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Proposed Changes to Tech Spec 3.8 Re Primary Coolant Conditioning
Person / Time
Site: 05000128
Issue date: 02/01/1983
Shared Package
ML20070V020 List:
NUDOCS 8302140136
Download: ML20070V025 (2)


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The simplest.and most reliable method of ensuring that ALARA release limits are accomplishing. their objective of minimal facility-caused j

radiation exposure to the. general public is to actually measure the integrated radiation exposure in the environment on and off the site.

3.8 Primary Coolant Conditions Applicability.

This specification applies to the' quality of the primary coolant in contact with the fuel cladding.

Objectives The objectives nre (1) to minimize the possibi3ity for corrosion of the cladding on the fuel elements, and-(2) to minimize neutron activation of dissolved materials.

Speci_f_ications 1.

Conductivity of the' bulk pool water shall be rio higher. than 5 x 10 ' mhos/cm for a period not to exceed two weeks.



The pH of the bulk pool water shall be between 5.5 and 8.0 for a period not-to exceed two weeks.

Bases A.small rate of corrosion continuoulsy occurs in a water-metal system.

In order to. limit this rate, and th"ereby extend the longevity and l

integrity of the fuel cladding, a water cleanup system is required.

l Experience with water quality control at many reactor facilities has shown that maintenance within the specified limits.provides acceptable control.

By limiting the concentrations of dissolved materials in the water, the radioactivity of neutron activation products is limited. This is consistent with the ALARA principle, and tends to decriase the inventory of radionuclides in the entire coolant system, which will decrease personnel exposures during maintenance and operations.

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8302140136 830201


PDR ADOCK 05000128 P





v Basia The simpleet and most reliable method of ensuring that ALARA releaae linits are accomplishing their objective of minimal facility-caused radiation exposure to the. general public is to actually measure the integrated radiation exposure in the environment on and off the site.

3.8 Primary Coolant Conditions Applicability This specification applies to the quality of the primary coolant in contact with the fuel cladding.

Obj ectives The objectives are (1) to minimize the possibility for corrosion of the. cladding on the fuel elements,-and-(2) to minimize neutron activation of dissolved materials.


_ Specifications t>L-0 Conductivity of the pool water shall be no higher than 5 x 10 s.

' mhos/cm.

Bases A small rate'of corrosion continuoulsy occurs in'a water-metal system.

In order to limit this rate, and thereby extend the longevity and integrity of the fuel cladding, a water cl'eanup system is required.

Experience with water quality control at many reactor facilities has shown that maintenance within the specified limits.provides acceptable control.

By limiting the concentrations of dissolved materials in the water, the radioactivity of neutron activation products is limited. This is consistent with the ALARA principle, and tends to decrease the inventory of radionuclides in the entire coolant system, which will decrease personnel exposures during maintenance and operations.
