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(50-321 & 50-366), 2019 NRC Annual Fatigue Management Report
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/2020
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response
NMP-AD-016-004-F03, Version 1.4
Download: ML20052E717 (17)


Annual Fatigue Management Report NMP-AD-016-004-F03 SNC Version 1.4 UnitS Pagelof6 Plant Site: Plant Hatch Reporting Period: Jan-Dec Year: 2019 Primary Goals

  • Evaluate if individuals averaging more than 54 hours6.25e-4 days <br />0.015 hours <br />8.928571e-5 weeks <br />2.0547e-5 months <br /> per week over the shift cycle should be supporting a different work schedule.
  • Evaluate staffing levels, overtime assignment practices and call in practices to ensure individual work hours are managed and impairment from fatigue is prevented due to the duration, frequency, or sequencing of successive shifts.
  • Evaluate any adverse trends in human performance related to fatigue management, work scheduling, or 10 CFR 26 work hour limit adherence. Run Maximo reports using event codes 15A1, 15A2, and 15A3. A word search can also be conducted by using PQ&S as a key word.

Evaluate if staffing needs and practices are adequate in meeting work hour requirements.

v- -

Goal #1 Did any individuals average more than 54 hours6.25e-4 days <br />0.015 hours <br />8.928571e-5 weeks <br />2.0547e-5 months <br /> per week over the shift cycle?

Yesr:J No IF No, proceed to Primary Goal #2.

IF Yes, complete the following for each applicable individual:

a) Attach each individuals shift cycle schedule (Schedule Report from eSOMS PQ&Sto this form.

b) Did the individual actually work a different hour shift (i.e., a 10-hour shift versus an 8-hour shift or a 12-hour shift versus a 10- or 8-hour shift)?

YesLi NoLI c) Initiate a Condition Report to capture the concern and determine if corrective actions are necessary to ensure the work schedule appropriately reflects minimum day off requirements. Attach a copy of relevant Condition Reports to this form.

d) Review the Department Manager Quarterly Reviews e) Are further investigations or barriers necessary?

YesU NoD If No, proceed to Primary Goal #2.

If Yes, complete the following:

a) Generate a Condition Report to capture recommendations and attach a copy of the Condition Report to this form.

b) Provide a brief summary for each instance:

Printed 02106/2020 at 09:12:00

Annual Fatigue Management Report NMP-AD-016-004-F03 SNC Version 1.4 UnitS Page2of6 Goal #2 Are there any weaknesses in hiring, training, or staffing that should be addressed by human resources and/or site senior management?

YesE No No, proceed with form completion below.

if Yes, complete the following:

a) Generate a Condition Report to capture recommendations and attach a copy of the Condition Report to this form.

b) Ensure weaknesses and recommendations are shared with other SNC sites.

Review Methods List the methods used to conduct these review (i.e., CAP database search, eSOMS, interviews).

CAP Database; eSOMS; and interviews Section 1 Waivers List the number of waivers issued for work hour (WH) limits that were exceeded during this reporting period. Note: More than one WH limit may be exceeded for one waiver.

Chart Legend Non Outage Outage Printed 02)0612020 at 09:12:00

Annual Fatigue Management Report L SNC NMP-AD-01 6-004-F03 Version 1.4 Unit S Page 5 of 6 Group Self- For Cause Post-Event Follow-Up Waiver Declaration Section 4 AddWon Comments If any management actions were taken as a result of any of the fatigue assessments performed, list the affected group, reason for the assessment, and the action taken; number each item.

1. During the 2019 outage GA Power personnel working the degraded grid performed tests on the SAT 1D while not under the Fatigue Management Program (CR# 10599312). This is a violation of the Fatigue Management Program. Due to issues with the transformer 2 Ga. Power Switchyard employees was called to perform testing on the transformer. These employees was not properly tracked in the Fatigue Management Program. The supervisor requesting the employees or the employees did not have a questioning attitude of the hours previous worked. The 2 employees violated the 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> break rule for Fatigue Management.
2. CFAM Identified: 1.ack of Ownership of Fatigue Management by HNP Security Department (CR#

10637941). HNP Security failed to take the appropriate steps when notified of Fatigue Management work hour violations.

