05000328/LER-1981-126-03, /03L-0:on 811105,nuclear Instrumentation Sys Power Range Channel III (N-43) Declared Inoperable.Caused When Instrument Power Fuse Was Inadvertently Pulled Instead of Control Power Fuse.Procedures Revised

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/03L-0:on 811105,nuclear Instrumentation Sys Power Range Channel III (N-43) Declared Inoperable.Caused When Instrument Power Fuse Was Inadvertently Pulled Instead of Control Power Fuse.Procedures Revised
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/04/1981
From: Harding M, Rogers H
Shared Package
ML20039A569 List:
LER-81-126-03L, LER-81-126-3L, NUDOCS 8112180389
Download: ML20039A570 (2)

LER-1981-126, /03L-0:on 811105,nuclear Instrumentation Sys Power Range Channel III (N-43) Declared Inoperable.Caused When Instrument Power Fuse Was Inadvertently Pulled Instead of Control Power Fuse.Procedures Revised
Event date:
Report date:
3281981126R03 - NRC Website


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EVENT DESOntPTION AND PnO3 AOLE CONSECUtNCES h go #2l J With Unit 2 in Mode 2 (07. power 547 degrees F 2235 psig) at 2220 on 11/05/81, the j o,31 l Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS) Power Range Channel III (N-43) was declared lo i A j iinoperable due to the instrument power fuse to Channel N-43 being inadvertently pulled.

,l o I s } [ This event placed th' e unit in Action Statement 2 of Limiting Condition for Operation 1 Ti3.1.

There was no effect upon public health and safety.

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CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS I i ) o l 1 During the performance of Technical Instruction (TI-67), the instrument power fuse gi;il l to Channel N-43 was inadvertently pulled instead of the control power fuse because of

,,7j y inadequate procedures.

The procedures are being revised.

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.Name of Preparer:

H. R. Rogers

/M.~R.' Harding Phone: (615) ff42-0917/.~ CMMON

'Sequoyah Nuclear Plant-e LER SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION SQRO-50-328/81126 Technical Specification Involved:

3.3.1 Reported Under Technical Specification: Date of Occurrence:

11/05/81 Time of Occurrence: 2220 CST' Identification and' Description of Occurrence:

The Nuclear Instrumentation System Power Range Channel.III (N-43) was. declared inoperable and action statement 2 of limiting condition for operation-3.3.1 complied with.

Conditions Prior to Occurrence:

Unit 2 in Mode 2 (0% power, 547 degrees F, 2235 psig).

Apparent Cause of Occurrence:

During performance of start-up tests TI-25 and TI-67,'the instrument power.

fuse for channel N-43 was inadvertently pulled instead of the control power fuse. This was not immediately recognized and testing continued.

Subsequent procedural steps called for removing the instrument power fuses, connecting detector input cables to the test equipment:and replacing the instrument power fuses. This was completed, giving the appearance that channel N-43 was operable, but without capability for detector inputs, the channel was inoperable. During this period the unit entered Mode 2.

At 2220 on 11/05/81 Operations observed that channel-N-43 appeared operable and realizing that the channel was actually inoperable due to the tests being performed, pulled the instrument power fuse. This placed the channel in the tripped condition within'one hour of event discovery per LCO requirements.

Analysis of Occurrence:

A review was made of the procedures used and it was concluded that the error was made due to the inconsistency between TI-25 and TI-67.

In TI-67 instructions are to pull the control power fuse, but a cautionary note in TI-25 states not to remove the control power fuses. This contributed to the inadvertent' removal of the instrument power fuse instead of the control power. fuse.

Corrective Action

A revision will be made to TI-25 to remove-the cautionary note and to clarify steps and references to TI-67.

Failure Data:
