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Meeting Summary - February 24, 2020 Meeting with Industry Steam Generator Task Force
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/04/2020
From: Leslie Terry
Terry L, 301-415-1167, OWFN-8C10
Shared Package
ML20052D941 List:
Download: ML20064E601 (5)


March 4, 2020 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Meeting Summary


Meeting with the Industry Steam Generator Task Force Meeting Identifier: 20200089 Date of Meeting: February 24, 2020 Location: TWFN 06D02 Type of Meeting: Category 2 Purpose of the Meeting: The purpose of this meeting was for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff to discuss steam generator (SG) issues with the industry Steam Generator Task Force (SGTF).

General Details: The industry SGTF met with NRC staff on February 24, 2020, at NRC headquarters. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss proposed changes to the standard technical specifications (STS) that govern SG inspection. The industrys meeting slides and draft STS markups are available in the Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) under Package Accession No. ML20052D941. This meeting was noticed as a public meeting and the agenda is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML20042C703.

LISTING OF ATTENDEES U.S. NRC MEETING WITH THE INDUSTRY STEAM GENERATOR TASK FORCE February 24, 2019 PARTICIPANTS Daniel Mayes Duke Energy Sean Kill EPRI Michael Stark Dominion Energy Helen Cothron EPRI Lee Friant Exelon Nuclear Jeremy Mayo TVA Scott Redner Xcel Energy, Inc.

Jay Smith Westinghouse Brian Mann TSTF Jeff Raschiatore Westinghouse Gary Alberti First Energy Phil Rush MPR Associates Russell Cipolla Intertek Steve Fluit BWXT Kent Colgan Framatome Russ Wells TVA William Cullen Intertek Steven Bloom NRC Paul Klein NRC Gregory Makar NRC Pat Purtscher NRC Andrew Johnson NRC Leslie Terry NRC Allen Hiser NRC Vic Cusumano NRC Ravi Grover NRC Joel Jenkins NRC PHONE PARTICIPANTS Kester Thompson Florida Power & Light Brent Capell EPRI Steve Brown Entergy Jim Benson EPRI Jeff Tarr Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation Tammy Sears TVA John Arhar PG&E Jesse Baron TVA Alan Huynh NRC

Summary of Presentations: During the meeting, industry representatives discussed and made presentations on the technical bases for proposed extensions to inspection periods for SGs with thermally-treated Alloy 600 (600TT) and thermally-treated Alloy 690 (690TT) tubing, including proposed STS wording. A summary of the information exchanged during the meeting is discussed below.

  • During the January 22, 2020, SGTF meeting (Package ADAMS Accession No. ML20041E013), industry representatives proposed to increase the maximum period between inspections to 72 and 96 effective full power months for SGs with Alloy 600TT and Alloy 690TT tubing, respectively.
  • As part of the technical bases for the extended inspection periods, industry representatives discussed operating experience, including cracking, and an operational assessment feasibility study for Alloy 600TT SG tubing; and operating experience and example growth rate data from wear degradation of Alloy 690TT SG tubing.
  • Based on the information presented on Alloy 600TT SG tubing, industry representatives proposed elimination of the Technical Specification (TS) requirement for SG tube inspections following an inspection in which crack indications are identified.
  • The NRC staff asked questions during the presentations. Following the presentations, the staff stated that no regulatory decisions were being made during the meeting but provided feedback that included:

o Thanking the industry SGTF for the presentations that provided information in support of extending the maximum allowable time between inspections for SGs with Alloy 600TT and Alloy 690TT tubing.

o Clarifying that the regulatory philosophy behind the TS requirement for inspection at the next refueling outage following detection of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) was based on the challenges associated with managing SCC. Examples of those challenges include probability of detection of SCC and sizing errors associated with accurately determining SCC dimensions.

o Observing that if the industrys theory that the most susceptible Alloy 600TT tubes have been removed from service by crack detection or preventative plugging, then the current TS requirement for re-inspection following crack detection would affect relatively few plants moving forward.

o Stating that if the industrys goal is to move forward quickly with submitting Technical Specification Task Force (TSTF)-577, then proposing to remove the current TS requirement related to re-inspection following detection of cracking may cause a longer time for additional discussions and staff review.

  • The NRC staff will provide feedback to the industry SGTF on the draft SG STS reporting requirements and schedule a teleconference for additional discussions, if necessary.
  • The industry SGTF will update the draft of the proposed TSTF-577 and hopes to schedule a pre-submittal meeting with the NRC staff within 1-2 months.


1. Meeting Notice (under ADAMS Accession No. ML20042C703)
2. Industry Slides and Draft STS Markups (under ADAMS Accession Nos. ML20052D941 (Package),

ML20052D943, ML20052D944, and ML20052D945)

3. Package (under ADAMS Accession ML20066E421)

Package: ML20066E421 Meeting Summary: ML20064E601 Meeting Notice: ML20042C703 Industry Slides and Draft STS Markups: ML20052D941 (Package), ML20052D943, ML20052D944, ML20052D945 OFFICE NRR/DNLR/NCSG NRR/DNLR/NCSG NAME LTerry* SBloom*

DATE 03/ 03 /2020 03/ 04 /2020