3. Due to the complexity of Security FOF Evaluated Drill on 10/29/19 and the length of the exercise, the work hour limitations were exceeded by three security personnel, A PDCLA (1055594) and CAR (10660375) was performed.
4. Talked with RP Management concerning recent trends in regards of the Fatigue Management Program.

RP Management advised me that they currently have 3 employees performing signoffs to become qualified RP Techs. They also advised me that they are planning on having a hire class this year to address vacancies in their department.

5. NOS concerns with Fatigue Assessment and Work Hour Waiver event on 11/12/2019 (CR# 10666810). A fatigue assessment for a work hour limits waiver was not completed by a qualified supervisor as required by 10 CFR 26.207.

O/O8I2O20 at 11:42:00

Annual Fatigue Management Report NMP-AD-01 6-004- F03 SNC Version 1.4 Unit S Page 6 of 6 Section 5 Records Retain a copy, scan the completed form and email to Fleet Securi ( by February 15th for review and retention.

Reviewed By: oR.pJ Print Name/Fleet Secunty or Designee


S n ure ate Reviewed by: 2tt4{j 1_b- / &cl,14_ /.v Print Name/Site Regulatorvffilfairs Manager Signature aa C)

Approved by: /

Print Name/Plant Manager Signature Date SubmittedtoNRCby: /

Print Name/Site FM SME Signature Date Printed 02106/2020 at 11:42:00

Annual FFD Program Performance Report Outa Total --

Waivers 3 0 3 Fatigue Assessments 2 1 3 Rule Violations Without 5 0 5 Waivers TOTAL 10 1 11 1/2

Annual FFD Program Performance Report

  1. of Waivers For 54-Hour Outage Days 24 Hours 48 Hours Rule 7 Days IC) Hours 34 Hours Averaging Rule Off Rule Rule Rule Between Break in 9 Department Work Calendar Periods Days Liins Ji:+/-ø 1JQ PLqPL Count Number of Waivers PH - PH-Health 1__________ ______.

U 3


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>2 q L. L IDth1t Self-DeclarationFor Cause Post Event Follow-Up j+/-cjiMaintenance; O/d Q/.QJd

_4L. LO 1 / O Rule Violations Department without Waivers PHHeaithPhysios i/O PH-Secuhty 3/0 Q/ Qi 2/2

Site Report: ()

1/1/2019 - 12/31/2019 Historical Performance: - #of Waivers Waivers # of Fatigue Fague # of Fatigue Fatigue #of Fatigue fatigue 1# of Fatigue Fatigue

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ssessments Assessments - Assessments - - -

Assessments Assessments ssessments - -

ssessments Assessments -

ame elf-DecIaratiofSelf-Dedaration For Cause For Cause Post Event ost Event ollow-Up Follow-Up Iack,KennethE 0 if 6O9381, 8oston,Everett o -

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NAPIER,KENNARD 0 T 0 - d IackTommy q Spencer,Jeffery -- .---- ..-. if1o667187 torkamp,MatthewBt iCRio656334 1r r Sutton, Michael L. JJCR10668824 a -

h whitson,Kenneth q 0 0 q Wilcox,Corey I f 0 TZZJZZ

-listorIcaI Performance- # of Waivers Waivers # of Fatigue Fatigue # of Fatigue Fatigue of Fatigue atigue of Fatigue Fatigue Outage -

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Whltson,Kennetl, o

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hstorlcalPertorman# of Rule Rule Violations # of xceptions - # of xceptions- of -- ceptions # of Performance -

Violations Without exceptions - Force-on-Force Exceptions - Plant xceptions - ommon performance lame Nithout Waivers Force-on-Force plant Emergencies Common efense and Waivers emergencies efense and security

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lack,KennethE 0 . _L. ..__- -

oston,Everett 1j10660375 0 oIhnsJr,AIbertJj lcr-10663852 --. ._L Jr., Lauren David d d 01 0 AP1ER, KENNARD 0 0 q Iack,Tommy i10660375 d d ------ - .. .________________

SpencerJeffery Storkamp,MatthewB ° J ___ I __L____


Site Report: 0 1/1/2019 - 12/31/2019 hstorIcaI Performance # of Rule Rule Violations # of 1Exceptns 1#of [Exceptions- [# of Exceptions- I# of erforrnance Violations Without xceptions - force-on-Force xceptlons - Plant xceptions - common performance ame Without Waivers Force-on-Force lant Emergencies Common efense and Waivers Emergencies efense and ecurity

- Security

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Sutton, Michael L.

