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Forwards Ssar Markup of Composite Changes to Table 3.9-8 Re Inservice testing,safety-related Pumps & Valves.No Changes Made to Table Since Amend 27
Person / Time
Site: 05200001
Issue date: 05/26/1993
From: Fox J
To: Poslusny C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 9306030076
Download: ML20044G428 (7)



r-  ! F GE Nuclear Energy ll 170 Cwtw i. cue $sn Jxe (A 95125 May 26,1993 Docket No. STN 52-001 )

i Chet Poslusny, Senior Project Manager Standardization Project Directorate Associate Directorate for Advanced Reactors and License Renewal Office of the Nuclear Reactor Regulation. ,


. Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Review Schedule - Composite Changes for Table 3.9-8

Dear Chet:

Enclosed is an SSAR markup of the composite changes to Table 3.9-8 since Amendment 27.  :

There have been no changes to Table 3.9-9 since Amendment 27.

a Please provide a copy of this transmittal to Renee Li.

Sincerely, d ,

h -Fox l Advanced Reactor Programs cc: Bernie Genetti (GE)  ;

Norman Fletcher (DOE)



-l i

020013 i


i I

9306030076 930506

{DR ADOCK 05200001- "


.m- - - - - = - - _ ~

'ABWR mm  ;

5ta'ndard Plant g Table 3.9 8 (Continued)  ;

IN SERVICE TESTING SAFETY-RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES E11 Residual Heat Removal System Valves (Continued)

Safety Code Valve Test Test SSAR-Class Cet. Func. Para Freq. Fig.

(a) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) r No. Qty Description (h)(1)

F008 3 Suppression pool reurn line MOV 2 A I,A 1,P- RO 5.4-10(3,4,6)

S 3 mo j F009 3 Shutdown Cooling suct. line maint. viv 1 B P El 5.4-10(2) 7

( F010 3 Shutdown Cooling suct. line inb. iso. viv (h6) 1 A I,A L,P RO 5.4-10(2)



Shutdown Cooling suct line outb isc. viv (h6) 1 A I,A 1,P RO 5.4-10(2) l I F011 3 '



Shutdown Cooling suction line adm. viv 2 B A P 2 yrs 5.4-10(3,4,6)

) F012 3 S 3 mo ,

Heat exchanger bypass flow control viv 2 B A P 2 yrs 5.4-10(3,4,6)

F013 3 =

S 3 mo, 2 B A ,S RO 5.4-10(5,7)$p3_progy,.,

Fuel Pool Cooling supply line inb MOV h8)

) F014 2 B A P,S RO 5.4-10(5,7) p.3

~ Fuel Pool Cooling supply line outb MOV 'h8) 2 .,  ;

) F015 F016 2 2 Gate viv line from Fuel Pool Clg (FPC) (h8 2 B A (S R 5.4-10(2) g 3hg  ;

F017 2 Drywell sprayline inboard valve 2 A I,A 1,P RO 5.4-10(5,7) gg, S 3 mo f

l F018 2 Drywellsprayline outboard valve 2 A I,A 1,P RO 5.4-10(5,7)

S 3 mo Wetwell sprayline MOV 2 A I,A 1,P RO 5.4-10(5,7)

F019 2 S 3 mo

) 3mo 5.4-10(3,4,6)

FU20 3 RHR pump min flow bypass line check viv 2 C A S ,

RHR pump min flow bypassline MOV 2 A I,A 1,P 2 yrs 5.4-10(3,4,6) f F021 3 S 3mo l F022 3 Discharge line fill pump suction line valve 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6) 2 C A' S 3 mo 5.4-10(3,4,6)

F023 3 Fill pump discharge line check valve 2 C A S 3 mo . 5.4-10(3,4,6)  ;

F024 3 Fill pump discharge line stop check valve

{ Fih pump minimum flow line globe valve 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6) ,

F025 3 RHR p'unp suction to High Conductivity 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6)

( F026 3

/ Waste (HCW)

F027 3 Bypassline around the check valve 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6)

MPLE11 F002 2 C A R S yrs . 5A-10(3,4,6) .

F028 3 Heat r ' Tr outlet line relicf valve El 5.4 10(3,4,6)'

Inboard reactor well drain line valve 2 B- P .l F029 3 Drain to radwaste valve 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6) .

