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Official Exhibit - NER005-R4-00-BD01 - Revised NextEra Hearing Exhibit List
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Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/10/2020
NextEra Energy Seabrook
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
50-443-LA-2, ASLBP 17-953-02-LA-BD01, RAS 55527
Download: ML20010F266 (13)



Revised Hearing Exhibit Revised Exhibit Number: NER005-R4 Exhibit Revision Date: January 10, 2010 Revised Exhibit


NextEra Exhibit List

NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC, Docket No. 50-443-LA-2 September 2019 Evidentiary Hearing Exhibits NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER001 MPR/NextEra Testimony of NextEra Witnesses Michael Collins, John Simons, Christopher Bagley, Oguzhan Bayrak, and Edward Carley (MPR Testimony)

NER002 MPR/NextEra MPR Testimony - Attachment 1 -

Glossary NER003 MPR/NextEra MPR Testimony - Attachment 2 -

Proprietary Appendix


NER004 MPR/NextEra Testimony of NextEra Witnesses Said Bolourchi, Glenn Bell, and Matthew Sherman (SGH Testimony)

NER005-R3 MPR/NextEra; NextEra Exhibit List SGH NER006 MPR/NextEra Michael Collins Biography NER007 MPR/NextEra Seabrook Structures Monitoring Program Manual, Rev. 7


NER008 MPR/NextEra John Simons Curriculum Vitae NER009 MPR/NextEra Chris Bagley Curriculum Vitae 1

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER010 MPR/NextEra Dr. Oguzhan Bayrak Curriculum Vitae NER011 MPR/NextEra Edward Carley Resume NER012 MPR/NextEra; The Institution of Structural SGH Engineers, Structural Effects of

[Copyright] Alkali-Silica Reaction (July 1992)

NER013 MPR/NextEra; U.S. Department of Transportation, SGH Federal Highway Administration, Report on the Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR) in Transportation Structures (FHWA-HIF-09-004) (Jan. 2010)

NER014 MPR/NextEra NUREG-2191, Generic Aging ML17187A204 Lessons Learned for Subsequent License Renewal (GALL-SLR)

Report, Vol. 2 (July 2017) [Cover and Section X.M1]

NER015 MPR/NextEra MPR-3848, Rev. 0 Seabrook Station, Approach for Shear and

[PROPRIETARY] Reinforcement Anchorage Testing of Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (Apr. 2013)


NER016 MPR/NextEra Allford, M., Expansion Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Elements Due

[Copyright] to Alkali-Silica Reaction (Aug.

2016) 2

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER017 MPR/NextEra EPRI Report 3002013192, Evaluation of Laboratory Tests to

[Copyright] Detect Up-to-Date Expansion and Remaining Expansion in Concrete Structures Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (Oct. 15, 2018)

NER018 MPR/NextEra MPR-3727, Rev. 1, Seabrook Station:

Impact of Alkali-Silica Reaction on Concrete Structures and Attachments (Jan. 2014) and NextEra Supplements I-V Thereto (FP100716, Rev. 4)

NER019 MPR/NextEra Bayrak, O., Structural Implications of ASR; State of the Art (Feb. 2,

[PROPRIETARY] 2012) (FP100697)

NER020 MPR/NextEra MPR 0326-0062-88, Rev. 2, Initial Expansion Assessment of ASR-

[PROPRIETARY] Affected Reinforced Concrete Structures at Seabrook Station (Mar. 2018) (FP101070, Rev. 1)

NER021 MPR/NextEra MPR-4231, Rev. 0, Instrumentation for Measuring Expansion in

[PROPRIETARY] Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (Oct. 2015) (FP100972)

NER022 MPR/NextEra MPR-4262, Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Testing

[PROPRIETARY] of Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, Vol. I, Rev. 1 (July 2016) & Vol. II, Rev. 0 (Jan. 2016)

(FP100994) 3

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER023 MPR/NextEra MPR-3722, Rev. 2, Strength Testing of Anchors in Concrete

[PROPRIETARY] Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (Jan. 2016) (FP100718, Rev. 1) [Main Report & App. A]

NER024 MPR/NextEra MPR-4247, Rev. 0 Commercial Grade Dedication Report for

[PROPRIETARY] Seabrook ASR Anchor Testing (Block Series and Girder Series Phase 2) (Dec. 2015) (FP100986)

[Main Report & Apps. A & B]

NER025 MPR/NextEra MPR-4259, Commercial Grade Dedication Report of Seabrook ASR

[PROPRIETARY] Shear, Reinforcement Anchorage and Instrumentation Testing (Jan.

