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Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst Emergency Response Guidebook.
Person / Time
Site: Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
Issue date: 06/30/1990
From: Forsbacka M, Maria Moore, Spence H
Shared Package
ML20044A405 List:
PROC-900630, NUDOCS 9007060051
Download: ML20044A805 (63)


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w AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook -


Docket 50-170 License R-84


June 1990 M.L. Moore -

M.J. Forsbacka H. Spence C.G. Owens J.R. Felty DEFENSE NUCLEAR AGENCY i



s General Instruttlins Hoo to Un this Guidebook 4 Introduction The purpose of this guidebook is to facilitate the useument of an emergency situation, the r activation of the AFRRl emergency organisation, the implementation of em..gency raponse L procedurn, and give guidance u to who to notify in the event of an emergency. For each clan of emergency, procedures that outline the actions of key memters of the emergency organisation are provided, it is usumed that you ue farniliu with the AFRR1 emergency plan and I understand the terminology usociued with the plan.

How to Use this Guidebook This guidebook is organised in three bule parts:

  • Identtfication and clamification of emergency situatiens
  • Emergency action procedurn for a given emergency due
  • Al'RRI site plans. special facility instructione, emergency organisation billet assignments and recall rosters.

The first put of this guidebook, identification and eluelfication of emergency situatione, will enable you to determine which type of emergency situation you we facing. Included in this section ue instructions to the fint rnponder and emergency organisation activation and uansment action procedurn. Once thne procedures have bun ennuted, you can then exnute the appropriate emergency action procedures in the second part of this guidebok. The emergency action procedurn we grouped under the following headings for each clue of emergency:

  • Radiological emergencies
  • llAZMAT accidents
  • Ftres
  • Personnel injuries
  • Civil disturbanen
  • Satural disuters The emergency action procedures themwiva ue organised to provide for the further activat.m of the emergency organisation in the following sequence:
1. Activation of the emergency organisation procedures (personnel requirmente) ,
2. Definition of surveillance riquirements
3. Emergency response implementation procedurn for key ECP and ERT memtar
4. Notification procedura.

The final put of this guidebook givu specific information with regud to the AFRRI site, special facility instructions, emergency organisation billet usignments and recall rosters. You will find '

that emergency action procedura may draw on information contained in this section.

Comments The information in this guidebook is intended to be und u a guide to usist you in performing your duties as put of the AFRRI emergency organisation. These procedures ma> be modified by

li General Instructions AFRRI Emergency Response Guldebook I

I the ECP or ERT Commander to best addren the situation at hand, ladependent thinking and g good judgement must always be exercised when facing a potentially hasudous situation, important g guidelines to follow in all emergency situations pe:

. Take the time to properly aseese the situation

. Perform life saving actione promptly

. Err on the side of safety As an emergency response organisation member, your priorities shall be to: first, protect yourself; second, protect your team members; and thini, protect other people and the environment, Any comments from AFRR1 emergency organisation members concerning ways to improve the l guidebook are welcome and should be directed to the Emergency Coordinator. =

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cme,sency a. mc.ttei cene,.i t e,senty sc.n.rt. i I General Scenario Description I cia.. o Events of this clusification ue generally peripheral to reactor operations and do not neceuvily require changing the reactor status. Nevertheless, the remeter might be shut down due to injury of a key individual, to realloente personnel, or if a potential for esenlation is perceived to exist.

Similuly, the reactor operations bounduy or a specific ues within it might be evacuated and/or isolated. as necenuy, if (for example) a potential for radiological escalation is deemed to be present.

I cles. 1 Emergencies that mn> uise as a result of either man made events or natural phenomena that are recopised u posseutng significant huud potential. Events in this classiriention will r.ntmally i wutant termination or alternation of normal routinrse and poulble evacuation and/or isolation of specific areu.

Class 3 This clue of emergencies may exist when events have occurred, or are in progrees, that require I emergency rnponse to prevent, control. or limit a serious potential or actual radiological based.

L Suspension of the normal routine is strongly indicated, u is evacuation and/or isolation of affected a,eas. as -essa,, .

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I 2 Emergency Classification AFRRI Emergency Guldebook I

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I t,n., .nty ci.iimt.ian cm.,senty Anini t.v.i. 3 I

Emergency Action Levels Ernergency Action Levels (EAle) are the trigger pointe that initiate protective actions that are specified in the emergency action procedures in this mauvat The table telow outlines the EALs for each emergency class:

l a as..e ...y A e si..

5 .,e..,y ei... i,...n.

I ca... o .e b.mb ihe...

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.e di..t,6e ment .tihin the t .eier oper.ii.n.

j bound.ty

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.iihin in, e.p bitisi.. .t .. ..i m.6.up .. .e e r. ..(. ) I' I .) o6..rv.u. .t a min.,e.di.o.n insiden .iihin ih. .p.e.ii. . bound.ry ., .i.emt.) 6.i.. ih.

mat. ihr..heid. 64.ntin.d f., . ci... i e ndiii.n si.i.e in .. i ...ii...

l f) Fie. .l rm noi 6.v ! vine ih. p..cier f.eil6ey.


.e) Neinfie.ii.e

..cier t. Litty .e tee.ipi etd.i.eiten in.ituen.a en um.niteep ey.iem i.d

! ( N ei. Sueti eveni6 .iil b. ..i.d upon in .es.ed n.. .tih t u s A F RRI R.....r F.ettlir Ph y.le.) 8.e rlty Pl.. .hteh e. prei. tied item publie di.e i..ue. )

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I 1 4 Emergency Classl0 cation AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook l i


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smeegener close so.egener Aettom Leoene +

, cl a. I Nonfiesuen of .) Receipi et notif6 .iion of bomb or eivii

, Uni.eusi Evenis disiordseiees opeiiriesiir direcied . gainst ihe to.cier and bevarig potential tsdiologic61 teletes or te6ctet fottlity ettuttural dem64e implatet6pme-I bl Suetained fate of minor emplosion within the 8

cperations boutiott).

e) Offseini toport or otservation of immitient severe tittural phenomena in the irnemedatte local area which might 46ues re6ttet facility entuetut61 ,

66mese e) Low pool ester level alatm attuation and obeetvation of 6 sit t.ific an t loss of pool ester.

i (f) The unselie pated actuation of the following ,


1) Rt vedtstion eres monstot (RAM) >600 mR /hr W for >l minute.
3) R3 R AM plo mR/hr for >l m6nute.
8) E8 RAM >10 mR/he for >l minute, i
4) E6 RAM >10 mR/ht for >l minute.
6) R6 R AM >60 mR/ht for >l minute.
6) stack she monitor >g00 times MPC for At.41 t untestriced steel fot 5 4 minute.

f9 the teostor toem continuous air monitor i t c' A M ) > 10 kepm for >l minute i



Emeisency Classificati:n Emefgency Actlin I.evels 5 lI c,. . . .