F030 3

' 2 A I,P . 1,P RO 5.4-10(3,4,6) -

F031 3 Outb reactor well drain line valve (to SP) 2 B P El 5.4-10(3,4,6) .

1 F032 3 Shutoff valve -line from MUWC 2 .C A S 3mo 5.4-10(3,4,6). i F033 3 Check valve in the line from MUWC 4

RPV injection line vent / test line inbd viv 2 B P El 5.410(3)

F034 1 5.4-10(5,7)

F034 2 - RPV injection line vent / test line inbd viv 1 B P El )

i F036 1 Press equal valve around chk viv E11-F006 2 A P El 5.4 10(3) 1 A P E1- 5.4-10(5,7)

Press equal valve around chk viv E11 F006 j F036 2 3.9-58.9 '

Amendment l

i e


.ABWR zwi==

Standard Plant n .n Table 3.9-8 (Continued)

IN SERVICE TESTING SAFETY-RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES G31 Reactor Water Cfeanup System Valves (Continued) i Safety Code Valve Test Test SSAR .;

Class Cat- Func. Para Fnq- Fig..  ;

No. Qty Description (h)(1) (a) (c) (d) (e) -(0 (a) ll; F072 1 RPV bottom head drain line sample line 2 A I,A L,P RO 6.4-12(1) f outboard valve S 3mo F500 1 CUW Sys bottom head drain line drain viv 2 B P El 5.4-12(1).

F501 1 CUW Sys bottom head drain line drain viv 2 B P El 5.4-12a 2 B P E1- -!

F700 2 CUW System suction line FE upstream 5.4-12(1) instrument manual @ valve peurTura,re F701 2 CUW System suction line ,FE downstream 2 B P El 5.4-12(1) ,

instrument manual,pt,,a F702 2 CUW System suction line FE upstream 2 A,C I,A 1,S,P RO 5.$-12(1) instrument excess flow check valve (h3)

F703 2 CUW System suction line FE downstream 2 A,C I,A L,S,P RO 5.4-12(1) instrument excess flow check valve (h3)

'G41 Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup Valves g F015 2 FPC system heat exchanger outlet line 3 B P E1- 9.1-1(2) maintenance valve F016 1 FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 C A S 3 mo 9.1-1(2) pool check vahc F017' 1 FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 B P El 9.1-1(2) -

pool maintenance valve F018 1 FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 C A S 3 mo 9.1-1(2) pool check valve F019 2 FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 B P E1 9.11(1),

poolvilve F020 2 FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 C .A S 3 mo 9.1-1(1) pool check valve F022 1 FPC system discharge line to reactor well 3 B P E1 9.1-1(2)

==Immmance valve .

F023 1 PFC system discharge line to reactor well 3 C A_ S RO' 9.11(2) cheek valve (h7)

F091 1 FPC system supply line from SPCU check viv 3 C A- S- 3 mo 9.11(2)

F093 1 FPC system RHR return line valve to FPC 3 B P E1 9.11(2)

-F094 1 FPC system RHR return line check valve 3 C A S RO 9.1-1(2) -

to FPC (h7)

F095 1 ' FPC system discharge line to spent fuel 3 B P E1 9.1-1(2) pool sample line F506 1 FPC system line valve from RHR-to-FPC 3 B P El 9.1-1(2) line to LCW

.3.9 58.18 Amendment 23 T _ . - - _ . , _ _ _ , - .

cwFtri (,,2,p 3 y I c. t y MkN 23A6100AE

. ' Standard Plant %a b

Table 3.9-8 (Continued)

IN SERVICE TESTING SAFETY-RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES T22 Standby Gas Treatment System Valves Safety Code Valve Test Test SSAR Class Cat. Func. Para Freq. Fig.

No. Qty Description (h)(1) (a) (c) (d) (e) (r) (g)

F012 2 Filter train DOP samplingline valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) -

downstream of after HEPA [7 F014 2 STGS sample line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

FD15 2 PRM discharge to stack valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)


F500 2 Filter unit vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F501 2 Filter unit drain line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) ,

F504 2 Filter unit vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) /

F505 2 Exhaust fan vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) (

F506 2 Filter train vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) )

F507 2 Futer train vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) l F508 2 Filter train vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) ' i F509 2 Fdter train vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)  !

