Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-62 Re Temporary Waiver of Tech Specs to Permit Operation of Tests of 13-plate Fuel AssemblyML19340B921 |
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05000124 |
Issue date: |
10/23/1980 |
From: |
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
To: |
Shared Package |
ML19340B920 |
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References |
NUDOCS 8011120571 |
Download: ML19340B921 (2) |
MONTHYEARML20211G1701986-10-29029 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Dismantling of Facility & Disposition of Component Parts Based on 860717 Application for Termination of License R-62 ML19345D0791980-11-21021 November 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-62 ML19340B9211980-10-23023 October 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-62 Re Temporary Waiver of Tech Specs to Permit Operation of Tests of 13-plate Fuel Assembly ML19330C3551969-03-20020 March 1969 Input to SER by Div of Reactor Licensing,Revising Tech Specs Re Safety Sys 1986-10-29
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML20206D6101987-04-30030 April 1987 Argonaut Reactor Facility Decommissioning Final Rept ML20211G1701986-10-29029 October 1986 Safety Evaluation Supporting Dismantling of Facility & Disposition of Component Parts Based on 860717 Application for Termination of License R-62 ML20203G0161986-07-31031 July 1986 Argonaut Reactor Facility Decommissioning Plan ML20091E2781984-05-23023 May 1984 SAR for Virginia Tech Argonaut Reactor ML20080G3221984-02-0101 February 1984 Ro:On 840117,breaker Which Supplies Nuclear Instrument Cabinet Tripped.Breaker Shut,Reenergizing Sola Which Caused Transient on Uninterruptible Power Supply & Voltage Dropped Enough to Sound Radiation Alarm ML20071C4151983-02-22022 February 1983 Annual Rept for VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research Reactor,1982 ML20069E7761983-01-11011 January 1983 SAR Re Manual Withdrawal of Control Rod for Control Rod Drop Time Measurements & Analysis for Tech Specs ML20038B2601981-08-26026 August 1981 VA Polytech Inst & State Univ Research Reactor (Vpi). ML19341C5411981-02-25025 February 1981 Annual Operations Rept,Nuclear Research Reactor,Va Polytechnic Inst & State Univ,1980 ML20003C0401981-02-23023 February 1981 Reactor Operator/Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Program ML19345D0791980-11-21021 November 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-62 ML19340B9211980-10-23023 October 1980 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amend 4 to License R-62 Re Temporary Waiver of Tech Specs to Permit Operation of Tests of 13-plate Fuel Assembly ML19296B4191980-02-0101 February 1980 Annual Operating Rept 1979 ML19309A5381979-11-0101 November 1979 PSAR for VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor ML19309A5441979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 1 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, Introduction. ML19309A5461979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 2 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, Sys Mods. ML19309A5501979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 3 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, Thermal-Hydraulics Analysis. ML19309A5551979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 4 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, Reactivity Transients. ML19309A5581979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 5 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, Radiation Safety. ML19309A5641979-11-0101 November 1979 Chapter 6 of VA Polytechnic Inst & State Univ Research & Training Reactor PSAR, DBA ML19305A3761979-02-0606 February 1979 Annual Operating Rept 1978. ML19330C3551969-03-20020 March 1969 Input to SER by Div of Reactor Licensing,Revising Tech Specs Re Safety Sys ML20235Y1751964-10-27027 October 1964 General Comments on Rept on Geology of Proposed Nuclear Power Plant Site,Lower End of Corral Canyon,Los Angeles County,California 1987-04-30
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2 DOCKET NO. 50-124 Introduction By letter dated September 17, 1980, the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (the licensee) requested an amendment to Appendix A of Facility Operating License No. R-62.
The requested amendment would grant a temporary waiver of the technical specifications to permit tests of one 13-plate element. The proposed testing would be carried out at low power (power level less than 1 KWt), the reactivity would not exceed the technical specification limit of ak/k of 0.6% ak/k and should not require more than t
30 days (1 to 31 December,1980). The objective of the specific tests involved is to measure the change in Keff when the 13-plate element is changed for a 12-plate element. These tests will provide data for preliminary analysis for operation at 500 KW, as the present configuration will have to be modified by adding an additional plate in each subassembly in order to operate at the higher power level.
The current technical specifications for the reactor core (p. 4 No. 6.1.1) require that " standard fuel elements shall be of the flat-plate type with twelve plates to each element" and (p. 4, No. 6.1.3) " Maximum excess reactivity above cold clean critical shall be limited to 0.6% ak/k including positive reactivity from experiments." These measurements are classified as a "New Experiment." One or more dummy fuel plates must be substituted in the 12-plate elements as necessary to satisfy the excess reactivity requirement.
Evaluation To support the request for operation with one 13-plate subassembly, the applicant performed an approximate calculation of the reactivity change (based on thermal utilization only) associated with a loading consisting of 12 subassemblies of 13 plates each. This calculation indicates that the total reactivity worth change should be less than 0.4%.
This amendment will allow the determination of the reactivity addition due to one 13-plate Bon no 57/
. element at various positions in the core.
The licensee will remove the appropriate number of plates elsewhere to counteract the reactivity increase.
In addition, subcritical multiplication measurements will be performed during the approach to critical to insure that the limit on k(e.rcess) is not exceeded.
During the proposed measurements, the reactor will be operated at a power level less than 1 kwt, hence it is not expected that any other technical specifications related to the thermal quantities will be exceeded.
Conclusion We conclude that the proposed technical specifications waiver for the experiment with one 13-plate fuel subassembly is acceptable. We base this conclusion on the following-the ak/k (excess) will not be ev:eeded from that required by the technical specifications; i
s the power during the measurements will be less than about 1 KWt; the technical specification waiver is of limited duration and applicable only to these measurements; and subcritical multiplication measurements will be made during the approach to critical.
Dated :
October 23, 1980 v.