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al Oboettet60n of an ter6diated fuel element else torture during a fuel handling operation l,) Off.tial re et observe 6 ion of eevere natural 34e nom e rit onsite 46uess.g d3msge to the teneter I


f ac ilst ) .

e) Reactor fsetitty fire alarm frorn a euetsitied fire t >l0 minute duration) et septosion (including missile imp.ael) that ne determitsed to have directly l temptomased the teattet fee 6hty strutlute,  ;

d) Lee pool ettet level 61stm actuelton in totuunction with a lose of p6el ettet sh6th le in estees of the sap 6bilitsee of the netmal and I emergency maseep etter evenema el Yettfied visval observation of estensive fuel dem6te involving multiple clad f611uree (41one), or vtshnicip6ted 4larme of the t6teter toem cam nn e estuunction eith t6diennon 6 terms for: RI. R3, and l R6 and/or the sist6 gas monitor I

f ,

Notes 11 Unanferiroted is used to ensure thtt tie alarm or other threshold indication ts associated with a real emergency hasard and not the result of a test or calibration of the system or the result of planced and approved special work permit operations uhere such alarms or thresholds would be anticipated u a matter of course. ,

l l 2) 800 times MPC for Ar 41 (unrestricted areal at the top of l the stack is equivalent to < 2.2 x 10' mR!hr at the AFRRI site boundary.

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6 Emergency Classifkation AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook I


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Emergency Acti:n Procedures First Responder Procedures 7 l

1 i' First Responder / Security Guard Procedures l

i These procedures gise guidance to personnel who identify an emergency condition that may effect A Frill.  ;

i Durina Dutt llaug I

I 1. Pull any fire alum handle, if necessuy. This action will result in the immediate evacuation  ;

of the AFRRI complea.  ;

l i

2. Call the secunty desk (5 0530) and notify the security guuds. They will in turn contact either the ERT or ECP Commander using the phone roster in appendix A of this guidebook.  !

I 3. Give the ERT or ECP Commander or the security desk specific information that led you to t

call in an emergency. Remain available to give further information as required. .

Durina Wn Dutv flours:


1. Notify the AFRRI security desk. The security sued will call the ERT Commander, ECP ,

Commander, or the senior SitO on call vie conventional telephone, mobile telephone, or beeper j system as shown on the phone roster in appendix A of this guidebook.  ;

i I

2. If necessary, pull any fire alum handle. This actica will result in the immediate evacuation i of the AFRRI complex.


. Give the ERT or ECP Commander specific information that led you to call in the emergency.

l Remain available to give further information as required.

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8 First Responder Procedures AFRRl Emergency Respense Guidebook I

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4 Emergency Action Proced:res Activathn of the Emergency Organlaation 9 Activation of Emergency Organization-I Procedures Thew procedurn rise the ERT'ECP Commander guidance in activating progreuively larger segrnents of the AFRRI emergene) organisation in rnponse to an emergency situation.

Preliminuy actions taken by the ERT Commander in activating leger ugments of the emergency organlaation must be reported to the ECP Commander u soon u pouible. The following we I the recommended steps for activating larger segments of the emergency organisation:

l In the INent of a Fire Alarm:  !

I 1. The entire AFRRI complex will be evacuated. I

2. Dire <t an ERT member into the security room behind the front duk to determine the location of the fire alum. Check the remote ues monitor radiation levels (if applicable) in that area.

Make preliminary usessment to determine if a radiation hasard exists. Use the decision flow I chart in the usenment actions prreedure to to choose the appropriate Emergency Action Guide (EAG). The EAG's will give guidance u to which memtwre of the emergency organisation should be brought on to the scene and which members should be alerted.

3. Ensure that evacuation takes place in an orderly manner, Direct the primary ERT entry team (if available) to put on protective seat. Ensure that ERT memtwre or security watchmen have

' slap packs' ready for the fire deputment personnel.

4. Get information from the first responder (if applicable) to determine nature of the hasard. He sure to uk him/her if there is any pouibility of a radiation or !!AZMAT huud.

in ibe Event nf Teledhone Notification:

I 1. Deternane if general evneustion is necenar) If so, direct the fire alarm to be activated.


I; 10 Activation of the Emergency Organization AFRRI Emergency Ruponse Guldebook I

2. Direct an ERT member or a security watchman (during non duty boun) to check the remote area monitor read outs (if applicable) in that wet. Make preliminary asessement to determine if a radiation huard exists. Use the decision flow chart in the aseesoment actione procedure to to l choose the appropriate emergency action guide (EAG). The EAG's will give guidance u to r which memben of the emergency organisation should be brought on to the scene and which e memben should be alerted.
3. Ensure that evacuation (if necessary) takes place in an orderly manner. Dinct the primary ERT entry team (if available) to put on protective gear. Ensure that security guards have " slap packs' ready for the fire departmer.t penonnel j 4. Get information from the first risponder (if applicable) to determine natun of the huard. Be sure to uk him her if there is any yssibility of a radiation or HAZMAT huard.


If an emergency occun after normal duty houn the ERT and ECT Commanders an the only authorities that may authorise firefighters to enter the facility. Therefon it le imperative that security watchmen contact the ERT or ECP Commander prior to allowing any finfighter enter AFRRI. Prior to authorising entry, the ERT/ECP Commander will insure that security watchmen have checked radiation alarms and have inued ? slap puk* dosimetery, if possible, one security watchman will accompany the firefighters.

I I j 1

I l

l Emergency Acti:n Procedures Assessment Action Guidelines 11 e

i Assessment Action Guidelines Aseessment actions should be taken continually during the course of an emergency. To assist the ERT/ECP Commander during the early stages of an emergency, the flow chart in figure i shows l the sequence of assessment actions required to determine the nature and extent of an apparent

, emergency situation. The flow chart refers to action guides for the various situations encountered.

The action guides serve as the implementing procedures for assigning duties to emergency l

organisation staff members in coping with an emergency. For emergency situations that call for l I the use of multiple action guides, the ERT/ECP Commander will use his/her judgement in implementing the procedures in the action guides to best deal with the situation at hand.

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12 Assessment Action GuWiines AFRRI Emergency Responu GuWbook Ii l l


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Emergency Action Procedures Assenment Action Guidelines 13 i

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14 Assessment Action Guldelinn AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook I! i I!


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1 16 Assessment Action Guidelines AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook I l I

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4 Emergency Action Procedures Attlin Guide A1 17 I

Personnel Requirements ECP ECP Comtriander llealth Physics Advisor ERT ERT Commander llealth Physics Coordinator)

ERT Entry Teame u necewary for survey / isolation / recovery Personnel Asset Pool members to isolate /contain incident site g Surveillance Requirements i

1. Check RAM / CAM readings in area affected and throughout building,
2. With survey instruments, determine don intes at site and various points in building.
3. Determine necenary evacuation distanen to 2 mr/hr level,
4. Monitor for radlation releues outside incident site area for possible evacuation.

Key Position Duties ECP Counmander:

1. Receive information from ERT Commander and }{ealth Physics Advisor.
2. Determine necenity for evacuation and order evacuation if needed. If evacuation is required, insure all personnel are present or accounted for,
3. Coordinate overall incident containment / recovery effort.

Ensure notifications are to NRC/DNA u required (also notify NNMC if



environmental release pouible).