F510 2 Filter train vent line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F511 2 Exhaust stack drain line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F700 2 Filter unit demister dp instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F701 2 Filter unit demister dp instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F705 2 Filter train prefilter dp instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) -

B El 6.5-1(2,3) /

F706 2 Filter train prefilterdp instrument line valve 3 P F707 2 Filter train preHEPA dp instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) (

F708 2 Filter train preHEPA dp instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

F709 2 Fliter train charcoal adsorber dp inst. line viv 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) l B P El 6.5-1(2,3) 2 F710 2 Filter train charcoal adsorber dp inst line viv 3 F711 2 Filter train after HEPA dp inst line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) k F712 2 Filter train after HEPA dp inst line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) l F713 2 Filter train exhaust flow instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3) I F714 2 Filter train exhaust flow instrument line valve 3 B P El 6.5-1(2,3)

T31 Atmospheric Control System Valves (h2)

F001 1 N2 supply line from Reactor Building HVACg 2 A 1,A L,P 2 6.2-39(1)

S & yrsAD l F002 1 N2 supply line to drywell inboard cont- 2 A I,A L,P 2 S @ yrs RO- 6.2-39(1) l ainment isoaltion valve (h 2)

F003 1 N2 supply line to wetwell inboard cont- 2 A 1,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) ainment isoaltion valve (A 9) S dRO l F004 1 Containment atmosphere exhaust line from 2 A 1,A L,P 2 6.2-39(1) drywellisoaltion valve (6 2) S @ yrsRD /

F005 1 Drywell atmosphere exhaust line valve 2 A I,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1)

T31-F004 bypass line S 3 mo _  ;

F006 1 Containment atmosphere exhaat line form 2 A I,A L,P 2 6.2-39(1) l S @ yrsRO l i

werwellisolation valve (A f)

F007 1 Wetwell overpressure line valve 2 A P L.P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1)



CNFrH 6<B5~-3 t'y 2 c f Jf MM Standard Plant DA6100AE wn Table 3.9 8 (Continued) j IN-SERVICE TESTING SAFETY RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES j T31 Atmospheric Control System Valves l Safety Code Valve Test Test SSAR I Class Cat Func. Para Farq. Fig. l No. Qty Description (5)(1) (a) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 1 Containment atmosphere exhaust line 2 A 1,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) l F008 to SGTS (h f) S M RO 1 Containment atmosphere exhaust line to 2 A 1,A 1,P 2 s 6.2-39(1) l F009 R/B HVAC(h 2)

Drywell overpressure line valve [h 2) 2 A P S

1,P, 3 mo RD 2 yrs 6.2-39(1)

F010 1 y g

  1. F025 1 N2 supply line from K-5 outboard cont- 2 A 1,A L,P' 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) ainment isolation valve S 3mo F039 1 N2 supplyline from K 5 outboard cont- 2 A 1,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) ainment isolation valve S 3 mo FNO 1 N2 supply line from K-5 to drywell inboard 2 A I,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) isolation valve S 3 mo F041 1 N2 supply line from K 5 to wetwell inboard 2 A I,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-39(1) isolation valve S 3 mo F044 8 Drywell/wetwell vacuum breaker valve 2 C A P .RO 6.2-39(2)

R E3 F050 1 N2 supply line to drywell test line valve 2 B P El 6.2 39(1)

F051 1 Containment atmosphere exhaust line test 2 B P El 6.2 39(1) line valve FD54 1 Drywell personnel air lock hatch test 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) line valve FOSS 1 N2 supply line from test line valve 2 B P El 6.2-39(1)

F056 1 Wetwell personnel air lock hatch test 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) line valve F700 1 N2 supplyline to drywell FE upstream 2 B P El 6.2-39(1) instrument line I 101 1 N2 supply line to drywell FE downstream 2 B P El 6.2-39(1) instrument line F702 1 N2 supply line to wetwell FE upstream 2 B P El 6.2-39(1) instrument line F703 1 N2 supplyline to wetwell FE downstream 2 B P El 6.2-39(1) instrument line F720 8 DW/WW vacuum breaker valve N2 supply 2 A I,P L RO 6.2-39(2) line isolation valve F730 1 Drywell pressure instrument line isolation 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) valve F731 1 Drywell pressure instrument line solenoid 2 A 1,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) isolation valve F732 2 Drywell pressure instrument line valve 2 B P El 6.2-39(2)

F733 2 Drywell presstire instrument line solenoid 2 A 1,P L,P RO 6.2 39(2) isolation vahr .

