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Operator Requalification Program
Person / Time
Site: University of Missouri-Rolla
Issue date: 02/19/1981
NUDOCS 8102190141
Download: ML19345F732 (20)


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m TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page 1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Description of the Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1 Annual Examination and Retraining Lectures. . . . 2

. 2.2 On-The-Job Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.3 Periodic Observation and Evaluation . . . . . . . 6 3.0 Administration of the Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.1 craining Coordinator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 3.2 Reactor Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 3.3 Individual Operator . . . . . . . . . . . ... 8 4.0 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

! O Appendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 i

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O 1.0 Introduction In August 1973 the AEC published amendments to Parts 50 and 55 to Title 10, Chapter I, Code of Federal Regulations which require that all licensees submit for approval an operator requalification program and that all reactor operators and senior reactor operators complete this program as a condition for renewal of their licenses.

This document is the Operator Requalification Program for the University of Missouri - Rolla Reactor (UMRR) which is required by 10 CFR 50.54 (i-1). All licensed operators at UMRR shall participate in the program and shall satisfactorily complete this program du' ring each license renewal period. Each licensed operator or senior operator shall include in his license renewal application a statement that he has satisfactorily completed the requirements of this requalification program.

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O 2.0 Description of the Program The requalification program is divided into three major areas which are designed to provide assurance that all operators maintain competence in all aspects of licensed activities. The three areas are as follows:

a. An annual written examination which is used to verify the operator's knowledge level. Preplanned lectures shall be used to retrain those operators who demonstrate deficiencies in any part of the examination.
b. On-the-job training which will insure (1) that the operator maintains his competence in manipulating the plant controls and in g- operating all apparatus and mechanisms required by his license, V

(2) that the operator is aognizant of all design, procedure and license changes implemented during the requalification period, and (3) that he has a thorough understanding of all abnormal and emergency procedures.

c. Periodic observation and evaluation which will evaluate the performance of the operators to actual and simulated plant conditions.


2.1 Annual Examination and Retraining Lectures During each calendar year a comprehensive examination be administered to all Operators having a reactor operator or a senior reactor operator license for more than one year. This examination will be given over a period of one to two weeks and will be of a

(} scope and compexity equivalent to the license examinations 2

O administered by the Commission. The function of the exam is to establish the knowledge level of the operator in all areas applicable to the licensed activities he performs. The results of this examination shall provide the bases for a determination of those areas in which each operator needs retraining.

The examination will be seneduled early enough to permit retraining before the end of the calendar year.

The examination will contain questions from each of the following areas:

A. Principles of Reactor Operation and Reactor Theory; B. Features of Facility Design; C. General and Specific Operating Characteristics; i D. Instrumentation and Control Systems; E. Protective and Engineered Safety Systems; F. Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures; G. Radiation Control and Safety; I

H. License, Technical Specifications and Applicable Regulations.

Senior Reactor Operators will also have questions in the areas below:

I. Administrative Procedures; l J. Hazards Analysis.

At the discretien of the facility training coordinator, a review program may be instituted to prepare individuals for the annual exam. Tre review program may utilize but is not limited

() to the followiner study aids:


a. Lectures or review seminars to present or discuss in a preplanned manner the information rela tive to each of the areas listed above,
b. Worksheet questions and problems which the opera tor can answer in his spare time.

The training coordinator will be assigl4ed responsibility to prepare the ten sections of the annual exam. The exam with answer sheet will then be reviewed by the Head of the Safety Committee for his approval. The training coordinator will assign to various staff members topics for which they must write, in outline form, and present to the rest of the staff in a formal lecture. The lectures will be on topics, that the Training Coordinator and Reactor Director feel review is needed. The eva.'uation of each O operator will be facilitated by completing an examination record form as shown in Appendix A to this document.

An operator will be considered to be deficient in any area of the exam if he scores a grade of less than 70% in that area.

If the average grade for an operator in ill sections is less than 70%. the operator shall be relieved of 'ill licensed activities 1' he has been retrained and satisfactorily passes re-examination with an average grade greater than 70%.

Af ter all of the examinations have been graded, the Training Coordinator will prepare the retraining schedule for those operators who were deficient in any area. The TC will use Retraining Schedule sheets as shown in Appendix A to facilitate the scheduling.

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O The retraining program will consist of one or more pre-planned lectures or tutoring sessions in each area of deficiency.