ERT Commander:

1. llecommend, coordinate, and direct on site evaluation < control effort.
2. Obinin and evaluate (with health physics coordinator) radiation monitoring results, set up decontamination station if neccessa.n
3. Oversee recovery effort.

I 4. Ensure effectivenen of incident site containment entry control efforts.

Notification Requirements To be performed by the Emergeey Coordinator:

Enwre Monromer> County is notified if neccenary.

i I


18 Actlin Guide Al AFRRI Emergency Resp:nse Guidebosk Il I I

Nottfy NNMC if environmental relene possible.

Nottfy DNA/NRC if reporting thresholds in Tech Spees or 10 CFR 20 are met.

Termination / Recovery Guidelines l

Take actions necessary to return incident site to uncontaminated condition. Ensure any radiation I

areas are properly marked. Dispose of radioactive wute by approved procedures.

The incident shall be considered to be terminated when any of the following have occured: E

1. The incident hu been determined to be a false alarm. 3
2. Radiation lesels in all areu have returned to normal. g l 3. A full recovery plan hu been placed into effect. ,

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Emergency Acti:n Procedures Acti:n Guide A2 19 I -

Personnel Requirements Ecr i I ECP Commander Health Phpics Advisor ECP Recorder if ECP location is activated.

Security Advisor I ERT Search Team Manhall and Search Teams if building evacuation necenary ERT Commander Health Physics Coordinator) .

ERT Entry Teama me necenary for survey / isolation / recovery Personnel Anet Pool memben to isolate /contain incident site ERT Recorder if ERT location is activated.

Security Coordinator Other organiention memben as required by specific situation Surveillance Requirements

1. Check RAM / CAM readings in ues affected and throughout building.
2. With ourvey instrumente, determine done rates at site and various pointe in building.

3, Determine necessary evacuation distances to 2 mr/hr level.

4. Monitor for radiation releues outside incident site area for pouible evacuation.
6. In cue of airborne or waterborne releue possibility, monitor sit and water samples and use HP instrumentation to determine nuclides and concentrations insolved.
6. Use penonnet/ area accident doeimetry u necemary.

Key Position Duties ECP Commander:

1. Receive information from ERT Commander. Health Physics Advisor, and other ECP etaff as activated.
2. Determine necewity for evaeustion, and order evacuation if needed, If evacuation is required, insure that all penonnel are present of accounted for.
3. Coordinate overall incident containment ' recovery effort.
4. Ensure notifications are made to NRC/DNA as required (also notify NNMC if environmental relepe possible).

I 5.


Determine and approve procedures for personnel radiation exposures.

Ensure Monttornery County government is notified of incident.

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20 Action Guitei A2 AFRRI Emergency Response Guldet>ook 1 I ERT Corninander:

1. Recommend, coordinate, and direct on site evaluation / control effort.
2. Obtain and evaluate (with health physics coordinator) radiation monitoring results, set up decontamination station if neccenary.
3. Oversee recovery effort.
4. Ensure effectivenen of incident site containment / entry control efforts.
5. Provide information requested by ECP Commander.

Notification Requirements g To be performed by the Emergency Coordinator:

Notify NNMC if ensironmental releue possible.

Notify DNA 'NRC if reporting thresholds in Tech Specs or 10 CFR 20 are met.

Notif) Montgomery County government.

Termination / Recovery Guidelines Take actions necenary to return incident site to uncontaminated condition.

l Ensure any radiation treu are propriy marked.

Dispose of radioactive wute by approved procedures, i Determine any radiation exposurn over 10 CFR limits and report u required. i Take any necessary repair / corrective action to prevent reoccurance.

The incident shall be considered to te terminated when any of the following have occured:

1. The incident has been determined to be a false alarm.
2. Radiation levels in all areu have returned to normal.
3. A full recovery plan hu been placed into effect.  !

I' I


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Emergency Acti:n Procedures Actkn Guide A3 21 l i l

l Personnel Requirements  ;

l Activate entire ECP and ERT staffs. Building evacuation will probably be ,


Surveillance Requirements

1. Check RAM / CAM readings in ues affected and throughat building.
2. With surve3 instruments, determine done rates at site and .vious points  ;
I in building.  ;
3. Determine riecessary evacuation distances to 2 mrihr level.
4. Monitor for radiation releues outside incident site area for pouible evneustion. '

j 5. In eue of airborne or waterborne releue possibility, monitor air and

  • ater samples and use HP instrumentation to determine nuclides and concentrations involved.  !
0. L'se persont el ares accident dosimetry as necessary. l
7. Close air s) stem dampers. stop fans, and take actions to minimise water. t borne radiation spread. j

.l Key Position Duties ECP Commander:

I 1.


Receive information from ERT staff, Health Physics Advisor,and other ECP staff u necessary.

Determine necessity for evacuation and order evacuation if needed. If evacuation is I 3.


required, insure all personnel are present of accounted for.

Contdinate overall incident containment / recovery effort.

Ensure nottfkations are made to NRC/DNA u required (also notify, NNMC if environmental release ponible or exposure rate above 2mr/hr exists in unrestricted are n. '

5. Determine and approve procedures for personnel radiation exposures.
6. Ensure Montgomery County government is notified of incident.
7. Supervise overall staff incident response effort,
6. Verify that all noneuential personnel have evacuated building / site as necenary.

ERT Commander:

1. Coordinate on site evaluationicontrol effort. >
2. Obtain and evaluate (with health physics coordinator) radiation monitoring results, set . ,

up decontamination station if neccessary. '

O. Oversee recovery effort.

4 Ensure effectivenen of incident site containment. entry control efforts.

. Provide information requested by ECP Commander.


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) f 22 Action Guide A3 AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook Il;

Notification Requirements  ;

(To be performed by the Emergency Coordinator) }

i Notify NNMC if envtronmental releue possible.

i Notif> DNAtNRC if reporting thresholds in Tech Specs or 10 CFR to are met. l l Notify Montgomery County gosernment.

I 1

I Termination / Recovery Guidelines  ;

Take metions necessary to return incident site to uncontaminated condition.

Ensure an> radiation areu are properly marked.

Dispose of radioactive mute by approved procedures. i Determine an) radiation exposures over 10 CFil limits and report u required.  !

Take an> necenary repair. corrective metion to prevent reusurance. l Ensure necepar) medical monitoring / treatment for personnel with ponible large enternal radiation [

exposure. any internal radiation exposure, or radioactive contamination.

J The incident shall be considered to be terminated when any of the fellowing have occured: -

1. The incident hu been determined to be a false alarm. '
2. Itadiation levels in all areas have returned to normal.
3. A full recovery plan hu been placed into effect.


