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Certificate of Compliance 9044,Revision 5,for Model GE-1600
Person / Time
Site: 07109044
Issue date: 07/15/1980
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML19321A790 List:
NUDOCS 8007240215
Download: ML19321A803 (5)




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,py F rm NRC418 (12 731 U.s. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMisslCN to CFR 71 For Radioactive Materials Package's 1.(a) Cartificate Number 1(b) Revision No.

1.(cf Package loentification No.

1.(d] Pages No. Total No. Pages Anda E

f f M /onad /A f y 1


2. PRE AMBLE 2.fal This certificate is issued to satisfy sections Mateials Regulations (49 CFR 170-189 and 14 CFR 103) and sections 173.393a.173.394,173.39s, and 173.39 r ous Transportation Dangerous CargJes Regulations (46 CFR 146-1491. as amended.146-19-10s and 146-19-100 of the Dep 2.(D) -

The packaging and contents described in item 5 below. meen the safety standards set forth in subpart C o

, Federal Regulations. Part 71. " Packaging of Radioactive Materials for Transport and Transportation Certain Conditions.**


This certificate does ncst relieve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulation Transportation or other aoolicable regulatory agencies, including the government of any country will be trarsported.


3. This certificate is issu.d on 15e basis of a safety analysis report of the package design or acolication-3.fa)

Prepared b) (Name and address):

3.tbl Title and identification of reoort or application:

General Electric Company General Electric Company application dated P. O. Box 460 January 8,1969, as supplemented.

Pleasanton, CA 94566 1


Docket No.



,in item 5 below.This certificate is conditional upo1 the fulfilling of the requirements of subpart O of 10 CFR 71 s specified t

s. Description of Packaging and Authorized Contents. Model Number. Fissile Class. Other Conditions, and cleferences:

(a), Packaging 1

s (1) Model No.: GE-1600 (2) Description Steel encased lead shielded shipping cask.

A double-walled steel cylinder protective jacket encloses the cask during transport.

It is bolted to a steel pallet.

plug fitted with a silicone rubber gasket and bolted closure.The cask The cavity is equipped with a drain line and the physical description is as follows:

Cask height, in 67.5 Cask diameter, in 38.5 Cavity height, in 54.0 Cavity diameter, in 26.5 Lead shielding, in 5.0 Protective jacket height, in 81.4 Protective jacket width, in 68.0 Packaging weight, lbs 23,050 1

j l

l s

8007240215 P

e Page 2 - Certificate No. 9044 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9044 1


Packaging (continued)

(3) Drawings The packaging is constructed in accordance with the following General Electric Company Drawing Nos.:

212E255, Rev. 3 135C5598, Rev. 1 106D3986, Rev. 1 10603973, Rev. 1 174F237, Rev. 1 (b) Contents s

(1) Type, farm and maximum quantity of material per package Plutonium in excess of twenty (20) curies per package must be in the form of metal, metal alloy or reactor fuel elements; and (i) Byproduct material and special nuclear material as solid metal or oxides.

Decay heat not to exceed 600 watts.

The radioactive material shall be in the form of fuel rods, or plates, fuel assemblies, or meeting special form requirements of 10 CFR 671.4(o).

500 gm U-235 equivalent mass; or (ii) Neutron sources in special form.

500 gm U-235 equivalent mass.

Decay heat not to exceed 50 watts; or (iii) Irradiated Pu02 and UO2 fuel rods clad in zircaloy or stainless steel.

Decay heat not to exceed 600 watts.

All fuel rods shall be contained within a closed 5-inch Schedule 40 pipe with a maximum useable length of 39-5/8 inches.

1,200 gm fissile material with no more than 300 gm fissile material per 5-inch Schedule 40 pipe.

(iv) Irradiated UC and ThC fuel particles clad in graphite and contained within a standard HTGR hexagonal cross-section graphite block.

Decay heat not to exceed 600 watts.

Each graphite block shall be contained within a sealed cylindrical inner container constructed in accordance with General Atomic Company Drawing No. 021583, Issue A, with three,1/2-inch by 4-1/2-inch radial fins to provide centering j

within the cavity.

l 1,400 grams U-235 equivalent mass in each inner container with no more than or,e inner container per package.

(v) Process solids, either dewatered, solid, or solidified in a secondary sealed container meeting the requirements for low specific activity radioactive material, or i


Page 3 - Certificate No. 9044 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9044 5.

(5) (1) (v) Contents (continued) i Solid reactor components in secondary containers, as required, that meet the requirements for low specific activity radioactive material.

(c) Fissile Class III Maximum number of packages (i) Contents 5.(b)(1)(i), 5.(b)(1)(ii),

per shipment or 5.(b)(1)(iii):

Two (2); or e

(ii) Contents 5.(b)(1)(iv):

One (1) 6.

The U-235 equivalent mass is determined by U-235 mass plus 1.66 times U-233 ma s plus 1.66 times Pu mass.


For packaging of neutron sources, the cavity drain line shall be closed with a plug with a melting temperature of 200 F and the cask cavity shall be filled with water with a 5-inch air space within the cask cavity. When needed, sufficient antifreeze in the cask shall be used to prevent damage to any component of the package due to freezina.

1 8.

For packaging of other than neutron sources, the cask shall be delivered to a carrier dry and the cavity drain line shall be closed with a plug which will main-tain its seal at temperatures up to at least 620 F.


Shoring shall be provided'to minimize movement of contents during accident condi-tions of transport.


Prior to each shipment the silicone rubber lid gasket (s) shall be inspected. This gasket (s) shall be replaced if inspection shows any defects or every twelve (12) months, whichever occurs firts.

Cavity drain line shall be sealed with appropriate sealant applied to threrds of pipe plug.


For packaging of neutron sources, measurements shall be made to determine that the dose rate does not exceed 1,000 mrem /hr at 3 feet from the surface of a dry cask with no additional shielding within the cask.

12. The contents described in 5.(b)(1)(v) shall be transported on a motor vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland water crafts, or hold or deck of a seagoing vessel assigned for sole use of the licensee.


The package authorized by this certificate is hereby approved for use under the general license provisions of 10 CFR 671.12(b).


Expiration date:

December 31, 1980.

Page 4 - Certificate No. 9044 - Revision No. 5 - Docket No. 71-9044 REFERENCES GIneral Electric application dated January 8, 1969.

Supplements dated:

February 12, 20, and *' and March 10 and 24, 1969; November 20, 1970; January 29 and March 12, 1971; and < fy 3 and'1iovember 15, 1973.

Nuclear Plant Services supplement dated:

July 7, 1975.


--e Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Materials Safety Otte:

JUL 151980 P-

't g.


General Electric Company Model No. GE-1600 Packaging Enc 1 to ltr dtd: JUL 151980 1.

Provide a consolidated application for package design. The submittals of December 4,1979, and April 9 and May 7,1980, do not constitute a consolidated application. Much information has been omitted and docu-mentation is fragmentary.

Please follow Regulatory Guide 7.9.

Infor-mation related to package tests and calculations should be included in the body of the safety analysis report without reference to other package design.


Drawing No. 10603986, Rev. 4, does not clearly show the four vertical attachment bolts that replaced the two horizontal shear bolts.


Consolidate the drawings into two or three drawings by only showing pertinent safety features, including all lid, plate and shell dimensions, material types, weldment types and dimensions, bolts, gaps, etc.


Provide thermal analyses for the cask with the proposed polyethylene liner for normal and accident conditions of 10 CFR Part 71.

Show that the liner satisfies all of the appropriate conditions of 10 CFR Part 71.

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