Whitson,Kenneth 11O64O787 j Vilcox,Corey ,11ç660375j ZL__.....q.


Condition Report 10599312- Fatigue Management Site: HATCH While performing the causal product for degraded grid events, it was identified that GPC test personnel were performing tests on the SAT IC while not under the fatigue management program. This is a violation of PQS. This CR is for documentation only.

(iencra I In tirma ion Entry Date: 04/09/201908:36:33 AM Responsible Individual: LMMORRIS Mode Restraint:

Status: CLOSED Event Date: 04/092019 08:36:00 AM Responsible Manager: MAINIMGR Operations Review N Required:

Reported By: BMANNING Location: CR Type: HUMPERF Tech Spec Equip Related: N Name: Manning 11I,Bobby Design tag Number: Priority: 3 Technical Review Required: N Alvin Internal Priority:

Phone: 912-366-2000 Asset:



Sub System:

Equipment Status:

Deficiency Tag Number:

CORRECTION: testing was being done on the SAT 2C Related Assets ASSETNUM LOCATION DESCRIPTION PRIORITY TYPE Related Tickets . ..

Ticket Description Reported Priority Resp EXP Completion Class Applicatior Location Loc Desc Site Status Relationshi Individual 1050305 CFAM Identified: Lack lnternalReportedPrioriv 1EGIBSOI\ InternalTargetFinish TE INCIDENT HAICH CLOSED RELATED of Ownership of Fatigue Management by I-IN?

Security Related WorkOrders WorkOrder Description Location Description Site Work Type Status Relationship ii rrti i -----_-

SI Type Description Special Indicator Value Tech Review Required Instructions Condition Report Toolbar Page I of 2 Frida. Pehruai- 21, 2020

Condition Report 10599312- Fatigue Management Site: HATCH Event Code Event Description Remark Remarks Date 12B2 Crew Clock Reset RE3 2019-04-1004:42:51.0 25B Contractor human error GPC 2019-04-1004:43.02.0 Ii Record Summary Date Class Created fly Type Summary 105993 12 Upgraded based on MRC feedback 04/29/2019 CR BAJCOLEM WORK Upgraded based on MRC feedback Upgraded from a 4 to a 3.

Condition Reporl - ooTbar 202{]

Pagc 2 of 2 Friday, Fhruai 2

10660375 - Exceeding PQ&S work hour limits Condition Report Site: 11A1CH Due to the complexity of securitys FOP evaluated drill onlO/29/19 and the length of the exercise, the work hour limitations were exceeded by three security personnel. No work required.

(Icticral In formal ion Entry Date: 10/31/2019 01:43:11 AM Responsible Individual: JKBOATRI Mode Restraint:

Status: CLOSED Event Date: 10/31/2019 01:43:00 AM Responsible Manager: SECMGR Operations Review N Required:

Reported By: DSIANFIE Location: NONE CR Type: ADM[\ Tech Spec Equip Related: N Name: Stanfield,Darrion Design tag Number: Priority: 3 Technical Review Required: Y Internal Priority:

Phone: Asset:

EMail: DS1ANF1E@SOUTHERNCO.COM tjnit: C System:

Sub System:

Equipment Status:

Deficiency Tag Number:

Immediate Action laken Supervisor notification.