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I Emergency Acti:n Procedures Action G:lde B1 23 I

Personnel Requirements ECP ECP Comenander  ;

Emergency Coordinator Seuch Team Marshall / Al'RRI Seuch Teams Loristics Advisor llealth Physics Adviser OSHA Advisor Security Advisor ERT Entire ERT Team Surveillance Requirements

. Monlior fire alum status boards in ucurity room i

. Monitor institute R AMs in the Emergency Response Center

. Monitor institute CAMS and portable CAMS

. Monitor security computer

. Place security at building exitoientrances

! Key Position Duties ECP Constanatider:

1. Ensure all personnel are preunt or accounted for.


2. Have ECP Commander's emergency esche moved to the ECP location.


3. Provide support and final decisions for the ERT.
4. Notif> DNA Emergency Plans Office (325 2102), give proper news release (if applicable).

ERT Cotitmander:

1. Ensure that the NNMC l' ire Department nas been called.
2. llave CRT Entry Teams suit up in turn out gear.
3. Activate information gathering provide information and suggestions to ECP,
4. Monitor all surveillance units.

I ,.


24 Action Guide 81 AFRRI Emergency Response Guldebook )

i I

5. Insure cruh cart and equipment are moved to ERT location. ,

t l

6. Insure firefighters are issued dosimetry prior to entering the building.

Notification Requirements To be performed by the Emergency Coordinator:


i Call DNA Emergency Plans Office (325 2102) for any activation of the ERT. If the reactor is j l

4 affected. call USNRC Project Engineer (Paul Kauffman, 215 887 5105); if unavailable, call USNRC  !

l Operation Center (9510550). See Appendix C for the appropriate recommended news release.

Termination / Recovery Guidelines l l

if fire wu involved. coordinate recovery actions with NNMC Fire Chief. l t

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i I

[mergency Action Pruedures Atti:n Guide C1 M i I l l

E Personnel Requirements

,a Ecp I:CP Commander i OSil A Advisor on standby CRT l

1:llT Commander ll AZMAT Coordinator on standby lg Surveillance Requirements l

sone l Key Position Duties ECp Commander:

g I

l. No requirements ERT Conni'innder:
i. Direci inu.tigation or .u.piciou container.

Notification Requirements t If container is properly marked with appropriate labels which properly identify the material, no further action is necenary.

2 If container is unmarked. v.otify depriment head of the department nearest the location of the conialner. During notification, give proper identification pertaining to container else, shape and other pertinent information. ,

Termination / Recovery Guidelines

1. L'pon notification that there is a suspicious nonleaking container in their area, departinent hesde should take appropriate stos to identify and properly the container.

2 Insure container, once ide: tified is stored in its proper locatiori,

. 5 l I


- 26 ' Action Guide C1- AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook I


a m .... i.... i...ii, i.,, m ..,.

g I

g B



.li 9

8 R:


.g I


Emergency Action Procedures Actisn Guide C2 27 Personnel Requirements ECP ECP Commander OSHA Advisor I ERT ERT Commander H AZMAT. Coordinator ERT Team as necessary- for survey / isolation / recovery Surveillance Requirements None Key Position Duties I ECP Commander:

1. Make personnel evacuation determination based on hasardous material determination and recommendation from the facility industrial hygenist.

ERT Commander:

1. Approach cautiously
2. Identify the hazardous material
3. Secure the scene, prevent entry or except by members of the ERT, evacute all personnel in accordance with guidelines determined by the ECP Commander.'
4. Make recommendations to ERT Commander as to the need for outside HAZMAT team ;


First Responder

1. If material has resulted in the incapacition of personnel or presents an obvious eniment danger


to personnel PULL FIRE ALARM to evacuate building.

I 2. If no eminant danger is expected, secure the area to'. insure entry or passage is denied and notify the institute industrial hygenist at 51285.

t _


20 Action Guide C2 AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook -


Notification Requirements (To be performed by the Emergency Coordinator) 1, Call DNA Emergency Plans Office (325 2102) if huard is of the magnitude which could possibly cause bodily injury or damage to government equipment or property, has been detected.

2. Federal 1,aw requires that any release of a reportable quantity of hasardous material be reported to the National _ Response Center 267 2675.-

(Reprtable quantities are usually indicated by the letters RQ on the material container if it is unknown whether or not a reportable quantity has been released determination will be made by.

.the ECP Commander.)

Termination / Recovery Guidelines 8

Ensure that tl.e leak has been stopped and further spred of the hasardous material has been prevented. Make coordination for clean up of spilled hasardon material. ECP Commander will determine if in house capabilities are adequate or _if outside assistance is necessary, Decontaminate all personnel and equipment exposed to the material.


I-g t

I l

I Biq

I Emergency Actt:n Procedures Actitn Guide D1 29  !

I 1 Personnel Requirements .

I ECP ECP Commander -

Medical Advisor ERT ,

ERT Commander Any available Medie for the ERT Entry Teams Surveillance Requirements


" None g Key Position Duties j ECP Conur. -

i 1. Ensure thu > hasards are present.

2. Call 777 for a - um assistance, if necessuy.

ERT Commander:

1. Ensure that someone has called 777.
2. Director emergency first aid until ambulance arrives. if necessary.


g Notification Requirements Emergency Coordinator will call DNA Emergency Plans Office (825 2012).

! Termination / Recovery Guidelines Sone.

I l i

.I I

30 Action Guide D1 AFRRI Emergency Response Guldebook I

I l'

I m .... ,. . . . . ,. . .,i, i.,, m .. .


I g





I R.

Emergency' Acti2n Procedures- 'Acti:n Guide D2 31-I Personnel Requirements ECP ECP Commander


= Medical Advisor ERT ERT Commander Any available- Medic for the ERT Entry Teams Surveillance- Requirements Sone Key Position . Duties ECP Cornmander:

1. Ensure that no other hasards .are present.
2. Call 777 for medical assistance, if necessary.

ERT Cornmander:

I, if neccenary, ensure that someone has called 777,

2. Director emergency first aid until ambulan:e arrives, if necessary.

Notification Requirements

! Emergency Coordinator will call DNA Emergency Plans Office (826 2012).

l Termination / Recovery Guidelines t ,


I I ,


AFRRI Emergency Response Guldebook I:

~32l l Action Guide D2 ~


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3 L g E



I .


. , . . . . . - , . . . . . . . ,, ,, ..._-..-..~,...-___m__._. _ _ , , . . . - . . . -


- Emergency Actlan Pruedures- Acti:n Guide El 33- j i  !

Personnel- Requirements -l

.l ECP ,

' I I

ECP Commander Emergency Coordinator ,

Logistics Advisor Security Advisor  ;


ERT Commander 'j Security Coordinator j l Surveillance . Requirements .

-i See AFRRI Physical Security Plan ,

Key Position Duties l See AFRRI Physical Security Plan i

I Notification Regtiirements l Call DNA Emergency Plans Office (325-2102). Cad NNMC Security 777 l Termination / Recovery Guidelines See AFRR1 Physient Security' Plan.

I 1 y

4 I  :

34 Action Guide El


AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook I

I; I

g m ...e . e.,io..,,, ier, s,.

y 3

8 ic


-3 3:

ll I


g E


I  ;

Emergency Actirn Procedures Actitn Guides F1 G3 35 Action guides for natural disasters and facility emergency are currently in development. Refer to , j Action Guide B1 for guidance in the interim.


LI  !