F734 4 Drywell pressure instrument line for NBS 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) i valve N Foll I den kmrh cit f afmaphere e vInus t 2 A IA' t,P 2ta 6,2 -]9(1) j S RO l x,,.amem p 11ne te SG T5 (h 2) g5a l


'. ABWR 23mman

'. Standard Plant nev. n Table 3.9-8 (Continued)

IN-SERVICE TESTING SAFETY-RELATED PUMPS AND VALVES T31 Atmospheric Control System Valves (Continued)

Safety Code Valve Test Test SSAR Class Cat. Func. Para Freq. Fig.

No. Qty Description (h)(1) (a) (c) (d) (c) (f) (g)

M35 4 Drywell pressure instrument line for NBS 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) solenoid isolation valve F736 2 Wetwell pressure instrument line valve 2 B P El 6.2-39(2)

M37 2 Wetwell pressure instrument line solenoid 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) isolation valve F738 4 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) instrument line valve F739 4 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) instrument line solenoid isolation valve F740 4 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) instrument line valve F741 4 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 A I,P 1,P RO 6.2-39(2) instrument line solenoid isolation valve F742 2 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) instrument line valve F743 2 Suppression pool water level reference leg 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) -

instrumes.t line solenoid isolation valve i4744 2 Suppression pool water Icvel 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) instrument line valve F745 2 Suppression pool water level 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) instrument line solenoid {aive ,_,,ffala//en F800 2 Drywell water levelinstrument line 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) reference leg isolation valve F801 2 Drywell water levelinstrument line 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) reference leg solenoid isolation valve F802 2 Drywell water level instrument line valve 2 B P El 6.2 39(2)

F803 2 Drywell water level instrumewnt line solenoid 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) isolation vaht F804 2 DW/WW differential pressure instrument 2 B P El 6.2-39(2) line valve F805 2 DW/WW diffrential pressure instrument 2 A I,P L,P RO 6.2-39(2) solenoid isolation vaht D001 1 Wetwell overpressure rupture disk 2 I,D P Rplc. 5 yrs 6.2-39(1)

D002 1 Drywell overpressure rupture disk 2 1,D P Rplc. 5 yrs 6.2-39(1)

T49 FIhmmability Control System Valves 1 F001 2 Inlet line from drywellinboard 2 A I,A L,P 2 yrs 6.2-40 isolation valve S 3 mo F002 2 Inlet line from drywell cutboard 2 A I,A L,P 2>Ts 6.2-40 isolation valve S 3 mo 3.9-58.29 Amendmentf

j - g; g' }


' ~

MkN 23A3100AE Standard Plant , , , ,

Table 3.9 8 (Continued)


(g) Piping and instrument syrnbols and abbreviations are defined in Figure 1.7-1. Figure page numbers are shown in parenthesis ().

(h) Reasons for code defined testing exceptions (Part 10, Paragraphs and p (hl) Inaccessible inerted containment and/or steam tunnel radiation during power operations.

(h2) Avoids valve damage and impacts on power operations.

(h3) Avoids impacts on power operations.

(h4) A temporary crosstie is necessary to carry the ongoing cooling loads. A permanent crosstic would (

violate divisional separation. $

(h5) Avoids cold / hot water injection to RPV during power operations.

(h6) Maintain pressure isolation during normal operation.

(h7) Inventory available only during refueling outage.

Mefd' (h8) esting at power will impact operation because the valves do not automatically isolate with p ,

CA signal - )

l (h9) Test connection size is insufficient for full flow test during operation. Therefcre, test part stroke during plant operation and full stroke during refueling outage. A test connection size which would /

be sufficient for full flow tests would pressurize the secondary containment beyond specified "

limits, thus affecting power operation.


Summary justification for code exemption request (Part 6, Paragraph 5.2, or Part 10, Paragraph 6.2).  ;


(ii) The piping is maintained full by a small fraction of the pump's flow capacity. These pumps may ,

be a constant speed centrifugal type with a cooling by-pass loop. Normal operation will be near minimum flow in the flat or constant region of the pressure / flow performance curve. Therefore, ,

a flow measurement would not be useful. The pumps will be designed and analyzed to withstand j low flow operation without significant degradation.

a gggg 3.h -