ML19350C783 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | North Anna ![]() |
Issue date: | 03/20/1981 |
From: | Christman J HUNTON & WILLIAMS |
To: | Buck J, Quarles L, Rosenthal A Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel |
References | |
ISSUANCES-OL, NUDOCS 8104060692 | |
Download: ML19350C783 (2) | |
U" H u r:Tox & WILLIAxs 7C7 f.AsT MasN stacc7 P. o. B o x is 3 5 e e atswiL
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March 20, 198L M.b'I @
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'" ^ ? g ' 18 Alan S.
Rosenthal, Esquire 87A Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal k Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4,*.
Washing ton, D.C.
/ %:; u "O
Dr. John H. Buck
[ W 26lgg y -Q Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Ofra g g U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7,
Washing ton, D.C.
20555 e
sf Dr. Lawrence R. Quarles MI Y Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board i
U.S. Nuclear Regulatary Commission l
Washing ton, D.C.
20555 Virginia Electric and Power Company (North Anna Power Station, Units 1 and 2)
Docket Nos. 50-338 OL and 50-339 OL Turbine Missiles l
l Gentlemen:
Vepco has reviewed Mr. Treby's March 9, 1981, letter with the NRC Staff's recommendation thatythe North Anna 1 y
turbine disks be ultrasonically inspected at-the next refueling outage.
This letter is to advise you of Vepco's preliminary.
I views on the matter.
Vepec does not object to ultrasonically inspecting the North Anna 1 low-pressure rotors during the next refueling I
outage, which is currently scheduled to begin in mid-1982.
If you decide to issue an order to that effect, however, we think l
it would be best to allow some flexibility by simply requiring 1
54 3 9
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o HuxTox & WILLI.uts thedisksbeinspectedafdehno=crethanaspecified that number of hours of operation since the last inspection.
Refueling schedules can change according to a variety of circumstances, and it is conceivable that i: =ight becc=e advantageous to inspect either before or after the next refueling outage but still within the specified nt=her of operating hours.
For the sa=e reason, and also because Vepco will be presenting = ore infor=ation on turbine disk cracking to you later this spring ce su==er, Vepco believes that it would be unwise to require at the present ti=e that inspections be perfor=ed at future refueling outages after the nex: cne.
In any event, future inspection schedules should not be set in such a way as to prevent the use of curren: NRC-Staff guidelines, which =ay change so=ewhat as new data becc=e available..
Westinghouse is reviewing the NRC Staff's recc==endation and proposes to advise Vepco during the week of
. March 23 whether Westinghouse agrees with the Staff.
Even allowing for a few days of unforeseen delay, I ought to be able to give you Westinghouse's views on the subject no later than Tuesday, March 31.
A: the sa=e time I hope to give you Vepco's reco==endation for the maxi =u= nc=ber of operaring hours until the next inspection.
If that schedule is not acceptable, please 1er me know.
Yours very truly,
.n h
A4 q~k-(N" ames N. Chris= man w
126/586 cc:
Stuar Treby, Esquire Anthony J. Ga=bardella, Esquire r.hief, Docketing.and Service Section - -