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g l 4,

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i i ~16 Action' Guides F1 G3 AFRRt Emergency Response Guldebook l



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_ Emergency Action Procedures APpendix A. Facility Maps A1

I Facility Maps I

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4 A.2 Appendix A, Fadlity Maps AFRRi Emergency Resp:nse Guidebook I'

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Emergency Actksn Procedures ' Appendix A. Facility Maps : - A.3 l'

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A 4 Appendix A. Facility Maps AFRRI Emergency Ruponse Guidebook-.



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I 8



Lg I


Emergency Action Procedures Appendix 8. Personnel Rosters - B1

-g Personnel Rosters g ECP Roster ECP Commander (1) Col Irving (2)Dr. Ainsworth I

(3) Col. Manderfield' I Emergency ' Coordinator (1)LCMR Rosander I' ..

Health Physics Advloor (1)Doug Ashby (2)Capt Calley Search Team Marshall (1)HCMC Spieth  ;(2)TSgt Whitson 8

Medical Advisor

'I .-t, Ad sor l

Logistics Advisor (1)LTC Makela i


. - - - - ~ - . . - - . . - . - . . - . - - . - . - - - - - . . - - . . - . . . _ - - - , - . . - - . - . . - - .

I! i i

B 2. Appendix B. Personnel Rosters -

AFRRI Emergency Response Guldebook i

OSHA Advisor (1)Robbic Colon i


ECP Recorder

  • I;i 4

t I! s Ij I! ,

L 8.

1 1

i I:

I  ;



I Emergency Action Procedures Appendix B, Personnel Rosters B3 l ERT Roster  ;

ERT Commander (1) Mark Moore _ (2)1st Lt For:backa-

. (WP) (WP) 5t  ; (HP) - (HP) i Operations Coordinator . (1)Capt _Owens (2)1Lt Musk Health Physics Coordinator (1) Tom O'Brien (2) Kathy McCarty i

Security Coordinator . (1) MSG Stock (2) Charles Reeder -

Special Assesment Coordinator - (1) Tom Wright - (2) John Nguyen .

i HAZMAT Coordinator (1)Capt Seneviratne  !

-l Medic Coordinator (1) Richard Brandenburg I

Entry Team Coordinator (1) MSG Spence I



g i


8 4 Appendix B, Personnel Rosttrs AFRRl Emergency Response Guidebook l

First Entry Team: .

Reactor Representative SFC. Laughery B

.3 l

Health Physics Representative SFC Holmee 'I Medle SSG Cole' Semnd Entry Team: -I.

Reactor Representative Rob George .

Health Physics Representative Gerald Bond -

q Medic - O'Halloran = I Third Entry Teams LI Reactor Representative MSG Spence .

Health Physics Representative - **

Medle Brockgreitens I,

Recorder Carol King Evelyn Ashford I


li L-.---. . . .- . - .. - - . . . -_. - . - . . .

Emergency' Action Procedures Appendix B. Personnel Rosters-I B-5 Perocamel Asseta Pool htty Ann Williams LT Kerns I- htty Lu Wampler LT Cole I

See Wegner

' Jim Smith - '

ENS Crapo  !

q a

I '

-I '

g g

a j i


g  :

3 I




m --

I B-8 Czf:= B, Personnel Rosters AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook __

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I 8

5 ,



r 1

C1 Appendix C. NNMC Support Agreement ,

Emergency Action Procedures l ,

- NNMC Support Agreement mes l l p ,,

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4 Io  ?

C.2 Appendix C, NNMC Support Agreement AFRRl Emergency Ruponn Guideboo l '

l '

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meeeeenne, e

ie. neueens AP - Utilities 2

steam / chilled teater - engineering estimate -

slectrie - estered


teater sewage - estered -

t 4 Att - Publie 18erite Civil Engineeriners '


l standard Job oeders - Conse11 dated MIPR - -

l Major Projoete - individual It!PR . .. .

AX - Disposal services - Fieed rate emot per.tenit as psevided set . Zee and snow Removal - servseee and ogplies se provided -

AG - Contract Administration - This includes retabursable' contracts

-such as janittarial inspection, basardous vasta and infectious E,

waste management and trash removal. Tenant provides resources E) or ceiling point for inspection. The retabursable contracts shall be inspected to comply with the E specification quality assuranse plans. provisions of the. _ g]

NOTE: The AW - Maintenance figure includes reimbursement for-abuse, misuse and vandalism to elevators and minor construction I m -

. ... .e s ease. m ,

esensassenesrees ee y a _u P"","

- __ --p 7- ,,,,, , W 14214 J . ZARK0hSKY 1. CON. . N cAnv n. .- re. unc c . en e .o.s in mese, e e m eats o/ ea..e se ..,,e. 4 4, y ee I C. , RADN, DC, USN Coussan r e,se MM ,


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. b- / g M f't1h'R-croact Wi IRVING. III- ' - - l l colonel, UsAr. nsc. DIRECTOR /C'

.u. , ~ ,s - ,ee. . e. , ,,. . .- v .- 4e.4


LI! Appendia C. NNMC Support Agreement -C3 l

Emergency Action Procedures I .a. ,' . .

SPECIFIC P'ROVI$10NS I 1. General _

a. - The agreement between the Comander. Naval Medical Command National . i I Capital Region referred to herein as the SUPPLIER and the Director, Amed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute referred to herein as the RECEIVER, femalizes the interservice support to be rendered.-and is negotiatied in:

i accordance with 000 4000.19.R (Defense Regional Interservice Support Manual).

b. This agreement is based upon the assumed continuance of mission and tasks assigned to the $UPPLIER and/or RECE!VER as presently prescribed by current directives from higher authority and accomoanying functional funding I responsibilities. When changes in.these respective responsibilities occur, this agreemett will be amended to reflect such changes and if appropriate, requests for funding adjustments will be made at that time.


2. Suonort Functions. The SUPPLIER will' provide the services, supplies. -

I- utilities, rect 11ttes, assistance and data as set forth in this subject to reimbursement when appropriate.nin accordance with a icable reement

- ' ' departmental directives. Where " reimbursable or non-reimbursab e' for an I .-

"*ttem is not indicated.- the support provided by the SUPPLIER to the RECEIVER' will be on a non-reimbursable basis.

3. Reimbursement. gillinos to RECEIVER will be on a monthly basis.= SUPPLIER-will blu RtWVER on NAVCOMPT 2277 for all services noted as reimbursable.

The RECEIVER will sutait a Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR)'

00 Fom 448 to SUPPLIER citing each specific type of reimbursable service, the accounting classification which will bear the cost of the services, and' 3 the number of this agreement and the dellar Ilmitation. The SUPPLIER will acknowledge acceptance of services requested b completing and returning an-

,I l

Acceptance of MIPR 00 Fom 444-1 within five (y) 5 working days of receipt.

4. Plannine Reevirements. The RECE!VER will advise the SUPPLIER relative f

'l to any changes in support requirements in sufficient time to insure budgetary W recognition and to pemit the SUPPLIER as much time as possible to adjust and '

respond to RECE!VER requirements.

l S. Review, Revision. Modification and cancellation

a. This agreement shall be reviewed triennially by esd. party to evaluate .