2016) [Main Report, App. B, &

Pages D-1745, D-2615 to 16, F-6129, F-9474, F-9596, G-14, and G-18 to 19]

NER026 MPR/NextEra MPR-3757, Rev. 4, Shear and Reinforcement Anchorage Test

[PROPRIETARY] Specimen Technical Evaluation (May 2014) (FP100760)

NER027 MPR/NextEra Saouma, V., Benchmark Problems for AAR FEA Code Validation (Aug. 4, 2017)

NER028 MPR/NextEra; SG&H Report 110594-RPT-02, Rev.

SGH 1, Damage Rating Index and ASR Rating (Feb. 10, 2012) (FP100702) 4

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER029 MPR/NextEra EPRI Report 3002013190, Modeling Concrete Structures

[Copyright] Affected by Alkali Silica Reaction:

Hydro-Quebec Approach for Hydraulic and Nuclear Power Plants (Oct. 15, 2018)

NER030 MPR/NextEra Giannini, E., Evaluation of Concrete Structures Affected by

[Copyright] Alkali-Silica Reaction and Delayed Ettringite Formation (2012)

NER031 SGH Said Bolourchi Curriculum Vitae NER032 SGH Glenn Bell Curriculum Vitae NER033 SGH Matthew Sherman Curriculum Vitae NER034 SGH ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and

[Copyright] Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures (2016) [Cover

& Page 1]

NER035 SGH U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, NBS Special Publication 577, Development of a Probability Based Load Criterion for American National Standard A58 (1980) 5

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER036 SGH ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 4-16, Seismic Analysis of Safety-Related

[Copyright] Nuclear Structures (2016) [Cover &

Pages 9-11, 23]

NER037 MPR/NextEra; Esposito, R., and Hendriks, M.A.N.,

SGH Literature Review of Modelling

[Copyright] Approaches for ASR in Concrete: A New Perspective, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVTL. & CIVIL ENGG (2017)

NER038 SGH Gocevski, V.,

Pathologies/Degradation Mechanisms Experienced by Hydro-Quebec During the Evaluation of Gentilly-2 NPP, Report Submitted to ASCET, (June 2015)

NER039 SGH Neville, A.M., Properties of Concrete, 5th Edition, Pearson

[Copyright] Education Limited; Harlow, Essex, England, 2012 [Cover Pages &

Pages 426-27, 436-37, 444-45]

NER040 SGH J.J. Brooks, Accuracy of Estimating Long-Term Strains in Concrete, 36

[Copyright] Magazine of Concrete Research 127, 131-45 (June 1984)

NER041 SGH Mijnsbergen, J. and Reinhardt, H.

W., Long-Time Creep and

[Copyright] Expansion Behavior of Concrete in a Marine Environment, 109 American Concrete Institute Special Publication 599-624 (SP 109-27)

(1994) 6

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER042 SGH G.E. Troxell, et al., Long-Time Creep and Shrinkage Tests of Plain

[Copyright] and Reinforced Concrete, 1958 Proceeding of the American Society for Testing and Materials 1101-20 NER043 SGH NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan ML13198A223 for the Review of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants:

LWR Edition, Chapter 3 - Design of Structures and Components, Equipment, and Systems § 3.7.2, Rev.

4 (Sept. 2013)

NER044 SGH Seabrook Station Unit 1, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (UFSAR)

(Rev. 19) [§ only]

NER045 MPR/NextEra MPR-4286, Rev. 0, Supplemental Commercial Grade Dedication

[PROPRIETARY] Report for Seabrook ASR Test Programs (Mar. 2016) (FP101003)

NER046 MPR/NextEra Seabrook Mechanical Maintenance Procedure MS0517.51, Installation of Geokon Snap-Ring Borehole Extensometers, Rev. 0 (Feb. 2016)

[Cover & Pages 13-19]

NER047 MPR/NextEra N. Ezell et al., Experimental Collaboration for Thick Concrete Structures with Alkali-Silica Reaction (2018) 7

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER048 MPR/NextEra L. Phan, Structural Performance of NPP Concrete Structures Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction (ASR), Slides for NRC Regulatory Information Conference Session TH27 (2018)

NER049 MPR/NextEra; EPRI Report 3002007777, SGH Modeling Existing Concrete

[Copyright] Containment Structures (Aug.


NER050 MPR/NextEra Reineck et al., Research Report:

Extended Databases with Shear Tests on Structural Concrete Beams without and with Stirrups for the Assessment of Shear Design Procedures(Mar.


NER051 MPR/NextEra Reineck et al., ACI-DAfStb Database of Shear Tests on Slender

[Copyright] Reinforced Concrete Beams without Stirrups, 110-5 ACI Structural Journal 867 (Sept.-Oct.


NER052 MPR/NextEra Clayton et al., The Effects of Alkali-Silica Reaction on the Strength of Prestressed Concrete Beams, 68-15 The Structural Engineer 287 (Aug.