CAR 277003 JKB -

Related Assets ASSETNUM LOCATION DESCRIPTION PRIORITY TYPE Related Tickets Ticket Description Reported Priority Resp EXP Completion Class Applicatior Location Loc Desc Site Status Relationshi Individual 1055594 Prevent, Detect, Correct lnternalReportedPrioritv TEGIBSO InternalTargetFinish TE INCIDENT I-lATCH CLOSED RELATED Learning Activity (PDCLA) CAR 10660883 Fatigue Tracking JKBOATR1 CR SR NONE NO MPL# FOR THIS HATCH CLOSED RELATED Rccord# 164 was created TASK for CR4 10660375. For Tracking Purpose Only.

277022 HNP Security declining InternalSCSevlevel JKBOATRI InternalScAnalduedate CAR IRORLEM NONE NO MPL# FOR FillS 1{AFCll ACTCOMP RELATED trend for PU&A/HU TASK events for 2019 Condition -

Report Toolbar Page I of 2 Friday, February 21, 2020

10660375 - Exceeding PQ&S work hour limits Site: HATCH Condition Report Related Tickets Ticket Description Reported Priority Resp EXP Completion Class Applicatior Location Loc Desc Site Status Relationshi Individual 277003 Exceeding PQ&S work IntcrnalSCSevlevel TEGIBSOI\ InternaiScAnalduedate CAR PROBLEM NONE NO MPL# FOR THIS HATCH ACTCOMP FOLLOWU hour limits TASK Related orkOrders WorkOrder Description Location Description Site Work Type Status Relationship I ThI SI Type Description Special Indicator Value Tech Review Required Instructions lXtL Event Description Remark Remarks Date 15A3 Fatigue-Work Hour Rule Violations 12B2 Crew Clock Reset L I Record Summary Date Class Created By Type Summary 10660375 CAR 277003 11/07/2019 CR JKBOATRI WORK CAR 277003 10660375 Crew Clock Reset I 1/06/20 19 CR JKBOATRI WORK Crew Clock React Page -

Condition Report Toothar 2 of 2 friday, Fchruarv 21, 2020


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Condition Report 106668l0- NOS concerns with Fatigue Assessment and Work Hour Site: HATCH Waiver event on 11/12/2019 Internal Priority:

Phone: 912-537-5900 Asset:



Sub System:

Equipment Status:

Deficiency Tag Number:

Discussions held with Site Security Part 26 coordinator and Birmingham Part 26 Subject Matter Expert. Notified STA Close to CAR 277055 JKB -

ASSETNLJM LOCATION DESCRIPTION PRIORITY TYPE Related T,eLets Ticket Description Reported Priority Resp EXP Completion Class Applicatior Location Loc Desc Site Status Relationshi Individual 10599479 NOS Managing Fatigue / TEGIBSO CR SR HATCH CLOSED RELATED MRO Audit Finding I 10667808 Ineffective corrective SCPOWEL. CR SR HATCH CLOSED RELATED actions documented in CAR 276067 277022 HNP Security declining lnternaiSC_Sev]evel JKBOATRI InternalSe_Analduedate CAR PROBLEM NONE NO MPL# FOR THIS HATCH ACTCOMP RELATED trend for PU&A/Hti TASK events for 2019 277055 NOS concerns with InternalSCSev!evel TEGIBSON InternaiScAnalduedate CAR PROBLEM HATCH ACTCOMP FOLLOWU Fatigue Assessment and Work Hour Waier eent on 11/12/2019 Relaied orkOrders WorkOrder Description Location Description Site Work Type Status Relationship TI SI Type Description Special Indicator Value Tech Review Required Instructions Condition Rcport - toolbar Page 2 of 3 Friday, Fchruai 21, 2020

Condition Report 10666810- NOS concerns with Fatigue Assessment and Work Hour Site: HATCH Waiver event on 11/12/2019 Event Code Event Description Remark Remarks Date I 2B2 Crew Clock Reset L!

Record Summary Eate Class Created By Type Summary 10666810 CAR 277055 assigned to Site Security Part 26 12/03/2019 CR JKBOATRI WORK CAR 277055 assigned to Site Security Coordinator Part 26 Coordinator Page 3 of Condition Report Ioolhar Friday, Fehrua 21, 2020