Its effectiveness, currentness and mutual budgetary 14tst and to detamine the * . -

need to initiate and to effect modificatic,n. '

b. This agreement is subject to modification or temination '-

as mutually '

agreed upon in accordance with the following:

' (1) Requests for modification will be forwarded by one party to the other by written notice. Modifications to this agreement will be consecutively numbered and will be effective upon approval' by both parties. i I

I I: 1

C 4 Appendix C. NNMC Suppon Agreement AFRRI Eme.gency Response Guidebook-t I

3? I (2) This egreenent will be'teminated if either party is dis-established or when directed by higher authority.

u.. This agreement shall continue in effect until'the date shown in-lse w,4 of the 00 1144 or until it is teminated as above.

Procedures and Instructions 6.


a. Questions arising out of this agrement will be resolved by mtual agrement between the two parties. In the event that mutual agreement

- between the two carties cannot be reached. Questions or unresolved areas . .

will be referred through higher comend channels for resolution in accordance '

with 000 4000.19-R. -

b. When final signatures are affixed, this agreement shall be adhered to . k in accordance with existing 000 policies, orocedures and directives. $UppL!ER - W-will forward copies of this agreement to Comander. Naval Medical Command, Washington. OC.


g 31 f

gi 4

j IJ .

I  :

l .W~ W M W .M M 'M M ..W- M M M' W W W W W W W 5

5 3

RECEIVER HILL m r.oRy or SUPPORT SUPPLIER WfLL Ceaply with $UPPLIER's procedures. . '.

~P Within available resources provide n - R AD) Legal Services advice and services on all legal I" (NON. REIMBURSABLE) ,. E metters pertatalog to legal assistance ' E and allitary justice to aflitary per- 3 sensel and their dependsats on the same bests as for SgPPLIER's persommel Betelve and sert laternal mess v g My WM EUS W***

AE) Mall Service moti la accordesco with e t (NON-RElgEndtSASLE) teatructions.

Retahurse for custadial services. (R)

Prvtift on a rete 6ersable hesis. -

4F) Custodial Seretces Sill SECEIVER en eenthly tests.


1. Cenply with SUPPLIER pewcedures.
1. Purchestag/ Contracting 1. Issue stected shelf items. ,



2. Refe6erse SUPPLIER for other .(R) }'
2. Centreet Adataistre- 2. Provide 161s service for than roottaa services.

i tion & faspectica ass-reimbursable centracts. W (PWAuthority) ,n


Provide auxillfary assistance in j

. Provide this service to faciale ceanection with local fire prevention g-ces escessary fire preventica seasures o and faspectless. in accordance with SUPPLIER's directives.'

(IER-EEDBURSASLE) provide a list of persammel to attend Trata BECElgER perseasel la ffre 32 fi$tlegtechniques. courses.

Provide aanthly taspecties, re.$erging, *2

- testtag and restine asistaser.a of 3-RECElgER fire amtlagelsbers. - Participate


3 ja practice energency drills. ,

i n :l e'n ,

4 >- .


- -O (AI) Police 3ervices {


z i

1. SeeurttpfLG 1. Provide perfeeter control:end 1. Cenply with $UPPLIER security.  %

l Enforcement a novuoi base security on all SUPPLIER property. Provide RECEIVER necessary E security personnel in response to 4 emergency siteettens within er meere j

RECEIVER te11 dings. ... Participate in .

h, practice emergency drills.

2. Comply with base parking reguistions .3 t 2. Parking Assignments 2. Provide designated parking for all personnel assigned or detailed and directives. . 3




to the RECEIVER.-

3. Cenply with SirPLIER's procedures.

l l 3. Standards of 3. 91stritmete to the EECEIVER Conduct SUPPLIER reguistions concerning good

' order, behevter and standards of _..

't conduct for civilian and aflitary persensel.

Ensure occupents comply with SUPPLIER

l (AJ) Housing / Lodging Provide gneccompented Officer Personnel I Nousing (UDPN) and unece==Paaled En . regulattens for occupancy.

(NDN-RElfeUR5ABLE) listed Personnel llousing (UEPN) for > -;


staff to extent available.- .

o i

(AL) Health Services Provide development and interpretation Operete and maintain RECEIVER's aun [

I of beta gamme and neutron fils desteetry program and the assectated- 3 (NON-RElfeUR$ABLE) records in compliance with SNA and 3

-dosimeters en an "as needed* and T

'" resource available" bests. . No ~ IIEC requirements.

reintersament will be required by



' SUPPLIER for SECEIVER services involved in flis hedge developing and laterpretatten F-as provided by this agreement.

Assist-as occasien any artse with leen Assist as eccetten may arise with leen 3 AN) -Equipment Loan of required egulpment within capaht11ty. o.

(IION-REI980RSA8tE) of. required equipment within capablitty.

a ,

e' s


~ I.

g. ~g


g t.

g g f '.

.. . . ~ -.

l E -

.O . - .-- @..~ [E' g #g' E

.g - - -g l g . - _ - - -_

m mm eemM M M M e m W W W W W mW m

_ .... .. atttIVER WILL g i.

1. Vehicles 1. Initiate actica to CHE5DIV for : 1. Provide SUPPLIER with vehicle (R) 3 (AO) requirements and justification y

(NON.REinBuRSA8tE) vehicle allowance on lease / rental '  ?

g basis for government vehicle to support sukatssion to CHESSIV -

assignment for types of vehicles for vehicle a11ouence. E act available through lease /reatal_

'P basis. R

2. Retaburse for cost of lease / (R) 3.
2. Vehicle Lease 2. Initiate action to obtala lease / rental vehicles and prorate shares y (RElflBURSARLE) rental vehicle authorized by CHESSIV
  • and ture over to RECEIVER for use. of adelaistrative costs associated Aestatster lease /reatal contract.
3. Special vehicles
  • 3. Provide special goverament emmed 3. Releburse for all costs associated (R) vehicles as autherfred by 01E5ely with provistems of special vehicles.

gyggg) withis cepebility.

(AP) Utility Services

1. Electric power. 1. Provide moraal service withfe 1. Comply with SUPPLIER regulattens , (R) heettag, water, air existlag capablifties and bill pertaining to energy conservatloa.

-condittenlag, sanitary RECEIVER anothly for these services. Releberse $5PPLIER FOR etlifties- .,

seunge disposal. Eagleserfag estiastes developed la consumed at established activity rates. v accordsace with IIRVFAC W 383 will I

(RElfBS5MLE) $.

he used to estabitsh quantitles ces-

saaed d are esters do not exist. p 39111ag rotes will be established by

. SUPPLIER computed en basis of the ,

unit rate estab11shed for each type z of att11ty. E n

2. Estarter lighting 2. Provide this service sa a 2. Retaburse SUPPLIER for any (R) p roottaa request hesis.- Provide services requested on RECEIVER faciudfag street Ifghtfag obstructless Ifghttag and service en REEIVER generated 11ghtf ag generated lightlag.

fire alare tem light. se rete urseble basis. >

securfty lightfag T (REga8hdK4RLE)

Repair, renovation 1. Provide on a request bests seject - 1. Assume flaeacial responsiblittles (R) i.