These lectures will be supplemented by self-study of reference material.

After the retraining has been completed in each area, another examination will be given in that area to establish the operator's competence. This re-examination will be of the scope and complexity of the original exam, but will contain a different set of questions.

All examinations and re-examinations will be reviewed with the operator and will be retained in the facility's files.

2.2 On-The-Job Training This section of the program provides assurance that all operators will maintain competence in those major evolutions which can be performed by licensed operators only. This section will also insure that all operators maintain their knowledge of the facility to the extend that they are aware of all recent changes which have been made to the license, to the facility and to the operating procedures. The on-the-job requirements are outlined in the checklist in Appendix A.

The on-the-job training requirements shall be spread out over the calendar year such that at least two of the reactivity manipulations, one each of the process system startups and shutdowns, and one of the nuclear instrumentation checks is completed in each six month period. The Training Coordinator shall periodically review the on-the-job training checklist of each 5

O operator to insure tha t he is progressing satisfactorily on his requalification.

2.3 Periodic Observation and Evaluation Reactor Management will on a continuing basis observe and evaluate the performance of all operators to maintain familiarity with the operators competence in handling routine and emergency evolutions. This program implements the means of documenting the evaluations made by management.

The Training Coordinator, or Reactor Supervisor will semiannually conduct a performance evaluation of all operators during one of their reactivity manipulations. The supervisor conducting the evaluation will complete an Operator Performance Evaluation Sheet (Appendix A.). The evaluator will also discuss or simulate abnormal or emergency conditions during the manipulations and grade the operator on his response to these conditions.

The response of an operator to an actual emergency condition will be reviewed and evaluated by the Reactor Supervisor. This evaluation will be used to supplement that operator's performance evaluations under this program.


I O 3.0 Administration of the Program 3.1 Training Coordinator The Facility Director shall assign a member of the reactor

, staff to be the Training Coordinator (TC) for this requalification program. The Training coordinator shall be responsible for:

a. The overall administration of this program.
b. Scheduling the annual written examination.
c. Prepare written examination and conduct and necessary review and retraining.
d. Assist the instructors in the preparation of material, examinations, and retraining lectures or tutoring sessions.



e. Raview the o"adad examinations wi&b the operators and schedule any tu raining indicated by the exam results.
f. Periodically review the on-the-job training checklist of each operator to insure that the operators are progressing satisfactorily in this area of requalification.

j g. Schedule the checks and reviers required by the Health Physics personnel and the Reactor Supervisor.


h. Schedule the semiannual performance evaluations and the staff member who will conduct the evaluations.
i. Maintain all of the requalification records required by l Section 4.0.


j. Annually review the content of this program.
k. Insure that all newly licensed operators are aware of the s,.s requirements of this program and are provided with the necessary requalification materials.

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3.2 Reactor Supervisor The Reactor Supervisor will assist the TC as necessary to insure that all operators participate in and complete all of the requirements of this program prior to their license renewal date. They shall also schedule and conduct the reviews of changes in the license, facility design and operating procedures as required by the on-the-job training section.

If an operator scores an average grade of less than 70% on the annual examination, the Reactor Supervisor shall have that operator relieved of all licensed activities. The Reactor Supervisor will review the reexamination of the deficient operator with the TC and if the operator's scores are satisfactory, he shall reinstate the operator to normal licensed activities.

3.3 Individual Operator The extensive responsibilities of the TC for administering this program does not relieve the ind"vidual operator of the responsibility for insuring that all of the requirements of this requalification program have been completed prior to his license renewal date.




O 4.0 hycords As indicated in Section 3.1, the Training Coordinator is responsible for insuring that all of the records required by this requalification program are maintained. The following records shall be retained at the facility for a period of five years.

a. All examinations, and required re-examinations, which were administered during the requalification period and the answers used to grade these exams.
b. The examination review sheets completed after the annual exam and any subsequent re-exams.
c. The operator performance evaluation sheets used to evaluate the operator's competence in operating the reactor.


d. The retraining schedule used to correct any deficiencies


discovered through the annual examination.

e. Copies of the completed on-the-job training checksheets.

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UMRR OPERATOR REQUALIFIC ATION PROGRAM EXAMINATION FORM S RO Name License: RO I. EXAMINATION TOPIC Comp Exam Reexamination Grade Date Grade cate A. Principles of Reactor Operation

. and Theory.