NER053 MPR/NextEra Richart et al., The Failure of Plain and Spirally Reinforced Concrete in Compression, University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station, Bulletin No. 190 (Apr. 1929) 8

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER054 MPR/NextEra Chana and Korobokis, Structural Performance of Reinforced

[Copyright] Concrete Affected by Alkali Silica Reaction: Phase 1 (Oct. 1990)

[Cover Pages & § 7.2]

NER055 MPR/NextEra MPR Document 0326-0058-157, Overview of Anchor Testing

[PROPRIETARY] Program in Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, (Feb. 26, 2013)

NER056 MPR/NextEra NUREG-1800, Rev. 2, Standard ML103490036 Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (Dec. 2010) [Cover Pages & App. A § A.1]

NER057 MPR/NextEra Oak Ridge National Laboratory, In-Service Inspection Guidelines for Concrete Structures in Nuclear Power Plants (Dec. 1995)

NER058 MPR/NextEra; D. Wald, ASR Expansion Behavior SGH in Reinforced Concrete -

[Copyright] Experimentation and Nuclear Modeling for Practical Application (Aug. 2017)

NER059 MPR/NextEra RILEM Technical Committee 259-ISR, Benchmark Problems for AAR FEA Code Validation (Aug. 4, 2017)

NER060 MPR/NextEra Manabe et al., Maintenance Management of Turbine Generator

[Copyright] Foundation Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, 14 Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 590 (Sept.

2016) 9

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER061 SGH Somerville, Management of Deteriorating Concrete Structures

[Copyright] (2008) [Cover & Pages 111, 155-164, 206-208]

NER062 SGH Transcript, Advisory Committee on ML18348B117 Reactor Safeguards, License Renewal Subcommittee (Oct. 31, 2018) [Cover

& Pages 101-102]

NER063 SGH Mohammed et al., Alkali-Silica Reaction-Induced Strains over

[Copyright] Concrete Surface and Steel Bars in Concrete, 100 ACI Materials Journal 133 (Mar.-Apr. 2003)

NER064 SGH Mohammed et al., ASR Expansion of Concrete Beams with Various Restrained Conditions612 Days of Accelerated Marine Exposure, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete 1169 (2004)

NER065 SGH Bazant and Steffens, Mathematical Model for Kinetics of Alkali-Silica

[Copyright] Reaction in Concrete, 30 Cement and Concrete Research 419 (2000)

NER066 SGH Dunant and Scrivener, Micro-Mechanical Modelling of Alkali-Silica-Reaction-Induced Degradation Using The AMIE Framework, 40 Cement and Concrete Research 4, 517-25 (2010) 10

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER067 SGH Charlwood, A Review of Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Hydro Plants and Dams, 1 Intl Journal on Hydropower & Dams 3, 73-80 (May 1994)

NER068 SGH Cope et al., Prediction of Stress Distributions in Reinforced

[Copyright] Concrete Members Affected by Alkali Aggregate Reaction (1994)

NER069 SGH Fairbarin et al., Modeling the Structural Behavior of a Dam

[Copyright] Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction, 22 Communications in Numerical Methods of Engg 1 (July 14, 2005)

NER070 SGH Grimal et al., Creep, Shrinkage, and Anisotropic Damage in Alkali-

[Copyright] Aggregate Reaction Swelling Mechanism Part I: A Constitutive Model, 105-3 ACI Materials Journal 227 (May-June 2008)

NER071 SGH Comi and Perego, Anisotropic Damage Model for Concrete

[Copyright] Affected by Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, 20 Intl Journal of Damage Mechanics 598 (May 2011)

NER072 SGH Saouma and Perotti, Constitutive Model for Alkali-Aggregate

[Copyright] Reactions, 103 ACI Materials Journal 194 (May-June 2006)

NER073 SGH Pan et al., Modeling of alkali-silica reaction in concrete: a review, 6

[Copyright] Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engg 1 (2012) 11

NextEra Witness/ Exhibit Title/Description ADAMS Exh. No. Panel Accession No.

NER074 SGH Jurcut, Modelling of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Effects in

[Copyright] Reinforced Concrete Structures (2015)

NER075 MPR/NextEra; Swiss Committee on Dams, Concrete SGH Swelling of Dams in Switzerland (May 8, 2017)

NER076 MPR/NextEra Testimony of NextEra Witnesses John Simons, Christopher Bagley,

[PROPRIETARY] Oguzhan Bayrak, and Edward Carley in Response to Exhibit INT030 NER077 MPR/NextEra; Testimony of NextEra Witnesses John SGH Simons, Christopher Bagley, Oguzhan Bayrak, Matthew Sherman, and Edward Carley in Response to Exhibit INT051-R DB1/ 105506972.5 12