  • W) 1. for repair caused by damage, removettom  ?-

and modification to to rete ursement. SWPLIER will permit use by REE IVER provide MEIVER with cost estlastes and modificaties of spaces required by (RElsnessnaeLE) for ladivideal jobs which exceed tus REE IVER.

men-days and will accomplish work ealy after receptt of written authert.

ratten etting funds chargeable. Jobs 0


i  !

i i n i (Alumt u , weruns suretIM ulLL -

AEMiWR Witt g Y  !

F  ;

.: 1sr i of less than tus days can he * -

j (AM) coat'd .



authertred by phone call +4 .

Trouble / Service Sesk by an '

Z l amtiertred representattwe of {

i -. the AECEIER and darge to a n

! standtag job erder estabitsbed for such ese. ,g j i

  • I2 l l 2. Heletenance of -

i plant factittles and y stilities systems = l l ~

% i

a. General estaten- a. Perfere structure 1 malatenance a. Beteturse for any addittene1 (R) { .
j. ance of SWFLIER emned of a cyclical notere (also classified tJestificable and significant costs y. .

. pleet factittles as presentive and corrective notates- includlag adettiens, impresements, I

(lastallations) asce) and repete to emeure the con- alterettees and/or rehabt11tattee of I Lgamenessen t) t$esed phystcal setsprity of the of facilities des to ECEIER's j

( fact 19ttes to the rest preperty anM or use. IIst=s - = and ,

tesentory of the MIER. The repetes caused solely by the MRIVER's teve *cyc10 col metatensoce" is art ___1 or use of the factittles.

I app 19ed to these types of real Funds all costs for tretters.

-I property as4=sammare aparettens for este engteserlaug standards hose estabIlsted amamel er selttple year cycles of eptimum fenem=ry for R effecttee estatemente of a facitity. =

Perfesa adsettemel notatenesce and 2!' i


tr en an as repried hosts ,,,

to retubursement. 3 2

3. . Alterettens taprove- "g ]

monts, steer constructten ,0

a. REM ITER emned e. Provide Je a regmeet hesis setject a. Casply with MEltsR ragstressets (R) 3  !

facilities to retetursement. SWFLIER wt11 for appresels and seppertleg criterta j l (ENESSMLE) prev 9de EEIBER with east estimates and assume floenctal respenstbt19ty for ledivideel job costs adde et- for reptfements. I coed too ese-days and alli aceauplish c) nort only efter recetyt of arittee E- l as3ertaattee titleg feeds chargeable. I

' Jets regstrtag less then tuo days can he authertsed pherw- to iveuele/

k* i Service Desk by au 1. epresentative mm em aus e as en e aus em as ass as em aus aus as em um_.

__ ___ ._ . . . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ ~ -

~ ~ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ -  :

g g g W W E E E E E E E E E L

m i 3  !


(AW) cent'd a. e7 EEIVER and the to a r k

i' standlag job order esta6 ished for . I sect services. ,

b. $WPLIER emned 'J. Evalente RECEIVER re ptrements la b. Assene flaeacfal respenst-facilities (R) accordance with esistlag SUPPLIER hilities for lagerevements/ c (EXIguR5MLE) regulattens for space avlocations alterettensAmedifications of j

modificattens and factittles planejag. SUPPLIER emned spaces er facilities.

design site approval criteria and that are a requireneet of the adelse EMIWER for any special REGIBER and ecold not otherwise twgntraents for approvals. Perfere he acr==Plished by the SUPPLIER.

additlemal alterettens se an as regelred tests sebject to retahursement..

4. Grounds t'
a. femutag/Greenlag a. Prerfde services la generel a. Retakerse for all services areas withfe capabillties withmet (R)  !

(REIIWuR5MLE) requested la arees contiguous i i

rete ersament. Prerlde services to NEIER sole ese factitties. >

laerasemotiguoustoSEEIEER sole ese factittles se reteersable }=

hasis. E

b. Besteege, mis- b. Prerlde routtee services withte b. Reiseurse SUPPLIER for "

cellaneses greends sele- capabillties of thest re4deremm==t. (R) -

. e====e=

egy special services perfomed. z

' Provide special NEIER regelreents g en vold ersable hosts.


l. a. SUPPLIER sened e. Prowlde this service withis ~
a. Prerlde service. (R) real property- capab111ty en a roguest hesis. ~ ,



! b. NEIVER eased

' 3

b. v%uride services within 6. Beisterse for later/ (R) I j veel property capaht11ty en a retehorseble hs31s. asterial esed for services performed. ~


6. special Facility Prowite support in accordesce with sesistenance Procedures asidelsmee set forth in appendia III. Comply with procedures set forth Se appendia III.

! n

  • 4 e

4 e

. - s . _-. - _ . . . -.__ _ _.___ . _

i h

r1 i


l (AT) Administrative Services [ . $



1. Centrei and Proceedings 1. Emercise e w a11 aree coordleotten 1. Emercise admietstrative centrol of 2 i 1-j and centrol oar entire station and RECEIVER rectittles. Esercise opera-tional centrol over those spaces and y

' facilities tecluding jeletly used n l- SUPfLIERlandandfacilities(Class facilities assigned for esclosive use ,.  !

1 & 2 property). of RECEIMR as tecluded la Appendia 4 i ,

2. Beerds/ Committees 2. Encept in emergencies. refrain from 2. Assign to $5ppLIER appropriate 4 assigning RECEIVER personnel to heards. pee m l to he appeteced to toerds ,  ;

l censittees and courts with the excep- and ceumittees Itsted la Appendia II =

time of these heards and censittees and these of entest interest. 3 i

!. IIsted to Appendia II and those of 3 i l estuel toterest. 3 l

(AZ) Info metten Office Coordinate the editieg, review and Coredfaste all news releases except <

Services release of Safemetten thromyk Fleet Nemetsun hess releases with the (IWi-MIIWRSMLE) appropriste channels to civillan SUPPLIER - .  !

mass esada. l

= I i (30) Preride censultettes, specialfred Appelet a Safety Officer to adutetster i

( E)- serveys and trofalog witkle SMPFLIER's RECEIVER safety program, estabitsh a capablittles uten reymated to meet safety committee to eversee the 800. 314 and 89 m regolatory rapstruments. Septementation of accupettemel Safety

  • and IIsolth Program carried out by the l MCEIWR porosenet lessived to an ac- &

l ctdent of secuyottemel filmess will Occuyettenal 5efety and Noelth Officer. m  ;

report to h eet Ilespttal. Seekseen Campsy with the consolidetten reporting 3 l

- eccepettemel IIsolth Ciletc for requirements and these required by 300 or ,,e  !

t treatment. WIA and porticipate la SWPPLIER Safety 3 *

, andhita Committee. J 8

(SC) Ceummunications Sewices q  ;

(Mul-M I N ) m l 1. .Telecessunicattens 1. Receive and tremenft Revel- .