B. Features of Facility Design C. General and Specific Operating -


D. Instrumentation and Control Systems E. Protective and Engineered Safety Systems F. Standard and Emergency Operating Procedures.

() G. Radiation Control and Safety H. License, Technical Specifications and 10 CFR

  • I. Administrative and Security Procedures
  • J. Hazards Analysis Average Score
  • Not required of Ro's II. REQUALIFICATION


A. Retraining Required No Yes Parts (circle) ABCDEFGHIJ B. Recommend relieved of normal licensed activitier while retraining No Yes III. COMMENTS O

Reviewed by Approved by

() UMRR OPERATOR REQUALIFICATION PROGRAM RETRAINING SCHEDULE Year Deficient Area Operators Needing Retraining in This Area Retraining Schedule Operators Present Date Lecture No. Tutoring Session No. Instructor (Initials) f%

g-Self Study Program and Objectives (Who, What. and When)

Submitted by Approved by A


ANNUAL ON-Tile-JOB TRAINING REQUIREMENTS /CIIECKLIST I. Reactivity Changes A. Each reactor operator must perform 5 reactivity changes annually with at least one change in each of the below categories.

B. Each senior operator must annually perform or direct the activities of individuals for 5 reactivity changes with at least one change in each of the below catergories.

1. Reactor Startup to Criticality Date Initials of Observer * ,
2. Reactor Power Level Change Date Os Initials of Observer
  • j 3. Reactor Shutdown


Date Initials of Observer

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II. Nuclear Instrumentation Checks Each licensed operator must perform to pre-stratup checks of the Nuclear Instrumentation.

Date 1 l J lInitialsof!


  • I III. Reactor Fuel Handling Each reactor operator shall participate in one fuel handling evolution and each senior reactor operator shall direct the activities of one fuel handling evolution.

Date i i .

Initials of l

pbserver* ,

/~NIV Radiation Monitors (portable)


Each licensed operator shall annually demonstrate to a Health Physicist that he knows how to use, read and interpret the reading of the portable radiation monitors most of ten used at the facility.


'Me te r I Date HP's Initials

{ Neutron Monitors


!GM Counter j l j i

! Cutie Pie l l .Scintilation Detector V. License Changes Each licensed operator shall annually review and demonstrate his knowledge of the license changes which have become effective in the

(~T past year. This review is to be conducted by the Reactor Supervisor.

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' License Change Number Date Reviewed iSupervisor's Initials i i l r -

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VI. Operating Procedure Changes

, Each licensed operator shall demonstrate his knowledge of changes to the operating procedures no later than one month after a change has been made to the operating procedures. The Reactor Supervisor will conduct the change review.

' SOP Revision Date i Date of Operator Check i Supervisor's Initials!

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VII. Facility Design Changes Each operator shall annually demonstrate his knowledge of the facility design changes which have occurred in the past year. This review

. is to be conducted by the operator's immediate supervisor.

' Modi fication No. Date Renewed Supervisor's Initials t

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VIII. Abnormal and Emergency Procedure Review All abnormal and emergency procedures shall be reviewed and appraised semiannually by the operating crews. The supervisor shall acknowledge completion of the review by initialling the checksheet for those present.

Review Completed On Supervisor's Initials O .



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1. Procedures - knowledge and understanding of
2. Console Log Entries - adequacy, completeness and legibility of entries
3. Checksheets and Data Sheets - thoroughness in completing checklist, accuracy of and interpretation of data on data sheets
4. Manipulation of Controls - proficiency in handling controls and positive approach to handling the plant
5. Use of Instrumentation - used all available

(~4- instrumentation and properly interpreted same

(_j. Awareness of Reactor Conditions - knowledge of plant conditione, understanding trends or abnormal indications, response to changing conditions ABNORMAL OR EMERGENCY CONDITIONS

7. Immediate actions - recognized condition and took immediate steps to put plant in safe condition
8. Communications - communicated problem, took charge, initiated or directed corrective action
9. Follow-up Actions - ability to recover plant OVERALL PERFORMANCE Abnormal or Emergency Conditions Imposed or Observed O


Comments and Reco"unendations Evaluator PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FOR PAST SIX MONTHS i

Appraisal Period: From to OVERALL PERFORMANCE Comments O

Supervisor's Signature 9