ML19336A386 | |
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Site: | 07105998 |
Issue date: | 10/07/1980 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19336A385 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 8010220690 | |
Download: ML19336A386 (3) | |
L Form NAC413 U.S. NUCLEAR AEGULATCRY COMMISSION d2 31 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 33 e q 7, For Radioactive Materials Packages 1.(a) Certificate Numeer 1.(b) Revision No.
1.(c) Package Identification No.
1.(d ) Pages No. 1.(el Total No. Pages coco 3
USA /coCA/nf 3 1
- 2. pnEAMBLE 2.(a)
This certificare is insiegd to satisfy Sections 173.393a.173.394.173.395, and 173.396 of the Ceoartment of Transportation Hazarcous Materials Regulation s (49 CFR 170-189 wus 14 CFR 103) and Sections 146-19-1Ca and 146-19-100 of toe Ceoartment of Transportation Camerous Cargo,es Regulations (46 CF A 146-149). as amenced.
The oackaging and :ontents described in item s be ow. meets the safety standarcs set fortn in Succart C of Title to. Code of Feceral Aequiations. Part 71. "Paa.ging of Raoicactive Materia #s for Transport and Transoortation of Radioactive Matenal Under Certain Convitions."
'his certificats soes not relieve the consignor from comoliance with any recuirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transoortation ;r other acoticable regulatory. agencies, including the government of any country through or into anich the package will me trze.4oortec.
- 3. This certificate is issued on tne basis :
- a safety analysis recort of the oackage desagn or
P' roared DV (Name and address):
3.Ib1 Titte and icentification of reocrt or acotication:
General Electric Company General Electric Company application P.O. Box 460 dated February 21, 1980, as supplemented.
Pleasanton, CA 94556 3.fel Docket No.
73, coco 4 OCNOiT:CNS This certificste is conoitional upon the fulfilling of the recuirements of Sucoart O vf 10 CFR 71, as acolicaele, and the conditions specified in iter's 5 metow.
- 5. Cescriotion of Packaging and Autnorirso Contents. Mooel Numoer, FissJe Cl ass Cther Conditions. and
(a) Packaging (1) Model No.: GE-400 (2) Description Steel encased lead shielded shipping cask.
A double-walled steel cylinder protective jacket encloses the cask during transport.
It is bolted to a steel pellet.
The cask is closed by a lead-filled flanged plug fitted with a silicone rubber gasket and bolted closure. The physical description is as follows:
Cask height, in 24.1 Cask diameter, in 20.0 Cavity height, in 3.0 Cavity diameter, in 2.4 Lead shielding, in 8.3 Protective jacket height, in 29.7 Protective jacket width, in 32.0 Packaging weight, lbs 3,800 8010220GN
I-Page 2'- Certificate No. 5998 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-5998 5.
(a) Ptekaging (continued)
(3) Drawings 1
The packaging is constructed in accordance with the following General _
Electric Company Drawing Nos.:
8568880, Rev. 7 10603983, Rev. 2 10603980, Rev. 2 178B9960, Rev. 0 277E411, Rev. 2 (b) Contents (1) Type and form of material (i) Byproduct material meeting special form requirements of 10 CFR 671.4(o); or (ii) Solid nonfissile irradiated metal hardware and reactor control rods (blades).
(2) Maximum quantity of material per package t
Radioactive decay heat not to exceed 400 watts.
Shoring shall be provided to mi_nimize movement of~ contents during accident conditions of transport.
Package contents shallibe. delivered to a carrier dry.
Prior to each shipment the silicone rubber lid gasket shall be insp cted.
This gasket snall be replaced if inspection shows any defects or every ti elve (12) montns,_ whichever occurs first.
Cavity drain line shall be sealed ith' appropriate sealant applied to threads of pipe plug.
The package _ authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for us e under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 571.12(b).
10 Expiration date:
July 31, 1985.
- /-..
' Page 3
_ Certificate No. 5998 - Revision No. 3 - Docket No. 71-5998 REFERENCES General Electric-Com'pany application dated February 21, 1980.
Supplement Dated:
August 26, 1980.
- - :j_
. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety OCT 0 71580 Date:
9 W
4 T