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Tracking Sheet 12-3-19 Update
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/17/2020
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
US Dept of the Air Force, Office of the Surgeon General
S Dembek DUWP
Shared Package
ML19346F896 List:
Download: ML19346F899 (7)


Docket/License/Licensee Was it a Current Was it If available, and unclassified, Document License condition or Firing license cleaned description of DU on firing range Location (For tie-down letter on Range or up? current licenses- monitoring and with DU terminat (Y/N) Accession controlling the (Y/N)? ed? number of current environmental (C/T) license; For monitoring, health historical and safety, and documents- physical security ADAMS or Fiche programs location) 04006394/SMB- Y C N From 12/6/18 Inspection Form 591: ML16302A427 See page 117 of 141/Department of the - The only DU at Adelphi is renewal application Army shielding in a device; ML110800588 dated therefore, the inspection was March 14, 2011 limited to Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG).

- The licensee uses DU in munitions for impact target shooting, only at indoor firing ranges.

- A second range is used sporadically, and the third, older range is closed.

- DU munitions are stored in bunkers onsite.

- Waste is held in an onsite waste facility utilized by multiple APG licensees.

Waste is tracked appropriately by each licensee to ensure no possession limits are exceeded.

- The licensee conducts soil, vegetation, and air monitoring around the 1

outside of the indoor ranges, as well as wipe surveys of laboratory areas for contamination.

- Approximately 30 DU workers are in the bioassay program.

- Possession limit is 200,000 KG total at APG 04007354/SUB- Y C N - Possession limit of 500,000 ML19070A195 See Internal Operating 834/Department of the KG of DU for testing of DU Procedure for Army, US Army Aberdeen Munitions Environmental Test Center From Form 591 dated 10/31/19: Radiation Monitoring

- The licensee has two and QA/QC, in licenses: SUB-834 for indoor ML082600638 dated and outdoor impact testing of August 27, 2008, DU munitions; and 19- renewal 00294-19, a Type A broad Additional information scope license for testing of on Superbox in various items such as tritium ML090510146 dated gun sights and thoriated December 15, 2018 lenses, use of portable Additional information gauges for moisture/density on new firing line in testing of roads and soil, and ML103130519 dated other similar activities. October 12, 2010

- There was a notable Updated Environmental decrease in the licensee's Radiological Monitoring DU demand and usage over program, the last few years. ML14310A595 dated

- The inspectors observed October 27, 2014, collection of environmental updated Environmental air samples and use of Radiological Monitoring portable gauges. They program inspected the outdoor test ML15043A140 dated ranges, indoor test facility January 26, 2015, (Superbox), munitions 2

assembly facility, waste updated Fords Farm storage facility, and portable description gauge storage facility.

- The inspectors interviewed the Radiation Safety Officer and Radiation Safety Committee members, portable gauge users, individuals in charge of the waste storage facility

- No violations were identified 04008838/SUB-1435/ Y C N - DU possession-only ML19088A305 License conditions 12, Department of the Army, - License provides for 15, and 16 Jefferson Proving Grounds exemption from decommissioning timeliness rule 04009083/SUC-1593/ Y C N - DU possession-only for 16 ML19303C248 License conditions 11 Department of the Army, Army installations and 18 Davy Crockett weapons system firing 04008814/ SMB-1411/ Y C N - License allows for ML17332A297 License Condition 18 Department of the Army, possession of DU (public)

Yuma Proving Grounds - Authorized uses include ML17332A298 (YPG) receipt, storage, and use (non-public)

- YPG conducts environmental sampling including air, soil, and fauna

- Four permanent sampling locations; additional air samplers used as needed

- Control and access to DU is limited, and receiving, shipping, storage, and firing areas are restricted access areas 3

- Security includes fences, locks, cameras, and guards 04008767/ SUC-1380/ Y C N - Possession of DU storage ML18347A222 See page 5-5 in Department of the Army, incidental to ML14118A463 dated Lake City Army decommissioning April 22, 2014 Ammunition Plant Also, ML072050573 dated July 24, 2007, regarding Environmental Protection Agency and Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) remediation under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act; also see, SECY 01-088 (ML010790135 and ML010810089) and SECY 98-201 (ML0108000760) which provide information on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency responsibilities for clean up in the future.

03028641/42-23539- Y C N - Managed under the Air ML19301B016 Permit conditions 13 01AF/U.S. Air Force Force Master Materials (non-public) and 21 - environmental (USAF), Nellis Air Force License monitoring Base (AFB) - USAF Permit NV-30048 Permit conditions 13

- Nellis AFB is an active firing and 18 - security and range where pilots train on control 4

firing DU munitions at Permit conditions 13 simulated targets and 25 - radiation

- DU and unexploded protection ordnance hazards exist on the range. Annually radiation workers remove DU rounds lying on the surface within target area

- Range has limited access with fencing and radiation signs as appropriate.

- Personnel are trained on the radiological hazards of DU.

- Historical environmental monitoring data exists. No active monitoring at this time as no migration of DU exists at this location 03028641/42-23539- Y C N - Managed under the Air ML19301A886 Permit condition 13 01AF/U.S. Air Force, Eglin Force Master Materials (non-public) environmental AFB License monitoring

- USAF Permit FL-08883 Permit conditions 13

- Eglin AFB is an active range and 17 - security and firing DU munitions into a control backstop to test properties of Permit condition 13 -

the munitions radiation protection

- The backstop is cleaned about every 5 years to remove DU fragments

- Range has limited access with fencing and radiation signs as appropriate.

- Personnel are trained on the radiological hazards of DU.

- Historical environmental monitoring data exists. No 5

active monitoring at this time as no migration of DU exists at this location 03029462/ 45-23645- Y C Y - Managed under the Navy ML15009A282 The NRC staff 01NA/ U.S. Navy, Naval Master Materials License understands that all on-Surface Warfare - NRMP 45-00178-S1NP site decommissioning Daghlgren Division work, including the disposal of radioactive waste, has been completed.

NRC staff is awaiting a Final Status Survey Report 03029462/ 45-23645- Y C Y - Managed under the Navy ML15009A282 The NRC staff 01NA/ U.S. Navy, Naval Master Materials License understands that all on-Research Laboratory - Naval Radioactive Materials site decommissioning Chesapeake Beach Permit(NRMP) 08-00173- work, including the Detachment E1NP disposal of radioactive waste, has been completed.

NRC staff is awaiting a Final Status Survey Report 03029462/ 45-23645- Y C N - Authorized use is limited to ML18074A236 Based on extensive 01NA/ U.S. Navy, China indefinite storage of DU surveys and searches, Lake projectiles/projectile NAWCWD China Lake fragments, as metallic solids, has identified or as oxides of DU, target and controlled DU vehicles, plates, platforms impacted areas and soils contaminated with identified under NRMP projectiles/projectile 04-60530-L1NP and fragments as metallic solids that legacy or as oxides of DU. radioactive materials

- DU is located at George from terminated NRC Range; Ordnance test and and AEC licenses do Evaluation Range, Charlie 6

Range, Airport Lake Range, not exist outside of Baker Range. these controlled areas.

- Permit 04-605300L1NP

- Managed under the Navy Master Materials License NRMP 04-60530-L1NP 7