting and a COR travel by the COR approval NRC Headquarters meeting to writing session to approval Technical or the Contractors prepare Final produce the final Specialist) office in Rockville, Regulatory Guide Regulatory Guide with NRC MD incorporating the are TBD COR approval ANS 2.34 standard NOTES:

1 Base Year covers FY19-Q3 through FY20-Q2 (01 April 2019 to 31 March 2020). Option Year 1 covers FY20-Q3 through FY21-Q2 (01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021). Option Year 2 covers FY21-Q3 through FY22-Q2 (01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022).

2 Travel destinations are assumptions for travel cost estimates only. Applicants will make the final decisions on specific travel destinations, as well as travel dates, for Task 2.


31310018D0002_31310019F0022 P00002 Attachment 1 SECURITY The work performed under this task order will be UNCLASSIFIED.

KEY PERSONNEL Refer to Section H.2 2052.215-70 KEY PERSONNEL (JAN 1993) 16