I. Ceuply with $1rFL1ER's precedures h5 Center messages, reproduce and distrttute -- and directives.  ;

l locaulag messages to MCElgEA. In- 3 .;

clades estatenance of current resties c) l guide. Provide guldesce to sessage i

drafters /relessers concerning messages, k l


receive and trenomit classifted meterials [


! as regelred, cBordleste crypte la sanjunction  !

i with tschetcal centrol. automatic switchlee

j. -

I- I j- E E E E. E E E E E E' EE E E E. E E E: l

. - - . . - - - . ~ . . - _ . - . . - . - - - - - . . . - . . . . . - - - . - . - . - _ . . . _ _ _ - . - . - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

E E E E E M M g g g g I

i j m

3 e


t.Altuukt ur Wrruni *:*

, . n w -

J n'

- y (SC) cont'd

  • O i i
2. Re electronics installation will be F
2. Electronics 2. Promulgate procederes for the lasta11ation of electronics plassed. programmed or testalled witboat Installation


opproval of the SUrFLIER t E 4feguard 2 systems or devices. -

against possible interface with entseing I operations of the facilities. f  !

t Provide ceumunity fad,ities and Comply with SUPPLIER regeletions.

(RO) Commuunity Services Farticipate le such drlwes orgaatred by ('

(NMifMRSASLE) services to faclade theaters. SUFFLIER to every esteet feasible.

enchanges. sports. officer /enitsted clebs, etc. to RECEI ER en same l i

3 bests att for base personnel. l Retaberse SUPPLIER for all (R) +

(WI) Insect & Redent Preefde routine services within special services performed.

Centrol capabillties and provide special .

RECEIM R requested service en

  • i
(RElISUR5AALE) RE1IWW5AALE hosts; 1.e.. spreylag of ernementals, latereel lasect v

' I este mimetten.  !

Provide for ice alleviation; Request assistance from (R' $ i l

(83) Sasu & Ice Removal Facilities v t 4 - .

(EMI8 SIR 5AALE) remove and dispose of seau In accordance wtth IRUKRIstST ds necessary. .

O  !

z l 111884.3. z  :

Retaborse SMPPLIER for other (R) E  !

1 Provide restlee services within "

(80) Earfremmental/ capabf1 tty without retakersament. then routine services.

Ceaservetten Seppert Provide special RECEIER generated y

j (RE1IWMSASLE) reposts.

2  !



Freefde edesce/directies to escarven te Itaistain at all 11ees, the capability of i 5

i (ges) dienster properedneee mettere. Asemen complyin) with IROKR Disaster Pre Ms g  :


( eperetseest centret of escatu a peresse.1 Plan to faciude the properation of l and facilitsee se these areas d ich are ergentutten amargency plans. Surfag l'e clearly ender sorrL3en's jortedictice and femelly declared amergencies, personnel  ?-

shes motherseed by the ssrector eefense and factittles of RECEIER will he at the  !

uncleer Agency, encept for perasemet disposal of the Commender. NEIKE. **e  ;

i with other commitemets daring formellF sothertsed by the strector. eefence #= Clear i declared eneroemcies med during drille of _ag cy, i practice activities is properation for -

- O j i

eperations onder emergency condittees. U I l

l t


. . . . . , , . - . . - ,. ._ ,3.#+.. .m, w_._., - _ . ..r-./

i i

, r i


    • t v


!- h ,

e rs.sta mate. IstCEIVER WILL



etue ue - . .

i 2

.; z '

E (IG) Vehicle Meletenesce Accomplish estarammaestrepefr er  : Reimburse for all asiatenance '

' '(R' - n (ElENIAMM4GLE) gewernment emned vehicles and j. repelr and sparattenel costs -

provide operettecel requirements accomplished by I, h or -

4 I (i.e., betteries. tires aatt- centract ateng wf G prorsta share .

g i l

freere. tire choles. gesellae, of cesstract ar selstrative costs. 3 f

all) en a reimbursable hesis. y 3


' 3

  • I I

i t



i N


1 fTV

( 3 i

l T

.g 1


) - a i

3 i  %=

i K

i o


i h

k-j I


-- _ _ --- - - _ ---- - _ __ . _ . . _ . - _ . ~, ._ __ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ - --- -- -- _ --. _ _

I Ernergency Action Procedures Appendia C. NNMC Support Asteement C 13 I , , AAMt.D TORCES RA010s!0LICY REstA31CH INSTITUTE FActtfttts LIST AFRR! ehall have esclusive use of Du11 dings 43, 4 3, 44, 45, 44, and 47.

Total Square Foots 170,375 I

I I .



l -

B .

B I . I I ,

1 I

I e .,_ ,, ,


j l C 14 Appendia C. NNMC Support Agreement AFRRI Emergency Response Guidebook i


'.? -

! ARMED FORCES RADIOSOLOGY RBREARCN INWffTUTE l 1 i J 90ARDS AND COMMITTTES l BoerNCommittese No, Pesssegnal Peevided Ady!sory Board, Enlisted Mens' Maas 3 Adytoory Board, COM 1 i

Energy Conservation and Resource Management Committee 1 Enlisted Recreation Committee 1 i

Her.ardous Materials Menegroment Committee 1 j Navy Exchangre Advisory Board 1 Recreation Counell 1 Safety Pollev Committee

} Unsecompanied Enlisted Personnel Housingt 1 1

l W,

Advisory Committee * *

  • Unsecompanied Officer Personnel Housing 1 Advisory Committee j Physical Security and Loes Prevention i l g

i E

u' l

I- ;

IL Il  :





- - _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ -.- - _ - . _ _. o

lI '

I Emergency Action Procedures Appendia C. NNMC Support Agreement C.15 Ig

..e ,,.





[ SFCC!?t. FACIL.!TY , MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES AFRR1 personriel has agreed to assist FMD in providing certain the System AFRR1 maintenance, repate and minor construction of real property at complen in accordance with the f ollowing guidelinest Mission Specif ic work such as repairing laboratory equipment will be per 4 ormed by AFRR1.

i al reactor or requiring Nuclear Regulatory Commission reporting or s I saf ety procedures will be perf ormed by AFRR1 personnel.

All requests f or modificatione, alterations or additions to the AF RR1 f acility/uttittles must be f orwarded accompli toshment. FMD f IforAFRR1 authoritation, requests planning, to I. and determination f or method ofa detailed plan and estimate must be provided f accomplishment andwith the perf orm the work, work roowest. FMD will determine the final method o evaluate / comment on the final specification. l Maintenance to f acility components may be provided by AFRR1 personne provided, (1) ortg,,1nel rept acoment materiale (2)are used ofor a11 comply with al1 ,

a record estorial l'

. applicable codes. regulations and geldelines, l tion.

maintenance work including work descetption, estimated manheurs, I cos Preventive Maintenance of HVAC equipment will be a accomplished as a I joint effort between FMD and AFRR1 personnel. FMD agrees tobeprovide one full ttee techntetan wno will oversee the operation of the system and assisted by AFRR1 certified technician.

I '

I .

I  ;

I I  ;

I Appenditt III i

